Hvordan vinder man en Oscar?
How|does one win|one|an|Oscar
Wie kann man einen Oscar gewinnen?
How do you win an Oscar?
For at få en Oscar for "Bedste film" skal man vel lave årets bedste film?
To get an Oscar for "Best Picture," you probably have to make the best film of the year?
Oscar-uddelingen har fundet sted i Los Angeles.
|the awards|has|taken|place|in|Los|Angeles
The Oscar ceremony has taken place in Los Angeles.
Men bag instruktører og skuespillere står der produktionsselskaber klar -
But|behind|directors|and|actors|are|there|production companies|ready
But behind directors and actors, there are production companies ready -
- til at bruge masser af penge på at vinde, og det ser ud til at virke.
- to spend a lot of money to win, and it seems to work.
I nat gik stjernerne over den røde løber i Hollywood.
Last|night|walked|the stars|over|the|red|carpet|in|Hollywood
Last night, the stars walked the red carpet in Hollywood.
Oscar er den amerikanske filmindustris højeste udmærkelse.
Oscar|is|the|American|film industry|highest|award
The Oscar is the highest honor in the American film industry.
Oscar uddeles af Oscar-Akademiet. Lad os lige se, hvem det er.
Oscar|is awarded|by||the Academy|Let|us|just|see|who|it|is
The Oscar is awarded by the Academy Awards. Let's take a look at who they are.
Der er omkring 9000 medlemmer, der kan stemme.
There are about 9,000 members who can vote.
De arbejder eller har arbejdet med film.
They work or have worked in film.
De er fordelt på faggrupper, der matcher de 23 forskellige Oscars.
They|are|distributed|across|subject groups|that|match|the|different|Oscars
They are distributed among professional groups that match the 23 different Oscars.
Skuespillere nominerer skuespillere, instruktører nominerer instruktører -
Actors nominate actors, directors nominate directors -
- forfattere nominerer forfattere osv.
- writers nominate writers, etc.
Alle kan nominere til "Bedste film".
Anyone can nominate for "Best Picture".
Når der skal findes en vinder -
When|there|should|be found|a|winner
When a winner is to be found -
- skal alle medlemmer stemme i alle kategorier.
- all members must vote in all categories.
Hvorfor er det så attraktivt at få den Oscar?
Why is it so attractive to win that Oscar?
De senere år har det i filmmiljøet været diskuteret -
The|recent|years|have|it|in|the film community|been|discussed
In recent years, it has been discussed in the film community -
- om Oscar-statuetten stadig er så eftertragtet ...
if||the statuette|still|is|so|coveted
- whether the Oscar statuette is still so coveted ...
Er uddelingen racistisk?
Is|the distribution|racist
Is the award ceremony racist?
... både fordi alle vindere stort set har været hvide ...
... both because all winners have mostly been white ...
Der er ingen sorte skuespillere med.
There are no black actors included.
... men også pga. forudsigeligheden, hvor fx en sci-fi-film aldrig vinder.
but|also|due to|predictability|where|for example|a|sci|||never|wins
... but also because of the predictability, where for example a sci-fi film never wins.
Det er helt forældet.
It is completely outdated.
Men Oscar-statuetten ses stadig som et enormt kvalitetsstempel -
But|||is seen|still|as|an|enormous|quality stamp
But the Oscar statue is still seen as an enormous stamp of quality -
- både i filmbranchen og hos forbrugerne.
both|in|the film industry|and|among|consumers
- both in the film industry and among consumers.
Det kan man se på HBO og Netflix, hvor de Oscar-nominerede fremhæves.
It|can|one|see|on|HBO|and|Netflix|where|the||nominated|are highlighted
You can see this on HBO and Netflix, where the Oscar-nominated films are highlighted.
Og når mediedanmark går amok, fordi en dansk film nomineres eller vinder.
And|when|the Danish media|goes|crazy|because|a|Danish|film|is nominated|or|wins
And when the Danish media goes crazy because a Danish film is nominated or wins.
En dansk film er i spil til en Oscar for "Bedste internationale film".
A Danish film is in the running for an Oscar for "Best International Film."
Der er også de millioner af dollars, der ser ud til at følge med.
There are also the millions of dollars that seem to follow.
Der laves både actionfilm til biografen -
There|are made|both|action movies|for|the cinema
Both action films are made for the cinema -
- kunstfilm, der udfordrer måden at lave film på ...
art film|that|challenges|the way|to|make|film|on
- art films that challenge the way films are made ...
Det er den islandske "Vinterbrødre".
It|is|the|Icelandic|Winter Brothers
It is the Icelandic "Winter Brothers."
... og film, der skal vinde priser.
... and films that are meant to win awards.
