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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 105

到 劉備 下令 , 起兵 去 打 東吳 , 一方面 派 人 就 去 借 五萬 番兵 作為 策應 ; 另一方面 呢 , 就 派 人 去 閬中 啊 升 張飛 嘅 官爵 。 噉 今日 就 講下 張飛 , 佢 喺 閬中 聽聞 關雲長 畀 東吳 殺死 , 哈 , 極之 哀痛 啊 成日 咁 喊 。 部下 啲 將官 就 陪 佢 飲酒 勸解 安慰 佢 啦 。 哈 , 誰知 張飛 一飲 醉酒 啊 就 越發 憤怒 。 帳上 帳下 無論 官兵 , 但凡 觸犯 親 佢 嘅 , 就 用 鞭 嚟 猛打 。 哎呀 , 好多 人 都 畀 佢 噉 鞭 死 啊 。 佢 日日 都 向 住 南方 咬牙切齒 , 碌 大 雙眼 呀 放聲 痛哭 噃。 呢 一日 , 成都 使者 到 , 佢 迎接 使者 入 嚟 開讀 詔書 。 張飛 接受 咗 封贈 嘅 爵位 , 向 住 北方 跪拜 行禮 , 然後 就 擺酒 款待 使者 。 飲 咗 幾杯 張飛 就 問喇 : 二哥 被害 , 仇深似 海 ! 朝 上 嘅 大臣 , 點解 唔 啟奏 皇上 , 興兵 去 報仇 呢 ? 使者 話 : 好多 大臣 都 係 勸 皇上 先 去 消滅 北魏 , 然後 再 攻打 東吳 㗎 。 呢 啲 係 乜嘢 說話 ! 往日 , 我 哋 三個 人 桃園 結義 , 誓同生死 ! 今日 , 二哥 不幸 中途 而 死 , 我點 能夠 獨享 富貴 啊 ? 唔 得 ! 我要 去 面見 天子 , 請求 做 前部 先鋒 , 掛孝 去 討伐 東吳 , 生擒 奸賊 , 拜祭 二哥 , 實現 當年 嘅 盟誓 啊 ! 講完 , 酒都 唔 飲 咯 , 即刻 就 同埋 使者 一齊 去 成都 。 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 每日 都 親自 去 校場 操演 兵馬 , 定期 興師 , 就 實行 御駕親征 。 好多 公卿 大臣 都 走 去 丞相 府 搵 孔明 , 請 孔明 去 勸 劉備 就 唔 好 親自 上 戰場 。 孔明 話 已經 苦苦 勸諫 過好 多次 㗎 喇 , 硬 係 唔 聽 , 今日 大家 一齊 同 我 去 校場 勸諫 主上 啦 噉 。 孔明 帶住 一班 大臣 去 到 校場 , 就 對 劉備 話 喇 : 陛下 初初 登上 寶位 , 若果 要 北伐 漢賊 伸張正義 於 天下 , 噉 御駕親征 係 好 嘅 。 若果 只 係 攻打 東吳 , 任命 一位 上將 帶兵 去 打 佢 就 得 啦 , 何必 皇上 自己 去 呢 ? 劉備 見到 孔明 苦苦 勸諫 , 開始 有 啲 回心轉意 。 咁 啱 得 咁 巧 就 喺 呢 個 時候 , 侍從 嚟 報告 話 張飛 嚟 到 , 劉備 就 連忙 召 佢 入 嚟 見面 。 張飛 好似 一浸 風 噉 啊 噉 撲 到 入 嚟 演武廳 , 見到 劉備 就 跪 喺 處 , 抱住 劉備 雙腳 放聲 痛哭 呀 。 劉備 亦 畀 佢 引 到 喊 起 上 嚟 , 張飛 話 : 陛下 而家 做 咗 皇帝 喇 , 實 係 唔 記得 桃園 嘅 盟誓 喇 ! 二哥 嘅 仇 , 點解 唔 去 報 啊 ! 好多 大臣 都 勸阻 , 所以 就 唔 敢 輕舉妄動 喇 。 人 哋 點明 白 我 哋 往日 嘅 盟誓 㗎 ! 如果 陛下 唔 去 , 臣 自己 去 同 二哥 報仇 ! 若果 報 唔 到 仇 , 臣 寧死 都 唔 返 嚟 見 陛下 喇 ! 三弟 , 朕 同 你 一齊 去 , 朕 同 你 一齊 去 啊 ! 三弟 啊 , 你 率領 本部 兵馬 由 閬 州 出發 , 朕 統率 精兵 , 同 你 喺 江州 會合 , 一齊 討伐 東吳 報仇雪恨 啦 ! 臣 領旨 ! 三弟 , 你 平時 飲 咗 酒 就 容 易發 惡 , 鞭打 士兵 , 然後 呢 , 又 用 返 佢 哋 喺 自己 嘅 左右 , 呢 個 乃 係 取禍 之 道 嚟 啊 。 今後 務必 要 寬容 啲 , 唔 好學 以前 噉 喇 。 張飛 拜別 咗 劉備 就 返去 閬中 。 第 日 , 劉備 要 整頓 人馬 準備 起兵 嘞 。 學士 秦宓 就 稟奏 話 : 陛下 為 咗 小小 嘅 兄弟 情意 , 將 自己 無比 重要 嘅 地位 置於 不顧 , 係 極 不明智 㗎 , 請 陛下 三思 。 