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•TED TALKS•, Eleanor Longden: The voices in my head

Eleanor Longden: The voices in my head

The day I left home for the first time to go to university was a bright day brimming with hope and optimism.

I'd done well at school. Expectations for me were high, and I gleefully entered the student life of lectures, parties and traffic cone theft. Now appearances, of course, can be deceptive, and to an extent, this feisty, energetic persona of lecture-going and traffic cone stealing was a veneer, albeit a very well-crafted and convincing one.

Underneath, I was actually deeply unhappy, insecure and fundamentally frightened -- frightened of other people, of the future, of failure and of the emptiness that I felt was within me. But I was skilled at hiding it, and from the outside appeared to be someone with everything to hope for and aspire to. This fantasy of invulnerability was so complete that I even deceived myself, and as the first semester ended and the second began, there was no way that anyone could have predicted what was just about to happen. I was leaving a seminar when it started, humming to myself, fumbling with my bag just as I'd done a hundred times before, when suddenly I heard a voice calmly observe, "She is leaving the room.

I looked around, and there was no one there, but the clarity and decisiveness of the comment was unmistakable.

Shaken, I left my books on the stairs and hurried home, and there it was again. "She is opening the door. This was the beginning.

The voice had arrived. And the voice persisted, days and then weeks of it, on and on, narrating everything I did in the third person. "She is going to the library.

"She is going to a lecture.

" It was neutral, impassive and even, after a while, strangely companionate and reassuring, although I did notice that its calm exterior sometimes slippedand that it occasionally mirrored my own unexpressed emotion. So, for example, if I was angry and had to hide it, which I often did, being very adept at concealing how I really felt,then the voice would sound frustrated. Otherwise, it was neither sinister nor disturbing,although even at that point it was clear that it had something to communicate to me about my emotions, particularly emotions which were remote and inaccessible. Now it was then that I made a fatal mistake, in that I told a friend about the voice, and she was horrified.

A subtle conditioning process had begun, the implication that normal people don't hear voices and the fact that I did meant that something was very seriously wrong.Such fear and mistrust was infectious. Suddenly the voice didn't seem quite so benign anymore, and when she insisted that I seek medical attention, I duly complied, and which proved to be mistake number two. I spent some time telling the college G.P.

about what I perceived to be the real problem:anxiety, low self-worth, fears about the future, and was met with bored indifference until I mentioned the voice, upon which he dropped his pen, swung round and began to question me with a show of real interest. And to be fair, I was desperate for interest and help, and I began to tell him about my strange commentator. And I always wish, at this point, the voice had said, "She is digging her own grave. I was referred to a psychiatrist, who likewise took a grim view of the voice's presence,subsequently interpreting everything I said through a lens of latent insanity.

For example, I was part of a student TV station that broadcast news bulletins around the campus, and during an appointment which was running very late, I said, "I'm sorry, doctor, I've got to go.I'm reading the news at six. " Now it's down on my medical records that Eleanor has delusions that she's a television news broadcaster. It was at this point that events began to rapidly overtake me.

A hospital admission followed, the first of many, a diagnosis of schizophrenia came next, and then, worst of all, a toxic, tormenting sense of hopelessness, humiliation and despair about myself and my prospects. But having been encouraged to see the voice not as an experience but as a symptom, my fear and resistance towards it intensified.

Now essentially, this represented taking an aggressive stance towards my own mind, a kind of psychic civil war, and in turn this caused the number of voices to increase and grow progressively hostile and menacing. Helplessly and hopelessly, I began to retreat into this nightmarish inner world in which the voices were destined to become both my persecutors and my only perceived companions. They told me, for example, that if I proved myself worthy of their help, then they could change my life back to how it had been, and a series of increasingly bizarre tasks was set, a kind of labor of Hercules. It started off quite small, for example, pull out three strands of hair, but gradually it grew more extreme, culminating in commands to harm myself, and a particularly dramatic instruction: "You see that tutor over there?

You see that glass of water? Well, you have to go over and pour it over him in front of the other students. Which I actually did, and which needless to say did not endear me to the faculty.

In effect, a vicious cycle of fear, avoidance, mistrust and misunderstanding had been established, and this was a battle in which I felt powerless and incapable of establishing any kind of peace or reconciliation.

Two years later, and the deterioration was dramatic.

By now, I had the whole frenzied repertoire: terrifying voices, grotesque visions, bizarre, intractable delusions. My mental health status had been a catalyst for discrimination, verbal abuse, and physical and sexual assault, and I'd been told by my psychiatrist, "Eleanor, you'd be better off with cancer,because cancer is easier to cure than schizophrenia. " I'd been diagnosed, drugged and discarded, and was by now so tormented by the voices that I attempted to drill a hole in my head in order to get them out. Now looking back on the wreckage and despair of those years, it seems to me now as if someone died in that place, and yet, someone else was saved.

A broken and haunted person began that journey, but the person who emerged was a survivor and would ultimately grow into the person I was destined to be. Many people have harmed me in my life, and I remember them all, but the memories grow pale and faint in comparison with the people who've helped me.

The fellow survivors, the fellow voice-hearers, the comrades and collaborators; the mother who never gave up on me,who knew that one day I would come back to her and was willing to wait for me for as long as it took; the doctor who only worked with me for a brief time but who reinforced his belief that recovery was not only possible but inevitable, and during a devastating period of relapsetold my terrified family, "Don't give up hope. I believe that Eleanor can get through this.Sometimes, you know, it snows as late as May, but summer always comes eventually. Fourteen minutes is not enough time to fully credit those good and generous people who fought with me and for me and who waited to welcome me back from that agonized, lonely place.

But together, they forged a blend of courage, creativity, integrity, and an unshakeable belief that my shattered self could become healed and whole. I used to say that these people saved me, but what I now know is they did something even more important in that they empowered me to save myself, and crucially, they helped me to understand somethingwhich I'd always suspected: that my voices were a meaningful response to traumatic life events, particularly childhood events, and as such were not my enemies but a source of insight into solvable emotional problems. Now, at first, this was very difficult to believe, not least because the voices appeared so hostile and menacing, so in this respect, a vital first step was learning to separate out a metaphorical meaning from what I'd previously interpreted to be a literal truth.

So for example, voices which threatened to attack my home I learned to interpret as my own sense of fear and insecurity in the world, rather than an actual, objective danger. Now at first, I would have believed them.

I remember, for example, sitting up one night on guard outside my parents' room to protect them from what I thought was a genuine threat from the voices. Because I'd had such a bad problem with self-injury that most of the cutlery in the house had been hidden, so I ended up arming myself with a plastic fork, kind of like picnic ware, and sort of sat outside the room clutching it and waiting to spring into action should anything happen. It was like, "Don't mess with me. I've got a plastic fork, don't you know? " Strategic. But a later response, and much more useful, would be to try and deconstruct the message behind the words, so when the voices warned me not to leave the house, then I would thank them for drawing my attention to how unsafe I felt -- because if I was aware of it, then I could do something positive about it -- but go on to reassure both them and myself that we were safe and didn't need to feel frightened anymore.

I would set boundaries for the voices, and try to interact with them in a way that was assertive yet respectful, establishing a slow process of communication and collaboration in which we could learn to work together and support one another. Throughout all of this, what I would ultimately realize was that each voice was closely related to aspects of myself, and that each of them carried overwhelming emotions that I'd never had an opportunity to process or resolve, memories of sexual trauma and abuse, of anger, shame, guilt, low self-worth.

The voices took the place of this pain and gave words to it, and possibly one of the greatest revelations was when I realized that the most hostile and aggressive voices actually represented the parts of me that had been hurt most profoundly,and as such, it was these voices that needed to be shown the greatest compassion and care. It was armed with this knowledge that ultimately I would gather together my shattered self,each fragment represented by a different voice, gradually withdraw from all my medication,and return to psychiatry, only this time from the other side.

Ten years after the voice first came, I finally graduated, this time with the highest degree in psychology the university had ever given, and one year later, the highest masters, which shall we say isn't bad for a madwoman. In fact, one of the voices actually dictated the answers during the exam, which technically possibly counts as cheating. (Laughter)

And to be honest, sometimes I quite enjoyed their attention as well.

As Oscar Wilde has said, the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. It also makes you very good at eavesdropping, because you can listen to two conversations simultaneously. So it's not all bad. I worked in mental health services, I spoke at conferences, I published book chapters and academic articles, and I argued, and continue to do so, the relevance of the following concept: that an important question in psychiatry shouldn't be what's wrong with you but rather what's happened to you.

And all the while, I listened to my voices, with whom I'd finally learned to live with peace and respect and which in turn reflected a growing sense of compassion, acceptance and respect towards myself. And I remember the most moving and extraordinary moment when supporting another young woman who was terrorized by her voices, and becoming fully aware, for the very first time, that I no longer felt that way myself but was finally able to help someone else who was. I'm now very proud to be a part of Intervoice, the organizational body of the International Hearing Voices Movement, an initiative inspired by the work of Professor Marius Rommeand Dr. Sandra Escher, which locates voice hearing as a survival strategy, a sane reaction to insane circumstances, not as an aberrant symptom of schizophrenia to be endured, but a complex, significant and meaningful experience to be explored.

Together, we envisage and enact a society that understands and respects voice hearing, supports the needs of individuals who hear voices, and which values them as full citizens. This type of society is not only possible, it's already on its way. To paraphrase Chavez, once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. For me, the achievements of the Hearing Voices Movement are a reminder that empathy, fellowship, justice and respect are more than words; they are convictions and beliefs, and that beliefs can change the world.

In the last 20 years, the Hearing Voices Movement has established hearing voices networks in 26 countries across five continents, working together to promote dignity, solidarity and empowerment for individuals in mental distress, to create a new language and practice of hope, which, at its very center, lies an unshakable belief in the power of the individual. As Peter Levine has said, the human animal is a unique being endowed with an instinctual capacity to heal and the intellectual spirit to harness this innate capacity.

In this respect, for members of society, there is no greater honor or privilege than facilitating that process of healing for someone, to bear witness, to reach out a hand, to share the burden of someone's suffering, and to hold the hope for their recovery. And likewise, for survivors of distress and adversity, that we remember we don't have to live our lives forever defined by the damaging things that have happened to us. We are unique. We are irreplaceable. What lies within us can never be truly colonized, contorted, or taken away. The light never goes out. As a very wonderful doctor once said to me, "Don't tell me what other people have told you about yourself.

Tell me about you. Thank you.


