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Aesop’s Fables, THE FOX AND THE GOAT


A Fox fell into a well and was unable to get out again. By and by a thirsty Goat came by, and seeing the Fox in the well asked him if the water was good. "Good?" said the Fox, "it's the best water I ever tasted in all my life. Come down and try it yourself." The Goat thought of nothing but the prospect of quenching his thirst, and jumped in at once. When he had had enough to drink, he looked about, like the Fox, for some way of getting out, but could find none. Presently the Fox said, "I have an idea. You stand on your hind legs, and plant your forelegs firmly against the side of the well, and then I'll climb on to your back, and, from there, by stepping on your horns, I can get out. And when I'm out, I'll help you out too." The Goat did as he was requested, and the Fox climbed on to his back and so out of the well; and then he coolly walked away. The Goat called loudly after him and reminded him of his promise to help him out: but the Fox merely turned and said, "If you had as much sense in your head as you have hair in your beard you wouldn't have got into the well without making certain that you could get out again." Look before your leap.


A Fox fell into a well and was unable to get out again. キツネは井戸に落ち、再び抜け出すことができませんでした。 By and by a thirsty Goat came by, and seeing the Fox in the well asked him if the water was good. のどが渇いた山羊がやってきて、井戸の中にいる狐を見て、水が良かったかと尋ねました。 "Good?" "良い?" said the Fox, "it's the best water I ever tasted in all my life. キツネは言った、「それは私が今までに味わった中で最高の水です。 Come down and try it yourself." 降りて、自分で試してみてください。」 The Goat thought of nothing but the prospect of quenching his thirst, and jumped in at once. 山羊は喉の渇きをやわらげることしか考えず、すぐに飛び込んできました。 When he had had enough to drink, he looked about, like the Fox, for some way of getting out, but could find none. 飲むのに十分な時間があったとき、彼はフォックスのように外に出る方法を探しましたが、何も見つかりませんでした。 Presently the Fox said, "I have an idea. 現在キツネは言った、「私には考えがあります。 You stand on your hind legs, and plant your forelegs firmly against the side of the well, and then I'll climb on to your back, and, from there, by stepping on your horns, I can get out. あなたは後ろ足で立ち、前足を井戸の側面にしっかりと植えます。それから私はあなたの背中に登り、そこから角を踏むことで、私は外に出ることができます。 And when I'm out, I'll help you out too." そして、私が外出するとき、私もあなたを手伝います。」 The Goat did as he was requested, and the Fox climbed on to his back and so out of the well; and then he coolly walked away. 山羊は要求通りに行動し、狐は背中を登って井戸から出ました。それから彼は冷静に立ち去った。 The Goat called loudly after him and reminded him of his promise to help him out: but the Fox merely turned and said, "If you had as much sense in your head as you have hair in your beard you wouldn't have got into the well without making certain that you could get out again." 山羊は大声で彼の後に電話をかけ、彼を助けるという約束を思い出させた。あなたが再び外に出ることができると確信することなく、よく。」 Look before your leap. あなたの飛躍の前を見てください。