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男人唔可以窮Men can't be Poor, 男人唔可以窮chaper 5

男人 唔 可以 窮 chaper 5

同大家 介紹下 ,打電話畀 我 嘅 ,呢個 老死 ,某大 銀行 嘅 基金 佬 –王力維 。

呢一晚 ,無所事事 我 就 行咗 去 同 王力維 睇 波 ,不過 講真 唔好話 係 阿仙奴 對 國際米蘭 ,就算 真 係 有條 女 喺 我 面前 唔 著衫 跳舞 ,我 都 冇 心情 睇 。 王力 維同 我 識 咗 十幾 廿年 ,一出 嚟 見到 我 ,就 已經 知道 我 有事 發生 咗 ,

順理成章 ,我 亦 都 係 將 成 單 嘢 同 佢 講 哂 ,佢 ,係 我 最 信任 嘅 朋友 。

王力維 :「喂 照 噉 睇 呢 單 嘢 就 真 係 以娜 錯 哂 喎 ,丫 平時 又 唔 覺得 佢 咁 資本主義 架 ,勢估 唔到 會 出面 收埋 件 咁 嘅 好 嘢 都 唔 一早 飛 你 。」

我 :「 我 頂 你 個 肺 。 你 有 冇 好 嘢 講呀 ? 」 王力維 :「 喂 , 正哥 , 我話 咗 你 架 , 個人 又 頑固 , 又 唔 接觸 外面 世界 , 對眼 又 生 得 高 , 以娜 呢 單 嘢 對 你 嚟 講唔 係 壞事 喎 。」 我 :「噉 都 唔 係 壞事 ? 點 好樣 先 壞 呀 ? 」王力維 :「講唔 講得 真話 ? 」我 :「講 ! 我 俾 你 講 ! 」王力維 :「噉 你 個 就 坐穩 喇 ,三年 前 我 轉做 基金 經理 嗰時 ,你條 第 一句 就 話 係 呃 人 嘅 工 ,當時 又 講到 我 份工 壓力 又 大 、前景 又 差 、又 話 要 埋 沒良心 又 噉 又 剩 。」 我 :「屌 咁 係 丫嘛 ,成日 去 銀行 都 見到 班 婆仔 話 蝕 咗 幾多 ,之後 又 見到 你 班 同行 叫 佢 買 過 第二隻 基金 。 又 唔 安定 ,搵 得 幾多 丫 你 話 。」

王力維 :「 所以 咪 話 你 唔 接收 新 事物 囉 , 難聽 小小 講句 , 你 成日 坐 喺 自己 世界 望個 天 , 以 自己 嘅 世界觀 出發 去 批判 其他 嘢 , 你 屋企 今晚 如果 食飯 , 但 覺得 其他人 食意粉 就 係 錯 嘅 , 就 係 唔 可以 嘅 , 你 自己 做 一份 穩定 嘅 工 , 就 覺得 人 哋 搵 一份 比較 有 挑戰性 又 或者 係 壓力 大小 小 嘅 工 就 係 錯 。」

我 :「安定 小小 有 乜 唔 好 ,好似 我 咁 個個 月 供 到 樓 ,又 …..」

王力維 :「 見 屌 閪 我 就 屌 埋 佢 , 我知 , 你 個個 月 供 到 樓 又夠 食 , 成堆 開支 計到 好好 丫嘛 , 但 有春用 咩 , 你 層樓 仲有 幾 多年 供 呀 ? 我 嗰層 一早 供 完 喇 ,依家 供緊 第二層 喇 傻仔 。」

我 :「點解 會 咁 快 嘅 ? 」王力維 :「快 ? 我 做 呢 份工 開頭 個個 月 日 跑 夜 跑 ,最 多 嗰 個 月 搵 十八萬 ,我 層樓 沙士 之後 買 架 ,平 都 平 你 嗰層 一截 啦 ,等 你 條 粉腸 平時 仲 出親 嚟 都 懶醒 ,知 唔 知 成班 兄弟 廢事 你 掃興 ,見 你 精神 自瀆 得 咁 開心 先 比 你 成日 勁 吹 二四六 唔 叫醒 你 。」

我 :「有冇 咁 差 呀 ? 」 王力維 :「 正 , 人 哋 兄弟 就 一世 嘅 , 叫 得 兄弟 就 一定 包容 , 每個 人 性格 有 長短 , 一路 以 嚟 覺得 你 生活 開心 人 哋 就 無謂 同 你 講埋 哂 一堆 你 唔 鐘意 聽 嘅 嘢 , 其實 人 哋 私底下 都 有 傾過 , 以娜 呢 個 女 仔 係 好 , 但 佢 有 自己 諗 法 , 係 睇 佢 幾時 遇到 乜嘢 人開 到 佢 竅 。 你 唔 好 彩 佢 同 你 結 咗 婚 生 咗 仔 先 嚟 開竅 嘅 話 ,到 時 就 家 不成 家 ,所以 我 話 唔 係 壞事 ,因為 你 哋 依家 仲 未 結婚 ,你 仲 有 時間 同 毅力 去 重新 振作 。」

我 :「 但 係 … 我 好 唔 甘心 。」

王力維 :「甘乜春 嘢 心丫 ,你 有 資格 唔 甘心 咩 ? 唔 好 成日 比 呢類 藉口 拖慢 自己 啦 ,呢 單 嘢 ,你 可以 話 以娜 係 錯 ,佢 錯在 俾 你 見到 佢 同 條 仔 喺 街 打 茄輪 ,但 佢 嘅 決定 唔 係 錯 。

呢 個 世界 有 邊個 唔 係 為 自己 籌謀 ? 」我 聽到 呢 度 ,終於 忍唔住 ,趴 咗 喺 張 枱 上面 ,好 大聲 好 大聲 噉 喊 咗 出 嚟 。 好 在 酒吧 夠 嘈 ,人 又 夠 多 ,現場 冇 一個 人 發現 我 喺 度 喊 緊 ,起碼 ,我 發覺 唔 到 。

喊 到 盡頭 個人 就 好 自然 咁 訓 咗 , 喊 完 永遠 都 係 最好 訓 嘅 , 直到 有人 拍 我膊頭 叫 我 , 我先 識得 醒 。

原來 已經 天光 ,間 酒吧 嘅 員工 準備 打烊 ,而 王力維 個 都 唔 見 埋 ,我 起身 去 廁所 ,行出 嚟 嗰時 好 順手 咁 摸摸 個 後袋 ,我個 銀包 呢 ?

喂 住 有 個 職員 見 我 大叫 ,就 走 嚟 同 我 講 王力 維 走 之前 留低 咗 張 字條 畀 我

《 你 銀包 同 電話 我 都 幫 你 保管 住 , 呢 度行 返 你 屋企 唔 遠 , 起身 就 搵 我 bi 返 你 》

我 依家 得 返 嘅 ,就 只有 得 朋友 同 屋企 人 。

返到 屋企 ,見到 阿爸 同 阿媽 話 落去 飲茶 ,我 雖然 精神 好差 ,但 都 同 佢 哋 一齊 去 ,飲緊 茶 嗰 時 ,我 順手 問 咗 一句

「咦 ,你哋 冇 叫醒 可勇 咩 ? 」阿媽 用 隻 腳踢 一 踢 我 ,示意 叫 我 收聲 ,我 再 望一望 阿爸 ,佢 塊 面 又 變 返 以前 咁 黑 咁 嚴肅 。 飲完 我 返 咗 屋企 ,一訓 又 訓到 夜晚 ,迷糊 間 ,我 好似 聽到 有人 喺 度 嘈 交 ,我 起身 ,行出 廳 ,見到 阿爸 好 勞氣 咁 鬧緊 可勇 ,而 可勇 就 目 無表情 望住 電視 。

爸 :「你 放出 嚟 有 幾耐 ? 點解 係 唔 搵 返份 好好 地 嘅 工 做 ?

媽 :「老豆 呀 ,你 唔好 咁 勞氣 啦 。 勇 呀 ,你 咪 就 下個 老豆 囉 。」

可勇 :「喂 ,阿媽 ,我 依家 去 殺人 咩 ? 我 咁 大個 仔 唔 可以 揀 架 ? 」 爸 :「 揀 揀 揀 , 我 以前 咪 比 你 揀 , 最後 咪 揀 咗 入 去 坐 囉 , 仲爭 小小 揀到 你 大佬 份工 都 冇 埋 , 薛可勇 , 你 都 識講 你 幾 多歲 人 啦 , 你 個腦 係 咪 塞 咗 呀 ? 咳咳 。」

我 :「爸 ,唔好 噉 啦 ,勇 你 換衫 出去 行下 先 。」

可勇 :「得 啦 。」

可勇 講完 就行 咗 入房 , 而 阿爸 就 火力 全開 噉 繼續 鬧 , 但 鬧 嚟 鬧 去 我 都 唔 知 到底 發生 乜嘢 事 。

五分鐘 後 ,阿爸 終於 停一停 飲 啖 水 。

可勇 換完衫 ,就 打算 出 街 ,臨走 之前 ,仲 細細 聲 講 咗 句

「 痴線 。」

唔 講 都 仲 好 ,一 聽到 呢 句 嘢 阿爸 又 好似 咁 電兔 咁 追住 可勇 ,見 可勇 行 咗 入 電梯 ,阿爸 仲 好似 用盡 身上 最後 一度 力 咁 大叫 一 聲 :

