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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, #41: Becoming a Diplomat & Making Friends on Omegle [1]

#41: Becoming a Diplomat & Making Friends on Omegle [1]

Hello everyone and welcome to the link podcast with me your host Elle.

If you are an English learner, why not study from this podcast episode

or any past podcast episodes?

I create a lesson with each one on LingQ.

The course is called English LingQ podcast.

2.0, the link to today's lesson, so the lesson for this

episode, is in the description.

LingQ is a tool that allows you to study from content you're interested

in, in your target language.

So you can take anything you're interested in from the internet, whether it be

a podcast like this one, a YouTube video, maybe you're interested in

studying your target language from music lyrics, whatever it is, you

can create a lesson with it on LingQ.

When you study from content that you find interesting, you're more likely

to enjoy it, stick with it and actually learn the language, reach your goal.

If you're not interested in creating your own lessons, we have tons and

tons of lessons in dozens of languages already within the libraries on LingQ.

So go in, take a look around and there's bound to be something that you will enjoy.


I am joined by a wonderful guest Cole of the YouTube channel Cole Langs.

Cole, how's it going?

Hi, Elle.

It's going great.

Thank you so much for having me.

I'm really excited to be here.


Well, thank you for coming on.

You're joining us from New York city today, right?

Yes, Manhattan.

Oh, wow.


And how are things in NYC?

Uh, extremely, extremely busy as usual.

It's just normal city noises, but...


Everything's great.

So Cole.

You run the channel cole Langs.

Uh, I love your about, uh, tab really, you know, to the point you say, uh, I

love languages and going on adventures.


Um, so tell us, uh, what kinds of videos do you create on Cole Langs?


So one of my greatest passions in life is language learning.

So I...

the crux of the channel is just me sharing my experiences with others.

I, I love learning languages from all around the world.

I love using them to interact with people.

I love learning things about foreign cultures, geography, um, pretty

much anything I can do to open my mind about the rest of the world.

I, I, I like to experiment and see what I can see, what

I can learn from other people.


And, um, what then inspired...

or do you remember when you first became passionate about, uh, specifically

languages and language learning?

Oh yeah, of course.

So I actually didn't...

I'm I'm 22 now I'm, I'm about to turn 23, but I didn't get into

languages until I was 17 or 18.

Um, everyone at my high school had to learn either Spanish or French,

and I chose Spanish simply because there were more speakers, but I,

I didn't really care at the time.

To me, it was just another subject.

Um, and I went through about four years of that.

And, um, then I got an amazing opportunity to go to Spain with

my high school Spanish class.

And once I got there, like everything changed for me.

It was the first time I'd been abroad and after getting into a country

where everybody speaks and interacts in a different language it just,

it was mind blowing to me just to see people conducting their lives

like I conducted mine in the US, but in a different language, it just,

it made it feel so much more real.


And it was just like this code that I really wanted to crack.

Like I wanted to figure out what people talked about on a daily basis and how

their culture was different than ours.

Once I got back to the US, um, I started learning Spanish on

my own, and then I decided I wanted to be an exchange student.

So I went to Taiwan for a year, learned Mandarin Chinese.

Um, there were a bunch of other exchange students there.

My best friends in the world are from like Mexico and Brazil and

some other, um, European countries.

So I would just ask them to give me like a word in their language every day.

Like, how do you say hello?

And how do you say, how are you?

And they tell me, and then by the end of the year, I was able to have simple

conversations and a number of languages.

So to me, it was just like a fun game of trying to figure out what

other people around the world liked and how they spoke with each other.

I, I just, I, I love it so much.


So that's so wonderful you got to do that.

High school was the Spanish trip.

And then when you were an exchange student, was that

in college or university?

Was that also high school that you went over to Taiwan?

That was also high school.


So it was through something called the rotary youth exchange program,

which I had never heard of before, but, um, the, an announcement went on

in my high school and said like, Hey, you want to live in another country?

You know, come check out rotary.

So I went through that whole thing.

It's a really long process.

And I ended up getting, um, arguably the hardest exchange location

because of how different the culture and language languages are.

