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The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, YOUTH, 5. The Master Woodsman

YOUTH, 5. The Master Woodsman

Years pass swiftly in Burzee, for the nymphs have no need to regard time in any way. Even centuries make no change in the dainty creatures; ever and ever they remain the same, immortal and unchanging. Claus, however, being mortal, grew to manhood day by day. Necile was disturbed, presently, to find him too big to lie in her lap, and he had a desire for other food than milk. His stout legs carried him far into Burzee's heart, where he gathered supplies of nuts and berries, as well as several sweet and wholesome roots, which suited his stomach better than the belludders. He sought Necile's bower less frequently, till finally it became his custom to return thither only to sleep. The nymph, who had come to love him dearly, was puzzled to comprehend the changed nature of her charge, and unconsciously altered her own mode of life to conform to his whims. She followed him readily through the forest paths, as did many of her sister nymphs, explaining as they walked all the mysteries of the gigantic wood and the habits and nature of the living things which dwelt beneath its shade. The language of the beasts became clear to little Claus; but he never could understand their sulky and morose tempers. Only the squirrels, the mice and the rabbits seemed to possess cheerful and merry natures; yet would the boy laugh when the panther growled, and stroke the bear's glossy coat while the creature snarled and bared its teeth menacingly. The growls and snarls were not for Claus, he well knew, so what did they matter? He could sing the songs of the bees, recite the poetry of the wood-flowers and relate the history of every blinking owl in Burzee. He helped the Ryls to feed their plants and the Knooks to keep order among the animals. The little immortals regarded him as a privileged person, being especially protected by Queen Zurline and her nymphs and favored by the great Ak himself. One day the Master Woodsman came back to the forest of Burzee. He had visited, in turn, all his forests throughout the world, and they were many and broad. Not until he entered the glade where the Queen and her nymphs were assembled to greet him did Ak remember the child he had permitted Necile to adopt. Then he found, sitting familiarly in the circle of lovely immortals, a broad-shouldered, stalwart youth, who, when erect, stood fully as high as the shoulder of the Master himself. Ak paused, silent and frowning, to bend his piercing gaze upon Claus. The clear eyes met his own steadfastly, and the Woodsman gave a sigh of relief as he marked their placid depths and read the youth's brave and innocent heart. Nevertheless, as Ak sat beside the fair Queen, and the golden chalice, filled with rare nectar, passed from lip to lip, the Master Woodsman was strangely silent and reserved, and stroked his beard many times with a thoughtful motion. With morning he called Claus aside, in kindly fashion, saying: "Bid good by, for a time, to Necile and her sisters; for you shall accompany me on my journey through the world." The venture pleased Claus, who knew well the honor of being companion of the Master Woodsman of the world. But Necile wept for the first time in her life, and clung to the boy's neck as if she could not bear to let him go. The nymph who had mothered this sturdy youth was still as dainty, as charming and beautiful as when she had dared to face Ak with the babe clasped to her breast; nor was her love less great. Ak beheld the two clinging together, seemingly as brother and sister to one another, and again he wore his thoughtful look.

YOUTH, 5. The Master Woodsman الشباب، 5. سيد الحطاب JUVENTUD, 5. El maestro leñador ユース, 5. マスター・ウッズマン ЮНІСТЬ, 5 років. Майстер-лісник

