21. Kapitel - 01
Capítulo 21 - 01
21e chapitre - 01
21st Chapter - 01
Man führte mich vor den Bürgermeister, einen alten, wohlwollenden Mann, dem Ruhe und Milde auf dem Gesicht geschrieben standen.
Yüzünden sakinliği ve yumuşaklığı okunan yaşlı, yardımsever bir adam olan belediye başkanının huzuruna çıkarıldım.
I was brought before the mayor, an old, benevolent man whose face was marked by calmness and gentleness.
Er sah mich zuerst streng an und fragte dann, wer sich als Zeuge in der Angelegenheit melden wolle.
He|looked|at me|first|sternly|at|and|asked|then|who|themselves|as|witness|in|the|matter|to report|would
Önce bana sert bir şekilde baktı ve ardından kimin bu konuda tanık olarak öne çıkmak istediğini sordu.
He looked at me sternly at first and then asked who would come forward as a witness in the matter.
Etwa ein Dutzend Männer traten vor.
Yaklaşık bir düzine adam öne çıktı.
About a dozen men stepped forward.
Der Bürgermeister befahl einem von ihnen, zu beginnen.
the|mayor|ordered|one of them|of|them|to|to begin
Belediye Başkanı içlerinden birine başlamasını emretti.
The mayor ordered one of them to begin.
Er erzählte, daß er in der vergangenen Nacht mit seinem Sohne und seinem Schwager Daniel Nugent etwa um zehn Uhr vor einer drohenden Nordbrise Schutz im Hafen gesucht habe.
He|told|that|he|in|the|past|night|with|his|son|and|his|brother-in-law|Daniel|Nugent|about|at|ten|o'clock|before|a|threatening|northerly breeze|shelter|in the|harbor|sought|had
Önceki gece saat on sularında oğlu ve kayınbiraderi Daniel Nugent ile birlikte tehdit edici bir kuzey rüzgârından korunmak için limana sığındıklarını söyledi.
He recounted that he had sought shelter in the harbor with his son and his brother-in-law Daniel Nugent around ten o'clock the previous night from a threatening north breeze.
Es sei sehr dunkel gewesen, da der Mond noch nicht am Himmel stand.
It|was|very|dark|been|since|the|moon|still|not|on the|sky|stood
Hava çok karanlıktı çünkü ay henüz gökyüzünde değildi.
It had been very dark, as the moon was not yet in the sky.
Sie seien nicht im Hafen selbst an Land gegangen, sondern, wie es ihre Gewohnheit war, in einer kleinen Bucht etwa zwei Meilen davon entfernt.
They|were|not|in the|harbor|itself|on|land|gone|but|as|it|their|habit|was|in|a|small|bay|about|two|miles|from it|away
Limanın kendisinde değil, âdetleri olduğu üzere, limandan yaklaşık iki mil uzaklıktaki küçük bir koyda karaya çıkmışlardı.
They had not gone ashore in the harbor itself, but, as was their custom, in a small cove about two miles away.
Sie seien dann mit den Fischereigeräten ausgestiegen und am Strande entlang gegangen.
They|had|then|with|the|fishing gear|disembarked|and|on the|beach|along|gone
Daha sonra olta takımlarıyla birlikte dışarı çıktılar ve sahil boyunca yürüdüler.
They then got out with the fishing gear and walked along the beach.
Plötzlich sei er mit dem Fuße an etwas angestoßen und der Länge nach in den Sand gefallen.
Birden ayağını bir şeye çarptı ve uzunlamasına kumun içine düştü.
Suddenly, he kicked something with his foot and fell flat on the sand.
Seine Begleiter wären dann mit den Laternen herbeigeeilt, um ihm zu helfen.
his|companions|would have|then|with|the|lanterns|rushed over|to|him|to|to help
Arkadaşları o zaman ona yardım etmek için fenerlerle birlikte koşacaklardı.
His companions then rushed over with the lanterns to help him.
