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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 095

話 說 趙雲 喺 兵營 之內 眼睇 住 到 咗 午時 喇 , 都 仲未見 黃忠 返 嚟 喎 就 連忙 披掛 上馬 , 帶 三千 人馬 就 出去 接應 。 佢 臨行 嘅 時候 啊 再三 叮囑 張翼話 : 你 要 堅守 營寨 , 喺 兩側 要 擺 多 啲 弓箭手 做好 準備 。 張翼 就 連聲 話 遵命 遵命 啦 , 哈 趙雲 真 係 細心 。 趙雲 就 向前 直殺 過去 , 有個 將官 當頭 攔住 , 呢 個 乃 係 文 聘 嘅 部將 慕容 烈 啊 , 點知 一槍 就 畀 趙雲 刺 咗 落馬 。 嗰 啲 兵 仔 呀 四散 咁 逃跑 定 啦 。 趙雲挺 槍縱 馬直 殺入 重圍 , 佢 又 畀 一員 魏將 焦炳 帶兵 截住 。 趙雲 就 喝 佢 話 喇 : 我 嚟 問你 , 蜀 兵 喺 邊度 啊 ? 焦炳話 喇 : 嘿嘿 , 已經 呀 殺死 晒 喇 ! 趙雲 一 發火 , 驟馬 一槍 又 刺死 焦炳 , 跟 手 又 殺 散 嗰 班 曹 兵 , 一直 衝殺 到北 山腳下 。 哦 , 見到 喇 , 係 張 郃 、 徐晃 兩個 圍住 黃忠 , 黃忠 嘅 人馬 已經 被困 好 耐 嘅 喇 。 趙雲 大喝一聲 : 避 我者 生 , 擋 我者 死 啊 ! 挺槍 驟馬 殺入 重圍 , 左衝右 突 , 如入無人之境 啊 。 佢 嗰 支 銀 槍 耍起 嚟 呀 , 周身 上下 好似 梨花 飛舞 , 瑞雪 紛紛 , 揩親 一下 都 唔 得 掂 啊 , 所到之處 冇 人敢 阻 佢 。 當時 曹操 正 喺 高坡 上面 觀戰 。 嘩 嗨 ! 乜 見到 有個 將軍 咁 犀利 嘅 喂 , 就問 左右 話 嘞 : 呢 個 將軍 係 邊個 啊 ? 大王 , 佢 就 係 常山 趙子龍 啊 ! 哦 ! 往日 當陽 長 坂 英雄 仲 喺 度 啊 ! 傳 我 命令 , 趙子龍 所到之處 , 不准 輕敵 ! 曹操 緊張 嘞 。 趙雲 一支 神槍 , 殺退 咗 張 郃 同 徐晃 , 就 救 咗 黃忠 , 殺出重圍 嘞 。 呢 個 時候 , 有個 兵士 指住 遠遠 一 笪 地方 話 : 趙 將軍 啊 , 喺 東南 便 嗰 度 圍住 嘅 實 係 副將 張著 啊 ! 哦 ? 殺 過去 ! 趙雲 唔 返去 本寨 嘞 , 立即 勒馬 向 住 東南 便 殺 去 。 嘩 佢 嗰 支 常山 趙雲 嘅 大旗 一到 呀 , 啲 曹兵 趯 都 趯 唔 切 啊 。 事關 曾經 喺 當陽 長 坂 見識 過 趙雲 英勇 嘅 人 猛 咁 講 佢 嘅 厲害 。 而 家 佢 本人 殺過 嚟 喇仲 唔 趯 咩 , 真 係 嫌 命長 啊 。 曹操 眼 白白 睇 住 趙雲 東西南北 衝來 殺去 , 冇 人敢 頂 佢 嘅 , 救 咗 黃忠 又 救 埋 張著 。 嘿 ! 自己 真 係 失威 啦 ! 佢 發起 惡 嚟 , 就 親自 率領 左右 將士 去 追 趙雲 嘞 噃。 呢 個 時候 , 趙雲 已經 返到 自己 營寨 嘞 。 張翼 正話 迎接 咗 趙雲入 寨 , 咦 ? 望見 後 便 煙塵 滾滾 , 知道 係 曹兵 追住 嚟 喇 , 就 同 趙雲 話 : 追兵 越 追越 近 喇 , 快 啲 叫 軍士 關閉 寨門 , 上 敵樓 防守 啦 ! 趙雲 話 : 唔 使 閂 門 ! 你 唔 知 咩 ? 以前 我 喺 當陽 長 坂 嗰 陣 , 單槍匹馬 , 睇 佢 八十三萬 曹兵 , 好似 條草 噉 咋 ! 何況 而家 我 哋 有 軍有將 , 仲 怕 佢 乜嘢 ! 於是 趙雲 命令 一隊 弓箭手 , 埋伏 喺 寨外 嘅 戰壕 裏 便 。 將 營寨 之內 嘅 旗 槍 全部 冚 低 。 唔 敲鑼 , 唔 擊鼓 。 趙雲 就 噉 匹馬單槍 , 企 喺 營門 之外 啊 。 好 喇 , 張 郃 、 徐晃 帶兵 追到 嚟 喇 。 當時 天色 漸漸 黑 嘞 。 各位 聽眾 , 請 你 哋 諗 下 當時 呢 個 情景 吓 : 霧色 蒼茫 , 曠野 啲 風 一陣陣 噉 吹 嚟 , 除 咗 風吹草動 啲 沙沙聲 , 乜嘢 聲 都 冇 嘞 。 趙雲 好似 天神 噉 勒 馬橫槍 , 獨自 一個 人 頂天立地 噉 企 定 喺 度 。 寨門 又 打開 , 空 空闊 闊 。 幾 咁 肅穆 , 幾 咁 壯烈 ! 而 張 郃 、 徐 晃 佢 哋 睇 見 又 覺得 幾 咁 得人驚 啊 ! 唔 敢 逳 喇 , 睇 定下 先 , 乜 趙雲 有 乜 計謀 啊 喂 ? 正 喺 度 思 疑 緊 , 曹操 親自 嚟 到 嘞 , 立即 揮軍 向前 衝 , 噉 嗰 啲 曹 兵 吶喊 一聲 喎 嗬 噉 就 衝鋒 啦 。 點知 見到 趙雲 逳 都 唔 逳 啊 哎呀 , 好怕 , 啲 曹兵 走 喇 噉 啊 擰 轉頭 唔 要命 就 趯 。 趙雲 用 支槍 一招 , 戰壕 裏 便 啊 萬箭 齊發 啊 。 當時 個天 已經 好 黑 喇 , 哎呀 ! 一個 中 箭 , 哎呀 ! 又 一個 中 箭 。 咦 呀 ! 死喇死 喇 都 唔 知 究竟 有 幾多 蜀兵 埋伏 喺 度 嘅 。 連 曹操 咁 定 嘅 人 都 怕 起 上 嚟 , 撥轉 馬頭 就 跑 喇 。 殺 啊 !沊沊沊沊沊沊沊, 嗚 殺 啊 !沊沊沊沊沊沊。 只 聽見 後 便 喊 殺 連天 , 鼓角齊鳴 , 蜀兵 掩殺 過 嚟 。 嗰 啲 曹 兵 你 推 我 㧬, 互相 踐踏 , 湧到 漢水 河邊 啊 跌落 水浸 死 嘅 真 係 不計其數 。 趙雲 、 黃忠 、 張著 各帶 一支 軍隊 猛 咁 追殺 。 曹操 正 喺 度 搏 命 奔跑 , 忽然 又 撞 着 劉封 、 孟達 帶 住 兩支 人馬 , 由 米倉山 嗰 便 殺 嚟 , 放火燒 糧草 。 嘿 曹操 唯有 放棄 北 山寨 嘅 糧草 , 連忙 撤退 返去 南鄭 。 噉 啊 徐晃 、 張 郃 呢 , 亦 都 扎 唔 住 腳 , 放棄 咗 營寨 逃跑 嘞 。 呢 一戰 呀 , 趙雲 攻佔 咗 曹兵 營寨 , 黃忠 啊 奪到 糧草 , 喺 漢水 繳獲 無數 咁 多 軍器 物資 就 大獲全勝 , 派 人 向 劉備 報捷 嘞 。 劉備 即刻 同 孔明 嚟 到 漢水 , 祝賀 勝利 。 劉備 問 啲 兵士 , 你 哋 趙 將軍 點樣 打 㗎 噉 。 嗰 啲 士兵 威水咯 , 眉飛色舞 , 將 趙子龍 點樣 救 黃忠 戰 漢水 嘅 經過 講得 有聲有色 。 劉備 聽 咗 極之 歡喜 啊 , 又 視察 過 山前山後 嗰 啲 險要 地方 , 好 高興 噉 同 孔明 話 喇 : 啊 ! 子龍 呀 , 真 係 一身是膽 啊 ! 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : 昔日 戰長 坂 , 威風 猶未減 。 突陣顯 英雄 , 被困 施 勇敢 。 鬼哭 與 神號 , 天驚並 地慘 。 常山 趙子龍 , 一身 都 是膽 ! 於是 劉備 就 封 趙子龍 做 虎威 將軍 , 舉行 盛大 嘅 慶祝 宴會 , 慰勞 將士 。 嗰 日 呀 飲 到 好 夜 好 夜 先 至 盡歡而散 啊 。 噉 又過 咗 一段時間 , 劉備 得到 報告 話 曹操 再次 派遣 大軍 , 喺 斜谷 由 小路 殺 嚟 , 要 進攻 漢水 噉 。 劉備 笑 喇 : 哈哈哈哈 , 曹操 呢 次 嚟 冇 用 嘅 , 我 實得 漢水 㗎 喇 ! 劉備 就 率領 兵馬 喺 漢水 嘅 西 便 迎擊 曹 軍 。 曹操 呢 趟 任命 徐晃 做 先鋒 , 去 同 劉備 決戰 。 噉 喺 帳 下 文武 官員 當中 有 個人 行出 嚟 話 喇 : 我 好 熟悉 漢水 一帶 嘅 地理 , 願意 協助 徐將軍 一齊 去 擊敗 劉備 啊 。 曹操 一睇 , 原來 係 巴西人 姓 王名平 , 字子 均 , 現任 牙門 將軍 。 曹操 當然 歡喜 喇 , 就 任命 王平 做 副 先鋒 , 協助 徐晃 。 調撥 咗 人馬 之後 , 曹操 將 大軍 駐 扎 喺 定軍山 嘅 北 便 嚟 。 呢 處 呢 就 唔 講 佢 住 喇 。 而家 先 講下 徐晃 、 王平 , 佢 帶兵 嚟 到 漢水 。 徐晃 命令 前鋒 部隊 渡過 河扎營 佈陣 。 王平 話 : 軍隊 渡過 咗 河 , 萬一 情況緊急 要 撤退 噉 如之奈何 啊 ? 徐晃話 : 怕 咩 嘢 呢 ? 以前 韓信 背水 為陣 , 所謂 置之死地而後生 吖 嘛 。 唔 係 噉 講 啊 徐將軍 , 以前 韓信 睇 白 敵人 冇 計謀 嘅 , 噉 先 至 用 呢 個 辦法 㗎 啫 。 今天 徐將軍 你料 唔 料 得到 趙雲 、 黃忠 嘅 意圖 呢 ? 你 唔 使 擔心 嘅 , 你 帶 步兵 同 敵人 交戰 , 等 我 帶 馬 軍去 破 佢 啦 ! 王平 苦苦 噉 勸 佢 徐 晃 都 唔 聽 , 一意孤行 , 下令 搭 浮橋 渡過 漢水 扎營 。 黃忠 、 趙雲 一 知道 曹兵 渡河 唄 , 就 向 劉備 請戰 。 劉備 同意 咗 , 噉 佢 哋 兩個 就 帶兵 出發 。 黃忠 同 趙雲 話 喇 : 徐晃而家 恃 住 勇敢 攻過 嚟 , 我 哋 先 唔 好 同 佢 交鋒 。 等到 下午 , 敵兵 疲沓 喇 , 你 我 然後 分 兵 兩路 去 攻打 佢 就 實 得 嘅 ! 老 將軍 講得 啱 ! 於是 黃忠 、 趙雲 各帶 一支 軍隊 , 據守 營寨 。 徐晃帶 住 人馬 , 由 辰時 嚟 到 挑戰 一直 到 申時 。 用 而 家 嘅 鐘點 嚟 講呢 即 係 由 上午 八點 到 下午 四點 , 嘩 嗨 ! 整整 一個 日班 唔 疲勞 有鬼 嘞 。 點知 蜀 兵 啊 全然 唔 動 。 徐晃 就 調晒 啲 弓箭手 去 前 便 , 向 住 蜀 兵 營寨 猛 咁 射箭 。 黃忠 同 趙雲 話 喇 : 哼哼 , 徐晃 下令 射箭 , 唔 使 問喇 , 佢 哋 必定 想 撤退 喇 , 我 哋 出擊 啦 ! 話 猶 未了 , 探馬 嚟 報告 話 曹 兵 嘅 後 隊 已經 開始 後退 嘞 。 出擊 ! 沊沊沊沊沊沊 蜀 兵 營寨 擂響 戰鼓 。 黃忠 帶兵 由 左 便 殺出 , 趙雲 帶兵 由右 便 殺出 , 嘿 ! 直情 係 雙龍 出海 噉 。 兩下 夾攻 打到 徐晃 大敗 。 啲 兵士 畀 蜀 軍 逼 到 去 漢水 啊 跌落 河浸 死 嘅 唔 知 幾多 。 徐晃 死 打爛 打先 至 甩身 , 一返 到 營寨 就 鬧 王平 : 你 睇 住 我軍 咁 危急 , 點解 仲 唔 嚟 救 啊 ! 我 如果 去 救 啊 , 呢 個 寨 亦 保 唔 住 㗎 喇 。 我 都 曾經 勸過 徐將軍 你 唔 好 渡河 過去 㗎 嘞 , 將軍 你 又 唔 聽 我 話 , 以致 有 呢場 失敗 啫 。 嘩 ! 可惱 啊 ! 徐晃 發起 火 嚟 想 殺 王平 , 啲 人 啊 梗 係 勸開 啦 。 當晚 , 王平 越 諗 個 心 就 越 唔 忿 , 就 率領 本部 人馬 喺 營 內 放 起火 嚟 。 曹兵 啊 當堂 亂 晒 大龍 , 徐晃 放棄 咗 營寨 狼狽 而 逃 啊 。 王平 渡過 漢水 投奔 趙雲 , 趙雲 即刻 帶 佢 見 劉備 。 噉 王平 將 漢水 一帶 嘅 地理 情形 , 講晒 畀 劉備 聽 。 歡喜 到 劉備 呀 不得了 啊 , 佢 話 : 哎呀 我 得到 王將軍 你 , 實 奪取 到 漢中 無疑 咯 ! 就 任命 王平 做 偏 將軍 , 兼任 嚮導 使 。 徐晃 趯 咗 返 去 見 曹操 就 話 王平 反水 , 投降 咗 劉備 啊 噉 。 真 係 激死 曹操 嚟 啊 , 就 親自 率領 大軍 , 要 嚟 奪取 漢水 嘅 營寨 嘞 噃。 趙雲 呢 佢 又 怕 孤軍作戰 , 難以 立足 , 就 撤退 返過 嚟 漢水 嘅 西 便 。 噉 啊 兩 軍 隔水 相拒 。 呢 一日 , 劉備 同 孔明 嚟 到 觀察 地形 。 孔明 見到 漢水 上游 嗰 處 啊 , 有 一 迾 山頭 , 可以 埋伏 得千零 人 嘅 。 噉 回營 之後 就 叫 趙雲 嚟 吩咐 佢 話 喇 : 子龍 , 你 率領 五百 人 , 帶住 戰鼓 、 號角 , 喺 山下 埋伏 。 或者 半夜 , 或者 黃昏 , 你 只要 一 聽見 我 軍營 內 嘅 炮響 ,嗱 炮響 一輪 , 你 就 擂鼓 一輪 。 但 係 要 記住 , 千祈 唔 好 出戰 。 趙雲 接受 咗 任務 就 出發 。 孔明 呢 , 上去 高山 上面 嚟 到 指揮 。 第 日 日頭 , 曹兵 嚟 到 挑戰 。 蜀 軍 呢 便 一個 人 都 唔 出去 , 一支 箭 亦 都 冇 射 。 搞 咗 一日 曹兵 回營 啦 。 到 咗 夜晚 喇 , 孔明 喺 山上 見到 曹 營裏 便 啲 燈光 啱 啱 熄 咗 , 軍士 都 瞓 晒 喇 , 就 命令 放炮 。 轟 噉 趙雲 一 聽見 炮響 就 下令 擂鼓 吹號 。 嘩 , 三更半夜 , 聽到 林林聲 呀 嚇死 嚟 啊 , 曹兵 啊 以 為 劫寨 嘞 喎 , 喇喇聲 起身 披掛 。 及至 出營 一 睇 , 哦 ? 乜 一個 兵仔 都 唔 見 嘅 ?唓 乜 咁 快 走 晒 㗎 喇 , 好 ! 瞓覺 ! 等到 啲 曹兵 回營 啱 啱 想 休息 唧 , 號炮 又 轟 戰鼓 又 沊 號角 又 嗚 嘞 。 兼夾 喎 嗬 噉 吶喊 連天 , 山谷 回聲 嚇到 曹兵 成晚 唔 得 安樂 , 都 唔 知 係 真定 係 假 嘅 。 連氣 三晚 , 晚晚 係 如此 真 係 阿崩 咬 狗 虱 唔 死 有 排慌 。 曹操 心怯 嘞 , 下令 拔寨 後退 卅里 , 喺 笪 空闊 嘅 曠野 嚟 到 扎營 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 孔明笑 喇 : 曹操 雖然 熟悉 兵法 , 但 係 唔 識 詭計 嘅 。 於是 就 請 劉備 親自 渡過 漢水 , 背水 安營 。 劉備 問 孔明 條計 係 點 㗎 噉 。 孔明 話 :嗱, 如此 如此 啦 。 曹操 見到 劉備 背水 安營 就 古怪 喇 , 個心 好 疑惑 , 就 派 人 嚟 下戰書 。 孔明 批 咗 四個 大字 : 明日 決戰 ! 叫 個人 帶返 去 。 第 日 , 兩 軍 喺 五 界 山前 各自 擺開陣勢 。 曹操 出馬 企 喺 門 旗下 便 , 喺 佢 兩旁 , 排列 住 龍鳳 旗幟 , 擺出 個 魏王 威勢 啊 。 擂完 三通 戰鼓 , 曹操 叫 劉備 出陣 答話 。 劉備 率領 住 劉封 、 孟達 , 以及 西川 一班 將官 策馬 而出 。 曹操 舉起 條 馬鞭 指住 劉備 鬧 : 劉備 你 忘恩負義 ! 你 個 背叛 朝廷 嘅 奸賊 啊 ! 劉備 話 喇 : 我 係 大漢 宗親 , 奉 咗 聖旨 , 討伐 你 呢 個 國賊 ! 你 殺死 皇 後 , 自立 為 王 , 私自 使用 天子 嘅 儀仗 , 你 唔 係 謀反 又 係 乜嘢 ! 曹操 好 嬲 , 即刻 叫 徐晃 出馬 去 打過 。 劉封驟 馬上 前 迎戰 , 一 開始 交鋒 唧 , 劉備 啊 走 返入 陣先 喇 。 劉封 啊 唔 夠徐晃 打 嘅 , 撥馬 就 走 。 曹操 下令 話 : 捉 到 劉備 嘅 就 封 佢 做 西川之 主 ! 嘩 嗨 , 噉 咪 好好 撈個 喎 。 啲 曹兵 大聲 吶喊 殺 啊 ! 捉 劉備 啊 ! 噉 就 衝殺 過去 。 啲 蜀 兵 放棄 營寨 , 向 住 漢水 猛 咁 走 。 噉 啲 馬匹 啊 、 軍器 啊 、 物資 啊 就 隨地 咁 掉 。 哦 亥 有 好 嘢 執 噃, 啲 曹兵 咪 爭住 咁 執咯 。 曹操 見到 噉 嘅 情形 , 唔 妥 , 立即 吩咐 打鑼 收兵 。 噉 啊 所有 啲 將領 都問 嘞 : 我 哋 正 係 要 捉 劉備 , 大王 點解 要 收兵 呢 ? 我 睇 見 蜀 兵 背水 安營 , 呢 個 係 第一點 可疑 ; 掉 咁 多 軍器 馬匹 , 係 第二點 可疑 。 唔 得 ! 我 哋 要 急急 退兵 , 佢 哋 掉 低 嘅 物資 唔 好 攞! 跟 住 曹操 下令 , 亂 攞 一件 嘢 嘅 立即 斬首 , 全軍 火速 退兵 ! 當曹兵 剛剛 行後轉 啊 要 撤退 嘅 時候 , 孔明 就將 號旗 舉起 嘞 。 劉備 喺 中路 殺 嚟 , 黃忠 喺 左 便 殺 嚟 , 趙雲 喺 右 便 殺 嚟 。 殺到 曹兵 呀 , 只恨 爹娘 啊 生少 兩隻 腳 啊 , 潰散 晒 搏命 咁 逃跑 。 孔明 啊 指揮 軍隊 馬不停蹄 咁 追擊 。 曹操 初時 啊 仲 傳令 話 撤退 返去 南鄭 嘅 。 點知 見到 五路 起火 啊 , 啊 , 原來 魏延 、 張飛 得到 嚴顏 代 佢 哋 守 閬中 , 早就 帶兵 殺 嚟 奪取 咗 南鄭 喇 。 曹操 心驚膽戰 , 就 唯有 趯 去 陽平關 。 好 快趣 , 劉備 嘅 大軍 就 追到 嚟 南鄭 褒州 嘞 。 入 咗 城 , 安民 之後 , 劉備 就問 孔明 : 軍師 , 曹操 呢 次 嚟 點解 會 失敗 得 咁 快 呢 吓 ? 孔明 話 : 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 曹操 平生 為 人 多疑 , 雖然 佢 會 用兵 啊 , 不過 疑心 多 就 容易 失敗 。 我 呢 , 就 係 以 疑兵 贏 佢 㗎 啫 。 係 喇 軍師 呀 , 而家 曹操 退守 陽平關 佢 已經 勢 孤力 單 嘞 , 噉 軍師 你 準備 用 乜嘢 計策 擊退 佢 呢 ? 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 我 已經 計劃 好 晒 喇 。 於是 孔明 派 張飛 、 魏延分 兵 兩路 去 切斷 曹操 運糧 嘅 道路 。 又 命令 黃忠 、 趙雲分 兵 兩路 去 放火燒山 。 噉 四路 人馬 就 由 嚮導 帶路 啊 立即 出發 嘞 。 而家 講下 曹操 , 佢 退守 陽平關 之後 , 派出 啲 士兵 到處 去 偵察 情況 。 呢 日 , 啲 兵 返 嚟 報告 話 : 啲 蜀 兵呀將 遠遠近近 啲 小路 都 塞斷 晒 , 有 柴 斬 嘅 地方 冚𠾴唥 放火燒 到 盡 , 但 係 又 唔 知 啲 蜀 兵 喺 邊 處 噉 。 曹操 正 喺 度 諗 唔 掂 嘅 時候 , 又 接到 報告 話 張飛 、 魏延分 兵 兩路 去 劫 糧 噃。 曹操 問喇 : 邊個 敢 去 同 張飛 打過 啊 ? 許褚話 喇 : 我 去 啦 。 曹操 於是 叫許 褚帶 一千名 精兵 , 出去 保護 運糧 嘅 隊伍 。 噉 個 解糧官 見到 許褚 帶兵 嚟 到 一路 保護 呀 , 個心 就定 得 多咯 , 高興 到極 啊 , 佢 話 : 如果 唔 係 許 將軍 你 嚟 呀 , 呢 啲 糧草 實運 唔 到 陽平關 㗎 。 就 將 喺 車上 帶 嚟 嘅 酒肉 ,攞 嚟 請 許 褚 食 嘞 。 許褚 痛飲 一場 , 吖 , 竟然 飲醉 咗 喎 。 佢 趁 住 酒興 , 催促 啲 糧草 趕路 起 行 。 解糧官 又 話 嘞 : 嘿許 將軍 呀 , 日頭 就 嚟 落山 嘞 喎 , 前 便 係 褒 州 嘅 地界 山勢 險惡 , 唔 好 過去 啊 。 哼 , 我 有 萬夫不當之勇 , 我 使 怕 佢 邊個 啊 ! 今晚 趁住 有 月色 , 行路 最 啱 喇 , 行 啦 ! 許褚 橫刀 縱馬 當先 帶住 隊伍 前進 。 二 更 過後 , 上下 經過 褒州 嘞 。 行行 下 , 突然 喺 山坳 裏 , 好似 行雷 噉 響起 戰 鼓聲 。 一支 軍隊 當頭 攔住 去路 , 為首 一員大將 乃 係 張飛 啊 ! 張飛 挺 矛縱 馬 直取 許褚 。 許褚 舞起 把 大刀 上前 迎戰 啦 。 本來 兩個 有 得 打 嘅 , 點知許 褚 因為 飲酒 飲得 多 , 醉眼 昏花 手腳 無力 , 唔 夠 浭 嘞 。 打 咗 冇 幾個 回合 唧 , 畀 張飛 一矛 刺中 個膊頭 成個 舂 咗 落馬 。 啲 兵士 連忙 救起 佢 啊 退後 就 走 啦 。 張飛 又 唔 追 佢 啊 , 只 係 搶 晒 啲 糧車 返扯 。 噉 啲 人 保護 住許 褚返 去 見 曹操 。 曹操 吩咐 隨軍 醫生 , 好好 同許 褚 醫治 。 跟 住 呢 , 就 親自 帶兵 去 同 劉備 決戰 。 劉備 率領 軍隊 咪 出 嚟 迎戰 咯 。 雙方 擺好 陣勢 。 劉備 叫 劉封 出馬 , 曹操 一見 就 鬧 嘞 : 劉備 你 個 賣 鞋 佬 ! 周時 都 使 你 個養 仔出 嚟 打 嘅 。 哼 ! 我 如果 叫 黃鬚 仔 嚟 呀 , 斬到 你 個養 仔變 肉醬 都 得 啊 ! 吹到 劉封脹 啊 , 挺槍 驟馬 直取 曹操 。 曹操 叫 徐晃 迎敵 , 打得 兩 打 , 劉封 詐敗 走 嘞 , 曹操 揮兵 追殺 過去 。 點知 蜀 兵營 寨裏 便 , 轟轟 噉 啊 響起 炮 嚟 , 鼓角齊鳴 啊 咦 怕 有 伏兵 噃 曹操 就 急急 命令 退兵 。 本來 係 追緊 人 嘅 , 突然 間 又 話 要 退 喎 就 搞 到 亂 晒 坑 , 你 踩 我 時 就 我 踩 你 , 就 係 噉 樣自相 踐踏 就 死 咗 唔 少人 。 曹操 佢 哋 跑 返 去 陽平關 , 啱 啱 先 至 唞 過啖 氣唧 , 蜀兵 已經 追 到 城下 喇 。 嘩好 厲害 啊 ! 東門 放火 , 西門 吶喊 , 南門 放火 北門 擂鼓 。 慌到 曹操 鼻哥窿 都 冇 肉 喇 呢 勻 , 噉 啊 放棄 陽平關 撤退 啦 。 蜀兵 又 唔 放過 佢 喺 後 便 死 追 。 曹操 正在 一路 逃走 , 就 畀 張飛 喺 前 便 帶 住 一支 人馬 截住 , 誒 死 喇 死 喇 ! 趙雲 又 帶兵 喺 背後 殺 嚟 噃; 噉 仲 唔 止 , 黃忠 又 帶兵 喺 褒 州 方面 殺到 添 。 噉 呢 幾個 正一 係 對頭 剋星 嚟 嘅 打 到 曹操 大敗 。 嗰 班 將官 啊 唔 要命 噉 保住 曹操 奪路 而 走 。 啱 啱 逃跑 到 斜谷 界口 , 只見 前面 沙塵 滾滾 , 有 一彪 人馬 嚟 緊 嘞 。 曹操 一見 就 話 喇 : 哎呀 ! 呢 支 如果 係 伏兵 噉 我 就 冇 命 喇 ! 哦 冇 事 冇 事 , 等到 呢 支 人馬 行近 嚟 一 睇 , 原來 係 曹操 第二 仔 曹彰 帶兵 嚟 到 嘞 。 呢 個 曹彰 啊 細 個 嗰 陣 呢 , 騎馬 射箭 已經 好 叻 㗎 喇 。 佢 又 大力 噃, 空手 同 猛獸 格鬥 都 敢 嘅 你 話 呢 。 曹操 有次 教訓 佢 話 : 你 淨 係 鐘意 騎馬 射箭 學武 藝 , 又 唔 想 讀書 , 呢 啲 不過 係 匹夫之勇 唧 , 有 乜大用 呢 ? 曹彰 就 話 喇 : 阿爹 , 男人 大丈夫 , 就 應該 學 名將 衛青 、 霍去病 嘅 樣子 啊 , 立功 於 邊疆 , 長驅 數十萬 人馬 , 縱橫天下 吖 嘛 , 點解 要 做 個 文縐縐 嘅 博士 呢 ? 有 一次 , 曹操 曾經 問 過 佢 嗰 幾個 仔 啊 有 咩 志向 。 問到 曹彰 , 曹彰 就 話 要 做 個 大將 噉 。 曹操 問 佢 一個 大將 要點 做 至 啱 㗎 噉 。 曹彰 話 喇 : 身為 大將 就要 披甲 拿槍 , 打起 仗 嚟 唔 怕死 , 身先士卒 , 該賞 就賞 , 該罰 就 罰 , 賞罰分明 。 哈哈 曹操 聽 咗 都 好 歡喜 , 唔 錯 吖 , 不禁 哈哈大笑 起 嚟 。 建安 二十三年 , 代 郡 嘅 烏桓 啊 , 代郡 即 係 而家 河北 、 山西 一帶 。 烏桓 係 古代 嘅 少數民族 喇 , 就 係 以 遊牧 為生 㗎 喇 。 噉 嗰 時 烏桓 作反 , 曹操 派 曹彰 帶 五萬 兵去 鎮壓 。 臨行 嘅 時候 曹操 好 嚴肅 噉 對 佢 話 : 我同 你 居家 為 父子 受事 為 君臣 。 你 而家 身為 主帥 噉 我 同 你 只 能夠 講法 紀唔 能講 人情 , 你 一定 要 記實 ! 曹彰 好 爭氣 , 佢 去 到 代 郡 作戰 勇敢 衝鋒陷陣 一馬當先 , 一直 殺到 去 桑乾 , 噉 啊 整個 北方 嘅 叛亂 呢 都 畀 佢 平定 咗 。 而 家 佢 聽聞 曹操 喺 東川 陽平 打敗仗 啊 , 故此 趕 嚟 助戰 嘅 。 曹操 見到 曹彰 嚟 到 滿心歡喜 佢 話 : 好 啊 ! 我 黃鬚 仔 嚟 喇 實破 劉備 喇 呢 勻 ! 就 勒兵 返 轉頭 喺 斜谷 界口 安營 。 劉備 知道 曹彰 嚟 咗 , 問 邊個 敢 去 同 佢 交戰 啦 。 劉封同 孟達 都 搶 住 話 要 去 。 劉備 啊 叫 佢 哋 各 帶 五千 兵 一齊 去 , 睇 下 邊個 打得贏 啦 噉 。 於是 劉封 在 前 就 孟達 在 後 , 出兵 去 迎戰 嘞 。 曹彰同 劉封鬥 啊 , 僅僅 打 咗 三個 回合 , 劉封 啊 輸到 貼 地 走 人 。 孟達 即刻 帶兵 衝上去 , 正話 想 接手 同 曹彰 交鋒 啦 , 哈 , 只見 曹兵 突然 間 亂 晒 龍 噃。 原來 馬超 、 吳蘭 兩支 軍隊 殺到 嚟 。 孟達 啊 揮兵 上前 夾攻 啦 。 馬超 手下 啲 士兵 呀 , 好 耐 冇 打仗 㗎 喇而家 養精蓄銳 , 一 嚟 到 就 耀武揚威 勇 不可 當啊 。 噉 啊 三支 軍隊 混戰 一場 。 吳蘭 呢 , 就 畀 曹彰 一戟 刺死 。 但 係 曹兵 啊 終歸 唔 夠打 , 輸 咗 呢 場仗 。 曹操 收兵 之後 啊 , 就 喺 斜谷 界口 閘住 。 時間 過下 一日 又 一日 , 曹操 嘅 人馬 喺 斜谷 駐扎 咗 好 耐 嘞 , 想要 前進 又 畀 馬超 頂到實 ; 想話 收兵 返 許都 咩 , 又 怕 畀 對方 恥笑 噃, 唉 個 心 啊 真 係 煩死 嚟 咯 。 呢 一日 , 廚師 送 雞湯 嚟 。 曹操 見到 湯 裏頭 有件 雞肋 , 佢 有 啲 感觸 嘞 。 正 喺 度 諗 緊 嘢 , 夏侯惇 入 嚟 請問 當晚 嘅 口令 。 曹操 隨口 話 : 雞肋 ! 雞肋 ! 噉 夏侯惇 唔 係 傳令 落去 話 今晚 口令 就 係 雞肋 噉 啦 。 行軍 主簿 楊修 , 就 係 上面 講過 估到 黃絹幼 婦 , 外孫 齑 臼 嗰 個 楊 修 嘞 。 見 傳令 落 嚟 話 雞肋 兩個 字唄 , 即刻 就 叫 人 同 佢 執 拾 行裝 準備 返扯 。 哈 , 楊修 噉 樣 一 嚟 呀 , 就 惹 落 殺身之禍 喇 。

