1-7 - Kristina sa ponáhľa - YouTube
1-7 - Kristina ist in Eile - YouTube
1-7 - Kristina is in a hurry - YouTube
1-7 - Kristina się spieszy - YouTube
1-7 - Кристина торопится - YouTube
1-7 - Крістіна поспішає - YouTube
Anna, nevieš, koľko je hodín?
Anna, do you know what time it is?
Je osem tridsať. Prečo? Kam sa tak ponáhľaš?
It's eight thirty. Why? What's your hurry?
Musím ísť do školy, o chvíľu mám prednášku.
I have to go to school, I have a lecture in a little while.
O deviatej? Nie popoludní?
|at nine||in the afternoon
Nine o'clock? Not in the afternoon?
Nie, je zmena v rozvrhu.
No, there is a change in the schedule.
Ako dlho máš dnes školu?
How long have you had school today?
Dnes mám len tri prednášky. A popoludní mám voľno.
||only||lectures||afternoon||free time
I have only three lectures today. And I have the afternoon off.
To je super, môžeme ísť do mesta.
That's great, we can go to town.
Dobre, ale najneskôr do piatej musím byť späť.
||at the latest||fifth|||back
Okay, but I have to be back by five at the latest.
Výborne. Kedy sa tu stretneme? Tak o druhej? Alebo o pol tretej?
Excellent|when|||meet|||two o'clock||||
Well done. When will we meet here? About two o'clock? Or half past three?
Radšej okolo druhej. Chcem mať viac času.
|around|||to have|more|time
Better be around two. I want to have more time.