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Eleanor Longden: The voices in my head |Лонгден||||| |||Stimmen|||Kopf Eleanor Longden: Die Stimmen in meinem Kopf Eleanor Longden: Η φωνή στο κεφάλι μου Eleanor Longden: Las voces en mi cabeza Eleanor Longden : Les voix dans ma tête Eleanor Longden: Le voci nella mia testa エレノア・ロングデン頭の中の声 엘리너 롱든: 내 머릿속의 목소리 Eleonora Longden: Balsai mano galvoje Eleanor Longden: Głosy w mojej głowie Eleanor Longden: As vozes na minha cabeça Элеонора Лонгден: Голоса в моей голове Eleanor Longden: Kafamın içindeki sesler Елеонора Лонгден: Голоси в моїй голові 埃莉诺·朗登:我脑海中的声音 埃莉诺-朗登我脑海中的声音

The day I left home for the first time to go to university was a bright day brimming with hope and optimism. |||||||||||||||||переполненный|||| |||||||||||||||||débordante de|||| |||||||||||||||||filled with|||| |||||||||||||||||transbordando de|||| |||||||||||||||||voller||||Optimismus |||||||||||||||||brimming|||| |||||||||||||||||rebosante de|||| В тот день, когда я впервые покинул дом, я отправился в университет, был яркий день, наполненный надеждой и оптимизмом. 我第一次離開家去上大學的那天是充滿希望和樂觀的美好一天。

I’d done well at school. Tinha-me saído bem na escola. Я хорошо учился в школе. Expectations for me were high, and I gleefully entered the student life of lectures, parties and traffic cone theft. |||||||с радостью||||||||||| |||||||avec joie||||||||||| |||||||with joy||||||||||road safety marker| |||||||com alegria||||||||||cone de trânsito|roubo de cones Erwartungen|||||||freudig||||||Vorlesungen|||Verkehrs-|Verkehrshütchen|Diebstahl von Verkehrshütchen |||||||with joy||||||lectures|||||theft = stealing |||||||con alegría||||||||||| Die Erwartungen an mich waren hoch, und ich stürzte mich freudig in das Studentenleben mit seinen Vorlesungen, Partys und dem Diebstahl von Verkehrsleitkegeln. Mis expectativas eran altas y me incorporé alegremente a la vida estudiantil de conferencias, fiestas y robo de conos de tráfico. On attendait beaucoup de moi et je suis entré avec joie dans la vie étudiante, faite de conférences, de fêtes et de vols de cônes de signalisation. As expectativas para mim eram elevadas e entrei alegremente na vida estudantil de palestras, festas e roubo de cones de trânsito. Ожидания для меня были высоки, и я радостно вошел в студенческую жизнь лекций, вечеринок и воровства дорожных конусов. 人们对我的期望很高,我兴高采烈地进入了讲座、聚会和交通锥盗窃的学生生活。 人們對我的期望很高,我興高采烈地進入了講座、聚會和交通錐盜竊的學生生活。 Now appearances, of course, can be deceptive, and to an extent, this feisty, energetic persona of lecture-going and traffic cone stealing was a veneer, albeit a very well-crafted and convincing one. ||||||||||||задорный||||||||||||оболочка|||||||| ||||||||||||pugnace|||||||||||||||||||| |appearances|||||misleading||to||to some degree||spirited and energetic||||||||||||facade|although||||||| ||||||enganadora||||||arrojada||||||||||||verniz|embora seja||||bem elaborada||| |Erscheinungen|||||trügerisch||||gewissem Maße||temperamentvoll||Persönlichkeit||||||||||Fassade|wenn auch|||gut gemacht|||| ||||||deceptive||||||energetic||||||||||||veneer|although||||crafted||| Jetzt kann der Schein natürlich trügerisch sein, und bis zu einem gewissen Grad war diese resolute, energische Person, die Vorlesungen hielt und Leitkegel stahl, ein Furnier, wenn auch ein sehr gut gemachtes und überzeugendes. Las apariencias, por supuesto, engañan y, hasta cierto punto, esa personalidad enérgica y luchadora que se dedicaba a dar conferencias y a robar conos de tráfico era una fachada, aunque muy bien elaborada y convincente. Maintenant, bien sûr, les apparences peuvent être trompeuses, et dans une certaine mesure, ce personnage fougueux et énergique de cours magistraux et de vol de cônes de signalisation était un placage, bien que très bien conçu et convaincant. もちろん、見かけは欺くことができる。講演会に出たり、交通コーンを盗んだりする、この気迫に満ちたエネルギッシュな人格は、ある程度までは、非常によく練られた説得力のあるものではあるが、見せかけのものだった。 Конечно, видимость, конечно, может быть обманчивой, и в какой-то степени эта злобная, энергичная персона во время лекционного и дорожного конуса была шпоном, хотя и очень хорошо продуманным и убедительным. 當然,外表可能具有欺騙性,在某種程度上,這種活躍、充滿活力的聽講座和偷交通錐的形像只是一種偽裝,儘管是精心設計和令人信服的。

Underneath, I was actually deeply unhappy, insecure and fundamentally frightened -- frightened of other people, of the future, of failure and of the emptiness that I felt was within me. En dessous||||||insecure|||||||||||||||||||||| Darunter||||||||||verängstigt|||||||||||||||||| Sotto||||||||||||||||||||||emptiness|||||| debajo de|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||vazio|||||| No fundo, eu era profundamente infeliz, insegura e fundamentalmente assustada - com medo dos outros, do futuro, do fracasso e do vazio que sentia dentro de mim. 在內心深處,我實際上非常不快樂、沒有安全感,而且從根本上感到害怕——害怕別人、害怕未來、害怕失敗和我內心的空虛。 But I was skilled at hiding it, and from the outside appeared to be someone with everything to hope for and aspire to. Aber|||||verbergen||||||schien||||||||||anstreben| Aber ich war geschickt darin, es zu verbergen, und von außen schien ich jemand zu sein, der alles zu hoffen und anzustreben hatte. Mais j'étais habile à le cacher et, de l'extérieur, j'apparaissais comme quelqu'un qui avait tout ce qu'il fallait pour espérer et aspirer. Mas eu era hábil a escondê-lo e, do lado de fora, parecia ser alguém com tudo o que se podia esperar e aspirar. Но я умел скрывать это, и со стороны оказалось кем-то со всем, на что можно было надеяться и стремиться. 但我很擅長隱藏它,從外表上看,我似乎是一個擁有一切希望和渴望的人。 This fantasy of invulnerability was so complete that I even deceived myself, and as the first semester ended and the second began, there was no way that anyone could have predicted what was just about to happen. |||Unverwundbarkeit|||||||täuschte||||||||||||||||||||vorhersehen können||||||geschehen |||sense of invincibility||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||deceived|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||enganado|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ce fantasme d'invulnérabilité était si complet que je me trompais moi-même, et alors que le premier semestre se terminait et que le second commençait, personne n'aurait pu prédire ce qui était sur le point de se produire. Эта фантазия неуязвимости была настолько полной, что я даже обманул себя, и когда первый семестр закончился, а второй начался, никто не мог предсказать, что должно было произойти. 這種刀槍不入的幻想是如此徹底,連我自己都欺騙了自己,隨著第一學期的結束,第二學期的開始,沒有人能夠預料到即將發生的事情。 I was leaving a seminar when it started, humming to myself, fumbling with my bag just as I’d done a hundred times before, when suddenly I heard a voice calmly observe, "She is leaving the room. |||||||||||нащупывая сумку|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||summend|||herumfummeln|||||||||||||||||||beobachten||ist||| ||||||||humming softly|||awkwardly handling|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||humming|||fumbling|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||cantando baixinho|||tateando|||||||||||||||||||||||| كنت أغادر الندوة عندما بدأت ، أحنن لنفسي ، أتحسس حقيبتي تمامًا كما فعلت مائة مرة من قبل ، عندما سمعت فجأة صوتًا يلاحظ بهدوء ، "إنها تغادر الغرفة. Salía de un seminario cuando empezó, tarareando para mis adentros, rebuscando en mi bolso como había hecho cientos de veces antes, cuando de repente oí una voz que observaba con calma: "Está abandonando la sala". Je quittais un séminaire lorsqu'il a commencé, fredonnant pour moi-même, fouillant dans mon sac comme je l'avais fait des centaines de fois auparavant, quand soudain j'ai entendu une voix observer calmement : "Elle quitte la salle. Я покидал семинар, когда это началось, напевая себе, возиться с моей сумкой, как я это делал сто раз раньше, когда внезапно я услышал, как голос спокойно заметил: «Она выходит из комнаты. 研討會開始時,我正要離開,一邊自言自語,一邊摸索著我的包,就像我以前做過一百次一樣,突然我聽到一個聲音平靜地觀察到:“她要離開房間。

I looked around, and there was no one there, but the clarity and decisiveness of the comment was unmistakable. |||||||||||||решительность||||| |||||||||||||firmness|||||unmistakable |||||||||||||decisão clara||||| |||||||||||||Entschlossenheit||||| |||||||||||clarity||decisiveness|||||inconfondibile |||||||||||||decisión clara|||||inconfundible نظرت حولي ، ولم يكن هناك أحد ، لكن وضوح التعليق وحسمه كان واضحًا. J'ai regardé autour de moi et il n'y avait personne, mais la clarté et le caractère décisif du commentaire étaient indéniables. Olhei em volta e não estava lá ninguém, mas a clareza e a determinação do comentário eram inconfundíveis. Я огляделся, и там никого не было, но ясность и решительность комментария были безошибочны. 我環顧四周,雖然沒有人,但是這句話的清晰和果斷卻是不容置疑的。

Shaken, I left my books on the stairs and hurried home, and there it was again. ||||||||||||dort war es||| emotionally disturbed||||||||||||||| Erschüttert ließ ich meine Bücher auf der Treppe liegen und eilte nach Hause, und da war es wieder. Temblorosa, dejé los libros en las escaleras y me apresuré a volver a casa, y allí estaba de nuevo. Abalado, deixei os meus livros nas escadas e corri para casa, e lá estava ele outra vez. Встряхнувшись, я оставил свои книги на лестнице и поспешил домой, и снова это было. 我渾身顫抖,把書留在樓梯上,急忙跑回家,結果又出現了。 "She is opening the door. This was the beginning.

The voice had arrived. A voz tinha chegado. And the voice persisted, days and then weeks of it, on and on, narrating everything I did in the third person. |||||||||||||рассказывая||||||| |||beharrte||||||||||erzählen von allem||||||| |||||||||||||describing my actions||||||| |||||||semanas||||y|continuamente|||||||| E a voz persistiu, dias e semanas depois, sem parar, narrando tudo o que eu fazia na terceira pessoa. И голос продолжался, дни, а затем и недели, и так далее, рассказывая все, что я сделал в третьем лице. 這個聲音持續了幾天,然後幾週,不斷地以第三人稱講述我所做的一切。 "She is going to the library.

