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Assorted YouTube videos, Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Before You Sleep Every Night

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Before You Sleep Every Night

Did you know you can reprogram your mind

for success and happiness

and completely change your conditioning before going to bed

each night

with just a few exercises in just 10 to 15 minutes?

While most people know the power of a morning routine

there is something so powerful

and it's an evening routine that you can

implement every night before going to sleep.

These five simple strategies I'm about to reveal to you

have been proven to reprogram your subconscious mind

over time so that you can become the person you want to be.

Before revealing these five strategies

and how you can reprogram your mind

it is important to understand how it works.

To give you a bit of context ...

To really help you achieve anything you wanted to achieve in your life.

Now the moment you fall asleep

part of your brain turns off.

This is called the conscious mind,

but while you go to sleep there is a part of your brain that is still functioning.

In fact, it runs nonstop

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

365 days

per year .

This is known as your subconscious mind.

Scientists have shown that your subconscious

is responsible for 95 to 99%

of everything you do every day.

Almost every choice you make

every day is not done by your conscious mind

but through your subconscious programming.

It's also 100 times more powerful than the conscious mind

and it's much harder to change

because it's a habit of mind.

But with these five secrets

and repetition

you can absolutely prepare for success

each night

by reprogramming your subconscious.

Here are the 5 ways to get started:

Number 1


Before you go to bed

plan your next day

Set your intention for how you want to act the next day

from beginning to end .

What time do you get up

What are the most important tasks

that you need to perform?

Because if you want a good morning routine it really starts the night before.

As Tim Ferris says,

if you want to make a success of your day

you must pass the morning ...

but in reality, to succeed in the morning

first you have to make a success of the evening

So spend a few moments watching your day

plan the biggest things you need to accomplish

to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

Number two :


every evening.

As mentioned, the subconscious works by repetition

and if you want to reprogram your mind

for success

you have to do it over and over and over again.

Just think back to how you learned to drive a car

or your first (baby).

You did it through repetition.

Now the same goes for your goals and dreams.

You can't set a goal, read it once and

expect it to happen

you have to prepare your mind for success

constantly reviewing your goals,

if you choose to write them in a journal

or look on a goal board and visualize their achievement

or just read them aloud.

Remember the subconcsient learns through repetition.

Doing this every night

when the subconscious is very active,

you will implement the ideas and objectives you need

before going to sleep

because when you sleep,

your subconscious will actually help you achieve your goals

and find the solutions for you.

Number three:


It doesn't have to be a long exercise.

Great author Jack Canfield talks about

the importance of gratitude before going to bed, whether it's just sending an email

to a friend or family member, or text someone

or even gratitude out loud for your health,

for your well-being, or for your spouse,

or anyone else you live with.

By practicing gratitude,

you program your mind to think abundantly, not scarcity.

Your will will program your mind to think

to opportunities and to be grateful

for all you have.

By practicing gratitude on a daily basis,

especially before going to bed each night,

you are setting yourself up for success.

Number four:


As the great inventor Tomas Edison said:

Never fall asleep

before addressing any request to your subconscious.

Again, he recommends this because when you sleep

your subconscious is wide awake.

So instead of going to bed worried,

and thinking about the bills you have to pay

or how you could've messed up something at work.

Instead of ,

think about what you need to do to change your life.

Do I have to earn more money? Am I starting this business?

Is it going after your passion project?

Whatever it is, think about it then

ask your subconscious

speaking out loud

how you can solve the problems.

Think back to the last time you went to bed

with a question

and you woke up in the middle of the night with a response ...

or as soon as you woke up and were in the shower and the idea occurred to you.

This is proof that your subconscious

works 24 hours a day

So instead of going to bed, and worrying about the next day,

thinking about the job interview, bills that are due or how hard your life is,

ask your subconscious a question?

Ask out loud.

Find something that will really help you move your life forward

and ask a question about it.

it could be your health, it could be your career,

it could be your business, it could be a relationship.

Address your subconscious aloud

before going to bed

then let go. Don't try to find the answer.

Once again,

your subconscious is 100 times more powerful

than your conscious mind.

As you fall asleep, it will get to work.

Again, if that doesn't work the first time around,

give it a few extra nights.

Keep doing it and with repetition

the answer will eventually reach you.

