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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 018

我 哋 啊 講到 楊彪 、 朱俊 , 會 齊 朝廷 嘅 官員 總共 六 十幾人 就 先 去 郭 汜 嘅 軍營 講和 吖 。 嘻 你 哋 估點 吖 嗱? 哈 , 個 郭汜 啊 竟然 將 所有 嘅 官員 扣留住 。 嗰 啲 官 就 話 嘞 : 我 哋 係 為 咗 大家 好 先 至 嚟 啫 , 點解 要 扣留 我 哋 啊 ? 郭汜話 嘞 : 哼 ! 李 傕 劫 天子 就 得 , 噉 我 劫 公卿 百官 就 唔 得 呀 ? 楊彪 話 嘞 : 你 哋 一個 劫 天子 , 一個 劫 公卿 , 究竟 你 哋 想點 啊 ? 郭汜火 滾起 上 嚟 ,𠻘 聲 掹 出 把 劍 想 殺 楊 彪 噃。 中郎將 楊密 就 苦苦 勸住 郭汜 , 終歸 就 放 咗 楊彪 同 朱俊扯 , 噉 其餘 嗰 啲 官 呢 , 都 監禁 住 喺 軍營 裏 便 嚟 。 楊彪 對 朱俊話 嘞 : 唉 , 唉 , 我 哋 身為 大臣 , 唔 能夠 幫助 主 上 脫離 苦難 , 真 係 白白 生 喺 人世 咯 。 講完 兩個 攬住 喊起 上 嚟 , 仲 暈倒 喺 地 添 。 朱俊返 到 屋企 之後 冇 幾耐 就 得 咗 病 , 好 快 就 死 咗 嘞 。 呢 啲 呢 係 以後 嘅 事 , 就 唔 講 佢 。 噉 從此 之後 啊 , 李 傕 、 郭汜 日日 都 廝殺 , 連氣 打 咗 五十 幾日 , 死 咗 都 唔 知 幾多 人 。 而家 講下 李 傕 呢 個人 呀 , 佢 係 最 迷信 嘅 , 最 喜歡 嗰 啲 左 道 妖邪 嘅 法術 , 時時 都 叫 個 跳 神婆 喺 軍營 裏 便 請 神 嘅 喎 。 呢 啲 事 , 賈詡 係 最 反對 嘅 嘞 , 佢 勸 過 李 傕 好 多次 , 唔 好 搞 啲 噉 嘢 喇 噉 , 之 李 傕 總 係 唔 聽 。 有 一日 , 侍中 楊琦 靜靜 對 皇帝 話 喇 : 陛下 , 照 臣 嘅 觀察 , 賈詡 呢 個人 雖然 係 李 傕 嘅 心腹 啊 , 但 係 佢 個 心 始終 仲 係 忠於 陛下 嘅 。 陛下 同 佢 商量 下 都 好 吖 。 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 賈詡 嚟 嘞 , 獻帝 就 叫 左右 啲 人行 開 , 佢 流 住 眼淚 對 賈詡 話 : 卿家 , 能 唔 能夠 可憐 下 漢朝 , 救 朕 一命 啊 ! 賈詡 跪 喺 地下 回答 話 : 呢 個 乃 係 臣 嘅 志願 啊 ! 陛下 唔 使講 嘞 , 等 臣 想 辦法 啦 。 喺 咁 險惡 嘅 環境 之下 , 有 個人 肯 挺身而出 , 表示 願意 忠君 保國 喎 , 獻帝 啊 都 唔 知 幾 感動 啊 ! 佢 抹 乾 眼淚 多謝 咗 賈詡 。 冇 幾耐 , 李 傕 嚟 見 獻帝 嘞 。 佢 佩 住 劍 , 蹬蹬 聲 一直 入到 嚟 , 嚇 到 獻帝 面如土色 。 李 傕 對 獻帝 話 嘞 : 郭汜要 作反 啊 , 竟然 監禁 起 朝廷 嘅 公卿 大臣 , 仲想 嚟 劫走 陛下 你 。 如果 唔 係 臣 竭力 保駕 , 陛下 就 畀 佢 擄 咗 去 咯 。 獻帝 拱手行禮 , 一味 話 多 得 晒 多 得 晒 。 冇 幾耐 , 李 傕 就 走 咗 嘞 。 過 咗 兩日 , 有個 大臣 叫做 皇甫酈 啊 , 佢 嚟 朝見 獻帝 。 獻帝 知道 皇甫酈 好會講 說話 , 而且 呢 同 李 傕 又 係 同鄉 , 就 叫 佢 去 搵 李 傕 、 郭汜 , 幫 佢 哋 調解 。 皇甫酈 奉 咗 聖旨 就 去 嘞 喎 , 佢 先 去 見 郭 汜 。 郭汜話 : 如果 李 傕 送 返 天子 出 嚟 , 噉 我 就 放返 啲 公卿 大臣 係 啦 。 噉 皇甫酈 又 去 見 李 傕 嘞 , 佢 話 : 而家 皇上 因為 我 係 西涼 人 , 同 李公 你 係 同鄉 , 特意 叫 我 嚟 同 兩位 調解 。 郭汜 已經 接受 咗 皇上 嘅 旨意 嘞 , 李公 你 嘅 意見 點呢 ? 哼 ! 我 打敗 咗 呂布 , 又 執政 四年 , 我 嘅 功勞 、 我 嘅 成績 天下 都 知道 。 郭汜 係 咩 人 啊 , 偷 馬賊 咋 嘛 ! 竟然 敢 劫持 公卿 同 我 對抗 ? 我 發誓 要 殺 咗 佢 ! 你 話 嘞 , 我 咁 多 得力 嘅 部下 , 打 唔 打得贏 郭汜 吖 ? 唔 係 噉 講 啊 , 將軍 。 古時 有個 國王 叫做 后羿 , 恃 住 自己 射箭 好 叻 , 武藝高強 , 從 冇 諗 過會 有 咩 嘢 患難 發生 , 終歸 就 畀 佢 嘅 臣子 殺死 咗 , 自取滅亡 。 講 近 嘅 , 董 太師 勢力 夠 強大 啦 , 呢 啲 將軍 你 自己 係 親眼 見 㗎 嘞 。 呂布 受過 佢 嘅 大恩 , 反 轉頭 害 返 佢 , 眨下 眼唧 , 董 太師 嘅 人頭 就 掛 喺 城門 上示眾 喇 。 所以 勢力 強大 , 亦 係 恃 唔 住 嘅 。 將軍 你 身為 上將 , 掌握 大權 , 子孫 宗族 個個 都 地位 高貴 , 國恩 都 可謂 深厚 咯 。 而家 , 郭汜 劫持 公卿 , 而 將軍 你 劫持 天子 , 講 罪過 噉 係 誰 輕 誰 重 呢 ? 李 傕 即刻 反面 ,掹 出 把 劍 嚟 喝 皇甫酈 話 : 皇上 叫 你 嚟 鬧 我 㗎 ? 豈有此理 ! 我 斬 咗 你 個頭 先 ! 騎 都尉 楊 奉勸 住 佢 話 : 請 將軍 你 唔 好 咁 嬲 。 而家 郭汜 都 未曾 剷除 , 就 殺 咗 天使 , 噉 樣 郭汜 興兵 就 變 咗 有 藉口 , 各路 諸侯 亦 會 幫 佢 㗎 喇 。 賈詡 亦 都 猛 咁 勸 佢 。 李 傕 個 火氣 就 低 咗 啲 。 賈詡 趁勢 㧬 皇甫酈 出去 , 哈 , 皇甫酈 真 係 唔 怕死 嘅 噃, 佢 仲 大聲 嗌 話 : 李 傕 違抗 聖旨 , 想 殺 咗 天子 自己 坐 皇位 啊 ! 侍中 胡邈 即刻 撳住 佢 話 : 唔 好 噉 講 , 唔 好 噉 講 啊 ! 對 你 冇 好處 㗎 。 呸 ! 你 亦 係 朝廷 嘅 大臣 , 為 乜 事要 依附 奸賊 啊 ! 君辱臣死 , 就算 我 畀 李 傕 殺 咗 , 亦 係 我 應該 做 嘅 ! 皇甫酈 繼續 冇 停口 噉 鬧 落 去 。 收尾 獻帝 知道 呢 件 事 , 怕 李 傕 啊 真 係 會 殺 皇甫酈 , 就 急急 命令 佢 返 去 西涼 避開 下 。 李 傕 軍隊 裏 便 啊 , 大半 係 西涼 人 , 而且 仲要 依賴 羌族 嘅 士兵 力量 添 。 但 係 皇甫酈 呢 就 喺 西涼 人 當中 做 咗 工作 , 佢 對 啲 西涼 人講 : 而家 李 傕 謀反 啊 , 跟 親 佢 嘅 就 係 賊黨 , 後患無窮 啊 ! 信 皇甫酈 說話 嘅 西涼 人 唔 少 啊 , 所以 漸漸 就 軍心渙散 。 李 傕 查出 嚟 , 知道 原來 係 皇甫酈 講過 啲 噉 說話 唄 , 嬲 到 佢 跳 起 八丈 高 。 即刻 派 人 去 追 皇甫酈 , 點 知 佢 派 呢 個人 呢 係 同情 皇甫酈 嘅 , 根本 就 冇 去 追 。 只 係 出去 唔 知邊 處轉 咗 幾日 , 就 返 嚟 回報 話 : 皇甫酈 不知去向 喎 , 噉 就算 嘞 。 賈詡 呢 又 靜靜 對 啲 羌族 嘅 部落 首領 講過 : 天子 知道 你 哋 係 忠心耿耿 嘅 , 打 咗 咁 耐仗 好 辛苦 喇 。 天子 有個 秘密 嘅 命令 , 叫 你 哋 返去 原郡 , 日後 會 重重 賞賜 你 哋 㗎 。 噉 嗰 啲 羌族 首領 呢 , 平時 已經 係 埋怨 李 傕 唔 封 官爵 畀 佢 哋 , 就 聽 晒 賈 詡 嘅 說話 , 真 係 帶齊 人馬 走 咗 返去 。 賈詡行 咗 一步棋 , 跟 住 又 行 一步棋 。 佢 偷偷 去 稟奏 皇帝 話 : 李 傕 呢 個人 就 係 貪心 , 冇 咩 計謀 嘅 。 陛下 用 高官厚祿 嚟 氹 住 佢 就 啱 嘞 。 於是 獻帝 啊 就 落到 聖旨 , 正式 封李 傕 做 大司馬 。 大司馬 就 係 掌握 政務 同 軍事 大權 嘅 高官 嚟 啊 。 哦 ! 李 傕 啊 歡喜 到 不得了 , 佢 話 : 今日 我 升官 全靠 女巫 同 我 拜神 祈禱 啊 ! 就 重重 咁 賞賜 嗰 個 拜 神婆 咯 喎 。 但 係 對 佢 身邊 嘅 軍官 將領 啊 一個 都 冇 賞 。 騎 都尉 楊奉 嬲 啊 , 佢 對 一個 叫做 宋 果 嘅 軍官 話 嘞 : 哼 ! 我 哋 出生入死 , 刀來 槍 去 , 唔 通 我 哋 嘅 功勞 反而 唔 及 得 一個 拜 神婆 咩 ? 宋果 話 嘞 : 我 哋 不如 殺死 咗 呢 個 奸賊 嚟 救 皇帝 咯 , 好 唔 好 啊 ? 好 啊 好 啊 !嗱, 你 今晚 喺 中軍 放火 為號 , 我 帶兵 做 外應 。 兩個 人 約定 喺 當晚 二 更 逳 手 。 唉 , 點 知道 事機 不密 , 有人 洩露 咗 畀 李 傕 知 。 李 傕 可惱 啦 , 即刻 派 人 去 捉 咗 宋果 嚟 殺 咗 佢 。 當晚 , 楊奉 就 帶齊 人馬 喺 出 便 等 嘞 喎 。 乜過 咗 時間 仲未見 火 起 嘅 呢 喂 ? 正 喺 度 奇怪 , 李 傕 親自 帶兵 出 嚟 嘞 。 楊奉 一下 撞 正 佢 , 當堂 就 打起 上 嚟 , 一直 混戰 到 四 更 。 楊奉 打輸 咗 , 帶住 部隊 趯 咗 去 西安 。 不過 李 傕 呢 , 從 呢 次 之後 啊 , 佢 嘅 兵力 就 逐漸 弱 嘞 。 更 兼 郭汜 啊 經常 嚟 攻擊 佢 , 兵員 殺死 嘅 好多 。 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 李 傕 得到 個 消息 , 話 張濟 統率 大軍 喺 陝西 嚟 到 嘞 , 要同 你 哋 兩位 和解 。 張濟 聲明 話 , 邊個 唔 聽 呢 就 出兵 嚟 打 噉 話 。 李 傕 乘機 賣 個人 情 , 搶先一步 派 人 去 見 張濟 , 表示 願意 和解 。 郭汜 呢 亦 唯有 答應 係 啦 。 噉 兩個 人 啊 就算 搞掂 咗 嘞 喎 。 張濟 呢 於是 寫個 表章 呈 上去 畀 皇帝 , 請 皇帝 搬 去 弘 農 嗰 處 住 。 弘農 係 一個 郡 , 離開 東都 洛陽 係 比較 近 嘅 。 獻帝 好 歡喜 啊 , 佢 話 嘞 : 寡人 想返 去 東都 好耐好 耐咯 , 而家 能夠 有 機會 返去 真 係 萬幸 啊 , 萬幸 啊 ! 因為 張濟 呢 趟 立 咗 個 大功 , 獻帝 就 封 佢 做 驃騎 將軍 。 張濟 就 進貢 啲 糧食 酒肉 , 供給 畀 啲 文武百官 食用 。 嘿嘿 ! 嗰 班 官員 呀 , 已經 祭 咗 咁 耐 喇 , 而家食 返餐 飽飯 又 有 酒 又 有 肉 , 嘿 ! 高興 啊 ! 郭汜 啊 放返 啲 公卿 大臣 出 軍營 , 李 傕 呢 用車 送 皇帝 皇后 去 東都 , 派 原來 嘅 禦 林 軍 幾百人 揸 住 戟 一路 噉 護送 。 皇帝 嘅 御駕 過 咗 新豐 , 嚟 到 霸陵 。 霸陵 呢 係 長安 附近 嘅 軍事 要 地 , 即 喺 而 家 陝西 西安市 嘅 東 便 嚟 。 當時 正 係 秋天 , 啱 啱 起 西風 。 忽然間 , 聽見 喎 嗬 噉 吶喊 起上 嚟 , 有 幾百名 軍兵 嚟 到 霸陵橋 上 , 攔住 皇帝 嘅 車架 。 佢 哋 高聲 大喝 話 : 嚟 嘅 係 咩 人 啊 ? 侍中 楊琦 就 拍馬 上橋 , 回答 話 嘞 : 皇上 御駕 要 通過 , 邊個 敢 攔阻 咁 大膽 啊 ? 有 兩個 軍官 行出 嚟 : 我 哋 係 奉 郭 將軍 嘅 命令 把守 呢 道橋 , 嚴防 奸細 。 你 話 係 御駕 嚟 到 啊 , 我 哋 要 親眼見到 皇上 先至信 喇 。 楊琦 於是 將 車上 嘅 珠簾 高高 揭起 , 獻帝 話 嘞 : 朕 喺 呢 處 , 卿家 點解 仲 唔 退下 呢 ? 嗰 兩個 軍官 同埋 班 士兵 當堂 高呼 萬歲 , 企埋 兩 便 , 讓開 條路 。 噉 皇帝 嘅 車架 呢 就 通過 咗 嘞 。 皇帝 過 咗 之後 , 嗰 兩個 軍官 返去 報告 郭汜話 : 御駕 已經 過 咗 霸陵橋 喇 。 郭汜話 喇 : 嘿 ! 我 正話 想 瞞過 張濟 , 劫駕 再入 郿 塢 嘅 , 你 哋 點解 擅自 放 佢 哋 過去 ? 人 嚟 ! 拉 佢 哋 兩個 出去 斬首 ! 郭汜 斬 咗 兩個 軍官 , 點起 兵馬 , 即刻 去 追 皇帝 呢 一行 人 。 當時 獻帝 嘅 車架 , 正 係 嚟 到 華陰縣 , 聽見 後頭 叫喊聲 震天動地 : 車架 唔 好 再行 喇 ! 車架 唔 好 再行 喇 ! 哎呀 , 驚到 獻帝 啊 喊 起 上 嚟 , 對 啲 大臣 話 : 哎呀 , 啱 啱 離開 咗 狼窩 , 又 入 嚟 虎口 噉 點算 啊 ? 唉 , 點算 喇 ? 嗰 班 大臣 個個 都 嚇到 面 都 青晒 , 事關 皇帝 唔 得 掂 , 佢 哋 亦 係 聽 衰 嘅 啫 嘛 。 賊軍 漸漸 逼近 嘞 , 正在 危急 嘅 時候 , 只 聽見 戰鼓 咚咚 聲 打響 , 喺 山後 轉出 一員大將 。 當先 一面 大旗 , 上面 寫住 大漢 楊奉 四個 大字 。 原來 楊奉 啊 , 自從 畀 李 傕 打敗 之後 呢 , 就 帶兵 嚟 到 終南山 下 駐 扎 。 而家 聽聞 御駕 嚟 到 唄 , 就 率領 千幾 人馬 嚟 保駕 嘞 。 當時 兩便 都 各自 排開 陣勢 。 郭 汜 嘅 一名 軍官 崔勇 出馬 , 破口大罵 , 鬧 楊奉 係 反賊 。 楊奉 嬲 啊 , 回頭 向 住 兵陣 一問 : 公明 喺 處 嗎 ? 只見 一員大將 手執 大斧 , 騎住 一匹 火紅 馬 , 應聲 而出 啊 , 直取 崔勇 。 兩馬 相交 ,嚱! 僅僅 一個 回合 唧 , 呢 一員大將 就 劈 咗 崔勇 落馬 嘞 。 楊奉 趁勢 掩殺 過去 , 郭 汜 嘅 兵馬 一敗塗地 , 退走 二十幾 里 。 楊奉 就 收兵 嚟 朝見 天子 啦 , 獻帝 話 嘞 : 卿家前 嚟 保駕 , 功勞 好大 啊 ! 誒 , 先頭 殺死 賊 將 嗰 個人 係 邊個 啊 ? 楊奉 即刻 帶 嗰 名 大將 嚟 到 獻帝 坐 嘅 車 前 便 , 跪拜 行禮 : 陛下 , 佢 係 河東 楊郡 人 , 姓 徐 , 名晃 , 字 公明 啊 。 獻帝 笑口吟吟 , 慰問 咗 一番 。 跟 住 , 楊奉 就 一直 護送 獻帝 去 到 華陰 停落 嚟 , 佈置 咗 警戒 。 當晚 , 獻帝 就 喺 楊 奉 嘅 大營 過夜 嘞 。 嗰 個 郭 汜 輸 咗 一 仗 吖 , 佢 心 心 不忿 喎 , 第 日 , 又 起兵 殺到 嚟 嘞 。 徐晃 一馬當先 , 上前 迎戰 。 郭 汜 嘅 大軍 啊 四面八方 噉 圍上 嚟 , 將 獻帝 、 楊奉 困 喺 戰陣 中心 。 嘩 ! 不得了 咯 。 正在 危急 嘅 時候 , 忽然間 , 喺 東南方 嗰 便 , 喎 嗬 ! 殺 啊 ! 一片 吶喊聲 。 跟 住 見到 一員 將軍 帶住 兵馬 殺過 嚟 , 殺散 咗 郭 汜 嘅 軍 兵 。 徐晃 就 趁勢 發起 反攻 , 將郭 汜 嘅 軍隊 殺到 大敗 而 走 。 嗰 個 將軍 嚟 到 拜見 獻帝 嘞 , 原來 係 皇帝 嘅 親戚 董承 。 唉 ! 獻帝 啊 忍 唔 住 流起 眼淚 嘞 , 就將 經過 講 畀 董承聽 。 董承 就 話 嘞 : 陛下 唔 使 憂心 , 臣同 楊將軍 發誓 要 殺 咗 李 傕 、 郭汜 兩個 奸賊 , 以 安定 天下 。 好 啊 , 好 啊 ! 我 哋 快 啲 去 東都 啦 。 噉 楊奉 、 董承 啊 就 漏夜 起程 , 護送 獻帝 嘅 御駕 趕路 去 弘農 嘞 。 而家 講返 下 郭汜 , 佢 帶 住 嗰 支 敗軍 返扯 吖 , 喺 半路 撞 到 李 傕 , 佢 話 嘞 : 楊奉 、 董承 救駕 去 咗 弘農 喎 , 如果 佢 哋 去 到 山東 , 企穩 咗 腳跟 , 必定會 通告 全國 , 命令 各路 諸侯 一齊 嚟 討伐 我 哋 嘅 。 嚱! 到 其時 , 我 哋 三族 都 保 唔 住 , 畀 佢 哋 剷 清 都 有 份 喇 ! 李 傕 話 : 而家 張 濟 嘅 軍隊 佔據 住 長安 , 我 哋 唔 好 逳 佢 住 。 我 哋 不如 趁 呢 個 機會 , 將軍 隊 聯合 起 嚟 , 一路打 去 弘農 , 殺 咗 嗰 個 漢王 , 然後 我 哋 平分 天下 , 有 乜嘢 唔 好 吖 你 話 。 你 噉 講啊合 晒 我心 水 啊 ! 於是 郭汜 就 同 李 傕 聯合 起上 嚟 沿路 咁 劫掠 , 大軍 一過 啊 , 乜嘢 都 搶光 晒 。 楊奉 董 成就 知道 李國 國恥 嘅 兵馬 追 嚟 就 指揮 軍隊 翻 轉頭 , 同 佢 哋 喺 東 澗 呢 個 地方 大戰 。 李 傕 、 郭汜 兩個 嘢 就 商量 話 嘞 : 我 哋 人 多 , 佢 哋 人 少 , 一 於 同 佢 哋 混戰 一場 , 就 打贏 佢 哋 㗎 喇 ! 噉 李 傕 嘅 兵馬 在 左 , 郭 汜 嘅 兵馬 在 右 , 漫山遍野 湧過 嚟 喇 。 哎 , 真 係 蟻 多 摟 死象 啊 , 楊奉 、 董承 頂住 兩邊 死 打 , 勉強 保護 住 皇帝 皇后 坐 嘅 車 啊 衝 咗 出去 。 至於 文武 官員 、 宮娥 太監 、 啲 公文 符冊 , 所有 御用 嘅 物件 等等 吖 ,冚𠾴唥 都 掉 開 晒 唔 要 喇 。 郭汜帶 領軍 兵 啊 殺入 去 弘農城 , 大肆 劫掠 。 董承 、 楊奉 呢 就 保駕 逃跑 去 陝北 。 李 傕 、 郭汜 又 分出 兵力 , 跟 住 尾 猛追 。 董承 、 楊奉 一便 派 人同 李 傕 、 郭汜講 和 , 另 一 便 呢 , 又 秘密 噉 派 人 去 河東 啊 傳達 皇帝 嘅 聖旨 。 召韓暹 、 李樂 、 胡才 三處 嘅 軍 兵 前 嚟 救應 。 呢 班 人 係 咩 人 呢 ? 佢 哋 三個 都 係 犯 咗 罪 上山 落草 嘅 , 而家 朝廷 冇 辦法 喇 , 不得已 都 要 召 佢 哋 嚟 幫 下手 。 噉 嗰 三處 軍兵 聽見 話 天子 赦免 咗 佢 哋 嘅 罪 , 而且 仲 封官 添 喎 , 點會 唔 嚟 吖 。 佢 哋 即刻 點齊 人馬 , 就 嚟 到 同 董承會 齊 , 決定 再 去 奪取 弘農城 。 當 其時 啊 , 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 軍隊 所到之處 呢 就 劫掠 百姓 , 老弱 嘅 就 殺 咗 佢 , 強壯 嘅 呢 就 拉 去 當兵 。 到 打仗 嘅 時候 , 就 擺 呢 啲 民兵 喺 前頭 打頭陣 , 就 叫做 敢死 軍 喎 。 所以 聲勢 啊 非常 浩大 。 好 喇 , 李 樂 嘅 軍隊 殺到 嚟 喇 。 郭汜好 精 喎 , 佢 命令 啲 士兵 啊 一路 掉 低 啲 衣服 , 掉 低 啲 物件 。 李 樂 嘅 兵馬 一到 , 嘩 ! 好 嘢 咯 ! 乜 滿地 都 係 衣服 , 任執 唔 嬲 嘅 喎 , 嘿嘿 ! 千祈 咪 執輸 , 你 又 執我 又 搶 , 成個 隊伍 冚𠾴唥 亂 哂 坑 。 好 喇 , 等 佢 哋 執 到 高興 嘅 時候 , 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 軍隊 四面 包圍 , 亂 斬 亂 殺 混戰 一場 。 李 樂 嘅 軍隊 啊 輸到 貼 地 。 楊奉 、 董承 遮攔 唔 住 , 就 保護 住 皇帝 向北 便 撤退 。 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 人馬 呢 喺 後 便 追 住 過 嚟 , 胡才 就 喺 亂軍 之中 啊 被 殺死 咗 嘞 。 李樂話 嘞 : 形勢危急 啊 , 請 陛下 上馬 行先 啦 。 獻帝 話 : 唔 得 嘅 , 朕 唔 能夠 掉 低 百官 , 自己 走先 喇 。 哦 ! 嗰 班 官員 啊 喊 到 𡃀𡃀 聲 啊 , 緊緊 噉 跟 住 獻帝 嘅 車行 嘞 。 不過 唔 得 嘞 , 董承 、 楊奉 見 敵兵 追得 咁 緊急 , 就 請 獻帝 啊 連車 都 唔 好 坐 , 落地 步行 去 到 黃河 岸邊 。 李樂 叫 人 搵 到 隻 船 仔 嚟 渡河 。 當 其時 係 大 冷天 喇 , 嗰 啲 北風 啊啡啡聲 咁 吹 。 獻帝 同 皇后 啊 唔 知 幾 艱難 先至 畀 人 扶住 行到 去 岸邊 。 哈 , 河岸 又 高 喎 , 都 唔 落得 去 , 死 喇 ! 後 便 追兵 又 快 到 嘞 喎 。 哎 啊 ! 事緊 馬行 田喇 , 楊奉話 : 快 啲 ! 解開 啲 馬 韁 一條條 接起 嚟 , 綁住 皇上 條腰 抌 佢 落 船 啦 。 啲 人 正話 手忙腳亂 解馬 韁 嘅 時候 , 國舅 伏德 就 撥開 人群 , 帶住 十幾匹 白絹 嚟 到 , 佢 話 : 哎 , 我 喺 條 路 處 執 到 啲 白 絹 啊 , 快 啲 接 起 佢 啦 。 行軍 校尉 尚弘 就 用 白絹 包住 皇帝 同 皇后 , 叫 啲 人 好聲 啲 髧 咗 皇帝 落 去 , 噉 啊 上 咗 船 先 嘞 。 皇后 個 大佬 就 係 國 舅爺 伏德 啊 , 佢 係 孭 住 皇后 上船 。 李樂 揸 住 把 劍 , 企 正 喺 船頭 嚟 , 有 啲 人 上 唔 到 船 嘅 呢 , 就爭 住 猛 咁 拉條 船纜 。 李樂 一劍 一個 ,冚𠾴唥 斬 晒 佢 哋 落水 。 將 皇帝 皇后 渡 咗 過河 之後 喇 , 然後 再撐 隻 船過 嚟 接 其余 嗰 啲 人 。 嗰 啲 搶 住 上船 嘅 都 畀 李 樂 斬斷 晒 手指 , 哭喊聲 啊 真 係 震天動地 啊 ! 過 咗 對岸 之後 , 獻帝 嘅 身邊 只 係 剩得 十零 個人 。 楊奉 搵 到 一架 牛車 , 就 等 獻帝 坐到 去 大陽 。 冇 得 食 , 夜晚 就 喺 啲 老百姓 啲 瓦屋 過夜 。 當地 啲 鄉下佬 知道 皇帝 成日 冇 食飯 嘞 , 就 煮 啲 好 嘢 嚟 進貢 皇帝 食 啦 。 咩 咁 好 嘢 呢 ? 粟米 飯 。 獻帝 同 皇后 扒 咗 一 啖 , 嚼 咗 成 半日 都 吞 唔 落 啊 , 又 粗 又 嚡 食 唔 慣 啊 。 哦 食 唔 慣 呀 噉 就 唯有 抵肚 餓 係 啦 。 第 日 , 皇帝 又 封 李樂 做 征北 將軍 , 韓暹 啊 做 征東 將軍 , 起程 又行 嘞 。 行行 下 , 有 兩個 大臣 搵 到 嚟 , 喊住 喺 架車 前面 叩頭 。 一睇 , 原來 係 太尉楊 彪 、 太僕 韓融 啊 。 皇帝 皇后 兩個 亦 都 忍 唔 住 喊 埋 一份 。 韓融 話 嘞 : 李 傕 、 郭汜 兩個 奸賊 , 平時 都 幾信 臣 嘅 說話 嘅 。 臣 至多 連命 都 唔 要 咯 , 點都 要 去 說服 佢 哋 兩個 收兵 , 陛下 要 好好 保重 龍體 啊 ! 講完 , 韓融 就 去 咗 嘞 。 楊彪 請 獻帝 去安邑 縣 , 暫時 定 嗰 度 做 首都 。 安邑 縣 嘅 位置 呢 就 喺 洛陽 以西 二百 幾里 。 兵荒馬亂 , 邊度 都 好 係 啦 。 就 去 到 安邑 , 一間 似樣 啲 嘅 高大 啲 嘅 房屋 都 冇 啊 , 所以 皇帝 皇后 呢 , 就 住 喺 間 茅屋 處 。 呢 間 茅屋 啊 , 嘿嘿 連 大門 都 冇 嘅 , 唯有 喺 四邊 四面 啊 插 滿 啲 簕 枝 , 遮攔 一下 就算 嘞 。 皇帝 同 啲 大臣 就 喺 茅屋 裏頭 商量 事情 。 啲 武將 呢 , 就 帶 住 軍士 喺 籬笆 外便 警戒 , 嘻嘻 真 係 馬 死 落地 行 啊 呢 趟 。 呢 個 時候 , 最叻 就 係 李 樂 佢 哋 嘞 , 由 佢 哋 掌 晒 大權 。 啲 官員 大臣 稍 為 有 啲 觸犯 佢 啊 , 佢 唔 理 咁 多 㗎 , 喺 皇帝 面前 一樣 照 㨘 過去 , 甚至 逳 手 摑 人 都 敢 做 嘅 。 又 故意 送 啲 好 曳 嘅 酒菜 畀 皇帝 , 皇帝 唔 敢 唔 要 啊 唯有 夾硬 受落 啦 。 李樂 、 韓暹 又 聯名 保奏 一班 無賴 、 地 踎、 神棍 、 醫生 、 部下 嘅 兵卒 等等 二百 幾名 , 要 皇帝 封 佢 哋 做 校尉 、 御史 等等 嘅 官職 。 咁 多個 啊 官印 都 刻 唔 切 㗎 , 就求 其用 個 錐 啊 , 喺 嚿 木 處 劃 幾下 就算 官印 嘞 , 嘿真 係 完全 不成體統 。 一個 王朝 搞成 咁 衰 呀 都 可謂 少有 啊 。 而家講 返 嗰 位 韓 融 嘞 , 佢 左 講 右 講 終歸 講 掂 咗 李 傕 同 郭汜 , 放返 擄 咗 去 嘅 文武百官 同 啲 宮娥 太監 出 嚟 。 呢 一年 , 真 係 禍不單行 咯 , 係 個 大 災荒 喎 。 老百姓 都 係 食 野菜 、 食 樹皮 , 到處 都 餓死 人 。 就 好彩 河內 太守 張楊 進貢 米糧 同埋 肉類 , 河東 太守 王邑 進貢 啲 布匹 , 獻帝 嘅 日子 呢 噉 先 至 稍 為 好過 啲 。 董承同 楊奉 商量 好 , 想 派 人 修理 好 洛陽 嘅 宮殿 呢 , 就 請 獻帝 離開 安邑 就 返去 東都 。 哈點 知同 李樂 商量 嘅 時候 , 李樂 唔 肯 噃。 點解 李樂 唔 肯 呢 ? 梗 係 有 奸計 啦 。

