7A: Family
7A: Familie
7A : Famille
7A: Сім'я
7A: Family
Det er mandag ettermiddag, og Ken, Anna, Maria og Peter er på norskkurs.
It|is|Monday|afternoon|and|Ken|Anna|Maria|and|Peter|are|at|Norwegian course
It is Monday afternoon, and Ken, Anna, Maria, and Peter are at a Norwegian course.
De har gått på kurs i snart seks uker og har lært mange ord og mye grammatikk.
They have been attending the course for almost six weeks and have learned many words and a lot of grammar.
Nå skal de ha muntlig trening i grupper, og Ken og Anna sitter sammen med Li fra Kina og Marinela fra Romania.
Now they are going to have oral training in groups, and Ken and Anna are sitting together with Li from China and Marinela from Romania.
Temaet i dag er familie.
The topic|today|is||family
The theme today is family.
Ken: Vil du begynne, Marinela?
Ken: Would you like to start, Marinela?
Marinela: Greit.
Marinela: Sure.
Familien min er ganske stor.
The family|my|is|quite|large
My family is quite large.
Jeg har far, mor og fire søsken: Tre brødre og ei søster.
I have a father, a mother, and four siblings: three brothers and one sister.
Søstera mi er ingeniør.
My sister|my|is|engineer
My sister is an engineer.
Hun er gift og har en sønn og ei datter.
She is married and has a son and a daughter.
Dattera hennes er bare ett år, og sønnen er tre.
Her daughter|her|is|only|one|year|and|son||three
Her daughter is only one year old, and her son is three.
Brødrene mine studerer ennå, så de bor hjemme.
The brothers|my|study|still|so|they|live|at home
My brothers are still studying, so they live at home.
Hva med deg, Ken?
What about you, Ken?
Har du stor familie?
Do you have a big family?
K: Nei, jeg har ganske liten familie.
K: No, I have a quite small family.
Jeg er enebarn, men jeg har to tanter, en onkel og fire søskenbarn som jeg har mye kontakt med.
||enfant unique||||||||||||||||
I|am|only child|but|I|have|two|aunts|one|uncle|and|four|cousins|who|I|have|a lot of|contact|with
I am an only child, but I have two aunts, an uncle, and four cousins that I am in close contact with.
Og foreldrene mine, selvfølgelig.
And|my parents|my|of course
And my parents, of course.
De er skilt.
They are divorced.
Mora mi har giftet seg igjen, så nå har jeg en stefar.
My mother|has|has|married|herself|again|so|now|has|I|a|stepfather
My mom has remarried, so now I have a stepfather.
Jeg har farmor og farfar også.
I|have|paternal grandmother|and|paternal grandfather|also
I have a grandmother and grandfather too.
Mormora og morfaren min døde dessverre for lenge siden.
My grandmother|and|grandfather|my|died|unfortunately|for|long|ago
My maternal grandmother and grandfather unfortunately passed away a long time ago.
Og du Anna, er familien din stor?
And you Anna, is your family big?
Anna: Nei, ikke så stor, jeg har en lillebror som er 15 år.
|No|not|that|big|I|have|a|younger brother|who|is|years
Anna: No, not that big, I have a little brother who is 15 years old.
Jeg har to onkler og ei tante, men jeg har ikke søskenbarn.
I have two uncles and one aunt, but I don't have any cousins.
Jeg har fire besteforeldre, og jeg har også ei oldemor.
I have four grandparents, and I also have a great-grandmother.
Hun er veldig gammel, snart 90 år.
She is very old, almost 90 years.
Til slutt forteller Li også litt om familien som bor i Kina, men tiden har gått fort, og timen er over.
At|the end|tells|Li|also|a little|about|the family|that|lives|in|China|but|time|has|gone|fast|and|the class|is|over
Finally, Li also tells a little about the family that lives in China, but time has gone quickly, and the class is over.
Lekse til neste gang er å skrive et essay om familien.
The homework for next time is to write an essay about the family.
Li drar hjem til hybelen.
Li|drives|home|to|the dorm
Li goes home to the dorm.
Hun ser på bilder av familien i et album som mora hennes ga henne før hun reiste til Norge.
She is looking at pictures of the family in an album that her mother gave her before she traveled to Norway.
Hun begynner å skrive:
She starts to write:
«I dette essayet skal jeg fortelle litt om familien min i Kina.
I|this|essay|shall|I|tell|a little|about|family|my|in|China
"In this essay, I will tell a little about my family in China.
Foreldrene mine bor i Beijing sammen med bestemora mi.
My parents|my|live|in|Beijing|together|with|grandmother|my
My parents live in Beijing together with my grandmother.
Begge foreldrene mine er lærere, men faren min jobber ikke nå.
Both of my parents are teachers, but my father is not working right now.
Han er pensjonist.
He|is|retired person
He is a retiree.
Jeg har en bror som er 30 år gammel.
I have a brother who is 30 years old.
Han er gift og har ett barn, en liten gutt.
He is married and has one child, a little boy.
Både broren min og kona hans jobber i et IT-firma i Beijing.
Both my brother and his wife work at an IT company in Beijing.
Sønnen deres går i barnehagen.
The son|your|goes|in|the kindergarten
Their son is in kindergarten.
Jeg er veldig glad i nevøen min.
I really love my nephew.
Han er kjempesøt!
He|is|super cute
He is super cute!
:-) »
:-) »
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