雲長 同 朕 就 好似 一個 人 噉 , 兄弟 情意 , 點 可以 忘記 啊 ? 陛下 唔 聽 微臣 嘅 說話 , 實會 失敗 㗎 。 哼 ! 朕 正 係 要 起兵 , 你 點解 要講 啲 噉 嘅 不 吉 嘅 說話 。 人 嚟 , 拉 佢 出去 , 斬 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 臣 死 而 無恨 , 但 係 可惜 新新 創立 嘅 基業 , 好 快 就 會 顛覆 啫 。 當時 所有 嘅 大臣 都 為 秦宓 求情 。 劉備 話 喇 : 好 啦 , 將 佢 暫時 監禁 起 嚟 , 等 朕 報 咗 仇返 嚟 之後 再 發落 啦 。 孔明 一 知道 哎呀 不得了 啊 ! 立即 寫 咗 一份 表章 呈 上 劉備 , 再次 講明 應該 首先 剷除 北魏 , 希望 劉備 聽從 秦 宓 嘅 忠告 噉 。 但 係 劉備 呀 , 連 孔明 都 唔 畀 面 啊 呢 次 。 佢 一 睇 完 表章 , 一手 就 掉 咗 落地 話 喇 : 朕 已經 揸 定 主意 嘞 , 唔 準再講 ! 於 係 劉備 就 宣布 討伐 東吳 嘅 部署 , 佢 命令 : 丞相 諸葛亮 , 保 太子 鎮守 兩川 ; 驃騎 將軍 馬超 同埋 佢 細 佬 馬岱 , 協助 鎮北 將軍 魏延 , 守衛 漢中 , 防備 魏兵 ; 虎威 將軍 趙 云 做後應 , 兼督運 糧草 ; 黃權 、 程畿 做 參謀 ; 馬良 、 陳 震 掌理 文書 ; 黃忠 做 前部 先鋒 ; 馮習 、 張南 做 副將 ; 傅彤 、 張翼 做 中軍 護尉 ; 趙 融 、 廖淳 做合 後 。 仲有 兩川 將官 數百名 , 與 及 五溪番將 等等 , 總共 軍兵 七十五萬 , 就 選定 章武 元年 七月 , 丙寅日 出師 。 而家 講下 張飛 , 佢 返 到 閬中 就 下令 全軍 啊 , 限 三日 之內 做好 白旗 白甲 , 三軍 掛孝 嚟 討伐 東吳 。 第 日 , 張飛 部下 有 兩名 末將 , 一個 叫做 范疆 , 一個 叫做 張達 。 佢 兩個 入 嚟 中軍帳 報告 張飛 話 喇 : 稟告 張將軍 , 白旗 白甲 一時間 做 唔 起 呀 , 請 將軍 寬限 啲 時間 啦 。 吖 吖 呸 ! 我要 報仇雪恨 , 十萬火急 , 恨不得 聽日 就 殺 到 東吳 境地 。 你 竟然 敢 違反 我 嘅 將令 ? 人 嚟 ! 有 ! 將 佢 哋 綁 喺 樹上 , 各人 鞭 背脊 五十 ! 嗯 我講 你 聽 , 聽日 , 一切 都 要 做好 ! 如果 過 咗 期限 , 就 殺 咗 你 哋 兩個 示眾 ! 哎呀 , 打到 范疆 、 張達 背脊 開花 , 口吐 鮮血 。 返到 營裏 便 , 兩個 人 就 商量 嘞 。 范疆 話 喇 : 哎 , 哎 , 哎呀 , 今日 受 咗 刑 呀 , 哎 , 之 叫 我 哋 , 點樣 做 得到 㗎 。 嗰 個人 嘅 脾性 , 暴躁 到 好似 火 噉 嘅 , 聽日 如果 做 唔 起 呀 , 你 我 都 要 殺頭 㗎 喇 哎呀 。 張達話 喇 : 哼 ! 與其 佢 殺 我 , 不如 我 殺 佢 ! 哎 好 難 嘅 噃, 都行 唔 近 佢 㗎 , 點 逳 得手 呢 ? 我 兩個 若果 注定 唔 使 死 嘅 , 就 保佑 佢 飲 醉酒 , 瞓 喺 張 床 處 。 若果 注定 我 哋 要死 呢 , 噉 佢 就 冇 飲 醉 係 啦 ! 噉 兩個 人 講妥 晒 喇 。 而家 講下 張飛 , 佢 喺 中軍帳 嚟 , 硬 係 覺得 神思 紛亂 恍恍惚惚 , 就 問 佢 啲 部將 話 嘞 : 我 今日 心驚 肉震 , 坐臥不安 , 點解 呢 吓 ? 呢 啲 皆 因 係 君侯 你 思念 關公 嘅 緣故 啫 , 冇 事 嘅 , 冇 事 嘅 。 嗯 ,攞 酒 嚟 飲 ! 張飛 叫 人 擺酒 同 佢 嗰 幾個 部將 一齊 飲 。 不經 不覺 , 飲到 大醉 就 入 去 瞓覺 。 范疆 、 張達 探聽到 消息 , 啱 晒 喇 ! 當晚 初 更 時分 , 每人 都 擪 住 把 短刀 , 詐諦 話 有 機密 事情 要 報告 就 混 咗 入 去 中軍帳 。 一直 去 到 床前 , 哎呀 , 只見 張飛 碌 大 雙眼 , 嗰 棚 鬍鬚 呀 豎起 晒 , 哎呀 弊喇弊 喇 呢 趟 陰謀 實 敗露 喇 。 咦 ? 唔 見 張飛 逳 動 噃。 再 一 聽 , 嗯 , 嗯 , 哦 扯 鼻鼾 呀 大聲 到 好似 行雷 噉 。 原來 張飛 瞓覺 係 唔 合眼 嘅 。 