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약사: 어서 오세요.
Pharmacist: Welcome.
어떻게 오셨어요?
Was bringt dich hierher?
What brings you here?
지훈: 소화제 좀 주세요.
Jihoon: Gib mir etwas Löschmittel.
Jihoon: Please give me an extinguishing agent.
약사: 뭐 잘못 드셨어요?
Apotheker: Was haben Sie falsch gegessen?
Pharmacist: Did you eat anything wrong?
지훈: 특별히 잘못 먹은 건 없는 것 같은데, 요즘 며칠 동안 계속 속이 불편해요.
|especially||||||||a few days||continuously|stomach|uncomfortable
Jihoon: I don't think I've eaten anything wrong, but I've been sick all these days.
밥을 안 먹어도 별로 배가 고프지 않고 밥을 먹고 나면 속이 답답해요.
|||not really||||||after||feels stuffy
Selbst wenn ich nichts esse, fühle ich mich nicht sehr hungrig, und nachdem ich gegessen habe, fühle ich mich stickig.
Even if you don't eat, you won't be hungry.
약사: 그러세요?
|I'm sorry, I made a mistake. The Korean word "그러세요" can be translated to "that's right" in this context.
Pharmacist: Is that so?
지훈: 네, 그리고 토할 것 같은 때도 있고 두통도 심해요.
|||feel like vomiting|||||headache|is severe
Jihoon: Ja, und es gibt Zeiten, in denen ich mich übergeben möchte und starke Kopfschmerzen habe.
Jihoon: Yes, and sometimes I will vomit and have a bad headache.
가끔 속이 쓰릴 때도 있어요.
Sometimes I feel bitter.
약사: 그럼, 약을 먹는 것보다는 병원에 가서 진찰을 받는 게 더 좋을 것 같은데요.
Apotheker: Nun, ich denke, es wäre besser, ins Krankenhaus zu gehen und einen Arzt aufzusuchen, als Medikamente zu nehmen.
Pharmacist: Then, I think it's better to go to the hospital to see a doctor than to take medicine.
지훈: 병원이요?
|the hospital
Jihoon: A hospital?
약사: 네, 위에 문제가 있어서 계속 불편한 것 같아요.
||above upper|problem|||uncomfortable||
Apotheker: Ja, ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Magen, deshalb fühle ich mich ständig unwohl.
Pharmacist: Yes, it seems that there is a problem above, so it keeps being uncomfortable.
지훈: 그래요?
Ji-hoon: Really?
그럼, 실례지만 이 근처에 병원이 있어요?
|excuse me|||hospital|
Then, excuse me, is there a hospital nearby?
약사: 네, 나가서 오른쪽으로 30m만 걸어가면 내과가 있으니까 한번 가 보세요.
|||to the right|just|walk|internal medicine||||
Apotheker: Ja, gehen Sie raus und gehen Sie 30m nach rechts, da ist eine Klinik für Innere Medizin.
Pharmacist: Yes, go out and walk 30m to the right.
지훈: 아, 네, 지금 가 봐야겠어요.
|||||have to go
Jihoon: Oh, ja, ich muss jetzt gehen.
Jihoon: Ah, yes, I have to go now.
Thank you.
약사: 아, 다시 오셨네요.
||again|you have come
Apotheker: Oh, Sie sind wieder da.
Pharmacist: Ah, you're back.
지훈: 네, 병원에 갔더니 위염이래요.
|||I went|has gastritis
Jihoon: Yes, when I went to the hospital, it said gastritis.
약사: 아이고, 앞으로 치료를 꾸준히 받으셔야겠어요.
|oh dear|in the future|treatment|consistently|will have to receive
Apotheker: Oh, ich muss mich jetzt weiter behandeln lassen.
Pharmacist: Aye, you should continue to receive treatment in the future.
지훈: 많이 신경 쓰고 조심해야죠, 뭐.
||nervous|to pay attention|need to be careful|
Jihoon: You have to be very careful and careful, well.
여기 처방전이요.
Here is a prescription.
약사: 네, 잠깐만 기다리세요.
Pharmacist: Yes, please wait.
약사: 김지훈 씨, 약 나왔습니다.
|Mr Kim Ji-hoon|||is out
Apotheker: Jihoon Kim, die Medizin ist aus.
Pharmacist: Mr. Jihoon Kim, there is medicine.
지훈: 네.
Jihoon: Yeah.
약사: 3일치인데 하루에 세 번, 식후 30분에 드시면 돼요.
|for three days||||after meal|||
Apotheker: Es ist eine 3-Tages-Versorgung, und Sie können es dreimal täglich 30 Minuten nach den Mahlzeiten einnehmen.
Pharmacist: It's 3 days, but you can eat it 3 times a day, 30 minutes after eating.
음식도 기름기가 많거나 자극적인 거 드시지 말고 부드러운 것만 드세요.
|greasy|a lot|stimulating||you eat||soft|only|
Essen Sie auch keine fettigen oder stark gewürzten Speisen und essen Sie nur weiche Speisen.
Don't eat foods that are greasy or spicy, just eat something soft.
치료 잘 받으시고 음식 조심하시면 금방 나을 테니까 너무 걱장하지 마세요.
treatment||receive||be careful|soon||||don't worry|
Do not worry too much if you take good care of the food and you will be well soon.
지훈: 네, 감사합니다.
Jihoon: Okay, thank you.
have a good day
Pass auf.
work hard.