Number five:


The subconscious mind works from programs

and if you want to change the programs,

you must speak in the language spoken by the subconscious

and this is done through hypnotherapy.

By taking your brain waves

to a super-state of learning

Theta brain waves

you actually change the bands

that run the programs of your subconscious mind.

Now you can go to formal hypnotherapy

for that and see someone who is certified and who has helped others

or you can even find audio files online

and let you go to sleep,

and listen to what you want to create.

Again do this with repetition

will help you change programs

so that 95 to 99 percent of your day

works from the programs of your goals and dreams,

DR. Bruce Lipton said that

this is the number 1 way to program your mind

while you sleep.

There are 5 five strategies you can use

to reprogram your mind

to achieve whatever you want in life.

If you don't want to do all five, start with one or two

but be aware that if you use all five

on a repetitive basis

you can change your life forever.

You can finally create life and business

and achieve your biggest goals

and dreams.

But remember, it won't happen overnight.

Success does not happen overnight.

It's up to you to work on a daily basis,

every week, every month and every year

to make those dreams come true.

Now start using these methods

and I promise you, your life


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Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Before You Sleep Every Night Перепрограмуйте||Підсвідомість|||||| Reprograme su subconsciente antes de dormir cada noche Reprogrammer votre subconscient avant de dormir chaque nuit Przeprogramuj swój podświadomy umysł przed snem każdej nocy Reprograme a sua mente subconsciente antes de dormir todas as noites Перепрограммируйте свое подсознание перед сном каждую ночь Her Gece Uyumadan Önce Bilinçaltınızı Yeniden Programlayın Перепрограмуйте свою підсвідомість перед сном щовечора 每晚睡前重新編程你的潛意識

Did you know you can reprogram your mind Saviez-vous que vous pouvez reprogrammer votre esprit

for success and happiness pour le succès et le bonheur for success and happiness

and completely change your conditioning before going to bed ||||condicionamento|||| ||||умовні рефлекси|||| et changer complètement votre conditionnement avant d'aller vous coucher and completely change your conditioning before your go to bed

each night chaque nuit every single night

with just a few exercises in just 10 to 15 minutes? avec seulement quelques exercices en seulement 10 à 15 minutes ?

While most people know the power of a morning routine Aunque||||||||| Alors que la plupart des gens connaissent le pouvoir d'une routine matinale with only a few exercises in just 10 to 15 minutes

there is something so powerful il y a quelque chose d'aussi puissant while most people know the power of a morning routine

and it's an evening routine that you can et c'est une routine du soir que vous pouvez and that is an evening routine that you can

implement every night before going to sleep. виконуйте|||||| mettre en oeuvre tous les soirs avant d'aller dormir. implement every night before you go to sleep

These five simple strategies I'm about to reveal to you Ces cinq stratégies simples que je suis sur le point de vous révéler these five simple strategies i am about to give you

have been proven to reprogram your subconscious mind ont été prouvées pour reprogrammer votre esprit subconscient have been proven to reprogram your subconscious mind

over time so that you can become the person you want to be. con el tiempo|||||||||||| au fil du temps afin que vous puissiez devenir la personne que vous souhaitez devenir. over time so you can become

Before revealing these five strategies |revelar||| Avant de vous dévoiler ces cinq stratégies the person that you wist to become

and how you can reprogram your mind et comment vous pouvez reprogrammer votre esprit before i get into those five strategies

it is important to understand how it works. il est important de comprendre comment cela fonctionne . it is important to understand how it works

To give you a bit of context ... Pour vous donner un peu de contexte... it is important to understand how it works

To really help you achieve anything you wanted to achieve in your life. |||||||querías lograr||||| Pour vraiment vous aider à réaliser quoi que ce soit, que vous vouliez réaliser dans votre vie. to really help you achieve whatever it is

Now the moment you fall asleep Maintenant au moment où vous vous endormez you want to achieve in your life

part of your brain turns off. ||||se apaga| une partie de votre cerveau s'éteint . now as you drift off to sleep

This is called the conscious mind, C'est ce qu'on appelle l'esprit conscient , this is known as your conscious mind

but while you go to sleep there is a part of your brain that is still functioning. ||||||||||||||||funcionando mais pendant que vous allez dormir , il y a une partie de votre cerveau qui fonctionne encore . but while you go off to sleep

In fact, it runs nonstop ||||sem parar En fait , elle fonctionne sans arrêt there is a a part of your brain that is still operating

24 hours a day, 7 days a week 24 heures par jour , 7 jours par semaine in fact, it operates non stop

365 days 365 jours 24 hours a day ,seven days a week

per year . par an .

