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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 031

曹操 下令 , 叫 前軍 劉岱 、 后 軍 王忠帶 五萬 兵馬 , 打住 丞相 的 旗號 去 徐州 攻打 劉備 。 係 嘞 , 喺 呢 度 要 交代 一句 , 呢 個 王忠 就 唔 係 關張 趙 馬 黃 嗰 個 黃忠 。 呢 個 王 忠 佢 係 姓 三 劃 王 嗰 個 王 , 嗰 個 黃忠 呢 係 姓 大肚 黃 的 。 噉 啊 講到 而 家 佢 都 仲 未 出場 嘅 。 噉 誒 嗰 個 劉 岱 呢 , 本來 佢 係 兗州 刺史 。 及至 曹操 奪取 咗 兗州 個 時候 , 劉岱 就 向 曹操 投降 。 曹操 留用 佢 , 任命 佢 做 偏將 , 故此 而家 就 派 佢 同埋 王忠 一齊 帶兵 去 打 劉備 。 但 係 程昱 覺得 唔 妥當 , 佢 勸 曹操 話 , 恐怕 劉岱 、 王忠 唔 稱職 。 曹操 話 : 係 , 我 亦 知道 佢 哋 唔 係 劉備 的 敵手 , 只 係 等 佢 哋 去 虛張聲勢 的 啫 。 所以 曹操 就 吩咐 佢 哋 話 : 兩位 唔 好 隨便 進兵 交戰 , 等 我 攻破 袁紹 之後 , 再 嚟 指揮 大軍 殺 敗 佢 劉備 啦 。 噉 得 咗 曹操 嘅 指示 之後 啊 , 劉岱 、 王忠 就 帶兵 出發 喇 。 噉 曹操 呢 , 佢 就 親自 率領 二十 萬軍 兵 , 進兵 黎陽 去 打 袁紹 。 去 到 黎陽 , 曹 袁 兩 軍 相隔 八十里 。 各自 做好 防禦工事 , 挖深 啲 壕溝 , 堆高 啲 堡壘 , 大家 只 係 相持 住 冇 打過仗 。 噉 呢 段時間 有 幾耐 呢 吓 ? 哈都 幾長 下 , 由 八月 一直 堅持 到 十月 。 哈 果然 間 不出 荀彧 所料 噃, 袁紹 嗰 班 謀士 呀 景 轟起 上 嚟 。 許攸 就 唔 高興 審配 帶兵 , 追 沮 又 嬲 袁紹 冇 用 佢 嘅 計策 , 因此 就 各不相 和 , 不 求 進取 。 袁紹 個心 呢 亦 好多 顧慮 , 唔 想 進兵 。 曹操 見到 局面 係 噉 樣 膠着 喺 處 。 佢 於是乎 命令 呂布 手下 嘅 降 將 臧 霸 , 把守 青州 、 徐州 , 于 禁同 李典 呢 就 喺 黃河 沿岸 駐兵 , 曹仁 啊 總督 大軍 , 駐 扎 喺 官渡 嚟 。 官渡 誒 喺 而 家 河南省 中牟縣 東北 , 黃河 嘅 南岸 , 喺 鄭州市 東便 大約 一百里 左右 啦 。 噉 啊 請 各位 聽眾 記住 呢 笪 地方 吓 。 因為 事關 歷史 上 官渡之戰 啊 , 係 一場 有名 嘅 戰鬥 , 呢 下 便 冇 幾耐 呢 就 會 講到 㗎 嘞 。 噉 曹操 安排 妥當 之後 , 佢 自己 率領 一部分 人馬 , 就 返 咗 去 許都 , 而家 就 暫時 唔 講住 。 而家 講下 劉黛同 王忠 。 佢 兩個 帶住 五 萬軍 兵 , 去 到 離 徐州 一百里 嘅 地方 扎 好 營寨 。 喺 中軍 就 打起 丞相 旗號 , 嘿 呢 個 當然 係 假 㗎 啦 , 事關 曹操 並 冇 嚟 吖 嘛 。 乜 就 噉 扎 住 喺 呢 度 , 亦 唔 進兵 去 攻城 , 只 係 派 人 不 歇 咁 去 探聽 河北 袁紹 嗰 方面 嘅 消息 。 而 劉備 呢 , 佢 亦 唔 知道 曹操 虛實 嘞 就 唔 敢 亂 逳 啊 , 亦 係 一味 派 人 去 探聽 河北 方面 有 咩 動靜 。 過 咗 一段時間 , 有 一日 , 曹操 派 咗 個 使者 嚟 , 催 劉黛 、 王忠 進兵 , 向 徐州 發起 攻擊 。 佢 兩個 就 商量 嘞 喎 。 劉黛話 : 而家 丞相 催促 攻城 嘞 , 你 先 去 打 啦 。 王忠話 嘞 : 唔 係 噃! 丞相 係 派 你 先 嘅 噃。 我 係 主將 , 點解 要 我 先 去 呢 ? 你 先 。 噉 我 同 你 一齊 帶兵 去 嘞 。 唔 好 , 唔 好 。 不如 我 哋 執籌罷 啦 , 邊個 執到 就 邊個 去 。 好 啊 , 執就 執啦 ! 一執籌 , 王忠 執到 個 先字 , 噉 就 唔 去 唔 得 啦 。 只有 分 咗 一半 兵馬 , 帶住 去 攻打 徐州 嘞 。 劉備 聽到 話 袁 軍 嚟 嘞 唄 , 就 請 陳 登 嚟 商量 , 佢 話 : 袁紹 雖然 駐兵 喺 黎陽 , 之 因為 謀臣 不 和 , 所以 仲 未曾 發動 進攻 。 曹操 又 唔 知 喺 邊 處 嚟 。 聽講 喺 黎陽 嘅 軍隊 處並 冇 曹操 嘅 旗號 噃。 噉 為 咩 事 呢 度 反而 有 佢 嘅 旗號 呢 嚱? 陳 登話 嘞 : 曹操 嘅 為 人 , 詭計 百出 。 佢 一定 係 以 河北 嗰 方面 為重 , 親自 去 監督 嘅 。 但 係 呢 , 喺 嗰 便 就 故意 唔 打 旗號 ; 而 喺 呢 一處 , 打 咗 個 丞相 旗號 出 嚟 , 虛張聲勢 。 照 我 嘅 推測 呢 , 曹操 必定 唔 喺 呢 處 嚟 。 劉備 話 : 噉 我 哋 派 個人 去 探聽 下 虛實 先 , 兩位 賢弟 邊個 去 好 啊 ? 張飛 話 : 小弟 願去 啊 。 你 個人 咁 暴躁 , 仲 係 唔 好 去 喇 。 怕 咩 嘢 呢 ? 就算 有 曹操 喺 度 啊 , 我 亦 一樣 捉 咗 佢 嚟 。 關雲長 話 : 噉 就 等 小弟 去 睇 下 佢 哋 嘅 動靜 啦 。 劉備 話 : 好 , 雲長 你 去 呢 我 就 放心 嘞 。 於是 關雲長 帶住 三千 人馬 , 打開 城門 出 咗 徐州 。 當時 正 係 初冬 季節 , 呢 一日 , 陰雲密佈 , 雪花 亂飛 , 雙方 嘅 軍馬 都 冒雪 佈陣 。 關雲長 拍 馬提刀 衝出 嚟 , 高聲 大叫 : 王忠出 嚟 答話 ! 王忠出 到 陣前 話 嘞 : 丞相 嚟 到 , 點解 唔 投降 ? 請 丞相 出陣 , 我 有 說話 講啊 。 哼哼 ! 丞相 咁 輕易 肯見 你 嘅 咩 ? 豈有此理 激 嬲 關公 嘞 , 佢 一 拍 隻 馬直衝 上前 。 王忠 挺起 長槍 嚟 迎戰 。 兩馬 相交 , 咣 噉 一聲 , 兵器 接觸 咗 一下 。 關雲長 撥馬 就 走 , 王忠 啊 追 住過 嚟 。 點 知道 關雲長 啱 啱 轉過 咗 山坡 , 突然 間 一回 馬 大喝一聲 , 舞起 把 大刀 直殺過 嚟 。 王忠頂 唔 住 嘞 , 嘩 , 乜 咁 犀利 㗎 喂 。 佢 正話 搏命 鞭 隻 馬 趕快 逃跑 , 只見 關雲長 左手 倒 提 寶刀 , 右手 揪住 王 忠 嗰 條 勒 甲 帶 一下 就 將 佢 拉 咗 落 嚟 , 打橫 噉 駕 喺 自己 隻 馬上 便 , 跑 回 本陣 嘞 。 主將 被 擒 唄 , 嗰 班 兵 就 四散 奔走 咯 。 關雲長 打勝 咗 呢 一仗 啊 , 就 收兵 回城 。 押 王忠 嚟 見 劉備 , 劉備 就 問 佢 : 你 係 邊個 啊 , 而家 係 乜嘢 職位 呢 ? 啊 ? 咁 大膽 , 詐稱 曹丞相 ? 我點 敢 呢 ? 我 係 奉命 打 起 丞相 旗號 作為 疑兵 , 虛張聲勢 。 丞相 確實 係 冇 喺 呢 處 嚟 。 劉備 問 清楚 嘞 , 就 吩咐 畀 衣服 佢 換 , 畀 酒飯 佢 食 , 暫時 監禁 起 佢 。 等 捉 埋 劉岱 啊 , 然後 再作 處理 噉 。 關雲長 就 話 : 我 都 睇 出 兄長 有 和解 嘅 意思 , 故此 冇 殺 佢 , 將 佢 生擒 過 嚟 。 劉備 話 : 就 係 。 我 就 係 怕 翼 德 暴躁 過頭 , 殺 咗 王忠 , 所以 我 唔 畀 佢 去 啫 。 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 , 殺 之 無益 , 之留 返 佢 喺 度 , 可以 有利於 和解 呀 。 張飛 就 話 嘞 : 二哥 捉 咗 王忠 , 等 我 去 生擒 劉岱 返 嚟 啦 。 三弟 , 劉岱 往日 做過 兗州 刺史 , 喺 虎牢關 打 董卓 嘅 時候 , 佢 亦 係 一 鎮 諸侯 嚟 噃。 而 家 佢 係 前軍 , 你千祈 唔 好 輕敵 啊 。 啊哈 哈哈哈哈 , 誒 好似 啲 噉 嘅 傢伙 , 哈哈 算 得 乜嘢 啊 ! 我 亦 要 好似 二哥 噉 , 生擒 佢 返 嚟 就 係 喇 。 最怕 就 係 你 攞 咗 佢 條 命 , 誤 咗 我 嘅 大事 咋 。 欸 ! 如果 殺 咗 佢 , 我 同 佢 填 命 。 劉備 噉 就 畀 咗 三千 兵 過 佢 。 於是 張飛 率領 住 人 馬出城 嘞 。 嗰 個 劉 岱 呢 , 見到 王忠 畀 關雲長 捉 咗 去 就 一味 堅守 不 出 。 張飛 見 佢 唔 肯出 嚟 交戰 唄 , 就 日日 喺 佢 嘅 營寨 前面 鬧 衰 佢 。 劉岱 一 聽 講話 係 張飛 嚟 喎 , 嘩 咪 拘咯 , 就 越發 唔 敢 出 嚟 打 嘞 。 張飛 摟 打 咗 幾日 , 見到 劉岱 硬 係 唔 肯出 嚟 ,嚱, 就 諗 到 條計 仔 。 佢 傳令 落 去 , 話 今晚 二 更 去 劫寨 , 叫 大家 作好 準備 噉 。 落完 命令 嘞 , 成日 就 喺 帳篷 裏頭 飲酒 。 然後 就 詐 諦 飲醉 咗 , 捉個 軍士 嚟 , 監硬 話 佢 呢 樣 錯 嗰 樣 唔 啱 , 打 咗 佢 一 大餐 , 然後 綁住 佢 喺 軍營 裏頭 。 張飛 話 : 哼 , 等 我 今晚 出兵 嗰 陣 , 斬 咗 你 嚟 祭 下旗 ! 啊 , 過 咗 一陣 , 張飛 呀 暗中 叫 人 假裝 成 看守 不嚴 , 就 有意 放 佢 走 甩 咗 。 嗰 個 軍士 仲以 為 自己 好彩添 喎 。 佢 偷偷 出 咗 軍營 , 一直 趯 咗 去劉 岱 嗰 處 , 就 向 劉岱 告密 , 話 張飛 今晚 二 更 要 嚟 劫寨 噉 話 。 劉岱 見 呢 個 投降 過 嚟 嘅 軍士 , 周身 都 打 到 重傷 , 唔 會 係 假 𠿪。 噉 就 信 晒 佢 講 嘅 , 噉 啊將 啲 兵 呢 拉 晒 出去 埋伏 , 就 留 返個 空 寨 喺 處 。 嚟 喇 , 當晚 , 張飛 啊 兵分 三路 。 中間 呢 一路 呢 , 只 係 搵 三十幾 人 就 去 劫寨 放火 。 而 左右兩路 嘅 人馬 呢 , 就 兜 到 去劉 岱 嘅 寨 後 , 見 火起 為號 就 一齊 夾擊 。 到 咗 三 更 時分 , 張飛 啊 親自 帶住 一隊 精兵 , 先不先 截斷 咗 劉 岱 嘅 後路 。 然後 中間 嗰 三 廿 幾 人 呢 就 衝入 去 寨裏 頭 放火 。 劉岱個 伏兵 呀 , 正話 想 殺入 去唧 , 點知 張飛 嗰 兩路 人馬 一齊 殺出 嚟 。 哎呀 ! 弊 晒 咯 ! 劉岱 啲 軍隊 當堂 亂 晒 大坑 啊 都 唔 知 張飛 嘅 兵馬 有 幾多 人 啊 ,冚𠾴唥 打 到 潰散 晒 。 噉 劉岱 帶 住 一隊 殘兵 奪路 而 走 , 哈哈 好衰 唔 衰 , 一下 撞 到 正 張飛 , 真 係 狹路相逢 。 張飛 話 我 等 你好 耐喇 , 交馬 僅僅 一個 回合 , 劉岱 就 畀 張飛 捉 咗 生公 。 嗰 班 兵卒 將校 全部 投降 。 哈哈哈哈 , 打 咗 場 咁 漂亮 嘅 勝仗 , 張飛 就 使 人 返去 徐州 報個 喜訊 先 。 劉備 接到 呢 個 好消息 , 佢 就 對 關雲長 話 嘞 : 哈哈哈哈 , 翼德 從來 都 係 咁 魯莽 嘅 , 而家 亦 會 使 下 智謀 咯 喎 , 我 噉 就 唔 使 憂 咯 。 於是 同埋 關雲長 一齊 出城 嚟 迎接 張飛 。 一見 咗 面 , 張飛 就 話 喇 : 阿哥 , 你 話 我 暴躁 , 你 睇 而家點 啊 ? 劉備 就 話 : 我 唔 係 用 說話 嚟 激 你 , 你 點肯 使 下 智謀 吖 。 吓 ? 嗯 ? 呵呵 呵呵 呵 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 哦 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 張飛 呀 笑 到 唔 知 幾 開心 啊 。 等 佢 將 劉 岱 綁住 押過 嚟 喇 , 劉備 一 見到 立即 落馬 , 過去 親自 同 佢 解開 條繩 , 佢 話 : 小弟 張飛 誤有 冒犯 , 請 將軍 多多 恕罪 啊 。 噉 啊 請 劉岱入 咗 徐州 , 同時 呢 , 將王忠放 返出 嚟 , 一齊 擺酒 款待 。 斟過 幾 巡酒 , 劉備 話 嘞 : 前 嗰 次 , 因為 車胄 想 謀害 我 , 故此 不得不 殺 咗 佢 唧 。 點知 丞相 反而 懷疑 錯 咗 我 , 以為 我 想 作反 , 就 派 你 哋 兩位 將軍 帶兵 前 嚟 問罪 。 唉 我 劉備 深受 丞相 嘅 大恩 , 淨 係 日夜 都 想 住 要 報答 丞相 , 點敢 話 作反 呢 ? 希望 兩位 將軍 返到 許都 , 同 我講 幾句 好話 , 向 丞相 解釋一下 , 噉 我 就 感激不盡 咯 。 劉岱 、 王忠 就 話 嘞 : 使君 你 唔 殺 我 哋 , 大恩大德 我 哋 萬分感激 。 我 哋 返去 , 一定 喺 丞相 面前 盡力 為 使君 你 講話 。 我 哋 用 兩家 老小 嘅 性命 嚟 擔保 使君 。 多謝 兩位 將軍 。 第 日 , 劉備 將 俘虜 咗 佢 哋 原來 帶 嚟 嘅 軍馬 , 全部 還返 畀 佢 哋 。 然後 呢 , 送 佢 哋 返 去 許都 , 一直 送到 出 城 。 劉岱 、 王忠 , 行 咗 唔 夠 十幾 里 , 突然 聽見 一聲 鼓響 , 張飛 攔住 條路 大聲 噉 喝 : 唉 ! 我 阿哥 真 糊塗 ! 捉到 嚟 嘅 賊 將 做 乜 又 放 佢 哋 走 啊 你 咪 走 ! 嚇到 劉岱 、 王忠面 都 青晒 , 騎 喺 隻 馬 處 呀 , 震到 幾乎 跌返 落地 咁 交關 。 張飛 正 係 睩 大 雙眼 , 挺槍 衝上 嚟 。 只見 有 個人 飛馬 嚟 到 大聲 噉 嗌: 唔 好 亂 嚟 啊 ! 一睇 , 原來 係 關雲長 。 劉岱 、 王忠 , 噉 先 至 抹 咗 一額 汗 啊 。 關雲長 追到 嚟 就 對 張飛 話 : 既然 兄長 放 咗 佢 哋 , 三弟 你 點解 唔 遵守 命令 呢 ? 呢 次 放 咗 佢 哋 , 下次 佢 哋 又 嚟 嘞 ! 噉 等 佢 哋 再 嚟 嘅 時候 殺 都 唔 遲 吖 。 劉岱 、 王忠 呀 , 好似 連珠炮 噉 話 : 誒 唔 敢 喇 唔 敢 喇 , 就算 丞相 殺 咗 我 三族 , 我 哋 都 唔 敢 嚟 喇 。 請 將軍 寬恕 啊 , 請 將軍 寬恕 啊 ! 哼哼 , 我講 你 哋 聽 , 就算 係 曹操 親自 嚟 , 我 亦 要 殺 到 佢 片甲不留 啊 ! 今日 , 暫時 留返 兩個 人頭 畀 你 哋 ! 係 , 係 , 多謝 三 將軍 ! 劉岱 、 王忠 抱頭鼠竄 噉 就 走 咗 去 嘞 。 關雲長 同 張飛 返到 去 見到 劉備 就 話 : 睇 個樣 , 曹操 一定 會 再 嚟 㗎 。 孫乾 就 對 劉備 話 : 徐州 易攻 難守 啊 , 呢 啲 地方 唔 住 得 落 嘅 。 不如 分開 啲 兵馬 , 一部分 駐 扎 喺 小 沛 , 一部分 呢 就 駐 扎 喺 下 邳 , 互相 呼應 啊 作為 犄角之勢 , 防備 曹操 。 主公 你 睇 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? 劉備 採納 咗 孫 乾 嘅 意見 , 就 命令 關雲長 守下 邳 。 甘夫人 、 糜夫人 , 亦 都 安置 喺 下 邳 居住 。 孫乾 、 簡雍 、 糜竺 、 糜芳 啊 守 徐州 。 劉備 自己 同 張飛 駐 扎 喺 小 沛 。 噉 呢 啲 呢 暫時 唔 講 佢 嘞 。 而家 講下 劉岱同 王忠 啊 佢 哋 返 到 去 許都 , 就 見到 曹操 。 哈 佢 哋 呀 仲 係 老實 守信用 喎 , 一味 同 劉備 講 好話 。 話 劉備 並無作 反之 意 噃 噉 。 之 曹操 反駁 嘞 , 佢 話 : 你 兩個 辱國 之徒 ! 留 喺 處 有 乜 用 啊 , 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 兩個 推出 去 斬首 ! 孔融 一 聽見 話 要 殺 劉岱同 王忠 , 就 勸 曹操 嘞 : 丞相 呀 , 佢 哋 兩個 人 本來 都 唔 係 劉備 嘅 敵手 嘅 , 如果 噉 就 殺 咗 佢 哋 , 恐怕 會失 咗 軍心 噃。 曹操 考慮一下 覺得 又 係 噃, 就 冇 殺 佢 哋 , 不過 呢 , 仍然 罷免 咗 佢 哋 嘅 官爵 。 噉 曹操 佢 又 想 親自 起兵 去 打 劉備 嘞 喎 。 孔融 又 勸 佢 話 : 丞相 , 而家 正 係 天寒地凍 , 唔 適宜 於 起兵 啊 , 仲 係 等到 出年 春天 先 啦 。 目前 , 丞相 可以 派 人 去 招安 張繡同 劉表 , 呢 件 事 成功 之後 , 再 去 攻打 徐州 就 啱 喇 。 曹操 同意 佢 嘅 建議 , 就 派 劉曄 啊 去 說 張 繡 投降 。 劉曄去 到 襄城 , 首先 呢 就 去 見 賈詡 , 將 曹丞相 嘅 崇高品德 就 大講 咗 一番 , 賈詡 就 留 佢 喺 屋企 嚟 。 第 日 , 賈詡 去 見 張 繡 , 將 曹操 派 劉曄 嚟 招安 嘅 事 講 畀 張 繡 知 。 正 喺 度 研究 緊 , 外便 有人 嚟 報告 話 袁紹 嘅 使者 嚟 到 求見 啊 噉 。 噉 啊 張 繡 叫 佢 入 嚟 啦 , 個 使者 呈 上 袁紹 寫 嚟 嘅 信 。 張繡 打開 嚟 睇 下 , 哦 , 原來 亦 係 招安 嘅 意思 。 賈詡 就問 袁紹 嘅 使者 話 嘞 : 近日 你們 興兵 去 打 曹操 , 勝負 如何 啊 ? 個 使者 回答 話 : 而家 隆冬 臘月 , 天寒地凍 , 暫時 罷兵 啊 。 因為 將軍 同 荊州 劉表 都 係 國內 嘅 傑出人物 , 故此 特意 嚟 相請 啫 。 賈詡 哈哈大笑 話 : 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 。 你 返 去 同 本初 講啦 : 佢 哋 兩 兄弟 都 尚且 不能 相容 , 仲點 能夠 容得 天下 間 嘅 傑出人才 吖 ? 你 走 啦 ! 當面 就 撕爛 咗 封信 , 趕走 咗 個 使者 。 張繡話 嘞 : 目前 係 袁強 曹弱 , 而家 我 哋 撕爛 咗 佢 封信 趕走 咗 佢 嘅 使者 , 噉 如果 袁紹 打到 嚟 我 哋 點算 好 呢 ? 賈詡 話 : 噉 就 不如 去 投靠 曹操 好 喇 。 哎呀 ! 我 以前 同 佢 有 仇 嘅 噃, 佢 點 肯 收留 我 啊 ? 點解 我話 要 投靠 曹操 呢 ? 有 三點 。 曹操 奉 皇上 嘅 命令 征伐 天下 , 所以 應該 嚟 投靠 佢 , 此 其一 。 袁紹 咁 強盛 , 我 哋 咁 弱小 , 我 哋 去 投靠 佢 , 佢 就 必定 唔 會 看重 我 哋 嘅 ; 呢 曹操 目前 雖然 係 弱 , 得到 我 哋 去 佢 實 高興 㗎 , 所以 應該 投靠 佢 , 此 其二 。 曹操 就 胸懷 王霸之 志 , 宰相肚裏 好 撐船 吖 嘛 , 為 咗 使 到 四海之內 都 睇 清楚 佢 嘅 高尚 品德 , 佢 必定 唔 會 計較 私人 恩怨 嘅 , 所以 應該 投靠 佢 啊 此 其三 嘞 。 希望 將軍 你 唔 好 猶疑 喇 。 賈詡 呢 一番 說話 講 掂 咗 張 繡 。 張繡 就 請 劉曄 嚟 相見 。 劉曄 嚟 到 , 盛讚 曹操 一番 , 佢 仲 話 : 丞相 如果 記 舊怨 嘅 話 , 仲點 會 叫 我 嚟 向 將軍 表示 友好 呢 ? 張繡 十分 歡喜 , 即刻 就 同埋 賈 詡 佢 哋 去 許都 投降 嘞 。 張繡 見到 曹操 , 佢 就 喺 台 階下 便 跪 低 行禮 。 曹操 連忙 扶 起 佢 , 拖住 佢 隻 手 話 : 嗰 啲 小小 嘅 過失 , 唔 好 記 喺 心 嚟 啊 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 於是 曹操 啊 , 就 封張 繡 做 揚武 將軍 , 封賈詡 做 執金吾使 。 跟 住 , 曹操 就 叫 張 繡 寫信 去 招安 劉表 。 賈詡 建議 話 嘞 : 劉景升 好 喜歡 結識 名流 嘅 , 一定 要 搵 個 有 才學 嘅 名士 去 說 佢 , 佢 噉 先 至 肯 投降 㗎 。 曹操 就 問荀攸話 嘞 : 噉 邊個 去 啱 呢 ? 荀 攸 回答 佢 話 : 孔文舉 可以 勝任 啊 。 係 啊 , 佢 去 啱 嘞 ! 曹操 同意 嘞 。 噉 荀 攸 呢 就 去 搵 孔融 對 佢 講 : 丞相 想 搵 一位 有 才學 嘅 名士 , 準備 派 佢 出外 去 做 使者 , 辦一 啲 聯絡 交涉 嘅 事情 , 孔公 你 是否 可以 擔當 呢 個 任務 啊 ? 啊 ! 我 有位 朋友 , 姓 禰 名衡 , 字 正平 , 今年 二十四歲 , 佢 嘅 才學 勝我 十倍 呀 。 呢 個人 , 應該 喺 皇上 嘅 左右 侍奉 啊 。 佢 呀 , 點止 適合 出外 做 使者 吖 ! 我 一定 要 向 皇上 舉薦 佢 。 噉 啊 孔融 真 係 寫 咗 份 表章 稟奏 畀 獻帝 , 推薦 禰衡 喎 。 獻帝 睇 完份 表章 , 交 咗 畀 曹操 。 曹操 就 叫 人召 禰衡 嚟 。 禰衡 嚟 到 , 對 曹操 行過禮 。 曹操 冇 叫 佢 坐 , 禰衡 昂高 個頭 對 住 個 天長 歎 一聲 話 : 唉 ! 雖然 天地 咁 闊大 , 點解 冇 個人 才 㗎 ! 曹操 話 : 我 手下 有 幾十人 , 個個 都 係 當代 英雄 , 點解 話 冇 人才 啊 ! 我 好 想 聽 下 噃 丞相 。 噉 你 聽 住 , 荀彧 、 荀 攸 、 郭嘉 、 程昱 , 機深 智遠 , 就算 係 蕭何 、 陳 平 都 唔 及 佢 哋 。 張 遼 、 許褚 、 李典 、 樂進 , 勇 不可 當 。 仲有 呂乾 、 滿寵 做 從事 。 于禁 、 徐晃 做 先鋒 。 夏侯惇 係 天下 奇才 。 曹子孝 係 世間 福將 。 點 係 冇 人才 啊 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 明公 你 噉 講就 唔 啱 喇 。 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 呀 , 佢 哋 嘅 本事 我 知道 晒 。 