Bei näherem Zusehen hätten sie dann entdeckt, daß ein Leichnam am Boden lag.
at|closer|look|would have|they|then|discovered|that|a|corpse|on the|ground|was lying
Daha yakından incelediklerinde, yerde bir cesedin yattığını fark edeceklerdi.
Upon closer inspection, they then discovered that a corpse was lying on the ground.
Sie hätten zuerst vermutet, daß es ein Ertrunkener sei, den das Meer hier angeschwemmt; aber nach einer kurzen Untersuchung hätten sie festgestellt, daß die Kleider des Mannes gar nicht naß und der Körper noch warm sei.
They|would have||suspected|that|it|a|drowned person|is|whom|the|sea|here|washed up|but|after|a|short|investigation|would have|they|determined|that|the|clothes|of the|man|not even|not|wet|and|the|body|still|warm|is
They would have first suspected that it was a drowned man washed ashore by the sea; but after a brief examination, they would have determined that the man's clothes were not wet and his body was still warm.
Sie hätten ihn dann in die nahe gelegene Hütte einer alten Frau getragen und dort, allerdings vergebens, versucht, ihn ins Leben zurückzurufen.
They|would have|him|then|into|the|nearby|located|hut|of an|old|woman|carried|and|there|however|in vain|tried|him|into the|life|to call back
Daha sonra onu yakındaki yaşlı bir kadının kulübesine taşıyacaklar ve onu hayata döndürmeye çalışacaklardı ama nafile.
They would have then carried him to the nearby hut of an old woman and there, although in vain, tried to bring him back to life.
Der Tote sei ein hübscher Mann von etwa 25 Jahren gewesen.
The deceased was a handsome man of about 25 years.
Er sei offenbar erwürgt worden, denn außer schwarzen Fingereindrücken am Halse habe er kein Zeichen einer geschehenen Gewalttat finden können.
He|was|apparently|strangled|been|because|except for|black|finger marks|on the|neck|had|he|no|sign|of a|happened|act of violence|to find|could
He had apparently been strangled, for besides black fingerprints on his neck, he could find no signs of a violent act having occurred.
Der erste Teil der Darstellung interessierte mich keineswegs; als aber der Fingereindrücke Erwähnung getan wurde, dachte ich an die Ermordung meines Bruders und wurde außerordentlich erregt.
the|first|part|of the|representation|interested|me|not at all|when|but|the|finger impressions|mention|done|was|thought|I|of|the|murder|of my|brother|and|was|extremely|agitated
The first part of the presentation did not interest me at all; but when the mention of fingerprints was made, I thought of my brother's murder and became extremely agitated.
Meine Kniee schwankten und vor den Augen wurde mir schwarz, so daß ich mich an einem Stuhle festhalten mußte.
my|knees|were shaking|and|before|the|eyes|became|to me|black|so|that|I|myself|to|a|chair|to hold on to|had to
My knees wobbled and it went black before my eyes, so that I had to hold on to a chair.
Der Bürgermeister beobachtete mich sehr scharf und zog jedenfalls ungünstige Schlüsse aus meinem Verhalten.
The|mayor|observed|me|very|closely|and|drew|in any case|unfavorable|conclusions|from|my|behavior
Belediye başkanı beni çok dikkatli bir şekilde gözlemledi ve her halükarda davranışlarımdan olumsuz sonuçlar çıkardı.
The mayor observed me very closely and drew unfavorable conclusions from my behavior.
Der Sohn des Fischers bestätigte die Aussage des Alten.
The|son|of the|fisherman|confirmed|the|statement|of the|old
The fisherman's son confirmed the old man's statement.
Als David Nugent aufgerufen ward, fügte er hinzu, daß er beschwören könne, gerade ehe sein Schwager zu Boden fiel, ein einzelnes Boot, nur mit einem Mann besetzt, nahe der Küste gesehen zu haben.
as|David|Nugent|called|was|added|he|to it|that|he|could swear|could|just|before|his|brother-in-law|to|ground|fell|a|single|boat|only|with|one|man|occupied|near|the|coast|seen|to|have
When David Nugent was called, he added that he could swear he had seen a single boat, occupied by just one man, near the shore just before his brother-in-law fell to the ground.