This is known as your subconscious mind. ||conocido|||| Ceci est connu comme votre esprit subconscient . 365 days a year

Scientists have shown that your subconscious Les scientifiques ont montré que votre subconscient this is know as your subconscious mind

is responsible for 95 to 99% |відповідає за|| est responsable de 95 à 99 % is responsible for 95 to 99% of everything that yoiu do

of everything you do every day. de tout ce que vous faites chaque jour . is responsible for 95 to 99% of everything that yoiu do

Almost every choice you make Presque chaque choix que vous faites every single day

every day is not done by your conscious mind chaque jour est fait pas par votre esprit conscient almost every choice you make

but through your subconscious programming. mais par votre programmation subconsciente . every day is made not b you conscious mind

It's also 100 times more powerful than the conscious mind C'est aussi 100 fois plus puissant que l'esprit conscient it's also 100 times more powerful that the conscious mind

and it's much harder to change et c'est beaucoup plus difficile à changer it's also 100 times more powerful that the conscious mind

because it's a habit of mind. |||hábito mental|| parce que c'est une habitude d'esprit. and is a lot more difficult to change

But with these five secrets Mais avec ces cinq secrets bu with these five secrets

and repetition |і повторення et la répétition and repetition

you can absolutely prepare for success vous pouvez absolument vous préparer au succès

each night chaque nuit you can absolutely set yourself up for success

by reprogramming your subconscious. en reprogrammant votre subconscient. every single night

Here are the 5 ways to get started: ||||||empezar Voici les 5 façons de commencer : by reprogramming your subconscious mind

Number 1 Numéro 1 number one


Before you go to bed Avant d'aller vous coucher before you go to bed

plan your next day planifiez votre lendemain before you go to bed

Set your intention for how you want to act the next day Définissez votre intention pour la façon dont vous voulez agir le lendemain set your intention for how you want to play out tomorrow

from beginning to end . du début à la fin . from start to finish

What time do you get up À quelle heure vous vous levez from start to finish

What are the most important tasks Quelles sont les tâches les plus importantes

that you need to perform? que vous devez effectuer ? what are the most important tasks that you need to do

Because if you want a good morning routine it really starts the night before. Parce que si vous voulez une bonne routine matinale elle commence réellement la nuit précédente . because if you want a great morning routine

As Tim Ferris says, Comme Tim Ferris dit, it actually stars the night before

if you want to make a success of your day si vous voulez réussir votre journée if you want to win the day

you must pass the morning ... Sie müssen den Morgen verbringen ... vous devez réussir la matinée... yo have to win the morning

but in reality, to succeed in the morning pero en realidad, para tener éxito por la mañana mais en réalité, pour réussir le matin yo have to win the morning

first you have to make a success of the evening il faut d'abord réussir la soirée (de la veille) you first have to win the evening

So spend a few moments watching your day Alors passez quelques instants à regarder votre journée so spend a few moments looking at your day

plan the biggest things you need to accomplish planifiez les plus grandes choses que vous devez accomplir planning out the biggest things that you need ti acconplish

to help you achieve your goals and dreams. pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs et vos rêves. to help you reach your goals and dreams

Number two : Numéro deux : number two

REVIEW YOUR OBJECTIVES ||Revisar tus objetivos REVOIR VOS OBJECTIS review your goals

every evening. |Cada noche tous les soirs.