荀彧 就 可以 使 佢 吊 喪 問 病 。 荀 攸 呀 可以 使 佢 看 墳 守 墓 。 程昱 可以 使 佢 關門閉戶 。 郭嘉 可以 使 佢 讀 詞 念 賦 。 張 遼 , 可以 使 佢 擊鼓 敲鑼 。 許褚 啊 可以 使 佢 牧牛 看馬 。 樂進 可以 使 佢 取 狀 讀 招 。 李典 可以 使 佢 傳書 送 檄 。 呂虔 可以 使 佢 磨刀 鑄劍 。 滿寵 可以 使 佢 飲酒 食糟 。 于禁 可以 使 佢 擔 磚 砌牆 。 徐晃 可以 使 佢 劏 豬 殺 狗 。 夏侯惇 稱為 完體 將軍 。 曹子孝 叫做 要錢 太守 。 至於 其餘 嗰 啲 , 通通 都 係 衣架 、 飯桶 、 酒 埕 、 肉袋 啫 ! 啊 —— 啊 ? 嘿 ! 你 有 乜嘢 本事 啊 ? 我 ? 我 呀 天文地理 無一不通 , 三教九流 無 所 不曉 , 上 可以 致君 為 堯 、 舜 , 下 可以 配德 於 孔 、 顏 。 凡夫俗子 , 點 可以 同 我 相提並論 啊 ? 當 其時 , 只有 張 遼 一個 人 喺 側 跟 嚟 , 聽見 禰衡 噉 樣 講法 嬲 到 不得了 ,掹 劍 出 嚟 想 殺 咗 佢 。 曹操 話 : 我 正 係 缺少 一個 鼓吏 , 幾時 舉行 咩 典禮 宴會 , 就 叫 禰衡 擔負 呢 個 職務 啦 ! 禰衡 亦 冇 推辭 , 應 咗 一聲 就 走 咗 嘞 。 張遼話 : 此人 講 啲 說話 真 係 無禮 到極 ! 丞相 點解 唔 殺 咗 佢 呢 ? 曹操 話 嘞 : 此人 素有 虛名 , 遠近 都 知 嘅 。 如果 今日 殺 咗 佢 , 天下 都 會 話 我 心胸 太過 狹窄 , 唔 能夠 容得 人 。 佢 啊 自 以 為 好 叻 , 故此 我 特登 叫 佢 做 鼓 吏 , 羞辱 下 佢 咋 嘛 。 過 咗 幾日 , 曹操 喺 內閣 大廳 舉行宴會 , 大宴賓客 , 就 吩咐 鼓吏 擊鼓 。 噉 啊 舊時 嗰 個 鼓 吏 對 禰衡 話 喇 : 擊鼓 一定 要 着 件 新 衣服 㗎 。 禰衡 好少理 啊 , 就 噉 着 住件 舊衫 就 入 去 嘞 。 佢 呢 日 表演 嘅 擊鼓 , 名為 漁陽三撾 。 擊得 係 真 係 妙 啊 , 聽起 嚟 啲 聲音 呀 清悅 高昂 , 啲 客人 聽 咗 , 個個 都 非常 感動 。 但 係 左右 啲 侍從 就 喝 佢 話 : 你 點解 唔 換衫 啊 ? 嚱 你 哋 大家 估下 禰衡 點 吖 嗱? 佢 當 住 所有 嘅 賓客 面 , 除 清光 啲 破舊 衣服 , 就 噉 赤條條 裸體 企 喺 處 , 嘩 乜 噉 搞法 啊 , 咁 肉 酸 嘅 ? 嗰 班 賓客 個個 都 揞 埋塊面 。 禰衡 呢 , 又 慢慢 着 返條 褲 , 面不改容 喎 。 曹操 就 鬧 佢 話 嘞 : 喺 啲 咁 莊嚴 嘅 地方 , 點解 咁 無禮 啊 ! 禰衡 話 : 欺君罔上 就 謂之 無禮 。 我 不過 係 顯露 父母 畀 我 嘅 身體 , 表示 我 嘅 清白 而已 啫 。 你 清白 , 邊個 污濁 啊 ? 你 不識 賢愚 係 眼濁 ; 不 讀 詩書 係 口濁 ; 不納 忠言 係 耳濁 ; 不 通古今 係 身濁 ; 不容 諸侯 係 腹濁 ; 常懷 篡逆 係 心濁 啊 。 我 呢 ? 乃 係 天下 名士 , 竟然 用 嚟 做 鼓吏 。 哼哼 , 既然 想 成就 王霸之 業 , 能夠 噉 樣 輕視 人才 嘅 咩 ? 吖 禰衡 真 係 大膽 喎 , 噉 樣 嚟 鬧 曹操 法 。 噉 你 估 曹操 會 點樣 對待 佢 吖 嗱?

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曹操 下令 , 叫 前軍 劉岱 、 后 軍 王忠帶 五萬 兵馬 , 打住 丞相 的 旗號 去 徐州 攻打 劉備 。 Cao Cao|ordered|to call|vanguard|Liu Dai|rear|army||fifty thousand|troops|to march under|Prime Minister|possessive particle|banner|to|Xuzhou|attack|Liu Bei Cao Cao ordered that the front army Liu Dai and the rear army Wang Zhong take fifty thousand troops, under the banner of the Prime Minister, to attack Liu Bei in Xuzhou. 係 嘞 , 喺 呢 度 要 交代 一句 , 呢 個 王忠 就 唔 係 關張 趙 馬 黃 嗰 個 黃忠 。 is|||||||||classifier|||||||||||Huang Zhong Just to clarify, this Wang Zhong is not the same as the Huang Zhong from Guan Zhang Zhao Ma. 呢 個 王 忠 佢 係 姓 三 劃 王 嗰 個 王 , 嗰 個 黃忠 呢 係 姓 大肚 黃 的 。 this|measure word|Wang|Zhong|he|is|surname|three|strokes|Wang|that|measure word|||||this|is|surname|big belly|Huang|possessive particle This Wang Zhong is the Wang with the three-stroke surname, while the Huang Zhong is the one with the big belly Huang surname. 噉 啊 講到 而 家 佢 都 仲 未 出場 嘅 。 then|ah|speaking of|||he|also|still|not yet|appeared|past tense particle So, as of now, he has not yet made an appearance. 噉 誒 嗰 個 劉 岱 呢 , 本來 佢 係 兗州 刺史 。 like that|eh|that|measure word|Liu|Dai|question particle|originally|he|is|Yanzhou|governor As for Liu Dai, he was originally the governor of Yanzhou. 及至 曹操 奪取 咗 兗州 個 時候 , 劉岱 就 向 曹操 投降 。 by the time|Cao Cao|captured|past tense marker|Yan Province|the|time|Liu Dai|then|to|Cao Cao|surrendered When Cao Cao took over Yan Province, Liu Dai surrendered to Cao Cao. 曹操 留用 佢 , 任命 佢 做 偏將 , 故此 而家 就 派 佢 同埋 王忠 一齊 帶兵 去 打 劉備 。 Cao Cao|retained|him|appointed|him|as|minor general|therefore|now|then|sent|him|and|Wang Zhong|together|lead troops|to|fight|Liu Bei Cao Cao kept him and appointed him as a minor general, so now he is sending him and Wang Zhong together to lead troops to fight Liu Bei. 但 係 程昱 覺得 唔 妥當 , 佢 勸 曹操 話 , 恐怕 劉岱 、 王忠 唔 稱職 。 ||Cheng Yu|felt|not|appropriate|he|advised|Cao Cao|said|I'm afraid|Liu Dai|Wang Zhong|not|competent However, Cheng Yu felt it was inappropriate, and he advised Cao Cao that Liu Dai and Wang Zhong might not be competent. 曹操 話 : 係 , 我 亦 知道 佢 哋 唔 係 劉備 的 敵手 , 只 係 等 佢 哋 去 虛張聲勢 的 啫 。 Cao Cao|said|yes|I|also|know|they|plural marker|not|are|Liu Bei|possessive particle|rivals|only|are|wait|they|plural marker|to|bluff|particle|only Cao Cao said: Yes, I also know that they are not Liu Bei's match, they are just meant to create a false impression. 所以 曹操 就 吩咐 佢 哋 話 : so|Cao Cao|then|instructed|he|they|to say So Cao Cao instructed them to say: 兩位 唔 好 隨便 進兵 交戰 , 等 我 攻破 袁紹 之後 , 再 嚟 指揮 大軍 殺 敗 佢 劉備 啦 。 you two|||casually|advance|engage in battle|wait|I|defeat|Yuan Shao|after|again|come|command|army|kill|defeat|him|Liu Bei|particle indicating suggestion or finality The two of you should not casually engage in battle. Wait until I defeat Yuan Shao, then I will command the army to crush Liu Bei. 噉 得 咗 曹操 嘅 指示 之後 啊 , 劉岱 、 王忠 就 帶兵 出發 喇 。 then|received|past tense marker|Cao Cao|possessive particle|instructions|after|sentence-final particle|Liu Dai|Wang Zhong|then|led the troops|departed|completed action particle After receiving Cao Cao's instructions, Liu Dai and Wang Zhong set out with their troops. 噉 曹操 呢 , 佢 就 親自 率領 二十 萬軍 兵 , 進兵 黎陽 去 打 袁紹 。 then|Cao Cao|question particle|he|then|personally|led|twenty||soldiers|advance|Liyang|to|fight|Yuan Shao Cao Cao personally led two hundred thousand troops to advance to Liyang to fight Yuan Shao. 去 到 黎陽 , 曹 袁 兩 軍 相隔 八十里 。 go|to|Liyang|Cao|Yuan|two|armies|separated by| Upon reaching Liyang, the armies of Cao and Yuan were separated by eighty miles. 各自 做好 防禦工事 , 挖深 啲 壕溝 , 堆高 啲 堡壘 , 大家 只 係 相持 住 冇 打過仗 。 each person|do well|defensive works|dig deeper|more|trenches|pile higher||fortifications|everyone|only|is|in a stalemate|maintaining|not|fought a war Both sides prepared their defenses, digging deeper trenches and building higher fortifications, and they only maintained a standoff without engaging in battle. 噉 呢 段時間 有 幾耐 呢 吓 ? 哈都 幾長 下 , 由 八月 一直 堅持 到 十月 。 then|this||has|how long|this|question particle|but|quite long|particle|from|August|continuously|persisted|until|October So how long has this period of time been? It's been quite a while, from August all the way to October. 哈 果然 間 不出 荀彧 所料 噃, 袁紹 嗰 班 謀士 呀 景 轟起 上 嚟 。 ha|as expected|time|not out|Xun Yu|anticipated|particle|Yuan Shao|that|group|strategists|particle|Jing|rise up|up|come As expected, Yuan Shao's strategists have really started to stir things up. 許攸 就 唔 高興 審配 帶兵 , 追 沮 又 嬲 袁紹 冇 用 佢 嘅 計策 , 因此 就 各不相 和 , 不 求 進取 。 Xu You|then|not|happy|Shen Pei|lead troops|pursue|dejected|again|angry|Yuan Shao|not|use|his|possessive particle|strategy|therefore|then|||not|seeking|advancement Xu You was unhappy that Shen Pei was leading the troops, and he was also angry that Yuan Shao didn't use his strategies, so they were at odds with each other and not seeking to advance. 袁紹 個心 呢 亦 好多 顧慮 , 唔 想 進兵 。 Yuan Shao||question particle|also|many|concerns|not|want|advance troops Yuan Shao also had many concerns in his heart and didn't want to advance. 曹操 見到 局面 係 噉 樣 膠着 喺 處 。 Cao Cao|saw|situation|is|like this|appearance|stalemate|at|place Cao Cao saw that the situation was stuck like this. 佢 於是乎 命令 呂布 手下 嘅 降 將 臧 霸 , 把守 青州 、 徐州 , 于 禁同 李典 呢 就 喺 黃河 沿岸 駐兵 , 曹仁 啊 總督 大軍 , 駐 扎 喺 官渡 嚟 。 he|therefore|ordered|Lu Bu|subordinates|possessive particle|surrender|general|Zang|Ba|guarding|Qingzhou|Xuzhou|Yu||Li Dian|particle indicating a question|then|at|Yellow River|along the bank|stationed troops|Cao Ren|particle indicating exclamation|commander|large army|stationed|stationed|at|Guandu|here He then ordered Lu Bu's subordinates to surrender Zang Ba, who was guarding Qingzhou and Xuzhou. Yu Jin and Li Dian were stationed along the Yellow River, while Cao Ren commanded the main army, stationed at Guandu. 官渡 誒 喺 而 家 河南省 中牟縣 東北 , 黃河 嘅 南岸 , 喺 鄭州市 東便 大約 一百里 左右 啦 。 Guandu|eh|is|||Henan Province|Zhongmou County|northeast|Yellow River|possessive particle|south bank|at|Zhengzhou City|east|about|one hundred miles|approximately|sentence final particle Guandu is currently located in the northeast of Zhongmu County, Henan Province, on the southern bank of the Yellow River, about a hundred miles east of Zhengzhou. 噉 啊 請 各位 聽眾 記住 呢 笪 地方 吓 。 then|ah|please|everyone|audience|remember|this|specific|place|particle So, I ask all listeners to remember this place. 因為 事關 歷史 上 官渡之戰 啊 , 係 一場 有名 嘅 戰鬥 , 呢 下 便 冇 幾耐 呢 就 會 講到 㗎 嘞 。 because|regarding|history|in|Battle of Guandu|ah|is|a|famous|possessive particle|battle|this|next|then|not|long|this|then|will|talk about|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action This is because it relates to the historical Battle of Guandu, which is a famous battle, and we will talk about it shortly. 噉 曹操 安排 妥當 之後 , 佢 自己 率領 一部分 人馬 , 就 返 咗 去 許都 , 而家 就 暫時 唔 講住 。 then|Cao Cao|arranged|properly|afterwards|he|himself|led|a portion|troops|then|returned|past tense marker|to|Xu Du|now|just|temporarily|not|talking about After Cao Cao made the arrangements, he personally led a portion of his troops back to Xuchang, and we will not discuss that for now. 而家 講下 劉黛同 王忠 。 now|let's talk about||Wang Zhong Now let's talk about Liu Dai and Wang Zhong. 佢 兩個 帶住 五 萬軍 兵 , 去 到 離 徐州 一百里 嘅 地方 扎 好 營寨 。 He|two|brought|five||troops|go|to|away from|Xuzhou|one hundred li|possessive particle|place|set up|good|camp The two of them brought fifty thousand troops and set up camp a hundred miles away from Xu Zhou. 喺 中軍 就 打起 丞相 旗號 , 嘿 呢 個 當然 係 假 㗎 啦 , 事關 曹操 並 冇 嚟 吖 嘛 。 at|the central army|then|raise|Prime Minister|flag|hey|this|classifier for people|of course|is|fake|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating finality|concerning|Cao Cao|not|have not|come|particle indicating realization|particle indicating obviousness In the center of the army, they raised the Prime Minister's flag, but of course, this is fake, as Cao Cao is not here. 乜 就 噉 扎 住 喺 呢 度 , 亦 唔 進兵 去 攻城 , 只 係 派 人 不 歇 咁 去 探聽 河北 袁紹 嗰 方面 嘅 消息 。 