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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 027



























































































































































































































































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而家講下呂布啊。 Now let's talk about Lü Bu.

佢係下邳,就恃住糧食儲備充足,而且又有泗水呢個天險作為屏障,所以就安安心心喺度守衛,乜都唔怕。 He was in Xia Pi, relying on sufficient food reserves and the natural barrier of the Si River, so he was at ease guarding the place, not afraid of anything.

當曹操率領大兵嚟到個時候,陳宮就向呂布建議話: When Cao Cao led his troops there, Chen Gong suggested to Lü Bu:

將軍啊,而家曹兵啱啱到,我哋趁佢兵馬未曾企定腳,營寨又未安好,以逸擊勞就實贏㗎噃。 General|||| General, now that Cao's troops have just arrived, we should take advantage of the fact that their army hasn't settled yet and their camp isn't established, and strike while they are tired to win.

點知呂布話: But Lü Bu said:

我呢一排屢屢打敗,都係唔好輕易出擊嘞。 I have been defeated repeatedly lately, so I shouldn't attack easily.

等佢嚟攻嘅時候先至打佢,實將佢哋打晒落泗水都得啦。 I should wait for them to attack before I strike back, and I can take them all down.

冇聽陳宮講。 I didn't hear what Chen Gong said.

過咗幾日,好喇,曹兵已經扎好營寨,樣樣都安排就緒嘞。 a few days later|alright|| A few days later, alright, Cao's troops have set up camp, and everything is ready.

呢一日,曹操帶領所有嘅將領,一齊嚟到城下,大聲噉嗌:呂布出嚟答話! this day|||| On this day, Cao Cao led all the generals to the city wall and shouted loudly: Lü Bu, come out and answer!

呂布就行上城樓企定喺度。 Lü Bu stood firmly on the city tower.

曹操對呂布話:聽聞奉先你又想同袁術聯婚,所以我就帶兵嚟呢處。 Cao Cao said to Lü Bu: I heard that you want to marry Yuan Shu, so I brought my troops here.

袁術此人有謀反嘅大罪,而你呢,卻係有討伐董卓嘅功勞。 Yuan Shu is a person with great crimes of rebellion, while you, on the other hand, have the merit of fighting against Dong Zhuo.

我真係唔明白啊,你為咩事竟然會將以前嘅功績都拋棄唔要,反而去追隨嗰個反賊呢? I really don't understand, why would you abandon your past achievements and instead follow that rebel?

如果城池一破,你就悔之晚矣咯。 If the city falls, it will be too late for you to regret.

如果及早投降,共扶皇室,噉就一定不失封侯之位嘅。 If you surrender early and support the royal family, you will definitely not lose your title of nobility.

呂布話:丞相你返去先,等我商量一下再答覆你啦。 Lü Bu said: Prime Minister, you go back first, let me discuss it and then reply to you.

當時,陳宮正企喺呂布旁邊,佢一便破口大罵曹操奸賊,一便拈弓搭箭,𠻘噉一箭就射中曹操嘅帥旗。 at that time|||| At that time, Chen Gong was standing next to Lü Bu, and he started cursing Cao Cao as a traitor while nocking an arrow, and with one shot, he hit Cao Cao's standard.

嬲到曹操不得了:我發誓要殺咗你!於是就帶兵攻城嘞。 Cao Cao was furious: I swear I will kill you! So he led his troops to attack the city.

陳宮對呂布話:曹操喺咁遠嚟,佢呢種勢頭唔支持得幾耐嘅。 Chen Gong said to Lü Bu: Cao Cao is coming from so far away, he won't be able to maintain this momentum for long.

嗱,將軍呀,你就帶住馬步軍出去城外駐扎,我就率領其餘嘅人馬喺城內死守。 well||| Well, General, you take the cavalry out of the city to set up camp, and I will lead the rest of the troops to defend the city.

曹操如果攻打將軍你嘅時候,我即刻帶兵攻擊佢嘅後便。 If Cao Cao attacks you, I will immediately lead my troops to strike at his rear.

如果曹操嚟攻城嘞,噉將軍你就喺後便嚟到支援。 If Cao Cao comes to attack the city, then you can come to support from the rear.

我哋用噉嘅打法,唔使十日咋,曹操個軍糧一食完,我哋一鼓作氣就可以打敗佢嘞。 With this strategy, we won't need ten days; once Cao Cao's supplies run out, we can strike decisively and defeat him.

呢個係互相支援,犄角之勢啊。 This is mutual support, a flanking maneuver.

你講得好啱。呂布就返屋企執拾行軍打仗嘅衣服。 You are absolutely right. Lu Bu went home to pack his military clothes.

當時正係冬天,佢就吩咐啲隨從人員啊帶多啲棉衣。 It was winter at that time, and he instructed his attendants to bring more cotton clothes.

佢老婆嚴氏聽到,咦?乜帶多啲棉衣呀,做咩嘢事呢?就出嚟問呂布話: |eh||| His wife, Yan, heard this and wondered, 'Why bring more cotton clothes? What is going on?' So she came out to ask Lu Bu.

夫君你要去邊處啊? 'Husband, where are you going?'

呂布就將陳宮嘅計劃講畀佢聽。 Lu Bu then explained Chen Gong's plan to her.

嚴氏話嘞:哎呀,夫君啊,你成個城都擗低,妻子亦唔顧,孤軍遠出。如果,如果一旦有咩三長兩短,噉將軍你就冇咗我呢個人㗎喇。 Yim's family said|oh dear|husband||||if|| The Yan family said: Oh dear, husband, you have brought the entire city down, and the wife is also unconcerned, going out alone. If, if something were to happen to you, then general, you would lose me.

