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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 045

話 說 袁尚同 袁熙 呀 , 知道 曹兵 呀 就 快 到 嘞 , 噉 啊 諗 住 打 唔 過 , 就 放棄 幽州 城 , 帶住 軍隊 , 漏夜 趯 咗 去 遼西 投奔 烏桓 嘞 。 烏桓 啊 乃 係 古代 嘅 一個 民族 , 以 遊牧 射獵 為生 。 當時 呢 , 佢 哋 係 聚居 喺 遼西 地區 , 即 係 今日 遼寧省 錦州 附近 一帶 。 袁尚同 袁熙 走 咗 之後 , 嗰 個 幽州 刺史 叫做 烏桓 觸 。 佢 就 召集 幽州 所有 嘅 官員 嚟 , 歃血 盟誓 , 共同 商量 反叛 袁氏 就 投降 曹操 。 烏桓 觸 首先 開口 喇 佢 話 : 我 知道 曹丞相 乃 係 當世 英雄 , 而家 要 去 投降 佢 , 邊個 唔 遵守 命令 嘅 就 斬 ! 講完 , 就 依照 次序 歃血 嘞 。 輪到 別駕 韓珩 歃血 嘅 時候 , 哈 ! 韓珩 咣聲 掉 低 把 劍 喺 地下 嚟 佢 大聲 噉 話 : 我受 袁氏 父子 嘅 大恩 , 而家 主公 敗亡 , 智 不能 救 , 勇 不能 死 , 喺 道義上 已經 唔 啱 喇 。 如果 仲要 投降 曹操 , 我 唔 肯 啊 ! 大家 聽 佢 噉 樣 講法 面色 都 變晒 。 烏桓 觸話 : 要 做 一件 大事 就要 立 大義 之德 。 事情 成功 與否 , 唔 志在 佢 一個 人 嘅 。 韓珩 既然 有 噉 嘅 志向 , 就 等 佢 自便 啦 。 哈 , 亦 冇 殺 韓珩 啊 , 只 係 叫 人 推 咗 佢 出去 就算 喇 。 歃完 血 , 商量 妥喇 , 烏桓 觸就 出城 去 迎接 三路 軍馬 投降 曹操 。 曹操 當然 十分高興 啦 , 封 咗 烏桓 觸啊 做 鎮北 將軍 。 過 咗 一段 時候 有 一日 , 探馬 嚟 報告 話 : 樂進 、 李典 、 張燕 三位 將軍 去 攻打 並州 , 高幹 死守 住 壺關 口 攻 佢 唔 落 啊 。 壺關 口 係 古時 一個 關 , 就 係 今日 山西省 黎城 東北 嘅 東陽 關 嘞 。 於是 曹操 啊 , 就 親自 帶兵 去 。 一去 到 , 三位 將軍 拜見 咗 曹操 就講 高幹 守住 關口 好難 打 啊 噉 。 曹操 就 召集 所有 嘅 將官 嚟 , 開個 軍事 會議 , 商量 點樣 擊破 高幹 。 荀 攸 就 建議 話 : 想 擊破 高幹 , 就要 用 詐降 計先 至 得 喇 。 冇 錯 啊 ! 曹操 就 叫 降將 呂曠 、 呂翔過 嚟 , 伏 埋耳仔 , 細細 聲 對 佢 哋 話 嗱 如此 如此 噉 。 好 喇 , 到 咗 第日 , 呂 曠 佢 哋 帶 住 幾十人 , 一直 去 到 壺關 口下 便 大聲 噉 嗌: 我 哋 都 係 袁 氏 嘅 舊 將 , 不得已 先至 投降 曹操 㗎 。 點知 曹操 個 為 人 好 鬼 骨 , 待 我 哋 非常 刻薄 , 所以 我 哋 而家 返 嚟 扶助 舊日 嘅 主公 啊 ! 快 啲 開關 放 我 哋 入 嚟 啦 ! 高幹 唔 係 點信 , 就 淨 係 放 呂曠 、 呂翔 兩個 人 上關 嚟 問過 先 。 佢 兩個 解開 護身 甲 , 掉 開匹馬 , 就 噉 上關 嚟 見 高幹 。 佢 哋 話 : 高 將軍 , 而家 曹軍新 新 嚟 到 , 最好 係 趁 佢 哋 軍心 未定 , 今晚 就 去 劫寨 。 我 哋 願意 去 打頭陣 。 噉 好極 喇 ! 高幹 好 歡喜 。 當晚 , 高幹 就 叫 呂曠 、 呂翔 行先 , 帶 萬幾 兵去 劫寨 。 點 知道 上下行 到 曹 寨 嘅 時候 , 只 聽見 後 便 喎 嗬 噉 吶喊聲 驚天動地 , 霎時之間 伏兵 四起 。 弊 傢伙 喇 ! 高幹 知道 中計 咯 呢 趟 , 急急 回頭 趯 返去 壺關 城 。 哈 ! 誰知 樂進 、 李典 , 就 已經 佔領 咗 壺關 城咯 。 高幹 搏命 噉 沖 殺 , 就 畀 佢 走 甩 咗 , 去 咗 投奔 單于 , 就 係 去 投奔 匈奴 嘞 。 曹操 佈置 軍隊 守住 關口 , 同時 就 派 人 去 追擊 高幹 。 高幹 一路 逃跑 嚟 到 單于 嘅 地界 , 啱 啱 就 遇到 北番 左賢王 。 高幹 即刻 落馬 , 跪 喺 地 嚟 叩頭 行禮 佢 話 : 曹操 吞併 咗 我 嘅 疆土 , 而 家 佢 又 想 嚟 侵犯 王子 你 嘅 地方 , 請 你 援助 我 啦 。 我 哋 合力 嚟 收復失地 , 保障 北方 嘅 安全 啦 。 左賢王 就 話 嘞 : 我 一向 同 曹操 無怨 無仇 , 佢 點 會 嚟 侵犯 我 嘅 土地 呢 ? 你 想 我 同 曹操 結落 冤仇 呀 ? 你 走 啦 ! 趕 高幹 走 喎 。 高幹 諗 下 都 無路可走 嘞 , 唯有 去 投奔 劉表 係 啦 。 噉 佢 就 去 荊州 嘞 喎 , 點知 行到 上洛 呢 個 地方 呢 , 就 畀 都尉 王琰 捉住 殺 咗 。 王琰將 高幹 嘅 人頭 送 咗 去 畀 曹操 。 曹操 好 高興 , 即刻 就 封 王琰 做 列侯 。 噉 殺 咗 高幹 , 並州 平定 嘞 。 曹操 呢 , 又 同 大家 商量 準備 向西 攻打 烏桓 嘞 喎 。 曹 洪 佢 哋 就 話 喇 : 袁熙 、 袁尚 兵敗將亡 , 已經 勢窮 力盡 , 遠遠 噉 趯 咗 去 沙漠 。 我 哋 若果 帶兵 向西 便 進攻 , 聽下 劉備 、 劉表 佢 哋 乘虛 襲擊 許都 嘅 話 , 噉 我 哋 一救 唔 切 就 為 禍 不 淺 㗎 喇 。 仲 係 回師 為 上 啊 , 唔 好 去 打 喇 ! 郭嘉話 : 各位 所講 嘅 都 錯 咯 。 沙漠 啲 人 , 恃 住 佢 哋 地方 邊遠 。 雖然 主公 係 威震天下 唧 , 佢 哋 , 必定 唔 會 有 防備 嘅 。 我 哋 趁 佢 冇 防備 , 突然襲擊 , 噉 就 必定 贏 嘅 。 而且 , 袁紹 過去 對 烏桓 係 有 恩 嘅 。 袁尚 、 袁 熙 佢 哋 兩 兄弟 仲 喺 度 未 死 呀 , 唔 剷除 佢 哋 唔 得 。 至於 劉表 ,嚱嚱, 不過 係 個 一味 識得 坐 嚮 處談 東論 西 嘅 人 啫 。 佢 自己 都 知道 , 佢 嘅 能力 唔 能夠 駕馭 劉備 嘅 。 如果 重用 劉備 , 就 怕 一下 制服 佢 唔 住 ; 之 如果 唔 重用 , 劉備 又 唔 肯落 力 嘅 。 所以 就算 我 哋 出 盡 軍馬 , 空晒個 後方 去 遠征 , 明公 你 都 唔 使 擔心 㗎 。 奉孝 你 講得 好 啱 啊 ! 於是 曹操 就 落 決心 , 下令 大小 三軍 , 帶住 幾千 部車 , 向前 進發 。 噉 一路 向前 行 , 哎呀 只見 黃沙 漠漠 狂風 四起 , 啲 道路 又 崎嶇 人馬 都 難行 啊 。 曹操 想返 轉頭 嘞 , 噉 佢 又 同 郭 嘉 商量 。 郭嘉 呢 陣時 呢 因為 不服水土 啊 , 就 病 咗 , 瞓 喺 車 嚟 。 曹操 見到 郭嘉病 成 噉 樣 , 忍 唔 住 流起 眼淚 嚟 話 : 哎 ! 皆 因為 我 想 平定 沙漠 , 使到 先生 你 跟 住 長途跋涉 咁 辛苦 , 以至 得病 。 我個 心好 唔 安樂 啊 ! 郭嘉 就 話 嘞 : 誒 丞相 嘅 大恩大德 , 我 , 我 , 我 就算 係 死 , 都 難以 報答 於 萬一 㗎 。 我見 呢 啲 地方 咁 崎嶇 , 不如 回軍返 轉頭 罷喇 , 好 唔 好 呢 ? 哎 丞相 呀 , 兵貴神速 啊 。 而家 , 誒 , 要 行軍 千里 , 去 進行 襲擊 。 但 係 輜重 太 多 , 誒 冇 辦法 行得 快 嘅 。 不如 用 輕兵 加速 前進 , 攻其不備 啦 。 但 係 , 誒 你 一定 要 有 熟悉 道路 嘅 人 , 去 做 嚮導 至 得 呀 。 曹操 聽 郭 嘉 嘅 話 。 但 係 見 佢 病 得 咁 交關 , 就 留 低 佢 喺 易州 嚟 養病 。 誒 易州 呢 , 即 係 今日 河北省 易縣 啊 。 同時 呢 , 曹操 即刻 下令 去 搵 嚮導 帶路 。 噉 啊 有人 推薦 袁紹 嘅 舊 將 田疇 , 話 佢 好 熟悉 呢 一帶 地方 嘅 噉 話 。 曹操 就 召 佢 嚟 問 佢 。 田疇 話 : 呢 處 啲 路 , 夏秋 之間 有水 , 水 係 好 淺 啫 , 但 係 車馬 都 唔 過得 ; 不過 又 唔 夠深 , 所以 亦 唔 能夠 行得 船 。 因此 行動 起上 嚟 甚難 。 不如 回軍返 轉頭 , 由 盧龍 口 越過 白檀 呢 個 險要 地方 , 一 出去 , 就 係 空曠 嘅 地方 嘞 , 向前 冇 幾遠 就 係 柳城 。 丞相 你 攻其無備 , 噉 蹋 頓 就 一戰 而 擒 喇 。 柳城 , 就 係 而家 遼寧省 錦西 西北 。 嗰 個 蹋 頓 呢 就 係 烏桓族 嘅 首領 嘞 。 曹操 採納 咗 田疇 嘅 意見 , 封 佢 做 靖 北 將軍 做 響導 官 , 喺 前 便 ; 張 遼 帶兵 跟 住行 第二 ; 曹操 自己 呀 押後 。 呢 次 啲 兵士 呀 全部 輕裝前進 。 田疇 帶住 張 遼 一路行 到 白狼山 , 就 遇正 袁熙 、 袁尚 , 聯合 埋蹋 頓 幾萬 人馬 嚟 到 嘞 。 張 遼 飛快 去 報告 曹操 。 曹操 騎馬 行上 高個 地方 來 觀察 下 ,嚱, 見到 蹋 頓 嘅 兵馬 參 參差 差 不成 隊伍 嘅 。 曹操 就 對 張 遼話 : 你 睇 敵兵 鬆鬆散散 , 你 馬上 去 出擊 啦 ! 講完 , 就將 自己 指揮 軍隊 嘅 帥 旗 交 咗 畀 張 遼 。 張 遼 於是 率領 許褚 、 于禁 、 徐晃 , 分 四路 下山 , 奮力 急攻 。 嘩 ! 真 係 好似 下山 猛虎 噉 啊 , 打到 蹋 頓 全軍 大亂 。 張 遼 拍馬 衝上去 , 將蹋 頓 斬 死 咗 跌 咗 落馬 。 噉 主將 一死 , 所有 個 將士 即刻 投降 。 袁熙 、 袁尚 見到 大勢已去 喇 , 就 帶 住 幾千 人馬 , 逃跑 咗 去 遼東 。 遼東 係 個 郡 嘞 , 佢 個 郡 城 就 係 喺 而 家 遼寧省 義縣 嚟 。 噉 啊 曹操 得勝 之後 , 收兵 入 柳城 啦 。 又 封 田疇 做柳亭 侯 , 叫 佢 鎮守 柳城 。 但 係 田疇 流 起 眼淚 上 嚟 話 : 我 , 不過 係 個 負義 逃竄 之 人 , 蒙丞相 大恩 得以 活命 , 已經 係 十分 幸運 咯 。 仲點 可以 因為 出賣 盧龍 口 呢 啲 險要 地方 , 而 接受 封官 賞賜 ? 哎 我 死 都 唔 敢 接受 呢 個 侯爵 啊 ! 咁 有 義氣 ! 好 啊 ! 曹操 唔 勉強 佢 , 就 任命 佢 做 議 郎 , 噉 呢 啲 呢 , 就 唔 講 佢 喇 啊 。 曹操 又 對 單于 等等 嘅 大小官員 , 恩威並用 , 撫慰 咗 一番 。 又 收買 咗 成 萬匹 駿馬 , 就 開始 班師 返去 。 當時 個天 非常 之 寒冷 , 又 旱 喎 , 成 二百里 路 都 冇 水 。 部隊 又 缺糧 就 唯有 劏 馬 食 係 啦 。 噉 要 掘 地掘 到 三四十丈 深先 有 水 嘅 , 哎 真 係 辛苦 咯 。 當 曹操 一返 到 易州 , 就 重重 咁 賞賜 當初 勸 佢 唔 好 遠征 嗰 啲 人 。 佢 對 大家 話 : 呢 次 , 我 冒險 遠征 , 僥倖 成功 。 雖然 係 得勝 返 嚟 呀 , 呢 個 乃 係 上天 保佑 , 不足 為法 。 以前 各位 所 勸 我 嘅 , 乃 係 萬安 之計 , 因此 , 要 賞賜 大家 。 以後 , 有 說話 唔 使 怕 同 我講 。 曹操 返到 易州 嘅 時候 , 郭嘉 已經 病死 咗 好幾日 , 棺材 就 停 喺 衙門 大廳 裏頭 。 曹操 去 祭 佢 , 喊 得 好 淒涼 , 佢 話 : 奉孝死 咗 , 啊 ! 係 個 天 , 要 我 死 呀 ! 佢 對 嗰 班 官員 話 : 各位 嘅 年紀 , 都 係 同 我 嗰 輩 嘅 , 唯獨 奉孝 年紀 最 輕 。 我 啊 本來 要將 後事 托付 畀 佢 , 想 唔 到 佢 中年 夭折 , 啊 ! 真 係 使 我 痛心 啊 , 啊 ! 郭 嘉 嘅 親信 人員 呢 , 就 將 佢 臨死 之前 寫 嘅 信 呈 畀 曹操 。 丞相 大人 , 郭公 臨死 嘅 時候 , 親筆寫 咗 呢 封信 。 佢 囑咐 話 : 如果 丞相 採納 信 裏 便 所講 嘅 意見 呢 , 遼東 嘅 事情 就定 喇 噉 。 曹操 拆開 封信 睇 咗 , 一味 岌 頭 歎 咗 幾聲 。 咦 ? 咩 意思 呢 ? 人人 都 估 唔 到 , 曹操 亦 冇 講 。 第 日 , 夏侯惇 帶領 住 大家 稟告 曹操 話 : 啟 稟 丞相 , 遼東 太守 公孫康 長期 都 唔 服從 朝廷 嘅 。 而家 , 袁熙 、 袁尚 又 去 咗 投奔 佢 , 必為 後患 㗎 。 不如 趁 佢 哋 未敢 逳 動 , 快 啲 去 攻 佢 , 噉 遼東 就 係 丞相 㗎 喇 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 唔 使 勞煩 各位 嘅 虎威 , 幾日 之後 , 公孫康 , 自然 會 送 袁氏 兄弟 嘅 人頭 嚟 㗎 喇 。 乜 噉 嘅 事 都 有 嘅 大家 都 唔 信 喎 嗬 。 噉 而家 又 講返 下 袁熙 同 袁尚 。 佢 兩 兄弟 帶住 幾千 人馬 , 直奔 遼東 去 投靠 公孫康 吖 。 遼東 太守 公孫康 , 襄平 人 , 係 武威 將軍 公孫 度個 仔 。 佢 當時 聽聞 袁熙 、 袁尚 嚟 投靠 佢 , 就 召集 佢 嘅 部下 官員 嚟 商量 呢 件 事 。 公孫 恭 呢 就 話 : 袁紹 在 生 嘅 時候 , 時常 都 想 吞併 我 哋 遼東 㗎 嘞 。 而家 , 袁熙 、 袁尚 兵敗將亡 , 無地 棲身 , 就 嚟 呢 處 投奔 大人 。 呢 個 呀 , 乃 係 鳩奪鵲巢 之意 呀 ! 如果 而家 收容 佢 哋 , 日後 呢 , 佢 哋 必定會 謀害 我 哋 㗎 。 倒不如 氹 佢 哋 入 嚟 , 殺 咗 佢 , 將 佢 哋 嘅 人頭 獻 畀 曹公 , 噉 曹公 一定 重待 我 哋 㗎 。 公孫康 話 嘞 : 噉 噃, 我 又 怕 曹操 帶兵 嚟 打 遼東 噃。 如果 係 噉 , 我 又 不如 收留 袁氏 兄弟 做 我 嘅 幫手 唔 係 仲好 ? 噉 啦 , 請 大人 派 人 去 探聽 下 消息 。 如果 曹兵 嚟 攻打 遼東 , 我 哋 就 收留 袁氏 兄弟 ; 如果 曹兵 唔 逳, 我 哋 就 殺 咗 袁氏 兄弟 , 送 佢 哋 嘅 人頭 畀 曹公喇好 唔 好 吖 ? 好 ! 一 於 噉 話 啦 ! 於是 公孫康 就 派 人 去 探聽 消息 嘞 。 好 喇 , 當袁熙 、 袁尚 嚟 到 遼東 嘅 時候 , 佢 哋 兩 兄弟 就 秘密 商量 話 : 遼東 嘅 軍 兵 有 幾萬人 咁 多 , 完全 可以 同 曹操 挭 過 嘅 。 我 哋 而家 暫時 投靠 住 佢 先 。 日後 , 我 哋 就 殺 咗 公孫康 , 奪 咗 佢 遼東 , 積聚 好 力量 嚟 同 中原 對抗 , 噉 就 可以 收復 河北 啦 嘛 。 佢 兩個 商量 掂 喇 , 就入 城去 拜見 公孫康 啦 。 公孫康 叫 人 招呼 佢 哋 住 喺 賓館 , 自己 呢 就 推有 病 , 冇 同 佢 哋 見面 。 過 咗 一段時間 , 偵探 返 嚟 報告 話 , 曹 公 嘅 人馬 駐 扎 喺 易州 嚟 , 並 冇 嚟 攻打 遼東 嘅 意思 呀 噉 。 公孫康 高興 喇 。 呢 一日 , 佢 佈置 咗 一批 刀斧手 , 埋伏 喺 大廳 嘅 帷幔 後 便 , 然後 就 搵 人 請 袁氏 兄弟 嚟 。 見 咗 面行 過禮 , 就 叫 佢 哋 兩個 坐 。 佢 兩個 一睇 , 哈 , 天時 咁 冷 張椅 上 便連 椅墊 都 冇 嘅 , 噉 點坐 啊 , 就 對 公孫康 話 喇 : 請 你 叫 人 鋪 好 椅墊 先 啦 。 公孫康 碌 大 雙眼 話 : 你 兩個 嘅 人頭 , 就 快要 送 去 萬里 之外 喇 , 仲要 乜嘢 椅墊 呀 ? 哈 ? 咩 話 ? 左右 ! 仲 唔 逳 手 ? 㗾 一聲 下 , 一班 刀斧手 湧出 嚟 , 當堂 斬 咗 袁氏 兄弟 嘅 人頭 。 公孫康 跟 住 派 人用 個 木盒 , 裝住 兩個 人頭 送 去 易州 見 曹操 。 當 其時 呀 , 曹操 正 喺 易州 按兵不動 。 呢 一日 , 夏侯惇 同張 遼 就 嚟 稟告 佢 話 : 丞相 , 如果 唔 去 打 遼東 就 請 丞相 返去 許昌 啦 , 至怕 劉表 起 心 噃。 唔 使 急 , 等 袁氏 兄弟 嘅 人頭 嚟 到 , 就 立即 回兵 啦 。 大家 一聽 都 忍 唔 住 偷笑 。 哈 , 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 嗰 日 突然 得到 報告 話 , 遼東 公孫康 派 人 送 袁熙 、 袁 尚 嘅 首級 到 喇 噉 。 嘩 嗰 班 人 呀 , 個個 都 驚奇 到 不得了 。 原東 使者 入到 嚟 , 呈 上 公孫康 嘅 書信 。 曹操 哈哈大笑 話 : 果然 不 出 郭奉孝 所料 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 於是 呢 , 重重 噉 賞賜 個 使者 。 封 公孫康 做 襄平 侯 、 左 將軍 。 噉 嗰 班 官員 就問 曹操 嘞 : 丞相 , 乜嘢 不 出 郭奉孝 所料 呢 ? 好 , 我 畀 你 哋 大家 睇 下 啦 ! 於是 曹操 就 攞 郭 嘉 嗰 封 遺書 出 嚟 畀 大家 睇 。 封 遺書 嘅 大意 係 噉 嘅 : 而家 聽聞 袁熙 、 袁尚 去 咗 投奔 遼東 , 明公千祈 唔 好 派兵 去 攻打 。 公孫康 早就 怕 袁氏 吞併 佢 , 袁氏 兄弟 去 投奔 佢 , 佢 必定 信 唔 過 。 如果 用兵 去 打 佢 哋 , 佢 哋 就 一定 會 合力 嚟 對抗 , 一時之間 , 實 打 佢 哋 唔 落 。 如果 放鬆 一下 呢 , 噉 公孫康 同 袁氏 兄弟 之間 , 一定 會 互相 打起 上 嚟 嘅 。 一睇 咗 封信 , 嗰 班 人 冇 個 唔 服 啊 。 曹操 就 帶齊 所有 嘅 文官 武將 , 喺 郭 嘉 嘅 靈位 前 便 再 嚟 拜祭 一番 。 郭嘉 死 嘅 時候 啊 , 先至 三十八歲 。 佢 啊 跟 從 曹操 南征北戰 成 十一年 , 立過 好多 大功 。 噉 啊 曹操 率領 大軍 離開 易州 , 就 返到 去 冀州 。 同時 呢 , 又 派 人將 郭 嘉 嘅 棺材 , 先行 運返 去 許都 安葬 。 嗱 各位 , 曹操 喺 建安 六年 , 即 係 公元 二零 一年 嘞 , 戰敗 咗 袁紹 , 第二年 袁紹 就 嘔血 死 吖 。 噉 啊 從 建安 八年 起 , 曹操 起兵 討伐 袁譚 、 袁熙 、 袁尚 , 一直 打 到 建安 十二年 即 係 公元 二零 七年 , 噉 先 至 將 佢 哋 完全 消滅 , 前後 啊 , 總共 打 咗 四 年長 啊 。 噉 啊 有 一日 , 程昱 佢 哋 請示 曹操 話 : 北方 已經 安定 嘞 , 而家 就要 返去 許都 , 請 丞相 早日 決定 下 江南 嘅 策略 啊 。 曹操 笑 住 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 我 有 呢 個 心好 耐咯 。 各位 所講 嘅 , 合晒 我 嘅 心 水 呀 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 當晚 , 曹操 喺 冀州 城 嘅 東角 樓 住宿 。 佢 又 同埋 荀 攸 扶住 欄杆 睇 下 天象 , 曹操 指住 個 天話 : 嗯 , 嗯 ? 南方 嘅 旺氣 好 燦爛 噃, 恐怕 一時 都 未 能夠 征服 佢 哋 㗎 。 荀攸話 : 以 丞相 嘅 天威 , 邊處征 唔 服 呢 ? 正 喺 度 睇 緊 傾 緊 , 忽然間 , 只見 一道 金光 喺 地下 一閃 而 起 。 荀攸話 : 啊 ! 嗰 處 嘅 地下 必定 有 寶 。 曹操 就 落樓 , 叫 人 喺 閃 起 金光 嘅 地方 掘 落 去 睇 下 。 掘 下掘 下 , 誒 ? 喺 地下 挖 咗 一隻 銅雀出 嚟 。 噉 曹操 就 問荀攸話 喇 : 呢 個 係 乜嘢 兆頭 呢 吓 ? 古時 , 舜 嘅 母親 發 夢見 到 隻 玉雀 撲入 懷抱 , 於是 就生 咗 阿舜 。 今晚 明公 得到 隻 銅雀 , 係 個 吉祥 嘅 兆頭 嚟 呀 ! 嘩 ! 當堂 高興 到 曹操 不得了 。 第 日 , 佢 下令 起 一座 高高 嘅 樓 台 嚟 慶賀 呢 件 事 呀 。 噉 啊 擇 咗 個 吉日 , 破土動工 , 地點 呢 就 選 喺 漳河 旁邊 , 命名 做 銅雀台 。 估計 呢 , 要 一年 左右 先至 能夠 完成 。 曹操 有個 細仔 叫做 曹植 。 曹植 就 建議 話 喇 : 要 起樓 台 呢 , 最好 係 起 三座 。 中間 一座 係 最高 嘅 , 名為 銅雀 ; 左邊 一座 名為 玉龍 ; 右邊 一座 名為 金鳳 。 然後 , 再起 兩條 飛橋 橫空 而 上 , 將 三座 樓台 連成 一體 , 噉 就 壯觀 喇 。 乖仔 你 講得 好 啊 ! 啊 , 第日 起 好 呢 一座 樓台 , 我 老年 就 有 地方 享下 安樂 喇 ! 原來 曹操 生 咗 五個 仔 。 曹植 就 最 聰明伶俐 , 佢 又 寫 得 一手 好 文章 , 平時 呢 , 曹操 最 痛愛 佢 㗎 喇 。 今日 佢 聽 曹植 噉 講好 啱 佢 心 水 , 就 留低 曹植 同 曹丕 喺 鄴 郡 , 監理 建築 銅雀台 ; 就 派 張燕 鎮守 北寨 。 安排 妥當 之後 呢 , 曹操 統領 住 , 征服 袁紹 而 得 嚟 嘅 軍 兵 , 總共 五六十萬 人 , 浩浩蕩蕩 班師 返去 許都 。 返到 京師 就 少 不免 大封 功臣 啦 ; 又 上表 追贈 郭嘉 做貞侯 , 郭嘉有 個 仔 叫做 郭奕 , 噉 曹操 呢 , 就 收養 咗 佢 喺 相府 嚟 。 過 咗 幾日 , 曹操 又試 召集 佢 嗰 班 謀士 嚟 商量 想 南征 劉表 。 荀彧 話 : 大軍 啱 啱 北征 返 嚟 , 唔 好 再 起兵 住 喇 。 仲 係 過 半年 左右 先 , 養精蓄銳 , 到 時 , 劉表 、 孫權 可以 一鼓 而 破 之 呀 ! 曹操 聽 佢 話 , 就 決定 分散 啲 兵 一方面 訓練 一方面 耕田 , 聽候 調用 。 呢 處 呢 , 就 放 落 佢 暫時 唔 講住 。 而家 講返 劉備 。 佢 自從 去 到 荊州 之後 呢 , 劉表 啊 待 佢 非常 好 。 有 一日 , 佢 哋 正 喺 度 一齊 飲酒 , 忽然 得到 報告 話 有 兩個 投降 過 嚟 嘅 軍官 , 一個 叫做 張武 , 一個 叫做 陳孫 , 佢 哋 喺 江夏 擄掠 人民 , 造反 呀 噉 。 劉表 吃 咗 一驚話 喇 : 啊 嗰 兩個 賊人 又 造反 喇 , 唉 ! 真 係 為 禍 不小 啊 ! 劉備 話 : 兄長 唔 使 憂慮 , 等 我 去 討伐 佢 哋 啦 。 劉表 好 歡喜 , 即刻 點 咗 三萬 人馬 , 交 畀 劉備 指揮 , 命令 佢 去 掃平 張武同 陳 孫 嘅 叛亂 。 劉備 接受 咗 命令 就 帶兵 出發 。 過 咗 好幾日 就 嚟 到 江夏 , 江夏 係 一個 郡 , 江夏 城 呢 就 喺 今日 湖北省 武昌 市 嚟 。 張武 、 陳 孫就 帶兵 出 嚟 迎戰 。 劉備 擺開陣勢 , 同 關羽 、 張飛 、 趙雲 就 出馬 喺 門 旗 之下 。 劉備 見到 張武 騎 嗰 匹 馬 , 極其 雄 駿 佢 就 話 喇 : 啊 ! 實 係 千里馬 嚟 啊 ! 佢 說話 都 未 完唧 , 趙雲 就 挺 槍 縱 馬直衝 敵陣 。 張武 拍馬 上前 嚟 迎戰 , 嘿 都 唔 到 三個 回合 , 就 畀 趙雲 一 槍刺 咗 落馬 。 趙雲 跟 住 一手 拉 住 馬籠頭 , 將 嗰 匹 馬 就 牽 返回 陣 。 陳 孫見 咗 就 即刻 趕住 嚟 想 搶 返匹馬 嘞 喎 。 張飛 大喝一聲 , 挺 矛直 出 , 將陳孫 㓤 死 咗 。 噉 兩個 頭領 都 打死 咗 咯 , 班兵 仔 自然 潰散 晒 啦 。 噉 啊 劉備 跟 住 四圍 去 招安 餘黨 , 收復 返 江夏郡 所屬 嘅 各個 縣 , 然後 呢 就 班師 返去 荊州 嘞 。