what|then|like this|||at|this|place|also|not|advance troops|to|attack the city|only|is|send|people|not|rest|so|to|gather intelligence|Hebei|Yuan Shao|that|aspect|possessive particle|news So they just camped here without advancing to attack the city, only sending people continuously to gather intelligence on Yuan Shao's side in Hebei. 而 劉備 呢 , 佢 亦 唔 知道 曹操 虛實 嘞 就 唔 敢 亂 逳 啊 , 亦 係 一味 派 人 去 探聽 河北 方面 有 咩 動靜 。 and|Liu Bei|question particle|he|also|not|knows|Cao Cao|true intentions|past action particle|then|not|dare|recklessly|act|sentence-final particle|also|is|only|send|people|to|investigate|Hebei|aspect|has|what|movements As for Liu Bei, he also didn't know Cao Cao's true intentions, so he didn't dare to act recklessly, and he too was just sending people to gather information on the situation in Hebei. 過 咗 一段時間 , 有 一日 , 曹操 派 咗 個 使者 嚟 , 催 劉黛 、 王忠 進兵 , 向 徐州 發起 攻擊 。 past|completed action marker|a period of time|there was|one day|Cao Cao|sent|completed action marker|classifier for people|messenger|here|urged|Liu Dai|Wang Zhong|advance troops|towards|Xuzhou|launched|attack After a period of time, one day, Cao Cao sent a messenger to urge Liu Dai and Wang Zhong to advance their troops and launch an attack on Xuzhou. 佢 兩個 就 商量 嘞 喎 。 They|two|then|discussed|past tense marker|sentence-final particle The two of them discussed it. 劉黛話 : 而家 丞相 催促 攻城 嘞 , 你 先 去 打 啦 。 Liu Dai said|now|Prime Minister|urges|to attack the city|past tense marker|you|first|go|fight|sentence-final particle Liu Dai said: The Prime Minister is urging us to attack the city now, you go first. 王忠話 嘞 : 唔 係 噃! 丞相 係 派 你 先 嘅 噃。 |past tense particle|not|is|sentence final particle|Prime Minister|is|assigned|you|first|past tense particle|sentence final particle Wang Zhong replied: No way! The Prime Minister sent you first. 我 係 主將 , 點解 要 我 先 去 呢 ? 你 先 。 I|am|the main general|why|need|I|first|go|question particle|you|first I am the main general, why should I go first? You go first. 噉 我 同 你 一齊 帶兵 去 嘞 。 then|I|with|you|together|lead the troops|go|past tense marker Then, I'll go with you to lead the troops. 唔 好 , 唔 好 。 not|good|| No, no. 不如 我 哋 執籌罷 啦 , 邊個 執到 就 邊個 去 。 why not|we|plural marker|draw lots|sentence-final particle|whoever|draws|then|whoever|goes How about we draw lots, whoever draws gets to go. 好 啊 , 執就 執啦 ! ||just pick it up|go ahead and pick it up Alright, let's draw! 一執籌 , 王忠 執到 個 先字 , 噉 就 唔 去 唔 得 啦 。 a round of mahjong|Wang Zhong|drew|the|first tile|then|just|||||particle Once we draw, if Wang Zhong draws the first character, then he has to go. 只有 分 咗 一半 兵馬 , 帶住 去 攻打 徐州 嘞 。 only|divide|past tense marker|half|troops|bringing|to|attack|Xuzhou|sentence-final particle Only half of the troops were divided, and they were taken to attack Xu Zhou. 劉備 聽到 話 袁 軍 嚟 嘞 唄 , 就 請 陳 登 嚟 商量 , 佢 話 : Liu Bei|heard|that|Yuan|army|coming|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|then|invited|Chen|Deng|to come|discuss|he|said When Liu Bei heard that Yuan's army was coming, he asked Chen Deng to discuss it, and he said: 袁紹 雖然 駐兵 喺 黎陽 , 之 因為 謀臣 不 和 , 所以 仲 未曾 發動 進攻 。 Yuan Shao|although|stationed troops|at|Liyang|possessive particle|because|strategist|not|in agreement|so|still|not yet|launched|attack Although Yuan Shao's troops are stationed in Liyang, they have not yet launched an attack because the strategists are not in agreement. 曹操 又 唔 知 喺 邊 處 嚟 。 Cao Cao|again|not|know|at|where|place|come Cao Cao also does not know where he is. 聽講 喺 黎陽 嘅 軍隊 處並 冇 曹操 嘅 旗號 噃。 I heard|at|Liyang|possessive particle|army||not have|Cao Cao|possessive particle|flag|particle indicating certainty I heard that there is no flag of Cao Cao's army at the troops in Liyang. 噉 為 咩 事 呢 度 反而 有 佢 嘅 旗號 呢 嚱? then|for|what|matter|this|place|on the contrary|has|his|possessive particle|flag|this|question particle So why is it that there is his flag here? 陳 登話 嘞 : 曹操 嘅 為 人 , 詭計 百出 。 Chan|said|past tense marker|Cao Cao|possessive particle|to be|person|cunning schemes|numerous Chen Deng said: Cao Cao is a person full of schemes. 佢 一定 係 以 河北 嗰 方面 為重 , 親自 去 監督 嘅 。 he|definitely|is|from|Hebei|that|aspect|prioritized|personally|go|supervise|past tense marker He must be focusing on the Hebei side and personally supervising it. 但 係 呢 , 喺 嗰 便 就 故意 唔 打 旗號 ; 而 喺 呢 一處 , 打 咗 個 丞相 旗號 出 嚟 , 虛張聲勢 。 ||this|at|||then|intentionally|not|raise|flag|and|at|||raised|past tense marker|measure word|prime minister|flag|||bluffing However, over there, he deliberately did not raise a flag; and here, he raised the Prime Minister's flag to create an illusion of strength. 照 我 嘅 推測 呢 , 曹操 必定 唔 喺 呢 處 嚟 。 according to|I|possessive particle|speculation|this|Cao Cao|must|not|at|this|place|come According to my speculation, Cao Cao must not be here. 劉備 話 : 噉 我 哋 派 個人 去 探聽 下 虛實 先 , 兩位 賢弟 邊個 去 好 啊 ? Liu Bei|said|then|||send|a person|to|investigate|a little|true intentions|first|you two|virtuous younger brothers|which one|go|good|question particle Liu Bei said: "Then let's send someone to investigate the situation first. Which of you two brothers should go?" 張飛 話 : 小弟 願去 啊 。 Zhang Fei|said|younger brother|is willing to go|ah Zhang Fei said: "I am willing to go!" 你 個人 咁 暴躁 , 仲 係 唔 好 去 喇 。 you|person|so|irritable|still|are|not|well|go|particle indicating completed action You are so hot-tempered, it's better if you don't go. 怕 咩 嘢 呢 ? 就算 有 曹操 喺 度 啊 , 我 亦 一樣 捉 咗 佢 嚟 。 afraid|what|thing|question particle|even if|has|Cao Cao|at|place|particle|I|also|equally|catch|past tense marker|he|here What are you afraid of? Even if Cao Cao is there, I can still capture him. 關雲長 話 : 噉 就 等 小弟 去 睇 下 佢 哋 嘅 動靜 啦 。 Guan Yu|said|then|just|wait|younger brother|to go|see|a bit|they|plural marker|possessive particle|movements|sentence-final particle Guan Yunchang said: "Then let me go and see what they are up to." 劉備 話 : 好 , 雲長 你 去 呢 我 就 放心 嘞 。 Liu Bei|said|good|Yun Chang|you|go|question particle|I|then|worry|past action particle Liu Bei said: Alright, Yun Chang, you go, then I can rest assured. 於是 關雲長 帶住 三千 人馬 , 打開 城門 出 咗 徐州 。 then|Guan Yu|led|three thousand|troops|opened|city gate|left|past tense marker|Xuzhou So, Guan Yun Chang led three thousand troops and opened the city gates to leave Xuzhou. 當時 正 係 初冬 季節 , 呢 一日 , 陰雲密佈 , 雪花 亂飛 , 雙方 嘅 軍馬 都 冒雪 佈陣 。 at that time|just|was|early winter|season|this|one day|overcast|snowflakes|flying around|both sides|possessive particle|cavalry|all|in the snow|deployed At that time, it was the early winter season, and on this day, the sky was overcast, with snowflakes flying everywhere, and both sides' troops were braving the snow to set up their formations. 關雲長 拍 馬提刀 衝出 嚟 , 高聲 大叫 : 王忠出 嚟 答話 ! Guan Yu|pat|Ma Ti Dao|rush out|here|loudly|shouted||here|answer Guan Yun Chang rode out, brandishing his sword, and shouted loudly: Wang Zhong, come out and answer! 王忠出 到 陣前 話 嘞 : 丞相 嚟 到 , 點解 唔 投降 ? |arrive|battlefield|said|past tense marker|Prime Minister|come|arrive|why|not|surrender Wang Zhong came to the front of the formation and said: The Prime Minister is here, why don't you surrender? 請 丞相 出陣 , 我 有 說話 講啊 。 please|Prime Minister|lead the troops|I|have|words|to say Please, Prime Minister, go into battle, I have something to say. 哼哼 ! 丞相 咁 輕易 肯見 你 嘅 咩 ? hum|Prime Minister|so|easily|willing to see|you|possessive particle|question particle Hmph! Is the Prime Minister so easily willing to see you? 豈有此理 激 嬲 關公 嘞 , 佢 一 拍 隻 馬直衝 上前 。 how could this be reasonable|angry|furious|Guan Gong (a historical figure)|past tense marker|he|one|slap|measure word for animals||forward How unreasonable! Guan Gong is furious, he charges forward on his horse. 王忠 挺起 長槍 嚟 迎戰 。 Wang Zhong|raised|long spear|to|face the battle Wang Zhong raises his spear to meet the challenge. 兩馬 相交 , 咣 噉 一聲 , 兵器 接觸 咗 一下 。 two horses|intersected|with a bang|like that|one sound|weapons|contact|past tense marker|once The two horses collide, with a loud bang, as their weapons make contact. 關雲長 撥馬 就 走 , 王忠 啊 追 住過 嚟 。 Guan Yu|spurred his horse|immediately|left|Wang Zhong|ah|chased|overtook|came Guan Yun Chang spurred his horse and left, while Wang Zhong chased after him. 點 知道 關雲長 啱 啱 轉過 咗 山坡 , 突然 間 一回 馬 大喝一聲 , 舞起 把 大刀 直殺過 嚟 。 how|to know|Guan Yun Chang|||turned|past tense marker|hillside|suddenly|in|one turn|horse||brandished|measure word for tools|big sword||here Little did he know that Guan Yun Chang had just turned over the hillside, and suddenly, with a loud shout, he swung his big sword and charged over. 王忠頂 唔 住 嘞 , 嘩 , 乜 咁 犀利 㗎 喂 。 Wong Chung-ding|not|live|past tense particle|wow|what|so|impressive|question particle|hey Wang Zhong couldn't handle it, wow, how fierce is this! 佢 正話 搏命 鞭 隻 馬 趕快 逃跑 , 只見 關雲長 左手 倒 提 寶刀 , 右手 揪住 王 忠 嗰 條 勒 甲 帶 一下 就 將 佢 拉 咗 落 嚟 , 打橫 噉 駕 喺 自己 隻 馬上 便 , 跑 回 本陣 嘞 。 He|was just about to|desperately|whip|measure word for animals|horse|quickly|escape|suddenly saw|Guan Yu|left hand|upside down|lift|precious sword|right hand|grabbed|Wang|Zhong|that|measure word for long objects|tighten|armor|belt|with a single motion|then|to take|him|pull|past tense marker|down|come|sideways|like that|ride|on|own|measure word for animals||then|run|return|main camp|past tense marker He was just trying to whip his horse to escape quickly, when he saw Guan Yun Chang holding his treasured sword in his left hand, and with his right hand, he grabbed Wang Zhong by the armor strap and pulled him down, then mounted his own horse and ran back to the main camp. 主將 被 擒 唄 , 嗰 班 兵 就 四散 奔走 咯 。 the commander|was|captured|particle indicating past action|that|group|soldiers|then|scattered|fled|particle indicating completed action With the commander captured, the soldiers scattered and fled. 關雲長 打勝 咗 呢 一仗 啊 , 就 收兵 回城 。 