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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 067

話 說 曹操 帶住 敗兵 逃跑 , 嚟 到 一 笪 地方 , 見到 呢 處 嘅 地勢 險要 , 山 又 高時 樹木 又 多 。 曹操 突然 間 仰面朝天 哈哈大笑 起 嚟 喎 。 噉 旁邊 幾個 將官 覺得 非常 之 奇怪 就 問 佢 話 : 丞相 , 因 咩 事 咁 好笑 啊 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 我 唔 係 笑 乜嘢 啊 , 我 就 係 笑 周瑜 、 諸葛亮 冇 智謀 啊 ! 如果 係 我 用兵 呀 , 預先 喺 呢 處 埋伏 定 一支 軍馬 , 噉 仲有 乜嘢 辦法 吖 ! 曹操 話 猶 未了 啊 , 兩便 突然 氹 氹 氹 氹 擂響 戰鼓 。 附近 啲 樹木 雜草 烚 聲下 着 起火 嚟 , 嘩 ! 驚到 曹操 幾乎 跌 咗 落馬 。 只見 一支 軍隊 打橫 殺出 嚟 , 當先 一員大將 , 高聲 大叫 : 我 趙子龍 奉 軍師 將令 , 喺 處 等 你好 耐喇 ! 哎呀 ! 弊喇弊 喇 ! 曹操 啊 叫 徐晃 、 張 郃 二 打 一 , 頂住 趙雲 。 自己 就 搏命 鞭 隻 馬 , 冒煙 突火 奪路 狂奔 啊 。 趙子龍 亦 唔 去 追 , 一味 繳獲 啲 刀槍 旗幟 就算 嘞 , 因此 呢 曹操 就 走 甩 咗 。 曹操 佢 哋 又 逃跑 咗 一段 路程 。 呢 個 時候 呢 , 天色 已經 有 啲 光光 地 嘞 。 不過 呢 滿天 烏雲 , 好似 跌 到 落地 咁 滯 , 東南風 仲 係 未 停 啊 。 冇 幾耐 , 忽然間 落起 傾盆大雨 , 就 淋到 曹操 佢 哋 呀 衣服 盔甲 乜 都 濕 晒 。 先頭 就 燒完 , 而家 就 淋雨 , 哈 好似 過冷 河 噉 。 不過 逃命要緊 啊 淋 就 淋 啦 , 一直 淋住 雨 趕路 。 昨晚 打 咗 一晚 , 一直 未食過 嘢 喎 , 個個 都 肚 餓 喇 。 曹操 就 叫 啲 兵 去 附近 嘅 村落 搶 啲 糧食 , 搵 啲 火種 就 喺 處 歇 一 歇腳 。 正話 要 搭 灶 煮飯 唧 , 忽然 後 便 有 一支 軍隊 追住 嚟 。 曹操 個 心慌 喇 , 唔 敢 停留 咯 , 一直 向前 跑 。 等到 後 便 嘅 兵馬 漸漸 追近 咗 先至 認出 原來 係 李典 、 許褚 , 保護 住 嗰 班 謀士 文官 嚟 到 。 曹操 噉 就 滿心歡喜 啦 , 事關 呢 班 人 係 佢 嘅 智囊團 㗎 嘛 。 噉 佢 問 嗰 啲 人 喇 : 前 便條 路通 去 邊處 㗎 吓 ? 啟 稟 丞相 , 前 便 有 兩條路 : 一條 係 南彝陵 大路 , 一條 係 北彝陵 山路 啊 。 由邊 條路 去 南郡 江陵 近 啲 呢 ? 噉 啊 由 南彝陵 經 葫蘆 口去 係 最近 喇 。 好 ! 噉 就 行 南彝陵 大路 啦 。 噉 就 行 嘞 喎 , 行 啊 行 啊 就 行到 葫蘆 口 喇 。 不過 呢 , 啲 人 亦 都 餓 得 好 交關 。 好多 人 餓 到 行 唔 逳, 啲 馬 亦 發軟 蹄 嘞 。 就 噉 啊 碌 低 喺 路邊 嚟 都 唔 知 幾多 。 曹操 見到 噉 樣 , 就 下令 喺 前 便 休息 下先 , 搵 啲 嘢 嚟 食飽個 肚 再 走 。 噉 啲 軍士 就 四圍 去 啲 村落 啊 , 搶 啲 糧食 啊 大 鑊 啊 噉 , 喺 山邊 搵 笪 乾爽 啲 嘅 地方 , 搭灶 煮飯 。 又 劏 咗 幾匹 行 唔 逳 嘅 馬 , 割 啲 馬肉 煨 嚟 食 。 呢 個 時候 呢 , 雨 就 已經 停 咗 喇 。 個個 都 除 晒 啲 濕衫 , 晾 喺 啲 樹枝 處 。 啲 馬 呢 , 都 卸 咗 籠頭 、 馬鞍 , 放 佢 哋 食草 。 人要 食馬 又 要 食 㗎 嘛 。 噉 啊 曹操 喺 幾 樖 樹 下 便 坐 低 , 等 食飯 。 忽然間 , 佢 擔 高頭 , 咔 咔 咔 咔 噉 又 試 放聲 大笑 起 嚟 。 坐 喺 佢 旁邊 嗰 啲 人 就 問 佢 啦 : 丞相 啊 , 你 先頭 笑 周瑜 、 諸葛亮 , 結果 啊 笑 出個 趙子龍 嚟 , 損失 咗 咁 多 人馬 , 嘿嘿 而家 為 咩 又 笑 啊 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 我 係 笑 諸葛亮 同 周瑜 , 究竟 都 係 智謀 不足 啊 ! 哈哈 , 如果 係 我 用兵 呀 , 就 喺 呢 個 地方 , 亦 都 埋伏 定一彪 人馬 , 以逸待勞 。 噉 我 哋 縱然 走 甩 條命 , 都 要 重傷 㗎 喇 。 佢 哋 噉 都 諗 唔 到 , 所以 我 笑 佢 哋 咋 嘛 。 正 喺 度 講講 下 , 突然 間 , 前軍 後軍 一齊 嗌 起 嚟 話 敵軍 殺 嚟 喇 , 放火 喇 噉 。 嚇 到 曹操 死死 下 , 盔甲 都 唔 着 , 即刻 上馬 。 嗰 啲 軍 兵 呀 好多 都 嚟 唔 切 收馬添 , 搏命 就 趯 喇 。 曹操 跑 咗 冇 幾多 步 , 四周圍 啲 火 呢 已經 燒到 含 含聲 嘞 。 而且 喺 山口 嗰 處 啊 , 出現 一支 軍隊 , 為首 一員大將 乃 係 燕人 張翼德 。 只見 張飛 騎 喺 馬上 , 打橫 揸 住 嗰 支 丈八蛇矛 , 大聲 噉 喝 : 曹操 老賊 , 你 仲 趯 得 去 邊處 ! 嘩死 咯 ! 實 冇 命 咯 呢 勻 ! 嗰 班 兵 兵 將 將 見到 係 張飛 喎 , 個個 都 膽寒 啊 。 當時 許褚 騎住 一匹 光身 無 鞍馬 , 第一個 衝 上前 同 張飛 搏命 。 跟 住 張 遼 、 徐晃 兩個 亦 都 縱 馬上 前 嚟 夾攻 。 兩邊 嘅 人馬 , 打 埋 一堆 僂 , 混戰 一場 。 曹操 趁住 呢 個 機會 , 鞭衡 隻 馬 走 甩 咗 身 。 噉 啊 其他 嘅 將官 呢 , 就 各自 跟 住 曹操 逃命 嘞 。 許褚 、 張 遼 、 徐 晃 佢 哋 頂住 一陣 , 掩護 咗 曹操 逃跑 之後 就 虛晃一槍 , 亦 跟 住 走 人 。 張飛 咬住 尾追 咗 一輪 , 就 收兵 退走 。 曹操 一路 趯 啊 趯 啊 , 等到 聽 唔 到 追兵 嘅 聲音 , 噉 先 至 稍 為 鬆 一口氣 , 放慢 啲 隻 馬 。 佢 回過 頭 嚟 睇 一 睇 , 只見 佢 手下 啲 將領 呀 好多 都負 咗 傷 。 兵士 又 損失 咗 成 大半 , 而且 呢 冇 個 係 衣甲 齊全 嘅 。 又行 咗 好 耐下 , 有 兩個 喺 前 便 探路 個 軍士 返 轉頭 嚟 請示 曹操 嘞 。 啟 稟 丞相 , 前 便 有 兩條路 , 都 可以 去 得 南郡 嘅 , 請問 丞相 要 行邊 條路 啊 ? 邊條 路 近 呢 ? 大路 比較 平坦 , 之遠 五十幾 里 ; 小路 要 經過 華容道 , 近五廿幾里 , 不過 呢 條路 呢 又 窄 又 崎嶇 , 唔 係 點好行 。 曹操 好 細心 , 佢 立即 派 人 上山 瞭望 一下 先 , 探聽 下 情況 。 過 咗 一陣 嘞 , 啲 人 返 嚟 回覆 話 : 喺 小路 嘅 山邊 , 見到 幾 笪 地方 有煙起 , 但 係 大路 就 冇 咩 嘢 動靜 。 曹操 定神 諗 咗 諗 就 下令 行 小路 。 嗰 班 將官 諗 唔 通 嘞 , 佢 哋 問 : 丞相 , 有煙 起 嘅 地方 , 必定 係 有 軍馬 埋伏 嘅 。 點解 丞相 反而 要行 呢 條路 呢 ? 你 哋 唔 知 咩 ? 兵書 都 有 話 啦 嘛 : 虛則實之 , 實則 虛之 。 諸葛亮 好多 計 嘅 , 佢 啊 叫 人 喺 啲 偏僻 小路 嗰 處 燒 啲 煙 , 想嚇 我 哋 唔 敢 混 呢 條山 路行 。 佢 就 喺 大路 埋伏 定 人馬 等 我 哋 咋 嘛 。 我 睇 穿 晒 佢 , 偏偏 唔 上 佢 嘅 當 ! 大家 都 話 喎 : 哎呀 ! 丞相 神機妙算 , 真 係 冇 人 及 得 上 啊 ! 於是 曹操 就 帶兵 行 華容道 小路 嘞 噃。 呢 陣時 呀 , 所有 嘅 官兵 都 餓 到 軟 晒 , 馬 亦 極度 疲乏 。 嗰 啲 傷兵 , 中 箭 嘅 、 捱 咗 刀槍 嘅 、 燒傷 嘅 , 焦頭爛額 , 篤 住 支棍 , 勉勉強強 噉 行 。 啲 軍旗 又爛 又 污糟 , 盔甲 啊 有 一件 冇 一件 , 啲 馬匹 啊 大部分 係 冇 馬鞍 嘅 。 事關 喺 南彝陵 路上 啊 就 畀 張飛 打到 慌 晒 , 衣服 盔甲 好多 都 掉 低 晒 咯 。 而家 又 係 隆冬 嚴寒 嘅 時候 , 又 冷 , 又 餓 , 又 痛 , 嗰 種 苦處 啊 真 係 講唔 出 喇 。 喺 條 小路 處 啊 一步 一步 噉 捱 。 行行 下 , 前 便 啲 人 停住 唔 行 嘞 。 曹操 派 人 去 前 便 問下 點解 唔 行 啦 。 啲 人 返 嚟 報告 話 : 啟 稟 丞相 , 前 便 啲 山路 越 嚟 越 窄 , 今朝 又 落過 雨 , 路面 啊 好多 爛泥 氹 啊 , 啜住 晒 啲 馬腳 掹 唔 出 嚟 , 冇 法子 行 得 逳 啊 。 哼 ! 軍隊 行軍 , 就 係 要 逢山開路 , 遇水 搭橋 。 路爛 就 唔 行得 咩 ? 真 係 豈有此理 ! 曹操 好 嬲 啊 , 佢 下令 要 啲 負 咗 傷 同埋 啲 老弱 嘅 兵士 留 喺 後 便 慢慢 行 。 所有 強壯 嘅 士兵 , 都 去 斬 樹 、 擔泥 、 割草 , 去 填 氹 鋪路 。 立即行動 , 違令 者 斬 ! 噉 嗰 啲 兵士 就 喇喇聲 落馬 , 就 喺 路邊 附近 斬 樹 嘅 斬 樹 , 擔 泥 嘅 擔 泥 , 就 鋪 好 條路 。 曹操 最 擔心 後 便仲有 敵軍 追 嚟 。 所以 又 命令 張 遼 、 許褚 、 徐晃 就 帶 住 百 幾個 馬 軍 , 個個 都 揸 住 把 大刀 。 凡 係 見到 邊個 做 嘢 做 得 慢 嘅 即刻 殺頭 。 初初 呢 , 大家 見到 真 係 斬 咗 幾個 手腳 慢 嘅 人 都 有 啲 驚 嘅 。 收尾 做做 下 , 確係 又 冷 又 餓 又 攰 , 冇 法子 頂得順 喇 , 好多 人 就 噉 就 僂 低 喺 地 嚟 。 曹操 唔 理 咁 多 , 喝 住 指揮 啲 人馬 , 就 噉 踩 過去 , 踩死 就算 , 啊 都 唔 知死 幾多 人 。 噉 啊 喊 啦 啲 人 一路上 呀 㗾㗾 聲 , 呼天搶地 。 曹操 發 大火 嘞 , 佢 鬧 啲 人 話 : 死生 都 係 命中注定 嘅 , 有 咩 嘢 好 喊 啊 ! 邊個 敢 再 喊 嘅 , 立即 斬頭 ! 就 係 通過 呢 條山 路 , 曹操 嘅 人馬 三分之一 就 墮 咗 尾 ; 三分之一 呢 就 死 咗 填 咗 山坑 ; 只有 三分之一 跟 返 住 佢 唧 。 過 咗 呢條 險路 , 噉 前 便 啲 路 呢 稍 為 平坦 啲 嘞 。 曹操 擰 返 轉頭 睇 下 , 呢 個 時候 只有 得 三百 幾人 跟 住 尾 , 冇 一個 係 盔甲 衣服 齊全 嘅 。 所有 啲 將官 都 話 喇 : 丞相 啊 , 啲 馬匹 都行 唔 逳 喇 , 好 唔 好 休息 下先 至行 呢 ? 曹操 話 : 趕到 去 荊州 先至 休息 都 未 遲 。 噉 就 行 啦 , 又行 咗 幾里路 。 曹操 喺 馬上 舉起 條 馬鞭 , 忽然間 又 哈哈大笑 起上 嚟 嘞 喎 。 啲 人 就 問 佢 喇 : 丞相 你 又 笑 乜嘢 啊 ? 嘿 ! 人人 都 話 周瑜 、 諸葛亮 足智多謀 。 照 我 嚟 睇 呀 , 佢 哋 到底 係 無能之輩 啫 。 如果 喺 呢 處 埋伏 一支 人馬 , 我 哋 就 唯有 束手就擒 喇 。 曹操 話口 未 完 , 只 聽見 轟 一聲 炮響 。 喎 嗬 ! 五百名 校 刀手 , 突然 喺 兩 便 出現 。 為首 一員大將 , 手提 青龍刀 , 騎住 赤兔馬 , 乃 係 關雲長 啊 ! 曹操 啲 兵將 見到 呀 , 魄散魂飛 , 瞪 大 雙眼 , 擘 大個 口 , 驚到 唔 會 出聲 。 曹操 話 喇 : 事到如今 , 既然 嚟 到 呢 處 就 唯有 決一死戰 啊 ! 嗰 班 將官 又 話 喇 : 丞相 啊 , 我 哋 啲 人 縱然 間 唔 怕 啫 , 啲 馬 都 冇 晒力 咯 , 仲點 打得 呢 ? 程昱 話 : 丞相 , 關雲長 此人 , 素來 都 係 怕 軟 唔 怕 硬 , 蝦強 唔 蝦 弱 嘅 , 為 人 恩怨分明 好講 信義 。 過去 , 丞相 你 曾經 有恩 於 佢 , 而家 , 只要 丞相 你 親自 去求 下 佢 , 就 可以 免除 呢 一場 大難 㗎 喇 ! 曹操 一 諗 : 窮途末路 , 除此之外 都 再 冇 其他 辦法 喇 , 博下 啦 。 於是 就 硬 住 頭皮 放 馬上 前 , 對住 關雲長 護一護個 身行個 禮話 : 關將軍 , 唔 見 咁 耐 , 身體 好 吖 嘛 ? 關雲長 亦 喺 馬上 護一護個 身答 咗 禮 佢 話 : 關某 奉 咗 軍師 將令 , 喺 呢 度 等 咗 丞相 好 耐 喇 。 想 我 曹操 今日 , 兵敗 勢危 , 嚟 到 呢 度 已經 係 走投無路 喇 。 希望 將軍 , 念 在 往日 嘅 情分 , 放 我 過去 啦 。 我關 某 往日 雖然 受過 丞相 厚恩 , 但 係 已經 幫 你 斬 咗 顏良 、 文丑 , 幫 你 解 咗 白馬 之圍 , 已經 報答 咗 丞相 。 至於 今日 嘅 事 , 我點 能夠 因私 , 廢公 呢 ? 哎 , 將軍 啊 , 將軍 啊 ! 過五關斬六將 嘅 事情 , 仲記 唔 記得 啊 ? 大丈夫 處世 , 以 信義 為重 啊 。 將軍 你 熟讀 春秋 , 深明大義 , 當然 知道 庾公之斯 追子 濯 孺子 嘅 事 嘅 , 係 嘛 , 關將軍 。 庾公之斯 追子 濯 孺子 嘅 事 , 乃 係 春秋 時候 嘅 故事 嚟 。 庾公之斯 同子 濯 孺子 啊 都 係 人名 。 當時 啊 , 衛國 呢 , 就 派 庾公之斯去 追擊 子 濯 孺子 。 佢 哋 呢 兩個 人 射箭 都 非常 之 叻 , 但 係 子 濯 孺子 啊 因為 有 病 , 所以 就 唔 能夠 攞 起 弓箭 嚟 應戰 嘞 。 照理 吖 , 庾公之斯 就 可以 毫不費力 噉 就 射死 子 濯 孺子 㗎 喇 。 但 係 喺 噉 嘅 情形 之下 呢 , 庾公之斯 就 對 佢 話 : 我 係 跟 尹公之 他學 射箭 , 而 尹公之 他 又 係 跟 你 學 射箭 嘅 , 我 唔 忍心 將 你 嘅 技術 , 用返 嚟 傷害 你 。 講完 , 庾公之斯 就將 箭頭 𢱕 甩 咗 , 對 住子 濯 孺子 射 咗 四支 冇 頭箭 就 返 扯 嘞 。 哈哈 , 曹操 呢 個人 呀 真 係 機智 嘅 。 喺 呢 個 咁 危急 嘅 時候 啊 , 佢 居然 諗 起 庾公之 斯 嘅 故事 出 嚟 , 佢 係 認真 會 揸 住 關雲長 嘅 性格特點 啊 。 所以 佢 而 家 一 講起 呢 件 事出 嚟 呢 , 關雲長 一聽 , 唉 , 關雲長 係 個 義重 如 山 嘅 人 嚟 吖 嘛 。 佢 諗 起 咗 當日 曹操 對 佢 嘅 種種 恩情 , 以及 後 嚟 過五關斬六將 嘅 事 , 佢 點 能夠 話 唔 動心 呢 ? 佢 放眼 一望 , 又 見到 曹 軍 狼狽不堪 個個 淒淒徨 徨 眼淚 水都 混晒擎 , 個心 更加 不忍 咯 。 於是 佢 勒 轉馬 頭 , 對 五百 校 刀手 話 : 四便 散開 ! 叫 軍士 散開 即 係 等於 話 放 曹操 走 嘅 意思 啦 。 曹操 見 關雲長 勒 轉馬 , 就 即刻 同埋 嗰 班 部下 一齊 衝過去 。 等到 關雲長 再 回過 身 嚟 嘅 時候 , 曹操 嗰 班 人 呀 已經 衝晒 過去 嘞 。 關雲長 個心 一動 , 跟 住 大喝一聲 : 唔 准 走 ! 關雲長 呢 聲 一 出口 , 只見 曹軍幾廿人 個個 碌 低落 馬 , 伏 晒 喺 地下 嚟 對 住 佢 喊 一味 咁 叩頭 。 關雲長 啊 越發 唔 忍心 喇 , 正 喺 度 猶豫 緊 嘅 時候 , 張遼行 上 嚟 喇 。 關雲長 見到 , 又 觸動 起 朋友 之情 , 哎 ! 佢 長 歎 一聲 , 一 擰 轉身 , 唔 睇 喇 ,冚𠾴唥 放走 晒 。 正是 曹瞞兵 敗走 華容 , 正 與 關公 狹路 逢 。 只為 當初 恩義 重 , 放開 金鎖 , 走 蛟龍 。 話 說 曹操 逃脫 咗 華容 呢 一場 大難 , 行到 山谷 嘅 出口 , 點 一點 仲 跟 住 自己 嘅 軍 兵 , 只 係 剩返 二十七個 人 , 唉 ! 淒涼 絕頂 咯 。 一路上 馬不停蹄 , 跑 到 夜晚 , 將近 嚟 到 南郡 喇 。 哎呀 , 只見 前面 火把 光亮 , 一堆 人馬 攔住 去路 , 曹操 大吃一驚 啊 冇 命 喇 呢 趟 。 轉眼之間 , 有 一隊 哨馬衝 到 嚟 面前 , 哦 , 唔 使 驚 唔 使 驚 , 原來 係 曹 仁 嘅 軍隊 。 曹仁 接到 曹操 , 佢 行 過 禮 就 話 喇 : 雖然 知道 丞相 你 兵敗 , 但 係 唔 敢 遠離 南郡 , 只 能夠 喺 附近 嚟 迎接 你 喇 。 唉 ! 我 都 幾乎 冇 命同 你 相見 喇 。 於是 曹操 佢 哋 就 返 入 南郡 嘞 。 隨後 , 張 遼 亦 都 返到 嚟 , 噉 啊講 咗 一輪 關雲長 嘅 義氣 啦 。 曹操 睇 下 跟 住 自己 返 嚟 嘅 將校 , 差 唔 多 冇 個 唔 負傷 嘅 , 就 都 叫 佢 哋 快 啲 去 休息 , 醫治 。 曹仁 呢 就 擺酒 同 曹操 壓驚 解悶 。 當時 嗰 班 謀士 都 在座 , 曹操 飲 咗 幾杯酒 , 忽然 大聲 喊起 上 嚟 。 嗰 班 謀士 就 勸 佢 話 啦 : 丞相 啊 , 你 喺 虎 窟 之中 逃難 嘅 時候 , 一 啲 都 唔 驚 。 而家 已經 返到 入城 喇 , 冇 到 危險 咯 , 正 係 要 整頓 軍馬 復仇 雪恨 , 仲 點解 要 喊 起 上 嚟 呢 ? 哦 ! 啊啊啊 啊 。 我 唔 係 喊 乜嘢 呀 , 我 喊 郭奉孝 啫 。 如果 奉孝在生 , 佢 決 唔 會 使 到 我 有 噉 嘅 大敗 嘅 。 唉 , 慘啊 ! 奉孝 , 我 心痛 啊 奉 孝 ! 可惜 啊 ! 奉孝 , 唉 ! 曹操 一便 喊 , 一便 猛 咁 抌 心口 , 搞 到 嗰 班 謀士 呀 個個 都頭 耷耷 , 醜 㗎 嘛 。 第二日 , 曹操 吩咐 曹仁話 嘞 : 我而家 暫時 要 返去 許都 , 整頓 好 軍馬 , 必定 返 嚟 報仇 ! 你 要 好好 地 守住 南郡 。 誒 , 我 已經 定 咗 一條 計策 , 寫 好 咗 , 封住 喺 呢 處 , 未到 緊急 嘅 時候 , 你 唔 好 拆開 嚟 睇 ; 情形 危急 喇 , 你 就 開 啦 。 你 依照 呢條 計策 嚟 做 , 就 可以 使到 東吳 唔 敢 嚟 逳 南郡 㗎 喇 。 請問 丞相 , 合肥 、 襄陽 派 邊個 去 守 好 呢 ? 荊州 就 委託 你 嚟 管 喇 ; 襄陽 呢 , 我 已經 派 咗 夏侯惇 去 把守 。 合肥 係 最 緊要 嘅 地方 , 我 派 張 遼 做 主將 , 樂進 、 來典 做 副將 去 把守 。 如果 有 乜嘢 情形 , 就 盡 快報 過我知 啦 。 曹操 作好 部署 , 就 帶 住 部下 嘅 文武 官員 返去 許昌 。 原來 荊州 投降 過 嚟 嘅 官員 呢 , 都 一齊 帶返 去 許昌 再 嚟 分派 職務 。 曹操 走 咗 之後 , 曹仁 就 派 曹洪 啊 帶兵 去 鎮守 彝陵 、 南郡 , 防備 周瑜 。 呢 啲 呢 就 放低 唔 講 佢 住 。 而家返 轉頭 講下 劉備 呢 便 嘞 。 嗱, 關雲長 喺 華容道 放走 咗 曹操 , 就 帶兵 返 轉頭 啦 。 呢 陣時 啊 , 各路人馬 都 繳獲 咗 曹 軍 唔 少 嘅 馬匹 、 器械 、 錢糧 就 陸續 返到 夏口 。 唯獨 關雲長 一兵一卒 都 捉 唔 到 , 空手 掉掉 返 嚟 見 劉備 。 當時 啊 , 孔明 正在 擺酒 同 劉備 賀喜 。 聽 講話 關雲長 返 嚟 喇 , 連忙 起身 離席 ,攞 住 杯酒 上前 迎接 話 : 恭喜 將軍 啊 ! 立 咗 呢 個 蓋世 功勞 , 為 普天下 除 咗 大害 啊 ! 恭喜 , 恭喜 啊 ! 關雲長 唔 出聲 。 啊 , 莫非 將軍 因為 我 哋 冇 出 嚟 遠遠 迎接 , 故此 唔 高興 係 嘛 ? 哎 , 你 哋 大家 點解 唔 早 啲 嚟 報告 呢 ? 諸葛亮 啊 鬧 嗰 啲 兵 嘞 喎 。 軍師 , 關某 特意 前 嚟 請 死 ! 吓 ? 莫非 曹操 冇 經過 華容道 ? 經過 , 皆 因關 某 無能 , 故此 畀 佢 走 甩 咗 ! 噉 , 將軍 捉到 曹 軍 咩 嘢 將領 呢 ? 一個 都 捉 唔 到 。 噉 就 係 將軍 你 諗 住 曹操 往日 嘅 恩情 , 故意 放走 佢 嘅 。 你 既然 立 咗 軍令狀 , 就 不得不 按 軍法 處理 。 刀斧手 ! 有 ! 將 佢 推出 去 斬 ! 好喇好 喇好 喇 呢 場戲 做到 呢 處 應該 收場 喇 。 劉備 喇喇聲 行過 嚟 話 : 啊 軍師 呀 軍師 , 我 哋 三個 人 結義 嘅 時候 , 曾經 發過 誓要 同生共死 。 而家雲長 雖則 係 犯 咗 軍法 , 仲 係 希望 軍師 睇 在 我 嘅 面上 , 饒恕 咗 佢 嘅 死罪 , 記 佢 一個 過 , 等 佢 以後 將功贖罪 啦 。 劉備 開聲 講情 嘞 , 孔明 就 順水推舟 , 饒恕 咗 關雲長 。 好 喇 , 而家 又 到 講返 下 周瑜 嗰 便 嘞 喎 。 噉 啊 周瑜 喺 赤壁 打 咗 一場 大 勝仗 之後 , 收兵 點將 各個 記功 , 稟報 吳侯 孫權 啦 。 噉 啊 所有 俘虜 到 嘅 兵卒 啊 , 全數 押 咗 過江 。 然後 舉行 盛大 嘅 慶功宴 會 慰勞 三軍 。 跟 住 冇 幾耐 , 周瑜 就 下令 進兵 去 奪取 南郡 嘞 。 東吳 嘅 前鋒 部隊 啊 , 挨住 長江 邊扎落 營寨 , 前後 分 咗 五個 營 , 周瑜 就 居中 。 呢 一日 , 周瑜 正在 同 啲 將領 謀士 喺 度 商量 緊 攻打 南郡 嘅 策略 。 有人 嚟 報告 話 劉玄德 就 派 孫乾 嚟 祝賀 都督 啊 噉 。 噉 周瑜 就 請 佢 入 嚟 啦 。 孫乾入 到 嚟 行 過禮 , 就 對 周瑜 話 喇 : 主公 特意 命令 我 嚟 拜謝 都督 , 有 薄禮 奉獻 啊 。 周瑜 話 喇 : 不敢當 不敢當 , 玄德 而 家 喺 邊度 呢 ? 主公 而家 帶 住 兵 , 喺 油 江口 駐扎 啊 。 吓 ? 孔明 係 唔 係 亦 都 喺 油 江口 啊 ? 係 , 孔明同 主公 一齊 喺 油 江 嚟 。 足下 請 返 去 先 , 我 一定 親自 嚟 答謝 ! 周瑜 收起 咗 禮物 , 就 打發 孫乾返 扯 先 。 孫乾 呢 走 咗 , 魯肅 就問 周瑜 嘞 : 先頭 都督 為 咩 嘢 失驚 起上 嚟 啊 ? 吓 ? 嘿 ! 劉備 喺 油 江 駐兵 , 必定 係 想 奪取 南郡 嘅 。 我 哋 費 咗 咁 多 軍馬 , 用 咗 咁 多 錢糧 , 眼睇 住 南郡 一 逳 手 就 得 㗎 喇 。 哼 ! 佢 哋 居心不良 想 嚟 撈 便宜 ? 我 周瑜 都 未 死 呢 ! 噉 , 我 哋 用 乜嘢 辦法 嚟 制止 佢 哋 好 呢 ? 我要 親自 去 同 劉備 講 。 好 就 好 ; 如果 唔 好 呢 , 我 未 等 佢 去 攞 南郡 , 就 殺 咗 佢 劉備 先 ! 噉 啊 等 我 同埋 都督 你 一齊 去 啦 。 於是 周瑜 同 魯肅 帶住 三千 人馬 直奔 油 江口 嘞 。 油江 呢 , 係 古時 長江 嘅 一條 支流 。 油 江口 啊 就 係 油江 進入 長江 嘅 河口 嘞 。 地點 呢 就 喺 今日 湖北省 公安縣 嘅 北方 , 呢 處 呀 同 荊州 南郡 好近 。 而家 講下孫 乾 佢 返 到 油 江口 見到 劉備 , 就 講話 周瑜 啊 , 就 快要 親自 嚟 答謝 喇 噉 。 劉備 就問 孔明 啦 : 乜 周瑜 嘅 來意 係 咩 嘢 呢 吓 ? 佢 嚟 到 我 點樣 對答 好 啊 ? 孔明 就 教 佢 喇 : 周瑜 嚟 到 個 時候 , 你 如此 如此 啦 。 究竟 兩個 人 嘅 會面 係 點樣 呢 ? 噉 啊 下回分解 。

