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小男人週記, 小 男人 週記 WEEK 1

小 男人 週記 WEEK 1

第一個 星期


一九九六年 三月 五日

我 叫做 阿寬 ,今年 剛剛 卅歲 ,六年 前 今日 結婚 ,估唔到 六年 後 今日 ,我 同 老婆 再 簽 多 張 紙 ,分居 !

我 自細 鍾意 睇 南 紅 做戲 ,諗住 大個 娶 番 個 「咁上下 」款 嘅 賢妻良母 。 點知 造物 弄 人 ,唉 ! 唔 好講 ! 我 老婆 個 身型 有 啲 似 ( 鄭裕玲 ), 面型 有少少 似 ( 陳 立品 ), 對眼 似足 ( 陳 復生 ), 個 嘴 好似 ( 利智 ), 啲 頭髮 似 ( 林振強 )。

佢 個 名 改 得 好好 ,叫做 (許 賢淑 )。 後尾 我 至 知 佢 老豆 好 鍾意 作 大 ! 佢 英文 名叫 阿 Ann 。

Ann Hui ,同 (許鞍華 )一樣 !




我 唔 想 同 我 老婆 分居 !

分居 係 佢 提出 ,嗰晚 連 電飯煲 都 會 煲 “燶 ”飯 。

阿 Ann 望住 煲 飯 ,好 惘然 同 我 講 :「寬 ,我 諗 ,無謂 拖落去 啦 ! 大家 ……分開 生活 好 唔好 ? 」我 唔 服氣 ,問 佢 :「就 係 因為 我 煲 “燶 ”飯 ? 」「寬 ,大家 咁 大 個人 ,你 知 問題 出 嚮 邊 ! 」我 連忙 檢查 個 飯煲 ,向 阿 Ann 表示 :「可能 係 發熱 線 壞 呀 ! 」其實 我 都 覺得 好悶 啊 ! 有時 我 寧願 放工 嚮 尖沙咀 跟 啲 著住 短褲 女仔 行 幾條 街 ,都 有趣 過返 屋企 對 住 我 老婆 。 佢 嚮 屋企 都 唔 係 對住 我 ,而 係 對住 個 電視機 ,晚晚 明珠 九三 O 。

我 唔 可惜 分居 ,我 開始 smell 到 自由 空氣 。 張床 係 晒 我 ! 我 鍾意 讓 半邊 俾 邊個 女仔 都 得 。

老婆 ,又 睇 吓 點 ?

3 .


(大古惑 )爆 俾 全 公司 上下 人 等 知 ,話 我 同 老婆 分居 ,仲 訂 咗 個 七 磅 心型 蛋糕 俾 我 ,要 我 當場 切開 ,以示 一刀兩斷 嘅 決心 。 成班友 食得 好開心 。 (大古惑 )稍後 叫 我 自己 找 返條 蛋糕 數 ,如果 我 知道 要 自己 俾 ,至多 五磅 就夠 啦 !

( Q 太郎 )裏邊 OL 嗰 陣 撞到 我 ,問 我 點解 咁 大劑 。

「喂 ,阿寬 ,節哀順變 啵 ,夫妻 如 衣服 啊 ! 」我 若無其事 話 :「我 好開心 啊 ! 」我 老婆 個 八卦 家姐 Stella 召 我 放工 見 佢 ,去 到 Regent 至 知 佢 帶 埋 個 律師 老公 。 佢 兩個 話 叫 我 同 阿 Ann 好番 喎 。 佢 兩個 唔 知點 ,勸勸 下 自己 都 嗌 起 上 嚟 ,搞到 打爛 Regent 個 花樽 。

咪 終於 我 勸 番 佢 兩個 。

唔 知 點解 ,好似 連 大廈 個 看更 都 知 我 分居 ?

返到 樓下 ,佢 總 係 眼 望望 ,望 乜 喎 ! 乜未 見過 結婚 未 離婚 但 係 又 分緊 居 嘅 男人 咩 ?


4 .


一早 起身 ,生生猛猛 ,收埋 牆 上面 同 老婆 映 嗰 幅 結婚 相 。

相 裏面 嘅 我 ,真 係 老土 ,件 禮服 著到 成個 侍仔 咁 ,反而 我 老婆 件 婚紗 就 鬼 咁 矜貴 ,係 個 V 領 開 得 低 啲 ,好彩 佢 身材 差 ,冇 乜嘢 睇 。

阿媽 今朝 俾 個 電話 我 ,一 開口 就 喊 ,搞到 我 以為 我 阿爸 死咗 ,喊 半個 鐘頭 至 話 原來 唔 想 我 分居 。

佢 根本 唔 明白 分居 同 離婚 嘅 分別 。 分居 即 係 兩個 國家 關係 惡化 ,降為 代辦 級 ,即 係 仲 係 有 啲 關係 。

我 阿媽 聽到 我話 我哋 仲有 關係 ,開心 好多 ,問 我 幾時 有 孫抱 ,我 睇 佢 都 係 唔 明 咩 叫 分居 。 (大 古惑 )提議 一齊 落 Night Club 玩 ,話 有 個 「媽咪 」 Call 佢 話 有 班 新 女 跳槽 到 。

( Q 太郎 )又 想 去 又 唔 敢 去 。 原來 唔 夠錢 ,佢 老婆 一個月 俾 九百 銀 佢 做 使用 。

(大古惑 )話 借 二千 銀 俾 佢 ! 放工 ,(大古惑 )問 我 借 二千 銀 。

老婆 ,都 係 叫 佢 阿 Ann 啦 。 佢 打電話 返 嚟 , 話 漏 套衫 無帶 , 佢 暗示 自己 外 家住 得 好 舒服 。

我 專登 放 套 鹹 帶 ,扭 大聲 啲 俾 佢 聽 。

佢 竟然 以為 係 我度 唉聲嘆氣 喎 。

5 . 星期四

我 終於 都 落 咗 Night Club 。 點 ?

