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Cantonese without toil, 第 八 堂

第 八 堂


你 去 邊度 呀 ?

我哋 去 睇戲 呀 。

你 同 邊個 去 呀 ?

我 同 太太 去 。

練習 一 翻譯

佢 陪 我 睇 嘢 。

你哋 唔 走 咩 ?

我 唔 睇 早報 。

你 搵 邊度 呀 ?

佢 同 太太 走 喇 。

練習 三 聽讀


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第 八 堂 |八| |Eighth| Lektion 8 Lesson Eight Sala Octava Huitième salle レッスン 8 제8과 Les 8 Lição 8 Урок 8 第八堂

睇戲 Watch movie 映画鑑賞 Watching a movie 見る

你 去 邊度 呀 ? You|going to|where to| Where are you going? どこへ行くんだ?

我哋 去 睇戲 呀 。 We|"go"|watch a movie| We are going to watch a movie. 劇場に行くんだ。

你 同 邊個 去 呀 ? ||誰|| |with|"who"|| Who are you going with? どこへ行くんだ?

我 同 太太 去 。 |with||"go" I'm going with my wife. 妻と一緒に行くよ。

練習 一 翻譯 Practice translation|| Practice a translation

佢 陪 我 睇 嘢 。 |keep company with|me|"watch"|things She's accompanying me to watch something. 彼は私と一緒にショーを見に行った。

你哋 唔 走 咩 ? 你們||| Vous||| "You all"||leave|"Aren't you" Aren't you leaving? 帰らないんですか?

我 唔 睇 早報 。 ||read|morning news I don't read the newspaper. 朝刊は読まない。

你 搵 邊度 呀 ? ||哪裡| ||où| you|looking for|where| Where are you looking? どこをお探しですか?

佢 同 太太 走 喇 。 ||his wife||"already" He's leaving with his wife.

練習 三 聽讀 ||Listening and reading Practice three listening and reading

哪裡 bord side Where

First First

先生 Mr. Mr./Sir お医者さん

"Number" or "Ordinal number" The

You You

jeu Play Drama

Four Four

Go 去 - Go

Water 水 - Water

Look at 睇 - Watch

Big 大 - Big

degré Degree 度数 degree

Report news

un The individual

"I" or "me" 我 - I

With 同 - With

Empty 空 - Empty