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Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni, 2.18. Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni - Dobijeva nagrada

2.18. Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni - Dobijeva nagrada

18. Dobijeva nagrada Dok su Hari, Ron, Džini i Lokhart stajali na pragu, prekriveni prljavštinom i muljem i (u Harijevom slučaju) krvlju, za trenutak zavlada tajac. A onda se začu vrisak. – Džini! Bila je to gospođa Vizli, koja je uplakana sedela ispred kamina. Skočila je na noge, u stopu praćena gospodinom Vizlijem, i oboje pritrčaše svojoj kćeri. Hari je, međutim, gledao pored njih. Profesor Dambldor je stajao kraj kamina, smeškajući se, odmah pored profesorke Mek Gonagal, koja je duboko, čvrsto uzdisala držeći se za grudi. Foks uz fijuk prolete pored Harijevog uva i namesti se na Dambldorovom ramenu, baš kada se Hari i Ron nađoše u čvrstom zagrljaju gospođe Vizli. – Spasili ste je! Spasili ste je! Kako ste uspeli? – Mislim da bismo svi to voleli da saznamo – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal slabašno. Gospođa Vizli pusti Harija, koji je za trenutak oklevao, a onda priđe stolu i spusti na njega Šešir za razvrstavanje, mač obložen rubinima i ono što je ostalo od Ridlovog dnevnika. Onda poče da im priča sve redom. Skoro četvrt sata je govorio u ushićenoj tišini: ispričao im je kako je čuo bestelesni glas, kako je Hermiona najzad shvatila da je to što je on čuo bio Bazilisk u cevima; kako su on i Ron pratili paukove do šume, kako im je Aragog rekao gde je umrla poslednja Baziliskova žrtva; kako je on pogodio da je žrtva bila Jecajuća Mirta, i da bi ulaz u Dvoranu tajni mogao da bude u njenom kupatilu... – Vrlo dobro – podstaknu ga profesorka Mek Gonagal, kada je zastao – znači našli ste gde je ulaz... pride kršeći stotinak školskih pravila, ako smem da primetim... ali kako ste za ime sveta odande izašli živi, Poteru? I tako Hari, čiji je glas već postajao promukao od silnog pričanja, ispriča kako je Foks stigao u pravi čas, i kako mu je Šešir za razvrstavanje dao mač. Ali onda se zaustavi. Dotad je izbegavao da pomene Ridlov dnevnik – i Džini. Ona je stajala glave naslonjene na rame gospođe Vizli, a suze su joj tiho tekle niz obraze. Šta ako je izbace, pomisli Hari uplašeno. Ridlov dnevnik više ne funkcioniše... Kako bi mogli da dokažu ko ju je naterao na sve to? Instinktivno, Hari pogleda u Dambldora, koji se bledo nasmeši, dok su mu se naočari u obliku polumeseca presijavale pri svetlosti vatre. – Mene najviše zanima – blago reče Dambldor – kako je Lord Voldemor uspeo da začara Džini, kada moji izvori kažu da se on trenutno krije u šumama Albanije. Hari oseti olakšanje – toplo, nadiruće, blistavo olakšanje. – Š-šta rekoste? – reče gospođa Vizli zapanjenim glasom. – Znate-Već-Ko? Zazačarao Džini? Džini nije... Džini nije bila... zar jeste? – Bio je to ovaj dnevnik – reče Hari brzo, podižući ga i pokazujući ga Dambldoru. – Ridl ga je vodio kad je imao šesnaest godina. Dambldor uze dnevnik od Harija i pomno stade da viri u njegove nagorele i vlažne stranice preko svog dugačkog, povijenog nosa. – Sjajno – reče on blago. – Naravno, on je verovatno najbolji učenik kojeg je Hogvorts ikada imao. – On se okrenu ka Vizlijevima, koji su izgledali potpuno izbezumljeno. – Samo nekoliko ljudi zna da se Lord Voldemor nekada zvao Tom Ridl. Ja sam mu lično predavao, pre pedeset godina, na Hogvortsu. Nestao je pošto je završio školu... putovao je daleko, duboko zabrazdio u Mračne veštine družeći se s najgorima iz naše vrste, prošao kroz mnoge opasne magijske preobražaje te, kada se ponovo pojavio kao Lord Voldemor, jedva da je iko mogao da ga prepozna. Gotovo niko nije povezao Lorda Voldemora s pametnim, lepim momčićem koji je ovde nekada bio glavešina dečaka. – Ali Džini – reče gospođa Vizli – kakve veze ima naša Džini sa... sa... njim? – Njegov d-dnevnik! – jecala je Džini. – Ja s-sam pisala u njemu, i on mi je ototpisivao, cele školske godine... – Džini! – reče gospodin Vizli zapanjeno. – Zar te ništa nisam naučio? Šta sam ti uvek govorio? Nikad ne veruj ničemu što može da misli ukoliko ne vidiš odakle mu pamet. Zašto nisi pokazala dnevnik meni, ili svojoj majci? Tako sumnjiv predmet, bilo je očigledno da je pun Mračne magije! – Ja n-nisam znala – jecala je Džini. – Našla sam ga među knjigama koje mi je mama kupila. M-mislila sam da ga je neko prosto ostavio tamo i zaboravio na njega... – Gospođica Vizli treba odmah da ode u bolničko krilo – prekinu ih Dambldor odlučnim glasom. – Ovo je za nju bilo strašno iskustvo. Neće biti nikakve kazne. Lord Voldemor je prevario mnoge starije i mudrije čarobnjake od nje. – On krupnim koracima dođe do vrata i otvori ih. – Odmor u krevetu i možda velika šolja tople čokolade koja se puši. Mene to uvek oraspoloži – dodade on ljubazno, trepćući ka njoj. – Zateći ćete Madam Pomfri još budnu. Baš daje sokove od mandragore – ako smem da primetim, Baziliskove žrtve će se probuditi svakog časa. – Znači da je Hermiona dobro! – reče Ron veselo. – Nije naneta nikakva trajna šteta – reče Dambldor. Gospođa Vizli izvede Džini napolje, praćena gospodinom Vizlijem, koji je još uvek izgledao duboko potresen. – Znaš, Minerva – reče profesor Dambldor zamišljeno profesorki Mek Gonagal – mislim da sve ovo zaslužuje jednu dobru gozbu. Mogu li da te zamolim da odeš i obavestiš kuhinje? – U redu – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal žustro, takođe se krećući ka vratima. – Ostaviću vas, onda, da se pozabavite Poterom i Vizlijem. – Naravno – reče Dambldor. Ona izađe, a Hari i Ron se nesigurno zagledaše u Dambldora. Šta je tačno profesorka Mek Gonagal podrazumevala pod tim da se pozabavi njima? Neće valjda... neće valjda biti kažnjeni? – Čini mi se da sam rekao obojici da ću morati da vas izbacim ako prekršite makar još jedno školsko pravilo – reče Dambldor. Ron od straha razjapi usta. – Što nam pokazuje da i najbolji među nama nekad moraju da progutaju svoje reči – nastavi Dambldor, smešeći se. – Obojica ćete dobiti Priznanja za poseban doprinos školi i – da vidim – da, biće da je tako, dvesta poena svakom ponaosob, za Grifindor. Ron postade svetloružičast kao Lokhartovi cvetovi za Dan zaljubljenih, i napokon zatvori usta. – Ali izgleda da je neko od nas veoma ćutljiv spram svog učešća u ovoj opasnoj avanturi – dodade Dambldor. – Što si tako skroman, Gilderoje? Hari se trgnu. Potpuno je zaboravio na Lokharta. Okrenu se i vide Lokharta kako stoji u ćošku sobe, još uvek se nejasno smešeći. Kada mu se Dambldor obratio, Lokhart se osvrnu preko ramena da vidi kome se ovaj obraća. – Profesore Dambldor – reče Ron brzo – desila se nesreća dole u Dvorani tajni. Profesor Lokhart... – Da li sam ja profesor? – upita Lokhart blago iznenađen. – Gospode. Pretpostavljam da sam bio očajan, zar ne? – Pokušao je da baci Memorijske čini na nas, a štap je opalio unazad – objasni Ron tiho Dambldoru. – Blagi bože – reče Dambldor vrteći glavom, a dugi srebrni brkovi mu zadrhtaše. – Pao si od sopstvenog mača, Gilderoje! – Mača? – reče Lokhart nejasno. – Nemam mač. Ali, ovaj dečak ima. – On pokaza na Harija. – Može da vam ga pozajmi. – Da li bi mogao da odvedeš i profesora Lokharta gore u bolničko krilo? – upita Dambldor Rona. – Voleo bih još malo da popričam s Harijem... Lokhart smeteno izađe napolje. Dok je zatvarao vrata Ron radoznalo baci pogled na Dambldora i Harija. Dambldor pređe u jednu od stolica pored vatre. – Sedi, Hari – reče, i Hari sede, osećajući se neuobičajeno nervozno. – Pre svega, Hari, hoću da ti se zahvalim – reče Dambldor, a oči mu ponovo zasjaše. – Mora da si pokazao veliku odanost prema meni dole u Dvorani. Samo to je moglo Foksa da prizove tebi. On pomazi Feniksa, koji mu beše sleteo u krilo. Hari se nespretno nasmeši dok ga je Dambldor posmatrao. – Znači, upoznao si Toma Ridla – reče Dambldor zamišljeno. – Pretpostavljam da je bio veoma zainteresovan za tebe... Odjednom, Hariju sâmo izlete iz usta nešto što ga je mučilo. – Profesore Dambldor... Ridl je rekao da sam ja kao on. Čudnovata sličnost, rekao je... – To je rekao, je li? – reče Dambldor, gledajući zamišljeno u Harija ispod svojih gustih srebrnih obrva. – A šta ti misliš, Hari? – Ja ne mislim da sam kao on! – reče Hari glasnije nego što je nameravao. – Mislim, ja... ja sam u Grifindoru, ja sam... Ali on ućuta, dok mu se u umu javljala potajna sumnja. – Profesore – poče on ponovo, posle par trenutaka – Šešir za razvrstavanje mi je rekao da bih ja... da bih dobro prošao u Sliterinu. Neko vreme su svi mislili da sam ja Sliterinov naslednik... zato što govorim nemuštim jezikom... – Ti umeš da govoriš nemuštim jezikom, Hari – reče Dambldor mirno – zato što i Lord Voldemor, koji je poslednji preostali potomak Salazara Sliterina, govori nemuštim jezikom. Ukoliko ne grešim mnogo, one noći kada ti je napravio taj ožiljak on je preneo na tebe neke svoje moći. Naravno, siguran sam da mu to nije bila namera... – Voldemor je preneo deo sebe u mene? – reče Hari, kao gromom pogođen. – Tako mi se čini. – Znači da bi ipak trebalo da budem u Sliterinu – reče Hari, s očajanjem gledajući Dambldora u lice. – Šešir za razvrstavanje mogao je da vidi Sliterinovu moć u meni, i on... – ...te je stavio u Grifindor – ubaci se Dambldor mirno. – Slušaj me, Hari. Ti imaš mnoge moći koje je Salazar Sliterin visoko cenio kod svojih izabranih učenika: njegov lični, vrlo redak dar nemuštog jezika... snalažljivost... odlučnost... izvesno nepokoravanje pravilima – dodade on, a brkovi mu ponovo zatitraše od smeška. – Ipak, Šešir za razvrstavanje te je stavio u Grifindor. Ti i sam znaš zbog čega. Razmisli. – Stavio me je u Grifindor samo zato – reče Hari poraženim glasom – što sam molio da ne idem u Sliterin... – Tačno tako – reče Dambldor, ponovo se nacerivši. – Po čemu se veoma razlikuješ od Toma Ridla. Odluke koje donosimo, Hari, jesu te koje pokazuju šta smo mi zapravo, mnogo više no same naše sposobnosti. – Hari je nepokretno sedeo na stolici, ošamućen. – Hari, ako hoćeš dokaz da spadaš u Grifindor, predlažem ti da pažljivije pogledaš ovo. Dambldor posegnu preko stola profesorke Mek Gonagal, podiže krvlju umrljan srebrni mač, i dodade ga Hariju. Hari ga okrenu, zbunjeno, dok su se rubini caklili na svetlosti vatre. A onda vide ime ugravirano tik ispod balčaka. Godrik Grifindor. – Samo pravi grifindorac može da ga izvuče iz Šešira, Hari – reče Dambldor kratko. Za trenutak su obojica ćutala. Onda Dambldor otvori jednu od fioka u stolu profesorke Mek Gonagal, i uze pero i bočicu s mastilom. – Sad ti je najpotrebnije da se najedeš i naspavaš, Hari. Predlažem ti da odeš dole na gozbu, dok ja pošaljem pismo u Askaban – treba da nam vrate našeg čuvara imanja. I moram da sastavim oglas za Dnevni prorok – dodade on zamišljeno. – Trebaće nam novi nastavnik Odbrane od Mračnih veština. Blagi bože, izgleda da ih baš brzo trošimo, zar ne? Hari ustade i priđe vratima. Međutim, baš kad je posegao za kvakom, ona se naglo otvoriše, takvom silinom da su odskočila o zid. Na vratima je stajao Lucijus Melfoj, gnevnog izraza lica. A krijući se ispod njegove ruke, sav uvijen u zavoje, nalazio se Dobi. – Dobro veče, Lucijuse – reče Dambldor ljubazno. Gospodin Melfoj gotovo obori Harija kad ulete u sobu. Dobi utrča za njim, čučeći pored ruba njegovog ogrtača, s izrazom poniznog straha na licu. – Tako dakle! – reče Lucijus Melfoj, a njegove hladne oči bile su uprte u Dambldora. – Vratio si se. Nadzornici su te suspendovali, ali ti si uprkos tome našao za shodno da se vratiš na Hogvorts. – Pa, vidiš, Lucijuse – reče Dambldor spokojno se smeškajući – ostalih jedanaest nadzornika danas me je kontaktiralo. Pravo da ti kažem, bilo mi je kao da sam se zatekao u oluji sova. Čuli su da je kćerka Artura Vizlija ubijena, i hteli su da se smesta vratim ovamo. Izgleda da misle kako sam ja ipak najpodesnija osoba za ovaj posao. Takođe su mi ispričali i vrlo čudne priče. Nekoliko njih je, izgleda, pomislilo da si im zapretio da ćeš baciti kletve na njihove porodice ukoliko se ne saglase da me suspenduju. Gospodin Melfoj postade još bleđi nego inače, ali su mu oči i dalje bile skupljene od besa. – Pa... da li si uspeo da zaustaviš napade? – podrugljivo se nasmeja. – Da li ste uhvatili krivca? – Jesmo – reče Dambldor, uz osmeh. – Pa? – reče gospodin Melfoj oštro. – Ko je u pitanju? – Ista osoba koja je bila i prošli put, Lucijuse – reče Dambldor. – Ali ovoga puta Lord Voldemor je delao preko nekoga drugog. Posredstvom ovog dnevnika. On podiže malu crnu knjigu s velikom rupom u sredini, gledajući pomno u gospodina Melfoja. Hari je, međutim, posmatrao Dobija. Vilenjak je radio nešto vrlo čudno. Njegove velike oči