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話 說 趙雲 喺 兵營 之內 眼睇 住 到 咗 午時 喇 , 都 仲未見 黃忠 返 嚟 喎 就 連忙 披掛 上馬 , 帶 三千 人馬 就 出去 接應 。 said|Zhao Yun|Zhao Yun|at|barracks|inside|looking|continuously|arrived|past tense marker|noon|sentence-final particle|still||Huang Zhong|return|come|sentence-final particle|then|hurriedly|put on armor|mounted|led|three thousand|troops|then|went out|to assist It is said that Zhao Yun was in the barracks and saw that it was already noon, but he still hadn't seen Huang Zhong return, so he hurriedly put on his armor and took three thousand troops to go out and assist. 佢 臨行 嘅 時候 啊 再三 叮囑 張翼話 : 你 要 堅守 營寨 , 喺 兩側 要 擺 多 啲 弓箭手 做好 準備 。 he|before leaving|possessive particle|time|ah|repeatedly|instructed||you|must|defend|camp|at|both sides|must|place|more|plural marker|archers|be well|prepared Before he left, he repeatedly instructed Zhang Yi, saying: You must hold the camp firmly, and prepare more archers on both sides. 張翼 就 連聲 話 遵命 遵命 啦 , 哈 趙雲 真 係 細心 。 Zhang Yi|then|in unison|said|as you command|as you command|particle|ha|Zhao Yun|really|is|careful Zhang Yi repeatedly said, 'Understood, understood,' haha, Zhao Yun is really attentive. 趙雲 就 向前 直殺 過去 , 有個 將官 當頭 攔住 , 呢 個 乃 係 文 聘 嘅 部將 慕容 烈 啊 , 點知 一槍 就 畀 趙雲 刺 咗 落馬 。 Zhao Yun|then|forward|directly kill|past|there was a|general|in front|blocked|||is|is|Wen|Ping|possessive particle|subordinate general|Murong|Lie|ah|unexpectedly|one spear|just|by|Zhao Yun|stab|past tense marker|off the horse Zhao Yun then charged forward directly, and a general blocked his way; this was Murong Lie, a subordinate of Wen Ping. Unexpectedly, with one spear, Zhao Yun knocked him off his horse. 嗰 啲 兵 仔 呀 四散 咁 逃跑 定 啦 。 that|plural marker|||sentence-final particle|scatter|like this|run away|settle|sentence-final particle Those soldiers scattered and fled. 趙雲挺 槍縱 馬直 殺入 重圍 , 佢 又 畀 一員 魏將 焦炳 帶兵 截住 。 Zhao Yun|spear thrust|horse straight|charge into|heavy encirclement|he|again|by|a|Wei general|Jiao Bing|leading troops|intercepting Zhao Yun charged in with his spear, cutting through the encirclement, but he was intercepted by a Wei general, Jiao Bing. 趙雲 就 喝 佢 話 喇 : 我 嚟 問你 , 蜀 兵 喺 邊度 啊 ? Zhao Yun|then|scolded|he|said|particle|I|come||Shu|soldiers|at|where|particle Zhao Yun shouted at him, saying: I'm here to ask you, where are the Shu soldiers? 焦炳話 喇 : 嘿嘿 , 已經 呀 殺死 晒 喇 ! Jiao Bing said|particle indicating completed action|hehe|already|particle indicating surprise|killed|completely|particle indicating completed action Jiao Bing replied: Hehe, they've already been killed! 趙雲 一 發火 , 驟馬 一槍 又 刺死 焦炳 , 跟 手 又 殺 散 嗰 班 曹 兵 , 一直 衝殺 到北 山腳下 。 Zhao Yun|one|got angry|swift horse|one shot|again|killed|Jiao Bing|||again|killed|scattered|that|group|Cao|soldiers|continuously|charged|| Zhao Yun got furious, and with a swift strike, he stabbed Jiao Bing to death, then he scattered the group of Cao soldiers, charging all the way to the foot of the northern mountain. 哦 , 見到 喇 , 係 張 郃 、 徐晃 兩個 圍住 黃忠 , 黃忠 嘅 人馬 已經 被困 好 耐 嘅 喇 。 oh|saw|particle indicating completed action|is|Zhang|He|Xu Huang|two|surrounded|Huang Zhong|Huang Zhong|possessive particle|troops|already|trapped|very|long|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating completed action Oh, I see, it’s Zhang He and Xu Huang surrounding Huang Zhong, whose troops have already been trapped for a long time. 趙雲 大喝一聲 : 避 我者 生 , 擋 我者 死 啊 ! Zhao Yun|shouted loudly|avoid|those who face me|live|block|those who face me|die|ah Zhao Yun shouted loudly: "Those who avoid me will live, those who block me will die!" 挺槍 驟馬 殺入 重圍 , 左衝右 突 , 如入無人之境 啊 。 raise gun|galloping horse|charge into|encirclement|||as if entering a no-man's land|ah He charged in with his spear and horse, breaking through the encirclement, rushing left and right, as if entering a no-man's land. 佢 嗰 支 銀 槍 耍起 嚟 呀 , 周身 上下 好似 梨花 飛舞 , 瑞雪 紛紛 , 揩親 一下 都 唔 得 掂 啊 , 所到之處 冇 人敢 阻 佢 。 He|that|measure word for stick-like objects|silver|gun|play|particle indicating action|particle indicating exclamation|whole body|up and down|like|pear blossom|dancing|auspicious snow|in droves|wiping|once|all|not|able|touch|particle indicating exclamation|wherever he goes|no||stop|him His silver spear danced around him, looking like pear blossoms fluttering, and snowflakes falling; even a single touch would not be able to grasp it, and wherever he went, no one dared to stop him. 當時 曹操 正 喺 高坡 上面 觀戰 。 at that time|Cao Cao|right now|at|Gaopo|on|observing the battle At that time, Cao Cao was observing the battle from a high slope. 嘩 嗨 ! 乜 見到 有個 將軍 咁 犀利 嘅 喂 , 就問 左右 話 嘞 : 呢 個 將軍 係 邊個 啊 ? wow|hi|what|saw|there is a|general|so|impressive|particle indicating possession|hey||people around|said|past tense particle|this|measure word|general|is|who|question particle Wow! Seeing such a powerful general, he asked those around him: "Who is this general?" 大王 , 佢 就 係 常山 趙子龍 啊 ! Your Majesty|he|just|is|Changshan|Zhao Zilong|ah The king, he is Zhao Zilong from Changshan! 哦 ! 往日 當陽 長 坂 英雄 仲 喺 度 啊 ! oh|in the past|Tang Yang|long|slope|hero|still|at|there|particle Oh! The hero from Changban Slope is still here! 傳 我 命令 , 趙子龍 所到之處 , 不准 輕敵 ! transmit|I|order|Zhao Zilong|wherever he goes|must not|underestimate the enemy Pass on my orders, wherever Zhao Zilong goes, do not underestimate him! 曹操 緊張 嘞 。 Cao Cao|nervous|past tense marker Cao Cao is nervous. 趙雲 一支 神槍 , 殺退 咗 張 郃 同 徐晃 , 就 救 咗 黃忠 , 殺出重圍 嘞 。 Zhao Yun|one|divine spear|drove back|past tense marker|Zhang|He|and|Xu Huang|then|saved|past tense marker|Huang Zhong|fought his way out of encirclement|past tense marker Zhao Yun, with his divine spear, repelled Zhang He and Xu Huang, and rescued Huang Zhong, breaking through the encirclement. 呢 個 時候 , 有個 兵士 指住 遠遠 一 笪 地方 話 : this|measure word|time||soldier|pointed at|far away|one|small|place|said At this moment, a soldier pointed to a distant place and said: 趙 將軍 啊 , 喺 東南 便 嗰 度 圍住 嘅 實 係 副將 張著 啊 ! Zhao|General|ah|at|Southeast|then|that|place|surrounded|particle indicating possession|actually|is|Deputy General|Zhang|ah General Zhao, over there in the southeast is actually Deputy General Zhang! 哦 ? 殺 過去 ! oh|kill|past Oh? Let's kill them! 趙雲 唔 返去 本寨 嘞 , 立即 勒馬 向 住 東南 便 殺 去 。 Zhao Yun|not|return to|home base|past tense marker|immediately|urged his horse|towards|residence|southeast|then|| Zhao Yun did not return to the main camp, immediately he reined in his horse and charged towards the southeast. 嘩 佢 嗰 支 常山 趙雲 嘅 大旗 一到 呀 , 啲 曹兵 趯 都 趯 唔 切 啊 。 wow|he|that|measure word for flags|Changshan|Zhao Yun|possessive particle|big flag|as soon as|exclamation particle|plural marker|Cao soldiers|to retreat|all|to retreat|not|to be a match|exclamation particle Wow, as soon as his Great Flag of Changshan Zhao Yun arrived, the Cao soldiers were all terrified. 事關 曾經 喺 當陽 長 坂 見識 過 趙雲 英勇 嘅 人 猛 咁 講 佢 嘅 厲害 。 regarding|once|at|Changban|long|slope|witnessed|past|Zhao Yun|bravery|possessive particle|person|fiercely|so|talk|he|possessive particle|formidable Because I once witnessed Zhao Yun's bravery at Changban, people spoke highly of his prowess. 而 家 佢 本人 殺過 嚟 喇仲 唔 趯 咩 , 真 係 嫌 命長 啊 。 and|family|he|I|has killed|come||not|afraid|question particle|really|is|dislike|long life|particle indicating exclamation Now that he has come to kill, isn't that just asking for death? 曹操 眼 白白 睇 住 趙雲 東西南北 衝來 殺去 , 冇 人敢 頂 佢 嘅 , 救 咗 黃忠 又 救 埋 張著 。 Cao Cao|eyes|white|look|at|Zhao Yun|all directions|charging in|killing|no||confront|him|possessive particle|save|past tense marker|Huang Zhong|also|save|also|Zhang Zhang Cao Cao watched helplessly as Zhao Yun charged in from all directions, killing without anyone daring to confront him, saving both Huang Zhong and Zhang Zhao. 嘿 ! 自己 真 係 失威 啦 ! hey|myself|||lost face|sentence-final particle Hey! I really have lost my authority! 佢 發起 惡 嚟 , 就 親自 率領 左右 將士 去 追 趙雲 嘞 噃。 He|initiated|evil|coming|then|personally|led|left and right|soldiers|to|chase|Zhao Yun|past action particle| He became furious and personally led his soldiers to pursue Zhao Yun. 呢 個 時候 , 趙雲 已經 返到 自己 營寨 嘞 。 this|measure word|time|Zhao Yun|already|returned to|his own|camp|past action marker At this time, Zhao Yun had already returned to his own camp. 張翼 正話 迎接 咗 趙雲入 寨 , 咦 ? 望見 後 便 煙塵 滾滾 , 知道 係 曹兵 追住 嚟 喇 , 就 同 趙雲 話 : Zhang Yi|just said|to welcome|past tense marker||camp|eh|saw|behind|then|dust|rolling|knew|is|Cao's soldiers|chasing|coming|particle indicating action completion|then|with|Zhao Yun|said Zhang Yi was just saying that he welcomed Zhao Yun into the camp, when he saw a cloud of dust rolling in behind, realizing that Cao's soldiers were chasing after them, so he said to Zhao Yun: 追兵 越 追越 近 喇 , 快 啲 叫 軍士 關閉 寨門 , 上 敵樓 防守 啦 ! pursuing enemy|more|closer|near|particle indicating completed action|quickly|a little|call|soldier|close|gate|go up|enemy tower|defend|particle indicating suggestion The pursuers are getting closer and closer, quickly tell the soldiers to close the camp gates and defend the enemy tower! 趙雲 話 : 唔 使 閂 門 ! 你 唔 知 咩 ? 以前 我 喺 當陽 長 坂 嗰 陣 , 單槍匹馬 , 睇 佢 八十三萬 曹兵 , 好似 條草 噉 咋 ! Zhao Yun|said|not||||||know|question particle|in the past|I|at|Changyang|||that|time|all alone|see|he|830000|Cao's soldiers|seemed||like|only Zhao Yun said: No need to close the gates! Don't you know? Back when I was at Changban, I faced 830,000 of Cao's soldiers all by myself, and they were like a bunch of grass! 