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Assorted YouTube videos, Why Constant Learners All Embrace the 5 Hour Rule

Why Constant Learners All Embrace the 5 Hour Rule

At the age of 10, Benjamin Franklin left formal schooling to become an apprentice to his father.

As a teenager, he showed no particular talent or aptitude aside from his love of books.

When he died a little over half a century later, he was America's most respected statesman,

its most famous inventor, a prolific author, and a successful entrepreneur.

What happened between these two points to cause such a meteoric rise?

Underlying the answer to this question is a success strategy for life that we can all

use, and increasingly must use.

Throughout Ben Franklin's adult life, he consistently invested roughly an hour a day

in deliberate learning.

I call this Franklin's five-hour rule: one hour a day on every weekday.

Franklin's learning time consisted of: Waking up early to read and write

Setting personal-growth goals (i.e., a virtues list) and tracking the results

Creating a club for “like-minded aspiring artisans and tradesmen who hoped to improve

themselves while they improved their community” Turning his ideas into experiments

Having morning and evening reflection questions Every time that Franklin took time out of

his busy day to follow his five-hour rule and spend at least an hour learning, he accomplished

less on that day.

However, in the long run, it was arguably the best investment of his time he could have


Franklin's five-hour rule reflects the very simple idea that, over time, the smartest

and most successful people are the ones who are constant and deliberate learners.

Warren Buffett spends five to six hours per day reading five newspapers and 500 pages

of corporate reports.

Bill Gates reads 50 books per year.

Mark Zuckerberg reads at least one book every two weeks.

Elon Musk grew up reading two books a day, according to his brother.

Oprah Winfrey credits books with much of her success: “Books were my pass to personal


Arthur Blank, co-founder of Home Depot, reads two hours day.

Dan Gilbert, self-made billionaire and owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers, reads one to two

hours a day.

So what would it look like to make the five-hour rule part of our lifestyle?

To find out, we need look no further than chess grandmaster and world-champion martial

artist Josh Waitzkin.

Instead of squeezing his days for the maximum productivity, he's actually done the opposite.

Waitzkin, who also authored The Art of Learning, purposely creates slack in his day so he has

“empty space” for learning, creativity, and doing things at a higher quality.

Here's his explanation of this approach from a recent Tim Ferriss podcast episode:

“I have built a life around having empty space for the development of my ideas for

the creative process.

And for the cultivation of a physiological state which is receptive enough to tune in

very, very deeply to people I work with … In the creative process, it's so easy to drive

for efficiency and take for granted the really subtle internal work that it takes to play

on that razor's edge.”

Adding slack to our day allows us to: 1.

Plan out the learning.

This allows us to think carefully about what we want to learn.

We shouldn't just have goals for what we want to accomplish.

We should also have goals for what we want to learn.


Deliberately practice.

Rather than doing things automatically and not improving, we can apply the proven principles

of deliberate practice so we keep improving.

This means doing things like taking time to get honest feedback on our work and practicing

specific skills we want to improve.



This helps us get more perspective on our lessons learned and assimilate new ideas.

It can also help us develop slow hunches in order to have creative breakthroughs.

Walking is a great way to process these insights, as shown by many greats who were or are walking

fanatics, from Beethoven and Charles Darwin to Steve Jobs and Jack Dorsey.

Another powerful way is through conversation partners.


Set aside time just for learning.

This includes activities like reading, having conversations, participating in a mastermind,

taking classes, observing others, etc. 5.

Solve problems as they arise.

When most people experience problems during the day, they sweep them under the rug so

that they can continue their to-do list.

Having slack creates the space to address small problems before they turn into big problems.


Do small experiments with big potential payoffs.

Whether or not an experiment works, it's an opportunity to learn and test your ideas.

For many people, their professional day is measured by how much they get done.

As a result, they speed through the day and slow down their improvement rate.

The five-hour rule flips the equation by focusing on learning first.

To see the implication of this, let's look at a sales call (note: you can replace “sales

call” with any activity you do repeatedly).

Most professionals do a little research before the call, have the call, and then save their

notes and move on.

