A Quick Lunch Date - Comprehensible Korean Vlogs #6
A|빠른|점심|데이트|이해할 수 있는|한국어|브이로그
Eine schnelle Verabredung zum Mittagessen - Verständliche koreanische Vlogs #6
Un déjeuner rapide - Vlogs coréens compréhensibles #6
Un pranzo veloce - Vlog coreani comprensibili #6
Быстрое свидание за обедом - Понятные корейские влоги #6
Hızlı Bir Öğle Yemeği Randevusu - Anlaşılır Korece Vloglar #6
A Quick Lunch Date - Comprehensible Korean Vlogs #6
안녕하세요~ 한국어 패치의 이안입니다!
hello|Korean|patch|I am Ian
Hello~ This is Ian from Korean Patch!
오늘 좀 추운데 난주가 점심 같이 먹자고 해서
today|a little|is cold|Nanjoo|lunch|together|to eat|asked
It's a bit cold today, but Naju asked me to have lunch together,
일단 나와버렸어요. 근데
for now|came out|but
so I came out anyway. But,
아 나 추운 거 원래 싫어하거든
I really dislike the cold.
더운 날 더 좋은데
hot|day|more|is good
It's better on a hot day.
어쨌든 나왔고 이제 난주 만나러 간다.
anyway|I came out|now|Nanjoo|to meet|I am going
Anyway, I came out and now I'm going to meet Naju.
let's go
Let's go!
아이고.. 드릅다!! ㅋㅋㅋ
oh my|disgusting|lol
Oh my.. it's dirty!! Haha.
여기가 교차로인데 교차로
here|is an intersection|intersection
This is an intersection, but an intersection.
근데 나 한국말 처음 배우고 있었을 때
but|I|Korean|first|was learning|was|when
But when I was first learning Korean,
여기 친구를 자주 만났거든.
here|friend|often|I met
I used to meet friends here often.
근데 이 장소를 이곳을 어떻게 설명할 수 있는지
but|this|place|this place|how|explain|possibility|is
But I didn't know how to describe this place,
사실 그 때 난 몰랐어.
actually|that|time|I|didn't know
to be honest, I didn't know back then.
그래서 요거 그냥 좀 별명 만들었거든.
so|this|just|a little|nickname|I made
So I just made up a nickname for it.
여기 혹시 여러분 시부야
Hey, do you guys happen to know Shibuya?
도쿄에 있는 시부야 교차로라는 데가 알아요?
in Tokyo|located|Shibuya|intersection|place|do you know
Do you know the Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo?
여기에 그냥 친구들이 '어디 만날까?' 라고 했을 때 걍 그... 시부야!
here|just|my friends|where|shall we meet|said|when|time|just|that|Shibuya
When friends just say 'Where should we meet?' they just say... Shibuya!
시부야 가서 만나자고 했어. 웃기제?
Shibuya|going|to meet|said|funny right
They said let's meet in Shibuya. Isn't that funny?
여기도 별명 만들었거든
here|nickname|I made
They even made a nickname for it here.
카페골목 이렇게
cafe alley|like this
Cafe alley like this
카페가 하나 둘 셋
the cafe|one|two|three
One two three cafes
넷 다섯
Four five
여섯 일곱
Six seven
그리고 2층에 하나 더 있는데
and|on the second floor|one|more|exists
And there's one more on the second floor
여기도 카페네... 휴대폰 파는 대가 커피도 있네!
here too|is a cafe|cell phone|selling|store|coffee also|is there
There's a cafe here too... They sell phones and have coffee!
그럼 이 골목에서 다른 카페 10개 있어서
then|this|in the alley|other|cafes|10|are located
Then there are 10 other cafes in this alley.
너무 많지 않나?
too|many|isn't it
Isn't that too many?
좀 많은데.
a little|is a lot
It is quite a lot.
어쨌든 이제 난주를 찾으러 갑니다.
anyway|now|Nanjoo|to find|I go
Anyway, I'm going to look for Naju now.
여기 가까이 기다리고 있대
They said to wait close by.
난 여기 이 공원에서 공원 - 봐봐 -
I|here|this|in the park|park|look
I'm here in this park - look -
약간 동면하는 나무가 있는 데... 공원에서
slightly|hibernating|tree|is|at|in the park
there are some trees that are kind of hibernating... in the park.