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話 說 曹操 帶住 敗兵 逃跑 , 嚟 到 一 笪 地方 , 見到 呢 處 嘅 地勢 險要 , 山 又 高時 樹木 又 多 。 said|spoke|Cao Cao|brought|defeated soldiers|fled|||a|certain|place|saw|this|place|possessive particle|terrain|advantageous|mountains|and|high|trees|and|many It is said that Cao Cao led his defeated soldiers to escape, and when they arrived at a certain place, he saw that the terrain was perilous, with high mountains and many trees. 曹操 突然 間 仰面朝天 哈哈大笑 起 嚟 喎 。 Cao Cao|suddenly|at that moment|lying on his back|laughed out loud|got|up|particle indicating realization Cao Cao suddenly looked up at the sky and burst into laughter. 噉 旁邊 幾個 將官 覺得 非常 之 奇怪 就 問 佢 話 : 丞相 , 因 咩 事 咁 好笑 啊 ? then|beside|several|military officers|thought|very|particle indicating possession|strange|then|asked|he|said|Prime Minister|because|what|matter|so|funny|question particle The several generals beside him found it very strange and asked him, "Prime Minister, what is so funny?" 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 我 唔 係 笑 乜嘢 啊 , 我 就 係 笑 周瑜 、 諸葛亮 冇 智謀 啊 ! hahaha||I||am|laughing||particle||||||||| Hahaha, I am not laughing at anything! I am just laughing at Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang for their lack of wisdom! 如果 係 我 用兵 呀 , 預先 喺 呢 處 埋伏 定 一支 軍馬 , 噉 仲有 乜嘢 辦法 吖 ! if|is|I|use troops|question particle|in advance|at|this|place|ambush|or||cavalry|then|still have|what|solution|particle indicating realization If it were me commanding the troops, I would have set an ambush here with a cavalry beforehand, then what other methods would there be! 曹操 話 猶 未了 啊 , 兩便 突然 氹 氹 氹 氹 擂響 戰鼓 。 Cao Cao|said|still|unresolved|ah|both sides|suddenly|drum|drum|drum|drum|sounded|war drum Cao Cao said, it's still not over, ah, suddenly the war drums started beating. 附近 啲 樹木 雜草 烚 聲下 着 起火 嚟 , 嘩 ! 驚到 曹操 幾乎 跌 咗 落馬 。 nearby|plural marker|trees|weeds|burn|under the sound|ignited|caught fire|come|wow|scared|Cao Cao|almost|fall|past tense marker|off the horse Nearby, the trees and weeds caught fire with a crackling sound, wow! Cao Cao was so startled that he almost fell off his horse. 只見 一支 軍隊 打橫 殺出 嚟 , 當先 一員大將 , 高聲 大叫 : 我 趙子龍 奉 軍師 將令 , 喺 處 等 你好 耐喇 ! suddenly saw|a|army|charging|broke out|here|leading||loudly|shouted|I|Zhao Zilong|serving|military strategist|order|at|place|waiting|you|long time Suddenly, a troop charged out, and the leading general shouted loudly: I, Zhao Zilong, am here under the command of the strategist, waiting for you for a long time! 哎呀 ! 弊喇弊 喇 ! 曹操 啊 叫 徐晃 、 張 郃 二 打 一 , 頂住 趙雲 。 oh no|||Cao Cao|ah|ordered|Xu Huang|||two|fight|one|hold off|Zhao Yun Oh no! It's bad, it's bad! Cao Cao called for Xu Huang and Zhang He to take on Zhao Yun. 自己 就 搏命 鞭 隻 馬 , 冒煙 突火 奪路 狂奔 啊 。 oneself|then|risk life|whip|measure word for animals|horse|emitting smoke|sudden fire|blocking the road|running wildly|ah He himself urged his horse desperately, charging through the smoke and flames. 趙子龍 亦 唔 去 追 , 一味 繳獲 啲 刀槍 旗幟 就算 嘞 , 因此 呢 曹操 就 走 甩 咗 。 Zhao Zilong|also|not|go|chase|only|confiscate|plural marker|weapons|flags|even if|past tense marker|therefore|this|Cao Cao|then|escape|slip away|past tense marker Zhao Zilong also did not pursue, only collecting weapons and flags, so Cao Cao managed to escape. 曹操 佢 哋 又 逃跑 咗 一段 路程 。 Cao Cao|he|they|again|ran away|past tense marker|a section of|distance Cao Cao and his men ran away for a distance. 呢 個 時候 呢 , 天色 已經 有 啲 光光 地 嘞 。 this|measure word|time|particle|sky|already|has|a little|bright|on the ground|particle At this time, the sky was already getting a bit bright. 不過 呢 滿天 烏雲 , 好似 跌 到 落地 咁 滯 , 東南風 仲 係 未 停 啊 。 but|this|full sky|dark clouds|seems|fall|to|ground|so|heavy|southeast wind|still|is|not yet|stopped|ah However, the sky was full of dark clouds, as if they were about to fall to the ground, and the southeast wind had not stopped. 冇 幾耐 , 忽然間 落起 傾盆大雨 , 就 淋到 曹操 佢 哋 呀 衣服 盔甲 乜 都 濕 晒 。 not|long|suddenly|started to fall|heavy rain|then|got drenched|Cao Cao|he|plural marker|exclamatory particle|clothes|armor|everything|all|wet|completely Before long, suddenly a heavy rain poured down, soaking Cao Cao and his men's clothes and armor completely. 先頭 就 燒完 , 而家 就 淋雨 , 哈 好似 過冷 河 噉 。 earlier|already|finished burning|now|just|getting rained on|haha|seems like|too cold|river|like The front has already burned out, and now it's raining, ha, it feels like crossing a cold river. 不過 逃命要緊 啊 淋 就 淋 啦 , 一直 淋住 雨 趕路 。 but||ah|get wet|then|get wet|particle indicating completion|continuously|getting wet|rain|hurry on the road But escaping is the priority, so let it rain, just keep rushing in the rain. 昨晚 打 咗 一晚 , 一直 未食過 嘢 喎 , 個個 都 肚 餓 喇 。 last night|play|past tense marker|all night|continuously||food|sentence-final particle|everyone|all|stomach|hungry|sentence-final particle It rained all night last night, and we haven't eaten anything, everyone is hungry now. 曹操 就 叫 啲 兵 去 附近 嘅 村落 搶 啲 糧食 , 搵 啲 火種 就 喺 處 歇 一 歇腳 。 Cao Cao|then|ordered|some|soldiers|to go|nearby|possessive particle|village|to rob|some|food|to find|some|firewood|then|at|that place|to rest|one|rest Cao Cao ordered the soldiers to go to nearby villages to loot some food and find some firewood to take a break. 正話 要 搭 灶 煮飯 唧 , 忽然 後 便 有 一支 軍隊 追住 嚟 。 to speak correctly|need|set up|stove|cook rice|sound of cooking|suddenly|behind|then|there is|a|army|chasing|coming Just when we were about to set up a stove to cook, suddenly a troop came chasing after us. 曹操 個 心慌 喇 , 唔 敢 停留 咯 , 一直 向前 跑 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|anxious|sentence-final particle|not|dare|stay|sentence-final particle|continuously|forward|run Cao Cao was feeling anxious, and didn't dare to stay, so he kept running forward. 等到 後 便 嘅 兵馬 漸漸 追近 咗 先至 認出 原來 係 李典 、 許褚 , 保護 住 嗰 班 謀士 文官 嚟 到 。 wait until|later|then|possessive particle|troops|gradually|catching up|past tense marker|only then|recognized|originally|is|Li Dian|Xu Chu|protect|continuous aspect particle|that|group|strategists|civil officials|come|arrive It was only when the troops behind gradually caught up that he recognized they were actually Li Dian and Xu Chu, who were there to protect the group of strategists and civil officials. 曹操 噉 就 滿心歡喜 啦 , 事關 呢 班 人 係 佢 嘅 智囊團 㗎 嘛 。 Cao Cao|then|just|very happy|sentence-final particle|regarding|this|group|people|are|he|possessive particle|think tank|sentence-final particle|particle indicating obviousness Cao Cao was overjoyed, as these people were his think tank. 噉 佢 問 嗰 啲 人 喇 : 前 便條 路通 去 邊處 㗎 吓 ? then|he|asked|that|plural marker|people|sentence-final particle|front|note||to go|where|sentence-final particle|huh So he asked them: Which way does the road ahead lead? 啟 稟 丞相 , 前 便 有 兩條路 : 一條 係 南彝陵 大路 , 一條 係 北彝陵 山路 啊 。 ||Prime Minister|||has|two roads|one road|is|South Yiling|main road|one road|is|North Yiling|mountain road|ah Reporting to the Prime Minister, there are two roads ahead: one is the South Yiling main road, and the other is the North Yiling mountain road. 由邊 條路 去 南郡 江陵 近 啲 呢 ? from where|road|to|Nanjun|Jiangling|closer|a little|question particle Which road goes to Jiangling in Nanguan more directly? 噉 啊 由 南彝陵 經 葫蘆 口去 係 最近 喇 。 then|ah|from|Nanyiling|via|Hulud|Kouqu|is|closest|particle Well, going from Nanyi Ling through Hulu Kou is the closest. 好 ! 噉 就 行 南彝陵 大路 啦 。 good|then|just|go|Nanyiling|main road|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Great! Then let's take the main road to Nanyi Ling. 噉 就 行 嘞 喎 , 行 啊 行 啊 就 行到 葫蘆 口 喇 。 then|just|go|past tense particle|sentence-final particle|go|particle indicating realization|go|particle indicating realization|just|arrive at|gourd|mouth|completed action particle Then let's go, just keep walking and we'll reach Hulu Kou. 不過 呢 , 啲 人 亦 都 餓 得 好 交關 。 but|question particle|plural marker|people|also|all|hungry|to the extent of|very|troublesome However, the people are also really hungry. 好多 人 餓 到 行 唔 逳, 啲 馬 亦 發軟 蹄 嘞 。 