bile su značajno prikovane za Harija, stalno je pokazivao čas u dnevnik čas u gospodina Melfoja, a onda bi pesnicom jako udarao sebe po glavi. – Shvatam... – reče gospodin Melfoj polako Dambldoru. – Pametan plan – reče Dambldor ravnim glasom, još uvek zureći pravo u oči gospodina Melfoja. – Jer da Hari... – gospodin Melfoj ga prostreli brzim, oštrim pogledom – i njegov prijatelj Ron nisu otkrili ovu knjigu, pa... Džini Vizli bi morala da snosi svu krivicu. Niko nikada ne bi mogao da dokaže da ona nije izvodila napade svojevoljno... Gospodin Melfoj ništa ne reče. Lice mu odjednom postade kao maska. – I zamisli – nastavi Dambldor – šta bi se onda možda dogodilo... Vizlijevi su jedna od naših najistaknutijih čistokrvnih porodica. Zamisli kakve bi bile posledice po Artura Vizlija i njegov Dekret o zaštiti Normalaca ako bi se otkrilo da njegova rođena kćer napada i ubija decu normalskog porekla. Na svu sreću, dnevnik je pronađen, a Ridlova sećanja su izbrisana iz njega. Ko zna kakve bi, u suprotnom, bile posledice... Gospodin Melfoj jedva natera sebe da progovori. – Na svu sreću – reče on kruto. Dobi je, iza njegovih leđa, još uvek pokazivao prvo na dnevnik, pa onda u Lucijusa Melfoja, a zatim bi udarao sebe po glavi. I Hari odjednom shvati. Klimnu Dobiju, i Dobi se povuče u ćošak, sada za kaznu uvrćući svoje uši. – Zar ne želite da znate kako je Džini došla do dnevnika, gospodine Melfoj? – upita Hari. Lucijus Melfoj se okrenu ka njemu. – Otkud bih ja mogao da znam kako je glupa devojčica došla do njega? – reče on. – Zato što ste joj ga vi dali – reče Hari. – Kod Kitnjavka i Mrljavka. Izvukli ste njenu staru knjigu iz Preobražavanja, i tutnuli dnevnik u nju, zar ne? Video je kako se bele ruke gospodina Melfoja stežu i opuštaju. – Dokaži – prosikta on. – O, niko neće moći to da uradi – reče Dambldor, smeškajući se Hariju. – Ne sada kada je Ridl nestao iz knjige. S druge strane, savetovao bih ti, Lucijuse, da više ne deliš unaokolo stare školske stvari Lorda Voldemora. Ako još neka od njih dospe u nedužne ruke, mislim da će se Artur Vizli, među prvima, pobrinuti da nađe trag koji vodi do tebe... Lucijus Melfoj zastade za trenutak, i Hari jasno vide da se njegova desna ruka trza, kao da čezne da dohvati čarobni štapić. Umesto toga, on se okrenu svom kućnom vilenjaku. – Idemo, Dobi! On silovito otvori vrata, i dok je vilenjak hitro išao uz njega, on ga šutnu pravo kroz njih. Mogli su da čuju Dobijevo bolno cičanje dok su se udaljavali kroz hodnik. Hari zastade za trenutak, napregnuto misleći. A onda se seti. – Profesore Dambldor – reče on užurbano – mogu li da vratim taj dnevnik gospodinu Melfoju, molim vas? – Svakako, Hari – reče Dambldor mirno. – Ali požuri. Ne zaboravi, gozba je u toku. Hari zgrabi dnevnik, i izlete iz kabineta. Mogao je da čuje Dobijeve cijuke bola kako zamiru iza ćoška. Brzo, pitajući se da li bi njegov plan ikako mogao da uspe, Hari izu jednu svoju cipelu, skinu lepljivu, prljavu čarapu i stavi dnevnik u nju. Onda potrča niz mračni hodnik. Stigao ih je na vrhu stepenica. – Gospodine Melfoj – prodahta on, zakočivši u mestu – imam nešto za vas. I on strpa smrdljivu čarapu u ruku Lucijusa Melfoja. – Šta kog... Gospodin Melfoj strže čarapu s dnevnika, baci je u stranu, a onda besno skrenu pogled s upropaštene knjige na Harija. – Jednog dana ćeš završiti na isti bolni način kao tvoji roditelji, Hari Poteru – reče on meko. – I oni su bili budale koje se u sve upliću. On se okrenu da ode. – Hajde, Dobi. Rekao sam, hajde! Ali Dobi se ne pomeri. Držao je Harijevu groznu, ljigavu čarapu u ruci kao da drži neprocenjivo blago. – Gospodar je dao Dobiju čarapu – reče vilenjak s nevericom. – Gospodar ju je bacio, a Dobi ju je uhvatio, i Dobi... Dobi je slobodan. Lucijus Melfoj je stajao nepomičan, buljeći u vilenjaka. Onda skoči na Harija. – Zbog tebe sam izgubio slugu, dečače! Ali Dobi povika: – Nećete nauditi Hariju Poteru! Začu se glasan prasak, i gospodin Melfoj beše odbačen unazad. Padao je niza stepenice, tumbajući se po tri stepenika odjednom, i zaustavio se sklupčan na međuspratu ispod njih. Ustao je, pomodrelog lica i isukao svoj čarobni štapić, ali Dobi preteći podiže svoj dugački prst. – Sada ćete otići – reče svirepim glasom, upirući prstom dole na gospodina Melfoja. – Nećete ni pipnuti Harija Potera. Smesta ćete otići. Lucijus Melfoj nije imao izbora. Bacivši poslednji razjaren pogled na njih dvojicu, zabaci ogrtač oko sebe i žurno nestade s vidika. – Hari Poter je oslobodio Dobija! – reče vilenjak piskavo, zureći u Harija, dok se mesečina, koja je dopirala kroz najbliži prozor, presijavala u njegovim kuglastim očima. – Hari Poter je oslobodio Dobija! – Najmanje što sam mogao da uradim, Dobi – reče Hari smešeći se. – Samo mi obećaj da više nikada nećeš pokušati da mi spaseš život. Vilenjakovo ružno smeđe lice iznenada se razvuče u širok, zubat osmeh. – Imam samo jedno pitanje, Dobi – reče Hari, dok je Dobi drhtavim rukama navlačio Harijevu čarapu. – Rekao si mi da sve ovo nema nikakve veze s Onim Koji Se Ne Sme Imenovati, sećaš se? Pa... – Bio je to trag, gospodine – reče Dobi, a oči su mu se širile kao da je to sasvim očigledno. – Dobi vam je davao trag. Pre nego što je promenio ime, Mračni Gospodar mogao se slobodno imenovati, vidite? – Aha – reče Hari slabo. – Pa, bolje da krenem. Priređuje se gozba, a moja drugarica Hermiona trebalo bi da se do sada već probudila... Dobi ovi ruke oko Harijevog struka i zagrli ga. – Hari Poter je mnogo veći nego što je Dobi mislio! – zajeca on. – Zbogom, Hari Poteru! I uz poslednji glasni prasak, Dobi nestade. * * * Hari je bio na nekoliko hogvortskih gozbi, ali nijedna nije bila kao ova. Svi su bili u pidžamama, a proslava je trajala cele noći. Hari nije znao da li je najbolji deo bio kada je Hermiona dotrčala do njega vičući: – Rešio si je! Rešio si je! – ili kada je Džastin odjurio od haflpafovskog stola da mu stegne ruku, beskonačno se izvinjavajući što je sumnjao na njega, ili kada se Hagrid pojavio u pola četiri ćuškajući Harija i Rona po ramenima tako jako da ih je oborio u tanjire s kolačima, ili kada je četiri stotine njegovih i Ronovih poena obezbedilo Grifindoru da osvoji Školski pehar drugu godinu zaredom, ili kada im je profesorka Mek Gonagal rekla da su ispiti otkazani kao poklon od škole („O, ne!“, reče Hermiona), ili kada je Dambldor objavio da, nažalost, profesor Lokhart neće predavati sledeće godine jer treba da ode i povrati svoje pamćenje. Veliki broj nastavnika priključio se radosnom klicanju koje je propratilo tu vest. – Šteta – reče Ron, služeći se krofnom sa džemom. – Počeo je da mi biva drag. * * * Ostatak letnjeg polugodišta prošao je u izmaglici plamteće sunčeve svetlosti. Hogvorts se vratio u normalu, uz tek nekoliko malih promena: časovi Odbrane od Mračnih veština su otkazani („A mi smo ionako imali prilike da se dobro izvežbamo u tome“, reče Ron nezadovoljnoj Hermioni), a Lucijus Melfoj je smenjen s mesta nadzornika. Drako se više nije razmetao po školi kao da je ona njegovo vlasništvo. Naprotiv, delovao je ozlojeđeno i zlovoljno. S druge strane, Džini Vizli je ponovo bila presrećna. Prerano, došlo je i vreme da se vrate kućama Hogvorts ekspresom. Hari, Ron, Hermiona, Fred, Džordž i Džini dobili su ceo kupe samo za sebe. Maksimalno su iskoristili poslednje sate u kojima im je bilo dozvoljeno da koriste čarolije pre raspusta. Igrali su se praskavih puckavaca, ispalili i poslednje Džordžove Filibasterove vatromete, i vežbali Razoružavajuće čini jedni na drugima. Hari je postajao prilično dobar u tome. Bili su već nadomak Kings krosa kada se Hari setio nečega. – Džini – šta si to videla da Persi radi, a što nije želeo da bilo kome kažeš? – A, to – reče Džini, kikoćući se. – Pa, Persi ima devojku. Fred ispusti gomilu knjiga na Džordžovu glavu. – Šta? – To je ona asistentkinja iz Rejvenkloa, Penelopa Klirvoter – reče Džini. – Eto kome je pisao celo prošlo leto. Sastajao se s njom tajno u školi. Jednom sam naletela na njih dok su se ljubili u praznoj učionici. Bio je tako uznemiren kada je ona bila... znate već... napadnuta. Nećete ga zadirkivati, je l' da? – dodade ona zabrinuto. – Ne bismo tako nešto uradili ni u snu – reče Fred, koji je izgledao kao da mu je rođendan stigao ranije te godine. – Svakako ne – reče Džordž, kikoćući se. Hogvorts ekspres uspori i napokon stade. Hari izvuče pero i pergament, i okrenu se ka Ronu i Hermioni. – Ovo se zove broj telefona – reče on Ronu, naškrabavši ga dva puta, cepajući pergament na dva dela i dajući im. – Objasnio sam tvom tati prošlog leta kako se koristi telefon, znaće. Zovite me kod Darslijevih, važi? Ne mogu da podnesem da sledeća dva meseca pričam samo sa Dadlijem... – Tvoji tetka i teča će biti ponosni, zar ne? – reče Hermiona kad su sišli s voza i pridružili se gomili koja se gurala ka začaranoj pregradi. – Kada budu čuli šta si uradio ove godine? – Ponosni? – reče Hari. – Jesi li ti luda? Koliko sam samo puta mogao da poginem a nisam uspeo? Biće besni... I oni zajedno prođoše kroz prolaz u svet Normalaca. - KRAJ

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2.18. Hari Poter i Dvorana tajni - Dobijeva nagrada Harry|Potter|and|Chamber|of Secrets|Receives|award 2.18. Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens – Preisträger 2.18. Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната — Премия Добби 2.18. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Ginny receives an award

18\\. 18. Dobijeva nagrada Dok su Hari, Ron, Džini i Lokhart stajali na pragu, prekriveni prljavštinom i muljem i (u Harijevom slučaju) krvlju, za trenutak zavlada tajac. receives|award|While|were|Harry|Ron|Ginny|and|Lockhart|stood|on|threshold|covered|with dirt|and|mud|and|(in|Harry's|case|blood|for|a moment|reigned|silence Er gewinnt den Preis Als Harry, Ron, Ginny und Lockhart in der Tür stehen, bedeckt mit Dreck und Schlamm und (in Harrys Fall) Blut, herrscht für einen Moment Stille. Ginny receives an award While Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Lockhart stood on the threshold, covered in dirt and mud and (in Harry's case) blood, there was a moment of silence. A onda se začu vrisak. And|then|reflexive pronoun|heard|scream And then a scream was heard. – Džini! Genie – Ginny! Bila je to gospođa Vizli, koja je uplakana sedela ispred kamina. It was|(past tense verb marker)|that|Mrs|Vizli|who|(past tense verb marker)|crying|sat|in front of|the fireplace It was Mrs. Weasley, who was sitting in front of the fireplace, crying. Skočila je na noge, u stopu praćena gospodinom Vizlijem, i oboje pritrčaše svojoj kćeri. She jumped|past tense marker|to|feet|in|step|followed|Mr|Vizli|and|both||to their|daughter Sie sprang in die Fußstapfen von Mr. Weasley und sie rannten beide zu ihrer Tochter. She jumped to her feet, closely followed by Mr. Weasley, and they both rushed to their daughter. Hari je, međutim, gledao pored njih. Harry|was|however|looked|past|them Harry jedoch sah neben ihnen her. Harry, however, was looking past them. Profesor Dambldor je stajao kraj kamina, smeškajući se, odmah pored profesorke Mek Gonagal, koja je duboko, čvrsto uzdisala držeći se za grudi. Professor|Dumbledore|was|standing|by|the fireplace|smiling|himself|right|next to|Professor|Mc|Gonagall|who|was|deeply|firmly|sighing|holding|herself|for|chest Professor Dumbledore was standing by the fireplace, smiling, right next to Professor McGonagall, who was deeply and firmly sighing while holding her chest. Foks uz fijuk prolete pored Harijevog uva i namesti se na Dambldorovom ramenu, baš kada se Hari i Ron nađoše u čvrstom zagrljaju gospođe Vizli. Fox|with|whistle|flew|past|Harry's|ear|and|settled|himself|on|Dumbledore's|shoulder|just|when|they|Harry|and|Ron|found|in|tight|hug|Mrs|Weasley Fox sauste an Harrys Ohr vorbei und setzte sich auf Dumbledores Schulter, gerade als Harry und Ron sich in Mrs. Weasleys fester Umarmung wiederfanden. A fox whizzed past Harry's ear and settled on Dumbledore's shoulder, just as Harry and Ron found themselves in a tight embrace with Mrs. Weasley. – Spasili ste je! You saved|(past tense marker)|her – You saved her! Spasili ste je! You saved|(past tense marker)|her You saved her! Kako ste uspeli? How|you|succeeded How did you manage? – Mislim da bismo svi to voleli da saznamo – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal slabašno. I think|that|we would|all|it|would like|to|find out|said|professor|Mc|Gonagall|weakly – I think we would all love to know – said Professor McGonagall weakly. Gospođa Vizli pusti Harija, koji je za trenutak oklevao, a onda priđe stolu i spusti na njega Šešir za razvrstavanje, mač obložen rubinima i ono što je ostalo od Ridlovog