吓?哎!當堂搞到呂布冇晒主意。 huh|sigh| Huh? Oh! Right there, Lu Bu is left without any ideas.

佢躊躇不決,連氣三日啊就冇出去衙門理事。 He hesitated and didn't go out to handle affairs for three days.

陳宮等下一日,等下又一日,唔係路喇,就直情入去見呂布話: Chen Gong waited one day, then another day, and since there was no way, he directly went in to see Lu Bu and said:

曹操四面圍城,將軍你唔及早出去,實畀佢困死㗎。 Cao Cao has surrounded the city from all sides, general, if you don't go out early, you will really be trapped.

我諗咗一下,遠出不如堅守啊。 I thought about it, and it's better to hold our ground than to venture far.

哦,誒將軍啊,呢兩日聽講曹操嘅軍糧好少嘞,已經派咗人去許都運糧食嚟,好快就會運到。 oh|hey general||| Oh, General, I've heard that Cao Cao's military supplies are quite low these days, and he has already sent people to Xudu to transport food, which will arrive soon.

將軍你帶一隊精兵,去截斷佢運糧嘅路,呢條計呀妙啊。 General, you should take a team of elite soldiers to cut off their supply route; this plan is brilliant.

呂布諗下係噃嚱,就入去內室同嚴氏講。 Lü Bu thought for a moment and then went into the inner chamber to speak with Yan.

嚴氏一聽就喊起上嚟話:夫君呀你一去咗,就係靠陳宮高順佢哋,點守得住個城池㗎。 As soon as Yan heard this, she cried out, saying: 'My husband, once you leave, you'll have to rely on Chen Gong and Gao Shun; how can we defend the city?'

如果有咩錯漏,就後悔不及㗎喇! If there are any mistakes, it will be too late to regret!

以前,喺長安嗰陣,我已經畀夫君你擗低咗一次。 in the past|| In the past, back in Chang'an, I was already brought down by you once.

好彩多得龐舒靜靜地收埋我,噉先至能夠再同夫君你相聚啫。 Fortunately, thanks to Pang Shu, who quietly kept me hidden, I was able to reunite with you.

點知,點知道今日夫君你又要擗低我去咗。 how did I know| Who would have thought that today you would bring me down again.

將軍,你前程萬里。請你唔使掛住我咯,你去,你去係啦。 General|||you go| General, your future is bright. Please don't worry about me, you go, you go.

講完,放聲痛哭。 finished speaking| After speaking, he burst into tears.

嘻嘻,任你呂布呀點樣英雄好漢,畀女人嘅眼淚一𢴈過嚟即刻冇晒符。嘻嘻,呢個正係呂布嘅弱點。 hehe|||| Hehe, no matter how much of a hero or warrior you are, a woman's tears can instantly wipe away all your glory. Hehe, this is exactly Lu Bu's weakness.

呂布聽佢老婆噉樣講法,愁悶到不得了都唔知點做好。 Hearing his wife say this, Lu Bu was extremely troubled and didn't know what to do.

佢又去將呢件事講畀貂蟬聽。貂蟬話嘞:將軍你要顧住我哋先至好啊,千祈唔好自己隨便出去打啊。 He then went to tell Diao Chan about this matter. Diao Chan said: "General, you need to take care of us first, you must not go out to fight on your own."

你唔使憂慮嘅,我有方天畫戟,有赤兔馬,邊個打得過我吖。 you don't have to worry||| You don't have to worry, I have the Fangtianhua halberd and the Red Hare horse, who can defeat me?

於是呂布就出嚟同陳宮話嘞: So Lü Bu came out and said to Chen Gong:

話咩曹操啲軍糧運到喇等等假嘅。 He said that Cao Cao's military supplies have arrived, but that's all a lie.

曹操此人詭計多端,我未敢逳啊。 Cao Cao is a man full of tricks, I dare not act rashly.

冇法子啦,陳宮辭別咗呂布行出嚟,佢長嘆一聲話: there's no way|| There was no other way, so Chen Gong bid farewell to Lü Bu and walked out, he sighed and said:

唉!我哋呀,死無葬身之地啊! sigh|| Alas! We are doomed, with no place to be buried!

從此之後,呂布日日都唔出嚟理事,一味同嚴氏、貂蟬飲酒解悶。 from then on||| From then on, Lü Bu did not come out to manage affairs every day, only drinking and relieving boredom with the Yan family and Diao Chan.

有一日,謀士許汜、王楷兩個去見呂布,佢哋諗咗個打敗曹操嘅辦法,佢話: one day|||| One day, the strategists Xu Si and Wang Kai went to see Lü Bu, and they thought of a way to defeat Cao Cao.

而家袁術喺淮南,聲威大震。 Right now, Yuan Shu is in Huainan, and his power is greatly shaken.

往日,將軍同佢係有過婚約嘅,而家點解唔再去求下佢呢? in the past|| In the past, the general had a marriage agreement with him, so why not seek him out again?

如果袁術嘅兵馬一到呀,嗰陣內外夾攻,要打敗曹操就唔難喇。 If Yuan Shu's troops arrive, then with an internal and external attack, it won't be difficult to defeat Cao Cao.

好!我即刻寫封信,就請你哋兩位去一趟啦。 good|| Alright! I'll write a letter right away, inviting both of you to go.

將軍有令,我哋一定遵從。不過,事必要有一支軍隊,行頭引路衝出去噉先至得嘅噃。 ||however|| The general has given orders, and we must comply. However, we need an army to lead the way and charge out.

噉我叫張遼同郝萌兩個,帶一千人馬送你哋出去啦。 So I'll call Zhang Liao and Hao Meng, and have them take a thousand troops to escort you out.

