🦔 PRIČE ZA DJECU - Medvjedići Berenstain i istina - priča o važnosti govorenja istine, a ne laži
🦔 GESCHICHTEN FÜR KINDER – Die Berenstain-Bären und die Wahrheit – eine Geschichte darüber, wie wichtig es ist, die Wahrheit zu sagen, nicht zu lügen
🦔 STORIES FOR CHILDREN - Berenstain Bears and the Truth - a story about the importance of telling the truth, not lies
🦔 CUENTOS PARA NIÑOS - Los osos Berenstain y la verdad - un cuento sobre la importancia de decir la verdad, no las mentiras
🦔 HISTOIRES POUR ENFANTS - Les ours Berenstain et la vérité - une histoire sur l'importance de dire la vérité, pas les mensonges
🦔 VERHALEN VOOR KINDEREN - De Berenstain-beren en de waarheid - een verhaal over het belang van het vertellen van de waarheid, geen leugens
🦔 HISTORIE DLA DZIECI - Niedźwiedzie Berenstain i prawda - opowieść o tym, jak ważne jest mówienie prawdy, a nie kłamstwa
Medvjedići Berenstain i istina
Berenstain bears and the truth
Napisali ilustrirali Stan i Jan Berenstain
Written and illustrated by Stan and Jan Berenstain
Koliko god da se nadaš,
As much as you hope,
Koliko god pokušavaš,
Ganz egal wie sehr du es versuchst,
No matter how hard you try,
Ne može postati istina
Es kann nicht wahr werden
It cannot become true
Ono što je laž
Was ist eine Lüge
What a lie
Bio je lijen dan u Medogradu.
Es war ein entspannter Tag in Medograd.
It was a lazy day in Medograd.
Zrak je bio tako miran
Die Luft war so still
The air was so calm
da je lišće na velikoj kućici na drvetu,
that the leaves are on a big tree house,
u kojoj je živjela porodica Medvjedić,
in which the Medvjedić family lived,
jedva šuštalo.
barely rustling.
Osim u košnici,
Except in the hive,
gdje su pčele uvijek bile zauzete,
where bees have always been busy,
činilo se da se ništa ne događa.
es schien nichts zu passieren.
nothing seemed to be happening.
Bio je to jedan od onih dana
Es war einer dieser Tage
It was one of those days
u kojima se ponekad događaju nestašluci.
in which mischief sometimes occurs.
Unutar kućice na drvetu,
Im Baumhaus,
Inside the tree house,
Braco i Seka Medvjedić su sjedili
Broco und Seka Medvjedic saßen
Braco and Seka Medvjedić were sitting
i dosađivali se.
and got bored.
Braco je držao svoju loptu za fudbal
Braco hielt seinen Fußball
Braco held his soccer ball
- jako se zainteresovao za fudbal i
- he was very interested in football and
napolju je često vježbao slobodne udarce.
he often practiced free kicks outside.
Seka se opuštala u ležaljci,
Seka was relaxing in a deck chair,
razmišljajući o tome
thinking about it
šta bi sljedeće mogli raditi.
what they could do next.
Ni Tata Medvjedić ni Mama Medvjedić
Neither Tata Medvjedić nor Mama Medvjedić
nisu bili u blizini.
they were not nearby.
Tata je u svojoj radionici pravio
Papa machte in seiner Werkstatt etwas
Dad made it in his workshop
namještaj, a Mama je bila u kupovini.
furniture, and Mom was shopping.
"Znam šta ćemo", reče Seka.
„Ich weiß, was wir tun werden“, sagte Seka.
"I know what we're going to do," Seka said.
"Hajmo sakupljati divlje kupine."
„Lasst uns wilde Brombeeren sammeln.“
Braco je razmislio o tome.
Braco thought about it.
"Ne", rekao je,
"No," he said,
"divlje kupine su prebodljikave,
"wild blackberries are prickly,
a osim toga,
sjemenke se uvijek zaglave među zubima."
the seeds are always stuck between the teeth. "
"Dobro", rekla je Seka,
"hajde onda da izađemo i zavrtimo jedno
"Then let's go out and spin one
drugo na ljuljački pa da vidimo ko će
second on the swing so let's see who will
dobiti najveću vrtoglavicu."
get the biggest dizziness. "
Braco je razmislio o tome.