dnevnika. Mrs|Weasley|let go|Harry|who|was|for|a moment|hesitated|but|then|approached|the table|and|placed|on|it|The Hat|for|sorting|sword|encrusted|with rubies|and|that|what|was|left|of|Riddle's|diary Mrs. Weasley ließ Harry los, der einen Moment zögerte, dann zum Tisch hinüberging und den sprechenden Hut, das rubinbesetzte Schwert und die Überreste von Riddles Tagebuch abstellte. Mrs. Weasley let go of Harry, who hesitated for a moment, then approached the table and placed the Sorting Hat, a ruby-encrusted sword, and what was left of Riddle's diary on it. Onda poče da im priča sve redom. Then|he/she/it began|to|them|talk|everything|in order Dann fing er an, ihnen alles der Reihe nach zu erzählen. Then he began to tell them everything in order. Skoro četvrt sata je govorio u ushićenoj tišini: ispričao im je kako je čuo bestelesni glas, kako je Hermiona najzad shvatila da je to što je on čuo bio Bazilisk u cevima; kako su on i Ron pratili paukove do šume, kako im je Aragog rekao gde je umrla poslednja Baziliskova žrtva; kako je on pogodio da je žrtva bila Jecajuća Mirta, i da bi ulaz u Dvoranu tajni mogao da bude u njenom kupatilu... – Vrlo dobro – podstaknu ga profesorka Mek Gonagal, kada je zastao – znači našli ste gde je ulaz... pride kršeći stotinak školskih pravila, ako smem da primetim... ali kako ste za ime sveta odande izašli živi, Poteru? Almost|quarter|hour|was|speaking|in|excited|silence|he told|them|he|how|was|heard|bodiless|voice|how|was|Hermione|finally|realized|that|was|what|that|was|he|heard|was|Basilisk|in|pipes|how|they|he|and|Ron|followed|spiders|to|forest|how|them|he|Aragog|said|where|was|died|last|Basilisk's|victim|how|was|he|guessed|that|was|victim|was|Moaning|Myrtle|and|that|would|entrance|in|Chamber|of Secrets|could|to|be|in|her|bathroom|Very|well|encouraged|him|professor|Mc|Gonagall|when|he|stopped|means|found|you|where|was|entrance|moreover|breaking|hundred|school|rules|if|I may|to|point out|but|how|you|for|the name|of the world|from there|got out|alive|Potter Fast eine Viertelstunde lang sprach er in beschwingter Stille: Er erzählte ihnen, wie er eine körperlose Stimme gehört hatte, wie Hermine endlich erkannt hatte, dass das, was er gehört hatte, der Basilisk in den Pfeifen war; wie er und Ron den Spinnen in den Wald folgten, wie Aragog ihnen erzählte, wo das Opfer des letzten Basilisken starb; wie er vermutete, dass das Opfer Sobbing Myrtle war und dass der Eingang zur Halle des Schreckens in ihrem Badezimmer sein könnte ... - Sehr gut - Professor McGonagall ermutigte ihn, als er stehen blieb - also haben Sie herausgefunden, wo der Eingang ist ... Er kam unter Verstoß gegen hundert Schulregeln, wenn ich das sagen darf ... aber wie um alles in der Welt sind Sie lebend herausgekommen, Potter? He spoke for almost a quarter of an hour in rapt silence: he told them how he heard a disembodied voice, how Hermione finally realized that what he heard was the Basilisk in the pipes; how he and Ron followed the spiders to the forest, how Aragog told them where the last Basilisk's victim died; how he guessed that the victim was Moaning Myrtle, and that the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets could be in her bathroom... – Very good – encouraged Professor McGonagall when he paused – so you found where the entrance is... not to mention breaking a hundred school rules, if I may point out... but how on earth did you get out of there alive, Potter? I tako Hari, čiji je glas već postajao promukao od silnog pričanja, ispriča kako je Foks stigao u pravi čas, i kako mu je Šešir za razvrstavanje dao mač. And|so|Harry|whose|was|voice|already|becoming|hoarse|from|much|talking|told|how|was|Fox|arrived|in|right|time|and|how|to him|was|The Hat|for|sorting|gave|sword Und so erzählt Harry, dessen Stimme schon heiser wurde von dem lauten Gespräch, wie Fox zur richtigen Zeit ankam und wie der Sprechende Hut ihm das Schwert gab. And so Harry, whose voice was already becoming hoarse from all the talking, recounted how Fawkes arrived just in time, and how the Sorting Hat gave him a sword. Ali onda se zaustavi. But|then|(reflexive pronoun)|stopped But then he stopped. Dotad je izbegavao da pomene Ridlov dnevnik – i Džini. Until then|he|avoided|to|mention|Ridlo's|diary|and|Džini Bis dahin vermied er es, Riddles Tagebuch zu erwähnen – und das von Ginny. Until then, he had avoided mentioning Riddle's diary – and Ginny. Ona je stajala glave naslonjene na rame gospođe Vizli, a suze su joj tiho tekle niz obraze. She|was|standing|head|resting|on|shoulder|Mrs|Vizli|and|tears||her|quietly|flowed|down|cheeks Sie stand mit ihrem Kopf auf Mrs. Weasleys Schulter und Tränen strömten ihr über die Wangen. She was standing with her head resting on Mrs. Weasley's shoulder, and tears were quietly streaming down her cheeks. Šta ako je izbace, pomisli Hari uplašeno. What|if|they|expel|thinks|Harry|fearfully Was, wenn sie sie rausschmeißen, dachte Harry erschrocken. What if they expel her, Harry thought fearfully. Ridlov dnevnik više ne funkcioniše... Kako bi mogli da dokažu ko ju je naterao na sve to? Ridlo|diary|no longer|not|functions|How|could|they|to|prove|who|her|was|forced|to|all|that Riddles Tagebuch funktioniert nicht mehr ... Wie könnten sie beweisen, wer sie dazu gebracht hat, all das zu tun? Riddle's diary no longer works... How could they prove who forced her to do all that? Instinktivno, Hari pogleda u Dambldora, koji se bledo nasmeši, dok su mu se naočari u obliku polumeseca presijavale pri svetlosti vatre. Instinctively|Harry|looked|at|Dumbledore|who|himself|pale|smiled|while|were|his|themselves|glasses|in|shape|crescent|glimmered|in the|light|fire Instinktiv sah Harry Dumbledore an, der schwach lächelte, seine halbmondförmige Brille im Feuerschein schimmerte. Instinctively, Harry looked at Dumbledore, who smiled faintly, while his crescent-shaped glasses glimmered in the firelight. – Mene najviše zanima – blago reče Dambldor – kako je Lord Voldemor uspeo da začara Džini, kada moji izvori kažu da se on trenutno krije u šumama Albanije. Me|most|interests|softly|said|Dumbledore|how|was|Lord|Voldemort|succeeded|to|enchant|Ginny|when|my|sources|say|that|himself|he|currently|hides|in|the forests|of Albania – What interests me the most – Dumbledore said gently – is how Lord Voldemort managed to enchant Ginny, when my sources say he is currently hiding in the forests of Albania. Hari oseti olakšanje – toplo, nadiruće, blistavo olakšanje. Hari|feels|relief|warm|overwhelming|radiant|relief Harry feels relief - warm, surging, radiant relief. – Š-šta rekoste? ||did you say - W-was hast du gesagt? - W-what did you say? – reče gospođa Vizli zapanjenim glasom. said|Mrs|Vizli|astonished|voice - said Mrs. Whisley in a stunned voice. – Znate-Već-Ko? You know|already|who - You-Know-Who? Zazačarao Džini? Did he enchant|the genie Did Zazachar Dini? Džini nije... Džini nije bila... zar jeste? Ginny|is not|||was|is it|yes Ginny isn't... Ginny wasn't... is she? – Bio je to ovaj dnevnik – reče Hari brzo, podižući ga i pokazujući ga Dambldoru. It was|was|this|this|diary|said|Harry|quickly|lifting|it||showing|it|to Dumbledore „Es war dieses Tagebuch“, sagte Harry schnell, hob es auf und zeigte es auf Dumbledore. – It was this diary – Harry said quickly, lifting it up and showing it to Dumbledore. – Ridl ga je vodio kad je imao šesnaest godina. Ridl|him|was|driving|when|he|had|sixteen|years - Riddle hat ihn geführt, als er sechzehn war. – Riddle kept it when he was sixteen. Dambldor uze dnevnik od Harija i pomno stade da viri u njegove nagorele i vlažne stranice preko svog dugačkog, povijenog nosa. Dumbledore|took|diary|from|Harry|and|carefully|began|to|peer|into|his|scorched|and|wet|pages|over|his|long|hooked|nose Dumbledore nahm Harry das Tagebuch ab und spähte über seine lange, gebogene Nase intensiv auf die verbrannten, feuchten Seiten. Dumbledore took the diary from Harry and began to peer into its charred and damp pages over his long, crooked nose. – Sjajno – reče on blago. Great|he said|he|gently – Brilliant – he said gently. – Naravno, on je verovatno najbolji učenik kojeg je Hogvorts ikada imao. Of course|he|is|probably|best|student||is|Hogwarts|ever|had – Of course, he is probably the best student Hogwarts has ever had. – On se okrenu ka Vizlijevima, koji su izgledali potpuno izbezumljeno. He|reflexive pronoun|turned|towards|the Vizlijevs|who|were|looked|completely|bewildered – He turned to the Weasleys, who looked completely bewildered. – Samo nekoliko ljudi zna da se Lord Voldemor nekada zvao Tom Ridl. Only|a few|people|know|that|himself|Lord|Voldemort|once|was called|Tom|Riddle – Only a few people know that Lord Voldemort was once named Tom Riddle. Ja sam mu lično predavao, pre pedeset godina, na Hogvortsu. I|am|to him|personally|taught|before|fifty|years|at|Hogwarts I personally taught him, fifty years ago, at Hogwarts. Nestao je pošto je završio školu... putovao je daleko, duboko zabrazdio u Mračne veštine družeći se s najgorima iz naše vrste, prošao kroz mnoge opasne magijske preobražaje te, kada se ponovo pojavio kao Lord Voldemor, jedva da je iko mogao da ga prepozna. He disappeared|is|after|he|finished|school|traveled|he|far|deeply|strayed|into|Dark|arts|associating|himself|with|worst|from|our|kind|went|through|many|dangerous|magical|transformations|and|when|he|again|appeared|as|Lord|Voldemort|hardly|that|he||could|to|him|recognize Er verschwand, nachdem er die Schule beendet hatte ... er reiste weit, er tauchte tief in die Dunklen Künste ein, vermischte sich mit den Schlimmsten unserer Art, er durchlief viele gefährliche magische Transformationen, und als er als Lord Voldemort wieder auftauchte, konnte ihn kaum jemand erkennen . . He disappeared after he finished school... traveled far, delved deep into the Dark Arts associating with the worst of our kind, went through many dangerous magical transformations, and when he reappeared as Lord Voldemort, hardly anyone could recognize him. Gotovo niko nije povezao Lorda Voldemora s pametnim, lepim momčićem koji je ovde nekada bio glavešina dečaka. Almost|no one|did not|connected|Lord|Voldemort|with|smart|handsome|boy|who|was|here|once|was|leader|of the boys Fast niemand verband Lord Voldemort mit dem klugen, gutaussehenden Jungen, der früher der Kopf des Jungen hier war. Almost no one connected Lord Voldemort with the smart, handsome boy who used to be the leader of the boys here. – Ali Džini – reče gospođa Vizli – kakve veze ima naša Džini sa... sa... njim? But|Ginny|said|Mrs|Weasley|what kind of|connection|has|our|Ginny|with||him – But Ginny – said Mrs. Weasley – what does our Ginny have to do with... with... him? – Njegov d-dnevnik! His|| – His h-h-horcrux! – jecala je Džini. sobbed|past tense marker|Ginny – Ginny sobbed. – Ja s-sam pisala u njemu, i on mi je ototpisivao, cele školske godine... – Džini! I|||writing|in|it|and|he|to me|was|responding|whole|school|year|Ginny - Ich habe darin s-geschrieben und er hat mich abgeschrieben, das ganze Schuljahr ... - Ginny! – I w-wrote in it, and he wrote back to me, all school year... – Ginny! – reče gospodin Vizli zapanjeno. said|Mr|Vizli|astonished - said Mr. Vizli in astonishment. – Zar te ništa nisam naučio? Surely|you|anything|I haven't|taught - Habe ich dir nichts beigebracht? - Didn't I teach you anything? Šta sam ti uvek govorio? What|I have|to you|always|told What have I always told you? Nikad ne veruj ničemu što može da misli ukoliko ne vidiš odakle mu pamet. Never|not|trust|anything|that|can|to|think|unless|not|you see|from where|him|intelligence Glauben Sie niemals etwas, was ihm einfällt, es sei denn, Sie sehen, woher seine Gedanken kommen. Never trust anything that can think unless you see where it gets its intelligence. Zašto nisi pokazala dnevnik meni, ili svojoj majci? Why|didn't|show|diary|to me|or|your|mother Why didn't you show the diary to me, or to your mother? Tako sumnjiv predmet, bilo je očigledno da je pun Mračne magije! Such|suspicious|object|was|it|obvious|that|is|full|Dark|magic Such a suspicious object, it was obvious that it was full of Dark magic! – Ja n-nisam znala – jecala je Džini. I|||know|sobbed|past tense marker|Ginny – I-I didn't know – Ginny sobbed. – Našla sam ga među knjigama koje mi je mama kupila. I found|(past tense marker)|him|among|books|that|to me|(past tense marker)|mom|bought – I found it among the books my mom bought for me. M-mislila sam da ga je neko prosto ostavio tamo i zaboravio na njega... – Gospođica Vizli treba odmah da ode u bolničko krilo – prekinu ih Dambldor odlučnim