於是當晚二更,張遼在前,郝萌在後,保護住許汜、王楷,打開城門殺咗出去。 ||||Wang Kai| That night at the second watch, Zhang Liao led the way, with Hao Meng following behind, protecting Xu Si and Wang Kai, and they opened the city gate to charge out.

佢哋喺劉備營寨旁邊飛咁快跑過,劉備手下嘅將官追佢哋追唔切,就畀佢哋衝咗出去隘口。 They ran past Liu Bei's camp at lightning speed, and the officers under Liu Bei couldn't catch up, allowing them to break through the narrow pass.

郝萌帶住五百人就一路保護許汜、王楷去壽春。 Hao Meng led five hundred people to protect Xu Si and Wang Kai to Shouchun.

噉張遼呢,就帶住其餘嗰一半兵馬就返嚟。 Then Zhang Liao took the remaining half of the troops back.

當嚟到隘口個時候,關雲長立馬橫刀當頭攔住。 when they arrived at the narrow pass| When they arrived at the pass, Guan Yunchang immediately blocked the way with his sword.

但係呢,都未曾交鋒,高順已經帶住兵馬出城嚟接應,接咗張遼入城嘞。 However, before they could engage, Gao Shun had already led his troops out of the city to assist, bringing Zhang Liao into the city.

而家講下許汜、王楷。 |Wang Kai Now let's talk about Xu Si and Wang Kai.

佢哋兩個去到壽春,拜見袁術,呈上咗封書信。 They both went to Shouchun to meet Yuan Shu and presented a letter.

袁術就話嘞:前嗰次殺咗我嘅使者,賴咗我嘅婚姻,而家又嚟提呢件事,究竟點解啊,吓? |||||huh Yuan Shu said: Last time, my envoy was killed, and my marriage was blamed on me, and now you come to bring up this matter, why is that?

許汜話嘞:過去皆因係畀曹操嘅奸計所誤唧,請明上鑒諒啊! Xu Si replied: In the past, it was all due to the treachery of Cao Cao, please understand!

乜許汜稱呼袁術做明上嘅呢? Why does Xu Si address Yuan Shu as 'Your Majesty'?

噉嘅,喺封建時代啊,往往係用個上字嚟稱皇帝嘅。 like that|| Well, in feudal times, it was common to use the term 'Your Majesty' to refer to the emperor.

因為當時袁術已經自稱為皇帝咯,而且仲定咗個年號添,所以許汜佢哋呢就不便按照一般嘅尊稱,稱呼佢做明公,而改為稱呼佢做明上嘞。 Because at that time, Yuan Shu had already proclaimed himself as emperor, and even established an era name, so Xu Si and the others found it inappropriate to address him with the usual honorifics, and instead referred to him as 'Ming Shang'.

噉袁術就話啦:哼哼,你嘅主公如果唔係因為畀曹兵困住,處境危急,又點肯將個女嫁畀我個仔呀? then Yuan Shu said|humph||| Then Yuan Shu said: Hmph, if your lord was not trapped by Cao's troops and in a dire situation, how would he be willing to marry his daughter to my son?

王楷話:明上如果唔去援救,恐怕唇亡齒寒,亦唔係明上之福噃。 Wang Kai said: If Ming Shang does not come to the rescue, it is likely that the lips will be gone and the teeth will be cold, which is not a blessing for Ming Shang.

奉先嘅為人反復無常,唔講信用。 Feng Xian is fickle and untrustworthy.

噉啦,等佢送個女嚟先,然後我就出兵啦。 then|| So, let him send his daughter first, and then I will mobilize my troops.

已經將說話講到噉嘞,許汜、王楷只有辭別袁術,同郝萌返去下邳係啦。 |Xu Si|| Having said that, Xu Si and Wang Kai can only bid farewell to Yuan Shu and return to Xia Pi with Hao Meng.

呢一日,返到嘞,又試要經過劉備營寨旁邊嘞。 this day|returned| On this day, upon returning, they had to pass by Liu Bei's camp.

許汜話:日頭唔好經過佢哋處呀,仲係等到今晚半夜先啦。 Xu Si said|| Xu Si said: It's not good to pass by their place during the day, let's wait until midnight.

我哋兩個先行,就勞煩郝將軍你押後嘞。 The two of us will go first, so we trouble General Hao to hold back.

好喇,商量妥喇,到咗半夜,就按照計劃行動嘞喎。 alright||| Alright, it's settled, when it reaches midnight, we will act according to the plan.

許汜、王楷就過咗去先。 Xu Si| Xu Si and Wang Kai went over first.

郝萌正在行緊,忽然撞正張飛出嚟喺前便攔住去路。 Hao Meng was walking when he suddenly bumped into Zhang Fei who blocked his way.

郝萌頂硬衝上去同張飛打。 Hao Meng charged forward to fight Zhang Fei.

僅僅一個回合唧,就畀張飛生擒咗過去。 In just one round, he was captured by Zhang Fei.

嗰五百人馬畀張飛佢哋殺散晒。 Those five hundred troops were all scattered and killed by Zhang Fei.

噉啊首先,張飛解郝萌嚟見劉備,劉備就即刻押佢去大本營見曹操。 so first|| So first, Zhang Fei brought Hao Meng to see Liu Bei, and Liu Bei immediately sent him to the main camp to meet Cao Cao.

曹操一審問佢,郝萌就將去壽春求救同埋應承婚事嘅經過講咗出嚟。 Cao Cao questioned him, and Hao Meng recounted the events of seeking help in Shouchun and the marriage promise.

曹操嬲到極呀,下令斬咗郝萌。 Cao Cao was extremely angry and ordered Hao Meng to be executed.

同時呢派人通告各個營寨,如果有走漏咗呂布,或者走漏佢嘅軍士嘅,一律按照軍法處理。 At the same time, he sent people to notify all camps that if anyone leaked information about Lü Bu or his soldiers, they would be dealt with according to military law.