many|people|hungry|to the point of|walk|not|able|the|horses|also|weak|hooves|past tense particle Many people are so hungry that they can't walk, and the horses are also weak. 就 噉 啊 碌 低 喺 路邊 嚟 都 唔 知 幾多 。 just|like that|ah|roll|down|at|roadside|come|all|not|know|how much They just rolled down by the roadside and don't know how many there are. 曹操 見到 噉 樣 , 就 下令 喺 前 便 休息 下先 , 搵 啲 嘢 嚟 食飽個 肚 再 走 。 Cao Cao|saw|such|appearance|then|ordered|at|front|immediately|rest||find|some|food|to||stomach|again|leave Seeing this, Cao Cao ordered to rest for a while in front, to find something to fill their stomachs before continuing. 噉 啲 軍士 就 四圍 去 啲 村落 啊 , 搶 啲 糧食 啊 大 鑊 啊 噉 , 喺 山邊 搵 笪 乾爽 啲 嘅 地方 , 搭灶 煮飯 。 like this|plural marker|soldiers|then|all around|go|plural marker|villages|particle|rob|plural marker|food|particle|big|pot|particle|like this|at|mountain side|find|place|dry|more|possessive particle|place|set up a stove|cook rice So the soldiers went around to the villages, looting food and big pots, looking for a drier place by the mountains to set up a stove and cook. 又 劏 咗 幾匹 行 唔 逳 嘅 馬 , 割 啲 馬肉 煨 嚟 食 。 again|butchered|past tense marker|several|running|not|fast|possessive particle|horse|cut|some|horse meat|stewed|come|eat They also slaughtered a few horses that couldn't walk, cutting the horse meat to stew and eat. 呢 個 時候 呢 , 雨 就 已經 停 咗 喇 。 this|measure word|time|particle|rain|then|already|stop|past tense marker|particle indicating change of state At this time, the rain has already stopped. 個個 都 除 晒 啲 濕衫 , 晾 喺 啲 樹枝 處 。 everyone|all|took off|completely|the|wet clothes|hung|at|the|tree branches|place Everyone has taken off their wet clothes and hung them on the branches. 啲 馬 呢 , 都 卸 咗 籠頭 、 馬鞍 , 放 佢 哋 食草 。 plural marker|horses|question particle|all|remove|past tense marker|halter|saddle|let|them|plural marker|graze The horses have also removed their bridles and saddles, letting them graze. 人要 食馬 又 要 食 㗎 嘛 。 |eat horse|also|want|eat|question particle|particle indicating obviousness People need to eat horses as well. 噉 啊 曹操 喺 幾 樖 樹 下 便 坐 低 , 等 食飯 。 like this|ah|Cao Cao|at|several|tall|tree|under|then|sit|down|wait|eat rice So, Cao Cao sat down under a few trees, waiting for a meal. 忽然間 , 佢 擔 高頭 , 咔 咔 咔 咔 噉 又 試 放聲 大笑 起 嚟 。 suddenly|he|raised|head|||||like that|again|tried|loud|laugh|| Suddenly, he raised his head and started to laugh loudly. 坐 喺 佢 旁邊 嗰 啲 人 就 問 佢 啦 : 丞相 啊 , 你 先頭 笑 周瑜 、 諸葛亮 , 結果 啊 笑 出個 趙子龍 嚟 , 損失 咗 咁 多 人馬 , 嘿嘿 而家 為 咩 又 笑 啊 ? sit|at|he|next to|that|plural marker|people|then|asked|him|sentence final particle|Prime Minister|ah|you|earlier|laughed|Zhou Yu|Zhuge Liang|result|ah|laughed||Zhao Zilong|come|loss|past tense marker|so|many|troops|hehe|now|for|what|again|laugh|ah The people sitting next to him asked: "Prime Minister, you were just laughing at Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang, and in the end, you ended up laughing at Zhao Zilong, losing so many troops. Why are you laughing now?" 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 我 係 笑 諸葛亮 同 周瑜 , 究竟 都 係 智謀 不足 啊 ! hahaha||I|am|laughing|Zhuge Liang|and|Zhou Yu|after all|both|are|wisdom|lacking|ah Hahaha, I am laughing at Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu, because they really lacked wisdom! 哈哈 , 如果 係 我 用兵 呀 , 就 喺 呢 個 地方 , 亦 都 埋伏 定一彪 人馬 , 以逸待勞 。 haha|if|is|I|use troops|question particle|then|at|this|classifier|place|also|all|ambush||troops|to wait for the enemy to tire out Haha, if it were me commanding the troops, I would have ambushed a group of soldiers in this place, waiting for the enemy. 噉 我 哋 縱然 走 甩 條命 , 都 要 重傷 㗎 喇 。 then|I|we|even if|||life|still|have to|seriously injured||particle In that case, even if we managed to escape with our lives, we would still be heavily injured. 佢 哋 噉 都 諗 唔 到 , 所以 我 笑 佢 哋 咋 嘛 。 they|plural marker|like that|also|think|not|realize|so|I|laugh|they|plural marker|just|particle They didn't think of that, so I laughed at them. 正 喺 度 講講 下 , 突然 間 , 前軍 後軍 一齊 嗌 起 嚟 話 敵軍 殺 嚟 喇 , 放火 喇 噉 。 just|at|here|talking|a bit|suddenly|moment|front troops|rear troops|together|shouted|up|here|said|enemy troops|coming|here|particle indicating action completed|set fire|particle indicating action completed|like that Just while we were talking, suddenly, both the front and rear troops shouted that the enemy was coming to kill us, and they were setting fire. 嚇 到 曹操 死死 下 , 盔甲 都 唔 着 , 即刻 上馬 。 scare|to|Cao Cao|completely|down|armor|all|not||immediately|mount horse Cao Cao was so scared that he didn't even put on his armor and immediately got on his horse. 嗰 啲 軍 兵 呀 好多 都 嚟 唔 切 收馬添 , 搏命 就 趯 喇 。 that|plural marker|army|soldiers|sentence final particle|many|all|come|not|able to||fight to the death|then|kick|sentence final particle Many of those soldiers didn't even have time to collect their horses, they just ran for their lives. 曹操 跑 咗 冇 幾多 步 , 四周圍 啲 火 呢 已經 燒到 含 含聲 嘞 。 Cao Cao|run|past tense marker|not|many|steps|all around|plural marker|fire|this|already|burned to|||past action marker Cao Cao had only run a few steps when the fire around him was already roaring. 而且 喺 山口 嗰 處 啊 , 出現 一支 軍隊 , 為首 一員大將 乃 係 燕人 張翼德 。 moreover|at|mountain pass|that|place|ah|appeared|a|army|led by||was|is|Yan person|Zhang Yide And at that mountain pass, a troop appeared, led by a general named Zhang Yide from Yan. 只見 張飛 騎 喺 馬上 , 打橫 揸 住 嗰 支 丈八蛇矛 , 大聲 噉 喝 : only saw|Zhang Fei|riding|on|horse|horizontally|holding|firmly|that|measure word for weapons|8-foot long spear|loudly|like that|shouted Zhang Fei was seen riding on a horse, holding that eight-foot-long spear, and shouted loudly: 曹操 老賊 , 你 仲 趯 得 去 邊處 ! Cao Cao|old thief|you|still|escape|able|go|where "Cao Cao the old thief, where do you think you can run to!" 嘩死 咯 ! 實 冇 命 咯 呢 勻 ! wow|particle indicating realization|really|have not|life|particle indicating realization|this|thing Wow, this is really dangerous! No one can escape this! 嗰 班 兵 兵 將 將 見到 係 張飛 喎 , 個個 都 膽寒 啊 。 that|group|soldiers|soldiers|general|general|saw|is|Zhang Fei|particle indicating realization|everyone|all|scared|particle indicating exclamation The soldiers saw it was Zhang Fei, and they all felt a chill. 當時 許褚 騎住 一匹 光身 無 鞍馬 , 第一個 衝 上前 同 張飛 搏命 。 at that time|Xu Chu|riding|one|bare|no|saddle horse|the first|charge|forward|with|Zhang Fei|fight to the death At that time, Xu Chu rode a bare horse without a saddle and was the first to charge forward to fight with Zhang Fei. 跟 住 張 遼 、 徐晃 兩個 亦 都 縱 馬上 前 嚟 夾攻 。 ||Zhang|Liao||both|||galloping||forward|coming|flanking attack Then, Zhang Liao and Xu Huang also spurred their horses forward to join the attack. 兩邊 嘅 人馬 , 打 埋 一堆 僂 , 混戰 一場 。 both sides|possessive particle|forces|fight|together|a bunch of|lowly|chaotic battle|one match The troops on both sides clashed together in a chaotic battle. 曹操 趁住 呢 個 機會 , 鞭衡 隻 馬 走 甩 咗 身 。 Cao Cao|taking advantage of|this|measure word|opportunity|whip the horse|measure word for animals|horse|run|shake off|past tense marker|body Cao Cao took this opportunity to whip his horse and escape. 噉 啊 其他 嘅 將官 呢 , 就 各自 跟 住 曹操 逃命 嘞 。 like this|ah|other|possessive particle|generals|question particle|then|each||particle indicating continuous action|Cao Cao|escape|past action particle So, the other generals each followed Cao Cao to flee for their lives. 許褚 、 張 遼 、 徐 晃 佢 哋 頂住 一陣 , 掩護 咗 曹操 逃跑 之後 就 虛晃一槍 , 亦 跟 住 走 人 。 Xu Chu|Zhang|Liao|Xu|Huang|they|plural marker|held off|for a moment|covered|past tense marker|Cao Cao|escape|after|then|feigned attack|also|followed|continuous aspect marker|ran|people Xu Chu, Zhang Liao, and Xu Huang held their ground for a while, covering Cao Cao's escape, and then feigned a retreat, also following behind. 張飛 咬住 尾追 咗 一輪 , 就 收兵 退走 。 Zhang Fei|bit down on|chased|past tense marker|a round|then|called back the troops|retreated Zhang Fei chased after them for a while before calling off the troops and retreating. 曹操 一路 趯 啊 趯 啊 , 等到 聽 唔 到 追兵 嘅 聲音 , 噉 先 至 稍 為 鬆 一口氣 , 放慢 啲 隻 馬 。 Cao Cao|all the way|urged on|ah|urged on|ah|until||||pursuing soldiers|possessive particle|sound|then|||||relaxed|breath|slowed down|a little|measure word for animals|horse Cao Cao kept running until he could no longer hear the sounds of the pursuers, then he finally relaxed a bit and slowed down his horse. 佢 回過 頭 嚟 睇 一 睇 , 只見 佢 手下 啲 將領 呀 好多 都負 咗 傷 。 he|turned|head|come|look|a|look|only saw|he|subordinates|plural marker|generals|particle|many||past tense marker|injuries He turned back to take a look and saw that many of his generals were injured. 兵士 又 損失 咗 成 大半 , 而且 呢 冇 個 係 衣甲 齊全 嘅 。 soldiers|again|lost|past tense marker|whole|more than half|moreover|this|not have|classifier|be|armor|complete|possessive particle The soldiers had also suffered significant losses, and none of them were fully armored. 又行 咗 好 耐下 , 有 兩個 喺 前 便 探路 個 軍士 返 轉頭 嚟 請示 曹操 嘞 。 walked again|past tense marker|very||there are|two|at|front|then|scout|classifier|soldier|return|turn around|come|ask for instructions|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle After walking for a long time, two soldiers in front went to scout and returned to report to Cao Cao. 啟 稟 丞相 , 前 便 有 兩條路 , 都 可以 去 得 南郡 嘅 , 請問 丞相 要 行邊 條路 啊 ? ||Prime Minister|||has|two roads|both|can|go|reach|Nanjun|possessive particle|may I ask|Prime Minister|wants|||question particle I report to the Prime Minister, there are two roads ahead, both can lead to Nanjun, which road does the Prime Minister want to take? 