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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: How Polyglot Steve Kaufmann Uses LingQ 5.0 (1)

Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: How Polyglot Steve Kaufmann Uses LingQ 5.0 (1)

Hi there and welcome to the LingQpodcast with me Elle and my beautiful,

gigantic corn plant in behind me here.

English learners.

Remember you can study this episode and all past episodes of the podcast.

I'll always leave a link to the English lesson on LingQ in

the description of the video.

If you're listening on Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple, Google,

wherever, give us a like, give us a review, show us some love.

We really, really appreciate it.

Anyone listening or watching who has never used the LingQ before

today's episode is all about LingQ.

I'm joined by LingQ co-founder and polyglot who speaks 20 languages, Steve

Kaufmann, we're going to discuss the new version of LingQ, version five,

which was just released on the web.

So stay tuned if you are a language learner who's interested in hearing

about how LingQ has changed, the improvements, how Steve is using the

new version to study languages also.

Steve, how are you?

Good morning Elle.

Good morning.

And Where are you...

yes, me too.

Me too.

We have something very special to chat about this morning.

Uh, where in the world are you joining us from?

Well, you can see my bookshelf behind me.

Yeah, it's my, uh, portable bookshelf.

No, I'm in Palm Springs and my wife and I come down here in the winter during

the sort of rainiest months in Vancouver.

And so I'm in Palm Springs.

I'm going to chat with you today about LingQ version five.

So a brand new, all new LingQ, which was just launched.

It has been launched for a little while on the iPhone app now and was

launched two weeks ago on the web.

So we've of course, within the LingQ team we've been using version five for over

a year now, just testing it, figuring out, you know, getting rid of all the

bugs and making it as good as it can be.

So what would you say first off are the, the major changes that

anyone who was using the old LingQ and will now start to use the new

LingQ will notice in version five?

The biggest thing is to me, the initial thing is just uh, I find

that the look, the look and feel the environment that you are in when

learning languages is better, it's more pleasing, it's graphically better.

And I think he's worth thinking about LingQ, like LingQ...

it's not a product that is sort of stationary, stable, uh, ever since

we started and things keep changing.

Um, you know, user interface, standards change they're

influenced by different things.

So our library has more of a Netflix look because Netflix didn't exist

when we started LingQ back whenever it was 15 or more years ago.

Um, I think is an amazing project.

I think people don't realize how many people are involved.

We have developers and other people, uh, on our team who live

in Ukraine, who live in Macedonia, in Korea, in Bolivia, in Ghana.

I'm sure I've left a few countries out, Canada of course.

So it's, it's, it's an example of the world we live in, which is very

international with lots of different locations and people collaborating and we

all follow the technology as it changes.

And I think what...

let's start with what people won't notice.

They won't notice the fact that LingQ has been completely rewritten, uh, because

we needed a platform that makes it easier for us to make changes going forward

because everything is constantly changing.

And so that's, to me is the biggest thing and think it's a different

look and it's a new platform which will enable us to more easily add

functions and improve functions.

I think that's the biggest thing, but I can get into more detail on

functionality that I particularly like.



Please do what, uh what's, what is your favorite change?


My favorite change is the library because language learning starts

with content, comprehensible input, compelling input, content.

So we have more content available now, not only in our libraries, but

also through these external links, which allow us to bring things in more

easily from YouTube or from podcasts.

Uh, and it's easier to find things in the library and not only that

it's easier to import things.

So if you have something of interest to you, again, it's easier to bring

it in and slot it into a course.

So to me, one of the biggest improvements is it's just easier and more attractive

to handle content, and content is...

that's the curiosity.

That's the thing you want to learn about that pulls you into language learning.

So I think that's very important.


I have to agree.

I really, really love the way the library looks.

And it is...

the way the category categories are, which you can customize, you can choose

which categories you'd like to see.

And there's just so much content.

A lot of people don't like to, or don't want to import, they don't want

to find content online themselves.

And that's fine.

Because within the library, it's so easy.

There's just so much, so, yeah.

That's, I think that's probably my favorite change too.

Yeah, I think that's tremendous.

