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Asd 3, Could a Far-Right Politician Be Brazil’s Next President? | NYT News

Could a Far-Right Politician Be Brazil's Next President? | NYT News

This is Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right candidate

that may become Brazil's next president.

He's been compared to President Trump

and Filipino president Rodrigo Duterte

for his highly controversial statements,

including his embrace of the military dictatorship

that ruled Brazil for 20 years.

Bolsonaro is a retired military captain

who has been in Congress since 1991.

He's been in the fringe far right

for most of his political career,

making headlines more for his outrageous statements

than for any political achievements.

In one infamous episode in 2003,

he had an argument with a fellow congresswoman

who accused him of promoting violence.

Over the years, he's had a long list

of other divisive remarks.

Last year, as he was toying with a presidential run,

he managed to take aim at several groups

in one statement alone.

Despite the incendiary comments,

Bolsonaro's popularity has grown in recent years.

He's vowed to crack down on crime,

a message that is resonating with many Brazilians.

Bolsonaro wants to make it easier to own guns

and has said he'd give police permission to kill suspects.

But most of all, he represents extreme opposition

to the leftist Workers' Party,

of former President Lula, who's now in jail

serving a 12-year sentence on corruption charges.

Bolsonaro's Workers' Party rival in the election is

Fernando Haddad, a former mayor of São Paulo

and minister under Lula.

Bolsonaro uses voters' distrust in the Workers' Party to his favor

and relies heavily on social media to spread his message.

In September, he was stabbed during a rally

and spent three weeks in a hospital.

He continued to campaign through live videos on Facebook.

But his past statements continue to spark anger.

Women across the country

have rallied against Bolsonaro

using the hashtag #EleNão, or Not Him.

Despite the critics, Bolsonaro continued rising in polls.

In the first round of the election,

he won 46% of the vote.

He's going to a runoff on Oct. 28 against Haddad,

who now faces an uphill battle.

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Could a Far-Right Politician Be Brazil’s Next President? | NYT News ¿Podría un político de extrema derecha ser el próximo presidente de Brasil? | Noticias NYT Un politico di estrema destra potrebbe essere il prossimo presidente del Brasile? | NYT News 極右政治家はブラジルの次期大統領になれるか?| NYTニュース Czy skrajnie prawicowy polityk może zostać kolejnym prezydentem Brazylii? | NYT News Um político de extrema-direita pode ser o próximo presidente do Brasil? | Notícias NYT Может ли крайне правый политик стать следующим президентом Бразилии? | NYT News 极右翼政治家可能成为巴西下一任总统吗? |纽约时报新闻 極右翼政治家可能成為巴西下一任總統嗎? |紐約時報新聞

This is Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right candidate Este é Jair Bolsonaro, o candidato de extrema direita

that may become Brazil's next president.

He's been compared to President Trump Foi comparado ao Presidente Trump

and Filipino president Rodrigo Duterte

for his highly controversial statements, pelas suas declarações altamente controversas,

including his embrace of the military dictatorship

that ruled Brazil for 20 years. que governou o Brasil durante 20 anos.

Bolsonaro is a retired military captain Bolsonaro é um capitão do exército aposentado

who has been in Congress since 1991. que está no congresso desde 1991.

He's been in the fringe far right ||||ytterkanten av högern|| Aderiu a extrema direita durante boa parte

for most of his political career, da sua carreira política,

making headlines more for his outrageous statements |||||upprörande| sendo notícia mais pelas suas declarações chocantes

than for any political achievements. do que por qualquer conquista política.

In one infamous episode in 2003, Numa situação fatídica em 2003, ele teve uma discussão

he had an argument with a fellow congresswoman com uma congressista que o acusou de promover a violência.

who accused him of promoting violence. que o acusaram de promover a violência.

Over the years, he's had a long list Ao longo dos anos,

of other divisive remarks. ele deu outras declarações que dividem a sociedade.

Last year, as he was toying with a presidential run, No ano passado, quando estava a pensar numa candidatura presidencial,

he managed to take aim at several groups

in one statement alone. numa só frase.

Despite the incendiary comments, Apesar dos comentários incendiários,

Bolsonaro's popularity has grown in recent years. a popularidade de Bolsonaro cresceu nos últimos anos.

He's vowed to crack down on crime, Ele prometeu acabar com o crime,

a message that is resonating with many Brazilians. uma mensagem com a qual vários brasileiros se identificam.

Bolsonaro wants to make it easier to own guns Bolsonaro quer tornar mais fácil adquirir armas

and has said he'd give police permission to kill suspects. e disse que daria autorização à polícia para matar suspeitos.

But most of all, he represents extreme opposition Mas acima de tudo, ele representa uma oposição extrema

to the leftist Workers' Party, ao Partido dos Trabalhadores, um partido de esquerda,

of former President Lula, who's now in jail do ex-presidente Lula que cumpre uma pena de prisão

serving a 12-year sentence on corruption charges. a cumprir uma pena de 12 anos por acusações de corrupção.

Bolsonaro's Workers' Party rival in the election is

Fernando Haddad, a former mayor of São Paulo

and minister under Lula. e ministro de Lula.

Bolsonaro uses voters' distrust in the Workers' Party to his favor Bolsonaro usa a desconfiança no Partido dos Trabalhadores

and relies heavily on social media to spread his message. a seu favor e usa muito as redes sociais para espalhar a sua mensagem.

In September, he was stabbed during a rally Em Setembro, ele foi esfaqueado durante uma ação de campanha

and spent three weeks in a hospital. e passou três semanas no hospital.

He continued to campaign through live videos on Facebook. Continuou a fazer campanha através de vídeos em direto no Facebook.

But his past statements continue to spark anger. ||||||väcka| Mas as suas declarações continuam a causar raiva.

Women across the country Mulheres por todo o país se manifestaram contra

have rallied against Bolsonaro

using the hashtag #EleNão, or Not Him. usando a hashtag #EleNão, ou Não Ele.

Despite the critics, Bolsonaro continued rising in polls. Apesar das críticas, Bolsonaro continua crescendo nas pesquisas.

In the first round of the election, No primeiro turno da eleição, ele conseguiu 46 por cento dos votos.

he won 46% of the vote. obteve 46% dos votos.

He's going to a runoff on Oct. 28 against Haddad, Vai disputar a segunda volta a 28 de outubro contra Haddad,

who now faces an uphill battle. que agora enfrenta uma batalha difícil.