嘩嗨!各個寨呀當堂醒定起上嚟。 wow| Wow! All the camps immediately became alert.

劉備返到自己嘅營寨就吩咐關公同張飛話嘞: Liu Bei returned to his camp and instructed Guan Gong and Zhang Fei saying:

我哋喺正通向淮南嘅要沖地方,你哋兩個千祈要小心在意,唔好違犯曹公嘅軍令啊吓。 We are in a crucial area leading to Huainan, you two must be very careful and not violate Cao Gong's military orders.

張飛話嘞:哼!捉咗一員賊將,唔見曹操有乜嘢褒獎,反而仲嚟嚇人添,點解啊佢? |humph|||| Zhang Fei replied: Hmph! We captured a bandit general, but I don't see Cao Cao giving any rewards, instead he comes to scare us, why is that?

劉備話嘞:唔係噉講啊賢弟。曹操統率咁大嘅軍隊,軍令唔嚴,你話點樣管理吖。 Liu Bei said: It's not like that, my dear brother. Cao Cao commands such a large army, if the military orders are not strict, how can he manage it?

總之你哋千祈唔好違反軍令啊。 In short, you must not violate the military orders.

好啦!關公、張飛噉就冇說話講。 alright|Guan Gong| Alright! Guan Gong and Zhang Fei didn't say anything.

而家講下許汜、王楷,佢哋返到去見呂布就講佢聽,話袁術呢首先要得到個新抱,然後先至起兵嚟救噉。 |Wang Kai||| Now let's talk about Xu Si and Wang Kai. When they returned to see Lü Bu, they told him that Yuan Shu first needed to get a new ally before raising troops to come to the rescue.

呂布話:送個女去先都得,不過點樣送去呢? Lü Bu said: "Sending a girl over is fine, but how do we send her?"

許汜話:而家郝萌畀佢哋捉住,曹操必定知道晒我哋嘅情形,樣樣都會作好準備㗎嘞。 Xu Si said||| Xu Si replied: "Right now, Hao Meng has been captured, and Cao Cao must know our situation. He will be well prepared for everything."

所以,如果唔係將軍你親自護送,邊個咁本事能夠衝出重圍呢? so|| So, if it's not General you personally escorting, who else has the ability to break through the encirclement?

嗯,今日就送去,點啊? hmm||how Hmm, let's send it today, how about that?

誒,今日係兇神值日,唔好去啊。 hey|| Hey, today is the day of the fierce god, better not go.

聽日就大吉大利嘞,最好就係戌時同亥時嘞。 Tomorrow will be very auspicious, the best times are between the dog hour and the pig hour.

即係話晚上七點到十一點呢個時候好噉。 That means the time between seven and eleven in the evening is good.

好!就噉定啦。 good| Alright! Let's settle on that.

跟住呂布對張遼、高順話:你哋點三千軍馬,準備好一架車,聽日我親自送你哋過咗二百里,然後由你哋兩個繼續送我個女去壽春。 Then Lu Bu said to Zhang Liao and Gao Shun: You three thousand troops, prepare a carriage, tomorrow I will personally send you over two hundred miles, and then you two will continue to escort my daughter to Shouchun.

遵命! at your command Understood!

好喇,到咗第二日,夜晚二更時分,呂布用啲靚棉花纏住個女嘅身,然後用鐵甲裹好,孭喺背脊上便,裝束好喇。 alright|||||| Alright, when the next day arrived, at around two in the night, Lu Bu wrapped his daughter in fine cotton, then covered her with armor, and carried her on his back, all dressed up.

呂布提戟上馬打開城門,呂布縱馬就首先出城,張遼、高順就跟到佢實。 ||Zhang Liao| Lu Bu raised his spear and mounted his horse to open the city gate, and he was the first to ride out of the city, with Zhang Liao and Gao Shun following closely behind.

一路行,就嚟行到劉備營寨喇。 walking all the way| As they traveled, they were about to reach Liu Bei's camp.

只聽見咚咚咚一聲鼓響,關公、張飛就攔住去路喝佢哋話咪走! |Guan Gong| All they heard was the sound of a drum beating, and Guan Gong and Zhang Fei blocked their way, telling them not to leave!

呂布無心戀戰嘞,一味顧住搶路走。 Lü Bu was unwilling to fight, only focused on making his escape.

呢個時候劉備又親自帶咗一隊軍馬殺嚟添,兩便就混戰一場。 At this moment, Liu Bei personally led a troop of cavalry to join the fray, resulting in a chaotic battle.

呂布啊雖然係勇猛啫,終歸係孭住個女喺身嚟,至怕就係傷親佢。 Although Lü Bu was brave, he was still carrying a girl with him, and he was most afraid of getting her hurt.

所以打起上嚟就度度顧住擏手擏腳,亦唔敢衝突重圍。 So when the fighting started, he was careful and cautious, not daring to break through the encirclement.

打咗一輪,弊晒,後便徐晃、許褚等等都殺過嚟嘞,啲兵卒大聲噉嗌:唔好畀呂布走咗啊!殺啊! |completely defeated|||||kill After a round of fighting, it was a complete mess, and then Xu Huang, Xu Chu, and others came over, with the soldiers shouting loudly: Don't let Lü Bu escape! Kill him!

呂布見對方嘅人馬越嚟越多,冇辦法衝出去㗎嘞,就唯有退返入去城。 Seeing that the enemy's forces were increasing, Lü Bu had no choice but to retreat back into the city.

噉劉備啊收兵啦。 So Liu Bei called back his troops.

徐晃佢哋亦各自帶兵歸寨。 Xu Huang and the others also led their troops back to their camps.

噉啊確係一個都冇走甩到。 Indeed, not a single one escaped.