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我 哋 啊 講到 楊彪 、 朱俊 , 會 齊 朝廷 嘅 官員 總共 六 十幾人 就 先 去 郭 汜 嘅 軍營 講和 吖 。 I|we|particle|talking about|Yang Biao|Zhu Jun|will|together|court|possessive particle|officials|in total|six||then|first|go|||possessive particle|military camp|negotiate peace|particle We were talking about Yang Biao and Zhu Jun, and a total of more than sixty officials from the court went to Guo Si's military camp to negotiate. 嘻 你 哋 估點 吖 嗱? Hehe|you|plural marker||question particle|look Hehe, what do you think? 哈 , 個 郭汜 啊 竟然 將 所有 嘅 官員 扣留住 。 Ha|classifier for people|Guo Si|ah|unexpectedly|to take|all|possessive particle|officials|detained Haha, Guo Si actually detained all the officials. 嗰 啲 官 就 話 嘞 : 我 哋 係 為 咗 大家 好 先 至 嚟 啫 , 點解 要 扣留 我 哋 啊 ? that|plural marker|officials|then|said|past tense marker|I|we|are|for|past tense marker|everyone|well|first|only|come|just|why|need|detain|I|we|question particle Those officials said: We came here for everyone's good, why are we being detained? 郭汜話 嘞 : 哼 ! 李 傕 劫 天子 就 得 , 噉 我 劫 公卿 百官 就 唔 得 呀 ? |particle indicating past action|humph|Li|Que|rob|emperor|then|can|then|I|rob|nobles|all officials|then|not|can|particle indicating question Guo Si replied: Hmph! It's fine for Li Jue to kidnap the emperor, but I can't kidnap the nobles and officials? 楊彪 話 嘞 : 你 哋 一個 劫 天子 , 一個 劫 公卿 , 究竟 你 哋 想點 啊 ? Yeung Biu|said|past tense marker|you|plural marker|one|kidnap|emperor|one|kidnap|noble|after all|you|plural marker||question particle Yang Biao said: You all have one to rob the emperor and one to rob the nobles, what exactly do you want? 郭汜火 滾起 上 嚟 ,𠻘 聲 掹 出 把 劍 想 殺 楊 彪 噃。 Guo Si Huo|get up|on|come|suddenly|sound|pull|out|measure word for tools|sword|want|kill|Yang|Biao|particle indicating exclamation or surprise Guo Si angrily stood up, drew his sword, and wanted to kill Yang Biao. 中郎將 楊密 就 苦苦 勸住 郭汜 , 終歸 就 放 咗 楊彪 同 朱俊扯 , 噉 其餘 嗰 啲 官 呢 , 都 監禁 住 喺 軍營 裏 便 嚟 。 Lieutenant General|Yang Mi|then|desperately|persuaded|Guo Si|ultimately|then|released|past tense marker|Yang Biao|with||then|the rest of|those|plural marker|officials|question particle|all|imprisoned|living|in|military camp|inside|then|came Zhonglang General Yang Mi desperately persuaded Guo Si, and in the end, he let Yang Biao and Zhu Jun go, while the other officials were all imprisoned in the military camp. 楊彪 對 朱俊話 嘞 : 唉 , 唉 , 我 哋 身為 大臣 , 唔 能夠 幫助 主 上 脫離 苦難 , 真 係 白白 生 喺 人世 咯 。 Yeung Biu|to||past tense particle|sigh||I|we|as|ministers|not|able to|help|lord|him|escape from|suffering|really|is|in vain|live|in|human world|sentence-final particle Yang Biao said to Zhu Jun: Alas, alas, as ministers, we cannot help our lord escape from suffering, it really is a waste to live in this world. 講完 兩個 攬住 喊起 上 嚟 , 仲 暈倒 喺 地 添 。 finished talking|the two|hugging each other|started crying|up|here|still|fainted|at|ground|also After saying this, the two embraced and started crying, even fainting on the ground. 朱俊返 到 屋企 之後 冇 幾耐 就 得 咗 病 , 好 快 就 死 咗 嘞 。 |to|home|after|not|long|then|got|past tense marker|illness|very|quickly|then|die|past tense marker|sentence final particle After Zhu Jun returned home, he fell ill shortly after and died very quickly. 呢 啲 呢 係 以後 嘅 事 , 就 唔 講 佢 。 particle indicating a question|||are|in the future|possessive particle|matters|then|not|talk|he These things are matters for the future, so let's not talk about them. 噉 從此 之後 啊 , 李 傕 、 郭汜 日日 都 廝殺 , 連氣 打 咗 五十 幾日 , 死 咗 都 唔 知 幾多 人 。 then|from this point on|after|ah|Li|Jue|Guo Si|every day|all|fought|continuously|fought|past tense marker|fifty||die|past tense marker|all|not|know|how many|people From then on, Li Kuo and Guo Si fought every day, battling for over fifty days, and many people died without anyone knowing how many. 而家 講下 李 傕 呢 個人 呀 , 佢 係 最 迷信 嘅 , 最 喜歡 嗰 啲 左 道 妖邪 嘅 法術 , 時時 都 叫 個 跳 神婆 喺 軍營 裏 便 請 神 嘅 喎 。 now|talk about|Li|Jue|this|person|particle|he|is|most|superstitious|possessive particle|most|likes|those|particle|||supernatural|possessive particle|spells|all the time|also|calls|classifier|jumping|shaman|in|military camp|inside|then|invite|spirit|possessive particle|particle Now let's talk about Li Kuo; he is the most superstitious person, and he loves those left-hand path sorcery rituals the most, often calling a shaman to invoke spirits in the military camp. 呢 啲 事 , 賈詡 係 最 反對 嘅 嘞 , 佢 勸 過 李 傕 好 多次 , 唔 好 搞 啲 噉 嘢 喇 噉 , 之 李 傕 總 係 唔 聽 。 |particle indicating plural|||is||||||||||||not||||||||||||||listening Jia Xu strongly opposed these matters; he advised Li Kuo many times not to engage in such things, but Li Kuo always refused to listen. 有 一日 , 侍中 楊琦 靜靜 對 皇帝 話 喇 : there is|one day|a court official|Yang Qi|quietly|to|the emperor|said|particle indicating completion One day, the Chamberlain Yang Qi quietly said to the Emperor: 陛下 , 照 臣 嘅 觀察 , 賈詡 呢 個人 雖然 係 李 傕 嘅 心腹 啊 , 但 係 佢 個 心 始終 仲 係 忠於 陛下 嘅 。 Your Majesty|according to|I (your servant)|possessive particle|observation|Jia Xu|this|person|although|is|Li|Kuo|possessive particle|trusted aide|sentence-final particle||is|||||||loyal to|Your Majesty|possessive particle Your Majesty, according to my observation, although Jia Xu is a trusted aide of Li Jue, his heart is still loyal to you. 陛下 同 佢 商量 下 都 好 吖 。 Your Majesty|with|him|discuss|a bit|also|good|particle It would be good for Your Majesty to discuss with him. 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 賈詡 嚟 嘞 , 獻帝 就 叫 左右 啲 人行 開 , 佢 流 住 眼淚 對 賈詡 話 : just|at|place|talking|continuous tense marker|Jia Xu|come|past tense marker|Emperor Xian|then|called|attendants|plural marker||open|he|flow|continuous marker|tears|to|Jia Xu|said Just as they were talking, Jia Xu arrived, and the Emperor ordered the people around him to step aside. He, with tears in his eyes, said to Jia Xu: 卿家 , 能 唔 能夠 可憐 下 漢朝 , 救 朕 一命 啊 ! your family|can|not|able to|pity|a little|Han Dynasty|save|I (imperial pronoun)|one life|ah My lord, can you please have pity on the Han dynasty and save my life! 賈詡 跪 喺 地下 回答 話 : 呢 個 乃 係 臣 嘅 志願 啊 ! 陛下 唔 使講 嘞 , 等 臣 想 辦法 啦 。 Jia Xu|kneel|at|ground|replied|saying|this|classifier|indeed|is|servant|possessive particle|aspiration|ah|Your Majesty|not||past action particle|let|servant|think|method|final particle Jia Xu knelt on the ground and replied, "This is my ambition, Your Majesty! You don't need to say anything, let me think of a way." 喺 咁 險惡 嘅 環境 之下 , 有 個人 肯 挺身而出 , 表示 願意 忠君 保國 喎 , 獻帝 啊 都 唔 知 幾 感動 啊 ! in|so|dangerous|possessive particle|environment|under|there is|a person|willing|step forward|expressed|willing|loyal to the emperor|protect the country|sentence-final particle|Emperor Xian|ah|also|not|know|how much|moved|ah In such a perilous environment, someone is willing to step forward and express their loyalty to the country, even Emperor Xian was deeply moved! 佢 抹 乾 眼淚 多謝 咗 賈詡 。 He|wipes|dry|tears|thank you|past tense marker|Jia Xu He wiped his tears and thanked Jia Xu. 冇 幾耐 , 李 傕 嚟 見 獻帝 嘞 。 not|long|Li|Kuo|come|see|Emperor Xian|past tense marker Not long after, Li Jue came to see Emperor Xian. 佢 佩 住 劍 , 蹬蹬 聲 一直 入到 嚟 , 嚇 到 獻帝 面如土色 。 he|wearing|in|sword|clattering|sound|continuously|coming in|here|scared|to|Emperor Xian|face pale as dirt He was wearing a sword, and the sound of his footsteps echoed as he entered, frightening Emperor Xian to the point of turning pale. 李 傕 對 獻帝 話 嘞 : 郭汜要 作反 啊 , 竟然 監禁 起 朝廷 嘅 公卿 大臣 , 仲想 嚟 劫走 陛下 你 。 ||to|Emperor Xian|said|past tense marker||rebel|exclamatory particle|unexpectedly|imprison|up|court|possessive particle|nobles|ministers||to come|abduct|Your Majesty|you Li Jue said to Emperor Xian: "Guo Si is planning a rebellion, and he has even imprisoned the court's officials and ministers, and he wants to abduct Your Majesty." 如果 唔 係 臣 竭力 保駕 , 陛下 就 畀 佢 擄 咗 去 咯 。 if|||I (the servant)|with all my might|protect you|Your Majesty|then|be|he|capture|past tense marker|away|sentence-final particle If it weren't for my efforts to protect you, Your Majesty would have been captured by him. 獻帝 拱手行禮 , 一味 話 多 得 晒 多 得 晒 。 Emperor Xian|cupped hands bowing|only|to say|||completely||| Emperor Xian bowed and repeatedly expressed his gratitude. 冇 幾耐 , 李 傕 就 走 咗 嘞 。 not|long|Li|Kuo|then|leave|past tense marker|sentence final particle Not long after, Li Jue left. 過 咗 兩日 , 有個 大臣 叫做 皇甫酈 啊 , 佢 嚟 朝見 獻帝 。 past|completed action marker|two days||minister|named|Huangfu Li|sentence-final particle|he|came|to pay respects to|Emperor Xian After two days, a minister named Huangfu Li came to pay his respects to Emperor Xian. 獻帝 知道 皇甫酈 好會講 說話 , 而且 呢 同 李 傕 又 係 同鄉 , 就 叫 佢 去 搵 李 傕 、 郭汜 , 幫 佢 哋 調解 。 