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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 061

上次 講到 周瑜 同 魯肅 啊 , 正 喺 度 傾 緊 呢 次 殺 唔 成 劉備 嘅 事 , 軍士 入 嚟 報告 , 話 曹操 嘅 使者 送信 嚟 啊 噉 。 周瑜 就 叫 佢 入 嚟 , 使者 拜見 過 周瑜 , 呈 上 咗 書信 。 周瑜 攞 起 一 睇 , 信封 上 便 寫 住 一行 大字 , 漢大 丞相 付周 都督 開拆 。 嘩 ! 可惱 嘢 喇真 係 周瑜 發 大火 啊 。 唔 睇 信 喇 , 瀉瀉 瀉 三下兩下 將 封信 撕爛 , 一堆 埋 啪 噉 掉 咗 落地 。 人 嚟 ! 有 ! 將 使者 推出 去 , 斬 ! 魯肅 連忙 勸 周瑜 話 : 都督 啊 都督 啊 , 兩 國 相爭 不 斬 來 使 噃。 斬 咗 來 使 , 以示 軍威 ! 斬 ! 刀斧手 立即 推 咗 曹操 嘅 使者 出去 轅門 外便 , 一刀斬 咗 。 周瑜 就 叫 人將 使者 嘅 人頭 啊 , 交 咗 畀 隨從人員 帶走 。 然後 周瑜 下令 , 派 甘寧 做 先鋒 , 韓 當做 左翼 , 蔣欽 做 右翼 , 自己 啊 率領 大軍 做 接應 。 第 日 , 四 更 煮飯 五更 開船 , 擂響 戰鼓 , 大聲 吶喊 噉 就 前進 嘞 。 曹操 見到 派 去 嘅 使者 畀 周瑜 斬 咗 , 書信 又 撕 咗 就 豈有此理 , 我 係 丞相 嚟 噃, 你 咁 斗膽 ! 嬲 到 不得了 , 亦 立即 下令 , 派 蔡瑁 、 張允 等等 呢 一班 荊州 投降 過 嚟 嘅 將領 做 前鋒 , 自己 就 率領 後軍 , 放炮 開船 直到 三江口 。 一去 到 嘅 時候 , 早就 睇 見 東吳 嘅 船隻 啊 , 塞滿 條 長江 咁 多 迎面 駛 緊過 嚟 嘞 。 為首 一員大將 , 坐 正 喺 船頭 上面 高聲 大叫 話 : 我 就 係 甘寧 , 邊個 敢 嚟 同 我 決戰 ! 蔡瑁 命令 佢 細 佬 蔡 壎 上前 迎戰 。 兩隻 船 剛剛 靠近 , 甘寧 拈弓 搭 箭 ,𠻘 噉 一箭 對準 蔡 壎 射過去 。 誒 ! 啊 ! 蔡 壎 當堂 應言 而 倒 啊 。 甘寧 即刻 指揮 啲 戰船 一齊 向前 衝過去 , 亂箭 齊射 。 曹軍頂 唔 住 喇 。 同時 呢 , 右 便 嘅 蔣 欽 , 左 便 嘅 韓 當 , 直筆 噉 衝到 曹 軍 嘅 船隊 裡頭 。 呢 班 曹 軍 , 大半 都 係 由 青州 、 徐州 嚟 嘅 人 , 從來 都 未學過 水戰 嘅 。 坐住 船 喺 條 大江 處一 拋呀 已經 暈其 大浪 喇 , 企都 企 唔 穩 , 仲有 咩 本事 打仗 添 吖 。 只見 甘寧 等等 三路 戰船 , 喺 江面 上 呀 縱橫 猛打 。 周瑜 呢 又 親自 帶住 大隊 戰船 嚟 到 助戰 。 打到 曹軍呀 中箭 中炮 死傷 嘅 就 不計其數 啊 。 呢 一仗 , 由 巳時 一直 殺到 未時 , 即 係 由 上午 十點 殺到 下午 兩點 。 周瑜 雖然 係 打 咗 勝仗 , 但 係 呢 , 佢 又 怕 寡 不 敵 眾 , 就 下令 鳴金收兵 嘞 。 曹操 吃 咗 大虧 就 收兵 返去 。 上 咗 岸 , 整理 返 掂 嗰 啲 殘兵敗將 , 就 嗌 蔡瑁 同張 允 嚟 省 佢 一餐 。 今日 呢 一仗 , 東吳 嘅 兵 少 , 我 哋 反而 畀 佢 打敗 , 就 係 你 哋 唔 肯 用心 之過 啊 。 蔡瑁 話 喇 : 啟 稟 丞相 , 荊州 嘅 水軍 , 好 耐 冇 操練 過喇 。 而 青州 、 徐州 呢 啲 北方 嚟 嘅 兵 , 又 一向 都 唔 會 水戰 , 所以 今日 就 打敗 啫 。 末將 認為 , 而家 應該 首先 建立 水上 營寨 。 將 青州 、 徐州 嘅 兵 安置 喺 當中 , 荊州 兵 就 安置 喺 外 便 , 每日 操練 , 等 熟練 之後 先至 可以 作戰 。 你 既然 係 水軍 都督 , 就 可以 便宜行事 , 自己 處理 。 何必 樣樣 都 嚟 稟 畀 我 聽 呢 ? 係 , 末將 知道 嘞 。 於是 蔡瑁 、 張允 兩個 就 揸 緊 訓練 水軍 。 根據 佢 哋 嘅 部署 , 將 沿江 一帶 啊 , 分成 二十四座 水門 。 大船 呢 , 都 排 晒 喺 外 便 , 就 好似 城牆 一樣 。 小船 就 彎 晒 喺 裏 便 嚟 , 來來往往 十分 自由 。 到 咗 夜晚 黑 呀 , 隻 隻 船 都 點齊 晒 燈火 , 映到 水面 天上 都 紅晒 。 喺 岸上 嘅 旱 寨 , 連結 三百 幾里 , 煙火 不 絕 。 嗰 種 氣勢 呀 非常 雄壯 啊 ! 噉 啊 周瑜 嗰 日 打 咗 大 勝仗 , 少 不免 犒賞三軍 , 又 派 人 去 孫權 嗰 處 報捷 啦 。 過 咗 幾日 , 有 一晚 , 周瑜 就行 上 高 嘅 地方 啊 四圍 咁 睇 下 。 嘩 嗨 , 只見 西便 半邊天 都紅 晒 嘅 。 旁邊 啲 人 就 講 佢 聽 , 話 呢 啲 呀 , 都 係 曹 軍營 寨 嘅 燈火 嚟 啊 噉 。 周瑜 見到 噉 嘅 樣 個 心 都 不禁 有 啲 驚起 上 嚟 。 到 咗 第日 , 周瑜 要 親自 去 偵察 一下 曹 軍 嘅 水寨 。 就 命令 準備 好 一隻 樓船 , 即 係 , 高大 嘅 有 樓 嘅 戰船 啊 。 帶 埋 鑼鼓 樂器 , 帶 幾名 健將 , 各人 都 攞 住 強 弓 硬 弩 , 上 咗 船 就 開身 , 向 住 曹軍水 寨 進發 。 一直 嚟 到 曹軍水 寨 附近 , 周瑜 下令 停船 , 拋錨 。 跟 住 就 吩咐 打響 鑼鼓 , 奏起 音樂 。 周瑜 就 上去 樓上 , 觀察 曹操 水寨 嘅 佈置 。 唉 , 唔 睇 則已 啊 , 一睇 真 係 大吃一驚 啊 。 乜 所有 嘅 佈置 都 係 十分 高明 , 非常 內行 嘅 噃。 周瑜 就問 旁邊 嘅 人 : 佢 哋 嘅 水軍 都督 係 邊個 ? 啲 人 就 回答 話 喇 : 係 蔡瑁 同張 允 啊 。 哦 , 原來 係 佢 哋 兩個 呀 。 周瑜 個心 諗 嘞 : 呢 兩個 人 長期 住 喺 江東 熟悉 水戰 , 一定 要 想 辦法 殺 咗 佢 兩個 人先 , 然後 先至 談得上 擊敗 曹操 啊 。 周瑜 正 喺 度 一 便 偵察 , 一 便 喺 度 諗 計 。 曹操 嗰 便 已經 發覺 周瑜 嚟 偷 睇 嘞 , 立即 派 船出 嚟 想 捉 人 嘞 噃。 周瑜 又 好 醒 水 嘅 , 佢 見到 曹軍水 寨裏 頭 旗號 猛 咁 飄動 , 就 馬上 下令 起錨 。 兩 便 嘅 水兵 , 一齊 出力 扒 槳 , 嗰 隻 樓船 呢 𠻘𠻘 聲 , 好似 飛 噉 啊 棹 咗 去 。 等到 曹 營裏 便 嘅 船 追 出 嚟 嘅 時候 , 周瑜 嘅 樓船 呀 已經 去 咗 十幾 里 遠 , 追 唔 到 咯 。 曹操 呢 , 因為 前幾日 打 咗 一場 敗仗 , 挫折 咗 銳氣 , 而家 又 畀 周瑜 嚟 到 門口 偷 睇 咗 水寨 嘅 虛實 , 個心 啊 好 唔 高興 。 佢 召集 啲 官員 嚟 , 商量對策 。 有 個人 行出 嚟 話 喇 : 丞相 呀 , 我 自細 就 同 周瑜 同窗 讀書 , 交情 甚 好 嘅 。 請 丞相 派 我 去 江東 , 我 就 靠 呢 三寸不爛之舌 , 去 說服 此人 嚟 投降 丞相 誒 噉 好 唔 好 啊 ? 曹操 好 歡喜 。 呢 個人 啊 , 係 曹操 帳 下 嘅 幕賓 , 姓 蔣名 幹字子 翼 , 九江 人士 。 曹操 問 嘞 : 子翼 , 你 同 周公瑾 嘅 交情 好 深 嘅 咩 ? 丞相 你 放心 啦 , 我 一去 到 呀 , 必定 成功 嘅 。 噉 你 要 帶 啲 乜嘢 去 呢 ? 乜 都 唔 使 , 只要 一個 小童 跟 住 我 , 再 搵 兩個 人 棹 船 就 得 喇 。 曹操 歡喜 到極 啊 , 立即 吩咐 擺酒 同 蔣幹 送行 。 飲完 送行 酒 , 蔣幹 戴 一頂 葛巾 , 着 一件 布袍 , 坐住 隻 小船 就 一直 棹 到 去 周瑜 嘅 大寨 。 叫 守門 嘅 軍士 入去 報告 話 , 老朋友 蔣幹 嚟 拜訪 啊 噉 。 當 其時 周瑜 正在 中軍帳 同 魯肅 等等 一班人 , 商量 緊 軍機 大事 。 聽 講話 蔣幹 嚟 到 , 佢 一 諗 。 哈哈 , 哈哈 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 笑 起 上 嚟 。 魯肅 就問 嘞 : 都督 , 你 聽見 蔣幹 過江 嚟 拜訪 , 哼 點解 笑 起 上 嚟 呢 ? 我 為 咗 要 攻破 曹操 嘅 水軍 , 正 係 無計可施 。 蔣幹 呢 次 過江 啊 必定 係 同 曹操 做 說客 。 嚟 得 啱 啊 , 等 我略 施小計 , 叫 曹操 殺返 自己 嘅 水軍 至 得 。 都督 , 有 乜嘢 妙計 啊 ? 你 哋 過 嚟 聽 住 。 周瑜 叫 大家 圍埋 嚟 , 細細 聲 講 嗱 如此 如此 噉 , 個個 都 猛 咁 岌頭 , 接受 咗 命令 走 咗 嘞 。 周瑜 佈置 好 之後 , 整理 一下 衣服 , 帶住 幾百人 , 個個 都 着 得 光光 鮮鮮 , 出去 迎接 蔣幹 。 出到 去 , 只見 蔣幹 只 係 帶 住 一個 細路 仔跟尾 , 大搖大擺 噉 行 緊入 嚟 。 周瑜 十分 客氣 啊 , 對 蔣幹 深深 噉 行個禮 。 蔣幹話 : 公瑾 , 分別 以來 你 身體 好 吖 嘛 ? 好 , 有心 。 子翼 你 辛苦 喇 , 咁 遠 過江 嚟 到 , 係 唔 係 同 曹操 做 說客 啊 ? 誒 , 唔 係 唔 係 , 我 因為 同 足下 分別 咁 耐 , 今日 特意 嚟 拜訪 你 , 同 你 敘下 舊 。 點解 你 疑心 我 係 嚟 同 曹操 做 說客 㗎 ? 哦 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 我 雖然 唔 夠 聰明 , 但 係 呢點 意思 仲 係 估 得出 嚟 嘅 。 哎呀呀 呀 , 足下 噉 樣 嚟 對待 老朋友 , 我 就 告辭 喇 , 告辭 喇 ! 誒 唔 好 走 , 我 只 係 怕 賢兄 你 係 同 曹操 做 說客 唧 。 既然 並無此意 , 又 使 乜 咁 心急 走 吖 。 唔 係 呀 , 哎 , 賢弟 你 嘅 疑心 好大 啊 ! 小弟 係 開下 玩笑 啫 。 哦 ? 開玩笑 啫 , 誒 噉 就 係 我 自己 多疑 咯 。 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 子翼兄 , 請入 嚟 坐 。 請 。 周瑜 同 蔣幹入 到 中軍帳 , 互相 又行 過禮 。 坐落 之後 , 周瑜 就 叫 傳令 落 去 , 叫齊 所有 嘅 文官 武將 啊 , 都 嚟 到 同 蔣幹 見面 。 冇 幾耐 , 大家 嚟 嘞 。 文官 武將 呀 都 着 起 禮服 。 帳 下 嗰 啲 偏 裨 將校 , 個個 身披 銀甲 , 分成 兩行 噉 行入 嚟 中軍帳 。 周瑜 逐個 介紹 佢 哋 同 蔣 幹 相識 , 然後 大家 分開 兩便 坐定 。 跟 住 , 就 大排 筵席 , 樂隊 呢 奏 起 得勝 令 , 大家 一輪 又 一輪 噉 敬酒 , 嘿 都 唔 知 幾 高興 熱鬧 呀 。 周瑜 一 開始 就 對 大家 講 嘞 : 呢 位 係 我 嘅 老同學 、 好 朋友 。 雖然 佢 係 喺 江北 嚟 啊 , 不過 佢 唔 係 曹操 嘅 說客 , 各位 唔 使 疑心 。 周瑜 一便 講一便 就將 掛 喺 身上 嘅 寶劍 除 咗 落 嚟 , 交 畀 太史慈 。 你 帶 住 我 把 劍 作監 酒官 , 今日 飲酒 , 只 係 暢敘 朋友 交情 。 如果 有人 提起 曹操 同 東吳 打仗 嘅 事 , 就 即刻 斬 咗 佢 ! 得 吖 令 ! 太史慈 接過 寶劍 , 返埋席 , 按住 劍 坐響 處 。 嘩 ! 蔣幹 嚇到 傻 晒 啊 。 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 子翼兄 , 喂 , 子翼兄 。 吓 , 吓 , 啊 , 啊 。 飲酒 。 哦 哦 , 誒 飲酒 , 飲酒 。 子翼兄 , 我 自從 帶兵 以來 , 滴酒 不 飲 啊 。 今日 見到 老朋友 又 冇 咩 嘢 忌諱 , 要 痛痛快快 飲醉 為止 ! 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 子翼兄 , 你 我 各 飲 一百 杯 ! 誒 , 咪 住 咪 住 。 賢弟 呀 , 你 係 滄海 之量 啊 。 愚兄 乃 係 瓦溝 之渠 , 一百 杯 , 誒 頂 唔 順 , 三杯 就夠 嘞 , 三杯 就夠 嘞 。 三杯 呀 ? 好 , 三杯 ! 人 嚟 !攞 大 杯 嚟 ! 子翼兄 , 飲 ! 嚟 , 飲 ! 哈哈 , 噉 就 開懷暢飲 起 嚟 。 只見 酒席 上 呀 , 啲 酒杯 舉 嚟 舉去 熱鬧 非常 。 飲到 半醉 , 周瑜 拖住 蔣幹 隻 手 , 一齊 行出 中軍帳 外便 見到 兩 便 嘅 軍士 , 個個 都 係 全副武裝 , 揸 住 長矛 畫戟 , 立正 噉 企響 處 。 周瑜 話 : 你 睇 下 , 我 啲 軍士 都 頗 為 雄壯 啩? 雄壯 雄壯 , 個個 都 係 雄虎 之士 啊 ! 周瑜 又 帶 蔣幹 去 到 大 帳後便 睇 下 。 只見 啲 糧草 呀 堆積如山 。 周瑜 話 : 子翼兄 , 你 睇 下 , 我 嘅 糧草 都 夠用 啩? 哦 , 兵 精糧足 , 名不虛傳 , 名不虛傳 啊 , 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 。 哦 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 想 我 周瑜 同子翼 兄 你 做 同學 嘅 時候 , 冇 想到 會 有 今日 啊 ! 嘿嘿 , 以 賢弟 你 嘅 高 才 , 實不為 過 嘅 。 子翼兄 呀 , 大丈夫 處世 , 遇着 個 知己 嘅 主公 , 表面 上 , 係 君臣 嘅 名義 , 實際上 有 骨肉 恩情 , 言聽計從 禍福與共 。 就算 係 蘇秦 , 張儀 再生 , 點樣 伶牙利齒 都 好 , 點都 唔 能夠 講得動 我 嘅 心 嘅 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 周瑜 講完 放聲 大笑 , 笑 到 蔣幹 呀 , 面如土色 。 周瑜 詐作 睇 唔 見 , 好似 飲得 醉醉 地 噉 , 腳步 有 啲 唔 穩 嘞 。 拖住 蔣幹 又 行 返入 去 中軍帳 , 同埋 大家 再 嚟 飲過 。 周瑜 指住 眾位 將官 話 : 佢 哋 都 係 江東 英傑 啊 , 今日 呢 個 宴會 , 可以 稱為 , 群英 會 啊 ! 啊 ? 啊 ? 哦 誒 , 係 係 係 。 啊 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 噉 啊 大家 一齊 飲到 天黑 , 點起 燈燭 , 氣氛 更加 熱烈 高興 。 周瑜 趁住 酒興 , 佢 對 蔣 幹 話 : 人生 聚散 實在 難以預料 , 我同 仁兄 今日 久別 相逢 , 非常 難得 。 等 小弟 舞劍 唱歌 , 博 仁兄 同 各位 一笑 啊 。 哎呀呀 , 賢弟 酒後 舞劍 非同兒戲 啊 。 唔 緊要 , 人 嚟 ! 同 我 除 咗 件 袍 。 周瑜 除 咗 錦袍 , 只 係 着 住 緊身 衣服 , 喺 腰間 拔出 寶劍 , 雄姿英發 舞起 劍 嚟 。 佢 一 便 舞 一 便 唱歌 : 丈夫 處世 兮 立功 名 ; 立功 名兮慰 平生 。 慰 平生 兮 吾 將醉 ; 吾 將醉 兮 發狂 吟 ! 支歌 好 啊 , 哈哈哈哈 , 滿座 歡笑 。 飲 啊 飲 啊 , 不經 不覺 , 已經 好夜 嘞 。 蔣幹 就 話 喇 : 哎 , 多謝 賢弟 喇 , 誒 呵 , 我 實在 唔 飲 得 嘞 呵 , 真 係 唔 飲 得 嘞 。 於是 周瑜 就 吩咐 散席 , 啲 文武 官員 亦 都 紛紛 告辭 出去 。 等 啲 人 走 晒 之後 , 周瑜 就 對 蔣幹話 喇 : 好 耐 冇 同子翼 兄 你 同床 瞓覺 喇 , 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 今晚 我 哋 兩個 孖 鋪 , 好好 噉 傾下 , 吓 。 哈哈哈 , 誒 , 誒 。 誒 呀 , 賢弟 , 乜 你 真 係 醉 喇 ? 我 , 我 冇 醉 , 冇 醉 ! 周瑜 腳步 浮浮 拖住 蔣幹 行入 自己 嘅 帳篷 。 一入 到 去 , 周瑜 嘔 嘔聲 就 劏 起 白鶴 就 嘔到 成地 都 係 。 嘔完 嘞 , 衣服 都 唔 除 , 碌 低 喺 鋪 床 就 瞓 。 蔣幹 就 除 咗 件 袍 , 除 咗 對 鞋 , 亦 上床 瞓 嘞 。 之 佢 滿懷 心事 又 點 瞓 得 着 呢 ? 佢 翻來覆去 , 捱 啊 捱 啊 , 只 聽見 帳篷 外便 就 打響 二 更 嘞 。 書 枱 上面 嗰 支 大 蠟燭 仲 點着 嘅 。 睇 下 周瑜 , 嗯 , 嗯 , 噉 扯 衡鼻鼾 就 瞓 到 淰 淰 。 蔣幹見 自己 瞓 唔 着 , 就 輕手輕腳 噉 起 咗 身 。 踢 住 對 鞋 就褸 返件 袍行 埋 去 書桌 嗰 處 , 順手 攞 啲 書 掀 下 啦 。 又 見到 書 旁邊 , 有 一沓 信件 。 蔣幹 眼珠 一轉 , 嗯 , 睇 下 都 好 嘅 喎 。 哦 , 原來 都 係 啲 往來 書信 嚟 。 抄抄 下 , 誒 呀 , 突然 見到 有 一封 開 咗 口 嘅 信 , 信封 上面 寫住 , 周 都督 開拆 , 蔡瑁 、 張允謹 封 。 嘩 嗨 ! 得 了 ? 點解 蔡瑁 、 張允 , 會 寫信 畀 周瑜 嘅 呢 ? 唔 睇 唔 得 嘞 唔 睇 唔 得 嘞 ! 佢 擰 轉頭 睇 下 周瑜 , 依然 瞓 到 好 淰 。 蔣幹 打開 封信 一睇 , 封信 嘅 內容 呢 , 就 係 話 : 我 哋 投降 曹操 , 並非 為 咗 升官發財 , 實在 係 逼 於 無奈 唧 。 而家 , 已經 將 北軍 困住 喺 營寨 裏頭 , 只要 一有 機會 , 就將 曹操 嘅 人頭 獻 畀 都督 。 一等 人到 就 有 消息 , 請 都督 唔 使 疑心 。 哎呀 ! 曹丞相 啊 曹丞相 , 你好 危險 啊 ! 今晚 黑 如果 唔 係 我 蔣幹 , 你 就 冇 命 咯 。 哼 , 原來 蔡瑁 、 張允 你 兩個 奸賊 , 勾結 東吳 啊 吓 , 好 ! 蔣幹將 封信 , 貼肉 收埋 喺 個 身處 , 佢 仲 想 抄下 其他 嘅 信 睇 嘅 。 突然 間 , 周瑜 喺 床上 轉個 便 , 嚇 咗 蔣幹 一 跳 。 賢弟 , 賢弟 。 周瑜 冇 醒 。 之 蔣幹 亦 唔 敢 再 抄 其他 嘅 信 睇 嘞 , 抄到 呢 一封 亦 都 好 大 收穫 喇 。 就 急急 吹熄 支 蠟燭 上床 瞓覺 。 瞓 咗 一陣 , 聽見 周瑜 發 開口 夢 嘞 : 子翼兄 , 我 幾日 之內 , 嗯 我 攞 曹操 嘅 人頭 你 睇 下 。 蔣幹 諗 : 啊 啲 人話 , 發 開口 夢呀問 返 佢 轉頭 佢 會 答 嘅 噃。 好 , 問下 你 , 睇 下 你 肚裏 頭有 咩 計至 得 。 賢弟 , 噉 你 有 咩 好 計去 殺 曹操 啊 ? 子翼兄 , 你定 啲 啦 , 我 就 快 攞 曹操 個人 頭你 睇 下 。 乜仲 係 嗰 句 嘅 ? 賢弟 呀 , 賢弟 , 究竟 你點 殺 曹操 呢 ? 周瑜 又 扯起 鼻鼾 喇 。 蔣幹試 下 問 佢 幾聲 周瑜 都 冇 回答 , 冇 符 啦 。 蔣幹 一直 都 冇 瞓 , 過 咗 好 耐下 喇 , 就 嚟 到 四 更 。 忽然間 有人 行入 嚟 , 蔣幹 即刻 眯 埋眼 詐 瞓 , 聽見 嗰 個人 細細 聲 嗌: 都督 , 都督 呀 , 你 醒 一醒 , 都督 ! 吓 ? 啊 , 啊 誒 , 咦 ? 邊個 喺 鋪 床上 同 我 瞓 啊 ? 都督 你 請子翼 同 你 孖 鋪 , 乜 你 唔 記得 咩 ? 誒 呀 , 我 平時 從來 都 冇 飲 醉酒 嘅 。 尋晚 飲醉 咗 , 唔 知有 冇 講過 咩 嘢 說話 添 噃。 夜靜更深 , 你 嚟 搵 我 有 咩 事 啊 ? 都督 , 江北 有人 嚟 呀 。 噓 ! 唔 好 講住 ! 子翼兄 , 子翼兄 。 蔣幹 一味 詐 瞓 。 周瑜 靜靜 起身 , 踮 手 踮腳 同 嗰 個人 行 咗 出去 帳篷 外便 。 蔣幹 就 即刻 豎起 雙耳 仔 嚟 聽 , 只 係 聽見 嗰 個人 話 嘞 : 蔡瑁 、 張允派 人 嚟 話 , 一時之間 未 逳 得手 住 喎 。 下 便講 啲 乜嘢 呢 , 因為 太 過細 聲 , 蔣幹 就 聽 唔 清 嘞 。 過 咗 一陣 周瑜 行返 入 嚟 , 又 嗌 咗 兩聲 , 子翼兄 , 子翼兄 噉 。 蔣幹用 張 被褸 住 個頭 , 一 於 詐 瞓 唔 理 。 周瑜 嗌 咗 兩聲 就 除衫 上床 瞓 嘞 。 蔣幹 聽 住 佢 好 快 趣 又 瞓 着 。 蔣幹個 心 諗 嘞 : 周瑜 個人 好 精明 厲害 嘅 。 天光 之後 , 如果 佢 搵 封信 搵 唔 到 , 實會 炮製 我 㗎 喇 。 