呂布退返入城之後個心啊愁悶到不得了,就一味係飲酒。 After Lu Bu retreated back into the city, he was so troubled that he could not bear it, and just kept drinking.

噉啊不知不覺啊,過咗兩個月嘞,曹操攻城啊仲係攻佢唔落。 well before I knew it|| Unknowingly, two months passed, and Cao Cao's siege of the city still could not break through.

有一日,忽然得到報告話,河內太守張楊想出兵嚟救呂布,畀佢個部下楊醜殺咗。 one day||| One day, suddenly a report came in saying that the governor of Hanoi, Zhang Yang, wanted to send troops to rescue Lu Bu, but was killed by his subordinate Yang Chou.

楊醜本來想帶住張楊嘅首級嚟獻畀丞相嘅,點知畀張楊一個心腹將領眭固殺死,而家眭固投奔犬城去咗咯。 Yang Chou originally wanted to bring Zhang Yang's head to present to the Prime Minister, but unexpectedly was killed by a trusted general of Zhang Yang, Sui Gu, who has now fled to Dog City.

曹操聽咗呢個消息,即刻就命令史渙帶齊人馬去追眭固,務必要斬咗佢。 Upon hearing this news, Cao Cao immediately ordered Shi Huan to gather troops to pursue Sui Gu, and must capture him.

跟住佢同大家商量話:張楊雖然自取滅亡啊,噉好吖,唔使我哋去打。 Then he discussed with everyone, saying: Although Zhang Yang brought about his own destruction, that's good, we don't have to fight.

但係北便有袁紹之憂,東便有劉表、張繡之患噃。 But in the north, there is the worry of Yuan Shao, and in the east, there are the threats of Liu Biao and Zhang Xiu.

我哋圍攻下邳咁耐仲攻佢唔落。 We have been besieging Xia Pi for so long and still haven't taken it.

誒,我想擗開呂布唔打佢住,返去許都先,暫時停戰,你哋話噉好唔好呢? hey|||| Hey, I want to push back and not fight Lü Bu for now, return to Xu Du first, and temporarily cease hostilities. What do you all think about that?

荀攸一聽曹操噉講就話嘞:唔好啊!呂布打親都輸,已經失咗銳氣嘞。 |not good|| As soon as Xun You heard Cao Cao say this, he replied: No! Lü Bu has already lost his edge after fighting.

一支軍隊以將為主,主將一軟弱就全軍都無心作戰㗎嘞。 A military force is led by a general; if the general is weak, the entire army will lose the will to fight.

嗰個陳宮雖然係有計謀,不過係遲鈍嘞。 That Chen Gong, although he has strategies, is rather slow.

而家呂布個元氣都未曾恢恢復,陳宮嘅計策亦都未曾定得。 Right now, Lü Bu's vitality has not yet recovered, and Chen Gong's strategies have not yet been finalized.

我哋有咁快時得咁快,加緊進攻,一實可以捉到呂布嘅。 We have to act quickly; if we intensify our attack, we can indeed capture Lü Bu.

郭嘉就話:我諗到一個辦法,可以立即攻破下邳城,勝過用二十萬大軍嘞。 Guo Jia said: I have thought of a method that can immediately break through Xiang Pi City, which is better than using two hundred thousand troops.

荀彧就話喇:哦!莫非掘開沂水、泗水嘅河堤,用水浸佢哋係嘛? |oh||| Xun Yu said: Oh! Could it be that we dig open the riverbanks of the Yi River and the Si River, and flood them with water?

郭嘉話:冇錯喇,哼哼哼哼哼哼哼。 |that's right|humming Guo Jia said: That's right, hehehehehe.

曹操歡喜到極,即刻下令就叫啲軍士掘開兩條河嘅河堤。 Cao Cao was extremely pleased and immediately ordered the soldiers to dig open the riverbanks of both rivers.

當時曹操嘅人馬,佢哋所駐扎嘅地方都係高原,睇住啲大水㗾㗾聲湧住嚟浸下邳。 At that time, Cao Cao's troops were stationed on a plateau, watching the great waters rushing in to flood Xia Pi.

轉眼之間,全個下邳城啊,就除咗東門嘅地勢比較高冇水之外呢,其餘各個城門都畀水浸晒嘞。 in the blink of an eye||| In the blink of an eye, the entire city of Xia Pi, except for the eastern gate which was at a higher elevation and had no water, was flooded.

噉啊各處守城嘅軍士就飛咁快趯嚟報告畀呂布知啦。 So the soldiers guarding the city rushed to report to Lü Bu.

點知呂布當佢冇事噃,佢話: Little did they know, Lü Bu thought nothing was wrong and said:

我有赤兔馬,渡水好似行平地噉,一啲都唔使怕。 I have the Red Hare horse, crossing water is like walking on flat ground, there's nothing to be afraid of.

佢依然日日同老婆、妾侍呀痛飲美酒,尋歡作樂。 ||seek pleasure and enjoy life He still drank fine wine and sought pleasure with his wife and concubines every day.

唉,呂布你估真係鐵打嘅咩? sigh| Alas, Lü Bu, do you really think you are invincible?

因為酒色傷身,呂布當堂落晒形。 Because of the harm caused by wine and lust, Lü Bu lost his appearance in public.

有一日,佢偶然照一照鏡,哎呀,嚇親自己。 one day||oh no| One day, he happened to look in the mirror and was shocked.

乜變成噉樣呀!佢話嘞:我畀酒色傷咗喇。 What have I turned into! He said: I have been harmed by wine and lust.

嘿!從今日開始,戒酒! Hey! From today onwards, I will quit drinking!

於是立即通令全城,從即日起,凡有飲酒嘅,斬! |||beheaded So he immediately issued an order throughout the city: from now on, anyone who drinks will be executed!

