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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 106

諸葛瑾 就 奉 咗 孫權 之命 , 去 到 白帝城 見 劉備 , 就 表示 願意 兩家 和 好 啊 , 共同 去 討伐 曹丕 吖 。 劉備 就 話 : 哼 ! 你 東吳 害 咗 朕 嘅 兄弟 , 今日 竟然 想用 啲 花言巧語 嚟 為 自己 嘅 罪過 開脫 係 嘛 ! 請 陛下 允許 小臣 , 用 輕重 大小 嘅 道理 同 陛下 分析 一下 。 陛下 乃 係 漢朝 皇叔 , 今日 , 漢朝 嘅 帝位 已經 畀 曹丕 篡奪 。 陛下 唔 諗 住 去 剿滅 叛逆 , 而 僅僅 為 咗 異姓 結拜 之親 , 竟然 御駕親征 。 呢 個 係 捨棄 大義 追求 小義 啊 。 其次 , 中原 乃 係 國內 嘅 要 地 , 洛陽 、 長安 都 係 大漢 創業 嘅 地方 。 陛下 唔 去 攞 而 只 係 爭奪 荊州 , 呢 個 乃 係 棄重 而 取輕 喇 。 其三 , 天下 都 知道 陛下 登上 帝位 , 必定 要 復興 漢室 , 恢復 山河 嘅 。 但 係 今日 陛下 對 魏國 不聞不問 , 反而 要 攻打 東吳 。 臣 , 為 陛下 着想 就 唔 係 噉 做 咯 。 豈有此理 ! 殺 我 二弟 之仇 不共戴天 , 要 我 罷兵 , 除非 我 死 ! 若果 唔 係 睇 在 丞相 嘅 面子 , 就 先 斬 你 嘅 人頭 ! 而家 姑且 放 你 返去 , 講 畀 孫權 聽 , 叫 佢 洗 乾淨 條頸 , 等 住 殺頭 啦 ! 諸葛瑾 見 講極 劉備 都 唔 聽 , 就 唯有 返去 東吳 嘞 。 呢 一日 , 張昭 走 嚟 見 孫權 佢 話 : 主公 呀 , 諸葛子瑜 見到 蜀兵 咁 強大 , 故此 詐家 意話 去 講和 , 其實 呀 , 背叛 咗 我 哋 東吳 趯 去 西 蜀 係 真 。 佢 呢 次 走 咗 , 梗 唔 返 嚟 㗎 喇 。 孫權 話 喇 : 我 同子 瑜 之間 有 一個 生死 都 唔 變更 嘅 盟約 。 我 唔 會 對 唔 住子 瑜 , 子瑜 亦 唔 會 對 唔 住 我 。 從前 當子 瑜 喺 柴 桑 嘅 時候 , 嗰 次 孔明 嚟 東吳 。 我 啊 想 叫子 瑜 留住 佢 , 子瑜 話 : 我細 佬 已經 侍奉 咗 玄德 , 就 唔 會 三心兩意 。 孔明 唔 會 留 喺 東吳 , 就 好似 我 唔 肯 去 佢 度 一樣 。 佢 嘅 說話 講得 確係 光明磊落 , 可 對 鬼神 。 今日 佢 點 肯 投降 蜀國 嘅 呢 ? 我 同子 瑜 可謂 神交 , 並非 幾句 說話 所 能夠 離間 嘅 。 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 侍臣 嚟 報告 話 諸葛瑾 返 嚟 喇 。 孫權 話 : 我 講 嘅 點 啊 , 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 哎呀 張昭 呀 滿面 羞慚 , 走 都 走 唔 切 。 呢 , 咪 睇 張昭 個人 咁 有 本事 啊 做到 咁 大官 , 真 係 枉作 小人 啊 呢 趟 。 諸葛瑾 入 嚟 拜見 過 孫權 , 就 話 劉備 唔 肯講 和 啊 噉 。 孫權 話 : 噉 樣 呀 , 江南 真 係 危險 咯 。 中 大夫 趙 咨 就 行前 嚟 話 喇 : 我 有 一條 計策 , 可以 解脫 呢場 危難 嘅 。 哦 ? 你 有 咩 好計 呢 ? 請 主公 你 寫 一份 表章 , 派 我 做 使者 去 見 魏帝 曹丕 , 對 佢 講明 利害 , 使 佢 出兵 去 襲擊 漢中 。 噉 樣 , 蜀 兵 佢 哋 自己 就 危險 咯 。 好 , 好 ! 呢條 計策 好極 嘞 ! 誒 , 但 係 你 呢 次 去 北魏 呀 , 千祈 唔 好失 咗 東吳 嘅 氣概 啊 。 若果 有些 少 唔 妥 , 我 都 投江 而 死 ! 唔 通 噉 樣 我仲有 面返 嚟 見 江南 嘅 父老 咩 ? 孫權 好 歡喜 啊 , 即 刻寫 咗 份 表章 , 噉 啊 承認 曹丕 係 君主 自己 係 臣子 。 任命 趙 咨做 使者 , 日夜兼程 , 趕路 去 許都 。 趙 咨去 到 嘞 , 首先 去 拜會 太尉賈 詡 與 及 大小官員 等等 。 第 日 , 早朝 嘅 時候 , 賈詡 出班 啟奏話 : 東吳 派 中 大夫 趙 咨前 嚟 上表 。 曹丕 笑 喇 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 佢 哋 為 咗 想 蜀 兵 撤退 啫 , 哈哈哈 , 召 佢 入 嚟 。 趙 咨入 到 大殿 , 喺 丹墀 之下 跪拜 行禮 , 呈 上表 章 。 曹丕 睇 完 就 問趙 咨 : 吳侯 係 個 點樣 嘅 主公 啊 ? 吳侯 係 聰明 、 仁智 、 雄略 嘅 主公 嚟 啊 。 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 你 褒獎 得 太 過份 啩? 臣 並非 過於 過譽 啊 。 吳 侯 喺 平凡 之中 賞識 魯肅 , 係 佢 嘅 聰 ; 喺 行 陣 之中 提拔 呂蒙 , 係 佢 嘅 明 ; 俘虜 咗 于 禁 而 不 殺 , 係 佢 嘅 仁 ; 取 荊州 而 兵不血刃 , 係 佢 嘅 智 ; 據守 三江 虎視 天下 , 係 佢 嘅 雄 ; 對 陛下 你 屈伸 稱臣 , 係 佢 嘅 策略 。 要 噉 樣 睇 嚟 , 豈 唔 係 聰明 、 仁智 、 雄略 嘅 主公 咩 ? 哦 , 吳侯 亦 有 冇 多少 學問 啊 ? 吳侯 擁有 戰船 萬艘 , 甲兵 百萬 , 精通 兵法 , 好 懂得 任用 人才 。 平時 得閒 博覽 群書 熟讀 經史 , 都 係 從 大處着眼 , 採納 書中 有用 嘅 地方 。 並唔 係 去 學 啲 書生 噉 尋章摘句 讀死書 㗎 。 朕 要 去 攻打 東吳 , 得 唔 得 啊 ? 大國 有 征伐 之兵 , 小 國有 防禦 之策 啊 。 東吳 怕 唔 怕 我 哋 魏國 啊 ? 甲兵 百萬 , 又 有 長江 天險 作為 屏障 , 噉 怕 乜嘢 呢 ? 喺 東吳 學似 大夫 你 噉 嘅 人 有 幾多 呢 ? 聰明能幹 嘅 八九十 人 。 至於 學似 小臣 噉 樣 嘅 呢 , 用車 裝用 斗量 , 計都計 唔 掂 咁 多咯 。 哦 , 大夫 你 真 係 使 於 四方 , 不辱 君命 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 曹丕 冇 辦法 唔 佩服 趙 咨 。 於是 曹丕 立即 下 一道 詔書 , 封孫權 做 吳王 , 加九錫 。 趙 咨 完成 咗 使命 嘞 , 就 跪拜 謝恩 離開 宮殿 。 大夫 劉曄 等 趙 咨走 咗 呢 就 勸 曹丕 話 喇 : 陛下 , 孫權 係 因為 害怕 蜀 兵勢 大 , 故此 嚟 到 請降 嘅 。 其實 , 蜀吳 交戰 係 上天 注定 要 滅亡 佢 哋 。 而家 若果 派 一員 上將 率領 數萬 人馬 , 渡江 去 襲擊 東吳 , 蜀 兵攻 其外 , 魏兵 攻 其內 。 噉 樣 呀 , 滅亡 吳國 都 唔 使 十日 啊 。 吳國 一亡 , 蜀國 就 勢單力孤 喇 , 陛下 點解 唔 噉 樣 做 呢 ? 噉 樣 做 唔 好 , 孫權 既然 按照 禮法 , 對 朕 俯首稱臣 。 若然 , 仲去 攻打 佢 就 會 令 到 天下 間 想 歸降 朕 嘅 人 都 寒心 咯 。 所以 , 仲 係 以 接受 佢 為 啱 。 不過 噉 啊 陛下 , 孫權 雖然 有 雄才大略 , 不過 , 佢 僅僅 係 殘 漢 嘅 驃騎 將軍 、 東昌 侯 噉 嘅 地位 啫 , 官職 低 就 氣勢 微弱 , 佢 仲 會 有 畏懼 中原 之 心 噃。 若果 好似 而家 噉 , 封 佢 做到 吳王 , 噉 佢 同 陛下 只 係 差 一級 咋 噃。 今日 , 陛下 相信 咗 佢 嘅 假 投降 , 又 封 佢 咁 崇高 嘅 地位 稱號 , 實在 係 與虎添翼 啊 。 唔 係 嘅 , 朕 唔 去 幫 東吳 , 亦 唔 去 幫西 蜀 , 就 噉 樣 睇 住 吳蜀 交戰 , 若果 消滅 咗 一國 , 就 只 係 剩返 一國 嘞 。 到 其時 再 去 剷除 埋 佢 , 又 有 何難哉 ! 朕 已經 揸 定 主意 , 你 唔 使 再講 。 於是 曹丕 就 命令 太常卿 邢貞 做 使者 , 帶住 封誥 九錫 , 就 同埋 趙 咨 一齊 去 東吳 嘞 。 呢 一日 , 孫權 正 喺 度 召集 文武百官 , 商議 抵抗 蜀 兵 嘅 辦法 。 侍臣 嚟 報告 話 魏帝 封 主公 做 吳王 , 而家 使者 已經 嚟 到 喇 噉 。 顧雍 就 勸 孫權 話 喇 : 主公 應該 自稱 為 上 將軍 、 九州 伯 噉 就 啱 喇 , 唔 好 接受 魏帝 所 封 嘅 爵位 啊 。 孫權 話 : 想當年 , 劉邦 同 項羽 共同 消滅 咗 秦國 之後 , 劉邦 亦 接受 過 項羽 封 畀 佢 嘅 漢王 稱號 啊 。 點解 呢 ? 因為 劉邦 當時 嘅 勢力 唔 及 項羽 吖 嘛 。 要 順應時勢 啊 , 為 咩 嘢 唔 接受 呢 ? 於是 孫權 率領 文武百官 出城 去 迎接 。 嗰 個 邢 貞 呢 , 自己 恃 住 係 上國 天使 , 啊 擺起 個款 , 入 城門 個 時候 呀 , 居然 連車 都 唔 落 噃。 張昭就極 之 氣憤 , 大聲 噉 喝 佢 話 : 你 妄自尊大 不顧 禮法 , 唔 好 以 為 江南 一 啲 力量 都 冇 啊 ! 嘩 嗨 ! 邢貞 慌忙 落車 , 同 孫權 行禮 相見 , 然後 一拍 噉 坐車 入 城 。 忽然間 , 有人 喺 架車 後 便 喊 起 上 嚟 話 : 唉 , 我 哋 唔 能夠 捨身 拼命 , 為 主公 吞併 北魏 、 西蜀 , 反而 令到 主公 要 接受 他人 嘅 封爵 , 真 係 恥辱 啊 ! 係 邊個 呢 ? 徐盛 啊 。 邢貞 聽到 徐盛 噉 講個 心 就 諗 嘞 : 啊 ! 江東 嘅 文官 武將 都 係 咁 有 骨氣 , 到底 都 唔 係 久居 他人 之下 㗎 。 噉 啊 孫權 接受 咗 封爵 , 文武百官 就 照例 恭賀 啦 。 然後 , 準備 咗 一批 美玉 明珠 嘅 珍貴 禮物 , 派 人 送 去 畀 魏帝 謝恩 , 呢 啲 呢 就 唔 講 佢 喇 。 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 孫權 得到 報告 話 劉備 率領 大軍 , 會同 蠻王 沙摩柯 , 幾萬名 番兵 就 又 有 洞 溪 嘅 漢 將 , 杜路 、 劉寧 兩支 兵馬 , 水陸並進 , 聲勢浩大 。 水 路軍 呢 , 已經 出 咗 巫峽 口 , 旱 路軍 已經 到 咗 秭歸 喇 噉 。 秭歸 啊 喺 今日 湖北省 西部 , 係 靠近 四川 。 本來 孫權 向 曹丕 請降 接受 封爵 啊 , 係 想 曹丕 啊 出兵 去 攻打 漢中 , 牽制 劉備 㗎 嘛 。 點知 曹丕 唔 肯 出兵 接應 噃, 哼 , 噉 就 麻煩 夾牙煙 喇 。 佢 問 班 大臣 喇 : 蜀兵 聲勢 咁 大 , 我 哋 點樣 抵敵 好 呢 ? 嗰 班 大臣 就 個個 都 唔 出 聲 噃。 孫權 話 喇 : 唉 , 周郎 之後 有 魯肅 , 魯肅 之後 有 呂蒙 , 而家 呂蒙 已經 死 咗 咯 , 再 冇 人 為 孤王 分憂 咯 。 孫權 話口 未 完 啊 , 有位 少年 將軍 奮起 精神 , 行出 嚟 跪 低 稟奏 話 : 臣 雖然 年輕 , 亦 頗 為 學過 啲 兵法 , 請 主公 派 我 率領 幾萬 人馬 去 迎擊 蜀兵 啦 ! 孫權 一睇 , 原來 係 孫桓 。 孫 桓 嘅 父親 本來 姓 俞 嘅 叫做 俞河 。 孫策 啊 好 喜歡 佢 , 就 賜 佢 姓 孫 , 因此 呢 亦 都 係 吳 王 嘅 宗族 嘞 。 孫河 有 四個 仔 , 孫桓 係 最大 。 佢 精通 武藝 弓馬 嫻熟 , 時常 都 跟隨 孫權 南征北戰 就 立過 好多 戰功 , 官職 係 武衛 都尉 。 當時 呢 , 佢 先 至 係 二十五歲 唔 。 噉 孫權 問 佢 : 你 有 咩 嘢 辦法 可以 戰勝 蜀兵 呢 ? 臣 有 兩員 大將 , 一個 叫做 李異 , 一個 叫做 謝 旌 , 都 有 萬夫不當之勇 嘅 , 請 主公 撥 幾萬 兵 , 去 生擒 劉備 啊 。 賢侄 你 雖然 英勇 , 無奈 年紀 仲 係 細 啊 , 一定 要 有 個人 幫 你 至 得 。 虎威 將軍 朱然 就 行出 嚟 話 : 臣 願同 小 將軍 一齊 去 生擒 劉備 ! 孫權 同意 佢 嘅 請求 , 就點 起水 陸軍 五萬名 , 封孫桓 做 左 都督 , 朱然 做 右 都督 就 即日 起兵 。 當時 探聽到 蜀兵 啊 , 已經 嚟 到 宜都 就 扎落 營寨 嘞 。 於是 孫桓 呢 就 帶領 二萬五千 兵馬 , 駐 扎 喺 宜都 界口 , 前後 就 分 做 三營 嚟 頂住 蜀兵 。 宜都 啊 靠近 荊州 南郡 嘞 , 就 喺 今日 嘅 湖北省 南部 嚟 。 而家 講下 吳班 , 佢 掛 咗 先鋒 印 就 自從 出 咗 西川 以來 啊 , 所到之處 就 望風 投降 , 唔 使流 一滴 血 就 直到 宜都 。 佢 探聽到 孫桓 就 喺 宜都 扎落 營寨 , 就 派 人 飛報 劉備 。 當時 劉備 呢 已經 到 咗 秭歸 嘞 , 接到 呢 個 消息 呢 , 可惱 嘢 啦 : 諒 佢 呢 個 後 生仔 , 竟敢 同孤王 對抗 吓 ! 關興 就 稟奏 話 : 既然 孫權派 呢 個 後生 做 主帥 , 噉 陛下 就 唔 使 派 其他 嘅 大將 , 等 小臣 去 捉 佢 ! 好極 喇 ! 孤王 正 係 想 睇 下 賢侄 嘅 英雄氣概 。 劉備 立即 命令 關興 進兵 。 張苞 即刻 行前 一步 話 : 臣 願意 同 關興 一齊 去 討伐 逆賊 ! 好 ! 兩位 賢侄 同行 就 妙極 喇 , 不過 必須 謹慎 小心 啊 。 噉 兩員 小將 拜辭 劉備 , 會合 先鋒 吳班 就 一同 進兵 。 呢 一日 , 孫桓 聽講 蜀兵 大舉進攻 , 就點 起 全部 兵馬 出去 迎敵 。 雙方 各自 佈 好 陣勢 嘞 。 兩陣 對圓 , 孫桓 帶領 李異 、 謝 旌 立馬 喺 門 旗下 便 。 蜀 軍方 面 呢 , 湧出 兩員 小將 , 都 係 銀盔 銀甲 , 白旗 白馬 。 上手 便 , 張苞 挺起 丈 八點 鋼矛 ; 下手 便 , 關興 打橫 揸 住 大砍刀 。 張苞 大喝一聲 : 孫桓 你 個 衰仔 ! 死到 臨頭 仲敢 抗拒 天兵 ! 孫桓鬧 返 轉頭 喇 : 哈哈 , 你 父親 呀 已經 做 咗 無頭 之鬼 喇 , 今日 你 又 嚟 攞 死 啊 真 係 蠢材 喇 你 ! 嘿 ! 張苞 怒火沖天 , 挺槍 直取 孫桓 。 謝 旌 就 未 等 孫桓 出馬 , 自己 一拍 隻 馬 就 迎 上 前去 同張 苞 交鋒 。 兩個 打 咗 三十幾個 回合 , 謝 旌 唔 夠打 走 人 , 張苞 就 乘勝 追上去 。 李異 睇 見 謝 旌 打輸 咗 , 慌忙 拍馬 上前 , 舞起 蘸 金斧 接住 同張 苞 打過 。 打 咗 二十幾個 回合 就 不分勝負 。 喺 吳 軍陣 內 呢 , 有 一個 副將 叫做 譚雄 啊 , 佢 見到 張苞 咁 厲害 唄 , 李異 打 佢 唔 贏 。 𠻘 噉 就 放冷箭 , 一箭 就 射中 張苞 騎 住 嗰 匹 馬 。 嗰 匹 馬 忍痛 呀 跑 返去 本陣 , 點知 都 未 跑 到門 旗 嗰 度 唧 ,𠽤𡃈! 噉 就 碌 低 嘞 。 張苞 咪 成個 𢴈 喺 地 啦 。 好 機會 啊 李異 啊 急衝 上前 , 舉起 蘸 金大斧 啊 對 住 張 苞 個頭 殼 就 劈 落 去 。 忽然 紅光 一閃 啊 , 李 異 嘅 人頭 早已 落地 。 嘿 點解 啊 喂 , 原來 關興 啊 見到 張苞 回馬 跑 返 嚟 , 正 係 想 接應 佢 啦 。 突然 見到 張苞 連人 帶馬碌 低 , 李異 又 追住 上 嚟 , 關興 大喝一聲 就 劈 死 咗 李異 救 返張 苞 。 噉 關興 吖 就 趁勢 揮兵 掩殺 , 打到 孫桓 大敗 , 噉 就 各自 打鑼 收兵 嘞 。 第 日 , 孫桓 又 帶兵 嚟 。 張苞 、 關興 啊 一齊 出去 。 關興 一 拍馬 衝 到 陣前 , 就 係 嘍孫桓 嚟 打 。 孫桓 發火 喇 , 拍 馬舞刀 就 同 關興 大戰 三十幾個 回合 。 誒 唔 得 喇 , 唔 夠 氣力 喇 , 一撥 馬頭 就 飛跑 回陣 。 關興 、 張苞 兩員 小將 一直 追住 殺 過去 。 吳班 啊 帶 住 張南 、 馮習 , 指揮 軍隊 就 衝鋒 掩殺 啊 。 張苞 奮勇當先 , 直殺 去吳 軍陣 內 , 迎面 撞見 謝 旌 。 張苞 一矛 就 刺死 咗 佢 , 殺到 吳兵 散 晒 走夾 冇 唞 。 蜀 軍 打勝 咗 仗 收兵 嘞 , 咦 ? 獨獨 唔 見 關興 歸隊 噃。 張苞話 喇 : 佢 有 乜 三長兩短 , 我 亦 唔 做人 喇 ! 立即 提槍 上馬 四圍 去 搵 關興 。 行 咗 幾里路 , 呵呵 見到 喇 , 只見 關興 左手 提刀 , 右手 夾生 挾住 一員 敵將 。 哦 ? 係 邊個 啊 ? 哈哈哈哈 , 我 喺 亂軍 之中 , 咁 啱 撞 到 仇人 就 生擒 咗 佢 嘞 。 張苞 一 睇 , 原來 係 昨日 放冷箭 嗰 個 譚 雄 , 哎 高興 喇 。 返到 軍營 , 斬 咗 譚雄 , 用 譚雄 啲 血 啊 嚟 祭 嗰 匹 死 馬 , 哎 噉 就 報 咗 仇 喇 。 同時 呢 , 寫 咗 份 表章 , 派 人 去 劉備 處 報捷 。 噉 嗰 頭 孫 桓 呢 , 因為 損失 咗 李異 、 謝 旌 、 譚雄 等等 一批 將士 , 就 元氣大傷 啦 。 佢 冇 力 抵抗 喇 , 所以 就 派 人 火速 返去 東吳 求救 。 而家 講下 蜀 軍 呢 便 , 張南同 馮習 啊 , 就 對 先鋒 吳班 建議 話 : 而家 吳兵 大敗 , 我 哋 乘機 去 劫營 就 啱 嘞 。 吳班話 : 孫桓 雖然 損失 咗 好多 人馬 , 不過 朱 然 嘅 水軍 啊 , 喺 江 上 安營 一 啲 都 冇 損失 過 個 噃。 我 哋 如果 去 劫營 呢 , 萬一 朱 然 嘅 水軍 登陸 , 截斷 我軍 嘅 歸路 噉 點算 好 啊 ? 張南話 : 噉 好辦 啦 , 請關 、 張 兩位 將軍 , 每人 帶 五千 兵 喺 山谷 裏頭 埋伏 。 如果 朱然 嚟 救 嘅 話 , 一左一右 兩支 軍隊 殺出 嚟 夾攻 就 必定 打贏 嘅 。 吳班話 喇 : 嗯 , 噉 啦 , 我 哋 派 幾個 卒 仔 , 詐 假意 去 投降 , 將 劫營 嘅 事 講 畀 朱 然 聽 。 朱然 一 見到 起 火燒 着 嚟 嘞 , 就 必定會 嚟 救應 嘅 。 到 時 我 哋 就 用 伏兵 打 佢 , 噉 就 大事 成功 喇 。 好 啊 好 啊 馮 習 佢 哋 好 歡喜 啊 , 就 依計 行事 嘞 。 朱然 知道 孫桓 損兵折將 , 正 係 想 出兵 去 救 啦 。 呢 一日 , 伏路軍 就 帶 住 幾個 卒 仔 上船 投降 喎 。 朱然 照例 要 審問 清楚 啦 , 啲 卒 仔話 : 我 哋 係 馮習 部下 嘅 士卒 啊 。 因為 見 佢 賞罰不明 , 所以 就 走 嚟 投降 , 有 機密 事要 報告 啊 。 咩 事 ? 今晚 , 馮習 要 乘虛 去 劫 孫將軍 嘅 營寨 , 誒 約定 點火 做 信號 喎 。 朱然問 清楚 , 即刻 就 派 人 去 報知 孫桓 。 哈哈 點知 去 報告 嘅 人 呀 行 到 半路 , 就 畀 關興 截住 殺 咗 嘞 。 朱 然 佢 同 佢 啲 部下 商量 要 派兵 去 援救 孫桓 。 佢 個 部將 崔禹 就 話 喇 : 卒 仔 嘅 說話 靠 唔 住 㗎 。 若果 有 咩 嘢 疏忽 , 水陸 兩軍都 冇 晒 㗎 喇 。 將軍 仲 係 穩守 水寨 好 , 等 末將 代替 將軍 去一趟 罷啦 。 朱然 同意 , 就 派 崔禹 帶 一萬 兵去 救 孫桓 嘞 喎 。 當晚 , 馮習 、 張南 、 吳班 就 兵分 三路 , 直 殺入 孫 桓 嘅 兵營 , 跟 住 就 四面 咁 放火 , 嘩 啲 吳 兵亂 晒龍 啊 呼天搶地 四圍 咁 搵 埞 趯 。 崔禹 帶兵 行進 緊 , 咦 , 見到 起火 喇 , 真 係 㗎 噃 就 急急 催促 兵馬 快 啲 行 。 點知 啱 啱 轉過 咗 座 山 咀 , 突然 間 沊沊沊沊沊沊 響起 陣陣 鼓聲 。 喺 山谷 裏頭 啊 , 左便 關興 、 右 便 張 苞 兩路 夾攻 。 嚇到 崔禹 魂飛魄散 啊 , 走 咯 ! 點知 一下 就 遇 着 張 苞 , 打 咗 僅僅 一個 回合 就 畀 張 苞 生擒活捉 嘞 。 朱然 一 接到 呢 個 消息 , 哎呀 危急 啊 咪 搵 嘢 搞 , 立刻 就 下令 戰船 起錨 , 向 住 下游 方向 啊 退後 五六十里 。 孫桓 就 畀 蜀 兵 劫 咗 營 , 帶住 一隊 殘兵 逃走 。 佢 問 啲 部下 喇 : 有邊 笪 地方 城池 堅固 糧食 又 多 㗎 吓 ? 稟告 將軍 , 喺 呢 度 去 正北方 啊 , 就 係 彝陵城 可以 駐兵 嘅 。 孫桓 即刻 帶住 殘兵 趯 去 彝陵 嘞 。 哈哈 啱 啱 入 得 城 啊 , 嗰 頭 吳 班 佢 哋 已經 率領 大軍 追到 喇 , 將彝陵 城 沊沊𡃈 圍到實 。 彝陵 呢 , 乃 係 漢朝 時候 嘅 一個 縣 , 縣城 係 喺 而 家 湖北省 宜昌市 以東 。 噉 啊 關興 、 張苞 打勝仗 , 押住 崔禹 去 秭歸 見 劉備 。 劉備 又 歡喜 到極 啦 , 下令 殺 咗 崔禹 , 大賞 三軍 。 從此 啊 , 蜀兵 呀 軍威 大振 , 江南 啲 將領 呀 個個 膽寒 啊 。 而家 講下 吳王孫 權 嘞 , 佢 收到 孫桓 打敗仗 嘅 求救 文書 大吃一驚 , 立即 召開 緊急會議 , 搵 齊 啲 文武 大臣 嚟 商量 嘞 。 佢 話 : 弊 喇 , 而家 孫桓 困 喺 彝 陵 , 朱 然 喺 江 上 又 大敗 一場 。 蜀兵 咁 勢 兇 , 如之奈何 呢 ? 張昭話 喇 : 大王 唔 使 咁 憂心 嘅 。 我 哋 東吳 嘅 大將 雖然 好多 人 都 逝世 喇 , 不過 仲有 十幾個 吖 , 使 乜 怕 劉備 呢 ? 大王 可以 命令 韓 當做 正將 , 周泰 做 副將 , 潘璋 做 先鋒 , 凌統 做合 後 , 甘寧 做 救應 , 起 十萬 兵馬 去 迎擊 蜀兵 就 得 嘞 。 孫權 依照 張 昭 嘅 建議 , 即刻 命令 各 將官 點兵 出發 。 漢中 王 劉備 啊 , 佢 係 喺 章 武 元年 即 係 公元 二二 一年 , 八月 出兵 。 眨 下眼 又 已經 過 咗 年 , 到 咗 第二年 嘅 正月 , 佢 率領 大軍 由 巫峽 建平縣 起 , 一直 向東 直到 彝陵 境界 , 七百 幾里 , 連接 住安 咗 四 十幾個 營寨 。 呢 一日 , 佢 見到 關興 、 張苞 連氣立 咗 幾個 大功 嘿真 係 高興 啊 , 佢 話 喇 : 往日 跟隨 孤 王 嘅 將官 都 年老 無用 咯 , 今日 得 兩位 賢侄 咁 英雄 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 孤王仲使 乜怕 孫權 吖 ! 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 有 報告 話 韓當 、 周泰 帶兵 到 嘞 。 劉備 正話 想 派 人 去 迎敵 , 有個 侍臣 慌慌張張 噉 嚟 稟報 話 : 老將 黃忠 帶住 五六個 人 , 去 咗 投奔 東吳 啊 。 劉備 一 諗 , 笑 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 黃漢升 唔 係 啲 反 骨 嘅 人 , 皆 因 孤王 一時 失口 , 話 啲 老將 冇 用 , 佢 梗 係 唔 服老 , 故此 奮力 去 打過 啫 。 於是 劉備 叫 關興 同張 苞 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 話 : 黃漢升 呢 次 去 必定會 吃虧 , 兩位 賢侄 唔 好 怕 辛苦 喇 , 去 幫 下 佢 啦 。 只要 稍 為 得 啲 好意 少少贏 一兩場 , 就要 叫 佢 返 嚟 , 唔 好 畀 佢 吃虧 啊 。 噉 兩員 小將 就 辭別 咗 劉備 , 率領 本部 軍兵 出發 去 幫 黃忠 。 黃忠 去 邊處 呢 ? 哼 , 劉備 一 啲 都 冇 估錯 , 佢 係 聽到 劉備 話 老將 冇 用 喎 , 真 係 唔 忿氣 啊 , 提刀 上馬 , 帶住 幾個 親兵 就 直情 去 到 彝陵 前線 。 吳班 、 張南 、 馮習 , 聽見 五虎上將 之一 , 武威 後 將軍 黃忠 嚟 到 唄 , 立即 啊 出去 轅門 迎接 。 請 黃忠 入到 中軍帳 坐落 就 問 佢 : 老 將軍 嚟 到 有 咩 事 呢 ? 黃忠 話 : 我 黃 某 自從 喺 長沙 跟隨 天子 , 直到 今日 , 都 係 不辭勞苦 嘅 。 今日 , 雖然 七十幾歲 喇 , 之仲 可以 食得 十斤 肉 , 開兩石 力 嘅 硬弓 , 可以 騎馬 跑 一千里 啊 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 我 黃 某 都 未算 得 老 吖 。 昨日 , 主上 話 我 哋 年老 無用 喎 , 哎 , 故此 我 特登 嚟 呢 度 同 東吳 打 過 ! 等 主上 睇 我 斬將 掀旗 , 睇 我 究竟 老定 唔 老 啊 ! 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 探馬 入 嚟 報告 話 東吳 前鋒 部隊 已經 嚟 到 , 哨馬 臨營 嘞 。 黃忠 奮發 精神 , 啪 聲 起身 , 行出 中軍帳 騎上 戰馬 , 準備 出戰 。 噉 究竟 黃忠 出戰 勝負 如何 呢 ? 且 聽 下回分解 。

