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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 102
























































































































































































































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今日講下曹操呀,佢係喺洛陽吖。 Today let's talk about Cao Cao, he is in Luoyang.

自從葬咗關公之後啊,吖佢晚晚一合眼唧,就見到關公嘞喎。 Since the burial of Guan Gong, every night when he closes his eyes, he sees Guan Gong.

咦呀!曹操好驚啊,就問嗰啲大臣啦。 oh no|| Oh! Cao Cao is very scared, so he asks those ministers.

啲大臣話喇:係啊,洛陽行宮嗰啲舊嘅宮殿,係好多妖怪㗎,不如起間新殿嚟住好過啦。 |yes||| The ministers said: Yes, the old palaces in the Luoyang palace are full of monsters, it would be better to build a new palace to live in.

曹操話喇:係咯,我都想起一間殿,名都改好㗎喇,叫做建始殿,哈哈。 |that's right||||haha Cao Cao said: Yes, I also want to build a palace, the name is already changed, it's called the Jian Shi Palace, haha.

就係可惜冇好嘅工匠呢。 It's just a pity there aren't any good craftsmen.

賈詡話喇:大王,洛陽有一個極出色嘅工匠叫做蘇越啊。 |Your Majesty| Jia Xu said: My lord, there is an outstanding craftsman in Luoyang named Su Yue.

佢嘅諗法最為巧妙㗎喇,召佢嚟問下好唔好呢? His ideas are the most ingenious, shall we summon him to ask?

好吖。 okay Sure.

於是就召咗蘇越嚟。 So they summoned Su Yue.

曹操叫佢畫個圖樣出嚟睇下。 Cao Cao asked him to draw a design for him to take a look.

過咗無耐,蘇越就畫咗九間大殿,前後廊廡樓閣非常之富麗堂皇嘅,噉啊呈上畀曹操過目。 not long after||| After a while, Su Yue drew nine grand halls, with magnificent corridors and pavilions, and presented it to Cao Cao for review.

曹操睇咗就話喇:嗯,好!哈哈哈,你畫得好啱孤王嘅心水啊! |hmm|good|hahaha| Cao Cao looked at it and said: Hmm, good! Hahaha, you have drawn exactly what the lonely king desires!

誒就係怕缺乏棟樑之材噃。 Ah, it's just that I'm afraid of lacking the materials for the beams and columns.

啟稟大王,離開洛陽城三十里嗰度,有一個躍龍潭;前便有間祠堂,叫做躍龍祠。 I report to you great king|||| I report to the king, thirty miles away from Luoyang City, there is a place called the Jumping Dragon Pool; in front, there is a temple called the Jumping Dragon Temple.

祠堂旁邊有一棵大梨樹,成十幾丈高嘅,佢呀做得建始殿嘅正梁嘞。 Next to the ancestral hall, there is a large pear tree, over ten zhang high, which serves as the main beam for the Jian Shi Hall.

曹操好高興,立即派人去嗰度斬樹嘞噃。 Cao Cao was very happy and immediately sent people to chop down the tree.

點知過咗一日,啲人返嚟報告話嗰棵樹呀鋸唔開斬唔入㗎噉。 However, after a day, the people returned to report that the tree could not be sawed or chopped down.

噉曹操唔信啦,就親自帶住幾百人騎馬去睇過嘞喎。 Cao Cao did not believe it, so he personally led several hundred people on horseback to see it.

佢去到躍龍祠前便落咗馬,擔高頭睇下嗰棵梨樹嘩嗨真係婆娑啊! When he arrived at the front of the Yue Long Shrine, he dismounted and looked up at the pear tree, which was indeed magnificent!

樖樹高到呀樹頂都勾得住啲雲咁淒涼嘅,而且又筆咁直,啲多彎曲都冇嘅。 The tree is so tall that it can reach the clouds at the top, looking so desolate, and it is also straight, without any bends.

曹操欣賞咗一陣,就叫啲人斬樹。 Cao Cao admired it for a while and then ordered his men to chop down the tree.

鄉下有幾個父老就出嚟勸諫曹操話喇大王啊大王,呢樖樹,誒已經幾百年㗎喇,時常都有神仙住喺上面嚟嘅,誒怕唔好斬啊大王。 A few elders from the village came out to advise Cao Cao, saying, "Oh, great king, this tree has been here for hundreds of years, and there are often immortals living on it. We are afraid it would be bad to chop it down, great king."

呸!孤王平日縱橫天下四十多年,到過無數地方,上至天子下至平民,冇個唔怕孤王嘅。 phew|||| Pah! I, the king, have roamed the world for over forty years, visiting countless places, from emperors to commoners, and there is no one who does not fear me.

係個乜嘢妖神咁大膽,竟然敢違抗孤王啊! What kind of demon or god is so bold as to dare defy me!

講完,曹操拔出佩劍親自斬樖樹。 after speaking| After speaking, Cao Cao drew his sword and personally chopped down the tree.

一斬落去,撐噉一聲,啪!擠到曹操成身都係血。 one chop down|with a sound of impact|bang| With one chop, there was a loud sound, bang! Blood splattered all over Cao Cao.

嚇到曹操當堂窒晒,掉低把劍上馬走人咯。 Cao Cao was so scared that he froze on the spot, dropped his sword, and rode away.