「我 痴線 ? 你 要 去 做 倫敦 金 呢 亭 呃 人衰 三世 嘅 工 ,仲 痴線 呀 仔 。」

聽到 阿爸 屌 可勇 呢 句 ,我 感覺到 好 沮喪 ,但 沮喪 嘅 原因 我 仲未 搵到 出 嚟 ,我 應該 要 安撫 咗 阿爸 呢 個 活火山 先 。

我 :「爸 做 乜事 呀 ,阿勇 佢 要 做 嗰 行 咩 ? 」媽 :「噖晚 勇仔 打電話 比 個 朋友 ,好似 係 以前 同 佢 細 個 一齊 玩 嗰 個 阿栽 ,兩個 傾下 傾下 ,嗰 個 阿栽 好似 話 叫 勇仔 跟 佢 做 ,你 阿爸 一 聽到 就 鬧 ,鬧到 勇仔 走 咗 出去 成晚 冇 返 嚟 ,今朝 你 仲 問 我 有 冇 叫 勇仔 飲茶 ,我 咪 踢 鬼 你 叫 你 咪 鬼 問 囉 。」 爸 :「做嗰行 ,冇 個 好人 架 ! 你 細佬 出 返 嚟 冇 耐 仲要 走 去 做 ,一陣 呃 人 又 畀 人 拉 返入 去 ,好 地 地 搵 份 送貨 唔 好 咩 ? 」我 :「咁 可勇 可能 都 係 想 搵 多個 錢 ,等 屋企 鬆動 小小 ,你 哋 又 可以 安樂 下掛 。」 爸 :「搵 多個 錢 定 呃 多個 錢 ? 成日 睇 報紙 都 見到 苦主 去 追數 去 話 畀 人 呃 ,呢 種 錢 搵 到 都 係 陰質 錢 嚟 架 ,分分鐘 害人 一世 架 ! 」 媽 :「 好 喇 好 喇 , 你面 都 紅埋 喇 。」 我 :「 好 喇 , 我 打 畀 可勇 叫 佢 唔 好 做 。」

爸 :「唔使 叫 ! 佢 要 做 就 唔 好 返 呢 個 屋企 。」

講完 ,阿爸 就 走 返入 房 ,好 大力 噉 閂 咗 房門 。

我 同 媽 坐 咗 喺 廳 ,一 時間 完全 唔 知 點算 好 。

我 :「阿爸 真 係 好 嬲 。」

媽 :「係 ,不過 你哋 體諒 下 佢 ,佢 呢 幾排 已經 講多 咗 好多 嘢 ,只 係 勇仔 一時 唔 小心 又 激 嬲 佢 。」

我 :「媽 ,爸 有冇 同 你 講 佢 舊 同事 球 叔 嘅 嘢 ? 」 媽 :「 有 提 過 , 呢 個 球叔同 你 阿爸 以前 好好 朋友 , 佢 哋 有 三個 同事 加埋 你 阿爸 四個 人 , 以前 出 哂 名 係 佢 哋 環 頭 捉賊 就 最 叻 嘅 , 喇 你 阿爸 啦 , 阿球 叔 啦 , 仲有 個 興叔 , 仲有 個 你 應該 都 識 佢 。」 我 :「 我識 ? 邊個 呀 ? 」媽 :「嗰 個 乜 鬼 嘢 周 常 得 丫 嘛 ,你 冇 聽過 咩 ? 」 我 :「 我點 會識 ? 」媽 :「咪 就 係 嗰 個 ………….」 阿媽 打算 繼續 講 ,呢 個 時候 阿爸 又 行 咗 出 嚟 走 去 廁所 ,人 哋 兩個 即時 嚇 到 走開 咗 ,阿媽 就 出去 打 麻雀 ,我 就 繼續 訓多陣 。

第二 朝 見到 阿媽 ,大家 都 唔 記得 再 講 呢 件 事 。

可勇 跟住 兩晚 都 冇 返 嚟 ,隔 咗 一日 ,我 約 咗 可勇 落發發 食個 快餐 ,當然 同時 要 傾傾 點 拆 掂 阿爸 呢 單 嘢 。

點知 可勇 劈頭 第 一句 就 咁 答 我 :

「哥 ,點拆 呀 ,佢 都 唔 聽 人 講 ,我 唔 理 阿爸 呀 ,我工 都 見 埋 喇 。」

我 :「你 工 都 見 埋 ? 阿爸 話 你 要 做 就 唔 比 你 返 屋企 呀 。」

可勇 :「唔 返 我 咪 去 阿栽度 訓住 先 ,阿爸 根本 冇 問 我 點 諗 ,我 幾多歲 人 呀 ,監 都 坐過 ,仲 當 我 係 細路 呀 ? 我 一出 返 嚟 就 搵工 ,份份 工 問 我 之前 做 乜 ,我 咪 話 坐 完 監 出 嚟 想 重新 做人 囉 ,跟住 就 九成 冇 電話 覆 。」

我 :「其實 你 出返嚟 都 係 幾日 ,點解 唔 休息 下 諗 清楚 先 再 搵 份工 。」

可勇 :「幾日 ? 哥 ,我 喺 入 面 浪費 咗 一年 喇 ,你 估 真 係 好似 電視劇 咁 個個 坐 完 一年 都 會 讀 個 學位 出 嚟 呀 ? 我 喺 入 面 日日 唔 係 食 就 訓 ,一 係 去 洗衣房 做 嘢 ,再 唔 係 聽 埋班 死 道友 吹水 點樣 出 嚟 行 一個 打 九個 ,呢 一年 我 乜 都 冇 做過 ,我 想 追返 我 冇 咗 嘅 時間 。」

我 :「但 好多 嘢 都 急 唔 嚟 ,就算 你 去 做 阿栽 嗰 度 ………..。」

可勇 :「哥 ,我 去 睇 過 亦都 了解 過 ,阿栽 嗰 度 就 係 搵 快 錢 嘅 地方 ,入去 填 張 嘢 ,上 幾日 堂 就 可以 開工 ,連 我 坐過 監 嗰樣 嘢 阿栽 都 幫 我 搞掂 埋 。」

「最緊要 ,係 有得搏 又 唔 犯法 ,有 乜 唔好 ? 」 可勇 一邊 食 佢 個 煎蛋 免牛飯 一路 同 我講 。

我 :「阿哥 明 呀 , 但 係 ….阿爸 真 係 好 嬲 呀 。」

可勇 :「哥 ,我 知 ,阿爸 隻 腳 唔 方便 都 咁 樣 衝出 嚟 鬧 我 ,其實 我 知 我 係 激 到 佢 好 嬲 ,但 我 可以 點 ? 我 讀書 唔 多 ,英文 又 唔識 ,細細個 放學 就 去 咗 井上村 跟 個 朋友 索天 拿 水 ,個身 一 有錢 就 一支 一支 珮夫人 撈 可樂 咁 倒 落肚 ,成世人 乜 都 唔 識 ,入去 坐 一年 最大 得著 就 係 比 我 諗 清 諗楚 唔 好 再 浪費 時間 ,搵 個 機會 搏 一次 ,等 阿爸 阿媽 唔 使 成日 靠 阿爸 份 賠償 過活 ,搞到 過時 過節 想 去 下 旅行 都 唔 敢 。」

我 :「阿爸 有冇 同 你 講 球 叔 嘅 事 ? 」可勇 :「冇 ,但 阿媽 講 咗 ,所以 我 都 明 阿爸 點解 咁 鬧 我 ,佢 日日 冇 嘢 做 就 係 睇 報紙 ,放出 嚟 呢 幾日 我 成日 見到 佢 一路 睇 就 一路 細細 聲 講 嘢 ,又 話 呢 條友 噉 就 錯 ,嗰 條友 咁 做 又 冇 錯 喎 ,阿爸 個 世界觀 分得 太 清楚 ,呢 十幾年 佢 根本 唔 使 接觸 外面 嘅 世界 ,樣樣 嘢 都 係 非 黑 即 白 ,佢 唔 使 向 人 交代 ,佢 唔 使 睇 人 面色 又 或者 係 顧下 自己 嘅 朋友 網絡 ,因為 佢 根本 就 冇 。 所以 我 知道 如果 要 由 佢 去 贊成 我 做 呢 份工 ,根本 係 冇 可能 ,我 寧願 自己 做到 成績 ,可以 比到 好 嘅 生活 佢 ,到 時 先 慢慢 解釋 佢 知 。」

講到 呢 度 ,我 先 知道 原來 可勇 一 早就 諗 哂 所有 嘢 ,佢 亂 嚟 唔 識 諗 ,根本 只不過 係 阿爸 嘅 主觀 諗法 ,其實 我 都 覺得 冇 錯 。 呢 個 世界 上 ,一個 個體 ,又 點解 要 成日 被 其他 個體 影響 到 自己 本身 嘅 思維 。

諗 到 呢 度 ,電話 突然 響 ,我 望一望 來電顯示 ,係 以娜 打 嚟 。

因為 之前 以妮 嗰 次 嘅 事 我 冇 應 到 以娜 ,所以 呢 個 電話 我 有 小小 唔 敢接 。

但 唔 敢 ,最後 都 係 要 接 ,因為 我 已經 唔 知 佢 仲 有 冇 機會 打 畀 我 。

我 :「 喂 , 妳 返 咗 嚟 喇 ? 」以娜 :「係 ,你 之前 去過 醫院 見過 以妮 同 Grace 咩 ? 我 Msn 叫 你 你 又 唔 應 我 ? 」 我 :「 我行 開 咗 呀 。」 以娜 :「你 唔好 扮嘢 啦 ,我 用 另 一部 電腦 入過 你 Msn ,轉頭 被 你 撞 返出 嚟 喇 。」

被 以娜 噉 講一講 我 先醒起 ,嗰日 同 Yoyo 阿栽 傾 佢 哋 做 金 嘅 嘢 傾得 興起 ,真 係 斷過線 但 我 之後 自己 再 入 返 ,我 嗰時 仲 以為 係 斷線 ,完全 冇 為意 。

我 :「 我 … 唔 係 呀 。」

以娜 :「 唔 乜嘢 係 呀 薛可正 , 我家 姐 有事 我 第一個 就 搵 你 , 但 你 就 避 我 , 到 我 叫 Grace 解決 咗 個 問題 , 你仲走 去 探 我家 姐 替死 呀 ? 」我 :「對唔住 ,以娜 ,因為 我 見 妳 Msn 度 封 ….」 以娜 :「 仲有 呀 , 你 無 啦 啦 做 乜 走 去 我 公司 停車場 望 下望 下 ? 人 哋 問 我 你 係 咪 傻架 ! 」以娜 噉 講 ,我 當堂 起火 ,人 哋 ? 條死 雜種 呀 下 ? 依家 好似 拎 正牌 頭 咁 鬧 我 好 去 搞 人 啦 !