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話 說 袁尚同 袁熙 呀 , 知道 曹兵 呀 就 快 到 嘞 , 噉 啊 諗 住 打 唔 過 , 就 放棄 幽州 城 , 帶住 軍隊 , 漏夜 趯 咗 去 遼西 投奔 烏桓 嘞 。 said|to|Yuan Shangtong|Yuan Xi|particle|knew|Cao's troops|particle|then|quickly|arrive|past tense particle|so|particle|||fighting|not|over|then|abandoned|Youzhou|city|led|army|overnight|hurried|past tense particle|to|Liaoxi|defected to|Wuhuan|past tense particle It is said that Yuan Shao and Yuan Xi, knowing that Cao's troops were about to arrive, thought they could not fight them off, so they abandoned Youzhou City and led their army to flee to Liaoxi to seek refuge with the Wuhuan. 烏桓 啊 乃 係 古代 嘅 一個 民族 , 以 遊牧 射獵 為生 。 Wuhuan|ah|is|is|ancient|possessive particle|a|ethnic group|by|nomadic|hunting|lived The Wuhuan were an ancient ethnic group that lived by nomadic hunting. 當時 呢 , 佢 哋 係 聚居 喺 遼西 地區 , 即 係 今日 遼寧省 錦州 附近 一帶 。 at that time|particle indicating a question|they|plural marker|were|living|in|Liaoxi|region|that is|in|present day|Liaoning Province|Jinzhou|nearby|area At that time, they were settled in the Liaoxi region, which is near today's Jinzhou in Liaoning Province. 袁尚同 袁熙 走 咗 之後 , 嗰 個 幽州 刺史 叫做 烏桓 觸 。 Yuan Shao-tong|Yuan Xi|leave|past tense marker|after|that|classifier|Youzhou|governor|called|Wuhuan|Chu After Yuan Shao and Yuan Xi left, the governor of Youzhou was called Wuhuan Zhu. 佢 就 召集 幽州 所有 嘅 官員 嚟 , 歃血 盟誓 , 共同 商量 反叛 袁氏 就 投降 曹操 。 He|then|summoned|Youzhou|all|possessive particle|officials|to come|blood oath|alliance vow|together|discussed|rebellion|Yuan clan|then|surrendered|Cao Cao He gathered all the officials of Youzhou to take a blood oath and discussed rebelling against the Yuan family to surrender to Cao Cao. 烏桓 觸 首先 開口 喇 佢 話 : Wuhuan|touch|first|open mouth|particle|he|said The Wuhuan leader spoke first, saying: 我 知道 曹丞相 乃 係 當世 英雄 , 而家 要 去 投降 佢 , 邊個 唔 遵守 命令 嘅 就 斬 ! I|know|Prime Minister Cao|is|is|in the world|hero|now|must|go|surrender|him|whoever|not|obey|order|possessive particle|then|beheaded I know that Prime Minister Cao is a hero of our time, and now we must surrender to him. Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed! 講完 , 就 依照 次序 歃血 嘞 。 finish speaking|then|according to|order|take an oath|past tense marker After saying this, they proceeded to take the blood oath in order. 輪到 別駕 韓珩 歃血 嘅 時候 , 哈 ! it was time for|Bie Jia|Han Hang|blood oath|possessive particle|moment|ha When it was time for the deputy officer Han Hang to take the blood oath, ha! 韓珩 咣聲 掉 低 把 劍 喺 地下 嚟 佢 大聲 噉 話 : Han Hang|loud sound|drop|down|measure word for objects|sword|at|ground|come|he|loudly|like that|said Han Hang loudly dropped his sword on the ground and said: 我受 袁氏 父子 嘅 大恩 , 而家 主公 敗亡 , 智 不能 救 , 勇 不能 死 , 喺 道義上 已經 唔 啱 喇 。 |Yuan family|father and son|possessive particle|great kindness|now|lord|defeat and death|wisdom|cannot|save|courage|cannot|die|in|terms of righteousness|already|not|right|final particle I have received great kindness from the Yuan family, and now that the lord has fallen, wisdom cannot save, and courage cannot die; it is already morally wrong. 如果 仲要 投降 曹操 , 我 唔 肯 啊 ! if|still need to|surrender|Cao Cao|I|not|willing|particle If I still have to surrender to Cao Cao, I refuse! 大家 聽 佢 噉 樣 講法 面色 都 變晒 。 everyone|heard|he|like that|appearance|way of speaking|complexion|all|completely changed Everyone's expression changed when they heard him speak like that. 烏桓 觸話 : 要 做 一件 大事 就要 立 大義 之德 。 Wuhuan|said|to|do|one|great thing|then must|establish|great righteousness| The Wuhuan said: To accomplish a great task, one must establish great virtue. 事情 成功 與否 , 唔 志在 佢 一個 人 嘅 。 thing|success|or not|not|focused on|he|one|person|possessive particle Whether the matter succeeds or fails does not depend on just one person. 韓珩 既然 有 噉 嘅 志向 , 就 等 佢 自便 啦 。 Han Hang|since|has|such|possessive particle|ambition|then|let|him|be free to do as he wishes|sentence-final particle Since Han Hang has such ambitions, let him do as he pleases. 哈 , 亦 冇 殺 韓珩 啊 , 只 係 叫 人 推 咗 佢 出去 就算 喇 。 ha|also|didn't|kill|Han Hang|ah|||told|people|push|past tense marker|he|outside|just consider|sentence-final particle Ha, we didn't kill Han Hang, we just told someone to push him out. 歃完 血 , 商量 妥喇 , 烏桓 觸就 出城 去 迎接 三路 軍馬 投降 曹操 。 after drinking|blood|discussing|settled|Wuhuan||out of the city|to|welcome|three routes|cavalry|surrender|Cao Cao After swearing an oath, we made arrangements, and the Wuhuan troops went out of the city to welcome the three routes of cavalry to surrender to Cao Cao. 曹操 當然 十分高興 啦 , 封 咗 烏桓 觸啊 做 鎮北 將軍 。 Cao Cao|of course||particle|appoint|past tense marker|Wuhuan|Chuo'a|become|pacifying the north|general Cao Cao was of course very pleased and appointed Wuhuan Zhu as the General of the Northern Town. 過 咗 一段 時候 有 一日 , 探馬 嚟 報告 話 : past|completed action particle|a period of|time|there was|one day|scout|came|report|said After a while, one day, a scout came to report that: 樂進 、 李典 、 張燕 三位 將軍 去 攻打 並州 , 高幹 死守 住 壺關 口 攻 佢 唔 落 啊 。 Gan Ning|Li Dian|Zhang Yan|three|generals|went|to attack|Bingzhou|Gao Gan|to defend stubbornly|at|Huguan|pass|to attack|him|not|to fall|particle Generals Le Jin, Li Dian, and Zhang Yan went to attack Bingzhou, while Gao Gan held the Huguan Pass firmly and wouldn't let them through. 壺關 口 係 古時 一個 關 , 就 係 今日 山西省 黎城 東北 嘅 東陽 關 嘞 。 Huguan|pass|is|ancient times|a|pass|just|is|today|Shanxi Province|Licheng|northeast|possessive particle|Dongyang|pass|past action particle Huguan Pass was an ancient pass, which is today's Dongyang Pass in the northeast of Licheng, Shanxi Province. 於是 曹操 啊 , 就 親自 帶兵 去 。 then|Cao Cao|ah|then|personally|lead the troops|go So, Cao Cao personally led the troops there. 一去 到 , 三位 將軍 拜見 咗 曹操 就講 高幹 守住 關口 好難 打 啊 噉 。 ||three|generals|met|past tense marker|Cao Cao||Gao Gan|guarding|pass|very difficult|to defeat|ah|like that Upon arrival, the three generals met with Cao Cao and said that it was very difficult to attack Gao Gan who was guarding the pass. 曹操 就 召集 所有 嘅 將官 嚟 , 開個 軍事 會議 , 商量 點樣 擊破 高幹 。 Cao Cao|then|summoned|all|possessive particle|military officers|to come|hold a|military|meeting|discuss|how|defeat|Gao Gan Cao Cao then gathered all the generals to hold a military meeting to discuss how to break through Gao Gan. 荀 攸 就 建議 話 : 想 擊破 高幹 , 就要 用 詐降 計先 至 得 喇 。 Xun|You|then|suggested|saying|want|defeat|high-ranking officials|then must|use|feigned surrender||only|succeed|particle indicating completion Xun You suggested: If you want to break the high-ranking officials, you must first use a deception to surrender. 冇 錯 啊 ! not|wrong|particle That's right! 曹操 就 叫 降將 呂曠 、 呂翔過 嚟 , 伏 埋耳仔 , 細細 聲 對 佢 哋 話 嗱 如此 如此 噉 。 Cao Cao|then|called|surrendering general|Lu Kuang||here|crouched||softly|voice|to|them|plural marker|said|look|like this|like this|so Cao Cao then called the surrendering generals Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang over, leaned in close, and quietly told them, 'This is how it should be done.' 好 喇 , 到 咗 第日 , 呂 曠 佢 哋 帶 住 幾十人 , 一直 去 到 壺關 口下 便 大聲 噉 嗌: good|particle indicating completed action|arrive|past tense marker|the next day|surname|surname|they|plural marker|bring|with|several dozen people|continuously|go|arrive|a place name|at the border|then|loudly|like that|shout Alright, on the day, Lu Kuang and the others brought several dozen men and went straight to the entrance of Huguan, shouting loudly: 我 哋 都 係 袁 氏 嘅 舊 將 , 不得已 先至 投降 曹操 㗎 。 ||all|are|||possessive particle|old|generals|had no choice|only then|surrendered|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle We are all former generals of the Yuan family, and we had no choice but to surrender to Cao Cao. 點知 曹操 個 為 人 好 鬼 骨 , 待 我 哋 非常 刻薄 , 所以 我 哋 而家 返 嚟 扶助 舊日 嘅 主公 啊 ! who would have thought|Cao Cao|possessive particle|as|person|very|extremely|cruel|treat|I|plural marker|very|mean|so|I|plural marker|now|return|to|assist|past|possessive particle|lord|exclamatory particle Who would have thought that Cao Cao is such a cruel person, treating us very harshly, so we are now returning to support our former lord! 快 啲 開關 放 我 哋 入 嚟 啦 ! ||switch|let|||||particle indicating suggestion Hurry up and open the gate to let us in! 高幹 唔 係 點信 , 就 淨 係 放 呂曠 、 呂翔 兩個 人 上關 嚟 問過 先 。 senior official|not|is|trustworthy|then|only|is|put|Lui Kwang|Lui Cheung|two|people|related to the matter|come|asked|first Gao Gan is not very trustworthy, he only let Lü Kuang and Lü Xiang come up to ask first. 