The, um, now the lesson page, now you said we, we had it for a

year and worked out all the bugs.

Of course not all the bugs.

It's so difficult to anticipate, there are different screen

sizes, different browsers.

There's so many different combinations.

So while we had a team of QA people working to iron out the most obvious bugs.

There are still a few things there that have to be ironed out.

But, uh, the other thing I think right up front that I really like is we

have replaced the avatar with coins.

And not only that, we, you now get credit sort of on a granular

basis for so many more activities.

Uh, you know, for every page you've read for, uh, listening, even down

to, uh, you know, not having listen to the whole, uh, of the lesson.

So I found myself in the old system in order to maintain my streaks, I had to

go and create X number of LingQs, but very often I have so many saved LingQs.

I want to go back and read something again.

Where there are no blue words uh, just yellow words.

In other words, words that I have have previously met and looked up,

but still don't know, but I wasn't getting any credit for doing that.

Now, if you go in there and read again and you find a, a word that's a yellow

word, that's maybe status one and you move it to status two or sad as three

a you're getting credit for that.

Or if I go into the vocabulary section, and this is something that I like to

do, and that I recommend to people.

Uh, I'm not a big fan of flashcards.

Other people like flashcards.

That's great.

I like going through lists of words.

So I go to the vocabulary section and typically I'll

choose only status three words.

These are words that I'm somewhat familiar with, but not yet confident

that I know, but typically in amongst those words, a certain percentage,

maybe 20% are words that I already know.

So typically if I'm reading, I eventually come across these

words and I'll move them to known.

But if I go into my vocabulary section and say, I just want to see

status three words, then all those words will show up in one list.

Then I can go through the, those words and move them to known.

And as I do that, I get lots of coins for doing it.

And just as an aside, I can filter, I can either see these words in

alphabetical order, which is very helpful because you'll find three

or four or five words that have the same prefix and others begin with the

same letters or with the same letter.

And you'll start to see connections in meaning between words that have similar

beginnings very helpful, or I will review these words in order of their frequency.

And so there obviously aren't going to have a higher percentage of known

words in those status three words where the words are higher frequency, not

always, but that tends to be the case.

So doing all these different activities or even, uh, you know, listening, I'll

be listening on a, say a playlist and I'm getting credit in the form of coins.

Now, some people would say, what are the coins good for?

You can't spend them.

You can't buy anything with them, at best you can repair a streak.

That's fine.

But it's just that.

It's just an indicator of where you are.

Uh, you know, there's so many things in life where we get

points or we get a score, a grade, you can't do anything with it.

It's just a measure of what you have achieved.

What I think is important about coins is it measures your activity level.

And I always say, it's not, it's difficult to measure how good you

are at any given time, because you might be better one day and not as

good the next day for any number of.

But as long as you are active, you are heading in the right direction.

And the coins is an indicator that you're being active.


And you mentioned the avatar there.

Just want to say that some people did like the avatar.

We will be saying a farewell in our special way to the avatar and allowing

people to share what their avatar looked like at the end of version

four, but, um, yes, I agree coins much better way of tracking activity.

We can't satisfy everybody.

You know, there are people who prefer the look of the old LingQ, prefer the avatar.

At some point, though Mark and his team have to decide going forward

what's in the best interest of most people in our learning community.


Now importing, you, you do a lot of importing on LingQ,

uh, what do you think...

cause this is another favorite part of aspect of the new version

for me personally, what do you think of the new import page where

you actually add your content?


Whether I'm using the browser extension or whether I'm using, you

know, actually import, you know, and dragging something in, it's so

much easier to find the course, you know, where you want to put this...

I can't, I can't explain in detail why it's easier, but it's just so much easier.

So I go to the import page, I just find it so much easier to manage.

I can drag and drop audio files.

I kind of go through all of it, but it's just so much less of a chore to import.

And that's important because in language learning, every time we

simplify things, every time we make it easier to do something where,

you know, we're increasing the intensity of the learning experience.

If I spend all kinds of time looking for content, importing content,

something didn't work, and I've spent half an hour/ an hour now I'm

trying to create learning content.

