Trenta-tres: L'Eric va anar a classe a la universitat
||Eric|(he) went|to go|to|class|at|the|university
Thirty-three: Eric went to class at the university.
A) L'Eric va anar la setmana passada a classe a la universitat.
A) Eric went to class at the university last week.
Va escoltar al professor.
He listened to the professor.
Però l'Eric es va descuidar el llibre de text.
But|Eric|himself|past tense marker|forgot|the|book|of|text
But Eric forgot his textbook.
Així doncs, no entenia bé la lliçó.
Therefore, he didn't understand the lesson well.
L'Eric va demanar ajut a un company de classe.
Eric asked a classmate for help.
Li va demanar al seu company de mirar el seu llibre de text.
He|past tense marker|asked|to the|his|classmate|to|look|the|his|book|of|text
He asked his classmate to look at his textbook.
El company li va dir que podia mirar el seu llibre.
The|classmate|to him|(past tense marker)|said|that|could|look at|the|his|book
The classmate told him he could look at his textbook.
L'Eric li va dir "gràcies", i va mirar el llibre de text.
Eric|to him|past tense auxiliary verb|said|thank you|and|past tense auxiliary verb|looked|the|book|of|text
Eric said "thank you" and looked at the textbook.
Va provar de prendre apunts de la classe,
But then, Eric realized that he had also forgotten his pen.
Intentó tomar apuntes de la clase,
però llavors, l'Eric es va adonar que també s'havia descuidat del bolígraf.
but|then|Eric|himself|past tense marker|realize|that|also|had|forgotten|of the|pen
but then Eric realized he had also forgotten his pen.
B) Ara mateix soc a classe a la Universitat.
|Right now|same|I am|in|class|at|the|University
B) Right now, I'm in class at the University.
Estic escoltant al professor.
I am|listening|to the|teacher
I'm listening to the professor.
Però m'he descuidat el llibre de text.
But|I have|forgotten|the|book|of|text
But I forgot the textbook.
De manera que no entenc bé la lliçó,
So I don't understand the lesson well.
He demanat ajut a un company de classe.
|have asked||||||
I asked a classmate for help.
Li he demanat de mirar el seu llibre de text.
I|have|asked|to|look at|the|his|book|of|text
I asked him to let me look at his textbook.
El meu company m'ha deixat que mirés el seu llibre de text.
The|my|classmate|has|allowed|to|look at|the|his|book|of|text
My classmate let me look at his textbook.
Mi compañero me ha dejado que mirara su libro de texto.
Li he dit "gràcies", i he mirat el seu llibre de text.
I|have|said|thank you|and|I|looked|the|his|book|of|text
I said "thank you" and looked at his textbook.
He provat de prendre apunts de la classe,
I tried to take notes from the class,
però llavors m'he adonat que també m'havia descuidat del bolígraf.
but|then|I have|realized|that|also|I had|forgotten|of the|pen
but then I realized that I had also forgotten the pen.
A) 1) L'Eric era a classe, a la Universitat.
A) 1) Eric was in class, at the university.
On era l'Eric?
Where was Eric?
L'Eric era a classe, a la Universitat.
Eric was in class, at the university.
2) L'Eric escoltava al professor .
Eric|listened|to the|teacher
2) Eric was listening to the professor.
A qui escoltava l'Eric?
||was listening to|
Who was Eric listening to?
L' Eric escoltava al professor.
|Eric|listened|to the|teacher
Eric was listening to the professor.
3) L'Eric s'havia descuidat el llibre de text.
3) Eric had forgotten his textbook.
Què s'havia descuidat l'Eric?
What had Eric forgotten?
L'Eric s'havia descuidat el llibre de text.
Eric had forgotten his textbook.
4) L'Eric no entenia bé la lliçó.
4) Eric didn't understand the lesson well.
Què és el que no entenia l'Eric?
What was it that Eric didn't understand?
L'Eric no entenia bé la lliçó.
Eric didn't understand the lesson well.
B) 5) Va demanar ajut a un company de classe, i li va demanar de mirar el seu llibre de text.
B) 5) He asked for help from a classmate, and asked him to look at his textbook.
Què va fer l'Eric?
What did Eric do?
Va demanar ajut a un company de classe, i li va demanar de mirar el seu llibre de text.
He asked for help from a classmate, and asked him to look at his textbook.
6) El company de classe de l'Eric va deixar que l'Eric mirés el seu llibre de text.
6) Eric's classmate let him look at his textbook.
El seu company va deixar que l'Eric mirés el seu llibre de text ?
The|his|classmate|(past tense verb auxiliary)|to allow|that|Eric|looked at|the|his|book|of|text
Did his classmate let Eric look at his textbook?
Sí, el company de classe de l' Eric va deixar que l'Eric mirés el seu llibre de text.
Yes, Eric's classmate let him look at his textbook.
7) L'Eric va provar de prendre apunts de la classe.
7) Eric tried to take notes from the class.
Què va provar de fer l'Eric?
What did Eric try to do?
L'Eric va provar de prendre apunts de la classe.
Eric|(past tense verb auxiliary)|tried|to|take|notes|from|the|class
Eric tried to take notes from the class.
8) L'Eric es va adonar que també s'havia descuidat del bolígraf.
Eric|himself|past tense marker|realized|that|also|had|forgotten|of the|pen
8) Eric realized that he had also forgotten his pen.
De què es va adonar l'Eric?L'Eric es va adonar que també s'havia descuidat del bolígraf.
Of|what|himself|past tense marker|realize|Eric|||||that|also|he had|forgotten|of the|pen
What did Eric realize? Eric realized that he had also forgotten his pen.