我 :「邊條 咁 小氣 同 你 告狀 呀 ? 兜口 兜 面 嗰時 又 唔 敢 同 我 講 ,仲 懶 好 禮貌 噉 ,我 屌 佢 老母 你 叫 佢 食 屎 啦 。」

以娜 :「同 你 講禮貌 就要 叫 人 食屎 ,你 成年人 嚟 架 ,我 同 你 感情 嘅 嘢 你 就 打畀 我 同 我 傾 ,唔好 再 做 埋 哂 一堆 無聊 小動作 去 搞 人 ,搞到 返 嚟 我 呢邊 我 覺得 好醜 呀 。」

畀 人 鬧 無聊 、令 對方 出醜 、可 唔 可以 成熟 小小 ,呢類 說話 通常 都 好似 催化劑 ,一對 情侶 如果 處於 分手 邊緣 ,又 或者 係 已經 成功 分 咗 手 ,呢 一 類 咁 眼熟 嘅 幫 新歡 講 說話 情景 ,係 最 容易 將件 事 愈 搞 愈 大 。

我 :「 我 無聊 呀 , 係 又點 呀 ? 我 鐘意 做 乜 就 做 乜 ,我 依家 乜 都 冇 ,怕 乜 呀 ? 」以娜 :「我 打嚟 就 係 要 鬧醒 你 ,薛可正 ,係 你 一路 以嚟 唔 聽 我講 我 想 講 嘅 嘢 ,係 你 一路 扼殺 人 哋 嘅 未來 ,係 你 放棄 人 哋 呢 段 感情 ,你 可以 繼續 唔 自覺 ,你 可以 繼續 覺得 自己 冇 錯 ,但 麻煩 你 ,唔 好 再 嚟 搞 我 ,或者 係 我 嘅 朋友 。」 近乎 一刀兩斷 嘅 說話 ,基本上 已經 令 我 冇 嘢 可以 反駁 , 但 係 我個 心 依然 係 好 火滾 ,我 唔 理 原因 ,我 只 係 想 報復 ,起碼 ,我要 令 張 以娜 你 即時 收口 。

我 :「 我 就算 要 搞 佢 妳 都 阻止 唔 到 我 啦 。」

以娜 :「我 唔該 你 收歛 下 啦 薛可正 ,你 係 一個 朝九晚五 嘅 打工仔 嚟 架 咋 ,你當 自己 陳浩南 呀 ,我 真係 好 憎 你 依家 咁 呀 。」

我 望住 眼前 睇住 我 鬧交 嘅 可 勇 ,再 聽住 電話 入面 以娜 傳 嚟 嘅 說話 ,我 唔 知 腦 閉塞 定 係 短暫 弱智 ,我 竟然 講 咗 人生 中 一句 最 白痴 嘅 說話 。

「得 ! 我 就 搵 人 斬 死個 !」

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男人 唔 可以 窮 chaper 5 man|not|can|poor|chapter A man cannot be poor.

同大家 介紹下 ,打電話畀 我 嘅 ,呢個 老死 ,某大 銀行 嘅 基金 佬 –王力維 。 to everyone|introduce|called|me|possessive particle|this|old man|a certain big|bank|possessive particle|fund|guy|Wang Liwei Let me introduce you to someone who called me, this old man, a fund manager from a major bank – Wang Liwei.

呢一晚 ,無所事事 我 就 行咗 去 同 王力維 睇 波 ,不過 講真 唔好話 係 阿仙奴 對 國際米蘭 ,就算 真 係 有條 女 喺 我 面前 唔 著衫 跳舞 ,我 都 冇 心情 睇 。 this evening|with nothing to do|I|then|went|to|with|Wang Lik Wai|watch|soccer|but|to be honest|not to mention|is|Arsenal|against|Inter Milan|even if|really|is|there is a|girl|in|I|front of|not|wearing clothes|dancing|I|also|have no|mood|to watch That night, with nothing to do, I went to watch a game with Wang Liwei. But to be honest, it was Arsenal against Inter Milan, and even if there was a girl in front of me dancing without clothes, I wouldn't have the mood to watch. 王力 維同 我 識 咗 十幾 廿年 ,一出 嚟 見到 我 ,就 已經 知道 我 有事 發生 咗 , Wang Lik|Wai Tung|I|knew|past tense marker|over ten|twenty years|as soon as he came out|here|saw|I|then|already|knew|I|something|happened|past tense marker Wang Liwei and I have known each other for over twenty years, and as soon as he saw me, he already knew something was wrong.

順理成章 ,我 亦 都 係 將 成 單 嘢 同 佢 講 哂 ,佢 ,係 我 最 信任 嘅 朋友 。 logically|I|also|all|am|to bring|whole|single|thing|with|him|to tell|completely|he|is|I|most|trusted|possessive particle|friend Naturally, I also told him everything about the situation; he is my most trusted friend.

王力維 :「喂 照 噉 睇 呢 單 嘢 就 真 係 以娜 錯 哂 喎 ,丫 平時 又 唔 覺得 佢 咁 資本主義 架 ,勢估 唔到 會 出面 收埋 件 咁 嘅 好 嘢 都 唔 一早 飛 你 。」 Wang Lik-wai|hey|according to|like this|look|this|single|thing|then|really|is|Yina|wrong|completely|particle indicating realization|she|usually|again|not|think|she|so|capitalist|particle indicating assertion|probably|not expecting|would|outside|hiding|item|so|particle indicating possession|good|thing|all|not|early|fly|you Wang Liwei: "Hey, looking at this situation, it really is Yina's fault. I usually don't think she's that capitalist, I didn't expect she would hide such a good thing from you without telling you early on."

我 :「 我 頂 你 個 肺 。 你 有 冇 好 嘢 講呀 ? ||care about||||||||| Me: "I can't believe you. Do you have anything good to say?" 」 王力維 :「 喂 , 正哥 , 我話 咗 你 架 , 個人 又 頑固 , 又 唔 接觸 外面 世界 , 對眼 又 生 得 高 , 以娜 呢 單 嘢 對 你 嚟 講唔 係 壞事 喎 。」 |||||||||stubborn|||contacts||||||||||||||||is|| Wang Liwei: "Hey, Zheng Ge, I told you, the person is stubborn and doesn't engage with the outside world, and has high standards. This situation with Yina isn't a bad thing for you." 我 :「噉 都 唔 係 壞事 ? I|like this|also|not|is|bad thing Me: "So that's not a bad thing?" 點 好樣 先 壞 呀 ? how|good-looking|first|bad|question particle How can it be bad then? 」王力維 :「講唔 講得 真話 ? Wang Liwei|can (or cannot) speak|speak|truth Wang Liwei: "Are you speaking the truth?" 」我 :「講 ! I|speak Me: "Speak!" 我 俾 你 講 ! I|give|you|talk Let me tell you! 」王力維 :「噉 你 個 就 坐穩 喇 ,三年 前 我 轉做 基金 經理 嗰時 ,你條 第 一句 就 話 係 呃 人 嘅 工 ,當時 又 講到 我 份工 壓力 又 大 、前景 又 差 、又 話 要 埋 沒良心 又 噉 又 剩 。」 Wang Lik-wai|then|you|possessive particle|already|sit steady|particle indicating completed action|three years|ago|I|changed to|fund|manager|at that time|your|ordinal number particle|first sentence|just|said|is|cheat|people|possessive particle|job|at that time|again|talking about|I|job|pressure|again|big|prospects|again|poor|again|said|need|also|heartless|again|like that|again|remaining "Wang Liwei: "Then you just sit tight. Three years ago when I switched to being a fund manager, your first sentence was that it was a scam. At that time, you also said that my job was very stressful, the prospects were poor, and that I had to be heartless and all that. 我 :「屌 咁 係 丫嘛 ,成日 去 銀行 都 見到 班 婆仔 話 蝕 咗 幾多 ,之後 又 見到 你 班 同行 叫 佢 買 過 第二隻 基金 。 I|damn|like that|is|right|all the time|go|bank|also|see|group|old lady|saying|loss|past tense marker|how much|afterwards|again|see|you|group|colleagues|told|him|buy|another|second|fund I: "Damn, that's true. Every time I go to the bank, I see those girls saying they've lost so much, and then I see your colleagues telling them to buy another fund. 又 唔 安定 ,搵 得 幾多 丫 你 話 。」 again|not|stable|earn|get|how much|particle|you|said It's also unstable. How much can you earn, you tell me."