係 呀 ! 我 依家 係 一個 自由人 ! 快樂 自由人 !

如果 我 老婆 , 唔 係 , 係 阿 Ann 知道 , 實激 到 佢 胃 爆炸 , 哈哈 !

(大古惑 )同 我 叫 個 小姐 叫做 Becky ,佢 話 係 全場 至 紅 嘅 小姐 ,我 就 覺得 佢 好 醜樣 。

( Q 太郎 )冇 嚟 ! 佢 嘅 理由 係 ……

「我 老婆 搜到 我 有 四千 銀 ,去 買 洗衣機 。」

Night Club 撞 到 一個 人 ,竟然 係 我 外父 ! 大家 係 嚮 男廁 度 撞到 嘅 ,當場 呆咗 ! 佢 竟然 唔 記得 小便 就 出番 去 。

唔 知 佢 會 唔 會 講 俾 老婆 阿 Ann 知 呢 ?

成班人 去 宵夜 , Becky 「食七噉食 」,望見 佢 食 嘢 個 樣 ,我 詐 頭痛 走 先 。

返到 屋企 已經 四點 幾 ,唔知 阿 Ann 知道 我 去 Night Club 會 點 呢 ?

今日 洗 咗 一千二百 七十 三 個 半 ! 係 咁 大個 仔 一次 過洗得 最 多 嘅 一日

6 . 星期五

今日 竟然 打風 ! 三點 幾 報 八號 波 ! 想話 走頭 之際 ,接到 一個 電話 ,你 哋 估 係 邊個 ?

電話 傳 嚟 Jenny 把 聲 :「darling ! 」 Jenny 係 我 以 前個 女朋友 ,佢 結婚 先 過 我 ,結婚 又 多過 我 ,唔 計 同居 都 有 三次 ,淨 係 駛 瞻養 費啊 都 駛 唔 晒 。 「寬 呀 ! 阿 Cat 話 我 知 你 分 咗 居 啊 ! 」阿 Cat 點知 我 分居 呢 ? 「係 佢 男友 Patrick 同 佢 講 咖 咯 ! Patrick 同 Andrew 好熟 咖 , Andrew 公司 有個 女仔 Anita 有個 朋友 Yvonne 喺 你 隔籬 公司 做 ,識得 你 廣告公司 個 Receptionist 啊 嘛 ! 」太 複雜 ! 「寬 呀 ,幾時 得閒 出 慶祝 你 重獲 自由 呀 ? 」我 急不及待 :「就 今晚 啦 ! 唔 喺 就 聽 日 ? 」 Jenny 用 一把 甜到 令 我 打 冷 震 嘅 聲 答 我 :「 聽日 我 約 個 Friend 出海 呀 ! How about Monday 一 date ? 」「妳 話 點 就 點 啦 ! 」今晚 成晚 諗 住 Jenny ! 佢 有 成 卅 八 吋 半 !

自由 真 係 可貴 。

「打風 」吹爛 我 一隻 窗 。

都唔知點好 ,不過 ,仍然 幻想住 Jenny


7 星期六 一早 起身 原來 落波 ,又 要 返工 。 (大 古惑 )冇 返 ,打電話 俾 佢 ,佢 話 唔 係 八號 風球 咩 ? 慌 唔 係 尋晚 打牌 打 通宵 咩 。 佢 好彩 ,娶到 個 好 老婆 。

收到 Jenny 張 分居 賀咭 。 原來 香港 真 係 有 分居 賀咭 ! 上面 印住 英文 意思 「重獲 新生 」,其實 都 o 岩 啲 赤柱 監 躉 用 ,精神病 患者 出院 後 都 用 。 但 係 有 一樣 , Jenny 佢 簽名 上面 加 Love 字 ,咩 意思 呢 ?

下晝 去 尖沙咀 行街 ,( Q太郎 )老婆 約 人 ,佢 「一支公 」周 街 逛 ,「太空館 」門口 撞到 佢 。 兩個 麻甩佬 一齊 去 買衫 。

今日 買 半打 纖巧 型 內褲 。

晚黑 著住 一條 張床 打坐 ,對住 塊 鏡 ,十足 個 廣告 一樣 。

掉 兩條 孖 煙囪 。

阿媽 打電話 ,話 聽 日 煲 青 紅蘿蔔 豬 肉湯 ,叫 我 返 去 飲 。

今晚 ,係 首次 分居 後 覺得 好悶 。

死 喇 ! 分居 未夠 一個 禮拜 就 話悶 ,咁 點 捱 呀 ?


8礼拜日 到 「黃朝百晏 」,起身 好 肚 餓 ,搵 勻 雪櫃 冇 食 。 裏面 有 兩隻 屍體 ,唔知 餓死 定 凍死 呢 ?

