4º Poema: A criança, de Os Escravos, de Castro Alves
4th Poem: The Child, from Os Escravos, by Castro Alves
A cruz da estrada
the cross of the road
Invideo quia quiescunt.
I envy|"because"|are at peace
Invideo quia quiescunt.
Luther (Worms)|Diet of Worms
Tu que passas, descobre-te!
||pass by|discover yourself|
You who pass, discover yourself!
Ali dorme
|Ali sleeps.
There sleeps
O forte que morreu.
The strong that died.
|A. Herculano (Trans.)|(Trans.)
Caminheiro que passas pela estrada,
Walker passing along the road,
Seguindo pelo rumo do sertão,
Following the direction of the hinterland,
Quando vires a cruz abandonada,
When you see the abandoned cross,
Deixa-a em paz dormir na solidão.
Leave her alone to sleep in solitude.
Que vale o ramo do alecrim cheiroso
|||||rosemary branch|fragrant
What is the fragrant rosemary branch worth?
Que lhe atiras nos braços ao passar?
||throw|in our|arms||passing
What do you throw in your arms as you pass?
Vais espantar o bando buliçoso
|scare away||noisy group|boisterous
You will scare away the boisterous bunch
Das borboletas, que lá vão pousar.
Of the butterflies, which will land there.
É de um escravo humilde sepultura,
||||humble|humble slave's grave
It's from a humble grave slave,
Foi-lhe a vida o velar de insônia atroz.
|||||keeping vigil over||sleeplessness|cruel
It was his life to wake up to atrocious insomnia.
Deixa-o dormir no leito de verdura,
Let him sleep on the bed of greenery,
Que o Senhor dentre as selvas lhe compôs.
|||"from among"||forests||composed for him
Which the Lord from among the jungles composed for you.
Não precisa de ti.
It doesn't need you.
O gaturamo
|The gaturamo
the gaturamo
Geme, por ele, à tarde, no sertão.
He groans for him in the afternoon in the backlands.
E a juriti, do taquaral no ramo,
||turtledove||bamboo grove||
And the juriti, from the bamboo grove in the branch,
Povoa, soluçando, a solidão.
Sobbing, solitude populates.
Dentre os braços da cruz, a parasita,
Among the arms of the cross, the parasite,
Num abraço de flores, se prendeu.
|embrace||||got caught
In an embrace of flowers, she held herself.
Chora orvalhos a grama, que palpita;
The grass that throbs weeps dews;
Lhe acende o vaga-lume o facho seu.
|lights up|||firefly||beam|
His firefly lights his torch.
Quando, à noite, o silêncio habita as matas,
When, at night, silence inhabits the woods,
A sepultura fala a sós com Deus.
The grave speaks alone with God.
Prende-se a voz na boca das cascatas,
Gets caught|||||mouth||waterfalls
The voice is trapped in the mouth of the waterfalls,
E as asas de ouro aos astros lá nos céus.
And golden wings to the stars in the heavens.
do escravo desgraçado
of the wretched slave
O sono agora mesmo começou!
Sleep has just begun!
Não lhe toques no leito de noivado,
||touch||||engagement bed
Don't touch her on her engagement bed,
Há pouco a liberdade o desposou.
Freedom has just married him.