佢 兩個 解開 護身 甲 , 掉 開匹馬 , 就 噉 上關 嚟 見 高幹 。 he|two|took off|protective|armor|dropped|riding a horse|then|like this|up the mountain|came|to see|high-ranking official The two of them took off their armor, rode a horse, and went up to see Gao Gan. 佢 哋 話 : 高 將軍 , 而家 曹軍新 新 嚟 到 , 最好 係 趁 佢 哋 軍心 未定 , 今晚 就 去 劫寨 。 they|plural marker|said|General Gao|general|now||new|come|arrive|best|to be|take advantage of|they|plural marker|morale||tonight|then|go|raid the village They said: General Gao, the Cao army has just arrived, it would be best to take advantage of their unsettled morale and raid the camp tonight. 我 哋 願意 去 打頭陣 。 we|plural marker|willing|to go|take the lead We are willing to take the lead. 噉 好極 喇 ! 高幹 好 歡喜 。 like this|extremely good|particle indicating completed action|high-ranking official|very|happy That's great! Gao Gan is very happy. 當晚 , 高幹 就 叫 呂曠 、 呂翔 行先 , 帶 萬幾 兵去 劫寨 。 that night|Gao Gan|then|ordered|Lue Kuang|Lue Hsiang|go first|to bring|over ten thousand||raid the village That night, Gao Gan ordered Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang to go first, leading over ten thousand soldiers to raid the stronghold. 點 知道 上下行 到 曹 寨 嘅 時候 , 只 聽見 後 便 喎 嗬 噉 吶喊聲 驚天動地 , 霎時之間 伏兵 四起 。 how|to know|up and down|arrive|Cao|village|possessive particle|time|only|heard|behind|then|particle indicating realization|exclamation|like that|shouting|earth-shattering|in an instant|ambush troops|rose up everywhere Little did they know that when they arrived at Cao Zhai, they only heard a deafening shout from behind, and in an instant, ambush troops sprang up. 弊 傢伙 喇 ! 高幹 知道 中計 咯 呢 趟 , 急急 回頭 趯 返去 壺關 城 。 this|guy|particle indicating completed action|high-ranking official|knows|tricked|particle indicating realization|question particle|trip|hurriedly|turned around|hurriedly|returned|Huguan|city Damn it! Gao Gan realized he had fallen into a trap, and hurriedly turned back to return to Huguan City. 哈 ! 誰知 樂進 、 李典 , 就 已經 佔領 咗 壺關 城咯 。 Ha|who would have thought|Yue Jin|Li Dian|then|already|occupied|past tense marker|Huguan|city Ha! Who would have thought that Le Jin and Li Dian had already occupied Huguan City. 高幹 搏命 噉 沖 殺 , 就 畀 佢 走 甩 咗 , 去 咗 投奔 單于 , 就 係 去 投奔 匈奴 嘞 。 Gao Gan|fight to the death|like that|charge|kill|then|let|him|||past tense marker|go|past tense marker|seek refuge|Chanyu|just|is|go|seek refuge|Xiongnu|sentence-final particle Gao Gan fought desperately to break through, but he ended up escaping and went to seek refuge with the Chanyu, which means he went to join the Xiongnu. 曹操 佈置 軍隊 守住 關口 , 同時 就 派 人 去 追擊 高幹 。 Cao Cao|arranged|army|to defend|pass|at the same time|then|sent|people|to|pursue|Gao Gan Cao Cao arranged for troops to guard the pass, and at the same time sent people to pursue Gao Gan. 高幹 一路 逃跑 嚟 到 單于 嘅 地界 , 啱 啱 就 遇到 北番 左賢王 。 Gao Gan|all the way|escape|come|to|Chanyu|possessive particle|territory|||then|encountered|Northern Barbarians|King Zuo Xian Gao Gan fled all the way to the territory of the Chanyu and just happened to encounter the Northern Barbarians' Left Wise King. 高幹 即刻 落馬 , 跪 喺 地 嚟 叩頭 行禮 佢 話 : 曹操 吞併 咗 我 嘅 疆土 , 而 家 佢 又 想 嚟 侵犯 王子 你 嘅 地方 , 請 你 援助 我 啦 。 Gao Gan|immediately|dismount|kneel|on|ground|come|knock head|bow|he|said|Cao Cao|annexed|past tense marker|my|possessive particle|territory|||he|again|wants|come|invade|Prince|you|possessive particle|land|please|you|assist|me|sentence final particle Gao Gan immediately dismounted, knelt on the ground, and bowed to him, saying: 'Cao Cao has annexed my territory, and now he wants to invade your land, Prince. Please assist me.' 我 哋 合力 嚟 收復失地 , 保障 北方 嘅 安全 啦 。 ||work together|to|regain lost territory|ensure|northern region|possessive particle|security|sentence-final particle We work together to reclaim lost territory and ensure the safety of the North. 左賢王 就 話 嘞 : 我 一向 同 曹操 無怨 無仇 , 佢 點 會 嚟 侵犯 我 嘅 土地 呢 ? King Zuo|then|said|past tense marker|I|always|with|Cao Cao|no resentment|no hatred|he|how|would|come|invade|my|possessive particle|land|question particle King Zuo Xian said: I have never had any grievances with Cao Cao, how could he invade my land? 你 想 我 同 曹操 結落 冤仇 呀 ? 你 走 啦 ! you|want|I|with|Cao Cao|resolve|enmity|question particle|you|leave|particle indicating action completion Do you want me to have a feud with Cao Cao? You should leave! 趕 高幹 走 喎 。 hurry|high-ranking official|leave|particle indicating realization or confirmation Chase Gao Gan away. 高幹 諗 下 都 無路可走 嘞 , 唯有 去 投奔 劉表 係 啦 。 high-ranking official|think|down|all|no way to go|particle indicating completed action|only|go|seek refuge|Liu Biao|is|particle indicating suggestion or realization Gao Gan thought about it and found he had no way out, so he could only go seek refuge with Liu Biao. 噉 佢 就 去 荊州 嘞 喎 , 點知 行到 上洛 呢 個 地方 呢 , 就 畀 都尉 王琰 捉住 殺 咗 。 then|he|then|go|Jingzhou|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|unexpectedly|arrived at|Shangluo|this|measure word|place|this|then|by|military officer|Wang Yan|captured|killed|past tense marker So he went to Jingzhou, but unexpectedly, when he reached this place called Shangluo, he was captured and killed by the general Wang Yan. 王琰將 高幹 嘅 人頭 送 咗 去 畀 曹操 。 |Gao Gan|possessive particle|head|send|past tense marker|to|give|Cao Cao Wang Yan sent Gao Gan's head to Cao Cao. 曹操 好 高興 , 即刻 就 封 王琰 做 列侯 。 Cao Cao|very|happy|immediately|then|enfeoffed|Wang Yan|made|marquis Cao Cao was very pleased and immediately appointed Wang Yan as a marquis. 噉 殺 咗 高幹 , 並州 平定 嘞 。 then|kill|past tense marker|Gao Gan|Bingzhou|pacified|past action marker With Gao Gan killed, the situation in Bingzhou was stabilized. 曹操 呢 , 又 同 大家 商量 準備 向西 攻打 烏桓 嘞 喎 。 Cao Cao|question particle|again|with|everyone|discuss|prepare||attack|Wuhuan|past action particle|suggestion particle Cao Cao then discussed with everyone to prepare to attack the Wuhuan to the west. 曹 洪 佢 哋 就 話 喇 : 袁熙 、 袁尚 兵敗將亡 , 已經 勢窮 力盡 , 遠遠 噉 趯 咗 去 沙漠 。 Cao|Hong|they|plural marker|then|said|sentence-final particle|Yuan Xi|Yuan Shang||already|desperate|exhausted|far away|like that|fled|past tense marker|go|desert Cao Hong said: Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang are defeated and doomed, they are already at the end of their rope, and have fled far away to the desert. 我 哋 若果 帶兵 向西 便 進攻 , 聽下 劉備 、 劉表 佢 哋 乘虛 襲擊 許都 嘅 話 , 噉 我 哋 一救 唔 切 就 為 禍 不 淺 㗎 喇 。 we|plural marker|if|lead troops|to the west|then|attack|listen to|Liu Bei|Liu Biao|they|plural marker|take advantage of the situation|attack|Xu Du|possessive particle|words|then|I|we|one rescue|not|complete|then|for|disaster|not|shallow|sentence-final particle|past action particle If we lead our troops west to attack, and listen to Liu Bei and Liu Biao taking advantage of the situation to attack Xudu, then we will be in deep trouble if we can't rescue them. 仲 係 回師 為 上 啊 , 唔 好 去 打 喇 ! ||retreat|for|victory|particle|||go|fight|particle It is better to return, we shouldn't go to fight! 郭嘉話 : 各位 所講 嘅 都 錯 咯 。 Guo Jia said|everyone|what was said|possessive particle|all|wrong|final particle Guo Jia said: What everyone is saying is wrong. 沙漠 啲 人 , 恃 住 佢 哋 地方 邊遠 。 desert|plural marker|people|||they|plural marker|area|remote The people in the desert rely on their remote location. 雖然 主公 係 威震天下 唧 , 佢 哋 , 必定 唔 會 有 防備 嘅 。 although|lord|is|mighty and invincible|sound of a whistle|they|plural marker|definitely|not|will|have|defenses|particle indicating possession or modification Although the lord is mighty and shakes the world, they will definitely be unprepared. 我 哋 趁 佢 冇 防備 , 突然襲擊 , 噉 就 必定 贏 嘅 。 ||take advantage of|he|not|prepared||then|will|definitely|win|particle indicating certainty We will take advantage of their unpreparedness and launch a sudden attack, and we will surely win. 而且 , 袁紹 過去 對 烏桓 係 有 恩 嘅 。 moreover|Yuan Shao|in the past|towards|Wuhuan|was|had|favor|particle indicating possession Moreover, Yuan Shao has been kind to the Wuhuan in the past. 袁尚 、 袁 熙 佢 哋 兩 兄弟 仲 喺 度 未 死 呀 , 唔 剷除 佢 哋 唔 得 。 Yuen Seung|||they|plural marker|two|brothers|still|at|place|not yet|dead|sentence-final particle|not|eliminate|they|plural marker|not|allowed Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi, the two brothers, are still alive, and we must eliminate them. 至於 劉表 ,嚱嚱, 不過 係 個 一味 識得 坐 嚮 處談 東論 西 嘅 人 啫 。 as for|Liu Biao|haha|but|is|a|only|knows how to|sit|in|casual conversation|discussing east|west|possessive particle|person|only As for Liu Biao, he is just someone who knows how to sit around and talk aimlessly. 佢 自己 都 知道 , 佢 嘅 能力 唔 能夠 駕馭 劉備 嘅 。 he|himself|also|knows|his|possessive particle|||||| He knows himself that he cannot handle Liu Bei's abilities. 如果 重用 劉備 , 就 怕 一下 制服 佢 唔 住 ; 之 如果 唔 重用 , 劉備 又 唔 肯落 力 嘅 。 if|reuse|Liu Bei|then|afraid|suddenly|subdue|him|not|able to|this|if|not|reuse|Liu Bei|again|not||effort|particle If Liu Bei is heavily relied upon, there is a fear that he might be uncontrollable; but if he is not relied upon, Liu Bei will not put in the effort. 所以 就算 我 哋 出 盡 軍馬 , 空晒個 後方 去 遠征 , 明公 你 都 唔 使 擔心 㗎 。 so|even if|I|we|deploy|all|cavalry|empty out the whole|rear|to|expedition|Lord Ming|you|also|not|need|worry|particle indicating certainty So even if we send out all our troops and leave the rear empty for the expedition, you don't have to worry, my lord. 奉孝 你 講得 好 啱 啊 ! Feng Hsiao|you|speak|very|right|particle Feng Xiao, you are absolutely right! 於是 曹操 就 落 決心 , 下令 大小 三軍 , 帶住 幾千 部車 , 向前 進發 。 