兩個 嘢 抹 咗 成額 冷汗 , 一步 一步 輕手輕腳 行近 鋪 床 。 我 攞 你 條 命 ! 一刀 插入 張飛 嘅 腹部 , 啊 ! 張飛 大叫 一聲 , 就 死 咗 。 當時 , 張飛 係 五十五歲 。 范疆 、 張達 殺 咗 張飛 , 連隨就 割 咗 張飛 嘅 首級 , 帶住 幾十個 心腹 啊 漏夜 投奔 去 東吳 。 到 咗 第日 , 噉 先至 發現 張飛 畀 人 謀殺 , 即刻 就 派兵 去 追 啦 追 都 追 唔 到 啦 。 張飛 手下 有個 將官 叫做 吳班 , 佢 係 劉備 派 嚟 協助 張飛 守衛 閬中 。 當日 , 吳班 首先 十萬火急 , 派 人 送 表章 去 成都 報告 劉備 。 然後 叫 張飛 嘅 大 仔 張 苞 , 用 棺材 斂 好 佢 父親 ; 叫 張飛 嘅 細 佬 張 紹 守 閬中 。 安排 好 嘞 , 張苞 就 飛馬 去向 劉備 報告 。 噉 當時 呢 , 劉備 就 已經 帶兵 出發 嘞 。 而家 講下 劉備 佢 呢 一 晚 , 覺得 心驚 肉震 , 周身 唔 似 瞓 又 瞓 唔 着 。 佢 行 出去 中軍帳 外便 散 下步 , 見到 天邊 嘅 西北 便 啊 有 一粒 星 , 好似 斗 咁 大 嘅 , 忽然 喺 天 啊 一直 跌落 嚟 。 嗯 劉備 個心 就 好 思疑 喇 , 漏夜 派 人 趕返 去 成都 問 孔明 係 咩 嘢 兆頭 噉 。 第 日 孔明 就 回覆 話 : 預兆 損失 一員 上將 , 三日 之內 必定會 有 噩耗 嚟 喇 噉 。 因此 呢 , 劉備 就 按兵不動 先 。 果然 過 咗 兩日 , 侍臣 嚟 稟告 話 閬中 張將軍 嘅 部將 吳班 , 派 人 送 表章 嚟 噉 。 劉備 一聽 就 𨂽 腳 哎呀 , 三弟 冇 喇 ! 及至 一睇 表章 , 果然 係 張飛 嘅 凶信 , 劉備 啊 當堂 放聲 痛哭 , 喊 得 兩喊 , 喊 到暈 咗 。 大家 急 急救 返 醒 佢 啦 。 第 日 , 聽 講話 有 一彪 人馬 飛快 噉 嚟 緊 。 劉備 啊 出營 睇 下 啦 , 過 咗 好 耐 , 只見 一員 小將 , 白袍 銀甲 , 跑 到 面前 啪 聲 滾 鞍 下馬 就 跪 喺 地 就 喊 。 原來 係 張 苞 啊 : 皇上 啊 , 皇上 啊 ! 范疆 、 張達 殺 咗 臣父 , 帶住 首級 去 咗 投奔 東吳 啊 ! 啊 , 劉備 哀痛 到極 , 都 唔 想 飲食 咯 。 大家 猛 咁 勸 佢 話 : 陛下 正 係 要 為 兄弟 報仇 , 點 能夠 自己 摧殘 龍體 呢 ? 勸得 多 喇 , 劉備 噉 先至 肯食 啲 嘢 咋 。 劉備 就 問張 苞 : 你 同 吳班 , 敢 唔 敢 率領 本部 軍馬 做 先鋒 , 去 為 你 父親 報仇 啊 ? 為國 為父 , 萬死不辭 ! 好 ! 劉備 正話 想 下令 張苞 起兵 , 又 接到 報告 話 有 一彪 軍馬 蜂擁 而 嚟 。 劉備 叫 侍臣 再 去 探聽 清楚 。 冇 幾耐 , 侍臣 帶 住 一位 着 住 白袍 銀甲 嘅 小 將軍 入 嚟 。 小 將軍 一 見到 劉備 , 跪低 放聲大哭 。 劉備 一睇 , 啊 , 原來 係 關興 。 劉備 見到 關興 , 就 諗 起 關公 , 忍 唔 住 又 𡃀𡃀 聲喊 起 上 嚟 。 嗰 班 官員 苦苦 噉 勸 佢 唔 好 咁 傷心 喇 。 劉備 話 : 唉 , 朕 想起 當年 , 仲 係 個 老百姓 嗰 陣 呀 , 同關 、 張結義 , 誓同生死 。 今日 , 朕 做 咗 天子 喇 , 正 係 想 同 兩位 賢弟 同享 富貴 , 唉 , 不幸 都 死於非命 。 而家 , 見到 兩個 侄兒 , 朕 點話 唔 傷心 呀 , 啊啊啊 啊啊啊 , 講完 又 喊 。 嗰 班 官員 話 : 兩位 小 將軍 出去 先 , 等 主上 休息 下 。 侍臣 又 勸 劉備 嘞 : 陛下 年過 六十 , 不宜 過於 哀痛 㗎 。 劉備 話 : 兩位 賢弟 都 死 咗 咯 , 朕點 忍心 自己 留 喺 世上 呢 唉 ! 唉 ! 雲長 ! 翼德 啊 ! 唉 ! 講完 , 劉備 用 個頭 碰住 個 地 , 猛 咁 喊 真 係 淒涼 咯 。 大家 勸 咗 好 耐先 至 勸 咗 劉備 返去 休息 。 嗰 班 官員 商量 喇 : 唉 , 而 家主 上 咁 傷心 煩惱 , 點 勸解 佢 好 呢 嚱? 馬良 話 喇 : 主 上 御駕親征 討伐 東吳 , 成日 咁 喊 , 於 軍 不利 㗎 噃。 誒 , 陳 震 諗 起樣 嘢 佢 話 : 我 聽講 成都 青城山 西便 , 有 一位 隱士 , 叫做 李意 。 