落街 買個 飯盒 。 我 硬 係 覺得 個 看 更 佬 知道 我 分居 ,佢 望 我 啲 眼光 都 唔 同 。

下晝 ( 羅 ) 套 西裝 出 嚟 熨 。 熨 直條 領 又 熨 唔 服 個 膊 ,麻煩 。 聽 日 見 Jenny 點呢 ?

夜晚 返 阿媽 度 飲 青 紅蘿蔔 湯 ,一路 飲 阿媽 一路 「娥 」,話 早知 當年 同意 我 哋 同居 ,好過 今日 搞 到 分居 。 呢 啖 湯 真 惡 飲 。

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小 男人 週記 WEEK 1 小||周記|週 little|man|weekly journal|WEEK 小さな|小さな男|週記|週 リトルマンウィークリーウィーク1 小男人周记WEEK 1 Little Man's Diary WEEK 1

第一個 星期 第一|週 first|week 最初の週|最初の週 最初の週 The First Week

阿寬 阿寬 Ah Kwan アークワン Ah Kwan

一九九六年 三月 五日 一九九六年|三月|五日 1996|March|5th 1996年|3月|3月5日 March 5, 1996

我 叫做 阿寬 ,今年 剛剛 卅歲 ,六年 前 今日 結婚 ,估唔到 六年 後 今日 ,我 同 老婆 再 簽 多 張 紙 ,分居 ! |叫做|阿寬|今年|剛剛|三十歲|六年|前||結婚了|估計|不|到|六年|之後|今天||一起|妻子|再簽名|多一張|文件|分開住 I|am called|Ah Kwan|this year|just|30 years old|six years|ago|today|got married|didn't expect|six years|later|today|I|with|wife|again|sign|another|measure word for paper|paper|separation 私|といいます|アカン|今年|ちょうど|30歳|6年前|前に|今日: 今日|結婚する|思いもよらず|思いもよらず|思いもよらず|6年前|後で|今日|私|と|妻(つま)|再び署名|もう一枚|書類|別居 私の名前はアクアンです。今年は30歳で、今日は6年前に結婚しました。そして、6年後の今日、妻と私はさらに書類に署名して別れると推定されています。 My name is Ah Kwan, I just turned 30 this year. Six years ago today, I got married. I never expected that six years later today, my wife and I would sign another piece of paper and separate!

我 自細 鍾意 睇 南 紅 做戲 ,諗住 大個 娶 番 個 「咁上下 」款 嘅 賢妻良母 。 I|since childhood|liked|watching|southern|Hong|acting|thought about|when grown up|marrying|back|the|around that|type|possessive particle|virtuous wife and good mother 私|とても|好き|好き|見る|南部中国|香港映画|演技|考える|考えている|大人|娶: 迎える|一人前|そのような|その程度|タイプ 「HeyUpandDown」スタイルの良い妻と母親と結婚する大男について考えて、Nanhongの演技を見ることに興味がありました。 I have loved watching Southern Hong perform since I was young, thinking that when I grow up, I would marry a 'good wife and mother' type. 點知 造物 弄 人 ,唉 ! who would have known|creation|to mess with|people|sigh どうして|運命|弄: もてあそぶ|人間|ああ 悲しいかな、生き物が人々をだますことを知っています! Who knew that fate would play tricks on me, sigh! 唔 好講 ! not|to talk about it 言わないで|言わないで 話すのは簡単ではありません! Don't even mention it! 我 老婆 個 身型 有 啲 似 ( 鄭裕玲 ), 面型 有少少 似 ( 陳 立品 ), 對眼 似足 ( 陳 復生 ), 個 嘴 好似 ( 利智 ), 啲 頭髮 似 ( 林振強 )。 私の妻は似たような体型(Zheng Yuling)、小さな顔の形(Chen Lipin)、足のような目(Chen Fusheng)、Li Zhiのような口、LinZhenqiangのような髪をしています。 My wife's body shape is somewhat like (Zheng Yuling), her face shape is a bit like (Chen Lipin), her eyes are exactly like (Chen Fusheng), her mouth is like (Li Zhi), and her hair is similar to (Lin Zhenqiang).

佢 個 名 改 得 好好 ,叫做 (許 賢淑 )。 He|possessive particle|name|changed|adverbial particle|very well|is called|Xu|Xianshu 彼女|彼の|名前|変えた|とても|とても良い|と呼ばれる|許|賢淑 Her name was changed to a very nice one, called (Xu Xianshu). 後尾 我 至 知 佢 老豆 好 鍾意 作 大 ! finally|I|only|knew|he|father|very|likes|to act|tough 後で|後ろ|私|至: 初めて|知る|彼|お父さん|とても|好き|大げさにする In the end, I only realized that her father really likes to show off! 佢 英文 名叫 阿 Ann 。 He|English|is named|Miss|Ann 彼女の|英語|名は|ア|彼女の英語名はアン Her English name is Ann.

Ann Hui ,同 (許鞍華 )一樣 ! Ann|Hui|same|Hsu An-hua|is the same アン|許|同じ|許鞍華|同じ Ann Hui, just like (Hui An Wah)!

_ _

第一章 Chapter 1 第1章 Chapter One

星期一 Monday 月曜日 Monday

我 唔 想 同 我 老婆 分居 ! I|not|want|with|I|wife|to separate 私|したくない|考えたくない|一緒に|私|妻|別居 I don't want to separate from my wife!