咪 喇 咪 喇 , 我 不如 偷偷 返扯 好 喇 。 佢 越 諗 越 驚 , 捱到 五更天 , 蔣幹 起身 。 細細 聲 嗌 咗 兩聲 周瑜 , 周瑜 仲 瞓 緊 。 於是 蔣幹 就 着 好 衫 戴 上 頭巾 着 返 好鞋 , 靜靜 行出 帳篷 ,嗌 埋 跟 佢 嚟 嗰 個 小童 就 直出 轅門 嘞 。 守門 個 軍士 問 佢 : 先生 去 邊處 啊 ? 誒 , 我 喺 度 就 怕 妨礙 都督 , 所以 我 就 告辭 走先 喇 。 守門 個 軍士 見 蔣幹 噉 講 , 亦 冇 攔阻 佢 。 蔣幹出 咗 轅門 , 三步 夾埋 兩步 喇喇聲 去 到 埠頭 , 落 咗 船 , 飛 咁 快趕 返去 見 曹操 。 曹操 問 佢 : 子翼 , 件 事 辦成 點啊 ? 啟 稟 丞相 , 周瑜 呢 個人 好 高傲 , 唔 係 說話 講 得 逳 嘅 。 嘿 , 事情 就 辦 唔 成 , 反而 畀 人 哋 恥笑 啦 。 雖然 冇 講 掂 周瑜 嚟 投降 啊 , 不過 , 為 丞相 誒 打聽 到 一件 大事 噃。 咩 嘢 大事 啊 ? 誒 , 丞相 , 請 你 吩咐 左右 啲 人行 開 。 你 哋 出去 。 係 。 等 兩 便 侍從 嘅 人行 咗 出去 , 蔣幹 就將 昨晚 嘅 事 逐一 逐二講 畀 曹操 聽 。 然後 就 攞 出 封信 嚟 交 畀 曹操 : 呢 度 有 書信 一封 , 請 丞相 你 睇 下 。 曹操 聽 咗 蔣幹 講 嘅 情形 , 又 睇 咗 信 , 嘩 呀 嬲 到 面色 都 變 咗 。 嗰 兩個 奸賊 , 竟然 如此 斗膽 ! 曹操 即刻 吩咐 叫 蔡瑁 同張 允 嚟 。 嗰 兩個 嘢 仲烏 諗 諗 喎 , 咪 即刻 嚟 咯 。 入到 大帳 , 對 曹操 行個禮 就 話 喇 : 參見 丞相 , 有 咩 命令 ? 我要 命令 你 哋 兩個 即日 進兵 ! 稟 丞相 , 兵士 仲 未曾 操練 好 , 不能 進兵 呀 。 呸 ! 等 你 哋 兩個 操練 好 水軍 , 老夫 嘅 人頭 , 已經 獻 咗 畀 周郎 喇 ! 刀斧手 ! 有 ! 斬 ! 蔡瑁 同張 允 呀 不明不白 噉 就 畀 班 刀斧手 推 咗 出去 , 連 冤枉 都 嚟 唔 切 嗌 一聲 就 人頭 落地 。 曹操 呢 個人 亦 係 非常 精明 嘅 。 當 刀斧手 用 托盤 托住 兩個 人頭 獻上 嚟 嘅 時候 , 曹操 已經 醒悟 過 嚟 嘞 。 啊 , 啊 ! 我 中 咗 周郎 之計 喇 ! 但 係 呢 , 佢 唔 肯 認錯 。 啲 將官 見 斬 咗 蔡瑁 同張 允 , 都 好 奇怪 , 問為 咩 嘢 事 啊 噉 。 曹操 就 話 : 佢 兩個 貽誤軍機 , 所以 我 斬 咗 佢 ! 然後 呢 , 曹操 命令 毛 玠 、 于禁 兩個 接任 水軍 都督 , 代替 蔡瑁 同張 允 嘅 職務 。 呢 件 事 , 周瑜 得到 偵探 報過 嚟 嘅 消息 , 歡喜 到 佢 不得了 。 佢 對 魯肅 話 喇 : 我 最 忌 嘅 就 係 呢 兩個 人唧 , 而家 已經 剷除 咗 咯 , 我 就 唔 使 愁 喇 。 都督 用兵 如此 英明 , 使憂 曹賊 打 唔 敗 咩 ! 啊 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 呢 一條 計 , 所有 嘅 將官 睇 嚟 都 識 唔 穿 。 唯獨 是 諸葛亮 嘅 智謀 係 勝過 我 , 睇 個樣 , 亦 瞞 佢 唔 過 嘅 。 子敬 。 都督 。 請 你 去 孔明 處 , 用 說話 試探 下 佢 , 睇 佢 知 定 唔 知 吓 , 返 嚟 講我 聽 。 好 , 我 即刻 去 。 正是 還將 反間 成功 事 , 去試 從 旁 冷眼 人 。 噉 究竟 魯肅 去問 孔明 嘅 結果 點樣 呢 ? 就 且 聽 下回分解 。

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上次 講到 周瑜 同 魯肅 啊 , 正 喺 度 傾 緊 呢 次 殺 唔 成 劉備 嘅 事 , 軍士 入 嚟 報告 , 話 曹操 嘅 使者 送信 嚟 啊 噉 。 last time|talked about|Zhou Yu|and|Lu Su|particle|just|at|place|discussing|ongoing|this|time|kill|not|succeed|Liu Bei|possessive particle|matter|soldier|enter|come|report|said|Cao Cao|possessive particle|messenger|deliver letter|come|particle|then Last time we talked about Zhou Yu and Lu Su, they were discussing the matter of not being able to kill Liu Bei this time, when a soldier came in to report that Cao Cao's messenger had sent a letter. 周瑜 就 叫 佢 入 嚟 , 使者 拜見 過 周瑜 , 呈 上 咗 書信 。 Zhou Yu|then|ordered|him|to come in|here|messenger|to pay respects|past||to present|to submit|past tense marker|letter Zhou Yu then called him in, and after the messenger paid his respects to Zhou Yu, he presented the letter. 周瑜 攞 起 一 睇 , 信封 上 便 寫 住 一行 大字 , 漢大 丞相 付周 都督 開拆 。 Zhou Yu|took|up|one|look|envelope|on|then|wrote|indicating|a line|big characters|Han Dynasty|Prime Minister||governor|open Zhou Yu picked it up and took a look; on the envelope, there was a line written in big characters, 'To the Great Chancellor of Han, for Zhou the Commander to open.' 嘩 ! 可惱 嘢 喇真 係 周瑜 發 大火 啊 。 wow|annoying|thing|really|is|Zhou Yu|getting|very angry|ah Wow! This is really infuriating, Zhou Yu was furious. 唔 睇 信 喇 , 瀉瀉 瀉 三下兩下 將 封信 撕爛 , 一堆 埋 啪 噉 掉 咗 落地 。 not|read|letter|particle indicating completed action|quickly|tear|in a few quick motions|to|envelope|tear apart|a pile|together|sound of something hitting|like that|drop|past tense marker|on the ground Not reading the letter, he quickly tore the envelope apart, and a pile of it fell to the ground. 人 嚟 ! people|come Someone is coming! 有 ! have Yes! 將 使者 推出 去 , 斬 ! to|messenger|push out|away|kill Push the envoy out and execute! 魯肅 連忙 勸 周瑜 話 : 都督 啊 都督 啊 , 兩 國 相爭 不 斬 來 使 噃。 Lu Su|hurriedly|advised|Zhou Yu|said|commander|ah|||two|countries|in conflict|not|kill|coming|envoy|right Lu Su hurriedly advised Zhou Yu, saying: "Governor, oh Governor, when two countries are in conflict, we shouldn't execute the envoy." 斬 咗 來 使 , 以示 軍威 ! 斬 ! chop|past tense marker|come|messenger|to show|military might|chop Execute the envoy to demonstrate military might! Execute! 刀斧手 立即 推 咗 曹操 嘅 使者 出去 轅門 外便 , 一刀斬 咗 。 the axe-wielding man|immediately|pushed|past tense marker|Cao Cao|possessive particle|messenger|outside|the gate of the chariot|outside|one slash|past tense marker The executioner immediately pushed Cao Cao's messenger out of the gate and beheaded him. 周瑜 就 叫 人將 使者 嘅 人頭 啊 , 交 咗 畀 隨從人員 帶走 。 Zhou Yu|then|ordered||messenger|possessive particle|head|ah|handed|past tense marker|to|attendants|take away Zhou Yu then ordered someone to take the messenger's head and hand it over to his attendants. 然後 周瑜 下令 , 派 甘寧 做 先鋒 , 韓 當做 左翼 , 蔣欽 做 右翼 , 自己 啊 率領 大軍 做 接應 。 then|Zhou Yu|ordered|to send|Gan Ning|to be|vanguard|Han||left wing|Jiang Qin|to be|right wing|himself|ah|to lead|army|to be|support Then Zhou Yu gave the order to send Gan Ning as the vanguard, Han Dang as the left wing, and Jiang Qin as the right wing, while he himself would lead the main army to provide support. 第 日 , 四 更 煮飯 五更 開船 , 擂響 戰鼓 , 大聲 吶喊 噉 就 前進 嘞 。 the|day|four|watch|cook|fifth watch|set sail|beat|war drum|loudly|shout|then|just|advance|past action particle The next day, they cooked rice at the fourth watch and set sail at the fifth watch, beating the war drums and shouting loudly as they advanced. 曹操 見到 派 去 嘅 使者 畀 周瑜 斬 咗 , 書信 又 撕 咗 就 豈有此理 , 我 係 丞相 嚟 噃, 你 咁 斗膽 ! Cao Cao|saw|sent|to|possessive particle|messenger|by|Zhou Yu|beheaded|past tense marker|letter|again|torn|past tense marker|then|how can this be reasonable|I|am|prime minister|come|particle indicating surprise|you|so|daring When Cao Cao saw that the messenger he sent had been beheaded by Zhou Yu and the letter was torn up, he was furious, saying, 'I am the Prime Minister! How dare you!' 嬲 到 不得了 , 亦 立即 下令 , 派 蔡瑁 、 張允 等等 呢 一班 荊州 投降 過 嚟 嘅 將領 做 前鋒 , 自己 就 率領 後軍 , 放炮 開船 直到 三江口 。 angry|to|extremely|also|immediately|gave orders|sent|Cai Mao|Zhang Yun|and so on|this|group of|Jingzhou|surrendered|over|here|possessive particle|generals|act as|vanguard|himself|then|led|rear army|fired cannons|sailed|until|Sanjiangkou Furious to the extreme, he immediately ordered to send Cai Mao, Zhang Yun, and other generals who had surrendered from Jingzhou to act as the vanguard, while he himself led the rear army, firing cannons and sailing until they reached the Sanjiangkou. 一去 到 嘅 時候 , 早就 睇 見 東吳 嘅 船隻 啊 , 塞滿 條 長江 咁 多 迎面 駛 緊過 嚟 嘞 。 once gone|arrived|possessive particle|time|already|||Dongwu|possessive particle|ships|particle|filled|measure word for long objects|Yangtze River|so|many|head-on|sailing|||particle indicating completed action By the time they arrived, they had already seen the ships of Eastern Wu, which were filling the Yangtze River, coming straight towards them. 為首 一員大將 , 坐 正 喺 船頭 上面 高聲 大叫 話 : leading||sitting|right|at|bow of the ship|above|loudly|shouted|said At the forefront was a general, sitting at the bow of the ship, shouting loudly: 我 就 係 甘寧 , 邊個 敢 嚟 同 我 決戰 ! I|just|am|Gan Ning|who|dares|to come|with|me|duel I am Gan Ning, who dares to fight me! 蔡瑁 命令 佢 細 佬 蔡 壎 上前 迎戰 。 Choi Mau|ordered|he|small|boy|Choi|Hung|stepped forward|to face the battle Cai Mao ordered his younger brother Cai Rang to step forward and engage in battle. 兩隻 船 剛剛 靠近 , 甘寧 拈弓 搭 箭 ,𠻘 噉 一箭 對準 蔡 壎 射過去 。 two|boats|just|approached|Gan Ning|drew his bow|nocked|arrow|then|like this|one arrow|aimed at|Cai|Yong|shot over The two ships just approached, and Gan Ning drew his bow and shot an arrow, aiming it directly at Cai Yang. 誒 ! 啊 ! 蔡 壎 當堂 應言 而 倒 啊 。 hey|ah|Cai|Huang|on the spot|should have spoken|and|fallen|ah Hey! Ah! Cai Yang fell down on the spot. 甘寧 即刻 指揮 啲 戰船 一齊 向前 衝過去 , 亂箭 齊射 。 Gan Ning|immediately|command|plural marker|warships|together|forward|charge over|random arrows|shoot together Gan Ning immediately commanded the warships to charge forward together, shooting arrows in a flurry. 曹軍頂 唔 住 喇 。 Cao Jun-ting|not|able to|particle indicating completed action The Cao army couldn't hold on anymore. 同時 呢 , 右 便 嘅 蔣 欽 , 左 便 嘅 韓 當 , 直筆 噉 衝到 曹 軍 嘅 船隊 裡頭 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|right|then|possessive particle|Jiang|Qin|left|then|possessive particle|Han|Dong|directly|like that|charged into|Cao|army|possessive particle|fleet|inside At the same time, Jiang Qin on the right and Han Dang on the left charged straight into the Cao army's fleet. 呢 班 曹 軍 , 大半 都 係 由 青州 、 徐州 嚟 嘅 人 , 從來 都 未學過 水戰 嘅 。 this|class|||more than half|all|are|from|Qingzhou|Xuzhou|come|possessive particle|people|never|all||naval warfare|particle indicating past action This group of Cao army, most of them are from Qingzhou and Xuzhou, have never learned naval warfare. 坐住 船 喺 條 大江 處一 拋呀 已經 暈其 大浪 喇 , 企都 企 唔 穩 , 仲有 咩 本事 打仗 添 吖 。 sit down|boat|at|measure word for rivers|Yangtze River|||already||big waves|particle||stand|||still have|what|ability|fight|also|particle Sitting on the boat in the middle of the great river, just a toss and they are already dizzy from the big waves, they can't even stand, what ability do they have to fight? 只見 甘寧 等等 三路 戰船 , 喺 江面 上 呀 縱橫 猛打 。 only saw|Gan Ning|etc|three routes|warships|at|river surface|on|particle|freely|fiercely attacking Only to see Gan Ning and the other three fleets of warships, fiercely battling across the river. 周瑜 呢 又 親自 帶住 大隊 戰船 嚟 到 助戰 。 