啲 人 傳說 話 佢 有 成 三百 幾歲 㗎 喇 , 能夠 知道 一個 人 嘅 生死 吉凶 , 真 係 世上 嘅 活神仙 嚟 。 不如 稟奏 主 上 , 召 呢 個 老人家 嚟 , 問 下 佢 吉凶禍福 , 噉 就 勝過 我 哋 講 咁 多 啦 。 噉 啊 大家 都 話 好 吖 好 啊 噉 , 就入 去講 畀 劉備 聽 。 劉備 同意 嘞 , 即刻 派 陳 震帶 住 詔書 , 去 青城山 請 嗰 個 李 意 老人家 嚟 。 陳 震 趕到 去 青城 , 搵 到 個 鄉下人 帶 佢 入 到 深山 。 行 咗 好多 路 , 遠遠 就 望見 李意 住 嘅 山莊 , 咦 , 真 係 清 雲 隱隱 啊 瑞氣 千條 。 佢 正 喺 度 行 緊 , 忽然 見到 有個 細佬哥 迎面 而 嚟 , 就問 嘞 : 你 係 唔 係 叫做 陳 孝起 呢 ? 孝起 就 係 陳 震 嘅 別字 。 係 啊 係 啊 , 吖 仙童 你點 知道 我 嘅 姓名 啊 ? 我 師父 昨日 就 講過 , 話 今日 有 皇帝 詔書 到 喇 , 個 使者 呢 , 就 係 陳 孝起 噉 。 啊 真 係 神仙 啊 真 係 神仙 啊 ! 人 哋 講 嘅 冇 錯 㗎 。 噉 陳 震 就 跟 住 個 細路 入去 山莊 拜見 李意 , 宣讀 劉備 嘅 詔書 。 李意 藉口 話 老 喇 , 唔 肯 下山 。 陳 震 好 誠懇 噉 𠼮 咗 佢 好 耐 , 李意 先至 應承 。 噉 佢 哋 嚟 到 營房 , 劉備 見到 李意 , 嘖嘖 嘖嘖 , 哎鶴發 童顏 眼珠 碧綠 閃閃 有光 , 體形 古勁 , 唔 似 係 個 凡人 啊 。 劉備 好 恭敬 噉 接待 佢 。 李意 話 喇 : 老夫 係 個 荒山 嘅 鄉下佬 , 無學 無識 , 辱 承 陛下 宣召 , 唔 知有 乜嘢 吩咐 呢 ? 朕 同關 、 張 結拜 生死之交 , 三十多年 喇 。 而家 , 關 、 張 兩位 賢弟 遇害 , 朕 親自 統率 大軍 去 報仇 , 唔 知 吉凶 如何 呢 ? 素仰 仙翁 通曉 玄機 , 請 多多指教 。 呢 啲 乃 係 天數 , 老夫 唔 知 㗎 噃。 吖 老人家 唔 肯講 啊 , 劉備 啊 再三再四 噉 懇求 。 收尾 , 李意 叫 人 攞 咗 紙筆 嚟 , 喺 度 畫畫 , 畫 咩 呢 ? 畫 兵馬 軍器 畫 咗 四廿 幾張 。 畫完 喇 , 就 一張 張 撕碎 佢 。 跟 住 又畫 一個 大人 , 打 仰 瞓 喺 地下 , 旁邊 有 個人 , 掘個 氹 嚟 埋 佢 , 上面 寫住 個 白字 。 畫完 喇 , 行 咗 個禮 就 扯 人 。 劉備 唔 高興 啊 , 就 對 班 官員 話 : 個伯爺 公都 神神經經 嘅 不足 為 信 嘅 , 就 叫 人燒 咗 李意 畫 嗰 啲 嘢 , 跟 住 就 命令 軍隊 前進 。 呢 一日 , 張苞 嚟 到 稟奏 話 : 吳 班 嘅 軍馬 已經 嚟 到 , 請 陛下 任命 小臣 做 先鋒 啦 。 劉備 見 佢 年少 英雄 咁 有志氣 唄 , 好 高興 , 即刻 就 攞 先鋒 印 嚟 賜 畀 張 苞 。 張苞 剛剛 想 掛印 , 關興 噔 噔 聲行 出 嚟 話 : 留低 個 印 畀 我 ! 張苞話 嘞 : 我 已經 奉 咗 皇上 嘅 命令 嘞 , 你 點解 要 搶 印 啊 ? 你 有 咩 本事 敢擔 呢 個 咁 重 嘅 責任 吖 ? 我 自細 學習 武藝 , 箭無虛發 。 劉備 感到 興趣 , 佢 話 : 朕 正 係 想 睇 下 賢侄 嘅 武藝 , 嚟 評定 下 優劣 啊 。 張苞 叫 軍士 喺 百步 之外 , 豎 一面 旗 , 旗 上面 畫個 紅心 。 張苞 拈 弓 搭 箭 , 連射 三箭 , 箭 箭 射中 紅心 。 噉 啊 人人 都 讚 好 箭法 。 關興 攞 起 張 弓 : 射中 紅心 有 咩 出奇 呢 ? 啱 啱 講緊 , 天空 有 一行 雁 飛過 , 關興 指住 話 : 我要 射 第三隻 飛雁 ! 𠻘 噉 一箭 射過去 , 嘩 ! 嗰 第三隻 雁 呀 果然 射 咗 落 嚟 。 當堂 文武 官員 齊聲 喝彩 , 大 讚 好 嘢 。 噉 就 激親 張 苞 喇 , 佢 立即 飛身 上馬 , 手執 父親 所 使 嘅 丈 八點 鋼矛 , 大聲 話 : 你 敢 唔 敢 同 我 比武 吖 ? 關興 亦 都 上馬 , 手提 家傳 大關 刀 縱馬 而 出 。 就 係 你 會 使 矛 , 我 就 唔 識 使 刀 咩 ? 