Guan Yu|won|past tense marker|this|battle|sentence-final particle|then|withdraw|return to the city Guan Yunchang won this battle, so he returned to the city. 押 王忠 嚟 見 劉備 , 劉備 就 問 佢 : 你 係 邊個 啊 , 而家 係 乜嘢 職位 呢 ? Ya|Wang Zhong|come|see|Liu Bei||then|asked|him|you|are|who|question particle|now|are|what|position|question particle He brought Wang Zhong to meet Liu Bei, and Liu Bei asked him: Who are you, and what is your current position? 啊 ? 咁 大膽 , 詐稱 曹丞相 ? ah|so|bold|impersonating|Prime Minister Cao Oh? So bold, pretending to be Chancellor Cao? 我點 敢 呢 ? 我 係 奉命 打 起 丞相 旗號 作為 疑兵 , 虛張聲勢 。 |dare|question particle|I|am|by order|raise|up|prime minister|flag|as|false troops|bluffing How could I dare? I was ordered to raise the Chancellor's banner as a decoy, to bluff. 丞相 確實 係 冇 喺 呢 處 嚟 。 Prime Minister|indeed|is|not|at|this|place|come The Chancellor is indeed not here. 劉備 問 清楚 嘞 , 就 吩咐 畀 衣服 佢 換 , 畀 酒飯 佢 食 , 暫時 監禁 起 佢 。 Liu Bei|asked|clearly|past tense marker|then|ordered|to give|clothes|him|to change|to give|food and drink|him|to eat|temporarily|imprison|on|him Liu Bei asked clearly, then instructed to give him clothes to change into, provide him with food and drink, and temporarily imprison him. 等 捉 埋 劉岱 啊 , 然後 再作 處理 噉 。 wait|catch|together|Liu Tai|ah|then|do again|processing|like this Wait until Liu Dai is caught, then we will deal with it. 關雲長 就 話 : 我 都 睇 出 兄長 有 和解 嘅 意思 , 故此 冇 殺 佢 , 將 佢 生擒 過 嚟 。 Guan Yun Chang|then|said|I|also|||elder brother|has|reconciliation|possessive particle|intention|therefore|did not|kill|him|took|him|alive|over|here Guan Yun Chang said: I can see that my brother has the intention of reconciliation, so I did not kill him, but captured him alive. 劉備 話 : 就 係 。 我 就 係 怕 翼 德 暴躁 過頭 , 殺 咗 王忠 , 所以 我 唔 畀 佢 去 啫 。 Liu Bei|said|||I|||afraid|||impulsive|overboard|killed|past tense marker|Wang Zhong|so|I|not|allow|him|go|only Liu Bei said: Exactly. I am afraid that Yi De will be too impulsive and kill Wang Zhong, so I won't let him go. 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 , 殺 之 無益 , 之留 返 佢 喺 度 , 可以 有利於 和解 呀 。 ||like this|possessive particle|people|kill|them|not beneficial|leaving them|return|he|at|place|can|be beneficial to|reconciliation|sentence-final particle For people like this, killing them is of no benefit; keeping them here can be advantageous for reconciliation. 張飛 就 話 嘞 : 二哥 捉 咗 王忠 , 等 我 去 生擒 劉岱 返 嚟 啦 。 Zhang Fei|then|said|past tense marker|Second Brother|caught|past tense marker|Wang Zhong|wait|I|go|capture alive|Liu Dai|return|come|sentence-final particle Zhang Fei said: Second brother has captured Wang Zhong, let me go and capture Liu Dai alive. 三弟 , 劉岱 往日 做過 兗州 刺史 , 喺 虎牢關 打 董卓 嘅 時候 , 佢 亦 係 一 鎮 諸侯 嚟 噃。 third younger brother|Liu Dai|in the past|served as|Yan Province|governor|at|Hulao Pass|fought|Dong Zhuo|possessive particle|when|he|also|is|one|town|feudal lord|come|particle indicating affirmation Third brother, Liu Dai was once the governor of Yanzhou, and when he fought Dong Zhuo at Hulao Pass, he was also a leader among the lords. 而 家 佢 係 前軍 , 你千祈 唔 好 輕敵 啊 。 and|family|he|is|front line||not|underestimate|underestimate the enemy|ah Now he is at the front line, so you must not underestimate him. 啊哈 哈哈哈哈 , 誒 好似 啲 噉 嘅 傢伙 , 哈哈 算 得 乜嘢 啊 ! ahha|hahaha|hey|seems|plural marker|like|possessive particle|guy|haha|||anything|ah Ah ha ha ha, hey, guys like that, haha, what are they worth! 我 亦 要 好似 二哥 噉 , 生擒 佢 返 嚟 就 係 喇 。 I|also|want|like|second brother|like that|capture alive|him|bring|here|then|is|particle indicating completed action I also want to be like second brother, capturing him alive is the way to go. 最怕 就 係 你 攞 咗 佢 條 命 , 誤 咗 我 嘅 大事 咋 。 most afraid|just|is|you|take|past tense marker|he|measure word for long objects|life|ruin|past tense marker|I|possessive particle|important matter|only What I fear the most is that you take his life and ruin my important matters. 欸 ! 如果 殺 咗 佢 , 我 同 佢 填 命 。 hey|if|||him|I|with|him|fill|life Hey! If I kill him, I will take his life. 劉備 噉 就 畀 咗 三千 兵 過 佢 。 Liu Bei|then|just|gave|past tense marker|three thousand|soldiers|to|him Liu Bei then sent three thousand soldiers to him. 於是 張飛 率領 住 人 馬出城 嘞 。 then|Zhang Fei|led|with|infantry||past tense marker So Zhang Fei led the troops out of the city. 嗰 個 劉 岱 呢 , 見到 王忠 畀 關雲長 捉 咗 去 就 一味 堅守 不 出 。 that|measure word|Liu|Dai|question particle|saw|Wang Zhong|by|Guan Yun Chang|caught|past tense marker|away|then|only|stubbornly held|not|come out As for Liu Dai, upon seeing Wang Zhong being captured by Guan Yun Chang, he stubbornly held his ground and did not come out. 張飛 見 佢 唔 肯出 嚟 交戰 唄 , 就 日日 喺 佢 嘅 營寨 前面 鬧 衰 佢 。 Zhang Fei|saw|him|not||out|fight|particle indicating suggestion|then|every day|at|his|possessive particle|camp|in front of|scold|bad|him Zhang Fei saw that he was unwilling to come out and fight, so he scolded him every day in front of his camp. 劉岱 一 聽 講話 係 張飛 嚟 喎 , 嘩 咪 拘咯 , 就 越發 唔 敢 出 嚟 打 嘞 。 Liu Dai|one|heard|talking|is|Zhang Fei|coming|particle indicating realization|wow|don't|hold back|then|increasingly|not|dare|go out|come|fight|particle indicating completed action When Liu Dai heard that it was Zhang Fei, he was shocked and became even more afraid to come out and fight. 張飛 摟 打 咗 幾日 , 見到 劉岱 硬 係 唔 肯出 嚟 ,嚱, 就 諗 到 條計 仔 。 Zhang Fei|hug|fight|past tense marker|several days|saw|Liu Dai|stubbornly|is|not||out|sound of realization|then|thought|of||kid Zhang Fei had been scolding for several days, and seeing that Liu Dai was stubbornly unwilling to come out, he thought of a plan. 佢 傳令 落 去 , 話 今晚 二 更 去 劫寨 , 叫 大家 作好 準備 噉 。 He|issued a command|down|to|said|tonight|second|watch|to|raid the village|told|everyone|to make good|preparations|like that He issued an order saying that they would raid the camp tonight during the second watch, asking everyone to prepare. 落完 命令 嘞 , 成日 就 喺 帳篷 裏頭 飲酒 。 after finishing|the order|past tense particle|all day|then|at|tent|inside|drinking After giving the order, he spent the whole day drinking in the tent. 然後 就 詐 諦 飲醉 咗 , 捉個 軍士 嚟 , 監硬 話 佢 呢 樣 錯 嗰 樣 唔 啱 , 打 咗 佢 一 大餐 , 然後 綁住 佢 喺 軍營 裏頭 。 then|just|cheat|give up|drunk|past tense marker|catch a|soldier|come|interrogate|say|he|this|aspect|wrong|that|aspect|not|right|hit|past tense marker|him|one|big meal|then|tie up|him|at|military camp|inside Then, he got drunk and caught a soldier, forcing him to admit that this was wrong and that was not right, and gave him a good beating, then tied him up in the barracks. 張飛 話 : 哼 , 等 我 今晚 出兵 嗰 陣 , 斬 咗 你 嚟 祭 下旗 ! Zhang Fei|said|humph|wait|I|tonight|deploy troops|that|time|behead|past tense marker|you|come|sacrifice| Zhang Fei said: Hmph, wait until I lead the troops tonight, I'll behead you to offer as a sacrifice to the flag! 啊 , 過 咗 一陣 , 張飛 呀 暗中 叫 人 假裝 成 看守 不嚴 , 就 有意 放 佢 走 甩 咗 。 ah|past|completed action particle|a moment|Zhang Fei|particle indicating exclamation|secretly|called|people|pretending|to be|guard|not strict|then|intentionally|let|him|go|escape|completed action particle Ah, after a while, Zhang Fei secretly called someone to pretend to be a lax guard, and intentionally let him escape. 嗰 個 軍士 仲以 為 自己 好彩添 喎 。 that|measure word for people|soldier|||himself||sentence-final particle That soldier still thought he was lucky. 佢 偷偷 出 咗 軍營 , 一直 趯 咗 去劉 岱 嗰 處 , 就 向 劉岱 告密 , 話 張飛 今晚 二 更 要 嚟 劫寨 噉 話 。 He|secretly|left|past tense marker|barracks|continuously|ran|past tense marker||Dai|that|place|then|towards|Liu Dai|reported|said|Zhang Fei|tonight|second|watch|will|come|raid the village|like that|said He sneaked out of the barracks and hurried to Liu Dai's place, where he reported to Liu Dai that Zhang Fei was coming to raid the camp tonight. 劉岱 見 呢 個 投降 過 嚟 嘅 軍士 , 周身 都 打 到 重傷 , 唔 會 係 假 𠿪。 Liu Dai|saw|this|classifier for people|surrender|past|come|possessive particle|soldier|whole body|all|beaten|to|severely injured|not|will|be|fake|surrender Liu Dai saw this soldier who had surrendered, and he was heavily injured all over, so it couldn't be fake. 噉 就 信 晒 佢 講 嘅 , 噉 啊將 啲 兵 呢 拉 晒 出去 埋伏 , 就 留 返個 空 寨 喺 處 。 then|just|believe|completely|he|said|possessive particle|then||plural marker|soldiers|this|pull|completely|outside|ambush|then|leave||empty|village|at|place So he believed everything he said, and then ordered the troops to set up an ambush, leaving an empty stockade in place. 嚟 喇 , 當晚 , 張飛 啊 兵分 三路 。 come|particle indicating action completion|that night|Zhang Fei|particle for emphasis|troops divided|into three routes Here it comes, that night, Zhang Fei split his troops into three routes. 中間 呢 一路 呢 , 只 係 搵 三十幾 人 就 去 劫寨 放火 。 in the middle|this|all the way|this|only|is|finding|over thirty|people|then|go|rob the village|set fire The middle route only needed about thirty people to go raid the stockade and set it on fire. 而 左右兩路 嘅 人馬 呢 , 就 兜 到 去劉 岱 嘅 寨 後 , 見 火起 為號 就 一齊 夾擊 。 and||possessive particle|troops|question particle|then|turn|arrive|to Liu|Dai|possessive particle|camp|after|see|fire signal||then|together|attack The troops on the left and right routes circled around to the back of Liu Dai's stockade, and when they saw the fire, they all attacked together. 到 咗 三 更 時分 , 張飛 啊 親自 帶住 一隊 精兵 , 先不先 截斷 咗 劉 岱 嘅 後路 。 arrive|past tense marker|||time|Zhang Fei|ah|personally|leading|a unit|elite soldiers|first|cut off|past tense marker|Liu|Dai|possessive particle|escape route At the time of the third watch, Zhang Fei personally led a team of elite soldiers to cut off Liu Dai's escape route. 然後 中間 嗰 三 廿 幾 人 呢 就 衝入 去 寨裏 頭 放火 。 then|in the middle|that|three|twenty|several|people|question particle|then|rushed in|to|the village|first|set fire Then, the twenty or so men in the middle charged into the village and set it on fire. 