王力維 :「 所以 咪 話 你 唔 接收 新 事物 囉 , 難聽 小小 講句 , 你 成日 坐 喺 自己 世界 望個 天 , 以 自己 嘅 世界觀 出發 去 批判 其他 嘢 , 你 屋企 今晚 如果 食飯 , 但 覺得 其他人 食意粉 就 係 錯 嘅 , 就 係 唔 可以 嘅 , 你 自己 做 一份 穩定 嘅 工 , 就 覺得 人 哋 搵 一份 比較 有 挑戰性 又 或者 係 壓力 大小 小 嘅 工 就 係 錯 。」 Wang Liwei: "So don't say you don't accept new things. To put it bluntly, you are always sitting in your own world looking at the sky, using your own worldview to criticize other things. If you have dinner at home tonight but think that others eating pasta is wrong, that's just not acceptable. You have a stable job, but you think that people who find a more challenging or stressful job are wrong."

我 :「安定 小小 有 乜 唔 好 ,好似 我 咁 個個 月 供 到 樓 ,又 …..」 I|stable|a little|have|what|not|good|like|I|so|every|month|pay|off|mortgage|again Me: "What's wrong with a little stability? Like me, I have to pay my mortgage every month, and..."

王力維 :「 見 屌 閪 我 就   屌 埋 佢 , 我知 , 你 個個 月 供 到 樓 又夠 食 , 成堆 開支 計到 好好 丫嘛 , 但 有春用 咩 , 你 層樓 仲有 幾 多年 供 呀 ? Wang Liwei: "When I see a jerk, I just curse at him. I know you can pay your mortgage every month and have enough to eat, and your expenses are all well accounted for, but what's the point? How many more years do you have to pay for that apartment?" 我 嗰層 一早 供 完 喇 ,依家 供緊 第二層 喇 傻仔 。」 I|that floor|early|pay|finished|particle indicating completed action|now|paying|second floor|particle indicating completed action|silly boy Me: "I finished paying for that one a long time ago. Now I'm paying for the second one, you fool."

我 :「點解 會 咁 快 嘅 ? I|why|can|so|fast|question particle Me: "Why is it so fast?" 」王力維 :「快 ? Wang Liwei|fast Wang Liwei: "Fast?" 我 做 呢 份工 開頭 個個 月 日 跑 夜 跑 ,最 多 嗰 個 月 搵 十八萬 ,我 層樓 沙士 之後 買 架 ,平 都 平 你 嗰層 一截 啦 ,等 你 條 粉腸 平時 仲 出親 嚟 都 懶醒 ,知 唔 知 成班 兄弟 廢事 你 掃興 ,見 你 精神 自瀆 得 咁 開心 先 比 你 成日 勁 吹 二四六 唔 叫醒 你 。」 I|do|this|job|at the beginning|every|month|day|run|night|run|most|many|that|classifier for month|month|earn|180000|I|apartment|SARS|after|bought|classifier for vehicles|cheap|also|cheap|your|that floor|section|particle|wait|you|classifier for long objects|sausage|usually|still|coming out|here|also|lazy|know|not|know|the whole|brothers|useless|you|spoil the fun|see|you|energetic|self-pleasure|get|so|happy|first|let|you|all day|very|boast|every day|not|wake up|you When I started this job, I was running at night every month. The most I earned in a month was 180,000. I bought my apartment after the SARS outbreak, it was cheaper than yours. You usually come out lazy even when your girlfriend is around. Do you know that all the brothers don't want to ruin your mood? Seeing you so happy and self-indulgent, I won't wake you up every day just to blow your mind."

我 :「有冇 咁 差 呀 ? I|is there|so|bad|question particle Me: "Is it that bad?" 」 王力維 :「 正 , 人 哋 兄弟 就 一世 嘅 , 叫 得 兄弟 就 一定 包容 , 每個 人 性格 有 長短 , 一路 以 嚟 覺得 你 生活 開心 人 哋 就 無謂 同 你 講埋 哂 一堆 你 唔 鐘意 聽 嘅 嘢 , 其實 人 哋 私底下 都 有 傾過 , 以娜 呢 個 女 仔 係 好 , 但 佢 有 自己 諗 法 , 係 睇 佢 幾時 遇到 乜嘢 人開 到 佢 竅 。 "Wang Liwei: "That's right, a brother is for life. If you call someone a brother, you must be tolerant. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. I always feel that if you are happy in life, there is no need for others to tell you a bunch of things you don't want to hear. In fact, others have discussed it privately. This girl, Yina, is good, but she has her own thoughts. It depends on when she meets the right person to open her up." 你 唔 好 彩 佢 同 你 結 咗 婚 生 咗 仔 先 嚟 開竅 嘅 話 ,到 時 就 家 不成 家 ,所以 我 話 唔 係 壞事 ,因為 你 哋 依家 仲 未 結婚 ,你 仲 有 時間 同 毅力 去 重新 振作 。」 you|not|very|fortunate|he|with|you|marry|past tense marker|marriage|give birth|past tense marker|child|first|come|enlightened|possessive particle|saying|arrive|time|then|family|not become|family|so|I|said|not|is|bad thing|because|you|plural marker|now|still|not yet|married|you|still|have|time|and|determination|to|again|get back on track "You are unlucky if she only realizes this after marrying you and having a child. By then, it would be a broken family. That's why I say it's not a bad thing, because you two are not married yet. You still have time and determination to start over."

我 :「 但 係 … 我 好 唔 甘心 。」 I|||I|very|not|reconciled I: "But... I feel very unwilling."

王力維 :「甘乜春 嘢 心丫 ,你 有 資格 唔 甘心 咩 ? Wang Lik-wei|what spring|thing|heart|you|have|qualification|not|content|question particle Wang Liwei: "What are you being unwilling about? Do you even have the right to feel unwilling?" 唔 好 成日 比 呢類 藉口 拖慢 自己 啦 ,呢 單 嘢 ,你 可以 話 以娜 係 錯 ,佢 錯在 俾 你 見到 佢 同 條 仔 喺 街 打 茄輪 ,但 佢 嘅 決定 唔 係 錯 。 not|very|all the time|give|this kind of|excuse|slow down|oneself|particle|this|single|thing|you|can|say|Yina|is|wrong|he|wrong for|letting|you|see|he|with|measure word for long objects|child|in|street|play|tag|but|he|possessive particle|decision|not|is|wrong Don't always use this kind of excuse to slow yourself down. In this matter, you can say that Yina is wrong; she is wrong for letting you see her fighting with that guy on the street, but her decision is not wrong.

呢 個 世界 有 邊個 唔 係 為 自己 籌謀 ? this|measure word|world|has|who|not|is|for|oneself|planning Who in this world is not planning for themselves? 」我 聽到 呢 度 ,終於 忍唔住 ,趴 咗 喺 張 枱 上面 ,好 大聲 好 大聲 噉 喊 咗 出 嚟 。 I|heard|this|place|finally|couldn't hold it in|lay down|past tense marker|at|measure word for table|table|on|very|loudly|very|loudly|like that|cried|past tense marker|out|came I heard this and finally couldn't hold it in anymore, I leaned on the table and cried out very loudly. 好 在 酒吧 夠 嘈 ,人 又 夠 多 ,現場 冇 一個 人 發現 我 喺 度 喊 緊 ,起碼 ,我 發覺 唔 到 。 good|at|bar|enough|noisy|people|also|enough|many|scene|not have|one|person|noticed|I|am|here|crying|continuous tense marker|at least|I|realized|not|able to Fortunately, the bar was loud enough, and there were enough people, so no one noticed that I was crying out; at least, I didn't notice anyone.

喊 到 盡頭 個人 就 好 自然 咁 訓 咗 , 喊 完 永遠 都 係 最好 訓 嘅 , 直到 有人 拍 我膊頭 叫 我 , 我先 識得 醒 。 Crying until the end, a person naturally falls asleep. After crying, it is always the best time to sleep, until someone taps my shoulder and calls me, then I realize I am awake.

原來 已經 天光 ,間 酒吧 嘅 員工 準備 打烊 ,而 王力維 個 都 唔 見 埋 ,我 起身 去 廁所 ,行出 嚟 嗰時 好 順手 咁 摸摸 個 後袋 ,我個 銀包 呢 ? it turns out|already|daylight|measure word for establishments|bar|possessive particle|staff|preparing|to close|and|Wang Liwei|measure word for people|also|not|see|together|I|got up|to go|restroom|walked out|here|at that time|very|conveniently|like that|to pat|measure word for|back pocket|my|wallet|question particle It turns out that it is already dawn, and the staff at the bar are preparing to close. I can't find Wang Liwei anywhere. I get up to go to the bathroom, and as I walk out, I casually touch my back pocket. Where is my wallet?

喂 住 有 個 職員 見 我 大叫 ,就 走 嚟 同 我 講 王力 維 走 之前 留低 咗 張 字條 畀 我 hey|wait|there is|measure word for people|staff|saw|me|shout|then|come|here|with|me|said|Wang Lik|Wai|leave|before|left|past tense marker|measure word for flat objects|note|to give|me Hey, a staff member saw me shouting and came over to tell me that Wang Liwei left a note for me before he left.

《 你 銀包 同 電話 我 都 幫 你 保管 住 , 呢 度行 返 你 屋企 唔 遠 , 起身 就 搵 我 bi 返 你 》 "I will keep your wallet and phone safe. It's not far to walk back home from here. Just get up and find me to get them back."

我 依家 得 返 嘅 ,就 只有 得 朋友 同 屋企 人 。 I|now|one||||||friend|and|family|people Right now, all I have left are just friends and family.