分居 係 佢 提出 ,嗰晚 連 電飯煲 都 會 煲 “燶 ”飯 。 separation|is|he|proposed|that night|even|rice cooker|also|will|cook|burnt|rice 別居|です|彼/彼女|提出|その夜も|炊飯器|さえも|なる|炊く|焦げた|ご飯| The separation was proposed by her, and that night even the rice cooker would cook 'burnt' rice.

阿 Ann 望住 煲 飯 ,好 惘然 同 我 講 :「寬 ,我 諗 ,無謂 拖落去 啦 ! Ah|Ann|staring at|cooking|rice|very|confused|with|I|said|Kwan|I|thought|no point|dragging it down|particle ア|アン|見つめる|鍋|ご飯|とても|茫然と|同じく|私に言った|広い心|私|考える|無駄|引き延ばす|行く|だよ Ann looked at the rice cooker, feeling very lost, and said to me: "Kwan, I think, there's no point dragging this on!" 大家 ……分開 生活 好 唔好 ? everyone|separate|live|good|not good みんな|別々に|生活する|いいです|どう How about we... live separately? 」我 唔 服氣 ,問 佢 :「就 係 因為 我 煲 “燶 ”飯 ? I|not|convinced|asked|him|just|is|because|I|cooked|burnt|rice 私|いいえ|納得いかない|尋ねる|彼|ただ|です|なぜなら|私|焦がす|焦げた|ご飯 " I'm not convinced, I asked him: "Is it because I cooked 'burnt' rice?" 」「寬 ,大家 咁 大 個人 ,你 知 問題 出 嚮 邊 ! wide|everyone|so|big|person|you|know|problem|come out|from|where 広い|みんな|そのように|大人|個人|あなた|知っている|問題|出る|どこに|どこ " "Come on, we're all adults here, do you know where the problem lies?" 」我 連忙 檢查 個 飯煲 ,向 阿 Ann 表示 :「可能 係 發熱 線 壞 呀 ! I|hurriedly|checked|(measure word)|rice cooker|towards|||expressed|possibly|is|heating|wire|broken|sentence-final particle 私|すぐに|点検|その|炊飯器|に対して|アー|アンさん|伝える|かもしれない|かもしれない|発熱|ヒーター故障|かもね| " I quickly checked the rice cooker and told Ann: "Maybe the heating element is broken!" 」其實 我 都 覺得 好悶 啊 ! actually|I|also|feel|very bored|ah 実は|私|も|感じる|とても退屈|ねえ " Actually, I also find it quite boring!" 有時 我 寧願 放工 嚮 尖沙咀 跟 啲 著住 短褲 女仔 行 幾條 街 ,都 有趣 過返 屋企 對 住 我 老婆 。 sometimes|I|would rather|finish work|towards|Tsim Sha Tsui|follow|some|wearing|shorts|girls|walk|a few|streets|all|interesting|than returning|home|facing|living|my|wife 時々|私|むしろ|仕事後|向かう|尖沙咀: 尖沙咀|一緒に|何人かの|履いている|短パン|女の子観察|数本|通り|それでも|面白い|帰る|家に帰る|向き合う|向き合う|私|妻| Sometimes I would rather finish work and walk a few streets in Tsim Sha Tsui with girls in shorts, it's more interesting than going home to face my wife. 佢 嚮 屋企 都 唔 係 對住 我 ,而 係 對住 個 電視機 ,晚晚 明珠 九三 O 。 he|towards|home|also|not|is|facing|me|but|is|facing|the|television|every night|Ming Zhu|93|O 彼/彼女|家で|家(うち)|いつも|ではない|です|向けて|||||||||| He is not facing me at home, but facing the television, watching Ming Zhu 93 every night.

我 唔 可惜 分居 ,我 開始 smell 到 自由 空氣 。 I|not|regret|separation|I|start|smell|to|freedom|air I don't regret the separation; I am starting to smell the air of freedom. 張床 係 晒 我 ! the bed|is|totally|me The bed is all mine! 我 鍾意 讓 半邊 俾 邊個 女仔 都 得 。 I|like|let|half|give|whoever|girl|all|fine I like to let half of it be for any girl.

老婆 ,又 睇 吓 點 ? wife|again|watch|a particle indicating a question|how Wife, how about watching something?


3 . 3.

星期二 Tuesday Tuesday

(大古惑 )爆 俾 全 公司 上下 人 等 知 ,話 我 同 老婆 分居 ,仲 訂 咗 個 七 磅 心型 蛋糕 俾 我 ,要 我 當場 切開 ,以示 一刀兩斷 嘅 決心 。 big trick|explode|to give|whole|company|upper and lower|people|etc|know|said|I|with|wife|separated|still|ordered|past tense marker|measure word|seven|pound|heart-shaped|cake|to give|I|must|I|on the spot|cut|to show|a clean break|possessive particle|determination (Big Scandal) I announced to the whole company that my wife and I are separated, and I even ordered a seven-pound heart-shaped cake for myself, asking to cut it on the spot to show my determination to sever ties. 成班友 食得 好開心 。 the whole group of friends|eat|very happily Everyone was eating happily. (大古惑 )稍後 叫 我 自己 找 返條 蛋糕 數 ,如果 我 知道 要 自己 俾 ,至多 五磅 就夠 啦 ! Big Trickster|later|tell|me|myself|find|the|cake|bill|if|I|know|need|myself|pay|at most|five pounds|will be enough|particle (Big Gangster) Later, I will call myself to find the cake bill. If I knew I had to pay myself, at most five pounds would be enough!