then|Cao Cao|then|made|determination|ordered|large and small|three armies|bringing|several thousand||forward|advance Thus, Cao Cao made up his mind and ordered the three armies, large and small, to advance with several thousand vehicles. 噉 一路 向前 行 , 哎呀 只見 黃沙 漠漠 狂風 四起 , 啲 道路 又 崎嶇 人馬 都 難行 啊 。 then|all the way|forward|walk|oh no|only saw|yellow sand|vast|strong wind|everywhere|the|road|again|rugged|people and horses|all|hard to travel|ah So we keep moving forward, oh no, all I see is the yellow sand and the raging winds, the roads are rugged and it's hard for both people and horses to travel. 曹操 想返 轉頭 嘞 , 噉 佢 又 同 郭 嘉 商量 。 Cao Cao|wanted to return|turn around|past tense marker|then|he|again|with|||discuss Cao Cao wanted to turn back, so he discussed it with Guo Jia. 郭嘉 呢 陣時 呢 因為 不服水土 啊 , 就 病 咗 , 瞓 喺 車 嚟 。 Guo Jia|this|at that time|this|because|not acclimatized|ah|then|got sick|past tense marker|slept|in|car|coming At this time, Guo Jia was unwell due to the harsh environment and was lying in the carriage. 曹操 見到 郭嘉病 成 噉 樣 , 忍 唔 住 流起 眼淚 嚟 話 : Cao Cao|saw||become|like this|appearance||||shed|tears|in|said Seeing Guo Jia in such a sick state, Cao Cao couldn't help but shed tears and said: 哎 ! 皆 因為 我 想 平定 沙漠 , 使到 先生 你 跟 住 長途跋涉 咁 辛苦 , 以至 得病 。 ah|all|because|I|want|pacify|desert|causing|sir|you|||long journey|so|hard|resulting in|getting sick Oh! It's all because I wanted to pacify the desert, causing you, sir, to endure such a long and arduous journey, which led to your illness. 我個 心好 唔 安樂 啊 ! ||not|happy|sentence-final particle I feel very uneasy! 郭嘉 就 話 嘞 : 誒 丞相 嘅 大恩大德 , 我 , 我 , 我 就算 係 死 , 都 難以 報答 於 萬一 㗎 。 Guo Jia|then|said|past tense marker|hey|Prime Minister|possessive particle|great kindness and virtue|I|||even if|am|die|also|difficult to|repay|to|in the unlikely event|sentence-final particle Guo Jia said: 'Ah, the great kindness and virtue of the Prime Minister, I, I, I find it hard to repay even if I die.' 我見 呢 啲 地方 咁 崎嶇 , 不如 回軍返 轉頭 罷喇 , 好 唔 好 呢 ? |this|plural marker|place|so|rugged|might as well||turn around|stop||||question particle I see these places are so rugged, why don't we turn back and return to the army, okay? 哎 丞相 呀 , 兵貴神速 啊 。 ah|Prime Minister|particle|speed is of the essence in warfare|particle Ah, Prime Minister, speed is of the essence in warfare. 而家 , 誒 , 要 行軍 千里 , 去 進行 襲擊 。 now|eh|need to|march|a thousand miles|to|carry out|attack Right now, we need to march a thousand miles to carry out an attack. 但 係 輜重 太 多 , 誒 冇 辦法 行得 快 嘅 。 ||heavy load|too|much|eh|have not|way|walk|fast|particle But the heavy load is too much, so there's no way to move quickly. 不如 用 輕兵 加速 前進 , 攻其不備 啦 。 might as well|use|light troops|accelerate|advance|attack when they are unprepared|particle indicating suggestion or encouragement It's better to use light troops to advance quickly and attack when they are unprepared. 但 係 , 誒 你 一定 要 有 熟悉 道路 嘅 人 , 去 做 嚮導 至 得 呀 。 ||hey|you|definitely|need|have|familiar|road|possessive particle|person|to go|to be|guide|only|okay|sentence-final particle However, you must have someone familiar with the roads to act as a guide. 曹操 聽 郭 嘉 嘅 話 。 Cao Cao|listens|||possessive particle|words Cao Cao listened to Guo Jia's advice. 但 係 見 佢 病 得 咁 交關 , 就 留 低 佢 喺 易州 嚟 養病 。 ||seeing|he|sick|to the extent|so|serious|then|||him|in|Yizhou|to|recuperate However, seeing that he was so ill, he left him in Yizhou to recuperate. 誒 易州 呢 , 即 係 今日 河北省 易縣 啊 。 hey|Yizhou|question particle|||today|Hebei Province|Yixian|ah Eh, Yizhou here refers to Yixian in Hebei Province today. 同時 呢 , 曹操 即刻 下令 去 搵 嚮導 帶路 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question or emphasis|Cao Cao|immediately|ordered|to|find|guide|lead the way At the same time, Cao Cao immediately ordered to find a guide to lead the way. 噉 啊 有人 推薦 袁紹 嘅 舊 將 田疇 , 話 佢 好 熟悉 呢 一帶 地方 嘅 噉 話 。 then|ah|someone|recommended|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|old|general|field|said|he|very|familiar|this|area|place|possessive particle|then|said Then someone recommended Tian Chou, a former general of Yuan Shao, saying he was very familiar with this area. 曹操 就 召 佢 嚟 問 佢 。 Cao Cao|then|summoned|him|here|asked|him Cao Cao summoned him to ask. 田疇 話 : 呢 處 啲 路 , 夏秋 之間 有水 , 水 係 好 淺 啫 , 但 係 車馬 都 唔 過得 ; 不過 又 唔 夠深 , 所以 亦 唔 能夠 行得 船 。 paddy field|said|this|place|plural marker|road|summer and autumn|between||water|is|very|shallow|only|but|is|vehicles|all|not|able to pass|however|again|not|deep enough|so|also|not|able to|passable|boat Tian Chou said: The roads here have water between summer and autumn, the water is very shallow, but carts and horses cannot pass; however, it is not deep enough, so boats cannot navigate either. 因此 行動 起上 嚟 甚難 。 therefore|action|get up|come| Therefore, it is very difficult to take action. 不如 回軍返 轉頭 , 由 盧龍 口 越過 白檀 呢 個 險要 地方 , 一 出去 , 就 係 空曠 嘅 地方 嘞 , 向前 冇 幾遠 就 係 柳城 。 why not|retreating troops|turn around|from|Lulong|pass|cross|Bai Tan|this|measure word|strategic|location|once|go out|then|is|open|possessive particle|area||forward|not|very far|then|is|Liucheng It would be better to retreat and turn back, crossing the dangerous area of Baidan from the mouth of Lulong. Once we get out, it will be an open area, and not far ahead is Liucheng. 丞相 你 攻其無備 , 噉 蹋 頓 就 一戰 而 擒 喇 。 Prime Minister|you||then|trample|suddenly|then|one battle|and|capture|particle indicating completion Prime Minister, if you attack when they are unprepared, we can capture them in one battle. 柳城 , 就 係 而家 遼寧省 錦西 西北 。 Liucheng|||now|Liaoning Province|Jinxi|northwest Liucheng is now in the northwest of Jinxi, Liaoning Province. 嗰 個 蹋 頓 呢 就 係 烏桓族 嘅 首領 嘞 。 that|measure word|step|suddenly|question particle|then|is|Wuhuan tribe|possessive particle|leader|past action particle That leader is the chief of the Wuhuan tribe. 曹操 採納 咗 田疇 嘅 意見 , 封 佢 做 靖 北 將軍 做 響導 官 , 喺 前 便 ; 張 遼 帶兵 跟 住行 第二 ; 曹操 自己 呀 押後 。 Cao Cao|adopted|past tense marker|Tian Chou|possessive particle|suggestion|appointed|him|as|||general|as|guiding|official|at|front|convenient|Zhang|Liao|led troops|followed||second|Cao Cao|himself|sentence-final particle|stayed behind Cao Cao accepted the advice of Tian Chou and appointed him as the General of Jingbei, serving as the guiding officer, leading the front; Zhang Liao followed with the troops in the second position; Cao Cao himself stayed behind. 呢 次 啲 兵士 呀 全部 輕裝前進 。 this|time|plural marker|soldiers|sentence-final particle|all|advance lightly equipped This time, all the soldiers advanced lightly equipped. 田疇 帶住 張 遼 一路行 到 白狼山 , 就 遇正 袁熙 、 袁尚 , 聯合 埋蹋 頓 幾萬 人馬 嚟 到 嘞 。 Tianchou|bringing|Zhang|Liao|walking all the way|to|Mount Bailang|then|encountered|Yuan Xi|Yuan Shang|united|attacking|defeating|several thousand|troops|coming|to|past tense particle Tian Chou, along with Zhang Liao, marched all the way to Mount Bailang, where they encountered Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang, who had united with tens of thousands of troops. 張 遼 飛快 去 報告 曹操 。 Zhang|Liao|quickly|go|report|Cao Cao Zhang Liao quickly went to report to Cao Cao. 曹操 騎馬 行上 高個 地方 來 觀察 下 ,嚱, 見到 蹋 頓 嘅 兵馬 參 參差 差 不成 隊伍 嘅 。 Cao Cao|riding a horse|walking up|higher|place|came|observe|down|sound of exhalation|saw|stepping|stop|possessive particle|soldiers and horses|scattered|uneven|inferior|not forming|a unit of troops| Cao Cao rode his horse to a high place to observe, and saw that the troops of the enemy were disorganized and not in formation. 曹操 就 對 張 遼話 : 你 睇 敵兵 鬆鬆散散 , 你 馬上 去 出擊 啦 ! Cao Cao|then|to|Zhang||you|see|enemy soldiers|scattered|you|immediately|go|attack|particle indicating suggestion Cao Cao said to Zhang Liao: You see the enemy troops are scattered, you should immediately launch an attack! 講完 , 就將 自己 指揮 軍隊 嘅 帥 旗 交 咗 畀 張 遼 。 finished speaking||himself|command|army|possessive particle|handsome|flag|hand over|past tense marker|to|Zhang|Liao After saying that, he handed over the command flag of the army to Zhang Liao. 張 遼 於是 率領 許褚 、 于禁 、 徐晃 , 分 四路 下山 , 奮力 急攻 。 ||then|led|Xu Chu|Yu Jin|Xu Huang|divide|into four routes|descend the mountain|with all their might|rushed to attack Zhang Liao then led Xu Chu, Yu Jin, and Xu Huang, splitting into four routes down the mountain, launching a fierce and urgent attack. 嘩 ! 真 係 好似 下山 猛虎 噉 啊 , 打到 蹋 頓 全軍 大亂 。 wow|||like|descending the mountain|fierce tiger|like this|ah|hitting until|stepping|pause|entire army|in chaos Wow! It was really like a fierce tiger coming down the mountain, causing the enemy to be thrown into chaos. 張 遼 拍馬 衝上去 , 將蹋 頓 斬 死 咗 跌 咗 落馬 。 ||urged his horse|charged forward||down|cut|dead|past tense marker|fall|past tense marker|off the horse Zhang Liao rode forward and killed Ta Dun, who fell off his horse. 噉 主將 一死 , 所有 個 將士 即刻 投降 。 then|general|dies|all|measure word for people|soldiers|immediately|surrender So when the general dies, all the soldiers immediately surrender. 袁熙 、 袁尚 見到 大勢已去 喇 , 就 帶 住 幾千 人馬 , 逃跑 咗 去 遼東 。 Yuan Xi|Yuan Shang|saw||particle indicating completed action|then|||several thousand|troops|escape|past tense marker|to|Liaodong Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang saw that the situation was hopeless, so they took a few thousand troops and fled to Liaodong. 遼東 係 個 郡 嘞 , 佢 個 郡 城 就 係 喺 而 家 遼寧省 義縣 嚟 。 Liaodong|is|classifier for nouns|county|past tense marker|he|classifier for nouns|county|city|then|is|at|||Liaoning Province|Yixian|from Liaodong is a commandery, and its commandery city is in present-day Yixian, Liaoning Province. 噉 啊 曹操 得勝 之後 , 收兵 入 柳城 啦 。 