返到 屋企 ,見到 阿爸 同 阿媽 話 落去 飲茶 ,我 雖然 精神 好差 ,但 都 同 佢 哋 一齊 去 ,飲緊 茶 嗰 時 ,我 順手 問 咗 一句 return to|home|saw|dad|and|mom|said|down|drink tea|I|although|energy|very poor|but|also|with|they|plural marker|together|go|drinking|tea|that|time|I|casually|ask|past tense marker|a question When I got home, I saw Dad and Mom saying they were going out for tea. Although I felt really down, I still went with them. While we were having tea, I casually asked,

「咦 ,你哋 冇 叫醒 可勇 咩 ? eh|you (plural)|did not|wake up|Hoh Yung|question particle "Hey, didn't you wake up Ka-yung?" 」阿媽 用 隻 腳踢 一 踢 我 ,示意 叫 我 收聲 ,我 再 望一望 阿爸 ,佢 塊 面 又 變 返 以前 咁 黑 咁 嚴肅 。 mom|used|measure word for feet|kicked|one|kick|I|signaled|to|I|be quiet|I|again|took another look|dad|he|measure word for face|face|again|changed|back|before|so|dark|so|serious Mom kicked me lightly with her foot, signaling me to be quiet. I looked at Dad again, and his face had turned back to the serious and stern look it used to have. 飲完 我 返 咗 屋企 ,一訓 又 訓到 夜晚 ,迷糊 間 ,我 好似 聽到 有人 喺 度 嘈 交 ,我 起身 ,行出 廳 ,見到 阿爸 好 勞氣 咁 鬧緊 可勇 ,而 可勇 就 目 無表情 望住 電視 。 finished drinking|I|return|past tense marker|home|one sleep|again|slept until|night|dazed|moment|I|seemed|heard|someone|at|here|noisy|arguing|I|got up|walked out|living room|saw|dad|very|angry|like that|scolding|Hoi Wing|and|Hoi Wing|then|blank|expressionless|staring at|TV After drinking, I went home and fell asleep until night. In my daze, I seemed to hear someone arguing. I got up, walked out to the living room, and saw Dad angrily scolding Hoh Yung, while Hoh Yung was staring blankly at the TV.

爸 :「你 放出 嚟 有 幾耐 ? Dad|you|released|here|have|how long Dad: "How long have you been out?" 點解 係 唔 搵 返份 好好 地 嘅 工 做 ? why|is|not|find|a|good|properly|possessive particle|job|do "Why don't you find a good job?"

媽 :「老豆 呀 ,你 唔好 咁 勞氣 啦 。 Mom|Dad|particle|you|shouldn't|so|worry|particle Mom: "Dad, don't be so angry." 勇 呀 ,你 咪 就 下個 老豆 囉 。」 brave|sentence-final particle|you|don't|just|next|father|sentence-final particle Come on, you are just the next dad.

可勇 :「喂 ,阿媽 ,我 依家 去 殺人 咩 ? Ho Yung|Hey|Mom|I|right now|go|kill|question particle Ho-yung: "Hey, mom, am I going to kill someone now? 我 咁 大個 仔 唔 可以 揀 架 ? I|so|big|son|not|can|choose|particle Can't I choose at my age? 」 爸 :「 揀 揀 揀 , 我 以前 咪 比 你 揀 , 最後 咪 揀 咗 入 去 坐 囉 , 仲爭 小小 揀到 你 大佬 份工 都 冇 埋 , 薛可勇 , 你 都 識講 你 幾 多歲 人 啦 , 你 個腦 係 咪 塞 咗 呀 ? " Dad: "Choose, choose, choose, I used to let you choose, and in the end, you just ended up sitting down, and you were so close to getting your brother's job but didn't get it either. Ho-yung, you should know how old you are, is your brain stuffed?" 咳咳 。」 cough Cough cough.

我 :「爸 ,唔好 噉 啦 ,勇 你 換衫 出去 行下 先 。」 I|Dad|shouldn't|like this|particle|Yung|you|change clothes|go out|walk a bit|first Me: "Dad, don't be like that, let Yong change his clothes and go out for a bit first."

可勇 :「得 啦 。」 Ho Yung|okay|particle indicating completion or affirmation Yong: "Okay."

可勇 講完 就行 咗 入房 , 而 阿爸 就 火力 全開 噉 繼續 鬧 , 但 鬧 嚟 鬧 去 我 都 唔 知 到底 發生 乜嘢 事 。 After Yong said that, he went into the room, and Dad continued to scold with full force, but no matter how much he scolded, I still didn't know what was actually happening.

五分鐘 後 ,阿爸 終於 停一停 飲 啖 水 。 five minutes|later|dad|finally|stopped for a moment|drinking|sip|water Five minutes later, Dad finally stopped to take a sip of water.

可勇 換完衫 ,就 打算 出 街 ,臨走 之前 ,仲 細細 聲 講 咗 句 Heung-yung|finished changing clothes|then|planned|go out|street|just before leaving|before|still|softly|voice|said|past tense marker|sentence After Ka-yung changed his clothes, he planned to go out. Just before leaving, he quietly said a few words.

「 痴線 。」 "Crazy."

唔 講 都 仲 好 ,一 聽到 呢 句 嘢 阿爸 又 好似 咁 電兔 咁 追住 可勇 ,見 可勇 行 咗 入 電梯 ,阿爸 仲 好似 用盡 身上 最後 一度 力 咁 大叫 一 聲 : not|talk|still|again|good|one|heard|this|sentence|thing|dad|again|seems|so|electric rabbit|so|chasing|Keung|saw|Keung|walk|past tense marker|enter|elevator|dad|still|seems|using up|on him|last|one|strength|so|shouted|one|sound It would have been better if he hadn't said anything, but as soon as Dad heard that, he seemed to chase after Ka-yung like a rabbit, and when he saw Ka-yung enter the elevator, Dad shouted with all his remaining strength:

「我 痴線 ? I|crazy "Am I crazy?" 你 要 去 做 倫敦 金 呢 亭 呃 人衰 三世 嘅 工 ,仲 痴線 呀 仔 。」 you|want|go|work|London|gold|question particle|pavilion|cheat|bad luck|three generations|possessive particle|job|still|crazy|exclamation particle|boy "You want to go do that London gold job, scamming people for three generations, and you're still crazy, kid."

聽到 阿爸 屌 可勇 呢 句 ,我 感覺到 好 沮喪 ,但 沮喪 嘅 原因 我 仲未 搵到 出 嚟 ,我 應該 要 安撫 咗 阿爸 呢 個 活火山 先 。 hearing|dad|curse|a name|this|sentence|I|felt|very|frustrated|but|frustration|possessive particle|reason|I|still not|found|out|come|I|should|need to|calm down|past tense marker|dad|this|classifier|active volcano|first Hearing Dad curse at Yong, I felt really frustrated, but I still couldn't figure out the reason for my frustration. I should probably calm down Dad, this active volcano, first.

我 :「爸 做 乜事 呀 ,阿勇 佢 要 做 嗰 行 咩 ? I|Dad|do|what|question particle|Ah Yong|he|wants|do|that|job|what I: "Dad, what's going on? Does Yong want to do that kind of work?" 」媽 :「噖晚 勇仔 打電話 比 個 朋友 ,好似 係 以前 同 佢 細 個 一齊 玩 嗰 個 阿栽 ,兩個 傾下 傾下 ,嗰 個 阿栽 好似 話 叫 勇仔 跟 佢 做 ,你 阿爸 一 聽到 就 鬧 ,鬧到 勇仔 走 咗 出去 成晚 冇 返 嚟 ,今朝 你 仲 問 我 有 冇 叫 勇仔 飲茶 ,我 咪 踢 鬼 你 叫 你 咪 鬼 問 囉 。」 Mom|last night|Yung Jai|called|to|classifier for people|friend|seems|to be|previously|with|he|young|classifier for people|together|played|that|classifier for people|Ah Jai|the two of them|chatting|chatting|that|classifier for people|Ah Jai|seems|said|to ask|Yung Jai|to follow|him|to do|you|Dad|one|heard|then|scolded|scolded until|Yung Jai|left|past tense marker|out|whole night|not|returned|home|this morning|you|still|asked|I|have|not|asked|Yung Jai|to drink tea|I|just|kick|ghost|you|just|you|just|ghost|ask|particle indicating finality Mom: "Last night, Yongzi called a friend, seems like it was that Ah Zai he used to play with when they were little. They were chatting, and that Ah Zai seemed to say for Yongzi to follow him. As soon as your dad heard that, he scolded him, and Yongzi ended up leaving and didn't come back all night. This morning, you still asked me if I called Yongzi to drink tea, and I just kicked you, telling you not to ask me that." 爸 :「做嗰行 ,冇 個 好人 架 ! Dad|working in that industry|no|classifier for people|good person|particle indicating certainty Dad: "In that line of work, there are no good people!" 你 細佬 出 返 嚟 冇 耐 仲要 走 去 做 ,一陣 呃 人 又 畀 人 拉 返入 去 ,好 地 地 搵 份 送貨 唔 好 咩 ? you|younger brother|go out|return|come|not|long|still|leave|go|work|later|cheat|people|again|be|people|pulled|back in|go|good|place|place|find|a|delivery|not|good|question particle "Your younger brother just got out and now he has to go work. In a bit, he might get tricked and end up back inside. Isn't it better to find a decent delivery job?" 」我 :「咁 可勇 可能 都 係 想 搵 多個 錢 ,等 屋企 鬆動 小小 ,你 哋 又 可以 安樂 下掛 。」 I|then|Ho Wing|probably|also|is|wants|earn|more|money|so that|family|relaxed|a little|you|plural marker|again|can|live happily|worry free Me: "Well, maybe Yongzi just wants to earn a bit more money to ease things at home, so you guys can live a little more comfortably." 爸 :「搵 多個 錢 定 呃 多個 錢 ? Dad|earn|more|money|or|cheat|more|money Dad: "Make more money or cheat more money?" 成日 睇 報紙 都 見到 苦主 去 追數 去 話 畀 人 呃 ,呢 種 錢 搵 到 都 係 陰質 錢 嚟 架 ,分分鐘 害人 一世 架 ! every day|read|newspaper|always|see|victim|go|chase debt|go|tell|to|people|cheat|this|kind|money|earn|to|all|is|shady|money|come|particle|every minute|harm people|whole life|particle I see in the newspapers all the time that victims go after debts and say they were cheated. This kind of money, even if you earn it, is still dirty money. It can ruin a person's life in just a minute! 」 媽 :「 好 喇 好 喇 , 你面 都 紅埋 喇 。」 " Mom: "Alright, alright, your face is all red now." 我 :「 好 喇 , 我 打 畀 可勇 叫 佢 唔 好 做 。」 Me: "Alright, I'll call Hoi Wing and tell him not to do it."