As mentioned, the subconscious works by repetition |mencionado||||| Comme mentionné, le subconscient fonctionne par répétition

and if you want to reprogram your mind et si vous voulez reprogrammer votre esprit the subconscious works through repetition

for success pour le succès and if you want to reprogram your mind for success

you have to do it over and over and over again. vos devez le faire encore et encore et encore. you have to do it over and over and over again

Just think back to how you learned to drive a car ||||||aprendiste|||| Repensez simplement à la façon dont vous avez appris à conduire une voiture just think about when you learned how to drive a car

or your first (baby). ou vos premiers (bébé). or to first walk

You did it through repetition. |||a través de| Vous l'avez fait grâce à la répétition. you did it through repetition

Now the same goes for your goals and dreams. Maintenant , la meme chose vaut pour vos objectifs et vos rêves. now the same goes for your goes for you goals and dream

You can't set a goal, read it once and |||||leer||| Vous ne pouvez pas définir un objectif, le lire une fois et now the same goes for your goes for you goals and dream

expect it to happen s'attendre à ce qu'il se produise you can't set goal, read it once and expect in to happen

you have to prepare your mind for success vous devez préparer votre esprit au succès you can't set goal, read it once and expect in to happen

constantly reviewing your goals, |revisando constantemente tus metas|| en revoyant constamment vos objectifs, you need to set your mind up for success

if you choose to write them in a journal si vous choisissez de les écrire dans un journal whether you chose to write them down in a journal

or look on a goal board and visualize their achievement ou regardez sur un tableau d'objectif et visualisez leur réalisation or look at a vision board

or just read them aloud. ||||en voz alta ou simplement les lire à voix haute . and visualize the goals happening

Remember the subconcsient learns through repetition. Rappelez-vous le subconcsient apprend grâce à la répétition. or simply reading them ourt loud

Doing this every night En faisant cela tous les soirs remember the subconscious learns through repetition

when the subconscious is very active, quand le subconscient est très actif , by doing this every single night

you will implement the ideas and objectives you need vous implanterez les idées et objectifs dont vous avez besoin you will be impalnting

before going to sleep avant d'aller dormir you will be implanting the ideas and the goals that you need

because when you sleep, parce que lorsque vous dormez, because as you sleep

your subconscious will actually help you achieve your goals votre subconscient vous aidera réellement à atteindre vos objectifs you subconscious will actually help you achieve your goal;

and find the solutions for you. et à trouver les solutions pour vous . and find the solutions for you

Number three: Numéro trois : number three


It doesn't have to be a long exercise. Cela n'a pas besoin d'être un long exercice . this doesn't need to be a lengthy exercise

Great author Jack Canfield talks about Le grand auteur Jack Canfield parle de high performance author jack Canfield talks about

the importance of gratitude before going to bed, whether it's just sending an email ||||||||ya sea||||| |||вдячність перед сном|||||||||| l'importance de la gratitude avant d'aller se coucher, que ça soit simplement envoyer un email the importance of gratitude before going to bed

to a friend or family member, or text someone à un ami ou à un membre de la famille, ou envoyer un sms à quelqu'un whether it's simply sending an email

or even gratitude out loud for your health, |||en voz alta|||| ou même la gratitude à haute voix pour votre santé, sending a text message to someone

for your well-being, or for your spouse, |||||||cónyuge pour votre bien-être, ou pour votre conjoint, or to even state gratitude out loud for you health

or anyone else you live with. ||||vives| ou n'importe qui d'autre avec qui vous vivez. your well being or to your spouse

By practicing gratitude, En pratiquant la gratitude, or anyone else that you live with

you program your mind to think abundantly, not scarcity. ||||||abundantemente|| ||||||щедро||дефіцит мислення ||||||in abbondanza||scarsità vous programmez votre esprit pour penser en abondance et pas à la rareté . you're programming your mind to think in abundance

Your will will program your mind to think |voluntad|||||| Votre volonté programmera votre esprit pour penser and not scarcity

to opportunities and to be grateful |||||grato aux opportunités et à être reconnaissant the opportunities and being grateful

for all you have. pour tout ce que vous avez . for everything that you have

By practicing gratitude on a daily basis, ||||||base diaria En pratiquant la gratitude au quotidien , by practicing gratitude on a daily basis

especially before going to bed each night, especialmente|||||| en particulier avant de vous coucher chaque nuit, especially before you go to sleep every single night

you are setting yourself up for success. ||||preparando|| vous vous préparez pour le succès . you are setting yourself up for success

Number four: Numéro quatre : you are setting yourself up for success


As the great inventor Tomas Edison said: ||||||dijo |||винахідник||| Comme le grand inventeur Tomas Edison a dit :

Never fall asleep Ne vous endormez jamais as the great inventor, thomas edison said:

before addressing any request to your subconscious. |abordar||||| avant d'adresser toute requête à votre subconscient. without a request to your subconscious mind 를 클릭한 후 잠재의식에 요청을 전달하세요.