like this|ah|Cao Cao|victory|after|withdraw troops|enter|Liu City|particle indicating completed action After Cao Cao's victory, he withdrew his troops and entered Liucheng. 又 封 田疇 做柳亭 侯 , 叫 佢 鎮守 柳城 。 again|appoint|Tianchou||Marquis|ordered|he|to defend|Liucheng He also granted Tian Chou the title of Marquis of Liuting and ordered him to defend Liucheng. 但 係 田疇 流 起 眼淚 上 嚟 話 : ||field|flow|rise|tears|||said But in the fields, tears flowed as I said: 我 , 不過 係 個 負義 逃竄 之 人 , 蒙丞相 大恩 得以 活命 , 已經 係 十分 幸運 咯 。 I|just|am|the|ungrateful|coward|possessive particle|person||great favor|able to|live|already|am|very|lucky|particle indicating realization or confirmation I am just a person who has fled in disgrace, fortunate enough to have survived thanks to the great kindness of the Prime Minister. 仲點 可以 因為 出賣 盧龍 口 呢 啲 險要 地方 , 而 接受 封官 賞賜 ? how|can|because|betray|Lulong|mouth|||dangerous|places|and|accept|official title|rewards How can I accept a title and rewards for betraying the dangerous places of Lu Long? 哎 我 死 都 唔 敢 接受 呢 個 侯爵 啊 ! sigh|I|die|even|not|dare|accept|this|classifier for people|marquis|ah Ah, I wouldn't dare accept this marquis title even if I died! 咁 有 義氣 ! 好 啊 ! so|has|loyalty|good|particle Such loyalty! Good! 曹操 唔 勉強 佢 , 就 任命 佢 做 議 郎 , 噉 呢 啲 呢 , 就 唔 講 佢 喇 啊 。 Cao Cao|not|force|him|then|appointed|him|as|||then|this|||then|not|talk|him|particle|particle Cao Cao did not force him, but appointed him as a councilor, so these matters were not mentioned. 曹操 又 對 單于 等等 嘅 大小官員 , 恩威並用 , 撫慰 咗 一番 。 Cao Cao|again|to|Chanyu|etc|possessive particle||using both kindness and power|to comfort|past tense marker|a round Cao Cao also used both grace and power on officials of all ranks, soothing them. 又 收買 咗 成 萬匹 駿馬 , 就 開始 班師 返去 。 again|purchased|past tense marker|over|ten thousand|fine horses|then|started|troops|returning He also bought thousands of fine horses and began to march back. 當時 個天 非常 之 寒冷 , 又 旱 喎 , 成 二百里 路 都 冇 水 。 at that time||very|possessive particle|cold|also|drought|sentence-final particle|all|200 miles|road|all|had no|water At that time, the weather was extremely cold, and there was a drought, with no water for two hundred miles. 部隊 又 缺糧 就 唯有 劏 馬 食 係 啦 。 troops|again|short of food|then|only|slaughter|horse|eat|is|particle The troops were also short of food, so they had no choice but to slaughter horses for food. 噉 要 掘 地掘 到 三四十丈 深先 有 水 嘅 , 哎 真 係 辛苦 咯 。 then|need|dig|ground|reach|30 to 40 zhang|deep first|have|water|particle|sigh|||hard work|particle To dig down to three or four dozen zhang deep to find water, ah, it's really hard. 當 曹操 一返 到 易州 , 就 重重 咁 賞賜 當初 勸 佢 唔 好 遠征 嗰 啲 人 。 when|Cao Cao|returned|to|Yizhou|then|heavily|so|rewarded|initially|advised|him|||campaign|those|plural marker|people When Cao Cao returned to Yizhou, he heavily rewarded those who advised him against the expedition. 佢 對 大家 話 : 呢 次 , 我 冒險 遠征 , 僥倖 成功 。 He|to|everyone|said|this|time|I|adventure|expedition|by chance|succeeded He told everyone: This time, I took a risk on the expedition and fortunately succeeded. 雖然 係 得勝 返 嚟 呀 , 呢 個 乃 係 上天 保佑 , 不足 為法 。 although|is|victorious|return|here|sentence final particle|this|measure word|only|is|heaven|blessing|insufficient|to be considered as a matter Although I returned victorious, this is due to the protection of heaven and is not to be taken lightly. 以前 各位 所 勸 我 嘅 , 乃 係 萬安 之計 , 因此 , 要 賞賜 大家 。 previously|everyone|particle indicating action|advised|I|possessive particle|then|is|long-term peace|plan|therefore|must|reward|everyone What everyone advised me before was a plan for long-term safety, therefore, I must reward everyone. 以後 , 有 說話 唔 使 怕 同 我講 。 in the future|if|speaking|not|need|afraid|with| In the future, if you have something to say, don't be afraid to tell me. 曹操 返到 易州 嘅 時候 , 郭嘉 已經 病死 咗 好幾日 , 棺材 就 停 喺 衙門 大廳 裏頭 。 Cao Cao|returned to|Yizhou|possessive particle|time|Guo Jia|already|died from illness|past tense marker|several days|coffin|then|stopped|at|yamen|hall|inside When Cao Cao returned to Yizhou, Guo Jia had already been dead for several days, and the coffin was placed in the main hall of the yamen. 曹操 去 祭 佢 , 喊 得 好 淒涼 , 佢 話 : 奉孝死 咗 , 啊 ! 係 個 天 , 要 我 死 呀 ! Cao Cao|go|sacrifice|him|cry|to be|very|sorrowful|he|said||past tense marker|ah|is|the|heaven|want|me|die|particle Cao Cao went to pay his respects to him, crying very sorrowfully, saying: 'Fengxiao is dead, ah! Is it heaven that wants me to die!' 佢 對 嗰 班 官員 話 : 各位 嘅 年紀 , 都 係 同 我 嗰 輩 嘅 , 唯獨 奉孝 年紀 最 輕 。 He|to|that|classifier for groups|officials|said|everyone|possessive particle|age|all|is|same|I|that|generation||only|Fengxiao|age|most|young He told the officials: 'All of you are of the same age as me, but only Fengxiao is the youngest.' 我 啊 本來 要將 後事 托付 畀 佢 , 想 唔 到 佢 中年 夭折 , 啊 ! 真 係 使 我 痛心 啊 , 啊 ! I|ah|originally||funeral arrangements|to entrust|to|him||||he|middle age|to die young|ah|||makes|me|heartbroken|ah|ah I originally wanted to entrust my future affairs to him, but I didn't expect him to die young in his prime, ah! It really breaks my heart, ah! 郭 嘉 嘅 親信 人員 呢 , 就 將 佢 臨死 之前 寫 嘅 信 呈 畀 曹操 。 Guo|Jia|possessive particle|trusted aide|personnel|this|then|will|he|before death|prior to|wrote|possessive particle|letter|present|to|Cao Cao Guo Jia's trusted personnel presented the letter he wrote before his death to Cao Cao. 丞相 大人 , 郭公 臨死 嘅 時候 , 親筆寫 咗 呢 封信 。 Prime Minister|Your Excellency|Lord Guo|at the time of death|possessive particle|when||past tense marker|this|letter Prime Minister, Lord Guo wrote this letter by hand just before he died. 佢 囑咐 話 : 如果 丞相 採納 信 裏 便 所講 嘅 意見 呢 , 遼東 嘅 事情 就定 喇 噉 。 he|instructed|said|if|Prime Minister|accepts|letter|inside|then|what was said|possessive particle|advice|particle indicating a question or suggestion|Liaodong|possessive particle|matter||particle indicating completion|like this He instructed that if the Prime Minister adopts the suggestions in the letter, then the matters of Liaodong will be settled. 曹操 拆開 封信 睇 咗 , 一味 岌 頭 歎 咗 幾聲 。 Cao Cao|opened|envelope|read|past tense marker|only|worried|head|sighed|past tense marker|a few times Cao Cao opened the letter and sighed several times. 咦 ? 咩 意思 呢 ? 人人 都 估 唔 到 , 曹操 亦 冇 講 。 eh|what|meaning|question particle|everyone|all||||Cao Cao|also|didn't|say Huh? What does this mean? No one could guess, and Cao Cao did not say anything. 第 日 , 夏侯惇 帶領 住 大家 稟告 曹操 話 : 啟 稟 丞相 , 遼東 太守 公孫康 長期 都 唔 服從 朝廷 嘅 。 the|day|Xiahou Dun|led|to|everyone|report|Cao Cao|said|to|report|Prime Minister|Liaodong|governor|Gongsun Kang|long-term|all|not|obey|imperial court|possessive particle On that day, Xiahou Dun led everyone to report to Cao Cao, saying: "I report to the Chancellor, that the Governor of Liaodong, Gongsun Kang, has long been disobedient to the court." 而家 , 袁熙 、 袁尚 又 去 咗 投奔 佢 , 必為 後患 㗎 。 now|Yuen Hei|Yuen Seung|again|go|past tense marker|seek refuge|he|will be|future trouble|sentence final particle Now, Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang have gone to seek refuge with him, which will definitely cause future troubles. 不如 趁 佢 哋 未敢 逳 動 , 快 啲 去 攻 佢 , 噉 遼東 就 係 丞相 㗎 喇 。 why not|take advantage of|they|plural marker||escape|move|quickly|more|go|attack|them|then|Liaodong|then|is|prime minister|sentence final particle|past action particle It would be better to take advantage of the fact that they have not dared to act yet, and quickly attack him, then Liaodong will belong to the Chancellor. 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 唔 使 勞煩 各位 嘅 虎威 , 幾日 之後 , 公孫康 , 自然 會 送 袁氏 兄弟 嘅 人頭 嚟 㗎 喇 。 hahaha||||trouble|everyone|possessive particle|power of the tiger|a few days|later|Gongsun Kang|naturally|will|deliver|Yuan family|brothers|possessive particle|heads|come|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle Hahaha, no need to trouble everyone's tiger might, in a few days, Gongsun Kang will naturally send the heads of the Yuan brothers to us. 乜 噉 嘅 事 都 有 嘅 大家 都 唔 信 喎 嗬 。 what|like this|possessive particle|thing|all|have|possessive particle|everyone|all|not|believe|sentence-final particle|exclamation particle What kind of thing is this? Everyone doesn't believe it. 噉 而家 又 講返 下 袁熙 同 袁尚 。 then|now|again|talk about|next|Yuan Xi|and|Yuan Shang Now let's talk about Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang. 佢 兩 兄弟 帶住 幾千 人馬 , 直奔 遼東 去 投靠 公孫康 吖 。 he|two|brothers|brought|several thousand|troops|directly headed|Liaodong|to|seek refuge with|Gongsun Kang|particle indicating affirmation or exclamation The two brothers brought thousands of troops and headed straight for Liaodong to seek refuge with Gongsun Kang. 遼東 太守 公孫康 , 襄平 人 , 係 武威 將軍 公孫 度個 仔 。 Liaodong|governor|Gongsun Kang|Xiangping|person|is|Wuwei|general|Gongsun||son Gongsun Kang, the governor of Liaodong, was from Xiangping and was the son of General Gongsun Du. 佢 當時 聽聞 袁熙 、 袁尚 嚟 投靠 佢 , 就 召集 佢 嘅 部下 官員 嚟 商量 呢 件 事 。 he|at that time|heard that|Yuan Xi|Yuan Shang|come|seek refuge|him|then|gathered|his|possessive particle|subordinates|officials|to|discuss|this|classifier for events|matter At that time, upon hearing that Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang were coming to seek refuge with him, he gathered his subordinate officials to discuss this matter. 公孫 恭 呢 就 話 : 袁紹 在 生 嘅 時候 , 時常 都 想 吞併 我 哋 遼東 㗎 嘞 。 Gongsun|Gong|this|then|said|Yuan Shao|at|life|possessive particle|time|often|all|wanted|to annex|us|plural marker|Liaodong|particle indicating certainty|past action particle Gongsun Gong then said: 'When Yuan Shao was alive, he often wanted to swallow us up in Liaodong.' 