爸 :「唔使 叫 ! Dad|no need to|shout Dad: "No need to call!" 佢 要 做 就 唔 好 返 呢 個 屋企 。」 He|wants|to do|then|not|should|return|this|measure word|home If he wants to do it, then he shouldn't come back to this house."

講完 ,阿爸 就 走 返入 房 ,好 大力 噉 閂 咗 房門 。 finished speaking|dad|then|walked|back into|room|very|forcefully|like that|shut|past tense marker|door After saying that, Dad went back into the room and slammed the door shut.

我 同 媽 坐 咗 喺 廳 ,一 時間 完全 唔 知 點算 好 。 I|with|mom|sat|past tense marker|at|living room|one|moment|completely|not|knew|how to deal with|well Mom and I sat in the living room, completely unsure of what to do for a moment.

我 :「阿爸 真 係 好 嬲 。」 I|Dad|really|is|very|angry Me: "Dad is really angry."

媽 :「係 ,不過 你哋 體諒 下 佢 ,佢 呢 幾排 已經 講多 咗 好多 嘢 ,只 係 勇仔 一時 唔 小心 又 激 嬲 佢 。」 Mom|yes|but|you all|be understanding|a little|he|he|this|past few days|already|talked too much|past tense marker|a lot|things|only|is|Yung Jai|for a moment|not|careful|again|angered|upset|him Mom: "Yes, but you all should understand him. He has been talking a lot these days, and it was just that Yung Chai accidentally upset him."

我 :「媽 ,爸 有冇 同 你 講 佢 舊 同事 球 叔 嘅 嘢 ? I|mom|dad|has or has not|with|you|told|he|old|colleague|Qiu|uncle|possessive particle|thing Me: "Mom, did Dad mention anything about his old colleague Uncle Kau?" 」 媽 :「 有 提 過 , 呢 個 球叔同 你 阿爸 以前 好好 朋友 , 佢 哋 有 三個 同事 加埋 你 阿爸 四個 人 , 以前 出 哂 名 係 佢 哋 環 頭 捉賊 就 最 叻 嘅 , 喇 你 阿爸 啦 , 阿球 叔 啦 , 仲有 個 興叔 , 仲有 個 你 應該 都 識 佢 。」 Mom: "He mentioned it. Uncle Kau was a very good friend of your dad's before. They had three colleagues plus your dad, making four of them. They were famous for being the best at catching thieves back then. Your dad, Uncle Kau, and also Uncle Hing, and there's someone you should know too." 我 :「 我識 ? Me: "Do I know?" 邊個 呀 ? who|question particle Who?" 」媽 :「嗰 個 乜 鬼 嘢 周 常 得 丫 嘛 ,你 冇 聽過 咩 ? Mom|that|classifier for objects|what|ghost|thing|week|always|okay|particle indicating a question|particle indicating obviousness|you|not|heard of|question particle Mom: "That thing, what's his name, is always around, haven't you heard of him?" 」 我 :「 我點 會識 ? Me: "How would I know?" 」媽 :「咪 就 係 嗰 個 ………….」 mom|just|then|is|that|classifier for people or objects " Mom: "It's just that one..." 阿媽 打算 繼續 講 ,呢 個 時候 阿爸 又 行 咗 出 嚟 走 去 廁所 ,人 哋 兩個 即時 嚇 到 走開 咗 ,阿媽 就 出去 打 麻雀 ,我 就 繼續 訓多陣 。 mom|plans|to continue|talking|this|measure word|time|dad|again|walked|past tense marker|out|here|walked|to|bathroom|people|plural marker|the two of them|immediately|scared|to|walk away|past tense marker|mom|then|went out|to play|mahjong|I|then|to continue|sleeping a bit longer Mom planned to continue talking, but at that moment Dad walked out to go to the bathroom, and the two of them immediately got scared and moved away. Mom then went out to play mahjong, and I continued to sleep a bit more.

第二 朝 見到 阿媽 ,大家 都 唔 記得 再 講 呢 件 事 。 second|morning|saw|mom|everyone|all|not|remember|again|talk|this|classifier for events|matter The next morning when I saw Mom, we all forgot to talk about this matter again.

可勇 跟住 兩晚 都 冇 返 嚟 ,隔 咗 一日 ,我 約 咗 可勇 落發發 食個 快餐 ,當然 同時 要 傾傾 點 拆 掂 阿爸 呢 單 嘢 。 Koyung|after|two nights|all|not|return|here|after|past tense marker|one day|I|arranged|past tense marker|Koyung|to go to eat fast food|eat a|fast food|of course|at the same time|need|to discuss|how|to resolve|to handle|dad|this|matter|thing Kow Yung didn't come back for two nights in a row. After a day, I arranged to meet Kow Yung to grab some fast food, and of course, we also needed to discuss how to deal with Dad's situation.

點知 可勇 劈頭 第 一句 就 咁 答 我 : how would I know|Ho Wing|right from the start|the|first sentence|just|like that|answered|me I didn't expect that Ka-yung would just answer me with the first sentence:

「哥 ,點拆 呀 ,佢 都 唔 聽 人 講 ,我 唔 理 阿爸 呀 ,我工 都 見 埋 喇 。」 brother|how to deal with this|particle|he|also|not|listen|people|talk|I|not|care|dad|particle|my work|also|see|together|particle "Bro, how to break it down? He doesn't listen to what people say, I don't care about Dad, I've seen my work too."

我 :「你 工 都 見 埋 ? I|you|work|already|seen|together I: "You've seen your work too?" 阿爸 話 你 要 做 就 唔 比 你 返 屋企 呀 。」 dad|said|you|want|to do|then|not|let|you|return|home|sentence final particle Dad said if you want to do it, he won't let you go home."

可勇 :「唔 返 我 咪 去 阿栽度 訓住 先 ,阿爸 根本 冇 問 我 點 諗 ,我 幾多歲 人 呀 ,監 都 坐過 ,仲 當 我 係 細路 呀 ? Koyung|not|return|I|just|go|at A Choi's place|sleep|first|dad|basically|not|ask|I|how|think|I|how old|person|question particle|detention|also|sat through|still|treat|I|am|child|question particle Keung: "I didn't go back home to rest first, my dad didn't even ask me what I think. How old am I? I've been to prison, and he still treats me like a kid?" 我 一出 返 嚟 就 搵工 ,份份 工 問 我 之前 做 乜 ,我 咪 話 坐 完 監 出 嚟 想 重新 做人 囉 ,跟住 就 九成 冇 電話 覆 。」 I|once|return|here|then|look for a job|every|job|asked|I|previously|did|what|I|just|said|serve|complete|prison|out|here|want|restart|life|particle|afterwards|then|90%|no|phone|reply "As soon as I got out, I looked for a job. Every job asked me what I did before, and I said I just got out of prison and wanted to start over. Then about 90% of them didn't call me back."

我 :「其實 你 出返嚟 都 係 幾日 ,點解 唔 休息 下 諗 清楚 先 再 搵 份工 。」 I|actually|you|come out|also|is|a few days|why|not|rest|a little|think|clearly|first|again|look for|job Me: "Actually, you just got out for a few days. Why not take a break, think it through, and then look for a job?"

可勇 :「幾日 ? Keung|how many days Keung: "A few days?" 哥 ,我 喺 入 面 浪費 咗 一年 喇 ,你 估 真 係 好似 電視劇 咁 個個 坐 完 一年 都 會 讀 個 學位 出 嚟 呀 ? brother|I|at|inside|side|wasted|past tense marker|one year|sentence-final particle|you|guess|really|is|like|TV drama|so|everyone|study|finish|one year|all|will|obtain|a|degree|come out|out|question particle Brother, I wasted a year inside. Do you really think it's like a TV drama where everyone comes out with a degree after a year? 我 喺 入 面 日日 唔 係 食 就 訓 ,一 係 去 洗衣房 做 嘢 ,再 唔 係 聽 埋班 死 道友 吹水 點樣 出 嚟 行 一個 打 九個 ,呢 一年 我 乜 都 冇 做過 ,我 想 追返 我 冇 咗 嘅 時間 。」 I|at|inside|part|every day|not|am|eat|then|sleep|one|am|go|laundry|do|work|again|not|am|listen|to the group|dead|friends|chat|how|come out|to|fight|one|beat|nine|this|year|I|anything|all|not|done|I|want|catch up on|I|not|past tense marker|possessive particle|time I either eat or sleep every day inside, or I go to the laundry to work. Otherwise, I just listen to those deadbeat friends bragging about how to fight one against nine. I haven't done anything this year, and I want to make up for the time I've lost.