Years pass swiftly in Burzee, for the nymphs have no need to regard time in any way. تمر السنوات بسرعة في بورزي، لأن الحوريات لا تحتاج إلى مراعاة الوقت بأي شكل من الأشكال. Os anos passam rapidamente em Burzee, pois as ninfas não precisam considerar o tempo de forma alguma. Even centuries make no change in the dainty creatures; ever and ever they remain the same, immortal and unchanging. وحتى القرون لا تحدث تغييرًا في المخلوقات اللذيذة؛ إلى الأبد يظلون على حالهم، خالدين وغير متغيرين. Claus, however, being mortal, grew to manhood day by day. ومع ذلك، نظرًا لأن كلاوس فانٍ، فقد نما إلى الرجولة يومًا بعد يوم. Claus, no entanto, sendo mortal, tornou-se adulto dia a dia. Necile was disturbed, presently, to find him too big to lie in her lap, and he had a desire for other food than milk. انزعجت نسيل في الوقت الحالي عندما وجدته أكبر من أن يستلقي في حجرها، وكانت لديه رغبة في تناول طعام آخر غير الحليب. His stout legs carried him far into Burzee's heart, where he gathered supplies of nuts and berries, as well as several sweet and wholesome roots, which suited his stomach better than the belludders. حملته ساقاه القويتان بعيدًا إلى قلب بورزي، حيث جمع مؤنًا من المكسرات والتوت، بالإضافة إلى العديد من الجذور الحلوة والمفيدة، التي تناسب معدته أكثر من الجرس. He sought Necile's bower less frequently, till finally it became his custom to return thither only to sleep. |||||||||||||वापस जाना|वहाँ||| لقد كان يبحث عن تعريشة Necile بشكل أقل، حتى أصبح أخيرًا من عادته العودة إلى هناك للنوم فقط. The nymph, who had come to love him dearly, was puzzled to comprehend the changed nature of her charge, and unconsciously altered her own mode of life to conform to his whims. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||मनमोहक इच्छाएँ كانت الحورية، التي أصبحت تحبه كثيرًا، في حيرة من أمرها لفهم الطبيعة المتغيرة لتهمتها، وغيرت نمط حياتها دون وعي لتتوافق مع أهوائه. She followed him readily through the forest paths, as did many of her sister nymphs, explaining as they walked all the mysteries of the gigantic wood and the habits and nature of the living things which dwelt beneath its shade. لقد تبعته بسهولة عبر ممرات الغابة، كما فعلت العديد من أخواتها الحوريات، موضحات أثناء سيرهن كل أسرار الغابة العملاقة وعادات وطبيعة الكائنات الحية التي تعيش تحت ظلها. The language of the beasts became clear to little Claus; but he never could understand their sulky and morose tempers. أصبحت لغة الوحوش واضحة لكلوز الصغير؛ لكنه لم يستطع أبدًا أن يفهم مزاجهم العابس والكئيب. Only the squirrels, the mice and the rabbits seemed to possess cheerful and merry natures; yet would the boy laugh when the panther growled, and stroke the bear's glossy coat while the creature snarled and bared its teeth menacingly. يبدو أن السناجب والفئران والأرانب فقط هي التي تتمتع بطبيعتها المبهجة والمرحة؛ ومع ذلك، كان الصبي يضحك عندما يزمجر النمر، ويمسح على معطف الدب اللامع بينما يزمجر المخلوق ويكشر عن أسنانه بشكل خطير. The growls and snarls were not for Claus, he well knew, so what did they matter? كان يعلم جيدًا أن الهدير والزمجرة لم تكن من أجل كلاوس، فما أهميتها إذن؟ He could sing the songs of the bees, recite the poetry of the wood-flowers and relate the history of every blinking owl in Burzee. كان بإمكانه أن يغني أغاني النحل، وأن يقرأ أشعار زهور الغابة، وأن يروي تاريخ كل بومة تغمض عينيها في بورزي. He helped the Ryls to feed their plants and the Knooks to keep order among the animals. لقد ساعد عائلة Ryls في إطعام نباتاتهم وساعد Knooks في الحفاظ على النظام بين الحيوانات. The little immortals regarded him as a privileged person, being especially protected by Queen Zurline and her nymphs and favored by the great Ak himself. اعتبره الخالدون الصغار شخصًا مميزًا، حيث حظي بحماية خاصة من قبل الملكة زورلين وحورياتها ويفضله آك العظيم نفسه. One day the Master Woodsman came back to the forest of Burzee. He had visited, in turn, all his forests throughout the world, and they were many and broad. وقد زار بدوره جميع غاباته في جميع أنحاء العالم، وكانت كثيرة وواسعة. Not until he entered the glade where the Queen and her nymphs were assembled to greet him did Ak remember the child he had permitted Necile to adopt. لم يتذكر آك الطفل الذي سمح لنيسيل بتبنيه إلا بعد دخوله الفسحة حيث اجتمعت الملكة وحورياتها لتحيته. Then he found, sitting familiarly in the circle of lovely immortals, a broad-shouldered, stalwart youth, who, when erect, stood fully as high as the shoulder of the Master himself. ثم وجد، جالسًا بشكل مألوف في دائرة الخالدين الجميلين، شابًا عريض المنكبين وقوي البنية، والذي عندما كان منتصبًا، كان يقف تمامًا مثل كتف المعلم نفسه. Ak paused, silent and frowning, to bend his piercing gaze upon Claus. توقف "آك"، صامتًا ومتجهمًا، ليلقي نظرة ثاقبة على كلاوس. The clear eyes met his own steadfastly, and the Woodsman gave a sigh of relief as he marked their placid depths and read the youth's brave and innocent heart. التقت العينان الصافيتان بعينيه بثبات، وتنفس الحطاب الصعداء وهو يتأمل أعماقها الهادئة ويقرأ قلب الشاب الشجاع والبريء. Nevertheless, as Ak sat beside the fair Queen, and the golden chalice, filled with rare nectar, passed from lip to lip, the Master Woodsman was strangely silent and reserved, and stroked his beard many times with a thoughtful motion. ومع ذلك، بينما كان "آك" يجلس بجانب الملكة الجميلة، والكأس الذهبية المليئة بالرحيق النادر، تنتقل من شفة إلى أخرى، كان سيد الحطاب صامتًا ومتحفظًا بشكل غريب، ومسح على لحيته عدة مرات بحركة مدروسة. With morning he called Claus aside, in kindly fashion, saying: "Bid good by, for a time, to Necile and her sisters; for you shall accompany me on my journey through the world." مع الصباح، دعا كلاوس جانبًا، بطريقة لطيفة، قائلًا: "قل وداعًا لنيسيل وأخواتها لبعض الوقت؛ لأنك سترافقني في رحلتي عبر العالم". The venture pleased Claus, who knew well the honor of being companion of the Master Woodsman of the world. أسعد هذا المشروع كلاوس، الذي كان يعرف جيدًا شرف أن يكون رفيقًا لسيد الحطاب في العالم. But Necile wept for the first time in her life, and clung to the boy's neck as if she could not bear to let him go. لكن نسيل بكت للمرة الأولى في حياتها، وتشبثت برقبة الصبي وكأنها لا تستطيع تحمل السماح له بالرحيل. The nymph who had mothered this sturdy youth was still as dainty, as charming and beautiful as when she had dared to face Ak with the babe clasped to her breast; nor was her love less great. كانت الحورية التي أنجبت هذا الشاب القوي لا تزال لطيفة وساحرة وجميلة كما كانت عندما تجرأت على مواجهة آك والطفل مقيد إلى صدرها؛ ولم يكن حبها أقل عظمة. Ak beheld the two clinging together, seemingly as brother and sister to one another, and again he wore his thoughtful look. رأى "آك" الاثنين يتشبثان ببعضهما البعض، على ما يبدو كأخ وأخت لبعضهما البعض، ومرة أخرى ارتدى نظرته المدروسة.