Somebody with a learning focus would think through which skill to practice on the call,

practice it on the call, and then reflect on the lessons learned.

If that person really wanted an extra level of learning, he or she would invite a colleague

on the call and have the colleague provide honest feedback afterward.

Embracing a learning lifestyle means that every time we make a sales call, we get better

at doing sales calls.

Focusing on learning un-automates our behaviors so we can keep improving them rather than


Every event is an opportunity to improve.

By focusing on learning as a lifestyle, we get so much more done over the long term.

Why Constant Learners All Embrace the 5 Hour Rule |常に|||受け入れる|||ルール ||||adoptan||| Warum alle, die ständig lernen, die 5-Stunden-Regel beherzigen Por qué todos los que aprenden constantemente adoptan la regla de las 5 horas Pourquoi les apprenants permanents adoptent tous la règle des 5 heures コンスタントな学習者が5時間ルールを受け入れる理由 Porque é que os alunos em aprendizagem constante adoptam a regra das 5 horas Почему постоянные ученики придерживаются правила пяти часов Sürekli Öğrenenler Neden 5 Saat Kuralını Benimser?

At the age of 10, Benjamin Franklin left formal schooling to become an apprentice to his father. ||||||||||||学徒||| ||||||||教育||||見習い||| ||||Benjamin Franklin||||educación formal||||aprendiz||| A los 10 años, Benjamin Franklin abandonó la educación formal para convertirse en aprendiz de su padre. Aos 10 anos, Benjamin Franklin deixou a escola formal para se tornar aprendiz de seu pai. В возрасте 10 лет Бенджамин Франклин бросил формальное школьное образование, чтобы стать учеником своего отца.

As a teenager, he showed no particular talent or aptitude aside from his love of books. |||||||||才能|の他に||||| ||adolescente|||||||aptitud|||||| Quando adolescente, ele não mostrou nenhum talento ou aptidão particular além de seu amor pelos livros. В подростковом возрасте он не проявлял особых талантов или способностей, кроме любви к книгам.

When he died a little over half a century later, he was America's most respected statesman, |||||||||||||||政治家 いつ|||||||||||||||政治家 ||||||||||||||respetado|estadista Quando morreu, pouco mais de meio século depois, era o estadista mais respeitado da América, Когда он умер чуть более полувека спустя, он был самым уважаемым государственным деятелем Америки,

its most famous inventor, a prolific author, and a successful entrepreneur. |||||多产的||||| |||発明者||多作の|||||起業家 |||inventor famoso||prolífico||||| seu inventor mais famoso, um autor prolífico e um empresário de sucesso. его самый известный изобретатель, плодовитый автор и успешный предприниматель.

What happened between these two points to cause such a meteoric rise? ||||||||||迅速的| ||||||||||急上昇| ||||||||||meteórica| O que aconteceu entre esses dois pontos para causar uma ascensão tão meteórica? Что произошло между этими двумя точками, что вызвало такой стремительный взлет?

Underlying the answer to this question is a success strategy for life that we can all 根本的な||||||||||||||| subyacente||||||||||||||| Subjacente à resposta a esta pergunta está uma estratégia de sucesso para a vida que todos podemos В основе ответа на этот вопрос лежит стратегия успеха в жизни, которую мы все можем

use, and increasingly must use. ||越来越多|| ||ますます|| ||cada vez más|| usar, e cada vez mais deve usar. использовать, и все чаще должны использовать.

Throughout Ben Franklin's adult life, he consistently invested roughly an hour a day ||Franklin|||||||||| Ao longo da vida adulta de Ben Franklin, ele investiu consistentemente cerca de uma hora por dia На протяжении всей взрослой жизни Бен Франклин постоянно тратил примерно час в день на

in deliberate learning. |意図的な|意図的な学習 na aprendizagem deliberada. в сознательном обучении.

I call this Franklin's five-hour rule: one hour a day on every weekday. |||||||||||||工作日 |||||||||||||平日 |||||||||||||días de la semana Я называю это правилом пяти часов Франклина: один час в день в каждый будний день.