기다리고 있어. 근데 -
waiting|I am|but
I'm waiting. But -
어! 찾았다! 난주 찾았어
oh|I found it|Nanjoo|I found
Oh! I found it! I found Naju!
wait a moment
Wait a minute!
난주를 찾았어.
Nanjoo|I found
I found the Nanjoo.
안녕! 밥 묵으러 가자!
hello|rice/meal|to eat|let's go
Hello! Let's go eat!
춥다! 빨리 가자! 섯째 간다.
it's cold|quickly|let's go|third|going
It's cold! Let's go quickly! I'm going now.
그래~ 간다! 가자!!!
yeah|I'm going|let's go
Alright~ I'm going! Let's go!!!
저는 아이스 아메리 - 아이다
I would like an iced Americano.
카페라때 아이스 하나랑요...
cafe latte|iced|one please
And one iced cafe latte...
아마 이것... 뭔데?
maybe|this|what is it
What is this...?
몰라.. 체리포레스트 에이드 그거 신기하제?
I don't know|Cherry Forest|aid|that|is interesting
I don't know.. That cherry forest aid is interesting, right?
그냥 우리 2만원...
just|we|20000 won
Just us, 20,000 won...
굳이 2만원 내야 되니까 이거 살게
necessarily|20000 won|I have to pay|since|this|I will buy
Since I have to pay 20,000 won anyway, I'll buy this.
나는 스위트하니까 스위트한 거 먹어야지
I|am sweet|sweet|thing|should eat
Since I'm sweet, I should eat something sweet.
지금 커피랑 샌드위치 시켰고
now|coffee|sandwich|I ordered
I just ordered coffee and a sandwich.
우리는 2층에 가서 기다릴 거야.
we|on the second floor|going|wait|will
We will go to the second floor and wait.
아가페도 있다.
There is also agape.
벽지랑 엄청 잘 어울리네.
with the wallpaper|very|well|suits
It goes really well with the wallpaper.
여기 앉아보자 안아~
here|let's sit|hug
Let's sit here and hug~
경치도 나쁘지 않고... 보여줄께
the scenery|not bad|and|I will show you
The view isn't bad... I'll show you.
약간 복잡한 도시 느낌
It has a slightly complicated city vibe.
근데 나는 마음에 들어
but|I|in my heart|like
But I like it.
난주는 싫어하지만
I don't like it, but.
그래서 우리 주문했고
so|our|we ordered
So we ordered.
아 이제 기다리고 있는데 왜냐면 난 샌드위치 먹고 싶거든.
Now I'm waiting because I want to eat a sandwich.
그 샌드위치를 즉석
That sandwich is made to order.
만들어주실 거라고 하셨어 사장님이
will make|that|said|boss
The boss said you would make it.
그래서 기다리면서 한국에서 미국이랑 똑같은데
so|while waiting|in Korea|with the USA|is the same
So while waiting, it's the same as in the US from Korea.
한국에서 이걸.
in Korea|this
This in Korea.
줘요. - 맞아요.
give|that's right
Give it to me. - That's right.
이건 진동벨이라는 건데
this|is a vibrating bell|thing
This is called a vibrating bell.
왜 진동메일이라는 거냐면
why|vibrating mail|is
Why is it called a vibration mail?
벨이지 알림 알려주는 거.
It's a notification that tells you about a bell.
근데 진동해
but|is vibrating
But it vibrates.
근대 한국 처음 왔을 때 이거 잘 못 알아들었, 나
But when I first came to Korea, I didn't understand this well.
모두 다 딩동벨이라고 한 줄 알았어. 그래서
everyone|all|is the doorbell|one|line|thought|so
I thought everyone was saying ding-dong bell. So,
그래서 '같은 딩동 벨로 주시면 돼요~'
so|same|ding-dong|bell|if you give|is okay
So you can just give me the same ding-dong bell~
이렇게 친구들이랑 같이 뭐 시켰을 때
like this|with my friends|together|something|ordered|when
When I ordered something with my friends like this
딩동 벨 진동말고 딩동이라고 한 줄 알았어
ding-dong|bell|instead of vibrating||one|line|knew
I thought it was called ding-dong instead of the vibration of the ding-dong bell.
