Trenta-set: l'Adam s'ha sentit molt estressat abans d'anar a la feina
||el Adam||||estresado|||||
A) Avui l'Adam s'ha sentit molt estressat abans d'anar a la feina.
2) On Monday, he had to call many clients.
Aquesta setmana tenia la agenda molt plena.
This week I had a very busy schedule.
Dilluns, havia de trucar a molts clients abans d'anar a una reunió.
Monday|I had|to|call|to|many|clients|before|going|to|a|meeting
On Monday, I had to call a lot of clients before going to a meeting.
Després, va haver d'anar a una altra oficina abans de dinar amb el seu cap.
After|he|had|to go|to|another||office|before|of|lunch|with|his|his|boss
Then he had to go to another office before having lunch with his boss.
Divendres, va haver de fer una presentació per després treballar tard, fins el vespre .
Friday|he|had|to|do|a|presentation|before|after|to work|late|until|the|evening
On Friday, he had to make a presentation and then work late, until the evening.
El viernes, tuvo que hacer una presentación para luego trabajar tarde, hasta la noche.
Aquest matí, però, la agenda és més lleugera.
This morning, however, the agenda is lighter.
Esta mañana, sin embargo, la agenda es más ligera.
Feia molt de temps que no tenia una agenda tan lleugera.
It had been|a long|of|time|since|not|had|a|planner|so|light
I hadn’t had such a light agenda in a long time.
Hacía mucho tiempo que no tenía una agenda tan ligera.
B) Avui em sento molt estressat abans d'anar a la feina.
|Today|me|feel|very|stressed|before|of going|to|the|work
B) I feel very stressed before going to work today.
Aquesta setmana tindré la agenda molt plena.
This|week|I will have|the|schedule|very|full
I will have a very full schedule this week.
Avui, hauré de trucar a molts clients mentre serè a una reunió.
Today|I will have|to|call|to|many|clients|while|I will be|at|a|meeting
Today, I will have to call many clients while I am at a meeting.
Després, hauré d'anar a una altra oficina abans de dinar amb el meu cap.
After|I will have|to go|to|another||office|before|of|lunch|with|the|my|boss
Then I will have to go to another office before having lunch with my boss.
Divendres, hauré de fer una presentació per després treballar tard, fins el vespre .
Friday|I will have|to|make|a|presentation|before|after|to work|late|until|the|evening
On Friday, I will have to do a presentation and then work late, until the evening.
Aquest matí, m'agradaria que la meva agenda fos més lleugera.
This|morning|I would like|that|my||agenda|were|more|lightweight
This morning, I wish my agenda was lighter.
Fa molt de temps que no tinc una agenda lleugera.
It has|very|of|time|since|not|I have|a|planner|lightweight
I haven't had a light agenda in a long time.
A) 1) Avui l'Adam s'ha sentit molt estressat abans d'anar a la feina.
A) 1) Today Adam felt very stressed before going to work.
Com se sentia l'Adam abans d'anar a treballar?
How|himself|felt|Adam|before|of going|to|work
How did Adam feel before going to work?
Avui l'Adam s'ha sentit molt estressat abans d'anar a la feina.
Adam felt very stressed today before going to work.
2) Dilluns, havia de trucar a molts clients.
Monday|I had|to|call|to|many|clients
2) On Monday, I had to call a lot of customers.
Què és el que va haver de fer dilluns?
What|is|the|that|(past tense of to go)|to have|to|do|Monday
What did he have to do on Monday?
Dilluns, havia de trucar a molts clients.
Monday|I had|to|call|to|many|clients
On Monday, he had to call many clients.
3) Desprès de trucar als clients, va haver d'anar a una reunió.
After|of|calling|to the|clients|he|had|to go|to|a|meeting
3) After calling the clients, he had to attend a meeting.
Què va haver de fer després de trucar als clients?
What|(past tense verb auxiliary)|to have|to|do|after|(preposition)|calling|to the|clients
What did he have to do after calling the clients?
Desprès de trucar als clients, va haver d'anar a una reunió.
After|of|calling|to the|clients|he|had|to go|to|a|meeting
After calling the clients, he had to attend a meeting.
4) Desprès , l'Adam va haver d'anar a una altra oficina.
After|Adam|(he) had|to have|to go|to|another|another|office
4) Afterwards, Adam had to go to another office.
Quan va haver d'anar a una altra oficina, l'Adam?
When|he|had|to go|to|another|different|office|
When did Adam have to go to another office?
¿Cuándo tuvo que ir a otra oficina, Adam?
Desprès va haver d'anar a una altra oficina .
Later|he|had|to go|to|another|another|office
Afterwards, he had to go to another office.
Después tuvo que ir a otra oficina.
B) 5) Haurà d'anar a dinar amb el seu cap desprès d'haver anat a una altra oficina.
B) 5) He will have to have lunch with his boss after going to another office.
B) 5) Tendrá que ir a almorzar con su jefe después de haber ido a otra oficina.
Quan anirà a dinar amb el seu cap?
When|will he/she go|to|lunch|with|his|her|boss
When will he have lunch with his boss?
Haurà d'anar a dinar amb el seu cap desprès d'haver anat a una altra oficina.
He will have|to go|to|lunch|with|his|his|boss|after|having|gone|to|another||office
He will have to have lunch with his boss after going to another office.
6) L'Adam farà una presentació divendres.
Adam|will make|a|presentation|Friday
6) Adam will give a presentation on Friday.
Quan farà una presentació l'Adam?
When|will do|a|presentation|Adam
When will Adam give a presentation?
L'Adam farà una presentació divendres.
Adam|will make|a|presentation|Friday
Adam will give a presentation on Friday.
7) Divendres l'Adam treballarà fins tard al vespre.
Friday|Adam|will work|until|late|in the|evening
7) On Friday, Adam will work until late in the evening.
Què més farà divendres?
What|else|will do|Friday
What else will he do on Friday?
Divendres l'Adam treballarà fins tard al vespre.
Friday|Adam|will work|until|late|in the|evening
On Friday, Adam will work until late in the evening.
8) Fa molt de temps que l'Adam no té una agenda lleugera.
It has|very|of|time|since|Adam|not|has|a|planner|lightweight
8) Adam hasn't had a light schedule for a long time.
Què és el que no té fa molt de temps l'Adam?
What has Adam not had for a long time?
Fa molt de temps que l'Adam no té una agenda lleugera.
It has|very|of|time|since|Adam|not|has|a|planner|light
Adam hasn't had a light schedule for a long time.