Franklin's learning time consisted of: Waking up early to read and write |||含まれていた|||||||| |||consistía en|||||||| O tempo de aprendizado de Franklin consistia em: Acordar cedo para ler e escrever Время обучения Франклина состояло из: Пробуждения рано, чтобы читать и писать

Setting personal-growth goals (i.e., a virtues list) and tracking the results |||||||美德列表||||| |||||||美徳||||| |||||||virtudes||||| Definir metas de crescimento pessoal (ou seja, uma lista de virtudes) e acompanhar os resultados Постановка целей личностного роста (например, список достоинств) и отслеживание результатов

Creating a club for “like-minded aspiring artisans and tradesmen who hoped to improve |||||志同道合|有志向的|工匠||工匠们|||| ||||同じ志を持つ||志を持つ|職人||職人|||| ||||||aspirantes|artesanos||artesanos y comerciantes|||| Criar um clube para “aspirantes a artesãos e comerciantes que esperavam melhorar Создание клуба для «единомышленников, начинающих ремесленников и торговцев, которые надеялись улучшить

themselves while they improved their community” Turning his ideas into experiments eles mesmos enquanto melhoravam sua comunidade” Transformando suas ideias em experimentos себя, в то время как они улучшали свое сообщество ». Превращая свои идеи в эксперименты

Having morning and evening reflection questions Every time that Franklin took time out of ||||reflexiones||||||||| Fazer perguntas de reflexão de manhã e à noite Toda vez que Franklin tirava um tempo para Утренние и вечерние вопросы для размышления Каждый раз, когда Франклин выкраивал время

his busy day to follow his five-hour rule and spend at least an hour learning, he accomplished ||||||||||||||||彼| seu dia atarefado para seguir sua regra de cinco horas e passar pelo menos uma hora aprendendo, ele conseguiu своего напряженного дня, чтобы следовать своему пятичасовому правилу и потратить хотя бы час на обучение, он достиг

less on that day. その日少ない||| menos naquele dia. в этот день меньше.

However, in the long run, it was arguably the best investment of his time he could have |||||||可以说||||||||| |||||||議論の余地がある||||||||| |||||||se puede argumentar||||||||| No entanto, a longo prazo, foi sem dúvida o melhor investimento de seu tempo que ele poderia ter Тем не менее, в конечном счете, это было, пожалуй, лучшее вложение своего времени, которое он мог бы сделать.

made. сделанный.

Franklin's five-hour rule reflects the very simple idea that, over time, the smartest La regla de las cinco horas de Franklin refleja la idea muy simple de que, con el tiempo, los más inteligentes A regra das cinco horas de Franklin reflete a ideia muito simples de que, com o tempo, o mais inteligente Правило пяти часов Франклина отражает очень простую идею о том, что со временем самые умные

and most successful people are the ones who are constant and deliberate learners. |||||||||||意図的な| а самые успешные люди — это те, кто постоянно и осознанно учится.

Warren Buffett spends five to six hours per day reading five newspapers and 500 pages Уоррен Баффет тратит пять-шесть часов в день на чтение пяти газет и 500 страниц.

of corporate reports. de relatórios corporativos. корпоративных отчетов.

Bill Gates reads 50 books per year. Билл Гейтс прочитывает 50 книг в год.

Mark Zuckerberg reads at least one book every two weeks. Марк Цукерберг читает как минимум одну книгу каждые две недели.

Elon Musk grew up reading two books a day, according to his brother. По словам его брата, Илон Маск рос, читая по две книги в день.

Oprah Winfrey credits books with much of her success: “Books were my pass to personal ||クレジット||||||||||通行証|| Oprah Winfrey credita aos livros grande parte de seu sucesso: “Os livros eram minha passagem para Опра Уинфри во многом обязана своим успехом книгам: «Книги были моим пропуском к личной жизни».

freedom.” свобода."

Arthur Blank, co-founder of Home Depot, reads two hours day. |||創業者|||デポ|||| Arthur Blank, cofundador da Home Depot, lê duas horas por dia. Артур Бланк, соучредитель Home Depot, читает два часа в день.

