A Rich Man took up his residence next door to a Tanner, and found the smell of the tan-yard so extremely unpleasant that he told him he must go.The Tanner delayed his departure, and the Rich Man had to speak to him several times about it; and every time the Tanner said he was making arrangements to move very shortly.This went on for some time, till at last the Rich Man got so used to the smell that he ceased to mind it, and troubled the Tanner with his objections no more.
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الرجل الغني والدباغ
A Rich Man took up his residence next door to a Tanner, and found the smell of the tan-yard so extremely unpleasant that he told him he must go.
كان رجل ثري يسكن بجوار دباغ، ووجد رائحة المدبغة كريهة للغاية لدرجة أنه أخبره أنه يجب عليه الرحيل.
Un homme riche s'installa à côté d'un tanneur et trouva l'odeur de la cour si désagréable qu'il lui dit de partir.
The Tanner delayed his departure, and the Rich Man had to speak to him several times about it; and every time the Tanner said he was making arrangements to move very shortly.
لقد أخر الدباغ رحيله، وكان على الرجل الغني أن يتحدث معه عن هذا الأمر عدة مرات؛ وفي كل مرة كان الدباغ يقول إنه يقوم بترتيبات للانتقال في أقرب وقت ممكن.
Le Tanneur retarda son départ, et l'Homme riche dut lui en parler à plusieurs reprises ; et chaque fois, le Tanneur disait qu'il prenait ses dispositions pour partir très bientôt.
This went on for some time, till at last the Rich Man got so used to the smell that he ceased to mind it, and troubled the Tanner with his objections no more.
استمر هذا لبعض الوقت، حتى اعتاد الرجل الغني في النهاية على الرائحة لدرجة أنه توقف عن الاهتمام بها، ولم يعد يزعج الدباغ باعتراضاته.
Cela dura un certain temps, jusqu'à ce que l'homme riche s'habitue tellement à l'odeur qu'il cessa de s'en préoccuper et ne dérangea plus le tanneur avec ses objections.