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諸葛瑾 就 奉 咗 孫權 之命 , 去 到 白帝城 見 劉備 , 就 表示 願意 兩家 和 好 啊 , 共同 去 討伐 曹丕 吖 。 Zhuge Jin|then|carry out|past tense marker|Sun Quan||go|to|Baidi City|see|Liu Bei|then|expressed|willing|both families|||sentence-final particle|together|go|attack|Cao Pi|sentence-final particle Zhuge Jin was entrusted by Sun Quan to go to Baidi City to meet Liu Bei, and expressed his willingness for the two families to reconcile and jointly attack Cao Pi. 劉備 就 話 : 哼 ! 你 東吳 害 咗 朕 嘅 兄弟 , 今日 竟然 想用 啲 花言巧語 嚟 為 自己 嘅 罪過 開脫 係 嘛 ! Liu Bei|then|said|humph|you|Eastern Wu|harmed|past tense marker|I (imperial pronoun)|possessive particle|brother|today|unexpectedly||some|flowery words|to|for|oneself|possessive particle|wrongdoing|absolve|is|question particle Liu Bei said: Hmph! You from Eastern Wu harmed my brother, and today you actually want to use sweet words to absolve yourself of your sins! 請 陛下 允許 小臣 , 用 輕重 大小 嘅 道理 同 陛下 分析 一下 。 please|Your Majesty|allow|humble servant|use|importance|size|possessive particle|reasoning|with||analyze|a little Please allow me, Your Majesty, to analyze this matter with you using principles of weight and importance. 陛下 乃 係 漢朝 皇叔 , 今日 , 漢朝 嘅 帝位 已經 畀 曹丕 篡奪 。 Your Majesty|is|is|Han Dynasty|imperial uncle|today|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|throne|already|by|Cao Pi|usurped Your Majesty is the royal uncle of the Han Dynasty, and today, the imperial throne of the Han has already been usurped by Cao Pi. 陛下 唔 諗 住 去 剿滅 叛逆 , 而 僅僅 為 咗 異姓 結拜 之親 , 竟然 御駕親征 。 Your Majesty|not|||to|eliminate|rebels|but|only|for|past tense marker|different surname|sworn brotherhood||unexpectedly|personally led the troops into battle Your Majesty does not intend to eliminate the rebels, but merely for the sake of a sworn brotherhood with a different surname, you actually lead the charge yourself. 呢 個 係 捨棄 大義 追求 小義 啊 。 this|measure word|is|abandoning|greater righteousness|pursuing|lesser righteousness|sentence-final particle This is abandoning the greater good in pursuit of the lesser good. 其次 , 中原 乃 係 國內 嘅 要 地 , 洛陽 、 長安 都 係 大漢 創業 嘅 地方 。 secondly|Central Plains|is|is|domestic|possessive particle|||Luoyang|Chang'an|all|are|the Han Dynasty|founding|possessive particle|places Secondly, the Central Plains are the key area of the country, and Luoyang and Chang'an are the places where the Han Dynasty was founded. 陛下 唔 去 攞 而 只 係 爭奪 荊州 , 呢 個 乃 係 棄重 而 取輕 喇 。 Your Majesty|not|go|take|but|only|is|fighting over|Jingzhou|this|measure word|is|is|abandoning the heavy|and|taking the light|particle indicating completed action Your Majesty, not going to take it and only fighting for Jingzhou, this is to abandon the heavy for the light. 其三 , 天下 都 知道 陛下 登上 帝位 , 必定 要 復興 漢室 , 恢復 山河 嘅 。 thirdly|the world|all|knows|Your Majesty|ascended to|throne|surely|must|revive|Han dynasty|restore|territory|possessive particle Thirdly, the whole world knows that Your Majesty ascended to the throne, and must revive the Han dynasty and restore the mountains and rivers. 但 係 今日 陛下 對 魏國 不聞不問 , 反而 要 攻打 東吳 。 ||today|Your Majesty|towards|Wei state|indifferent|instead|wants|to attack|Eastern Wu However, today Your Majesty is indifferent to the Wei Kingdom, but instead wants to attack Eastern Wu. 臣 , 為 陛下 着想 就 唔 係 噉 做 咯 。 I (the servant)|for|Your Majesty|thinking|then|not|is|like this|do|particle indicating completed action My lord, thinking of you, this is not how it should be done. 豈有此理 ! 殺 我 二弟 之仇 不共戴天 , 要 我 罷兵 , 除非 我 死 ! how can this be reasonable|kill|I|second younger brother||cannot coexist under the same sky|want|I||||die How can this be! The grudge of killing my second brother is irreconcilable; I will only stop fighting if I die! 若果 唔 係 睇 在 丞相 嘅 面子 , 就 先 斬 你 嘅 人頭 ! if|not|is|looking|at|prime minister|possessive particle|face|then|first|chop off|your|possessive particle|head If it weren't for the Prime Minister's face, I would have already taken your head! 而家 姑且 放 你 返去 , 講 畀 孫權 聽 , 叫 佢 洗 乾淨 條頸 , 等 住 殺頭 啦 ! right now|for the time being|let|you|go back|tell|to|Sun Quan|hear|ask|him|wash|clean|neck|wait|for|beheading|particle indicating suggestion or command For now, I will let you go back, tell Sun Quan to clean his neck, and wait for the execution! 諸葛瑾 見 講極 劉備 都 唔 聽 , 就 唯有 返去 東吳 嘞 。 Zhuge Jin|saw|talk to the extreme|Liu Bei|all|not|listen|then|only|return to|Eastern Wu|past tense particle Zhuge Jin saw that Liu Bei wouldn't listen no matter what, so he could only return to Eastern Wu. 呢 一日 , 張昭 走 嚟 見 孫權 佢 話 : this|one day|Zhang Zhao|||to see|Sun Quan|he|said One day, Zhang Zhao came to see Sun Quan and said: 主公 呀 , 諸葛子瑜 見到 蜀兵 咁 強大 , 故此 詐家 意話 去 講和 , 其實 呀 , 背叛 咗 我 哋 東吳 趯 去 西 蜀 係 真 。 Your Majesty|particle|Zhuge Ziyu|saw|Shu soldiers|so|strong|therefore|deceiving us|meaning to|to|negotiate peace|actually|particle|betrayed|past tense marker|I|plural marker|Eastern Wu|to|to|Western|Shu|is|true "My lord, Zhuge Ziyu saw that the Shu army is so powerful, so he pretended to talk about peace, but in fact, he has betrayed us in Eastern Wu and gone to Western Shu for real." 佢 呢 次 走 咗 , 梗 唔 返 嚟 㗎 喇 。 he|this|time|leave|past tense marker|surely|not|return|come|sentence-final particle|completed action particle "This time he has left, he definitely won't come back." 孫權 話 喇 : 我 同子 瑜 之間 有 一個 生死 都 唔 變更 嘅 盟約 。 Sun Quan|said|particle indicating completed action|I|||between|have|one|life and death|all|not|change|possessive particle|pact Sun Quan said: "There is an unchanging oath of life and death between me and Ziyu." 我 唔 會 對 唔 住子 瑜 , 子瑜 亦 唔 會 對 唔 住 我 。 I|not|will|treat|not||||||will|treat|||I "I will not betray Ziyu, and Ziyu will not betray me either." 從前 當子 瑜 喺 柴 桑 嘅 時候 , 嗰 次 孔明 嚟 東吳 。 once upon a time||Yu|at|Chai|Sang|possessive particle|time|that|time|Kongming|came|Eastern Wu Once, when Ziyu was at Chaisang, Kongming came to Eastern Wu. 我 啊 想 叫子 瑜 留住 佢 , 子瑜 話 : 我細 佬 已經 侍奉 咗 玄德 , 就 唔 會 三心兩意 。 I|ah|want|||to keep|him|Ziyu|said|||already|serve|past tense marker|Xuande|then|not|will|indecisive I wanted to ask Ziyu to keep him, but Ziyu said: I have already served Xuande, so I won't be indecisive. 孔明 唔 會 留 喺 東吳 , 就 好似 我 唔 肯 去 佢 度 一樣 。 Kongming|not|will|stay|in|Eastern Wu|then|like|I|not|willing|go|he|place|the same Kongming won't stay in Eastern Wu, just like I wouldn't want to go to his place. 佢 嘅 說話 講得 確係 光明磊落 , 可 對 鬼神 。 he|possessive particle|speech|speaks|definitely|honest and straightforward|but|towards|gods and spirits His words are indeed straightforward and honest, even to ghosts and gods. 今日 佢 點 肯 投降 蜀國 嘅 呢 ? today|he|how|willing|surrender|Shu Kingdom|possessive particle|question particle How could he possibly surrender to the Shu Kingdom today? 我 同子 瑜 可謂 神交 , 並非 幾句 說話 所 能夠 離間 嘅 。 I|||can be said to|spiritual connection|not|a few|words|(particle indicating action)|able to|separate|(possessive particle) I and Ziyu can be said to have a spiritual connection, and it cannot be broken by just a few words. 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 侍臣 嚟 報告 話 諸葛瑾 返 嚟 喇 。 just|at|place|talking|continuous aspect particle|attendant|come|report|said|Zhuge Jin|return|come|completed action particle Just as we are talking, a servant comes to report that Zhuge Jin has returned. 孫權 話 : 我 講 嘅 點 啊 , 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 Sun Quan|said|I|talking|possessive particle|how|question particle|huh|hahaha|haha Sun Quan said: What do I mean, huh? Hahahaha. 哎呀 張昭 呀 滿面 羞慚 , 走 都 走 唔 切 。 oh no|Zhang Zhao|particle|full face|shame|leave|all||| Oh dear, Zhang Zhao is full of shame and cannot even leave. 呢 , 咪 睇 張昭 個人 咁 有 本事 啊 做到 咁 大官 , 真 係 枉作 小人 啊 呢 趟 。 this|don't|see|Zhang Zhao|person|so|has|ability|ah|become|so|high official|really|is|foolishly act as|petty person|ah|this|trip Look at how capable Zhang Zhao is to achieve such a high position, truly a waste for a petty person this time. 諸葛瑾 入 嚟 拜見 過 孫權 , 就 話 劉備 唔 肯講 和 啊 噉 。 Zhuge Jin|to come|here|to pay respects|past|Sun Quan|then|said|Liu Bei|not|willing to talk|peace|ah|like that Zhuge Jin came to pay a visit to Sun Quan and said that Liu Bei was unwilling to talk about peace. 孫權 話 : 噉 樣 呀 , 江南 真 係 危險 咯 。 Sun Quan|said|like this|appearance|particle|Jiangnan|really|is|dangerous|particle Sun Quan replied: In that case, the situation in Jiangnan is really dangerous. 中 大夫 趙 咨 就 行前 嚟 話 喇 : 我 有 一條 計策 , 可以 解脫 呢場 危難 嘅 。 in|doctor|Zhao|consult|then|before|come|say|particle indicating completed action|I|have|one|strategy|can|relieve|this|crisis|possessive particle Zhong Daifu Zhao Zi then stepped forward and said: I have a plan that can relieve this crisis. 哦 ? 你 有 咩 好計 呢 ? oh|you|have|what|good plan|question particle Oh? What good plan do you have? 請 主公 你 寫 一份 表章 , 派 我 做 使者 去 見 魏帝 曹丕 , 對 佢 講明 利害 , 使 佢 出兵 去 襲擊 漢中 。 