當晚,曹操喺王宮瞓覺,到咗二更,佢碌嚟碌去仲係瞓唔着,就喺大殿嗰處行行企企。 that night|||| That night, Cao Cao was sleeping in the palace, but by the second watch, he was tossing and turning and still couldn't sleep, so he walked around the main hall.

攰喇,就憑住張枱仔瞌着咗。 tired| Feeling tired, he leaned against a small table and dozed off.

忽然見到有個人披頭散髮,着住件黑衫,手上揸住把劍就一直行到面前,指住曹操喝佢話: Suddenly, I saw a person with disheveled hair, wearing a black shirt, holding a sword, walking straight towards me, pointing at Cao Cao and shouting at him:

我係梨樹神啊!你要起建始殿,個心係想謀朝篡位,竟然走嚟斬我嘅神木! I am the Pear Tree God|You want to build the Jianxi Temple|Your intention is to usurp the throne|Yet you come to cut down my sacred tree I am the God of the Pear Tree! You want to build the Jian Shi Hall, your heart is set on usurping the throne, and you dare to come and chop down my sacred tree!

你嘅天數已盡,我特意嚟殺你! Your time is up, I specifically came to kill you!

衛兵快啲嚟!救命啊,救命啊! Guards, come quickly! Help, help!

着黑衫嗰個人攞把劍嚟斬曹操。 The person in the black shirt swung the sword at Cao Cao.

曹操啊大聲咁嗌,一下就扎醒咗,嘿覺得個頭殼痛到不堪。 Cao Cao shouted loudly, suddenly waking up, and felt his head was hurting unbearably.

急急傳令到處咁搵啲好醫生嚟睇病啦,點知醫咗好耐時間醫極都唔見好。 He urgently sent orders to find good doctors everywhere to treat his illness, but after a long time, there was still no improvement.

嗰班大臣就好憂心。 The ministers were very worried.

呢一日,華歆嚟到稟奏話: this day| One day, Hua Xin came to report and said:

大王,你有冇聽講過神醫華佗啊? Your Majesty| My lord, have you heard of the divine doctor Hua Tuo?

哦,哎呀,誒,嗯,誒就係,江東醫周泰嗰個係嘛?嗯。 oh|oops|eh|mm|that's right||mm Oh, um, uh, is that Jiangdong's doctor Zhou Tai? Hmm.

冇錯喇。 That's right.

名誒聽過個名嘅,佢嘅醫術點啊唔清楚喇。 I have heard of that name| I've heard the name, but I'm not sure about his medical skills.

大王啊,華佗字元化,係沛國譙郡人。 oh great king|| The great king, Hua Tuo, whose courtesy name is Yuanhua, is from Pei State, Qiao County.

佢醫術嘅神妙法呀,真係世間少有㗎! His medical skills are truly rare in the world!

於是華歆就將華佗嘅醫術介紹畀曹操聽。 So Hua Xin introduced Hua Tuo's medical skills to Cao Cao.

原來華佗醫病啊確係叻嘅,佢醫病呢,或者係用藥,或者用針,或者用灸,嗨真係手到病除嘅噃。 It turns out that Hua Tuo is indeed skilled in treating illnesses; he treats patients either with medicine, acupuncture, or moxibustion, and he really can cure diseases with his hands.

呢,如果得嘅病呢,係喺五臟六腑裏便嚟嘅,食藥冇效㗎喇。 this||| Now, if the illness originates from the internal organs, taking medicine is ineffective.

華佗就畀劑麻沸湯個病人飲咗,噉個病人就好似飲醉酒醉到不省人事噉個咯喎,然後呢,就用把尖刀,切開病人嘅腹部,用啲藥湯嚟到洗乾淨病人嘅肺腑,個病人一啲都唔覺痛㗎。 Hua Tuo would give the patient a dose of麻沸湯 (a type of anesthetic), and the patient would feel as if they were drunk and unconscious, then he would use a sharp knife to cut open the patient's abdomen and use medicinal soup to clean the patient's internal organs, and the patient wouldn't feel any pain at all.

洗完,噉就用啲藥線聯好個傷口,用啲藥敷住佢。 after washing|| After cleaning, he would stitch up the wound with medicinal thread and apply medicine to it.

噉啊一個月唔定,二十日唔定,哈噉就好返㗎喇,真係神妙到噉嘅。 So, it's not fixed for a month, not fixed for twenty days, but it gets better like this, really miraculous.

有一日,華佗就喺路行緊啊,聽見有個人哎哎聲喺度呻吟。 one day|| One day, Hua Tuo was walking on the road and heard someone groaning.

華佗埋去望下佢就話喇:佢呢個病呀係飲食唔落啊。 Hua Tuo went over to take a look and said: This person's illness is due to not eating.

問下嗰個人嗨果然係。 He asked the person and it turned out to be true.

華佗就叫人攞啲蒜頭嚟舂汁,舂咗三升蒜頭汁畀嗰個人飲。 Hua Tuo then asked someone to bring some garlic to crush, and crushed three liters of garlic juice for that person to drink.

飲咗落去,嘩,你哋估點吖嗱?嘔咗條蛇出嚟,成二尺幾三尺長嘅,呢,即刻就飲食如常喇。 drank it down|wow||||this| After drinking it, wow, can you guess what happened? A snake came out, about two to three feet long, and then I immediately resumed eating and drinking.