"She is going to a lecture. "Ela vai a uma palestra.

" It was neutral, impassive and even, after a while, strangely companionate and reassuring, although I did notice that its calm exterior sometimes slippedand that it occasionally mirrored my own unexpressed emotion. |||безразличный|||||||дружеский||||||||||||соскользнуло|||||||| |||emotionless|||||||Friendly and supportive||comforting||||||||||slipped and revealed|||||||unvoiced| ||||||||||compassivo||||||||||||escorregou|||||||| |||unbeteiligt|||||||kameradschaftlich||beruhigend||||||||äußere Erscheinung||verrutschte und|||gelegentlich||||| ||||||||||companionate||reassuring||||||||||slipped and|||||||unexpressed| |era||impasible||||||||||||||||||||||||||| "لقد كانت محايدة وغير عاطفية وحتى ، بعد فترة ، كانت رفيقة ومطمئنة بشكل غريب ، على الرغم من أنني لاحظت أن شكلها الخارجي الهادئ ينزلق أحيانًا وأنه يعكس أحيانًا مشاعري غير المعلنة. " Sie war neutral, teilnahmslos und nach einer Weile sogar seltsam kameradschaftlich und beruhigend, obwohl ich bemerkte, dass ihre ruhige Ausstrahlung manchmal abfiel und dass sie gelegentlich meine eigenen unausgesprochenen Gefühle widerspiegelte. "Era neutral, impasible e incluso, al cabo de un rato, extrañamente compañera y tranquilizadora, aunque noté que su calma exterior a veces se resbalaba y que en ocasiones reflejaba mis propias emociones no expresadas. «C'était neutre, impassible et même, au bout d'un moment, étrangement compagnon et rassurant, même si j'ai remarqué que son extérieur calme glissait parfois et qu'il reflétait parfois ma propre émotion inexprimée. "Era neutrale, impassibile e perfino, dopo un po', stranamente amichevole e rassicurante, anche se notavo che la sua calma esteriore a volte scivolava e che di tanto in tanto rispecchiava le mie emozioni inespresse. " Era neutra, impassível e até, passado algum tempo, estranhamente companheira e tranquilizadora, embora eu notasse que o seu exterior calmo por vezes escorregava e que, ocasionalmente, espelhava a minha própria emoção não expressa. «Это было нейтрально, безразлично и даже через некоторое время, странно сопутствующее и обнадеживающее, хотя я заметил, что его спокойный внешний вид иногда сжимался и что он иногда отражал мои собственные невыраженные эмоции. “它是中立的,冷漠的,甚至在一段時間後,奇怪地陪伴和令人安心,儘管我確實注意到它平靜的外表有時會消失,它偶爾會反映出我自己未表達的情感。 So, for example, if I was angry and had to hide it, which I often did, being very adept at concealing how I really felt,then the voice would sound frustrated. ||||||||||||||||||умел|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||sehr geschickt||verbergen|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||skilled||hiding masking suppressing|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||skilled|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||ocultando|||||||||| لذلك ، على سبيل المثال ، إذا كنت غاضبًا واضطررت إلى إخفاء ذلك ، وهو ما كنت أفعله غالبًا ، لكوني بارعًا جدًا في إخفاء ما شعرت به حقًا ، فسيبدو الصوت محبطًا. Wenn ich zum Beispiel wütend war und es verbergen musste, was ich oft tat, weil ich sehr geschickt darin war, meine wahren Gefühle zu verbergen, dann klang die Stimme frustriert. Ainsi, par exemple, si j'étais en colère et que je devais le cacher, ce que je faisais souvent, étant très douée pour dissimuler ce que je ressentais vraiment, la voix sonnerait comme une frustration. Così, per esempio, se ero arrabbiata e dovevo nasconderlo, cosa che facevo spesso, essendo molto abile nel nascondere ciò che provavo realmente, la voce suonava frustrata. Assim, por exemplo, se eu estivesse zangado e tivesse de o esconder, o que fazia frequentemente, sendo muito hábil a esconder o que realmente sentia, então a voz soaria frustrada. Так, например, если я злился и должен был скрыть это, что я часто делал, очень умело скрывая, как я действительно себя чувствовал, тогда голос звучал бы расстроенным. 因此,舉例來說,如果我很生氣並且不得不隱藏它(我經常這樣做,非常善於隱藏我的真實感受),那麼聲音聽起來會很沮喪。 Otherwise, it was neither sinister nor disturbing,although even at that point it was clear that it had something to communicate to me about my emotions, particularly emotions which were remote and inaccessible. ||||unheimlich||beunruhigend|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||ominous||||||||||||||||||||||||||distant hidden||out of reach بخلاف ذلك ، لم يكن الأمر شريرًا ولا مزعجًا ، على الرغم من أنه حتى في تلك المرحلة كان من الواضح أن لديه شيئًا ما ليبلغني عن مشاعري ، لا سيما المشاعر التي كانت بعيدة ولا يمكن الوصول إليها. Sinon, il n'était ni sinistre ni inquiétant, même si, à ce moment-là, il était clair qu'il avait quelque chose à me communiquer au sujet de mes émotions, en particulier des émotions qui étaient éloignées et inaccessibles. Per il resto, non era né sinistro né inquietante, anche se già a quel punto era chiaro che aveva qualcosa da comunicarmi sulle mie emozioni, in particolare su quelle remote e inaccessibili. De resto, não era sinistro nem perturbador, embora já nessa altura fosse evidente que tinha algo a dizer-me sobre as minhas emoções, sobretudo emoções remotas e inacessíveis. В противном случае, это не было ни зловещим, ни тревожным, хотя даже в этот момент было ясно, что ему есть что-то сообщить мне о моих эмоциях, особенно о эмоциях, которые были далеки и недоступны. Now it was then that I made a fatal mistake, in that I told a friend about the voice, and she was horrified. ||||||||deadly|||||||||||||| الآن ، لقد ارتكبت خطأ فادحًا ، حيث أخبرت صديقة عن الصوت ، وكانت مرعوبة. Fu allora che commisi un errore fatale: parlai della voce a un'amica, che rimase inorridita. Foi nessa altura que cometi um erro fatal, pois falei da voz a uma amiga, que ficou horrorizada. Теперь было то, что я совершил роковую ошибку, потому что я рассказал другу о голосе, и она была в ужасе.

A subtle conditioning process had begun, the implication that normal people don’t hear voices and the fact that I did meant that something was very seriously wrong.Such fear and mistrust was infectious. ||Konditionierung||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ansteckend ||influence process||||||||||||||||||indicated|||||||Such|||distrust||contagious Un subtil processus de conditionnement avait commencé, l'implication que les gens normaux n'entendaient pas de voix et le fait que je l'ai fait signifiait que quelque chose n'allait vraiment pas. Cette peur et cette méfiance étaient contagieuses. Era iniziato un sottile processo di condizionamento, con l'implicazione che le persone normali non sentono le voci e che il fatto che io le sentissi significava che c'era qualcosa di molto gravemente sbagliato. Tinha começado um processo de condicionamento subtil, a implicação de que as pessoas normais não ouvem vozes e o facto de eu ouvir significava que algo estava muito errado. Начался процесс тонкого кондиционирования, подразумевающий, что нормальные люди не слышат голоса, и тот факт, что я имел в виду, что что-то было очень серьезно ошибочным. Такой страх и недоверие были заразными. Suddenly the voice didn’t seem quite so benign anymore, and when she insisted that I seek medical attention, I duly complied, and which proved to be mistake number two. |||||||||||||||||||должным образом||||||||| |||||||harmlos|||||darauf bestand|||||||ordnungsgemäß|befolgte|||||||| |||||||harmless||||||||||||as expected|followed the instruction|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||cumpri|||||||| Soudain, la voix ne semblait plus aussi bénigne, et quand elle a insisté pour que je consulte un médecin, je me suis dûment conformée, ce qui s'est avéré être l'erreur numéro deux. Improvvisamente la voce non sembrò più così benigna e quando insistette perché mi rivolgessi a un medico, mi adeguai e questo si rivelò l'errore numero due. De repente, a voz já não parecia tão benigna e, quando ela insistiu para que eu procurasse assistência médica, eu obedeci, o que se revelou o segundo erro. Внезапно голос казался не таким уж мягким, и когда она настояла на том, чтобы я обратилась за медицинской помощью, я должным образом подчинился, и это оказалось ошибкой номер два. I spent some time telling the college G.P. |||||||general practitioner| Pasé algún tiempo diciéndole al G.P. de la universidad. J'ai passé un peu de temps à parler au G.P. du collège. Passei algum tempo a contar ao G.P. da faculdade.

about what I perceived to be the real problem:anxiety, low self-worth, fears about the future, and was met with bored indifference until I mentioned the voice, upon which he dropped his pen, swung round and began to question me with a show of real interest. |||||||||Angst|||Selbstwertgefühl||||||||||gleichgültiges Desinteresse|||erwähnte die Stimme|||||||||drehte sich um|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||swung|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||virou-se|||||||||||| sobre lo que yo percibía como el verdadero problema: ansiedad, baja autoestima, temores sobre el futuro, y se encontró con una aburrida indiferencia hasta que mencioné la voz, momento en el que soltó el bolígrafo, se giró y empezó a interrogarme con una muestra de verdadero interés. à propos de ce que je percevais comme le vrai problème: anxiété, faible estime de soi, craintes pour l'avenir, et j'ai rencontré une indifférence ennuyée jusqu'à ce que je mentionne la voix sur laquelle il a laissé tomber sa plume, s'est retourné et a commencé à m'interroger avec un montrer un réel intérêt. su quello che ritenevo essere il vero problema: ansia, scarsa autostima, paure per il futuro, e fu accolto con annoiata indifferenza fino a quando non menzionai la voce, al che lasciò cadere la penna, si girò e cominciò a interrogarmi con una dimostrazione di reale interesse. sobre o que eu considerava ser o verdadeiro problema: ansiedade, baixa autoestima, medos sobre o futuro, e foi recebido com uma indiferença entediada até eu mencionar a voz, ao que ele largou a caneta, virou-se e começou a interrogar-me com um interesse real. And to be fair, I was desperate for interest and help, and I began to tell him about my strange commentator. Und|||||||||||||||||über||| Et pour être honnête, j'avais désespérément besoin d'intérêt et d'aide, et j'ai commencé à lui parler de mon étrange commentateur. E, a dire il vero, ero alla ricerca disperata di interesse e di aiuto, e cominciai a raccontargli del mio strano commentatore. And I always wish, at this point, the voice had said, "She is digging her own grave. |||||||||||||gräbt||| ||constantly|||||||||||||| Et j'aurais toujours aimé qu'à ce moment-là, la voix dise : "Elle est en train de creuser sa propre tombe. E vorrei sempre che, a questo punto, la voce avesse detto: "Si sta scavando la fossa da sola". И я всегда хотел, чтобы в этот момент голос сказал: «Она копает свою могилу. I was referred to a psychiatrist, who likewise took a grim view of the voice’s presence,subsequently interpreting everything I said through a lens of latent insanity. |||||||||||||||||||||||||латентного| ||||||||||düster||||||anschließend|||||durch||||verborgen|latente Geisteskrankheit |||||||similarly|||serious||||||afterward|||||||||hidden|madness ||||||||||||||||successivamente|||||||||| Me remitieron a un psiquiatra, que también consideró sombría la presencia de la voz e interpretó todo lo que dije a través de una lente de locura latente. J'ai été référé à un psychiatre, qui a également pris une vue sombre de la présence de la voix, interprétant par la suite tout ce que j'ai dit à travers une lentille de folie latente. Sono stata indirizzata a uno psichiatra, che ha anche lui visto in modo negativo la presenza della voce, interpretando poi tutto ciò che dicevo attraverso una lente di pazzia latente. Fui encaminhado para um psiquiatra, que também considerou a presença da voz como algo sombrio, interpretando posteriormente tudo o que eu dizia através de uma lente de insanidade latente.