Again, he recommends this because when you sleep Encore une fois, il recommande cela parce que lorsque vous dormez again he recommends this because you sleep

your subconscious is wide awake. |||muy alerta|despierto/a votre subconscient est bien réveillé . your subconscious is wide awake

So instead of going to bed worried, |en lugar||||| Donc au lieu d'aller au lit inquiet , so instead of going to be worrying

and thinking about the bills you have to pay et en pensant aux factures que vous devez payez and thinking about the bills that you need to pay

or how you could've messed up something at work. ||||sbagliato|sbagliato|qualcosa|| ou comment vous avez pu foiré quelque chose au travail . or how you might've screwed something up at work ou como você poderia ter estragado alguma coisa no trabalho.

Instead of , En lugar de| Au lieu , or how your life isn't going how you wanted

think about what you need to do to change your life. piensa|||||||||| réfléchissez à ce que vous devez faire pour que votre vie change . think about what you need to do for your life to change

Do I have to earn more money? Am I starting this business? Est-ce je dois gagner plus d'argent ? Est-ce que je commence cette affaire ? is it to make more money?

Is it going after your passion project? ||andando|||| Est- ce aller après votre projet de passion ? is it go after you passion project

Whatever it is, think about it then Quoi que ce soit , réfléchisez-y puis whatever it is, think about it and then think about it and then

ask your subconscious demandez à votre subconscient whatever it is, think about it and then think about it and then

speaking out loud falando em voz alta|| en parlant à voix haute by speaking out loud

how you can solve the problems. comment vous pouvez résoudre les problèmes . how you can figure out this problem

Think back to the last time you went to bed Repensez à la dernière fois où vous êtes allé au lit how you can figure out this problem

with a question avec une question think back to the last time that you wen to bed

and you woke up in the middle of the night with a response ... et que vous vous êtes réveillé au milieu de la nuit avec une réponse ... and woke up in the middle of the night with an answer

or as soon as you woke up and were in the shower and the idea occurred to you. ou dès que vous vous êtes réveillé et que vous étiez sous la douche et l'idée vous est venue . or as soon as you woke up and you were in the shower

This is proof that your subconscious C'est la preuve que votre subconscient the idea came to you

works 24 hours a day travaille 24h/24 this s evidence of your subconscious mind

So instead of going to bed, and worrying about the next day, Donc au lieu de partir au lit , et de s'inquiéter à propos du lendemain, so instead of drifting off and going to bed

thinking about the job interview, bills that are due or how hard your life is, |||||||||||||vida| en pensant à l'entretien d'embauche, aux factures qui sont dues ou à quel point votre vie est dure, worrying about tomorrow

ask your subconscious a question? posez une question à votre subconscient ? pose your subconscious a question

Ask out loud. Demandez à voix haute . ask it out loud

Find something that will really help you move your life forward ||||||||||adelante Trouvez quelque chose qui vous aidera vraiment à faire avancer votre vie find something that will really help you

and ask a question about it. et posez une question à ce sujet . move your life forward and ask a question about that

it could be your health, it could be your career, ça pourrait être votre santé, ça pourrait être votre carrière, it could be your health , it could be your career

it could be your business, it could be a relationship. |||||||||relación ça pourrait être vos affaires, ça pourrait être une relation. it could be your health , it could be your career

Address your subconscious aloud Dirígete a||| Adressez-vous à votre subconscient à voix haute address your subconscious out loud before going to sleep

before going to bed avant d'aller vous coucher address your subconscious out loud before going to sleep

then let go. Don't try to find the answer. puis laissez-vous tomber. N'essayez pas de trouver la réponse . and then drift off

Once again, Encore une fois, don't try and figure out the answer

your subconscious is 100 times more powerful votre subconscient est 100 fois plus puissant again your subconscious is 100 times more powerful

than your conscious mind. que votre esprit conscient . than your conscious mind

As you fall asleep, it will get to work. Au fur et à mesure que vous vous endormez, il se mettra au travail. as you drift off, it will get to work

Again, if that doesn't work the first time around, |||||||vez|la primera vez Encore une fois, si cela ne fonctionne pas la première fois,

give it a few extra nights. donnez-lui quelques nuits en plus . again, if it doesn't work the first time

