Ég veit
Ich weiß
I know
Ik weet
Eu sei
ég veit
|I know
I know
ég veit hvernig það er
i know how it is
að tala við einhvern seint um nótt
talking to someone late at night
og vilja aldrei nokkurn tímann sofna framar
|||anyone|the time||anymore
and never want to fall asleep again
i już nigdy nie chcieć zasnąć
að ógna
|to threaten
to threaten
basic needs
the basic needs
podstawowe potrzeby
the basic needs
með kæruleysi ástarinnar
|carefreeness|of love
with the recklessness of love
z nieostrożnością miłości
og trúa blint á að hún dugi þér fram eftir öllu
|believe blindly|blindly||||serve you well||||
and believe blindly that it will be enough for you after all
i ślepo wierz, że ona ci jednak wystarczy
þráin sem dúkkar upp
yearning that arises||pops up|
the desire that pops up
pojawia się pragnienie
óttinn að ekkert verði jafn ljúft og nákvæmlega núna
the fear that nothing will be as sweet as exactly now
strach, że nic nie będzie tak słodkie jak właśnie teraz
þar til hann lokar augunum
|||closes|his eyes
until he closes his eyes
dopóki nie zamknie oczu
og hann veit það alls ekki
and he doesn't know it at all
a on w ogóle o tym nie wie
en hann brýtur í þér hjartað
||breaks|||your heart
but he breaks your heart
ale on łamie ci serce
og þú liggur þarna
and you lie there
i leżysz tam
brjálæðislega ástfangin
madly|madly in love
madly in love
szaleńczo zakochany