劉岱個 伏兵 呀 , 正話 想 殺入 去唧 , 點知 張飛 嗰 兩路 人馬 一齊 殺出 嚟 。 |ambush troops|exclamatory particle|just about to|wanted|charge in|to attack|unexpectedly|Zhang Fei|that|two routes|troops|together|charge out|came Liu Dai's ambush troops were just about to rush in, but unexpectedly, Zhang Fei's two groups of soldiers charged out together. 哎呀 ! 弊 晒 咯 ! 劉岱 啲 軍隊 當堂 亂 晒 大坑 啊 都 唔 知 張飛 嘅 兵馬 有 幾多 人 啊 ,冚𠾴唥 打 到 潰散 晒 。 oh no|bad|completely|particle indicating completed action|Liu Dai|possessive particle|army|on the spot|chaotic|completely|big pit|particle for emphasis|also|not|know|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|troops|have|how many|people|particle for emphasis|to defeat|fight|to|collapse|completely Oh no! It's a disaster! Liu Dai's army was thrown into chaos, not knowing how many soldiers Zhang Fei had, and they were completely scattered. 噉 劉岱 帶 住 一隊 殘兵 奪路 而 走 , 哈哈 好衰 唔 衰 , 一下 撞 到 正 張飛 , 真 係 狹路相逢 。 then|Liu Dai|brought|with|a team|remnants|to break through|and|ran away|haha|very bad|not|bad|suddenly|collided|into|just|Zhang Fei|really|is|a narrow road encounter So Liu Dai led a group of remnants to break through, haha, whether it was good or bad, he suddenly ran into Zhang Fei, truly a meeting on a narrow road. 張飛 話 我 等 你好 耐喇 , 交馬 僅僅 一個 回合 , 劉岱 就 畀 張飛 捉 咗 生公 。 Zhang Fei|said|we|wait|you|long|duel|only|one|round|Liu Dai|then|by|Zhang Fei|caught|past tense marker|Sheng Gong Zhang Fei said that we have waited for you for a long time. In just one round of fighting, Liu Dai was captured by Zhang Fei. 嗰 班 兵卒 將校 全部 投降 。 that|group|soldiers|officers|all|surrendered All the soldiers and officers surrendered. 哈哈哈哈 , 打 咗 場 咁 漂亮 嘅 勝仗 , 張飛 就 使 人 返去 徐州 報個 喜訊 先 。 hahaha|fight|past tense marker|match|so|beautiful|possessive particle|victory|Zhang Fei|then|let|someone|return|Xuzhou|report a|happy news|first Hahaha, after such a beautiful victory, Zhang Fei sent someone back to Xuzhou to report the good news first. 劉備 接到 呢 個 好消息 , 佢 就 對 關雲長 話 嘞 : Liu Bei|received|this|measure word|good news|he|then|to|Guan Yu|said|past tense marker When Liu Bei received this good news, he said to Guan Yunchang: 哈哈哈哈 , 翼德 從來 都 係 咁 魯莽 嘅 , 而家 亦 會 使 下 智謀 咯 喎 , 我 噉 就 唔 使 憂 咯 。 hahaha|Yide|always|all|is|so|reckless|particle indicating possession|now|also|will|use|some|wisdom|particle indicating realization|particle indicating suggestion|I|like this|then|not|need|worry|particle indicating realization Hahaha, Yide has always been so reckless, but now he is also using some wisdom, so I don't have to worry. 於是 同埋 關雲長 一齊 出城 嚟 迎接 張飛 。 then|and|Guan Yu|together|out of the city|came|to welcome|Zhang Fei So, Guan Yu and I went out of the city to welcome Zhang Fei. 一見 咗 面 , 張飛 就 話 喇 : 阿哥 , 你 話 我 暴躁 , 你 睇 而家點 啊 ? upon seeing|past tense marker|face|Zhang Fei|then|said|sentence-final particle|elder brother|you|said|I|irritable|you|look||question particle As soon as they met, Zhang Fei said: "Brother, you said I was impulsive, what do you think now?" 劉備 就 話 : 我 唔 係 用 說話 嚟 激 你 , 你 點肯 使 下 智謀 吖 。 Liu Bei|then|said|I|not|am|using|words|to|provoke|you||how could|use|lower|wisdom|particle Liu Bei replied: "I wasn't trying to provoke you with words, why don't you use some wisdom?" 吓 ? huh Huh? 嗯 ? hmm Hmm? 呵呵 呵呵 呵 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 哦 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 hehe|||hee hee||oh|hahaha|| Hehe hehe hee hee, oh hahaha hahaha hahaha. 張飛 呀 笑 到 唔 知 幾 開心 啊 。 Zhang Fei|particle indicating surprise|laugh|until|not|know|how much|happy|particle indicating exclamation Zhang Fei is laughing so happily. 等 佢 將 劉 岱 綁住 押過 嚟 喇 , 劉備 一 見到 立即 落馬 , 過去 親自 同 佢 解開 條繩 , 佢 話 : wait|he|will|Liu|Dai|tied up|brought over|here|particle indicating completed action|Liu Bei|once|saw|immediately|dismounted|went over|personally|with|him|untied|rope|he|said When he tied Liu Dai and brought him over, Liu Bei immediately dismounted when he saw him, and personally went over to untie the rope. He said: 小弟 張飛 誤有 冒犯 , 請 將軍 多多 恕罪 啊 。 younger brother|Zhang Fei|mistakenly has|offended|please|general|much|forgive the offense|ah I, Zhang Fei, have unintentionally offended you, please forgive me, General. 噉 啊 請 劉岱入 咗 徐州 , 同時 呢 , 將王忠放 返出 嚟 , 一齊 擺酒 款待 。 then|ah|please||past tense marker|Xuzhou|at the same time|particle|||here|together||entertain So, please let Liu Dai into Xuzhou, and at the same time, release Wang Zhong, and let's have a feast together. 斟過 幾 巡酒 , 劉備 話 嘞 : poured|several|rounds of drinks|Liu Bei|said|past tense marker After pouring a few rounds of wine, Liu Bei said: 前 嗰 次 , 因為 車胄 想 謀害 我 , 故此 不得不 殺 咗 佢 唧 。 previous|that|time|because|car|wanted|to harm|me|therefore|had no choice but to|kill|past tense marker|him|sound of a gunshot Last time, because the armor wanted to harm me, I had no choice but to kill him. 點知 丞相 反而 懷疑 錯 咗 我 , 以為 我 想 作反 , 就 派 你 哋 兩位 將軍 帶兵 前 嚟 問罪 。 who would have thought|Prime Minister|instead|suspected|wrong|past tense marker|I|thought||wanted|rebel|then|sent|you|plural marker|two|generals|lead troops|forward|come|question about the crime Unexpectedly, the Prime Minister suspected me wrongly, thinking I wanted to rebel, so he sent you two generals with troops to question me. 唉 我 劉備 深受 丞相 嘅 大恩 , 淨 係 日夜 都 想 住 要 報答 丞相 , 點敢 話 作反 呢 ? sigh|I|Liu Bei|deeply受|Prime Minister|possessive particle|great kindness|||day and night|all|want|continuously|to|repay|Prime Minister|how dare|say|rebel|question particle Alas, I, Liu Bei, have deeply received the Prime Minister's great kindness, and I only think day and night about how to repay the Prime Minister. How could I dare to rebel? 希望 兩位 將軍 返到 許都 , 同 我講 幾句 好話 , 向 丞相 解釋一下 , 噉 我 就 感激不盡 咯 。 hope|you two|generals|return to|Xudu|with||a few|kind words|to|prime minister||then|I|just|endlessly grateful|particle indicating certainty I hope the two generals can return to Xu Du and say a few good words for me, to explain to the Prime Minister, and I would be extremely grateful. 劉岱 、 王忠 就 話 嘞 : 使君 你 唔 殺 我 哋 , 大恩大德 我 哋 萬分感激 。 Liu Dai|Wang Zhong|then|said|past tense marker|Sir|you|not|kill|I|plural marker|great kindness and virtue|we|plural marker| Liu Dai and Wang Zhong said: "Lord, if you do not kill us, we will be eternally grateful to you." 我 哋 返去 , 一定 喺 丞相 面前 盡力 為 使君 你 講話 。 I|plural marker|return|definitely|at|Prime Minister|in front of|do our best|for|Lord|you|speak "When we return, we will definitely do our best to speak on your behalf in front of the Prime Minister." 我 哋 用 兩家 老小 嘅 性命 嚟 擔保 使君 。 we|plural marker|use|two families|dependents|possessive particle|lives|to|guarantee|Sir "We guarantee your safety with the lives of our families." 多謝 兩位 將軍 。 thank you|you two|generals Thank you, generals. 第 日 , 劉備 將 俘虜 咗 佢 哋 原來 帶 嚟 嘅 軍馬 , 全部 還返 畀 佢 哋 。 the|day|Liu Bei|will|prisoners|past tense marker|they|plural marker|originally|bring|come|possessive particle|war horses|all|return|to|them|plural marker The next day, Liu Bei returned all the horses that the captives had originally brought. 然後 呢 , 送 佢 哋 返 去 許都 , 一直 送到 出 城 。 then|question particle|send|he|plural marker|return|to|Xudu|continuously|sent to|out|city Then, they sent them back to Xu Du, all the way out of the city. 劉岱 、 王忠 , 行 咗 唔 夠 十幾 里 , 突然 聽見 一聲 鼓響 , 張飛 攔住 條路 大聲 噉 喝 : Liu Dai|Wang Zhong|walk|past tense marker|not|enough|more than ten|li (a unit of distance)|suddenly|heard|a sound|drum sound|Zhang Fei|blocked||loudly|like that|shout Liu Dai and Wang Zhong had walked less than ten miles when they suddenly heard a drum sound, and Zhang Fei blocked the road and shouted loudly: 唉 ! 我 阿哥 真 糊塗 ! 捉到 嚟 嘅 賊 將 做 乜 又 放 佢 哋 走 啊 你 咪 走 ! sigh|I|older brother|really|foolish|caught|here|possessive particle|thief|going to|do|what|again|let go|they|plural particle|leave|exclamation particle|you|don't|leave Ah! My brother is really confused! What are you going to do with the captured thieves? Let them go? You better run! 嚇到 劉岱 、 王忠面 都 青晒 , 騎 喺 隻 馬 處 呀 , 震到 幾乎 跌返 落地 咁 交關 。 scared|Liu Dai|Wang Zhongmian|all|pale|riding|at|measure word for animals|horse|place|particle|shook|almost|fall back|to the ground|so|serious Liu Dai and Wang Zhong were so scared that their faces turned pale, sitting on their horses, almost shaking off and falling to the ground. 張飛 正 係 睩 大 雙眼 , 挺槍 衝上 嚟 。 Zhang Fei|just|is|bright|big|eyes|with spear|charged forward|here Zhang Fei was wide-eyed, charging forward with his spear. 只見 有 個人 飛馬 嚟 到 大聲 噉 嗌: 唔 好 亂 嚟 啊 ! suddenly saw|there is|a person|flying horse|||loudly|like that|shouted|||||particle Suddenly, a person flew in on a horse and shouted loudly: "Don't mess around!" 一睇 , 原來 係 關雲長 。 at a glance|it turns out|is|Guan Yu Upon closer look, it turned out to be Guan Yu. 劉岱 、 王忠 , 噉 先 至 抹 咗 一額 汗 啊 。 Lau Tai|Wong Chung|then|first|only|wipe|past tense marker|a forehead|sweat|sentence-final particle Liu Dai and Wang Zhong then wiped the sweat off their brows. 關雲長 追到 嚟 就 對 張飛 話 : 既然 兄長 放 咗 佢 哋 , 三弟 你 點解 唔 遵守 命令 呢 ? Guan Yu|caught up|here|then|to|Zhang Fei|said|since|elder brother|let go|past tense marker|they|plural marker|third younger brother|you|why|not|obey|order|question particle When Guan Yu caught up, he said to Zhang Fei: "Since elder brother let them go, why didn't you follow orders, third brother?" 呢 次 放 咗 佢 哋 , 下次 佢 哋 又 嚟 嘞 ! this|time|let|past tense marker|they|plural marker|next time|||again|come|completed action marker Letting them go this time means they'll come back again next time! 噉 等 佢 哋 再 嚟 嘅 時候 殺 都 唔 遲 吖 。 then|wait|he|they|again|come|possessive particle|time|kill|also|not|late|sentence-final particle Then, it won't be too late to kill them when they come again. 