何況 而家 我 哋 有 軍有將 , 仲 怕 佢 乜嘢 ! moreover|now|we|plural marker|have|military and generals|still|afraid|he|anything Moreover, now we have troops and generals, what is there to fear from them! 於是 趙雲 命令 一隊 弓箭手 , 埋伏 喺 寨外 嘅 戰壕 裏 便 。 then|Zhao Yun|ordered|a team|archers|ambush|at|outside the stockade|possessive particle|trench|inside|immediately So, Zhao Yun ordered a team of archers to ambush in the trenches outside the camp. 將 營寨 之內 嘅 旗 槍 全部 冚 低 。 take|camp|inside|possessive particle|flag|gun|all|cover|down All the flags and spears inside the camp were lowered. 唔 敲鑼 , 唔 擊鼓 。 not|strike the gong||beat the drum No gong was struck, no drum was beaten. 趙雲 就 噉 匹馬單槍 , 企 喺 營門 之外 啊 。 Zhao Yun|then|like this|all alone|standing|at|camp gate|outside|particle Zhao Yun stood alone outside the camp gate. 好 喇 , 張 郃 、 徐晃 帶兵 追到 嚟 喇 。 good|particle indicating completed action|Zhang|He||lead troops|catch up|here|particle indicating completed action Alright, Zhang He and Xu Huang have led their troops to chase after us. 當時 天色 漸漸 黑 嘞 。 at that time|sky|gradually|dark|past tense marker At that time, the sky was gradually getting dark. 各位 聽眾 , 請 你 哋 諗 下 當時 呢 個 情景 吓 : everyone|audience|please|you|plural marker|think|a bit|at that time|this|measure word|situation|particle Listeners, please think about this scene at that time: 霧色 蒼茫 , 曠野 啲 風 一陣陣 噉 吹 嚟 , 除 咗 風吹草動 啲 沙沙聲 , 乜嘢 聲 都 冇 嘞 。 misty color|vast and desolate|wilderness|particle|wind|gusts|like that|blowing|coming|||the wind moving the grass|particle|rustling sound|anything|sound|all|not|past tense particle The mist was thick, the wind in the wilderness blew in gusts, and apart from the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the grass, there was no other sound. 趙雲 好似 天神 噉 勒 馬橫槍 , 獨自 一個 人 頂天立地 噉 企 定 喺 度 。 Zhao Yun|seems like|god|like|holding|spear|alone|one|person|standing tall and firm|like|to stand|steady|at|place Zhao Yun stood firm like a god, holding his spear alone. 寨門 又 打開 , 空 空闊 闊 。 village gate|again|opened|empty|spacious|wide The gate of the village opened, and it was wide and empty. 幾 咁 肅穆 , 幾 咁 壯烈 ! how|so|solemn|||heroic How solemn it is, how heroic! 而 張 郃 、 徐 晃 佢 哋 睇 見 又 覺得 幾 咁 得人驚 啊 ! and|Zhang|He|Xu|Huang|they|plural marker|||again|thought|quite|so|frightening|ah Zhang He and Xu Huang saw it and felt quite shocked! 唔 敢 逳 喇 , 睇 定下 先 , 乜 趙雲 有 乜 計謀 啊 喂 ? not|dare|run away|particle indicating completed action|see||first|what|Zhao Yun|has|what|strategy|particle for emphasis|hey Dare not to run away, let's observe first, what scheme does Zhao Yun have? 正 喺 度 思 疑 緊 , 曹操 親自 嚟 到 嘞 , 立即 揮軍 向前 衝 , 噉 嗰 啲 曹 兵 吶喊 一聲 喎 嗬 噉 就 衝鋒 啦 。 just|at|place|||continuous tense marker|Cao Cao|personally|come|arrive|past tense marker|immediately|command the army|forward|charge|then|those|plural marker|Cao|soldiers|shout||particle indicating realization|then|then|just|charge|particle indicating completion Just as they were in doubt, Cao Cao personally arrived, immediately leading his troops to charge forward, and the Cao soldiers shouted and then charged! 點知 見到 趙雲 逳 都 唔 逳 啊 哎呀 , 好怕 , 啲 曹兵 走 喇 噉 啊 擰 轉頭 唔 要命 就 趯 。 who would have thought|seeing|Zhao Yun|escape|all|not|escape|ah|oh no|very scared|the|Cao soldiers|run|already|like this|ah||turn around|not|deadly|then|chase Unexpectedly, upon seeing Zhao Yun, they didn't dare to run away, oh no, they were so scared that the Cao soldiers turned around and fled for their lives. 趙雲 用 支槍 一招 , 戰壕 裏 便 啊 萬箭 齊發 啊 。 Zhao Yun|used|spear|one move|trench|inside|then|ah|thousands of arrows|shot together|ah Zhao Yun used a spear in one move, and in the trench, arrows were flying everywhere. 當時 個天 已經 好 黑 喇 , 哎呀 ! 一個 中 箭 , 哎呀 ! 又 一個 中 箭 。 at that time||already|very|dark|particle indicating completed action|oh no|one|hit|arrow||again|one|hit|arrow At that time, the sky was already very dark, oh no! One got hit by an arrow, oh no! Another got hit by an arrow. 咦 呀 ! 死喇死 喇 都 唔 知 究竟 有 幾多 蜀兵 埋伏 喺 度 嘅 。 eh|ah|||all|not|know|exactly|have|how many|Shu soldiers|ambush|at|here|particle indicating possession or modification Oh no! It's all over, I don't even know how many Shu soldiers are ambushed here. 連 曹操 咁 定 嘅 人 都 怕 起 上 嚟 , 撥轉 馬頭 就 跑 喇 。 even|Cao Cao|so|certain|possessive particle|person|all|fear|get up|on|come|turn|horse's head|then|run|past tense particle Even someone as steady as Cao Cao was scared and turned his horse around to run. 殺 啊 !沊沊沊沊沊沊沊, 嗚 殺 啊 !沊沊沊沊沊沊。 ||sound of crying|wail|||sound of crying Kill! Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang, oh kill! Bang bang bang bang bang bang. 只 聽見 後 便 喊 殺 連天 , 鼓角齊鳴 , 蜀兵 掩殺 過 嚟 。 only|heard|later|then|shout|kill|without exception|drums and horns sounded together|Shu soldiers|ambush|pass| Only heard the cries of 'kill' echoing through the sky, the drums and horns sounded together, and the Shu soldiers ambushed them. 嗰 啲 曹 兵 你 推 我 㧬, 互相 踐踏 , 湧到 漢水 河邊 啊 跌落 水浸 死 嘅 真 係 不計其數 。 that|plural marker|soldiers|troops|you|push|I|pull|mutually|trample|rush to|Han River|riverside|ah|fall into|drowning|die|possessive particle|really|are|countless Those Cao soldiers pushed and shoved each other, trampling one another, rushing to the banks of the Han River, and the number that fell into the water and drowned was truly countless. 趙雲 、 黃忠 、 張著 各帶 一支 軍隊 猛 咁 追殺 。 Zhao Yun|Huang Zhong|Zhang Zhang||a|army|fiercely|so|pursued Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, and Zhang Zhang each led a troop and fiercely pursued them. 曹操 正 喺 度 搏 命 奔跑 , 忽然 又 撞 着 劉封 、 孟達 帶 住 兩支 人馬 , 由 米倉山 嗰 便 殺 嚟 , 放火燒 糧草 。 Cao Cao|right now|at|place|||running|suddenly|again|||Liu Feng|Meng Da|leading|with|two|troops|from|Mi Cang Mountain|that|then|attacking|coming|setting fire to|supplies Cao Cao was desperately running for his life when he suddenly ran into Liu Feng and Meng Da, who brought two troops, coming from the direction of Mi Cang Mountain, setting fire to the grain supplies. 嘿 曹操 唯有 放棄 北 山寨 嘅 糧草 , 連忙 撤退 返去 南鄭 。 hey|Cao Cao|only|abandon|north|stronghold|possessive particle|supplies|hurriedly|retreat|return|Nanzheng Cao Cao had no choice but to abandon the grain supplies at North Mountain Fort and hurriedly retreated back to Nanzheng. 噉 啊 徐晃 、 張 郃 呢 , 亦 都 扎 唔 住 腳 , 放棄 咗 營寨 逃跑 嘞 。 then|ah|Xu Huang|Zhang|He|question particle|also|all|injure|not|hold|foot|abandon|past tense marker|camp|escape|past action particle So, Xu Huang and Zhang He also couldn't hold their ground and abandoned the camp to escape. 呢 一戰 呀 , 趙雲 攻佔 咗 曹兵 營寨 , 黃忠 啊 奪到 糧草 , 喺 漢水 繳獲 無數 咁 多 軍器 物資 就 大獲全勝 , 派 人 向 劉備 報捷 嘞 。 this|battle|particle|Zhao Yun|captured|past tense marker|Cao's troops|camp|Huang Zhong|particle|seized|supplies|at|Han River|captured|countless|||weapons|materials|then|achieved a great victory|sent|someone|to|Liu Bei|report victory|past tense marker In this battle, Zhao Yun captured the Cao army's camp, Huang Zhong seized the supplies, and countless weapons and resources were captured at the Han River, achieving a great victory, sending people to report the success to Liu Bei. 劉備 即刻 同 孔明 嚟 到 漢水 , 祝賀 勝利 。 Liu Bei|immediately|with|Kongming|||Han River|congratulate|victory Liu Bei immediately came to the Han River with Kong Ming to congratulate them on their victory. 劉備 問 啲 兵士 , 你 哋 趙 將軍 點樣 打 㗎 噉 。 Liu Bei|asked|plural marker|soldiers|you|plural marker|Zhao|general|how|fight|question particle|like that Liu Bei asked the soldiers how General Zhao fought. 嗰 啲 士兵 威水咯 , 眉飛色舞 , 將 趙子龍 點樣 救 黃忠 戰 漢水 嘅 經過 講得 有聲有色 。 that|plural marker|soldiers|impressive|full of excitement|general|Zhao Zilong|how|saved|Huang Zhong|battle|Han River|possessive particle|story|told|vividly The soldiers were excited, animatedly recounting how Zhao Zilong rescued Huang Zhong during the battle at the Han River. 劉備 聽 咗 極之 歡喜 啊 , 又 視察 過 山前山後 嗰 啲 險要 地方 , 好 高興 噉 同 孔明 話 喇 : Liu Bei|heard|past tense marker|extremely|happy|particle|again|inspected|past tense marker|in front and behind the mountain|those|plural marker|strategic|places|very|happy|like that|with|Kongming|said|particle Liu Bei was extremely happy after hearing this, and after inspecting the dangerous areas in front and behind the mountain, he happily said to Kong Ming: 啊 ! 子龍 呀 , 真 係 一身是膽 啊 ! ah|Zilong|particle indicating exclamation|||full of courage|ah Ah! Zilong, you truly are full of courage! 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : this|has||particle Here, there is a poem as evidence: 昔日 戰長 坂 , 威風 猶未減 。 突陣顯 英雄 , 被困 施 勇敢 。 鬼哭 與 神號 , 天驚並 地慘 。 常山 趙子龍 , 一身 都 是膽 ! in the past|general of war|slope|imposing manner|has not diminished||hero|trapped|Shi (a name)|bravery|ghostly cries|and|divine shouts||earth mourned|Changshan|Zhao Zilong (a historical figure)|whole body|all| In the past at Changban, your might has not diminished. In the sudden formation, a hero was revealed, trapped yet brave. Ghosts cried and gods howled, heaven was shocked and earth was mournful. Zhao Zilong of Changshan, is full of courage! 於是 劉備 就 封 趙子龍 做 虎威 將軍 , 舉行 盛大 嘅 慶祝 宴會 , 慰勞 將士 。 then|Liu Bei|then|appointed|Zhao Zilong|as|Tiger Might|general|held|grand|possessive particle|celebration|banquet|reward|soldiers Thus, Liu Bei appointed Zhao Zilong as the Tiger Might General and held a grand celebration banquet to reward the soldiers. 嗰 日 呀 飲 到 好 夜 好 夜 先 至 盡歡而散 啊 。 that|day|particle|drink|until|very|late|very|late|only|then|partied happily|particle That day, we drank until very late and only then did we part happily. 噉 又過 咗 一段時間 , 劉備 得到 報告 話 曹操 再次 派遣 大軍 , 喺 斜谷 由 小路 殺 嚟 , 要 進攻 漢水 噉 。 then||past tense marker||Liu Bei|received|report|saying|Cao Cao|again|dispatched|large army|at|Xie Valley|from|small road|attacking|coming|needs to|attack|Han River|then After some time, Liu Bei received a report that Cao Cao was sending a large army again, coming through the narrow paths in Xiegu to attack the Han River. 劉備 笑 喇 : 哈哈哈哈 , 曹操 呢 次 嚟 冇 用 嘅 , 我 實得 漢水 㗎 喇 ! Liu Bei|laugh|particle indicating completed action|hahaha|Cao Cao|this|time|come|not|useful|particle indicating possession|I|really got|Han River|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Liu Bei laughed: Hahaha, Cao Cao's attempt this time is useless, I have secured the Han River! 