Ομικρός πρίγκιπας, διασχίζοντας την έρημο, συνάντησε ένα μονάχα λουλούδι.
A small prince, crossing the desert, met a single flower.
O pequeno príncipe, atravessando o deserto, encontrou uma única flor.
Ένα λουλούδι με τρία πέτα, ένα λουλούδι ασήμαντο… «Καλημέρα» είπε ο μικρός πρίγκιπας.
A flower with three petals, an insignificant flower... "Good morning" said the little prince.
Uma flor com três pétalas, uma flor insignificante... "Bom dia", disse o principezinho.
«Καλημέρα» είπε το λουλούδι.
«Πού βρίσκονται οι άνθρωποι;» ρώτησε ευγενικά ο μικρός πρίγκιπας.
"Onde estão as pessoas?", perguntou o principezinho com delicadeza.
Το λουλούδι, μια μέρα, είχε δει να περνάει ένα καραβάνι: «Οι άνθρωποι; Νομίζω ότι υπάρχουν έξι-επτά.
The flower, one day, had seen a caravan pass by: “People? I think there are six or seven.
A flor, um dia, tinha visto passar uma caravana: "As pessoas? acho que são seis ou sete.
Τους είχα δει πριν χρόνια.
I had seen them years ago.
Vi-os há muitos anos.
Μα δεν ξέρεις ποτέ πού να τους βρεις.
But you never know where to find them.
Mas nunca se sabe onde os encontrar.
Τους παρασέρνει ο άνεμος.
|zieht weg||
The wind blows them away.
São levados pelo vento.
Δεν έχουν ρίζες κι αυτό τους δυσκολεύει πολύ».
||Wurzeln||||schwierig machen|
||roots||||makes it difficult|
They do not have roots and this makes it very difficult for them ".
Não têm raízes e isso torna as coisas muito difíceis para eles".
«Αντίο» είπε ο μικρός πρίγκιπας.
"Goodbye," said the little prince.
"Adeus", disse o principezinho.
«Αντίο» είπε το λουλούδι.
"Goodbye," said the flower.