Generelt set tjener film ifølge amerikanske medier mere -
Generally|speaking|earn|films|according to|American|media|more
Generally speaking, films earn more according to American media -
- når de nomineres og vinder en Oscar.
when|they|are nominated|and|win|an|Oscar
- when they are nominated and win an Oscar.
De seneste års "Bedste film" har fået en ekstra indtjening.
The recent years' "Best Picture" has gained extra revenue.
Så der er penge i en Oscar, men hvordan får man fat i en?
So there is money in an Oscar, but how do you get one?
Den mest prestigefyldte er Oscaren for "Bedste film".
The most prestigious is the Oscar for "Best Picture".
Først udvælges manuskripter.
First|are selected|manuscripts
First, scripts are selected.
Langt de fleste Oscars for "Bedste film" er gået til dramaer.
The vast majority of Oscars for "Best Picture" have gone to dramas.
Og så skal det være en lang film.
And it should be a long film.
Ud af de 93 vindere er 64 af dem to timer eller derover.
Out of the 93 winners, 64 of them are two hours or longer.
Den længste er knap fire timer. Ti vindere er over tre timer.
The longest is just under four hours. Ten winners are over three hours.
Ifølge anmeldere og kommentatorer elsker Akademiet store film -
According to|reviewers|and|commentators|love|the Academy|big|films
According to reviewers and commentators, the Academy loves big films -
- dramaer, der behandler store tematikker -
dramas|that|deal with|big|themes
- dramas that address major themes -
- gerne i en tragisk periode som Holocaust eller slaveriet i USA.
preferably|in|a|tragic|period|such as|Holocaust|or|slavery|in|USA
- preferably in a tragic period such as the Holocaust or slavery in the USA.
Der er også kommet stort fokus på, hvem der laver filmen.
There|is|also|come|great|focus|on|who|who|makes|the film
There has also been a great focus on who makes the film.
Prismodtagerne har hovedsageligt været hvide.
The prize recipients|have|mainly|been|white
The award winners have mainly been white.
Derfor har Akademiet øget fokus på diversitet og minoriteter.
Therefore|has|the Academy|increased|focus|on|diversity|and|minorities
Therefore, the Academy has increased focus on diversity and minorities.
Men man møder stadig kritik.
But one still faces criticism.
Ser man på Akademiet, er 84 % hvide og 16 % en minoritet.
Looking|one|at|the Academy|is|white|and|a|minority
Looking at the Academy, 84% are white and 16% are a minority.
Pga. kritikken har man udstedt kriterier for film, der nomineres:
Due to|the criticism|has|one|issued|criteria|for|films|that|are nominated
Due to the criticism, criteria have been issued for films that are nominated:
Mindst én hovedrolle eller vigtig birolle skal være en minoritet.
At least|one|leading role|or|important|supporting role|must|be|a|minority
At least one lead role or significant supporting role must be a minority.
Og mindst 30 % af filmholdet skal være kvinde, LGBTQ+ -
And|at least|of|film crew|must|be|women|LGBTQ+
And at least 30% of the film crew must be women, LGBTQ+ -
- fra en race eller etnisk minoritet eller have et handicap.
- from a race or ethnic minority or have a disability.
Når du har lavet et langt drama med det rigtige hold -
When you have made a long drama with the right team -
- kan du sælge din film til Akademiet.
can|you|sell|your|film|to|the Academy
- you can sell your film to the Academy.
De fleste medlemmer har fuldtidsjob og et liv, der skal passes.
The|most|members|have|full-time jobs|and|a|life|that|must|be taken care of
Most members have full-time jobs and a life to manage.
De skal også se virkelig mange film og bedømme, om de er Oscar-materiale.
They also have to watch a lot of films and judge whether they are Oscar material.
I år er der fx nomineret 56 spille- og kortfilm -
This|year|is|there|for example|nominated||and|short films
This year, for example, 56 feature and short films have been nominated -
- som medlemmerne burde se, men det sker vist ikke altid.
that|the members|should|see|but|it|happens|probably|not|always
- which the members should watch, but that doesn't always happen.
I 2015 kom der en undersøgelse, der sagde -
In 2015, a study came out that said -
- at 6 % det år ikke havde set nogen af de nominerede til "Bedste film".
- that 6% that year had not seen any of the nominees for "Best Film".
Der kæmpes om Akademiets opmærksomhed for seriøst mange penge.
There|is fought|for|the Academy’s|attention|for|seriously|many|dollars
There is a fight for the Academy's attention for seriously a lot of money.
Det er svært at sige præcis hvor mange.
It is hard to say exactly how many.
If. amerikanske medier er det 10 mio. dollars i snit.
According to American media, it is 10 million dollars on average.
Til "A Star Is Born" blev der brugt 20 mio. dollars på en Oscar-kampagne.
For "A Star Is Born," 20 million dollars were spent on an Oscar campaign.