劉備 就 率領 兵馬 喺 漢水 嘅 西 便 迎擊 曹 軍 。 Liu Bei|then|led|troops|at|Han River|possessive particle|west|quickly|counterattack|Cao|army Liu Bei then led his troops to confront Cao's army at the western side of the Han River. 曹操 呢 趟 任命 徐晃 做 先鋒 , 去 同 劉備 決戰 。 Cao Cao|this|trip|appointed|Xu Huang|to be|vanguard|to go|with|Liu Bei|decisive battle Cao Cao appointed Xu Huang as the vanguard to battle Liu Bei. 噉 喺 帳 下 文武 官員 當中 有 個人 行出 嚟 話 喇 : 我 好 熟悉 漢水 一帶 嘅 地理 , 願意 協助 徐將軍 一齊 去 擊敗 劉備 啊 。 then|at|tent|under|civil and military|officials|among|there is|a person|walked out|here|said|particle indicating completed action|I|very|familiar with|Han River|area|possessive particle|geography|willing to|assist|General Xu|together|to|defeat|Liu Bei|particle indicating exclamation Then, among the civil and military officials under the account, one person stepped forward and said: I am very familiar with the geography of the Han River area and am willing to assist General Xu in defeating Liu Bei. 曹操 一睇 , 原來 係 巴西人 姓 王名平 , 字子 均 , 現任 牙門 將軍 。 Cao Cao|at a glance|originally|is|Brazilian|surname||||currently holds|Yamen|general Cao Cao took a look and realized that it was a person from Bashu named Wang Ping, courtesy name Zijun, who is currently the General of the Tooth Gate. 曹操 當然 歡喜 喇 , 就 任命 王平 做 副 先鋒 , 協助 徐晃 。 Cao Cao|of course|happy|particle indicating completion|then|appointed|Wang Ping|to be|deputy|vanguard|to assist|Xu Huang Cao Cao was naturally pleased and appointed Wang Ping as the deputy vanguard to assist Xu Huang. 調撥 咗 人馬 之後 , 曹操 將 大軍 駐 扎 喺 定軍山 嘅 北 便 嚟 。 transfer|past tense marker|troops|after|Cao Cao|will|army|||at|Dingjun Mountain|possessive particle|north|then|came After reallocating the troops, Cao Cao stationed the main army at the northern side of Dingjun Mountain. 呢 處 呢 就 唔 講 佢 住 喇 。 here|||then|not|talk|he|live|particle indicating completed action As for this place, let's not talk about it. 而家 先 講下 徐晃 、 王平 , 佢 帶兵 嚟 到 漢水 。 now|first|talk about|Xu Huang|Wang Ping|he|led the troops|come|to|Han River Now let's talk about Xu Huang and Wang Ping, who brought their troops to the Han River. 徐晃 命令 前鋒 部隊 渡過 河扎營 佈陣 。 Xu Huang|ordered|vanguard|troops|crossed||deployed Xu Huang ordered the vanguard troops to cross the river and set up camp. 王平 話 : 軍隊 渡過 咗 河 , 萬一 情況緊急 要 撤退 噉 如之奈何 啊 ? Wang Ping|said|army|crossed|past tense marker|river|in case||needs to|retreat|then|what to do|ah Wang Ping said: The army has crossed the river, but what if we need to retreat in an emergency? 徐晃話 : 怕 咩 嘢 呢 ? 以前 韓信 背水 為陣 , 所謂 置之死地而後生 吖 嘛 。 Xu Huang said|afraid|what|thing|question particle|in the past|Han Xin|back against the river|to fight|so-called|putting oneself in a situation of certain death to achieve life|particle indicating affirmation|particle indicating obviousness Xu Huang replied: What are you afraid of? In the past, Han Xin fought with his back to the river, which is to say, putting oneself in a desperate situation to survive. 唔 係 噉 講 啊 徐將軍 , 以前 韓信 睇 白 敵人 冇 計謀 嘅 , 噉 先 至 用 呢 個 辦法 㗎 啫 。 not|is|like that|talk|ah|General Xu|in the past|Han Xin|see|clearly|enemy|no|strategy|possessive particle|like that|||use|||method|particle indicating certainty|only That's not the same, General Xu. In the past, Han Xin saw that the enemy had no strategy, which is why he used this method. 今天 徐將軍 你料 唔 料 得到 趙雲 、 黃忠 嘅 意圖 呢 ? today|General Xu||not|expect|understand|Zhao Yun|Huang Zhong|possessive particle|intentions|question particle Today, General Xu, do you think you can figure out the intentions of Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong? 你 唔 使 擔心 嘅 , 你 帶 步兵 同 敵人 交戰 , 等 我 帶 馬 軍去 破 佢 啦 ! you|not|need|worry|particle indicating possession|you|bring|infantry|with|enemy|engage in battle|wait|I|bring|cavalry||defeat|him|particle indicating suggestion You don't need to worry, you lead the infantry to engage the enemy, and I'll take the cavalry to break them! 王平 苦苦 噉 勸 佢 徐 晃 都 唔 聽 , 一意孤行 , 下令 搭 浮橋 渡過 漢水 扎營 。 Wang Ping|desperately|like that|advised|he|Xu|Huang|all|not|listen|stubbornly going his own way|ordered|build|pontoon bridge|cross|Han River|set up camp Wang Ping desperately advised him, but Xu Huang wouldn't listen, insisting on building a floating bridge to cross the Han River and set up camp. 黃忠 、 趙雲 一 知道 曹兵 渡河 唄 , 就 向 劉備 請戰 。 Huang Zhong|Zhao Yun|once|knew|Cao's soldiers|crossed the river|particle indicating completion|then|towards|Liu Bei|requested to fight As soon as Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun learned that Cao's troops were crossing the river, they requested to fight Liu Bei. 劉備 同意 咗 , 噉 佢 哋 兩個 就 帶兵 出發 。 Liu Bei|agreed|past tense marker|then|they|plural marker|two of them|then|lead the troops|set off Liu Bei agreed, so the two of them set off with their troops. 黃忠 同 趙雲 話 喇 : 徐晃而家 恃 住 勇敢 攻過 嚟 , 我 哋 先 唔 好 同 佢 交鋒 。 Huang Zhong|and|Zhao Yun|said|particle indicating completed action||relying on|particle indicating ongoing action|bravery|attacking|coming|we|plural marker|first|not|good|with|him|clash Huang Zhong said to Zhao Yun: Xu Huang is currently relying on his bravery to attack, so we should not engage him for now. 等到 下午 , 敵兵 疲沓 喇 , 你 我 然後 分 兵 兩路 去 攻打 佢 就 實 得 嘅 ! wait until|afternoon|enemy|tired|particle indicating completed action|you|I|then|divide|troops|two routes|go|attack|him|then|||particle indicating possession Wait until the afternoon when the enemy troops are tired, then we can split our forces into two routes to attack him, that would be effective! 老 將軍 講得 啱 ! old|general|speaks|right The old general is right! 於是 黃忠 、 趙雲 各帶 一支 軍隊 , 據守 營寨 。 then|Huang Zhong|Zhao Yun||a|army|garrisoned|camp So, Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun each took a troop and guarded the camp. 徐晃帶 住 人馬 , 由 辰時 嚟 到 挑戰 一直 到 申時 。 ||cavalry|from|Chen time|come|until|challenge|continuously|until|Shen time Xu Huang brought his troops and challenged us from the morning until the afternoon. 用 而 家 嘅 鐘點 嚟 講呢 即 係 由 上午 八點 到 下午 四點 , 嘩 嗨 ! 整整 一個 日班 唔 疲勞 有鬼 嘞 。 use|and|home|possessive particle|hours|to||that|is|from|morning|8 o'clock|to|afternoon|4 o'clock|wow|hi|a full|one|day shift|not|tired||particle indicating completed action Using today's time frame, that is from 8 AM to 4 PM, wow! A whole day shift without fatigue is unbelievable. 點知 蜀 兵 啊 全然 唔 動 。 who would have known|Shu|soldiers|ah|completely|not|move But the Shu soldiers are completely unmoving. 徐晃 就 調晒 啲 弓箭手 去 前 便 , 向 住 蜀 兵 營寨 猛 咁 射箭 。 Xu Huang|then|all moved|plural marker|archers|to|front|immediately|towards|residing|Shu|soldiers|camp|fiercely|so|shoot arrows Xu Huang then ordered all the archers to the front and fiercely shot arrows towards the Shu soldiers' camp. 黃忠 同 趙雲 話 喇 : 哼哼 , 徐晃 下令 射箭 , 唔 使 問喇 , 佢 哋 必定 想 撤退 喇 , 我 哋 出擊 啦 ! Huang Zhong|and|Zhao Yun|said|particle indicating completed action|hum|Xu Huang|ordered|shoot arrows|||ask|they|plural marker|definitely|want|retreat|particle indicating completed action|I|plural marker|attack|particle indicating suggestion Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun said: Hmph, Xu Huang has ordered the archers to shoot, no need to ask, they must want to retreat, let's attack! 話 猶 未了 , 探馬 嚟 報告 話 曹 兵 嘅 後 隊 已經 開始 後退 嘞 。 said|still|unresolved|scout|came|report|said|Cao|soldiers|possessive particle|rear|unit|already|started|retreat|past action particle As if that wasn't enough, a scout came to report that the Cao soldiers' rear guard has already started to retreat. 出擊 ! Attack Attack! 沊沊沊沊沊沊 蜀 兵 營寨 擂響 戰鼓 。 continuous sound|Shu (a historical state in China)|soldiers|camp|beat|war drum The drums of war sound in the Shu army's camp. 黃忠 帶兵 由 左 便 殺出 , 趙雲 帶兵 由右 便 殺出 , 嘿 ! 直情 係 雙龍 出海 噉 。 Huang Zhong|led the troops|from|left|immediately|charged out|Zhao Yun|||immediately|charged out|hey|really|is|two dragons|emerging from the sea|like that Huang Zhong leads his troops out from the left, Zhao Yun leads his troops out from the right, hey! It's like two dragons emerging from the sea. 兩下 夾攻 打到 徐晃 大敗 。 two strikes|joint attack|hit|Xu Huang|was defeated badly The two sides launch a joint attack, defeating Xu Huang. 啲 兵士 畀 蜀 軍 逼 到 去 漢水 啊 跌落 河浸 死 嘅 唔 知 幾多 。 the|soldiers|were|Shu|army|forced|to|go|Han River|ah|fell into|river|die|past tense marker|not|know|how many The soldiers are forced by the Shu army to the Han River, and many fall into the river and drown. 徐晃 死 打爛 打先 至 甩身 , 一返 到 營寨 就 鬧 王平 : 你 睇 住 我軍 咁 危急 , 點解 仲 唔 嚟 救 啊 ! Xu Huang|die|defeat|attack first|until|escape|as soon as|arrive|camp|then|scold|Wang Ping|you|||our army|so|urgent|why|still|not|come|rescue|particle Xu Huang was furious and said, 'If I get killed, then I will be done for. As soon as I return to the camp, I will scold Wang Ping: You see our army in such a critical situation, why haven't you come to rescue us yet!' 我 如果 去 救 啊 , 呢 個 寨 亦 保 唔 住 㗎 喇 。 I|if|go|save|ah|this|measure word|village|also|protect|not|live|sentence-final particle|past action particle If I go to rescue, this camp won't be able to hold either. 我 都 曾經 勸過 徐將軍 你 唔 好 渡河 過去 㗎 嘞 , 將軍 你 又 唔 聽 我 話 , 以致 有 呢場 失敗 啫 。 I|also|once|advised|General Xu|you|not||||||||||listen|I|advice|resulting in|having|this|failure|only I have previously advised General Xu not to cross the river, but the general didn't listen to me, which led to this defeat. 嘩 ! 可惱 啊 ! 徐晃 發起 火 嚟 想 殺 王平 , 啲 人 啊 梗 係 勸開 啦 。 wow|annoying|particle|Xu Huang|initiated|anger|to|wanted|kill|Wang Ping|the|people|particle|surely|are|persuaded to back off|particle Wow! It's infuriating! Xu Huang was so angry that he wanted to kill Wang Ping, and the people naturally tried to persuade him. 當晚 , 王平 越 諗 個 心 就 越 唔 忿 , 就 率領 本部 人馬 喺 營 內 放 起火 嚟 。 that night|Wang Ping|the more|thought|his|heart|then|the more|not|angry|then|led|headquarters|troops|at|camp|inside|set||coming That night, the more Wang Ping thought about it, the more indignant he became, so he led his troops to set fire in the camp. 曹兵 啊 當堂 亂 晒 大龍 , 徐晃 放棄 咗 營寨 狼狽 而 逃 啊 。 Cao Bing|ah|on the spot|in disarray|completely|Dai Long|Xu Huang|abandoned|past tense marker|camp|in a sorry state|and|fled|ah Cao Bing caused a huge mess in the hall, and Xu Huang abandoned the camp and fled in embarrassment. 王平 渡過 漢水 投奔 趙雲 , 趙雲 即刻 帶 佢 見 劉備 。 