邊條 路 近 呢 ? which|road|close|question particle Which road is closer? 大路 比較 平坦 , 之遠 五十幾 里 ; the main road|relatively|flat||over fifty|miles The main road is relatively flat, about fifty-something li away; 小路 要 經過 華容道 , 近五廿幾里 , 不過 呢 條路 呢 又 窄 又 崎嶇 , 唔 係 點好行 。 The small road|needs to|pass|Huayong Road||but|this|road|this|both|narrow|and|bumpy|not|is| the small road goes through Huayang Road, about twenty-something li away, but this road is narrow and rugged, not very easy to walk. 曹操 好 細心 , 佢 立即 派 人 上山 瞭望 一下 先 , 探聽 下 情況 。 Cao Cao|very|careful|he|immediately|sent|someone|up the mountain|look out|for a moment|first|inquire|about|situation Cao Cao was very careful, so he immediately sent someone to the mountain to take a look and gather information. 過 咗 一陣 嘞 , 啲 人 返 嚟 回覆 話 : past|completed action marker|a moment|sentence-final particle|plural marker|people|return|come|reply|said After a while, the people returned with a report saying: 喺 小路 嘅 山邊 , 見到 幾 笪 地方 有煙起 , 但 係 大路 就 冇 咩 嘢 動靜 。 at|alley|possessive particle|mountain side|saw|several|small|places|have smoke rising|||main road|then|no|any|thing|activity They saw some smoke rising from a few places by the mountain path, but there was not much movement on the main road. 曹操 定神 諗 咗 諗 就 下令 行 小路 。 Cao Cao|calm down|thought|past tense marker|thought|then|ordered|take|small road Cao Cao thought for a moment and then ordered to take the mountain path. 嗰 班 將官 諗 唔 通 嘞 , 佢 哋 問 : that|group|officers|think|not|understand|past tense particle|they|plural marker|ask The group of generals couldn't understand, so they asked: 丞相 , 有煙 起 嘅 地方 , 必定 係 有 軍馬 埋伏 嘅 。 Prime Minister|smoke|rising|possessive particle|place|must|is|have|cavalry|ambush|possessive particle Prime Minister, where there is smoke, there must be an ambush of troops. 點解 丞相 反而 要行 呢 條路 呢 ? why|prime minister|instead||this||this Why does the Prime Minister choose to take this route? 你 哋 唔 知 咩 ? ||not|know|what Don't you all know? 兵書 都 有 話 啦 嘛 : 虛則實之 , 實則 虛之 。 military book|all|has|words|particle|particle|if weak then strong|| The military texts also say: when it's false, make it real; when it's real, make it false. 諸葛亮 好多 計 嘅 , 佢 啊 叫 人 喺 啲 偏僻 小路 嗰 處 燒 啲 煙 , 想嚇 我 哋 唔 敢 混 呢 條山 路行 。 Zhuge Liang|many|tricks|possessive particle|he|ah|instructed|people|at|plural marker|remote|paths|that|place|burn|some|smoke|wanted to scare|us|plural marker|not|dare|mix|this|| Zhuge Liang has many strategies; he instructed people to light smoke in those remote paths, hoping to scare us into not daring to take this mountain road. 佢 就 喺 大路 埋伏 定 人馬 等 我 哋 咋 嘛 。 He|then|at|main road|ambush|or|enemies|waiting|I|we|just|question particle He is lying in ambush on the main road, waiting for us. 我 睇 穿 晒 佢 , 偏偏 唔 上 佢 嘅 當 ! I|see|through|completely|him|just|not|get on|his|possessive particle|bus I see through him completely, yet I still fall for his tricks! 大家 都 話 喎 : 哎呀 ! 丞相 神機妙算 , 真 係 冇 人 及 得 上 啊 ! everyone|all|says|particle|oh no|prime minister|brilliant strategist|really|is|no|person||||particle Everyone is saying: Oh! The Prime Minister is truly brilliant, no one can match him! 於是 曹操 就 帶兵 行 華容道 小路 嘞 噃。 then|Cao Cao|then|led his troops|marched|Huarong Road|small road|past tense marker| So Cao Cao led his troops along the small road of Huarong. 呢 陣時 呀 , 所有 嘅 官兵 都 餓 到 軟 晒 , 馬 亦 極度 疲乏 。 this|moment|particle|all|possessive particle|soldiers|all|hungry|to|weak|completely|horse|also|extremely|tired At this time, all the officials and soldiers were so hungry that they were weak, and the horses were extremely exhausted. 嗰 啲 傷兵 , 中 箭 嘅 、 捱 咗 刀槍 嘅 、 燒傷 嘅 , 焦頭爛額 , 篤 住 支棍 , 勉勉強強 噉 行 。 those|plural marker|wounded soldiers|hit|arrow|past tense marker|endure||gunfire|past tense marker|burns|past tense marker|in a terrible state||||barely|like that|walk Those wounded soldiers, those who were shot, those who endured knives and guns, those who were burned, with their heads and faces scorched, leaning on their sticks, are barely managing to walk. 啲 軍旗 又爛 又 污糟 , 盔甲 啊 有 一件 冇 一件 , 啲 馬匹 啊 大部分 係 冇 馬鞍 嘅 。 the|military flags||again|dirty|armor|ah|have|one piece|not have|one piece|the|horses|ah|most|are|not have|saddles|possessive particle The military flags are tattered and dirty, the armor is mostly missing pieces, and most of the horses are without saddles. 事關 喺 南彝陵 路上 啊 就 畀 張飛 打到 慌 晒 , 衣服 盔甲 好多 都 掉 低 晒 咯 。 regarding|at|Nanyi Ling|on the road|ah|then|by|Zhang Fei|beaten to|panic|completely|clothes|armor|a lot|all|drop|down|completely|particle indicating completed action The situation on the Nan Yi Ling road was chaotic, as they were beaten by Zhang Fei, causing many to lose their clothes and armor. 而家 又 係 隆冬 嚴寒 嘅 時候 , 又 冷 , 又 餓 , 又 痛 , 嗰 種 苦處 啊 真 係 講唔 出 喇 。 now|again|is|midwinter|severe cold|possessive particle|time|again|cold|again|hungry|again|painful|that|kind|suffering|ah|really|is|||final particle Now it is the harsh winter season, cold, hungry, and in pain; the kind of suffering is truly indescribable. 喺 條 小路 處 啊 一步 一步 噉 捱 。 at|measure word for long objects|alley|location|particle|one step|one step|like this|endure On that small path, they are trudging along step by step. 行行 下 , 前 便 啲 人 停住 唔 行 嘞 。 walk|down|in front|then|a little|people|stop|not|walk|past tense particle As they walked down, the people in front stopped and didn't move. 曹操 派 人 去 前 便 問下 點解 唔 行 啦 。 Cao Cao|sent|person|go|front|then||why|not|walk|particle Cao Cao sent someone to ask in front why they weren't moving. 啲 人 返 嚟 報告 話 : the|people|return|here|report|said The people came back to report saying: 啟 稟 丞相 , 前 便 啲 山路 越 嚟 越 窄 , 今朝 又 落過 雨 , 路面 啊 好多 爛泥 氹 啊 , 啜住 晒 啲 馬腳 掹 唔 出 嚟 , 冇 法子 行 得 逳 啊 。 ||Prime Minister|||particle indicating small amount|mountain road|more|come|more|narrow|this morning|again|had fallen|rain|road surface|particle|a lot of|mud|pit|particle|stuck|all|particle indicating small amount|horse's hooves|pull|not|out|come|no|way|walk|able|fast|particle "Reporting to the Prime Minister, the mountain road ahead is getting narrower, and it rained this morning, so there is a lot of muddy water on the road, and the horses are stuck and can't get out, making it impossible to proceed." 哼 ! 軍隊 行軍 , 就 係 要 逢山開路 , 遇水 搭橋 。 hum|army|march|||must||when encountering water|build a bridge Hmph! When the army marches, they must open roads when encountering mountains and build bridges when encountering water. 路爛 就 唔 行得 咩 ? 真 係 豈有此理 ! the road is broken|then|not|walk|question particle|||how unreasonable The road is broken, so we can't walk, right? This is really outrageous! 曹操 好 嬲 啊 , 佢 下令 要 啲 負 咗 傷 同埋 啲 老弱 嘅 兵士 留 喺 後 便 慢慢 行 。 Cao Cao|very|angry|particle|he|ordered|to leave|plural marker|carrying|past tense marker|injury|and|plural marker|old and weak|possessive particle|soldiers|to stay|at|rear|then|slowly|march Cao Cao is very angry. He ordered that the injured and the old and weak soldiers be left behind to walk slowly. 所有 強壯 嘅 士兵 , 都 去 斬 樹 、 擔泥 、 割草 , 去 填 氹 鋪路 。 all|strong|possessive particle|soldiers|all|go|chop|tree|||go|fill|hole|pave road All the strong soldiers went to chop trees, carry mud, and cut grass to fill the ditches and pave the road. 立即行動 , 違令 者 斬 ! act immediately|disobeying orders|one who|beheaded Act immediately, and those who disobey will be executed! 噉 嗰 啲 兵士 就 喇喇聲 落馬 , 就 喺 路邊 附近 斬 樹 嘅 斬 樹 , 擔 泥 嘅 擔 泥 , 就 鋪 好 條路 。 then|that|plural marker|soldiers|then|loudly|dismount|then|at|roadside|nearby|chop|tree|possessive particle|chop|tree|carry|mud|possessive particle|carry|mud|then|pave|well|road So those soldiers quickly dismounted and started chopping trees by the roadside, carrying mud, and paving the road. 曹操 最 擔心 後 便仲有 敵軍 追 嚟 。 Cao Cao|most|worried|after||enemy troops|chasing|coming Cao Cao was most worried that there would still be enemy troops chasing after them. 所以 又 命令 張 遼 、 許褚 、 徐晃 就 帶 住 百 幾個 馬 軍 , 個個 都 揸 住 把 大刀 。 so|again|ordered|Zhang|Liao|Xu Chu|Xu Huang|then|lead|with|hundred||cavalry|troops|everyone|all|wielding|with|measure word|broadsword So he ordered Zhang Liao, Xu Chu, and Xu Huang to lead a hundred cavalry, all wielding large sabers. 凡 係 見到 邊個 做 嘢 做 得 慢 嘅 即刻 殺頭 。 whoever|is|sees|anyone|work|thing|||slow|particle|immediately|behead Anyone who was seen working slowly would be immediately executed. 初初 呢 , 大家 見到 真 係 斬 咗 幾個 手腳 慢 嘅 人 都 有 啲 驚 嘅 。 at first|this|everyone|saw|||cut|past tense marker|a few|hands and feet|slow|possessive particle|people|all|had|a little|scared|past tense particle At first, everyone was indeed a bit scared when they saw a few slow workers being executed. 收尾 做做 下 , 確係 又 冷 又 餓 又 攰 , 冇 法子 頂得順 喇 , 好多 人 就 噉 就 僂 低 喺 地 嚟 。 finishing|do a bit|later|indeed|again|cold|again|hungry|again|tired|no|way|endure|already|many|people|just|like this|just|bend|down|at|ground|come As they continued to wrap things up, they were indeed cold, hungry, and exhausted, and could no longer endure it, so many people just collapsed on the ground. 曹操 唔 理 咁 多 , 喝 住 指揮 啲 人馬 , 就 噉 踩 過去 , 踩死 就算 , 啊 都 唔 知死 幾多 人 。 