我 :「但 好多 嘢 都 急 唔 嚟 ,就算 你 去 做 阿栽 嗰 度 ………..。」 I|but|many|things|all|urgent|not|come|even if|you|go|do|Ah Choi|that|place Me: "But many things can't be rushed, even if you go to work at Ah Zai's place..."

可勇 :「哥 ,我 去 睇 過 亦都 了解 過 ,阿栽 嗰 度 就 係 搵 快 錢 嘅 地方 ,入去 填 張 嘢 ,上 幾日 堂 就 可以 開工 ,連 我 坐過 監 嗰樣 嘢 阿栽 都 幫 我 搞掂 埋 。」 Koyung|brother|I|go|see|past tense marker|also|understand|past tense marker|Ah Choi|that|place|just|is|earn|quick|money|possessive particle|place|go in|fill|measure word for form|thing|last|few days|class|then|can|start work|even|I|have served|prison|that|thing|Ah Choi|also|help|me|settle|completely Keung: "Brother, I've been there and I understand. Ah Zai's place is just a place to make quick money. You fill out a form, attend a few classes, and you can start working. Even the stuff about me being in prison, Ah Zai helped me sort it out."

「最緊要 ,係 有得搏 又 唔 犯法 ,有 乜 唔好 ? most important|is|have a chance to fight|and|not|break the law|have|what|not good "The most important thing is to be able to fight without breaking the law. What's wrong with that?" 」 可勇 一邊 食 佢 個 煎蛋 免牛飯 一路 同 我講 。 Kow Yung said this while eating his fried egg and beef rice.

我 :「阿哥 明 呀 , 但 係 ….阿爸 真 係 好 嬲 呀 。」 I|older brother|understand|sentence-final particle|||dad|||very|angry|sentence-final particle I said, "Brother, I understand, but... Dad is really angry."

可勇 :「哥 ,我 知 ,阿爸 隻 腳 唔 方便 都 咁 樣 衝出 嚟 鬧 我 ,其實 我 知 我 係 激 到 佢 好 嬲 ,但 我 可以 點 ? Ko Yung|brother|I|know|dad|measure word for legs|leg|not|convenient|still|so|way|rush out|here|scold|I|actually|I|know|I|am|angry|to|him|very|angry|but|I|can|do Kow Yung replied, "Brother, I know, even with Dad's leg not being convenient, he still rushed out to scold me. I actually know that I made him very angry, but what can I do?" 我 讀書 唔 多 ,英文 又 唔識 ,細細個 放學 就 去 咗 井上村 跟 個 朋友 索天 拿 水 ,個身 一 有錢 就 一支 一支 珮夫人 撈 可樂 咁 倒 落肚 ,成世人 乜 都 唔 識 ,入去 坐 一年 最大 得著 就 係 比 我 諗 清 諗楚 唔 好 再 浪費 時間 ,搵 個 機會 搏 一次 ,等 阿爸 阿媽 唔 使 成日 靠 阿爸 份 賠償 過活 ,搞到 過時 過節 想 去 下 旅行 都 唔 敢 。」 I|study|not|much|English|also|don't understand|when I was little|after school|then|go|past tense marker|a village|with|classifier|friend|a name|carry|water|body|one|has money|then|one|one|a name|scoop|cola|so|pour|into stomach|whole world|anything|all|not|know|go in|sit|one year|biggest|gain|just|is|make|me|think|clear|think through|not|very|again|waste|time|find|classifier|opportunity|fight|once|let|dad|mom|not|need|all the time|rely on|dad|classifier|compensation|live|end up|past due|holiday|want|go|next|trip|all|not|dare I didn't study much, and I don't know English. When I was young, after school, I went to the well village with a friend to fetch water. Whenever I had money, I would buy a can of Coke and drink it all at once. I didn't know anything in this world. After sitting for a year, the most I gained was to think clearly and not waste time anymore. I wanted to find an opportunity to try once, so that my parents wouldn't have to rely on my dad's compensation to live. It made it so that during holidays, I didn't even dare to think about traveling.

我 :「阿爸 有冇 同 你 講 球 叔 嘅 事 ? I|Dad|has or has not|with|you|talk|soccer|uncle|possessive particle|matter I: "Did Dad talk to you about Uncle Qiu's matter?" 」可勇 :「冇 ,但 阿媽 講 咗 ,所以 我 都 明 阿爸 點解 咁 鬧 我 ,佢 日日 冇 嘢 做 就 係 睇 報紙 ,放出 嚟 呢 幾日 我 成日 見到 佢 一路 睇 就 一路 細細 聲 講 嘢 ,又 話 呢 條友 噉 就 錯 ,嗰 條友 咁 做 又 冇 錯 喎 ,阿爸 個 世界觀 分得 太 清楚 ,呢 十幾年 佢 根本 唔 使 接觸 外面 嘅 世界 ,樣樣 嘢 都 係 非 黑 即 白 ,佢 唔 使 向 人 交代 ,佢 唔 使 睇 人 面色 又 或者 係 顧下 自己 嘅 朋友 網絡 ,因為 佢 根本 就 冇 。 Keung|no|but|mom|said|past tense marker|so|I|also|understand|dad|why|so|scold|me|he|every day|no|thing|doing|just|is|read|newspaper|released|in|these|few days|I|all the time|see|he|continuously|reading|just|continuously|softly|voice|talking|things|also|said|this|guy|like this|just|wrong|that|guy|like that|doing|also|no|wrong|right|dad|his|worldview|distinguishing|too|clearly|these|over ten years|he|fundamentally|not|need|to contact|outside|possessive particle|world|everything|thing|all|is|non|black|or|white|he|not|need|to|people|explain|he|not|need|to see|people|facial expressions|also|or|to be|consider|his own|possessive particle|friend|network|because|he|fundamentally|just|no Kao Wing: "No, but Mom mentioned it, so I understand why Dad scolded me. He has nothing to do every day except read the newspaper. In the past few days, I've seen him reading while muttering to himself, saying that this guy is wrong, and that guy is also wrong. Dad's worldview is too black and white. For the past ten years, he hasn't had to interact with the outside world at all. Everything is either black or white. He doesn't have to explain himself to anyone, and he doesn't have to care about others' opinions or his own social network because he simply doesn't have one." 所以 我 知道 如果 要 由 佢 去 贊成 我 做 呢 份工 ,根本 係 冇 可能 ,我 寧願 自己 做到 成績 ,可以 比到 好 嘅 生活 佢 ,到 時 先 慢慢 解釋 佢 知 。」 so|I|know|if|want|by|he|to|support|me|do|this|job|basically|is|no|possibility|I|would rather|myself|achieve|results|can|provide|good|possessive particle|life|him|when|time|first|slowly|explain|he|knows So I know that if I want him to support me in doing this job, it's simply impossible. I would rather achieve good results on my own and provide him with a good life. Then I can slowly explain things to him.

講到 呢 度 ,我 先 知道 原來 可勇 一 早就 諗 哂 所有 嘢 ,佢 亂 嚟 唔 識 諗 ,根本 只不過 係 阿爸 嘅 主觀 諗法 ,其實 我 都 覺得 冇 錯 。 speaking of|this|place|I|first|realized|originally|Ho-yung|one|long ago|thought|all|all|things|he|randomly|come|not|know|think|basically|just|is|dad|possessive particle|subjective|way of thinking|actually|I|also|feel|no|wrong Speaking of this, I first realized that Koyung had already thought of everything early on. He doesn't think clearly and is just following his father's subjective opinions. Actually, I don't think that's wrong. 呢 個 世界 上 ,一個 個體 ,又 點解 要 成日 被 其他 個體 影響 到 自己 本身 嘅 思維 。 this|measure word|world|on|one|individual|again|why|must|all the time|by|other|individuals|influence|to|oneself|itself|possessive particle|thinking In this world, as an individual, why should one always be influenced by other individuals' thoughts?

諗 到 呢 度 ,電話 突然 響 ,我 望一望 來電顯示 ,係 以娜 打 嚟 。 think|to|this|place|phone|suddenly|rang|I|take a quick look|caller ID|is|Yina|call|coming Thinking of this, the phone suddenly rang. I glanced at the caller ID, and it was Yina calling.

因為 之前 以妮 嗰 次 嘅 事 我 冇 應 到 以娜 ,所以 呢 個 電話 我 有 小小 唔 敢接 。 because|before|Yini|that|time|possessive particle|incident|I|did not|respond|to|Yina|so|this|measure word|phone|I|have|a little|not|dare to answer Because I didn't respond to Yini last time, I was a bit hesitant to answer this call from Yina.

但 唔 敢 ,最後 都 係 要 接 ,因為 我 已經 唔 知 佢 仲 有 冇 機會 打 畀 我 。 but|not|dare|in the end|all|is|have to|answer|because|I|already|not|know|he|still|has|not|opportunity|call|to|me But I don't dare, in the end, I still have to answer, because I no longer know if she still has a chance to call me.

我 :「 喂 , 妳 返 咗 嚟 喇 ? Me: "Hey, are you back now?" 」以娜 :「係 ,你 之前 去過 醫院 見過 以妮 同 Grace 咩 ? Yina|yes|you|before|have gone|hospital|seen|Yini|and|Grace|question particle Yina: "Yes, did you go to the hospital before to see Yini and Grace?" 我 Msn 叫 你 你 又 唔 應 我 ? I|Msn|call|you|you|again|not|reply|me I called you on MSN but you didn't respond?" 」 我 :「 我行 開 咗 呀 。」 I: "I already logged in." 以娜 :「你 唔好 扮嘢 啦 ,我 用 另 一部 電腦 入過 你 Msn ,轉頭 被 你 撞 返出 嚟 喇 。」 Yina|you|shouldn't|pretend|sentence-final particle|I|used|another|one|computer|logged in|your|MSN|later|by|you|hit|logged out|back|sentence-final particle Yina: "Don't pretend, I logged into your MSN on another computer, and later you bumped into me again."