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 我同 你 大戰 三百 回合 ! 兩員 小將 正 係 想 交鋒 , 劉備 啊 喝 住 佢 哋 : 你 兩個 後 生仔 唔 好 噉 樣 , 唔 好 噉 樣 ! 關興 、 張苞 兩個 就 連忙 落馬 , 掉 低 兵器 , 跪 喺 處 請罪 。 劉備 話 : 朕 自從 喺 涿 郡 同 你 哋 父親 結拜 為 異姓 兄弟 , 親如骨肉 。 而家 , 你 哋 兩個 人 亦 係 兄弟 嘅 情分 , 正 係 應該 同心協力 , 一齊 去 同 父親 報仇 至 啱 嘅 , 點解 要 互相 爭起 嚟 失 咗 義氣 呢 ? 父親 去世 冇 幾耐 , 你 哋 就 已經 噉 樣咯 , 噉 日後 仲得 了 嘅 咩 ! 小臣 無知 , 請 陛下 恕罪 ! 兩個 人猛 咁 叩頭 認罪 。 劉備 又問 : 你 兩個 邊個 年紀 大 啲 啊 ? 張苞話 : 小臣 大過 關興 一歲 。 哦 ? 噉 係 嘛 。 於是 劉備 立即 叫 佢 哋 兩個 結拜 做 兄弟 , 張苞 做 大佬 , 關興 做細 佬 。 兩個 人 啊 , 就 喺 劉備 面前 , 拗斷 支箭 發誓 , 要 永遠 互相 照應 幫助 。 噉 啊 大家 都 高興 喇 。 劉備 下令 , 吳班 做 先鋒 , 就 命令 張苞 、 關興 護駕 。 於是 水陸並進 , 船騎 相行 , 浩浩蕩蕩 殺 奔 吳國 而 去 。 而家 講下 范疆 、 張達 呀 , 佢 兩個 帶住 張飛 嘅 首級 去 投降 孫權 , 將 經過 就 報告 咗 。 孫權 收容 咗 佢 兩個 , 就 對 啲 官員 話 : 而家 劉玄德 登 咗 帝位 , 率領 七 十幾萬 精兵 御駕親征 , 來勢 極猛 , 如之奈何 呢 吓 ? 吖 嚇到 啲 官員 面都青 埋 , 你 望 我 時 我 望 你 , 都 唔 會 出聲 喇 。 諸葛瑾 就 行前 一步 話 : 食君 之祿 忠君 之憂 , 我 跟隨 君侯 咁 耐 喇 , 無可 報效 。 我 情願 捨棄 殘生 去 見 劉備 , 同 佢 講明 利害 使到 兩國 和 好 , 共同 去 討伐 曹丕 。 唔 知 主公 意下如何 呢 ? 孫權 都 唔 知 幾 高興 , 就實 同意 啦 , 即刻 就 派 諸葛瑾 做 使者 , 去 說服 劉備 罷兵 。 而家講 下 喺 章 武 元年 啊 即 係 公元 二二 一年 八月 。 劉備 又 率領 水陸 大軍 , 沿住 長江 就 由西向東 討伐 東吳 。 呢 一日 , 大軍 就 嚟 到 夔關 , 劉備 嘅 大本營 就 駐 扎 喺 白帝城 。 當時 前鋒 部隊 呢 , 就 已經 出 咗 西川 邊境 嘞 。 夔關 就 即 係 瞿塘關 , 呢 個關 現時 就 當然 冇 咗 喇 。 噉 喺 古時 佢 個 地點 呢 , 就 喺 而 家 嘅 四川省 , 奉節縣 以東 。 噉 喺 呢 個 時候 啊 , 侍臣 嚟 稟告 話 : 東吳 使者 諸葛瑾 到 。 劉備 就 吩咐 唔 好 放 佢 入 嚟 。 黃權 就 稟奏 話 喇 : 諸葛瑾 嘅 兄弟 喺 我 哋 蜀國 做 丞相 , 佢 必定 係 有 緊要 事 嚟 嘅 , 陛下 何必 唔 見 佢 呢 ? 叫 佢 入 嚟 , 聽 下 佢 講 乜嘢 都 好 啊 , 可 聽則 聽 啫 。 如果 冇 乜嘢 聽得 落 嘅 , 借 佢 把 口 返 去 講 畀 孫權知 , 等 佢 知道 陛下 興師問罪 師出有名 吖 嘛 。 劉備 於是 就 召 諸葛瑾 入 城 。 見 咗 面 , 諸葛瑾 對 劉備 叩頭 行禮 。 劉備 問 佢 嘞 : 子瑜 你 咁 遠 嚟 到 , 有 咩 嘢 事 啊 ? 臣弟 孔明 , 侍奉 陛下 好多年 嘞 , 故此 臣 不 避刀 斧 , 特意 嚟 向 陛下 講明 下 荊州 嘅 事 。 以前 , 當 關公 喺 荊州 嘅 時候 , 吳侯 屢次 向 佢 求親 , 關公 都 唔 肯 。 後 嚟 , 關公 去 奪取 襄陽 。 曹操 又 幾次 寫信 畀 吳侯 , 叫 吳侯 出兵 去 襲擊 荊州 。 吳侯 呢 , 本來 係 唔 肯 應承 嘅 , 皆 因 呂蒙 同 關公 唔 好 , 故此 擅自 興兵 , 結果 就 搞 出 一件 咁 大 嘅 事 。 而家 , 吳侯 悔之不及 喇 。 不過 呢 啲 都 係 呂蒙 嘅 罪 , 唔 係 吳 侯 嘅 過錯 。 今日 呂蒙 已經 死 咗 嘞 , 噉 冤仇 亦 都 平息 啦 。 孫夫人 呢 一向 都 極想 返歸 , 而家 吳侯 叫 臣 做 使者 , 情願 送還 孫夫人 , 綁 還降將 , 並且 將 荊州 仍舊 交還 。 吳蜀 永遠 結成 和 好 同盟 , 共同 去 討伐 曹丕 , 懲罰 佢 謀 朝 篡位 之罪 啊 。 哼 ! 你 東吳 害 咗 朕 嘅 兄弟 , 今日 竟然 想用 啲 花言巧語 , 嚟 為 自己 開脫罪責 係 嘛 ! 請 陛下 允許 小臣 , 用 輕重 大小 嘅 道理 , 同 陛下 分析 一下 啦 。 噉 究竟 諸葛瑾 啊 , 講 咗 一番 咩 嘢 大道理 , 又 能 唔 能夠 說服 劉備 罷兵 呢 ?