Zhou Yu|this|again|personally|leading|large group|warships|||assist in battle Zhou Yu personally led a large fleet of warships to assist in the battle. 打到 曹軍呀 中箭 中炮 死傷 嘅 就 不計其數 啊 。 hit|Cao army|shot by an arrow|hit by cannon|casualties|possessive particle|then|countless|particle indicating exclamation The casualties among the Cao army from arrows and cannonballs are countless. 呢 一仗 , 由 巳時 一直 殺到 未時 , 即 係 由 上午 十點 殺到 下午 兩點 。 this|battle|from|si hour|continuously|fought until|wei hour|||from|morning|10 o'clock|fought until|afternoon|2 o'clock This battle lasted from dawn until dusk, that is, from 10 AM to 2 PM. 周瑜 雖然 係 打 咗 勝仗 , 但 係 呢 , 佢 又 怕 寡 不 敵 眾 , 就 下令 鳴金收兵 嘞 。 Zhou Yu|although|is|fight|past tense marker|victory|but|is|this|he|again|afraid|few|not|enemy|many|then|ordered|retreat by sounding the gong|past tense marker Although Zhou Yu won the battle, he was still afraid of being outnumbered, so he ordered the troops to retreat. 曹操 吃 咗 大虧 就 收兵 返去 。 Cao Cao|eat|past tense marker|big loss|then|withdraw troops|return Cao Cao suffered a great loss and retreated. 上 咗 岸 , 整理 返 掂 嗰 啲 殘兵敗將 , 就 嗌 蔡瑁 同張 允 嚟 省 佢 一餐 。 go up|past tense marker|shore|organize|again|handle|those|plural marker|defeated soldiers|then|call|Choi Mau||Wan|come|treat|them| After landing, he organized the remaining defeated soldiers and called Cai Mao and Zhang Yun to have a meal with him. 今日 呢 一仗 , 東吳 嘅 兵 少 , 我 哋 反而 畀 佢 打敗 , 就 係 你 哋 唔 肯 用心 之過 啊 。 today|this|battle|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|soldiers|few|I|we|instead|by|they|defeated|then|is|you|plural marker|not|willing|put in effort|fault|sentence-final particle In today's battle, the Eastern Wu had fewer troops, yet we were defeated by them, which is due to your lack of effort. 蔡瑁 話 喇 : 啟 稟 丞相 , 荊州 嘅 水軍 , 好 耐 冇 操練 過喇 。 Cai Mao|said|particle indicating completed action|to inform|to report|Prime Minister|Jingzhou|possessive particle|navy|very|long|not|trained|in the past Cai Mao said: "I report to the Prime Minister, the navy in Jingzhou hasn't trained for a long time." 而 青州 、 徐州 呢 啲 北方 嚟 嘅 兵 , 又 一向 都 唔 會 水戰 , 所以 今日 就 打敗 啫 。 and|Qingzhou|Xuzhou|question particle|plural marker|north|come|possessive particle|soldiers|again|always|all|not|can|naval battle|so|today|then|defeated|particle indicating finality And the troops from Qingzhou and Xuzhou, which are from the north, have never been good at naval battles, so they were defeated today. 末將 認為 , 而家 應該 首先 建立 水上 營寨 。 I (referring to myself as a military officer)|believe|now|should|first|establish|on water|camp The general believes that we should first establish a camp on the water. 將 青州 、 徐州 嘅 兵 安置 喺 當中 , 荊州 兵 就 安置 喺 外 便 , 每日 操練 , 等 熟練 之後 先至 可以 作戰 。 place|Qingzhou|Xuzhou|possessive particle|soldiers|stationed|at|the center|Jingzhou|soldiers|then|stationed|at|outside|convenient|every day|drill|wait|proficiency|after|only then|can|fight We should place the troops from Qingzhou and Xuzhou in the middle, while the troops from Jingzhou should be stationed outside, training daily, and only after they become proficient can we engage in battle. 你 既然 係 水軍 都督 , 就 可以 便宜行事 , 自己 處理 。 何必 樣樣 都 嚟 稟 畀 我 聽 呢 ? you|since|are|navy|commander|then|can|act on your own judgment|yourself|handle|why|everything|all|come|report|to|me|hear|question particle Since you are the commander of the navy, you can act as you see fit and handle things yourself. Why do you need to report everything to me? 係 , 末將 知道 嘞 。 yes|I (referring to a humble person)|know|past tense marker Yes, the general knows. 於是 蔡瑁 、 張允 兩個 就 揸 緊 訓練 水軍 。 then|Cai Mao|Zhang Yun|the two|then|drove|intensively|training|navy So, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun are in charge of training the navy. 根據 佢 哋 嘅 部署 , 將 沿江 一帶 啊 , 分成 二十四座 水門 。 according to|they|plural marker|possessive particle|deployment|will|along the river|area|particle|divided into|twenty-four|sluice gates According to their deployment, the area along the river is divided into twenty-four water gates. 大船 呢 , 都 排 晒 喺 外 便 , 就 好似 城牆 一樣 。 big ship|question particle|all|lined up|completely|at|outside|side|then|just like|city wall|the same The large ships are all lined up outside, just like a city wall. 小船 就 彎 晒 喺 裏 便 嚟 , 來來往往 十分 自由 。 small boat|then|turn|completely|at|inside|just|come|coming and going|very|free The small boats are all bent inside, coming and going very freely. 到 咗 夜晚 黑 呀 , 隻 隻 船 都 點齊 晒 燈火 , 映到 水面 天上 都 紅晒 。 arrive|past tense marker|night|dark|sentence-final particle|measure word for boats||boat|all|lit up|completely|lights|reflecting on|water surface|in the sky|all|completely red It was night and dark, all the boats were lit up, reflecting on the water and making the sky look red. 喺 岸上 嘅 旱 寨 , 連結 三百 幾里 , 煙火 不 絕 。 at|on the shore|possessive particle|dry|village|connected|three hundred|miles|fireworks|not|cease On the shore, the bonfires connected for over three hundred miles, with fireworks continuously. 嗰 種 氣勢 呀 非常 雄壯 啊 ! that|kind|momentum|particle|very|majestic|particle That kind of momentum was extremely grand! 噉 啊 周瑜 嗰 日 打 咗 大 勝仗 , 少 不免 犒賞三軍 , 又 派 人 去 孫權 嗰 處 報捷 啦 。 then|ah|Zhou Yu|that|day|fought|past tense marker|great|victory|few|inevitably||also|sent|people|to|Sun Quan|that|place|report victory|sentence-final particle So, on that day, Zhou Yu won a great victory, and naturally, he rewarded the troops and sent someone to report the good news to Sun Quan. 過 咗 幾日 , 有 一晚 , 周瑜 就行 上 高 嘅 地方 啊 四圍 咁 睇 下 。 passed|past tense marker|several days|there was|one night|Zhou Yu||up|high|possessive particle|place|ah|all around|so|looked|down A few days later, one night, Zhou Yu went to a high place to look around. 嘩 嗨 , 只見 西便 半邊天 都紅 晒 嘅 。 wow|hi|only saw|sunset|half the sky||bright|particle indicating possession or emphasis Wow, hi, I can see that half of the sky is completely red. 旁邊 啲 人 就 講 佢 聽 , 話 呢 啲 呀 , 都 係 曹 軍營 寨 嘅 燈火 嚟 啊 噉 。 next to|plural marker|people|then|said|he|heard|said|this|plural marker|question particle|all|are|Cao|military camp|village|possessive particle|lights|come|ah|like that The people next to me were saying that these are the lights from Cao Jun's camp. 周瑜 見到 噉 嘅 樣 個 心 都 不禁 有 啲 驚起 上 嚟 。 Zhou Yu|saw|like that|possessive particle|appearance|measure word|heart|all|couldn't help but|had|a little|startled|up|come Seeing this, Zhou Yu couldn't help but feel a bit alarmed. 到 咗 第日 , 周瑜 要 親自 去 偵察 一下 曹 軍 嘅 水寨 。 arrive|past tense marker|the next day|Zhou Yu|will|personally|go|scout|a bit|Cao|army|possessive particle|water fortress On the day itself, Zhou Yu decided to personally scout Cao Jun's water fortress. 就 命令 準備 好 一隻 樓船 , 即 係 , 高大 嘅 有 樓 嘅 戰船 啊 。 then|ordered|prepare|well|one|warship|||large|possessive particle|has|deck|possessive particle|warship|ah He ordered the preparation of a warship, which is a tall warship with a deck. 帶 埋 鑼鼓 樂器 , 帶 幾名 健將 , 各人 都 攞 住 強 弓 硬 弩 , 上 咗 船 就 開身 , 向 住 曹軍水 寨 進發 。 bring|||||several|strong warriors|everyone|all|||strong|bow|hard|crossbow|||ship|then|set off||||camp|advance Bring along drums and musical instruments, bring a few strong warriors, everyone holds a strong bow and crossbow, once on the ship, set sail, heading towards Cao's military water camp. 一直 嚟 到 曹軍水 寨 附近 , 周瑜 下令 停船 , 拋錨 。 continuously|come|arrive|Cao army water|camp|nearby|Zhou Yu|ordered|stop the boat|anchor They arrived near Cao's military water camp, and Zhou Yu ordered to stop the ship and anchor. 跟 住 就 吩咐 打響 鑼鼓 , 奏起 音樂 。 ||then|instructed|strike|drums|play|music Then he instructed to beat the drums and play the music. 周瑜 就 上去 樓上 , 觀察 曹操 水寨 嘅 佈置 。 Zhou Yu|then|went up|upstairs|observed|Cao Cao|water camp|possessive particle|arrangement Zhou Yu went upstairs to observe the layout of Cao Cao's water camp. 唉 , 唔 睇 則已 啊 , 一睇 真 係 大吃一驚 啊 。 sigh|not|see||particle||really|is|greatly surprised|particle Alas, if I hadn't looked, it would have been fine, but seeing it really was a shock. 乜 所有 嘅 佈置 都 係 十分 高明 , 非常 內行 嘅 噃。 what|all|possessive particle|arrangement|all|is|very|clever|extremely|knowledgeable|possessive particle|sentence-final particle What a brilliant arrangement, very professional indeed. 周瑜 就問 旁邊 嘅 人 : 佢 哋 嘅 水軍 都督 係 邊個 ? Zhou Yu||next to|possessive particle|person|he|they|possessive particle|navy|commander|is|who Zhou Yu then asked the person next to him: Who is their naval commander? 啲 人 就 回答 話 喇 : 係 蔡瑁 同張 允 啊 。 these|people|then|answered|saying|particle indicating completed action|is|Choi Mau||Wan|particle indicating affirmation The people replied: It is Cai Mao and Zhang Yun. 哦 , 原來 係 佢 哋 兩個 呀 。 oh|originally|is|he|they|two|particle Oh, so it's those two. 周瑜 個心 諗 嘞 : 呢 兩個 人 長期 住 喺 江東 熟悉 水戰 , 一定 要 想 辦法 殺 咗 佢 兩個 人先 , 然後 先至 談得上 擊敗 曹操 啊 。 Zhou Yu||think|past tense marker|this|two|people|long-term|live|at|Jiangdong|familiar with|naval battles|definitely|need to|think of|way|kill|past tense marker|he|two||then|only then|able to discuss|defeat|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle Zhou Yu thought: These two have been living in Jiangdong for a long time and are familiar with naval battles, I must find a way to kill these two first, then we can talk about defeating Cao Cao. 周瑜 正 喺 度 一 便 偵察 , 一 便 喺 度 諗 計 。 