Cao Cao|not|care|so|many|||command|some|troops|then|like this|trample|over|trample to death|even if|ah|all|not|know how many die|how many|people Cao Cao didn't care so much, just commanding his troops to trample over, and if they trampled to death, so be it, not knowing how many people would die. 噉 啊 喊 啦 啲 人 一路上 呀 㗾㗾 聲 , 呼天搶地 。 like this|ah|cry|particle|some|people|along the way|ah|loud|sound|making a big fuss So the people were crying all the way, making a lot of noise, calling to the heavens and earth. 曹操 發 大火 嘞 , 佢 鬧 啲 人 話 : 死生 都 係 命中注定 嘅 , 有 咩 嘢 好 喊 啊 ! Cao Cao|lit to start|great anger|past tense marker|he|scolded|plural marker|people|said|life and death|all|are|fate|possessive particle|have|what|thing|good|to cry|exclamatory particle Cao Cao got really angry, scolding the people, saying: Life and death are all predestined, what is there to cry about! 邊個 敢 再 喊 嘅 , 立即 斬頭 ! who|dares|again|to cry|(particle indicating past action)|immediately|beheaded Whoever dares to cry again, will be immediately beheaded! 就 係 通過 呢 條山 路 , 曹操 嘅 人馬 三分之一 就 墮 咗 尾 ; 三分之一 呢 就 死 咗 填 咗 山坑 ; 只有 三分之一 跟 返 住 佢 唧 。 It was through this mountain path that one third of Cao Cao's troops fell behind; one third died filling the mountain pits; only one third followed him closely. 過 咗 呢條 險路 , 噉 前 便 啲 路 呢 稍 為 平坦 啲 嘞 。 pass|past tense marker|this|dangerous road|then|forward|more|particle for comparison|road|this|slightly|is|flat|particle for comparison|sentence-final particle After passing this dangerous road, the road ahead is somewhat flatter. 曹操 擰 返 轉頭 睇 下 , 呢 個 時候 只有 得 三百 幾人 跟 住 尾 , 冇 一個 係 盔甲 衣服 齊全 嘅 。 Cao Cao|twist|back|turn around|look|down|this|measure word|time|only|had|three hundred|a few people|||tail|not|one|is|armor|clothing|complete|possessive particle Cao Cao turned back to look, at this time there were only a little over three hundred people following behind, and none of them were fully armored. 所有 啲 將官 都 話 喇 : 丞相 啊 , 啲 馬匹 都行 唔 逳 喇 , 好 唔 好 休息 下先 至行 呢 ? all|plural marker|generals|all|said|sentence-final particle|Prime Minister|ah|plural marker|horses||not|fast|sentence-final particle|very|not|good|rest|||question particle All the generals said: Prime Minister, the horses can't go any further, should we take a break before continuing? 曹操 話 : 趕到 去 荊州 先至 休息 都 未 遲 。 Cao Cao|said|arrive|to|Jingzhou|only then|rest|already|not|late Cao Cao said: We can rest only after we reach Jingzhou. 噉 就 行 啦 , 又行 咗 幾里路 。 like this|then|walk|particle indicating completion||past tense marker| Then let's go, and they walked a few more miles. 曹操 喺 馬上 舉起 條 馬鞭 , 忽然間 又 哈哈大笑 起上 嚟 嘞 喎 。 Cao Cao|at|on horseback|raised|a|whip|suddenly|again|laughed heartily|up|came|past tense particle|sentence-final particle Cao Cao raised his whip on horseback and suddenly burst into laughter. 啲 人 就 問 佢 喇 : 丞相 你 又 笑 乜嘢 啊 ? plural marker|people|then|asked|he|sentence-final particle|Prime Minister|you|again|laugh|what|question particle The people asked him: "Prime Minister, what are you laughing at?" 嘿 ! 人人 都 話 周瑜 、 諸葛亮 足智多謀 。 hey|everyone|all|says|Zhou Yu|Zhuge Liang|very intelligent and resourceful Hey! Everyone says Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang are very clever. 照 我 嚟 睇 呀 , 佢 哋 到底 係 無能之輩 啫 。 according to|I|come|see|particle|they|plural marker|in the end|are|incompetent people|only In my opinion, they are actually just incompetent. 如果 喺 呢 處 埋伏 一支 人馬 , 我 哋 就 唯有 束手就擒 喇 。 if|at|this|place|ambush|a|group of people and horses|we|plural marker|then|only|surrender without a fight|sentence-final particle If we ambush a group of troops here, we will have no choice but to surrender. 曹操 話口 未 完 , 只 聽見 轟 一聲 炮響 。 Cao Cao|speaking|not|finished|only|heard|boom|one sound|cannon fire Cao Cao was speaking, but before he could finish, there was a loud bang of a cannon. 喎 嗬 ! 五百名 校 刀手 , 突然 喺 兩 便 出現 。 oh|wow||school|students|suddenly|at|two|sides|appeared Oh wow! Five hundred knife-wielding soldiers suddenly appeared on both sides. 為首 一員大將 , 手提 青龍刀 , 騎住 赤兔馬 , 乃 係 關雲長 啊 ! leading||holding|Green Dragon Blade|riding|Red Hare horse|||Guan Yu|ah The leader of them, wielding a green dragon saber and riding a red hare horse, was none other than Guan Yu! 曹操 啲 兵將 見到 呀 , 魄散魂飛 , 瞪 大 雙眼 , 擘 大個 口 , 驚到 唔 會 出聲 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|soldiers|saw|exclamation particle|scared out of their wits|stared|wide|eyes|opened|big|mouth|scared to the point of|not|able to|make a sound When Cao Cao's soldiers saw this, they were terrified, their souls scattered, eyes wide open, mouths agape, too scared to make a sound. 曹操 話 喇 : 事到如今 , 既然 嚟 到 呢 處 就 唯有 決一死戰 啊 ! Cao Cao|said|particle indicating finality|at this point|since|||||then|only|fight to the death|ah Cao Cao said: At this point, since we have come to this place, we can only fight to the death! 嗰 班 將官 又 話 喇 : 丞相 啊 , 我 哋 啲 人 縱然 間 唔 怕 啫 , 啲 馬 都 冇 晒力 咯 , 仲點 打得 呢 ? that|group|military officers|again|said|particle indicating completed action|Prime Minister|ah|I|plural marker|particle indicating plural|people|even if|enemy|not|afraid|only|particle indicating plural|horses|all|have not||particle indicating realization||fight|question particle That group of generals said: Prime Minister, even though our people are not afraid of danger, our horses have no strength left, how can we fight? 程昱 話 : 丞相 , 關雲長 此人 , 素來 都 係 怕 軟 唔 怕 硬 , 蝦強 唔 蝦 弱 嘅 , 為 人 恩怨分明 好講 信義 。 Cheng Yu|said|Prime Minister|Guan Yun Chang|this person|always|all|is|afraid|soft|not|afraid|hard||not|bully|weak|(possessive particle)|||clear about gratitude and grudges||trust and righteousness Cheng Yu said: Prime Minister, this person Guan Yu has always been afraid of softness and not hardness, he prefers the strong over the weak, and he is very clear about loyalty and grievances. 過去 , 丞相 你 曾經 有恩 於 佢 , 而家 , 只要 丞相 你 親自 去求 下 佢 , 就 可以 免除 呢 一場 大難 㗎 喇 ! in the past|Prime Minister|you|once|had kindness|towards|him|now|as long as|||personally||for|him|then|can|exempt|this|one|great disaster|particle|particle In the past, Prime Minister, you have shown him kindness, and now, as long as you personally go to ask him, you can avoid this great disaster! 曹操 一 諗 : 窮途末路 , 除此之外 都 再 冇 其他 辦法 喇 , 博下 啦 。 Cao Cao|one|thought|at the end of his rope||all|again|have not|other|methods|particle indicating completed action|take a gamble|particle indicating suggestion Cao Cao thought: At the end of the road, there are no other options left, let's take a gamble. 於是 就 硬 住 頭皮 放 馬上 前 , 對住 關雲長 護一護個 身行個 禮話 : then|immediately|||scalp|let go|right away|forward|facing|Guan Yu||| So he steeled himself and went forward, facing Guan Yu, he protected himself and bowed, saying: 關將軍 , 唔 見 咁 耐 , 身體 好 吖 嘛 ? General Kwan|||so|long|health|good|particle|question particle General Guan, it's been a while since we last met, how is your health? 關雲長 亦 喺 馬上 護一護個 身答 咗 禮 佢 話 : Guan Yu|also|at|immediately|protect a little|body|past tense marker|courtesy|he|said Guan Yun Chang also on horseback, protected himself and replied politely, saying: 關某 奉 咗 軍師 將令 , 喺 呢 度 等 咗 丞相 好 耐 喇 。 someone named Kwan|received|past tense marker|military advisor|order|at|this|place|waiting|past tense marker|prime minister|very|long|sentence-final particle I, Guan, have received the general's order and have been waiting here for the Prime Minister for quite some time. 想 我 曹操 今日 , 兵敗 勢危 , 嚟 到 呢 度 已經 係 走投無路 喇 。 think|I|Cao Cao|today|defeat|situation critical|||||already|is|out of options|particle indicating completed action As for Cao Cao today, his army is defeated and in a precarious situation, arriving here he is already at his wits' end. 希望 將軍 , 念 在 往日 嘅 情分 , 放 我 過去 啦 。 hope|general|||past|possessive particle|emotional bond|let|me|go past|particle indicating suggestion or request I hope, General, that you will consider our past friendship and let me go. 我關 某 往日 雖然 受過 丞相 厚恩 , 但 係 已經 幫 你 斬 咗 顏良 、 文丑 , 幫 你 解 咗 白馬 之圍 , 已經 報答 咗 丞相 。 |certain|past|although|received|prime minister|great favor|||already|helped|you|kill|past tense marker|Yan Liang|Wen Chou|helped|you|resolve|past tense marker|White Horse||already|repaid|past tense marker|prime minister I, despite having received great favor from the Prime Minister in the past, have already helped you eliminate Yan Liang and Wen Chou, and assisted you in breaking the siege of the White Horse, which has already repaid the Prime Minister. 至於 今日 嘅 事 , 我點 能夠 因私 , 廢公 呢 ? regarding|today|possessive particle|matter||able to|for personal reasons|neglect public duty|question particle As for today's matter, how can I act out of personal interest and neglect the public duty? 哎 , 將軍 啊 , 將軍 啊 ! 過五關斬六將 嘅 事情 , 仲記 唔 記得 啊 ? hey|general|ah||ah||||||| Ah, General! General! Do you still remember the time when you passed through five passes and defeated six generals? 大丈夫 處世 , 以 信義 為重 啊 。 real man|dealing with the world|with|trust and righteousness|as priority|ah A true man values trust and righteousness. 將軍 你 熟讀 春秋 , 深明大義 , 當然 知道 庾公之斯 追子 濯 孺子 嘅 事 嘅 , 係 嘛 , 關將軍 。 General|you|have thoroughly read|Spring and Autumn Annals||of course|know||chasing after his son|washing|young child|possessive particle|matter||is|question particle|General Kwan General, you are well-versed in the Spring and Autumn Annals and understand the greater principles, so you certainly know about the matter of Yu Gong pursuing his son and washing the child, right, General Guan? 