仲有,廣陵太守陳登啊,佢係覺得個心好煩悶,面紅,唔能夠飲食,噉去搵華佗醫嘞。 also||||| Also, the governor of Guangling, Chen Deng, felt very troubled, his face was red, and he couldn't eat or drink, so he went to find Hua Tuo for treatment.

華佗畀啲藥佢飲,嘔嘔聲嘔咗足足有成三升咁多蟲出嚟,啲蟲呢,個頭都係紅色嘅噉貢下貢下。 Hua Tuo gave him some medicine to drink, and he vomited a total of about three liters of worms, and the heads of the worms were all red.

陳登就問華佗點解會有噉嘅病呢噉? Chen Deng asked Hua Tuo why he had such an illness?

華佗講佢聽嘞:你誒皆因食得魚腥多,故此有噉嘅毒。 Hua Tuo replied to him: It's all because you ate too much fish and seafood, that's why you have such poison.

今日呢雖然醫好咗,但係三年過後啊,又會復發嘅,到時就冇得救㗎喇。 Although it has been cured today, after three years, it will relapse, and by then there will be no cure.

收尾,陳登果然過咗三年就病死嘞。 wrap up| In the end, Chen Deng indeed died of illness after three years.

嗱又有個人噃,佢喺眼眉中間嗰度呢生咗個瘤,就痕到不得了,噉請華佗睇下啦。 Now there is another person, who has a tumor in the middle of his eyebrows, and it itches terribly, so he asked Hua Tuo to take a look.

華佗一睇就講:裏頭有嘢識飛㗎。 Hua Tuo took a look and said: There is something inside that knows how to fly.

嘿嘿啲人都笑啦,唔信喎。 |don't believe it Hehe, everyone laughed and didn't believe it.

華佗用把刀切開個瘤,嘩,有隻黃雀咘噉飛咗出嚟,嘿,病人即刻就好返。 |wow||hey| Hua Tuo used a knife to cut open the tumor, and wow, a yellow bird flew out, hey, the patient immediately got better.

有一次,有個人畀隻狗咬親腳趾,冇幾耐之後呢就生咗兩嚿肉出嚟,一嚿肉就痕一嚿肉就痛嘅,都係痛到呀痕到忍唔住咁交關㗎喇。 one time|||| Once, a person got bitten on the toe by a dog, and not long after, two lumps of flesh grew out, one lump itched and the other lump hurt, both were so painful that he couldn't help but scratch.

華佗睇咗就話喇:痛嗰嚿肉裏便,有十眼針,痕嗰嚿肉裏便有黑白棋子兩粒。 Hua Tuo looked at it and said: the painful lump has ten needles in it, and the itchy lump has two black and white pieces.

噉又係冇人信嘅。 then again no one believes it But no one believed it.

華佗用刀切開,果然一啲都冇錯,哈! ||ha Hua Tuo cut it open, and indeed, there was not a single mistake, ha!

華歆就將華佗嘅神妙醫術介紹完,佢就話喇: Hua Xian finished introducing the miraculous medical skills of Hua Tuo, and then he said:

佢而家喺金城住,離開呢度唔遠嘅,大王不如召佢嚟睇下病都好吖。 He is currently living in Jincheng, not far from here. Your Majesty, why not summon him to take a look at your illness?

曹操即刻派人漏夜請咗華佗嚟,叫佢診脈睇病。 Cao Cao immediately sent someone to invite Hua Tuo overnight, asking him to diagnose the illness.

華佗把完脈,望咗下就話: After Hua Tuo took the pulse and looked at him, he said:

大王個頭腦覺得痛呢,皆因頭風而起啊。 Your Majesty's headache is due to wind in the head.

病根喺個腦袋裏頭,風涎如果唔出得嚟,食硬多嘅湯藥都係冇用嘅,醫唔好嘅。 The root of the illness is in the brain; if the wind phlegm cannot be expelled, taking a lot of hard herbal medicine is useless and won't cure it.

我有一個辦法:先飲麻沸湯,然後用把斧頭斬開個腦袋,將啲風涎攞出嚟,噉就除咗病根喇。 I have a method: first drink a麻沸湯 (a type of herbal soup), then use an axe to chop open the head to remove the wind phlegm, and that will eliminate the root of the illness.

吓?哈哈,你想殺死孤王係嘛! huh|haha| Huh? Haha, you want to kill the lonely king, right!

大王,你有冇聽講過啊?關公中咗毒箭傷咗右臂,我同佢刮骨療毒,關公一啲都唔怕,當作冇事噉啊。 Your Majesty||||| Your Majesty, have you heard? Guan Gong was hit by a poisoned arrow and injured his right arm. I helped him scrape the bone to detoxify, and Guan Gong wasn't afraid at all, treating it as if nothing happened.

而家大王不過係啲小意思嘅病啫,唔使咁怕嘅。 Right now, Your Majesty is just dealing with a minor illness, there's no need to be so afraid.

手臂痛可以刮,腦袋唔通可以斬開嘅咩! Arm pain can be scraped, and if the head is blocked, can it be cut open?

哼!你必定係同關公感情好,想趁呢個機會嚟報仇嘅! hum|| Hmph! You must have a good relationship with Guan Gong and want to take this opportunity for revenge!