被 以娜 噉 講一講 我 先醒起 ,嗰日 同 Yoyo 阿栽 傾 佢 哋 做 金 嘅 嘢 傾得 興起 ,真 係 斷過線 但 我 之後 自己 再 入 返 ,我 嗰時 仲 以為 係 斷線 ,完全 冇 為意 。 by|Yina|like that|talk about it|I|first woke up|that day|with|Yoyo|Aza|talk|they|plural marker|do|money|possessive particle|things|talk well|excited|really|was|disconnected|but|I|later|myself|again|||I|at that time|still|thought|was|disconnection|completely|not|aware After Yina said that, I realized. That day I was chatting with Yoyo and Ah Zai about their gold business, and we got really into it. I actually got disconnected, but I logged back in later, thinking it was just a disconnection, completely unaware.

我 :「 我 … 唔 係 呀 。」 I: "I... it's not me."

以娜 :「 唔 乜嘢 係 呀 薛可正 , 我家 姐 有事 我 第一個 就 搵 你 , 但 你 就 避 我 , 到 我 叫 Grace 解決 咗 個 問題 , 你仲走 去 探 我家 姐 替死 呀 ? Yina: "What is it, Ah Sit Ho-ching? My sister has something going on, and I was the first to look for you, but you avoided me. After I asked Grace to solve the problem, did you still go to visit my sister to replace me?" 」我 :「對唔住 ,以娜 ,因為 我 見 妳 Msn 度 封 ….」 I|sorry|Yina|because|I|saw|you|MSN|at|offline Me: "I'm sorry, Yina, because I saw you were offline on MSN..." 以娜 :「 仲有 呀 , 你 無 啦 啦 做 乜 走 去 我 公司 停車場 望 下望 下 ? Yina: "And also, why did you go to my company's parking lot to take a look?" 人 哋 問 我 你 係 咪 傻架 ! people|plural marker|ask|me|you|are|not|silly People asked me if you were being silly!" 」以娜 噉 講 ,我 當堂 起火 ,人 哋 ? Yina|like this|said|I|on the spot|got angry|people|plural marker " So, if you say that, I will get angry right here, what about others?"},{ 條死 雜種 呀 下 ? dead|mixed breed|particle|down What's up? 依家 好似 拎 正牌 頭 咁 鬧 我 好 去 搞 人 啦 ! now|seems|take|legitimate|head|like this|scold|me|very|go|mess with|people|sentence final particle It looks like they are carrying a real head so I have to go and get someone!

我 :「邊條 咁 小氣 同 你 告狀 呀 ? I|which person|so|stingy|with|you|tell on|question particle Me: "How can I be so stingy and tell you off? 兜口 兜 面 嗰時 又 唔 敢 同 我 講 ,仲 懶 好 禮貌 噉 ,我 屌 佢 老母 你 叫 佢 食 屎 啦 。」 mouth|to turn|face|at that time|again|not|dare|with|I|talk|still|lazy|very|polite|like that|I|fuck|he|mother|you|tell|him|eat|shit|particle At that time, I didn't dare to tell him directly, and he was being lazy and polite. I told him, 'You tell him to eat shit.'

以娜 :「同 你 講禮貌 就要 叫 人 食屎 ,你 成年人 嚟 架 ,我 同 你 感情 嘅 嘢 你 就 打畀 我 同 我 傾 ,唔好 再 做 埋 哂 一堆 無聊 小動作 去 搞 人 ,搞到 返 嚟 我 呢邊 我 覺得 好醜 呀 。」 Yina|with|you|be polite|then should|tell|people|eat shit|you|adult|are|particle indicating certainty|I|with|you|emotional|possessive particle|things|you|then|call|me|with|I|talk|don't|again|do|all|completely|a bunch of|boring|petty actions|to|mess with|people|causing|return|to|I|this side|I|feel|very ugly|particle indicating exclamation Yina: 'Just because you talk politely doesn't mean you have to tell someone to eat shit. You're an adult. If you have feelings for me, just call me and talk to me. Don't do a bunch of silly little things to mess with people. It makes me feel really ugly on my side.'

畀 人 鬧 無聊 、令 對方 出醜 、可 唔 可以 成熟 小小 ,呢類 說話 通常 都 好似 催化劑 ,一對 情侶 如果 處於 分手 邊緣 ,又 或者 係 已經 成功 分 咗 手 ,呢 一 類 咁 眼熟 嘅 幫 新歡 講 說話 情景 ,係 最 容易 將件 事 愈 搞 愈 大 。 be|people|scold|boring|make|the other party|embarrassed|can|not|can|mature|a little|this kind of|talk|usually|all|like|catalyst|a pair of|couple|if|are in|breakup|edge|also|or|is|already|successfully|separate|past tense marker|hands|this|one|type|so|familiar|possessive particle|help|new partner|say|talk|situation|is|most|easy|the matter|thing|more|make|more|big Making someone feel bored, embarrassing the other person, can we be a little more mature? These kinds of words usually act like a catalyst. If a couple is on the verge of breaking up, or if they have already successfully broken up, this kind of familiar scenario where one talks to the new partner is the easiest way to escalate the situation.

我 :「 我 無聊 呀 , 係 又點 呀 ? Me: 'I'm bored, so what?' 我 鐘意 做 乜 就 做 乜 ,我 依家 乜 都 冇 ,怕 乜 呀 ? I|like|do|whatever|then|do|whatever|I|now|anything|all|have|afraid|what|question particle I do whatever I want, I have nothing now, so what am I afraid of? 」以娜 :「我 打嚟 就 係 要 鬧醒 你 ,薛可正 ,係 你 一路 以嚟 唔 聽 我講 我 想 講 嘅 嘢 ,係 你 一路 扼殺 人 哋 嘅 未來 ,係 你 放棄 人 哋 呢 段 感情 ,你 可以 繼續 唔 自覺 ,你 可以 繼續 覺得 自己 冇 錯 ,但 麻煩 你 ,唔 好 再 嚟 搞 我 ,或者 係 我 嘅 朋友 。」 Yina|I|call|then|am|to|wake up|you|Xue Kezheng|am|you|all along|since|not|listening|what I say|I|want|to say|possessive particle|things|am|you|all along|stifling|people|plural particle|possessive particle|future|am|you|giving up|people|plural particle|this|segment|relationship|you|can|continue|not|self-aware|you|can|continue|to think|yourself|no|wrong|but|please|you|not|very|again|come|mess with|me|or|am|my|possessive particle|friends "Yina: "I called to wake you up, Xue Kezheng, you have never listened to what I wanted to say, you have always stifled other people's future, you have given up on this relationship with others. You can continue to be unaware, you can continue to think you are not wrong, but please, do not come to mess with me or my friends again." 近乎 一刀兩斷 嘅 說話 ,基本上 已經 令 我 冇 嘢 可以 反駁 , 但 係 我個 心 依然 係 好 火滾 ,我 唔 理 原因 ,我 只 係 想 報復 ,起碼 ,我要 令 張 以娜 你 即時 收口 。 almost|decisively|possessive particle|words|basically|already|made|I|have no|thing|can|rebut||is|||||very|angry|I|not|care|reason|I|||want|revenge|at least|I want|make|Zhang|Yina|you|immediately|shut up Those words were almost like a clean break, basically leaving me with nothing to refute, but my heart was still boiling with anger. I don't care about the reasons, I just want revenge. At the very least, I want to make Zhang Yina shut up immediately.

我 :「 我 就算 要 搞 佢 妳 都 阻止 唔 到 我 啦 。」 I: "Even if I want to mess with her, you can't stop me."

以娜 :「我 唔該 你 收歛 下 啦 薛可正 ,你 係 一個 朝九晚五 嘅 打工仔 嚟 架 咋 ,你當 自己 陳浩南 呀 ,我 真係 好 憎 你 依家 咁 呀 。」 Yina|I|thank you|you|tone it down|a little|particle|Sze Ho-ching|you|are|a|9 to 5|possessive particle|office worker|come|particle|only|you think|yourself|Chan Ho-nam|particle|I|really|very|hate|you|now|like this|particle Yina: "I need you to tone it down, Xue Kezheng. You're just a nine-to-five worker, not Chen Haonan. I really hate how you are right now."

我 望住 眼前 睇住 我 鬧交 嘅 可 勇 ,再 聽住 電話 入面 以娜 傳 嚟 嘅 說話 ,我 唔 知 腦 閉塞 定 係 短暫 弱智 ,我 竟然 講 咗 人生 中 一句 最 白痴 嘅 說話 。 I|staring at|in front of me|watching|I|argument|possessive particle|possible|courage|again|listening to|phone|inside|Yina|transmitting|coming|possessive particle|words|I|not|know|brain|blocked|or|is|temporary|stupidity|I|unexpectedly|said|past tense marker|life|in|one sentence|most|idiotic|possessive particle|words I looked at the person I was arguing with, Ke Yong, and listened to Yina's words coming through the phone. I didn't know if I was being dense or just temporarily stupid, but I ended up saying one of the most idiotic things in my life.

「得 ! got it "Fine!" 我 就 搵 人 斬 死個 !」 I|will|find|someone|chop|to death "I'll find someone to kill him!"

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