Emperor Xian|knows|Huangfu Li|very eloquent|speech|moreover|this|with|Li|Kuo|again|is|fellow townsman|then|asked|him|to go|find|Li|Kuo|Guo Zi|help|them|plural marker|mediate The Emperor Xian knew that Huangfu Li was good at speaking, and since he was also from the same hometown as Li Jue, he asked him to go find Li Jue and Guo Si to help mediate. 皇甫酈 奉 咗 聖旨 就 去 嘞 喎 , 佢 先 去 見 郭 汜 。 Huangfu Li|received|past tense marker|imperial decree|then|went|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|he|first|went|to see|| Huangfu Li received the imperial decree and went right away; he first went to see Guo Si. 郭汜話 : 如果 李 傕 送 返 天子 出 嚟 , 噉 我 就 放返 啲 公卿 大臣 係 啦 。 Guo Si said|if|Li|Kuo|return|to|Emperor|out|come|then|I|will|return|the|nobles|ministers|in|here Guo Si said: If Li Jue sends the Emperor back, then I will release the officials. 噉 皇甫酈 又 去 見 李 傕 嘞 , 佢 話 : 而家 皇上 因為 我 係 西涼 人 , 同 李公 你 係 同鄉 , 特意 叫 我 嚟 同 兩位 調解 。 then|Huangfu Li|again|go|see|Li|Kuo|past tense particle|he|said|now|emperor|because|I|am|Western Liang|person|with|Lord Li|you|are|fellow townsman|specially|called|me|to come|with|the two|mediate Then Huangfu Li went to see Li Jue; he said: The Emperor has sent me here to mediate between the two of you because I am from Xiliang and you, Lord Li, are from the same hometown. 郭汜 已經 接受 咗 皇上 嘅 旨意 嘞 , 李公 你 嘅 意見 點呢 ? Guo Si|already|accepted|past tense marker|Emperor|possessive particle|decree|sentence-final particle|Lord Li|you|possessive particle|opinion|how about Guo Si has already accepted the Emperor's decree, what is your opinion, Lord Li? 哼 ! 我 打敗 咗 呂布 , 又 執政 四年 , 我 嘅 功勞 、 我 嘅 成績 天下 都 知道 。 hum|I|defeated|past tense marker|Lu Bu|again|govern||my||contributions|my||achievements|the world|all|knows Hmph! I defeated Lü Bu, and I have been in power for four years. My contributions and achievements are known throughout the world. 郭汜 係 咩 人 啊 , 偷 馬賊 咋 嘛 ! 竟然 敢 劫持 公卿 同 我 對抗 ? 我 發誓 要 殺 咗 佢 ! Guo Si|is|what|person|particle|steal|horse thief|how|particle|unexpectedly|dare|hijack|officials|with|I|confront||swear|will|kill|past tense marker|him Who is Guo Si? Just a horse thief! How dare he kidnap the nobles to oppose me? I swear I will kill him! 你 話 嘞 , 我 咁 多 得力 嘅 部下 , 打 唔 打得贏 郭汜 吖 ? you|said|past tense marker|I|so|many|capable|possessive particle|subordinates|fight|not|can win|Guo Si|question particle You say, with so many capable subordinates, can we not defeat Guo Si? 唔 係 噉 講 啊 , 將軍 。 古時 有個 國王 叫做 后羿 , 恃 住 自己 射箭 好 叻 , 武藝高強 , 從 冇 諗 過會 有 咩 嘢 患難 發生 , 終歸 就 畀 佢 嘅 臣子 殺死 咗 , 自取滅亡 。 |||||general|in ancient times|there was a|king|named|Hou Yi|||himself|archery|||martial arts were strong|||||have|any|thing|misfortune|happen|ultimately|then|by|him|possessive particle|minister|killed|past tense marker|brought about his own destruction It's not that simple, General. In ancient times, there was a king named Hou Yi, who relied on his excellent archery skills and martial prowess, never thinking that any misfortune would occur. In the end, he was killed by his own ministers, leading to his own demise. 講 近 嘅 , 董 太師 勢力 夠 強大 啦 , 呢 啲 將軍 你 自己 係 親眼 見 㗎 嘞 。 talk|close|possessive particle|Dong|Grand Tutor|power|quite|strong|sentence-final particle|these|plural marker|generals|you|yourself|are|with your own eyes|seen|past tense particle|sentence-final particle Speaking of recent events, Dong Zhuo's power is quite strong. You have seen these generals with your own eyes. 呂布 受過 佢 嘅 大恩 , 反 轉頭 害 返 佢 , 眨下 眼唧 , 董 太師 嘅 人頭 就 掛 喺 城門 上示眾 喇 。 Lu Bu|received|he|possessive particle|great favor|instead|turn around|harm|back|him|blink|eye|Dong|the Grand Tutor|possessive particle|head|then|hung|at|city gate||particle indicating completed action Lü Bu received great kindness from him, but turned around to harm him. In the blink of an eye, Dong Taishi's head was hung on the city gate for all to see. 所以 勢力 強大 , 亦 係 恃 唔 住 嘅 。 so|power|strong|also|is|rely|not|permanent|possessive particle So, being powerful is also not something to rely on. 將軍 你 身為 上將 , 掌握 大權 , 子孫 宗族 個個 都 地位 高貴 , 國恩 都 可謂 深厚 咯 。 General|you|as|Lieutenant General|hold|great power|descendants|clan|every one|all|status|noble|national grace|all|can be said to be|profound|particle indicating certainty General, as a high general, you hold great power, and your descendants and clan all have noble status. The grace of the country can be said to be profound. 而家 , 郭汜 劫持 公卿 , 而 將軍 你 劫持 天子 , 講 罪過 噉 係 誰 輕 誰 重 呢 ? right now|Guo Si|hijack|nobles|and|general|you|hijack|emperor|talk|sin|like this|is|who|light|who|heavy|question particle Now, Guo Si has taken the officials hostage, and you, General, have taken the emperor hostage. Who is more guilty in this situation? 李 傕 即刻 反面 ,掹 出 把 劍 嚟 喝 皇甫酈 話 : Li|Jue|immediately|turned around|pulled|out|measure word for tools|sword|to|shout||said Li Jue immediately turned against him, drew his sword, and shouted at Huangfu Li: 皇上 叫 你 嚟 鬧 我 㗎 ? 豈有此理 ! 我 斬 咗 你 個頭 先 ! the Emperor|called|you|come|scold|I|question particle|how is this reasonable|I|chop|past tense marker|you||first Did the Emperor call you to scold me? How unreasonable! I'll chop off your head first! 騎 都尉 楊 奉勸 住 佢 話 : 請 將軍 你 唔 好 咁 嬲 。 ride|a military officer|Yang (a name)|advised|to stay|he|said|please|general|you|||so|angry The cavalry commander Yang advised him, saying: Please, General, don't be so angry. 而家 郭汜 都 未曾 剷除 , 就 殺 咗 天使 , 噉 樣 郭汜 興兵 就 變 咗 有 藉口 , 各路 諸侯 亦 會 幫 佢 㗎 喇 。 right now|Guo Zi|also|not yet|eliminated|then|kill|past tense marker|angel|like this|appearance||raise troops|then|become|past tense marker|have|excuse|all|feudal lords|also|will|help|him|sentence final particle|sentence final particle Right now, Guo Si has not been eliminated yet, and he has killed the angel. This way, Guo Si's uprising will become justified, and all the various lords will also help him. 賈詡 亦 都 猛 咁 勸 佢 。 Jia Xu|also|all|fiercely|so|advised|him Jia Xu also strongly advised him. 李 傕 個 火氣 就 低 咗 啲 。 ||(measure word)|temper|then|lower|past tense marker|a little Li Jue's anger has subsided a bit. 賈詡 趁勢 㧬 皇甫酈 出去 , 哈 , 皇甫酈 真 係 唔 怕死 嘅 噃, 佢 仲 大聲 嗌 話 : Jia Xu|take advantage of the situation|to attack|Huangfu Li|go out|ha|Huangfu Li|really|is|not|afraid of death|particle indicating assertion|particle indicating surprise|he|still|loudly|shout|words Jia Xu took the opportunity to pull Huangfu Li out, ha, Huangfu Li really isn't afraid of death, huh, he even shouted loudly: 李 傕 違抗 聖旨 , 想 殺 咗 天子 自己 坐 皇位 啊 ! Li|Jue|defy|imperial decree|wanted|kill|past tense marker|emperor|himself|sit|throne|sentence-final particle Li Jue defied the imperial decree, wanting to kill the emperor and take the throne for himself! 侍中 胡邈 即刻 撳住 佢 話 : 唔 好 噉 講 , 唔 好 噉 講 啊 ! 對 你 冇 好處 㗎 。 Imperial Guard|Hu Miao|immediately|hold down|him|said|||like that|talk|||like that|talk|ah|to|you|have no|benefit|particle The Chamberlain Hu Miao immediately held him down and said: Don't say that, don't say that! It's not good for you. 呸 ! 你 亦 係 朝廷 嘅 大臣 , 為 乜 事要 依附 奸賊 啊 ! phew|you|also|are|imperial court|possessive particle|minister|for|what||depend on|traitor|question particle Pah! You are also a minister of the court, why do you have to associate with traitors! 君辱臣死 , 就算 我 畀 李 傕 殺 咗 , 亦 係 我 應該 做 嘅 ! |even if|I|by|Li|Kuo|kill|past tense marker|also|is|I|should|do|possessive particle A ruler's humiliation leads to a minister's death. Even if I am killed by Li Jue, it is what I should do! 皇甫酈 繼續 冇 停口 噉 鬧 落 去 。 Huangfu Li|continue|not|stop talking|like that|scold|down|go Huangfu Li continued to scold without stopping. 收尾 獻帝 知道 呢 件 事 , 怕 李 傕 啊 真 係 會 殺 皇甫酈 , 就 急急 命令 佢 返 去 西涼 避開 下 。 finish|Emperor Xian|knows|this|classifier for events|matter|afraid|Li|Kuo|ah|really|is|will|kill||then|urgently|ordered|he|return|to|Xiliang|avoid|next Emperor Xian knew about this matter and was afraid that Li Jue would really kill Huangfu Li, so he urgently ordered him to return to Xiliang to avoid it. 李 傕 軍隊 裏 便 啊 , 大半 係 西涼 人 , 而且 仲要 依賴 羌族 嘅 士兵 力量 添 。 Li|Jue|army|inside|then|ah|more than half|are|Xiliang|people|moreover|still need|rely on|Qiang|possessive particle|soldiers|strength|also In Li Jue's army, most of them were from Xiliang, and they also relied on the strength of the Qiang soldiers. 但 係 皇甫酈 呢 就 喺 西涼 人 當中 做 咗 工作 , 佢 對 啲 西涼 人講 : ||Huangfu Li|this|then|at|Xiliang|people|among|did|past tense marker|work|he|to|the|Xiliang| However, Huangfu Li worked among the Xiliang people, and he told them: 而家 李 傕 謀反 啊 , 跟 親 佢 嘅 就 係 賊黨 , 後患無窮 啊 ! right now|Li|Kuo|plotting rebellion|ah|following|close|him|possessive particle|only|is|rebel party||ah "Now Li Jue is plotting rebellion, and those who follow him are bandits, which will lead to endless troubles!" 信 皇甫酈 說話 嘅 西涼 人 唔 少 啊 , 所以 漸漸 就 軍心渙散 。 Xin|Huangfu Li|speaking|possessive particle|Xiliang|people|not|few|ah|so|gradually|then|morale of the army weakened Many people from Xiliang are influenced by what Huangfu Li said, so gradually the morale of the army began to wane. 李 傕 查出 嚟 , 知道 原來 係 皇甫酈 講過 啲 噉 說話 唄 , 嬲 到 佢 跳 起 八丈 高 。 Li|Kuo|found out|here|knew|originally|was|Huangfu Li|said|those|like that|words|particle|angry|to|he|jumped|up|eight feet|high Li Jue found out that it was Huangfu Li who had said those things, and he was so angry that he jumped up eight feet high. 即刻 派 人 去 追 皇甫酈 , 點 知 佢 派 呢 個人 呢 係 同情 皇甫酈 嘅 , 根本 就 冇 去 追 。 immediately|send|person|to|chase|Huangfu Li|how|know|he|sent|particle|||is|sympathetic|Huangfu Li|possessive particle|at all|just|did not|go|chase He immediately sent someone to chase after Huangfu Li, but the person he sent was sympathetic to Huangfu Li and didn't actually go after him. 只 係 出去 唔 知邊 處轉 咗 幾日 , 就 返 嚟 回報 話 : 皇甫酈 不知去向 喎 , 噉 就算 嘞 。 ||go out|not|know where||past tense marker|several days|then|||report|said|Huangfu Li|whereabouts unknown|particle indicating realization|then|even if|past tense marker They just went out and wandered around for a few days, then came back to report that Huangfu Li's whereabouts were unknown, and that was that. 賈詡 呢 又 靜靜 對 啲 羌族 嘅 部落 首領 講過 : Jia Xu|this|again|quietly|to|particle indicating plural|Qiang people|possessive particle|tribe|leader|has spoken Jia Xu quietly spoke to the tribal leaders of the Qiang people: 天子 知道 你 哋 係 忠心耿耿 嘅 , 打 咗 咁 耐仗 好 辛苦 喇 。 the Son of Heaven|knows|you|plural marker|are|loyal|possessive particle|fight|past tense marker|so|long battle|very|hard|sentence-final particle The Son of Heaven knows that you are loyal and devoted, fighting for so long has been very hard. 天子 有個 秘密 嘅 命令 , 叫 你 哋 返去 原郡 , 日後 會 重重 賞賜 你 哋 㗎 。 the Son of Heaven|has a|secret|possessive particle|order|to tell|you|plural marker|return to|original county|in the future|will|heavily|reward|you|plural marker|sentence-final particle The Son of Heaven has a secret order, telling you to return to your original county, and in the future, you will be heavily rewarded. 噉 嗰 啲 羌族 首領 呢 , 平時 已經 係 埋怨 李 傕 唔 封 官爵 畀 佢 哋 , 就 聽 晒 賈 詡 嘅 說話 , 真 係 帶齊 人馬 走 咗 返去 。 then|that|plural marker|Qiang tribe|leader|question particle|usually|already|is|complaining|Li|Kuo|not|confer|official titles|to|them|plural marker|then|listening||Jia|Xu|possessive particle|words|really|is|bringing along|troops|to leave|past tense marker|return As for those Qiang leaders, they have been complaining that Li Jue does not grant them titles, so they listened to Jia Xu's words and really brought their troops back. 賈詡行 咗 一步棋 , 跟 住 又 行 一步棋 。 Jia Xu moved|past tense marker|one step of chess|||again|moved|one step of chess Jia Xu made a move, then followed up with another move. 佢 偷偷 去 稟奏 皇帝 話 : 李 傕 呢 個人 就 係 貪心 , 冇 咩 計謀 嘅 。 陛下 用 高官厚祿 嚟 氹 住 佢 就 啱 嘞 。 he|secretly|go|report|emperor|said|Li|Kuo|this|person|just|is|greedy|no|any|strategy|possessive particle|your majesty|use|high position and rich rewards|to|||he|just|right|particle indicating completion He secretly reported to the Emperor, saying: Li Jue is a greedy person, without much strategy. Your Majesty, using high positions and rich rewards to entice him is the right approach. 於是 獻帝 啊 就 落到 聖旨 , 正式 封李 傕 做 大司馬 。 then|Emperor Xian|ah|then|received|imperial decree|officially||Que|as|Grand Marshal So, Emperor Xian issued a decree, officially appointing Li Jue as the Grand Marshal. 大司馬 就 係 掌握 政務 同 軍事 大權 嘅 高官 嚟 啊 。 Grand Marshal|just|is|in control of|civil affairs|and|military|great power|possessive particle|high official|come|sentence-final particle The Grand Marshal is a high official who holds significant power over political and military affairs. 哦 ! 李 傕 啊 歡喜 到 不得了 , 佢 話 : 今日 我 升官 全靠 女巫 同 我 拜神 祈禱 啊 ! oh|Li|Jue|particle|happy|to|extremely|he|said|today|I|got promoted|entirely relied on|witch|with|I|worshipping|praying|particle Oh! Li Jue was extremely happy, saying: Today, my promotion is all thanks to the witch and my prayers to the gods! 就 重重 咁 賞賜 嗰 個 拜 神婆 咯 喎 。 then|heavily|so|reward|that|classifier for people|||sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle He generously rewarded that witch. 但 係 對 佢 身邊 嘅 軍官 將領 啊 一個 都 冇 賞 。 ||towards|him|beside|possessive particle|officer|general|ah|one|all|didn't have|reward However, none of the military officers around him received any rewards. 騎 都尉 楊奉 嬲 啊 , 佢 對 一個 叫做 宋 果 嘅 軍官 話 嘞 : ride|a military title|Yang Feng|angry|ah|he|to|a|called|Song|Guo|possessive particle|officer|said|past tense particle The cavalry commander Yang Feng was angry and said to an officer named Song Guo: 哼 ! 我 哋 出生入死 , 刀來 槍 去 , 唔 通 我 哋 嘅 功勞 反而 唔 及 得 一個 拜 神婆 咩 ? hum|I|plural marker|live and die together||||not||||||||equal to|get|one|||question particle Hmph! We risk our lives, fighting with swords and guns, and are you saying that our contributions are not as good as that of a fortune teller? 宋果 話 嘞 : 我 哋 不如 殺死 咗 呢 個 奸賊 嚟 救 皇帝 咯 , 好 唔 好 啊 ? Song Guo|said|past tense marker|I|plural marker|might as well|kill|past tense marker|this|measure word|traitor|in order to|save|emperor|sentence-final particle|good|not|good|question particle Song Guo replied: Why don't we kill this traitor to save the emperor, okay? 好 啊 好 啊 !嗱, 你 今晚 喺 中軍 放火 為號 , 我 帶兵 做 外應 。 ||||look|you|tonight|at|the central army|set fire|as a signal|I|lead the troops|act as|external support Alright, alright! Listen, you set fire in the central army tonight as a signal, and I will lead the troops to support. 兩個 人 約定 喺 當晚 二 更 逳 手 。 two|people|agreed|at|that night|second|watch|to meet|hand The two agreed to meet that night at the second watch. 唉 , 點 知道 事機 不密 , 有人 洩露 咗 畀 李 傕 知 。 sigh|how|to know|matter|not secret|someone|leaked|past tense marker|to|Li|Jue|know Sigh, how did I know that the matter was not kept secret, and someone leaked it to Li Jue. 李 傕 可惱 啦 , 即刻 派 人 去 捉 咗 宋果 嚟 殺 咗 佢 。 Li|Kuo|angry|particle|immediately|send|person|to|catch|past tense marker|Song Guo|come|kill|past tense marker|him Li Jue was furious, so he immediately sent someone to capture Song Guo and killed him. 當晚 , 楊奉 就 帶齊 人馬 喺 出 便 等 嘞 喎 。 that night|Yang Feng|then|brought along|his men|at|exit|convenient|wait|past tense marker|sentence-final particle That night, Yang Feng brought his men to wait outside. 乜過 咗 時間 仲未見 火 起 嘅 呢 喂 ? what happened|past tense marker|time|still haven't seen|fire|rise|past action particle|question particle|hey Why hasn't the fire started yet after all this time? 正 喺 度 奇怪 , 李 傕 親自 帶兵 出 嚟 嘞 。 right|at|here|strange|Li|Kuo|personally|lead troops|out|come|past action particle Just as I was wondering, Li Jue personally led his troops out. 楊奉 一下 撞 正 佢 , 當堂 就 打起 上 嚟 , 一直 混戰 到 四 更 。 Yang Feng|suddenly|hit|directly|him|on the spot|then|started fighting|up|here|continuously|chaotic battle|until|| Yang Feng collided with him, and they immediately started fighting, continuing the chaos until the fourth watch. 楊奉 打輸 咗 , 帶住 部隊 趯 咗 去 西安 。 Yang Feng|lost the battle|past tense marker|leading|troops|retreated|past tense marker|to|Xi'an Yang Feng lost the battle and led his troops to retreat to Xi'an. 不過 李 傕 呢 , 從 呢 次 之後 啊 , 佢 嘅 兵力 就 逐漸 弱 嘞 。 however|Li|Kuo|question particle|from|||after|ah|he|possessive particle|military strength|then|gradually|weak|past tense particle However, after this incident, Li Jue's military strength gradually weakened. 更 兼 郭汜 啊 經常 嚟 攻擊 佢 , 兵員 殺死 嘅 好多 。 even|also|Guo Si|ah|often|come|attack|him|soldiers|killed|possessive particle|many Moreover, Guo Si frequently attacked him, resulting in many casualties among his troops. 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 李 傕 得到 個 消息 , 話 張濟 統率 大軍 喺 陝西 嚟 到 嘞 , 要同 你 哋 兩位 和解 。 just|at|this|measure word|time|Li|Jue|received|measure word|news|said|Zhang Ji|commanding|large army|at|Shaanxi|come|arrive|past tense marker||you|plural marker|two|reconcile At this moment, Li Jue received news that Zhang Ji was leading a large army from Shaanxi and wanted to negotiate peace with the two of you. 張濟 聲明 話 , 邊個 唔 聽 呢 就 出兵 嚟 打 噉 話 。 Cheung Chai|statement|said|whoever|not|listens|this|then|send troops|to|fight|like that|said Zhang Jie declared that whoever does not listen will be sent troops to fight. 李 傕 乘機 賣 個人 情 , 搶先一步 派 人 去 見 張濟 , 表示 願意 和解 。 ||take the opportunity|sell|personal|feelings|take the initiative|send|someone|to|meet|Zhang Ji|expressed|willing|reconciliation Li Jue took the opportunity to sell personal favors and was the first to send someone to meet Zhang Jie, expressing a willingness to reconcile. 郭汜 呢 亦 唯有 答應 係 啦 。 Guo Si|this|also|only|agree|is|particle Guo Si also had no choice but to agree. 噉 兩個 人 啊 就算 搞掂 咗 嘞 喎 。 then|two|people|particle|even if|finish|past tense marker|completed action marker|particle So the two of them managed to settle things. 張濟 呢 於是 寫個 表章 呈 上去 畀 皇帝 , 請 皇帝 搬 去 弘 農 嗰 處 住 。 Zhang Ji|then|so|write a|memorial|present|up|to|emperor|request|emperor|move|to|Hong|Nong|that|place|live Zhang Jie then wrote a memorial to submit to the emperor, requesting the emperor to move to Hongnong to reside. 弘農 係 一個 郡 , 離開 東都 洛陽 係 比較 近 嘅 。 Hongnong|is|a|county|from|Eastern Capital|Luoyang|is|relatively|close|particle indicating possession or modification Hongnong is a commandery, relatively close to the Eastern Capital, Luoyang. 獻帝 好 歡喜 啊 , 佢 話 嘞 : 寡人 想返 去 東都 好耐好 耐咯 , 而家 能夠 有 機會 返去 真 係 萬幸 啊 , 萬幸 啊 ! Emperor Xian|very|happy|particle|he|said|past tense particle|I (humble)|want to return|to|Eastern Capital|||now|able to|have|opportunity|return|really|is|great fortune|particle|great fortune|particle Emperor Xian was very happy, he said: 'I have wanted to return to the Eastern Capital for a long, long time, and now I have the opportunity to go back, it is truly a great fortune, a great fortune!' 因為 張濟 呢 趟 立 咗 個 大功 , 獻帝 就 封 佢 做 驃騎 將軍 。 because|Zhang Ji|this|trip|achieved|past tense marker|a|great merit|Emperor Xian|then|appointed|him|as|cavalry|general Because Zhang Jie achieved a great merit this time, Emperor Xian appointed him as the General of the Cavalry. 張濟 就 進貢 啲 糧食 酒肉 , 供給 畀 啲 文武百官 食用 。 Zhang Ji|then|tribute|some|grain|wine and meat|supply|to|some|civil and military officials|consumption Zhang Jie then contributed some food, wine, and meat, providing it for the civil and military officials to consume. 嘿嘿 ! 嗰 班 官員 呀 , 已經 祭 咗 咁 耐 喇 , 而家食 返餐 飽飯 又 有 酒 又 有 肉 , 嘿 ! 高興 啊 ! Hehe|that|group|officials|particle|already|sacrificed|past tense marker|so|long|particle|||full rice|also|have|wine|||meat||happy|particle Hehe! Those officials have been fasting for so long, now they can have a full meal with wine and meat, hehe! They are so happy! 郭汜 啊 放返 啲 公卿 大臣 出 軍營 , 李 傕 呢 用車 送 皇帝 皇后 去 東都 , 派 原來 嘅 禦 林 軍 幾百人 揸 住 戟 一路 噉 護送 。 