NAVIKE NAJUSPEŠNIJIH ljudi || Kako završavam svoj dan
|of the most successful|||I finish||
最成功人士的習慣 ||我如何結束我的一天
Dragi moji, dobro mi došli. Ja sam Slavica i ovo je moj
YouTube kanal.
Svakog četvrtka ovde možete da nađete interesantne i veoma korisne
savete za ispunjen i predivan,
tips for fulfilling and wonderful,
uspešan život.
Danas želim da pričam o večernjim ritualima
i to želim da pričam o mojim večernjim ritualima.
Kako u stvari ja završavam veče.
How I actually end the evening.
I to može da vam bude korisno zato što ima unutra
And it can be useful to you because it's inside
nekih vežbi, stvari koje ja stalno radim,
some exercises, things I do all the time,
a koje mogu i vama da učine život
and which can make your life as well
uspešnijim i produktivnijim.
more successful||more productive
Vi znate da ja ustajem rano i zbog toga
oko šest sati uveče, ja se polako gasim.
||||||slowly|I am fading
around six o'clock in the evening, I slowly shut down.
i to je momenat u kom prestajem da radim bilo šta što je stvarno
|||moment|||I stop|||||||
and that's the moment I stop doing anything real
važno za moj uspeh, osim
important to my success, except
ako imam neku večernju radionicu,
if I have an evening workshop,
ali na to se drugačije pripremam
but I prepare differently for that
Znači, za to se pripremam i to nije nešto što se dešava često.
So, I prepare for that and it is not something that happens often.
U šest ja polako skupljam svoje stvari
||||I gather||
At six, I slowly gather my things
i napuštam moju kancelariju
and leaving my office
i odlazim sa psima u šetnju.
and I go for a walk with the dogs.
Večernja šetnja je za mene blagoslov.
Daje mi prostora da dišem, da razmišljam
It gives me space to breathe, to think
Da sumiram dan i da
|I summarize|||
To sum up the day and yes
jednostavno dobijem taj osećaj da sam danas
I just get that feeling that I am today
pobedila, da sam uradila ono što
I won|||||
won, that I did what I did
me vodi korak bliže ostvarenju neke stvari
takes me one step closer to accomplishing something
koje sam za sebe planirala.
Ponekad je Milan sa nama u šetnji, a ponekad nije.
Sometimes Milan is with us for a walk, and sometimes not.
Kada sam sama, ja to sumiram u svojoj glavi
When I'm alone, I sum it up in my head
kada smo zajedno, onda
when we are together, then
mi on priča kakav je bio njegov dan,
he tells me how his day was,
ja njemu kakav je bio moj dan
I told him how my day was
Ali puno toga ostavimo za večeru.
|||we leave||
But let's leave a lot for dinner.
Ja redovno
Me regularly
imam vreme kada jedem. Ja jedem
I have time when I eat. I am eating
doručak, ručak i večeru kad god mogu u isto vreme
breakfast, lunch and dinner whenever possible at the same time
i večerem obično u pola sedam
|I have dinner||||
and dinner usually at half past seven
pola sedam - sedam, Milan i ja se već spremamo za večeru
||||||||are getting ready||
half past seven - seven, Milan and I are already getting ready for dinner
Ako ne može da stigne u šetnju, Milan je obično tu
If he can't make it to the walk, Milan is usually there
da večeramo zajedno, jer
to have dinner together, because
mi večeri damo vremena
we give time to the evening
i pričamo dok večeramo
and we talk while we eat dinner
o danu, o tome šta smo radili, šta planiramo
||||||||we plan
about the day, about what we did, what we are planning
šta bismo mogli drugačije i tako dalje.
what we could do differently and so on.
Jedna od veoma korisnih stvari, koju
One of the very useful things that
želim da podelim sa vama, a koja je zaista na neki način
I want to share with you, which is really in a way
postala moj ritual je,
became my ritual,
bilo da sam s Milanom ili da sam sama,
whether I'm with Milan or alone,
ja razmislim šta je u toku dana
|||||of the course|
I think about what's going on during the day
bilo nešto što mi se nije dopalo?
was there anything i didn't like?