Zhou Yu|currently|at|location|one|time|reconnaissance|one|time|at|location|thinking|strategy Zhou Yu was scouting while thinking of strategies. 曹操 嗰 便 已經 發覺 周瑜 嚟 偷 睇 嘞 , 立即 派 船出 嚟 想 捉 人 嘞 噃。 Cao Cao|that|then|already|realized|Zhou Yu|come|secretly|watch|past tense particle|immediately|sent||come|wanted|catch|person|past tense particle| Cao Cao had already noticed that Zhou Yu was spying and immediately sent out ships to try to catch him. 周瑜 又 好 醒 水 嘅 , 佢 見到 曹軍水 寨裏 頭 旗號 猛 咁 飄動 , 就 馬上 下令 起錨 。 Zhou Yu|again|very|clear|water|possessive particle|he|saw||in the camp|first|flag|fiercely|so|waving|then|immediately|ordered|to weigh anchor Zhou Yu was very clever; he saw the flags of Cao's army waving vigorously at their water camp and immediately ordered to weigh anchor. 兩 便 嘅 水兵 , 一齊 出力 扒 槳 , 嗰 隻 樓船 呢 𠻘𠻘 聲 , 好似 飛 噉 啊 棹 咗 去 。 two|convenient|possessive particle|sailor|together|exert effort|row|oar|that|measure word for boats|houseboat|question particle|splashing|sound|seems|flying|like|ah|rowing|past tense marker|go The sailors from both sides worked hard to row, and that ship made a loud sound, as if it was flying away. 等到 曹 營裏 便 嘅 船 追 出 嚟 嘅 時候 , 周瑜 嘅 樓船 呀 已經 去 咗 十幾 里 遠 , 追 唔 到 咯 。 when|Cao|camp|then|possessive particle|ship|chase|out|come|possessive particle|time|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|large ship|ah|already|go|past tense marker|more than ten|li (a unit of distance)|far|chase|not|reach|particle indicating realization or finality By the time the ships from Cao's camp chased out, Zhou Yu's ship had already gone more than ten miles away, and they couldn't catch up. 曹操 呢 , 因為 前幾日 打 咗 一場 敗仗 , 挫折 咗 銳氣 , 而家 又 畀 周瑜 嚟 到 門口 偷 睇 咗 水寨 嘅 虛實 , 個心 啊 好 唔 高興 。 Cao Cao|question particle|because|a few days ago|fought|past tense marker|a|defeat|setback|past tense marker|morale|now|again|by|Zhou Yu|come|to|the door|secretly|observe|past tense marker|water fortress|possessive particle|strengths and weaknesses||exclamatory particle|very|not|happy Cao Cao, because he suffered a defeat a few days ago, was discouraged and now is unhappy that Zhou Yu came to spy on the defenses of his water fortress. 佢 召集 啲 官員 嚟 , 商量對策 。 He|summoned|the|officials|here| He gathered the officials to discuss strategies. 有 個人 行出 嚟 話 喇 : 丞相 呀 , 我 自細 就 同 周瑜 同窗 讀書 , 交情 甚 好 嘅 。 there is|a person|walked out|here|said|particle indicating completed action|Prime Minister|particle for emphasis|I|since childhood|already|with|Zhou Yu|classmate|studied|friendship|very|good|particle indicating possession One person stepped forward and said: "Prime Minister, I have been classmates with Zhou Yu since childhood, and we have a very good relationship." 請 丞相 派 我 去 江東 , 我 就 靠 呢 三寸不爛之舌 , 去 說服 此人 嚟 投降 丞相 誒 噉 好 唔 好 啊 ? please|Prime Minister|send|I|go|Jiangdong|I|then|rely on|this|three-inch tongue that cannot be defeated|to|persuade|this person|to|surrender|Prime Minister|eh|like this|good|not|good|ah Please, Prime Minister, send me to Jiangdong, and I will use my persuasive skills to convince him to surrender to the Prime Minister, how about that? 曹操 好 歡喜 。 Cao Cao|very|happy Cao Cao was very pleased. 呢 個人 啊 , 係 曹操 帳 下 嘅 幕賓 , 姓 蔣名 幹字子 翼 , 九江 人士 。 this|person|ah|is|Cao Cao|tent|under|possessive particle|advisor|surname|||Yi|Jiujiang|person This person, is a strategist under Cao Cao, named Jiang Gan, courtesy name Ziyi, from Jiujiang. 曹操 問 嘞 : 子翼 , 你 同 周公瑾 嘅 交情 好 深 嘅 咩 ? Cao Cao|asked|past tense marker|Ziyi|you|with|Zhou Gongjin|possessive particle|friendship|very|deep|particle indicating a question|question particle Cao Cao asked: Ziyi, do you have a deep friendship with Zhou Gongjin? 丞相 你 放心 啦 , 我 一去 到 呀 , 必定 成功 嘅 。 Prime Minister|you|don't worry|particle indicating a change of state|I|once I go|arrive|particle for emphasis|definitely|succeed|particle indicating possession or emphasis Prime Minister, don't worry, once I get there, I will definitely succeed. 噉 你 要 帶 啲 乜嘢 去 呢 ? then|you|want|bring|some|what|go|question particle Then what do you need to bring? 乜 都 唔 使 , 只要 一個 小童 跟 住 我 , 再 搵 兩個 人 棹 船 就 得 喇 。 what|all|not|needed|as long as|one|child|follow|with|me|again|find|two|people|row|boat|then|okay|particle indicating completion Nothing is needed, just a young boy to follow me, and find two people to row the boat. 曹操 歡喜 到極 啊 , 立即 吩咐 擺酒 同 蔣幹 送行 。 Cao Cao|happy|extremely|ah|immediately|ordered|to hold a banquet|together|Jiang Gan|farewell Cao Cao was extremely happy and immediately ordered a farewell banquet with Jiang Gan. 飲完 送行 酒 , 蔣幹 戴 一頂 葛巾 , 着 一件 布袍 , 坐住 隻 小船 就 一直 棹 到 去 周瑜 嘅 大寨 。 finished drinking|farewell|wine|Jiang Gan|wore|a|cap|wore|a|cloth robe|sat|a|small boat|then|continuously|rowed|arrived|at|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|main camp After finishing the farewell drinks, Jiang Gan wore a cap and a cloth robe, sat in a small boat, and rowed straight to Zhou Yu's main camp. 叫 守門 嘅 軍士 入去 報告 話 , 老朋友 蔣幹 嚟 拜訪 啊 噉 。 call|gate|possessive particle|soldier|go in|report|said|old friend|Jiang Gan|come|visit|ah|like this He called the soldier at the gate to go in and report that his old friend Jiang Gan had come to visit. 當 其時 周瑜 正在 中軍帳 同 魯肅 等等 一班人 , 商量 緊 軍機 大事 。 at that time|at that time|Zhou Yu|was|the central army tent|with|Lu Su|and other|group of people|discussing|intensely|military affairs|major matters At that time, Zhou Yu was in the central army tent discussing important military matters with Lu Su and others. 聽 講話 蔣幹 嚟 到 , 佢 一 諗 。 hear|talking|Jiang Gan|come|arrive|he|one|thought Upon hearing that Jiang Gan had arrived, he thought for a moment. 哈哈 , 哈哈 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 笑 起 上 嚟 。 haha|haha|hahaha|hahaha|hahaha|laugh|get|up|here Haha, haha, hahaha, hahaha, hahaha, it makes me laugh. 魯肅 就問 嘞 : 都督 , 你 聽見 蔣幹 過江 嚟 拜訪 , 哼 點解 笑 起 上 嚟 呢 ? Lu Su||particle indicating a question|governor|you|heard|Jiang Gan|cross the river|come|visit|humph|why|laugh|up|on|come|question particle Lu Su then asked: Governor, did you hear that Jiang Gan is coming over to pay a visit? Why are you laughing? 我 為 咗 要 攻破 曹操 嘅 水軍 , 正 係 無計可施 。 I|for|past tense marker|want|defeat|Cao Cao|possessive particle|navy|just|is|out of options I am trying to break Cao Cao's navy, but I have no good ideas. 蔣幹 呢 次 過江 啊 必定 係 同 曹操 做 說客 。 Jiang Gan|this|time|cross the river|ah|definitely|is|with|Cao Cao|be|persuader Jiang Gan's visit this time must be to act as a negotiator for Cao Cao. 嚟 得 啱 啊 , 等 我略 施小計 , 叫 曹操 殺返 自己 嘅 水軍 至 得 。 come|okay|right|particle|wait|||tell|Cao Cao|kill back|himself|possessive particle|navy|only|okay It's just right, let me come up with a small plan to make Cao Cao kill his own navy. 都督 , 有 乜嘢 妙計 啊 ? Governor|has|what|clever plan|question particle Commander, what brilliant plan do you have? 你 哋 過 嚟 聽 住 。 You all come over and listen. 周瑜 叫 大家 圍埋 嚟 , 細細 聲 講 嗱 如此 如此 噉 , 個個 都 猛 咁 岌頭 , 接受 咗 命令 走 咗 嘞 。 Zhou Yu|called|everyone|gather around|come|softly|voice|to speak|well|like this|like this|like that|everyone|all|fiercely|so|agitated|accepted|past tense marker|order|to leave|past tense marker|sentence final particle Zhou Yu asked everyone to gather around and whispered, 'Like this, like that,' and everyone was very excited, accepted the orders, and left. 周瑜 佈置 好 之後 , 整理 一下 衣服 , 帶住 幾百人 , 個個 都 着 得 光光 鮮鮮 , 出去 迎接 蔣幹 。 Zhou Yu|arranged|well|after|tidy up|a bit|clothes|leading|several hundred people|everyone|all|dressed|in|bright|fresh|go out|welcome|Jiang Gan After Zhou Yu made the arrangements, he tidied up his clothes, led a few hundred people, all dressed brightly and smartly, and went out to welcome Jiang Gan. 出到 去 , 只見 蔣幹 只 係 帶 住 一個 細路 仔跟尾 , 大搖大擺 噉 行 緊入 嚟 。 out|go|only saw|Jiang Gan|only|was|||one|||swaggering|like that|walking||here When they went out, they saw that Jiang Gan was only followed by a little boy, swaggering in. 周瑜 十分 客氣 啊 , 對 蔣幹 深深 噉 行個禮 。 Zhou Yu|very|polite|ah|to|Jiang Gan|deeply|like this|pay respects Zhou Yu is very polite, deeply bowing to Jiang Gan. 蔣幹話 : 公瑾 , 分別 以來 你 身體 好 吖 嘛 ? Jiang Gan said|Gong Jin|parting|since|you|health|good|particle|question particle Jiang Gan said: "Gong Jin, how have you been since we last parted?" 好 , 有心 。 子翼 你 辛苦 喇 , 咁 遠 過江 嚟 到 , 係 唔 係 同 曹操 做 說客 啊 ? good|thoughtful|Ziyi|you|hard work|past tense particle|so|far|cross the river|come|arrive|is|not|is|with|Cao Cao|be|persuader|question particle "Good, very thoughtful. Zi Yi, you must have had a hard time coming all this way across the river. Are you here to negotiate with Cao Cao?" 誒 , 唔 係 唔 係 , 我 因為 同 足下 分別 咁 耐 , 今日 特意 嚟 拜訪 你 , 同 你 敘下 舊 。 eh|||||I|because|with|you (respectful)|apart|so|long|today|specially|come|visit|you|with|you|catch up|old (times) "Ah, no, no, I'm here specifically to visit you today because it's been so long since we parted, to catch up on old times." 點解 你 疑心 我 係 嚟 同 曹操 做 說客 㗎 ? why|you|suspect|I|am|here|with|Cao Cao|be|persuader|question particle "Why do you suspect that I'm here to negotiate with Cao Cao?" 哦 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 oh|hahaha|hahaha Oh? Hahaha hahaha. 我 雖然 唔 夠 聰明 , 但 係 呢點 意思 仲 係 估 得出 嚟 嘅 。 