劉岱 、 王忠 呀 , 好似 連珠炮 噉 話 : 誒 唔 敢 喇 唔 敢 喇 , 就算 丞相 殺 咗 我 三族 , 我 哋 都 唔 敢 嚟 喇 。 Liu Dai|Wang Zhong|particle|seems|rapid-fire questions|like|to say|eh|not|dare|particle|not|dare|particle||||||||||||| Liu Dai and Wang Zhong said like a rapid-fire cannon: "Ah, we don't dare, we don't dare. Even if the Prime Minister kills my entire family, we still don't dare to come!" 請 將軍 寬恕 啊 , 請 將軍 寬恕 啊 ! please|general|forgive|ah|||| Please forgive me, General! Please forgive me, General! 哼哼 , 我講 你 哋 聽 , 就算 係 曹操 親自 嚟 , 我 亦 要 殺 到 佢 片甲不留 啊 ! humph||you|plural marker|listen|even if|is|Cao Cao|personally|come|I|also|want|kill|until|he|not leave a single piece of armor|ah Hmph, let me tell you, even if Cao Cao himself comes, I will make sure to kill him without leaving a trace! 今日 , 暫時 留返 兩個 人頭 畀 你 哋 ! today|temporarily|leave|two|people|for|| Today, I will temporarily leave two heads for you! 係 , 係 , 多謝 三 將軍 ! yes||thank you|three|general Yes, yes, thank you, General San! 劉岱 、 王忠 抱頭鼠竄 噉 就 走 咗 去 嘞 。 Lau Dai|Wong Chung|fled with their heads down|like that|then|||to|past tense particle Liu Dai and Wang Zhong fled in panic and ran away. 關雲長 同 張飛 返到 去 見到 劉備 就 話 : 睇 個樣 , 曹操 一定 會 再 嚟 㗎 。 Guan Yu|with|Zhang Fei|returned|to|saw|Liu Bei|then|said|look|at his appearance|Cao Cao|definitely|will|again|come|particle indicating certainty Guan Yu and Zhang Fei returned to see Liu Bei and said: "Looking at this, Cao Cao will definitely come again." 孫乾 就 對 劉備 話 : 徐州 易攻 難守 啊 , 呢 啲 地方 唔 住 得 落 嘅 。 Sun Qian|then|to|Liu Bei|said|Xuzhou|easy to attack|hard to defend|ah|||places|not|live|able to|settle|particle Sun Qian said to Liu Bei: "Xuzhou is easy to attack but hard to defend, this place cannot be held." 不如 分開 啲 兵馬 , 一部分 駐 扎 喺 小 沛 , 一部分 呢 就 駐 扎 喺 下 邳 , 互相 呼應 啊 作為 犄角之勢 , 防備 曹操 。 might as well|separate|some|troops|one part|||at|||another part|this|then|||at|||mutually|supporting each other|ah|as|pincer movement|guard against|Cao Cao It would be better to split the troops, with one part stationed in Xiaopei and the other part stationed in Xiapi, to support each other as a flanking force to guard against Cao Cao. 主公 你 睇 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? lord|you|see|like this|good|not|good|question particle My lord, what do you think about this? 劉備 採納 咗 孫 乾 嘅 意見 , 就 命令 關雲長 守下 邳 。 Liu Bei|adopted|past tense marker|Sun|Qian|possessive particle|suggestion|then|ordered|Guan Yu||Pizhou Liu Bei accepted Sun Qian's suggestion and ordered Guan Yu to guard Xia Pi. 甘夫人 、 糜夫人 , 亦 都 安置 喺 下 邳 居住 。 Mrs Gan|Mrs Mi|also|all|settled|at|||live Lady Gan and Lady Mi were also settled in Xia Pi. 孫乾 、 簡雍 、 糜竺 、 糜芳 啊 守 徐州 。 Sun Qian|Jian Yong|Mi Zhu|Mi Fang|ah|defend|Xuzhou Sun Qian, Jian Yong, Mi Zhu, and Mi Fang are guarding Xu Zhou. 劉備 自己 同 張飛 駐 扎 喺 小 沛 。 Liu Bei|himself|and|Zhang Fei|stationed|camp|at|Xiao|Pei Liu Bei himself and Zhang Fei are stationed in Xiao Pei. 噉 呢 啲 呢 暫時 唔 講 佢 嘞 。 like this|question particle|plural marker|question particle|temporarily|not|talk|he|past tense marker Well, let's not talk about those for now. 而家 講下 劉岱同 王忠 啊 佢 哋 返 到 去 許都 , 就 見到 曹操 。 now|let's talk about||Wang Zhong|ah|they|plural marker||||Xu Du|then|saw|Cao Cao Now let's talk about Liu Dai and Wang Zhong. When they returned to Xu, they saw Cao Cao. 哈 佢 哋 呀 仲 係 老實 守信用 喎 , 一味 同 劉備 講 好話 。 ha|he|plural marker|sentence-final particle|still|is|honest|trustworthy|sentence-final particle|always|with|Liu Bei|speak|good words Ha, they are still honest and trustworthy, always speaking well of Liu Bei. 話 劉備 並無作 反之 意 噃 噉 。 say|Liu Bei||against|intention||particle They said Liu Bei had no intention of rebelling. 之 曹操 反駁 嘞 , 佢 話 : possessive particle|Cao Cao|rebutted|past tense marker|he|said Then Cao Cao rebutted, he said: 你 兩個 辱國 之徒 ! 留 喺 處 有 乜 用 啊 , 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 兩個 推出 去 斬首 ! you|two|traitors||stay|at|place|have|what|use|particle|people|come|will|them|two|push out|to|beheaded You two traitors to the country! What use is it to stay here? People are coming! Push them out and behead them! 孔融 一 聽見 話 要 殺 劉岱同 王忠 , 就 勸 曹操 嘞 : Kong Rong|one|heard|words|to|kill||Wang Zhong|then|advised|Cao Cao|past action particle As soon as Kong Rong heard that Liu Dai and Wang Zhong were to be killed, he advised Cao Cao: 丞相 呀 , 佢 哋 兩個 人 本來 都 唔 係 劉備 嘅 敵手 嘅 , 如果 噉 就 殺 咗 佢 哋 , 恐怕 會失 咗 軍心 噃。 Prime Minister|particle|he|plural marker|two|people|originally|both|not|are|Liu Bei|possessive particle|rivals||if|like this|then|kill|past tense marker|they|plural marker|afraid||past tense marker|morale|particle Prime Minister, they are not Liu Bei's enemies to begin with. If we kill them like this, it might cause a loss of morale in the army. 曹操 考慮一下 覺得 又 係 噃, 就 冇 殺 佢 哋 , 不過 呢 , 仍然 罷免 咗 佢 哋 嘅 官爵 。 Cao Cao|think about it|felt|again|is|particle indicating realization|then|did not|kill|them|plural marker|but|this|still|dismissed|past tense marker|them|plural marker|possessive particle|official titles Cao Cao thought about it and agreed, so he did not kill them. However, he still dismissed them from their official positions. 噉 曹操 佢 又 想 親自 起兵 去 打 劉備 嘞 喎 。 then|Cao Cao|he|again|wants|personally|raise an army|to|fight|Liu Bei|past action particle|sentence-final particle Then Cao Cao wanted to personally raise an army to fight Liu Bei. 孔融 又 勸 佢 話 : 丞相 , 而家 正 係 天寒地凍 , 唔 適宜 於 起兵 啊 , 仲 係 等到 出年 春天 先 啦 。 Kong Rong|again|advised|him|said|Prime Minister|right now|currently|is|extremely cold|not|suitable|to|raise troops|ah|still|is|wait until|next year|spring|first|particle indicating suggestion Kong Rong also advised him, saying: Prime Minister, it is currently very cold and not suitable to raise an army, it would be better to wait until next spring. 目前 , 丞相 可以 派 人 去 招安 張繡同 劉表 , 呢 件 事 成功 之後 , 再 去 攻打 徐州 就 啱 喇 。 currently|prime minister|can|send|people|to|pacify||Liu Biao|this|measure|matter|successful|after|again|to|attack|Xuzhou|then|right|particle indicating completion At present, the Prime Minister can send someone to persuade Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao, and after this matter is successful, it would be appropriate to attack Xuzhou. 曹操 同意 佢 嘅 建議 , 就 派 劉曄 啊 去 說 張 繡 投降 。 Cao Cao|agreed|he|possessive particle|suggestion|then|sent|Liu Ye|particle|to|persuade|Zhang|Xiu|surrender Cao Cao agreed with his suggestion and sent Liu Ye to persuade Zhang Xiu to surrender. 劉曄去 到 襄城 , 首先 呢 就 去 見 賈詡 , 將 曹丞相 嘅 崇高品德 就 大講 咗 一番 , 賈詡 就 留 佢 喺 屋企 嚟 。 |arrive|Xiangcheng|first|particle indicating a suggestion|then|go|meet|Jia Xu|to bring|Chancellor Cao|possessive particle|noble character|then|speak highly of|past tense marker|a lot|Jia Xu|then|keep|him|at|home|particle indicating action completion When Liu Ye arrived in Xiangcheng, he first went to meet Jia Xu and spoke highly of Prime Minister Cao's noble character, so Jia Xu kept him at his home. 第 日 , 賈詡 去 見 張 繡 , 將 曹操 派 劉曄 嚟 招安 嘅 事 講 畀 張 繡 知 。 the|day|Jia Xu|went|to see|Zhang|Xiu|to bring|Cao Cao|sent|Liu Ye|to come|surrender|possessive particle|matter|to tell|to|Zhang|Xiu|know The next day, Jia Xu went to see Zhang Xiu and informed him about Cao Cao sending Liu Ye to persuade him to surrender. 正 喺 度 研究 緊 , 外便 有人 嚟 報告 話 袁紹 嘅 使者 嚟 到 求見 啊 噉 。 currently|at|place|researching|ongoing|just then|someone|came|report|said|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|messenger|||to request an audience|ah|then They were studying when someone came to report that Yuan Shao's messenger had arrived to seek an audience. 噉 啊 張 繡 叫 佢 入 嚟 啦 , 個 使者 呈 上 袁紹 寫 嚟 嘅 信 。 like this|ah|Zhang|Xiu|called|he|come|in|particle|the|messenger|presented|to|Yuan Shao|written|by|possessive particle|letter Then Zhang Xiu told him to come in, and the messenger presented a letter written by Yuan Shao. 張繡 打開 嚟 睇 下 , 哦 , 原來 亦 係 招安 嘅 意思 。 Zhang Xiu|open|come|see|down|oh|originally|also|is|pacification|possessive particle|meaning Zhang Xiu opened it to take a look, oh, it turned out to be an invitation for submission. 賈詡 就問 袁紹 嘅 使者 話 嘞 : Jia Xu||Yuan Shao|possessive particle|messenger|said|past tense marker Jia Xu then asked Yuan Shao's messenger: 近日 你們 興兵 去 打 曹操 , 勝負 如何 啊 ? recently|you (plural)|mobilize troops|to|fight|Cao Cao|outcome|how|question particle Recently, you all mobilized troops to fight Cao Cao, how did it go? 個 使者 回答 話 : the|messenger|answered|saying The messenger replied: 而家 隆冬 臘月 , 天寒地凍 , 暫時 罷兵 啊 。 now|midwinter|twelfth month of the lunar calendar|extremely cold|temporarily|ceasefire|ah It's currently the cold winter month, the weather is freezing, let's temporarily cease hostilities. 因為 將軍 同 荊州 劉表 都 係 國內 嘅 傑出人物 , 故此 特意 嚟 相請 啫 。 because|general|and|Jingzhou|Liu Biao|both|are|domestic|possessive particle||therefore|specially|come|invite|just Because both the general and Liu Biao of Jingzhou are outstanding figures in the country, that's why I came to invite you. 賈詡 哈哈大笑 話 : 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 。 Jia Xu|laughed heartily|said|hee hee|hee hee|hee hee|hee hee|hee hee Jia Xu laughed heartily and said: Hehehehehe. 你 返 去 同 本初 講啦 : 佢 哋 兩 兄弟 都 尚且 不能 相容 , 仲點 能夠 容得 天下 間 嘅 傑出人才 吖 ? you|return|go|with|Ben|talk|he|they|two|brothers|all|still|cannot|coexist||able to|accommodate|world|among|possessive particle||question particle You go back and tell Benchu: If the two brothers cannot even get along, how can they accommodate the outstanding talents of the world? 你 走 啦 ! 當面 就 撕爛 咗 封信 , 趕走 咗 個 使者 。 you|leave|particle indicating action completion|in person|then|tore up|past tense marker|letter|drove away|past tense marker|the|messenger You go away! Right in front of me, I tore up the letter and chased away the messenger. 