glasom. ||was|that|him|had|someone|just|left|there|and|forgotten|on|him|Miss|Wizley|needs|immediately|to|go|to|hospital|wing|interrupted|them|Dumbledore|decisive|voice M-ich dachte, jemand hätte ihn einfach dort gelassen und ihn vergessen ... - Miss Weasley sollte sofort in den Krankenflügel gehen - unterbrach Dumbledore mit entschlossener Stimme. I-I thought someone just left it there and forgot about it... – Miss Weasley needs to go to the hospital wing immediately – Dumbledore interrupted them with a firm voice. – Ovo je za nju bilo strašno iskustvo. This|is|for|her|was|terrible|experience - Das war eine schreckliche Erfahrung für sie. – This was a terrible experience for her. Neće biti nikakve kazne. will not|be|any|punishment There will be no punishment. Lord Voldemor je prevario mnoge starije i mudrije čarobnjake od nje. Lord|Voldemort|has|deceived|many|older|and|wiser|wizards|than|her Lord Voldemort has deceived many older and wiser wizards than her. – On krupnim koracima dođe do vrata i otvori ih. He|large|steps|approaches|to|the door|and|opens|them Er ging zur Tür und öffnete sie. – He approached the door with big steps and opened them. – Odmor u krevetu i možda velika šolja tople čokolade koja se puši. Rest|in|bed|and|maybe|big|cup|hot|chocolate|that|(reflexive particle)|steams - Ruhen Sie sich im Bett aus und vielleicht eine große Tasse heiße Schokolade zum Rauchen. – A rest in bed and maybe a big cup of steaming hot chocolate. Mene to uvek oraspoloži – dodade on ljubazno, trepćući ka njoj. Me|that|always|cheers up|he added|he|kindly|blinking|at|her Es muntert mich immer auf – fügte er freundlich hinzu und blinzelte sie an. That always cheers me up – he added kindly, blinking at her. – Zateći ćete Madam Pomfri još budnu. You will find|(plural)|Madam|Pomfrey|still|awake "Sie werden Madame Pomfrey noch wach vorfinden." – You will find Madam Pomfrey still awake. Baš daje sokove od mandragore – ako smem da primetim, Baziliskove žrtve će se probuditi svakog časa. He really|gives|juices|from|mandrake|if|I may|to|notice|Basilisk's|victims|will|themselves|awaken|every|moment Es gibt Mandrake-Säfte - wenn ich das sagen darf, Basils Opfer werden jeden Moment aufwachen. She is just making mandrake juice – if I may point out, the victims of the Basilisk will wake up any moment. – Znači da je Hermiona dobro! means|that|is|Hermione|well – That means Hermione is okay! – reče Ron veselo. said|Ron|cheerfully – said Ron cheerfully. – Nije naneta nikakva trajna šteta – reče Dambldor. It is not|inflicted|any|permanent|damage|said|Dumbledore – No permanent damage has been done – said Dumbledore. Gospođa Vizli izvede Džini napolje, praćena gospodinom Vizlijem, koji je još uvek izgledao duboko potresen. Mrs|Vizli|led|Ginny|outside|followed|Mr|Vizli|who|was|still|always|looked|deeply|shaken Mrs. Weasley took Ginny outside, accompanied by Mr. Weasley, who still looked deeply shaken. – Znaš, Minerva – reče profesor Dambldor zamišljeno profesorki Mek Gonagal – mislim da sve ovo zaslužuje jednu dobru gozbu. You know|Minerva|said|professor|Dumbledore|thoughtfully|to the professor|Mc|Gonagall|I think|that|all|this|deserves|a|good|feast "You know, Minerva," said Professor Dumbledore thoughtfully to Professor McGonagall, "I think all of this deserves a good feast." Mogu li da te zamolim da odeš i obavestiš kuhinje? Can|question particle|to|you|ask|to|go|and|inform|kitchens "May I ask you to go and inform the kitchens?" – U redu – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal žustro, takođe se krećući ka vratima. In|order|said|professor|Mc|Gonagall|briskly|also|herself|moving|towards|the door "Alright," said Professor McGonagall briskly, also moving towards the door. – Ostaviću vas, onda, da se pozabavite Poterom i Vizlijem. I will leave|you|then|to|yourselves|deal with|Potter|and|Weasley "I will leave you then to deal with Potter and Weasley." – Naravno – reče Dambldor. Of course|said|Dumbledore "Of course," said Dumbledore. Ona izađe, a Hari i Ron se nesigurno zagledaše u Dambldora. She|stepped out|but|Harry|and|Ron|themselves|uncertainly|glanced|at|Dumbledore She left, and Harry and Ron looked at Dumbledore uncertainly. Šta je tačno profesorka Mek Gonagal podrazumevala pod tim da se pozabavi njima? What|is|exactly|professor|Mc|Gonagall|meant|by|that|to|themselves|engage|with them Was genau meinte Professor McGonagall damit, Spaß mit ihnen zu haben? What exactly did Professor McGonagall mean by taking care of them? Neće valjda... neće valjda biti kažnjeni? They won't|probably|won't|probably|be|punished Sie werden nicht ... sie werden nicht bestraft, oder? Surely they wouldn't... surely they wouldn't be punished? – Čini mi se da sam rekao obojici da ću morati da vas izbacim ako prekršite makar još jedno školsko pravilo – reče Dambldor. It seems|to me|reflexive particle|that|I|said|to both|that|I will|have to|to|you|expel|if|you break|at least|another|one|school|rule|said|Dumbledore „Ich glaube, ich habe euch beiden gesagt, dass ich euch rausschmeißen müsste, wenn ihr mindestens eine andere Schulregel brechen würdet“, sagte Dumbledore. "I believe I told both of you that I would have to expel you if you broke even one more school rule," said Dumbledore. Ron od straha razjapi usta. Ron|from|fear|gapes|mouth Ron gapes in fear. – Što nam pokazuje da i najbolji među nama nekad moraju da progutaju svoje reči – nastavi Dambldor, smešeći se. What|to us|shows|that|even|best|among|us|sometimes|must|to|swallow|their|words|continued|Dumbledore|smiling|himself „Was uns zeigt, dass selbst die Besten von uns manchmal ihre Worte schlucken müssen“, fuhr Dumbledore lächelnd fort. – Which shows us that even the best among us sometimes have to swallow their words – continued Dumbledore, smiling. – Obojica ćete dobiti Priznanja za poseban doprinos školi i – da vidim – da, biće da je tako, dvesta poena svakom ponaosob, za Grifindor. Both of you|will|receive|Certificates|for|special|contribution|to the school|and|to|I see|yes|there will be|to|is|so|two hundred|points|each|individually|for|Gryffindor - Sie werden beide Anerkennungen für besondere Verdienste um die Schule erhalten und - lassen Sie mich sehen - ja, es wird so sein, jeweils zweihundert Punkte für Gryffindor. – Both of you will receive Awards for Special Contribution to the School and – let me see – yes, it seems so, two hundred points each, for Gryffindor. Ron postade svetloružičast kao Lokhartovi cvetovi za Dan zaljubljenih, i napokon zatvori usta. Ron|became|light pink|like|Lockhart's|flowers|for|Day|of Valentine's|and|finally|closed|mouth Ron wurde hellrosa wie Lockharts Blumen zum Valentinstag und schloss schließlich seinen Mund. Ron turned as pink as Lockhart's flowers for Valentine's Day, and finally closed his mouth. – Ali izgleda da je neko od nas veoma ćutljiv spram svog učešća u ovoj opasnoj avanturi – dodade Dambldor. But|it seems|that|is|someone|of|us|very|reserved|regarding|his|participation|in|this|dangerous|adventure|added|Dumbledore „Aber es scheint, dass einige von uns sehr schweigen über unsere Teilnahme an diesem gefährlichen Abenteuer“, fügte Dumbledore hinzu. – But it seems that one of us is very reticent about their participation in this dangerous adventure – added Dumbledore. – Što si tako skroman, Gilderoje? Why|are|so|humble|Gilderoy - Why are you so modest, Gilderoy? Hari se trgnu. Hari|himself|jolted Harry jolted. Potpuno je zaboravio na Lokharta. Completely|(he)|forgot|about|Lockhart He had completely forgotten about Lockhart. Okrenu se i vide Lokharta kako stoji u ćošku sobe, još uvek se nejasno smešeći. He turns|himself|and|sees|Lokhart|how|stands|in|corner|of the room|still|always||vaguely|smiling Sie drehten sich um und sahen Lockhart in der Ecke des Raumes stehen, immer noch vage lächelnd. He turned around and saw Lockhart standing in the corner of the room, still smiling vaguely. Kada mu se Dambldor obratio, Lokhart se osvrnu preko ramena da vidi kome se ovaj obraća. When|to him|reflexive pronoun|Dumbledore|addressed|Lockhart|reflexive pronoun|looked around|over|shoulder|to|see|to whom|reflexive pronoun|this one|is addressing When Dumbledore addressed him, Lockhart looked over his shoulder to see who he was speaking to. – Profesore Dambldor – reče Ron brzo – desila se nesreća dole u Dvorani tajni. Professor|Dumbledore|said|Ron|quickly|happened|reflexive particle|accident|down|in|Chamber|of Secrets "Professor Dumbledore", sagte Ron schnell, "es gab einen Unfall unten in der Halle des Schreckens." – Professor Dumbledore – said Ron quickly – an accident has happened down in the Chamber of Secrets. Profesor Lokhart... – Da li sam ja profesor? Professor|Lockhart|Yes|question particle|am|I|professor Professor Lockhart... – Am I a professor? – upita Lokhart blago iznenađen. asked|Lokhart|slightly|surprised – Lockhart asked, mildly surprised. – Gospode. Lord – Gentlemen. Pretpostavljam da sam bio očajan, zar ne? I assume|that|I|was|desperate|right|no I suppose I was desperate, wasn't I? – Pokušao je da baci Memorijske čini na nas, a štap je opalio unazad – objasni Ron tiho Dambldoru. He tried|(past tense verb marker)|to|cast|Memory|spells|at|us|and|wand|(past tense verb marker)|shot|backward|explained|Ron|quietly|to Dumbledore – He tried to cast Memory Charms on us, but the wand backfired – Ron explained quietly to Dumbledore. – Blagi bože – reče Dambldor vrteći glavom, a dugi srebrni brkovi mu zadrhtaše. gentle|god|said|Dumbledore|shaking|his head|but|long|silver|mustache|his|trembled – Good heavens – Dumbledore said, shaking his head, and his long silver mustache quivered. – Pao si od sopstvenog mača, Gilderoje! You fell|are|by|your own|sword|Gilderoy - Du bist von deinem eigenen Schwert gefallen, Gilderoy! – You fell by your own sword, Gilderoy! – Mača? The cat – Sword? – reče Lokhart nejasno. said|Lockhart|unclear – said Lockhart vaguely. – Nemam mač. I don't have|a cat – I don't have a sword. Ali, ovaj dečak ima. But|this|boy|has But, this boy has one. – On pokaza na Harija. He|pointed|at|Harry – He pointed at Harry. – Može da vam ga pozajmi. It can|to|you (plural/formal)|it|lend - Er kann es dir leihen. – He can lend it to you. – Da li bi mogao da odvedeš i profesora Lokharta gore u bolničko krilo? Could|question particle|conditional particle|you could|to|take|and|Professor|Lockhart|up|in|hospital|wing - Könnten Sie Professor Lockhart nach oben in den Krankenflügel bringen? – Could you take Professor Lockhart up to the hospital wing? – upita Dambldor Rona. asked|Dumbledore|Ron - asked Dumbledore Ron. – Voleo bih još malo da popričam s Harijem... Lokhart smeteno izađe napolje. I would like|(conditional verb ending)|a little more|a little|to|talk|with|Harry|Lockhart|distractedly|went out|outside - I would like to talk to Harry a little more... Lockhart awkwardly stepped outside. Dok je zatvarao vrata Ron radoznalo baci pogled na Dambldora i Harija. While|was|closing|door|Ron|curiously|threw|glance|at|Dumbledore|and|Harry As he closed the door, Ron curiously glanced at Dumbledore and Harry. Dambldor pređe u jednu od stolica pored vatre. Dumbledore|moved|to|one|of|chairs|by|the fire Dumbledore moved to one of the chairs by the fire. – Sedi, Hari – reče, i Hari sede, osećajući se neuobičajeno nervozno. Sit|Hari|said|and|Hari|sat down|feeling|himself|unusually|nervous - Sit down, Harry - he said, and Harry sat down, feeling unusually nervous. – Pre svega, Hari, hoću da ti se zahvalim – reče Dambldor, a oči mu ponovo zasjaše. First|of all|Harry|I want|to|you|reflexive pronoun|thank|said|Dumbledore|and|eyes|his|again|shone „Zuallererst, Harry, möchte ich dir danken“, sagte Dumbledore, seine Augen leuchteten wieder. – First of all, Harry, I want to thank you – said Dumbledore, and his eyes shone again. – Mora da si pokazao veliku odanost prema meni dole u Dvorani. must|to|you|showed|great|loyalty|towards|me|down|in|the Hall - Ihr müsst mir unten in der Halle große Loyalität entgegengebracht haben. – You must have shown great loyalty to me down in the Hall. Samo to je moglo Foksa da prizove tebi. Only|that|was|could|Foks|to|summon|to you Das ist alles, was Fox für Sie beschwören könnte. Only that could have summoned Fawkes to you. On pomazi Feniksa, koji mu beše sleteo u krilo. He|helps|the Phoenix|who|to him|was|landed|in|lap Er salbte Phönix, der auf seinem Schoß gelandet war. He stroked the Phoenix, who had landed in his lap. Hari se nespretno nasmeši dok ga je Dambldor posmatrao. Harry|himself|awkwardly|smiled|while|him|was|Dumbledore|watching Harry lächelte unbeholfen, als Dumbledore ihn beobachtete. Harry smiled awkwardly as Dumbledore watched him. – Znači, upoznao si Toma Ridla – reče Dambldor zamišljeno. So|you