Guo Zi|ah|release|some|nobles|ministers|out|military camp|Li|Kuo|then||send|emperor|empress|to|Eastern Capital|send|original|possessive particle|imperial|forest|army|several hundred men|hold|in|halberd|all the way|like this|escort Guo Si released the officials and ministers from the military camp, and Li Jue used a carriage to escort the Emperor and Empress to the Eastern Capital, dispatching several hundred of the original Imperial Forest troops armed with halberds to protect them along the way. 皇帝 嘅 御駕 過 咗 新豐 , 嚟 到 霸陵 。 emperor|possessive particle|imperial carriage|passed|past tense marker|Xin Feng|arrived|at|Ba Ling The Emperor's imperial carriage passed through Xinfeng and arrived at Balin. 霸陵 呢 係 長安 附近 嘅 軍事 要 地 , 即 喺 而 家 陝西 西安市 嘅 東 便 嚟 。 Baling|this|is|Chang'an|nearby|possessive particle|military|important|location|namely|at|||Shaanxi|Xi'an|possessive particle|east|convenient|coming Balin is a military stronghold near Chang'an, located in what is now the eastern part of Xi'an, Shaanxi. 當時 正 係 秋天 , 啱 啱 起 西風 。 at that time|just|was|autumn|||started|west wind At that time, it was autumn, and the west wind had just begun to blow. 忽然間 , 聽見 喎 嗬 噉 吶喊 起上 嚟 , 有 幾百名 軍兵 嚟 到 霸陵橋 上 , 攔住 皇帝 嘅 車架 。 suddenly|heard|particle indicating realization|particle indicating surprise|like that||rush up|come|there are|several hundred|soldiers|||Baling Bridge|on|blocked|emperor|possessive particle|carriage Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and several hundred soldiers arrived at Balin Bridge, blocking the Emperor's carriage. 佢 哋 高聲 大喝 話 : 嚟 嘅 係 咩 人 啊 ? they|plural marker|loudly|shouted|said|come|past tense marker|is|what|person|question particle They shouted loudly: Who is coming? 侍中 楊琦 就 拍馬 上橋 , 回答 話 嘞 : Imperial Attendant|Yang Qi|then|flatter|cross the bridge|replied|words|past tense particle The attendant Yang Qi quickly stepped forward and replied: 皇上 御駕 要 通過 , 邊個 敢 攔阻 咁 大膽 啊 ? the Emperor|imperial carriage|needs|to pass|who|dares|to obstruct|so|bold|question particle The Emperor's carriage is passing through, who dares to block it so boldly? 有 兩個 軍官 行出 嚟 : 我 哋 係 奉 郭 將軍 嘅 命令 把守 呢 道橋 , 嚴防 奸細 。 there is|two|officers|walked out|here|I|we|are|in accordance with|Guo|general|possessive particle|orders|guarding|this|bridge|strictly prevent|spies Two military officers stepped out: We are here under General Guo's orders to guard this bridge and prevent any treachery. 你 話 係 御駕 嚟 到 啊 , 我 哋 要 親眼見到 皇上 先至信 喇 。 you|said|is|imperial carriage|||particle|||need||emperor||particle You say it's the Emperor coming, but we need to see the Emperor with our own eyes before we believe it. 楊琦 於是 將 車上 嘅 珠簾 高高 揭起 , 獻帝 話 嘞 : 朕 喺 呢 處 , 卿家 點解 仲 唔 退下 呢 ? Yang Qi|then|to raise|in the car|possessive particle|bead curtain|high|lifted|Emperor Xian|said|past tense marker|I (imperial pronoun)|at|this|place|your family|why|still|not|withdraw|question particle Yang Qi then lifted the beaded curtain high on the carriage, and the Emperor said: Here I am, why haven't you retreated? 嗰 兩個 軍官 同埋 班 士兵 當堂 高呼 萬歲 , 企埋 兩 便 , 讓開 條路 。 those|two|officers|and|group|soldiers|on the spot|shouted|long live|stood together|two|sides|made way| The two military officers and the soldiers shouted long live, standing on both sides, clearing the way. 噉 皇帝 嘅 車架 呢 就 通過 咗 嘞 。 like this|emperor|possessive particle|chariot|question particle|then|passed|past tense marker|completed action particle Thus, the Emperor's carriage passed through. 皇帝 過 咗 之後 , 嗰 兩個 軍官 返去 報告 郭汜話 : 御駕 已經 過 咗 霸陵橋 喇 。 emperor|passed|past tense marker|after|that|two|officers|returned|to report||imperial carriage|already|passed|past tense marker|Baling Bridge|sentence-final particle After the Emperor passed, the two military officers returned to report to Guo Si: The imperial carriage has already crossed the Baling Bridge. 郭汜話 喇 : 嘿 ! 我 正話 想 瞞過 張濟 , 劫駕 再入 郿 塢 嘅 , 你 哋 點解 擅自 放 佢 哋 過去 ? Guo Si said|particle indicating a completed action|hey|I|was just saying|want|to deceive|Zhang Ji|hijack|re-enter|||possessive particle||plural marker||||||go past Guo Si said: Hey! I was just thinking of deceiving Zhang Ji and hijacking the carriage back into Meiwu, why did you let them pass? 人 嚟 ! 拉 佢 哋 兩個 出去 斬首 ! people|come|pull|he|they|two|outside|beheaded People are coming! Take those two out and behead them! 郭汜 斬 咗 兩個 軍官 , 點起 兵馬 , 即刻 去 追 皇帝 呢 一行 人 。 Guo Si|killed|past tense marker|two|officers|mobilized|troops|immediately|to|chase|emperor|this|group|people Guo Si beheaded two officers, gathered the troops, and immediately went to pursue the Emperor and his entourage. 當時 獻帝 嘅 車架 , 正 係 嚟 到 華陰縣 , 聽見 後頭 叫喊聲 震天動地 : at that time|Emperor Xian|possessive particle|chariot|just|was|||Huayin County|heard|from behind|shouting|earth-shattering At that time, the carriage of Emperor Xian had just arrived at Huayin County, and he heard the deafening shouts from behind: 車架 唔 好 再行 喇 ! 車架 唔 好 再行 喇 ! chassis|not|very||particle indicating completed action||||| The carriage must not move any further! The carriage must not move any further! 哎呀 , 驚到 獻帝 啊 喊 起 上 嚟 , 對 啲 大臣 話 : oh no|scared|Emperor Xian|ah|shout|get up|on|here|to|the|ministers|said Oh no, Emperor Xian was so frightened that he cried out, saying to the ministers: 哎呀 , 啱 啱 離開 咗 狼窩 , 又 入 嚟 虎口 噉 點算 啊 ? 唉 , 點算 喇 ? oh no|||left|past tense marker|den of wolves|again|enter|come|den of tigers|like this|what to do|question particle|sigh|what to do|final particle Oh no, I just left the wolf's den, and now I'm entering the tiger's mouth, what should I do? Sigh, what should I do? 嗰 班 大臣 個個 都 嚇到 面 都 青晒 , 事關 皇帝 唔 得 掂 , 佢 哋 亦 係 聽 衰 嘅 啫 嘛 。 that|group|ministers|everyone|all|scared|face|all|turned pale|regarding|emperor|not|capable|handle|they|plural marker|also|are|hearing|bad|possessive particle|only|particle indicating obviousness All the ministers are so scared that their faces have turned pale, because the emperor is not capable, and they are just listening to the bad news. 賊軍 漸漸 逼近 嘞 , 正在 危急 嘅 時候 , 只 聽見 戰鼓 咚咚 聲 打響 , 喺 山後 轉出 一員大將 。 enemy army|gradually|approaching|past tense marker|at that moment|critical|possessive particle|time|only|heard|war drum|booming|sound|sounded|at||emerged| The bandits are gradually closing in, and just at that critical moment, the sound of war drums starts booming, and a general appears from behind the mountain. 當先 一面 大旗 , 上面 寫住 大漢 楊奉 四個 大字 。 leading|one side|big flag|on it|written|great Han|Yang Feng|four|big characters At the front is a large flag, with the words 'Great Han Yang Feng' written in big characters. 原來 楊奉 啊 , 自從 畀 李 傕 打敗 之後 呢 , 就 帶兵 嚟 到 終南山 下 駐 扎 。 it turns out|Yang Feng|ah|since|by|Li|Kuo|defeated|after|particle indicating a question|then|led his troops|to|arrive at|Zhongnan Mountain|below|| It turns out that Yang Feng, after being defeated by Li Jue, has brought his troops to station at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain. 而家 聽聞 御駕 嚟 到 唄 , 就 率領 千幾 人馬 嚟 保駕 嘞 。 now|hearing|imperial carriage|coming||||||||protecting the emperor|past action particle Now, I hear that the imperial carriage has arrived, leading over a thousand troops to provide protection. 當時 兩便 都 各自 排開 陣勢 。 at that time|both sides|all|individually|arranged|formation At that time, both sides had arranged their formations. 郭 汜 嘅 一名 軍官 崔勇 出馬 , 破口大罵 , 鬧 楊奉 係 反賊 。 Guo|Si|possessive particle|a|military officer|Cui Yong|stepped forward|shouted angrily|scolded|Yang Feng|is|traitor A military officer of Guo Si, Cui Yong, stepped forward, shouting loudly, accusing Yang Feng of being a rebel. 楊奉 嬲 啊 , 回頭 向 住 兵陣 一問 : 公明 喺 處 嗎 ? Yang Feng|angry|particle|turn around|towards|at|army formation|ask|Gong Ming|is|place|question particle Yang Feng was furious and turned to ask the troops, 'Where is Gongming?' 只見 一員大將 手執 大斧 , 騎住 一匹 火紅 馬 , 應聲 而出 啊 , 直取 崔勇 。 only saw||holding|large axe|riding|one|fiery red|horse|in response|rushed out|ah|directly attacked|Cui Yong Suddenly, a general wielding a large axe rode out on a fiery red horse, charging straight at Cui Yong. 兩馬 相交 ,嚱! 僅僅 一個 回合 唧 , 呢 一員大將 就 劈 咗 崔勇 落馬 嘞 。 two horses|intersect|sound of a whistle|only|one|round|sound of a horn|this|a general|then|struck|past tense marker|Cui Yong|off the horse|past action marker The two horses intersect, ha! Just one round of jabbing, and this general has knocked Cui Yong off his horse. 楊奉 趁勢 掩殺 過去 , 郭 汜 嘅 兵馬 一敗塗地 , 退走 二十幾 里 。 Yang Feng|take advantage of the situation|ambush|in the past|Guo|Si|possessive particle|troops|utterly defeated|retreated|over twenty|li (a unit of distance) Yang Feng took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack, and Guo Si's troops were utterly defeated, retreating over twenty miles. 楊奉 就 收兵 嚟 朝見 天子 啦 , 獻帝 話 嘞 : 卿家前 嚟 保駕 , 功勞 好大 啊 ! Yang Feng|then|withdraw troops|come|to pay respects|Son of Heaven|particle indicating completed action|Emperor Xian|said|past tense marker||come|protect the emperor|merit|very great|particle indicating exclamation Yang Feng then gathered his troops to pay a visit to the Emperor, who said: "You have done a great service in protecting the throne!" 誒 , 先頭 殺死 賊 將 嗰 個人 係 邊個 啊 ? hey|earlier|killed|thief|to take|that|person|is|who|question particle Hey, who was the one that killed the bandit general at the front? 楊奉 即刻 帶 嗰 名 大將 嚟 到 獻帝 坐 嘅 車 前 便 , 跪拜 行禮 : 陛下 , 佢 係 河東 楊郡 人 , 姓 徐 , 名晃 , 字 公明 啊 。 Yang Feng|immediately|bring|that|name|general|||Emperor Xian|sitting|possessive particle|chariot|in front of|then|kneel and bow|pay respects|Your Majesty|he|is|Hedong|Yang County|person|surname|Xu|Ming Huang|courtesy name|Gongming|ah Yang Feng immediately brought that general to kneel before the Emperor's carriage and said: "Your Majesty, he is from Yang County in Hedong, his surname is Xu, his name is Huang, and his courtesy name is Gongming." 