Das karge Licht hätte ja die Gegenstände nicht genau erkennen lassen, aber er müsse sich sehr täuschen, wenn es nicht das gleiche Boot gewesen sei, mit dem ich vor kurzem angekommen war.
The|sparse|light|would have|indeed|the|objects|not|exactly|to recognize|to let|but|he|must|himself|very|to deceive|if|it|not|that|same|boat|had been|was|with|which|I|before|recently|arrived|was
Yetersiz ışık cisimleri net bir şekilde göstermiyordu ama eğer bu benim kısa süre önce geldiğim teknenin aynısı değilse çok yanılıyor olmalıydı.
The dim light would not have allowed for a clear recognition of the objects, but he must be very mistaken if it was not the same boat that I had recently arrived in.
Eine Frau, die in der Nähe der Küste wohnte, gab an, daß sie etwa eine Stunde, ehe sie von der Auffindung des Leichnams hörte, unter der Tür ihres Hauses gestanden sei, um nach den Fischern Ausschau zu halten, und daß sie ein Boot mit nur einem Mann Besatzung von dem gleichen Punkt der Küste hätte abstoßen sehen, wo man später den Toten fand.
A|woman|who|in|the|vicinity|of the|coast|lived|gave|on|that|she|about|one|hour|before|she|of|the|discovery|of the|body|heard|under|the|door|her|house||was|to|after|the|fishermen|lookout|to|to keep|and|that|she|a|boat|with|only|one|man|crew|from|the|same|point|of the|coast|would have|push off|to see|where|one|later|the|dead man|found
Sahil yakınlarında yaşayan bir kadın, cesedin bulunduğunu duymadan yaklaşık bir saat önce evinin kapısının altında durarak balıkçıları gözetlediğini ve daha sonra ölü adamın bulunduğu sahilden tek mürettebatlı bir teknenin hareket ettiğini gördüğünü ifade etmiştir.
A woman who lived near the coast stated that about an hour before she heard about the discovery of the body, she had been standing at her door looking out for the fishermen, and that she had seen a boat with only one man on board push off from the same point on the coast where the dead man was later found.
Eine andere Frau bestätigte die Angabe der Fischer, daß der Körper, den man ihr ins Haus gebracht, noch nicht kalt gewesen sei.
A|other|woman|confirmed|the|statement|of the|fishermen|that|the|body|which|one|to her|into the|house|brought|still|not|cold|been|was
Another woman confirmed the fishermen's statement that the body brought to her house had not yet been cold.
Sie hätten ihn in ein Bett gelegt und abgerieben, und Daniel sei nach der Stadt zu einem Arzt gelaufen.
Onu bir yatağa yatırıp ovarlardı ve Daniel bir doktora görünmek için şehre koşardı.
They should have laid him in a bed and rubbed him down, and Daniel ran to the city to see a doctor.
Aber es sei zu spät gewesen.
But it was too late.
Einige Leute wurden wegen meiner Landung vernommen.
some|people|were|because of|my|landing|interrogated
Bazı insanlar inişimle ilgili sorular sordular.
Some people were questioned about my landing.
Sie sagten übereinstimmend aus, daß der heftige Nordwind mich recht gut wieder an die Stelle hätte zurücktreiben können, von wo ich in See gestochen sei.
they|said|unanimously|from|that|the|strong|north wind|me|quite|well|again|to|the|place|would have|to drive back|could|from|where|I|into|sea|set sail|had
Hepsi de şiddetli kuzey rüzgârının beni yelken açtığım noktaya geri götürebileceği konusunda hemfikirdi.
They all testified that the strong north wind could have pushed me back quite well to the place from where I had set sail.