please|your lord|you|write|a|official document|send|I|act as|messenger|to|meet|Emperor Wei|Cao Pi|to|him|explain clearly|pros and cons|make|him|send troops|to|attack|Hanzhong Please, my lord, write a decree and send me as an envoy to meet Wei Emperor Cao Pi, to explain the benefits and harms to him, so that he will send troops to attack Hanzhong. 噉 樣 , 蜀 兵 佢 哋 自己 就 危險 咯 。 like this|appearance|Shu|soldiers|they|plural marker|themselves|then|dangerous|sentence-final particle In this way, the Shu soldiers are in danger themselves. 好 , 好 ! 呢條 計策 好極 嘞 ! good|good|this|plan|extremely good|particle indicating completed action Good, good! This strategy is excellent! 誒 , 但 係 你 呢 次 去 北魏 呀 , 千祈 唔 好失 咗 東吳 嘅 氣概 啊 。 hey|||you|||go|Northern Wei|particle|by all means|not|lose|past tense marker|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|spirit|particle Hey, but this time when you go to Northern Wei, make sure not to lose the spirit of Eastern Wu. 若果 有些 少 唔 妥 , 我 都 投江 而 死 ! 唔 通 噉 樣 我仲有 面返 嚟 見 江南 嘅 父老 咩 ? if|some|few|not|right|I|also|jump into the river|and|die|||like this|way|||here|see|Jiangnan|possessive particle|elders|question particle If anything goes wrong, I will throw myself into the river and die! How can I face the elders of Jiangnan again like this? 孫權 好 歡喜 啊 , 即 刻寫 咗 份 表章 , 噉 啊 承認 曹丕 係 君主 自己 係 臣子 。 Sun Quan|very|happy|particle|immediately||past tense marker|measure word for documents|proclamation|then|particle|admit|Cao Pi|is|monarch|himself|is|subject Sun Quan was very pleased and immediately wrote a memorial, acknowledging that Cao Pi is the ruler and he himself is a subject. 任命 趙 咨做 使者 , 日夜兼程 , 趕路 去 許都 。 appoint|Zhao||messenger||hurry on the road|to|Xudu Appoint Zhao Zi as an envoy, traveling day and night to hurry to Xu Du. 趙 咨去 到 嘞 , 首先 去 拜會 太尉賈 詡 與 及 大小官員 等等 。 Zhao||arrive|past tense marker|first|go|pay respects||Xu|and|including||etc When Zhao Zi arrived, he first went to pay respects to the Grand Commandant Jia Xu and the other officials. 第 日 , 早朝 嘅 時候 , 賈詡 出班 啟奏話 : 東吳 派 中 大夫 趙 咨前 嚟 上表 。 the|day|morning|possessive particle|time|Jia Xu|left the ranks||Eastern Wu|sent|middle|minister|Zhao||came|submit memorial The next day, during the morning court, Jia Xu stepped forward to report: 'The Eastern Wu has sent the official Zhao Zi here to present a memorial.' 曹丕 笑 喇 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 佢 哋 為 咗 想 蜀 兵 撤退 啫 , 哈哈哈 , 召 佢 入 嚟 。 Cao Pi|laugh|particle indicating completion|hahaha||he|plural marker|for|past tense marker|want|Shu|army|retreat|only|hahaha|summon|him|come|in Cao Pi laughed: 'Hahaha, they just want the Shu troops to retreat, hahaha, summon him in.' 趙 咨入 到 大殿 , 喺 丹墀 之下 跪拜 行禮 , 呈 上表 章 。 Zhao|entered|to|main hall|at|the red steps|under|knelt|paid respects|presented|memorial|document Zhao Zi entered the main hall, kneeling and bowing under the red steps, presenting the memorial. 曹丕 睇 完 就 問趙 咨 : 吳侯 係 個 點樣 嘅 主公 啊 ? Cao Pi|read|finished|then||Zi|Wu Hou|is|a|what kind of|possessive particle|lord|question particle Cao Pi finished reading and asked Zhao Zi: What kind of lord is the Wu Marquis? 吳侯 係 聰明 、 仁智 、 雄略 嘅 主公 嚟 啊 。 Wu Hou|is|intelligent|benevolent and wise|ambitious and strategic|possessive particle|lord|come|sentence-final particle The Wu Marquis is a wise, benevolent, and heroic lord. 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 你 褒獎 得 太 過份 啩? hee hee||you|praise|past tense marker|too|excessive|question particle Hehe, are you praising him too much? 臣 並非 過於 過譽 啊 。 I|am not|overly|praised|ah I am not overpraising him. 吳 侯 喺 平凡 之中 賞識 魯肅 , 係 佢 嘅 聰 ; Wu|Hou|in|ordinary|within|appreciates|Lu Su|is|his|possessive particle|intelligence The Wu Marquis recognizes Lu Su among the ordinary, which shows his wisdom. 喺 行 陣 之中 提拔 呂蒙 , 係 佢 嘅 明 ; in|marching|formation|within|promote|Lu Meng|is|he|possessive particle|bright Promoting Lu Meng in the army is his brilliance; 俘虜 咗 于 禁 而 不 殺 , 係 佢 嘅 仁 ; capture|past tense marker|at|enemy|and|not|kill|is|he|possessive particle|mercy Capturing Yu Jin but not killing him is his benevolence; 取 荊州 而 兵不血刃 , 係 佢 嘅 智 ; take|Jingzhou|and||is|he|possessive particle|wisdom Taking Jingzhou without shedding blood is his wisdom; 據守 三江 虎視 天下 , 係 佢 嘅 雄 ; defend|the three rivers|like a tiger watching|the world|is|he|possessive particle|hero Holding the three rivers and watching over the world is his might; 對 陛下 你 屈伸 稱臣 , 係 佢 嘅 策略 。 yes|Your Majesty|you|bend and stretch|pay homage|is|he|possessive particle|strategy Bending and stretching to pay homage to Your Majesty is his strategy. 要 噉 樣 睇 嚟 , 豈 唔 係 聰明 、 仁智 、 雄略 嘅 主公 咩 ? to|like this|appearance|look|come|how|not|is|smart|benevolent and wise|ambitious and capable|possessive particle|lord|question particle Looking at it this way, isn't he a wise, benevolent, and ambitious ruler? 哦 , 吳侯 亦 有 冇 多少 學問 啊 ? oh|Lord Wu|also|has|not have|how much|knowledge|question particle Oh, does the Marquis of Wu have much knowledge? 吳侯 擁有 戰船 萬艘 , 甲兵 百萬 , 精通 兵法 , 好 懂得 任用 人才 。 King of Wu|has|warships|ten thousand|armored soldiers|one million|proficient in|military strategy|very|understands|employing|talented individuals The Marquis of Wu has ten thousand warships, a million soldiers, is well-versed in military strategy, and knows how to employ talented individuals. 平時 得閒 博覽 群書 熟讀 經史 , 都 係 從 大處着眼 , 採納 書中 有用 嘅 地方 。 usually|when free|extensive reading|a variety of books|thorough study|classics and history|all|is|from||adopting|in the books|useful|possessive particle|aspects In his spare time, he extensively reads a wide range of books and studies history and classics, always focusing on the bigger picture and adopting useful aspects from the texts. 並唔 係 去 學 啲 書生 噉 尋章摘句 讀死書 㗎 。 He is not like those scholars who merely seek phrases and quotes and read dead books. 朕 要 去 攻打 東吳 , 得 唔 得 啊 ? I|want|to go|attack|Eastern Wu|able|not|able|question particle I want to attack Eastern Wu, is that possible? 大國 有 征伐 之兵 , 小 國有 防禦 之策 啊 。 big country|has|offensive||small||defensive||ah Great nations have troops for conquest, while small nations have strategies for defense. 東吳 怕 唔 怕 我 哋 魏國 啊 ? Dongwu|afraid|not|afraid|we|plural marker|Wei state|question particle Is Eastern Wu afraid of us, the Wei state? 甲兵 百萬 , 又 有 長江 天險 作為 屏障 , 噉 怕 乜嘢 呢 ? armored troops|one million|again|have|Yangtze River|natural barrier|serving as|shield|then|fear|what|question particle With a million soldiers and the Yangtze River as a natural barrier, what is there to be afraid of? 喺 東吳 學似 大夫 你 噉 嘅 人 有 幾多 呢 ? at|Dongwu|study like|doctor|you|like|possessive particle|people|have|how many|question particle How many people in Eastern Wu are like you, a minister? 聰明能幹 嘅 八九十 人 。 smart and capable|possessive particle|eighty to ninety|people Smart and capable people in their eighties and nineties. 至於 學似 小臣 噉 樣 嘅 呢 , 用車 裝用 斗量 , 計都計 唔 掂 咁 多咯 。 as for|learning to be like|a little servant|like|appearance|possessive particle|question particle|using a car|loading|measuring|even if calculated|not|good|that|much As for those who learn to act like little ministers, they use cars and measure with buckets, but they can't even calculate that much. 哦 , 大夫 你 真 係 使 於 四方 , 不辱 君命 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 oh|doctor|you|||||all directions|not dishonor|royal command|ah|hahaha|hahaha Oh, doctor, you really are useful in all directions, not disgracing the emperor's command! Hahahaha hahaha. 曹丕 冇 辦法 唔 佩服 趙 咨 。 Cao Pi|has no|way|not|admire|Zhao|Zi Cao Pi had no choice but to admire Zhao Zi. 於是 曹丕 立即 下 一道 詔書 , 封孫權 做 吳王 , 加九錫 。 then|Cao Pi|immediately|issue|one|edict||made|King of Wu| So Cao Pi immediately issued a decree, appointing Sun Quan as the King of Wu, and granted him nine honors. 趙 咨 完成 咗 使命 嘞 , 就 跪拜 謝恩 離開 宮殿 。 Zhao|Zi|completed|past tense marker|mission|past tense marker|then|kneel and worship|give thanks|leave|palace Zhao Zi completed his mission, then knelt down to express his gratitude before leaving the palace. 大夫 劉曄 等 趙 咨走 咗 呢 就 勸 曹丕 話 喇 : 陛下 , 孫權 係 因為 害怕 蜀 兵勢 大 , 故此 嚟 到 請降 嘅 。 doctor|Liu Ye|and others|Zhao||past tense marker|this|then|advised|Cao Pi|said|sentence-final particle|Your Majesty|Sun Quan|is|because|afraid of|Shu|military strength|great|therefore|come|here|surrender|possessive particle The minister Liu Ye and others advised Cao Pi after Zhao Zi left: Your Majesty, Sun Quan came to surrender because he feared the might of the Shu army. 其實 , 蜀吳 交戰 係 上天 注定 要 滅亡 佢 哋 。 actually|Shu and Wu|war|is|heaven|destined|to|perish|they|plural marker In fact, the conflict between Shu and Wu is destined by heaven to lead to their destruction. 而家 若果 派 一員 上將 率領 數萬 人馬 , 渡江 去 襲擊 東吳 , 蜀 兵攻 其外 , 魏兵 攻 其內 。 now|if|send|a general|senior general|leading|tens of thousands|troops|cross the river|to|attack|Eastern Wu|Shu||||attack| Now, if we send a general to lead tens of thousands of troops to cross the river and attack Eastern Wu, while the Shu army attacks from the outside and the Wei army attacks from the inside. 噉 樣 呀 , 滅亡 吳國 都 唔 使 十日 啊 。 like this|appearance|question particle|destroy|Wu state|all|not|need|ten days|particle In this way, it wouldn't even take ten days to destroy the Wu kingdom. 吳國 一亡 , 蜀國 就 勢單力孤 喇 , 陛下 點解 唔 噉 樣 做 呢 ? Wu Kingdom|falls|Shu Kingdom|then||particle indicating certainty|Your Majesty|why|not|like this|way|do|question particle When the Wu Kingdom falls, the Shu Kingdom will be left isolated and vulnerable. Your Majesty, why don't you do it this way? 噉 樣 做 唔 好 , 孫權 既然 按照 禮法 , 對 朕 俯首稱臣 。 like this|way|do|not|good|Sun Quan|since|according to|the law of propriety|towards|I (imperial pronoun)|bow in submission Doing it this way is not good. Since Sun Quan has bowed and submitted to me according to the rites and laws. 若然 , 仲去 攻打 佢 就 會 令 到 天下 間 想 歸降 朕 嘅 人 都 寒心 咯 。 if|still go|attack|him|then|will|||the world|among|want|surrender|I (imperial pronoun)|possessive particle|people|all|disheartened|sentence-final particle If we continue to attack him, it will make those who wish to surrender to me feel disheartened. 所以 , 仲 係 以 接受 佢 為 啱 。 