獻帝 笑口吟吟 , 慰問 咗 一番 。 Emperor Xian|smiling broadly|inquired|past tense marker|a bit Emperor Xian smiled and expressed his condolences. 跟 住 , 楊奉 就 一直 護送 獻帝 去 到 華陰 停落 嚟 , 佈置 咗 警戒 。 ||Yang Feng|then|continuously|escorting|Emperor Xian|||Huayin|stopped|here|set up|past tense marker|guard Then, Yang Feng continued to escort Emperor Xian to Huayin, where they set up a guard. 當晚 , 獻帝 就 喺 楊 奉 嘅 大營 過夜 嘞 。 that night|Emperor Xian|then|at|Yang|Feng|possessive particle|main camp|spent the night|past tense marker That night, Emperor Xian stayed overnight in Yang Feng's camp. 嗰 個 郭 汜 輸 咗 一 仗 吖 , 佢 心 心 不忿 喎 , 第 日 , 又 起兵 殺到 嚟 嘞 。 that|measure word|surname|name|lost|past tense marker|one|battle|sentence-final particle|he|heart|||sentence-final particle|next|day|again|raise troops|attack|come|completed action particle That Guo Si lost a battle, and he was quite indignant, so the next day, he raised troops to attack. 徐晃 一馬當先 , 上前 迎戰 。 Xu Huang|leading the charge|stepped forward|to face the battle Xu Huang took the lead and stepped forward to engage in battle. 郭 汜 嘅 大軍 啊 四面八方 噉 圍上 嚟 , 將 獻帝 、 楊奉 困 喺 戰陣 中心 。 Guo|Si|possessive particle|large army|exclamatory particle|from all directions|like this|surrounded|coming|to capture|Emperor Xian|Yang Feng|trapped|at|battle formation|center Guo Si's army surrounded from all directions, trapping Emperor Xian and Yang Feng in the center of the battle formation. 嘩 ! 不得了 咯 。 wow|incredible|particle indicating realization or emphasis Wow! This is terrible. 正在 危急 嘅 時候 , 忽然間 , 喺 東南方 嗰 便 , 喎 嗬 ! 殺 啊 ! 一片 吶喊聲 。 at the moment|critical|possessive particle|time|suddenly|at|southeast|that|side|exclamation particle|exclamation particle|kill|exclamation particle|a chorus of|shouting At that critical moment, suddenly, from the southeast, there was a shout, 'Charge!'. A chorus of cries erupted. 跟 住 見到 一員 將軍 帶住 兵馬 殺過 嚟 , 殺散 咗 郭 汜 嘅 軍 兵 。 ||saw|a|general|leading|troops|came over|here|defeated|past tense marker|Guo|Si|possessive particle|army|soldiers Then, they saw a general leading troops charging over, scattering Guo Si's soldiers. 徐晃 就 趁勢 發起 反攻 , 將郭 汜 嘅 軍隊 殺到 大敗 而 走 。 Xu Huang|then|taking advantage of the situation|launched|counterattack||Si|possessive particle|army|killed until|a great defeat|and|fled Xu Huang took the opportunity to launch a counterattack, defeating Guo Si's army and forcing them to flee. 嗰 個 將軍 嚟 到 拜見 獻帝 嘞 , 原來 係 皇帝 嘅 親戚 董承 。 that|measure word|general|||to pay respects to|Emperor Xian|past action marker|originally|is|emperor|possessive particle|relative|Dong Cheng The general came to meet Emperor Xian, and it turned out to be the emperor's relative, Dong Cheng. 唉 ! 獻帝 啊 忍 唔 住 流起 眼淚 嘞 , 就將 經過 講 畀 董承聽 。 sigh|Emperor Xian|ah||||flow|tears|past tense marker||incident|tell|to| Alas! Emperor Xian couldn't help but shed tears, and he told Dong Cheng what had happened. 董承 就 話 嘞 : 陛下 唔 使 憂心 , 臣同 楊將軍 發誓 要 殺 咗 李 傕 、 郭汜 兩個 奸賊 , 以 安定 天下 。 Dong Cheng|then|said|past tense marker|Your Majesty|not|need|worry||General Yang|swore|will|kill|past tense marker|Li|Kuo||two|traitors|in order to|stabilize|the world Dong Cheng said: "Your Majesty, do not worry. I and General Yang swear to kill the two traitors, Li Jue and Guo Si, to bring peace to the world." 好 啊 , 好 啊 ! 我 哋 快 啲 去 東都 啦 。 ||||||||go|East City|particle indicating suggestion or encouragement Alright, alright! Let's hurry to the Eastern Capital. 噉 楊奉 、 董承 啊 就 漏夜 起程 , 護送 獻帝 嘅 御駕 趕路 去 弘農 嘞 。 then|Yang Feng|Dong Cheng|particle|then|overnight|set off|escort|Emperor Xian|possessive particle|imperial carriage|travel fast|to|Hongnong|particle So Yang Feng and Dong Cheng set off at night to escort Emperor Xian's imperial carriage to Hongnong. 而家 講返 下 郭汜 , 佢 帶 住 嗰 支 敗軍 返扯 吖 , 喺 半路 撞 到 李 傕 , 佢 話 嘞 : now|talk about|next|Guo Si|he|||that|measure word for troops|defeated army|return|particle|at|halfway|||Li|Kuo|he|said|past tense particle Now, let's talk about Guo Si. He brought that defeated army back, and on the way, he ran into Li Jue. He said: 楊奉 、 董承 救駕 去 咗 弘農 喎 , 如果 佢 哋 去 到 山東 , 企穩 咗 腳跟 , 必定會 通告 全國 , 命令 各路 諸侯 一齊 嚟 討伐 我 哋 嘅 。 Yang Feng|Dong Cheng|to rescue|went|past tense marker|Hongnong|sentence-final particle|if|they|plural marker|||Shandong|establish||foothold||notify|the whole country|order|all|feudal lords|together|come|attack|we|plural marker|possessive particle Yang Feng and Dong Cheng have gone to rescue the emperor in Hongnong. If they reach Shandong and establish a foothold, they will definitely announce it to the whole country and order all the lords to come together to attack us. 嚱! 到 其時 , 我 哋 三族 都 保 唔 住 , 畀 佢 哋 剷 清 都 有 份 喇 ! exclamation|at|that time|I|plural marker|three clans|all|protect|||let|they|plural marker|wipe|clean|all|have|share|particle At that time, we won't be able to protect our three clans, and we will all be wiped out! 李 傕 話 : 而家 張 濟 嘅 軍隊 佔據 住 長安 , 我 哋 唔 好 逳 佢 住 。 ||said|now|||possessive particle|army|occupies|continuously|Chang'an|we|plural marker|||let|him|stay Li Jue said: Right now, Zhang Ji's army occupies Chang'an, we shouldn't let him stay. 我 哋 不如 趁 呢 個 機會 , 將軍 隊 聯合 起 嚟 , 一路打 去 弘農 , 殺 咗 嗰 個 漢王 , 然後 我 哋 平分 天下 , 有 乜嘢 唔 好 吖 你 話 。 we|plural marker|might as well|take advantage of|this|measure word|opportunity|general|army|unite|together|come||to|Hongnong|kill|past tense marker|that|measure word|Han king|then|I|we|equally divide|world|have|what|not|good|sentence-final particle|you|say We might as well take this opportunity to unite our armies and march towards Hongnong, kill that Han king, and then we can divide the world among ourselves. What could be wrong with that? 你 噉 講啊合 晒 我心 水 啊 ! you|like this||completely||clear|particle You say that, it really resonates with my feelings! 於是 郭汜 就 同 李 傕 聯合 起上 嚟 沿路 咁 劫掠 , 大軍 一過 啊 , 乜嘢 都 搶光 晒 。 then|Guo Si|then|with|Li|Que|united|together|to come|along the way|so|plundered|the main army|once passed|ah|anything|all|robbed clean|completely So, Guo Si teamed up with Li Jue to raid along the way, and when the army passed, they looted everything. 楊奉 董 成就 知道 李國 國恥 嘅 兵馬 追 嚟 就 指揮 軍隊 翻 轉頭 , 同 佢 哋 喺 東 澗 呢 個 地方 大戰 。 Yang Feng|Dong|achievement|knows|Li Guo|national humiliation|possessive particle|troops|pursue|come|then|command|army|turn|around|with|them|plural marker|at|East|stream|this|measure word|place|great battle Yang Feng and Dong Cheng knew that the troops of the Li Kingdom were chasing after them, so they commanded their army to turn back and fought a great battle with them at Dongjian. 李 傕 、 郭汜 兩個 嘢 就 商量 話 嘞 : 我 哋 人 多 , 佢 哋 人 少 , 一 於 同 佢 哋 混戰 一場 , 就 打贏 佢 哋 㗎 喇 ! ||Guo Si|two|people|then|discussed|saying|past tense marker|||people|many|||people|few|||with|||battle|one|then|defeat|||sentence final particle|past action marker Li Jue and Guo Si discussed and said: We have more people, they have fewer, so let's mix it up with them in a chaotic battle, and we will win! 噉 李 傕 嘅 兵馬 在 左 , 郭 汜 嘅 兵馬 在 右 , 漫山遍野 湧過 嚟 喇 。 then|Li|Xue|possessive particle|troops|at|left|Guo|Si|possessive particle|troops|at|right|all over the mountains and fields|surged over|here|particle indicating completed action So, Li Jue's troops were on the left, Guo Si's troops were on the right, and they surged over the mountains and fields. 哎 , 真 係 蟻 多 摟 死象 啊 , 楊奉 、 董承 頂住 兩邊 死 打 , 勉強 保護 住 皇帝 皇后 坐 嘅 車 啊 衝 咗 出去 。 ah|||ant|many|surround|dead elephant|ah|Yang Feng|Dong Cheng|hold off|both sides|die|fight|barely|protect|continuous aspect particle|emperor|empress|sitting|possessive particle|chariot|ah|charge|past tense marker|out Ah, there are really too many ants attacking the elephant. Yang Feng and Dong Cheng are holding the two sides and fighting hard, barely protecting the emperor and empress in their carriage as they charge out. 至於 文武 官員 、 宮娥 太監 、 啲 公文 符冊 , 所有 御用 嘅 物件 等等 吖 ,冚𠾴唥 都 掉 開 晒 唔 要 喇 。 as for|civil and military|officials|palace maids|eunuchs|plural marker|official documents|seal book|all|imperial|possessive particle|items|etc||everything|all|||completely|not|needed|past action particle As for the civil and military officials, palace maids, eunuchs, and all the official documents and items, they all just dropped everything and didn't want them anymore. 郭汜帶 領軍 兵 啊 殺入 去 弘農城 , 大肆 劫掠 。 |leading the army|soldiers|ah|stormed into|to|Hongnong City|wildly|plundered Guo Si led the troops to invade Hongnong City and plundered extensively. 董承 、 楊奉 呢 就 保駕 逃跑 去 陝北 。 Dong Cheng|Yang Feng|particle indicating a question|then|protect the emperor|escape|go|Shanbei Dong Cheng and Yang Feng then protected the emperor and fled to northern Shaanxi. 李 傕 、 郭汜 又 分出 兵力 , 跟 住 尾 猛追 。 ||Guo Si|again|divided|troops|||rear|fiercely pursued Li Jue and Guo Si also divided their forces and fiercely pursued them. 董承 、 楊奉 一便 派 人同 李 傕 、 郭汜講 和 , 另 一 便 呢 , 又 秘密 噉 派 人 去 河東 啊 傳達 皇帝 嘅 聖旨 。 Dong Cheng|Yang Feng|at one time|send||Li|Jue||peace|another|one|time|particle|again||like that|send|person|go|Hedong|particle|convey|emperor|possessive particle|imperial edict Dong Cheng and Yang Feng sent people to negotiate peace with Li Jue and Guo Si, while secretly sending someone to Hedong to convey the emperor's decree. 召韓暹 、 李樂 、 胡才 三處 嘅 軍 兵 前 嚟 救應 。 summon Han Xian|Li Le|Hu Cai|three places|possessive particle|military|soldiers|forward|come|assistance They summoned the troops from Han Xian, Li Le, and Hu Cai to come and assist. 呢 班 人 係 咩 人 呢 ? 佢 哋 三個 都 係 犯 咗 罪 上山 落草 嘅 , 而家 朝廷 冇 辦法 喇 , 不得已 都 要 召 佢 哋 嚟 幫 下手 。 this|classifier for people|people|is|what|person|question particle|they|plural marker|three|all|are|committed|past tense marker|crime|to go into the mountains|to become bandits|past action particle|now|imperial court|has no|solution|final particle|had no choice|all|have to|summon|them|plural marker|come|help|assist Who are these people? All three of them are criminals who have taken to the mountains, and now the court has no way to deal with them, so they have no choice but to call them to help. 