But, um, I was, I was open to the challenge and it was

the best year of my life.


And so Spanish.

And, um, Mandarin.

And then have you, uh, learned or studied any languages after that?



So, uh, ever since I was a kid, pretty much I've wanted to be a diplomat.

So I've studied all the official language, official languages of the United nations.

So English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic, although

I'm still a beginner in Arabic.

And then also, um, Portuguese, German, Italian, Dutch, and, uh,

a little bit of a few others.

so a few.




So what is the tra trajectory for a diplomat?

Andare you you still on track, is that something you still want to be?

Uh, yeah, definitely.

Um, well, my degree is in international relations.


And, and you pretty much have to get a master's degree to, to go into this

field because it's so competitive.

Like most people know several foreign languages to a very high level.

Um, and the first step of the process is, is you have to pass this really hard test

called the foreign service officers test.

And it, it tests you on a myriad of different subjects.

Like the, the state department, the governmental agency who conducts the

test, they said that the best way to prepare for it is to simply be curious

and to read and to have a habit of learning things, because there is no

like curriculum you can study in order to pass your test, it's, you're tested

on such a broad array of topics that you have to accumulate all this knowledge

over a period of many, many years.

So I've actually taken the test twice and I failed it both times, so...

oh dear

who knows?

Maybe I'll get it next year.

And it's on like, Current events, world history, geography, just a mix of...

anything, anything I've I've got, I've seen...


Well, actually I'm, I'm, I'm not allowed to discuss like anything in

any questions about the test, but, uh, yeah, the topics range from like history

and culture to geography, economics, mathematics statistics, pretty much

everything you learn in in school.


I had no idea.


That's tough.

You got it.

The next one, you got it.

Here's hoping.

Is there an official or unofficial number of the languages, the official languages

of the UN that they want you to know?

Um, I think it's up to you.

They definitely prefer it if you can speak several languages, um, it

just makes you more attractive as a candidate, But, um, as far as languages

go, um, they do have a list of what they deem to be critical languages.

I, I believe right now they're, uh, Arabic, Korean, Russian, uh, Pashto,

Urdu, and, um, blanking, um, Persian, Persian, the language spoken Iran.

But they, of course they welcome anybody with language skills.


And critical.

Meaning they, they have few people who speak these.

So they, if you speak them, they will, you'd be more likely to get on?


There's, there's a really large demand for, ah, for people who speak those

languages and not enough supply.


I did not know that.



Best of luck with the whole diplomat thing back to the channel though.

So your channel is super fun.

Um, You do a lot of the, uh, kind of Omegel Omegle...

we talked about this before we started recording, seems like

people pronounce it both ways.

I wanted to try and pronounce it right so I don't seem as old as I

am, but I'm gonna go with Omegle.

Um, first off for our listeners who don't know, who are all as old

as me, or maybe older, uh, what is Omegle and what do you do on Omegle?

So Omegle is basically a chat roulette site, where you go on,

you turn on your webcam and you get paired with a random stranger.

And the fun thing about it is pretty much anything can happen.

And I mean, like literally anything, I, I try to use it to practice

languages, but sometimes you, you meet some weird people, but you can

also meet some really cool people and have really like deep conversations.

Like I've, I've met I've, I've made some genuine friends on there that I've,

I've spoken to for like hours at a time.

So it's a really fun site.

Uh, if you know how to use it, you can add interests and if someone

also put in that interest, then the website will match you together.

So I like to put like languages and travel and stuff like that...

so, or geography maybe.

And, uh, I just go on there and try to practice some languages

with people and see what happens.


And surprise a lot of people in the process of course.

That's gotta be so fun when you know it's coming, you know?

It's because I can't help myself.

Like, like the first question is always like, where are you from?

And if it's from a country that, that speaks a language that I

know, I, I can't help myself.

I have to say something in the language, even if I'm like really bad.

Uh, it's, it's such a good way to break the ice and make a

connection with someone no matter what you're doing or where you are.


And as you say, even if you don't speak it well, that other person though surely

appreciates you even saying anything.

It's like a, it's just cool, right?