Dan Gilbert, self-made billionaire and owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers, reads one to two |||||||||クリーブランド|キャバリアーズ|||| Dan Gilbert, bilionário por conta própria e dono do Cleveland Cavaliers, lê um a dois Дэн Гилберт, миллиардер и владелец «Кливленд Кавальерс», читает один к двум.

hours a day.

So what would it look like to make the five-hour rule part of our lifestyle? |何|だろう||||||||||||| Então, como seria tornar a regra das cinco horas parte do nosso estilo de vida? Так как бы это выглядело, если бы правило пяти часов стало частью нашего образа жизни?

To find out, we need look no further than chess grandmaster and world-champion martial ||||||||||国际象棋大师|||| ||||||||||グランドマスター||||武道の ||||||||||gran maestro|||campeón mundial|marcial Para descobrir, não precisamos procurar além do grande mestre de xadrez e campeão mundial de artes marciais Чтобы узнать это, нам нужно заглянуть не дальше гроссмейстера и чемпиона мира по боевым искусствам.

artist Josh Waitzkin. ||Waitzkin художник Джош Вайцкин.

Instead of squeezing his days for the maximum productivity, he's actually done the opposite. ||压榨||||||||||| ||絞り出す||||||||||| ||exprimir||||||||||| Em vez de espremer seus dias para obter o máximo de produtividade, na verdade ele fez o oposto. Вместо того, чтобы сжимать свои дни ради максимальной продуктивности, он на самом деле сделал прямо противоположное.

Waitzkin, who also authored The Art of Learning, purposely creates slack in his day so he has ||||||||||空闲时间|||||| |||著作した|||||意図的に||余裕|||||| |||escribió|||||intencionadamente||margen|||||| Waitzkin, que também é autor de The Art of Learning, propositalmente cria folga em seu dia para que ele tenha Вайцкин, который также является автором книги «Искусство учиться», намеренно создает лень в течение дня, поэтому он

“empty space” for learning, creativity, and doing things at a higher quality. espacio vacío||||creatividad||||||| “espaço vazio” para aprender, criatividade e fazer as coisas com mais qualidade. «пустое пространство» для обучения, творчества и более качественной работы.

Here's his explanation of this approach from a recent Tim Ferriss podcast episode: Вот его объяснение этого подхода из недавнего эпизода подкаста Тима Ферриса:

“I have built a life around having empty space for the development of my ideas for “Eu construí uma vida em torno de ter espaço vazio para o desenvolvimento de minhas ideias para «Я построил жизнь вокруг того, что у меня есть пустое пространство для развития моих идей для

the creative process. творческий процесс.

And for the cultivation of a physiological state which is receptive enough to tune in |||培养|||生理状态||||接受的|||| |||育成|||生理的||||受容的|||調整| E para o cultivo de um estado fisiológico que seja receptivo o suficiente para sintonizar А для культивирования физиологического состояния, достаточно восприимчивого к настройке

very, very deeply to people I work with … In the creative process, it's so easy to drive muito, muito profundamente às pessoas com quem trabalho… No processo criativo, é tão fácil conduzir очень, очень глубоко людям, с которыми я работаю… В творческом процессе так легко вести

for efficiency and take for granted the really subtle internal work that it takes to play |||||理所当然|||微妙的||||||| |||受け取る|||||微妙な|内部の作業|||||| para a eficiência e dar como certo o trabalho interno realmente sutil que é necessário para jogar для эффективности и принять как должное действительно тонкую внутреннюю работу, которая требуется, чтобы играть

on that razor's edge.” ||剃刀の| no fio da navalha.” на лезвии бритвы».

Adding slack to our day allows us to: 1. |留出余地|||||| |余裕|||||| Adicionar folga ao nosso dia nos permite: 1. Добавление лени в наш день позволяет нам: 1.

Plan out the learning. |||学習計画 Planeje o aprendizado. Планируйте обучение.

This allows us to think carefully about what we want to learn. Это позволяет нам тщательно обдумывать то, что мы хотим узнать.

We shouldn't just have goals for what we want to accomplish. Não devemos apenas ter metas para o que queremos realizar. У нас не должно быть просто целей для того, чего мы хотим достичь.