Wang Ping|crossed|Han River|sought refuge with|Zhao Yun||immediately|took|him|to meet|Liu Bei Wang Ping crossed the Han River to join Zhao Yun, who immediately took him to meet Liu Bei. 噉 王平 將 漢水 一帶 嘅 地理 情形 , 講晒 畀 劉備 聽 。 then|Wang Ping|will|Han River|surrounding area|possessive particle|geographical|situation|explained everything|to|Liu Bei|hear So Wang Ping explained the geographical situation around the Han River to Liu Bei. 歡喜 到 劉備 呀 不得了 啊 , 佢 話 : happy|to|Liu Bei|particle|incredible|particle|he|said Liu Bei was extremely happy and said: 哎呀 我 得到 王將軍 你 , 實 奪取 到 漢中 無疑 咯 ! oh no|I|got|General Wang|you|really|capture|to|Hanzhong|without a doubt|particle indicating completed action "Oh, I have gained General Wang, it is undoubtedly a great victory for Han Zhong!" 就 任命 王平 做 偏 將軍 , 兼任 嚮導 使 。 then|appoint|Wang Ping|to be|subordinate|general|concurrently hold|guide|envoy Wang Ping was appointed as a general and also served as a guide. 徐晃 趯 咗 返 去 見 曹操 就 話 王平 反水 , 投降 咗 劉備 啊 噉 。 Xu Huang|suddenly|past tense marker|return|to|see|Cao Cao|then|said|Wang Ping|defected|surrendered|past tense marker|Liu Bei|ah|like this Xu Huang returned to see Cao Cao and said that Wang Ping had defected and surrendered to Liu Bei. 真 係 激死 曹操 嚟 啊 , 就 親自 率領 大軍 , 要 嚟 奪取 漢水 嘅 營寨 嘞 噃。 ||infuriate|Cao Cao|come|ah|then|personally|lead|large army|wants|come|capture|Han River|possessive particle|camp|past action particle| This really angered Cao Cao, so he personally led a large army to seize the camp at the Han River. 趙雲 呢 佢 又 怕 孤軍作戰 , 難以 立足 , 就 撤退 返過 嚟 漢水 嘅 西 便 。 Zhao Yun|this|he|again|fears|fighting alone|difficult to|establish a foothold|then|retreated|back|here|Han River|possessive particle|west|side Zhao Yun was afraid of fighting alone and found it difficult to establish a foothold, so he retreated back to the west side of the Han River. 噉 啊 兩 軍 隔水 相拒 。 then|ah|two|armies|separated by water|mutually rejected Thus, the two armies faced each other across the water. 呢 一日 , 劉備 同 孔明 嚟 到 觀察 地形 。 this|day|Liu Bei|and|Kongming|||to observe|terrain On this day, Liu Bei and Kong Ming came to observe the terrain. 孔明 見到 漢水 上游 嗰 處 啊 , 有 一 迾 山頭 , 可以 埋伏 得千零 人 嘅 。 Kongming|saw|Han River|upstream|that|place|ah|has|one|steep|hill|can|ambush||people|possessive particle Kong Ming saw that upstream of the Han River, there was a mountain peak where over a thousand people could be ambushed. 噉 回營 之後 就 叫 趙雲 嚟 吩咐 佢 話 喇 : then|return to camp|after|then|call|Zhao Yun|here|instruct|him|tell|particle indicating completed action So after returning to the camp, he called Zhao Yun and instructed him: 子龍 , 你 率領 五百 人 , 帶住 戰鼓 、 號角 , 喺 山下 埋伏 。 Zilong|you|lead|five hundred|men|bring|war drum|horn|at|the foot of the mountain|ambush Zilong, you lead five hundred men, bring drums and horns, and ambush at the foot of the mountain. 或者 半夜 , 或者 黃昏 , 你 只要 一 聽見 我 軍營 內 嘅 炮響 ,嗱 炮響 一輪 , 你 就 擂鼓 一輪 。 or|midnight|or|dusk|you|as long as|one|hear|my|barracks|inside|possessive particle|cannon fire|when|cannon fire|one round|you|then|beat the drum|one round Whether it is midnight or dusk, as soon as you hear the cannon fire from our camp, after one round of cannon fire, you will beat the drums for one round. 但 係 要 記住 , 千祈 唔 好 出戰 。 ||must|remember|absolutely|||go into battle But remember, never go into battle. 趙雲 接受 咗 任務 就 出發 。 Zhao Yun|accepted|past tense marker|mission|then|set off Zhao Yun accepted the mission and set off. 孔明 呢 , 上去 高山 上面 嚟 到 指揮 。 Kongming|question particle|go up|high mountain|on top|||command As for Kongming, he went up to the high mountain to command. 第 日 日頭 , 曹兵 嚟 到 挑戰 。 the|day|daytime|Cao Bing|||challenge The next day during the day, Cao's troops came to challenge. 蜀 軍 呢 便 一個 人 都 唔 出去 , 一支 箭 亦 都 冇 射 。 Shu|army|this|then|one|person|all|not|go out|one|arrow|also|all|not|shot The Shu army did not send out a single person, nor did they shoot a single arrow. 搞 咗 一日 曹兵 回營 啦 。 to do|past tense marker|one day|the soldiers|return to camp|sentence-final particle The soldiers have returned to the camp for a day. 到 咗 夜晚 喇 , 孔明 喺 山上 見到 曹 營裏 便 啲 燈光 啱 啱 熄 咗 , 軍士 都 瞓 晒 喇 , 就 命令 放炮 。 arrive|past tense marker|night|sentence-final particle|Kongming|at|on the mountain|saw|Cao|in the camp|then|plural marker|lights|||turned off|past tense marker|soldiers|all|sleep|completely|sentence-final particle|then|ordered|to fire the cannon By nightfall, Kongming saw that the lights in Cao's camp had just gone out, and all the soldiers were asleep, so he ordered the cannon to be fired. 轟 噉 趙雲 一 聽見 炮響 就 下令 擂鼓 吹號 。 boom|then|Zhao Yun|one|heard|cannon fire|immediately|ordered|drum to be beaten|horn to be blown Wow, as soon as Zhao Yun heard the cannon fire, he ordered the drums to be beaten and the horns to be blown. 嘩 , 三更半夜 , 聽到 林林聲 呀 嚇死 嚟 啊 , 曹兵 啊 以 為 劫寨 嘞 喎 , 喇喇聲 起身 披掛 。 wow|midnight|heard|various noises|particle indicating surprise|scared to death|came|particle indicating realization|soldiers|particle indicating emphasis|||raiding the village|past tense marker|particle indicating suggestion|sound of armor|got up|put on armor Wow, in the middle of the night, hearing such a commotion scared everyone to death. The Cao soldiers thought it was a raid, and they quickly got up and put on their gear. 及至 出營 一 睇 , 哦 ? 乜 一個 兵仔 都 唔 見 嘅 ?唓 乜 咁 快 走 晒 㗎 喇 , 好 ! 瞓覺 ! until|leave the camp|one|look|oh|what|one|soldier|all|not|seen|particle|huh|what|so|fast|run|all|particle|particle|good|sleep When they came out of the camp to take a look, oh? Why is there not a single soldier in sight? Why did they run away so quickly? Alright! Back to sleep! 等到 啲 曹兵 回營 啱 啱 想 休息 唧 , 號炮 又 轟 戰鼓 又 沊 號角 又 嗚 嘞 。 waiting for|plural marker|soldiers|return to camp|||wanted|to rest|sound of a whistle|signal cannon|again|boom|war drum|again|sound of a horn|horn|again|sound of a horn|particle indicating completion When the soldiers returned to camp and were just about to rest, the cannon sounded, the war drums beat, and the bugles blared. 兼夾 喎 嗬 噉 吶喊 連天 , 山谷 回聲 嚇到 曹兵 成晚 唔 得 安樂 , 都 唔 知 係 真定 係 假 嘅 。 to be together|particle indicating realization|exclamation|like this|shout|all day|valley|echo|scared|soldiers|all night|||peaceful|all|||is|real or|is|fake|particle indicating possession Along with the shouting that echoed through the sky, the valley's echoes scared the soldiers so much that they couldn't find peace all night, not knowing if it was real or fake. 連氣 三晚 , 晚晚 係 如此 真 係 阿崩 咬 狗 虱 唔 死 有 排慌 。 continuous|three nights|every night|is|like this|really|is|a name|bite|dog|lice|not|die|have|panic For three nights in a row, every night was like this, it really was like a dog biting a flea, causing a lot of panic. 曹操 心怯 嘞 , 下令 拔寨 後退 卅里 , 喺 笪 空闊 嘅 曠野 嚟 到 扎營 。 Cao Cao|felt fearful|past tense marker|ordered|abandon the camp|retreat|thirty li|at|in|open|possessive particle|wilderness|come|to|set up camp Cao Cao was frightened, and ordered the camp to retreat thirty miles, setting up camp in the open wilderness. 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 孔明笑 喇 : 曹操 雖然 熟悉 兵法 , 但 係 唔 識 詭計 嘅 。 hahaha|||particle indicating completed action|Cao Cao|although|familiar with|military strategy|but|is|not|know|trick|possessive particle Hahaha, Kongming laughed: Although Cao Cao is familiar with military strategy, he does not understand deception. 於是 就 請 劉備 親自 渡過 漢水 , 背水 安營 。 then|then|request|Liu Bei|personally|cross|Han River|set up camp with his back to the river|camped So, Liu Bei was invited to personally cross the Han River and set up camp with his back to the water. 劉備 問 孔明 條計 係 點 㗎 噉 。 Liu Bei|asked|Kongming|plan|is|how|question particle|like that Liu Bei asked Kongming what the plan was. 孔明 話 :嗱, 如此 如此 啦 。 Kongming|said|well|like this|like this|particle Kongming replied: 'Well, it's like this.' 曹操 見到 劉備 背水 安營 就 古怪 喇 , 個心 好 疑惑 , 就 派 人 嚟 下戰書 。 Cao Cao|saw|Liu Bei|with his back to the river|set up camp|then|strange|particle indicating completed action|his heart|very|confused|then|sent|people|to|deliver a challenge letter When Cao Cao saw Liu Bei setting up camp with his back to the water, he found it strange and was very suspicious, so he sent someone to issue a challenge. 孔明 批 咗 四個 大字 : 明日 決戰 ! 叫 個人 帶返 去 。 Kongming|wrote|past tense marker|four|big characters|tomorrow|decisive battle|told|that person|bring back|home Kongming wrote four big characters: 'Tomorrow, decisive battle!' and told the person to take it back. 第 日 , 兩 軍 喺 五 界 山前 各自 擺開陣勢 。 the|day|two|armies|at|five|boundary||each| On that day, the two armies set up their formations in front of Wujie Mountain. 曹操 出馬 企 喺 門 旗下 便 , 喺 佢 兩旁 , 排列 住 龍鳳 旗幟 , 擺出 個 魏王 威勢 啊 。 Cao Cao|rode out|stood|at|gate|under the banner|then|at|his|two sides|arranged|in place|dragon and phoenix|flags|displayed|the|King of Wei|might|ah Cao Cao rode out and stood under the gate flag, with dragon and phoenix banners arranged on both sides, displaying the might of the King of Wei. 擂完 三通 戰鼓 , 曹操 叫 劉備 出陣 答話 。 after beating|three strikes|war drum|Cao Cao|called|Liu Bei|to battle|to respond After beating the war drums three times, Cao Cao called Liu Bei to come out and respond. 劉備 率領 住 劉封 、 孟達 , 以及 西川 一班 將官 策馬 而出 。 Liu Bei|led|residing|Liu Feng|Meng Da|and|Western Shu|a group of|military officers|rode out| Liu Bei led Liu Feng, Meng Da, and a group of generals from Xichuan to charge out. 曹操 舉起 條 馬鞭 指住 劉備 鬧 : 劉備 你 忘恩負義 ! 你 個 背叛 朝廷 嘅 奸賊 啊 ! Cao Cao|raised|measure word for long objects|riding whip|pointed at|Liu Bei|scolded||you|ungrateful|you|measure word|betrayal|imperial court|possessive particle|traitor|exclamatory particle Cao Cao raised his whip and pointed at Liu Bei, scolding: Liu Bei, you are ungrateful! You are a traitor who betrays the court! 劉備 話 喇 : 我 係 大漢 宗親 , 奉 咗 聖旨 , 討伐 你 呢 個 國賊 ! Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|I|am|Han Dynasty|royal relative|received|past tense marker|imperial decree|to punish|you|this|classifier|traitor Liu Bei said: I am a member of the Han royal family, and I have received the imperial decree to punish you, the traitor! 你 殺死 皇 後 , 自立 為 王 , 私自 使用 天子 嘅 儀仗 , 你 唔 係 謀反 又 係 乜嘢 ! you|killed|emperor|empress|self-proclaimed|as|king|privately|using|son of heaven|possessive particle|royal guard|you|not|are|treason|again|are|what You killed the empress, declared yourself king, and used the emperor's ceremonial attire without permission. What else could this be but treason! 