For example, I was part of a student TV station that broadcast news bulletins around the campus, and during an appointment which was running very late, I said, "I’m sorry, doctor, I’ve got to go.I’m reading the news at six. |||||||||||||Nachrichtenbulletins||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||bulletins|||||||appointment|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||as notícias|notícias||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Por ejemplo, yo formaba parte de un canal de televisión estudiantil que emitía boletines informativos por todo el campus, y durante una cita que se estaba retrasando mucho, le dije: "Lo siento, doctor, tengo que irme. Par exemple, je faisais partie d'une chaîne de télévision étudiante qui diffusait des bulletins d'information sur le campus, et lors d'un rendez-vous qui arrivait très tard, j'ai dit: «Je suis désolé, docteur, je dois y aller. lire les nouvelles à six heures. Per esempio, facevo parte di una stazione televisiva studentesca che trasmetteva notiziari in tutto il campus, e durante un appuntamento che si stava protraendo molto a lungo, ho detto: "Mi dispiace, dottore, devo andare. Leggo il notiziario alle sei". Например, я был частью студенческой телевизионной станции, которая транслировала новостные бюллетени вокруг кампуса, и во время встречи, которая проходила очень поздно, я сказал: «Мне очень жаль, доктор, мне нужно идти. Я читая новости в шесть. " Now it’s down on my medical records that Eleanor has delusions that she’s a television news broadcaster. ||||||||||Wahnvorstellungen|||||| ||||||||||||||||apresentadora de notícias "Ahora consta en mi historial médico que Eleanor tiene delirios de ser presentadora de telediarios. «Maintenant, c'est dans mes dossiers médicaux qu'Eleanor a des illusions sur le fait qu'elle est un diffuseur de nouvelles télévisées. "Ora è scritto nella mia cartella clinica che Eleanor ha la mania di essere un'emittente televisiva. «Теперь мои медицинские данные о том, что у Элеоноры есть заблуждения, что она телевизионная новостная телекомпания. It was at this point that events began to rapidly overtake me. ||||||||||surpass me| Fue en ese momento cuando los acontecimientos empezaron a superarme rápidamente. C'est à ce moment que les événements ont commencé à me dépasser rapidement. Fu a questo punto che gli eventi cominciarono rapidamente a superarmi. Именно в этот момент события начали быстро меня обгонять.

A hospital admission followed, the first of many, a diagnosis of schizophrenia came next, and then, worst of all, a toxic, tormenting sense of hopelessness, humiliation and despair about myself and my prospects. ||Krankenhauseinweisung|||||||||||||||||||quälend||||Demütigung||Verzweiflung|||||Zukunftsaussichten |||||||||||||||||||||agonizing|||despair|||loss of hope||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||desesperança|||||||| Le siguió un ingreso hospitalario, el primero de muchos, un diagnóstico de esquizofrenia y, lo peor de todo, una sensación tóxica y atormentadora de desesperanza, humillación y desesperación sobre mí mismo y mis perspectivas. Il s'en est suivi une hospitalisation, la première d'une longue série, un diagnostic de schizophrénie, puis, pire que tout, un sentiment toxique et tourmentant de désespoir, d'humiliation et de découragement à l'égard de moi-même et de mes perspectives d'avenir. Seguirono un ricovero in ospedale, il primo di molti, una diagnosi di schizofrenia e poi, cosa peggiore di tutte, un senso tossico e tormentoso di mancanza di speranza, umiliazione e disperazione nei confronti di me stesso e delle mie prospettive. Seguiu-se um internamento hospitalar, o primeiro de muitos, um diagnóstico de esquizofrenia e depois, o pior de tudo, uma sensação tóxica e atormentadora de desespero, humilhação e desespero em relação a mim próprio e às minhas perspectivas. Последовали госпитализации, первый из многих - диагноз шизофрении, а затем, что хуже всего, ядовитое, мучительное чувство безнадежности, унижения и отчаяния о себе и моих перспективах. But having been encouraged to see the voice not as an experience but as a symptom, my fear and resistance towards it intensified. |||ermutigt worden|||||nicht|||||||||||Widerstand|||verstärkten sich Mais après avoir été encouragée à considérer la voix non pas comme une expérience mais comme un symptôme, ma peur et ma résistance à son égard se sont intensifiées. Ma dopo essere stato incoraggiato a vedere la voce non come un'esperienza ma come un sintomo, la mia paura e la mia resistenza nei suoi confronti si sono intensificate. Но, будучи призванным видеть голос не как опыт, а как симптом, мой страх и сопротивление этому усилились.

Now essentially, this represented taking an aggressive stance towards my own mind, a kind of psychic civil war, and in turn this caused the number of voices to increase and grow progressively hostile and menacing. |||stellte dar||||Haltung|||||||||||||||||||||||||feindselig||bedrohlich |||||||position|||||||||||||||||||||||||||threatening ominous ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ameaçadora Essentiellement, cela représentait une position agressive envers mon propre esprit, une sorte de guerre civile psychique, et en retour, cela a provoqué l'augmentation du nombre de voix, qui sont devenues de plus en plus hostiles et menaçantes. In sostanza, questo rappresentava un atteggiamento aggressivo nei confronti della mia mente, una sorta di guerra civile psichica, che a sua volta provocava un aumento del numero di voci, che diventavano progressivamente ostili e minacciose. 本質的に、これは私自身の心に対して攻撃的な姿勢をとることを意味し、一種の精神的な内戦であり、これにより声の数が増加し、次第に敵対的で威嚇的になりました. По существу, это представляло собой агрессивную позицию в отношении моего собственного разума, своего рода психическую гражданскую войну, и в свою очередь это вызывало увеличение количества голосов и их постепенное враждебное и угрожающее. Helplessly and hopelessly, I began to retreat into this nightmarish inner world in which the voices were destined to become both my persecutors and my only perceived companions. Hilflos||||||zurückziehen|||albtraumhafte|inneren|||||||bestimmt|||||Verfolger||||wahrgenommenen| Incapably||||||withdraw or escape|||terrifying|inner world||||||||||||tormentors oppressors abusers||||recognized| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||compañeros percibidos ||||||||||||||||||||||perseguidores|||||companheiros percebidos Impotente y sin esperanza, empecé a refugiarme en ese mundo interior de pesadilla en el que las voces estaban destinadas a convertirse tanto en mis perseguidoras como en mis únicas compañeras percibidas. Impuissante et désespérée, j'ai commencé à me retirer dans ce monde intérieur cauchemardesque dans lequel les voix étaient destinées à devenir à la fois mes persécuteurs et mes seuls compagnons perçus. Impotente e senza speranza, cominciai a ritirarmi in questo mondo interiore da incubo in cui le voci erano destinate a diventare sia i miei persecutori che i miei unici compagni percepiti. They told me, for example, that if I proved myself worthy of their help, then they could change my life back to how it had been, and a series of increasingly bizarre tasks was set, a kind of labor of Hercules. ||||||||bewies||würdig||||||||||||||||||||||Aufgaben||||||Arbeit|| ||||||||||deserving|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||una especie de|||| Sie sagten mir zum Beispiel, wenn ich mich ihrer Hilfe als würdig erweisen würde, könnten sie mein Leben wieder so verändern, wie es einmal war, und es wurde eine Reihe von immer bizarreren Aufgaben gestellt, eine Art Herkulesarbeit. Ils m'ont dit, par exemple, que si je me montrais digne de leur aide, alors ils pourraient changer ma vie à ce qu'elle avait été, et une série de tâches de plus en plus bizarres était fixée, une sorte de travail d'Hercule. Mi dissero, ad esempio, che se mi fossi dimostrata degna del loro aiuto, avrebbero potuto far tornare la mia vita com'era prima, e mi imposero una serie di compiti sempre più bizzarri, una sorta di fatica di Ercole. Например, они сказали мне, что, если я окажусь достойным их помощи, они могут изменить мою жизнь до того, как это было, и была поставлена ​​серия все более странных задач, своего рода работа Геракла. It started off quite small, for example, pull out three strands of hair, but gradually it grew more extreme, culminating in commands to harm myself, and a particularly dramatic instruction: ||||||||||Haarsträhnen||||allmählich|||||gipfelnd in||||verletzen|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||particularidad dramática|| ||||||||||fios de cabelo|||||||||culminando em|||||||||| Es fing ganz klein an, zum Beispiel drei Haarsträhnen auszureißen, wurde aber allmählich extremer und gipfelte in Befehlen, mir selbst Schaden zuzufügen, und einer besonders dramatischen Anweisung: Empezó con algo pequeño, por ejemplo, arrancarme tres mechones de pelo, pero poco a poco se fue volviendo más extremo, culminando en órdenes de hacerme daño y una instrucción especialmente dramática: Cela a commencé assez petit, par exemple, arracher trois mèches de cheveux, mais progressivement il est devenu plus extrême, aboutissant à des commandes pour me faire du mal, et une instruction particulièrement dramatique: All'inizio si trattava di piccole cose, come ad esempio strappare tre ciocche di capelli, ma a poco a poco sono diventate sempre più estreme, fino ad arrivare all'ordine di farmi del male e a un'istruzione particolarmente drammatica: "You see that tutor over there? |||||allí «Vous voyez ce tuteur là-bas? «Ты видишь этого учителя?