曹操發起惡,叫衛士捉咗華佗韞咗入監,嚴刑拷打審問佢。 Cao Cao initiated evil, ordering the guards to capture Hua Tuo and throw him into prison, torturing him severely for interrogation.

賈詡就勸佢話喇:大王唔好咁嬲,好似華佗噉嘅好醫生世間少有㗎,唔好殺佢啊。 Jia Xu advised him, saying: 'Your Majesty, don't be so angry, good doctors like Hua Tuo are rare in the world, don't kill him!'

哼哼,此人想乘機害我,同吉平一模一樣啊,哎! humph|||sigh Hmph, this person wants to take the opportunity to harm me, just like Ji Ping, sigh!

曹操唔理咁多,一於命令要追出口供。 Cao Cao didn't care about that much and ordered to pursue the confession.

華佗韞嗰個監獄裏頭呢有個獄卒,係姓吳嘅,人人都稱呼佢做吳押獄。 In the prison where Hua Tuo was held, there was a guard with the surname Wu, whom everyone called Guard Wu.

佢呢個人好好心,日日都攞啲酒肉嚟請華佗食,好照顧佢。 This person was very kind, bringing wine and meat every day to treat Hua Tuo and taking good care of him.

華佗為咗感謝吳押獄對佢嘅關心呀,有一日,就同佢話喇: To thank Guard Wu for his concern, one day Hua Tuo said to him:

我就嚟要死㗎喇,可惜我有一卷青囊書唔能夠喺世上傳落去唧。 I am about to die, but unfortunately I have a scroll of the Qing Nang book that cannot be passed on in this world.

你待我咁好,我冇咩嘢好報答你咯。 You treat me so well, I have nothing to repay you.

等我寫一封信,你啊派人送去我屋企,攞咗呢卷青囊書嚟,我送咗畀你,等你嚟繼承我嘅醫術啦。 Let me write a letter, you send someone to my home to get this volume of the Qing Nang book, I will give it to you, so you can inherit my medical skills.

哎呀先生啊,我如果得到呢一卷書,我就唔當呢份差,以後,要醫治天下嘅病人,嚟傳播先生你嘅功德啊。 |||in the future|| Oh, sir, if I get this book, I won't consider this a job anymore, in the future, I will treat patients all over the world to spread your virtues.

華佗就寫咗封信交畀吳押獄。 Hua Tuo wrote a letter and handed it to Wu Yayu.

吳押獄𠻘𠻘聲去到金城,問華佗個老婆攞咗青囊書,返到嚟監獄,就將本書交畀華佗睇過。 Wu Yayu hurriedly went to Jin Cheng, asked Hua Tuo's wife for the Qing Nang book, and returned to the prison to hand the book over to Hua Tuo to read.

華佗跟住將呢卷書送畀吳押獄。 Hua Tuo then sent this book to Wu Yayu.

吳押獄攞咗就返屋企收埋唔講畀人知。 Wu Yayu took it home and hid it without telling anyone.

過咗十日之後,華佗喺監獄死咗。 After ten days, Hua Tuo died in prison.

噉吳押獄自己出錢買副棺材葬咗佢,真係辭咗份獄卒唔做就返屋企。 So Wu Yayu spent his own money to buy a coffin to bury him, really resigning from his position as a jailer and going home.

一返到去,就想攞本青囊書嚟睇下學嘞喎。 as soon as I return| Once he got home, he wanted to take out the book 'Qing Nang Shu' to see what he could learn.

哎弊傢伙喇弊傢伙喇!只見佢老婆正喺度燒緊嗰部書啊,急到吳押獄呀三步夾埋兩步撲過去想搶救啦,已經嚟唔切喇。 oh no that guy again||| Oh, what a disaster! I saw his wife burning that book, and he rushed over in a panic, trying to save it, but it was already too late.

全卷書都燒晒變咗灰喇,只係剩得一兩頁。 The whole book was burned to ashes, leaving only a page or two.

吳押獄就發火鬧個老婆啦,撞鬼咩你真係! He got angry and scolded his wife, saying, "What were you thinking?!"

之佢老婆話:就算你學得華佗一樣咁神妙啊又點唧,又唔係落得死喺間監獄嚟,要啲噉嘢有乜用吖! His wife replied, "Even if you learned to be as miraculous as Hua Tuo, what good would it do if you still end up dead in prison?"

哎真係嬲都冇法子啦。 Oh, really, there's no way to be angry anymore.

因此呢,華佗嘅青囊書啊,就冇流傳到後世。 therefore|| Therefore, Hua Tuo's 'Qing Nang Shu' did not pass down to later generations.

噉啊而家傳落嚟嘅只係剩返咩閹雞閹豬啊噉啲多小手術,呢就係燒剩嗰一兩頁上面寫住㗎喇。 What has been passed down now are just a few minor surgeries like castrating chickens and pigs, which are written on the one or two pages that remain.

呢,有詩為證啊: this| There is a poem as evidence:

華佗仙術比長桑,神識如窺垣一方。惆悵人亡書亦絕,後人無復見青囊! Hua Tuo's divine skills surpass Chang Sang, his spirit like peering over a wall. Sorrowful that the man has died and the book is lost, later generations will never see the 'Qing Nang'!

