نينجا المغامر الحلقة الأولى Arabic captions with English subtitle) E1 Igano Kabamaru)
ninja|macera||||altyazılar||İngilizce|altyazı|Bölüm|Igano Kabamaru|Kabamaru
Ninja Adventurer Episode 1 (Arabische Untertitel mit englischen Untertiteln) E1 Igano Kabamaru)
Ninja Adventurer Episodio 1 Subtítulos en árabe con subtítulos en inglés) E1 Igano Kabamaru)
Ninja Adventurer, épisode 1, sous-titres arabes avec sous-titres anglais (E1 Igano Kabamaru)
Ninja Adventurer, episodio uno, sottotitoli in arabo con sottotitoli in inglese (E1 Igano Kabamaru)
忍者冒険者、エピソード 1、英語字幕付きアラビア語キャプション (E1 伊賀野カバ丸)
Ninja Adventurer, Episódio Um, legendas em árabe com legenda em inglês (E1 Igano Kabamaru)
Ниндзя-авантюрист, Эпизод первый, субтитры на арабском языке с английскими субтитрами (E1 Игано Кабамару)
Ninja Maceracı, Birinci Bölüm, İngilizce altyazılı Arapça altyazı (E1 Igano Kabamaru)
忍者冒险家,第一集,阿拉伯语字幕,英文字幕(E1 Igano Kabamaru)
忍者冒險家,第一集,阿拉伯語字幕,英文字幕(E1 Igano Kabamaru)
Ninja Adventurer Episode 1 Arabic captions with English subtitle) E1 Igano Kabamaru)
[ أه -آهه - أه.... ]
[ Ah - Ahh - Ah.... ]
جدي مات فعلا
my grandfather|died|really
My grandfather really died
جدي مات فعلا
my grandfather|died|really|Kaba Maru
My grandfather really died "Kabamaru"
ها قد رجعت أخيرا
Here I am back finally
هنا التقينا أنا و"سايزو" أول مرة
here|we met|I|and|Saizo|first|time
Here we met for the first time, me and "Saizo".
ذكريات حلوه
Sweet memories.
"سايزو" هنا فوق التل
Saiso|here|on|the hill
"Saizo" is up on the hill.
أنا آسف ل"سايزو" العجوز آسف
I|am sorry|for|Saizo|old|am sorry
I'm sorry for the old "Saizo", I'm sorry.
ألا يقدر أن ينام بهدوء
not|he can|to|sleep|peacefully
He can't sleep peacefully.
ويتركَ الحفيد الغبي وشأنه؟
ماذا ؟!!
and leave|the grandson|stupid|to himself|what
And will the foolish grandson be left alone? What?!!
لا !!
لا تقل هذا الكلام
do not|say|this|words
Don't say that.
وإلا قام فجأة
or else|he stood up|suddenly
Otherwise, he will suddenly get up.
وحرك وجهه صوبنا
and he turned|his face|towards us
And turn his face towards us.
طبعا، طبعا
of course|of course
Of course, of course
لن أستغرب إن فعل
I will not|be surprised|if|he does
I wouldn't be surprised if he did
!! عفوا
excuse me
!! Excuse me
لا No
No No
...لا أصدق
لا أصدق
not|I believe|not|I believe
...I can't believe it I can't believe it
ماذا جرى؟
What happened?
تبدين شاحبة
You look|pale
You look pale.
هل هذا مأتم "سايزو إيفانو" فعلا؟!
is this|this|funeral|Saizo|Ivano|really|yes
Is this really the "Saizo Ivano" funeral?! Yes.
اختنق بقطعة من حلوى الأرز
choked|with a piece|of|sweet|rice
He choked on a piece of rice cake.
استقرت في حلقة
It got stuck in his throat.
هل كنت تعرفين "سايزو" العجوز ؟!!
Did|you (feminine)|know|Saizo|the old man|yes
Did you know the old "Saizo"?!! Yes
كان أول شخص أحببته
was|first|person|I loved
He was the first person I loved
كان صديقا غاليا
was|a friend|dear
He was a dear friend
آه جيد
Ah, good
وهل تمشين في طليعة المأتم؟
And do|you walk|in|front|funeral
Do you walk at the forefront of the funeral?
طليعة ؟!!
"سايزو" كان له حفيد ! !
Saizo|had|to him|grandson
"Saizo" had a grandson!!