We should also have goals for what we want to learn. У нас также должны быть цели в отношении того, чему мы хотим научиться.

2. 2.

Deliberately practice. 意図的に|練習する Сознательно тренируйтесь.

Rather than doing things automatically and not improving, we can apply the proven principles ||||||||||||验证过的| ||||||||||||probadas| Em vez de fazer as coisas automaticamente e não melhorar, podemos aplicar os princípios comprovados Вместо того, чтобы делать что-то автоматически и не улучшать, мы можем применять проверенные принципы.

of deliberate practice so we keep improving. de prática deliberada para que continuemos melhorando. преднамеренной практики, поэтому мы продолжаем совершенствоваться.

This means doing things like taking time to get honest feedback on our work and practicing Isso significa fazer coisas como reservar um tempo para obter feedback honesto sobre nosso trabalho e praticar Это означает, что нужно уделять время честным отзывам о нашей работе и практиковать

specific skills we want to improve. конкретные навыки, которые мы хотим улучшить.

3. 3.

Ruminate. 沉思 熟考する rumiar Ruminar. Размышление.

This helps us get more perspective on our lessons learned and assimilate new ideas. |||||视角||||||吸收|| |||||||||||同化する|| Это помогает нам лучше понять извлеченные уроки и усвоить новые идеи.

It can also help us develop slow hunches in order to have creative breakthroughs. |||||||直觉||||||突破 |||||||直感||||||創造的な飛躍 |||||||presentimientos lentos||||||descubrimientos creativos Também pode nos ajudar a desenvolver intuições lentas para ter avanços criativos. Это также может помочь нам развить медленные догадки, чтобы совершать творческие прорывы.

Walking is a great way to process these insights, as shown by many greats who were or are walking ||||||||洞察||||多くの|偉人||||| |||||||||||||grandes figuras||||| Caminhar é uma ótima maneira de processar esses insights, como mostrado por muitos grandes nomes que estavam ou estão caminhando Ходьба — отличный способ обработать эти идеи, как показали многие великие люди, которые ходили или продолжают ходить.

fanatics, from Beethoven and Charles Darwin to Steve Jobs and Jack Dorsey. 狂热者||||||||||| 熱狂者||ベートーヴェン||||||||| fanáticos||Beethoven|||Darwin|||||Jack Dorsey|Jack Dorsey fanáticos, de Beethoven e Charles Darwin a Steve Jobs e Jack Dorsey. фанатиков, от Бетховена и Чарльза Дарвина до Стива Джобса и Джека Дорси.

Another powerful way is through conversation partners. ||||||パートナー ||||||compañeros de conversación Outra maneira poderosa é através de parceiros de conversação. Еще один действенный способ — через собеседников.

4. 4.

Set aside time just for learning. Separe um tempo apenas para aprender. Выделите время только для обучения.

This includes activities like reading, having conversations, participating in a mastermind, ||||||||||头脑风暴小组 |||||||参加する|||マスターマインド Isso inclui atividades como ler, conversar, participar de um mastermind, Это включает в себя такие действия, как чтение, беседы, участие в вдохновении,

taking classes, observing others, etc. 5. tendo aulas, observando os outros, etc. 5. посещение занятий, наблюдение за другими и т. д. 5.

Solve problems as they arise. ||||発生する Resolva os problemas à medida que eles surgem. Решайте проблемы по мере их возникновения.

When most people experience problems during the day, they sweep them under the rug so |||||||||掩盖||||地毯下| |||||||||隠す||||絨毯の下| |||||||||los ocultan||||la alfombra| Quando a maioria das pessoas tem problemas durante o dia, eles os varrem para debaixo do tapete para Когда у большинства людей возникают проблемы в течение дня, они заметают их под ковер.

that they can continue their to-do list. что они могут продолжить свой список дел.

Having slack creates the space to address small problems before they turn into big problems. |余地||||||||||||| Ter folga cria o espaço para resolver pequenos problemas antes que eles se transformem em grandes problemas. Слабость создает пространство для решения небольших проблем, прежде чем они превратятся в большие проблемы.