I|although|not|enough|smart||is||||||||particle Although I'm not very smart, I can still guess what this means. 哎呀呀 呀 , 足下 噉 樣 嚟 對待 老朋友 , 我 就 告辭 喇 , 告辭 喇 ! oh no|particle|you|like this|way|come|treat|old friend|I|then|take my leave|particle|take my leave|particle Oh dear, treating an old friend like this, I will take my leave now, goodbye! 誒 唔 好 走 , 我 只 係 怕 賢兄 你 係 同 曹操 做 說客 唧 。 hey|not|really|leave|I||are|||||with|Cao Cao|be|persuader|annoying Hey, don't go, I'm just afraid that you are trying to persuade me like Cao Cao. 既然 並無此意 , 又 使 乜 咁 心急 走 吖 。 since||then|need|why|so|anxious|leave|particle Since that's not the case, why are you in such a hurry to leave? 唔 係 呀 , 哎 , 賢弟 你 嘅 疑心 好大 啊 ! ||particle|sigh|younger brother|you|possessive particle|suspicion|very big|particle No, it's not! Hey, my dear brother, you have a lot of suspicion! 小弟 係 開下 玩笑 啫 。 younger brother|is|to make a little|joke|only I was just joking. 哦 ? 開玩笑 啫 , 誒 噉 就 係 我 自己 多疑 咯 。 oh|just kidding|only|eh|like this|then|is|I|myself|suspicious|particle indicating realization or conclusion Oh? Just joking? Then I guess I'm just being overly suspicious. 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 子翼兄 , 請入 嚟 坐 。 come|come|||||sit Come, come, come, Brother Ziyi, please come in and have a seat. 請 。 please Please. 周瑜 同 蔣幹入 到 中軍帳 , 互相 又行 過禮 。 Zhou Yu|with||to|the central army tent|mutually||the ceremonial greeting Zhou Yu and Jiang Gan entered the central army tent and exchanged greetings. 坐落 之後 , 周瑜 就 叫 傳令 落 去 , 叫齊 所有 嘅 文官 武將 啊 , 都 嚟 到 同 蔣幹 見面 。 located|after|Zhou Yu|then|ordered|messenger|to go|to|to gather|all|possessive particle|civil officials|military generals|particle|all|come|arrive|with|Jiang Gan|meet After sitting down, Zhou Yu ordered to send a message to gather all the civil and military officials to come and meet Jiang Gan. 冇 幾耐 , 大家 嚟 嘞 。 not|long|everyone|come|past tense marker Before long, everyone arrived. 文官 武將 呀 都 着 起 禮服 。 civil officials|military generals|particle|all|wear|put on|formal attire The civil and military officials all wore formal attire. 帳 下 嗰 啲 偏 裨 將校 , 個個 身披 銀甲 , 分成 兩行 噉 行入 嚟 中軍帳 。 tent|under|that|plural marker|side|auxiliary|||wearing|silver armor|divided into||like|walked in|coming| The minor generals and officers under the tent, each donned in silver armor, entered the central army tent in two lines. 周瑜 逐個 介紹 佢 哋 同 蔣 幹 相識 , 然後 大家 分開 兩便 坐定 。 Zhou Yu|one by one|introduced|they|plural marker|with|Jiang|Gan|acquainted|then|everyone|separated|into two groups|sat down Zhou Yu introduced each of them to Jiang Gan, and then everyone separated to sit down. 跟 住 , 就 大排 筵席 , 樂隊 呢 奏 起 得勝 令 , 大家 一輪 又 一輪 噉 敬酒 , 嘿 都 唔 知 幾 高興 熱鬧 呀 。 ||immediately|grand|banquet|band|particle indicating a question|play|start|victory|song|everyone|one round|again|one round|like this|toasting|hey|all|||how|happy|lively|particle indicating excitement After that, a grand banquet was held, and the band played the victory tune. Everyone took turns toasting, and it was so joyful and lively. 周瑜 一 開始 就 對 大家 講 嘞 : 呢 位 係 我 嘅 老同學 、 好 朋友 。 Zhou Yu|one|start|then|to|everyone|said|past tense marker|this|classifier for people|is|I|possessive particle|old classmate|good|friend Zhou Yu started by saying to everyone: This person is my old classmate and good friend. 雖然 佢 係 喺 江北 嚟 啊 , 不過 佢 唔 係 曹操 嘅 說客 , 各位 唔 使 疑心 。 although|he|is|at|Jiangbei|from|particle|but|he|not|is|Cao Cao|possessive particle|persuader|everyone|not|need|suspicious Although he is from the north of the river, he is not Cao Cao's spokesperson, so everyone need not be suspicious. 周瑜 一便 講一便 就將 掛 喺 身上 嘅 寶劍 除 咗 落 嚟 , 交 畀 太史慈 。 Zhou Yu|at once|said||hanging|on|body|possessive particle|sword|remove|past tense marker|down|come|hand over|to|Tai Shici As Zhou Yu spoke, he took off the sword hanging on him and handed it to Tai Shici. 你 帶 住 我 把 劍 作監 酒官 , 今日 飲酒 , 只 係 暢敘 朋友 交情 。 you|||I|(measure word for tools)|sword||wine official|today|drink alcohol|||freely talk|friend|friendship You brought me a sword to act as the wine steward, today we drink, just to enjoy the friendship. 如果 有人 提起 曹操 同 東吳 打仗 嘅 事 , 就 即刻 斬 咗 佢 ! if|someone|mentions|Cao Cao|with|Eastern Wu|fighting|possessive particle|matter|then|immediately|kill|past tense marker|him If anyone mentions the battle between Cao Cao and Eastern Wu, just chop him down immediately! 得 吖 令 ! can|particle|to make Alright, that's the order! 太史慈 接過 寶劍 , 返埋席 , 按住 劍 坐響 處 。 Tai Shici|took over|sword|returned to his seat|pressed down|sword|sat firmly|place Tai Shici took the treasured sword, returned to his seat, and sat down with the sword. 嘩 ! 蔣幹 嚇到 傻 晒 啊 。 wow|Jiang Gan|scared|silly|completely|ah Wow! Jiang Gan was so scared he was dumbfounded. 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 子翼兄 , 喂 , 子翼兄 。 hahaha|ha|Brother Ziyi|hey|Brother Ziyi Hahaha, haha, Brother Ziyi, hey, Brother Ziyi. 吓 , 吓 , 啊 , 啊 。 scare||ah| Huh, huh, ah, ah. 飲酒 。 drinking alcohol Drinking. 哦 哦 , 誒 飲酒 , 飲酒 。 oh||hey|drinking|drinking Oh oh, hey, drinking, drinking. 子翼兄 , 我 自從 帶兵 以來 , 滴酒 不 飲 啊 。 Brother Ziyi|I|since|leading troops|since|a drop of alcohol|not|drink|ah Brother Ziyi, ever since I started leading troops, I haven't touched a drop of alcohol. 今日 見到 老朋友 又 冇 咩 嘢 忌諱 , 要 痛痛快快 飲醉 為止 ! today|saw|old friend|again|no|any|thing|taboos|should|happily|drink to drunkenness|until Today, I saw an old friend and there are no taboos, we should drink to our heart's content until we are drunk! 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 子翼兄 , 你 我 各 飲 一百 杯 ! come|come|come|Brother Ziyi|you|I|each|drink|one hundred|cups Come on, come on, Brother Ziyi, let's each drink a hundred cups! 誒 , 咪 住 咪 住 。 hey|||| Hey, wait, wait. 賢弟 呀 , 你 係 滄海 之量 啊 。 virtuous younger brother|particle|you|are|vast ocean||particle You, my dear brother, have the capacity of the vast sea. 愚兄 乃 係 瓦溝 之渠 , 一百 杯 , 誒 頂 唔 順 , 三杯 就夠 嘞 , 三杯 就夠 嘞 。 foolish brother|is|is|Walled City||one hundred|cups|eh||||three cups|just enough|past tense particle||| I, your foolish brother, am like a small ditch; a hundred cups, oh I can't take it, three cups are enough, three cups are enough. 三杯 呀 ? 好 , 三杯 ! 人 嚟 !攞 大 杯 嚟 ! three cups|particle|good||person|come|take|big|cup|come Three cups, huh? Alright, three cups! People are coming! Bring out the big cups! 子翼兄 , 飲 ! Brother Ziyi|drink Brother Ziyi, drink! 嚟 , 飲 ! come|drink Come on, drink! 哈哈 , 噉 就 開懷暢飲 起 嚟 。 haha|then|just|drink happily|get|up Haha, this is how we can drink happily. 只見 酒席 上 呀 , 啲 酒杯 舉 嚟 舉去 熱鬧 非常 。 only saw|banquet|on|particle|plural marker|wine glasses|raised|here|raised there|lively|very Just look at the banquet, the wine glasses are being raised and lowered, it's very lively. 飲到 半醉 , 周瑜 拖住 蔣幹 隻 手 , 一齊 行出 中軍帳 外便 見到 兩 便 嘅 軍士 , 個個 都 係 全副武裝 , 揸 住 長矛 畫戟 , 立正 噉 企響 處 。 drank to|half drunk|Zhou Yu|holding|Jiang Gan|one|hand|together|walked out|central army tent|outside|saw|two|side|possessive particle|soldiers|everyone|all|are|fully armed|||spear|halberd|at attention|like that|standing in|place After drinking to the point of being half-drunk, Zhou Yu held Jiang Gan's hand and walked out of the central army tent, where they saw two soldiers, all fully armed, standing at attention with their spears and halberds. 周瑜 話 : 你 睇 下 , 我 啲 軍士 都 頗 為 雄壯 啩? Zhou Yu|said|you|look|at|my|plural marker|soldiers|all|quite|be|strong|right Zhou Yu said: "Look, my soldiers are quite impressive, aren't they?" 雄壯 雄壯 , 個個 都 係 雄虎 之士 啊 ! mighty||everyone|all|is|heroic tiger|man of virtue|exclamation particle Impressive indeed, each one is a valiant warrior! 周瑜 又 帶 蔣幹 去 到 大 帳後便 睇 下 。 Zhou Yu|again|brought|Jiang Gan|go|to|big||look|down Zhou Yu then took Jiang Gan to the back of the main tent to take a look. 只見 啲 糧草 呀 堆積如山 。 only saw|measure word for small amounts|fodder|particle indicating exclamation|piled up like a mountain They saw that the supplies were piled up like mountains. 周瑜 話 : 子翼兄 , 你 睇 下 , 我 嘅 糧草 都 夠用 啩? Zhou Yu|said|brother Ziyi|you|look|at|my|possessive particle|provisions|all|sufficient|question particle Zhou Yu said: "Brother Ziyi, take a look, is my supply sufficient?" 哦 , 兵 精糧足 , 名不虛傳 , 名不虛傳 啊 , 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 。 oh|soldiers|well-fed|reputation well-deserved|reputation well-deserved|ah|hehe|hehe Oh, the troops are well-trained and the supplies are ample, truly living up to the name, truly living up to the name, haha haha. 哦 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 oh|hahaha|hahaha Oh, hahaha hahaha. 想 我 周瑜 同子翼 兄 你 做 同學 嘅 時候 , 冇 想到 會 有 今日 啊 ! want|I|Zhou Yu||older brother|you|be|classmate|possessive particle|time|not|thought|would|have|today|ah When I, Zhou Yu, and you, Brother Ziyi, were classmates, I never expected it would come to this today! 嘿嘿 , 以 賢弟 你 嘅 高 才 , 實不為 過 嘅 。 hee hee|with|wise younger brother|you|possessive particle|high|talent|really not|excessive|particle indicating past action Hehe, with your great talent, it is truly not an exaggeration. 子翼兄 呀 , 大丈夫 處世 , 遇着 個 知己 嘅 主公 , 表面 上 , 係 君臣 嘅 名義 , 實際上 有 骨肉 恩情 , 言聽計從 禍福與共 。 