أين هو ؟!
Where is he?!
"كابامارو" ؟!!
إنهُ غبي
"كابامارو" ؟!!
Is he stupid "Kabamaru"?!!
رحمه الله
may He have mercy on|Allah
May God have mercy on him
كان رجلا فاضلا
was|a man|virtuous
He was a virtuous man
حصلت منك على رسالة من نحو خمسين سنة
I received|from you|a|letter|about|around|fifty|years
I received a letter from you about fifty years ago
كنت فتاة ضعيفه
I was|girl|weak
I was a weak girl
جئة الى هنا للإستشفاء
I came|to|here|for treatment
Came here for healing
وكنت من سلالة "إيجا نينجا"
and I was|from|lineage|Ija|Ninja
And I was from the "Ija Ninja" lineage
.... التقينا
we met
.... we met
وكان عمرك عشرين سنة
and was|your age|twenty|year
And you were twenty years old
وعمري أنا سبعة عشرة
and my age|I|seven|ten
And I was seventeen years old
دام حبنا زمنا قصيرا
lasted|our love|time|short
Our love lasted a short time.
لكنه كان حبا رائعا
But it was a wonderful love.
هيي !!
ماذا تفعل !!؟؟
what|are you doing
What are you doing!!??
ما هذا ؟ في مأتم جده، ؟!!!!
What is this? At his grandfather's funeral, ?!!!!
! لنمسك به، ونهزه قليلا
Let's catch|him|and shake him|a little
Let's catch it and shake it a little!
هل هذا "كاجي مارو" ؟!!
Is this "Kaji Maru"?!!
لا، هذا "كابامارو"
No, this is "Kabamaru".
هممم امم امم ...
Hmm umm umm ...
ما أشهى قالب الحلوى هذا..
رائع ...
How delicious this cake is.. wonderful ...
آأأأممم أممم أممم ....
Aaaah mmm mmm ....
تعال هنا يا "كابامارو" إنه مأتم جدك، تعال
come|here|O|Kaba Maru|it is|funeral|your grandfather|come
Come here, "Kabamaru", it's your grandfather's funeral, come on.
!! هيا
Let's go
!! Let's go
لا تستطيعون القبض على "كاجيمارو" بهذا الكمين البسيط !!
not|you (plural) can|catch|on|Kajimaru|with this|ambush|simple
You can't catch "Kagemaru" with this simple trap!!
.بلى نستطيع
yes|we can
. Yes, we can.
ها هو آت
Here he comes
Let's go
Come on
أيي .. ماذا تفعلون ؟
hey|what|are you doing
Hey.. what are you doing?
دعوني أخرج من هنا ... دعوني ... دعوني ..
Let me|out|from|here||
Let me out of here... let me... let me..
أسكت. لم تشارك في مأتم جدك
Be quiet|did not||in|funeral|your grandfather
Shut up. You didn't participate in your grandfather's funeral.
وحاولت ان تسرق قالب حلوى الأرز الخاص بالاحتفال
And she tried|to|steal|a mold|sweet|rice|special|for the celebration
And she tried to steal the rice cake mold for the celebration.
أي أي دعوني أخرج من هنا ... أخرجوني من هنا ...
any||let me|out|from|here|take me out|from|here
Oh, oh, let me out of here... get me out of here...
أخرجوني من هنا
Take me out|from|here
Get me out of here.
من أنت ؟ من أنت ؟ تكلمي!! !!
أنت !
Who are you? Who are you? Speak!! You!
!!آه .. لا أصدق عيناي
Ah|not|believe|my eyes
Ah... I can't believe my eyes!
أنا "كابامارو" "كابامارو"
I am "Kabamaru" "Kabamaru"
أنت تشبه "سايزو" كثيرا
You|resemble|Saizo|a lot
You resemble "Saizo" a lot
a lot
A lot
أشعر بدوار
I feel|dizzy
I feel dizzy
لا تكترثي أيتها العجوز
do not|worry|O|old woman
Don't worry, old lady
!فقط أخرجيني من هنا. هيا
just|get me out|from|here|come on
Just get me out of here. Come on!
أوه. كما تريد!
Oh|as|you want
Oh. As you wish!
ماذا تحتاولين أن تفعلي ؟
what|are you trying|to|do
What are you trying to do?
إنه قفص من الحديد
It is|cage|made of|iron
It's a cage made of iron.