You see that glass of water? tú||||| Well, you have to go over and pour it over him in front of the other students. |||||sobre||||||||||| Eh bien, vous devez aller le verser sur lui devant les autres étudiants. Beh, devi andare da lui e versarglielo davanti agli altri studenti. Bem, tens de ir lá e despejá-la em cima dele à frente dos outros alunos. Ну, вам нужно пройти и вылить его перед другими учениками. Which I actually did, and which needless to say did not endear me to the faculty. |||||||||||завоевать симпатию|||| |||||||||||beliebt machen bei||||Fakultät ||||||needless|||||make me liked||||faculty members |||||||||||não me favoreceu||||corpo docente Cosa que hice y que, huelga decirlo, no me granjeó la simpatía del profesorado. Ce que j'ai vraiment fait, et ce qui va sans dire ne m'a pas fait aimer la faculté. Cosa che in effetti ho fatto e che, inutile dirlo, non mi ha fatto apprezzare dalla facoltà. O que fiz, de facto, e que, escusado será dizer, não me agradou ao corpo docente. Что я на самом деле делал, и, что, разумеется, не наделял меня способностью.

In effect, a vicious cycle of fear, avoidance, mistrust and misunderstanding had been established, and this was a battle in which I felt powerless and incapable of establishing any kind of peace or reconciliation. |||Teufelskreis||||Vermeidung||||||||||||||||||unfähig||herzustellen||||||Versöhnung |||||||avoidance|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Tatsächlich war ein Teufelskreis aus Angst, Vermeidung, Misstrauen und Missverständnissen entstanden, und dies war ein Kampf, in dem ich mich machtlos und unfähig fühlte, irgendeine Art von Frieden oder Versöhnung herzustellen. En effet, un cercle vicieux de peur, d'évitement, de méfiance et d'incompréhension s'était installé, et c'était une bataille dans laquelle je me sentais impuissante et incapable d'établir une quelconque forme de paix ou de réconciliation. In effetti, si era instaurato un circolo vizioso di paura, evitamento, sfiducia e incomprensione, e questa era una battaglia in cui mi sentivo impotente e incapace di stabilire qualsiasi tipo di pace o riconciliazione.

Two years later, and the deterioration was dramatic. |||||Verschlechterung|| Due anni dopo, il deterioramento era drammatico.

By now, I had the whole frenzied repertoire: terrifying voices, grotesque visions, bizarre, intractable delusions. ||||||бешеный|||||||неподдающиеся лечению| Bis jetzt|mittlerweile|||||rasend||||groteske|||unlösbar| ||||||frenzied||||absurd|||intractable| ||||||frenético||||grotescas visões|||| Inzwischen hatte ich das ganze wahnsinnige Repertoire: Schreckensstimmen, groteske Visionen, bizarre, hartnäckige Wahnvorstellungen. À présent, j'avais tout le répertoire frénétique: des voix terrifiantes, des visions grotesques, des délires bizarres et insolubles. Ormai avevo tutto il repertorio frenetico: voci terrificanti, visioni grottesche, deliri bizzarri e intrattabili. My mental health status had been a catalyst for discrimination, verbal abuse, and physical and sexual assault, and I’d been told by my psychiatrist, "Eleanor, you’d be better off with cancer,because cancer is easier to cure than schizophrenia. |||||||Katalysator||||Missbrauch||||||||gewesen||||||||||||||||||| |||||||driving force|||||||||attack||||||||||||||||||||treat|| ||||||||||||||||agressão sexual|||||||||||||||||||||| |||estado mental||||||||||física y|||||||||||Eleanor|||||||||||||| Mon état de santé mentale avait été un catalyseur de discrimination, de violence verbale et d'agression physique et sexuelle, et mon psychiatre m'avait dit: «Eleanor, tu serais mieux avec le cancer, car le cancer est plus facile à guérir que la schizophrénie . Il mio stato di salute mentale era stato un catalizzatore di discriminazioni, abusi verbali, aggressioni fisiche e sessuali e il mio psichiatra mi aveva detto: "Eleanor, staresti meglio con il cancro, perché il cancro è più facile da curare della schizofrenia". " I’d been diagnosed, drugged and discarded, and was by now so tormented by the voices that I attempted to drill a hole in my head in order to get them out. |||betäubt||ausgesetzt||||||gequält||||||||bohren||||||||||| |||medicated||discarded||||||||||||||||||||||||| "Me habían diagnosticado, drogado y descartado, y ya estaba tan atormentada por las voces que intenté hacerme un agujero en la cabeza para sacármelas. " J'avais été diagnostiquée, droguée et rejetée, et j'étais maintenant tellement tourmentée par les voix que j'ai essayé de me percer un trou dans la tête pour les faire sortir. "Ero stata diagnosticata, drogata e scartata, ed ero ormai così tormentata dalle voci che cercavo di farmi un buco in testa per farle uscire. Now looking back on the wreckage and despair of those years, it seems to me now as if someone died in that place, and yet, someone else was saved. |||||Trümmer und Verzweiflung||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||destruction and despair||||||||||||||||||||||| Maintenant en regardant en arrière sur l'épave et le désespoir de ces années, il me semble maintenant que quelqu'un est mort à cet endroit, et pourtant, quelqu'un d'autre a été sauvé. Ripensando al disastro e alla disperazione di quegli anni, ora mi sembra che qualcuno sia morto in quel luogo, eppure qualcun altro è stato salvato. Agora, olhando para trás, para os destroços e o desespero daqueles anos, parece-me que alguém morreu naquele lugar e, no entanto, outra pessoa foi salva. Оглядываясь назад на обломки и отчаяние тех лет, мне кажется, будто кто-то умер в этом месте, и все же кто-то был спасен.

A broken and haunted person began that journey, but the person who emerged was a survivor and would ultimately grow into the person I was destined to be. ||||||||||||hervorging|||||||heranwachsen|||||||| |||troubled|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||atormentada||||||||||||||||||||||destinado a ser|| Eine gebrochene und verfolgte Person begann diese Reise, aber die Person, die daraus hervorging, war ein Überlebenskünstler und wuchs schließlich zu der Person heran, die ich werden sollte. Une personne brisée et hantée a commencé ce voyage, mais la personne qui a émergé était un survivant et allait finalement devenir la personne que j'étais destiné à être. Il viaggio è iniziato con una persona distrutta e tormentata, ma la persona che ne è emersa era una sopravvissuta e alla fine sarebbe diventata la persona che ero destinata a essere. Uma pessoa quebrada e assombrada começou essa viagem, mas a pessoa que emergiu era uma sobrevivente e acabaria por se transformar na pessoa que eu estava destinada a ser. Поврежденный и привиденный человек начал это путешествие, но человек, который появился, был выжившим и, в конечном счете, превратился в человека, которому мне суждено было стать. Many people have harmed me in my life, and I remember them all, but the memories grow pale and faint in comparison with the people who’ve helped me. |||verletzt||in meinem Leben||||||||||Erinnerungen|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||weak|||||||| |||||||||||||||||pálidas||débiles y tenues|||||||| Viele Menschen haben mir in meinem Leben Schaden zugefügt, und ich erinnere mich an sie alle, aber die Erinnerungen werden blass und schwach im Vergleich zu den Menschen, die mir geholfen haben. Beaucoup de gens m'ont fait du mal dans ma vie, et je me souviens de chacun d'entre eux, mais ces souvenirs sont bien pâles en comparaison des personnes qui m'ont aidé. Molte persone mi hanno fatto del male nella mia vita, e le ricordo tutte, ma i ricordi impallidiscono e si affievoliscono in confronto alle persone che mi hanno aiutato.

The fellow survivors, the fellow voice-hearers, the comrades and collaborators; the mother who never gave up on me,who knew that one day I would come back to her and was willing to wait for me for as long as it took; the doctor who only worked with me for a brief time but who reinforced his belief that recovery was not only possible but inevitable, and during a devastating period of relapsetold my terrified family, "Don’t give up hope. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||рецидив||||||| ||||||||||Mitarbeiter|Der|Mutter|||aufgab||auf mich|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||verstärkte||||||||||unvermeidlich|||||||Rückfall erzählte||||||| |||||sound|listeners||friends||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||recovery|||||||||||||relapse||||||| ||||||||camaradas|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||recaída tardia||||||| |compañero||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Los compañeros supervivientes, los compañeros que escuchan la voz, los camaradas y colaboradores; la madre que nunca se rindió conmigo, que sabía que un día volvería a ella y estaba dispuesta a esperarme el tiempo que hiciera falta; el médico que sólo trabajó conmigo durante un breve periodo pero que reforzó su convicción de que la recuperación no sólo era posible, sino inevitable, y que durante un devastador periodo de recaídasdijo a mi aterrorizada familia: "No perdáis la esperanza". Les camarades survivants, les autres auditeurs, les camarades et collaborateurs; la mère qui ne m'a jamais abandonné, qui savait qu'un jour je reviendrais vers elle et qui était prête à m'attendre aussi longtemps qu'il le faudrait; le médecin qui n'a travaillé avec moi que pendant une brève période mais qui a renforcé sa conviction que le rétablissement était non seulement possible mais inévitable, et pendant une période dévastatrice de rechute, a dit à ma famille terrifiée: «Ne perdez pas espoir. I compagni sopravvissuti, i compagni di voce, i compagni e i collaboratori; la madre che non mi ha mai abbandonato, che sapeva che un giorno sarei tornato da lei ed era disposta ad aspettarmi per tutto il tempo necessario; il medico che ha lavorato con me solo per un breve periodo, ma che ha rafforzato la sua convinzione che la guarigione non solo fosse possibile, ma inevitabile, e che durante un periodo devastante di ricadute ha detto alla mia famiglia terrorizzata: "Non perdete la speranza". Os companheiros sobreviventes, os companheiros ouvintes, os camaradas e os colaboradores; a mãe que nunca desistiu de mim, que sabia que um dia eu voltaria para ela e que estava disposta a esperar por mim o tempo que fosse preciso; o médico que só trabalhou comigo durante um breve período, mas que reforçou a sua convicção de que a recuperação não só era possível como inevitável e que, durante um período devastador de recaídas, disse à minha família aterrorizada: "Não percam a esperança. Друзей по несчастью, товарищей по несчастью, соратников и соратниц; мать, которая никогда не отказывалась от меня, которая знала, что однажды я вернусь к ней, и была готова ждать меня столько, сколько потребуется; врача, который работал со мной совсем недолго, но укрепил его веру в то, что выздоровление не только возможно, но и неизбежно, и во время разрушительного периода рецидивов сказал моей испуганной семье: "Не теряйте надежды". I believe that Eleanor can get through this.Sometimes, you know, it snows as late as May, but summer always comes eventually. ||||||||Manchmal|||es||so spät wie||||||||schließlich Ich glaube, dass Eleanor das überstehen kann. Manchmal schneit es noch bis in den Mai hinein, aber der Sommer kommt immer irgendwann. Je crois qu'Eleanor peut s'en sortir. Parfois, vous savez, il neige jusqu'en mai, mais l'été finit toujours par arriver. Credo che Eleanor possa superarlo. A volte, sapete, nevica fino a maggio, ma alla fine arriva sempre l'estate. Às vezes, sabe, neva até maio, mas o verão acaba sempre por chegar. Fourteen minutes is not enough time to fully credit those good and generous people who fought with me and for me and who waited to welcome me back from that agonized, lonely place. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||мучительный|| ||||||||würdigen||||||||||||||||||||||gequälten|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||agonizing|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||angustiante|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||accogliere||||||| Quattordici minuti non sono sufficienti per rendere pienamente merito a quelle persone buone e generose che hanno lottato con me e per me e che hanno aspettato di riaccogliermi da quel luogo agonizzante e solitario.