庾公之斯 追子 濯 孺子 嘅 事 , 乃 係 春秋 時候 嘅 故事 嚟 。 this story of Master Yu|chasing his son|washing|young child|possessive particle|matter|indeed|is|Spring and Autumn|period|possessive particle|story|coming from The story of Yu Gong Zhi Si chasing Zi Zhuo Ru Zi is a tale from the Spring and Autumn period. 庾公之斯 同子 濯 孺子 啊 都 係 人名 。 Yu Gong Zhi Si|Tong Zi|Zhuo|Ru Zi|ah|all|are|names Yu Gong Zhi Si and Zi Zhuo Ru Zi are both names of people. 當時 啊 , 衛國 呢 , 就 派 庾公之斯去 追擊 子 濯 孺子 。 at that time|ah|Wei state|question particle|then|sent||pursue|Zi|Zhuo|child At that time, the State of Wei sent Yu Gong Zhi Si to pursue Zi Zhuo Ru Zi. 佢 哋 呢 兩個 人 射箭 都 非常 之 叻 , 但 係 子 濯 孺子 啊 因為 有 病 , 所以 就 唔 能夠 攞 起 弓箭 嚟 應戰 嘞 。 they|plural marker|this|two|people|archery|also|very|extremely|skilled|||||child|ah|because|has|illness|so|then|not|able to|||bow and arrow|to|fight|past tense marker Both of them were very skilled archers, but Zi Zhuo Ru Zi was unable to take up the bow and arrow to fight back because he was ill. 照理 吖 , 庾公之斯 就 可以 毫不費力 噉 就 射死 子 濯 孺子 㗎 喇 。 logically|particle||then|can|effortlessly|like that|then|shoot dead|Zai|Zhuo|young boy|particle|particle Logically, Yu Gong Zhi Si could easily shoot and kill Zi Zhuo Ru Zi. 但 係 喺 噉 嘅 情形 之下 呢 , 庾公之斯 就 對 佢 話 : 我 係 跟 尹公之 他學 射箭 , 而 尹公之 他 又 係 跟 你 學 射箭 嘅 , 我 唔 忍心 將 你 嘅 技術 , 用返 嚟 傷害 你 。 |am|||particle indicating past action|||||||||I||||||||||||you|||possessive particle|||||you|||||| But in such a situation, Yu Gongzhi said to him: I learned archery from Yin Gongzhi, and Yin Gongzhi learned archery from you. I cannot bear to use your skills to harm you. 講完 , 庾公之斯 就將 箭頭 𢱕 甩 咗 , 對 住子 濯 孺子 射 咗 四支 冇 頭箭 就 返 扯 嘞 。 finished speaking|this person named Yu||arrowhead|pull|release|past tense marker|||wash|young boy|shoot|past tense marker|four arrows|without|head arrows|then|return|pull|past tense marker After saying that, Yu Gongzhi let go of the arrowhead and shot four headless arrows at the child, then returned. 哈哈 , 曹操 呢 個人 呀 真 係 機智 嘅 。 haha|Cao Cao|this|person|particle|||clever|possessive particle Haha, Cao Cao is really clever. 喺 呢 個 咁 危急 嘅 時候 啊 , 佢 居然 諗 起 庾公之 斯 嘅 故事 出 嚟 , 佢 係 認真 會 揸 住 關雲長 嘅 性格特點 啊 。 at|this|measure word|so|urgent|possessive particle|time|particle|he|unexpectedly|||||possessive particle|story|out|come|he|is|seriously|would|||another historical figure|possessive particle|personality traits|particle At this critical moment, he actually thought of the story of Yu Gongzhi. He truly understands the character traits of Guan Yu. 所以 佢 而 家 一 講起 呢 件 事出 嚟 呢 , 關雲長 一聽 , 唉 , 關雲長 係 個 義重 如 山 嘅 人 嚟 吖 嘛 。 so|he|||one|mention|this|classifier for events|incident|come|this|Guan Yun Chang|upon hearing|sigh|Guan Yun Chang|is|classifier for people|righteousness|as|mountain|possessive particle|person|come|particle indicating affirmation|particle indicating obviousness So when he brings up this matter now, as soon as Guan Yu hears it, he sighs, Guan Yu is a person of great righteousness. 佢 諗 起 咗 當日 曹操 對 佢 嘅 種種 恩情 , 以及 後 嚟 過五關斬六將 嘅 事 , 佢 點 能夠 話 唔 動心 呢 ? he|thought|up|past tense marker|that day|Cao Cao|towards|him|possessive particle|various|kindness|and|later|come||possessive particle|events|he|how|able to|say|not|moved|question particle He thought of all the kindness that Cao Cao had shown him that day, as well as the events of later when he passed through five passes and killed six generals. How could he say he wasn't moved? 佢 放眼 一望 , 又 見到 曹 軍 狼狽不堪 個個 淒淒徨 徨 眼淚 水都 混晒擎 , 個心 更加 不忍 咯 。 He|look around|at a glance|also|saw|Cao|army|in a miserable state|everyone|||tears||mixed together|heart|even more|unable to bear|particle indicating realization or conclusion He looked around and saw the Cao army in a state of disarray, each one looking lost and with tears mixed in their eyes, which made his heart ache even more. 於是 佢 勒 轉馬 頭 , 對 五百 校 刀手 話 : 四便 散開 ! then|he|pulled|turned around|head|to|five hundred|school|knife-wielders|said|quickly|disperse So he turned his horse around and told the five hundred sword-wielding soldiers: "Disperse!" 叫 軍士 散開 即 係 等於 話 放 曹操 走 嘅 意思 啦 。 to call|soldiers|disperse|immediately|is|equivalent to|saying|let go|Cao Cao|leave|possessive particle|meaning|final particle Telling the soldiers to disperse is equivalent to saying to let Cao Cao go. 曹操 見 關雲長 勒 轉馬 , 就 即刻 同埋 嗰 班 部下 一齊 衝過去 。 Cao Cao|saw|Guan Yu|pulled|turned his horse|then|immediately|and|that|group|subordinates|together|charged over When Cao Cao saw Guan Yunchang turn his horse around, he immediately charged over with his group of subordinates. 等到 關雲長 再 回過 身 嚟 嘅 時候 , 曹操 嗰 班 人 呀 已經 衝晒 過去 嘞 。 when|Guan Yu|again|turned|body|come|possessive particle|time|Cao Cao|that|group|people|particle|already|charged|past|past action particle By the time Guan Yu turned back, Cao Cao's men had already rushed over. 關雲長 個心 一動 , 跟 住 大喝一聲 : 唔 准 走 ! Guan Yun Chang||moved||||not|allow|leave Guan Yu's heart stirred, and he shouted loudly: "Don't let them escape!" 關雲長 呢 聲 一 出口 , 只見 曹軍幾廿人 個個 碌 低落 馬 , 伏 晒 喺 地下 嚟 對 住 佢 喊 一味 咁 叩頭 。 Guan Yu|this|sound|one|out|only saw||every one|roll|down|horse|lie|completely|at|ground|come|||him|shout|continuously|so|bowing As soon as Guan Yu's voice rang out, he saw several dozen soldiers from Cao's army tumble off their horses, prostrating themselves on the ground and repeatedly bowing to him. 關雲長 啊 越發 唔 忍心 喇 , 正 喺 度 猶豫 緊 嘅 時候 , 張遼行 上 嚟 喇 。 Guan Yu|ah|more and more|not|heartless|particle indicating completed action|just|at|place|hesitating|continuous tense marker|possessive particle|time||up|come|particle indicating completed action Guan Yu couldn't bear it any longer, and just as he was hesitating, Zhang Liao approached. 關雲長 見到 , 又 觸動 起 朋友 之情 , 哎 ! 佢 長 歎 一聲 , 一 擰 轉身 , 唔 睇 喇 ,冚𠾴唥 放走 晒 。 Guan Yu|saw|again|touched|rise|friendship||sigh|he|long|sigh||one||turn around|not|look|particle indicating completed action|all|let go|completely Seeing him, Guan Yu was reminded of their friendship, and with a long sigh, he turned around and chose not to look, letting them all go. 正是 曹瞞兵 敗走 華容 , 正 與 關公 狹路 逢 。 it is indeed|Cao Mengde's army|defeated and retreated|Huarong|just|with|Guan Gong|narrow road|encountered It was at Hua Rong that Cao Cao was defeated, just as he encountered Guan Gong on a narrow path. 只為 當初 恩義 重 , 放開 金鎖 , 走 蛟龍 。 only for|initial|kindness|heavy|release|golden lock|walk|dragon Only because of the heavy kindness from the past, he let go of the golden lock and allowed the dragon to escape. 話 說 曹操 逃脫 咗 華容 呢 一場 大難 , 行到 山谷 嘅 出口 , 點 一點 仲 跟 住 自己 嘅 軍 兵 , 只 係 剩返 二十七個 人 , 唉 ! 淒涼 絕頂 咯 。 said|spoke|Cao Cao|escaped|past tense marker|Hua Rong|this|a|great disaster|walked to|valley|possessive particle|exit|how|a little|still|||his own|possessive particle|army|soldiers|only|is|remaining|twenty-seven|people|sigh|desolate|extremely|particle indicating realization or conclusion It is said that after Cao Cao escaped from the great disaster at Hua Rong, when he reached the exit of the valley, he found that only twenty-seven of his soldiers were still with him. Alas! It was utterly desolate. 一路上 馬不停蹄 , 跑 到 夜晚 , 將近 嚟 到 南郡 喇 。 along the way|without stopping|running|until|night|nearly|||Nanjun|particle indicating action completion All the way, he rode without stopping, running until nightfall, and was almost at Nan Jun. 哎呀 , 只見 前面 火把 光亮 , 一堆 人馬 攔住 去路 , 曹操 大吃一驚 啊 冇 命 喇 呢 趟 。 oh no|only saw|ahead|torch|light|a group of|soldiers and horses|blocking|path|Cao Cao|was greatly shocked|ah|no|life|particle indicating completed action|this|trip Oh no, he saw ahead the bright light of torches, a group of people and horses blocking the way, and Cao Cao was greatly shocked, realizing he was doomed this time. 轉眼之間 , 有 一隊 哨馬衝 到 嚟 面前 , 哦 , 唔 使 驚 唔 使 驚 , 原來 係 曹 仁 嘅 軍隊 。 in the blink of an eye|there is|a team of||arrived|here|in front of|oh|||be scared||||it turns out|is|||possessive particle|army In the blink of an eye, a group of cavalry rushed towards us. Oh, no need to be scared, no need to be scared, it turns out to be Cao Ren's army. 曹仁 接到 曹操 , 佢 行 過 禮 就 話 喇 : Cao Ren|received|Cao Cao|he|||greeting|then|said|particle indicating completed action Cao Ren approached Cao Cao, paid his respects, and said: 雖然 知道 丞相 你 兵敗 , 但 係 唔 敢 遠離 南郡 , 只 能夠 喺 附近 嚟 迎接 你 喇 。 although|know|Prime Minister|you|defeat in battle|||||to leave|Nanjun|only|able to|at|nearby|come|welcome|you|particle indicating completed action Although I know that you, Prime Minister, have suffered a defeat, I dare not stray far from Nanjun, so I can only come nearby to welcome you. 唉 ! 我 都 幾乎 冇 命同 你 相見 喇 。 sigh|I|also|almost|have not||you|meet|particle indicating completed action Alas! I almost didn't have the chance to meet you. 於是 曹操 佢 哋 就 返 入 南郡 嘞 。 then|Cao Cao|he|they|then|return|to|Nanjun|past tense marker So Cao Cao and his men returned to Nanjun. 隨後 , 張 遼 亦 都 返到 嚟 , 噉 啊講 咗 一輪 關雲長 嘅 義氣 啦 。 afterwards|Zhang|Liao|also|all|returned|here|then||past tense marker|a round|Guan Yu|possessive particle|loyalty|final particle After that, Zhang Liao also returned and talked about Guan Yu's loyalty. 曹操 睇 下 跟 住 自己 返 嚟 嘅 將校 , 差 唔 多 冇 個 唔 負傷 嘅 , 就 都 叫 佢 哋 快 啲 去 休息 , 醫治 。 