好喇,而家講返下曹操,佢自從殺咗華佗之後佢嘅病勢就越嚟越重。 alright|| Alright, now let's talk about Cao Cao. Ever since he killed Hua Tuo, his illness has been getting worse.

個心呢,又憂慮東吳、西蜀啲事咯喎。 my heart|| My heart is also worried about the matters of Eastern Wu and Western Shu.

就喺呢個時候,東吳孫權就派使者送咗封信嚟。 At this moment, Sun Quan of Eastern Wu sent a messenger with a letter.

曹操拆開封信睇下,大意就係噉講嘅: Cao Cao opened the letter to read, and the gist was as follows:

臣孫權喺好耐以嚟都知道天命係歸於王上,希望你早日登上皇帝位,出兵去剿滅劉備,掃平東西兩川。 I, Sun Quan, have long known that the mandate of heaven belongs to Your Majesty, and I hope you ascend to the throne soon and send troops to eliminate Liu Bei, clearing the two rivers of East and West.

到其時,臣立即率領部屬獻地投降噉。 at that time| At that time, I will immediately lead my subordinates to surrender and offer land.

曹操睇完信,哈哈聲笑起嚟,將封信畀佢嗰班大臣睇,佢話: |burst into laughter|| Cao Cao finished reading the letter and burst into laughter, showing the sealed letter to his ministers, saying:

孫權呢個小子呀,哈哈哈,想將我擺喺盆爐火上便噃!哈哈哈哈哈哈哎呀哈哈哈哈哈。 |hahaha|| "This kid Sun Quan, haha, wants to put me on the hot stove! Hahahahaha, oh my, hahahaha."

各位,曹操講嘅呢句說話啊,誒要稍為解釋多兩句。 everyone|| Everyone, Cao Cao's words here need a bit more explanation.

事關呢句說話係有相關意思嘅。 This is because this statement has a relevant meaning.

喺當時講迷信講陰陽五行嘅講法呢,漢朝係屬於火德。 At that time, the beliefs in superstition and the theory of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements stated that the Han Dynasty was associated with the virtue of fire.

噉喺爐火之上啊,就係取代漢朝自己做皇帝,呢個係一層意思。 so on the stove|| So on the stove, it means replacing the Han Dynasty and becoming the emperor myself, this is one layer of meaning.

另外呢,曹操喺名義上係擁戴漢王朝嘅,但係實際上係大權獨攬。 additionally|| Additionally, Cao Cao nominally supported the Han Dynasty, but in reality, he held all the power.

之如果一旦佢改變為由自己直接做皇帝啊,噉又有可能引起更多嘅反對,有一定嘅危險性。 If he were to change and become emperor directly, it could provoke more opposition and carry certain risks.

曹操理解到孫權表面上講嘅係奉承嘅說話,不過話裏便有骨,擁佢做皇帝等於擺佢喺火爐上便燒。 Cao Cao understood that Sun Quan's flattering words were superficial, but there was a deeper meaning; supporting him as emperor was like putting him on the stove to be burned.

噉啊當時有幾位大臣啊,就好似侍中陳群佢哋就稟奏話喇: At that time, several ministers, like the Chamberlain Chen Qun, reported saying:

漢室早就已經衰微,殿下功德巍巍,生靈仰望。 The Han dynasty has long been in decline, Your Highness's merits are magnificent, and the people look up to you.

而今孫權俯首稱臣,呢個係天人之應,異氣齊聲。 Now Sun Quan bows his head and submits, this is the response of heaven and man, a harmonious voice.

殿下應該應天順人早登大位啊。 Your Highness should ascend to a high position early, in accordance with heaven and the will of the people.

哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,哎多年嚟,我服侍漢室,雖然,對民眾係有功德嘅,但係地位到咗王爵,已經係極限喇,仲敢有其他嘅希望咩! |||although|||| Hahahahahahahahahaha, after many years, I have served the Han dynasty, although I have merits towards the people, but my status has reached the nobility, which is already the limit, what other hopes can I dare to have!

哎若果天命在我,我就係周文王咯!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。 ||laughter If heaven's mandate is with me, I would be King Wen of Zhou! Hahahahahahahahahaha.

司馬懿話:而家孫權既然稱臣歸附喇,王上可以對佢封官賜爵,叫佢去抗擊劉備啊。 Sima Yi said||| Sima Yi said: Now that Sun Quan has submitted and pledged allegiance, the king can grant him titles and positions, and send him to fight against Liu Bei.

曹操就同意司馬懿呢個建議,上表畀朝廷,封孫權做驃騎將軍、南昌侯,領荊州牧。 |||Marquis of Nanchang| Cao Cao agreed with Sima Yi's suggestion and submitted a report to the court, granting Sun Quan the title of General of the Cavalry and Marquis of Nanchang, and appointing him as the governor of Jingzhou.

並且,立即派遣使者帶齊封官嘅命令文書去東吳嘞。 and| Furthermore, he immediately dispatched envoys to deliver the official documents of the appointment to Eastern Wu.

過咗冇幾耐,曹操嘅病勢惡化。 Not long after, Cao Cao's illness worsened.

有一晚,佢發夢見到三隻馬同埋一條槽喺度食草料喎。 One night, he dreamed of three horses and a trough eating fodder.