Braco thought about it.
"Ne", rekao je.
"No," he said.
"To je šašavo, a osim toga,
"It's crazy, and besides,
to smo radili jučer."
that's what we did yesterday. "
Seku je to naljutilo i postala je
"E, pa stvarno!" požalila se.
"Well, really!" she complained.
„Ti nećeš ništa da radiš.
„Du wirst nichts tun.
"You will not do anything.
Samo želiš da sjediš tu i grliš tu loptu.
Du willst einfach nur da sitzen und den Ball umarmen.
You just want to sit there and hug that ball.
Kao da si zaljubljen u nju!"
Es ist, als ob du in sie verliebt wärst!“
It's like you're in love with her! "
"Nisam!" pobunio se Braco.
"Ali znaš šta -
"But you know what -
kladim se da mogu ovu loptu driblati
I bet I can dribble this ball
bez da mi ju uzmeš!"
Braco je bio prilično dobar fudbaler
Braco war ein ziemlich guter Footballspieler
Braco was a pretty good football player
i vrlo dobar u driblanju.
and very good at dribbling.
Ali i Seka je bila dobra.
But Seka was good too.
Jedina koja je vidjela šta se dalje
The only one who saw what happened next
dogodilo, osim medvjedića,
passiert, außer dem Teddybären,
happened, except for the teddy bear,
bila je ptica rugalica koja se smjestila
she was a mockingbird who settled down
na grančicu ispred otvorenog prozora.
on a twig in front of an open window.
Braco se okrenuo prema Seki.
Braco wandte sich an Seka.
Braco turned to Seki.
Lopta je bila na podu između njih.
The ball was on the floor between them.
Prvo je Braco pomaknuo loptu desnom nogom,
Zuerst bewegte Braco den Ball mit seinem rechten Fuß,
a zatim lijevom,
and then left,
pokušavajući izmamiti Seku iz njenog
versucht, Seka aus ihrem herauszulocken
Potom je, brzinom munje,
Then, with lightning speed,
oštro udario loptu desnom nogom.
Gotovo je i uspjelo.
Es hat fast funktioniert.
It almost worked.
Ali i Seka je bila brza.
But Seka was fast too.
Ispružila je koljeno i blokirala loptu,
She stretched out her knee and blocked the ball,
koja se odbila o policu s knjigama,
das vom Bücherregal abprallte,
which bounced off the bookshelf,
o stolicu,
about the chair,
o tabure,
the stool,
a onda je pogodila maminu omiljenu lampu,
and then she hit her mom's favorite lamp,
koja je uz prasak pala na pod!
Ptica rugalica je ispustila krik
The mockingbird let out a scream
i odletjela koliko su je krila nosila.
und flog so weit ihre Flügel sie tragen konnten.
and flew away as far as her wings carried.
Tek što je odletjela, vidjela je
Gerade als sie wegflog, sah sie es
As soon as she flew away, she saw
Mamu Medvjedić kako se vraća s pijace!
Mama Medvjedic kommt vom Markt zurück!
Mama Medvjedić returning from the market!
Eh, pa...
Porodica Medvjedić imala je kućna pravila
Die Familie Medvjedic hatte eine Hausordnung
The Medvjedić family had house rules
i red baš kao i svaka porodica.
und bestellen Sie wie in jeder Familie.
and order just like any family.
Jedno od pravila je bilo
Eine der Regeln war
One of the rules was
„U krevetu se ne jede med“.
"You don't eat honey in bed."
Drugo je bilo
It was different
"Ne unosi se blato na čiste podove."
"No mud is brought in on clean floors."
A još jedno pravilo je glasilo
And another rule was
"Nema igranja loptom u kući!"
"No playing ball in the house!"
Šta sad?
Now what?
Braco je pogledao u Seku.
Braco looked at Sek.
Seka je pogledala u Bracu.
Seka looked at Brac.
Oboje su pogledali razbijenu lampu.
Beide blickten auf die kaputte Lampe.
They both looked at the broken lamp.
I oboje su užasnuto slušali kako mama
Und beide hörten als Mama entsetzt zu
And they both listened in horror to Mom
prilazi prednjim stepenicama
approaches the front steps
i ulazi u kuću.
and enters the house.