Cao Cao|look|down|||himself|return|here|possessive particle|officer||not|||||injured|possessive particle|then|all|told|them|plural particle|||go|rest|treatment Cao Cao looked at the generals who returned with him, and almost none of them were uninjured, so he told them to rest and get treated quickly. 曹仁 呢 就 擺酒 同 曹操 壓驚 解悶 。 Cao Ren|this|then|hold a banquet|with|Cao Cao|relieve anxiety|relieve boredom Cao Ren then hosted a banquet to calm Cao Cao's nerves. 當時 嗰 班 謀士 都 在座 , 曹操 飲 咗 幾杯酒 , 忽然 大聲 喊起 上 嚟 。 at that time|that|group|strategists|all|present|Cao Cao|drank|past tense marker|a few cups of wine|suddenly|loudly|shouted|up|here At that time, the group of strategists were present, and after Cao Cao drank a few cups, he suddenly shouted loudly. 嗰 班 謀士 就 勸 佢 話 啦 : 丞相 啊 , 你 喺 虎 窟 之中 逃難 嘅 時候 , 一 啲 都 唔 驚 。 that|group|strategists|then|advised|he|said|particle|Prime Minister|ah|you|at|tiger|den|within|fleeing|possessive particle|time|one|bit|at all|not|scared The strategists advised him, saying: "Prime Minister, you were not afraid at all when you were fleeing in the tiger's den." 而家 已經 返到 入城 喇 , 冇 到 危險 咯 , 正 係 要 整頓 軍馬 復仇 雪恨 , 仲 點解 要 喊 起 上 嚟 呢 ? now|already|returned|to the city|particle indicating completed action|not|reach|danger|particle indicating certainty|just|is|need to|organize|cavalry|revenge|avenge|still|why|need to|shout|up|on|come|question particle Now I have already returned to the city, there is no danger now, I just need to organize the troops for revenge and to settle the score, why do I need to shout about it? 哦 ! 啊啊啊 啊 。 oh|ahhh|ah Oh! Ah ah ah ah. 我 唔 係 喊 乜嘢 呀 , 我 喊 郭奉孝 啫 。 I|not|am|crying|anything|sentence-final particle|I|crying|Guo Fengxiao|only I'm not shouting about anything, I'm just shouting about Guo Fengxiao. 如果 奉孝在生 , 佢 決 唔 會 使 到 我 有 噉 嘅 大敗 嘅 。 if||he|definitely|not|would|||me|have|such|possessive particle|great defeat|possessive particle If Fengxiao were alive, he definitely wouldn't let me suffer such a great defeat. 唉 , 慘啊 ! 奉孝 , 我 心痛 啊 奉 孝 ! 可惜 啊 ! 奉孝 , 唉 ! sigh|so tragic|Fengxiao|I|heartache|ah|||what a pity|ah|Fengxiao|sigh Alas, it's tragic! Fengxiao, my heart aches for you, Fengxiao! What a pity! Fengxiao, alas! 曹操 一便 喊 , 一便 猛 咁 抌 心口 , 搞 到 嗰 班 謀士 呀 個個 都頭 耷耷 , 醜 㗎 嘛 。 Cao Cao|as soon as|shouted|as soon as|fiercely|so|hit|chest|||that|group|strategists|particle|everyone||drooping|ugly|particle|particle Cao Cao shouted while fiercely pounding his chest, causing all the strategists to hang their heads in shame. 第二日 , 曹操 吩咐 曹仁話 嘞 : the next day|Cao Cao|instructed||past tense marker The next day, Cao Cao instructed Cao Ren saying: 我而家 暫時 要 返去 許都 , 整頓 好 軍馬 , 必定 返 嚟 報仇 ! 你 要 好好 地 守住 南郡 。 |temporarily|need|return to|Xudu|prepare|good|cavalry|definitely|||take revenge|you|need|well|adverbial particle|defend|Nanjun I need to return to Xudu for the time being to properly prepare the army horses. I will definitely come back for revenge! You must guard Nanjun well. 誒 , 我 已經 定 咗 一條 計策 , 寫 好 咗 , 封住 喺 呢 處 , 未到 緊急 嘅 時候 , 你 唔 好 拆開 嚟 睇 ; hey|I|already|set|past tense marker|one|plan|write|well|past tense marker|sealed|at|this|place|not arrived|urgent|possessive particle|time|you|not|well|open|to|see Hey, I have already devised a strategy, written it down, and sealed it here. Until the situation becomes urgent, do not open it to read; 情形 危急 喇 , 你 就 開 啦 。 situation|urgent|particle indicating action|you|then|drive|particle indicating completion if the situation becomes critical, then you can open it. 你 依照 呢條 計策 嚟 做 , 就 可以 使到 東吳 唔 敢 嚟 逳 南郡 㗎 喇 。 you|according to|this|strategy|come|do|then|can|make|Dongwu|not|dare|come|invade|Nanjun|particle|particle If you follow this strategy, then Dongwu will not dare to invade Nanjun. 請問 丞相 , 合肥 、 襄陽 派 邊個 去 守 好 呢 ? may I ask|Prime Minister|Hefei|Xiangyang|send|who|go|defend|well|question particle May I ask, Prime Minister, who should we send to defend Hefei and Xiangyang? 荊州 就 委託 你 嚟 管 喇 ; Jingzhou|then|entrust|you|come|manage|particle indicating completed action Jingzhou will be entrusted to you to manage; 襄陽 呢 , 我 已經 派 咗 夏侯惇 去 把守 。 Xiangyang|question particle|I|already|send|past tense marker|Xiahou Dun|go|guard As for Xiangyang, I have already sent Xiahou Dun to guard it. 合肥 係 最 緊要 嘅 地方 , 我 派 張 遼 做 主將 , 樂進 、 來典 做 副將 去 把守 。 Hefei|is|most|important|possessive particle|place|I|appoint|Zhang|Liao|be|commander|Le Jin|Lai Dian|be|deputy commander|to|defend Hefei is the most important place, so I will send Zhang Liao as the main general, with Le Jin and Lai Dian as deputy generals to defend it. 如果 有 乜嘢 情形 , 就 盡 快報 過我知 啦 。 if|there is|anything|situation|then||||particle If there are any circumstances, just let me know as soon as possible. 曹操 作好 部署 , 就 帶 住 部下 嘅 文武 官員 返去 許昌 。 Cao Cao|completed|deployment|then|||subordinates|possessive particle|civil and military|officials|returned to|Xuchang Cao Cao made good arrangements and then took his civil and military officials back to Xuchang. 原來 荊州 投降 過 嚟 嘅 官員 呢 , 都 一齊 帶返 去 許昌 再 嚟 分派 職務 。 it turns out|Jingzhou|surrendered|past|come|possessive particle|officials|question particle|all|together|bring back|to|Xuchang|again|come|assign|duties It turns out that the officials who surrendered from Jingzhou were also taken back to Xuchang to be assigned their duties. 曹操 走 咗 之後 , 曹仁 就 派 曹洪 啊 帶兵 去 鎮守 彝陵 、 南郡 , 防備 周瑜 。 Cao Cao|leave|past tense marker|after|Cao Ren|then|sent|Cao Hong|sentence-final particle|lead troops|to|garrison|Yiling|Nanjun|guard against|Zhou Yu After Cao Cao left, Cao Ren sent Cao Hong to lead troops to guard Yiling and Nanjun, to defend against Zhou Yu. 呢 啲 呢 就 放低 唔 講 佢 住 。 question particle|||then|put down|not|talk|he|live Let's not talk about these for now. 而家返 轉頭 講下 劉備 呢 便 嘞 。 |turn around|talk about|Liu Bei|this|then|particle indicating completed action Now let's go back and talk about Liu Bei. 嗱, 關雲長 喺 華容道 放走 咗 曹操 , 就 帶兵 返 轉頭 啦 。 well|Guan Yu|at|Huarong Road|let go|past tense marker|Cao Cao|then|led his troops|return|immediately|sentence-final particle Well, Guan Yu let Cao Cao go at Huayang Road, and then he brought his troops back. 呢 陣時 啊 , 各路人馬 都 繳獲 咗 曹 軍 唔 少 嘅 馬匹 、 器械 、 錢糧 就 陸續 返到 夏口 。 |||all troops|all|captured|past tense marker|||||possessive particle|horses|equipment|money and provisions|then|successively|returned to|Xiakou At that time, various forces had captured quite a few horses, weapons, and supplies from Cao's army and were gradually returning to Xiakou. 唯獨 關雲長 一兵一卒 都 捉 唔 到 , 空手 掉掉 返 嚟 見 劉備 。 only|Guan Yu|not a single soldier|all|capture|not|arrive|empty-handed|drop|return|here|see|Liu Bei Only Guan Yu couldn't capture a single soldier or horse, and he returned empty-handed to see Liu Bei. 當時 啊 , 孔明 正在 擺酒 同 劉備 賀喜 。 at that time|ah|Kongming|was|hosting a banquet|with|Liu Bei|celebrating At that time, Kongming was celebrating with Liu Bei. 聽 講話 關雲長 返 嚟 喇 , 連忙 起身 離席 ,攞 住 杯酒 上前 迎接 話 : hear|speaking|Guan Yu|return|here|particle indicating completed action|hurriedly|stood up|left his seat|took|holding|cup of wine|stepped forward|welcomed|said Hearing that General Guan Yunchang has returned, I quickly got up from my seat, took a cup of wine, and went forward to greet him, saying: 恭喜 將軍 啊 ! 立 咗 呢 個 蓋世 功勞 , 為 普天下 除 咗 大害 啊 ! 恭喜 , 恭喜 啊 ! congratulations|general|particle|established|past tense marker|this|measure word|unparalleled|achievement|for|all under heaven|eliminate|past tense marker|great harm|particle|congratulations|congratulations|particle Congratulations, General! You have achieved this unparalleled merit, eliminating great harm for the world! Congratulations, congratulations! 關雲長 唔 出聲 。 Guan Yu|not|make a sound Guan Yunchang did not speak. 啊 , 莫非 將軍 因為 我 哋 冇 出 嚟 遠遠 迎接 , 故此 唔 高興 係 嘛 ? ah|could it be that|general|because|I|we|did not|||far away|welcome|therefore|not|happy|is|question particle Ah, could it be that the General is unhappy because we did not come out to welcome him from afar? 哎 , 你 哋 大家 點解 唔 早 啲 嚟 報告 呢 ? hey|||everyone|why|not|||come|report|question particle Hey, why didn't all of you come to report earlier? 諸葛亮 啊 鬧 嗰 啲 兵 嘞 喎 。 Zhuge Liang|ah|scold|that|plural marker|soldiers|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Zhuge Liang, ah, is scolding those soldiers. 軍師 , 關某 特意 前 嚟 請 死 ! military advisor|someone named Kwan|specifically|previously|come|invite|die Military advisor, Guan is specially here to ask for death! 吓 ? 莫非 曹操 冇 經過 華容道 ? huh|could it be that|Cao Cao|didn't|pass|Huarong Path Huh? Could it be that Cao Cao didn't pass through Huarong Road? 經過 , 皆 因關 某 無能 , 故此 畀 佢 走 甩 咗 ! after|all|regarding|someone|incompetence|therefore|let|him|escape|| He did pass, all because Guan is incompetent, that's why he let him slip away! 噉 , 將軍 捉到 曹 軍 咩 嘢 將領 呢 ? then|general|caught|Cao|army|what|thing|commander|question particle So, General, which commander of Cao's army did you capture? 一個 都 捉 唔 到 。 one|at all|catch|not|able to Not a single one can be caught. 噉 就 係 將軍 你 諗 住 曹操 往日 嘅 恩情 , 故意 放走 佢 嘅 。 then|just|is|general|you|||Cao Cao|in the past|possessive particle|kindness|intentionally|let go|him|possessive particle So you are thinking of General, remembering the kindness of Cao Cao in the past, and deliberately letting him go. 你 既然 立 咗 軍令狀 , 就 不得不 按 軍法 處理 。 