而家 , 袁熙 、 袁尚 兵敗將亡 , 無地 棲身 , 就 嚟 呢 處 投奔 大人 。 now|Yuan Xi|Yuan Shang|soldiers defeated and doomed|no land|to settle|then|come|||seek refuge|lord Right now, Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang are defeated and have nowhere to go, they are about to come here to seek refuge with the lord. 呢 個 呀 , 乃 係 鳩奪鵲巢 之意 呀 ! this|measure word|particle|is|is|a proverb meaning to take advantage of others' misfortune||particle This, you see, is the meaning of seizing the nest after the bird has been driven away! 如果 而家 收容 佢 哋 , 日後 呢 , 佢 哋 必定會 謀害 我 哋 㗎 。 if|now|shelter|they|plural marker|in the future|this|they|plural marker||harm|us|plural marker|sentence-final particle If we take them in now, in the future, they will definitely plot against us. 倒不如 氹 佢 哋 入 嚟 , 殺 咗 佢 , 將 佢 哋 嘅 人頭 獻 畀 曹公 , 噉 曹公 一定 重待 我 哋 㗎 。 might as well|trick|he|plural marker|||kill|past tense marker|he|take|||possessive particle|heads|offer|to|Cao Gong|then|Cao Gong|definitely|treat well|||sentence final particle It would be better to lure them in, kill them, and present their heads to Cao Gong, then Cao Gong will surely treat us well. 公孫康 話 嘞 : 噉 噃, 我 又 怕 曹操 帶兵 嚟 打 遼東 噃。 Gongsun Kang|said|past tense particle|like that|sentence-final particle|I|again|fear|Cao Cao|bring troops|come|attack|Liaodong|sentence-final particle Gongsun Kang said: Well, I am also afraid that Cao Cao will come with troops to attack Liaodong. 如果 係 噉 , 我 又 不如 收留 袁氏 兄弟 做 我 嘅 幫手 唔 係 仲好 ? if|is|like this|I|again|might as well|take in|Yuan family|brothers|as|my|possessive particle|helper|not|is| If that's the case, I might as well take in the Yuan brothers as my helpers, wouldn't that be better? 噉 啦 , 請 大人 派 人 去 探聽 下 消息 。 like this|sentence final particle|please|adult|send|person|to|inquire|a little|news Alright then, please send someone to investigate the news. 如果 曹兵 嚟 攻打 遼東 , 我 哋 就 收留 袁氏 兄弟 ; 如果 曹兵 唔 逳, 我 哋 就 殺 咗 袁氏 兄弟 , 送 佢 哋 嘅 人頭 畀 曹公喇好 唔 好 吖 ? if|Cao army|comes|attacks|Liaodong|we|plural marker|then|shelter|Yuan family|brothers|if|Cao army|not|arrives|we|plural marker|then|kill|past tense marker|Yuan family|brothers|send|them|plural marker|possessive particle|heads|to||not|good|final particle If Cao's troops come to attack Liaodong, we will take in the Yuan brothers; if Cao's troops do not come, we will kill the Yuan brothers and send their heads to Cao, how about that? 好 ! 一 於 噉 話 啦 ! good||||to say|particle Good! Let's say it like that! 於是 公孫康 就 派 人 去 探聽 消息 嘞 。 then|Gongsun Kang|then|sent|people|to|inquire|news|past action marker So Gongsun Kang sent someone to investigate the news. 好 喇 , 當袁熙 、 袁尚 嚟 到 遼東 嘅 時候 , 佢 哋 兩 兄弟 就 秘密 商量 話 : good|particle indicating completed action||Yuan Shang|come|arrive|Liaodong|possessive particle|time|they|plural marker|two|brothers|then|secretly|discuss|saying Alright, when Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang arrived in Liaodong, the two brothers secretly discussed saying: 遼東 嘅 軍 兵 有 幾萬人 咁 多 , 完全 可以 同 曹操 挭 過 嘅 。 Liaodong|possessive particle|army|soldiers|have|tens of thousands of people|so|many|completely|can|with|Cao Cao|fight|over|particle indicating completed action There are tens of thousands of soldiers in Liaodong, which can completely match Cao Cao. 我 哋 而家 暫時 投靠 住 佢 先 。 I|we|now|temporarily|rely on|live|him|first For now, we will temporarily rely on him. 日後 , 我 哋 就 殺 咗 公孫康 , 奪 咗 佢 遼東 , 積聚 好 力量 嚟 同 中原 對抗 , 噉 就 可以 收復 河北 啦 嘛 。 in the future|||then|kill|past tense marker|Gongsun Kang|seize|past tense marker|his|Liaodong|accumulate|great|strength|to|with|Central Plains|resist|then|then|can|recover|Hebei|sentence final particle|rhetorical particle In the future, we will kill Gongsun Kang, take over Liaodong, and gather enough strength to confront the Central Plains, then we can recover Hebei. 佢 兩個 商量 掂 喇 , 就入 城去 拜見 公孫康 啦 。 he|the two of them|discussed|fine|particle indicating completed action|||pay respects to|Gongsun Kang|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation The two of them finished discussing and then entered the city to pay their respects to Gongsun Kang. 公孫康 叫 人 招呼 佢 哋 住 喺 賓館 , 自己 呢 就 推有 病 , 冇 同 佢 哋 見面 。 Gongsun Kang|called|people|greeted|he|they|live|at|hotel|himself|particle indicating a change of state|then|had|illness|did not|with|them|they|meet Gongsun Kang asked someone to greet them staying at the hotel, while he himself claimed to be ill and did not meet with them. 過 咗 一段時間 , 偵探 返 嚟 報告 話 , 曹 公 嘅 人馬 駐 扎 喺 易州 嚟 , 並 冇 嚟 攻打 遼東 嘅 意思 呀 噉 。 past|completed action marker|a period of time|detective|return|here|report|said|Cao|lord|possessive particle|troops|stationed|encamped|at|Yizhou|here|and|not|come|attack|Liaodong|possessive particle|intention|sentence-final particle|like that After a while, the detective returned with a report saying that Cao Gong's forces were stationed in Yizhou and had no intention of attacking Liaodong. 公孫康 高興 喇 。 Gongsun Kang|happy|particle indicating completed action Gongsun Kang was pleased. 呢 一日 , 佢 佈置 咗 一批 刀斧手 , 埋伏 喺 大廳 嘅 帷幔 後 便 , 然後 就 搵 人 請 袁氏 兄弟 嚟 。 this|day|he|arranged|past tense marker|a group of|assassins|ambushed|at|hall|possessive particle|curtain|behind|then|then|just|found|someone|invited|Yuan family|brothers|to come On that day, he arranged a group of knife and axe men to ambush behind the curtains in the hall, and then he sent someone to invite the Yuan brothers. 見 咗 面行 過禮 , 就 叫 佢 哋 兩個 坐 。 see|past tense marker|face-to-face|exchange of greetings|then|told|he|they|two of them|sit After meeting and exchanging greetings, he asked the two of them to sit down. 佢 兩個 一睇 , 哈 , 天時 咁 冷 張椅 上 便連 椅墊 都 冇 嘅 , 噉 點坐 啊 , 就 對 公孫康 話 喇 : he|two|at a glance|ha|weather|so|cold|chair|on||cushion|all|not have|particle|then|how to sit|ah|then|to|Gongsun Kang|said|particle When they looked at each other, ha, the chair was so cold that it didn't even have a cushion on it, how could they sit? So they said to Gongsun Kang: 請 你 叫 人 鋪 好 椅墊 先 啦 。 please|you|ask|staff|lay|good|cushion|first|particle Please have someone lay down a cushion first. 公孫康 碌 大 雙眼 話 : Gongsun Kang|rolling|big|eyes|said Gongsun Kang rolled his big eyes and said: 你 兩個 嘅 人頭 , 就 快要 送 去 萬里 之外 喇 , 仲要 乜嘢 椅墊 呀 ? you|two|possessive particle|heads|then|about to|send|to|ten thousand miles|outside|particle indicating completed action|still need|what|cushion|question particle Your heads are about to be sent thousands of miles away, what do you need a cushion for? 哈 ? 咩 話 ? ha|what|said Ha? What did you say? 左右 ! 仲 唔 逳 手 ? left and right|still|not|quick|hand Left and right! Are you still not going to take action? 㗾 一聲 下 , 一班 刀斧手 湧出 嚟 , 當堂 斬 咗 袁氏 兄弟 嘅 人頭 。 shout|one shout|down|a group of|swordsmen and axemen|rushed out|here|on the spot|beheaded|past tense marker|Yuan family|brothers|possessive particle|heads With a shout, a group of executioners rushed out and immediately beheaded the Yuan brothers. 公孫康 跟 住 派 人用 個 木盒 , 裝住 兩個 人頭 送 去 易州 見 曹操 。 Gongsun Kang|||send||a|wooden box|containing|two|heads|deliver|to|Yizhou|see|Cao Cao Gongsun Kang then sent someone with a wooden box containing the two heads to send to Cao Cao in Yizhou. 當 其時 呀 , 曹操 正 喺 易州 按兵不動 。 at that time|at that time|particle|Cao Cao|was|at|Yizhou|not taking any military action At that time, Cao Cao was stationed in Yizhou, not taking any action. 呢 一日 , 夏侯惇 同張 遼 就 嚟 稟告 佢 話 : this|one day|Xiahou Dun||Liao|then|come|report|he|said On that day, Xiahou Dun and Zhang Liao came to report to him saying: 丞相 , 如果 唔 去 打 遼東 就 請 丞相 返去 許昌 啦 , 至怕 劉表 起 心 噃。 Prime Minister|if|not|go|fight|Liaodong|then|please||return to|Xuchang|particle indicating suggestion|especially afraid|Liu Biao|take|mind|particle indicating finality Prime Minister, if we don't go to attack Liaodong, then please return to Xuchang, I'm afraid Liu Biao might have other intentions. 唔 使 急 , 等 袁氏 兄弟 嘅 人頭 嚟 到 , 就 立即 回兵 啦 。 not|need|hurry|wait|Yuan family|brothers|possessive particle|headcount|come|arrive|then|immediately|retreat|sentence-final particle No need to rush, once the heads of the Yuan brothers arrive, we will immediately retreat. 大家 一聽 都 忍 唔 住 偷笑 。 everyone|upon hearing|all||||chuckle Everyone couldn't help but chuckle when they heard that. 哈 , 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 嗰 日 突然 得到 報告 話 , 遼東 公孫康 派 人 送 袁熙 、 袁 尚 嘅 首級 到 喇 噉 。 ha|||not|long|||suddenly|received|report|saying|Liaodong|Gongsun Kang|sent|people|deliver|Yuan Xi|||possessive particle|heads|to|| Ha, not long after that, we suddenly received a report saying that Gongsun Kang from Liaodong sent the heads of Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang. 嘩 嗰 班 人 呀 , 個個 都 驚奇 到 不得了 。 wow|that|group|people|sentence-final particle|everyone|all|surprised|to the point of|extremely Wow, those people were all incredibly surprised. 原東 使者 入到 嚟 , 呈 上 公孫康 嘅 書信 。 Yuandong|messenger|arrived|here|presented|to|Gongsun Kang|possessive particle|letter The envoy from Yuan Dong arrived and presented the letter from Gongsun Kang. 曹操 哈哈大笑 話 : 果然 不 出 郭奉孝 所料 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 Cao Cao|laughed heartily|said|as expected|not|out|Guo Fengxiao|anticipated|ah|hahaha|haha|haha Cao Cao laughed heartily and said: "Indeed, it did not go as Guo Fengxiao predicted! Hahahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha!" 於是 呢 , 重重 噉 賞賜 個 使者 。 then|particle|heavily|like that|reward|the|messenger So, he generously rewarded the envoy. 