噉 嗰 三處 軍兵 聽見 話 天子 赦免 咗 佢 哋 嘅 罪 , 而且 仲 封官 添 喎 , 點會 唔 嚟 吖 。 like this|that|three places|soldiers|heard|saying|emperor|pardoned|past tense marker|he|plural marker|possessive particle|crime|moreover|still|promoted|additionally|sentence-final particle|how could|not|come|sentence-final particle When the troops heard that the Son of Heaven had pardoned their crimes and even granted them official titles, how could they not come? 佢 哋 即刻 點齊 人馬 , 就 嚟 到 同 董承會 齊 , 決定 再 去 奪取 弘農城 。 They|plural marker|immediately|gather|troops|then|come|arrive|with|Dong Chenghui|together|decided|again|go|capture|Hongnong City They immediately gathered their forces and came to meet with Dong Cheng, deciding to go and seize Hongnong City again. 當 其時 啊 , 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 軍隊 所到之處 呢 就 劫掠 百姓 , 老弱 嘅 就 殺 咗 佢 , 強壯 嘅 呢 就 拉 去 當兵 。 at that time|at that time|ah|Li|Jue|Guo|Si|possessive particle|army|wherever they went|particle indicating a question or emphasis|then|plundered|common people|the old and weak|possessive particle|then|killed|past tense marker|them|strong|possessive particle|particle indicating a question or emphasis|then|dragged|to|serve as soldiers At that time, wherever Li Jue and Guo Si's armies went, they plundered the common people, killing the old and weak, and taking the strong to serve as soldiers. 到 打仗 嘅 時候 , 就 擺 呢 啲 民兵 喺 前頭 打頭陣 , 就 叫做 敢死 軍 喎 。 when|fighting|possessive particle|time|then|place|||militia|at|front|take the lead|then|called|fearless|army|sentence-final particle When it came time for battle, they placed these militia at the front to lead the charge, calling them the 'Dare-to-Die Army'. 所以 聲勢 啊 非常 浩大 。 so|momentum|ah|very|grand Thus, their momentum was extremely grand. 好 喇 , 李 樂 嘅 軍隊 殺到 嚟 喇 。 good|particle indicating completed action|Lee|Lok|possessive particle|army|arrived|here|particle indicating completed action Alright, Li Le's army has arrived. 郭汜好 精 喎 , 佢 命令 啲 士兵 啊 一路 掉 低 啲 衣服 , 掉 低 啲 物件 。 Guo Si is good|excellent|particle indicating confirmation|he|ordered|plural marker|soldiers|particle indicating exclamation|all the way|||plural marker|clothes|||plural marker|belongings Guo Si was very clever; he ordered the soldiers to drop their clothes and belongings along the way. 李 樂 嘅 兵馬 一到 , 嘩 ! 好 嘢 咯 ! 乜 滿地 都 係 衣服 , 任執 唔 嬲 嘅 喎 , 嘿嘿 ! 千祈 咪 執輸 , 你 又 執我 又 搶 , 成個 隊伍 冚𠾴唥 亂 哂 坑 。 Lee|Lok|possessive particle|soldiers and horses|as soon as they arrive|wow|||particle indicating realization|what|all over the ground|all|are|clothes|take whatever you want|not|angry|particle indicating possession|particle indicating suggestion|hee hee|absolutely|don't|take the loss|you|again||again|snatch|whole|team|all over the place|chaotic|completely|pit When Li Le's troops arrived, wow! What a great thing! The ground is full of clothes, just take them without being angry, hehe! Just make sure not to take the losing ones, you take mine and I take yours, the whole team is in chaos. 好 喇 , 等 佢 哋 執 到 高興 嘅 時候 , 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 軍隊 四面 包圍 , 亂 斬 亂 殺 混戰 一場 。 good|particle indicating completed action|wait|they|plural marker|gather|until|happy|possessive particle|time|Li|Jue|Guo|Si|possessive particle|army|from all sides|surrounded|chaotic|kill|chaotic|kill|melee| Alright, when they are happily collecting, Li Jue and Guo Si's armies surround them from all sides, creating a chaotic battle with random slashing and killing. 李 樂 嘅 軍隊 啊 輸到 貼 地 。 ||possessive particle|army|sentence-final particle|lost to|| Li Le's army is losing badly. 楊奉 、 董承 遮攔 唔 住 , 就 保護 住 皇帝 向北 便 撤退 。 Yang Feng|Dong Cheng|obstruct|not|able to|then|protect|the|emperor||then|retreat Yang Feng and Dong Cheng couldn't hold them back, so they protected the emperor and retreated to the north. 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 人馬 呢 喺 後 便 追 住 過 嚟 , 胡才 就 喺 亂軍 之中 啊 被 殺死 咗 嘞 。 ||||possessive particle|troops|question particle|at|rear|then|||past|come|Hu Cai|then|at|chaotic army|within|exclamatory particle|by|killed|past tense marker|completed action particle Li Jue and Guo Si's troops were chasing from behind, and Hu Cai was killed in the midst of the chaotic army. 李樂話 嘞 : 形勢危急 啊 , 請 陛下 上馬 行先 啦 。 Li Lok said|particle indicating past action||particle for emphasis|please|Your Majesty|get on the horse|go first|particle indicating suggestion Li Le said: The situation is urgent, Your Majesty, please get on the horse and go first. 獻帝 話 : 唔 得 嘅 , 朕 唔 能夠 掉 低 百官 , 自己 走先 喇 。 Emperor Xian|said||||I (the emperor)|||||all officials|myself|leave first|particle indicating completed action Emperor Xian said: No, I cannot abandon the officials and leave by myself. 哦 ! 嗰 班 官員 啊 喊 到 𡃀𡃀 聲 啊 , 緊緊 噉 跟 住 獻帝 嘅 車行 嘞 。 oh|that|classifier for groups|officials|particle indicating exclamation|shout|to|loud|sound|particle indicating exclamation|closely|like this|||Emperor Xian|possessive particle||past tense particle Oh! Those officials are shouting loudly, closely following Emperor Xian's carriage. 不過 唔 得 嘞 , 董承 、 楊奉 見 敵兵 追得 咁 緊急 , 就 請 獻帝 啊 連車 都 唔 好 坐 , 落地 步行 去 到 黃河 岸邊 。 but|||particle indicating past action|Dong Cheng|Yang Feng|see|enemy soldiers|chasing|so|urgently|then|request|Emperor Xian|particle for emphasis||all|||sit|get off|walk|||Yellow River|riverbank However, it won't do, Dong Cheng and Yang Feng saw the enemy soldiers chasing so closely, so they asked Emperor Xian not to even sit in the carriage, but to get down and walk to the banks of the Yellow River. 李樂 叫 人 搵 到 隻 船 仔 嚟 渡河 。 Lee Lok|called|person|find|to|measure word for animals|boat|child|come|cross the river Li Le called for someone to find a boat to cross the river. 當 其時 係 大 冷天 喇 , 嗰 啲 北風 啊啡啡聲 咁 吹 。 when|at that time|was|very|cold day|particle indicating completed action|that|plural marker|north wind||so|blow At that time, it was very cold, and the north wind was blowing with a whistling sound. 獻帝 同 皇后 啊 唔 知 幾 艱難 先至 畀 人 扶住 行到 去 岸邊 。 Emperor Xian|with|Empress|ah|not|know|how|difficult|only then|by|people|supporting|walking to|go|riverside Emperor Xian and the Empress were struggling to be supported to the riverbank. 哈 , 河岸 又 高 喎 , 都 唔 落得 去 , 死 喇 ! 後 便 追兵 又 快 到 嘞 喎 。 Ha|riverbank|again|high|particle indicating realization|all|not|able to go down|go|die|particle indicating completed action|after|then|pursuers|again|fast|arrive|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating realization Ha, the riverbank is high, we can't get down, we're doomed! The pursuers are coming fast! 哎 啊 ! 事緊 馬行 田喇 , 楊奉話 : 快 啲 ! 解開 啲 馬 韁 一條條 接起 嚟 , 綁住 皇上 條腰 抌 佢 落 船 啦 。 ||urgent|horse|field|||plural marker|||horse|reins|one by one|tie up|up|bind|the emperor||lift|him|down|boat|particle Oh no! The situation is urgent, Yang Feng said: Hurry up! Untie the horse reins one by one, tie them around the Emperor's waist and help him onto the boat. 啲 人 正話 手忙腳亂 解馬 韁 嘅 時候 , 國舅 伏德 就 撥開 人群 , 帶住 十幾匹 白絹 嚟 到 , 佢 話 : 哎 , 我 喺 條 路 處 執 到 啲 白 絹 啊 , 快 啲 接 起 佢 啦 。 these|people||in a flurry|untie the horse|reins|possessive particle|time|imperial uncle|Fok Tak|then|pushed aside|crowd|bringing|more than ten|white silk|||he|said|ah|I|at|the|road|place|||these|white|silk|ah|quickly|a bit|||it|particle While the people were in a flurry trying to untie the horse reins, the Duke of Guo, Fu De, pushed through the crowd, bringing a dozen pieces of white silk, saying: Hey, I found some white silk on the road, hurry up and take it! 行軍 校尉 尚弘 就 用 白絹 包住 皇帝 同 皇后 , 叫 啲 人 好聲 啲 髧 咗 皇帝 落 去 , 噉 啊 上 咗 船 先 嘞 。 march|lieutenant|Shang Hong|then|use|white silk|wrap|emperor|and|empress|call|people|people|gently|people|lift|past tense marker|emperor|down|go|then|ah|board|past tense marker|ship|first|past tense marker The army officer, Shang Hong, used white silk to wrap the emperor and the empress, and told the people to lower the emperor down gently, then they boarded the ship. 皇后 個 大佬 就 係 國 舅爺 伏德 啊 , 佢 係 孭 住 皇后 上船 。 the queen|(measure word)|elder brother|just|is|country|uncle|Fok Tak|ah|he|is|||the queen|onto the boat The empress's elder brother is the national uncle, Fu De, and he helped the empress onto the ship. 李樂 揸 住 把 劍 , 企 正 喺 船頭 嚟 , 有 啲 人 上 唔 到 船 嘅 呢 , 就爭 住 猛 咁 拉條 船纜 。 Lee Lok|hold|particle indicating continuous action|measure word for tools|sword|stand|exactly|at|bow of the boat|come|have|some|people|board|not|arrive|boat|particle indicating possession|question particle||particle indicating continuous action|fiercely|so||mooring rope Li Le held a sword, standing at the bow of the ship, while some people who couldn't board the ship were desperately pulling the ship's rope. 李樂 一劍 一個 ,冚𠾴唥 斬 晒 佢 哋 落水 。 Lee Lok|one sword|one|cover up|chop|completely|he|plural marker|into the water Li Le took down one person with each sword strike, sending them all into the water. 將 皇帝 皇后 渡 咗 過河 之後 喇 , 然後 再撐 隻 船過 嚟 接 其余 嗰 啲 人 。 to take|emperor|empress|to cross|past tense marker|river|after|particle indicating completed action|then||measure word for boats||here|to pick up|the rest of|that|plural marker|people After ferrying the emperor and empress across the river, he then rowed the boat back to pick up the remaining people. 嗰 啲 搶 住 上船 嘅 都 畀 李 樂 斬斷 晒 手指 , 哭喊聲 啊 真 係 震天動地 啊 ! that|plural marker|rush|continuous aspect marker|board the ship|possessive particle|all|by|||cut off|completely|fingers|cries|sentence-final particle|really|is|earth-shattering|sentence-final particle Those who rushed to board the ship had their fingers cut off by Li Le, and the cries were truly deafening! 過 咗 對岸 之後 , 獻帝 嘅 身邊 只 係 剩得 十零 個人 。 