噉天光之後呢,佢又搵賈詡嚟問佢: After dawn, he asked Jia Xu again.

孤王往日發過一個夢,見到三馬同槽。 The lonely king had a dream in the past, seeing three horses and a trough.

當時,以為係預兆馬騰父子作亂啦,誒而家馬騰已經死咗喇。 at that time|| At that time, he thought it was a sign that Ma Teng and his son would rebel, but now Ma Teng is already dead.

噉昨晚,又試發夢見到三馬同槽嘞,嗯,噉佢預兆乜嘢吉凶呢? ||hmm| Last night, he dreamed again of three horses and a trough, hmm, what does it signify this time?

賈詡就話:誒六馬係大吉大利嘅兆頭嚟啊,六馬歸於槽,嘿嘿嘿,誒王上唔使憂心嘅。 ||six horses return to the stable|hehehe| Jia Xu said: Ah, six horses is a very auspicious sign, six horses returning to the trough, hehehe, the king doesn't need to worry.

曹操噉啊一啲都唔憂嘞噃。 Cao Cao is not worried at all.

各位,一個人發咗個夢啊,總係要諗下究竟係一個咩嘢兆頭,啊,係凶吖定係吉呢噉,呢啲當然係迷信啦。 everyone|||ah|| Everyone, when a person has a dream, they always have to think about what it might signify, whether it is an omen of misfortune or good fortune, of course, this is superstitious.

曹操呢個三馬同槽呢個夢啊,實際上係小說作者為曹操掌握嘅政權日後發展成點呢,就埋下一個伏筆。 Cao Cao's dream of the three horses and the trough is actually a foreshadowing by the author of how the power he holds will develop in the future.

所以呢處仲有一首詩係噉樣講嘅: So there is also a poem that says this:

三馬同槽事可疑,不知已植晉根基。曹瞞空有奸雄略,豈識朝中司馬師? The matter of the three horses and the trough is suspicious, not knowing that it has already planted the foundation for Jin. Cao Man has the cunning of a hero, but how could he recognize Sima Shi in the court?

噉喺呢首詩裏便就提到一個晉國,又提到一個人司馬師。 So in this poem, it mentions a state of Jin and a person named Sima Shi.

噉究竟司馬師係何許人也呢? So who exactly is Sima Shi?

噉啊三國係魏蜀吳吖又何來一個晉國呢? So, the Three Kingdoms are Wei, Shu, and Wu, so where does the state of Jin come from?

誒各位唔使心急,啊,聽落去就知㗎喇。好,而家言歸正傳。 |ah||good| Hey everyone, no need to be anxious, just listen and you'll know. Alright, now back to the main story.

噉喺呢一晚啊,曹操喺寢室瞓覺。 So on this night, Cao Cao was sleeping in his chamber.

到咗三更時分,覺得瞓喺度好頭暈,噉索性起身,就伏喺張枱處瞌下。 At around midnight, feeling dizzy lying there, I simply got up and lay down on the table to take a nap.

忽然聽見大殿裏頭咧噉一聲,好響嘅。 Suddenly, I heard a loud noise coming from the main hall.

曹操吃咗一驚走過去睇下,哎呀!只見到伏皇后、董貴人、兩個皇子同埋伏完、董承等等二十幾個人,周身都係血,個樣呀都唔知幾肉酸嘅。 |oh no||Noble Consort Dong|||| Cao Cao was startled and rushed over to see, oh no! He saw Empress Fu, Consort Dong, two princes, and more than twenty others, including Fu Yuan and Dong Cheng, all covered in blood, looking extremely ghastly.

企喺愁雲之內,隱隱約約聽聞佢哋嗌,要攞返條命。 Standing amidst the gloomy clouds, I vaguely heard them shouting, wanting to take back their lives.

曹操急急拔出把劍向住空中斬過去。 Cao Cao quickly drew his sword and slashed at the air.

突然,轟噉一聲,大殿嘅西南角呀震冧咗一角,嚇到曹操啊啪噉跌咗落地。 suddenly||| Suddenly, with a loud bang, a corner of the southwest part of the main hall collapsed, startling Cao Cao who fell to the ground.

嗰啲近身侍臣就喇喇聲救返起曹操,就幫佢搬咗去第二間宮殿養病啦。 The close attendants hurriedly helped Cao Cao up and moved him to another palace to recuperate.

哈點知到咗第二晚,又聽見宮殿外便有啲男男女女,嗚,嗚噉成晚咁喊。 how did I know it was the second night||wailing| However, the next night, he heard some men and women outside the palace crying all night long.

吖係佢聽到咋噃人哋聽唔到嘅。 He could hear it, but others could not.

一直捱到天光,曹操召佢嗰班大臣入嚟對佢哋話: He endured until dawn, and then summoned his ministers to speak to them:

唉,孤王行軍打仗,三十幾年咯,嗰啲神神怪怪嘅事,我從來都唔信嘅。 sigh|||| Sigh, the lonely king has been fighting for over thirty years, and I have never believed in those strange and supernatural things.

啊,而家點解會噉嘅呢吓? ah| Ah, why is it like this now?

嗰班大臣就稟奏話喇:大王叫啲道士嚟開壇打醮,消下災就好㗎喇。 Those ministers reported that the king asked the Taoists to hold a ritual to dispel the disaster.