so|||to|accept|him|as|right Therefore, it is better to accept him. 不過 噉 啊 陛下 , 孫權 雖然 有 雄才大略 , 不過 , 佢 僅僅 係 殘 漢 嘅 驃騎 將軍 、 東昌 侯 噉 嘅 地位 啫 , 官職 低 就 氣勢 微弱 , 佢 仲 會 有 畏懼 中原 之 心 噃。 but|like this|ah|Your Majesty|Sun Quan|although|has|great talent and strategy|but|he|merely|is|||possessive particle|cavalry|general|Dongchang|marquis|like this|possessive particle|status|only|official position|low|then|momentum|weak|he|still|will|have|fear|Central Plains|possessive particle|heart|right However, Your Majesty, although Sun Quan has great talent and strategy, he is merely a general of the remnants of the Han, the Marquis of Dongchang, and his official position is low, which weakens his authority. He will still have fears of the Central Plains. 若果 好似 而家 噉 , 封 佢 做到 吳王 , 噉 佢 同 陛下 只 係 差 一級 咋 噃。 if|seems|now|like this|appoint|he|become|King of Wu|then|he|with|Your Majesty|only|is|different|one level|only| If it continues like this, if he is made the King of Wu, then he and Your Majesty are only one level apart. 今日 , 陛下 相信 咗 佢 嘅 假 投降 , 又 封 佢 咁 崇高 嘅 地位 稱號 , 實在 係 與虎添翼 啊 。 today|Your Majesty|believes|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|false|surrender|again|conferred|he|so|high|possessive particle|status|title|really|is||ah Today, Your Majesty has believed in his false surrender, and has granted him such a high position and title, which is truly adding wings to a tiger. 唔 係 嘅 , 朕 唔 去 幫 東吳 , 亦 唔 去 幫西 蜀 , 就 噉 樣 睇 住 吳蜀 交戰 , 若果 消滅 咗 一國 , 就 只 係 剩返 一國 嘞 。 |||I (imperial pronoun)|||help|Eastern Wu|also|||||then|||||Wu and Shu|war|if|eliminate|past tense marker|one nation|then|||remaining|one nation|particle indicating completed action No, I will not help Eastern Wu, nor will I help Western Shu. I will just watch Wu and Shu fight. If one country is eliminated, then only one country will remain. 到 其時 再 去 剷除 埋 佢 , 又 有 何難哉 ! when|at that time|again|go|eliminate|together|him|again|have| When the time comes, it will be easy to eliminate him as well! 朕 已經 揸 定 主意 , 你 唔 使 再講 。 I (emperor)|already|drive|firm|decision|you|not|need|say again I have already made up my mind, you don't need to say any more. 於是 曹丕 就 命令 太常卿 邢貞 做 使者 , 帶住 封誥 九錫 , 就 同埋 趙 咨 一齊 去 東吳 嘞 。 then|Cao Pi|then|ordered|Grand Minister of Ceremonies|Xing Zhen|to be|envoy|carrying|edict|nine bestowments|then|and|Zhao|Zi|together|go|Eastern Wu|past action particle So, Cao Pi ordered the Grand Minister Xing Zhen to be an envoy, carrying the decree of nine honors, to go together with Zhao Zi to Eastern Wu. 呢 一日 , 孫權 正 喺 度 召集 文武百官 , 商議 抵抗 蜀 兵 嘅 辦法 。 this|day|Sun Quan|right now|at|place|gathered|civil and military officials|discussed|resisting|Shu|troops|possessive particle|methods On this day, Sun Quan was gathering the civil and military officials to discuss ways to resist the Shu army. 侍臣 嚟 報告 話 魏帝 封 主公 做 吳王 , 而家 使者 已經 嚟 到 喇 噉 。 the minister|come|report|said|Emperor Wei|enfeoffed|my lord|as|King of Wu|now|messenger|already|come|arrived|particle indicating completed action|like this A courtier came to report that the Wei Emperor had conferred the title of King of Wu to the Lord, and the envoy had already arrived. 顧雍 就 勸 孫權 話 喇 : 主公 應該 自稱 為 上 將軍 、 九州 伯 噉 就 啱 喇 , 唔 好 接受 魏帝 所 封 嘅 爵位 啊 。 Gu Yong|then|advised|Sun Quan|said|particle indicating completed action|Your Excellency|should|refer to oneself|as|supreme|general|the nine provinces|marquis|like that|just|right|particle indicating completed action|not|well|accept|Emperor Wei|particle indicating possession|conferred|possessive particle|title|particle indicating exclamation Gu Yong advised Sun Quan, saying: The Lord should refer to himself as the Supreme General and Duke of the Nine Provinces, which is appropriate, and should not accept the title conferred by the Wei Emperor. 孫權 話 : 想當年 , 劉邦 同 項羽 共同 消滅 咗 秦國 之後 , 劉邦 亦 接受 過 項羽 封 畀 佢 嘅 漢王 稱號 啊 。 Sun Quan|said|back in the day|Liu Bang|and|Xiang Yu|jointly|eliminated|past tense marker|Qin state|after|Liu Bang|also|accepted|past tense marker|Xiang Yu|bestowed|to|him|possessive particle|King of Han|title|sentence-final particle Sun Quan said: Back in the day, after Liu Bang and Xiang Yu jointly destroyed the Qin state, Liu Bang also accepted the title of King of Han conferred by Xiang Yu. 點解 呢 ? 因為 劉邦 當時 嘅 勢力 唔 及 項羽 吖 嘛 。 要 順應時勢 啊 , 為 咩 嘢 唔 接受 呢 ? why|this|because|Liu Bang|at that time|possessive particle|strength|not|comparable to|Xiang Yu|particle indicating realization|particle indicating obviousness|must||particle indicating exclamation|for|what|thing|not|accept|this Why is that? Because Liu Bang's power at that time was not as strong as Xiang Yu's. One must adapt to the situation, so why not accept this? 於是 孫權 率領 文武百官 出城 去 迎接 。 then|Sun Quan|led|civil and military officials|out of the city|to|welcome So, Sun Quan led the civil and military officials out of the city to welcome him. 嗰 個 邢 貞 呢 , 自己 恃 住 係 上國 天使 , 啊 擺起 個款 , 入 城門 個 時候 呀 , 居然 連車 都 唔 落 噃。 that|measure word|surname|name|question particle|himself|||is|Shangguo|angel|ah|putting on||entering|city gate|measure word|time|particle|unexpectedly||also|not|get out|particle That Xing Zheng, relying on being a heavenly envoy from the upper country, put on airs and, when entering the city gate, surprisingly didn't even get out of the car. 張昭就極 之 氣憤 , 大聲 噉 喝 佢 話 : 你 妄自尊大 不顧 禮法 , 唔 好 以 為 江南 一 啲 力量 都 冇 啊 ! |possessive particle|angry|loudly|like that|scolded|him|said|you|arrogant|disregarding|propriety|||||Jiangnan|a|little|strength|all|have|particle Zhang Zhao was extremely angry and loudly scolded him, saying: You are being arrogant and disregarding etiquette, don't think that Jiangnan has no power at all! 嘩 嗨 ! 邢貞 慌忙 落車 , 同 孫權 行禮 相見 , 然後 一拍 噉 坐車 入 城 。 wow|hi|Xing Zheng|hurriedly|got out of the car|with|Sun Quan|saluted|met|then|one clap|like that|took a car|into|the city Wow! Xing Zheng hurriedly got out of the car and greeted Sun Quan, then got back in the car to enter the city. 忽然間 , 有人 喺 架車 後 便 喊 起 上 嚟 話 : 唉 , 我 哋 唔 能夠 捨身 拼命 , 為 主公 吞併 北魏 、 西蜀 , 反而 令到 主公 要 接受 他人 嘅 封爵 , 真 係 恥辱 啊 ! suddenly|someone|at|the car|behind|then|||up|here|said|sigh|||not|able to|sacrifice ourselves|fight to the death|for|our lord|conquer|Northern Wei|Western Shu|instead|make|our lord|have to|accept|others|possessive particle|titles|really|is|humiliation|ah Suddenly, someone shouted from behind the car: "Alas, we cannot sacrifice ourselves to help the lord swallow up Northern Wei and Western Shu, only to make the lord accept titles from others. This is truly a disgrace!" 係 邊個 呢 ? 徐盛 啊 。 is|who|question particle|Xu Sheng|ah Who is it? It's Xu Sheng. 邢貞 聽到 徐盛 噉 講個 心 就 諗 嘞 : 啊 ! 江東 嘅 文官 武將 都 係 咁 有 骨氣 , 到底 都 唔 係 久居 他人 之下 㗎 。 Xing Zheng|heard|Xu Sheng|like that|talking about|heart|then|thought|past tense particle|ah|Jiangdong|possessive particle|civil officials|military generals|all|are|so|have|integrity|after all|all|not|are|long-term residents|others|under|question particle Hearing Xu Sheng speak like this, Xing Zheng thought: "Ah! The civil and military officials of Jiangdong are all so spirited; they certainly are not used to being under others for long." 噉 啊 孫權 接受 咗 封爵 , 文武百官 就 照例 恭賀 啦 。 then|ah|Sun Quan|accepted|past tense marker|title|civil and military officials|then|as usual|congratulated|sentence-final particle So, Sun Quan accepted the title, and the civil and military officials congratulated him as usual. 然後 , 準備 咗 一批 美玉 明珠 嘅 珍貴 禮物 , 派 人 送 去 畀 魏帝 謝恩 , 呢 啲 呢 就 唔 講 佢 喇 。 then|prepared|past tense marker|a batch of|beautiful jade|pearl|possessive particle|precious|gifts|send|people|deliver|to|to|Emperor Wei|express gratitude|this|||just|not|mention|him|sentence-final particle Then, a batch of precious gifts of beautiful jade and pearls was prepared and sent to the Wei Emperor to express gratitude; let's not talk about those. 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 孫權 得到 報告 話 劉備 率領 大軍 , 會同 蠻王 沙摩柯 , 幾萬名 番兵 就 又 有 洞 溪 嘅 漢 將 , 杜路 、 劉寧 兩支 兵馬 , 水陸並進 , 聲勢浩大 。 passed|past tense marker|not|long|Sun Quan|received|report|saying|Liu Bei|leading|large army||barbarian king|Sha Mo Ke|several thousand|foreign soldiers|then|again|have|Dong|creek|possessive particle|Han|general|Du Lu|Liu Ning|two|troops|advancing by land and water|imposing momentum Not long after, Sun Quan received a report that Liu Bei was leading a large army, along with the barbarian king Sha Mo Ke, and several tens of thousands of foreign soldiers, along with the Han generals Du Lu and Liu Ning, advancing by both land and water, with great momentum. 水 路軍 呢 , 已經 出 咗 巫峽 口 , 旱 路軍 已經 到 咗 秭歸 喇 噉 。 water||question particle|already|exit|past tense marker|Wuxia|mouth|land||already|arrived|past tense marker|Zigui|final particle|like that The water route army has already exited the Wu Gorge, and the land route army has already arrived at Zhi Gui. 秭歸 啊 喺 今日 湖北省 西部 , 係 靠近 四川 。 Zigui|ah|is|today|Hubei Province|western|is|near|Sichuan Zhi Gui is located in the western part of today's Hubei Province, close to Sichuan. 本來 孫權 向 曹丕 請降 接受 封爵 啊 , 係 想 曹丕 啊 出兵 去 攻打 漢中 , 牽制 劉備 㗎 嘛 。 originally|Sun Quan|to|Cao Pi|request to surrender|accept|title|particle|was|wanted|Cao Pi|particle|send troops|to|attack|Hanzhong|restrain|Liu Bei|particle|particle Originally, Sun Quan had requested to surrender to Cao Pi and accept a title, hoping that Cao Pi would send troops to attack Han Zhong to restrain Liu Bei. 點知 曹丕 唔 肯 出兵 接應 噃, 哼 , 噉 就 麻煩 夾牙煙 喇 。 who would have thought|Cao Pi|not|willing|send troops|support|particle indicating realization|humph|then|then|troublesome|smoke|particle indicating completed action Unexpectedly, Cao Pi was unwilling to send troops to assist, huh, this is going to be troublesome. 佢 問 班 大臣 喇 : 蜀兵 聲勢 咁 大 , 我 哋 點樣 抵敵 好 呢 ? he|asked|class|minister|particle|Shu soldiers|momentum|so|strong|we|plural marker|how|resist|well|question particle He asked the ministers: With the Shu army being so powerful, how can we resist them? 嗰 班 大臣 就 個個 都 唔 出 聲 噃。 that|group|ministers|then|everyone|all|not|make|sound|particle The ministers all fell silent. 