Brother Ziyi|ah|real man|in the world|encountering|a|confidant|possessive particle|lord|on the surface|in|is|ruler and subject|possessive particle|name|in reality|has|blood|bond|obeying words and following plans| Brother Ziyi, a true man in the world, when encountering a confidant lord, on the surface, it is under the name of ruler and subject, but in reality, there is a bond of kinship and affection, sharing both fortune and misfortune. 就算 係 蘇秦 , 張儀 再生 , 點樣 伶牙利齒 都 好 , 點都 唔 能夠 講得動 我 嘅 心 嘅 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 even if|is|Su Qin|Zhang Yi|reincarnated|no matter how|eloquent|all|well||not|able to|persuade|me|possessive particle|heart|possessive particle|hahaha|haha|haha Even if Su Qin and Zhang Yi were reborn, no matter how eloquent they are, they still cannot move my heart, hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha. 周瑜 講完 放聲 大笑 , 笑 到 蔣幹 呀 , 面如土色 。 Zhou Yu|finished speaking|laughed out loud|laughed|||Jiang Gan|particle|face pale as dirt After Zhou Yu finished speaking, he burst into loud laughter, causing Jiang Gan to turn pale. 周瑜 詐作 睇 唔 見 , 好似 飲得 醉醉 地 噉 , 腳步 有 啲 唔 穩 嘞 。 Zhou Yu|pretending to be|see|not|visible|seems|drank|drunk|adverbial particle|like|footsteps|has|a little|not|steady|past tense particle Zhou Yu pretended not to see, as if he were a bit drunk, his steps were somewhat unsteady. 拖住 蔣幹 又 行 返入 去 中軍帳 , 同埋 大家 再 嚟 飲過 。 hold back|Jiang Gan|again|walk|return|to|the central army tent|and|everyone|again|come|drink He dragged Jiang Gan back into the central army tent, and everyone came to drink again. 周瑜 指住 眾位 將官 話 : 佢 哋 都 係 江東 英傑 啊 , 今日 呢 個 宴會 , 可以 稱為 , 群英 會 啊 ! Zhou Yu|pointing at|all the|generals|said|they|plural marker|all|are|Jiangdong|heroes|particle|today|this|measure word|banquet|can|be called|all heroes|gathering|particle Zhou Yu pointed at the generals and said: They are all heroes of Jiangdong, ah. Today's banquet can be called a gathering of heroes! 啊 ? ah Ah? 啊 ? ah Ah? 哦 誒 , 係 係 係 。 oh|eh|yes|yes|yes Oh, yes, yes, yes. 啊 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 ah|hahaha|hahaha Ah, hahahaha hahahaha. 噉 啊 大家 一齊 飲到 天黑 , 點起 燈燭 , 氣氛 更加 熱烈 高興 。 then|ah|everyone|together|drink until|dark|light|candles|atmosphere|even more|lively|happy So, everyone drinks together until it gets dark, lights the candles, and the atmosphere becomes even more lively and joyful. 周瑜 趁住 酒興 , 佢 對 蔣 幹 話 : Zhou Yu|taking advantage of|the drinking mood|he|to|Jiang|Gan|said Zhou Yu, taking advantage of the drinking mood, said to Jiang Gan: 人生 聚散 實在 難以預料 , 我同 仁兄 今日 久別 相逢 , 非常 難得 。 life|gathering and parting|truly|hard to predict||brother|today|long separation|reunion|very|rare The gatherings and partings in life are truly unpredictable. It is very rare for us to meet again after a long separation today. 等 小弟 舞劍 唱歌 , 博 仁兄 同 各位 一笑 啊 。 wait|younger brother|sword dance|singing|to amuse|brother|with|everyone|a laugh|ah Let me dance with a sword and sing, to bring a smile to you and everyone. 哎呀呀 , 賢弟 酒後 舞劍 非同兒戲 啊 。 oh no|dear younger brother|after drinking|sword dancing|not a joke|ah Oh dear, my virtuous brother, dancing with a sword after drinking is no small matter. 唔 緊要 , 人 嚟 ! 同 我 除 咗 件 袍 。 no|important|person|come|with|I|||measure word for clothing|robe It's okay, come on! Take off your robe with me. 周瑜 除 咗 錦袍 , 只 係 着 住 緊身 衣服 , 喺 腰間 拔出 寶劍 , 雄姿英發 舞起 劍 嚟 。 Zhou Yu|take off|past tense marker|brocade robe|||||tight|clothing|at|waist|drew out|sword|heroic demeanor|brandished|sword|particle indicating action Zhou Yu, apart from his brocade robe, was only wearing a tight-fitting outfit, drawing out his precious sword from his waist, striking a heroic pose as he danced with the sword. 佢 一 便 舞 一 便 唱歌 : He|one|then|dances|||sings He danced and sang at the same time: 丈夫 處世 兮 立功 名 ; 立功 名兮慰 平生 。 慰 平生 兮 吾 將醉 ; 吾 將醉 兮 發狂 吟 ! husband|in the world|possessive particle|achieving merit|fame|||lifetime||||I|||||mad|reciting A husband in the world earns his fame; his fame comforts his life. Comforting his life, I shall not get drunk; if I do not get drunk, I shall sing wildly! 支歌 好 啊 , 哈哈哈哈 , 滿座 歡笑 。 sing a song|good|ah|hahaha|full house|laughter What a great song, hahahaha, the whole place burst into laughter. 飲 啊 飲 啊 , 不經 不覺 , 已經 好夜 嘞 。 drink|particle|||without realizing|unaware|already||particle Drink, drink, it's already quite late without realizing it. 蔣幹 就 話 喇 : 哎 , 多謝 賢弟 喇 , 誒 呵 , 我 實在 唔 飲 得 嘞 呵 , 真 係 唔 飲 得 嘞 。 Jiang Gan|then|said|particle indicating completed action||thank you|virtuous younger brother||||I|really|not|||particle indicating completed action||||not||| Jiang Gan said: Hey, thank you, my dear brother, I really can't drink anymore, truly can't drink anymore. 於是 周瑜 就 吩咐 散席 , 啲 文武 官員 亦 都 紛紛 告辭 出去 。 then|Zhou Yu|then|ordered|to dismiss the banquet|the|civil and military|officials|also|all|one after another|took their leave|left So Zhou Yu instructed to dismiss the gathering, and the civil and military officials all took their leave. 等 啲 人 走 晒 之後 , 周瑜 就 對 蔣幹話 喇 : 好 耐 冇 同子翼 兄 你 同床 瞓覺 喇 , 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 今晚 我 哋 兩個 孖 鋪 , 好好 噉 傾下 , 吓 。 ||||||Zhou Yu|then|to||particle indicating completed action|||not||brother|you|sleep in the same bed|sleep|particle indicating completed action|come|come|come||||two of us|together|sleep|very well|like this|chat|particle indicating surprise After everyone had left, Zhou Yu said to Jiang Gan: It's been a long time since I've shared a bed with you, Ziyu brother, come, come, come, tonight we will share a bed and have a good chat. 哈哈哈 , 誒 , 誒 。 hahaha|eh|eh Hahaha, hey, hey. 誒 呀 , 賢弟 , 乜 你 真 係 醉 喇 ? ||younger brother|what|you|||drunk|particle indicating completed action Hey, brother, are you really drunk? 我 , 我 冇 醉 , 冇 醉 ! I||not|drunk|| I, I'm not drunk, not drunk! 周瑜 腳步 浮浮 拖住 蔣幹 行入 自己 嘅 帳篷 。 Zhou Yu|footsteps|floating|dragging|Jiang Gan|walked in|his own|possessive particle|tent Zhou Yu staggered and dragged Jiang Gan into his tent. 一入 到 去 , 周瑜 嘔 嘔聲 就 劏 起 白鶴 就 嘔到 成地 都 係 。 as soon as|arrived|there|Zhou Yu|vomit|vomiting sound|then|cut|up|White Crane|then|vomited until|the whole ground|all|was As soon as he entered, Zhou Yu started to vomit, and it was all over the place. 嘔完 嘞 , 衣服 都 唔 除 , 碌 低 喺 鋪 床 就 瞓 。 after vomiting|past tense particle|clothes|all|not|take off|roll|down|at|bed|bed|then|sleep After vomiting, he didn't even take off his clothes, just rolled down on the bed and fell asleep. 蔣幹 就 除 咗 件 袍 , 除 咗 對 鞋 , 亦 上床 瞓 嘞 。 Jiang Gan|then|took off|past tense marker|classifier for clothing|robe|took off|past tense marker|pair|shoes|also|got into bed|sleep|past tense marker Jiang Gan took off his robe, took off his shoes, and went to bed. 之 佢 滿懷 心事 又 點 瞓 得 着 呢 ? possessive particle|he|full of|worries|again|how|sleep|able|着|question particle How could he sleep with so many worries on his mind? 佢 翻來覆去 , 捱 啊 捱 啊 , 只 聽見 帳篷 外便 就 打響 二 更 嘞 。 He|tossing and turning|endure|ah|endure|ah|only|heard|tent|outside|then|struck|second|watchman|past tense particle He tossed and turned, struggling and struggling, only to hear the second watch being struck outside the tent. 書 枱 上面 嗰 支 大 蠟燭 仲 點着 嘅 。 book|table|on|that|measure word for stick|big|candle|still|lit|possessive particle The large candle on the desk was still burning. 睇 下 周瑜 , 嗯 , 嗯 , 噉 扯 衡鼻鼾 就 瞓 到 淰 淰 。 look|at|Zhou Yu|hmm||then|pull|snoring|then|sleep|until|| Looking at Zhou Yu, hmm, hmm, he snored loudly and fell asleep. 蔣幹見 自己 瞓 唔 着 , 就 輕手輕腳 噉 起 咗 身 。 |himself|sleep|not|able to|then|quietly|like that|get up|past tense marker|body Jiang Gan found it hard to sleep, so he quietly got out of bed. 踢 住 對 鞋 就褸 返件 袍行 埋 去 書桌 嗰 處 , 順手 攞 啲 書 掀 下 啦 。 kick|to|right|shoe|then take off|put on||towards|go|desk|that|place|conveniently|take|some|books|lift|down|particle He kicked on his shoes and put on a robe, then walked over to the desk to casually grab some books. 又 見到 書 旁邊 , 有 一沓 信件 。 again|saw|book|next to|there is|a stack of|letters He also noticed a stack of letters next to the books. 蔣幹 眼珠 一轉 , 嗯 , 睇 下 都 好 嘅 喎 。 Jiang Gan|eyeball|turned|hmm|||all|good|particle indicating possession or emphasis|particle indicating realization or suggestion Jiang Gan's eyes lit up, hmm, it looks interesting. 哦 , 原來 都 係 啲 往來 書信 嚟 。 oh|originally|all|are|some|correspondence|letters|come Oh, it turns out they are just some correspondence. 抄抄 下 , 誒 呀 , 突然 見到 有 一封 開 咗 口 嘅 信 , 信封 上面 寫住 , 周 都督 開拆 , 蔡瑁 、 張允謹 封 。 copy|down|eh|ah|suddenly|saw|there is|a|opened|past tense marker|mouth|possessive particle|letter|envelope|on it|written|Zhou|governor|opened|Cai Mao|Zhang Yunjin|seal Copying down, hey, suddenly saw an opened letter, on the envelope it says, 'Zhou Du Du opened it, Cai Mao, Zhang Yun Jin's letter.' 嘩 嗨 ! 得 了 ? 點解 蔡瑁 、 張允 , 會 寫信 畀 周瑜 嘅 呢 ? wow|hi|get|past tense marker|why|Cai Mao|Zhang Yun|can|write a letter|to|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|question particle Wow! Really? Why would Cai Mao and Zhang Yun write a letter to Zhou Yu? 唔 睇 唔 得 嘞 唔 睇 唔 得 嘞 ! not|see|not|able|past tense marker|not|see|not|able|past tense marker Can't not look, can't not look! 佢 擰 轉頭 睇 下 周瑜 , 依然 瞓 到 好 淰 。 he||turned around|look|at|Zhou Yu|still|sleeping|until|very|late He turned to look at Zhou Yu, who was still sleeping soundly. 