曹操 好 嬲 , 即刻 叫 徐晃 出馬 去 打過 。 Cao Cao|very|angry|immediately|ordered|Xu Huang|to go out|to|fight Cao Cao was very angry and immediately called Xu Huang to go into battle. 劉封驟 馬上 前 迎戰 , 一 開始 交鋒 唧 , 劉備 啊 走 返入 陣先 喇 。 Liu Feng quickly|immediately|forward|engage in battle|one|started|clash|sound of clashing|Liu Bei|ah|ran|back into||particle indicating completion Liu Feng rushed forward to engage in battle, but at the start of the clash, Liu Bei retreated back into the formation. 劉封 啊 唔 夠徐晃 打 嘅 , 撥馬 就 走 。 Liu Feng|ah|not||fight|possessive particle|push the horse|then|leave Liu Feng was no match for Xu Huang, so he turned his horse and fled. 曹操 下令 話 : 捉 到 劉備 嘅 就 封 佢 做 西川之 主 ! Cao Cao|ordered|said|capture|to|Liu Bei|possessive particle|then|appoint|him|as|of Western Shu|lord Cao Cao ordered: Whoever captures Liu Bei will be appointed as the lord of Xichuan! 嘩 嗨 , 噉 咪 好好 撈個 喎 。 wow|hi|then|just|very well|catch|particle indicating suggestion Wow, that's a great opportunity! 啲 曹兵 大聲 吶喊 殺 啊 ! 捉 劉備 啊 ! 噉 就 衝殺 過去 。 plural marker|soldiers|loudly|shout|kill|exclamation particle|capture|Liu Bei|exclamation particle|then|just|charge and kill|over The soldiers of Cao shouted loudly, 'Kill! Capture Liu Bei!' and charged forward. 啲 蜀 兵 放棄 營寨 , 向 住 漢水 猛 咁 走 。 plural marker|Shu|soldiers|abandoned|camp|towards|live|Han River|fiercely|so|ran The Shu soldiers abandoned their camp and ran fiercely towards the Han River. 噉 啲 馬匹 啊 、 軍器 啊 、 物資 啊 就 隨地 咁 掉 。 like this|plural marker|horses|sentence final particle|weapons|sentence final particle|supplies|sentence final particle|then|everywhere|so|drop As a result, horses, weapons, and supplies were dropped everywhere. 哦 亥 有 好 嘢 執 噃, 啲 曹兵 咪 爭住 咁 執咯 。 oh|time|have|good|things|pick up|particle|plural marker|soldiers|should|compete|so|pick up Oh, there are good things to collect, the soldiers are all rushing to collect them. 曹操 見到 噉 嘅 情形 , 唔 妥 , 立即 吩咐 打鑼 收兵 。 Cao Cao|saw|like that|possessive particle|situation|not|appropriate|immediately|ordered|beat the drum|retreat Cao Cao saw this situation and thought it was not right, so he immediately ordered the drums to call back the troops. 噉 啊 所有 啲 將領 都問 嘞 : 我 哋 正 係 要 捉 劉備 , 大王 點解 要 收兵 呢 ? like this|ah|all|plural marker|generals||past tense marker|I|plural marker|just|are|need to|capture|Liu Bei|the king|why|need to|withdraw troops|question particle Then all the generals asked: We are supposed to capture Liu Bei, why does the king want to call back the troops? 我 睇 見 蜀 兵 背水 安營 , 呢 個 係 第一點 可疑 ; I|||Shu|soldiers|with their backs to the river|set up camp|this|measure word|is|first point|suspicious I see the Shu soldiers setting up camp with their backs to the water, this is the first suspicious point; 掉 咁 多 軍器 馬匹 , 係 第二點 可疑 。 drop|so|many|weapons|horses|is||suspicious throwing away so many weapons and horses is the second suspicious point. 唔 得 ! 我 哋 要 急急 退兵 , 佢 哋 掉 低 嘅 物資 唔 好 攞! ||||need|urgently|retreat|||||possessive particle|supplies|||take No way! We need to retreat urgently, don't take the supplies they dropped! 跟 住 曹操 下令 , 亂 攞 一件 嘢 嘅 立即 斬首 , 全軍 火速 退兵 ! ||Cao Cao|ordered|randomly|take|one|thing|possessive particle|immediately|beheaded|entire army|quickly|retreat Then Cao Cao ordered, anyone who takes something randomly will be executed immediately, the whole army must retreat quickly! 當曹兵 剛剛 行後轉 啊 要 撤退 嘅 時候 , 孔明 就將 號旗 舉起 嘞 。 when Cao's troops|just|turned around|ah|needed|retreat|past tense marker|time|Kongming||signal flag|raised|past tense marker When the Cao soldiers just turned around to retreat, Kongming raised the signal flag. 劉備 喺 中路 殺 嚟 , 黃忠 喺 左 便 殺 嚟 , 趙雲 喺 右 便 殺 嚟 。 Liu Bei|at|center|attack|come|Huang Zhong||left|side|attack|come|Zhao Yun||right|side|attack|come Liu Bei attacked from the center, Huang Zhong attacked from the left, and Zhao Yun attacked from the right. 殺到 曹兵 呀 , 只恨 爹娘 啊 生少 兩隻 腳 啊 , 潰散 晒 搏命 咁 逃跑 。 rush to|enemy soldiers|particle indicating exclamation|only hate|parents|particle indicating exclamation|born with|two|legs|particle indicating exclamation|collapse|completely|desperately|like that|run away They attacked the Cao soldiers, only regretting that their parents didn't give them two more legs, and they scattered and fled for their lives. 孔明 啊 指揮 軍隊 馬不停蹄 咁 追擊 。 Kongming|ah|command|army|without stopping|so|pursuit Kongming commanded the army to pursue relentlessly. 曹操 初時 啊 仲 傳令 話 撤退 返去 南鄭 嘅 。 Cao Cao|at first|ah|still|issued an order|saying|retreat|return to|Nanzheng|possessive particle At first, Cao Cao issued orders to retreat back to Nanzheng. 點知 見到 五路 起火 啊 , 啊 , 原來 魏延 、 張飛 得到 嚴顏 代 佢 哋 守 閬中 , 早就 帶兵 殺 嚟 奪取 咗 南鄭 喇 。 who would have known|saw|five routes|catch fire|ah||originally|Wei Yan|Zhang Fei|got|Yan Yan|to replace|them|plural marker|guard|Langzhong|long ago|led troops|kill|come|seize|past tense marker|Nanzheng|final particle Unexpectedly, seeing fires erupting from five directions, it turned out that Wei Yan and Zhang Fei had taken over from Yan Yan to defend Langzhong, and had already led their troops to kill and seize Nanzheng. 曹操 心驚膽戰 , 就 唯有 趯 去 陽平關 。 Cao Cao|terrified|then|only|hurriedly|go|Yangping Pass Cao Cao was terrified and could only flee to Yangping Pass. 好 快趣 , 劉備 嘅 大軍 就 追到 嚟 南鄭 褒州 嘞 。 ||Liu Bei|possessive particle|large army|then|caught up|to|Nanzheng|Baozhou|past tense particle Very quickly, Liu Bei's main army caught up to Nanzheng and Baozhou. 入 咗 城 , 安民 之後 , 劉備 就問 孔明 : enter|past tense marker|city|settle the people|after|Liu Bei||Kong Ming After entering the city and settling the people, Liu Bei asked Kong Ming: 軍師 , 曹操 呢 次 嚟 點解 會 失敗 得 咁 快 呢 吓 ? strategist|Cao Cao|this|time|came|why|would|fail|so|that|quickly|question particle|exclamation particle "Military advisor, why did Cao Cao fail so quickly this time?" 孔明 話 : 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 曹操 平生 為 人 多疑 , 雖然 佢 會 用兵 啊 , 不過 疑心 多 就 容易 失敗 。 Kongming|said|||Cao Cao|in his lifetime|as|person|very suspicious|although|he|can|use military tactics|ah|but|suspicion|much|then|easily|fail Kong Ming replied: "Hehe, Cao Cao has always been a suspicious person. Although he is skilled in warfare, too much suspicion leads to easy failure." 我 呢 , 就 係 以 疑兵 贏 佢 㗎 啫 。 I|question particle|then|am|by|deceptive tactics|to win|him|sentence-final particle|only "As for me, I just won against him by using suspicion against his troops." 係 喇 軍師 呀 , 而家 曹操 退守 陽平關 佢 已經 勢 孤力 單 嘞 , 噉 軍師 你 準備 用 乜嘢 計策 擊退 佢 呢 ? is|particle indicating certainty|strategist|particle for emphasis|now|Cao Cao|retreated to|Yangping Pass|he|already|situation|isolated|alone|past tense particle|then|strategist|you|prepared|to use|what|strategy|repel|him|question particle "Yes, military advisor, now that Cao Cao is retreating to Yangping Pass, he is already in a lonely and weak position. So, what strategy are you preparing to use to repel him?" 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 我 已經 計劃 好 晒 喇 。 hehe||I|already|planned|well|completely|particle indicating completion Hehe, hehe, I have already planned everything. 於是 孔明 派 張飛 、 魏延分 兵 兩路 去 切斷 曹操 運糧 嘅 道路 。 then|Kongming|sent|Zhang Fei||troops|two routes|to|cut off|Cao Cao|supply|possessive particle|road So, Kongming sent Zhang Fei and Wei Yan to split their troops into two routes to cut off Cao Cao's supply lines. 又 命令 黃忠 、 趙雲分 兵 兩路 去 放火燒山 。 again|ordered|Huang Zhong||troops|two routes|to|set fire to the mountain He also ordered Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun to split their troops into two routes to set the mountains on fire. 噉 四路 人馬 就 由 嚮導 帶路 啊 立即 出發 嘞 。 then|four roads|horses and people|then|by|guide|lead the way|ah|immediately|depart|past action particle Thus, the four groups of troops set off immediately under the guidance of the guides. 而家 講下 曹操 , 佢 退守 陽平關 之後 , 派出 啲 士兵 到處 去 偵察 情況 。 now|let's talk about|Cao Cao|he|retreated|Yangping Pass|after|sent out|some|soldiers|everywhere|to|scout|situation Now let's talk about Cao Cao. After he retreated to Yangping Pass, he sent soldiers to scout the situation everywhere. 呢 日 , 啲 兵 返 嚟 報告 話 : this|day|plural marker|soldiers|return|here|report|said Today, the soldiers came back to report that: 啲 蜀 兵呀將 遠遠近近 啲 小路 都 塞斷 晒 , 有 柴 斬 嘅 地方 冚𠾴唥 放火燒 到 盡 , 但 係 又 唔 知 啲 蜀 兵 喺 邊 處 噉 。 the|Shu||far and near|the||||||||||||||||||||Shu|soldiers|at|where|place|like this The Shu soldiers have blocked all the small paths far and near, and where there is wood cut, they have set fire to it completely, but they still don't know where the Shu soldiers are. 曹操 正 喺 度 諗 唔 掂 嘅 時候 , 又 接到 報告 話 張飛 、 魏延分 兵 兩路 去 劫 糧 噃。 Cao Cao|just|at|place|thinking|not|capable|possessive particle|time|again|received|report|saying|Zhang Fei||troops|two routes|to|rob|grain|particle indicating suggestion or realization While Cao Cao was thinking about this, he received another report that Zhang Fei and Wei Yan had split their troops into two routes to raid the supplies. 曹操 問喇 : 邊個 敢 去 同 張飛 打過 啊 ? Cao Cao||who|dares|to go|with|Zhang Fei|fought|particle indicating a question Cao Cao asked: Who dares to fight against Zhang Fei? 許褚話 喇 : 我 去 啦 。 |particle indicating completed action|I|go|particle indicating completion or affirmation Xu Chu said: I'll go. 曹操 於是 叫許 褚帶 一千名 精兵 , 出去 保護 運糧 嘅 隊伍 。 Cao Cao|then|||one thousand|elite soldiers|to go out|to protect|transport of grain|possessive particle|convoy Cao Cao then ordered Xu Chu to take a thousand elite soldiers to protect the supply convoy. 噉 個 解糧官 見到 許褚 帶兵 嚟 到 一路 保護 呀 , 個心 就定 得 多咯 , 高興 到極 啊 , 佢 話 : then|the|grain distribution officer|saw|Xu Chu|leading troops|come|to|all the way|protect|particle|his heart||more|at ease|happy|extremely|particle|he|said When the supply officer saw Xu Chu leading the troops to provide protection, he felt much more at ease and was extremely happy. He said: 如果 唔 係 許 將軍 你 嚟 呀 , 呢 啲 糧草 實運 唔 到 陽平關 㗎 。 if|not|were|Xu|general|you|come|particle|these|plural particle|supplies|actually transport|not|arrive|Yangping Pass|particle If it weren't for General Xu coming, these supplies would not have made it to Yangping Pass. 就 將 喺 車上 帶 嚟 嘅 酒肉 ,攞 嚟 請 許 褚 食 嘞 。 