But together, they forged a blend of courage, creativity, integrity, and an unshakeable belief that my shattered self could become healed and whole. |||schmiedeten||Mischung||||||||||||||||| |||||mixture|||||||firm belief||||broken|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||intero |||forjaram|||||||||||||despedaçado|||||| Mais ensemble, ils ont forgé un mélange de courage, de créativité, d'intégrité et une croyance inébranlable dans le fait que mon moi brisé pouvait devenir guéri et entier. Ma insieme, hanno forgiato una miscela di coraggio, creatività, integrità e un'incrollabile convinzione che il mio io in frantumi potesse guarire e diventare intero. I used to say that these people saved me, but what I now know is they did something even more important in that they empowered me to save myself, and crucially, they helped me to understand somethingwhich I’d always suspected: that my voices were a meaningful response to traumatic life events, particularly childhood events, and as such were not my enemies but a source of insight into solvable emotional problems. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||entscheidend|||||zu verstehen||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||lösbare emotionale Probleme|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||traumatic|||||||||||||||||understanding clarity awareness||able to resolve|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||problemas emocionais solucionáveis|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||aiutavano||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| J'avais l'habitude de dire que ces personnes m'avaient sauvé, mais je sais maintenant qu'elles ont fait quelque chose d'encore plus important : elles m'ont permis de me sauver moi-même et, surtout, elles m'ont aidé à comprendre quelque chose que j'avais toujours soupçonné, à savoir que mes voix étaient une réponse significative à des événements traumatisants de la vie, en particulier de l'enfance, et qu'en tant que telles, elles n'étaient pas mes ennemies, mais une source de compréhension de problèmes émotionnels qui pouvaient être résolus. Dicevo che queste persone mi hanno salvato, ma ora so che hanno fatto qualcosa di ancora più importante: mi hanno dato la possibilità di salvare me stesso e, cosa fondamentale, mi hanno aiutato a capire qualcosa che avevo sempre sospettato: che le mie voci erano una risposta significativa a eventi traumatici della vita, in particolare a eventi infantili, e come tali non erano miei nemici ma una fonte di comprensione di problemi emotivi risolvibili. Now, at first, this was very difficult to believe, not least because the voices appeared so hostile and menacing, so in this respect, a vital first step was learning to separate out a metaphorical meaning from what I’d previously interpreted to be a literal truth. |||||||||nicht zuletzt|||||||||||in dieser Hinsicht|||in dieser Hinsicht|entscheidend|zuerst||||zu glauben|||||||||||||in dieser Hinsicht|| ||||||||credere||non meno|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ahora bien, al principio me resultaba muy difícil creerlo, sobre todo porque las voces parecían muy hostiles y amenazadoras, así que, en este sentido, un primer paso fundamental fue aprender a separar el significado metafórico de lo que antes había interpretado como una verdad literal. Maintenant, au début, c'était très difficile à croire, notamment parce que les voix semblaient si hostiles et menaçantes, donc à cet égard, une première étape vitale a été d'apprendre à séparer une signification métaphorique de ce que j'avais précédemment interprété comme un vérité littérale. All'inizio è stato molto difficile crederci, anche perché le voci apparivano così ostili e minacciose, per cui un primo passo fondamentale è stato quello di imparare a separare il significato metaforico da quello che prima avevo interpretato come una verità letterale. Теперь, поначалу, это было очень трудно поверить, не в последнюю очередь потому, что голоса казались настолько враждебными и угрожающими, поэтому в этом отношении жизненно важным первым шагом было научиться выделять метафорическое значение из того, что я раньше интерпретировал как буквальная правда.

So for example, voices which threatened to attack my home I learned to interpret as my own sense of fear and insecurity in the world, rather than an actual, objective danger. |||||drohten damit||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ainsi, par exemple, des voix qui menaçaient d'attaquer ma maison, j'ai appris à interpréter comme mon propre sentiment de peur et d'insécurité dans le monde, plutôt que comme un danger réel et objectif. Così, ad esempio, le voci che minacciavano di attaccare la mia casa ho imparato a interpretarle come un mio senso di paura e insicurezza nel mondo, piuttosto che come un pericolo reale e oggettivo. Assim, por exemplo, aprendi a interpretar as vozes que ameaçavam atacar a minha casa como o meu próprio sentimento de medo e insegurança no mundo, em vez de um perigo real e objetivo. Now at first, I would have believed them. Au début, je les aurais crus. Поначалу я бы поверила им.

I remember, for example, sitting up one night on guard outside my parents' room to protect them from what I thought was a genuine threat from the voices. ||||wachbleiben||eine Nacht||vor der Tür|Wache halten||||||||||||||echte|Bedrohung||| Recuerdo, por ejemplo, que una noche me quedé de guardia fuera de la habitación de mis padres para protegerlos de lo que yo creía que era una auténtica amenaza de las voces. Je me souviens, par exemple, m'être assis une nuit de garde devant la chambre de mes parents pour les protéger de ce que je pensais être une véritable menace de la part des voix. Ricordo, ad esempio, di essermi alzata una notte di guardia fuori dalla stanza dei miei genitori per proteggerli da quella che pensavo fosse una vera e propria minaccia da parte delle voci. Например, я помню, как однажды ночью я сидел на страже возле комнаты моих родителей, чтобы защитить их от того, что я считал настоящей угрозой со стороны голосов. Because I’d had such a bad problem with self-injury that most of the cutlery in the house had been hidden, so I ended up arming myself with a plastic fork, kind of like picnic ware, and sort of sat outside the room clutching it and waiting to spring into action should anything happen. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||сжимая|||||||||| ||||||||||||||eating utensils|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||gripping tightly|||||||||| ||||||||||||||talheres|||||||||||armando-me||||||||||||||||||apertando-o|||||||||| ||||||||||||||Besteck|||||||||||||||||||||||irgendwie|von|||||umklammernd|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ware||||||||stringendo forte|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||like||||||||||||e|||||||| Como había tenido tantos problemas para autolesionarme que la mayoría de los cubiertos de la casa estaban escondidos, acabé armándome con un tenedor de plástico, una especie de vajilla de picnic, y me senté fuera de la habitación agarrándolo y esperando a entrar en acción si ocurría algo. Parce que j'avais eu un si grave problème d'automutilation que la plupart des couverts de la maison avaient été cachés, alors j'ai fini par m'armer avec une fourchette en plastique, un peu comme de la vaisselle de pique-nique, et je me suis en quelque sorte assis à l'extérieur de la pièce, agrippé et en attendant de passer à l'action si quelque chose devait arriver. Poiché avevo avuto un problema così grave di autolesionismo che la maggior parte delle posate in casa era stata nascosta, finii per armarmi di una forchetta di plastica, tipo quelle da picnic, e mi sedetti fuori dalla stanza stringendola e aspettando di entrare in azione se fosse successo qualcosa. Porque eu tinha um problema tão grave de auto-agressão que a maior parte dos talheres da casa tinha sido escondida, por isso acabei por me armar com um garfo de plástico, como se fosse um utensílio de piquenique, e fiquei do lado de fora do quarto agarrado a ele e à espera de entrar em ação se acontecesse alguma coisa. Потому что у меня была такая плохая проблема с самоповреждением, что большая часть столовых приборов в доме была спрятана, поэтому я закончил тем, что вооружился пластмассовой вилкой, похожей на вещи для пикника, и вроде сидел за пределами комнаты, сжимающей это и ожидание, чтобы начать действовать, если что-нибудь случится. It was like, "Don’t mess with me. |||Tu's nicht|anlegen mit|| C'était comme, "Ne plaisante pas avec moi. Era come se dicesse: "Non scherzare con me. I’ve got a plastic fork, don’t you know? Ho una forchetta di plastica, non lo sai? " Strategic. But a later response, and much more useful, would be to try and deconstruct the message behind the words, so when the voices warned me not to leave the house, then I would thank them for drawing my attention to how unsafe I felt -- because if I was aware of it, then I could do something positive about it -- but go on to reassure both them and myself that we were safe and didn’t need to feel frightened anymore. |||||||||||||dekodieren||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||beruhigen||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||analyze||||||||||||||||||||||||||||not safe||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tranquilizar||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||quando|the|||||||||||||||llamando||||||||||||||||||||positivo|||||||||||||||||||||asustados| Pero una respuesta posterior, y mucho más útil, sería intentar deconstruir el mensaje que hay detrás de las palabras, de modo que cuando las voces me advertían de que no saliera de casa, les daba las gracias por llamarme la atención sobre lo insegura que me sentía -porque si era consciente de ello, entonces podía hacer algo positivo al respecto-, pero seguía asegurándoles tanto a ellos como a mí misma que estábamos a salvo y que ya no teníamos por qué sentir miedo. Mais une réponse ultérieure, et bien plus utile, serait d'essayer de déconstruire le message derrière les mots, alors quand les voix m'ont averti de ne pas quitter la maison, je les remercierais d'avoir attiré mon attention sur le fait que je me sentais en danger - parce que si j'en étais conscient, alors je pourrais faire quelque chose de positif à ce sujet - mais continuer à les rassurer ainsi qu'à moi-même que nous étions en sécurité et que nous n'avions plus besoin d'avoir peur. Но более поздним ответом и гораздо более полезным было бы попытаться разоблачить сообщение за словами, поэтому, когда голоса предупредили меня не покидать дом, я бы поблагодарил их за то, что привлек мое внимание к тому, насколько я небезопасен, потому что, если бы я знал об этом, тогда я мог бы сделать что-то положительное, но продолжайте успокаивать и себя, и себя, что мы в безопасности и больше не должны испытывать страх.