그래서 한번 난주한테 나 기억 안 나 기억 안 나는 것 같은데
so|once|to Nanjoo|I|memory|not|I|memory|not|I|thing|
So once I told Nanjoo, I don't remember, I don't think I remember.
한 번 난주한테 그 딩동 벨 뭐, 나한테 줘
one|time|to Nanjoo|that|ding-dong|bell|what|to me|give
I once asked Nanjoo for that ding-dong bell, you know, give it to me.
내가 '우리 주문한 거 가져올게' 라고 했어.
I|our|ordered|thing|will bring||
I said, 'I'll go get our order.'
난주가 '딩동벨? -
Nanjoo|'Ding Dong Bell
Nanju said, 'Ding dong bell? -
진동벨...' 아 그건 부끄러웠다 나 그런 그런거 많다.
vibrating bell|ah|that|was embarrassing|I|such|things like that|have many
Vibration bell... Oh, that was embarrassing. I have a lot of those kinds of things.
잘 못 알아들었던 그런 단어 좀 많거든...
well|not|understood|such|word|a little|many
There are quite a few words I misunderstood...
그래서 딩동벨이라고 했어.
so|ding-dong bell|I said
So I said ding dong bell.
맞아~ 근데 내가 우리가 자막 만들 때 내가 한번 확인하잖아
that's right|but|I|we|subtitles|create|when|I|once|check
That's right~ But when we make subtitles, I check it once.
근데 내 ㅈ 발음이 ㄷ 으로 많이 적혀 있더라고
But my 'ㅈ' pronunciation is often written as 'ㄷ'.
그래? 어~
Really? Oh~
컴퓨터가 그렇게 많이 - 어! 진동벨이 진동한다.
the computer|so|much|oh|the vibrating bell|is vibrating
The computer does that a lot - oh! The vibrating bell is vibrating.
It's buzzing.
딩동 그럼 갔다 올께! 그러면 크루아상 찾으러 갔다올게
dingdong|then|I will go|I will come back|then|croissant|to find|I will go
Ding dong, then I'll go! I'll go find a croissant.
크루아상 왔다.
croissant|has arrived
The croissant is here.
우리 뭐 샀냐면
What did we buy?
여기 크루아상 샌드위치.
Here is a croissant sandwich.
그리고 여기는 크로플이라는 건데 이거는 크로와상인데
and|here|called croffle|is|this|croissant
And here is something called croffle, which is a croissant.
와풀기 안에 넣어서 이렇게 쫙~ 꾸었어
the hair|inside|putting|like this|straight|styled
It is made by putting it in a waffle maker and spreading it out like this.
이거는 에그 타르트
This is an egg tart.
내가 제일 좋아하는 거야.
It's my favorite.
너무 좋아해 에그타르트 최애
very|love|egg tart|favorite
I love it so much, egg tart is my ultimate favorite.
나의 최애 에그 타르트!
My favorite egg tart!
그리고 여긴 까페라때
And this is Cafe Latte.
그리고 나 아까 커피 마셨으니까
And I just had coffee earlier.
이런 뭐지.
this|what is it
What is this?
체리 포레스트 스페셜 에이드라는 거 뭐 기억 안 나는데
cherry|forest|special|aid|thing|what|memory|not|I have
I don't remember what the Cherry Forest Special Aid is.
어떤 체리 들어가 있고 아마 이거 오미자일까?
which|cherry|is included|is|probably|this|is omija
What kind of cherry is in there, and is this maybe omija?
아닌것 같아... 물라 오미자인 거 같은데 어쨌든 진짜 이름처럼
not|seems|mulra|omijain|thing|seems like|anyway|real|like the name
I don't think so... I feel like it's omija, but anyway, just like its real name.
체리포레스트느낌이 나기는 나.
the feeling of Cherry Forest|does|exist
It does give off a cherry forest vibe.
야 근데 난주야 니 내려갔다 와야 된대
hey|but|Nanjoo|you|went down|should come|is supposed to
Hey, but Nanjoo, you have to go down there.
왜? 그 백신패스 안 보여줬거든.
why|that|vaccine pass|not|was shown
Why? Because I didn't show my vaccine pass.