then|will|at|in the car|bring|come|possessive particle|food and drink|take|come|treat|Xu|Chu|eat|past tense particle He then took the wine and meat brought on the cart to invite Xu Chu to eat. 許褚 痛飲 一場 , 吖 , 竟然 飲醉 咗 喎 。 Xu Chu|drink heavily|a round|ah|unexpectedly|got drunk|past tense marker|particle indicating realization Xu Chu drank heavily, and surprisingly, he got drunk. 佢 趁 住 酒興 , 催促 啲 糧草 趕路 起 行 。 He|take advantage of|in|high spirits|urged|some|supplies|hurry on the journey|to|travel He took advantage of the drinking mood and urged the supplies to hurry along. 解糧官 又 話 嘞 : 嘿許 將軍 呀 , 日頭 就 嚟 落山 嘞 喎 , 前 便 係 褒 州 嘅 地界 山勢 險惡 , 唔 好 過去 啊 。 quartermaster|again|said|past tense marker|He Xu|general|particle|sun|then|come|set|past tense marker|particle|ahead|then|is|Bao|Prefecture|possessive particle|territory|mountain terrain|treacherous|not|good|go over|particle The supply officer also said: "Hey General Xu, the sun is about to set, ahead is the treacherous mountainous area of Baozhou, it's not safe to go there." 哼 , 我 有 萬夫不當之勇 , 我 使 怕 佢 邊個 啊 ! hum|I|have|courage that can face a thousand men||make|fear|he|who|question particle Hmph, I have the courage of ten thousand men, who am I afraid of! 今晚 趁住 有 月色 , 行路 最 啱 喇 , 行 啦 ! tonight|taking advantage of|has|moonlight|walking|most|suitable|particle indicating completion|let's go|particle indicating encouragement Tonight, with the moonlight, it's the perfect time to travel, let's go! 許褚 橫刀 縱馬 當先 帶住 隊伍 前進 。 Xu Chu|wielding a sword|riding a horse|leading|leading|troops|advance Xu Chu led the team forward with his sword drawn and riding his horse. 二 更 過後 , 上下 經過 褒州 嘞 。 two|later|after|up and down|passing|Baozhou|particle indicating completed action After the second change, we passed through Baozhou. 行行 下 , 突然 喺 山坳 裏 , 好似 行雷 噉 響起 戰 鼓聲 。 walking|down|suddenly|at|valley|inside|like|rolling thunder|like|sounded|battle|drumbeat As we walked down, suddenly in the valley, it sounded like thunder with the sound of war drums. 一支 軍隊 當頭 攔住 去路 , 為首 一員大將 乃 係 張飛 啊 ! a|army|in front|blocked|path|leading||||Zhang Fei|ah A troop blocked the way ahead, and the leader was none other than Zhang Fei! 張飛 挺 矛縱 馬 直取 許褚 。 Zhang Fei|raised||horse|directly attacked|Xu Chu Zhang Fei brandished his spear and charged directly at Xu Chu. 許褚 舞起 把 大刀 上前 迎戰 啦 。 Xu Chu|brandish|(measure word for tools)|broadsword|step forward|face the battle|(particle indicating a suggestion or command) Xu Chu swung his large sword and stepped forward to engage in battle. 本來 兩個 有 得 打 嘅 , 點知許 褚 因為 飲酒 飲得 多 , 醉眼 昏花 手腳 無力 , 唔 夠 浭 嘞 。 originally|the two of them|had|able to|fight|particle indicating past action||Zhu|because|drinking|drinking|too much|drunken eyes|blurry|limbs|weak|||strength|past action particle Originally, the two were able to fight, but unexpectedly, Xu Chu was very drunk from drinking too much, his eyes were blurry, his hands and feet were weak, and he couldn't keep up. 打 咗 冇 幾個 回合 唧 , 畀 張飛 一矛 刺中 個膊頭 成個 舂 咗 落馬 。 hit|past tense marker|not|a few|rounds|jab|by|Zhang Fei|one spear|pierced||completely|fell|past tense marker|off the horse After fighting for only a few rounds, he was stabbed in the shoulder by Zhang Fei's spear and fell off his horse. 啲 兵士 連忙 救起 佢 啊 退後 就 走 啦 。 the|soldiers|hurriedly|rescued|him|ah|retreated|then|ran|particle indicating completed action The soldiers quickly helped him up and retreated. 張飛 又 唔 追 佢 啊 , 只 係 搶 晒 啲 糧車 返扯 。 Zhang Fei|again|not|chase|him|ah|||rob|all|measure word for plural|grain carts|return Zhang Fei did not pursue them, he just looted all the supply carts. 噉 啲 人 保護 住許 褚返 去 見 曹操 。 then|plural marker|people|protect|||to|see|Cao Cao So, the people protected Xu Chu and took him back to see Cao Cao. 曹操 吩咐 隨軍 醫生 , 好好 同許 褚 醫治 。 Cao Cao|instructed|accompanying the army|doctor|properly||Zhu|treat Cao Cao instructed the army doctor to take good care of Xu and Zhu. 跟 住 呢 , 就 親自 帶兵 去 同 劉備 決戰 。 ||question particle|then|personally|lead troops|go|with|Liu Bei|decisive battle Then, he personally led the troops to battle Liu Bei. 劉備 率領 軍隊 咪 出 嚟 迎戰 咯 。 Liu Bei|leads|army|just|go out|come|to battle|particle indicating completed action Liu Bei led his army out to meet the battle. 雙方 擺好 陣勢 。 both sides|set up|formation Both sides arranged their formations. 劉備 叫 劉封 出馬 , 曹操 一見 就 鬧 嘞 : Liu Bei|called|Liu Feng|to go into battle|Cao Cao|at first sight|immediately|scolded|past tense marker Liu Bei called Liu Feng to charge, and as soon as Cao Cao saw him, he scolded: 劉備 你 個 賣 鞋 佬 ! 周時 都 使 你 個養 仔出 嚟 打 嘅 。 Liu Bei|you|(possessive particle)|sell|shoes|man|all the time|also|need|you|||come|fight|(past tense particle) Liu Bei, you shoe seller! You always use your adopted son to fight. 哼 ! 我 如果 叫 黃鬚 仔 嚟 呀 , 斬到 你 個養 仔變 肉醬 都 得 啊 ! hum|I|if|call|||come|particle|chop until|you|||meat sauce|all|okay|particle Hmph! If I call Huang Xiuzi over, I could chop your adopted son into meat sauce! 吹到 劉封脹 啊 , 挺槍 驟馬 直取 曹操 。 blowing to|Liu Feng|ah|holding a spear|galloping horse|directly attacking|Cao Cao Boasting that Liu Feng is strong, charging with a spear and horse straight at Cao Cao. 曹操 叫 徐晃 迎敵 , 打得 兩 打 , 劉封 詐敗 走 嘞 , 曹操 揮兵 追殺 過去 。 Cao Cao|ordered|Xu Huang|to face the enemy|fought|two|rounds|Liu Feng|feigned retreat|ran away|past tense marker||led his troops|pursued and killed|past Cao Cao ordered Xu Huang to meet the enemy, and after two rounds of fighting, Liu Feng pretended to retreat, and Cao Cao led his troops to chase after. 點知 蜀 兵營 寨裏 便 , 轟轟 噉 啊 響起 炮 嚟 , 鼓角齊鳴 啊 咦 怕 有 伏兵 噃 曹操 就 急急 命令 退兵 。 unexpectedly|Shu|barracks|in the village|then|with a loud noise|like that|ah|sounded|cannon|coming|drums and horns sounded together|ah|oh|afraid|there are|ambush troops|particle indicating realization|Cao Cao|then|hurriedly|ordered|retreat Little did they know, in the Shu army camp, cannons suddenly roared, and drums and horns sounded together. Cao Cao was afraid there were ambushes, so he quickly ordered a retreat. 本來 係 追緊 人 嘅 , 突然 間 又 話 要 退 喎 就 搞 到 亂 晒 坑 , 你 踩 我 時 就 我 踩 你 , 就 係 噉 樣自相 踐踏 就 死 咗 唔 少人 。 originally|was|chasing|person|possessive particle|suddenly|time|again|said|to|retreat|particle indicating realization|then|||chaos|completely|pit|you|step on|I|when|then|I|step on|you|then|was|like this||trampling|then|die|past tense marker|not| Originally, we were chasing someone, but suddenly they said they wanted to retreat, causing a complete mess. When you step on me, I step on you, and this mutual trampling has led to the deaths of many. 曹操 佢 哋 跑 返 去 陽平關 , 啱 啱 先 至 唞 過啖 氣唧 , 蜀兵 已經 追 到 城下 喇 。 Cao Cao|he|plural marker|run|back|to|Yangping Pass|||||rest|a breath|sigh|Shu soldiers|already|chase|arrive|under the city|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao and his men ran back to Yangping Pass, just after catching their breath, the Shu soldiers had already chased them to the foot of the city. 嘩好 厲害 啊 ! 東門 放火 , 西門 吶喊 , 南門 放火 北門 擂鼓 。 wow|amazing|particle|East Gate|set fire|West Gate|shouting|South Gate|set fire|North Gate|beating drums Wow, that's impressive! The east gate is on fire, the west gate is shouting, the south gate is on fire, and the north gate is beating drums. 慌到 曹操 鼻哥窿 都 冇 肉 喇 呢 勻 , 噉 啊 放棄 陽平關 撤退 啦 。 panicked|Cao Cao|nose|all|have not|meat|already|this|even|then|ah|give up|Yangping Pass|retreat|particle indicating action completion Cao Cao was so panicked that there was no flesh left on his nose, so he decided to abandon Yangping Pass and retreat. 蜀兵 又 唔 放過 佢 喺 後 便 死 追 。 Shu soldiers|again|not|let go|him|at|rear|then|die|chase The Shu soldiers did not let up and continued to chase them relentlessly from behind. 曹操 正在 一路 逃走 , 就 畀 張飛 喺 前 便 帶 住 一支 人馬 截住 , 誒 死 喇 死 喇 ! Cao Cao|is|all the way|fleeing|then|by|Zhang Fei|at|front|just|||a unit of|cavalry|intercepting|ah|die|particle indicating completed action|| Cao Cao was fleeing when he was intercepted by Zhang Fei, who was leading a group of soldiers ahead, saying, 'Oh no, it's over!' 趙雲 又 帶兵 喺 背後 殺 嚟 噃; 噉 仲 唔 止 , 黃忠 又 帶兵 喺 褒 州 方面 殺到 添 。 Zhao Yun|again|led troops|at|from behind|kill|come||then|still|not|stop|Huang Zhong|again|led troops|at|Bao|Prefecture|direction|killed|additional particle Zhao Yun was also bringing troops from behind to attack; and that's not all, Huang Zhong was leading troops from the direction of Baozhou as well. 噉 呢 幾個 正一 係 對頭 剋星 嚟 嘅 打 到 曹操 大敗 。 like this|this|few|Zhengyi|is|rival|nemesis|come|possessive particle|defeat|to|Cao Cao|great defeat These few were indeed the nemeses of Cao Cao, causing him a great defeat. 嗰 班 將官 啊 唔 要命 噉 保住 曹操 奪路 而 走 。 that|group|military officer|ah|not|life-threatening|like this|protect|Cao Cao|block the way|and|escape The generals were risking their lives to protect Cao Cao and help him escape. 啱 啱 逃跑 到 斜谷 界口 , 只見 前面 沙塵 滾滾 , 有 一彪 人馬 嚟 緊 嘞 。 ||ran away|to|Xiegu|border|only saw|ahead|dust|rolling|there are|a group of|horsemen|coming|in the process of|past tense particle Just as they fled to the border of Xiegugu, they saw a cloud of dust ahead, indicating that a group of soldiers was approaching. 曹操 一見 就 話 喇 : 哎呀 ! 呢 支 如果 係 伏兵 噉 我 就 冇 命 喇 ! Cao Cao|upon seeing|immediately|said|particle indicating completed action|oh no|this|arrow|if|is|ambush|then|I|then|have no|life|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao immediately said: "Oh no! If this is an ambush, I'm done for!" 哦 冇 事 冇 事 , 等到 呢 支 人馬 行近 嚟 一 睇 , 原來 係 曹操 第二 仔 曹彰 帶兵 嚟 到 嘞 。 oh|not|matter|not|matter|wait until|this|measure word for vehicles|cavalry|approach|here|one|look|originally|is|Cao Cao|second|son|Cao Zhang||come|arrive|past tense particle Oh, it's fine, it's fine. When this group of troops got closer, it turned out to be Cao Cao's second son, Cao Zhang, leading the troops. 呢 個 曹彰 啊 細 個 嗰 陣 呢 , 騎馬 射箭 已經 好 叻 㗎 喇 。 this|measure word|Cao Zhang|particle|small|measure word|that|time|this|horse riding|archery|already|very|skilled|particle|particle This Cao Zhang, when he was young, was already very skilled at horseback riding and archery. 佢 又 大力 噃, 空手 同 猛獸 格鬥 都 敢 嘅 你 話 呢 。 He|again|strong|particle|unarmed|with|beast|fight|also|dare|particle|you|say|question particle He was also very strong, and he dared to fight wild beasts barehanded, can you believe that? 