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到 劉備 下令 , 起兵 去 打 東吳 , 一方面 派 人 就 去 借 五萬 番兵 作為 策應 ; 另一方面 呢 , 就 派 人 去 閬中 啊 升 張飛 嘅 官爵 。 when|Liu Bei|gave the order|raised troops|to|fight|Eastern Wu|on one hand|sent|people|immediately|to|borrow|fifty thousand|foreign troops|as|support|on the other hand|particle|then|sent|people|to|in Langzhong|particle|promote|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|official rank When Liu Bei ordered to raise troops to attack Eastern Wu, on one hand, he sent people to borrow 50,000 foreign troops as support; on the other hand, he sent people to promote Zhang Fei's official rank in Langzhong. 噉 今日 就 講下 張飛 , 佢 喺 閬中 聽聞 關雲長 畀 東吳 殺死 , 哈 , 極之 哀痛 啊 成日 咁 喊 。 then|today|just|talk about|Zhang Fei|he|at|in the hall|heard|Guan Yu|by|Eastern Wu|killed|ha|extremely|sorrowful|ah|all the time|so|crying So today, let's talk about Zhang Fei. He heard in Langzhong that Guan Yu was killed by Eastern Wu, ha, he was extremely grief-stricken and cried all day long. 部下 啲 將官 就 陪 佢 飲酒 勸解 安慰 佢 啦 。 subordinates|plural marker|officers|then|accompany|him|drink alcohol|persuade|comfort|him|sentence-final particle His subordinate generals accompanied him to drink and tried to persuade and comfort him. 哈 , 誰知 張飛 一飲 醉酒 啊 就 越發 憤怒 。 ha|who would have thought|Zhang Fei|one drink|drunkenness|ah|then|increasingly|angry Ha, little did they know that when Zhang Fei got drunk, he became even more furious. 帳上 帳下 無論 官兵 , 但凡 觸犯 親 佢 嘅 , 就 用 鞭 嚟 猛打 。 on the account|under the account|regardless of|military personnel|anyone who|offends|related to|him|possessive particle|then|use|whip|to|beat severely Whether it was officers or soldiers, anyone who offended him would be beaten severely with a whip. 