لا تقدرين أن ترفعيه
not|you can|to|
You can't lift it.
بلى، أقدر
yes|I can
Yes, I can.
سأرفعه من أجل "سايزو"
I will raise it|for|the sake of|Saizo
I will raise it for "Saizo."
لا تخرجيه .. لا لا لا
no|take it out|no|no|no
Don't take it out.. no no no.
شكرا لك أيتها العجوز
thank you|to you|O|old woman
Thank you, old lady.
أسكت أنت
be quiet|you
Shut up.
لم تشارك حتى في مأتم جدك
did not|participate|even|in|funeral|your grandfather
You didn't even participate in your grandfather's funeral.
ألا تخجل من نفسك وأنت واحد من سلالة "أيجا نينجا" ؟
not|feel ashamed|of|yourself|and you|one|of|the lineage|Aiga|Ninja
Aren't you ashamed of yourself being one of the "Eiga Ninja" lineage?
عفوا " إيجا نينجا" "
excuse me|come|ninja
Excuse me, "Eiga Ninja".
كان جدي يرد نفس هذا الكلام
was|my grandfather|repeating|same|this|words
My grandfather used to say the same thing.
حين، حين سمعت بأن جدي قد مات
when||I heard|that|my grandfather|already|died
When, when I heard that my grandfather had died.
لم أفكر في أن أصدق
did not|think|in|to|believe
I didn't think to believe.
ثم .. ثم
Then... then.
رأيت بداية المأتم
I saw|beginning|mourning ceremony
I saw the beginning of the mourning.
وتذكرت الأيام التى أمضيتها برفقة جدي
And I remembered|the days|that|I spent|in the company of|my grandfather
And I remembered the days I spent with my grandfather.
جدي الحبيب
my grandfather|dear
My beloved grandfather.
أيها الفتى المسكين
Oh, poor boy
حزنك منعك من حضور المأتم
Your sadness|prevented you|from|attending|the funeral
Your sadness prevented you from attending the funeral
أي أيي أي
which|I said|which
Oh, oh, oh
ماذا تعفلين ؟!!
what|are you doing
What are you doing?!!
دعيني .. دعيني اذهب
let me|let me|go
Let me.. let me go
لن أفعل
will not|I do
I will not do it.
ستبكي بقدر ما تحتاج الى البكاء
You will cry|as much as|what|you need|to|cry
You will cry as much as you need to cry.
آه دعيني ..
Ah|let me
Oh let me..
أنا أبكي الآن
I am crying now.
I cry
ستذهب معي إلى طوكيو
You will go|with me|to|Tokyo
You will go with me to Tokyo
لن أذهب إلى أي مكان
will not|I go|to|any|place
I will not go anywhere
لأنني مسرور بأن جدي قد مات
because I|happy|that|my grandfather|has|died
Because I am glad that my grandfather has died
لطالما إشتقت لأن أعيش لوحدي
always|I missed|to|I live|alone
I have always missed living alone
لوحدي !
فكيف أذهب معك إلى طوكيو ؟!
how|do I go|with you|to|Tokyo
So how do I go with you to Tokyo?!
أسكت !
Be quiet
Shut up!
معي رسالة من جدك
يطلب فيها أن أعتني بك
I have|message|from|your grandfather|asks|in it|to|I take care of|of you
I have a message from your grandfather asking me to take care of you.
لا يهمني
not|concerns me
I don't care.
يجب أن تذهب إلى طوكيو يا "كابامارو"
You have to go to Tokyo, "Kabamaru."
ما أكثر الطعام اللذيذ في طوكيو ؟
What delicious food is there in Tokyo?
والناس لطفاء
and people|are kind
And the people are kind.
طوكيو مدينة كبير جدا
Tokyo is a very big city.
تقدر هناك أن تفعل ما تريد
You can|there|to|do|what|you want
You can do whatever you want there.
.فلا يراك أحد
so not|sees you|anyone
.No one sees you.
هذا صحيح أيتها العجوز ؟
this|correct|O you|old woman
Is this true, old woman?
أنا ذاهب إلى طوكيو
I am going to Tokyo.
تمهل لحظة
Take your time|a moment
Wait a moment.
يجب أن نودع جدك قبل أن تذهب
must|to|say goodbye to|your grandfather|before|to|you leave
We must say goodbye to your grandfather before you go.
