Cherry Blossom Pomeranian
Cherry Blossom Pomeranian
Cherry Blossom Poméranien
- 예쁘다 - 너무 예쁘다😍
- Beautiful - So beautiful😍
여기 보세요, 여기 x3
Look here, here x3
This way🙋♀️
- 귀여워 - 너무 귀여워
- Cute - So cute
미쳤다 진짜🤍
(설이랑 같이 꽃구경 나왔어요🌸)
(I went out with Snow to see flowers blooming🌸)
(뭐가 꽃이게?)
(Which one is the flower?)
아유 귀여워랑~❤️
Sooo cute❤️
머리에 꽃 달아놨어ㅎㅎㅎ
I put a flower on his head hehe
Look at that puppy!!
어우 얘 너무 예뻐...😍
He's sooo pretty...😍
(너 혹시 연예인이야...?)
(Are you a celebrity...?)
- 쎄쌍에😲 x2 - 어머 얘네 둘이
- Oh my😲 x2 - Oh my god! You two
너희 뭐 하니?
What are you guys doing?
넌 누구니?🤔
Who are you?🤔
너 어느 별에서 왔니~
Which planet did you come from?
(약간 팬 미팅 느낌ㅋㅋㅋ🤣)
(What is this? A fan meeting? haha🤣)
So funny
하나 더 줘?🤷♀️
Do you want one more?🤷♀️
(사진 찍어줬다고 간식도 나눠주신다) 하나 더 줘?
(Giving him snacks because he let her take his picture) You want one more?
(사진 찍어줬다고 간식도 나눠주신다) 감사합니다🙏
(Giving him snacks because he let her take his picture) Thank you so much🙏
- (하나 더?) - 가자 x2
- (One more?) - Let's go x2
출발~ 다시 출발~~
Let's go! Let's go now!
- (더 먹을 수 있었는뎁..) - 설이 출발💨
- (I could have eaten more...) - Let's go, Snow💨
(뭔가 아쉬워 보이는 발걸음)
(His steps seem to be depressed somehow)
얘는 머리에 꽃이 꽂혀졌나~?🤔
He has a flower planted on his head!🤔
(사람들이 관심 주면 간식 줄까 봐 계속 기대함) 그냥 올려놨어요
(He continues to expect snacks when people show interest in him) I just put it there
(친구들에게도 인기 만점😎) 꽃 붙여놨다, 어떡해~
(He's also popular with his friends😎) Oh my goodness, he has a flower on his head!
(S/S 신상 봄옷 입었네?)
(You're wearing the S/S newest spring clothes!)
- 예쁘다 - 너무 예쁘다😍
- Beautiful - So beautiful😍
(지나가는 행인들 쓰러지게 만드는 멍꽃나무) 진짜 예쁘다 얘~
(A flower dog-tree that cause passersby to collapse) You're so pretty, boy!
네가 꽃이다 얘~🌸
You are the flower🌸
(자기 예뻐하는 거 알아서 기분 좋아짐)
(Feeling happy knowing they're praising him)
여기 보세요, 여기 x3
Look here, here x3
This way🙋♀️
(사진 찍고 있으면 다들 엄청 적극적으로 도와주신다) (대신 1장씩 찍어가심)
(Passerby actively help us when we're taking his picture) (And take a picture of Snow in return)
So pretty😍
He could become a model
(지나가는 행인들 마음 = 내 마음) 너무 귀여워, 미쳤다 진짜🤍
(Passerby's feelings = My feelings) So cute, this is insane🤍
하핫 얘는 우예 가마~히 있누?
How is he staying still?
(다들 가만히 있는 설이가 신기한가 보다..😁)
(Everyone seems to be surprised at Snow not moving..😁)
(보통 이걸 배경으로 사진 찍으려고 사람이 많은 곳)
(A place where there are usually a lot of people trying take pictures with this in the background)
- 강아지 사진 한 번만 찍어도 돼요? - 네😄
- Can I take a picture of your puppy? - Sure😄
너무 귀엽게 생겨서...
He looks so cute...