Pengene går til alt fra reklamespots til Instagram-kontoer.
The money|goes|to|everything|from|advertising spots|to||accounts
The money goes to everything from commercials to Instagram accounts.
Medlemmerne får tilsendt materiale og inviteres til filmfremvisninger.
The members|receive|sent|material|and|are invited|to|film screenings
Members receive materials and are invited to film screenings.
En af de store poster i budgettet er filmfestivaler.
One|of|the|large|items|in|the budget|is|film festivals
One of the major items in the budget is film festivals.
De er en vigtig del af vejen til en Oscar.
They are an important part of the path to an Oscar.
De vigtigste er Cannes, Telluride, Toronto og Venedig.
The|most important|are|Cannes|Telluride|Toronto|and|Venice
The most important ones are Cannes, Telluride, Toronto, and Venice.
Her mødes filmkritikere, akademimedlemmer og stjerner.
Here|meet|film critics|academy members|and|stars
Here, film critics, academy members, and stars meet.
- Er du journalist? - Jeg er skuespiller.
- Are you a journalist? - I am an actor.
Her kan man skabe opmærksomhed om sin film.
Here you can create awareness about your film.
De seneste ti års "Bedste film" har haft premiere på en filmfestival.
The|latest|ten|years|Best|film|have|had|premiere|at|a|film festival
The "Best Film" winners of the last ten years have premiered at a film festival.
Og hvis de vinder priser, får Akademiet måske øje på filmen.
And|if|they|win|awards|might get|the Academy|maybe|eye|on|the film
And if they win awards, the Academy might take notice of the film.
Det handler om, at medlemmerne skal huske ens film, når de stemmer.
It|is about|that|the|members|must|remember|their|film|when|they|vote
It's about the members remembering your film when they vote.
Oscar-sæsonen lukker sammen med kalenderåret den 31. december.
|the season|closes|together|with|calendar year|on|December
The Oscar season closes with the calendar year on December 31.
Derfor slippes mange film først løs i biograferne i slutningen af året -
Therefore|are released|many|films|only|loose|in|the theaters|in|the end|of|the year
Therefore, many films are released in theaters at the end of the year -
- så der stadig er noget hype, når medlemmerne skal stemme.
so|there|still|is|some|hype|when|the members|should|vote
- so there is still some hype when the members have to vote.
Film, der gør alt for at få en Oscar, kaldes for "Oscar-madding".
Film|that|does|everything|to|get|win|an|Oscar|is called|for||bait
Films that do everything to get an Oscar are called "Oscar bait."
Her er unge Will Shakespeare.
Here is young Will Shakespeare.
Et godt eksempel er "Shakespeare in Love" fra 1999.
A good example is "Shakespeare in Love" from 1999.
Filmen "Saving Private Ryan" havde alle ingredienserne:
The movie|Saving|Private|Ryan|had|all|the ingredients
The movie "Saving Private Ryan" had all the ingredients:
Store følelser, en historisk kulisse, Spielberg som instruktør -
Big emotions, a historical backdrop, Spielberg as director -
- og så selvfølgelig Tom Hanks.
and|then|of course|Tom|Hanks
- and of course Tom Hanks.
Men med en 15 mio. dollars-kampagne og Harvey Weinstein i spidsen -
But with a 15 million dollar campaign and Harvey Weinstein at the helm -
- fik "Shakespeare in Love" en Oscar for "Bedste film".
- "Shakespeare in Love" won an Oscar for "Best Picture."
Det kan altså betale sig at føre en Oscar-kampagne.
It is indeed worth it to run an Oscar campaign.
Det er umuligt at vurdere objektivt, hvad der er den bedste film.
It is impossible to objectively assess what the best film is.
Det er ikke VM i film.
It|is|not|World Championship|in|film
It is not the World Cup of films.
Oscar-akademiet er en privat organisation, som uddeler priser -
The Oscar Academy is a private organization that awards prizes -
- og de film, der vinder Oscars, sælger langtfra flest billetter.
and|the|movies|that|win|Oscars|sell|far from|most|tickets
- and the films that win Oscars do not sell the most tickets by far.
Hvis man ser på vinderne for "Bedste film" i 17, 18 og 19 -
If|one|looks|at|the winners|for|Best|film|in|and
If you look at the winners for "Best Film" in 17, 18, and 19 -
- er der langt fra billetindtægterne til de bedst sælgende film.
is|there|far|from|the ticket revenues|to|the|best|selling|films
- there is a big gap between the box office earnings and the best-selling films.
Oscar er supervigtig for nogle, men mange ser de film, der ikke vandt.
Oscar|is|super important|for|some|but|many|watch|the|films|that|not|won
The Oscar is super important for some, but many watch the films that didn't win.
Så det er op til dig, hvilken film der er bedst.
So it's up to you which film is the best.
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