Someone's trying to connect with you.

You know, trying to speak a language you know or your

mother tongue, it's very cool.


That's actually one of the things I, I try to get across on my channel to

people is that you don't need to be really good at a language in order to

have an impact on someone else or even yourself, like just knowing a few words

or phrases can brighten up someone's day.

Especially if that person is really used to like speaking English or,

or another language in their daily life and may not get to hear their

native language a lot of the time.

And do you have a favorite, uh, interaction that you've had on, on Omegle?

Oh God, there, there have been so many.

Learn languages from TV shows, movies, news, articles and more! Try LingQ for FREE

#41: Becoming a Diplomat & Making Friends on Omegle [1] ||||||Omegle ||||||Omegle #41: Stát se diplomatem a navazovat přátele na Omegle [1] #41: Diplomat werden & Freunde finden auf Omegle [1] #41: Becoming a Diplomat & Making Friends on Omegle [1] #41: Convertirse en diplomático y hacer amigos en Omegle [1] #41: Diventare un diplomatico e fare amicizia su Omegle [1] #41: 外交官になり、Omegle で友達を作る [1] #41: Een diplomaat worden & vrienden maken op Omegle [1] #41: Zostanie dyplomatą i nawiązywanie znajomości na Omegle [1] #41: Tornar-se um diplomata e fazer amigos no Omegle [1] #41: Стать дипломатом и завести друзей в Omegle [1] #41: Diplomat Olmak ve Omegle'da Arkadaş Edinmek [1] #41:成为外交官并在 Omegle 上交朋友 [1]

Hello everyone and welcome to the link podcast with me your host Elle. Hallo zusammen und willkommen zum Link-Podcast mit mir, eurer Gastgeberin Elle.

If you are an English learner, why not study from this podcast episode Wenn Sie ein Englischlerner sind, warum lernen Sie nicht aus dieser Podcast-Episode

or any past podcast episodes? oder frühere Podcast-Episoden?

I create a lesson with each one on LingQ. Ich erstelle mit jedem eine Lektion auf LingQ.

The course is called English LingQ podcast.

2.0, the link to today's lesson, so the lesson for this 2.0, der Link zur heutigen Lektion, also die Lektion dazu

episode, is in the description. Folge, steht in der Beschreibung.

LingQ is a tool that allows you to study from content you're interested

in, in your target language.

So you can take anything you're interested in from the internet, whether it be

a podcast like this one, a YouTube video, maybe you're interested in

studying your target language from music lyrics, whatever it is, you

can create a lesson with it on LingQ.

When you study from content that you find interesting, you're more likely

to enjoy it, stick with it and actually learn the language, reach your goal. es zu genießen, dabei zu bleiben und die Sprache tatsächlich zu lernen, sein Ziel zu erreichen.

If you're not interested in creating your own lessons, we have tons and Wenn Sie nicht daran interessiert sind, Ihre eigenen Lektionen zu erstellen, haben wir Tonnen und

tons of lessons in dozens of languages already within the libraries on LingQ.

So go in, take a look around and there's bound to be something that you will enjoy. |||||||||一定||||||| Also geh rein, schau dich um und es ist bestimmt etwas dabei, das dir gefallen wird. Así que entre, eche un vistazo y seguro que hay algo que le gustará.


I am joined by a wonderful guest Cole of the YouTube channel Cole Langs. |||||||科尔||||||Langs |||||||Cole Langs||||||Langs YouTube チャンネル Cole Langs の素晴らしいゲスト Cole が参加しています。

Cole, how's it going? Cole, wie geht's? コール、調子はどう?

Hi, Elle.

It's going great.

Thank you so much for having me. Vielen Dank, dass Sie mich haben.

I'm really excited to be here. Ich freue mich sehr, hier zu sein.


Well, thank you for coming on. Danke, dass Sie gekommen sind.

You're joining us from New York city today, right?

Yes, Manhattan. |曼哈顿

Oh, wow.


And how are things in NYC? |||||纽约 |||||Nueva York Und wie läuft es in NYC?

Uh, extremely, extremely busy as usual.