Šta je nešto što sam uradila, a što sam mogla da uradim drugačije?
Znači, potražim u toku dana nešto što je
So, I look for something during the day
za korekciju, što bih volela da je bilo bolje.
for correction, which I wish was better.
I onda razmišljam, koja su to tri načina,
na koje sam mogla da odreagujem
to which I could react
a da bi mi se više dopalo da bi bilo, nekako,
and in order to like it more, it would be, somehow,
elegantnije, inteligentnije, suptilnije,
more elegant|more intelligently|more subtly
da bi nekako predstavljalo napredak za mene.
that it would somehow represent progress for me.
I onda kada sam sama, ja zapišem ta tri
And then when I'm alone, I write those three down
a kada nisam, ja onda pričam sa Milanom.
and when I'm not, I talk to Milan.
"Mogla sam da uradim to, a mogla sam da uradim i to, to i to..."
"I could do that, and I could do that, and that, and that..."
i kada, u stvari, smislim tri nova načina
and when, in fact, I think of three new ways
da reagujem na nešto što sam odreagovala
|I react|||||reacted
to react to something that I reacted to
neadekvatno ili na način koji mi se ne dopada,
inadequately or in a way that I do not like,
ili da uradim nešto
neke tri stvari druge, nego što sam uradila, a nije mi se dopalo
some three other things than I did, and I didn't like it
ja prosto osećam kako razvijam svoju fleksibilnost
||||I am developing||flexibility
I just feel myself developing my flexibility
i sledeći put kada dođe slična situacija
and the next time a similar situation arises
ja dobijem, prosto, kao mogućnost izbora
||||possibility|of choice
I get, simply, as a choice
znači, ne odreagujem samo
so, I don't just react
Nego: "Aha, imam mogućnost da uradim to, to ili to"
Rather: "Yeah, I have the ability to do this, that or that"
Nije kao: "Ja sam takva, pa uvek uradim tako, pa..."
It's not like, "I'm like that, so I always do that, so..."
"Šta da radim, nije dobro, ali eto, to je to".
"What should I do, it's not good, but that's it."
Nego, ja razvijam fleksibilnost.
Instead, I develop flexibility.
I postajem sve bolja i bolja. I to zaista
|am becoming||||better|||
And I keep getting better and better. And really
puno znači. Predlažem i vama da isprobate.
it means a lot. I suggest you try it too.
Znači, ovo je stvarno super, super
dobra tehnika za probati
i to ne da probate ponekad, nego kad god osetite da
|||||||||you feel|
and not to try sometimes, but whenever you feel like it
nešto što ste uradili, nije to što
something you did, not what
možete najbolje da uradite
you can do the best
Tako da
ovo je možda nešto najbolje što možete da ponesete za sebe
this may be the best thing you can take with you
iz ovih večernjih rituala.
from these evening rituals.
I naravno ima tu puno stvari koje Milan i ja
And of course there are a lot of things that Milan and I have
radimo, razgovaramo, uglavnom je
to razgovor i
uglavnom, najvažnija stvar za nas je
|the most important||||
mostly, the most important thing for us is
i u večernjem ritualu
da se više bavimo kreiranjem, a manje da konzumiramo.
|||we engage in|creating||||consume
to create more and consume less.
I ako pogledamo nešto na televiziji,
onda gledamo da to bude nešto što doprinosi našem učenju
then we look to make it something that contributes to our learning
doprinosi našoj fleksibilnosti
doprinosi na neki način onome što
contributes in some way to what
svakodnevno radimo i
za šta živimo i ciljevima ka kojima idemo.
what we live for and the goals we are going towards.
A ono sa čim ja ležem,
|||what||lie down
And what I lie with
možda može i vama da bude korisno.
maybe it can be useful for you too.