孫權 話 喇 : 唉 , 周郎 之後 有 魯肅 , 魯肅 之後 有 呂蒙 , 而家 呂蒙 已經 死 咗 咯 , 再 冇 人 為 孤王 分憂 咯 。 Sun Quan|said|particle indicating completed action|sigh|Zhou Lang|after|there is|Lu Su|Lu Su|after|there is|Lu Meng|now|Lu Meng|already|dead|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating finality|again|no|person|for|me (referring to himself)|share worries|particle indicating finality Sun Quan said: Alas, after Zhou Lang, there was Lu Su, and after Lu Su, there was Lü Meng, but now Lü Meng has already died, and there is no one left to share the worries of this lonely king. 孫權 話口 未 完 啊 , 有位 少年 將軍 奮起 精神 , 行出 嚟 跪 低 稟奏 話 : Sun Quan|speaking|not|finished|ah|there is a|young|general|rising|spirit|coming out|here|||reporting|saying Before Sun Quan finished speaking, a young general stood up with spirit, knelt down, and reported: 臣 雖然 年輕 , 亦 頗 為 學過 啲 兵法 , 請 主公 派 我 率領 幾萬 人馬 去 迎擊 蜀兵 啦 ! I|although|young|also|quite|in terms of|studied|some|military strategy|please|lord|send|I|lead|tens of thousands|troops|to|engage|Shu soldiers|sentence-final particle Although I am young, I have learned some military strategies. Please, my lord, allow me to lead tens of thousands of troops to confront the Shu army! 孫權 一睇 , 原來 係 孫桓 。 Sun Quan|at a glance|it turns out|is|Sun Huan Sun Quan took a look and realized it was Sun Huan. 孫 桓 嘅 父親 本來 姓 俞 嘅 叫做 俞河 。 Sun|Huan|possessive particle|father|originally|surname|Yu|possessive particle|was called|Yu He Sun Huan's father originally had the surname Yu and was called Yu He. 孫策 啊 好 喜歡 佢 , 就 賜 佢 姓 孫 , 因此 呢 亦 都 係 吳 王 嘅 宗族 嘞 。 Sun Ce|ah|very|likes|him|then|bestowed|him|surname|Sun|therefore|this|also|all|is|Wu|King|possessive particle|clan|past action particle Sun Ce really liked him, so he granted him the surname Sun, thus he is also part of the royal family of Wu. 孫河 有 四個 仔 , 孫桓 係 最大 。 Sun Ho|has|four|sons|Sun Huan|is|the oldest Sun He had four sons, and Sun Huan was the eldest. 佢 精通 武藝 弓馬 嫻熟 , 時常 都 跟隨 孫權 南征北戰 就 立過 好多 戰功 , 官職 係 武衛 都尉 。 He|is proficient in|martial arts|archery|skilled|often|all|followed|Sun Quan|campaigns in the south and north|then|achieved|many|military merits|official position|is|Imperial Guard|Deputy Commander He was skilled in martial arts and proficient in archery and horseback riding, often following Sun Quan in battles and achieving many military merits, holding the position of Wu Wei Dou Wei. 當時 呢 , 佢 先 至 係 二十五歲 唔 。 at that time|question particle|he|||was|twenty-five years old|not At that time, he was only twenty-five years old. 噉 孫權 問 佢 : 你 有 咩 嘢 辦法 可以 戰勝 蜀兵 呢 ? then|Sun Quan|asked|him|you|have|what|thing|method|can|defeat|Shu soldiers|question particle Then Sun Quan asked him: What methods do you have to defeat the Shu army? 臣 有 兩員 大將 , 一個 叫做 李異 , 一個 叫做 謝 旌 , 都 有 萬夫不當之勇 嘅 , 請 主公 撥 幾萬 兵 , 去 生擒 劉備 啊 。 I|have|two|generals|one|named|Li Yi|one|named|||both|have|the courage of ten thousand men|possessive particle|please|your majesty|allocate|several thousand|soldiers|to|capture alive|Liu Bei|ah I have two great generals, one named Li Yi and the other named Xie Jing, both of whom possess the strength of ten thousand men. I request that the lord allocate a few thousand troops to capture Liu Bei alive. 賢侄 你 雖然 英勇 , 無奈 年紀 仲 係 細 啊 , 一定 要 有 個人 幫 你 至 得 。 virtuous nephew|you|although|brave|unfortunately|age|still|is|young|ah|definitely|need|have|someone|help|you|only|succeed Although you are brave, dear nephew, unfortunately, you are still young. You definitely need someone to assist you. 虎威 將軍 朱然 就 行出 嚟 話 : 臣 願同 小 將軍 一齊 去 生擒 劉備 ! Tiger威|General|Zhu Ran|then|walked out|here|said|I||young|General|together|to|capture alive|Liu Bei General Hu Wei, Zhu Ran, stepped forward and said: I am willing to go with the young general to capture Liu Bei! 孫權 同意 佢 嘅 請求 , 就點 起水 陸軍 五萬名 , 封孫桓 做 左 都督 , 朱然 做 右 都督 就 即日 起兵 。 Sun Quan|agreed|he|possessive particle|request||naval|army|50000 men||made|left|commander|Zhu Ran|made|right|commander|then|on the same day|mobilized troops Sun Quan agreed to his request, and immediately raised an army of 50,000 water and land troops, appointing Sun Huan as the left commander and Zhu Ran as the right commander. 當時 探聽到 蜀兵 啊 , 已經 嚟 到 宜都 就 扎落 營寨 嘞 。 at that time|heard about|Shu soldiers|ah|already|||Yidu|then|set up|camp|past tense particle At that time, it was reported that the Shu army had already arrived at Yidu and had set up camp. 於是 孫桓 呢 就 帶領 二萬五千 兵馬 , 駐 扎 喺 宜都 界口 , 前後 就 分 做 三營 嚟 頂住 蜀兵 。 then|Sun Huan|particle indicating action|then|led|25000|troops|stationed|Zha|at|Yidu|border|front and back|then|divided|into|three camps|to|hold off|Shu troops Thus, Sun Huan led 25,000 troops, stationed at the border of Yidu, and divided them into three camps to hold off the Shu army. 宜都 啊 靠近 荊州 南郡 嘞 , 就 喺 今日 嘅 湖北省 南部 嚟 。 Yidu|ah|near|Jingzhou|Nanjun|past tense particle|then|at|today|possessive particle|Hubei Province|southern|from Yidu is near Jingzhou's Nanjun, located in the southern part of today's Hubei Province. 而家 講下 吳班 , 佢 掛 咗 先鋒 印 就 自從 出 咗 西川 以來 啊 , 所到之處 就 望風 投降 , 唔 使流 一滴 血 就 直到 宜都 。 now|talk about|Wu Ban|he|hanging|past tense marker|vanguard|seal|then|since|came|past tense marker|Xichuan|since|ah|wherever he went|then|surrendering|surrender|not||a drop|blood|then|until|Yidu Now let's talk about Wu Ban; he carried the vanguard seal, and since he left Xichuan, everywhere he went, the enemy surrendered without a fight, not shedding a drop of blood until reaching Yidu. 佢 探聽到 孫桓 就 喺 宜都 扎落 營寨 , 就 派 人 飛報 劉備 。 He|found out|Sun Huan|then|at|Yidu|stationed|camp|then|sent|someone|urgent report|Liu Bei He learned that Sun Huan was stationed at the camp in Yidu, so he sent someone to report to Liu Bei. 當時 劉備 呢 已經 到 咗 秭歸 嘞 , 接到 呢 個 消息 呢 , 可惱 嘢 啦 : 諒 佢 呢 個 後 生仔 , 竟敢 同孤王 對抗 吓 ! at that time|Liu Bei|particle indicating a completed action|already|arrived|past tense marker|Zhi Gui|particle indicating a completed action|received|particle indicating a completed action|measure word|news|particle indicating a completed action|annoying|thing|particle indicating a change of state|to expect|he|particle indicating a completed action|measure word|||actually dared||to oppose|particle indicating surprise At that time, Liu Bei had already arrived in Zigui, and upon receiving this news, he was quite annoyed: How dare this young man oppose the lonely king! 關興 就 稟奏 話 : 既然 孫權派 呢 個 後生 做 主帥 , 噉 陛下 就 唔 使 派 其他 嘅 大將 , 等 小臣 去 捉 佢 ! Guan Xing|then|report|said|since||this|classifier for people|young man|to be|commander|then|Your Majesty|then|not|need|send|other|possessive particle|generals|let|humble minister|to go|capture|him Guan Xing reported: Since Sun Quan has sent this young man as the commander, then Your Majesty does not need to send other generals; let the young minister go capture him! 好極 喇 ! 孤王 正 係 想 睇 下 賢侄 嘅 英雄氣概 。 extremely good|particle indicating completed action|lonely king|just|is|want|||virtuous nephew|possessive particle|heroic spirit Very good! The lonely king is indeed eager to see his nephew's heroic spirit. 劉備 立即 命令 關興 進兵 。 Liu Bei|immediately|ordered|Guan Xing|advance the troops Liu Bei immediately ordered Guan Xing to advance the troops. 張苞 即刻 行前 一步 話 : 臣 願意 同 關興 一齊 去 討伐 逆賊 ! Zhang Bao|immediately|move forward|one step|said|I (your servant)|am willing|together|Guan Xing|all together|go|attack|rebel Zhang Bao immediately stepped forward and said: I am willing to go with Guan Xing to fight against the rebels! 好 ! 兩位 賢侄 同行 就 妙極 喇 , 不過 必須 謹慎 小心 啊 。 good|you two|wise nephews|travel together|then|wonderful|particle indicating completion|but|must|cautious|careful|particle for emphasis Good! It would be excellent for both of you, my dear nephews, to go together, but you must be very cautious. 噉 兩員 小將 拜辭 劉備 , 會合 先鋒 吳班 就 一同 進兵 。 then|two|young generals|take leave of|Liu Bei|meet|vanguard|Wu Ban|then|together|advance So the two young generals took their leave from Liu Bei, met up with the vanguard Wu Ban, and advanced together. 呢 一日 , 孫桓 聽講 蜀兵 大舉進攻 , 就點 起 全部 兵馬 出去 迎敵 。 this|one day|Sun Huan|heard|Shu soldiers|large-scale attack||to mobilize|all|troops|to go out|to confront the enemy On that day, Sun Huan heard that the Shu army was launching a large-scale attack, so he mobilized all his troops to confront the enemy. 雙方 各自 佈 好 陣勢 嘞 。 both sides|each|set up|good|formation|past tense marker Both sides arranged their formations. 兩陣 對圓 , 孫桓 帶領 李異 、 謝 旌 立馬 喺 門 旗下 便 。 two armies|face to face|Sun Huan|led|Li Yi|||immediately|at|gate|under the banner|then Two formations faced each other, with Sun Huan leading Li Yi and Xie Jing standing by the gate. 蜀 軍方 面 呢 , 湧出 兩員 小將 , 都 係 銀盔 銀甲 , 白旗 白馬 。 Shu|army|in front of|question particle|emerged|two|young generals|both|are|silver helmets|silver armor|white flags|white horses On the Shu army's side, two young generals emerged, both in silver helmets and silver armor, with white flags and white horses. 上手 便 , 張苞 挺起 丈 八點 鋼矛 ; 下手 便 , 關興 打橫 揸 住 大砍刀 。 first move|then|Zhang Bao|raised|9|8|steel spear|second move|then|Guan Xing|horizontally|||big cleaver At the front, Zhang Bao raised his eight-point steel spear; at the back, Guan Xing wielded a large cleaver. 張苞 大喝一聲 : 孫桓 你 個 衰仔 ! 死到 臨頭 仲敢 抗拒 天兵 ! Zhang Bao|shouted loudly|Sun Huan|you|possessive particle|bad kid|about to die|at the moment||resist|heavenly soldiers Zhang Bao shouted loudly: "Sun Huan, you little brat! Even at the brink of death, you dare to resist the heavenly soldiers!" 孫桓鬧 返 轉頭 喇 : 哈哈 , 你 父親 呀 已經 做 咗 無頭 之鬼 喇 , 今日 你 又 嚟 攞 死 啊 真 係 蠢材 喇 你 ! Sun Huan is scolding|back|turn around|particle indicating completed action|haha|you|father|particle for emphasis|already|become|past tense marker|headless||particle indicating completed action|today|you|again|come|take|dead|particle for emphasis|really|is|fool|particle indicating completed action|you Sun Huan retorted: "Haha, your father has already become a headless ghost, and today you come to seek death, truly foolish of you!" 嘿 ! 張苞 怒火沖天 , 挺槍 直取 孫桓 。 hey|Zhang Bao|furious|raised his spear|directly attacked|Sun Huan Hey! Zhang Bao was furious and charged directly at Sun Huan. 