Derfor er det svært at hente de danske børn i fangelejrene
Therefore|is|it|difficult|to|retrieve|the|Danish|children|from|the detention camps
Warum es schwierig ist, dänische Kinder in den Gefangenenlagern abzuholen
Therefore, it is difficult to retrieve the Danish children from the detention camps.
Mindst 19 børn i Syrien er et af de mest omtalte emner i dansk politik.
At least|children|in|Syria|are|one|of|the|most|discussed|topics|in|Danish|politics
At least 19 children in Syria are one of the most discussed topics in Danish politics.
De danske børn i lejre i Syrien.
The Danish children in camps in Syria.
- De skal hjem. - Vi vil hjælpe børnene.
They|shall|home|We|will|help|the children
- They need to come home. - We want to help the children.
Men vi ønsker ikke at hjælpe forældrene.
But|we|want|not|to|help|the parents
But we do not want to help the parents.
De befinder sig i to fangelejre i Syrien.
They|are located|themselves|in|two|prison camps|in|Syria
They are located in two detention camps in Syria.
Spørgsmålet er, om de mindst 19 børn skal hentes til Danmark -
The question|is|whether|they|at least|children|should|be brought|to|Denmark
The question is whether the at least 19 children should be brought to Denmark -
- og om deres mødre skal samme vej.
- and whether their mothers should go the same way.
Børnene er endt i fangelejrene al-Hol og al-Roj -
The children|are|ended|in|the detention camps|||and||
The children have ended up in the camps al-Hol and al-Roj -
- fordi deres forældre rejste til Mellemøsten -
because|their|parents|traveled|to|the Middle East
- because their parents traveled to the Middle East -
- og tilsluttede sig terrorbevægelsen Islamisk Stat.
and|joined|himself|terrorist movement|Islamic|State
- and joined the terrorist movement Islamic State.
Islamisk Stat så dagens lys i 2013.
Islamic State came into existence in 2013.
Bevægelsens mål var at oprette et kalifat.
The movement|goal|was|to|establish|a|caliphate
The movement's goal was to establish a caliphate.
Terrororganisationen førte en hvervekampagne.
The terrorist organization|conducted|a|recruitment campaign
The terrorist organization conducted a recruitment campaign.
Det fik danske statsborgere til at søge mod Mellemøsten.
It|made|Danish|citizens|to||seek|towards|the Middle East
This led Danish citizens to seek out the Middle East.
En international koalition satte militært ind mod Islamisk Stat.
An international coalition took military action against Islamic State.
I februar 2019 faldt bevægelsens sidste bastioner i Syrien og Irak.
In|February|fell|of the movement|last|bastions|in|Syria|and|Iraq
In February 2019, the movement's last strongholds fell in Syria and Iraq.
USA og Danmark samarbejdede med kurdiske militser i kampen -
USA|and|Denmark|collaborated|with|Kurdish|militias|in|the fight
The USA and Denmark collaborated with Kurdish militias in the fight -
- og kurderne er stadig aktive i Syrien.
and|the Kurds|are|still|active|in|Syria
- and the Kurds are still active in Syria.
Tusindvis af IS-sympatisører befinder sig i fangenskab i Syrien.
Thousands of IS sympathizers are in captivity in Syria.
Der bor kvinder og børn fra 30-40 forskellige lande.
There are women and children from 30-40 different countries.
Blandt dem er mødrene til de børn, der befinder sig i fangelejrene.
Among|them|are|the mothers|of|the|children|who|are|themselves|in|the detention camps
Among them are the mothers of the children who are in the camps.
Det kurdiske selvstyre i det nordlige Syrien driver fangelejrene.
The|Kurdish|self-governance|in|the|northern|Syria|manages|the prisons
The Kurdish self-government in northern Syria runs the camps.
Fra de kurdiske myndigheder lyder opfordringen -
From|the|Kurdish|authorities|sounds|the call
From the Kurdish authorities comes the call -
- at lande med statsborgere i lejrene henter deres borgere hjem.
for|countries|with|citizens|in|the camps|retrieve|their|citizens|home
- for countries with citizens in the camps to bring their citizens home.
Samtidig kritiseres forholdene i lejrene for at være steder -
At the same time|are criticized|the conditions|in|the camps|for|to be|be|places
At the same time, the conditions in the camps are criticized for being places -
- hvor børn slet ikke bør være.
where|children|at all|not|should|be
- where children should not be at all.
I en trusselsvurdering fra PET står der -
In|a|threat assessment|from|PET|states|there
In a threat assessment from PET, it states -
- at de mindste børn ikke udgør en selvstændig terrortrussel.
that|the|smallest|children|not|pose|a|independent|terrorist threat
- that the youngest children do not pose an independent terror threat.