met|you|Tom|Riddle|said|Dumbledore|thoughtfully – So, you met Tom Riddle – said Dumbledore thoughtfully. – Pretpostavljam da je bio veoma zainteresovan za tebe... Odjednom, Hariju sâmo izlete iz usta nešto što ga je mučilo. I assume|that|he|was|very|interested|in|you|Suddenly|to Harry|just|blurted out|from|mouth|something|that|him|was|troubling - Ich schätze, er war sehr an dir interessiert ... Plötzlich störte Harry etwas aus seinem Mund. – I assume he was very interested in you... Suddenly, something that had been bothering Harry slipped out of his mouth. – Profesore Dambldor... Ridl je rekao da sam ja kao on. Professor|Dumbledore|Riddle|is|said|that|I am|I|like|him – Professor Dumbledore... Riddle said that I am like him. Čudnovata sličnost, rekao je... – To je rekao, je li? strange|similarity|said|past tense auxiliary verb|That|past tense auxiliary verb|said|| A strange similarity, he said... – He said that, didn't he? – reče Dambldor, gledajući zamišljeno u Harija ispod svojih gustih srebrnih obrva. said|Dumbledore|looking|thoughtfully|at|Harry|beneath|his|thick|silver|eyebrows – said Dumbledore, looking thoughtfully at Harry beneath his thick silver eyebrows. – A šta ti misliš, Hari? And|what|you|think|Hari – And what do you think, Harry? – Ja ne mislim da sam kao on! I|not|think|that|am|like|him – I don't think I'm like him! – reče Hari glasnije nego što je nameravao. said|Hari|louder|than|what|he|intended – said Harry louder than he intended. – Mislim, ja... ja sam u Grifindoru, ja sam... Ali on ućuta, dok mu se u umu javljala potajna sumnja. I think|I|||in|Gryffindor|||But|he|fell silent|while|to him|himself|in|mind|arising|secret|doubt – I mean, I... I am in Gryffindor, I am... But he fell silent, as a secret doubt arose in his mind. – Profesore – poče on ponovo, posle par trenutaka – Šešir za razvrstavanje mi je rekao da bih ja... da bih dobro prošao u Sliterinu. Professor|began|he|again|after|a few|moments|Hat|for|sorting|to me|was|told|that|I would|I|that|I would|well|fit|in|Slytherin „Professor“, begann er nach einigen Augenblicken erneut, „die Einstufung hat mir gesagt, dass ich … in Slytherin gut abschneiden würde.“ – Professor – he began again, after a few moments – The Sorting Hat told me that I... that I would do well in Slytherin. Neko vreme su svi mislili da sam ja Sliterinov naslednik... zato što govorim nemuštim jezikom... – Ti umeš da govoriš nemuštim jezikom, Hari – reče Dambldor mirno – zato što i Lord Voldemor, koji je poslednji preostali potomak Salazara Sliterina, govori nemuštim jezikom. Some|time|were|everyone|thought|that|I|I|Slytherin’s|heir|that's why|because|I speak|Parseltongue|language|You|can|to|speak|Parseltongue|language|Harry|said|Dumbledore|calmly|that's why|that|and|Lord|Voldemort|who|is|last|remaining|descendant|Salazar|Slytherin|speaks|Parseltongue|language Eine Zeit lang dachten alle, ich sei Slytherins Nachfolger … weil ich eine dumme Sprache spreche … „Du kannst eine dumme Sprache sprechen, Harry“, sagte Dumbledore ruhig, „weil Lord Voldemort, der letzte verbliebene Nachkomme von Salazar Slytherin, spricht auch." dumme Sprache. For a while, everyone thought I was the heir of Slytherin... because I speak Parseltongue... – You can speak Parseltongue, Harry – said Dumbledore calmly – because Lord Voldemort, who is the last remaining descendant of Salazar Slytherin, also speaks Parseltongue. Ukoliko ne grešim mnogo, one noći kada ti je napravio taj ožiljak on je preneo na tebe neke svoje moći. If|not|I am mistaken|much|that|night|when|you|was|made|that|scar|he|was|transferred|onto|you|some|his|powers If I'm not mistaken, that night when he gave you that scar, he transferred some of his powers to you. Naravno, siguran sam da mu to nije bila namera... – Voldemor je preneo deo sebe u mene? Of course|sure|I|that|to him|that|was not|his|intention|Voldemort|(is)|transferred|part|of himself|into|me Of course, I'm sure that wasn't his intention... – Voldemort transferred a part of himself into me? – reče Hari, kao gromom pogođen. said|Hari|like|lightning|struck sagte Harry, vom Blitz getroffen. – said Harry, as if struck by lightning. – Tako mi se čini. It seems|to me|reflexive particle|seems – That's how it seems to me. – Znači da bi ipak trebalo da budem u Sliterinu – reče Hari, s očajanjem gledajući Dambldora u lice. So|that|would|still|should|to|be|in|Slytherin|said|Harry|with|despair|looking|Dumbledore|in|face "So it means I should still be in Slytherin," said Harry, looking desperately at Dumbledore's face. – Šešir za razvrstavanje mogao je da vidi Sliterinovu moć u meni, i on... – ...te je stavio u Grifindor – ubaci se Dambldor mirno. The hat|for|sorting|could|(past tense marker)|to|see|Slytherin's|power|in|me|and|it|then|(past tense marker)|put|in|Gryffindor|interjects|reflexive pronoun|Dumbledore|calmly „Der sprechende Hut konnte Slytherins Macht in mir sehen, und er …“ „… hat dich nach Gryffindor gebracht“, sagte Dumbledore ruhig. "The Sorting Hat could see Slytherin's power in me, and it..." - "...and it put you in Gryffindor," Dumbledore interjected calmly. – Slušaj me, Hari. Listen|to me|Hari "Listen to me, Harry." Ti imaš mnoge moći koje je Salazar Sliterin visoko cenio kod svojih izabranih učenika: njegov lični, vrlo redak dar nemuštog jezika... snalažljivost... odlučnost... izvesno nepokoravanje pravilima – dodade on, a brkovi mu ponovo zatitraše od smeška. You|have|many|powers|that|was|Salazar|Slytherin|highly|valued|in|his|chosen|students||personal|very|rare|gift|of mute|language|resourcefulness|determination|certain|nonconformity|to rules|he added|he|and|mustache|him|again|twitched|from|smile Du hast viele Kräfte, die Salazar Slytherin unter seinen auserwählten Schülern sehr schätzte: seine persönliche, sehr seltene Gabe der stummen Sprache ... Einfallsreichtum ... Entschlossenheit ... ein gewisser Ungehorsam gegenüber den Regeln - fügte er hinzu, und sein Schnurrbart zitterte wieder vor ihm ein Lächeln. "You have many powers that Salazar Slytherin highly valued in his chosen students: his personal, very rare gift of Parseltongue... resourcefulness... determination... a certain defiance of rules," he added, and his mustache twitched again with a smile. – Ipak, Šešir za razvrstavanje te je stavio u Grifindor. However|Hat|for|sorting|you|was|placed|in|Gryffindor "Still, the Sorting Hat put you in Gryffindor." Ti i sam znaš zbog čega. You|and|already|know|because|of what Du weißt, warum. You know why. Razmisli. Think Think about it. – Stavio me je u Grifindor samo zato – reče Hari poraženim glasom – što sam molio da ne idem u Sliterin... – Tačno tako – reče Dambldor, ponovo se nacerivši. He put|me|past tense marker|in|Gryffindor|only|for that|he said|Harry|defeated|voice|that|I|begged|to|not|I go|in|Slytherin|Exactly|so|he said|Dumbledore|again|himself|smiling - He put me in Gryffindor just because - said Harry in a defeated voice - I asked not to go to Slytherin... - Exactly - said Dumbledore, grinning again. – Po čemu se veoma razlikuješ od Toma Ridla. By|what|yourself|very|you differ|from|Tom|Riddle - Was unterscheidet Sie sehr von Tom Riddle? - In what way are you very different from Tom Riddle. Odluke koje donosimo, Hari, jesu te koje pokazuju šta smo mi zapravo, mnogo više no same naše sposobnosti. The decisions|that|we make|Hari|are|those|that|show|what|we are|we|actually|much|more|than|mere|our|abilities Die Entscheidungen, die wir treffen, Harry, sind diejenigen, die zeigen, was wir wirklich sind, viel mehr als unsere Fähigkeiten. The choices we make, Harry, are what show who we really are, much more than our abilities alone. – Hari je nepokretno sedeo na stolici, ošamućen. Hari|was|motionlessly|sitting|on|chair|dazed - Harry sat motionless in the chair, dazed. – Hari, ako hoćeš dokaz da spadaš u Grifindor, predlažem ti da pažljivije pogledaš ovo. Harry|if|you want|proof|that|belong|to|Gryffindor|I suggest|you|to|more carefully|look at|this - Harry, if you want proof that you belong in Gryffindor, I suggest you take a closer look at this. Dambldor posegnu preko stola profesorke Mek Gonagal, podiže krvlju umrljan srebrni mač, i dodade ga Hariju. Dumbledore|reached|over|the table|of Professor|Mc|Gonagall|raised|with blood|stained|silver|sword|and|handed|it|to Harry Dumbledore reached across Professor McGonagall's desk, lifted the blood-stained silver sword, and handed it to Harry. Hari ga okrenu, zbunjeno, dok su se rubini caklili na svetlosti vatre. Hari|him|turned|confusedly|while|were|themselves|rubies|sparkling|in|light|fire Harry drehte es verwirrt um, als die Rubine im Licht des Feuers glänzten. Harry turned it around, confused, as the rubies sparkled in the firelight. A onda vide ime ugravirano tik ispod balčaka. And|then|they see|name|engraved|just|below|of the balčak Und dann sah er einen Namen direkt unter dem Griff eingraviert. And then he saw the name engraved just below the hilt. Godrik Grifindor. Godric|Gryffindor Godric Gryffindor. – Samo pravi grifindorac može da ga izvuče iz Šešira, Hari – reče Dambldor kratko. Only|true|Gryffindor|can|to|him|pull out|from|the Hat|Harry|said|Dumbledore|shortly „Nur ein echter Gryffindor kann ihn aus dem Hut holen, Harry“, sagte Dumbledore knapp. – Only a true Gryffindor can pull it out of the Hat, Harry – said Dumbledore briefly. Za trenutak su obojica ćutala. For|a moment|they|both|were silent For a moment, both were silent. Onda Dambldor otvori jednu od fioka u stolu profesorke Mek Gonagal, i uze pero i bočicu s mastilom. Then|Dumbledore|opened|one|of|drawers|in|the desk|of Professor|Mc|Gonagall|and|took|pen|and|bottle|with|ink Then Dumbledore opened one of the drawers in Professor McGonagall's desk and took a quill and a bottle of ink. – Sad ti je najpotrebnije da se najedeš i naspavaš, Hari. Now|you|is|most needed|to|reflexive pronoun|eat|and|sleep|Hari – Right now, you need to eat and get some sleep, Harry. Predlažem ti da odeš dole na gozbu, dok ja pošaljem pismo u Askaban – treba da nam vrate našeg čuvara imanja. I suggest|you|to|go|down|to|feast|while|I|send|letter|to|Azkaban|need|to|us|return|our|guard|property I suggest you go down to the feast while I send a letter to Azkaban – we need them to return our estate's guardian. I moram da sastavim oglas za Dnevni prorok – dodade on zamišljeno. I|must|to|write|ad|for|Daily|prophet|he added|he|thoughtfully And I need to compose an ad for the Daily Prophet – he added thoughtfully. – Trebaće nam novi nastavnik Odbrane od Mračnih veština. We will need|us|new|teacher|Defense|from|Dark|arts – We will need a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Blagi bože, izgleda da ih baš brzo trošimo, zar ne? gentle|God|it seems|that|them|really|quickly|we are spending|is|not Good heavens, it seems we are using them up quite quickly, aren't we? Hari ustade i priđe vratima. Hari|stood up|and|approached|the door Harry stood up and approached the door. Međutim, baš kad je posegao za kvakom, ona se naglo otvoriše, takvom silinom da su odskočila o zid. However|just|when|he|reached|for|the doorknob|it|(reflexive pronoun)|suddenly|opened|with such|force|that|they|bounced|against|the wall Doch gerade als er nach der Türklinke griff, öffnete sie sich abrupt, mit einer solchen Wucht, dass sie gegen die Wand prallten. However, just as he reached for the doorknob, it suddenly swung open with such force that it bounced off the wall. Na vratima je stajao Lucijus Melfoj, gnevnog izraza lica. At|the door|was|standing|Lucius|Malfoy|angry|expression|face Lucius Malfoy stood in the doorway, with an angry expression on his face. A krijući se ispod njegove ruke, sav uvijen u zavoje, nalazio se Dobi. And|hiding|himself|under|his|arm|completely|wrapped|in|bandages|was|himself|Dobi And hiding under his arm, all wrapped in bandages, was Dobby. – Dobro veče, Lucijuse – reče Dambldor ljubazno. Good|evening|Lucius|said|Dumbledore|kindly – Good evening, Lucius – said Dumbledore kindly. Gospodin Melfoj gotovo obori Harija kad ulete u sobu. Mr|Melfoj|almost|knocked down|Harry|when|they ran|into|the room Mr. Melfoy schlägt Harry fast um, als sie den Raum betreten. Mr. Malfoy nearly knocked Harry over as he rushed into the room. Dobi utrča za njim, čučeći pored ruba njegovog ogrtača, s izrazom poniznog straha na licu. Dobi|ran|after|him|crouching|beside|edge|his|cloak|with|expression|humble|fear|on|face Dobi rannte hinter ihm her, am Saum seines Umhangs kauernd, mit einem Ausdruck demütiger Angst auf seinem Gesicht. Dobby ran after him, crouching by the edge of his cloak, with an expression of humble fear on his face. – Tako dakle! So|therefore - So! – So then! – reče Lucijus