لا أريد أن أراه
I do not|want|to|see him
I don't want to see him.
لا أريد
قولي لي من أي اتجاه هي طوكيو؟
no|I want|tell me|me|from|which|direction|is|Tokyo
I don't want to say, tell me from which direction is Tokyo?
ها قد رحل
here|already|has left
He has left.
ستهدأ القرية بعد اليوم
will calm down|the village|after|today
The village will calm down after today.
لن تسرق الدجاجات
لن يسرق الطعام
will not|steal|the chickens|will not|steal|the food
The chickens will not be stolen, the food will not be stolen.
"إسمي "ران أوكوبو
My name|Ran|Okubo
"My name is "Ran Okubo
أنا صديقة "سايزو" القديمة
I am an old friend of "Saizo"
كان جدك رجلا قويا وشهما
was|your grandfather|a man|strong|and generous
Your grandfather was a strong and noble man
كان مندفعا ومخلصا
was|impulsive|and sincere
He was impulsive and loyal
ولا يهمل التمرين أبدا
and not|neglects|the exercise|ever
And he never neglected training
وكان يحب أن يتناول طبق الأرز الذي أعده له
And he|loved|to|eat|dish|rice|that|prepared for him|him
He loved to eat the rice dish that was prepared for him.
ويأكله بسرور كبير
and eats it|with great pleasure|big
And he ate it with great pleasure.
! أكاد لا أصدق
I can hardly|not|believe
I can hardly believe it!
عندما سرقت من زعيم القرية
when|I stole|from|the leader|of the village
When I stole from the village chief.
كم كنت سعيدا
how much|I was|happy
How happy I was.
وأنا أتذوق سمك القريدس مقليا لأول مرةٍ في حياتي
And I|taste|fish|shrimp|fried|for the first|time|in|my life
And I taste fried shrimp for the first time in my life.
يا غبي
You idiot.
أنت وصمة عار على عائلة "إيجا نينجا"
يبكي ...
You are a disgrace to the "Iga Ninja" family, crying...
كم أندم كلما تذكرت الحادثة
how much|I regret|whenever|I remembered|the incident
How I regret every time I remember the incident.
بكاء ...
I'm sorry
I'm sorry.
كان علي ألا اتحدث هكذا عن جدك
أنا جعلتكَ حزينا
was|I|not to|talk|like this|about|your grandfather|I|made you|sad
I shouldn't have talked like that about your grandfather. I made you sad.
أنا جائع فقط
I'm just hungry, hungry.
علينا أن لا نستسلم للحزن
we must|to|not|surrender|to sadness
We must not give in to sadness.
سنشتري غداءا لنا في المحطة التالية
We will buy|lunch|for us|at|station|next
We will buy lunch for us at the next station.
ها ! غداء في المحطة ؟
Ha|lunch|at|the station
Wow! Lunch at the station?
في المحطة يبيعون غداءا في علبة
at|the station|they sell|lunch|in|a box
They sell lunch in a box at the station.
غداء في علب ؟
ماذا ؟
Lunch in boxes? What?
"كابامارو" ،، أسرع
"Kabamaru", hurry up.
هيي، مهلا! أين النقود ؟
Hey, wait! Where's the money?
لذيذ جدا
Very delicious
[ أكل ]
[ Food ]
صرت أستطيع أن أحصر عقلي فقط في الأكل
I became|I can|to|focus|my mind|only|on|eating
I can now focus my mind only on eating.
إنه فتى قوي
He is a strong boy.
يحصر فكره في الطعام
confines|his thought|to|food
He confines his thoughts to food.
حتى ينسى الحزن
So that he forgets the sadness.
إنه فعلا فتى من تربية "سايزو"
He is indeed a boy raised by 'Saizo'.
إنه رائع جدا
It is|wonderful|very
It's really great.
ما أكبر هذه المحطة
How big this station is!
إنها فعلا طوكيو ! أليس كذلك ؟
It is|really|Tokyo|isn't|so
It's really Tokyo! Isn't it?
هناك حتما من ينتظر ليرافقنا
There||someone|is waiting|to accompany us
Surely, someone is waiting to accompany us.
هيا، هيا بنا بسرعة
come on||let's go|quickly
Come on, let's hurry up.
أشعر بأحد يراقبنا
I feel|someone|is watching us
I feel like someone is watching us.
ما هذا ؟
What is this?