而家講下呂布部下有個將領叫做侯成吖。 Now let's talk about a general under Lu Bu named Hou Cheng.

佢有十五匹好馬,畀個馬夫偷咗,想愛嚟獻畀劉備嘅。 He had fifteen fine horses, which were stolen by a groom, who intended to present them to Liu Bei.

侯成發覺咗之後就追到嗰個馬夫殺咗佢,搶返啲好馬返嚟。噉啊好高興啦。 After Hou Cheng discovered this, he chased down the groom, killed him, and retrieved the fine horses. He was very happy.

噉啊成班軍官啊,都嚟同侯成賀喜嘞。 So all the officers came to congratulate Hou Cheng.

侯成啊本來釀咗五六石酒,就想同班軍官飲返餐嚟高興下。 Hou Cheng had originally brewed five or six stones of wine and wanted to celebrate with the officers.

之又怕呂布怪罪啊,於是呢就帶咗五瓶酒送去畀呂布,就稟告佢聽話: and was afraid of being blamed by Lu Bu|| But I am also afraid that Lu Bu will blame me, so I brought five bottles of wine to give to Lu Bu and reported to him.

托將軍嘅虎威,失咗啲好馬全部追返嚟,眾位將官都嚟賀喜。 General Tuo's might|| With the general's tiger might, I managed to retrieve all the good horses that were lost, and all the officers came to congratulate.

小將釀到多少酒,唔敢擅自飲用,特意奉獻一啲畀將軍,聊表微意啊。 The young general brewed some wine, but I didn't dare to drink it myself, so I specially offered some to the general as a small token of my appreciation.

吓?吖吖吖呸! huh| Huh? Ah ah ah, spit!

我啱啱禁酒,你又要聚眾飲酒,莫非想同謀嚟害我係嘛? I just stopped drinking|you want to gather and drink again| I just banned alcohol, and you want to gather everyone to drink, do you want to conspire to harm me?

人嚟!將佢推出去斬首! someone is coming| Someone's coming! Take him out and behead him!

嘩!不得了嘩!宋憲、魏續等等將官喇喇聲走嚟同侯成講情啦。 Wow! This is serious! The generals Song Xian, Wei Xu, and others are rushing over to plead for Hou Cheng.

呂布話嘞:故意違犯我嘅命令,理應斬首。 Lü Bu said: Deliberately disobeying my orders deserves a beheading.

而家睇在各位將官面上,姑且打一百棍啦。 Now, considering the faces of the generals, let's just give him a hundred lashes.

眾位將官又苦苦哀求,終歸打咗五十棍,然後先至放返侯成。 The generals pleaded desperately, and in the end, he was given fifty lashes before being released.

唉!所有嘅將官呀,個個都搞到垂頭喪氣。 sigh|| Sigh! All the generals are feeling downcast.

宋憲、魏續去侯成屋企探望下佢。 Song Hsien| Song Xian and Wei Xu went to visit Hou Cheng at his home.

侯成又喊起上嚟話: Hou Cheng started crying and said:

唔係各位講情,今日我實死嘅喇! It's not that you all are being sentimental, I'm really dead today!

宋憲話嘞:呂布一味識得顧住個老婆,當我哋都唔係嘢。 Song Xian said|| Song Xian said: Lü Bu only knows how to take care of his wife, as if we are nothing.

魏續話嘞:兵圍城下,水浸壕邊。 Wei continued speaking|| Wei Xu said: The soldiers are surrounding the city, and the water is flooding the moat.

𠺪,我哋呀,等死係啦! well|| Well, we are just waiting to die!

宋憲話:呂布噉樣不仁不義,我哋擗開佢走人喇。點啊? Song Hsien said|||what to do Song Xian said: Lü Bu is so ungrateful and unjust, we should just break away from him and leave. What do you think?

魏續話喇:無毒不丈夫,我哋不如,我哋不如捉咗呂布獻畀曹操唔好?吓? Wei Xu said|A real man is not without poison|||huh Wei Xu said: No man is without poison, why don't we capture Lü Bu and offer him to Cao Cao instead? Huh?

侯成話:冇錯喇!嗱,呂布恃咩呢?恃佢嗰匹赤兔馬咋嘛。 Hou Cheng said|that's right|well|| Hou Cheng said: That's right! Look, what does Lü Bu rely on? He only relies on that red rabbit horse.

你哋兩個如果真係獻門嚟捉呂布,噉我就先去偷馬送畀曹操! If you two really want to lure Lü Bu, then I'll go steal a horse and send it to Cao Cao first!

三個人就秘密商量好晒。 The three of them secretly made their plans.

當晚,侯成靜靜去到馬棚,偷咗嗰匹赤兔馬出嚟,就飛奔去到東門。 that night||| That night, Hou Cheng quietly went to the stable, stole the red hare horse, and then rushed to the east gate.

魏續開咗城門放佢出咗去,然後就詐假意整成去追佢噉樣,追咗幾步就返轉頭嘞。 Wei Xu opened the city gate to let him out, then pretended to chase after him, but after a few steps, he turned back.

侯成去到曹操個營寨,獻上匹赤兔馬。 Hou Cheng arrived at Cao Cao's camp and presented the red hare horse.

將宋憲、魏續有意投降,喺城頭插白旗做信號,準備獻門嘅事稟告畀曹操聽。 Song Xian and Wei Xu intended to surrender, so they raised a white flag on the city wall as a signal and reported the matter to Cao Cao.

曹操一聽到呢個消息,哎得法喇!馬上簽署咗幾十張佈告,叫人用箭射入去城裏便。 |ah that's a good idea|| As soon as Cao Cao heard this news, he was delighted! He immediately signed dozens of notices and instructed people to shoot arrows into the city.