哎呀 , 好多 人 都 畀 佢 噉 鞭 死 啊 。 oh no|so many|people|all|by|him|like that|whip|die|ah Oh no, so many people have been beaten to death by him. 佢 日日 都 向 住 南方 咬牙切齒 , 碌 大 雙眼 呀 放聲 痛哭 噃。 He|every day|also|facing|towards|south|gritting his teeth|rolling|big|eyes|particle|loudly|crying| Every day he grits his teeth facing south, rolling his big eyes and crying out loud. 呢 一日 , 成都 使者 到 , 佢 迎接 使者 入 嚟 開讀 詔書 。 this|day|Chengdu|messenger|arrived|he|welcomed|messenger|in|come|read aloud|edict One day, a messenger from Chengdu arrived, and he welcomed the messenger in to read the edict. 張飛 接受 咗 封贈 嘅 爵位 , 向 住 北方 跪拜 行禮 , 然後 就 擺酒 款待 使者 。 Zhang Fei|accepted|past tense marker|bestowed|possessive particle|title|towards|facing|north|kneeling and bowing|greeting|then|just|set up a banquet|entertained|messenger Zhang Fei accepted the conferred title, bowed and paid his respects facing north, and then hosted a banquet for the messenger. 飲 咗 幾杯 張飛 就 問喇 : drink|past tense marker|a few cups|Zhang Fei|then| After drinking a few cups, Zhang Fei asked: 二哥 被害 , 仇深似 海 ! 朝 上 嘅 大臣 , 點解 唔 啟奏 皇上 , 興兵 去 報仇 呢 ? second brother|was killed|||imperial court|above|possessive particle|minister|why|not|report to|emperor|raise troops|to|take revenge|question particle Second brother was murdered, the hatred is as deep as the sea! Why don't the ministers in the court report to the emperor and raise an army for revenge? 使者 話 : 好多 大臣 都 係 勸 皇上 先 去 消滅 北魏 , 然後 再 攻打 東吳 㗎 。 the messenger|said|many|ministers|all|are|advising|the emperor|first|to|eliminate|Northern Wei|then|again|attack|Eastern Wu|sentence-final particle The messenger said: Many ministers are advising the emperor to first eliminate Northern Wei, and then attack Eastern Wu. 呢 啲 係 乜嘢 說話 ! ||are|what|talking What kind of talk is this! 往日 , 我 哋 三個 人 桃園 結義 , 誓同生死 ! in the past|I|we|three|people|Peach Garden|became sworn brothers| In the past, the three of us swore brotherhood in the Peach Garden, vowing to live and die together! 