cross|past tense marker|the other side|after|Emperor Xian|possessive particle|by his side|only|is|remaining|around ten|people After crossing to the other side, only about ten people were left by the side of the Emperor. 楊奉 搵 到 一架 牛車 , 就 等 獻帝 坐到 去 大陽 。 Yang Feng|||a|ox cart|then|wait|Emperor Xian|to ride|to|Dayang Yang Feng found a bullock cart and let the Emperor sit in it to go to Dayang. 冇 得 食 , 夜晚 就 喺 啲 老百姓 啲 瓦屋 過夜 。 no|||night|then|at|plural marker|common people|plural marker|tile-roofed house|spend the night With no food, they spent the night in the thatched houses of the common people. 當地 啲 鄉下佬 知道 皇帝 成日 冇 食飯 嘞 , 就 煮 啲 好 嘢 嚟 進貢 皇帝 食 啦 。 local|plural marker|country folks|know|emperor|all the time|no|eat|past tense marker|then|cook|plural marker|good|things|come|tribute|emperor|eat|sentence-final particle The local villagers, knowing that the Emperor often had no food, cooked good things to offer him. 咩 咁 好 嘢 呢 ? 粟米 飯 。 what|so|good|thing|question particle|corn|rice What is this good thing? Corn rice. 獻帝 同 皇后 扒 咗 一 啖 , 嚼 咗 成 半日 都 吞 唔 落 啊 , 又 粗 又 嚡 食 唔 慣 啊 。 Xian Di|with|Empress|took|past tense marker|one|bite|chewed|past tense marker|whole|half a day|all|swallow|not|down|particle|again|coarse|and|hard|eat|not|used to|particle The Emperor Xian and the Empress took a bite, chewed for half a day and still couldn't swallow it, it's too coarse and hard to eat. 哦 食 唔 慣 呀 噉 就 唯有 抵肚 餓 係 啦 。 oh|eat|not|used to|particle|like this|then|only|satisfy|hungry|is|particle Oh, if you can't get used to it, then you just have to endure the hunger. 第 日 , 皇帝 又 封 李樂 做 征北 將軍 , 韓暹 啊 做 征東 將軍 , 起程 又行 嘞 。 the|day|emperor|again|appointed|Li Le|as|Northern|general|Han Xian|ah|as|Eastern|general|set out||past tense particle The next day, the Emperor appointed Li Le as the General of the North and Han Xian as the General of the East, and they set off again. 行行 下 , 有 兩個 大臣 搵 到 嚟 , 喊住 喺 架車 前面 叩頭 。 walk|down|there are|two|ministers|find|arrive|here|crying|at||in front of|bowing As they were walking, two ministers found them, crying and bowing in front of the carriage. 一睇 , 原來 係 太尉楊 彪 、 太僕 韓融 啊 。 at a glance|it turns out|is||Biao|Grand Coachman||ah At a glance, it turns out to be General Yang Biao and Grand Minister Han Rong. 皇帝 皇后 兩個 亦 都 忍 唔 住 喊 埋 一份 。 emperor|empress|both|also|all||||cry|| The Emperor and Empress couldn't help but cry together. 韓融 話 嘞 : 李 傕 、 郭汜 兩個 奸賊 , 平時 都 幾信 臣 嘅 說話 嘅 。 Han Rong|said|past tense marker|Li|Jue|Guo Si|the two|traitors|usually|all||I|possessive particle|words| Han Rong said: "Li Jue and Guo Si are two treacherous villains, and they usually trust my words quite a bit." 臣 至多 連命 都 唔 要 咯 , 點都 要 去 說服 佢 哋 兩個 收兵 , 陛下 要 好好 保重 龍體 啊 ! I (a humble form of address for a subject)|at most|even life|also|not|want|sentence-final particle||must|go|persuade|he|plural marker|the two of them|withdraw troops|Your Majesty|must|well|take care of|royal person|exclamatory particle I would rather give up my life than not go persuade them to withdraw their troops; Your Majesty, please take good care of your health! 講完 , 韓融 就 去 咗 嘞 。 finished speaking|Han Rong|then|go|past tense marker|sentence final particle After saying that, Han Rong left. 楊彪 請 獻帝 去安邑 縣 , 暫時 定 嗰 度 做 首都 。 Yang Biao|please|Emperor Xian||county|temporarily|set|that|place|as|capital Yang Biao asked the Emperor Xian to go to Anyi County and temporarily set that place as the capital. 安邑 縣 嘅 位置 呢 就 喺 洛陽 以西 二百 幾里 。 Anyi|county|possessive particle|location|question particle|just|at|Luoyang|west of|two hundred|something miles The location of Anyi County is about two hundred miles west of Luoyang. 兵荒馬亂 , 邊度 都 好 係 啦 。 in chaotic times|anywhere|all|good|is|particle indicating suggestion or finality In times of chaos, any place is fine. 就 去 到 安邑 , 一間 似樣 啲 嘅 高大 啲 嘅 房屋 都 冇 啊 , 所以 皇帝 皇后 呢 , 就 住 喺 間 茅屋 處 。 then|go|arrive|Anyi|a|similar|more|possessive particle|tall|more|possessive particle|house|all|not have|particle|so|emperor|empress|particle|then|live|at|classifier for buildings|thatched hut|place When they arrived at Anyi, there wasn't even a decent tall building, so the Emperor and Empress lived in a thatched hut. 呢 間 茅屋 啊 , 嘿嘿 連 大門 都 冇 嘅 , 唯有 喺 四邊 四面 啊 插 滿 啲 簕 枝 , 遮攔 一下 就算 嘞 。 this|measure word for buildings|thatched hut|particle indicating exclamation|hehe|even|front door|also|not have|particle indicating possession|only|at|four sides|all around|particle indicating exclamation|insert|full|plural marker|||block|a little|just consider|particle indicating completed action This thatched hut, haha, didn't even have a front door; they could only stick branches all around to block it off a bit. 皇帝 同 啲 大臣 就 喺 茅屋 裏頭 商量 事情 。 emperor|with|plural marker|ministers|then|at|hut|inside|discuss|matters The emperor and the ministers were discussing matters inside the thatched cottage. 啲 武將 呢 , 就 帶 住 軍士 喺 籬笆 外便 警戒 , 嘻嘻 真 係 馬 死 落地 行 啊 呢 趟 。 plural marker|military generals|question particle|then|||soldiers|at|fence|outside|guard|giggle|||horse|dead|on the ground|walk|exclamation particle|this|trip The military generals were on guard outside the fence with their soldiers, haha, it really is a dead horse walking on the ground this time. 呢 個 時候 , 最叻 就 係 李 樂 佢 哋 嘞 , 由 佢 哋 掌 晒 大權 。 this|measure word for time|time|smartest|then|is|Lee|Lok|they|plural marker|past tense marker|by|they|plural marker|hold|completely|power At this time, the smartest ones were Li Le and his group, as they held all the power. 啲 官員 大臣 稍 為 有 啲 觸犯 佢 啊 , 佢 唔 理 咁 多 㗎 , 喺 皇帝 面前 一樣 照 㨘 過去 , 甚至 逳 手 摑 人 都 敢 做 嘅 。 plural marker|officials|ministers|slightly|for|have|a little|offend|he|particle|he|not|care|that much|much|particle|at|emperor|in front of|the same|according to|act|past|even|escape|hand|slap|person|also|dare|do|particle If any officials or ministers slightly offended them, they didn't care much, and still acted arrogantly in front of the emperor, even daring to slap people. 又 故意 送 啲 好 曳 嘅 酒菜 畀 皇帝 , 皇帝 唔 敢 唔 要 啊 唯有 夾硬 受落 啦 。 again|intentionally|send|some|very|bad|possessive particle|food and drink|to|emperor|emperor|not|dare|not|want|particle|only|reluctantly|accept|particle They also deliberately sent some very extravagant food and wine to the emperor, who had no choice but to accept it. 李樂 、 韓暹 又 聯名 保奏 一班 無賴 、 地 踎、 神棍 、 醫生 、 部下 嘅 兵卒 等等 二百 幾名 , 要 皇帝 封 佢 哋 做 校尉 、 御史 等等 嘅 官職 。 Li Lok|Han Sim|again|jointly|petition|a group of|rascals|||quacks|doctors|subordinates|possessive particle|soldiers|etc|two hundred|something|want|emperor|appoint|them|plural marker|to be|a military officer|imperial censor|etc|possessive particle|official positions Li Le and Han Xian jointly petitioned for a group of more than two hundred rascals, land grabbers, quacks, doctors, and soldiers under their command to be appointed by the emperor as officials such as school lieutenants and censors. 咁 多個 啊 官印 都 刻 唔 切 㗎 , 就求 其用 個 錐 啊 , 喺 嚿 木 處 劃 幾下 就算 官印 嘞 , 嘿真 係 完全 不成體統 。 then|more|particle|official seal|all|carved|not|suitable|particle|just ask|its use|particle|awl|particle|at|piece|wood|place|scratch|a few times|count as|official seal|particle|really|is|completely|unreasonable With so many officials, they couldn't even carve the official seals properly, so they just used a drill to scratch a few marks on a piece of wood and called it an official seal. This is truly ridiculous. 一個 王朝 搞成 咁 衰 呀 都 可謂 少有 啊 。 a|dynasty|ended up|so|bad|particle|also|can be said to be|rare|particle It's quite rare for a dynasty to fall into such a state of decline. 而家講 返 嗰 位 韓 融 嘞 , 佢 左 講 右 講 終歸 講 掂 咗 李 傕 同 郭汜 , 放返 擄 咗 去 嘅 文武百官 同 啲 宮娥 太監 出 嚟 。 |about|that|person|Han|Rong|past tense particle|he|left|talk|right|talk|eventually|talk|deal|past tense particle|Li|Que|and||release|abducted|past tense particle|to|possessive particle|civil and military officials|and|plural marker|palace maids|eunuchs|come out|come Now, back to that Han Rong, he talked and talked until he finally managed to persuade Li Jue and Guo Si to release the captured civil and military officials as well as the palace maids and eunuchs. 呢 一年 , 真 係 禍不單行 咯 , 係 個 大 災荒 喎 。 this|year||is||||the|great|disaster|sentence-final particle This year has truly been a series of misfortunes; it is a great disaster. 老百姓 都 係 食 野菜 、 食 樹皮 , 到處 都 餓死 人 。 common people|all|are|eat|wild vegetables|eat|tree bark|everywhere|all|starve to death|people The common people are eating vegetables and tree bark, and people are starving everywhere. 就 好彩 河內 太守 張楊 進貢 米糧 同埋 肉類 , 河東 太守 王邑 進貢 啲 布匹 , 獻帝 嘅 日子 呢 噉 先 至 稍 為 好過 啲 。 then|fortunately|Hanoi|governor|Zhang Yang|tribute|rice and grain|and|meat|Hohhot|governor|Wang Yi|tribute|some|cloth|Emperor Xian|possessive particle|days|this|like this|first|only|||better|a little Fortunately, the governor of Hanoi, Zhang Yang, contributed rice and meat, and the governor of Hedong, Wang Yi, contributed cloth, so the days of Emperor Xian are slightly better. 董承同 楊奉 商量 好 , 想 派 人 修理 好 洛陽 嘅 宮殿 呢 , 就 請 獻帝 離開 安邑 就 返去 東都 。 Dong Cheng|Yang Feng|discuss|well|want|send|person|repair|well|Luoyang|possessive particle|palace|question particle|then|request|Emperor Xian|leave|Anyi|then|return|Eastern Capital Dong Cheng and Yang Feng discussed and wanted to send someone to repair the palace in Luoyang, so they invited Emperor Xian to leave Anyi and return to the Eastern Capital. 哈點 知同 李樂 商量 嘅 時候 , 李樂 唔 肯 噃。 how||Lee Lok|to discuss|possessive particle|time|Lee Lok|not|willing|particle indicating finality However, when Ha Dian knew about the discussion with Li Le, Li Le was unwilling. 點解 李樂 唔 肯 呢 ? 梗 係 有 奸計 啦 。 why|Lee Lok|not|willing|question particle|certainly|is|have|ulterior motive|final particle Why was Li Le unwilling? Of course, there was a conspiracy.

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