( Q 太郎 )裏邊 OL 嗰 陣 撞到 我 ,問 我 點解 咁 大劑 。 question|Taro|behind|office lady|that|time|bumped into|me|asked|me|why|so|reckless (Q Taro) Inside, the office lady bumped into me and asked why I was so big.

「喂 ,阿寬 ,節哀順變 啵 ,夫妻 如 衣服 啊 ! hey|Ah Kwan|my condolences and may you find peace|particle indicating a light-hearted tone|husband and wife|like|clothes|particle indicating exclamation "Hey, Ah Kwan, take care and adapt, a couple is like clothing!" 」我 若無其事 話 :「我 好開心 啊 ! I|as if nothing happened|said|I|very happy|particle indicating excitement "I casually replied: 'I am very happy!" 」我 老婆 個 八卦 家姐 Stella 召 我 放工 見 佢 ,去 到 Regent 至 知 佢 帶 埋 個 律師 老公 。 I|wife|possessive particle|gossip|older sister|Stella|called|me|after work|to see|her|go|arrive|Regent|only|know|she|brought|along|possessive particle|lawyer|husband My wife's gossiping sister Stella called me to meet her after work, and when I got to Regent, I found out she brought her lawyer husband. 佢 兩個 話 叫 我 同 阿 Ann 好番 喎 。 He|both|said|to call|me|and|||to recover well|sentence-final particle They both told me to get back together with Ann. 佢 兩個 唔 知點 ,勸勸 下 自己 都 嗌 起 上 嚟 ,搞到 打爛 Regent 個 花樽 。 He|two|not|know how|advise|a bit|himself|also|shout|get|up|here|ended up|breaking|Regent|the|flower vase They didn't know what to do, so they encouraged each other and ended up breaking the flower vase at Regent.

咪 終於 我 勸 番 佢 兩個 。 don't|finally|I|persuade|back|him|both In the end, I managed to persuade both of them.

唔 知 點解 ,好似 連 大廈 個 看更 都 知 我 分居 ? not|know|why|seems|even|building|measure word|security guard|also|knows|I|separated I don't know why, but it seems even the building's security guard knows that I'm separated?

返到 樓下 ,佢 總 係 眼 望望 ,望 乜 喎 ! return to|downstairs|he|always|is|eyes|looking|looking|what|particle indicating realization When I got back downstairs, he kept looking around, but what was he looking at! 乜未 見過 結婚 未 離婚 但 係 又 分緊 居 嘅 男人 咩 ? what not|seen|married|not|divorced|but|is|again|separating|living|possessive particle|man|question particle What, have you never seen a man who is married but not divorced, yet is living separately?

_ _

4 . 4.

星期三 Wednesday Wednesday

一早 起身 ,生生猛猛 ,收埋 牆 上面 同 老婆 映 嗰 幅 結婚 相 。 early in the morning|got up|full of energy|put away|wall|on|with|wife|reflected|that|measure word for pictures|wedding|photo Woke up early in the morning, full of energy, and put away the wedding photo with my wife that was on the wall.

相 裏面 嘅 我 ,真 係 老土 ,件 禮服 著到 成個 侍仔 咁 ,反而 我 老婆 件 婚紗 就 鬼 咁 矜貴 ,係 個 V 領 開 得 低 啲 ,好彩 佢 身材 差 ,冇 乜嘢 睇 。 photo|inside|possessive particle|I|really|am|old-fashioned|measure word for clothing|suit|wearing|whole|waiter|like that|on the contrary|I|wife|measure word for clothing|wedding dress|just|extremely|like that|expensive|is|measure word for people|V|neck|open|to be|low|a bit|fortunately|she|figure|poor|not have|anything|to see In the photo, I really look old-fashioned, wearing a suit that makes me look like a complete servant, while my wife's wedding dress is incredibly extravagant, with a V-neck that is a bit low. Luckily, her figure is not great, so there's not much to see.

阿媽 今朝 俾 個 電話 我 ,一 開口 就 喊 ,搞到 我 以為 我 阿爸 死咗 ,喊 半個 鐘頭 至 話 原來 唔 想 我 分居 。 mom|this morning|gave|classifier for people|phone|me|one|opened mouth|then|cried|made|me|thought|I|dad|died|cried|half an hour|hour|until|said|originally|not|wanted|me|to separate My mom called me this morning, and as soon as she opened her mouth, she started crying, making me think my dad had died. It took her half an hour to say that she actually didn't want me to separate.

佢 根本 唔 明白 分居 同 離婚 嘅 分別 。 He|basically|not|understands|separation|and|divorce|possessive particle|difference She fundamentally doesn't understand the difference between separation and divorce. 分居 即 係 兩個 國家 關係 惡化 ,降為 代辦 級 ,即 係 仲 係 有 啲 關係 。 separation|that|is|two|countries|relationship|deteriorated|downgraded to|consular|level|that|is|still|is|have|some|relationship Separation means the relationship between two countries has deteriorated, downgraded to a consulate level, meaning there is still some relationship.