I would set boundaries for the voices, and try to interact with them in a way that was assertive yet respectful, establishing a slow process of communication and collaboration in which we could learn to work together and support one another. |||Grenzen setzen|||||||||||||||bestimmt|dennoch||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||assertive|||||||||||||||||||||| |||limiti|||voces|||||||||||||||||lenta|||||||||potremmo|aprenderíamos a||||||| J'établissais des limites pour les voix et j'essayais d'interagir avec elles d'une manière affirmée mais respectueuse, établissant un lent processus de communication et de collaboration dans lequel nous pourrions apprendre à travailler ensemble et à nous soutenir les uns les autres. Stabilivo dei limiti per le voci e cercavo di interagire con loro in modo assertivo ma rispettoso, stabilendo un lento processo di comunicazione e collaborazione in cui potevamo imparare a lavorare insieme e a sostenerci a vicenda. Я бы установил границы для голосов и попытался взаимодействовать с ними таким образом, чтобы он был настойчивым, но почтительным, создавая медленный процесс общения и сотрудничества, в котором мы могли бы научиться работать вместе и поддерживать друг друга. Throughout all of this, what I would ultimately realize was that each voice was closely related to aspects of myself, and that each of them carried overwhelming emotions that I’d never had an opportunity to process or resolve, memories of sexual trauma and abuse, of anger, shame, guilt, low self-worth. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||überwältigende|||||||Gelegenheit||||verarbeiten|||sexuellen|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||intense emotions|||||||||||process or settle||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||avassadoras|||||||||||||||||||||||| Tout au long de tout cela, ce que je réaliserais finalement, c'est que chaque voix était étroitement liée à des aspects de moi-même et que chacune d'elles portait des émotions accablantes que je n'avais jamais eu l'occasion de traiter ou de résoudre, des souvenirs de traumatismes et d'abus sexuels, de colère, de honte, de culpabilité, de faible estime de soi. In tutto questo, alla fine mi sono resa conto che ogni voce era strettamente legata ad aspetti di me stessa e che ognuna di esse portava con sé emozioni travolgenti che non avevo mai avuto l'opportunità di elaborare o risolvere, ricordi di traumi sessuali e abusi, rabbia, vergogna, senso di colpa, scarsa autostima.

The voices took the place of this pain and gave words to it, and possibly one of the greatest revelations was when I realized that the most hostile and aggressive voices actually represented the parts of me that had been hurt most profoundly,and as such, it was these voices that needed to be shown the greatest compassion and care. |||||||||||||||||||Erkenntnisse|||||||||||||||||||||||tiefgehend|||||||||||||||Mitgefühl|| Les voix ont remplacé cette douleur et lui ont donné des mots, et peut-être l'une des plus grandes révélations a été lorsque j'ai réalisé que les voix les plus hostiles et agressives représentaient en fait les parties de moi qui avaient été le plus profondément blessées, et en tant que telles, elles étaient ces voix qui devaient recevoir la plus grande compassion et le plus grand soin. Le voci hanno preso il posto di questo dolore e gli hanno dato parole, e forse una delle più grandi rivelazioni è stata quando ho capito che le voci più ostili e aggressive rappresentavano in realtà le parti di me che erano state ferite più profondamente, e che quindi era a queste voci che bisognava mostrare la massima compassione e cura. Голоса воспользовались этой болью и произнесли ей слова, и, возможно, одно из величайших откровений было тогда, когда я понял, что самые враждебные и агрессивные голоса на самом деле представляют те части меня, которые пострадали наиболее глубоко, и как таковые были эти голоса, которым нужно было проявить величайшее сострадание и заботу. It was armed with this knowledge that ultimately I would gather together my shattered self,each fragment represented by a different voice, gradually withdraw from all my medication,and return to psychiatry, only this time from the other side. |war|||||||||||||||Fragment|dargestellt||||||absetzen||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mental health||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||withdraw||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||afastar-me||||||||||||||| Armado con este conocimiento, en última instancia reuniría a mi yo destrozado, cada fragmento representado por una voz diferente, retiraría gradualmente toda mi medicación y volvería a la psiquiatría, sólo que esta vez desde el otro lado. Il était armé de cette connaissance que finalement je rassemblerais mon moi brisé, chaque fragment représenté par une voix différente, je me retirerais progressivement de tous mes médicaments et je retournerais en psychiatrie, cette fois seulement de l'autre côté. È stato grazie a questa conoscenza che alla fine ho riunito il mio io in frantumi, ogni frammento rappresentato da una voce diversa, mi sono ritirato gradualmente da tutti i farmaci e sono tornato alla psichiatria, ma questa volta dall'altra parte. Foi com este conhecimento que acabei por reunir o meu "eu" despedaçado, cada fragmento representado por uma voz diferente, retirar gradualmente toda a minha medicação e regressar à psiquiatria, mas desta vez do outro lado. Он был вооружен этими знаниями, что в конечном итоге я соберу вместе свое разрушенное «я», каждый фрагмент которого представлен другим голосом, постепенно уходит со всех моих лекарств и возвращается в психиатрию, только на этот раз с другой стороны.

Ten years after the voice first came, I finally graduated, this time with the highest degree in psychology the university had ever given, and one year later, the highest masters, which shall we say isn’t bad for a madwoman. |||||||||absolvierte||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||psychology|||||||||||||||||||||crazy person ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mulher louca |||||||||||||||degree|||||||||||||||||||no es|||| Dix ans après l'arrivée de la voix, j'ai finalement obtenu mon diplôme, cette fois avec le plus haut diplôme en psychologie que l'université ait jamais donné, et un an plus tard, les plus hauts masters, ce qui, dirons-nous, n'est pas mal pour une folle. Dieci anni dopo l'arrivo della voce, mi sono finalmente laureata, questa volta con la massima laurea in psicologia che l'università avesse mai dato e, un anno dopo, con il massimo master, il che, diciamo, non è male per una pazza. Dez anos depois de a voz ter aparecido pela primeira vez, licenciei-me finalmente, desta vez com o mais alto grau de psicologia que a universidade alguma vez tinha dado e, um ano depois, com o mais alto grau de mestrado, o que, digamos, não é mau para uma louca. Спустя десять лет после того, как я впервые услышал голос, я, наконец, окончил школу, на этот раз с наивысшей степенью в психологии, которую когда-либо предоставлял университет, а через год - высшие мастера, что, скажем так, не плохо для сумасшедшей. In fact, one of the voices actually dictated the answers during the exam, which technically possibly counts as cheating. |||||||ditou||||||||||| De hecho, una de las voces dictaba las respuestas durante el examen, lo que técnicamente puede considerarse trampa. En fait, l'une des voix a dicté les réponses lors de l'examen, ce qui est techniquement considéré comme de la triche. In effetti, una delle voci ha dettato le risposte durante l'esame, cosa che tecnicamente potrebbe essere considerata un imbroglio. (Laughter) risa

And to be honest, sometimes I quite enjoyed their attention as well. |||onesto|||bastante||||| Et pour être honnête, j'ai aussi parfois apprécié leur attention. И, честно говоря, иногда мне тоже нравилось их внимание.

As Oscar Wilde has said, the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. |||||||||||parlato|||||| Comme l'a dit Oscar Wilde, la seule chose pire que de parler, c'est de ne pas en parler. Come ha detto Oscar Wilde, l'unica cosa peggiore dell'essere discussi è non essere discussi. Como disse Oscar Wilde, a única coisa pior do que ser falado é não ser falado. Как сказал Оскар Уайльд, единственное, что хуже, чем говорить, о нем не говорится. It also makes you very good at eavesdropping, because you can listen to two conversations simultaneously. |||||||Mithören|||||||| |||||||listening secretly|||||||| |||||||escuta clandestina|||||||| Cela vous permet également d'écouter très bien, car vous pouvez écouter deux conversations simultanément. Inoltre, vi rende molto bravi a origliare, perché potete ascoltare due conversazioni contemporaneamente. So it’s not all bad. Так что это не все плохо. I worked in mental health services, I spoke at conferences, I published book chapters and academic articles, and I argued, and continue to do so, the relevance of the following concept: that an important question in psychiatry shouldn’t be what’s wrong with you but rather what’s happened to you. |||||||||||||||||||plädierte für||||||||||||||||||||||||sondern||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||importance|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||accademici|||||||||||||||||||||psichiatria||||wrong|||||||| J'ai travaillé dans des services de santé mentale, j'ai pris la parole lors de conférences, j'ai publié des chapitres de livres et des articles universitaires, et j'ai soutenu, et je continue de le faire, la pertinence du concept suivant: qu'une question importante en psychiatrie ne devrait pas être ce qui ne va pas avec vous mais plutôt ce qui vous est arrivé. Ho lavorato nei servizi di salute mentale, ho parlato a conferenze, ho pubblicato capitoli di libri e articoli accademici, e ho sostenuto, e continuo a farlo, la rilevanza del seguente concetto: che una domanda importante in psichiatria non dovrebbe essere cosa c'è di sbagliato in te, ma piuttosto cosa ti è successo. Я работал в психиатрических службах, выступал на конференциях, публиковал главы книг и учебные статьи, и я утверждал и продолжаю это делать, учитывая следующую концепцию: важный вопрос в психиатрии не должен быть тем, что не так с вы, а скорее, что с вами случилось.