謝 旌 就 未 等 孫桓 出馬 , 自己 一拍 隻 馬 就 迎 上 前去 同張 苞 交鋒 。 ||then|not yet|wait|Sun Huan|make his move|he himself|with a single slap|measure word for horse|horse|then|charge|up|forward|||engage in battle Xie Jing didn't wait for Sun Huan to make a move, and took the initiative to ride forward to confront Zhang Bao. 兩個 打 咗 三十幾個 回合 , 謝 旌 唔 夠打 走 人 , 張苞 就 乘勝 追上去 。 the two of them|fought|past tense marker|over thirty|rounds|Xie|Jing|not||to drive away|person|Zhang Bao|then|taking advantage of victory|chased after The two fought for over thirty rounds, but Xie Jing couldn't hold his ground and was forced to retreat, allowing Zhang Bao to pursue him. 李異 睇 見 謝 旌 打輸 咗 , 慌忙 拍馬 上前 , 舞起 蘸 金斧 接住 同張 苞 打過 。 Li Yi|saw|saw|Xie|Jing|lost the fight|past tense marker|hurriedly|urged his horse|moved forward|brandished|dipped|golden axe|caught||Bao|fought Li Yi saw that Xie Jing was losing, so he hurriedly rode forward, brandishing his golden axe to engage Zhang Bao. 打 咗 二十幾個 回合 就 不分勝負 。 fought|past tense marker|over twenty|rounds|then|no winner or loser After over twenty rounds of fighting, neither side could claim victory. 喺 吳 軍陣 內 呢 , 有 一個 副將 叫做 譚雄 啊 , 佢 見到 張苞 咁 厲害 唄 , 李異 打 佢 唔 贏 。 in|Wu|army formation|inside|this|there is|one|deputy general|named|Tam Hung|ah|he|saw|Zhang Bao|so|formidable|particle indicating certainty|Li Yi|fight|he|not|win In the Wu army formation, there was a deputy general named Tan Xiong. He saw how powerful Zhang Bao was, and Li Yi couldn't defeat him. 𠻘 噉 就 放冷箭 , 一箭 就 射中 張苞 騎 住 嗰 匹 馬 。 then|like this|just|shoot a hidden arrow|one arrow|just|hit|Zhang Bao|riding|on|that|measure word for horses|horse So he secretly shot an arrow, and it hit Zhang Bao's horse. 嗰 匹 馬 忍痛 呀 跑 返去 本陣 , 點知 都 未 跑 到門 旗 嗰 度 唧 ,𠽤𡃈! 噉 就 碌 低 嘞 。 that|measure word for horses|horse|endure the pain|particle|run|return|original camp|unexpectedly|all|not yet|run||flag|that|place|to honk|to fall down|then|just|roll|down|particle That horse, in pain, ran back to the main camp, but before it could reach the flag, it fell down. 張苞 咪 成個 𢴈 喺 地 啦 。 Cheung Po|don't|whole|thing|at|ground|particle Zhang Bao fell completely to the ground. 好 機會 啊 李異 啊 急衝 上前 , 舉起 蘸 金大斧 啊 對 住 張 苞 個頭 殼 就 劈 落 去 。 good|opportunity|ah|Li Yi|ah|rushed|stepped forward|raised|dipped|golden axe|ah|aimed|at|Zhang|Bao||shell|then|chopped|down|at What a great opportunity! Li Yi rushed forward, raised his golden axe, and struck down at Zhang Bao's head. 忽然 紅光 一閃 啊 , 李 異 嘅 人頭 早已 落地 。 suddenly|red light|flashed|ah|Li|Yi|possessive particle|head|already|on the ground Suddenly, a red light flashed, and Li Yi's head had already fallen to the ground. 嘿 點解 啊 喂 , 原來 關興 啊 見到 張苞 回馬 跑 返 嚟 , 正 係 想 接應 佢 啦 。 hey|why|ah|hey|originally|Guan Xing|ah|saw|Zhang Bao|counterattack|run|back|here|just|is|wanted|support|him|particle Hey, why is that? It turns out that Guan Xing saw Zhang Bao retreating and was just trying to support him. 突然 見到 張苞 連人 帶馬碌 低 , 李異 又 追住 上 嚟 , 關興 大喝一聲 就 劈 死 咗 李異 救 返張 苞 。 suddenly|saw|Zhang Bao|with the person||down|Li Yi|again|chased|up|here|Guan Xing|shouted loudly|then|struck|dead|past tense marker|Li Yi|saved|| Suddenly seeing Zhang Bao rolling down with his horse, Li Yi was chasing after him, and Guan Xing shouted loudly and killed Li Yi to save Zhang Bao. 噉 關興 吖 就 趁勢 揮兵 掩殺 , 打到 孫桓 大敗 , 噉 就 各自 打鑼 收兵 嘞 。 then|Guan Xing|particle|then|take advantage of the situation|lead the troops|encircle and annihilate|fought until|Sun Huan|was defeated|then|then|each|beat the gongs|withdraw the troops|particle So, Guan Xing took the opportunity to lead his troops to ambush, defeating Sun Huan greatly, and then everyone went back to their camps. 第 日 , 孫桓 又 帶兵 嚟 。 the|day|Sun Huan|again|brought troops|here The next day, Sun Huan came back with his troops. 張苞 、 關興 啊 一齊 出去 。 Zhang Bao|Guan Xing|ah|together|go out Zhang Bao and Guan Xing went out together. 關興 一 拍馬 衝 到 陣前 , 就 係 嘍孫桓 嚟 打 。 Guan Xing|one|ride fast|charge|to|the front of the battle|then|is|Lu Suan Huan|come|fight Guan Xing spurred his horse and charged to the front lines, where Sun Huan was fighting. 孫桓 發火 喇 , 拍 馬舞刀 就 同 關興 大戰 三十幾個 回合 。 Sun Huan|got angry|particle indicating action|struck||then|together|Guan Xing|fought fiercely|over thirty|rounds Sun Huan got angry, spurred his horse and waved his sword, engaging in a fierce battle with Guan Xing for over thirty rounds. 誒 唔 得 喇 , 唔 夠 氣力 喇 , 一撥 馬頭 就 飛跑 回陣 。 eh|not|okay|particle indicating completed action|||strength|particle indicating completed action|a group of|horses|then|ran away|back to the formation Ah, this won't do, I'm out of strength, and with a flick of the horse's head, he fled back to the camp. 關興 、 張苞 兩員 小將 一直 追住 殺 過去 。 Guan Xing|Zhang Bao|two|young generals|continuously|pursuing|kill|past The two young generals, Guan Xing and Zhang Bao, kept chasing and killing their way forward. 吳班 啊 帶 住 張南 、 馮習 , 指揮 軍隊 就 衝鋒 掩殺 啊 。 Wu squad|ah|bring|with|Zhang Nan|Feng Xi|command|army|then|charge|encirclement|ah Wu Ban led Zhang Nan and Feng Xi to command the army to charge and ambush. 張苞 奮勇當先 , 直殺 去吳 軍陣 內 , 迎面 撞見 謝 旌 。 Zhang Bao|fought bravely at the forefront|directly killed||army formation|inside|head-on|encountered|Xie|flag Zhang Bao bravely took the lead and directly killed his way into the Wu army formation, encountering Xie Jing head-on. 張苞 一矛 就 刺死 咗 佢 , 殺到 吳兵 散 晒 走夾 冇 唞 。 Zhang Bao|one spear|then|stabbed to death|past tense marker|him|killed until|Wu Bing|scattered|completely|ran away|not|resting With one spear, Zhang Bao stabbed him to death, causing the Wu soldiers to scatter and flee without rest. 蜀 軍 打勝 咗 仗 收兵 嘞 , 咦 ? 獨獨 唔 見 關興 歸隊 噃。 Shu|army|won|past tense marker|battle|retreat|past action marker|eh|only|not|see|Guan Xing|return to the team|particle indicating surprise The Shu army won the battle and began to withdraw, but hey? Where is Guan Xing returning to the ranks? 張苞話 喇 : 佢 有 乜 三長兩短 , 我 亦 唔 做人 喇 ! Cheung Po said|particle indicating completed action|he|has|what|misfortune|I|also|not|live as a person|particle indicating completed action Zhang Bao said: If anything happens to him, I will no longer be human! 立即 提槍 上馬 四圍 去 搵 關興 。 immediately|draw the gun|get on the horse|all around|go|find|Kwan Hing Immediately draw the gun and mount the horse to look for Guan Xing. 行 咗 幾里路 , 呵呵 見到 喇 , 只見 關興 左手 提刀 , 右手 夾生 挾住 一員 敵將 。 walk|past tense marker|several miles|haha|saw|particle indicating completed action|only saw|Guan Xing|left hand||right hand|Jia Sheng||a|enemy general After walking a few miles, haha, I saw him. I saw Guan Xing holding a knife in his left hand and capturing an enemy general with his right hand. 哦 ? 係 邊個 啊 ? oh|is|who|question particle Oh? Who is it? 哈哈哈哈 , 我 喺 亂軍 之中 , 咁 啱 撞 到 仇人 就 生擒 咗 佢 嘞 。 hahaha|I|in|chaotic battle|within|||||enemy|then|captured alive|past tense marker|him|sentence-final particle Hahaha, I happened to run into my enemy in the chaos of battle and captured him. 張苞 一 睇 , 原來 係 昨日 放冷箭 嗰 個 譚 雄 , 哎 高興 喇 。 Cheung Po|one|look|originally|is|yesterday|shot an arrow from ambush|that|classifier for people|Tam|Hung|sigh|happy|particle indicating change of state Zhang Bao took a look and realized it was Tan Xiong, the one who shot the cold arrow yesterday. Ah, I'm so happy. 返到 軍營 , 斬 咗 譚雄 , 用 譚雄 啲 血 啊 嚟 祭 嗰 匹 死 馬 , 哎 噉 就 報 咗 仇 喇 。 returned to|barracks|killed|past tense marker|Tam Hung|using||possessive particle|blood|particle|to come|sacrifice|that|measure word for horses|dead|horse|sigh|like this|then|revenge|past tense marker|enemy|completed action particle Back at the military camp, they killed Tam Hung and used his blood to sacrifice that dead horse. Ah, this is how they took revenge. 同時 呢 , 寫 咗 份 表章 , 派 人 去 劉備 處 報捷 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|write|past tense marker|measure word for documents|report|send|person|to|Liu Bei|place|report victory At the same time, they wrote a report and sent someone to Liu Bei to announce the victory. 噉 嗰 頭 孫 桓 呢 , 因為 損失 咗 李異 、 謝 旌 、 譚雄 等等 一批 將士 , 就 元氣大傷 啦 。 then|that|head|Sun|Huan|this|because|loss|past tense marker|Li Yi|Xie|Jing|Tan Xiong|etc|a group of|soldiers|then|severely weakened|sentence-final particle Now, on Sun Huan's side, because they lost a group of generals including Li Yi, Xie Jing, and Tam Hung, their morale was greatly damaged. 佢 冇 力 抵抗 喇 , 所以 就 派 人 火速 返去 東吳 求救 。 he|has no|strength|resist|particle indicating completed action|so|then|send|people|urgently|return|Eastern Wu|call for help They had no strength to resist, so they sent someone back to Eastern Wu urgently for help. 而家 講下 蜀 軍 呢 便 , 張南同 馮習 啊 , 就 對 先鋒 吳班 建議 話 : now|talk about|Shu|army|this|message||Feng Xi|ah|then|to|vanguard|Wu Ban|suggested|saying Now let's talk about the Shu army, Zhang Nan and Feng Xi, who suggested to the vanguard Wu Ban: 而家 吳兵 大敗 , 我 哋 乘機 去 劫營 就 啱 嘞 。 now|Wu Bing|suffered a great defeat|I|plural marker|take the opportunity|to go|raid the camp|then|right|past action particle Now that Wu Bing has suffered a great defeat, we should take the opportunity to raid their camp. 吳班話 : 孫桓 雖然 損失 咗 好多 人馬 , 不過 朱 然 嘅 水軍 啊 , 喺 江 上 安營 一 啲 都 冇 損失 過 個 噃。 Wu's group said|Sun Huan|although|lost|past tense marker|many|troops|but|Zhu|Ran|possessive particle|navy|sentence-final particle|at|river|on|camped|one|particle indicating a small amount|all|not|lost|past action marker|classifier| The Wu faction says: Although Sun Huan has lost a lot of troops, Zhu Ran's navy has not suffered any losses while stationed on the river. 我 哋 如果 去 劫營 呢 , 萬一 朱 然 嘅 水軍 登陸 , 截斷 我軍 嘅 歸路 噉 點算 好 啊 ? ||if|go|raid the camp|question particle|in case|||possessive particle|navy|land|cut off|our army|possessive particle|retreat path|then|how to deal with|good|particle If we go to raid the camp, what if Zhu Ran's navy lands and cuts off our army's retreat? 張南話 : 噉 好辦 啦 , 請關 、 張 兩位 將軍 , 每人 帶 五千 兵 喺 山谷 裏頭 埋伏 。 