封 公孫康 做 襄平 侯 、 左 將軍 。 enfeoffed|Gongsun Kang|made|Xiangping|marquis|left|general He appointed Gongsun Kang as the Marquis of Xiangping and the Left General. 噉 嗰 班 官員 就問 曹操 嘞 : 丞相 , 乜嘢 不 出 郭奉孝 所料 呢 ? like this|that|measure word for groups|officials||Cao Cao|past action marker|Prime Minister|what|not|out|Guo Fengxiao|expected|question particle Then the officials asked Cao Cao: "Prime Minister, what did not go as Guo Fengxiao predicted?" 好 , 我 畀 你 哋 大家 睇 下 啦 ! good|I|give|you|plural marker|everyone|see|a little|sentence-final particle Okay, let me show you all! 於是 曹操 就 攞 郭 嘉 嗰 封 遺書 出 嚟 畀 大家 睇 。 then|Cao Cao|then|took|||that|sealed|letter of testament|out|came|to|everyone|read So Cao Cao took out Guo Jia's letter of testament to show everyone. 封 遺書 嘅 大意 係 噉 嘅 : envelope|will|possessive particle|main idea|is|like this|possessive particle The main point of the letter is as follows: 而家 聽聞 袁熙 、 袁尚 去 咗 投奔 遼東 , 明公千祈 唔 好 派兵 去 攻打 。 now|heard|Yuan Xi|Yuan Shang|go|past tense marker|defect to|Liaodong||||send troops|to|attack Now I hear that Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang have gone to seek refuge in Liaodong, so please do not send troops to attack. 公孫康 早就 怕 袁氏 吞併 佢 , 袁氏 兄弟 去 投奔 佢 , 佢 必定 信 唔 過 。 Gongsun Kang|already|feared|Yuan clan|would swallow up|him|Yuan clan|brothers|went|to seek refuge|he||definitely|trust|not|over Gongsun Kang has long been afraid that the Yuan family would swallow him up, and now that the Yuan brothers have sought refuge with him, he will definitely not trust them. 如果 用兵 去 打 佢 哋 , 佢 哋 就 一定 會 合力 嚟 對抗 , 一時之間 , 實 打 佢 哋 唔 落 。 if|use military force|to|attack|he|they|he|they||||||||||||not|fall If we use military force against them, they will definitely unite to resist, and for a while, it will be difficult to defeat them. 如果 放鬆 一下 呢 , 噉 公孫康 同 袁氏 兄弟 之間 , 一定 會 互相 打起 上 嚟 嘅 。 if|relax|a little|question particle|then|Gongsun Kang|and|Yuan family|brothers|between|definitely|will|each other|fight|up|come|particle indicating possession or emphasis If we relax a bit, then Gongsun Kang and the Yuan brothers will definitely start fighting each other. 一睇 咗 封信 , 嗰 班 人 冇 個 唔 服 啊 。 as soon as|past tense marker|letter|that|group|people|not have|a|not|obey|sentence-final particle After reading the letter, those people were all dissatisfied. 曹操 就 帶齊 所有 嘅 文官 武將 , 喺 郭 嘉 嘅 靈位 前 便 再 嚟 拜祭 一番 。 Cao Cao|then|brought along|all|possessive particle|civil officials|military generals|at|||possessive particle|spirit tablet|in front of|then|again|come|worship|once Cao Cao gathered all the civil and military officials and came to pay respects in front of Guo Jia's spirit tablet. 郭嘉 死 嘅 時候 啊 , 先至 三十八歲 。 Guo Jia|die|possessive particle|time|particle|only|thirty-eight years old Guo Jia was only thirty-eight years old when he died. 佢 啊 跟 從 曹操 南征北戰 成 十一年 , 立過 好多 大功 。 He|ah|with|from|Cao Cao|southward and northward campaigns|for a total of|eleven years|achieved|many|great achievements He followed Cao Cao in battles for eleven years, achieving many great accomplishments. 噉 啊 曹操 率領 大軍 離開 易州 , 就 返到 去 冀州 。 then|ah|Cao Cao|led|army|left|Yizhou|then|returned to|to|Jizhou Then Cao Cao led his army away from Yizhou and returned to Jizhou. 同時 呢 , 又 派 人將 郭 嘉 嘅 棺材 , 先行 運返 去 許都 安葬 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|again|send||||possessive particle|coffin|first|transport back|to|Xudu|bury At the same time, he sent people to transport Guo Jia's coffin back to Xudu for burial. 嗱 各位 , 曹操 喺 建安 六年 , 即 係 公元 二零 一年 嘞 , 戰敗 咗 袁紹 , 第二年 袁紹 就 嘔血 死 吖 。 well|everyone|Cao Cao|at|Jian'an||that is|in|AD|20||particle indicating past action|defeated|past tense marker|Yuan Shao||Yuan Shao|then|coughed up blood|died|particle indicating finality Now everyone, in the sixth year of Jian'an, which is the year 201, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao, and the following year Yuan Shao died from vomiting blood. 噉 啊 從 建安 八年 起 , 曹操 起兵 討伐 袁譚 、 袁熙 、 袁尚 , 一直 打 到 建安 十二年 即 係 公元 二零 七年 , 噉 先 至 將 佢 哋 完全 消滅 , 前後 啊 , 總共 打 咗 四 年長 啊 。 then|particle|from|Jian'an||starting|Cao Cao|raised troops|to attack|Yuan Tan|Yuan Xi|Yuan Shang|continuously|fought|until|Jian'an||that is|is|AD|two thousand||then|first|to|completely|them|plural particle|completely|annihilated|in total|particle|altogether|fought|past tense marker|four|years|particle From the eighth year of Jian'an onwards, Cao Cao raised troops to attack Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Shang, and continued fighting until the twelfth year of Jian'an, which is the year 207, before completely eliminating them, totaling four years of fighting. 噉 啊 有 一日 , 程昱 佢 哋 請示 曹操 話 : 北方 已經 安定 嘞 , 而家 就要 返去 許都 , 請 丞相 早日 決定 下 江南 嘅 策略 啊 。 like this|particle|has|one day|Cheng Yu|he|plural marker|ask for instructions|Cao Cao|said|the north|already|stable|past tense marker|now||return to|Xu Du|request|Prime Minister|as soon as possible|decide|next|Jiangnan|possessive particle|strategy|particle One day, Cheng Yu and the others asked Cao Cao, saying: The north is already stable, and now we need to return to Xudu. Please, Prime Minister, decide on the strategy for Jiangnan soon. 曹操 笑 住 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 我 有 呢 個 心好 耐咯 。 Cao Cao|laughed|while|said|hahaha|ha|I|have|this|measure word|heart good|long time Cao Cao laughed and said: Hahaha, I have had this intention for a long time. 各位 所講 嘅 , 合晒 我 嘅 心 水 呀 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 everyone|what was said|possessive particle|all in agreement|I|possessive particle|||final particle|hahaha|ha What everyone has said aligns perfectly with my thoughts, hahaha. 當晚 , 曹操 喺 冀州 城 嘅 東角 樓 住宿 。 that night|Cao Cao|at|Ji Province|city|possessive particle|East Corner|building|accommodation That night, Cao Cao stayed at the eastern corner building of Jizhou city. 佢 又 同埋 荀 攸 扶住 欄杆 睇 下 天象 , 曹操 指住 個 天話 : 嗯 , 嗯 ? 南方 嘅 旺氣 好 燦爛 噃, 恐怕 一時 都 未 能夠 征服 佢 哋 㗎 。 he|again|and|Xun|You|holding|railing|looking|down|celestial phenomena|Cao Cao|pointing at|the||hmm|hmm|south|possessive particle|prosperous energy|very|bright|particle indicating affirmation|I'm afraid|for a while|all|not yet|able to|conquer|them|plural particle|particle indicating certainty He and Xun You leaned on the railing to observe the celestial phenomena. Cao Cao pointed at the sky and said: Hmm, hmm? The prosperous energy of the south is very brilliant, I fear it may not be conquered easily. 荀攸話 : 以 丞相 嘅 天威 , 邊處征 唔 服 呢 ? Xun Yu said|with|Prime Minister|possessive particle|heavenly might||not|submit|question particle Xun You said: With the authority of the Prime Minister, where can one not conquer? 正 喺 度 睇 緊 傾 緊 , 忽然間 , 只見 一道 金光 喺 地下 一閃 而 起 。 currently|at|place|reading|ongoing|talking|ongoing|suddenly|only saw|a beam of|golden light|on|ground|a flash|and|rose Just while they were discussing, suddenly, a flash of golden light appeared on the ground. 荀攸話 : 啊 ! 嗰 處 嘅 地下 必定 有 寶 。 Xun You said|ah|that|place|possessive particle|underground|definitely|has|treasure Xun You said: Ah! There must be treasure underground in that place. 曹操 就 落樓 , 叫 人 喺 閃 起 金光 嘅 地方 掘 落 去 睇 下 。 Cao Cao|then|fell down|called|people|at|shining|rising|golden light|possessive particle|place|dig|down|to|see|down Cao Cao then went downstairs and ordered people to dig at the spot where the golden light had flashed. 掘 下掘 下 , 誒 ? 喺 地下 挖 咗 一隻 銅雀出 嚟 。 dig|down|down|eh|at|underground|dug|past tense marker|one||come As they dug and dug, they found a bronze sparrow underground. 噉 曹操 就 問荀攸話 喇 : 呢 個 係 乜嘢 兆頭 呢 吓 ? then|Cao Cao|then||particle indicating completed action|this|measure word|is|what|omen|particle indicating a question|particle indicating surprise Then Cao Cao asked Xun You: What does this omen mean? 古時 , 舜 嘅 母親 發 夢見 到 隻 玉雀 撲入 懷抱 , 於是 就生 咗 阿舜 。 ancient times|Shun|possessive particle|mother|had|dream|to|measure word for animals|jade sparrow||embrace|so||past tense marker| In ancient times, Shun's mother dreamed of a jade sparrow flying into her arms, and thus gave birth to Shun. 今晚 明公 得到 隻 銅雀 , 係 個 吉祥 嘅 兆頭 嚟 呀 ! tonight|Lord Ming|received|measure word for birds|bronze sparrow|is|measure word for objects|auspicious|possessive particle|omen|come|final particle Tonight, my lord has received a bronze sparrow, which is a good omen! 嘩 ! 當堂 高興 到 曹操 不得了 。 wow|on the spot|happy|to|Cao Cao|extremely Wow! Cao Cao was so happy that he couldn't contain himself. 第 日 , 佢 下令 起 一座 高高 嘅 樓 台 嚟 慶賀 呢 件 事 呀 。 this|day|he|ordered|to build|a|tall|possessive particle|||to|celebrate|this|classifier for events|event|sentence-final particle The next day, he ordered the construction of a tall platform to celebrate this event. 噉 啊 擇 咗 個 吉日 , 破土動工 , 地點 呢 就 選 喺 漳河 旁邊 , 命名 做 銅雀台 。 then|ah|choose|past tense marker|measure word|auspicious day|groundbreaking|location|question particle|then|selected|at|Zhang River|next to|named|as|Tongque Terrace So, a good day was chosen to break ground, and the location was selected next to the Zhanghe River, named Tongque Terrace. 估計 呢 , 要 一年 左右 先至 能夠 完成 。 estimate|this|will take|one year|approximately|only then|able to|complete It is estimated that it will take about a year to complete. 曹操 有個 細仔 叫做 曹植 。 Cao Cao|has a|son|named|Cao Zhi Cao Cao has a son named Cao Zhi. 曹植 就 建議 話 喇 : 要 起樓 台 呢 , 最好 係 起 三座 。 Cao Zhi|then|suggested|to say|particle|want|build a building|platform|question particle||to be|build|three towers Cao Zhi suggested that if a terrace is to be built, it is best to build three. 