It's just normal city noises, but... Es sind nur normale Stadtgeräusche, aber...


Everything's great.

So Cole.

You run the channel cole Langs. Sie betreiben den Kanal Cole Langs.

Uh, I love your about, uh, tab really, you know, to the point you say, uh, I ||||||标签|||||||||| ||||||aba|||||||||| Uh, ich liebe deine Ungefähr, äh, Tab wirklich, weißt du, bis zu dem Punkt, an dem du sagst, äh, ich

love languages and going on adventures.


Um, so tell us, uh, what kinds of videos do you create on Cole Langs?


So one of my greatest passions in life is language learning. Eine meiner größten Leidenschaften im Leben ist also das Sprachenlernen.

So I...

the crux of the channel is just me sharing my experiences with others. |punto central||||||||||| Der springende Punkt des Kanals ist einfach, dass ich meine Erfahrungen mit anderen teile.

I, I love learning languages from all around the world. Ich, ich liebe es, Sprachen aus der ganzen Welt zu lernen.

I love using them to interact with people.

I love learning things about foreign cultures, geography, um, pretty

much anything I can do to open my mind about the rest of the world. so ziemlich alles, was ich tun kann, um meinen Geist für den Rest der Welt zu öffnen.

I, I, I like to experiment and see what I can see, what Ich, ich, ich mag es zu experimentieren und zu sehen, was ich sehen kann, was

I can learn from other people.


And, um, what then inspired...

or do you remember when you first became passionate about, uh, specifically oder erinnerst du dich, als du zum ersten Mal eine Leidenschaft für, ähm, speziell entwickelt hast

languages and language learning?

Oh yeah, of course.

So I actually didn't...

I'm I'm 22 now I'm, I'm about to turn 23, but I didn't get into Tengo 22 ahora estoy, estoy a punto de cumplir 23, pero no me metí en

languages until I was 17 or 18.

Um, everyone at my high school had to learn either Spanish or French, Ähm, jeder an meiner High School musste entweder Spanisch oder Französisch lernen,

and I chose Spanish simply because there were more speakers, but I, und ich habe Spanisch gewählt, einfach weil es mehr Sprecher gab, aber ich,

I didn't really care at the time. Es war mir damals ziemlich egal. En ese momento no me importaba.

To me, it was just another subject.

Um, and I went through about four years of that. Ähm, und ich habe ungefähr vier Jahre davon durchgemacht. Um, y pasé por unos cuatro años de eso.

And, um, then I got an amazing opportunity to go to Spain with Und, ähm, dann bekam ich eine tolle Gelegenheit, mit nach Spanien zu gehen

my high school Spanish class.

And once I got there, like everything changed for me. Und als ich dort ankam, änderte sich alles für mich.

It was the first time I'd been abroad and after getting into a country Es war das erste Mal, dass ich im Ausland war und nachdem ich in ein Land gekommen war Era la primera vez que estaba en el extranjero y después de entrar en un país

where everybody speaks and interacts in a different language it just, ||||互动|||||| donde todo el mundo habla e interactúa en un idioma diferente, simplemente,

it was mind blowing to me just to see people conducting their lives ||||||||||conduzindo|| Es war für mich überwältigend, Menschen dabei zuzusehen, wie sie ihr Leben führten era alucinante para mí sólo para ver a la gente la realización de sus vidas

like I conducted mine in the US, but in a different language, it just, wie ich meine in den USA durchgeführt habe, aber in einer anderen Sprache, es ist nur,

it made it feel so much more real. es fühlte sich so viel realer an.


And it was just like this code that I really wanted to crack. Und es war genau wie dieser Code, den ich unbedingt knacken wollte. Y era como un código que realmente quería descifrar. และมันก็เหมือนกับรหัสนี้ที่ฉันอยากจะถอดรหัสจริงๆ

Like I wanted to figure out what people talked about on a daily basis and how |||||||||||||base diária|| Ich wollte zum Beispiel herausfinden, worüber die Leute täglich sprechen und wie

their culture was different than ours.