唉,聖人有話:獲罪於天,無所禱也。 sigh||| Sigh, the sage said: 'If you have sinned against heaven, there is no prayer that can help.'

唉!孤王嘅天命,已經盡咯,仲點有得救呢?唔好開壇打醮喇,冇用㗎。 sigh||||| Sigh! The lonely king's mandate from heaven is already exhausted, how can there be any salvation? Don't hold the ritual, it's useless.

又過咗一日,呢日認真唔妥喇,覺得啲氣呀唂住上頭部,雙眼睇唔見嘢,就急急召夏侯惇嚟商量後事。 another day has passed|||| Another day has passed, and today feels really wrong. I feel a pressure on my head, and my eyes can't see anything, so I urgently called for Xiahou Dun to discuss the aftermath.

當夏侯惇嚟到宮殿門口嘅時候啊,哎不得了不得了!連佢都見鬼喇!佢又見到伏皇后、董貴人、兩個皇子、伏完、董承等等,企喺啲陰雲之中。 ||||Noble Consort Dong||Fu Yuan|| When Xiahou Dun arrived at the palace gate, oh no, this is terrible! Even he saw ghosts! He saw Empress Fu, Consort Dong, the two princes, Fu Yuan, Dong Cheng, and others standing in the shadowy clouds.

嚇到夏侯惇面都青晒,啪聲就暈咗跌咗喺地嚟。 Xiahou Dun was so scared that his face turned pale, and with a bang, he fainted and fell to the ground.

啲侍從即刻扶佢起身出去,就冇去見曹操咯。 The attendants immediately helped him up and took him out, so he didn't meet Cao Cao.

從此之後呢,夏侯惇就病起上嚟。 after this| From then on, Xiahou Dun fell ill.

夏侯惇既然得咗病,唔嚟得嘞。 Since Xiahou Dun is ill, he cannot come.

曹操啊召曹洪、陳群、賈詡、司馬懿等等幾個親信大臣,嚟到佢床前便將後事叮囑佢哋。 |Chen Qun|Jia Xu|| Cao Cao summoned several trusted ministers, including Cao Hong, Chen Qun, Jia Xu, and Sima Yi, to his bedside to instruct them on future matters.

曹洪佢哋跪喺處叩頭話:請大王好好保重玉體,唔使幾耐,就會一下好返㗎嘞。 Cao Hong and the others knelt and bowed, saying: Please take good care of yourself, Your Majesty, it won't be long before you recover.

唉,誒我啲病,唔好得㗎喇。 sigh|| Alas, my illness is not getting better.

唉,孤王縱橫天下,三十多年,各路英雄,我都消滅晒佢哋喇。 sigh||over thirty years|| Alas, I, the lonely king, have roamed the world for over thirty years, and I have eliminated all the heroes.

只有江東孫權、西蜀劉備,未曾剿除。 Only Sun Quan of Jiangdong and Liu Bei of Shu have not been eliminated.

孤王今日,病情好危險喇,唔能夠再同各位賢兄相聚喇。 The lonely king today is in a very dangerous condition and can no longer gather with you, my esteemed brothers.

因此,叫你哋嚟,將啲家事託付畀你哋。 therefore|| Therefore, I called you here to entrust you with my family matters.

孤王嘅大仔,阿昂,係劉氏所生嘅,不幸早年喺宛城戰死。 |Ah Ong|| The lonely king's eldest son, A'ang, was born to the Liu family and unfortunately died in battle at Wancheng at a young age.

而家卞氏生咗呢四個仔:阿丕、阿彰、阿植、阿熊。 |Ah Pui|Ah Cheung|Ah Zhi|Ah Hung Now, the Bian family has given birth to these four sons: A'pi, A'zhang, A'zhi, and A'xiong.

孤王平生最痛愛嘅,係第三仔阿植,唉,但係佢為人虛華,唔夠誠實,又鍾意飲酒放縱,因此,我唔立佢做繼承人喇; ||sigh||||therefore| The one I love the most in my life is my third son, Ah Chik. Alas, he is vain, not honest enough, and likes to drink and indulge, so I will not make him my heir.

二仔阿彰呢,勇而無謀; My second son, Ah Cheung, is brave but lacks strategy.

四仔阿熊,唉,身體多病,都好難保咯; |sigh|| My fourth son, Ah Hung, alas, is often ill, so it's hard to rely on him.

唯有大仔阿丕,佢為人忠厚恭謹,可以繼承我嘅基業嘅。 Only my eldest son, Ah Pui, is honest and respectful, and he can inherit my legacy.

各位賢兄呀,你哋要輔助佢啊! Dear brothers, you must assist him!

囑咐完,曹洪佢哋流住眼淚接受咗命令就辭別出去。 after finishing the instructions| After giving his instructions, Cao Hong and the others accepted the order with tears in their eyes and bid farewell.

曹操叫個近身侍從,將佢平日所收藏嘅名香攞嚟,分開賜畀佢嗰班侍妾,並且囑咐佢哋話: Cao Cao called a close attendant and had him bring out the fine incense he usually kept, distributing it to his concubines, and instructed them saying:

我死咗以後,你哋要勤力啲做針線工夫,做多啲靚鞋,賣咗,就可以得啲錢嚟養自己啦。 |||sell them| After I die, you all need to work hard on your needlework, make more beautiful shoes, and sell them to earn some money to support yourselves.