Men risikoen for radikalisering stiger, desto ældre børnene bliver -
But|the risk|of|radicalization|increases|the more|older|the children|become
But the risk of radicalization increases as the children get older -
- og desto længere tid de opholder sig i lejrene.
and|the more|longer|time|they|stay|themselves|in|the camps
- and the longer they stay in the camps.
Al-Hol-lejren er et sted -
The Al-Hol camp is a place -
- hvor Islamisk Stat stadig har stor indflydelse.
- where the Islamic State still has a strong influence.
Det kurdiske selvstyres udenrigsminister, Abdulkarim Omar -
The|Kurdish|self-governing|foreign minister|Abdulkarim|Omar
The foreign minister of the Kurdish self-administration, Abdulkarim Omar -
- har kaldt lejren for "verdens farligste sted".
has|called|the camp|as|world's|most dangerous|place
- has called the camp "the world's most dangerous place."
Danske politikere er uenige om, hvordan situationen skal håndteres.
Danish|politicians|are|disagree|about|how|situation|should|be handled
Danish politicians disagree on how the situation should be handled.
Det er bedst at få de her mennesker til Danmark.
It is best to bring these people to Denmark.
Der følger voksne med, og de er radikaliserede og en trussel.
There are adults accompanying them, and they are radicalized and a threat.
Regeringen vurderer, at Danmark ikke skal evakuere danske statsborgere -
The government|assesses|that|Denmark|not|should|evacuate|Danish|citizens
The government assesses that Denmark should not evacuate Danish citizens -
- der har opholdt sig hos Islamisk Stat.
- who have been with Islamic State.
Men der er enighed mellem flere partier om -
But there is agreement among several parties on -
- at muligheden for at hente børnene hjem uden mødre skal undersøges.
to|possibility|of|to|pick up|the children|home|without|mothers|shall|be investigated
- that the possibility of bringing the children home without their mothers should be investigated.
En taskforce skal vurdere, om man kan evakuere børnene.
A|task force|shall|assess|whether|one|can|evacuate|the children
A task force will assess whether it is possible to evacuate the children.
Mødrene må ikke komme med, understreger regeringen.
The mothers|may|not|come|along|emphasizes|the government
The mothers must not come along, the government emphasizes.
Vi skal hjælpe børnene uden deres forældre.
We|shall|help|the children|without|their|parents
We must help the children without their parents.
Enhedslisten og andre kritikere mener -
The Red-Green Alliance|and|other|critics|believe
The Red-Green Alliance and other critics believe -
- at man ikke kan tage børnene til Danmark uden mødrene.
that|one|not|can|take|the children|to|Denmark|without|the mothers
- that one cannot take the children to Denmark without their mothers.
Man skal ikke adskille børnene fra deres mødre.
One|should|not|separate|the children|from|their|mothers
Children should not be separated from their mothers.
Det har vi lægevurderinger, der siger.
It|has|we|medical assessments|that|say
We have medical assessments that say so.
Det komplicerer sagen yderligere -
This further complicates the matter -
- at der hersker tvivl om, hvem der rent juridisk er danske statsborgere.
- that there is doubt about who is legally Danish citizens.
Udenrigsministeriet kendte i foråret 2021 til mindst 19 børn og 6 mødre -
Ministry of Foreign Affairs|knew|in|spring|of|at least|children|and|mothers
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was aware in the spring of 2021 of at least 19 children and 6 mothers -
- med tilknytning til Danmark, der befinder sig i de to lejre.
- with ties to Denmark, who are in the two camps.
Man kan inddele dem i to grupper.
They can be divided into two groups.
Den første gruppe er 14 børn, hvor de fleste er født i Danmark.
The first group consists of 14 children, most of whom were born in Denmark.
Alle har eller har ret til dansk statsborgerskab.
Everyone has or has the right to Danish citizenship.
Til dem er der tre mødre, der er født i Danmark, konverteret til islam.
To them, there are three mothers who were born in Denmark and converted to Islam.
De har alle kun dansk statsborgskab.
They all only have Danish citizenship.
I den næste gruppe bliver det mere kompliceret.
In|the|next|group|will be|it|more|complicated
In the next group, it becomes more complicated.
De fem børn er født i konfliktzonen af tre mødre -
The|five|children|are|born|in|the conflict zone|of|three|mothers
The five children were born in the conflict zone by three mothers -
- som havde dobbelt statsborgerskab i fx Iran og Danmark.
who|had|dual|citizenship|in|for example|Iran|and|Denmark
- who had dual citizenship in, for example, Iran and Denmark.
I dag er de frataget det danske -
Today they have been stripped of their Danish -
- fordi de er rejst til Syrien for at tilslutte sig militante grupper.
because|they|are|traveled|to|Syria|in order to||join|themselves|militant|groups
- because they traveled to Syria to join militant groups.