Once I got back to the US, um, I started learning Spanish on

my own, and then I decided I wanted to be an exchange student. meine eigene, und dann entschied ich, dass ich Austauschschülerin werden wollte.

So I went to Taiwan for a year, learned Mandarin Chinese.

Um, there were a bunch of other exchange students there. Ähm, da waren noch ein paar andere Austauschstudenten.

My best friends in the world are from like Mexico and Brazil and Meine besten Freunde auf der Welt kommen aus Mexiko und Brasilien und

some other, um, European countries.

So I would just ask them to give me like a word in their language every day. Also würde ich sie einfach bitten, mir jeden Tag so etwas wie ein Wort in ihrer Sprache zu geben.

Like, how do you say hello? Wie sagt man Hallo?

And how do you say, how are you?

And they tell me, and then by the end of the year, I was able to have simple Und sie sagen mir, und dann bis Ende des Jahres konnte ich einfach haben

conversations and a number of languages. Gespräche und mehrere Sprachen.

So to me, it was just like a fun game of trying to figure out what Für mich war es also nur ein lustiges Spiel, bei dem versucht wurde, herauszufinden, was

other people around the world liked and how they spoke with each other.

I, I just, I, I love it so much.


So that's so wonderful you got to do that.

High school was the Spanish trip.

And then when you were an exchange student, was that

in college or university? an der Hochschule oder Universität?

Was that also high school that you went over to Taiwan?

That was also high school. Das war auch Gymnasium.


So it was through something called the rotary youth exchange program, ||||||| Rotary||| |||||||rotario||| So geschah es durch das sogenannte Rotations-Jugendaustauschprogramm,

which I had never heard of before, but, um, the, an announcement went on

in my high school and said like, Hey, you want to live in another country?

You know, come check out rotary.

So I went through that whole thing. |我||||| Also habe ich das Ganze durchgemacht. Así que pasé por todo eso.

It's a really long process. Es ist ein wirklich langer Prozess.

And I ended up getting, um, arguably the hardest exchange location Und am Ende bekam ich, ähm, den wohl schwierigsten Austauschort Y terminé consiguiendo, um, posiblemente el lugar de intercambio más difícil

because of how different the culture and language languages are.

But, um, I was, I was open to the challenge and it was

the best year of my life.


And so Spanish.

And, um, Mandarin.

And then have you, uh, learned or studied any languages after that?



So, uh, ever since I was a kid, pretty much I've wanted to be a diplomat.

So I've studied all the official language, official languages of the United nations.

So English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic, although

I'm still a beginner in Arabic.

And then also, um, Portuguese, German, Italian, Dutch, and, uh,

a little bit of a few others.

so a few.




So what is the tra trajectory for a diplomat? ||||轨迹|||| ||||trayectoria||||

Andare you you still on track, is that something you still want to be? 继续前进||||||||||||| verbo auxiliar||||||||||||| verbo auxiliar||||||||||||| ¿Y sigues en el buen camino, es algo que todavía quieres ser?

Uh, yeah, definitely.

Um, well, my degree is in international relations.


And, and you pretty much have to get a master's degree to, to go into this

field because it's so competitive. Feld, weil es so wettbewerbsfähig ist.

Like most people know several foreign languages to a very high level.

Um, and the first step of the process is, is you have to pass this really hard test

called the foreign service officers test. genannt der Foreign Service Officers Test.

And it, it tests you on a myriad of different subjects. |||测试||||无数||| |||||||uma infinidade|||

Like the, the state department, the governmental agency who conducts the ||||||政府的|||进行| ||||||gubernamental|||realiza|

test, they said that the best way to prepare for it is to simply be curious

and to read and to have a habit of learning things, because there is no

like curriculum you can study in order to pass your test, it's, you're tested |课程设置||||||||||||

on such a broad array of topics that you have to accumulate all this knowledge sobre un abanico tan amplio de temas que tienes que acumular todos estos conocimientos

over a period of many, many years.

So I've actually taken the test twice and I failed it both times, so...

oh dear

who knows?

Maybe I'll get it next year.

And it's on like, Current events, world history, geography, just a mix of...

anything, anything I've I've got, I've seen...