Braci je ostalo vremena tek da otkotrlja
Der Bruder hatte nur Zeit zum Rollen
The brothers only had time to roll
loptu iza Tatine stolice
der Ball hinter Papas Stuhl
the ball behind Daddy's chair
prije nego mama uđe u sobu.
bevor Mama den Raum betritt.
before mom enters the room.
"Moja lampa!" rekla je mama.
"My lamp!" said Mom.
“Moja najbolja lampa! Šta se desilo?"
„Meine beste Lampe! Was ist passiert?"
“My best lamp! What happened?"
pitala je gledajući mladunce u oči.
she asked, looking the cubs in the eye.
"Ispričajte mi."
"Tell me."
Mladunci su pogledali mamu u oči,
The cubs looked Mom in the eye,
a zatim jedno u drugo,
und dann ineinander,
and then into each other,
i počeli su pričati jednu od najvećih laži
und sie begannen, eine der größten Lügen zu erzählen
and they started telling one of the biggest lies
ikada ispričanih u Medogradu.
jemals in Medograd erzählt.
ever told in Medograd.
"Ptica ju je razbila!" započe Braco.
"The bird broke it!" Braco began.
"Da", dodala je Seka,
„Ja“, fügte Seka hinzu,
"Yes," Seka added,
"velika ljubičasta ptica sa žutim nogama!"
"big purple bird with yellow legs!"
"I zelenim vrhovima krila" dodao je Braco.
„Und grüne Flügelspitzen“, fügte Braco hinzu.
"And green wing tips," Braco added.
"I virilo joj je smiješno crveno perje
„Und aus ihr ragten lustige rote Federn heraus
“And her ridiculous red feathers peeked out
iz glave",
from the head ",
rekla je Seka kao završni detalj.
sagte Seka als letztes Detail.
said Seka as a final detail.
Kao i većina laži,
Like most lies,
laž o ljubičastoj ptici postajala je sve
the lie about the purple bird was becoming everything
većom i većom i većom.
bigger and bigger and bigger.
"Da", nastavili su mladunci,
"Yes," the cubs continued,
"i uletjela je kroz prozor letjela po sobi
„Und sie flog durch das Fenster hinein und flog im Zimmer umher
"and she flew in through the window and flew around the room
i srušila lampu!"
and knocked down the lamp! "
Dok je Mama Medvjedić tužna lica gledala
While Mama Medvjedić watched the sad faces
slomljenu lampu, Tata Medvjedić je došao
broken lamp, Daddy Bear came
iz svoje radionice.
from his workshop.
Mladunci su mu počeli pričati priču
The cubs started telling him a story
o velikoj ptici koja je doletjela kroz
über einen großen Vogel, der durchflog
prozor i razbila lampu.
window and smashed the lamp.
Bilo je teže ispričati je drugi put.
Beim zweiten Mal war es schwieriger, es ihr zu sagen.
It was harder to tell her a second time.
Kao prvo, nisu se mogli
Erstens kamen sie nicht miteinander aus
First of all, they couldn't
sjetiti kako su je ispričali prvi put.
remember how they told her the first time.
"Zbunili ste me", rekao je tata.
„Du hast mich verwirrt“, sagte Papa.
“You confused me,” Dad said.
„Je li to bila ljubičasta ptica sa zelenim
„War es ein lila Vogel mit einem grünen?
"Was it a purple bird with green?"
vrhovima krila i žutim nogama?
wing tips and yellow legs?
Ili žuta ptica s ljubičastim vrhovima
krila i zelenim nogama?
Ili ... je li to bila bijela ptica
Or ... was it a white bird
sa crnim mrljama ...
with black spots ...
kao što je ova fudbalska lopta
like this soccer ball
iza moje stolice?”
hinter meinem Stuhl?“
behind my chair? ”
U stvari ono što je drugi put bilo najteže
Was beim zweiten Mal tatsächlich am schwierigsten war
In fact, the second time was the hardest
bilo je gledati tužnu mamu dok je kupila
it was to watch the sad mom as she bought
komadiće slomljene lampe.
pieces of a broken lamp.