Whereas if it's very easy to do and I've got it right away.

And this includes by the way those external links I'm into, uh, an

item of content here that is at my level and of interest to me.

And I did it quickly.

And therefore I can spend more time with the language.

So I think that's very important.

Let's talk about, uh, the lesson page and the improvements

that have happened within it.

What are your favorite improvements in the lesson page?

Um, well, I, I like if I'm on the browser, uh, in other words on my

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Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: How Polyglot Steve Kaufmann Uses LingQ 5.0 (1) Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: Wie der Polyglott Steve Kaufmann LingQ 5.0 verwendet (1) Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: How Polyglot Steve Kaufmann Uses LingQ 5.0 (1) Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: Cómo el políglota Steve Kaufmann usa LingQ 5.0 (1) Apprendre l'anglais LingQ Podcast #38 : Comment le polyglotte Steve Kaufmann utilise LingQ 5.0 (1) Imparare l'inglese Podcast LingQ #38: Come il poliglotta Steve Kaufmann usa LingQ 5.0 (1) Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: ポリグロット・スティーブ・カウフマンのLingQ 5.0の使い方 (1) Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: Jak poliglota Steve Kaufmann używa LingQ 5.0 (1) Aprenda Inglês LingQ Podcast #38: Como o poliglota Steve Kaufmann usa o LingQ 5.0 (1) Учим английский LingQ Подкаст #38: Как полиглот Стив Кауфман использует LingQ 5.0 (1) Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: Poliglot Steve Kaufmann LingQ 5.0'ı Nasıl Kullanıyor (1) Вивчаємо англійську LingQ Подкаст #38: Як поліглот Стів Кауфман використовує LingQ 5.0 (1) 学习英语 LingQ 播客 #38:通晓多种语言的 Steve Kaufmann 如何使用 LingQ 5.0 (1) 學習英語 LingQ 播客 #38:多語言 Steve Kaufmann 如何使用 LingQ 5.0 (1)

Hi there and welcome to the LingQpodcast with me Elle and my beautiful, ||||||LingQ-Podcast|||||| ||||||LingQ podcast||||||

gigantic corn plant in behind me here. نبات ذرة عملاق|||||| |milho gigante||||| planta de maíz gigante detrás de mí aquí. Una gigantesca pianta di mais qui dietro di me.

English learners. English learners.

Remember you can study this episode and all past episodes of the podcast.

I'll always leave a link to the English lesson on LingQ in

the description of the video.

If you're listening on Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple, Google,

wherever, give us a like, give us a review, show us some love. donde sea, danos un me gusta, danos una reseña, muéstranos un poco de amor.

We really, really appreciate it.

Anyone listening or watching who has never used the LingQ before

today's episode is all about LingQ. |||||لينكQ

I'm joined by LingQ co-founder and polyglot who speaks 20 languages, Steve Con me il cofondatore di LingQ e poliglotta che parla 20 lingue, Steve

Kaufmann, we're going to discuss the new version of LingQ, version five,

which was just released on the web.

So stay tuned if you are a language learner who's interested in hearing Así que permanece atento si eres un estudiante de idiomas que está interesado en escuchar

about how LingQ has changed, the improvements, how Steve is using the

new version to study languages also.

Steve, how are you? ستيف، كيف حالك؟|||

Good morning Elle.

Good morning.

And Where are you... |وأين أنت...||

yes, me too. ||نعم، أنا أيضًا.

Me too.

We have something very special to chat about this morning. ||||||الدردشة|||

Uh, where in the world are you joining us from? Uh, ¿de qué parte del mundo te unes a nosotros?

Well, you can see my bookshelf behind me. |||||Bücherregal|| |||||книжкова полиця|| |||||estante de livros||

Yeah, it's my, uh, portable bookshelf.

No, I'm in Palm Springs and my wife and I come down here in the winter during No, estoy en Palm Springs y mi esposa y yo venimos aquí en el invierno durante

the sort of rainiest months in Vancouver. |||regnerischsten||| |||más lluviosos||| los meses más lluviosos en Vancouver. 这是温哥华降雨最多的月份。

And so I'm in Palm Springs.