ما بك؟
what|is wrong with you
What's wrong with you?
أنا ؟ لا لا لا شيئ، لا شيئ
هيا بنا
Me? No, no, it's nothing, nothing, let's go.
طوكيو مدينة كبيرة فعلا
Tokyo is really a big city.
لا أرى الجبال من هنا
I do not|see|the mountains|from|here
I can't see the mountains from here.
وكل هذه الأبنية
and all|these|buildings
And all these buildings.
"كابامارو" إشتقت الى الجبال؟
Kabamaru|I missed|to|the mountains
"Kabamaru," do you miss the mountains?
لا ما إشتقت إليها أبدا
no|ever|I missed|her|at all
No, I never missed them at all.
كيف كانت الطريق يا سيدة ؟
How|was|the road|O|lady
How was the road, madam?
يبدو عليك التعب
seems|on you|tiredness
You look tired.
كانت الرحلة ممتازة
The trip was excellent.
أتمنى لو كان "سايزو" حيا
I wish|if|were|Saizo|alive
I wish "Saizo" were alive.
إنها أشبه بمدينة ملاهي كبيرة
It is|similar to|to a city|amusement park|large
It's more like a big amusement park.
لكن "كابامارو" هنا معي
but|Kabamaru|here|with me
But "Kabamaru" is here with me.
ويشبه "سايزو" كثيرا
and resembles|Saizo|a lot
It resembles "Saizo" a lot.
"كابامارو" هذه هي المدرسة التى ستذهب إليها
Kabamaro|this|is|school|that|you will go|to it
"Kabamaru" this is the school you will go to.
أنا لم أقل إني أريد الذهاب الى المدرسة
I|did not|say|that I|want|to go|to|school
I didn't say I wanted to go to school.
ثانوية "كن تانا"
Secondary School|Be|Tana
"Ken Tana" High School.
إلى الباب الخلفي من فضلك
نعم يا سيدة
to|door|back|please|your kindness|yes|oh|lady
To the back door please, yes ma'am.
طبخة الشومنا
Shomna dish
"جربتها مرة مع "هايات
I tried it|once|with|Hayat
"I tried it once with "Hayat
هل قلت شيئ ؟
Did|you say|something
Did I say something?
ماذا ؟! لا لا أبدا
What?! No, not at all
"هايات" موجد طبعا في طوكيو
Hayat|present|of course|in|Tokyo
"Hayat" is of course available in Tokyo
! كم أتمنى لو أراه
how much|I wish|if|I see him
How I wish I could see him!
عودة سعيدة يا سيدة "أوكوبو
Happy return, Mrs. "Okubo
جئت تلاقيني
I came|to meet me
You came to meet me.
شكرا، شكرا لك يا عزيزي
thank you|||O|my dear
Thank you, thank you my dear.
my head
My head!
آه، ماذا أصابك يا سيدة "ران أوكوبو"؟
Ah|what|happened to you|O|Mrs|Ran|Okubo
Ah, what happened to you, Ms. "Ran Okubo"?
أنا متعبة فقط
I'm just tired.
هذا تلميذكم الجديد
this|your student|new
This is your new student.
أرجو أن تساعده في المعاملات الضرورية
طبعا ولكن، أين هو ؟!
I hope|to|you help him|in|transactions|necessary|of course|but|where|he
I hope you help him with the necessary transactions, of course, but where is he?!
ماذا ؟ أين ذهب ؟
what|where|he went
What? Where did he go?
"كابا، كابامارو"
"Kaba, Kabamaru"
.. "كابامارو" ؟
.. "Kabamaru"?
أوه، ليس هذا إسمه الحقيقي
Oh|is not|this|his name|real
Oh, that's not his real name.
إسمه "كاجي مارو إيجامو"
His name|Kaji|Maru|Igamo
His name is "Kaji Maru Igamo".
سيكونُ في الصف العاشر إبتدا من الغد
will be|in|grade|tenth|starting|from|tomorrow
He will be in the tenth grade starting tomorrow.
ايتها العجوز
O you|old woman
Oh, old woman.
لا تقرري كل شيٍ بنفسك
do not|decide|everything|thing|by yourself
Don't decide everything by yourself.
أنا ما قلت أني أريد الذهاب إلى المدرسة
I|not|said|that I|want|to go|to|school
I didn't say that I want to go to school.