Außerdem gaben sie an, sie hätten den Eindruck gehabt, als sei der Leichnam von einer anderen Stelle aus herbeigebracht worden, und daß ich wahrscheinlich, weil ich die Küste nicht kannte, keine Ahnung hatte, daß die Stadt so nahe am Tatort liege, und deshalb unbedenklich im Hafen gelandet sei.
Furthermore|gave|they|stated|they|had|the|impression|had|as|was|the|corpse|from|another|other|place|from|brought|been|and|that|I|probably|because|I|the|coast|not|knew|no|idea|had|that|the|city|so|close|to the|crime scene|was|and|therefore|without hesitation|in the|harbor|landed|was
Ayrıca cesedin başka bir yerden getirildiği izlenimine kapıldıklarını ve muhtemelen sahili bilmediğim için kasabanın suç mahalline bu kadar yakın olduğunu bilmediğimi ve bu nedenle limana güvenli bir şekilde indiğimi belirttiler.
Furthermore, they stated that they had the impression that the corpse had been brought from another location, and that I probably, because I was unfamiliar with the coast, had no idea that the town was so close to the crime scene, and therefore had landed in the harbor without concern.
Nachdem Kirwin das Verhör beendet hatte, ordnete er an, daß ich in den Raum geführt würde, wo der Leichnam aufgebahrt lag, um zu sehen, welchen Eindruck dieser Anblick auf mich machen würde.
after|Kirwin|the|interrogation|ended|had||he|to|that|I|in|the|room|led|would|where|the|corpse|laid out|lay|to|to|to see|what|impression|this|sight|on|me|to make|would
Kirwin sorguyu bitirdikten sonra, manzaranın üzerimde nasıl bir etki bırakacağını görmek için cesedin yattığı odaya götürülmemi emretti.
After Kirwin had finished the interrogation, he ordered that I be taken to the room where the corpse was laid out, to see what impression this sight would have on me.
Wahrscheinlich war er auf diese Idee gekommen, weil er bemerkt hatte, wie sehr mich die Schilderung der Ereignisse angriff.
probably|was|he|on|this|idea|come|because|he|noticed|had|how|very|me|the|description|of the|events|affected
Muhtemelen olayların tasvirinin beni ne kadar etkilediğini fark ettiği için bu fikri ortaya attı.
He probably came up with this idea because he noticed how much the description of the events affected me.
Ich konnte nicht umhin zu fühlen, daß sich die Beweiskette mühelos schließen ließ.
I|could|not|to avoid|to|to feel|that|itself|the|chain of evidence|effortlessly|to close|let
Kanıt zincirinin zahmetsizce kapatılabileceğini hissetmekten kendimi alamadım.
I could not help but feel that the chain of evidence could be easily closed.
Aber da ich ja an dem Abend, an dem man die Leiche gefunden hatte, noch mit mehreren Bewohnern meiner Insel gesprochen hatte, konnte ich verhältnismäßig ruhig den Ereignissen ins Auge sehen.
But|since|I|indeed|on|the|evening|on|the|one|the|corpse|found|had|still|with|several|residents|of my|island|spoken|had|could|I|relatively|calmly|the|events|into|eye|see
Ancak cesedin bulunduğu akşam adanın birkaç sakiniyle konuştuğum için olayları nispeten sakin bir şekilde karşılayabildim.
But since I had spoken with several residents of my island on the evening when the body was found, I could relatively calmly face the events.
Ich trat in das Zimmer, wo der Tote lag, und begab mich an den Sarg.
I|stepped|into|the|room|where|the|dead person|lay|and|I went|myself|to|the|coffin
Ölü adamın yattığı odaya girdim ve tabutun yanına gittim.
I entered the room where the dead person lay and approached the coffin.
Wie könnte ich die Gefühle schildern, die mich da ergriffen?
How|could|I|the|feelings|to describe|that|me|there|seized
Orada beni saran duyguları nasıl tarif edebilirim?
How could I describe the feelings that overcame me there?