Melfoj, a njegove hladne oči bile su uprte u Dambldora. said|Lucius|Malfoy|and|his|cold|eyes|were|(auxiliary verb)|fixed|at|Dumbledore – said Lucius Malfoy, and his cold eyes were fixed on Dumbledore. – Vratio si se. You returned|(past tense marker)|reflexive pronoun - Sie sind zurück. – You have returned. Nadzornici su te suspendovali, ali ti si uprkos tome našao za shodno da se vratiš na Hogvorts. The supervisors|have|you|suspended|but|you|are|despite|that|found|to be|appropriate|to|yourself|return|to|Hogwarts Die Vorgesetzten haben Sie suspendiert, aber Sie fanden es trotzdem angemessen, nach Hogwarts zurückzukehren. The supervisors have suspended you, but you found it appropriate to return to Hogwarts. – Pa, vidiš, Lucijuse – reče Dambldor spokojno se smeškajući – ostalih jedanaest nadzornika danas me je kontaktiralo. Well|you see|Lucius|said|Dumbledore|calmly|himself|smiling|other|eleven|supervisors|today|me|has|contacted – Well, you see, Lucius – said Dumbledore, smiling calmly – the other eleven supervisors contacted me today. Pravo da ti kažem, bilo mi je kao da sam se zatekao u oluji sova. To be honest|that|you|tell|was|to me|it|like|that|I|myself|found|in|storm|owls Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, es war, als hätte ich mich in einem Eulensturm wiedergefunden. To be honest, it felt like I was caught in an owl storm. Čuli su da je kćerka Artura Vizlija ubijena, i hteli su da se smesta vratim ovamo. They heard|(past tense marker)|that|is|daughter|Arthur|Weasley|killed|and|they wanted|(past tense marker)|to|(reflexive pronoun)|immediately|I return|here Sie haben gehört, dass Arthur Weasleys Tochter getötet wurde, und sie wollten, dass ich sofort hierher zurückkomme. They heard that Arthur Weasley's daughter was killed, and they wanted me to return here immediately. Izgleda da misle kako sam ja ipak najpodesnija osoba za ovaj posao. It seems|that|they think|that|I am|I|after all|most suitable|person|for|this|job Sie scheinen zu denken, dass ich die geeignetste Person für diesen Job bin. It seems they think I am still the most suitable person for this job. Takođe su mi ispričali i vrlo čudne priče. Also|they|to me|told|and|very|strange|stories They also told me some very strange stories. Nekoliko njih je, izgleda, pomislilo da si im zapretio da ćeš baciti kletve na njihove porodice ukoliko se ne saglase da me suspenduju. Several|of them|is|apparently|thought|that|you|them|threatened|that|you will|cast|curses|on|their|families|if|themselves|not|agree|to|me|suspend Ein paar von ihnen, so scheint es, dachten, Sie hätten gedroht, ihre Familien zu verfluchen, wenn sie nicht zustimmten, mich zu suspendieren. It seems that a few of them thought you threatened to cast curses on their families if they did not agree to suspend me. Gospodin Melfoj postade još bleđi nego inače, ali su mu oči i dalje bile skupljene od besa. Mr|Melfoj|became|even|paler|than|usual|but|were|to him|eyes|and|still|were|narrowed|from|anger Mr. Melfoy became even paler than usual, but his eyes were still narrowed with rage. – Pa... da li si uspeo da zaustaviš napade? Well|to|question particle|you|succeeded|to|stop|attacks - Nun ... hast du es geschafft, die Angriffe zu stoppen? – So... were you able to stop the attacks? – podrugljivo se nasmeja. mockingly|reflexive pronoun|laughed – he laughed mockingly. – Da li ste uhvatili krivca? Did|question particle|you (plural)|catch|the culprit – Did you catch the culprit? – Jesmo – reče Dambldor, uz osmeh. We are|said|Dumbledore|with|a smile – Yes – said Dumbledore, with a smile. – Pa? So – Well? – reče gospodin Melfoj oštro. said|Mr|Melfoj|sharply – said Mr. Malfoy sharply. – Ko je u pitanju? Who|is|in|question – Who is it? – Ista osoba koja je bila i prošli put, Lucijuse – reče Dambldor. The same|person|who|was|been|and|last|time|Lucius|said|Dumbledore – The same person as last time, Lucius – said Dumbledore. – Ali ovoga puta Lord Voldemor je delao preko nekoga drugog. But|this|time|Lord|Voldemort|was|acting|through|someone|else - But this time Lord Voldemort acted through someone else. Posredstvom ovog dnevnika. Through|this|diary Through this diary. On podiže malu crnu knjigu s velikom rupom u sredini, gledajući pomno u gospodina Melfoja. He|lifts||black|book|with|big|hole|in|the middle|looking|closely|at|Mr|Melfoy Er nahm ein kleines schwarzes Buch mit einem großen Loch in der Mitte und sah Mr. Melfoy genau an. He lifted a small black book with a large hole in the middle, looking closely at Mr. Malfoy. Hari je, međutim, posmatrao Dobija. Harry|was|however|watching|Dobija Harry, however, was watching Dobby. Vilenjak je radio nešto vrlo čudno. The elf|was|doing|something|very|strange The elf was doing something very strange. Njegove velike oči bile su značajno prikovane za Harija, stalno je pokazivao čas u dnevnik čas u gospodina Melfoja, a onda bi pesnicom jako udarao sebe po glavi. His|big|eyes|were|(auxiliary verb)|significantly|glued|to|Harry|constantly|(auxiliary verb)|showed|time|in|diary|time|in|Mr|Melfoy|and|then|(auxiliary verb)|with his fist|hard|hit|himself|on|head Seine großen Augen waren deutlich auf Harry gerichtet, er zeigte eine Stunde lang auf Mr. Melfois Tagebuch, und dann schlug er sich hart mit der Faust auf den Kopf. His big eyes were significantly glued to Harry, he kept showing the time in the diary to Mr. Malfoy, and then he would hit himself hard on the head with his fist. – Shvatam... – reče gospodin Melfoj polako Dambldoru. I understand|said|Mr|Melfoy|slowly|to Dumbledore – I understand... – Mr. Malfoy said slowly to Dumbledore. – Pametan plan – reče Dambldor ravnim glasom, još uvek zureći pravo u oči gospodina Melfoja. Smart|plan|said|Dumbledore|even|voice|still|always|staring|straight|into|eyes|Mr|Malfoy – Smart plan – Dumbledore said in a flat voice, still staring directly into Mr. Malfoy's eyes. – Jer da Hari... – gospodin Melfoj ga prostreli brzim, oštrim pogledom – i njegov prijatelj Ron nisu otkrili ovu knjigu, pa... Džini Vizli bi morala da snosi svu krivicu. Because|to|Harry|Mr|Malfoy|him||with a quick|sharp|glance|and|his|friend|Ron|did not|discover|this|book|so|Ginny|Weasley|would|have to|to|bear||blame „Denn wenn Harry …“ Mr. Melfoy warf ihm einen schnellen, scharfen Blick zu, „und sein Freund Ron dieses Buch nicht entdeckt hätte, also … müsste Ginny Weasley die ganze Schuld tragen.“ – Because if Harry... – Mr. Malfoy shot him a quick, sharp look – and his friend Ron hadn't discovered this book, then... Ginny Weasley would have to bear all the blame. Niko nikada ne bi mogao da dokaže da ona nije izvodila napade svojevoljno... Gospodin Melfoj ništa ne reče. No one|ever|not|would|could|to|prove|that|she|not|carried out|attacks|voluntarily|Mr|Melfoy|nothing|not|said Niemand konnte jemals beweisen, dass sie die Angriffe nicht freiwillig ausgeführt hatte ... Mr. Melfoy sagte nichts. No one would ever be able to prove that she hadn't carried out the attacks voluntarily... Mr. Malfoy said nothing. Lice mu odjednom postade kao maska. His face|to him|suddenly|became|like|mask His face suddenly became like a mask. – I zamisli – nastavi Dambldor – šta bi se onda možda dogodilo... Vizlijevi su jedna od naših najistaknutijih čistokrvnih porodica. And|imagine|continued||what|would|(reflexive pronoun)|then|maybe|happened|the Vizzley family|are|one|of|our|most distinguished|pure-blood|families – And imagine – continued Dumbledore – what might have happened then... The Weasleys are one of our most prominent pure-blood families. Zamisli kakve bi bile posledice po Artura Vizlija i njegov Dekret o zaštiti Normalaca ako bi se otkrilo da njegova rođena kćer napada i ubija decu normalskog porekla. Imagine|what|would|be|consequences|for|Arthur|Weasley|and|his|Decree|on|protection|Muggles|if|would|reflexive pronoun|revealed|that|his|biological|daughter|attacks|and|kills||Muggle|descent Stellen Sie sich die Folgen für Arthur Weasley und sein Dekret zum Schutz normaler Menschen vor, wenn bekannt würde, dass seine eigene Tochter Kinder normaler Herkunft angegriffen und getötet hat. Imagine what the consequences would be for Arthur Weasley and his Decree for the Protection of Muggles if it were discovered that his own daughter was attacking and killing children of Muggle descent. Na svu sreću, dnevnik je pronađen, a Ridlova sećanja su izbrisana iz njega. To|all|luck|diary|was|found|and|Ridlo's|memories|were|erased|from|it Fortunately, the diary was found, and Riddle's memories were erased from it. Ko zna kakve bi, u suprotnom, bile posledice... Gospodin Melfoj jedva natera sebe da progovori. Who|knows|what kind of|would|in|otherwise|would be|consequences|Mr|Melfoy|barely|forces|himself|to|speak Wer weiß, was die Folgen sonst wären … Mr. Melfoy brachte es kaum über sich, zu sprechen. Who knows what the consequences would have been otherwise... Mr. Malfoy can hardly bring himself to speak. – Na svu sreću – reče on kruto. To|all|luck|he said|he|harshly „Zum Glück“, sagte er steif. – Fortunately – he said harshly. Dobi je, iza njegovih leđa, još uvek pokazivao prvo na dnevnik, pa onda u Lucijusa Melfoja, a zatim bi udarao sebe po glavi. Dobby|was|behind|his|back|still|always|pointed|first|at|diary|then|then|at|Lucius|Malfoy|and|then|would|hit|himself|on|head Dobi zeigte hinter seinem Rücken immer noch zuerst auf das Tagebuch, dann auf Lucius Melfoi, und dann würde er sich selbst auf den Kopf schlagen. Dobby, behind his back, was still pointing first at the diary, then at Lucius Malfoy, and then he would hit himself on the head. I Hari odjednom shvati. I|Hari|suddenly|realized Und Harry wurde es plötzlich klar. And Harry suddenly understood. Klimnu Dobiju, i Dobi se povuče u ćošak, sada za kaznu uvrćući svoje uši. He nodded|to Dobija|and|Dobija|himself|withdrew|into|corner|now|for|punishment|twisting|his|ears Er nickte Dobija zu, und Dobi zog sich in die Ecke zurück und verdrehte nun zur Strafe die Ohren. He nodded at Dobby, and Dobby retreated to the corner, now twisting his ears as a punishment. – Zar ne želite da znate kako je Džini došla do dnevnika, gospodine Melfoj? not|no|you want|to|know|how|she|Ginny|came|to|diary|Mr|Malfoy – Don't you want to know how Ginny got the diary, Mr. Malfoy? – upita Hari. asked|Hari - asked Harry. Lucijus Melfoj se okrenu ka njemu. Lucius|Malfoy|himself|turned|towards|him Lucius Malfoy turned to him. – Otkud bih ja mogao da znam kako je glupa devojčica došla do njega? how could|I|I|could|to|know|how|is|stupid|little girl|came|to|him - How would I know how the silly girl got to him? – reče on. he said|he - he said. – Zato što ste joj ga vi dali – reče Hari. Because|that|you (plural)|to her|it|you (plural)|gave|said|Harry - Because you gave him to her - said Harry. – Kod Kitnjavka i Mrljavka. At|Kitnjavka|and|Mrljavka – At Kitnjavka and Mrljavka. Izvukli ste njenu staru knjigu iz Preobražavanja, i tutnuli dnevnik u nju, zar ne? You took out|(past tense marker)|her|old|book|from|Preobražavanje|and|you stuffed|diary|into|it|right|not Du hast ihr altes Buch aus der Verwandlung geholt und ein Tagebuch hineingelegt, nicht wahr? You pulled out her old book from the Transfiguration, and stuffed the diary into it, didn't you? Video je kako se bele ruke gospodina Melfoja stežu i opuštaju. The video|is|how|himself|white|hands|Mr|Melfoy|tighten|and|relax Er sah, wie sich Mr. Melfoys weiße Hände anspannten und wieder entspannten. He saw Mr. Melfoy's white hands tightening and relaxing. – Dokaži – prosikta on. Prove|he shouted|he – Prove it – he hissed. – O, niko neće moći to da uradi – reče Dambldor, smeškajući se Hariju. Oh|nobody|will|be able|that|to|do|said|Dumbledore|smiling|himself|to Harry – Oh, no one will be able to do that – said Dumbledore, smiling at Harry. – Ne sada kada je Ridl nestao iz knjige. Not|now|when|is|Ridl|disappeared|from|the book – Not now that Riddle has disappeared from the book. S druge strane, savetovao bih ti, Lucijuse, da više ne deliš unaokolo stare školske stvari Lorda Voldemora. On|other|side|I would advise|would|you|Lucius|to|anymore|not|share|around|old|school|things||Voldemort Andererseits würde ich dir raten, Lucius, Lord Voldemorts alte Schulsachen nicht mehr mit dir zu teilen. On the other hand, I would advise you, Lucius, to stop spreading around the old school things of Lord Voldemort. Ako još neka od njih dospe u nedužne ruke, mislim da će se Artur Vizli, među prvima, pobrinuti da nađe trag koji vodi do tebe... Lucijus Melfoj zastade za trenutak, i Hari jasno vide da se njegova desna ruka trza, kao da čezne da dohvati čarobni štapić. If|any|some|of|them|falls|into|innocent|hands|I