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Overheard Podcast at National Geographic, Helping to Protect the Okavango Basin | National Geographic

Helping to Protect the Okavango Basin | National Geographic

This is a perfect wilderness.

It's vast.


When this wetland floods, it grows to around 22 thousand square kilometers,

becoming visible from space.

Surrounded by the Kalahari Desert—

one of the driest places on earth—

the Okavango Delta is a water wonderland.

It is the jewel of the Kalahari.

It attracts biodiversity unrivalled in the region,

is home to the largest remaining elephant population on the planet

and creates a conservation-based tourism economy in Botswana

that supports many thousands of jobs.

The Delta itself is protected,

but the highlands and the rivers that supply it are not.

The story of this water begins thousands of kilometres north,

deep in the Angolan highlands—

in an area larger than 21 thousand soccer fields.

Every year the mighty Cuito and Cubango river systems

carry around nine and a half trillion liters of this water

down through Namibia

to spill out into the Okavango Delta in Botswana.

One, two, three!

As part of an ongoing conservation effort,

the National Geographic Okavango Wilderness Project

has surveyed these river systems.

They found the aftermath of a nearly three-decade civil war

has led to an increase in deforestation

and unchecked commercial agriculture,

putting the future of this wetland wilderness at risk.

But they have also discovered more than a hundred species believed to be new to science.

Today, the project is also focused on working with local communities

to secure the permanent, sustainable protection

that the greater Okavango Basin needs to survive.

Now, National Geographic has been joined by De Beers,

which has spent over 50 years discovering diamonds in partnership with the people of Botswana

while also supporting education,



and wildlife conservation efforts.

De Beers' Building Forever commitment

strives to ensure that every diamond discovered

has a positive impact on people and the planet.

Through this new partnership,

De Beers and National Geographic will work together

to help conserve this entire water system.

Protecting wildlife corridors,

so that animals can roam freely.

Working with people from the region

to help create sustainable livelihoods.

And sharing the remarkable story of the Okavango with the world.

All to preserve one of the planet's greatest natural wonders.

Helping to Protect the Okavango Basin | National Geographic ||||Okavango||| Hilfe zum Schutz des Okavango-Beckens | National Geographic Helping to Protect the Okavango Basin | National Geographic Ayudar a proteger la cuenca del Okavango | National Geographic Aider à protéger le bassin de l'Okavango | National Geographic Aiutare a proteggere il bacino dell'Okavango | National Geographic オカバンゴ盆地の保護|ナショナル ジオグラフィック Pagalba saugant Okavango baseiną | National Geographic Pomoc w ochronie dorzecza Okawango | National Geographic Ajudando a proteger a bacia do Okavango | National Geographic Помощь в защите бассейна Окаванго | National Geographic Okavango Havzasının Korunmasına Yardımcı Olmak | National Geographic Допомагаємо захистити басейн Окаванго | National Geographic 帮助保护奥卡万戈盆地 | 国家地理 幫助保護奧卡萬戈盆地 |國家地理

This is a perfect wilderness. Это идеальная дикая местность.

It's vast.


When this wetland floods, it grows to around 22 thousand square kilometers, ||humedal||||||||

becoming visible from space.

Surrounded by the Kalahari Desert— |||Kalahari|

one of the driest places on earth— |||más secos|||

the Okavango Delta is a water wonderland. ||||||maravilla acuática

It is the jewel of the Kalahari.

It attracts biodiversity unrivalled in the region, |||sin igual||| Sie bietet eine in der Region einmalige Artenvielfalt, この地域では他に類を見ないほどの生物多様性を惹きつけている、

is home to the largest remaining elephant population on the planet は、地球上に現存する最大のゾウの生息地である。

and creates a conservation-based tourism economy in Botswana |||conservación||||| ボツワナに自然保護に基づく観光経済を創出する。

that supports many thousands of jobs. 何千もの雇用を支えている。

The Delta itself is protected,

but the highlands and the rivers that supply it are not. ||las tierras altas|||||||| pero el altiplano y los ríos que lo abastecen no.

The story of this water begins thousands of kilometres north, ||||||||kilómetros|

deep in the Angolan highlands—

in an area larger than 21 thousand soccer fields.

Every year the mighty Cuito and Cubango river systems ||||Cuito||Cubango||

carry around nine and a half trillion liters of this water

down through Namibia

to spill out into the Okavango Delta in Botswana.

One, two, three!

As part of an ongoing conservation effort, ||||en curso||

the National Geographic Okavango Wilderness Project

has surveyed these river systems. |ha estudiado|||

They found the aftermath of a nearly three-decade civil war |||Secuelas|||||||

has led to an increase in deforestation

and unchecked commercial agriculture,

putting the future of this wetland wilderness at risk.

But they have also discovered more than a hundred species believed to be new to science.

Today, the project is also focused on working with local communities 今日、このプロジェクトは地域社会との協力にも力を入れている。

to secure the permanent, sustainable protection

that the greater Okavango Basin needs to survive.

Now, National Geographic has been joined by De Beers, ナショナル ジオグラフィックにデビアスが加わった、

which has spent over 50 years discovering diamonds in partnership with the people of Botswana ボツワナの人々とのパートナーシップのもと、50年以上にわたってダイヤモンドを発掘してきた。

while also supporting education,



and wildlife conservation efforts.

De Beers' Building Forever commitment デビアスのビルディング・フォーエバーへのコミットメント

strives to ensure that every diamond discovered se esfuerza por|||||| は、発見されたすべてのダイヤモンドを確保するために努力している。

has a positive impact on people and the planet. は人と地球にポジティブな影響を与える。

Through this new partnership,

De Beers and National Geographic will work together

to help conserve this entire water system.

Protecting wildlife corridors, ||corredores de vida silvestre 野生動物の回廊を守る、

so that animals can roam freely. ||||deambular libremente|

Working with people from the region

to help create sustainable livelihoods. ||||medios de vida

And sharing the remarkable story of the Okavango with the world. そしてオカバンゴの驚くべき物語を世界に伝える。

All to preserve one of the planet's greatest natural wonders. すべては地球上で最も偉大な自然の驚異のひとつを保護するためである。