中間 一座 係 最高 嘅 , 名為 銅雀 ; 左邊 一座 名為 玉龍 ; 右邊 一座 名為 金鳳 。 in the middle|one|is|highest|possessive particle|named|Copper Sparrow|left|one|named|Jade Dragon|right|one|named|Golden Phoenix The middle one is the highest, named Tongque; the one on the left is named Yulong; and the one on the right is named Jinfeng. 然後 , 再起 兩條 飛橋 橫空 而 上 , 將 三座 樓台 連成 一體 , 噉 就 壯觀 喇 。 then|build again|two|flyovers|across the sky|and|up|will|three|platforms|connect into|one unit|like this|then|spectacular|particle indicating completion Then, two more flyovers will be built across the sky, connecting the three platforms into one, making it spectacular. 乖仔 你 講得 好 啊 ! good boy|you|speak|well|particle Good boy, you speak well! 啊 , 第日 起 好 呢 一座 樓台 , 我 老年 就 有 地方 享下 安樂 喇 ! ah|the day|to build|good|this|a|terrace|I|old age|then|have|place|enjoy|comfort|particle Ah, when that platform is built one day, I will have a place to enjoy my old age! 原來 曹操 生 咗 五個 仔 。 it turns out|Cao Cao|gave birth|past tense marker|five|sons It turns out that Cao Cao had five sons. 曹植 就 最 聰明伶俐 , 佢 又 寫 得 一手 好 文章 , 平時 呢 , 曹操 最 痛愛 佢 㗎 喇 。 Cao Zhi|is|most|intelligent and clever|he|also|writes|(particle indicating ability)|a hand|good|article|usually|(particle indicating a question)|Cao Cao|most|doting|him|(particle indicating certainty)|(particle indicating completed action) Cao Zhi was the smartest and most talented; he also wrote excellent articles, and usually, Cao Cao loved him the most. 今日 佢 聽 曹植 噉 講好 啱 佢 心 水 , 就 留低 曹植 同 曹丕 喺 鄴 郡 , 監理 建築 銅雀台 ; 就 派 張燕 鎮守 北寨 。 today|he|listened|Cao Zhi|like that|spoke well|right|his|||then|left|Cao Zhi|and|Cao Pi|at|Ye|county|supervised|construction|Tongque Terrace|then|sent|Zhang Yan|garrisoned|North Stockade Today, he listened to Cao Zhi and felt it was just right for him, so he left Cao Zhi and Cao Pi in Ye County to oversee the construction of the Copper Sparrow Terrace; he then sent Zhang Yan to guard the North Stronghold. 安排 妥當 之後 呢 , 曹操 統領 住 , 征服 袁紹 而 得 嚟 嘅 軍 兵 , 總共 五六十萬 人 , 浩浩蕩蕩 班師 返去 許都 。 arrange|properly|after|question particle|Cao Cao|commanded|past tense marker|conquered|Yuan Shao|and|||possessive particle|||in total|five to six hundred thousand|people|grandly|return|return|Xu Du After everything was arranged, Cao Cao led the army, which he had conquered from Yuan Shao, totaling around five to six hundred thousand men, and returned triumphantly to Xudu. 返到 京師 就 少 不免 大封 功臣 啦 ; 又 上表 追贈 郭嘉 做貞侯 , 郭嘉有 個 仔 叫做 郭奕 , 噉 曹操 呢 , 就 收養 咗 佢 喺 相府 嚟 。 return to|capital|then|few|inevitably|greatly reward|meritorious officials|particle indicating completion|again|submit a memorial|posthumously confer|Guo Jia|||measure word|son|named|Guo Yi|then|Cao Cao|particle indicating a question|then|adopted|past tense marker|him|at|the residence of the prime minister|come Upon returning to the capital, it was inevitable to reward the meritorious officials; he also submitted a memorial to posthumously confer the title of Duke of Integrity to Guo Jia. Guo Jia had a son named Guo Yi, and Cao Cao adopted him into the Xiangfu. 過 咗 幾日 , 曹操 又試 召集 佢 嗰 班 謀士 嚟 商量 想 南征 劉表 。 passed|past tense marker|several days|Cao Cao||to summon|him|that|group|strategists|to come|discuss|wanted|to invade the south|Liu Biao A few days later, Cao Cao summoned his strategists to discuss plans for a southern campaign against Liu Biao. 荀彧 話 : 大軍 啱 啱 北征 返 嚟 , 唔 好 再 起兵 住 喇 。 Xun Yu|said|the main army|||northern expedition|returned|here|||again|raise troops|for now|particle indicating completed action Xun Yu said: The main army has just returned from the northern campaign, it is not advisable to mobilize troops again. 仲 係 過 半年 左右 先 , 養精蓄銳 , 到 時 , 劉表 、 孫權 可以 一鼓 而 破 之 呀 ! ||over|half a year|around|first|recuperate and gather strength|||Liu Biao|Sun Quan|can|one attack|and|defeat|him|particle It will still be about half a year later, to gather strength, and by then, Liu Biao and Sun Quan can strike decisively! 曹操 聽 佢 話 , 就 決定 分散 啲 兵 一方面 訓練 一方面 耕田 , 聽候 調用 。 Cao Cao|heard|he|words|then|decided|to disperse|the|soldiers|on one hand|training|on the other hand|farming|waiting for|deployment Cao Cao listened to him and decided to disperse the troops, training them on one hand and farming on the other, waiting for orders. 呢 處 呢 , 就 放 落 佢 暫時 唔 講住 。 here|||then|put|in|him|temporarily|not|talk about As for this matter, let's put it aside for now. 而家 講返 劉備 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei Now let's talk about Liu Bei. 佢 自從 去 到 荊州 之後 呢 , 劉表 啊 待 佢 非常 好 。 He|since|went|to|Jingzhou|after|particle indicating a change of state|Liu Biao|particle indicating exclamation|treated|him|very|well Since he arrived in Jingzhou, Liu Biao has treated him very well. 有 一日 , 佢 哋 正 喺 度 一齊 飲酒 , 忽然 得到 報告 話 有 兩個 投降 過 嚟 嘅 軍官 , 一個 叫做 張武 , 一個 叫做 陳孫 , 佢 哋 喺 江夏 擄掠 人民 , 造反 呀 噉 。 there is|one day|||currently|at|in|together|drinking|suddenly|received|report|saying|there are|two|surrendering|coming|here|possessive particle|officers|one|named|Zhang Wu|||Chen Sun|||at|Jiangxia|plundering|people|rebellion|particle|like that One day, they were drinking together when suddenly they received a report that two surrendering officers had come over, one named Zhang Wu and the other named Chen Sun. They were plundering the people in Jiangxia and rebelling. 劉表 吃 咗 一驚話 喇 : 啊 嗰 兩個 賊人 又 造反 喇 , 唉 ! 真 係 為 禍 不小 啊 ! Liu Biao|eat|past tense marker|suddenly said|sentence-final particle|ah|those|two|bandits|again|rebel|sentence-final particle|sigh|||||not small|ah Liu Biao was startled and said: "Ah, those two bandits are rebelling again! Alas! This is really a great disaster!" 劉備 話 : 兄長 唔 使 憂慮 , 等 我 去 討伐 佢 哋 啦 。 Liu Bei|said|elder brother|not|need|worry|wait|I|go|attack|they|plural marker|sentence final particle Liu Bei said: "Brother, don't worry. Let me go and deal with them." 劉表 好 歡喜 , 即刻 點 咗 三萬 人馬 , 交 畀 劉備 指揮 , 命令 佢 去 掃平 張武同 陳 孫 嘅 叛亂 。 Liu Biao|very|happy|immediately|mobilized|past tense marker|thirty thousand|troops|||Liu Bei|command|ordered|he|to|eliminate||||possessive particle|rebellion Liu Biao was very pleased and immediately summoned thirty thousand troops, handing them over to Liu Bei to command, ordering him to quell the rebellion of Zhang Wu and Chen Sun. 劉備 接受 咗 命令 就 帶兵 出發 。 Liu Bei|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|led the troops|departed Liu Bei accepted the order and set off with the troops. 過 咗 好幾日 就 嚟 到 江夏 , 江夏 係 一個 郡 , 江夏 城 呢 就 喺 今日 湖北省 武昌 市 嚟 。 passed|past tense marker|several days|then|come|arrived|Jiangxia||is|a|county|||question particle|just|at|today|Hubei province|Wuchang|city| After several days, they arrived at Jiangxia. Jiangxia is a county, and Jiangxia City is located in today's Wuchang City, Hubei Province. 張武 、 陳 孫就 帶兵 出 嚟 迎戰 。 Zhang Wu|Chen|Sun Jiu|lead troops|out|here|to fight Zhang Wu and Chen Sun led their troops out to confront the enemy. 劉備 擺開陣勢 , 同 關羽 、 張飛 、 趙雲 就 出馬 喺 門 旗 之下 。 Liu Bei||with|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|Zhao Yun|then|charge out|at|gate|flag|under Liu Bei set up his formation, and together with Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun, they went out under the banner. 劉備 見到 張武 騎 嗰 匹 馬 , 極其 雄 駿 佢 就 話 喇 : 啊 ! 實 係 千里馬 嚟 啊 ! Liu Bei|saw|Zhang Wu|riding|that|measure word for horses|horse|extremely|heroic|swift|he|then|said|sentence-final particle|ah|really|is|thousand-mile horse|come|ah When Liu Bei saw the horse that Zhang Wu was riding, which was extremely majestic, he exclaimed: Ah! This is truly a steed of a thousand miles! 佢 說話 都 未 完唧 , 趙雲 就 挺 槍 縱 馬直衝 敵陣 。 he|speaking|still|not yet|finished|Zhao Yun|then|raised|spear|urged||enemy formation Before he finished speaking, Zhao Yun had already brandished his spear and charged straight into the enemy ranks. 張武 拍馬 上前 嚟 迎戰 , 嘿 都 唔 到 三個 回合 , 就 畀 趙雲 一 槍刺 咗 落馬 。 Zhang Wu|ride forward|step forward|come|to face the battle|hey|all|not|reach|three|rounds|then|by|Zhao Yun|one|spear thrust|past tense marker|fall off the horse Zhang Wu rode forward to confront the battle, but he couldn't last three rounds before Zhao Yun stabbed him off his horse. 趙雲 跟 住 一手 拉 住 馬籠頭 , 將 嗰 匹 馬 就 牽 返回 陣 。 Zhao Yun|||with one hand|||horse's reins|then|that|measure word for horses|horse|then|led|returned|camp Zhao Yun then grabbed the reins of the horse and led it back to the camp. 陳 孫見 咗 就 即刻 趕住 嚟 想 搶 返匹馬 嘞 喎 。 Chan|Sun saw|past tense marker|then|immediately|in a hurry|come|wanted|to take back|a horse|past tense marker|sentence final particle Chen Sun saw this and immediately rushed over, wanting to reclaim the horse. 張飛 大喝一聲 , 挺 矛直 出 , 將陳孫 㓤 死 咗 。 Zhang Fei|shouted loudly|thrust||out||stab|die|past tense marker Zhang Fei shouted loudly, thrusting his spear forward, and killed Chen Sun. 噉 兩個 頭領 都 打死 咗 咯 , 班兵 仔 自然 潰散 晒 啦 。 then|two|leaders|all|killed|past tense marker|sentence-final particle||child|naturally|scattered|completely|sentence-final particle With both leaders dead, the soldiers naturally scattered. 噉 啊 劉備 跟 住 四圍 去 招安 餘黨 , 收復 返 江夏郡 所屬 嘅 各個 縣 , 然後 呢 就 班師 返去 荊州 嘞 。 then|ah|Liu Bei|||all around|to|recruit|remaining rebels|recover|return|Jiangxia County|belonging to|possessive particle|each|county|then|this|just|withdraw troops|return to|Jingzhou|past action particle So, Liu Bei went around to recruit the remaining factions, recovering the various counties belonging to Jiangxia Commandery, and then he returned to Jingzhou.

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