張佈告嘅大意呢就係話:大將軍曹操,奉咗皇上聖旨,嚟到征伐呂布。 The gist of the notices was that: the Grand General Cao Cao, acting on the Emperor's decree, came to conquer Lü Bu.

如果膽敢抗拒大軍嘅,攻破城池嘅時候,就要全家殺絕。 Anyone who dares to resist the army will have their entire family exterminated when the city is breached.

如果有人能夠捉住呂布獻禮,或者獻佢個首級嚟嘅,不論上至將校,下至庶民,一律重加官賞。 If anyone can capture Lü Bu and present him as a gift, or bring his head, regardless of whether they are high-ranking officers or commoners, they will all be rewarded with high official positions.

到咗第朝,蒙蒙光嘅時候,呂布只聽見城外嘅吶喊聲呀震天動地。 By morning, when the light was dim, Lü Bu could only hear the shouts from outside the city, shaking the heavens and the earth.

呂布大吃一驚,揸住支方天畫戟行上城樓逐個城門去視察。 Lü Bu was greatly shocked and took his Fangtianhua halberd to the city tower to inspect each city gate.

佢見到魏續就大鬧佢一餐,鬧佢畀侯成走甩咗,仲失咗赤兔馬,嬲到呂布不得了要治佢嘅罪。 He saw Wei Xu and scolded him fiercely, berating him for letting Hou Cheng escape and losing the Red Hare horse, so angry that Lü Bu was determined to punish him.

但係喺呢個時候呢,城下嘅曹兵啊見到城上插起白旗嘞就搏命咁攻城。 However, at this moment, the Cao soldiers below saw the white flag raised on the city and desperately attacked the city.

嘩,好緊急啊。呂布就唯有親自抵敵啦。 wow|so urgent| Wow, it's urgent. Lü Bu had no choice but to personally confront the enemy.

從個天曚曚光一直打到中午,曹兵先至稍為後退咗一啲,就冇攻得咁厲害。 The sky was dimly lit until noon, and Cao Bing finally retreated a little, no longer attacking so fiercely.

呂布已經疲倦不堪嘞,就喺門樓上面休息一下。 Lü Bu was already exhausted, so he took a rest on the gate tower.

點知坐喺張椅處,一瞌就瞓着咗。 Unexpectedly, while sitting on the chair, he dozed off.

宋憲見到機會嚟喇,就喝左右啲衛兵行開,拈手拈腳就偷咗呂布支畫戟收埋。 Song Xian saw an opportunity and ordered the guards to step aside, quietly sneaking away Lü Bu's halberd.

然後同魏續一二三一齊逳手,將呂布一撳,撳到佢實,即刻用繩將佢綁到實一實。 Then, together with Wei Xu, they quickly subdued Lü Bu, pressing him down and immediately tying him up securely with ropes.

呂布一下扎醒,弊!畀人綁住嘞,就大嗌衛兵,但係啲衛兵呢,都畀宋憲、魏續殺走晒咯。 |oh no||||| Lu Bu suddenly woke up, oh no! He was tied up, so he shouted for the guards, but those guards had already been killed off by Song Xian and Wei Xu.

宋憲將白旗一拂,曹操嘅兵馬即刻㗾㗾聲衝到嚟城下。 Song Xian waved the white flag, and Cao Cao's troops immediately rushed to the city.

魏續大聲噉嗌話:我哋已經生擒呂布喇! Wei Xu shouted loudly: We have captured Lu Bu alive!

夏侯淵唔信喎,嘘嘘,你兩個嘢有咁大本事? |shh| Xiahou Yuan didn't believe it, hushing, do you two really have that much ability?

宋憲就喺城樓上,咣聲下將呂布支畫戟掉咗落城,大開城門。 Song Xian was on the city tower, and with a loud crash, he threw Lu Bu's halberd down from the city and opened the city gates wide.

嘩!乜真係捉到呂布喇!啲曹兵潮水噉一擁而入啊。 Wow|| Wow! Did they really catch Lü Bu! The Cao soldiers surged in like a tide.

當時高順、張遼啊喺西門嗰便,因為畀水浸住,出唔到城,就畀曹兵捉到。 At that time, Gao Shun and Zhang Liao were at the west gate, but they were trapped by the flood and couldn't get out of the city, so they were captured by the Cao soldiers.

陳宮趯咗去南門,就畀徐晃捉住。 Chen Gong rushed to the south gate, but was caught by Xu Huang.

曹操入咗城,馬上傳令,要塞返好掘開咗嘅河堤,同時呢引啲水退乾,又出榜安民。 Cao Cao entered the city and immediately issued orders to repair the breached riverbank and to drain the water, while also proclaiming peace to the people.

呢兩件最緊要嘅事交帶咗嘞,曹操就同劉備坐喺白門樓上,關公、張飛就企喺劉備嘅側跟嚟。 ||Guan Yu| With these two important matters taken care of, Cao Cao sat with Liu Bei on the White Gate Tower, while Guan Gong and Zhang Fei stood beside Liu Bei.

曹操吩咐將捉到嘅人押上嚟! Cao Cao ordered to bring the captured people up!

呂布雖然生得又高又大,但係而家呢,嘿!畀人用繩呀好似扎粽噉扎埋一嚿。 ||hey| Although Lü Bu is tall and big, right now, hey! He is tied up with ropes like a zongzi.

呂布大聲噉嗌話:綁得太緊喇!唔該鬆一鬆啦! Lü Bu shouted loudly: It's too tight! Please loosen it a bit!

曹操話:綁老虎唔緊都得嘅咩? Cao Cao said: Is it okay to tie a tiger loosely?