보여주고 올게 그래~
I will show|I will come|okay
I'll show you, okay~
그럼 내가 먹고 있을께~ 다!
then|I|eating|will be|all
Then I'll eat it while you're gone~ All of it!
니 돌아오기 전에~ 가만 안 둔다 진짜.
you|returning|before|quietly|not|will leave|really
I won't just sit still before you come back, really.
저번에도 말했제? 그래~
last time|I told you|right~
I told you last time, right? Okay~
우리 백신을 맞았다는 걸 확인해야 돼 증명해야 돼.
our|vaccine|that we received|thing|we need to confirm|must|prove|must
We need to confirm that we've been vaccinated, we need to prove it.
그래서 난주가 그거 해 온대.
so|Nanjoo|that|do|is doing
So Naju said she would do that.
밖에 보이는 길거리 한번 설명해줄께
outside|visible|street|once|I will explain
Let me describe the street outside.
저기 어떤 여자가 지나가고 있어.
over there|some|woman|is passing by|is
There is a woman passing by over there.
그리고 우리 바로 앞에 여기 가로등이 있고
and|we|right|in front of|here|streetlight|is
And right in front of us, there is a streetlight.
이렇게 길거리에 있는 나무들을 가로수라고 해.
like this|on the street|existing|trees|are called street trees|is
The trees on the street like this are called street trees.
그리고 저기 끝에.
and|over there|at the end
And over there at the end.
택시 정거장에 있어서
taxi|at the station|is
It's at the taxi stand.
지금 많은 택시들이 주차돼 있어
Right now, many taxis are parked.
어! 버스 지나간다.
oh|bus|is passing by
Oh! A bus is passing by.
요거 택시 아닌데!
this|taxi|is not
That's not a taxi!
저거 택시야!
that|is a taxi
That's a taxi!
아 이 차는 택시가 아니고.
Oh, this car is not a taxi.
택시 택시 아님
Taxi, not a taxi.
택시 택시
Taxi, taxi.
택시인줄 알았어! 보통으로 한 10대?
I thought it was a taxi|I knew|usually|about|teenager
I thought it was a taxi! Usually about 10 cars?
택시 10대 기다리고 있는 것 같아
taxi|10|waiting|that is|thing|seems
It seems like 10 taxis are waiting.
이 사거리에서 맞아 진짜 택시 많이 주차돼 있어.
this|at intersection|right|really|taxi|many|parked|is
At this intersection, there are really a lot of taxis parked.
그리고 이쪽으로 보면은 저기에 횡단보도가 있어
and|this way|if you look|over there|crosswalk|is
And if you look this way, there is a crosswalk over there.
횡단보도가 있고 그리고 안이가 크로플을 자르고 있어
the crosswalk|is|and|Ani|croffle|cutting|is
There is a crosswalk, and Ani is cutting a croffle.
몇 조각으로 자를 거야?
how many|into pieces|will cut|will
How many pieces are you going to cut it into?
깔끔하게 - 깔끔하게 ...칼...끔하게... 죄송합니다.
neatly||knife|cleanly|I'm sorry
Neatly - Neatly ... knife... neatly... I'm sorry.
난 다 먹었어.
I ate it all.
근데 안이가 아직 다 먹어 가지고.
But Ani hasn't finished eating yet.
우리 짧은 점심시간 데이트니까
our|short|lunch time|is a date
Since it's our short lunch date,
나는 먼저 갈게.. 아알겠어... 외롭겠지만
I|first|will go|okay|it will be lonely
I'll go first.. I understand... it will be lonely.
will be okay
Are you okay?
그럼 잘 있어~ 난 다시 일하러 갈께!
then|well|be|I|again|to work|will go
Then take care~ I'm going back to work!
알겠어... 알겠어...
I understand|I get it
I understand... I understand...
저기 난주가 있다. 보여?
over there|Nanjoo|is|do you see
Look, there's Naju. Can you see?
I will greet you
I'll say hello.
이제 돌아간대
now|is going back
They said they're going back now.
달려가는데.. 뛰어간다.
running|I run
They're running... they're running.
아... 귀엽다.
ah|is cute
Ah... so cute.
저 여자 진짜 좋은데
that|woman|really|is good
That girl is really nice.
진짜 마음에 들어.
really|to my heart|I like
I really like her.
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