And all the while, I listened to my voices, with whom I’d finally learned to live with peace and respect and which in turn reflected a growing sense of compassion, acceptance and respect towards myself. Und|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| e|||||||||||||imparato||||||||||||||||||||| Y mientras tanto, escuchaba a mis voces, con las que por fin había aprendido a vivir con paz y respeto y que, a su vez, reflejaban un creciente sentimiento de compasión, aceptación y respeto hacia mí misma. Et pendant tout ce temps, j'écoutais mes voix, avec lesquelles j'avais enfin appris à vivre dans la paix et le respect et qui à leur tour reflétaient un sentiment croissant de compassion, d'acceptation et de respect envers moi-même. E nel frattempo ho ascoltato le mie voci, con le quali avevo finalmente imparato a vivere con pace e rispetto e che a loro volta riflettevano un crescente senso di compassione, accettazione e rispetto verso me stessa. And I remember the most moving and extraordinary moment when supporting another young woman who was terrorized by her voices, and becoming fully aware, for the very first time, that I no longer felt that way myself but was finally able to help someone else who was. Et je me souviens du moment le plus émouvant et extraordinaire où j'ai soutenu une autre jeune femme terrorisée par sa voix, et j'ai pris pleinement conscience, pour la toute première fois, que je ne ressentais plus cela moi-même mais que j'ai finalement pu aider quelqu'un d'autre qui était . Ricordo il momento più commovente e straordinario, quando ho sostenuto un'altra giovane donna terrorizzata dalle sue voci e sono diventata pienamente consapevole, per la prima volta, di non sentirmi più così, ma di essere finalmente in grado di aiutare qualcun altro che lo era. И я помню самый подвижный и необычный момент, когда я поддерживал еще одну молодую женщину, которая была в ужасе от ее голосов, и в первый раз полностью осознала, что я больше не чувствовала себя так, но, наконец, смогла помочь кому-то, кто был , I’m now very proud to be a part of Intervoice, the organizational body of the International Hearing Voices Movement, an initiative inspired by the work of Professor Marius Rommeand Dr. Sandra Escher, which locates voice hearing as a survival strategy, a sane reaction to insane circumstances, not as an aberrant symptom of schizophrenia to be endured, but a complex, significant and meaningful experience to be explored. ||||||||||||organisatorische Einheit|||||||||||||||||||||verortet||||||||gesunde Reaktion||||||||abnormes||||Teil von|ein Teil von|erduldet werden|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||deviant|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sintoma aberrante|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||voces|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||no como||||||||||||||||||| Ahora estoy muy orgulloso de formar parte de Intervoice, el órgano organizativo del Movimiento Internacional de Audición de Voces, una iniciativa inspirada en el trabajo del profesor Marius Romme y la Dra. Sandra Escher, que sitúa la audición de voces como una estrategia de supervivencia, una reacción cuerda a circunstancias demenciales, no como un síntoma aberrante de esquizofrenia que hay que soportar, sino como una experiencia compleja, significativa y con sentido que hay que explorar. Je suis maintenant très fier de faire partie d'Intervoice, l'organe organisationnel du Mouvement International Hearing Voices, une initiative inspirée des travaux du professeur Marius Romm et du Dr Sandra Escher, qui situe l'audition vocale comme une stratégie de survie, une réaction sensée à des circonstances insensées, non pas comme un symptôme aberrant de la schizophrénie à endurer, mais comme une expérience complexe, significative et significative à explorer. Ora sono molto orgoglioso di far parte di Intervoice, l'organo organizzativo del Movimento Internazionale dell'Udito, un'iniziativa ispirata dal lavoro del professor Marius Romme e della dottoressa Sandra Escher, che individua l'udito della voce come una strategia di sopravvivenza, una reazione sana a circostanze folli, non come un sintomo aberrante della schizofrenia da sopportare, ma come un'esperienza complessa, significativa e significante da esplorare. Сейчас я очень горжусь тем, что я участвую в Intervoice, организационном органе Международного движения за голоса слушателей, инициативе, вдохновленной работой профессора Мариуса Роммеда, доктора Сандры Эшера, которая находит голосовые слухи в качестве стратегии выживания, разумной реакции к сумасшедшим обстоятельствам, а не как аберрантный симптом шизофрении, которую нужно перенести, но сложный, значительный и значимый опыт, который нужно изучить.

Together, we envisage and enact a society that understands and respects voice hearing, supports the needs of individuals who hear voices, and which values them as full citizens. ||vorstellen||umsetzen||||||||||||||||||||||| ||envision||implement||||||||||||||||||||||| ||imaginamos||promulgamos||||||||||||||||||||||| Juntos, imaginamos y promulgamos una sociedad que comprenda y respete la audición vocal, que apoye las necesidades de las personas que oyen la voz y que las valore como ciudadanos de pleno derecho. Ensemble, nous envisageons et adoptons une société qui comprend et respecte l'audition de la voix, soutient les besoins des individus qui entendent des voix et qui les valorise comme des citoyens à part entière. Insieme, immaginiamo e realizziamo una società che comprenda e rispetti l'udito, sostenga le esigenze delle persone che sentono la voce e le valorizzi come cittadini a pieno titolo. This type of society is not only possible, it’s already on its way. Ce type de société n'est pas seulement possible, il est déjà en marche. Этот тип общества не только возможен, он уже на пути. To paraphrase Chavez, once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. ||Chavez||||||||rückgängig gemacht ||||||||no puede||revertido Parafrasando Chavez, una volta che il cambiamento sociale è iniziato, non può essere invertito. Перефразируя Чавеса, как только социальные изменения начинаются, его нельзя отменить. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. ||demütigen|||||Stolz Non si può umiliare la persona che prova orgoglio. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. ||unterdrücken||||||| |||||||||ya no Non si può opprimere chi non ha più paura. For me, the achievements of the Hearing Voices Movement are a reminder that empathy, fellowship, justice and respect are more than words; they are convictions and beliefs, and that beliefs can change the world. ||||||||||||||Gemeinschaft|||||||Worte|||Überzeugungen||||||||| ||||||||||||||community||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||empatía|||||||||||||||||||| Pour moi, les réalisations du mouvement Hearing Voices me rappellent que l'empathie, la fraternité, la justice et le respect sont plus que des mots; ce sont des convictions et des croyances, et que les croyances peuvent changer le monde. Per me, i risultati del Movimento delle Voci Udite sono un promemoria del fatto che l'empatia, l'amicizia, la giustizia e il rispetto sono più che parole; sono convinzioni e credenze, e che le credenze possono cambiare il mondo.

In the last 20 years, the Hearing Voices Movement has established hearing voices networks in 26 countries across five continents, working together to promote dignity, solidarity and empowerment for individuals in mental distress, to create a new language and practice of hope, which, at its very center, lies an unshakable belief in the power of the individual. ||||||||||Stimmen hören||||||||||||||||||||seelische Not|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||throughout||||||||||empowerment|||||mental suffering|||||||||||||||||unshakeable||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||empoderamento pessoal||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||establecido|||||||||||||||||||||malestar mental|||||||||||||muy|centro|||||||||| Au cours des 20 dernières années, le mouvement Hearing Voices a établi des réseaux d'entendre la voix dans 26 pays sur cinq continents, travaillant ensemble pour promouvoir la dignité, la solidarité et l'autonomisation des personnes en détresse mentale, pour créer un nouveau langage et une nouvelle pratique d'espoir, qui, à son centre même, réside une croyance inébranlable dans le pouvoir de l'individu. Negli ultimi 20 anni, l'Hearing Voices Movement ha creato reti di voci udenti in 26 Paesi nei cinque continenti, lavorando insieme per promuovere la dignità, la solidarietà e l'empowerment delle persone in difficoltà mentale, per creare un nuovo linguaggio e una nuova pratica di speranza che, al suo centro, ha una fede incrollabile nel potere dell'individuo. Nos últimos 20 anos, o Movimento das Vozes Auditivas estabeleceu redes de vozes auditivas em 26 países dos cinco continentes, trabalhando em conjunto para promover a dignidade, a solidariedade e a capacitação de indivíduos em sofrimento mental, para criar uma nova linguagem e prática de esperança, que, no seu centro, reside numa crença inabalável no poder do indivíduo. За последние 20 лет Движение за голоса услышало, что в 26 странах на пяти континентах были созданы сети голосовых голосов, которые вместе работают над поощрением достоинства, солидарности и расширения возможностей для людей с психическими расстройствами, создания нового языка и практики надежды, которые на его самом центре, лежит непоколебимая вера в силу личности. As Peter Levine has said, the human animal is a unique being endowed with an instinctual capacity to heal and the intellectual spirit to harness this innate capacity. |Peter Levine|||||||||||ausgestattet mit||||||||||||nutzen||angeborene Fähigkeit| ||||||||||||gifted||||||||||essence||utilize||inborn ability|capacity ||||||||||||dotado||||||sanar||||||aprovechar||| ||||||||||||dotado de|||instintiva|||||||||||| Comme l'a dit Peter Levine, l'animal humain est un être unique doté d'une capacité instinctive de guérir et d'un esprit intellectuel pour exploiter cette capacité innée. Come ha detto Peter Levine, l'animale umano è un essere unico, dotato di una capacità istintiva di guarire e dello spirito intellettuale per sfruttare questa capacità innata. Como disse Peter Levine, o animal humano é um ser único, dotado de uma capacidade instintiva para curar e do espírito intelectual para aproveitar essa capacidade inata.

In this respect, for members of society, there is no greater honor or privilege than facilitating that process of healing for someone, to bear witness, to reach out a hand, to share the burden of someone’s suffering, and to hold the hope for their recovery. |||||||||||||||Ermöglichen|||||||um zu|tragen||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||aiding||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||cura||||||||||||||o fardo||||||||||| ||||||||||||||que|||||||||dar testimonio|ser testigos||extender la mano|||||||carga||||||sostener||||| À cet égard, pour les membres de la société, il n'y a pas de plus grand honneur ou privilège que de faciliter ce processus de guérison pour quelqu'un, de rendre témoignage, de tendre la main, de partager le fardeau de la souffrance de quelqu'un et de garder l'espoir pour sa personne. récupération. In questo senso, per i membri della società, non c'è onore o privilegio più grande che facilitare il processo di guarigione di qualcuno, di testimoniare, di tendere una mano, di condividere il peso della sofferenza di qualcuno e di mantenere la speranza per la sua guarigione. A este respeito, para os membros da sociedade, não há maior honra ou privilégio do que facilitar esse processo de cura para alguém, dar testemunho, estender a mão, partilhar o fardo do sofrimento de alguém e manter a esperança na sua recuperação. And likewise, for survivors of distress and adversity, that we remember we don’t have to live our lives forever defined by the damaging things that have happened to us. |ebenso||||||Widrigkeiten||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||hardship|||||||||||||||damaging|||||| |igualmente|||||||que|||||||vivir||vivir nuestras vidas|||||dañinas||que|||| Et de même, pour les survivants de la détresse et de l'adversité, que nous nous souvenions que nous n'avons pas à vivre nos vies éternellement définies par les choses dommageables qui nous sont arrivées. E allo stesso modo, per i sopravvissuti al disagio e alle avversità, che ci ricordiamo che non dobbiamo vivere la nostra vita per sempre definita dalle cose dannose che ci sono accadute. We are unique. We are irreplaceable. ||unique ||insubstituíveis What lies within us can never be truly colonized, contorted, or taken away. |||||||||verzerrt||| ||||||||colonized|Distorted or twisted||| |||||||||contorcido||| |reside|dentro de||||||colonizado|||| What lies within us can never be truly colonized, contorted, or taken away. Ce qui est en nous ne peut jamais être vraiment colonisé, contorsionné ou emporté. Ciò che è dentro di noi non può mai essere veramente colonizzato, contorto o portato via. O que está dentro de nós nunca pode ser verdadeiramente colonizado, contorcido ou retirado. The light never goes out. La lumière ne s'éteint jamais. A luz nunca se apaga. Свет никогда не гаснет. As a very wonderful doctor once said to me, "Don’t tell me what other people have told you about yourself. Comme me l'a dit un jour un merveilleux médecin: «Ne me dites pas ce que les autres vous ont dit sur vous.

Tell me about you. Tell me about you. Parle moi de toi. Thank you.

(Applause) (Applause)