(⭐설이가 있는 곳이 곧 벚꽃 멍소⭐)
(⭐Snow is not the second to any cherry blossoms⭐)
너무 귀여워...
So cute...
Thank you🙏
(사진 찍으려면 육포 줘야 하는데..?)
(You need to give me beef jerky if you want to take a picture with me)
털이 너무 많다~
He has so much fur
(어르신들이 보기엔 털이 너무 많은 강아지ㅋㅋㅋ🤣)
(His fur is too much to the eye of elderly haha🤣)
여기 봐방~
Look here!
(설이 행동 하나하나에 쓰러지는 중💫)
(Collapsing at Snow's every behavior💫)
- (이거 없어도 예쁘지롱) - 아이구! 꽃 떨어졌네!
- (I'm still pretty without this) - Oops!
우와 인형 같아😍
Wow, he’s like a doll😍
(가만히 숨만 쉬고 있어도 인기 폭발이긴 해😎) 어떻게 이렇게 순한 표정이야?
(Just existing and breathing draw attention to himself😎) How can you be so gentle and calm?
(가만히 숨만 쉬고 있어도 인기 폭발이긴 해😎) 너무 귀엽다~
(Just existing and breathing draw attention to himself😎) So adorable!
- (저 사진 1장당 육포 1갠데...) - 표정이 너무 사랑스럽다
- (A jerky per picture…) - He looks so lovely
(어젠 그랬는데?🙄)
(That’s how it was yesterday🙄)
- 안녕~ - 귀여워!
- Hi - So cute!
(오늘은 간식 수입이 별로넴..😐)
(Not many treats are coming..😐)
어떡해, 꽃 달았어~
Oh my goodness, he got a flower!
(다들 벚꽃 보러 왔다가 멍꽃에 반하는 중😍) 사진 좀 찍어도 될까요?
(Everyone who came here for the blossoms fell in love with him😍) Could we take some pictures of him?
(다들 벚꽃 보러 왔다가 멍꽃에 반하는 중😍) 진짜 예쁘다~
(Everyone who came here for the blossoms fell in love with him😍) So pretty
어우 너무 귀여워~
Oh my, he’s so cute!
(엄마한테 사진 보내주려고 한 건데) 진짜 귀엽다, 너무 착해🤍
(I just wanted to take pictures for my mom) He’s so cute, so nice🤍
(어쩌다 보니 우리 동네 벚꽃 멍소ㅋㅋㅋ)
(It just sort of happened to be the dog photo spot in the neighborhood lol)
너무 착해😲 x2
So gentle😲 x2
멍멍이 사진 찍네?
People are taking pictures of the dog
- 이름이 뭐예요? - 설이요
- What’s his name? - It’s Snow
- 설이? - 네🙆♀️
- Snow? - Yes 🙆♀️
우리 아들 군대에 있는데 보내줘야겠다~
I should send this pic to my son serving in the military
어유 예뻐라~
He's so gorgeous
여기 좀 봐줘🙋♀️
Would you look over here? 🙋♀️
So beautiful
- (대써여?) - 감사합니다😁
- (Is that okay?) - Thank you😁
너무 예뻐서 1장만 더 찍고 갈게요
Could I take another picture? He’s so pretty
- 미모가 대단한데~? - (아 그건 맞는데..😏)
- He looks stunning - (That’s true..😏)
- (육포 안 준 사람은 1장만 찍을 수 있어요☝) - 아우 예뻐~ 세상에~
- (Only one pic is allowed to those who didn’t give me a treat☝️) - What a beautiful dog! Oh my goodness!
(너무너무 사랑스러운 멍꽃나무) 아우 예뻐라
(What a lovely doggy blossom tree) So cute
- 감사합니다 - 네~
- Thank you - Of course
(1년 365일 보고 싶다..🌸)
(Want to see him every day.. 🌸)
(저기여 사진 1장당 육포 1개인데 찍을래여?)
(A jerky for a pic, would you like that?)
(구독과 좋아요 눌러주실 거죠?)
(Please like and subscribe!)