張繡話 嘞 : 目前 係 袁強 曹弱 , 而家 我 哋 撕爛 咗 佢 封信 趕走 咗 佢 嘅 使者 , 噉 如果 袁紹 打到 嚟 我 哋 點算 好 呢 ? Zhang Xiu said|past tense marker|currently|is|Yuan Qiang|Cao Ruo|now|I|plural marker|tore up|past tense marker|his|letter|drove away|past tense marker|his|possessive particle|messenger|then|if|Yuan Shao|arrives|here|I|plural marker|how to deal with|well|question particle Zhang Xiu said: Currently, Yuan Qiang is strong and Cao Ruo is weak. Now that we have torn up his letter and chased away his messenger, what should we do if Yuan Shao comes? 賈詡 話 : 噉 就 不如 去 投靠 曹操 好 喇 。 Jia Xu|said|then|just|might as well|go|seek refuge|Cao Cao|good|particle indicating completion Jia Xu said: Then we might as well go and seek refuge with Cao Cao. 哎呀 ! 我 以前 同 佢 有 仇 嘅 噃, 佢 點 肯 收留 我 啊 ? oh no|I|before|with|he|have|enmity|past tense particle|sentence-final particle|he|how|willing|take in|me|question particle Oh no! I used to have a grudge against him, how could he possibly take me in? 點解 我話 要 投靠 曹操 呢 ? 有 三點 。 why||want|defect to|Cao Cao|question particle|have|three points Why do I say we should seek refuge with Cao Cao? There are three reasons. 曹操 奉 皇上 嘅 命令 征伐 天下 , 所以 應該 嚟 投靠 佢 , 此 其一 。 Cao Cao|to honor|the Emperor|possessive particle|order|to conquer|the world|therefore|should|come|to seek refuge|him|this|one of the reasons Cao Cao is following the emperor's orders to conquer the world, so we should come to rely on him, this is the first reason. 袁紹 咁 強盛 , 我 哋 咁 弱小 , 我 哋 去 投靠 佢 , 佢 就 必定 唔 會 看重 我 哋 嘅 ; Yuan Shao|so|powerful|I|we|so|weak|I|we|go|rely on|him|he|then|definitely|not|will|value|I|we|possessive particle Yuan Shao is so powerful, and we are so weak; if we go to rely on him, he will definitely not value us. 呢 曹操 目前 雖然 係 弱 , 得到 我 哋 去 佢 實 高興 㗎 , 所以 應該 投靠 佢 , 此 其二 。 this|Cao Cao|currently|although|is|weak|getting|we|plural marker|go|he|really|happy|sentence-final particle|so|should|ally with|him|this|second point Although Cao Cao is currently weak, he would be very happy to have us come to him, so we should rely on him, this is the second reason. 曹操 就 胸懷 王霸之 志 , 宰相肚裏 好 撐船 吖 嘛 , 為 咗 使 到 四海之內 都 睇 清楚 佢 嘅 高尚 品德 , 佢 必定 唔 會 計較 私人 恩怨 嘅 , 所以 應該 投靠 佢 啊 此 其三 嘞 。 Cao Cao|just|harboring|hegemony|ambition||very|support|particle|particle|for|past tense marker|make|reach|within the four seas|all|see|clearly|he|possessive particle|noble|character|he|definitely|not|will|be calculative|personal|grudges|possessive particle|so|should|ally with|him|particle|this|third|particle Cao Cao has the ambition of a king, and a prime minister should be broad-minded; in order to let the world see his noble character, he will definitely not hold grudges, so we should rely on him, this is the third reason. 希望 將軍 你 唔 好 猶疑 喇 。 hope|general|you|||hesitate|particle indicating completed action I hope you, General, do not hesitate. 賈詡 呢 一番 說話 講 掂 咗 張 繡 。 Jia Xu|this|round|conversation|said|understood|past tense marker|Zhang|embroidery Jia Xu's words have convinced Zhang Xiu. 張繡 就 請 劉曄 嚟 相見 。 Zhang Xiu|then|invite|Liu Ye|to come|meet Zhang Xiu then invited Liu Ye to meet. 劉曄 嚟 到 , 盛讚 曹操 一番 , 佢 仲 話 : Liu Ye|||praised|Cao Cao|a lot|he|still|said When Liu Ye arrived, he praised Cao Cao. 丞相 如果 記 舊怨 嘅 話 , 仲點 會 叫 我 嚟 向 將軍 表示 友好 呢 ? Prime Minister|if|remember|old grudge|possessive particle|words||would|call|me|come|towards|General|show|friendliness|question particle He also said: If the Prime Minister held onto old grudges, how could he call me to express goodwill to the General? 張繡 十分 歡喜 , 即刻 就 同埋 賈 詡 佢 哋 去 許都 投降 嘞 。 Zhang Xiu|very|happy|immediately|then|and|Jia|Xu|they|plural marker|go|Xudu|surrender|past tense marker Zhang Xiu was very pleased and immediately went with Jia Xu to surrender to Xudu. 張繡 見到 曹操 , 佢 就 喺 台 階下 便 跪 低 行禮 。 Zhang Xiu|saw|Cao Cao|he|then|at|platform|below the steps|immediately|knelt|down|paid respects Zhang Xiu saw Cao Cao, and he immediately knelt down to pay his respects. 曹操 連忙 扶 起 佢 , 拖住 佢 隻 手 話 : Cao Cao|hurriedly|help|lift|him|holding|him|one|hand|said Cao Cao quickly helped him up, holding his hand and said: 嗰 啲 小小 嘅 過失 , 唔 好 記 喺 心 嚟 啊 。 that|plural marker|small|possessive particle|mistakes|not|well|remember|at|heart|come|sentence-final particle Those small mistakes, don't take them to heart. 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 hahaha|hahaha Hahaha. 於是 曹操 啊 , 就 封張 繡 做 揚武 將軍 , 封賈詡 做 執金吾使 。 then|Cao Cao|ah|then||Xiu|as|Yangwu|general||as| So Cao Cao appointed Zhang Xiu as the General of Yangwu and appointed Jia Xu as the Chief of the Golden Guards. 跟 住 , 曹操 就 叫 張 繡 寫信 去 招安 劉表 。 ||Cao Cao|then|ordered|||to write a letter|to|persuade to surrender|Liu Biao Then, Cao Cao asked Zhang Xiu to write a letter to persuade Liu Biao. 賈詡 建議 話 嘞 : 劉景升 好 喜歡 結識 名流 嘅 , 一定 要 搵 個 有 才學 嘅 名士 去 說 佢 , 佢 噉 先 至 肯 投降 㗎 。 Jia Xu|suggested|said|past tense particle|Liu Jingsheng|very|likes|to get to know|celebrities|possessive particle|definitely|must|find|classifier for people|has|talent|possessive particle|scholar|to|talk to|him|he|like that|||willing|to surrender|sentence-final particle Jia Xu suggested, saying: Liu Jing Sheng really likes to meet famous people, so we must find a talented scholar to speak to him; only then will he be willing to surrender. 曹操 就 問荀攸話 嘞 : 噉 邊個 去 啱 呢 ? Cao Cao|then||past tense marker|then|who|go|right|question particle Cao Cao then asked Xun You, saying: So who is suitable for this? 荀 攸 回答 佢 話 : 孔文舉 可以 勝任 啊 。 Xun|You|replied|he|said|Kong Wenju|can|be competent|particle Xun You replied: Kong Wenju is capable. 係 啊 , 佢 去 啱 嘞 ! 曹操 同意 嘞 。 ||he|go|right|past tense marker|Cao Cao|agree|past tense marker Yes, he is suitable! Cao Cao agreed. 噉 荀 攸 呢 就 去 搵 孔融 對 佢 講 : 丞相 想 搵 一位 有 才學 嘅 名士 , 準備 派 佢 出外 去 做 使者 , 辦一 啲 聯絡 交涉 嘅 事情 , 孔公 你 是否 可以 擔當 呢 個 任務 啊 ? then|Xun|You|this|then|go|find|Kong Rong|to|him|say|Prime Minister|wants|find|a|has|talent and learning|possessive particle|scholar|prepare|send|him|abroad|go|be|messenger||particle indicating plural|contact|negotiation|possessive particle|matters|Kong Gong|you|whether|can|undertake|this|measure word|mission|question particle So, Xun You went to find Kong Rong and said to him: The Prime Minister wants to find a talented scholar, and is preparing to send him out as an envoy to handle some matters of communication and negotiation. Kong Gong, can you take on this task? 啊 ! 我 有位 朋友 , 姓 禰 名衡 , 字 正平 , 今年 二十四歲 , 佢 嘅 才學 勝我 十倍 呀 。 ah|I||friend|surname|Mi||courtesy name|Zhengping|this year|24 years old|he|possessive particle|talent and learning||ten times|sentence-final particle Ah! I have a friend, his surname is Ni and his name is Heng, courtesy name is Zhengping. He is twenty-four years old this year, and his talents surpass mine by ten times. 呢 個人 , 應該 喺 皇上 嘅 左右 侍奉 啊 。 this|person|should|at|the emperor|possessive particle|left and right|serve|sentence-final particle This person should serve at the Emperor's side. 佢 呀 , 點止 適合 出外 做 使者 吖 ! 我 一定 要 向 皇上 舉薦 佢 。 he|sentence-final particle|not just|suitable|go out|be|messenger|sentence-final particle|I|definitely|must|to|emperor|recommend|him He is not only suitable to go out as an envoy! I must recommend him to the Emperor. 噉 啊 孔融 真 係 寫 咗 份 表章 稟奏 畀 獻帝 , 推薦 禰衡 喎 。 then|ah|Kong Rong|really|is|wrote|past tense marker|measure word for documents|memorial|report|to|Emperor Xian|recommended|Mi Heng|sentence-final particle So, Kong Rong really wrote a memorial to report to Xian Di, recommending Ni Heng. 獻帝 睇 完份 表章 , 交 咗 畀 曹操 。 Emperor Xian|read|complete|document|hand over|past tense marker|to|Cao Cao The Emperor Xian finished reading the document and handed it over to Cao Cao. 曹操 就 叫 人召 禰衡 嚟 。 Cao Cao|then|ordered||Mi Heng|to come Cao Cao then called for Mi Heng to come. 禰衡 嚟 到 , 對 曹操 行過禮 。 Mi Heng|come|arrived|to|Cao Cao| When Mi Heng arrived, he paid his respects to Cao Cao. 曹操 冇 叫 佢 坐 , 禰衡 昂高 個頭 對 住 個 天長 歎 一聲 話 : Cao Cao|didn't|call|him|sit|Mi Heng|raised||||measure word||sigh||said Cao Cao did not invite him to sit, and Mi Heng raised his head high and sighed towards the sky, saying: 唉 ! 雖然 天地 咁 闊大 , 點解 冇 個人 才 㗎 ! sigh|although|universe|so|vast|why|no|person|talent|question particle "Alas! Although the world is so vast, why is there no one with talent?" 曹操 話 : 我 手下 有 幾十人 , 個個 都 係 當代 英雄 , 點解 話 冇 人才 啊 ! Cao Cao|said|I|underlings|have|dozens of people|everyone|all|are|contemporary|heroes|why|say|no|talent|question particle Cao Cao said: I have dozens of people under me, each one is a hero of the present age, why do you say there are no talents! 我 好 想 聽 下 噃 丞相 。 I|very|want|to hear|next||Prime Minister I really want to hear more, Prime Minister. 噉 你 聽 住 , 荀彧 、 荀 攸 、 郭嘉 、 程昱 , 機深 智遠 , 就算 係 蕭何 、 陳 平 都 唔 及 佢 哋 。 then|you|||Xun Yu|||Guo Jia|Cheng Yu|deep in strategy|far in wisdom|even if|is|Xiao He|||all|not|comparable|they|plural marker Then listen, Xun Yu, Xun You, Guo Jia, Cheng Yu, they are deep in strategy and far-sighted, even Xiao He and Chen Ping cannot compare to them. 張 遼 、 許褚 、 李典 、 樂進 , 勇 不可 當 。 ||Xu Chu|Li Dian|Le Jin|bravery|not|matched Zhang Liao, Xu Chu, Li Dian, and Le Jin, their bravery is unmatched. 仲有 呂乾 、 滿寵 做 從事 。 also|Lui Kin|Man Chong|do|engaged in And there are also Lü Qian and Man Chong serving. 于禁 、 徐晃 做 先鋒 。 Yu Jin|Xu Huang|serve as|vanguard Yu Jin and Xu Huang are the vanguards. 夏侯惇 係 天下 奇才 。 Xiahou Dun|is|the world|genius Xiahou Dun is a rare talent in the world. 曹子孝 係 世間 福將 。 Cao Zixiao|is|in the world|blessed general Cao Zixiao is a blessed general in the world. 點 係 冇 人才 啊 ? how|is|no|talent|question particle How can there be no talents? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 明公 你 噉 講就 唔 啱 喇 。 hahaha||Sir Ming|you|like that||not|right|particle indicating change of state Hahaha, my lord, what you said is not right. 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 呀 , 佢 哋 嘅 本事 我 知道 晒 。 ||like|possessive particle|people|sentence-final particle|||possessive particle|abilities|I|know|completely These kinds of people, I know their abilities. 荀彧 就 可以 使 佢 吊 喪 問 病 。 Xun Yu|then|can|make|him|||ask|illness Xun Yu can make him mourn and inquire about illness. 荀 攸 呀 可以 使 佢 看 墳 守 墓 。 Xun|You|particle|can|make|he|watch|grave|guard|tomb Xun You can make him visit graves and guard tombs. 程昱 可以 使 佢 關門閉戶 。 Cheng Yu|can|make|he| Cheng Yu can make him close the doors and shut the windows. 郭嘉 可以 使 佢 讀 詞 念 賦 。 Guo Jia|can|make|him|read|poem|recite|rhapsody Guo Jia can make him read poetry and recite essays. 張 遼 , 可以 使 佢 擊鼓 敲鑼 。 ||can|make|him|beat the drum|strike the gong Zhang Liao, can make him beat the drum and strike the gong. 許褚 啊 可以 使 佢 牧牛 看馬 。 Xu Chu|ah|can|make|he|herd cattle|watch horses Xu Chu can make him herd cattle and look after horses. 樂進 可以 使 佢 取 狀 讀 招 。 Le Jin|can|make|him|take|status|read|invitation Le Jin can make him take the situation and read the orders. 李典 可以 使 佢 傳書 送 檄 。 Li Dian|can|make|him|deliver a letter|send|edict Li Dian can make him deliver letters and send proclamations. 呂虔 可以 使 佢 磨刀 鑄劍 。 Lui Kin|can|make|him|sharpen his knife|forge his sword Lü Qian can make him sharpen knives and forge swords. 滿寵 可以 使 佢 飲酒 食糟 。 Man Chung|can|make|he|drink alcohol|eat food Man Chong can make him drink and eat leftovers. 于禁 可以 使 佢 擔 磚 砌牆 。 Yu Jin|can|make|he|carry|bricks|build the wall Yu Jin can make him carry bricks to build walls. 徐晃 可以 使 佢 劏 豬 殺 狗 。 Xu Huang|can|make|he|gut|pig|kill|dog Xu Huang can make him butcher pigs and kill dogs. 夏侯惇 稱為 完體 將軍 。 Xiahou Dun|is called|complete|general Xiahou Dun is known as the complete general. 曹子孝 叫做 要錢 太守 。 Cao Zixiao|is called|demanding money|governor Cao Zixiao is called the money-hungry governor. 至於 其餘 嗰 啲 , 通通 都 係 衣架 、 飯桶 、 酒 埕 、 肉袋 啫 ! as for|the rest|that|plural marker|all|also|are|hangers|rice containers|||meat bags|only As for the rest, they are all just hangers, rice buckets, wine barrels, and meat bags! 啊 —— 啊 ? 嘿 ! 你 有 乜嘢 本事 啊 ? ah|ah|||||| Ah—huh? Hey! What abilities do you have? 我 ? 我 呀 天文地理 無一不通 , 三教九流 無 所 不曉 , 上 可以 致君 為 堯 、 舜 , 下 可以 配德 於 孔 、 顏 。 I|I|particle indicating affirmation|astronomy and geography|everything is understood|all schools of thought||||above|can|serve the ruler|as|Yao|Shun|below|can|match virtue|with|Confucius|Yan Me? I am knowledgeable in everything under the sun, familiar with all schools of thought, able to serve the emperor like Yao and Shun, and to match the virtue of Confucius and Yan. 凡夫俗子 , 點 可以 同 我 相提並論 啊 ? ordinary person|how|can|with|I|be compared to|question particle How can ordinary people compare with me? 當 其時 , 只有 張 遼 一個 人 喺 側 跟 嚟 , 聽見 禰衡 噉 樣 講法 嬲 到 不得了 ,掹 劍 出 嚟 想 殺 咗 佢 。 at that time|at that time|only|Zhang|Liao|one|person|at|side|following|coming|heard||like that|manner|way of speaking|angry|to|extremely|drew|sword|out|coming|wanted|kill|past tense marker|him At that time, only Zhang Liao was beside me, and when he heard Mi Heng speak like that, he was so angry that he drew his sword and wanted to kill him. 曹操 話 : 我 正 係 缺少 一個 鼓吏 , 幾時 舉行 咩 典禮 宴會 , 就 叫 禰衡 擔負 呢 個 職務 啦 ! Cao Cao|said|I|currently|am|lacking|one|drummer|when|hold|what|ceremony|banquet|then|will call|Mi Heng|take on|this|measure word|position|particle indicating suggestion or finality Cao Cao said: I am just lacking a drummer. Whenever there is a ceremony or banquet, I will have Mi Heng take on this role! 禰衡 亦 冇 推辭 , 應 咗 一聲 就 走 咗 嘞 。 Mi Heng|also|not|decline|responded|past tense marker||then|left|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Mi Heng did not refuse, he agreed and left. 張遼話 : 此人 講 啲 說話 真 係 無禮 到極 ! 丞相 點解 唔 殺 咗 佢 呢 ? |this person|speaks|some|words|really|is|rude|to the extreme|Prime Minister|why|not|kill|past tense marker|him|question particle Zhang Liao said: This person speaks in a truly disrespectful manner! Why doesn't the Prime Minister kill him? 曹操 話 嘞 : 此人 素有 虛名 , 遠近 都 知 嘅 。 Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|this person|always had|false reputation|far and near|all|know|particle indicating possession or emphasis Cao Cao replied: This person has a reputation, known far and wide. 如果 今日 殺 咗 佢 , 天下 都 會 話 我 心胸 太過 狹窄 , 唔 能夠 容得 人 。 if|today|kill|past tense marker|him|the world|also|will|say|I|mind|too|narrow|not|able to|accept|people If I kill him today, the world will say that I am too narrow-minded and cannot tolerate others. 佢 啊 自 以 為 好 叻 , 故此 我 特登 叫 佢 做 鼓 吏 , 羞辱 下 佢 咋 嘛 。 he|ah|self|by|thinks|very|smart|therefore|I|intentionally|called|him|to be|||to humiliate|down|him|just|particle He thought he was very clever, so I deliberately asked him to be the drum official to humiliate him. 過 咗 幾日 , 曹操 喺 內閣 大廳 舉行宴會 , 大宴賓客 , 就 吩咐 鼓吏 擊鼓 。 after|past tense marker||Cao Cao|at|cabinet|hall|||then|ordered|drummer|to beat the drum A few days later, Cao Cao held a banquet in the cabinet hall, inviting many guests, and instructed the drum official to beat the drum. 噉 啊 舊時 嗰 個 鼓 吏 對 禰衡 話 喇 : 擊鼓 一定 要 着 件 新 衣服 㗎 。 then|ah|in the past|that|measure word for people|drum|official|to|a person's name|said|particle indicating completed action|drumming|definitely|must|wear|measure word for clothing|new|clothes|particle indicating certainty The old drum official said to Mi Heng: "When beating the drum, you must wear a new outfit." 禰衡 好少理 啊 , 就 噉 着 住件 舊衫 就 入 去 嘞 。 Mi Hang||ah|then|like this|||old shirt|then|||past tense particle Mi Heng didn't care much and just wore an old shirt to go in. 佢 呢 日 表演 嘅 擊鼓 , 名為 漁陽三撾 。 he|this|day|performance|possessive particle|drumming|named|Yuyang Sanjue The drum performance he did that day was called 'Yuyang San Zhuo'. 擊得 係 真 係 妙 啊 , 聽起 嚟 啲 聲音 呀 清悅 高昂 , 啲 客人 聽 咗 , 個個 都 非常 感動 。 hit|is|really|is|wonderful|ah|sounds|like|the|sounds|ah|pleasant|high|the|customers|heard|past tense marker|everyone|all|very|moved The performance was truly wonderful, the sounds were clear and uplifting, and the guests were all very moved after hearing it. 但 係 左右 啲 侍從 就 喝 佢 話 : 你 點解 唔 換衫 啊 ? ||around|plural marker|servants|then|scolded|he|said|you|why|not|change clothes|question particle But the attendants around him scolded him, saying: Why don't you change your clothes? 嚱 你 哋 大家 估下 禰衡 點 吖 嗱? hey|you|plural marker|everyone|guess|Mi Heng|how|question particle|look Can you all guess how Ni Heng is doing? 佢 當 住 所有 嘅 賓客 面 , 除 清光 啲 破舊 衣服 , 就 噉 赤條條 裸體 企 喺 處 , 嘩 乜 噉 搞法 啊 , 咁 肉 酸 嘅 ? he|||all|possessive particle|guests|in front of|take off|completely|measure word|old and worn|clothes|then|like this|completely naked|naked body|standing|at|place|wow|what|like this|situation|particle|so|||possessive particle In front of all the guests, he took off his tattered clothes and stood there completely naked. Wow, what kind of behavior is this? So disgusting? 嗰 班 賓客 個個 都 揞 埋塊面 。 that|group|guests|everyone|all|to cover|their faces All the guests covered their faces. 禰衡 呢 , 又 慢慢 着 返條 褲 , 面不改容 喎 。 Mi Heng|question particle|again|slowly|put on|return the|pants|face unchanged|final particle Mi Heng, on the other hand, slowly put his pants back on, his expression unchanged. 曹操 就 鬧 佢 話 嘞 : 喺 啲 咁 莊嚴 嘅 地方 , 點解 咁 無禮 啊 ! Cao Cao|then|scolded|him|said|past tense marker|at|plural marker|so|solemn|possessive particle|places|why|so|rude|exclamation particle Cao Cao scolded him, saying: In such a solemn place, why are you so disrespectful! 禰衡 話 : 欺君罔上 就 謂之 無禮 。 我 不過 係 顯露 父母 畀 我 嘅 身體 , 表示 我 嘅 清白 而已 啫 。 Mi Heng|said|deceiving the ruler and being ungrateful to his superiors|then|called|disrespectful|I|just|am|revealing|parents|gave|me|possessive particle|body|indicating|my||innocence|only|particle indicating limitation Mi Heng replied: To deceive the ruler and deceive the people is called disrespect. I am merely revealing the body given to me by my parents, to show my innocence. 你 清白 , 邊個 污濁 啊 ? you|innocent|who|dirty|question particle You are innocent, who is impure? 你 不識 賢愚 係 眼濁 ; you|do not understand|wise and foolish|are|myopic Not knowing the wise and the foolish is being blind. 不 讀 詩書 係 口濁 ; not|read|literature|is|speech impure Not reading poetry and books makes the mouth impure; 不納 忠言 係 耳濁 ; not accepting|honest advice|is|deaf Not accepting honest advice makes the ears impure; 不 通古今 係 身濁 ; not||is| Not understanding the past and present makes the body impure; 不容 諸侯 係 腹濁 ; 常懷 篡逆 係 心濁 啊 。 not allow|feudal lords|in|internal corruption|always harbor|treason|in|moral corruption|ah Not allowing the lords makes the belly impure; constantly harboring treasonous thoughts makes the heart impure. 我 呢 ? 乃 係 天下 名士 , 竟然 用 嚟 做 鼓吏 。 I|question particle|actually|am|world|talented person|unexpectedly|use|to|be|drum officer As for me? I am a renowned scholar in the world, yet I am actually used as a drum official. 哼哼 , 既然 想 成就 王霸之 業 , 能夠 噉 樣 輕視 人才 嘅 咩 ? hum|since|want|achieve|||able to|||underestimate|talent|possessive particle|question particle Hmph, since you want to achieve great power, how can you look down on talent like that? 吖 禰衡 真 係 大膽 喎 , 噉 樣 嚟 鬧 曹操 法 。 ah|Mi Heng|really|is|bold|particle|like this|way|come|scold|Cao Cao|law Ah, Ni Heng is really bold, to scold Cao Cao like this. 噉 你 估 曹操 會 點樣 對待 佢 吖 嗱? then|you|guess|Cao Cao|will|how|treat|he|particle|look So how do you think Cao Cao will treat him?

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