我 阿媽 聽到 我話 我哋 仲有 關係 ,開心 好多 ,問 我 幾時 有 孫抱 ,我 睇 佢 都 係 唔 明 咩 叫 分居 。 I|mom|heard|I said|we|still have|relationship|happy|much more|asked|I|when|have|grandchild|I|see|she|also|is|not|understand|what|called|separation When my mom heard me say that we still have a relationship, she was much happier and asked me when I would have grandchildren. I can see she still doesn't understand what separation means. (大 古惑 )提議 一齊 落 Night Club 玩 ,話 有 個 「媽咪 」 Call 佢 話 有 班 新 女 跳槽 到 。 big|trickster|suggested|together|go|||have fun|said|has|a|mommy|called|him|said|has|group|new|girls|transferred|to (Big Gangster) suggested going to the Night Club together, saying that a 'mama' called him saying there are new girls switching jobs.

( Q 太郎 )又 想 去 又 唔 敢 去 。 Taro|Taro|again|wants|to go|again|not|dare|to go (Q Taro) wants to go but doesn't dare to go. 原來 唔 夠錢 ,佢 老婆 一個月 俾 九百 銀 佢 做 使用 。 it turns out|not|enough money|he|wife|per month|gives|nine hundred|dollars|he|for|use It turns out he doesn't have enough money; his wife gives him nine hundred dollars a month for spending.

(大古惑 )話 借 二千 銀 俾 佢 ! Big troublemaker|said|to lend|two thousand|dollars|to him|he (Big Gangster) said to lend him two thousand dollars! 放工 ,(大古惑 )問 我 借 二千 銀 。 get off work|Big Trouble|asked|me|borrow|two thousand|dollars After work, (Big Gangster) asked me to lend him two thousand dollars.

老婆 ,都 係 叫 佢 阿 Ann 啦 。 wife|also|is|called|her|||sentence-final particle Wife, just call her Ann. 佢 打電話 返 嚟 , 話 漏 套衫 無帶 , 佢 暗示 自己 外 家住 得 好 舒服 。 She called back and said she forgot to bring her sweater, hinting that she is very comfortable living at her parents' place.

我 專登 放 套 鹹 帶 ,扭 大聲 啲 俾 佢 聽 。 I|deliberately|put|set|salty|belt|twist|loud|more|to|him|hear I purposely played a salty song loudly for her to hear.

佢 竟然 以為 係 我度 唉聲嘆氣 喎 。 he|actually|thought|at|my place|sighing|particle indicating realization or confirmation She actually thought I was sighing and complaining.


5 \\. 5\. 星期四 Thursday Thursday

我 終於 都 落 咗 Night Club 。 I|finally|also|go|past tense marker|| I finally went to a Night Club. 點 ? how How was it?

係 呀 ! yes|particle Yes! 我 依家 係 一個 自由人 ! I|now|am|a|free man I am currently a free man! 快樂 自由人 ! happy|free man A happy free man!

如果 我 老婆 , 唔 係 , 係 阿 Ann 知道 , 實激 到 佢 胃 爆炸 , 哈哈 ! If my wife, no, if Ann knew, it would really make her explode with anger, haha!

(大古惑 )同 我 叫 個 小姐 叫做 Becky ,佢 話 係 全場 至 紅 嘅 小姐 ,我 就 覺得 佢 好 醜樣 。 Big troublemaker|with|I|call|the|young lady|named|Becky|she|said|is|the whole venue|the most|popular|possessive particle|young lady|I|then|thought|she|very|ugly (Big Trickster) I called a girl named Becky, and she said she was the hottest girl in the room, but I thought she was really ugly.

( Q 太郎 )冇 嚟 ! question|Taro|not|come (Q Taro) Didn't come! 佢 嘅 理由 係 …… he|possessive particle|reason|is His reason is ...

「我 老婆 搜到 我 有 四千 銀 ,去 買 洗衣機 。」 I|wife|found out|I|have|four thousand|dollars|go|buy|washing machine "My wife found out I have four thousand dollars to buy a washing machine."

Night Club 撞 到 一個 人 ,竟然 係 我 外父 ! Night|Club|hit|to|one|person|unexpectedly|is|my|father-in-law I ran into someone at the Night Club, and it turned out to be my father-in-law! 大家 係 嚮 男廁 度 撞到 嘅 ,當場 呆咗 ! everyone|is|in|men's toilet|at|bumped into|past tense marker|on the spot|was stunned We bumped into each other in the men's restroom, and we were both stunned! 佢 竟然 唔 記得 小便 就 出番 去 。 he|actually|not|remember|urinate|then|go out|to He actually forgot to urinate and just went out again.

唔 知 佢 會 唔 會 講 俾 老婆 阿 Ann 知 呢 ? not|know|he|will|not|will|tell|to|wife|a|Ann|know|question particle I wonder if he will tell his wife, Ann, about this?

成班人 去 宵夜 , Becky 「食七噉食 」,望見 佢 食 嘢 個 樣 ,我 詐 頭痛 走 先 。 the whole group|go|late-night snack|Becky|eats a lot|seeing|she|eat|food|her|expression|I|pretend|headache|leave|first The whole group went out for late-night snacks, and Becky was 'eating like there's no tomorrow'. Seeing her eat, I pretended to have a headache and left first.

返到 屋企 已經 四點 幾 ,唔知 阿 Ann 知道 我 去 Night Club 會 點 呢 ? return to|home|already|4 o'clock|something|don't know|a particle for addressing someone|Ann|knows|I|go|||will|how|question particle I got home and it was already past four. I wonder how Ann would react if she knew I went to the night club?