呂布擸咗一眼,見到侯成、魏續、宋憲都企住喺旁邊,就對佢哋話嘞: ||Wei Xu|| Lü Bu glanced over and saw Hou Cheng, Wei Xu, and Song Xian standing beside him, and said to them:

我一向待你哋都唔錯㗎吖,你哋真係咁忍心背叛我咩? I have always treated you well, haven't I? Are you really so heartless to betray me?

宋憲駁佢話嘞:聽埋晒老婆妾侍嘅說話,唔聽將領嘅計策,噉仲話待我哋唔錯? Song Xian retorted: 'You listen to all the words of your wife and concubines, but you don't listen to the strategies of the generals, and you still say you treat us well?'

吓?哎,呂布當堂誒都冇得誒,啞口無言啊。 huh|sigh|| Huh? Ah, even Lü Bu couldn't say anything in that situation, he was left speechless.

無耐,啲刀斧手擁住高順嚟,曹操問佢:你有乜嘢講啊? no patience||| Helpless, the executioners surrounded Gao Shun, and Cao Cao asked him: 'What do you have to say?'

高順唔出聲。 Gao Shun remained silent.

你有乜嘢講!嗯! |hmm What do you have to say! Hmm!

將佢推出去,斬!於是斬咗高順。 |kill| Take him out and execute him! So Gao Shun was executed.

跟住,徐晃解陳宮嚟嘞,曹操一見陳宮就話:分別之後,你幾好吖嘛? then|||| Then Xu Huang came to see Chen Gong, and when Cao Cao saw Chen Gong, he said: After our separation, you are doing quite well, huh?

陳宮話:你心術不正,所以我離開你。 Chen Gong replied: You have unworthy intentions, which is why I left you.

哦?我心術不正,你又為乜嘢要去為呂布效力呢? Oh? I have unworthy intentions, then why do you serve Lü Bu?

呂布雖然有勇無謀,唔似你咁詭詐奸險啊! Although Lu Bu is brave, he lacks strategy, unlike you who is so cunning and treacherous!

哼哼!噉你自認係足智多謀,而家又點啊?吓? humph|||huh Hmph! So you consider yourself clever and resourceful, what now, huh?

我至嬲呂布此人唔聽我嘅說話,如果聽我講,未必畀你哋捉到。 I am really angry that Lu Bu does not listen to my advice; if he had listened to me, you might not have caught him.

噉,今日嘅事該點樣辦呢? then| So, what should we do about today's situation?

今日唯有一死而已! Today, there is only one way out: death!

你係噉啫,你嘅母親、妻子又如何啊! It's just like that, what about your mother and wife!

我一向都聽聞話:以孝治天下者,不害人之親;施仁政於天下者,不絕人之後。 I have always heard that: those who govern the world with filial piety do not harm others' parents; those who implement benevolent governance do not cut off others' descendants.

我母親、妻子或生或死,就睇明公你嘞。 Whether my mother and wife are alive or dead, it all depends on you, my lord.

我今日已經被擒,請你殺咗我啦,我並無牽掛! I have already been captured today, please kill me, I have no attachments!

曹操仲係有啲留戀之意,唔捨得殺陳宮。 Cao Cao still has some lingering feelings, unwilling to kill Chen Gong.

但係陳宮已經直筆行落城樓咯,啲衛兵拉都拉佢唔住。 But Chen Gong has already walked down the city tower, and the guards couldn't stop him.

曹操企起身,流住眼淚送陳宮。 Cao Cao stood up, tears streaming down his face as he sent off Chen Gong.

陳宮理都唔理佢啊頭都唔回。 Chen Gong ignored him completely, not even turning his head.

曹操對佢嘅侍從話嘞:即刻送公台嘅母親、妻子返去許都養老,怠慢嘅斬! Cao Cao said to his attendants: Immediately send the mother and wife of Gongtai back to Xudu to live in retirement, and anyone who neglects this will be executed!

陳宮聽住曹操講呢番說話,佢亦唔開口,眼都唔眨下,伸長條頸等你斬啊。 Chen Gong listened to Cao Cao's words, and he didn't say a word, not even blinking, stretching his neck waiting for the execution.

當時在場嘅人個個都流眼淚。 Everyone present at that time was in tears.

斬咗陳宮之後,曹操叫人用副上等棺材斂咗佢嘅尸體,葬喺許都嚟。 After Chen Gong was executed, Cao Cao ordered someone to use a high-quality coffin to collect his body and bury it in Xudu.

當曹操起身送陳宮落城樓嘅時候啊,呂布就揸緊呢個機會𠱓劉備嘞,佢話: When Cao Cao got up to send Chen Gong down from the city tower, Lü Bu seized this opportunity to approach Liu Bei, saying:

玄德公,你係貴客,我係囚犯,點解唔講句說話救下我啊? Lord Xuande||| Lord Xuande, you are a distinguished guest, and I am a prisoner. Why don't you say a word to help me?

劉備岌岌頭,冇出聲。 Liu Bei was in a difficult position and did not speak.

好喇,曹操返上嚟嘞,呂布就大聲噉對曹操話: alright|| Alright, Cao Cao is back, and Lü Bu loudly said to Cao Cao:

明公你最棹忌嘅,不過係我呂布啫,我而家已經服你喇。 My lord, the one you fear the most is just me, Lü Bu. I have already submitted to you.

明公你做大將,我做你嘅副手,平定天下就唔難喇。 You can be the general, and I will be your deputy. It won't be difficult to pacify the world.

曹操就問劉備話嘞:點啊?吓? |how|huh Cao Cao then asked Liu Bei: What do you think? Huh?

你估劉備啊點答曹操呢?呂布嘅命運又如何呢? How do you think Liu Bei will respond to Cao Cao? What will happen to Lü Bu?

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