think|that|will|himself|Arthur|Weasley|among|the first|take care|to|find|trail|that|leads|to|you|Lucius|Malfoy|paused|for|a moment|and|Harry|clearly|saw|that|he|his|right|hand|twitched|as|to|longs|to|grab|magic|wand Wenn einer von ihnen in unschuldige Hände fällt, denke ich, dass Arthur Weasley einer der Ersten sein wird, der dafür sorgt, dass er die Spur findet, die zu Ihnen führt ... Lucius Melfoi hielt einen Moment inne, und Harry konnte deutlich sehen, dass sein rechter Arm zuckte , als ob er sich danach sehnt, nach dem Zauberstab zu greifen. If any of them ends up in innocent hands, I think Arthur Weasley will be among the first to make sure to find a trail that leads to you... Lucius Malfoy paused for a moment, and Harry clearly saw that his right hand twitched, as if longing to grab his wand. Umesto toga, on se okrenu svom kućnom vilenjaku. Instead of|that|he|himself|turned|his|household|elf Instead, he turned to his house-elf. – Idemo, Dobi! Let's go|Dobi – Let's go, Dobby! On silovito otvori vrata, i dok je vilenjak hitro išao uz njega, on ga šutnu pravo kroz njih. He|forcefully|opened|the door|and|while|was|the elf||walking|beside|him|he|him|kicked|straight|through|them He forcefully opened the door, and as the elf quickly walked beside him, he kicked him right through it. Mogli su da čuju Dobijevo bolno cičanje dok su se udaljavali kroz hodnik. They could|(past tense auxiliary verb)|to|hear|Dobije's|painful|squeak|while|(past tense auxiliary verb)|themselves|were distancing|through|hallway Sie konnten Dobies schmerzhaftes Kreischen hören, als sie den Flur hinuntergingen. They could hear Dobby's painful squeal as they moved away down the hallway. Hari zastade za trenutak, napregnuto misleći. Harry|stopped|for|a moment|intently| Harry hielt einen Moment inne und dachte angestrengt nach. Harry paused for a moment, thinking intently. A onda se seti. And|then|reflexive pronoun|remembered And then he remembered. – Profesore Dambldor – reče on užurbano – mogu li da vratim taj dnevnik gospodinu Melfoju, molim vas? Professor|Dumbledore|he said|he|hurriedly|can|question particle|to|return|that|diary|to Mr|Melfoy|I beg|you – Professor Dumbledore – he said hurriedly – may I return that diary to Mr. Malfoy, please? – Svakako, Hari – reče Dambldor mirno. Certainly|Harry|said|Dumbledore|calmly – Certainly, Harry – said Dumbledore calmly. – Ali požuri. But|hurry – But hurry. Ne zaboravi, gozba je u toku. Do not|forget|feast|is|in|progress Don't forget, the feast is in progress. Hari zgrabi dnevnik, i izlete iz kabineta. Hari|grabs|diary|and|runs out|from|the classroom Harry grabbed the diary and rushed out of the office. Mogao je da čuje Dobijeve cijuke bola kako zamiru iza ćoška. He could|(past tense marker)|to|hear|Dobije's|cries|of pain|how|fade away|behind|the corner He could hear Dobby's cries of pain fading away around the corner. Brzo, pitajući se da li bi njegov plan ikako mogao da uspe, Hari izu jednu svoju cipelu, skinu lepljivu, prljavu čarapu i stavi dnevnik u nju. Quickly|wondering|himself|if|question particle|would|his|plan|in any way|could|to|succeed|Harry|took off|one|his|shoe||sticky|dirty|sock|and|put|diary|in|it Schnell, sich fragend, ob sein Plan funktionieren könnte, zog Harry einen seiner Schuhe aus, zog seine klebrige, schmutzige Socke aus und legte das Tagebuch hinein. Quickly, wondering if his plan could possibly work, Harry took off one of his shoes, removed the sticky, dirty sock, and put his diary inside it. Onda potrča niz mračni hodnik. Then|ran|down|dark|hallway Then he ran down the dark hallway. Stigao ih je na vrhu stepenica. He reached|them|was|at|the top|of the stairs Er erreichte sie am oberen Ende der Treppe. He caught up with them at the top of the stairs. – Gospodine Melfoj – prodahta on, zakočivši u mestu – imam nešto za vas. Mr|Melfoj|she sold|him|stopping|in|place|I have|something|for|you – Mr. Malfoy – he panted, stopping in place – I have something for you. I on strpa smrdljivu čarapu u ruku Lucijusa Melfoja. I|he|stuffed|smelly|sock|into|hand|Lucius|Malfoy And he shoved the stinky sock into Lucius Malfoy's hand. – Šta kog... Gospodin Melfoj strže čarapu s dnevnika, baci je u stranu, a onda besno skrenu pogled s upropaštene knjige na Harija. What|of whom|Mr|Melfoj|tears|sock|from|diary|throws|it|to|side|and|then|angrily|turns|gaze|from|ruined|book|at|Harry „Was zum …“ Mr. Melfoy riss die Socke von seinem Tagebuch, warf sie beiseite und sah Harry dann wütend von dem ruinierten Buch weg. – What the... Mr. Melfoy tore the sock from the diary, threw it aside, and then angrily turned his gaze from the ruined book to Harry. – Jednog dana ćeš završiti na isti bolni način kao tvoji roditelji, Hari Poteru – reče on meko. One|day|you will|end|in|same|painful|way|as|your|parents|Harry|Potter|said|he|softly „Eines Tages wirst du genauso schmerzhaft enden wie deine Eltern, Harry Potter“, sagte er sanft. – One day you will end up in the same painful way as your parents, Harry Potter – he said softly. – I oni su bili budale koje se u sve upliću. And|they|were|fools|fools|who|themselves|in|everything|interfere - Und sie waren Narren, die sich auf alles eingelassen haben. – They were fools who got involved in everything. On se okrenu da ode. He|himself|turns|to|go Er drehte sich um, um zu gehen. He turned to leave. – Hajde, Dobi. Come on|Dobi – Come on, Dobby. Rekao sam, hajde! I said|I|come on I said, come on! Ali Dobi se ne pomeri. But|Dobi|himself|not|moves But Dobby doesn't move. Držao je Harijevu groznu, ljigavu čarapu u ruci kao da drži neprocenjivo blago. He held|past tense marker|Harry's|horrible|slimy|sock|in|hand|as|if|holds|invaluable|treasure He held Harry's horrible, slimy sock in his hand as if he were holding priceless treasure. – Gospodar je dao Dobiju čarapu – reče vilenjak s nevericom. The Master|(past tense verb to be)|gave|to Dobija|a sock|said|the elf|with|disbelief - The Master gave Dobby a sock - said the elf in disbelief. – Gospodar ju je bacio, a Dobi ju je uhvatio, i Dobi... Dobi je slobodan. The Master|her|(past tense verb marker)|threw|but|Dobi||is||||||free - The Master threw it away, and Dobby caught it, and Dobby... Dobby is free. Lucijus Melfoj je stajao nepomičan, buljeći u vilenjaka. Lucius|Malfoy|was|standing|motionless|staring|at|the elf Lucius Malfoy stood still, staring at the elf. Onda skoči na Harija. Then|jump|on|Harry Then he jumped at Harry. – Zbog tebe sam izgubio slugu, dečače! Because|you|I|lost|servant|boy – Because of you, I lost my servant, boy! Ali Dobi povika: – Nećete nauditi Hariju Poteru! But|Dobby|shouted|You will not|harm|Harry|Potter But Dobby shouted: – You won't harm Harry Potter! Začu se glasan prasak, i gospodin Melfoj beše odbačen unazad. There was heard|reflexive particle|loud|bang|and|Mr|Melfoj|was|thrown|backward A loud bang was heard, and Mr. Malfoy was thrown backward. Padao je niza stepenice, tumbajući se po tri stepenika odjednom, i zaustavio se sklupčan na međuspratu ispod njih. He fell|(past tense marker)|down|stairs|tumbling|(reflexive pronoun)|by|three|steps|at once|and|stopped|(reflexive pronoun)|curled up|on|landing|below|them He fell down the stairs, tumbling down three steps at a time, and came to a stop curled up on the landing below them. Ustao je, pomodrelog lica i isukao svoj čarobni štapić, ali Dobi preteći podiže svoj dugački prst. He got up|(past tense marker)|bluish|face|and|drew|his|magic|wand|but|Dobby|threatening|raised|his|long|finger Er stand mit gerötetem Gesicht auf und zog seinen Zauberstab heraus, aber Dobi hob drohend seinen langen Finger. He got up, his face bruised, and drew his wand, but Dobby threateningly raised his long finger. – Sada ćete otići – reče svirepim glasom, upirući prstom dole na gospodina Melfoja. Now|you will|leave|said|cruel|voice|pointing|finger|down|at|Mr|Melfoj "Now you will leave," he said in a cruel voice, pointing his finger down at Mr. Malfoy. – Nećete ni pipnuti Harija Potera. You will not|even|touch|Harry|Potter "You won't even touch Harry Potter." Smesta ćete otići. Immediately|you will|leave "You will leave at once." Lucijus Melfoj nije imao izbora. Lucius|Malfoy|did not|have|choice Lucius Malfoy had no choice. Bacivši poslednji razjaren pogled na njih dvojicu, zabaci ogrtač oko sebe i žurno nestade s vidika. Throwing|last|angry|glance|at|them|two|threw back|cloak|around|himself|and|hurriedly|disappeared|from|sight Throwing one last furious glance at the two of them, he threw his cloak around himself and hurried out of sight. – Hari Poter je oslobodio Dobija! Harry|Potter|has|freed|Dobby – Harry Potter has freed Dobby! – reče vilenjak piskavo, zureći u Harija, dok se mesečina, koja je dopirala kroz najbliži prozor, presijavala u njegovim kuglastim očima. said|elf|squeakily|staring|at|Harry|while|himself|moonlight|which|was|coming|through|nearest|window|shimmering|in||round|eyes – said the elf squeakily, staring at Harry, as the moonlight streaming through the nearest window shimmered in his bulging eyes. – Hari Poter je oslobodio Dobija! Harry|Potter|has|freed|Dobby – Harry Potter has freed Dobby! – Najmanje što sam mogao da uradim, Dobi – reče Hari smešeći se. least|that|I||to|do|Dobi|said|Hari|smiling|himself – The least I could do, Dobby – said Harry with a smile. – Samo mi obećaj da više nikada nećeš pokušati da mi spaseš život. Just|to me|promise|that|ever|never|you will|try|to|to me|save|life - Versprich mir nur, dass du nie wieder versuchen wirst, mein Leben zu retten. – Just promise me that you will never try to save my life again. Vilenjakovo ružno smeđe lice iznenada se razvuče u širok, zubat osmeh. The elf's|ugly|brown|face|suddenly|itself|stretched|into|wide|toothy|smile Das hässliche braune Gesicht des Elfs verzog sich plötzlich zu einem breiten, zahnigen Lächeln. The elf's ugly brown face suddenly broke into a wide, toothy grin. – Imam samo jedno pitanje, Dobi – reče Hari, dok je Dobi drhtavim rukama navlačio Harijevu čarapu. I have|only|one|question|Dobi|said|Hari|while|was|Dobi|trembling|hands|pulling|Hari's|sock – I have just one question, Dobby – said Harry, as Dobby pulled on Harry's sock with trembling hands. – Rekao si mi da sve ovo nema nikakve veze s Onim Koji Se Ne Sme Imenovati, sećaš se? You said|(past tense marker)|to me|that|all|this|has no|any|connection|with|Him|Who|(reflexive pronoun)|Not|Should|Be named|you remember|(reflexive pronoun) - Du hast mir gesagt, dass das alles nichts mit dem Einen zu tun hat, dessen Name nicht genannt werden darf, erinnerst du dich? – You told me that all of this has nothing to do with He Who Must Not Be Named, remember? Pa... – Bio je to trag, gospodine – reče Dobi, a oči su mu se širile kao da je to sasvim očigledno. Well|was|it|that|trace|sir|said|Dobi|and|eyes|were|to him|reflexive pronoun|widening|as|that|it|that|completely|obvious Well... – That was a clue, sir – said Dobi, and his eyes widened as if it were quite obvious. – Dobi vam je davao trag. Dobi|you|was|gave|clue – Dobi was giving you a clue. Pre nego što je promenio ime, Mračni Gospodar mogao se slobodno imenovati, vidite? Before|than|that|he|changed|name|Dark|Lord||himself|freely|name|you see Before he changed his name, the Dark Lord could freely name himself, you see? – Aha – reče Hari slabo. Aha|said|Hari|weakly – Aha – said Harry weakly. – Pa, bolje da krenem. Well|better|to|I start – Well, I better get going. Priređuje se gozba, a moja drugarica Hermiona trebalo bi da se do sada već probudila... Dobi ovi ruke oko Harijevog struka i zagrli ga. is preparing|reflexive pronoun|feast|but|my|friend|Hermione|should|conditional particle|to|reflexive pronoun|by|now|already|has woken up|She took|these|arms|around|Harry's|waist|and|hugged|him A feast is being prepared, and my friend Hermione should have woken up by now... Dobby wraps his arms around Harry's waist and hugs him. – Hari Poter je mnogo veći nego što je Dobi mislio! Harry|Potter|is|much|bigger|than|what|is|Dobby|thought – Harry Potter is much bigger than Dobby thought! – zajeca on. the hare| – he sobs. – Zbogom, Hari Poteru! Goodbye|Harry|Potter – Goodbye, Harry Potter! I uz poslednji glasni prasak, Dobi nestade. And|with|last|loud|bang|Dobi|disappeared And with one last loud pop, Dobby disappeared. * * * Hari je bio na nekoliko hogvortskih gozbi, ali nijedna nije bila kao ova. Harry|was|been|at|several|Hogwarts|feasts|but|none|was not|been|like|this * * * Harry war bei mehreren Festen in Hogwarts, aber keines war so wie dieses. * * * Harry had been to several Hogwarts feasts, but none were like this one. Svi su bili u pidžamama, a proslava je trajala cele noći. Everyone|were|in|pajamas|pajamas|and|celebration|was|lasted|all|night Everyone was in pajamas, and the celebration lasted all night. Hari nije znao da li je najbolji deo bio kada je Hermiona dotrčala do njega vičući: – Rešio si je! Harry|not|knew|that|question particle|was|best|part|was|when|she|Hermione|ran|to|him|shouting|You solved|(past tense marker)|it Harry wusste nicht, ob es am besten war, als Hermine zu ihm rannte und rief: „Du hast es verstanden!