I'm going to chat with you today about LingQ version five.

So a brand new, all new LingQ, which was just launched.

It has been launched for a little while on the iPhone app now and was Se ha lanzado por un tiempo en la aplicación para iPhone ahora y fue

launched two weeks ago on the web.

So we've of course, within the LingQ team we've been using version five for over

a year now, just testing it, figuring out, you know, getting rid of all the há um ano, apenas a testá-lo, a descobrir, sabe, a livrar-se de todos os

bugs and making it as good as it can be. errores y haciéndolo tan bueno como puede ser.

So what would you say first off are the, the major changes that

anyone who was using the old LingQ and will now start to use the new

LingQ will notice in version five?

The biggest thing is to me, the initial thing is just uh, I find A coisa mais importante para mim, a coisa inicial é apenas uh, eu acho

that the look, the look and feel the environment that you are in when que o aspeto, o aspeto e a sensação do ambiente em que se encontra quando

learning languages is better, it's more pleasing, it's graphically better. ||||||||grafisch besser| ||||||||gráficamente|

And I think he's worth thinking about LingQ, like LingQ...

it's not a product that is sort of stationary, stable, uh, ever since ||||||||stationär|||| no es un producto que sea estacionario, estable, eh, desde entonces non si tratta di un prodotto che è stabile e stazionario. não é um produto que seja estacionário, estável, desde

we started and things keep changing.

Um, you know, user interface, standards change they're ||||Benutzeroberfläche||| A interface do utilizador, as normas mudam, são 嗯,你知道,用户界面,标准改变了

influenced by different things.

So our library has more of a Netflix look because Netflix didn't exist 所以我们的图书馆看起来更像 Netflix,因为 Netflix 不存在

when we started LingQ back whenever it was 15 or more years ago. cuando comenzamos LingQ hace 15 años o más.

Um, I think is an amazing project.

I think people don't realize how many people are involved.

We have developers and other people, uh, on our team who live

in Ukraine, who live in Macedonia, in Korea, in Bolivia, in Ghana. |||||Mazedonien|||||| |||||Macedonia||||||

I'm sure I've left a few countries out, Canada of course. 我确定我已经离开了几个国家,当然是加拿大。

So it's, it's, it's an example of the world we live in, which is very

international with lots of different locations and people collaborating and we ||||||||zusammenarbeiten||

all follow the technology as it changes.

And I think what...

let's start with what people won't notice. Comencemos con lo que la gente no notará.

They won't notice the fact that LingQ has been completely rewritten, uh, because ||||||||||neu geschrieben|| ||||||||||reescrito completamente||

we needed a platform that makes it easier for us to make changes going forward necesitábamos una plataforma que nos facilitara hacer cambios en el futuro

because everything is constantly changing.

And so that's, to me is the biggest thing and think it's a different

look and it's a new platform which will enable us to more easily add

functions and improve functions.

I think that's the biggest thing, but I can get into more detail on Penso que esse é o aspeto mais importante, mas posso entrar em mais pormenores sobre

functionality that I particularly like.



Please do what, uh what's, what is your favorite change?


My favorite change is the library because language learning starts

with content, comprehensible input, compelling input, content. ||||cativante||

So we have more content available now, not only in our libraries, but

also through these external links, which allow us to bring things in more |||externen|||||||||

easily from YouTube or from podcasts.

Uh, and it's easier to find things in the library and not only that

it's easier to import things.

So if you have something of interest to you, again, it's easier to bring

it in and slot it into a course. introdúzcalo y colóquelo en un curso. 将其放入课程中。

So to me, one of the biggest improvements is it's just easier and more attractive

to handle content, and content is... ||conteúdo||| para manejar el contenido, y el contenido es... para lidar com o conteúdo, e o conteúdo é...

that's the curiosity.

That's the thing you want to learn about that pulls you into language learning. Eso es lo que quieres aprender y lo que te empuja a aprender idiomas. それはあなたが言語学習にあなたを引き込むことについてあなたが学びたいことです。

So I think that's very important.


I have to agree.

