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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #30: Learning Japanese, Taking the JLPT & Rubik's Cube with Deni Mintsaev (3)

English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #30: Learning Japanese, Taking the JLPT & Rubik's Cube with Deni Mintsaev (3)

That was a really interesting chat. Uh, I will pop the link to your channel and the content you mentioned. And that movie that we just talked about too, in the description, uh, best of luck with taking the, the JLPT N1, uh, maybe you passed this this first time you took it, who knows, but if not best of luck.

Deni: I hope that I at least got like a 70 or something like that, although that's out of 180, not out of a hundred, so it's a low bar, but it's a very, very difficult. Elle: Yes. Like I said, I've heard, I've heard, I know one person who living in Japan, who, who passed it quite recently and he was just over the moon, the amount of work that went in to him actually finally getting it. So, um, but yeah, best of luck. And, uh, yeah thank you so much for joining us Deni and, uh, yeah have a great rest of your week.

Deni: Thank you for having me too.

Elle: Bye-bye.

English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #30: Learning Japanese, Taking the JLPT & Rubik's Cube with Deni Mintsaev (3) Englisch LingQ 2.0 Podcast #30: Japanisch lernen, JLPT & Rubik's Cube mit Deni Mintsaev (3) English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #30: Aprender japonés, hacer el JLPT y el cubo de Rubik con Deni Mintsaev (3) English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #30 : Apprendre le japonais, passer le JLPT et le Rubik's Cube avec Deni Mintsaev (3) Podcast LingQ 2.0 inglese #30: Imparare il giapponese, affrontare il JLPT e il cubo di Rubik con Deni Mintsaev (3) English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #30: Deni Mintsaevの日本語学習、JLPT受験、ルービックキューブ (3) 잉글리쉬 링큐 2.0 팟캐스트 #30: 데니 민트사예프와 함께하는 일본어 학습, JLPT & 루빅스 큐브 (3) English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #30: Nauka japońskiego, JLPT i kostka Rubika z Deni Mintsaevem (3) Podcast do LingQ 2.0 Inglês #30: Aprender Japonês, Fazer o JLPT & Cubo de Rubik com Deni Mintsaev (3) English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #30: Изучение японского языка, сдача экзамена JLPT и кубик Рубика с Дени Минцаевым (3) English LingQ 2.0 Podcast #30: Deni Mintsaev ile Japonca Öğrenmek, JLPT ve Rubik Küpü Sınavına Girmek (3) Подкаст English LingQ 2.0 #30: Вивчаємо японську, складаємо JLPT та кубик Рубіка з Денисом Мінцаєвим (3) 英语 LingQ 2.0 播客 #30:与 Deni Mintsaev 一起学习日语、参加日本语能力考试和玩魔方 (3) 英語 LingQ 2.0 播客 #30:與 Deni Mintsaev 一起學習日語、參加 JLPT 和魔術方塊 (3)

That was a really interesting chat. Uh, I will pop the link to your channel and the content you mentioned. And that movie that we just talked about too, in the description, uh, best of luck with taking the, the JLPT N1, uh, maybe you passed this this first time you took it, who knows, but if not best of luck.

Deni: I hope that I at least got like a 70 or something like that, although that's out of 180, not out of a hundred, so it's a low bar, but it's a very, very difficult. Elle: Yes. Like I said, I've heard, I've heard, I know one person who living in Japan, who, who passed it quite recently and he was just over the moon, the amount of work that went in to him actually finally getting it. ||||||||||||||||谁||||||他|||||||||||||||||| So, um, but yeah, best of luck. And, uh, yeah thank you so much for joining us Deni and, uh, yeah have a great rest of your week.

Deni: Thank you for having me too.

Elle: Bye-bye.