Keep doing it and with repetition Continuez à le faire et avec la répétition keep doing through repetition

the answer will eventually reach you. la réponse vous parviendra éventuellement. and eventually the answer will find you

Number five: Numéro cinq : and eventually the answer will find you


The subconscious mind works from programs L'esprit subconscient fonctionne à partir de programmes the subconscious mind operates out of programs

and if you want to change the programs, et si vous voulez changer les programmes, and if you want to change the programs

you must speak in the language spoken by the subconscious vous devez parler dans la langue parlée par le subconscient you have to speak in language

and this is done through hypnotherapy. et cela se fait par l'hypnothérapie . and that is done through hypnotherapy

By taking your brain waves En prenant vos ondes cérébrales by taking your brainwaves down

to a super-state of learning à un super-état d'apprentissage to a chlldiike super learning state of theta brainwaves

Theta brain waves des ondes cérébrales Theta to a chlldiike super learning state of theta brainwaves

you actually change the bands vous changez en fait les bandes you are actually changing the tapes

that run the programs of your subconscious mind. qui exécutent les programmes de votre esprit subconscient. that run the programs of your subconscious mind

Now you can go to formal hypnotherapy Maintenant , vous pouvez allez à l'hypnothérapie formelle now you can go t o formal hypnotherapy for this

for that and see someone who is certified and who has helped others |||||||certificado/a||||ayudado a otros| pour cela et voir quelqu'un qui est certifié et qui a aidé les autres and see someone that is certified and has helped others

or you can even find audio files online ou vous pouvez même trouver des fichiers audio en ligne or you can even find audio online and drift to sleep

and let you go to sleep, et vous laisser aller au sommeil, or you can even find audio online and drift off to sleep

and listen to what you want to create. et écouter ce que vous voulez créer . listening to what you want to create

Again do this with repetition Encore une fois faire cela avec répétition listening to want to create

will help you change programs vous aidera à changer les programmes will help you change the programs

so that 95 to 99 percent of your day afin que 95 à 99 pourcent de votre journée so that 95 to 99% of your day

works from the programs of your goals and dreams, fonctionne à partir des programmes de vos objectifs et de vos rêves, is operating from the programs of your goals and dreams

DR. Bruce Lipton said that DR .Bruce Lipton a dit que is operating from the programs of your goals and dreams

this is the number 1 way to program your mind c'est le moyen numéro 1 de programmer votre esprit dr bruce lipton has said that this is the number one way

while you sleep. pendant que vous dormez . to program your mind while you sleep

There are 5 five strategies you can use Il existe 5 cinq stratégies que vous pouvez utiliser to program your mind while you sleep

to reprogram your mind pour reprogrammer votre esprit there are five great strategies you can use

to achieve whatever you want in life. pour réaliser tout ce que vous voulez dans la vie . to reprogram your mind

If you don't want to do all five, start with one or two Si vous ne voulez pas faire les cinq , commencez par une ou deux to achieve wherever you want in life

but be aware that if you use all five mais sachez que si vous utilisez les cinq if you dont want to do all five , start with just one or two

on a repetitive basis sur une base répétitive on a repetitive basis

you can change your life forever. vous pouvez changer votre vie pour toujours. that you can change your life forever

You can finally create life and business Vous pouvez finalement créer la vie et les affaires that you can change your life forever

and achieve your biggest goals et atteindre vos plus grands objectifs you can finally create the life and the business

and dreams. et rêves. and reach your biggest goals and dreams

But remember, it won't happen overnight. |||||de la noche a la mañana Mais rappelez-vous cela n'arrivera pas du jour au lendemain . but remember , it won;t happen overnight

Success does not happen overnight. Le succès n'arrive pas du jour au lendemain . but remember , it won;t happen overnight

It's up to you to work on a daily basis, |depende de ti|||||||| C'est à vous de travailler au quotidien , success isn't overnight

every week, every month and every year chaque semaine , chaque mois et chaque année it's up to you to put in the work an a daily

to make those dreams come true. pour faire de ces rêves une réalité . to make these dreams come to life

Now start using these methods À présent commencez à utiliser ces méthodes

and I promise you, your life et je vous promets , votre vie and i promise your life