I really, really love the way the library looks. 我真的,真的很喜欢图书馆的样子。

And it is...

the way the category categories are, which you can customize, you can choose |||||||||anpassen|||

which categories you'd like to see.

And there's just so much content.

A lot of people don't like to, or don't want to import, they don't want

to find content online themselves.

And that's fine.

Because within the library, it's so easy.

There's just so much, so, yeah.

That's, I think that's probably my favorite change too.

Yeah, I think that's tremendous.

The, um, now the lesson page, now you said we, we had it for a

year and worked out all the bugs. año y solucionado todos los fallos.

Of course not all the bugs.

It's so difficult to anticipate, there are different screen ||||vorhersehen||||

sizes, different browsers. Größen (1)||Browser

There's so many different combinations. ||||Kombinationen

So while we had a team of QA people working to iron out the most obvious bugs. |||||||Qualitätssicherung||||||||| |||||||||||resolver||||| |||||||control de calidad|||||||||

There are still a few things there that have to be ironed out. |||||||||||ausgearbeitet| |||||||||||resueltas| ||||||lá|que||||resolvidas|

But, uh, the other thing I think right up front that I really like is we Pero, uh, la otra cosa que creo que desde el principio que realmente me gusta es que Mas, uh, a outra coisa que penso logo à partida e que gosto muito é que

have replaced the avatar with coins. |||das Avatar|| substituíram o avatar por moedas. 已经用硬币代替了头像。

And not only that, we, you now get credit sort of on a granular |||||||||||||detailliert Y no solo eso, nosotros, usted ahora obtiene crédito en forma granular

basis for so many more activities.

Uh, you know, for every page you've read for, uh, listening, even down

to, uh, you know, not having listen to the whole, uh, of the lesson. a, eh, ya sabes, no haber escuchado toda la lección.

So I found myself in the old system in order to maintain my streaks, I had to 所以我发现自己在旧系统中为了保持我的连胜纪录,我不得不

go and create X number of LingQs, but very often I have so many saved LingQs. 去创建X个LingQ,但我经常保存这么多LingQ。

I want to go back and read something again. 我想回去再读一些东西。

Where there are no blue words uh, just yellow words. 没有蓝字的地方,呃,只有黄字。

In other words, words that I have have previously met and looked up, 换句话说,我以前遇到过并查过的话,

but still don't know, but I wasn't getting any credit for doing that. pero aún no lo sé. 但仍然不知道,但我没有因为这样做而得到任何赞誉。

Now, if you go in there and read again and you find a, a word that's a yellow 现在,如果你进去再读一遍,你会发现一个,一个黄色的词

word, that's maybe status one and you move it to status two or sad as three 字,那可能是状态一,你把它移到状态二或悲伤为三

a you're getting credit for that.

Or if I go into the vocabulary section, and this is something that I like to

do, and that I recommend to people.

Uh, I'm not a big fan of flashcards.

Other people like flashcards.

That's great.

I like going through lists of words.

So I go to the vocabulary section and typically I'll 所以我去词汇部分,通常我会

choose only status three words. scegliere solo tre parole di stato. 只选择状态三个字。

These are words that I'm somewhat familiar with, but not yet confident

that I know, but typically in amongst those words, a certain percentage, ||||||among|||||

maybe 20% are words that I already know.

So typically if I'm reading, I eventually come across these Así que, normalmente, si estoy leyendo, al final me encuentro con esto

words and I'll move them to known.

But if I go into my vocabulary section and say, I just want to see 但是如果我进入我的词汇部分并说,我只是想看看

status three words, then all those words will show up in one list. status 三个单词,然后所有这些单词将显示在一个列表中。

Then I can go through the, those words and move them to known.

And as I do that, I get lots of coins for doing it.

And just as an aside, I can filter, I can either see these words in Y sólo como un aparte, puedo filtrar, puedo ver estas palabras en 顺便说一句,我可以过滤,我可以看到这些词

alphabetical order, which is very helpful because you'll find three alphabetischer||||||||| alfabético||||||||| 按字母顺序,这很有帮助,因为你会发现三个

or four or five words that have the same prefix and others begin with the

same letters or with the same letter.