蔣幹 打開 封信 一睇 , 封信 嘅 內容 呢 , 就 係 話 : Jiang Gan|opened|envelope|upon seeing|||content|particle indicating a question or emphasis|then|is|saying Jiang Gan opened the letter and saw that the content of the letter was saying: 我 哋 投降 曹操 , 並非 為 咗 升官發財 , 實在 係 逼 於 無奈 唧 。 we|plural marker|surrender|Cao Cao|not|for|past tense marker|promotion and wealth|really|is|forced|by|helplessness|situation We surrendered to Cao Cao, not for the sake of promotion and wealth, but truly out of desperation. 而家 , 已經 將 北軍 困住 喺 營寨 裏頭 , 只要 一有 機會 , 就將 曹操 嘅 人頭 獻 畀 都督 。 now|already|to trap|Northern army|trapped|in|camp|inside|as long as|there is|opportunity||Cao Cao|possessive particle|head|to offer|to|general Now, we have trapped the Northern army in the camp, and as soon as there is an opportunity, we will present Cao Cao's head to the general. 一等 人到 就 有 消息 , 請 都督 唔 使 疑心 。 as soon as|the person arrives|then|there is|news|please|governor|not|need|suspicious Once the people arrive, there will be news, so please do not doubt, General. 哎呀 ! 曹丞相 啊 曹丞相 , 你好 危險 啊 ! oh no|Prime Minister Cao|ah|Prime Minister Cao|you are|dangerous|ah Oh! Chancellor Cao, oh Chancellor Cao, you are in great danger! 今晚 黑 如果 唔 係 我 蔣幹 , 你 就 冇 命 咯 。 tonight|dark|if|not|is|I|Jiang Gan|you|then|have not|life|particle indicating finality If it weren't for me, Jiang Gan, tonight, you would be dead. 哼 , 原來 蔡瑁 、 張允 你 兩個 奸賊 , 勾結 東吳 啊 吓 , 好 ! hum|so|Cai Mao|Zhang Yun|you|two|traitors|colluded|Eastern Wu|ah|scare|good Hmph, so it turns out you two traitors, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, are colluding with Eastern Wu, huh? Good! 蔣幹將 封信 , 貼肉 收埋 喺 個 身處 , 佢 仲 想 抄下 其他 嘅 信 睇 嘅 。 Jiang Ganjiang|sealed letter|stick to body|hide|at|the|location|he|still|wants|copy down|other|possessive particle|letters|read|possessive particle Jiang Gan sealed the letter and hid it on his person, and he still wanted to sneak a look at other letters. 突然 間 , 周瑜 喺 床上 轉個 便 , 嚇 咗 蔣幹 一 跳 。 suddenly|moment|Zhou Yu|at|on the bed|turned around|to relieve himself|scared|past tense marker|Jiang Gan|one|jump Suddenly, Zhou Yu turned over in bed, startling Jiang Gan. 賢弟 , 賢弟 。 virtuous younger brother|virtuous younger brother Brother, brother. 周瑜 冇 醒 。 Zhou Yu|did not|wake up Zhou Yu did not wake up. 之 蔣幹 亦 唔 敢 再 抄 其他 嘅 信 睇 嘞 , 抄到 呢 一封 亦 都 好 大 收穫 喇 。 possessive particle|Jiang Gan|also|not|dare|again|copy|other|possessive particle|letter|read|past action particle|copied|this|one letter|also|all|very|big|harvest|completed action particle Zhang Gan also didn't dare to copy any other letters anymore. Copying this one has already brought great rewards. 就 急急 吹熄 支 蠟燭 上床 瞓覺 。 then|quickly|blow out|measure word for stick-like objects|candle|go to bed|sleep So he hurriedly blew out the candle and went to bed. 瞓 咗 一陣 , 聽見 周瑜 發 開口 夢 嘞 : sleep|past tense marker|a while|heard|Zhou Yu|start|speaking|dream|past tense marker After sleeping for a while, he heard Zhou Yu speaking in his dream: 子翼兄 , 我 幾日 之內 , 嗯 我 攞 曹操 嘅 人頭 你 睇 下 。 Brother Ziyi|I|a few days|within|hmm|I|take|Cao Cao|possessive particle|head|you|| Brother Ziyi, within a few days, hmm, I will bring you Cao Cao's head. 蔣幹 諗 : 啊 啲 人話 , 發 開口 夢呀問 返 佢 轉頭 佢 會 答 嘅 噃。 Jiang Gan|thought|ah|some||open|mouth||back|he|turn around|he|will|answer|particle|right Zhang Gan thought: Ah, people say that if you ask someone in a dream, they will answer you when you turn back. 好 , 問下 你 , 睇 下 你 肚裏 頭有 咩 計至 得 。 good|ask|you|||you|stomach||what|plan|okay Okay, let me ask you, let's see what plans you have in mind. 賢弟 , 噉 你 有 咩 好 計去 殺 曹操 啊 ? wise younger brother|then|you|have|what|good|plan to|kill|Cao Cao|question particle Brother, what good plan do you have to kill Cao Cao? 子翼兄 , 你定 啲 啦 , 我 就 快 攞 曹操 個人 頭你 睇 下 。 Brother Ziyi||a little|sentence-final particle|I|then|quickly|take|Cao Cao|personal||see|down Brother Ziyi, calm down, I will quickly get Cao Cao's head for you to see. 乜仲 係 嗰 句 嘅 ? 賢弟 呀 , 賢弟 , 究竟 你點 殺 曹操 呢 ? what else|is|that|sentence|question particle|dear younger brother|particle||after all||kill|Cao Cao|question particle Is it still that same question? Brother, brother, how exactly do you plan to kill Cao Cao? 周瑜 又 扯起 鼻鼾 喇 。 Zhou Yu|again|started|snoring|particle indicating completed action Zhou Yu is snoring again. 蔣幹試 下 問 佢 幾聲 周瑜 都 冇 回答 , 冇 符 啦 。 |to|ask|him|how many times|Zhou Yu|all|didn't|answer|no|match|particle Jiang Gan tried to ask him several times, but Zhou Yu did not respond, no answer at all. 蔣幹 一直 都 冇 瞓 , 過 咗 好 耐下 喇 , 就 嚟 到 四 更 。 Jiang Gan|continuously|all|not|sleep|passed|past tense marker|very||completed action marker|then|come|arrive|four|watch (time period) Jiang Gan had not slept at all, it had been a long time, and it was almost the fourth watch. 忽然間 有人 行入 嚟 , 蔣幹 即刻 眯 埋眼 詐 瞓 , 聽見 嗰 個人 細細 聲 嗌: suddenly|someone|walked in|here|Jiang Gan|immediately|squinted|closed his eyes|pretended|sleep|heard|that|person|softly|voice|shout Suddenly, someone walked in, and Jiang Gan immediately closed his eyes pretending to sleep, hearing that person whispering: 都督 , 都督 呀 , 你 醒 一醒 , 都督 ! Governor|Governor||||| Governor, Governor, wake up, Governor! 吓 ? 啊 , 啊 誒 , 咦 ? huh|ah|||eh Huh? Ah, ah, eh, huh? 邊個 喺 鋪 床上 同 我 瞓 啊 ? who|at|bed|on the bed|with|I|sleep|question particle Who is sleeping on the bed with me? 都督 你 請子翼 同 你 孖 鋪 , 乜 你 唔 記得 咩 ? Governor|you|please Ziying|with|you|double|bed|what|you|not|remember|question particle Governor, please let Ziyu share the bed with you, don't you remember? 誒 呀 , 我 平時 從來 都 冇 飲 醉酒 嘅 。 ||I|usually|never|always|have not|drink|alcohol|past tense particle Eh, I usually never drink alcohol. 尋晚 飲醉 咗 , 唔 知有 冇 講過 咩 嘢 說話 添 噃。 last night|got drunk|past tense marker|not||not|said|what|thing|conversation|also| Last night I got drunk, I don't know if I said anything. 夜靜更深 , 你 嚟 搵 我 有 咩 事 啊 ? the night is quiet and deeper|you|come|find|me|have|what|matter|question particle It's late at night, what do you need to see me for? 都督 , 江北 有人 嚟 呀 。 Governor|Jiangbei|someone|has come|sentence-final particle Governor, someone has come from the north of the river. 噓 ! shh Shh! 唔 好 講住 ! not|good|talk now Don't talk! 子翼兄 , 子翼兄 。 Brother Ziyi| Brother Ziyi, Brother Ziyi. 蔣幹 一味 詐 瞓 。 Jiang Gan|relentlessly|deceiving|sleeping Jiang Gan is just pretending to be asleep. 周瑜 靜靜 起身 , 踮 手 踮腳 同 嗰 個人 行 咗 出去 帳篷 外便 。 Zhou Yu|quietly|got up|tiptoed|hands|on tiptoes|with|that|person|walked|past tense marker|outside|tent|restroom Zhou Yu quietly got up, tiptoeing out of the tent with that person. 蔣幹 就 即刻 豎起 雙耳 仔 嚟 聽 , 只 係 聽見 嗰 個人 話 嘞 : Jiang Gan|then|immediately|perked up|both ears|child|come|listen|||heard|that|person|speaking|past tense marker Jiang Gan immediately perked up his ears to listen, and only heard that person say: 蔡瑁 、 張允派 人 嚟 話 , 一時之間 未 逳 得手 住 喎 。 Choi Mau|Cheung Wan-pai|people|come|to say|in a moment|not yet|able to|get it done|for now|particle indicating suggestion or realization Cai Mao and Zhang Yun sent someone to say that they haven't been able to get a hold of it for the time being. 下 便講 啲 乜嘢 呢 , 因為 太 過細 聲 , 蔣幹 就 聽 唔 清 嘞 。 next||some|what|question particle|because|too|quiet|voice|Jiang Gan|then|hear|not|clear|past action particle What else was said after that? Because it was too quiet, Jiang Gan couldn't hear it clearly. 過 咗 一陣 周瑜 行返 入 嚟 , 又 嗌 咗 兩聲 , 子翼兄 , 子翼兄 噉 。 past|completed action marker|a moment|Zhou Yu|walked back|inside|come|again|shout|completed action marker|two times|||like this After a while, Zhou Yu came back in and called out twice, 'Ziyu brother, Ziyu brother'. 蔣幹用 張 被褸 住 個頭 , 一 於 詐 瞓 唔 理 。 |Zhang|coat|covering||one|at|pretending|sleep|not|care Jiang Gan used a jacket to cover his head, pretending to sleep and ignoring everything. 周瑜 嗌 咗 兩聲 就 除衫 上床 瞓 嘞 。 Zhou Yu|shouted|past tense marker|two times|then|took off his clothes|got into bed|sleep|past tense marker Zhou Yu shouted a couple of times and then took off his clothes and went to bed. 蔣幹 聽 住 佢 好 快 趣 又 瞓 着 。 Jiang Gan|hear|continuous aspect marker|he|very|fast|interesting|again|sleep|past tense marker Jiang Gan listened to him and quickly fell asleep. 蔣幹個 心 諗 嘞 : 周瑜 個人 好 精明 厲害 嘅 。 |heart|think|past tense particle|Zhou Yu|person|very|smart|formidable|possessive particle Jiang Gan thought to himself: Zhou Yu is a very clever and capable person. 天光 之後 , 如果 佢 搵 封信 搵 唔 到 , 實會 炮製 我 㗎 喇 。 daybreak|after|if|he|find|letter||||really will|fabricate|me|particle|particle After dawn, if he can't find the letter, he will definitely make a move against me. 咪 喇 咪 喇 , 我 不如 偷偷 返扯 好 喇 。 don't|particle indicating completed action||particle indicating completed action|||||| Hmm, I might as well sneak out quietly. 佢 越 諗 越 驚 , 捱到 五更天 , 蔣幹 起身 。 He|the more|thinks|the more|scared|endured until|dawn|Jiang Gan|got up The more he thought, the more scared he became, and by dawn, Jiang Gan got up. 細細 聲 嗌 咗 兩聲 周瑜 , 周瑜 仲 瞓 緊 。 softly|voice|called|past tense marker|two times|Zhou Yu||still|| He called out softly to Zhou Yu twice, but Zhou Yu was still asleep. 於是 蔣幹 就 着 好 衫 戴 上 頭巾 着 返 好鞋 , 靜靜 行出 帳篷 ,嗌 埋 跟 佢 嚟 嗰 個 小童 就 直出 轅門 嘞 。 