今日 洗 咗 一千二百 七十 三 個 半 ! today|wash|past tense marker|1200|70|3|measure word|half Today, I spent one thousand two hundred and seventy-three and a half! 係 咁 大個 仔 一次 過洗得 最 多 嘅 一日 is|so|big|boy|once|can wash|most|many|possessive particle|one day That's the most I've ever spent in one day as a grown-up.


6 \\. 6. 星期五 Friday Friday

今日 竟然 打風 ! today|unexpectedly|windy Today, it actually rained! 三點 幾 報 八號 波 ! 3 o'clock|how many|report|number 8|ball At around three o'clock, the eighth wave was reported! 想話 走頭 之際 ,接到 一個 電話 ,你 哋 估 係 邊個 ? thinking about|leaving|moment|received|a|phone call|you|plural marker|guess|is|who Just when I was about to leave, I received a phone call. Who do you think it was?

電話 傳 嚟 Jenny 把 聲 :「darling ! phone|message|came|Jenny|particle indicating action|voice|darling The voice on the other end was Jenny: "darling!" 」 Jenny 係 我 以 前個 女朋友 ,佢 結婚 先 過 我 ,結婚 又 多過 我 ,唔 計 同居 都 有 三次 ,淨 係 駛 瞻養 費啊 都 駛 唔 晒 。 Jenny|is|I|previously|last|girlfriend|she|married|earlier|than|I|marriage|again|more than|I|not|counting|cohabitation|also|have|three times|only|in terms of|spending|maintenance|fees|all|spend|not|out Jenny was my ex-girlfriend. She got married before I did, and she has been married more times than I have. Not counting cohabitation, there have been three times. Just the alimony alone is overwhelming. 「寬 呀 ! wide|particle "Hey!" 阿 Cat 話 我 知 你 分 咗 居 啊 ! Ah|Cat|said|I|know|you|separate|past tense marker|living|particle Cat told me that you have broken up!" 」阿 Cat 點知 我 分居 呢 ? Ah|Cat|how did|I|separate|question particle " How did Cat know that I was separated?"},{ 「係 佢 男友 Patrick 同 佢 講 咖 咯 ! is|he|boyfriend|Patrick|with|him|talk|particle|particle Patrick 同 Andrew 好熟 咖 , Andrew 公司 有個 女仔 Anita 有個 朋友 Yvonne 喺 你 隔籬 公司 做 ,識得 你 廣告公司 個 Receptionist 啊 嘛 ! Patrick|and|Andrew|very familiar|particle|Andrew|company|has a|girl|Anita|has a|friend|Yvonne|at|your|next door|company|works|knows|you|advertising company|the|receptionist|particle|particle Patrick and Andrew are very familiar with each other. There is a girl in Andrew's company, Anita, who has a friend, Yvonne, working in your company, and she knows that you are a receptionist in an advertising agency! 」太 複雜 ! too|complicated 「寬 呀 ,幾時 得閒 出 慶祝 你 重獲 自由 呀 ? Kwan|particle|when|free|go out|celebrate|you|regained|freedom|particle 」我 急不及待 :「就 今晚 啦 ! I|can't wait|then|tonight|sentence-final particle " I can't wait: " Let's do it tonight!" 唔 喺 就 聽 日 ? not|at|then|tomorrow|day Aren't we doing it tomorrow? 」 Jenny 用 一把 甜到 令 我 打 冷 震 嘅 聲 答 我 :「 聽日 我 約 個 Friend 出海 呀 ! " Jenny replied with a voice so sweet it gave me chills: " I'm going out to sea with a friend tomorrow!" How about Monday 一 date ? How|about|Monday|one|date How about a date on Monday? 」「妳 話 點 就 點 啦 ! you|say|how|then|how|particle " Whatever you say goes!" 」今晚 成晚 諗 住 Jenny ! tonight|all night|think|about|Jenny Tonight, I think about Jenny all night! 佢 有 成 卅 八 吋 半 ! He|has|total|thirty|eight|inches|half She is a full thirty-eight inches!

自由 真 係 可貴 。 freedom|really|is|precious Freedom is truly precious.

「打風 」吹爛 我 一隻 窗 。 windy|blew out|I|one|window The 'wind' blew and broke one of my windows.

都唔知點好 ,不過 ,仍然 幻想住 Jenny don't know what to do|but|still|fantasizing about|Jenny I don't know what to do, but I still fantasize about Jenny.

—————— ——————

7 星期六 Saturday 7 Saturday 一早 起身 原來 落波 ,又 要 返工 。 early in the morning|get up|it turns out|raining|again|have to|go to work Woke up early and found out it was raining, and I had to go to work. (大 古惑 )冇 返 ,打電話 俾 佢 ,佢 話 唔 係 八號 風球 咩 ? big|trickster|not|return|call|to|him|he|said|not|is|number 8|typhoon signal|question particle (Big trouble) didn't come back, called him, and he said isn't it a No. 8 typhoon signal? 慌 唔 係 尋晚 打牌 打 通宵 咩 。 panic|not|is|last night|playing cards|play|all night|what Isn't it a panic from playing cards all night last night? 佢 好彩 ,娶到 個 好 老婆 。 he|lucky|married|a|good|wife He is lucky to have married a good wife.