And you'll start to see connections in meaning between words that have similar

beginnings very helpful, or I will review these words in order of their frequency.

And so there obviously aren't going to have a higher percentage of known

words in those status three words where the words are higher frequency, not

always, but that tends to be the case. 总是,但情况往往如此。

So doing all these different activities or even, uh, you know, listening, I'll

be listening on a, say a playlist and I'm getting credit in the form of coins. ||||||||||crédito|||||

Now, some people would say, what are the coins good for?

You can't spend them.

You can't buy anything with them, at best you can repair a streak. Não se pode comprar nada com eles, na melhor das hipóteses é possível reparar uma linha.

That's fine.

But it's just that.

It's just an indicator of where you are. |||Indikator||||

Uh, you know, there's so many things in life where we get

points or we get a score, a grade, you can't do anything with it. |||||||Note (1)||||||

It's just a measure of what you have achieved.

What I think is important about coins is it measures your activity level.

And I always say, it's not, it's difficult to measure how good you ||||it is||||||||

are at any given time, because you might be better one day and not as

good the next day for any number of. 翌日は何人でもいいです。

But as long as you are active, you are heading in the right direction.

And the coins is an indicator that you're being active.


And you mentioned the avatar there.

Just want to say that some people did like the avatar.

We will be saying a farewell in our special way to the avatar and allowing |||||farewell||||||||| |||||uma despedida||||||||| Estaremos despidiendo de nuestra manera especial al avatar y permitiendo 我们将以特殊的方式向化身告别,并允许

people to share what their avatar looked like at the end of version

four, but, um, yes, I agree coins much better way of tracking activity. |||||||||||monitoramento|

We can't satisfy everybody. ||allen gerecht werden|

You know, there are people who prefer the look of the old LingQ, prefer the avatar. 古いLingQの外観を好み、アバターを好む人がいます。

At some point, though Mark and his team have to decide going forward

what's in the best interest of most people in our learning community. 私たちの学習コミュニティのほとんどの人にとって何が一番の利益になるのか。


Now importing, you, you do a lot of importing on LingQ,

uh, what do you think...

cause this is another favorite part of aspect of the new version

for me personally, what do you think of the new import page where

you actually add your content?


Whether I'm using the browser extension or whether I'm using, you

know, actually import, you know, and dragging something in, it's so

much easier to find the course, you know, where you want to put this...

I can't, I can't explain in detail why it's easier, but it's just so much easier.

So I go to the import page, I just find it so much easier to manage.

I can drag and drop audio files. Posso arrastar e largar ficheiros de áudio. 我可以拖放音频文件。

I kind of go through all of it, but it's just so much less of a chore to import. ||||||||||||||||uma tarefa|| Lo reviso todo, pero es mucho menos complicado importarlo. 私はそれをすべてやり通しますが、インポートするのはそれほど面倒ではありません。 Eu passo por tudo isso, mas é muito menos trabalhoso importar. 我有点经历了所有这一切,但导入的工作要少得多。

And that's important because in language learning, every time we

simplify things, every time we make it easier to do something where,

you know, we're increasing the intensity of the learning experience. ご存知のように、私たちは学習体験の強度を高めています。

If I spend all kinds of time looking for content, importing content,

something didn't work, and I've spent half an hour/ an hour now I'm

trying to create learning content. tentar criar conteúdos de aprendizagem.

Whereas if it's very easy to do and I've got it right away. Mientras que si es muy fácil de hacer y lo tengo de inmediato. Ao passo que se for muito fácil de fazer e eu o tiver imediatamente.

And this includes by the way those external links I'm into, uh, an

item of content here that is at my level and of interest to me.

And I did it quickly.

And therefore I can spend more time with the language.

So I think that's very important.

Let's talk about, uh, the lesson page and the improvements

that have happened within it. que han ocurrido en su interior.

What are your favorite improvements in the lesson page? Jakie są twoje ulubione ulepszenia na stronie lekcji?

Um, well, I, I like if I'm on the browser, uh, in other words on my