you|since|sign|past tense marker|military order|then|must|according to|military law|handle Since you have established a military order, you must handle it according to military law. 刀斧手 ! knife and axe wielder Executioner! 有 ! have Yes! 將 佢 推出 去 斬 ! to|him|push out|to|chop Push him out to be executed! 好喇好 喇好 喇 呢 場戲 做到 呢 處 應該 收場 喇 。 alright||particle indicating completed action|this|movie|done|this|place|should|end|particle indicating completed action Alright, alright, alright, this scene has reached a point where it should end. 劉備 喇喇聲 行過 嚟 話 : 啊 軍師 呀 軍師 , 我 哋 三個 人 結義 嘅 時候 , 曾經 發過 誓要 同生共死 。 Liu Bei|loudly|walked past|here|said|ah|strategist|ah|strategist|I|we|three|men|sworn brotherhood|possessive particle|time|once|made|oath to|live and die together Liu Bei walked over and said loudly: "Ah, strategist, when we three made our oath of brotherhood, we vowed to live and die together. 而家雲長 雖則 係 犯 咗 軍法 , 仲 係 希望 軍師 睇 在 我 嘅 面上 , 饒恕 咗 佢 嘅 死罪 , 記 佢 一個 過 , 等 佢 以後 將功贖罪 啦 。 |although|is|committed|past tense marker|military law|still|is|hope|military advisor|see|in|my|possessive particle|face|forgive|past tense marker|him|possessive particle|death penalty|record|him|one|mistake|let|him|in the future|redeem his sins|sentence-final particle Now, although Guan Yu has violated military law, I still hope that the strategist will forgive him for my sake, and just record one offense against him, so that he can redeem himself in the future. 劉備 開聲 講情 嘞 , 孔明 就 順水推舟 , 饒恕 咗 關雲長 。 Liu Bei|spoke up|appealed for leniency|past tense marker|Kongming (Zhuge Liang)|then|took advantage of the situation|forgave|past tense marker|Guan Yu Liu Bei spoke with emotion, and Kongming took the opportunity to forgive Guan Yu. 好 喇 , 而家 又 到 講返 下 周瑜 嗰 便 嘞 喎 。 good|particle indicating completion|now|again|arrive|talk about|next|Zhou Yu|that|convenience|particle indicating change of state|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Alright, now let's talk about Zhou Yu again. 噉 啊 周瑜 喺 赤壁 打 咗 一場 大 勝仗 之後 , 收兵 點將 各個 記功 , 稟報 吳侯 孫權 啦 。 then|ah|Zhou Yu|at|Red Cliffs|fought|past tense marker|a|great|victory|after|disbanded the troops|appointed generals|each|recorded merits|reported|Wu lord|Sun Quan|sentence-final particle So, after Zhou Yu won a great victory at Red Cliffs, he reported the achievements of his troops to the Wu lord Sun Quan. 噉 啊 所有 俘虜 到 嘅 兵卒 啊 , 全數 押 咗 過江 。 then|particle|all|prisoners|arrive|possessive particle|soldiers|particle|all|escort|past tense marker|across the river All the captured soldiers were taken across the river. 然後 舉行 盛大 嘅 慶功宴 會 慰勞 三軍 。 then|hold|grand|possessive particle|victory banquet|will|reward|armed forces Then a grand victory banquet was held to reward the three armies. 跟 住 冇 幾耐 , 周瑜 就 下令 進兵 去 奪取 南郡 嘞 。 ||not|long|Zhou Yu|then|ordered|advance troops|to|capture|Nanjun|past tense marker Not long after, Zhou Yu ordered the troops to advance and seize Nan Jun. 東吳 嘅 前鋒 部隊 啊 , 挨住 長江 邊扎落 營寨 , 前後 分 咗 五個 營 , 周瑜 就 居中 。 Eastern Wu|possessive particle|vanguard|troops|sentence-final particle|next to|Yangtze River||camp|front and back|divided|past tense marker|five|battalions|Zhou Yu|then|was in the center The Eastern Wu's front-line troops are stationed by the Yangtze River, with five camps set up in total, and Zhou Yu is in the center. 呢 一日 , 周瑜 正在 同 啲 將領 謀士 喺 度 商量 緊 攻打 南郡 嘅 策略 。 this|day|Zhou Yu|was|with|plural marker|generals|strategists|at|location particle|discussing|ongoing|attacking|Nanjun|possessive particle|strategy On this day, Zhou Yu was discussing strategies to attack Nanjun with the generals and advisors. 有人 嚟 報告 話 劉玄德 就 派 孫乾 嚟 祝賀 都督 啊 噉 。 someone|come|report|said|Liu Xuande|then|sent|Sun Qian|come|congratulate|governor|ah|like that Someone came to report that Liu Xuande had sent Sun Qian to congratulate the governor. 噉 周瑜 就 請 佢 入 嚟 啦 。 then|Zhou Yu|then|invite|him|come|in|particle indicating suggestion or request So Zhou Yu invited him in. 孫乾入 到 嚟 行 過禮 , 就 對 周瑜 話 喇 : |arrive|come|walk|pay respects|then|to|Zhou Yu|said|particle indicating completed action When Sun Qian entered and paid his respects, he said to Zhou Yu: 主公 特意 命令 我 嚟 拜謝 都督 , 有 薄禮 奉獻 啊 。 Your Lord|specially|ordered|I|to come|express gratitude|Governor|have|humble gift|presented|ah The lord specifically ordered me to come and thank the governor, and I have a small gift to present. 周瑜 話 喇 : 不敢當 不敢當 , 玄德 而 家 喺 邊度 呢 ? Zhou Yu|said|particle|I'm flattered|I'm flattered|Xuande|but|home|is|where|particle Zhou Yu said: I am flattered, I am flattered. Where is Xuande's home? 主公 而家 帶 住 兵 , 喺 油 江口 駐扎 啊 。 lord|now|bring|with|soldiers|at|||stationed|particle The lord is currently leading troops and is stationed at the mouth of the You River. 吓 ? 孔明 係 唔 係 亦 都 喺 油 江口 啊 ? huh|Kongming|is|not|is|||at|||particle Huh? Is Kongming also at the mouth of the You River? 係 , 孔明同 主公 一齊 喺 油 江 嚟 。 yes||lord|together|at|||come Yes, Kongming is together with the lord at the You River. 足下 請 返 去 先 , 我 一定 親自 嚟 答謝 ! you|please|return|go|first|I|definitely|personally|come|thank Please go back first, I will definitely come personally to thank you! 周瑜 收起 咗 禮物 , 就 打發 孫乾返 扯 先 。 Zhou Yu|put away|past tense marker|gift|then|sent away||pull|first Zhou Yu put away the gift and sent Sun Qian back to the camp. 孫乾 呢 走 咗 , 魯肅 就問 周瑜 嘞 : Sun Qian|this|||Lu Su||Zhou Yu|particle indicating past action After Sun Qian left, Lu Su asked Zhou Yu: 先頭 都督 為 咩 嘢 失驚 起上 嚟 啊 ? 吓 ? first|governor|for|what|thing|startled|get up|come|ah|huh Why did the general get startled earlier? 嘿 ! 劉備 喺 油 江 駐兵 , 必定 係 想 奪取 南郡 嘅 。 hey|Liu Bei|at|||stationed troops|definitely|is|wants|to capture|Nanjun|possessive particle Hey! Liu Bei is stationed at Youjiang, he must be trying to seize Nanjun. 我 哋 費 咗 咁 多 軍馬 , 用 咗 咁 多 錢糧 , 眼睇 住 南郡 一 逳 手 就 得 㗎 喇 。 ||spend|past tense marker|||cavalry horses|use|past tense marker|||money|||Nanjun|one|capture|hand|then|succeed|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle We spent so many horses and used so much money, and now we are just watching as South County is taken away. 哼 ! 佢 哋 居心不良 想 嚟 撈 便宜 ? 我 周瑜 都 未 死 呢 ! hum|he|they|ill-intentioned|want|to come|fish for|cheap deals|I|Zhou Yu|also|not yet|dead|question particle Hmph! They have bad intentions and want to take advantage? I, Zhou Yu, am not dead yet! 噉 , 我 哋 用 乜嘢 辦法 嚟 制止 佢 哋 好 呢 ? then|I|plural marker|use|what|method|to|stop|they|plural marker|well|question particle So, what method should we use to stop them? 我要 親自 去 同 劉備 講 。 I want|in person|to go|with|Liu Bei|talk I need to personally go and talk to Liu Bei. 好 就 好 ; 如果 唔 好 呢 , 我 未 等 佢 去 攞 南郡 , 就 殺 咗 佢 劉備 先 ! good|then|good|if|not|good|question particle|I|not yet|wait|he|go|take|Nanjun|then|kill|past tense marker|he|Liu Bei|first That's fine; if it doesn't go well, before I let him take South County, I'll kill Liu Bei first! 噉 啊 等 我 同埋 都督 你 一齊 去 啦 。 then|ah|wait|I|and|the governor|you|together|go|particle indicating suggestion or urging Then, let me and the governor go together. 於是 周瑜 同 魯肅 帶住 三千 人馬 直奔 油 江口 嘞 。 then|Zhou Yu|and|Lu Su|led|three thousand|troops|directly rushed to|river|mouth|past tense marker So, Zhou Yu and Lu Su led three thousand troops straight to the mouth of the You River. 油江 呢 , 係 古時 長江 嘅 一條 支流 。 Youjiang|question particle|is|ancient times|Yangtze River|possessive particle|a|tributary The You River was a tributary of the Yangtze River in ancient times. 油 江口 啊 就 係 油江 進入 長江 嘅 河口 嘞 。 oil|river mouth|ah|just|is|Youjiang|entering|Yangtze River|possessive particle|river mouth|past action particle The mouth of the You River is where the You River enters the Yangtze River. 地點 呢 就 喺 今日 湖北省 公安縣 嘅 北方 , 呢 處 呀 同 荊州 南郡 好近 。 location|this|then|at|today|Hubei Province|Gong'an County|possessive particle|north|||particle indicating surprise|with|Jingzhou|Nanjun| The location is in the northern part of today's Gong'an County in Hubei Province, and it is very close to the southern part of Jingzhou. 而家 講下孫 乾 佢 返 到 油 江口 見到 劉備 , 就 講話 周瑜 啊 , 就 快要 親自 嚟 答謝 喇 噉 。 now||Qian|he|return|to|oil|river mouth|saw|Liu Bei|then|said|Zhou Yu|ah|then|soon|personally|come|thank|particle|like that Now let's talk about Sun Quan. When he arrived at the mouth of the Yangtze River, he saw Liu Bei and said that Zhou Yu would soon come personally to express his gratitude. 劉備 就問 孔明 啦 : 乜 周瑜 嘅 來意 係 咩 嘢 呢 吓 ? Liu Bei||Kongming|particle indicating a question|what|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|intention|is|what|thing|particle indicating a question|particle indicating surprise Liu Bei then asked Kongming: What is Zhou Yu's intention? 佢 嚟 到 我 點樣 對答 好 啊 ? he|||I|how|respond|well|question particle How should I respond when he comes? 孔明 就 教 佢 喇 : 周瑜 嚟 到 個 時候 , 你 如此 如此 啦 。 Kongming|then|teach|him|particle indicating completed action|Zhou Yu|||the|time|you|like this|like this|particle indicating suggestion or reminder Kongming taught him: When Zhou Yu arrives, you should do this and that. 究竟 兩個 人 嘅 會面 係 點樣 呢 ? 噉 啊 下回分解 。 exactly|two|people|possessive particle|meeting|is|how|question particle|then|ah| What exactly will the meeting between the two be like? We'll discuss it next time.

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