收到 Jenny 張 分居 賀咭 。 received|Jenny|Zhang|separation|greeting card Received a separation greeting card from Jenny. 原來 香港 真 係 有 分居 賀咭 ! it turns out|Hong Kong|really|is|has|separation|greeting card Turns out there are indeed separation greeting cards in Hong Kong! 上面 印住 英文 意思 「重獲 新生 」,其實 都 o 岩 啲 赤柱 監 躉 用 ,精神病 患者 出院 後 都 用 。 above|printed with|English|meaning|regaining|new life|actually|also|a particle indicating a question|suitable|a particle indicating a small amount|Stanley|prison|used|used|mental illness|patient|discharge|after|also|used It has the English meaning "New Beginnings" printed on it, which is actually quite suitable for use in Stanley Prison, and even for mental patients after they are discharged. 但 係 有 一樣 , Jenny 佢 簽名 上面 加 Love 字 ,咩 意思 呢 ? ||has|one thing|Jenny|she|signature|on it|added|Love|word|what|meaning|question particle But there is one thing, Jenny added the word Love to her signature, what does that mean?

下晝 去 尖沙咀 行街 ,( Q太郎 )老婆 約 人 ,佢 「一支公 」周 街 逛 ,「太空館 」門口 撞到 佢 。 afternoon|go|Tsim Sha Tsui|shopping|Q Taro|wife|meet|someone|he|single|around|street|stroll|Space Museum|entrance|bumped into|him In the afternoon, I went shopping in Tsim Sha Tsui. (Q Taro) My wife is meeting someone, and she is wandering around the streets by herself. I bumped into her at the entrance of the Space Museum. 兩個 麻甩佬 一齊 去 買衫 。 two|lazy people|together|go|buy clothes Two guys went shopping for clothes together.

今日 買 半打 纖巧 型 內褲 。 today|buy|half a dozen|slim|stylish|underwear Today I bought half a dozen stylish underwear.

晚黑 著住 一條 張床 打坐 ,對住 塊 鏡 ,十足 個 廣告 一樣 。 late at night|wearing|a pair of|bed|sitting meditation|facing|a piece of|mirror|exactly|a|advertisement|the same In the evening, I sat cross-legged on a bed, facing a mirror, looking just like an advertisement.

掉 兩條 孖 煙囪 。 drop|two|pair|chimneys I dropped two pairs of chimney.

阿媽 打電話 ,話 聽 日 煲 青 紅蘿蔔 豬 肉湯 ,叫 我 返 去 飲 。 mom|called|said|next|day|boil|green|carrot|pork|soup|told|me|return|to|drink Mom called and said she will make carrot and pork soup tomorrow, and told me to come back and drink it.

今晚 ,係 首次 分居 後 覺得 好悶 。 tonight|is|first time|living apart|after|feel|very bored Tonight, I feel really bored for the first time since separating.

死 喇 ! die|particle indicating completed action Oh no! 分居 未夠 一個 禮拜 就 話悶 ,咁 點 捱 呀 ? separation|not yet|one|week|already|said bored|then|how|endure|question particle It's only been less than a week since separating and I'm already bored, how am I going to endure this?

———————— ————————

8礼拜日 Sunday 8 Sunday 到 「黃朝百晏 」,起身 好 肚 餓 ,搵 勻 雪櫃 冇 食 。 arrived|Huang Chao Bai Yan (a name)|woke up|very|stomach|hungry|looking for|in|refrigerator|no|food I went to 'Wong Chiu Baak Yaan', got up really hungry, and found nothing to eat in the fridge. 裏面 有 兩隻 屍體 ,唔知 餓死 定 凍死 呢 ? inside|has|two|corpses|don't know|starved to death|or|froze to death|question particle Inside, there were two corpses, not sure if they starved to death or froze to death?

落街 買個 飯盒 。 go out|buy a|lunch box Went out to buy a lunch box. 我 硬 係 覺得 個 看 更 佬 知道 我 分居 ,佢 望 我 啲 眼光 都 唔 同 。 I|||feel|the|guy|even|older|knows|I|separated|he|looking|I|my|gaze|all|not|the same I really feel that the security guard knows I am separated, his gaze towards me is different.

下晝 ( 羅 ) 套 西裝 出 嚟 熨 。 afternoon|(name)|put on|suit|take|here|iron In the afternoon, I took out the suit to iron. 熨 直條 領 又 熨 唔 服 個 膊 ,麻煩 。 iron|striped|collar|again|iron|not|fit|measure word|shoulder|troublesome I ironed the straight collar but couldn't get the shoulders right, it's troublesome. 聽 日 見 Jenny 點呢 ? heard|tomorrow|see|Jenny|how about How about seeing Jenny tomorrow?

夜晚 返 阿媽 度 飲 青 紅蘿蔔 湯 ,一路 飲 阿媽 一路 「娥 」,話 早知 當年 同意 我 哋 同居 ,好過 今日 搞 到 分居 。 night|return|mom|at home|drink|green|carrot|soup|all the way|drink|mom|all the way|nagging|said|had known earlier|back then|agreed|I|we|cohabitate|better than|today|ended up|in|separation In the evening, I went to my mom's place to drink carrot soup, and while drinking, my mom kept saying, 'If I had known back then that agreeing to let us live together would lead to today’s separation, I would have thought twice.' 呢 啖 湯 真 惡 飲 。 this|sip|soup|really|bad|drink This soup really tastes bad.

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