Ja imam neke svoje omiljene meditacije
I have some favorite meditations
i godinama se bavim time
and I've been doing it for years
istražujem, sakupljam i tako dalje
I explore|I collect|||
i poslušala sam savet jednog ruskog naučnika koji
|I followed||||Russian|scientist|
and I followed the advice of a Russian scientist who
kaže da je najbolje da snimimo svoj glas
says it's best to record our voice
i da je sasvim ok, da je vrlo efektno, čak i kada
and that it's perfectly fine, that it's very effective, even when
zaspimo, a meditacija ide dalje.
we fall asleep||meditation||
we fall asleep, and the meditation continues.
Tako da ja pred samo spavanje
So I just go to sleep
imam bluetooth slušalice i stavim ih
|Bluetooth|headphones||I put|
i pustim sebi meditaciju koju sam snimila
|I allow||meditation|||recorded
and I play the meditation I recorded
svojim glasom,
with your voice,
Ja imam različite meditacije, zavisno od teme
I have different meditations, depending on the topic
i onoga na čemu trenutno radim, u čemu želim da
and what I'm currently working on, what I want to do
da postanem bolja
to become better
ja imam takve meditacije, koje sam sama za sebe smislila,
|||||||||thought of
I have such meditations, which I came up with for myself,
a vama predlažem da i vi to malo istražite,
and I suggest you do a little research on it too,
napišete i onda lepo snimite na telefon,
you write and then record it nicely on your phone,
i pustite sebi uveče pred spavanje
and let yourself go in the evening before going to bed
i ako zaspite, nema veze, ali prosto
and if you fall asleep, it doesn't matter, but simple
ali dajete svom sistemu
but you give your system
dajete program da
napredujete u pravcu u kom želite da napredujete
you advance|||||||advance
you progress in the direction you want to progress
i to se pokazalo kao nešto što je stvarno,
and it turned out to be something that was real,
veoma korisno i taj
very useful and that
doktor, ruski naučnik, je uradio nekih
a doctor, a Russian scientist, has done some
nekih pet doktorata je napisao na tu temu
he wrote some five doctorates on the subject
tako da vam predlažem da to uradite. To je nauka, to nije
so i suggest you do it. It's science, it's not
nešto što sam ja izmislila, nego prosto
something that I invented, but simple
naučila usput
|along the way
i mnogo mi prija i mnogo mi znači.
|||it pleases||||
and it pleases me a lot and means a lot to me.
A ono što bih jako volela da
And what I would really like to do
vam kažem je
I tell you
jednostavno je važno da
it is simply important that
imate rituale, jer
dobri rituali, čine naš život
produktivnim i čine naš život nekako
productive and make our life somehow
da sa manje napora
yes with less effort
ako imamo dobre rituale, koji nas vode ka uspehu
if we have good rituals, which lead us to success
mi sa manje napora postižemo
we achieve with less effort
mnogo više nego ljudi koji troše
much more than people who spend
svoj život na stvari koje su
možda, loše navike ili loši rituali.
perhaps, bad habits or bad rituals.
Budite veoma pažljivi u vezi sa tim
Be very careful about it
kakve rituale imate, kakve navike imate
what rituals do you have, what habits do you have
i prekontrolište: vode li vas
and checkpoint: are they leading you
te navike koje vi imate
those habits you have
u život kakav želite da ostvarite ili vas vode u suprotnom pravcu
into the life you want to achieve or lead you in the opposite direction
To je najvažnije da proverite.
That's the most important thing to check.
Ako vam je ovo bilo korisno, pritisnite LIKE
i možda podelite sa nekim kome takođe
želite ispunjen i srećan život
i mi se vidimo sledećeg četvrtka, ako ste pritisnuli
zvonce i SUBSCRIBE dobićete informaciju
|||you will receive|information
i pišite mi dole koje biste teme voleli da
ovde obradim, šta biste voleli da saznate od mene
|I handle|||||find out||
šta je nekako za vas interesantno
pogledajte i druge moje videe i vidimo se
look at|||||||
sledećeg četvrtka.
Sve vas pozdravljam!
||I greet