Fratagelsen er imidlertid anket.
The deprivation|is|however|appealed
The revocation has, however, been appealed.
Her bliver vi nødt til at lave et sidespring af teknisk karakter.
Here|we will be|we|forced|to|to|make|a|detour|of|technical|nature
Here we need to make a technical digression.
Danske fremmedkrigere kan blive frataget statsborgerskabet.
Danish|foreign fighters|can|be|deprived of|citizenship
Danish foreign fighters can be stripped of their citizenship.
I 2019 blev der vedtaget en omstridt hastelov -
In|was|there|passed|a|controversial|emergency law
In 2019, a controversial emergency law was passed -
- som gjorde det muligt at fratage fremmedkrigere statsborgerskabet -
that|made|it|possible|to|deprive|foreign fighters|citizenship
- which made it possible to revoke the citizenship of foreign fighters -
- hvis de også har statsborgerskab i et andet land.
- if they also hold citizenship in another country.
Når staten fratager en borger et statsborgerskab -
When|the state|deprives|a|citizen|a|citizenship
When the state strips a citizen of their citizenship -
- inddrager den det danske pas og de danske rettigheder.
- includes the Danish passport and the Danish rights.
Danmarks juridiske ansvar for borgeren bortfalder dermed.
Denmark|legal|responsibility|for|the citizen|ceases|thereby
Denmark's legal responsibility for the citizen thus ceases.
Det leder os tilbage til gruppe 2.
This brings us back to group 2.
Hvis børnene er født, inden mødrene blev frataget statsborgerskabet -
If|the children|are|born|before|the mothers|were|deprived of|citizenship
If the children were born before the mothers were stripped of their citizenship -
- har Danmark teknisk set stadig ansvaret for børnene.
has|Denmark|technically|speaking|still|responsibility|for|the children
- Denmark technically still has responsibility for the children.
Derfor er det også vigtigt for myndighederne at få bekræftet -
Therefore|is|it|also|important|for|the authorities|to|get|confirmed
Therefore, it is also important for the authorities to get confirmation -
- at børnene i denne gruppe rent biologisk er mødrenes.
that|the children|in|this|group|purely|biologically|are|the mothers'
- that the children in this group are biologically the mothers'.
Så der er tvivl om tilhørsforholdet for de fem børn i gruppe 2 har.
So|there|is|doubt|about|the affiliation|for|the|five|children|in|group|have
So there is doubt about the affiliation of the five children in group 2.
Det er de 19 børn og de 6 mødre, som er i kontakt med Udenrigsministeriet.
It|is|the|children|and|the|mothers|who|are|in|contact|with|the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
These are the 19 children and the 6 mothers who are in contact with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Ud over de børn er der flere med tilknytning til Danmark -
In addition to these children, there are several with ties to Denmark -
- som ikke er i kontakt med danske myndigheder eller advokater.
- who are not in contact with Danish authorities or lawyers.
Regeringen vil ikke hjemtage de tre med statsborgerskab i gruppe 1 -
The government|will|not|repatriate|the|three|with|citizenship|in|group
The government will not repatriate the three with citizenship in group 1 -
- fordi de valgte at tilslutte sig Islamisk Stat.
- because they chose to join the Islamic State.
Uden mødrenes samtykke er det en udfordring -
Without the mothers' consent, it is a challenge -
- at tage deres 14 børn fra dem for at blive evakueret til Danmark.
to|take|their|children|from|them|in order to|to|be|evacuated|to|Denmark
- to take their 14 children from them to be evacuated to Denmark.
Den taskforce, der skal vurdere, om børnene kan evakueres -
The|task force|that|shall|assess|whether|the children|can|be evacuated
The task force that will assess whether the children can be evacuated -
- ventes at have et svar klar senest 15. maj.
is expected|to|have|an|answer|ready|by|May
- is expected to have an answer ready by May 15 at the latest.
Den skal afdække -
It will investigate -
- om man forsvarligt kan evakuere de danske børn uden deres forældre.
- whether it is safe to evacuate the Danish children without their parents.
Det vigtigste er, hvad regeringen gør. Vi vil holde den fast på -
The|most important|is|what|government|does|We|will|hold|it|accountable|to
The most important thing is what the government does. We will hold it accountable for -
- at den forbereder evakuering af børnene og en god modtagelse.
that|it|prepares|evacuation|of|the children|and|a|good|reception
- that it prepares the evacuation of the children and a good reception.
Det er en kompliceret sag.
It is a complicated matter.
Hvis du vil have de nyeste opdateringer -
If|you|want|to have|the|latest|updates
If you want the latest updates -
- skal du gå ind på Der følger vi med hele tiden.
shall|you|go|in|on|||There|follow|we|along|all|the time
- you should visit We keep up with everything all the time.
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