“ Harry didn't know if the best part was when Hermione ran up to him shouting: – You solved it! Rešio si je! You solved|(past tense marker)|it You solved it! – ili kada je Džastin odjurio od haflpafovskog stola da mu stegne ruku, beskonačno se izvinjavajući što je sumnjao na njega, ili kada se Hagrid pojavio u pola četiri ćuškajući Harija i Rona po ramenima tako jako da ih je oborio u tanjire s kolačima, ili kada je četiri stotine njegovih i Ronovih poena obezbedilo Grifindoru da osvoji Školski pehar drugu godinu zaredom, ili kada im je profesorka Mek Gonagal rekla da su ispiti otkazani kao poklon od škole („O, ne!“, reče Hermiona), ili kada je Dambldor objavio da, nažalost, profesor Lokhart neće predavati sledeće godine jer treba da ode i povrati svoje pamćenje. or|when|(past tense verb auxiliary)|Justin|rushed|from|Hufflepuff's|table|to|him|shake|hand|endlessly|(reflexive pronoun)|apologizing|that|(past tense verb auxiliary)|suspected|at|him|or|when|(reflexive pronoun)|Hagrid||at|half|four|thumping|Harry|and|Ron|on|shoulders|so|hard|that|them|(past tense verb auxiliary)|knocked|into|plates|with|pastries|or|when|(past tense verb auxiliary)|four|hundred|his|and|Ron's|points|secured|Gryffindor|to|win|School|cup|second|year|in a row|or|when|to them|(past tense verb auxiliary)|professor|Mc|Gonagall|said|that|(past tense verb auxiliary)|exams|canceled|as|gift|from|school|Oh|no|said|Hermione|or|when|(past tense verb auxiliary)|Dumbledore|announced|that|unfortunately|professor|Lockhart||teach|next|year|because|needs|to|go|and|regain|his|memory - oder als Justin von Hufflepuffs Tisch stürmte, um ihm die Hand zu schütteln und sich endlos dafür entschuldigte, ihn verdächtigt zu haben, oder als Hagrid um halb drei auftauchte und Harry und Ron so hart auf die Schulter schlug, dass er sie auf die Kuchenteller warf, oder wann Vierhundert seiner und Rons Punkte sicherten Gryffindor den Schulpokal zum zweiten Mal in Folge, entweder als Professor McGonagall ihnen sagte, dass die Prüfungen als Geschenk der Schule abgesagt wurden („Oh, nein!“, sagte Hermine), oder wann Dumbledore gab bekannt, dass Professor Lockhart nächstes Jahr leider nicht unterrichten wird, weil er gehen und sein Gedächtnis wiedererlangen muss. – or when Justin rushed from the Hufflepuff table to shake his hand, endlessly apologizing for doubting him, or when Hagrid appeared at four o'clock, thumping Harry and Ron on the shoulders so hard that he knocked them into the plates of cake, or when four hundred of his and Ron's points secured Gryffindor the House Cup for the second year in a row, or when Professor McGonagall told them that the exams were canceled as a gift from the school ('Oh, no!' said Hermione), or when Dumbledore announced that, unfortunately, Professor Lockhart would not be teaching next year because he needed to go and regain his memory. Veliki broj nastavnika priključio se radosnom klicanju koje je propratilo tu vest. A large|number|of teachers|joined|reflexive particle|joyful|cheering|which|was|accompanied|that|news Eine große Anzahl von Lehrern schloss sich dem Jubel an, der die Nachricht begleitete. A large number of teachers joined in the joyful cheering that accompanied the news. – Šteta – reče Ron, služeći se krofnom sa džemom. What a pity|said|Ron|using|himself|donut|with|jam "What a shame," said Ron, using a doughnut with jam. – Počeo je da mi biva drag. He started|(verb to be)|to|me|becomes|dear - Ich fange an, ihn zu mögen. "He has started to become dear to me." * * * Ostatak letnjeg polugodišta prošao je u izmaglici plamteće sunčeve svetlosti. The remainder|of the summer|semester|passed|was|in|haze|blazing|sunlight|light * * * Der Rest des Sommersemesters verging in einem Schleier aus gleißendem Sonnenlicht. * * * The rest of the summer term passed in a haze of blazing sunlight. Hogvorts se vratio u normalu, uz tek nekoliko malih promena: časovi Odbrane od Mračnih veština su otkazani („A mi smo ionako imali prilike da se dobro izvežbamo u tome“, reče Ron nezadovoljnoj Hermioni), a Lucijus Melfoj je smenjen s mesta nadzornika. Hogwarts|reflexive pronoun|returned|to|normal|with|only|a few|small|changes|classes|Defense|from|Dark|Arts|were|canceled|But|we|were|anyway|had|opportunities|to|reflexive pronoun|well|practice|in|that|said|Ron|dissatisfied|Hermione|and|Lucius|Malfoy|was|removed|from|position|supervisor Hogwarts returned to normal, with just a few small changes: Defense Against the Dark Arts classes were canceled ("And we had plenty of opportunities to practice that anyway," Ron said to the dissatisfied Hermione), and Lucius Malfoy was removed from his position as supervisor. Drako se više nije razmetao po školi kao da je ona njegovo vlasništvo. Drako|reflexive pronoun|anymore|did not|flaunted|around|school|as|if|was|it|his|property Draco wanderte nicht länger durch die Schule, als wäre es sein Eigentum. Draco no longer flaunted around the school as if it were his property. Naprotiv, delovao je ozlojeđeno i zlovoljno. On the contrary|acted|was|resentfully|and|maliciously On the contrary, he seemed resentful and sullen. S druge strane, Džini Vizli je ponovo bila presrećna. On|other|side|Ginny|Weasley|was|again|very|happy On the other hand, Ginny Weasley was once again overjoyed. Prerano, došlo je i vreme da se vrate kućama Hogvorts ekspresom. Too early|came|is|also|time|to|themselves|return|home|Hogwarts|by express train Too soon, the time had come to return home on the Hogwarts Express. Hari, Ron, Hermiona, Fred, Džordž i Džini dobili su ceo kupe samo za sebe. Harry|Ron|Hermione|Fred|George|and|Ginny|got|(past tense auxiliary verb)|whole|compartment|only|for|themselves Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Ginny had a whole compartment to themselves. Maksimalno su iskoristili poslednje sate u kojima im je bilo dozvoljeno da koriste čarolije pre raspusta. Maximally|they|utilized|last|hours|in|which|them|was|allowed|permitted|to|use|spells|before|vacation They made the most of the last hours in which they were allowed to use magic before the break. Igrali su se praskavih puckavaca, ispalili i poslednje Džordžove Filibasterove vatromete, i vežbali Razoružavajuće čini jedni na drugima. They played|(past tense auxiliary verb)|reflexive pronoun|of firecrackers|poppers|they shot off|and|last|George's|Filibuster's|fireworks|and|they practiced|Disarming|spells|each other|on|each other They played with crackling fireworks, fired off the last of George's Filibuster fireworks, and practiced Disarming spells on each other. Hari je postajao prilično dobar u tome. Harry|was|becoming|quite|good|at|it Harry was getting quite good at it. Bili su već nadomak Kings krosa kada se Hari setio nečega. They were|(past tense marker)|already|near|Kings|Cross|when|(reflexive pronoun)|Harry|remembered|something They were already close to King's Cross when Harry remembered something. – Džini – šta si to videla da Persi radi, a što nije želeo da bilo kome kažeš? Ginny|what|you|that|saw|that|Percy|does|and|what|not|wanted|to|anyone|to whom|you tell - Ginny - was hast du Percy tun sehen, das du niemandem erzählen wolltest? - Ginny - what did you see Percy doing that he didn't want you to tell anyone? – A, to – reče Džini, kikoćući se. And|that|said|Ginny|giggling|herself „Ah, das“, sagte Ginny kichernd. – Oh, really – said Ginny, giggling. – Pa, Persi ima devojku. Well|Persi|has|a girlfriend – Well, Percy has a girlfriend. Fred ispusti gomilu knjiga na Džordžovu glavu. Fred|drops|pile of|books|on|George's|head Fred ließ einen Stapel Bücher auf Georges Kopf fallen. Fred dropped a pile of books on George's head. – Šta? What – What? – To je ona asistentkinja iz Rejvenkloa, Penelopa Klirvoter – reče Džini. It|is|she|assistant|from|Ravenclaw|Penelope|Clearwater|said|Ginny – That's the assistant from Ravenclaw, Penelope Clearwater – said Ginny. – Eto kome je pisao celo prošlo leto. Here is|to whom|he|wrote|all|past|summer - Dem hat er letzten Sommer geschrieben. - So this is who he was writing to all last summer. Sastajao se s njom tajno u školi. He met|himself|with|her|secretly|in|school He was meeting her secretly at school. Jednom sam naletela na njih dok su se ljubili u praznoj učionici. Once|I|ran into|on|them|while|they|themselves|were kissing|in|empty|classroom I once stumbled upon them while they were kissing in an empty classroom. Bio je tako uznemiren kada je ona bila... znate već... napadnuta. He was|(past tense verb marker)|so|upset|when|(past tense verb marker)|she|was|you know|already|attacked Er war so aufgebracht, als sie ... du weißt schon ... angegriffen wurde. He was so upset when she was... you know... attacked. Nećete ga zadirkivati, je l' da? You won't|him|tease|is|question particle|right Du wirst ihn nicht ärgern, oder? You won't tease him, right? – dodade ona zabrinuto. she added|she|worriedly - she added worriedly. – Ne bismo tako nešto uradili ni u snu – reče Fred, koji je izgledao kao da mu je rođendan stigao ranije te godine. We wouldn't|would|such|something|do|even|in|dream|said|Fred|who|was|looked|like|that|to him|was|birthday|arrived|earlier|that|year „Wir würden das nicht in einem Traum tun“, sagte Fred, der aussah, als ob sein Geburtstag früher in diesem Jahr gekommen wäre. - We wouldn't do something like that even in a dream - said Fred, who looked like his birthday had come early that year. – Svakako ne – reče Džordž, kikoćući se. Certainly|no|said|George|giggling|himself - Certainly not - said George, giggling. Hogvorts ekspres uspori i napokon stade. Hogwarts|express|slowed down|and|finally|stopped The Hogwarts Express slowed down and finally stopped. Hari izvuče pero i pergament, i okrenu se ka Ronu i Hermioni. Harry|pulled out|quill|and|parchment||turned|himself|towards|||Hermione Harry pulled out a quill and parchment, and turned to Ron and Hermione. – Ovo se zove broj telefona – reče on Ronu, naškrabavši ga dva puta, cepajući pergament na dva dela i dajući im. This|(reflexive particle)|is called|number|telephone|he said|he|to Ron|scribbling|it|two|times|tearing|parchment|into|two|pieces|and|giving|them – This is called a phone number – he said to Ron, scribbling it down twice, tearing the parchment into two pieces and giving them. – Objasnio sam tvom tati prošlog leta kako se koristi telefon, znaće. I explained|(I)|your|dad|last|summer|how|(reflexive pronoun)|is used|phone|he will know – I explained to your dad last summer how to use the phone, he will know. Zovite me kod Darslijevih, važi? Call|me|at|the Darslijs|okay Call me at the Dursleys', okay? Ne mogu da podnesem da sledeća dva meseca pričam samo sa Dadlijem... – Tvoji tetka i teča će biti ponosni, zar ne? I|can|to|endure|that|next|two|months|I talk|only|with|Dadli|Your|aunt|and|uncle|will|be|proud|right|not I can't stand talking only to Dudley for the next two months... – Your aunt and uncle will be proud, won't they? – reče Hermiona kad su sišli s voza i pridružili se gomili koja se gurala ka začaranoj pregradi. said|Hermione|when|they|got off|from|train|and|joined|themselves|crowd|which|itself|pushed|towards|enchanted|barrier – said Hermione as they got off the train and joined the crowd pushing towards the enchanted barrier. – Kada budu čuli šta si uradio ove godine? When|they|hear|what|you|did|this|year - Wann werden sie erfahren, was Sie dieses Jahr gemacht haben? – When will they hear what you did this year? – Ponosni? Proud - Stolz? – Proud? – reče Hari. said|Hari – said Harry. – Jesi li ti luda? Are|question particle|you|crazy – Are you crazy? Koliko sam samo puta mogao da poginem a nisam uspeo? How many|I|only|times|could|to|die|but|I|succeeded Wie oft hätte ich sterben und versagen können? How many times could I have died and didn't? Biće besni... I oni zajedno prođoše kroz prolaz u svet Normalaca. They will be|angry|And|they|together|passed|through|passage|into|world|of Normal people They will be furious... And they both passed through the passage into the world of Normals. - KRAJ END - THE END

SENT_CWT:AFkKFwvL=9.4 PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=5.67 en:AFkKFwvL openai.2025-01-22 ai_request(all=375 err=0.00%) translation(all=312 err=0.00%) cwt(all=3550 err=1.41%)