Cheung Nam speaks|then|easy to handle|particle indicating suggestion||Cheung|two|generals|each person|bring|five thousand|soldiers|in|valley|inside|ambush Zhang Nan says: That's easy to handle, please General Guan and General Zhang, each take five thousand soldiers and ambush in the valley. 如果 朱然 嚟 救 嘅 話 , 一左一右 兩支 軍隊 殺出 嚟 夾攻 就 必定 打贏 嘅 。 if|Zhu Ran|comes|to help|possessive particle|statement|one from the left and one from the right|two|armies|rush out|to|attack from both sides|then|definitely|win|possessive particle If Zhu Ran comes to rescue, the two armies can attack from the left and right, and we will definitely win. 吳班話 喇 : 嗯 , 噉 啦 , 我 哋 派 幾個 卒 仔 , 詐 假意 去 投降 , 將 劫營 嘅 事 講 畀 朱 然 聽 。 Ng班 said|particle indicating completion|hmm|like that|particle indicating suggestion|I|plural marker|send|a few|||fake|intention|to|surrender|will|raid|possessive particle|matter|tell|to|Zhu|Ran|hear Wu Ban said: Hmm, like this, we will send a few soldiers to pretend to surrender and tell Zhu Ran about the robbery. 朱然 一 見到 起 火燒 着 嚟 嘞 , 就 必定會 嚟 救應 嘅 。 Zhu Ran|once|sees|start|fire|burning|come|past tense particle|then||come|help|particle indicating possession or emphasis As soon as Zhu Ran sees the fire burning, he will definitely come to rescue. 到 時 我 哋 就 用 伏兵 打 佢 , 噉 就 大事 成功 喇 。 when|time|we|plural marker|then|use|ambush|hit|him|like this|then|major event|successful|particle indicating completed action At that time, we will use ambush troops to attack him, and then it will be a great success. 好 啊 好 啊 馮 習 佢 哋 好 歡喜 啊 , 就 依計 行事 嘞 。 very|particle||||||||||then|according to this plan|act|past tense marker Alright, alright, Feng Xi and the others are very happy, so let's proceed with this plan. 朱然 知道 孫桓 損兵折將 , 正 係 想 出兵 去 救 啦 。 Zhu Ran|knows|Sun Huan|suffer losses in battle|just|is|wants|send troops|to|rescue|particle indicating suggestion or realization Zhu Ran knows that Sun Huan has lost troops and generals, and he is indeed planning to send troops to rescue. 呢 一日 , 伏路軍 就 帶 住 幾個 卒 仔 上船 投降 喎 。 this|day|the army|then|||several|||onto the ship|surrendered|sentence-final particle On that day, the soldiers led by Fulu Jun brought a few soldiers onto the ship to surrender. 朱然 照例 要 審問 清楚 啦 , 啲 卒 仔話 : Zhu Ran|as usual|needs|interrogate|clearly|particle|plural marker|| As usual, Zhu Ran wanted to interrogate them thoroughly. 我 哋 係 馮習 部下 嘅 士卒 啊 。 ||are|Feng Xi|subordinates|possessive particle|soldiers|sentence-final particle The soldiers said: 因為 見 佢 賞罰不明 , 所以 就 走 嚟 投降 , 有 機密 事要 報告 啊 。 because|see|he|unclear rewards and punishments|so|then|come|here|surrender|have|confidential||report|ah We are the soldiers under Feng Xi's command. 咩 事 ? what|matter Because we saw that his rewards and punishments were unclear, we decided to come and surrender. There is confidential information to report. 今晚 , 馮習 要 乘虛 去 劫 孫將軍 嘅 營寨 , 誒 約定 點火 做 信號 喎 。 tonight|Feng Xi|will|take advantage of the opportunity|go|rob|General Sun|possessive particle|camp|ah|agreed|set fire|make|signal|sentence-final particle Tonight, Feng Xi wants to take advantage of the situation to raid General Sun's camp, and they agreed to light a fire as a signal. 朱然問 清楚 , 即刻 就 派 人 去 報知 孫桓 。 |clearly|immediately|then|send|person|to|inform|Sun Huan Zhu Ran asked for clarification and immediately sent someone to inform Sun Huan. 哈哈 點知 去 報告 嘅 人 呀 行 到 半路 , 就 畀 關興 截住 殺 咗 嘞 。 haha|didn't expect|to go|report|possessive particle|person|particle|walk|to|halfway|then|by|Kwan Hing|stopped|killed|past tense particle|particle indicating completed action Haha, little did they know that the person sent to report was intercepted and killed by Guan Xing halfway. 朱 然 佢 同 佢 啲 部下 商量 要 派兵 去 援救 孫桓 。 Zhu|however|he|with|his|plural marker|subordinates|discuss|need to|send troops|to|rescue|Sun Huan Zhu Ran discussed with his subordinates about sending troops to rescue Sun Huan. 佢 個 部將 崔禹 就 話 喇 : 卒 仔 嘅 說話 靠 唔 住 㗎 。 he|possessive particle|general|Choi Yu|then|said|sentence-final particle|||possessive particle|words|rely|not|dependable|sentence-final particle One of his subordinates, Cui Yu, said: 'You can't rely on the words of a soldier.' 若果 有 咩 嘢 疏忽 , 水陸 兩軍都 冇 晒 㗎 喇 。 if|has|any|thing|oversight|land and water||have not|completely|particle|particle If there are any oversights, both the water and land forces will be finished. 將軍 仲 係 穩守 水寨 好 , 等 末將 代替 將軍 去一趟 罷啦 。 general|still|is|defending|water fortress|well|let|this lowly general|replace|general||just do it It's better for the general to stay and defend the water fortress, let the subordinate replace the general for a trip. 朱然 同意 , 就 派 崔禹 帶 一萬 兵去 救 孫桓 嘞 喎 。 Zhu Ran|agreed|then|send|Cui Yu|lead|ten thousand||rescue|Sun Huan|past action particle|sentence-final particle Zhu Ran agreed and sent Cui Yu with ten thousand troops to rescue Sun Huan. 當晚 , 馮習 、 張南 、 吳班 就 兵分 三路 , 直 殺入 孫 桓 嘅 兵營 , 跟 住 就 四面 咁 放火 , 嘩 啲 吳 兵亂 晒龍 啊 呼天搶地 四圍 咁 搵 埞 趯 。 that night|Feng Xi|Zhang Nan|Wu Ban|then|divided|into three groups|directly|stormed into|||possessive particle|barracks|||then|from all sides|so|set fire|wow|plural particle|Wu|||exclamatory particle|crying out to heaven and earth|all around|so|looking for|cover|escape That night, Feng Xi, Zhang Nan, and Wu Ban split their troops into three routes and directly attacked Sun Huan's camp, then set fire to it from all sides, causing the Wu soldiers to be in chaos, crying out and searching for a way to escape. 崔禹 帶兵 行進 緊 , 咦 , 見到 起火 喇 , 真 係 㗎 噃 就 急急 催促 兵馬 快 啲 行 。 Cui Yu|leading the troops|march|urgently|eh|saw|fire|already|really|is|particle indicating certainty||then|hurriedly|urged|troops|||move Cui Yu was advancing with his troops, and upon seeing the fire, he hurriedly urged his soldiers to move faster. 點知 啱 啱 轉過 咗 座 山 咀 , 突然 間 沊沊沊沊沊沊 響起 陣陣 鼓聲 。 suddenly|||turned|past tense marker|measure word for mountains|mountain|peak|suddenly|suddenly|sound of drums|sounded|bursts of|drum sound Just as I turned around the mountain pass, suddenly a series of drum sounds echoed. 喺 山谷 裏頭 啊 , 左便 關興 、 右 便 張 苞 兩路 夾攻 。 in|valley|inside|particle|left|Guan Xing|||Zhang|Bao|two sides|attack together In the valley, on the left was Guan Xing, and on the right was Zhang Bao, both attacking from two sides. 嚇到 崔禹 魂飛魄散 啊 , 走 咯 ! scared|Choi Woo|soul leaving the body|ah|| Cui Yu was so scared that he lost his wits, and ran away! 點知 一下 就 遇 着 張 苞 , 打 咗 僅僅 一個 回合 就 畀 張 苞 生擒活捉 嘞 。 unexpectedly|in an instant|then|||||fought|past tense marker|only|one|round|then|was|||captured alive|past tense marker Unexpectedly, he immediately encountered Zhang Bao, and after just one round of fighting, he was captured alive by Zhang Bao. 朱然 一 接到 呢 個 消息 , 哎呀 危急 啊 咪 搵 嘢 搞 , 立刻 就 下令 戰船 起錨 , 向 住 下游 方向 啊 退後 五六十里 。 Zhu Ran|once|received|this|measure word for events|news|oh no|urgent|particle|should|find|thing|deal with|immediately|then|ordered|warship|to weigh anchor|towards|staying|downstream|direction|particle|retreat|fifty to sixty miles As soon as Zhu Ran received this news, he realized it was urgent and quickly took action, immediately ordering the warships to weigh anchor and retreat downstream for fifty to sixty miles. 孫桓 就 畀 蜀 兵 劫 咗 營 , 帶住 一隊 殘兵 逃走 。 Sun Huan|then|by|Shu|soldiers|attacked|past tense marker|camp|leading|a group of|remaining soldiers|escaped Sun Huan was ambushed by the Shu army and fled with a group of remnants. 佢 問 啲 部下 喇 : 有邊 笪 地方 城池 堅固 糧食 又 多 㗎 吓 ? He|asked|plural marker|subordinates|sentence-final particle||bad|place|city|strong|food|again|abundant|sentence-final particle|huh He asked his subordinates: Which place has a strong city and plenty of food? 稟告 將軍 , 喺 呢 度 去 正北方 啊 , 就 係 彝陵城 可以 駐兵 嘅 。 report|general|at|this|place|go|true north|particle|then|is|Yiling City|can|station troops|particle Reporting to the general, to the north from here, there is Yiling City where troops can be stationed. 孫桓 即刻 帶住 殘兵 趯 去 彝陵 嘞 。 Sun Huan|immediately|bring|remaining soldiers|march|to|Yiling|past tense marker Sun Huan immediately took the remnants and rushed to Yiling. 哈哈 啱 啱 入 得 城 啊 , 嗰 頭 吳 班 佢 哋 已經 率領 大軍 追到 喇 , 將彝陵 城 沊沊𡃈 圍到實 。 haha|||||city|ah|that|side|Wu|group|they|plural marker|already|leading|army|caught up|particle indicating completed action||city|surrounding| Haha, just as they entered the city, the Wu army had already led a large force to chase them, surrounding Yiling City tightly. 彝陵 呢 , 乃 係 漢朝 時候 嘅 一個 縣 , 縣城 係 喺 而 家 湖北省 宜昌市 以東 。 Yiling|this|is|was|Han Dynasty|time|possessive particle|a|county|county seat|is|at|||Hubei Province|Yichang City|east of Yiling is a county from the Han Dynasty, and the county seat is located east of Yichang City in Hubei Province. 噉 啊 關興 、 張苞 打勝仗 , 押住 崔禹 去 秭歸 見 劉備 。 then|ah|Guan Xing|Zhang Bao|won the battle|captured|Cui Yu|to|Zigui|see|Liu Bei So, Guan Xing and Zhang Bao won the battle and captured Cui Yu to take him to Zigui to meet Liu Bei. 劉備 又 歡喜 到極 啦 , 下令 殺 咗 崔禹 , 大賞 三軍 。 Liu Bei|again|happy|to the extreme|particle indicating completion|ordered|kill|past tense marker|Cui Yu|greatly rewarded|three armies Liu Bei was extremely happy and ordered the execution of Cui Yu, rewarding the three armies greatly. 從此 啊 , 蜀兵 呀 軍威 大振 , 江南 啲 將領 呀 個個 膽寒 啊 。 from then on|particle indicating exclamation|Shu soldiers|particle indicating exclamation|military might|greatly increased|Jiangnan|particle indicating possession|generals|particle indicating exclamation|every|fearful|particle indicating exclamation From then on, the morale of the Shu army was greatly boosted, and the generals in Jiangnan were all filled with fear. 而家 講下 吳王孫 權 嘞 , 佢 收到 孫桓 打敗仗 嘅 求救 文書 大吃一驚 , 立即 召開 緊急會議 , 搵 齊 啲 文武 大臣 嚟 商量 嘞 。 now|let's talk about|||past tense marker|he|received|Sun Huan|defeat|possessive particle|request for help|document|was greatly shocked|immediately|convened|emergency meeting|found|gathered|plural marker|civil and military|officials|to come|discuss|past tense marker Now let's talk about King Sun Quan of Wu. He was shocked to receive a distress letter about Sun Huan's defeat and immediately convened an emergency meeting, gathering all the civil and military officials to discuss. 佢 話 : 弊 喇 , 而家 孫桓 困 喺 彝 陵 , 朱 然 喺 江 上 又 大敗 一場 。 