"Mama, zaista nam je žao zbog lampe",
„Mama, das mit der Lampe tut uns wirklich leid“
"Mom, we're really sorry about the lamp,"
rekao je Braco.
said Braco.
"Da!" reče Seka, podižući posljednji komad
"That!" said Seka, picking up the last piece
i stavljajući ga u posudu.
und in einen Behälter geben.
and putting it in a bowl.
"Ma ne", rekla je mama.
"Oh no," Mom said.
„Ne brinem zbog lampe.
"I am not worried about the lamp.
Uvijek možemo nabaviti drugu lampu
We can always get another lamp
ili ovu zalijepiti.
or paste this one.
Ono što me žalosti je pomisao da mi možda,
What saddens me is the thought that maybe,
ali samo možda, moji mladunci,
but just maybe, my cubs,
kojima sam uvijek vjerovala,
which I always trusted,
ne govore istinu.
they are not telling the truth.
A povjerenje nije nešto što
And trust is not something that
se može tako lako vratiti."
kann so einfach zurückgegeben werden.
it can be returned so easily. "
Oboje mladunaca je odjednom počelo pričati
Beide Jungen fingen plötzlich an zu reden
Both cubs suddenly started talking
"To nije bila ptica!" reče Seka.
"It wasn't a bird!" said Seka.
"Bila je to fudbalska lopta."
„Es war ein Fußball.“
"It was a soccer ball."
"I ja sam za sve kriv!" povikao je Braco.
„Und es ist alles meine Schuld!“ schrie Braco.
"And I'm to blame for everything!" cried Braco.
"I ja sam jednako kriva!" viknula je Seka.
"I'm equally guilty!" Seka shouted.
Ali oboje je nadglasao telefon
But both were overpowered by the phone
koji je glasno zazvonio.
which rang loudly.
Bila je to Baka Grizzly koja je pozvala
Es war Oma Grizzly, der anrief
It was Grandma Grizzly calling
porodicu Medvjedić u nedjeljnu posjetu.
die Familie Medvjedic zu einem Sonntagsbesuch.
the Medvjedic family for a Sunday visit.
"Zdravo, Bako!" rekla je mama.
"Hello, Grandma!" said mom.
„Da, sve je u redu ovdje u kućici
"Yes, everything is fine here in the cottage
na drvetu. Šta ima kod tebe?"
on the tree. Whats up?"
"Ali mama!" pobunila se Seka nakon što
"But mom!" protested Seka after
je mama poklopila slušalicu.
Mom hung up.
"Rekla si Baki da je ovdje sve u redu,
"You told Grandma that everything is fine here,
a to zapravo nije istina."
and that's actually not true."
"Ali istina je", odgovori mama.
"But it's true," answered mom.
„Imamo dvoje finih mladunaca
"We have two nice cubs
koji su upravo naučili vrlo važnu lekciju
who have just learned a very important lesson
o tome kako treba govoriti istinu.
about how to tell the truth.
A šta može biti bolje od toga?
And what could be better than that?
Pomozimo sada tati da zalijepi lampu."
Now let's help dad glue the lamp."
Niko ni ne očekuje od mladunaca da budu
Niemand erwartet, dass es Junge gibt
Nobody expects cubs to be
savršeni, i s vremena na vrijeme Braco
perfect, and from time to time Bro
i Seka Medvjedić bi zaboravili pravila.
selbst Seka Medvjedic würde die Regeln vergessen.
even Seka Medvjedic would forget the rules.
Braco je nekoliko puta jeo med u krevetu.
Braco aß mehrmals Honig im Bett.
Bro has eaten honey in bed several times.
Jednom je Seka unijela malo blata
Once, Seka brought in some mud
na čisti pod.
auf einem sauberen Boden.
on a clean floor.
I nekoliko puta Braco i Seka su se počeli
And several times Braco and Seka started each other
igrati loptom u kući prije nego što su
im Haus Ball spielen, bevor sie es sind
play ball in the house before they are
se sjetili da se to ne radi.
erinnerte sich, dass dies nicht getan wurde.
remembered that this is not done.
Ali nikada, nikada više nisu lagali...
But they never, ever lied again...
Jer je povjerenje nešto što se ne
Because trust is something that cannot be
može lako popraviti kad se jednom uništi.
can be easily repaired once destroyed.
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Ćao Klinci