Do small experiments with big potential payoffs. ||||||回报 行う||||||報酬 ||||||beneficios potenciales Faça pequenos experimentos com grandes recompensas potenciais. Проводите небольшие эксперименты с большими потенциальными выгодами.

Whether or not an experiment works, it's an opportunity to learn and test your ideas. si|||||||||||||| Quer um experimento funcione ou não, é uma oportunidade de aprender e testar suas ideias. Независимо от того, работает эксперимент или нет, это возможность изучить и проверить свои идеи.

For many people, their professional day is measured by how much they get done. |||||||medida|||||| Para muitas pessoas, seu dia profissional é medido pelo quanto elas realizam. Для многих людей их профессиональный день измеряется тем, сколько они сделали.

As a result, they speed through the day and slow down their improvement rate. Como resultado, eles aceleram ao longo do dia e diminuem sua taxa de melhoria. В результате они ускоряют течение дня и замедляют скорость улучшения.

The five-hour rule flips the equation by focusing on learning first. ||||颠覆||||||| ||||逆転する||方程式||||| ||||invierte||||||| A regra de cinco horas inverte a equação, concentrando-se em aprender primeiro. Правило пяти часов переворачивает уравнение, сосредотачиваясь в первую очередь на обучении.

To see the implication of this, let's look at a sales call (note: you can replace “sales |||含义||||||||||||| |||含意||||||||||||| |||implicación||||||||||||| Para ver a implicação disso, vejamos uma chamada de vendas (observação: você pode substituir “vendas Чтобы понять значение этого, давайте посмотрим на телефонный звонок (примечание: вы можете заменить «продажи

call” with any activity you do repeatedly). ||||||repetidamente call” com qualquer atividade que você faça repetidamente). call» с любой деятельностью, которую вы делаете неоднократно).

Most professionals do a little research before the call, have the call, and then save their |専門家|||||||||||||| A maioria dos profissionais faz uma pequena pesquisa antes da ligação, recebe a ligação e salva Большинство профессионалов проводят небольшое исследование перед звонком, звонят, а затем сохраняют свои данные.

notes and move on. заметки и двигаться дальше.

Somebody with a learning focus would think through which skill to practice on the call, Alguém com foco no aprendizado pensaria em qual habilidade praticar na chamada, Кто-то, кто сосредоточен на обучении, продумает, какой навык практиковать во время вызова,

practice it on the call, and then reflect on the lessons learned. попрактикуйтесь в этом во время телеконференции, а затем поразмышляйте над извлеченными уроками.

If that person really wanted an extra level of learning, he or she would invite a colleague Se essa pessoa realmente quisesse um nível extra de aprendizado, convidaria um colega Если этот человек действительно хотел получить дополнительный уровень обучения, он или она пригласил бы коллегу.

on the call and have the colleague provide honest feedback afterward. ||||||||||之后 ||||||||||después na ligação e peça ao colega que forneça um feedback honesto depois. во время разговора и попросите коллегу предоставить честный отзыв позже.

Embracing a learning lifestyle means that every time we make a sales call, we get better 学びの受け入れ||||||||||||||| adoptando||||||||||||||| Adotar um estilo de vida de aprendizado significa que sempre que fazemos uma visita de vendas, melhoramos Образ жизни, связанный с обучением, означает, что каждый раз, когда мы звоним, мы становимся лучше.

at doing sales calls. em fazer chamadas de vendas. при совершении звонков по продажам.

Focusing on learning un-automates our behaviors so we can keep improving them rather than ||||自动化|||||||||| Concentrar-se em aprender desautomatiza nossos comportamentos para que possamos melhorá-los em vez de Сосредоточение внимания на обучении не автоматизирует наше поведение, поэтому мы можем продолжать улучшать его, а не

plateauing. 停滞不前 停滞する estancamiento planalto. плато.

Every event is an opportunity to improve. Каждое событие — это возможность стать лучше.

By focusing on learning as a lifestyle, we get so much more done over the long term. Ao focar no aprendizado como um estilo de vida, fazemos muito mais a longo prazo. Сосредоточив внимание на обучении как на образе жизни, мы делаем гораздо больше в долгосрочной перспективе.