he|said|bad|particle indicating change of state|now|Sun Huan|trapped|at|Yi|Ling|Zhu|Ran|at|river|on|again|major defeat|one battle He said: "It's bad, right now Sun Huan is trapped in Yiling, and Zhu Ran has suffered a major defeat on the river." 蜀兵 咁 勢 兇 , 如之奈何 呢 ? Shu soldiers|so|momentum|fierce|what can be done|question particle The Shu army is so fierce, what can we do about it? 張昭話 喇 : 大王 唔 使 咁 憂心 嘅 。 Zhang Zhao said|particle indicating completion|Your Majesty|not|need|so|worried|particle indicating possession Zhang Zhao said: "Your Majesty, there's no need to worry so much." 我 哋 東吳 嘅 大將 雖然 好多 人 都 逝世 喇 , 不過 仲有 十幾個 吖 , 使 乜 怕 劉備 呢 ? we|plural marker|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|general|although|many|people|all|died|past tense marker|but|still have|more than ten|question particle|use|what|fear|Liu Bei|question particle Although many of our great generals in Eastern Wu have passed away, there are still more than ten left, so why should we be afraid of Liu Bei? 大王 可以 命令 韓 當做 正將 , 周泰 做 副將 , 潘璋 做 先鋒 , 凌統 做合 後 , 甘寧 做 救應 , 起 十萬 兵馬 去 迎擊 蜀兵 就 得 嘞 。 the king|can|order|Han|be|main general|Zhou Tai|be|deputy general|Pan Zhang|be|vanguard|Ling Tong|||Gan Ning|be|reinforcements|raise|one hundred thousand|troops|to|engage|Shu soldiers|then|succeed|particle indicating completed action Your Majesty can appoint Han Dang as the main general, Zhou Tai as the deputy general, Pan Zhang as the vanguard, Ling Tong as the rear guard, and Gan Ning as the support, and raise a hundred thousand troops to confront the Shu army." 孫權 依照 張 昭 嘅 建議 , 即刻 命令 各 將官 點兵 出發 。 Sun Quan|according to|Zhang|Zhao|possessive particle|suggestion|immediately|ordered|each|general|count troops|depart Sun Quan, following the advice of Zhang Zhao, immediately ordered all the generals to gather their troops and set off. 漢中 王 劉備 啊 , 佢 係 喺 章 武 元年 即 係 公元 二二 一年 , 八月 出兵 。 Hanzhong|King|Liu Bei|ah|he|is|at|Zhang|Wu|first year|that is|in|AD|22|year|August|launched an attack In Hanzhong, Wang Liu Bei, he launched his campaign in the first year of Zhangwu, which is the year 221 AD, in August. 眨 下眼 又 已經 過 咗 年 , 到 咗 第二年 嘅 正月 , 佢 率領 大軍 由 巫峽 建平縣 起 , 一直 向東 直到 彝陵 境界 , 七百 幾里 , 連接 住安 咗 四 十幾個 營寨 。 blink|eyes|already|already|passed|past tense marker|year|arrived|past tense marker||possessive particle|first month of the lunar calendar|he|led|army|from|Wuxia|Jianping County|started|continuously||until|Yiling|border|seven hundred|miles|connected||past tense marker|forty||camps In the blink of an eye, a year had passed, and by the first month of the second year, he led a large army starting from Wuxia in Jianping County, moving eastward until reaching the borders of Yiling, covering over seven hundred miles, establishing more than forty camps along the way. 呢 一日 , 佢 見到 關興 、 張苞 連氣立 咗 幾個 大功 嘿真 係 高興 啊 , 佢 話 喇 : this|one day|he|saw|Guan Xing|Zhang Bao|Lianqi Li|past tense marker|several|great achievements|really|is|happy|particle|he|said|particle On this day, he saw Guan Xing and Zhang Bao achieving several great feats, and he was truly delighted, saying: 往日 跟隨 孤 王 嘅 將官 都 年老 無用 咯 , 今日 得 兩位 賢侄 咁 英雄 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 孤王仲使 乜怕 孫權 吖 ! in the past|followed|I (referring to oneself as a king)|king|possessive particle|general|all|old|useless|sentence-final particle|today|only|two|virtuous nephews|so|heroic|hahaha|ha|||Sun Quan|sentence-final particle "In the past, the generals who followed me were all old and useless, but today I have two capable nephews who are so heroic. Hahaha, what do I have to fear from Sun Quan!" 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 有 報告 話 韓當 、 周泰 帶兵 到 嘞 。 currently|at|place|||there is|report|saying|Han Dong|Zhou Tai|leading troops|arrived|past tense particle They are currently discussing that there are reports saying that Han Dang and Zhou Tai have brought troops here. 劉備 正話 想 派 人 去 迎敵 , 有個 侍臣 慌慌張張 噉 嚟 稟報 話 : 老將 黃忠 帶住 五六個 人 , 去 咗 投奔 東吳 啊 。 Liu Bei|was just saying|wanted|to send|people|to|confront the enemy|there was a|servant|in a flustered manner|like that|came|to report|saying|old general|Huang Zhong|leading|five or six|people|to|past tense marker|defect to|Eastern Wu|ah particle Liu Bei was just saying he wanted to send someone to meet the enemy when a servant rushed in to report that the old general Huang Zhong had taken five or six people to defect to Eastern Wu. 劉備 一 諗 , 笑 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 黃漢升 唔 係 啲 反 骨 嘅 人 , 皆 因 孤王 一時 失口 , 話 啲 老將 冇 用 , 佢 梗 係 唔 服老 , 故此 奮力 去 打過 啫 。 Liu Bei|one|thought|laughed|particle indicating completed action|hahaha|hahaha|Huang Han Sheng|not|is|particle indicating plural|||possessive particle|people|all|because|the lonely king|in a moment|lost his words|said|particle indicating plural|old generals|not|useful|he|certainly|is|not|accept being old|therefore|with all his might|to|fight again|only Liu Bei thought for a moment and laughed: Hahaha, Huang Hansheng is not someone who goes against the grain. It's just that I, the lonely king, misspoke for a moment and said that the old generals are useless. He definitely does not accept being old, so he is just trying hard to fight back. 於是 劉備 叫 關興 同張 苞 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 話 : then|Liu Bei|called|Guan Xing||Bao|to come|instructed|them|plural marker|to say So Liu Bei called Guan Xing and Zhang Bao over and instructed them to say: 黃漢升 呢 次 去 必定會 吃虧 , 兩位 賢侄 唔 好 怕 辛苦 喇 , 去 幫 下 佢 啦 。 Wong Hon-shing|this|time|go|will definitely|suffer losses|both|virtuous nephews|||fear|hardship|particle indicating change of state|go|help|a little|him|particle suggesting suggestion or encouragement Huang Hansheng will definitely suffer this time. You two, my dear nephews, don't be afraid of hardship, go help him. 只要 稍 為 得 啲 好意 少少贏 一兩場 , 就要 叫 佢 返 嚟 , 唔 好 畀 佢 吃虧 啊 。 as long as|||||good intention||one or two matches|then must|call|him|||||let|him|suffer losses|particle As long as they win a little bit, just a few matches, they should be called back, don't let them suffer losses. 噉 兩員 小將 就 辭別 咗 劉備 , 率領 本部 軍兵 出發 去 幫 黃忠 。 then|two|young generals|then|bid farewell|past tense marker|Liu Bei|led|his own|troops|set off|to|help|Huang Zhong So the two young generals bid farewell to Liu Bei and led their troops to help Huang Zhong. 黃忠 去 邊處 呢 ? Huang Zhong|go|where|question particle Where is Huang Zhong going? 哼 , 劉備 一 啲 都 冇 估錯 , 佢 係 聽到 劉備 話 老將 冇 用 喎 , 真 係 唔 忿氣 啊 , 提刀 上馬 , 帶住 幾個 親兵 就 直情 去 到 彝陵 前線 。 hum|Liu Bei|a|bit|all|not|wrong guess|he|is|heard|Liu Bei|said|old general|not|useful|particle|really|is|not|angry|particle|draw sword|mount horse|bringing|a few|personal soldiers|then|directly|go|to|Yiling|front line Hmph, Liu Bei didn't guess wrong at all, he heard Liu Bei say that the old generals are useless, really infuriating, he drew his sword, mounted his horse, and took a few personal soldiers straight to the Yiling front. 吳班 、 張南 、 馮習 , 聽見 五虎上將 之一 , 武威 後 將軍 黃忠 嚟 到 唄 , 立即 啊 出去 轅門 迎接 。 Wu Ban|Zhang Nan|Feng Xi|heard|Five Tiger Generals|one of|Wu Wei|later|general|Huang Zhong|||particle indicating action completion|immediately|ah|go out|the main gate|welcome Wu Ban, Zhang Nan, and Feng Xi, upon hearing that one of the Five Tiger Generals, the General of Wu Wei, Huang Zhong, has arrived, immediately went out to the gate to welcome him. 請 黃忠 入到 中軍帳 坐落 就 問 佢 : 老 將軍 嚟 到 有 咩 事 呢 ? please|Huang Zhong|enter|central army tent|sit down|then|ask|him|old|general|||has|what|matter|question particle Please let Huang Zhong enter the central army tent and ask him: "Old General, what brings you here?" 黃忠 話 : 我 黃 某 自從 喺 長沙 跟隨 天子 , 直到 今日 , 都 係 不辭勞苦 嘅 。 Huang Zhong|said|I|last name|certain person|since|at|Changsha|followed|Son of Heaven|until|today|all|am|hardworking|possessive particle Huang Zhong replied: "I, Huang, have followed the Emperor since Changsha, and until today, I have worked tirelessly." 今日 , 雖然 七十幾歲 喇 , 之仲 可以 食得 十斤 肉 , 開兩石 力 嘅 硬弓 , 可以 騎馬 跑 一千里 啊 。 today|although|over seventy years old|particle indicating completed action||can|eat|ten catties|meat||strength|possessive particle|hard bow|can|ride a horse|run|a thousand miles|particle indicating exclamation Today, although I am over seventy years old, I can still eat ten pounds of meat, draw a hard bow with two stones of strength, and ride a horse for a thousand miles. 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 我 黃 某 都 未算 得 老 吖 。 hahaha||I|Wong|a certain|also|not considered|to be|old|particle Hahahaha, I, Huang, am not considered old yet. 昨日 , 主上 話 我 哋 年老 無用 喎 , 哎 , 故此 我 特登 嚟 呢 度 同 東吳 打 過 ! yesterday|our lord|said|I|we|old|useless|particle indicating realization|sigh|therefore|I|specially|come|this|place|with|Dongwu|fight|past Yesterday, the Lord said we are old and useless, so I specially came here to fight against Eastern Wu! 等 主上 睇 我 斬將 掀旗 , 睇 我 究竟 老定 唔 老 啊 ! wait|my lord|see|I|kill the general|raise the flag|see|I|exactly|old|not|old|ah Wait for the Lord to see me cut down the generals and raise the flag, and see if I am really old or not! 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 探馬 入 嚟 報告 話 東吳 前鋒 部隊 已經 嚟 到 , 哨馬 臨營 嘞 。 right|at|place|talking|ongoing|scout|come|here|report|said|Eastern Wu|vanguard|troops|already|come|arrived|sentry|near camp|past tense particle Just as I was speaking, a scout came in to report that the Eastern Wu vanguard troops have already arrived, and the sentry is at the camp. 黃忠 奮發 精神 , 啪 聲 起身 , 行出 中軍帳 騎上 戰馬 , 準備 出戰 。 Huang Zhong|invigorated|spirit|crack|sound|got up|walked out|central army tent|mounted|war horse|prepared|to go into battle Huang Zhong was invigorated, stood up with a bang, walked out of the central army tent, mounted his warhorse, and prepared to go into battle. 噉 究竟 黃忠 出戰 勝負 如何 呢 ? then|after all|Huang Zhong|battle|victory or defeat|how|question particle So how did Huang Zhong fare in battle? 且 聽 下回分解 。 and|listen| Let's listen to the next part.

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