Well, actually I'm, I'm, I'm not allowed to discuss like anything in

any questions about the test, but, uh, yeah, the topics range from like history

and culture to geography, economics, mathematics statistics, pretty much

everything you learn in in school.


I had no idea.


That's tough.

You got it.

The next one, you got it.

Here's hoping.

Is there an official or unofficial number of the languages, the official languages |||||非官方||||||| |||||no oficial||||||| ¿Existe un número oficial u oficioso de las lenguas, las lenguas oficiales

of the UN that they want you to know? de la ONU que quieren que sepas?

Um, I think it's up to you. Creo que depende de ti.

They definitely prefer it if you can speak several languages, um, it Prefieren que hables varios idiomas.

just makes you more attractive as a candidate, But, um, as far as languages sólo te hace más atractivo como candidato, Pero, um, en cuanto a los idiomas

go, um, they do have a list of what they deem to be critical languages. ||||||||||认为|||| ||||||||||consideran|||| ||||||||||consideram||||

I, I believe right now they're, uh, Arabic, Korean, Russian, uh, Pashto,

Urdu, and, um, blanking, um, Persian, Persian, the language spoken Iran. |||忘记||||||| |||palabra en blanco||||||| |||esquecendo|||||||

But they, of course they welcome anybody with language skills.


And critical.

Meaning they, they have few people who speak these.

So they, if you speak them, they will, you'd be more likely to get on?


There's, there's a really large demand for, ah, for people who speak those ||||很大||||||||

languages and not enough supply.


I did not know that.



Best of luck with the whole diplomat thing back to the channel though.

So your channel is super fun.

Um, You do a lot of the, uh, kind of Omegel Omegle... ||||||||||Omegel| ||||||||||Omegle|

we talked about this before we started recording, seems like

people pronounce it both ways.

I wanted to try and pronounce it right so I don't seem as old as I

am, but I'm gonna go with Omegle.

Um, first off for our listeners who don't know, who are all as old

as me, or maybe older, uh, what is Omegle and what do you do on Omegle?

So Omegle is basically a chat roulette site, where you go on, ||||||轮盘||||| ||||||ruleta|||||

you turn on your webcam and you get paired with a random stranger. ||||||||配对||||

And the fun thing about it is pretty much anything can happen.

And I mean, like literally anything, I, I try to use it to practice

languages, but sometimes you, you meet some weird people, but you can

also meet some really cool people and have really like deep conversations.

Like I've, I've met I've, I've made some genuine friends on there that I've,

I've spoken to for like hours at a time.

So it's a really fun site.

Uh, if you know how to use it, you can add interests and if someone

also put in that interest, then the website will match you together.

So I like to put like languages and travel and stuff like that...

so, or geography maybe.

And, uh, I just go on there and try to practice some languages

with people and see what happens.


And surprise a lot of people in the process of course.

That's gotta be so fun when you know it's coming, you know?

It's because I can't help myself.

Like, like the first question is always like, where are you from?

And if it's from a country that, that speaks a language that I

know, I, I can't help myself.

I have to say something in the language, even if I'm like really bad.

Uh, it's, it's such a good way to break the ice and make a

connection with someone no matter what you're doing or where you are.


And as you say, even if you don't speak it well, that other person though surely Y como dices, aunque no lo hables bien, esa otra persona aunque seguramente

appreciates you even saying anything.

It's like a, it's just cool, right?

Someone's trying to connect with you.

You know, trying to speak a language you know or your

mother tongue, it's very cool.


That's actually one of the things I, I try to get across on my channel to

people is that you don't need to be really good at a language in order to

have an impact on someone else or even yourself, like just knowing a few words

or phrases can brighten up someone's day. |||让人开心||| |||alegran||| |||alegra|||

Especially if that person is really used to like speaking English or,

or another language in their daily life and may not get to hear their

native language a lot of the time.

And do you have a favorite, uh, interaction that you've had on, on Omegle? И есть ли у вас любимое взаимодействие, которое у вас было, на Omegle?

Oh God, there, there have been so many. |||那里|||| Oh Gott, da waren so viele.