رائع، ومدهش فعلا
wonderful|and amazing|really
Wonderful, and really amazing.
إنه مثل جده "سايزو" تماما
He|like|his grandfather|Saizo|exactly
He is just like his grandfather "Saizo".
[ تحطم ]
[ Crash ]
ماذا شاهدنا يا سيدة "أوكوبو" ؟
What|did we watch|O|Mrs|Okubo
What did we see, Mrs. "Okubo"?
شاهدتم "كاجي مارو إيجانو"
You watched|Kaji|Maru|Ijano
You saw "Kaji Maru Ijano".
أرجوا أن تعتنوا به جيدا
I hope|that||of him|well
I hope you take good care of him.
حاضر يا سيدة
Yes, ma'am.
آنسه "ماي"، آنسه "ماي"، السيدة "أوكوبو" رجعت
نعم، أنا آتيه
Miss|Mai|||Mrs|Okubo|returned|yes|I|will come
Miss "Mai", Miss "Mai", Mrs. "Okubo" has returned, yes, I am coming.
هل حدث شيئ ؟
Did something happen?
شيئ غريب كان على الشجرة
something|strange|was|on|the tree
Something strange was on the tree.
لا أحد هنا
No one is here.
لاكني رأيت شيئ
but I|saw|something
But I saw something.
من كانت هذه ؟
Who was that?
الجو حار .. إن قلبي يخفق بشده
The weather|is hot|indeed|my heart|beats|strongly
The weather is hot... My heart is racing.
ما الذي أصابني ؟!! ما الذي أصابني ؟
what|that|has happened to me|||
What has happened to me?!! What has happened to me?
أمر غريب ...
A strange thing ...
ها .. أشعر بأن هناك شخصا ما يراقبني
here|I feel|that|there|someone|something|is watching me
Ha .. I feel like someone is watching me
العشاء جاهز يا " كابامارو"
Dinner is ready, "Kabamaru"
حاضر .... يوبيي
Present .... Yubie
"ماي" يا عزيزتي هذا "كاجي مارو إيجانو"
my|oh|my dear|this|Kage|Maru|Ijano
"Mai" my dear, this is "Kaji Maru Ijano"
حفيد صديقي الطيب
grandson|my friend|the kind
My good friend's grandson.
ما من شيئ على المائده ؟
أطباق فارغة فقط
there is not|any|thing|on|the table|plates|empty|only
Is there anything on the table? Only empty plates.
هذه حفيدتي
this|is my granddaughter
This is my granddaughter.
حفيدتي الوحيده "ماي
my granddaughter|only|Mai
My only granddaughter "Mai."
فرصة سعيدة، أنا "ماي
Happy chance, I am "Mai
رجعت إلي الحرارة من جديد
The heat has returned to me again
قلبي !! عاد يخفق
my heart|again|beats
My heart!! It has started to beat again
آه، أنه قذر جدا... لماذا جائت به جدتي؟
Ah|it|dirty|very|why|did bring|it|my grandmother
Ah, it's so dirty... why did my grandmother bring it?
ما بك يا "كابامارو" ؟ العرق يتصبب منك
what|is wrong with you|O|Kabamaru|sweat|is pouring|from you
What's wrong with you, "Kabamaru"? You're sweating profusely.
لا أبدا، ما من شيئ، ما من شيئ أبدا
No, never, nothing, absolutely nothing.
هي تذهب الى مدرستك
She|goes|to|your school
She goes to your school.
في الصف العاشر، مثلك تماما
هاا.. تذهبين الى ثانوية "كنتاما " مثلي ؟
in|grade|tenth|like you|exactly|huh|you go|to|high school|Kentama|like me
In the tenth grade, just like you, huh.. Are you going to "Kentama" high school like me?
"كنتاما" ؟!!! جدتي؟
my grandmother|
"Kentama"?!!! My grandmother?
اهدئي يا "ماي"
Calm down, "Mai".
"كابامارو" اسم المدرسة ثانوية "كنج ييكو"
Kabamaru|name|school|high school|King|Yiko
"Kabamaru" is the name of the high school "King Yiko".
كلمة "كنتاما" معناها بشع جدا
|Kuntama|its meaning|ugly|very
The word "Kentama" means very ugly.
والد جدي هو الذي أسس المدرسة
father|my grandfather|he|who|founded|the school
My grandfather's father is the one who founded the school.