then|Jiang Gan|then|put on|good|shirt|wear|on|headscarf|put on|wear|good shoes|quietly|walked out|tent|called|over|follow|him|come|that|classifier for people|child|then||the gate|particle indicating completed action So Jiang Gan put on his good clothes, tied on his headscarf, wore his good shoes, and quietly walked out of the tent, calling for the little boy who was following him to go straight out the gate. 守門 個 軍士 問 佢 : 先生 去 邊處 啊 ? guarding the door|measure word for people|soldier|asked|he|sir|go|where|question particle The soldier guarding the gate asked him: "Where are you going, sir?" 誒 , 我 喺 度 就 怕 妨礙 都督 , 所以 我 就 告辭 走先 喇 。 hey|I|at|here|just|afraid|to disturb|the governor|so|I|just|take my leave|leave first|particle indicating completed action Hey, I'm here and I'm afraid of disturbing the governor, so I'm going to take my leave first. 守門 個 軍士 見 蔣幹 噉 講 , 亦 冇 攔阻 佢 。 gatekeeper|classifier for people|soldier|saw|Jiang Gan|like that|talk|also|did not|stop|him The soldier at the gate saw Jiang Gan speaking like that, and did not stop him. 蔣幹出 咗 轅門 , 三步 夾埋 兩步 喇喇聲 去 到 埠頭 , 落 咗 船 , 飛 咁 快趕 返去 見 曹操 。 |past tense marker|the gate of the cart|three steps|quickly|two steps|in a hurry|||the wharf|get off|past tense marker|boat|flying|so||return|see|Cao Cao Jiang Gan left the gate, took three steps and then two steps quickly to the dock, boarded the ship, and rushed back to see Cao Cao. 曹操 問 佢 : 子翼 , 件 事 辦成 點啊 ? Cao Cao|asked|him|Ziyi|the|matter|completed|how Cao Cao asked him: Ziyi, how did the matter go? 啟 稟 丞相 , 周瑜 呢 個人 好 高傲 , 唔 係 說話 講 得 逳 嘅 。 ||Prime Minister|Zhou Yu|this|person|very|arrogant|||speaking|||win|particle indicating past action I report to the Prime Minister, this person Zhou Yu is very proud, and it's not just about talking. 嘿 , 事情 就 辦 唔 成 , 反而 畀 人 哋 恥笑 啦 。 hey|thing|then|handle|not|succeed|instead|be|people|plural marker|ridicule|sentence-final particle Hey, things just can't be done, instead, they will be laughed at. 雖然 冇 講 掂 周瑜 嚟 投降 啊 , 不過 , 為 丞相 誒 打聽 到 一件 大事 噃。 although|not|say|capable|Zhou Yu|come|surrender|particle|but|for|Prime Minister|particle|inquire|to|one|big matter|particle Although there was no agreement for Zhou Yu to surrender, however, the Prime Minister has learned about a major event. 咩 嘢 大事 啊 ? what|thing|big deal|question particle What major event? 誒 , 丞相 , 請 你 吩咐 左右 啲 人行 開 。 hey|Prime Minister|please|you|instruct|attendants|particle indicating plural||clear the way Ah, Prime Minister, please instruct your people to step aside. 你 哋 出去 。 ||go out You all go out. 係 。 yes Yes. 等 兩 便 侍從 嘅 人行 咗 出去 , 蔣幹 就將 昨晚 嘅 事 逐一 逐二講 畀 曹操 聽 。 wait|two|then|attendants|possessive particle||past tense marker|outside|Jiang Gan||last night|possessive particle|matter|one by one||to|Cao Cao|hear After the two attendants walked out, Jiang Gan began to recount what happened last night to Cao Cao one by one. 然後 就 攞 出 封信 嚟 交 畀 曹操 : 呢 度 有 書信 一封 , 請 丞相 你 睇 下 。 then|just|take|out|letter|here|hand|to|Cao Cao|this|place|has|correspondence||please|Prime Minister|you|read|down Then he took out a letter and handed it to Cao Cao: "Here is a letter, please take a look, Prime Minister." 曹操 聽 咗 蔣幹 講 嘅 情形 , 又 睇 咗 信 , 嘩 呀 嬲 到 面色 都 變 咗 。 Cao Cao|heard|past tense marker|Jiang Gan|said|possessive particle|situation|also|read|past tense marker|letter|wow|particle indicating surprise|angry|to|complexion|all|changed|past tense marker After Cao Cao heard what Jiang Gan said and read the letter, he was so angry that his face changed. 嗰 兩個 奸賊 , 竟然 如此 斗膽 ! those|two|thieves|unexpectedly|so|audacious Those two scoundrels, how dare they! 曹操 即刻 吩咐 叫 蔡瑁 同張 允 嚟 。 Cao Cao|immediately|ordered|to call|Cai Mao||Yun|to come Cao Cao immediately ordered to call Cai Mao and Zhang Yun over. 嗰 兩個 嘢 仲烏 諗 諗 喎 , 咪 即刻 嚟 咯 。 those|two|things||think|think|particle|then|immediately|come|particle Those two are still thinking, so they should come right away. 入到 大帳 , 對 曹操 行個禮 就 話 喇 : 參見 丞相 , 有 咩 命令 ? entered|main tent|to|Cao Cao||then|said|particle indicating completion|I pay my respects to|Prime Minister|have|what|orders Upon entering the main tent, they saluted Cao Cao and said: 'We pay our respects to the Chancellor, what orders do you have?' 我要 命令 你 哋 兩個 即日 進兵 ! I want|to order|you|plural marker|two|immediately|advance I order both of you to advance the troops today! 稟 丞相 , 兵士 仲 未曾 操練 好 , 不能 進兵 呀 。 report|Prime Minister|soldiers|still|not yet|trained|well|cannot|advance|particle Reporting to the Chancellor, the soldiers have not yet trained well, we cannot advance the troops. 呸 ! 等 你 哋 兩個 操練 好 水軍 , 老夫 嘅 人頭 , 已經 獻 咗 畀 周郎 喇 ! phew|wait|you|plural marker|both|practice|well|naval forces|I (old man)|possessive particle|head|already|offered|past tense marker|to|Zhou Lang|final particle Pah! By the time you two have trained your navy well, my head has already been offered to Zhou Lang! 刀斧手 ! knife and axe wielder Axeman! 有 ! have Yes! 斬 ! chop Chop! 蔡瑁 同張 允 呀 不明不白 噉 就 畀 班 刀斧手 推 咗 出去 , 連 冤枉 都 嚟 唔 切 嗌 一聲 就 人頭 落地 。 Choi Mau||Wan|particle|unclear|like that|then|let|group|thugs|push|past tense marker|outside|even|wrongful accusation|also|come|not|appropriate|shout|one shout|then|head|falls to the ground Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were pushed out by the group of axemen without any explanation, not even having the chance to shout out their grievances before their heads fell to the ground. 曹操 呢 個人 亦 係 非常 精明 嘅 。 Cao Cao|this|person|also|is|very|smart|possessive particle Cao Cao is also a very shrewd person. 當 刀斧手 用 托盤 托住 兩個 人頭 獻上 嚟 嘅 時候 , 曹操 已經 醒悟 過 嚟 嘞 。 when|executioner|used|tray|held|two|heads|presented|here|possessive particle|time|Cao Cao|already|realized|past|come|completed action particle When the executioner presented two heads on a tray, Cao Cao had already come to his senses. 啊 , 啊 ! 我 中 咗 周郎 之計 喇 ! ah|ah|I|fell for|past tense marker|Zhou Lang||final particle Ah, ah! I've fallen for Zhou Lang's scheme! 但 係 呢 , 佢 唔 肯 認錯 。 ||this|he|not|willing|admit mistake However, he was unwilling to admit his mistake. 啲 將官 見 斬 咗 蔡瑁 同張 允 , 都 好 奇怪 , 問為 咩 嘢 事 啊 噉 。 plural marker|officer|saw|executed|past tense marker|Cai Mao||Yun|all|very|strange||what|thing|matter|sentence-final particle|like that The generals were surprised to see Cai Mao and Zhang Yun executed, and they wondered what was going on. 曹操 就 話 : 佢 兩個 貽誤軍機 , 所以 我 斬 咗 佢 ! Cao Cao|then|said|he|two||so|I|executed|past tense marker|him Cao Cao said: They have both harmed the military situation, so I executed them! 然後 呢 , 曹操 命令 毛 玠 、 于禁 兩個 接任 水軍 都督 , 代替 蔡瑁 同張 允 嘅 職務 。 then|question particle|Cao Cao|ordered|Mao|Jie|Yu Jin|the two|take over|navy|commanders|replace|Cai Mao||Yun|possessive particle|positions Then, Cao Cao ordered Mao Jie and Yu Jin to take over the positions of naval commanders, replacing Cai Mao and Zhang Yun. 呢 件 事 , 周瑜 得到 偵探 報過 嚟 嘅 消息 , 歡喜 到 佢 不得了 。 this|measure word for events|matter|Zhou Yu|received|detective|reported|coming|possessive particle|news|happy|to the extent that|he|extremely This news was reported to Zhou Yu by a scout, and he was overjoyed. 佢 對 魯肅 話 喇 : 我 最 忌 嘅 就 係 呢 兩個 人唧 , 而家 已經 剷除 咗 咯 , 我 就 唔 使 愁 喇 。 he|to|Lu Su|said|particle indicating completed action|I|most|wary of|possessive particle|just|is|this|two|people|now|already|eliminated|past tense marker|particle indicating completed action|I|just|not|need|worry|particle indicating completed action He said to Lu Su: The two people I feared the most have now been eliminated, so I no longer have to worry. 都督 用兵 如此 英明 , 使憂 曹賊 打 唔 敗 咩 ! the governor|use of troops|so|wise||Cao thief|fight|not|lose|question particle With such brilliant military leadership, how can the Cao bandits not be defeated! 啊 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 呢 一條 計 , 所有 嘅 將官 睇 嚟 都 識 唔 穿 。 ah|hahaha||I|question particle|one|plan|all|possessive particle|officer|see|come|all|know|not|wear Ah? Hahaha, hahaha, my plan seems to be something that all the officials can’t see through. 唯獨 是 諸葛亮 嘅 智謀 係 勝過 我 , 睇 個樣 , 亦 瞞 佢 唔 過 嘅 。 only|is|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle|wisdom|is|superior to|me|look|appearance|also|deceive|him|not|surpass| Only Zhuge Liang's wisdom surpasses mine; looking at him, I can't hide it from him. 子敬 。 Zijing Zijng. 都督 。 governor Governor. 請 你 去 孔明 處 , 用 說話 試探 下 佢 , 睇 佢 知 定 唔 知 吓 , 返 嚟 講我 聽 。 please|you|go|Kong Ming|place|use|conversation|test|him|he|see|he|knows|or|not|knows|question particle|return|come||hear Please go to Kongming's place and try to probe him with some words to see if he knows or not, and come back to tell me. 好 , 我 即刻 去 。 good|I|immediately|go Okay, I'll go right away. 正是 還將 反間 成功 事 , 去試 從 旁 冷眼 人 。 exactly|still going to|sow discord|succeed|matter||from|side|cold eyes|people Indeed, it was a successful act of deception, let's see how the bystanders react. 噉 究竟 魯肅 去問 孔明 嘅 結果 點樣 呢 ? 就 且 聽 下回分解 。 so|after all|Lu Su|went to ask|Kongming|possessive particle|result|how|question particle|then|and|listen| So what was the result of Lu Su's inquiry to Kongming? Let's wait for the next part to find out.

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