Noch heute denke ich mit Entsetzen und Verzweiflung an diesen Augenblick.
still|today|I think|I|with|horror|and|despair|at|this|moment
Bugün bile o anı dehşet ve çaresizlikle hatırlıyorum.
Even today, I think with horror and despair of that moment.
Das Verhör, die Anwesenheit des Bürgermeisters und der Zeugen war mir wie ein Traum, als ich da vor mir den leblosen Körper Clervals liegen sah.
the|interrogation|the|presence|of the|mayor|and|the|witnesses|was|to me|like|a|dream|when|I|there|before|me|the|lifeless|body|of Clerval|lying|saw
Sorgu, belediye başkanının ve tanıkların varlığı, Clerval'in önümde yatan cansız bedenini gördüğümde benim için bir rüya gibiydi.
The interrogation, the presence of the mayor and the witnesses felt like a dream to me as I saw the lifeless body of Clerval lying before me.
Ich rang nach Atem und warf mich schluchzend über den Leichnam.
Nefes almak için çırpındım ve kendimi cesedin üzerine atarak hıçkıra hıçkıra ağladım.
I gasped for breath and threw myself sobbing over the corpse.
»Hat mein Wahnwitz nun auch dir das Leben gekostet, mein liebster Henry?
has|my|madness|now|also|to you|the|life|cost|my|dearest|Henry
"Benim deliliğim senin de hayatına mı mal oldu, sevgili Henry?
"Has my madness now cost you your life as well, my dearest Henry?"
Zwei fielen dem Würger schon zum Opfer und der anderen wartet noch ihr grauenhaftes Schicksal; aber du, mein Freund, mein Wohltäter ...«
Two|fell|the|strangler|already|to the|victim|and|the|other|waits|still|their|gruesome|fate|but|you|my|friend|my|benefactor
İkisi çoktan boğazlayıcının kurbanı oldu ve diğeri hala korkunç kaderini bekliyor; ama sen, dostum, hayırseverim..."
"Two have already fallen victim to the executioner, and the other awaits her horrific fate; but you, my friend, my benefactor..."
Ich konnte das Leid nicht mehr ertragen und brach zusammen.
I|could|the|suffering|not|anymore|to bear|and|broke|down
Bu acıya daha fazla dayanamadım ve yere yığıldım.
I could no longer bear the suffering and collapsed.
Ein heftiges Fieber war die Folge dieser tiefen Erregung.
a|severe|fever|was|the|consequence|of this|deep|excitement
Bu derin heyecanın sonucu şiddetli bir ateş oldu.
A severe fever was the result of this deep agitation.
Zwei Monate lag ich zwischen Leben und Tod, und meine Fieberrasereien waren, wie man mir nachher erzählte, schrecklich.
two|months|lay|I|between|life|and|death|and|my|feverish delirium|were|as|one|to me|afterwards|told|terrible
İki ay boyunca ölümle yaşam arasında gidip geldim ve daha sonra bana söylendiği gibi ateşim korkunçtu.
For two months I lay between life and death, and my feverish raving was, as I was later told, terrible.
Ich beschuldigte mich selbst, Wilhelm und Justine und Clerval hingemordet zu haben.
I|accused|myself|myself|William|and|Justine|and|Clerval|to have murdered||
Kendimi Wilhelm'i, Justine'i ve Clerval'i öldürmekle suçladım.
I blamed myself for having murdered Wilhelm, Justine, and Clerval.
Ich flehte meine Wärter an, mir bei der Vernichtung des Dämons, der mich verfolgte, behülflich zu sein.
I|begged|my|guards|to|to me|with|the|destruction|of the|demon|who|me|was pursuing|helpful|to|be
Beni kovalayan iblisi yok etmeme yardım etmeleri için bakıcılarıma yalvardım.
I begged my guards to help me in the destruction of the demon that was pursuing me.
Dann fühlte ich wieder den harten Griff des Ungeheuers an meinem Halse und brüllte in wahnsinniger Todesangst.