كان يحترم القوانين
He was|respects|the laws
He respected the laws.
"كنج ييكو" معناها القوانين الذهبية
king|yiko|means|the laws|golden
"King Yiko" means the golden laws.
الطعام أصبح جاهزا
The food|has become|ready
The food is ready.
هل نسكب لكم ؟
شرف الطعام أخيرا
Do|we pour|for you|honor|the food|finally
Shall we serve you? The honor of the food is finally here.
ما هذا ؟ ما المناسبه؟
What is this? What is the occasion?
هل نحتفل اليوم؟
Do|we celebrate|today
Are we celebrating today?
أريد من هذا ... وأوريد من هذا ... وأوريد من هذا...
I want|from|this|and I want|from|this|and I want|from|this
I want some of this... and I want some of this... and I want some of this...
أريد أن آكل كل شيئ .... كل شيئ
I want|to|eat|every|thing||
I want to eat everything .... everything
لا لا لا، هذا عشاؤنا العادي
no|no|no|this|our dinner|usual
No no no, this is our regular dinner
تقدر أن تأكل كل ما تشتهيه
You can|to|eat|everything|what|you desire
You can eat whatever you desire
كل ما تشتهيه
Whatever you desire
كل ما أشتهيه!!
everything|that|I desire
Whatever I desire!!
[ ... صوت أكل]
[ ... sound of eating]
ما أوحشه
How ugly it is
كأنه قرد أو همجي
as if he were|a monkey|or|savage
It looks like a monkey or a savage
لا، القرد يغضب من التشبيه
No|the monkey|gets angry|from|the comparison
No, the monkey would be angry at the comparison
[ ... صوت أكل]
[ ... sound of eating]
بعد ... بعد ... أريد بعد
After ... after ... I want more
لماذا لا تأنبه ؟
why|not|do you reprimand him
Why don't you scold him?
حتى اذا كان حفيد أغلى صديق عندها
until|if|was|grandson|dearest|friend|at her
Even if he is the grandson of her dearest friend
أنا لا أتحمله
I|do not|tolerate him
I can't stand him
"ماي"، "كابامارو"
"Mai", "Kabamaru"
يجب أن تصبحا مثل أخي وأخته تماما
must|to|become|like|my brother|and his sister|completely
You should become just like my brother and sister.
ابتدا من اليوم
Starting today.
يجب أن تتفاهما جيدا
must|to|understand each other|well
You must understand each other well.
أخ وأخته !! جدتي
هل فهمتما كلامي جيدا ؟
brother|and his sister|my grandmother|(question particle)|you (plural) understood|my words|well
Brother and sister!! Grandma, did you understand my words well?
[g .... بكاء]
[g .... crying]
مثل أخي وأخته تماما
like|my brother|and my sister|exactly
Just like my brother and sister.
يجب أن تتفاهما جيدا
[ .... صوت صراخ وأكل]
must|to|understand each other|well|sound|screaming|and eating
They need to understand each other well [ .... sound of screaming and eating]
كان هذا كابوسا ؟
was|this|a nightmare
Was this a nightmare?
أتمنى لو أنه يبقى في الخيال
I wish|if|he|stays|in|imagination
I wish it would stay in imagination.
"سايزو" سأقوم بتربية " كابامارو"
Saizo|I will|raising|Kabamaru
"Saizo" I will raise "Kabamaru"
ليصبح رجلا لطيفا مثلك
to become|a man|nice|like you
to become a nice man like you
ما عت قادرا أن آكل شيئ بعد
not|I am|able|to|eat|anything|after
I am not able to eat anything yet
"ران" العجوز أخذت حفيد "سايزو" الى بيتها؟
Ran|the old woman|took|grandson|Saizo|to|her house
Did the old "Ran" take "Saizo"'s grandson to her house?
ينادونه "كابامارو" انه يشبه "سايزو" تماما
they call him|Kabamaru|he|resembles|Saizo|exactly
They call him "Kabamaru" he looks just like "Saizo"
والسيده "أوكوبو" مسرورة جدا بهذا الشبه
and Mrs|Okubo|pleased|very|by this|resemblance
And Ms. "Okubo" is very pleased with this resemblance.
هاا، مثل "سايزو" العزيز تماما
هل يعقل هذا ؟
haaa|like|Saizo|dear|exactly|does|it make sense|this
Wow, just like dear "Saizo"! Is this possible?
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