曹操 有次 教訓 佢 話 : 你 淨 係 鐘意 騎馬 射箭 學武 藝 , 又 唔 想 讀書 , 呢 啲 不過 係 匹夫之勇 唧 , 有 乜大用 呢 ? Cao Cao|once|taught|him|said|you|only|are|like|riding horses|archery|martial arts|skills|also|not|want|studying|this|||||||| Once, Cao Cao scolded him, saying: "You only like horseback riding and archery, learning martial arts, but you don't want to study. This is just the bravery of a common man, what use is it?" 曹彰 就 話 喇 : 阿爹 , 男人 大丈夫 , 就 應該 學 名將 衛青 、 霍去病 嘅 樣子 啊 , 立功 於 邊疆 , 長驅 數十萬 人馬 , 縱橫天下 吖 嘛 , 點解 要 做 個 文縐縐 嘅 博士 呢 ? Cao Zhang|then|said|particle indicating completed action|father|man|great man|then|should|learn|famous general|Wei Qing|Huo Qubing|possessive particle|appearance|ah|achieve merit|in|frontier|drive deep|hundreds of thousands|troops||particle indicating affirmation|particle indicating obviousness|why|want to|be|particle for counting|scholarly|possessive particle|PhD| Cao Zhang said: "Father, a man should learn from the great generals Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, achieving merit on the frontier, leading hundreds of thousands of troops, and dominating the world. Why should I become a scholarly doctor instead?" 有 一次 , 曹操 曾經 問 過 佢 嗰 幾個 仔 啊 有 咩 志向 。 there is|one time|Cao Cao|once|||he|those|several|sons|particle|have|what|aspirations Once, Cao Cao asked his sons about their ambitions. 問到 曹彰 , 曹彰 就 話 要 做 個 大將 噉 。 when asked about|Cao Zhang||then|said|wants|to be|a|general|like that When asked about Cao Zhang, he said he wanted to be a great general. 曹操 問 佢 一個 大將 要點 做 至 啱 㗎 噉 。 Cao Cao|asked|him|a|general|how to|do|until|right|particle|like that Cao Cao asked him what it takes to be a great general. 曹彰 話 喇 : 身為 大將 就要 披甲 拿槍 , 打起 仗 嚟 唔 怕死 , 身先士卒 , 該賞 就賞 , 該罰 就 罰 , 賞罰分明 。 Cao Zhang|said|particle indicating completion|as|general|must|wear armor|carry a spear|when fighting|battle|particle indicating action|not|fear death|lead by example||||then|punish|rewards and punishments are clear Cao Zhang replied: "As a general, one must wear armor and wield a spear, fearlessly fight in battle, lead by example, reward those who deserve it, and punish those who deserve it, with clear rewards and punishments." 哈哈 曹操 聽 咗 都 好 歡喜 , 唔 錯 吖 , 不禁 哈哈大笑 起 嚟 。 haha|Cao Cao|heard|past tense marker|all|very|happy|not|wrong|sentence-final particle|can't help but|laugh out loud|rise|up Haha, Cao Cao was very happy to hear that, indeed, he couldn't help but burst into laughter. 建安 二十三年 , 代 郡 嘅 烏桓 啊 , 代郡 即 係 而家 河北 、 山西 一帶 。 Jian'an|23rd year|Dai|Commandery|possessive particle|Wuhuan|ah|Dai Commandery|is|is|now|Hebei|Shanxi|area In the 23rd year of Jian'an, the Wuhuan of Dai County, which is now the Hebei and Shanxi regions. 烏桓 係 古代 嘅 少數民族 喇 , 就 係 以 遊牧 為生 㗎 喇 。 Wuhuan|is|ancient|possessive particle|minority ethnic group|sentence-final particle|just|is|by|nomadic|living|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle The Wuhuan were an ancient ethnic minority, living by nomadism. 噉 嗰 時 烏桓 作反 , 曹操 派 曹彰 帶 五萬 兵去 鎮壓 。 then|that|time|Wuhuan|rebelled|Cao Cao|sent|Cao Zhang|lead|fifty thousand||suppress At that time, the Wuhuan rebelled, and Cao Cao sent Cao Zhang with 50,000 troops to suppress them. 臨行 嘅 時候 曹操 好 嚴肅 噉 對 佢 話 : before leaving|possessive particle|time|Cao Cao|very|serious|like that|to|him|said Before leaving, Cao Cao seriously told him: 我同 你 居家 為 父子 受事 為 君臣 。 |you|live together|as|father and son|subject|as|ruler and subject I, as your father, and you, as my son, serve as ruler and subject. 你 而家 身為 主帥 噉 我 同 你 只 能夠 講法 紀唔 能講 人情 , 你 一定 要 記實 ! you|now|as|commander|so|I|with|you|only|can|talk about the rules|discipline||personal favors|you|definitely|must|remember Now that you are the commander, I can only speak in terms of laws and regulations, not personal feelings. You must remember this! 曹彰 好 爭氣 , 佢 去 到 代 郡 作戰 勇敢 衝鋒陷陣 一馬當先 , 一直 殺到 去 桑乾 , 噉 啊 整個 北方 嘅 叛亂 呢 都 畀 佢 平定 咗 。 Cao Zhang|very|ambitious|he|to|||||||||||Sanggan|then|ah|entire|northern|possessive particle|rebellion|this|all|by|him|suppressed|past tense marker Cao Zhang is very impressive; when he went to Dai County to fight, he bravely charged into battle, leading the way, and continued to fight all the way to Sanggan, thus quelling the entire northern rebellion. 而 家 佢 聽聞 曹操 喺 東川 陽平 打敗仗 啊 , 故此 趕 嚟 助戰 嘅 。 and|family|he|heard|Cao Cao|at|Dongchuan|Yangping|lost battle|ah|therefore|hurry|come|assist in battle|past tense marker Now he has heard that Cao Cao was defeated in Yangping, Dongchuan, so he rushed here to assist in the battle. 曹操 見到 曹彰 嚟 到 滿心歡喜 佢 話 : Cao Cao|saw|Cao Zhang|come|arrive|full of joy|he|said Cao Cao was overjoyed to see Cao Zhang arrive and said: 好 啊 ! 我 黃鬚 仔 嚟 喇 實破 劉備 喇 呢 勻 ! Alright! I, Huang Shuzai, am here to defeat Liu Bei! 就 勒兵 返 轉頭 喺 斜谷 界口 安營 。 then|the troops|return|turn around|at|Xiegu Valley|border|set up camp Let's have the soldiers return and set up camp at the Xiegu border. 劉備 知道 曹彰 嚟 咗 , 問 邊個 敢 去 同 佢 交戰 啦 。 Liu Bei|knew|Cao Zhang|come|past tense marker|asked|who|dared|go|with|him|fight|sentence-final particle Liu Bei knew that Cao Zhang had arrived and asked who dared to fight him. 劉封同 孟達 都 搶 住 話 要 去 。 |Meng Da|both|hurriedly|to|say|want|go Liu Feng and Meng Da both rushed to say they wanted to go. 劉備 啊 叫 佢 哋 各 帶 五千 兵 一齊 去 , 睇 下 邊個 打得贏 啦 噉 。 Liu Bei|ah|told|he|they|each|bring|five thousand|soldiers|together|go|see|who|which one|can win|particle|like this Liu Bei told them to each bring five thousand soldiers and go together to see who could win. 於是 劉封 在 前 就 孟達 在 後 , 出兵 去 迎戰 嘞 。 then|Liu Feng|at|front|just|Meng Da|at|back|send troops|to|engage in battle|past tense marker So, Liu Feng was in front and Meng Da was behind, leading the troops to engage in battle. 曹彰同 劉封鬥 啊 , 僅僅 打 咗 三個 回合 , 劉封 啊 輸到 貼 地 走 人 。 Cao Zhang|Liu Feng fight|ah|only|fought|past tense marker|three|rounds|Liu Feng|ah|lost until|||walk|away Cao Zhang fought with Liu Feng, and after just three rounds, Liu Feng was defeated and had to retreat. 孟達 即刻 帶兵 衝上去 , 正話 想 接手 同 曹彰 交鋒 啦 , 哈 , 只見 曹兵 突然 間 亂 晒 龍 噃。 Meng Da|immediately|lead the troops|charge forward|Zheng Hua|wanted|to take over|with|Cao Zhang|confrontation|particle|ha|only saw|Cao's troops|suddenly|in|chaos|all|Long|particle Meng Da immediately led his troops to charge forward, thinking of taking over the fight with Cao Zhang, but suddenly, the Cao soldiers were thrown into chaos. 原來 馬超 、 吳蘭 兩支 軍隊 殺到 嚟 。 it turns out|Ma Chao|Wu Lan|two|armies|arrived|here It turned out that Ma Chao and Wu Lan's two armies had arrived. 孟達 啊 揮兵 上前 夾攻 啦 。 Meng Da|ah|wielding troops|advancing|flanking attack|particle indicating completion or emphasis Meng Da then led his troops to launch a joint attack. 馬超 手下 啲 士兵 呀 , 好 耐 冇 打仗 㗎 喇而家 養精蓄銳 , 一 嚟 到 就 耀武揚威 勇 不可 當啊 。 Ma Chao|subordinates|plural marker|soldiers|sentence-final particle|very|long|not|fighting|sentence-final particle||recuperate and gather strength|once|come|arrive|then|show off their power|brave|not|underestimated Ma Chao's soldiers haven't fought for a long time, they are now resting and regaining their strength. Once they arrive, they will show off their might and be unstoppable. 噉 啊 三支 軍隊 混戰 一場 。 like this|ah|three|armies|melee|a battle So, the three armies are in a chaotic battle. 吳蘭 呢 , 就 畀 曹彰 一戟 刺死 。 Wu Lan|this|then|by|Cao Zhang|one spear|killed As for Wu Lan, he was stabbed to death by Cao Zhang with a spear. 但 係 曹兵 啊 終歸 唔 夠打 , 輸 咗 呢 場仗 。 ||Cao Bing|ah|ultimately|not||lost|past tense marker|this|battle However, Cao's troops ultimately weren't strong enough and lost this battle. 曹操 收兵 之後 啊 , 就 喺 斜谷 界口 閘住 。 Cao Cao|withdraw troops|after|ah|then|at|Xiegu|border|blocked After Cao Cao withdrew his troops, he stationed them at the boundary of Xiegu. 時間 過下 一日 又 一日 , 曹操 嘅 人馬 喺 斜谷 駐扎 咗 好 耐 嘞 , 想要 前進 又 畀 馬超 頂到實 ; time|pass|one day|again|one day|Cao Cao|possessive particle|troops|at|Xie Valley|stationed|past tense marker|very|long|sentence-final particle|want|advance|again|by|Ma Chao| Time passes day by day, and Cao Cao's troops have been stationed in Xiegu for a long time, wanting to advance but being held back by Ma Chao. 想話 收兵 返 許都 咩 , 又 怕 畀 對方 恥笑 噃, 唉 個 心 啊 真 係 煩死 嚟 咯 。 want to say|retreat|return|to the place of permission|question particle|again|afraid|be|opponent|ridiculed|particle indicating realization|sigh|the|heart|particle indicating exclamation|really|is|extremely troubled|come|particle indicating completion They want to retreat back to Xu, but are afraid of being ridiculed by the enemy. Sigh, my heart is really troubled. 呢 一日 , 廚師 送 雞湯 嚟 。 this|day|chef|delivered|chicken soup|here One day, the chef brought chicken soup. 曹操 見到 湯 裏頭 有件 雞肋 , 佢 有 啲 感觸 嘞 。 Cao Cao|saw|Tang|inside|there was a|chicken rib|he|had|a bit|feeling|past tense particle Cao Cao saw a chicken rib in the soup, and he felt a bit emotional. 正 喺 度 諗 緊 嘢 , 夏侯惇 入 嚟 請問 當晚 嘅 口令 。 right|at|place|||thing|Xiahou Dun|enter|here|may I ask|that night|possessive particle|password Just as he was thinking, Xiahou Dun came in to ask about the command for that evening. 曹操 隨口 話 : 雞肋 ! 雞肋 ! Cao Cao|casually|said|chicken rib|chicken rib Cao Cao casually said: "Chicken rib! Chicken rib!" 噉 夏侯惇 唔 係 傳令 落去 話 今晚 口令 就 係 雞肋 噉 啦 。 like this|Xiahou Dun|not|is|order|down|to say|tonight|password|just|is|chicken rib|like this|particle So, Xiahou Dun didn't send the order down saying that tonight's password is 'chicken rib'. 行軍 主簿 楊修 , 就 係 上面 講過 估到 黃絹幼 婦 , 外孫 齑 臼 嗰 個 楊 修 嘞 。 march|chief clerk|Yang Xiu|just|is|above|mentioned|estimated|Huang Juan's|wife|grandson|minced|mortar|that|classifier|Yang|Xiu|particle The army clerk Yang Xiu, is the one mentioned above, who guessed that the young woman in yellow silk, the granddaughter of the millstone, is that Yang Xiu. 見 傳令 落 嚟 話 雞肋 兩個 字唄 , 即刻 就 叫 人 同 佢 執 拾 行裝 準備 返扯 。 see|order|come|here|say|trivial matter|two|characters|immediately|then|call|people|with|him|pick up|collect|luggage|prepare|return Upon seeing the order come down saying the two words 'chicken rib', he immediately called someone to help him pack up and prepare to leave. 哈 , 楊修 噉 樣 一 嚟 呀 , 就 惹 落 殺身之禍 喇 。 Ha|Yang Xiu|like this|appearance|one|come|particle|then|provoke|fall into|disaster of death|particle Ha, with Yang Xiu acting like this, he has brought upon himself a fatal disaster.

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