Then|felt|I|again|the|hard|grip|of the|monster's|on|my|neck|and|screamed|in|insane|mortal terror
Sonra canavarın boynumu tekrar sertçe kavradığını hissettim ve delice bir acıyla kükredim.
Then I felt the hard grip of the monster on my throat again and screamed in insane terror of death.
Herr Kirwin war der einzige, der meine Muttersprache und damit auch das verstand, was ich in meinen Fieberphantasien sprach; die anderen mochten schon an meinen Krämpfen und meinem Geschrei genug haben.
Mr|Kirwin|was|who|only|who|my|mother tongue|and|thereby|also|that|understood|what|I|in|my|feverish fantasies|spoke|the|others|might have|already|at|my|convulsions|and|my|screaming|enough|to have
Bay Kirwin anadilimi ve dolayısıyla ateşli fantezilerimde ne konuştuğumu anlayan tek kişiydi; diğerleri zaten kramplarımdan ve çığlıklarımdan bıkmış olabilirdi.
Mr. Kirwin was the only one who understood my mother tongue and thus also what I was saying in my fevered fantasies; the others must have had enough of my convulsions and my screams.
Warum konnte ich nicht sterben?
Neden ölemedim?
Why couldn't I die?
Elender als ich war nie ein Menschenkind gewesen.
more miserable|than|I|was|never|a|human child|been
Hiçbir insan çocuğu benim kadar mutsuz olmamıştı.
Never had a human child been more miserable than I.
Warum ward mir nicht Vergessenheit und Ruhe zuteil?
why|was|to me|not|oblivion|and|rest|granted
Neden bana unutulma ve huzur bahşedilmedi?
Why was I not granted forgetfulness and peace?
Welche ungeheure Widerstandskraft mußte ich haben, um all das ertragen zu können, mit dem mich das Schicksal bedachte?
which|tremendous|resilience|had to|I|to have|in order to|all|that|to endure|to|to be able|with|which|me|that|fate|bestowed
Kaderin bana fırlattığı her şeye dayanabilmek için ne kadar büyük bir dirence sahiptim?
What immense resilience must I have had to endure all that fate bestowed upon me?
Aber ich war verdammt weiterzuleben und zwei Monate später erwachte ich zum Bewußtsein.
But|I|was|damn|to continue living|and|two|months|later|awoke|I|to the|
Ama yaşamaya mahkûm edildim ve iki ay sonra kendime geldim.
But I was damned to continue living, and two months later I awoke to consciousness.
Ich fand mich auf einem schlechten Bett liegend; das Fenster war stark vergittert, die Türen doppelt und dreifach verriegelt und um mich brütete das trostlose Halbdunkel einer Kerkerzelle.
I|found|myself|on|a|bad|bed|lying|the|window|was|heavily|barred|the|doors|double|and|triple|locked|and|around|me|brooded|the|bleak|half-darkness|of a|dungeon cell
Kendimi kötü bir yatakta yatarken buldum; pencere ağır bir şekilde parmaklıklıydı, kapılar iki ve üç kez sürgülenmişti ve bir zindan hücresinin kasvetli yarı ışığı etrafımda dolaşıyordu.
I found myself lying on a bad bed; the window was heavily barred, the doors were locked double and triple, and around me brooded the dismal twilight of a dungeon cell.
Es war Morgen, wenn ich mich recht erinnere.
It was morning, if I remember correctly.
Ich hatte all die traurigen Ereignisse vergessen; aber als ich mich umsah, kam mir alles wieder ins Gedächtnis und ich weinte bitterlich.
I|had|all|the|sad|events|forgotten|but|when|I|myself|looked around|came|to me|everything|again|into the|memory|and|I|cried|bitterly
Tüm üzücü olayları unutmuştum; ama etrafıma baktığımda her şey aklıma geldi ve acı acı ağladım.
I had forgotten all the sad events; but as I looked around, everything came back to my mind and I wept bitterly.