曹操又吩咐佢嗰班侍妾,都去銅雀台裏便居住,叫佢哋每日拜祭嘅時候呢一定要用歌女嚟奏音樂。 Cao Cao also instructed his concubines to live in the Tongque Terrace, and told them that during their daily worship, they must use female musicians to play music.

最後,佢囑咐啲人啊喺彰德府講武城外便,設立七十二個墳墓,佢話: finally||| Finally, he instructed the people to set up seventy-two graves outside the Zhangde Mansion in the Wucheng area, saying:

唔好畀啲後人,知道我葬喺邊處啊。 Don't let future generations know where I am buried.

因為,因為,怕人哋會掘我個墳啊。 because|| Because, because, I'm afraid people will dig up my grave.

唉,曹操囑咐完長歎一聲,淚如雨下。 sigh|| Alas, after Cao Cao gave his instructions, he sighed deeply and tears fell like rain.

一陣間,就斷氣死咗。 in a moment| In a moment, he passed away.

當時係建安二十五年,就係公元二二零年正月,噉曹操死嘅時候呢,係六十六歲。 At that time, it was the twenty-fifth year of Jian'an, which is January of the year 220 AD, and Cao Cao died at the age of sixty-six.

誒各位,喺呢幾回書裏便啊,又講咗好多鬼鬼神神啊,又陰魂索命啊,又報夢啊等等吖。 hey everyone|||| Hey everyone, in these few chapters, it talks a lot about ghosts and spirits, about souls seeking revenge, about dreams and so on.

噉呢啲呢,一方便係古人嘅思想上嘅局限啊,誒,迷信嘅居多。 things like this||interjection| Well, on one hand, this reflects the limitations of ancient people's thinking, mostly superstitions.

二來呢,我覺得亦係作者嘅一種藝術手段,佢以為用鬼神嘅描寫能夠更好噉嚟到刻畫人物。 secondly|| On the other hand, I think it's also an artistic technique used by the author, who believes that depicting ghosts and spirits can better portray characters.

有時呢亦係借鬼神啊,嚟到發洩下自己嘅一啲噉樣嘅,誒想法咯。 Sometimes, it also serves as a way for the author to express some of their own thoughts through ghosts and spirits.

噉,書裏便係噉樣寫,我呢處呢亦係噉樣講嘞。 like this|| So, that's how it's written in the book, and that's how I'm explaining it here.

就為咗保全原作嘅面貌呢,我呀不作刪改。 In order to preserve the original work's appearance, I will not make any alterations.

今日科學昌明啊,大家都受過好多教育嘅,噉啊大概總唔會相信咁多鬼神嘅係咪呢? Today, science is flourishing, and everyone has received a lot of education, so they probably won't believe in so many ghosts and gods, right?

哈哈哈,好喇噉啊交帶完幾句呢繼續講落去。 hahaha| Hahaha, alright, having finished a few words, let's continue.

噉啊曹操死咗之後啊,文武百官都為佢辦理喪事啦。 after Cao Cao died| After Cao Cao died, all the civil and military officials held a funeral for him.

同時派人分別去世子曹丕、鄢陵侯曹彰、臨淄侯曹植、蕭懷侯曹熊嗰度報喪。 At the same time, they sent people to inform his sons Cao Pi, Cao Zhang, Cao Zhi, and Cao Xiong of the death.

啲文武百官呀,用金、銀造嘅棺材斂好咗曹操,運返去鄴郡。 The civil and military officials used gold and silver to make a coffin for Cao Cao, and transported it back to Ye County.

曹丕得到父親逝世嘅消息,唉放聲痛哭。 Cao Pi received the news of his father's death and cried out loud.

噉啊當棺材運到嗰日啊,曹丕率領大小官員出城十里,跪喺路邊嚟迎接,噉啊將棺材運咗入城,停放喺偏殿裏頭。 On the day the coffin was transported, Cao Pi led officials of all ranks out of the city for ten miles, kneeling by the roadside to welcome it, and then the coffin was brought into the city and placed in the side hall.

所有嘅官員都掛孝,聚集喺大殿處痛哭呀表示哀悼。 All the officials wore mourning attire and gathered in the main hall to weep and express their condolences.

當時有個大臣,中庶子司馬孚,佢行出嚟話喇: At that time, a minister, the Central Gentleman Sima Fu, stepped forward and said:

請世子暫停悲哀,商量大事緊要啊。 Please, Crown Prince, pause your sorrow; we must discuss important matters.

今日魏王逝世,天下震動。 Today, King Wei has passed away, and the world is shaken.

應當盡早請世子繼承王位,使萬眾安心,淨係痛哭又點得呢? We should promptly ask the Crown Prince to inherit the throne to reassure the people; what good is it to just weep?

嗰班大臣就話喇:世子誒當然應當繼承王位啦,但係仲未曾得到皇帝嘅聖旨喎,又點能夠隨隨便便噉做㗎。 The ministers said: Of course, the Crown Prince should inherit the throne, but he has not yet received the Emperor's decree, so how can we act casually?

噉究竟曹丕點樣先能夠繼承到王位呢?且聽下回分解。 So how can Cao Pi inherit the throne? Let's listen to the next part.

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