今日 , 二哥 不幸 中途 而 死 , 我點 能夠 獨享 富貴 啊 ? today|second elder brother|unfortunately|midway|and|died||able to|enjoy alone|wealth and honor|(particle expressing emotion) Today, second brother has unfortunately died midway, how can I enjoy wealth and honor alone? 唔 得 ! 我要 去 面見 天子 , 請求 做 前部 先鋒 , 掛孝 去 討伐 東吳 , 生擒 奸賊 , 拜祭 二哥 , 實現 當年 嘅 盟誓 啊 ! ||I want|to|meet|the Emperor|request|to be|front|vanguard|wear mourning clothes|to|attack|Eastern Wu|capture alive|traitor|worship|second brother|fulfill|that year|possessive particle|oath|ah No way! I need to go meet the Emperor and request to be the vanguard, to wear mourning clothes and attack Eastern Wu, to capture the traitor alive, to pay respects to my second brother, and to fulfill the oath we made back then! 講完 , 酒都 唔 飲 咯 , 即刻 就 同埋 使者 一齊 去 成都 。 finish talking||not|drink|particle indicating completed action|immediately|then|and|messenger|together|go|Chengdu After saying that, I didn't even drink any wine, and immediately went to Chengdu with the messenger. 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 每日 都 親自 去 校場 操演 兵馬 , 定期 興師 , 就 實行 御駕親征 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei|he|every day|also|personally|go|training ground|drill|troops|regularly|mobilize troops|then|implement|imperial campaign personally Now let's talk about Liu Bei. He personally goes to the training grounds every day to drill the troops, regularly mobilizing them, and is indeed leading the charge himself. 好多 公卿 大臣 都 走 去 丞相 府 搵 孔明 , 請 孔明 去 勸 劉備 就 唔 好 親自 上 戰場 。 many|nobles|ministers|all|go|to|prime minister|residence|find|Kongming|invite||to|persuade|Liu Bei|then|not|very|personally|go on|battlefield Many officials and ministers went to the Prime Minister's residence to find Kongming, asking him to persuade Liu Bei not to go to the battlefield personally. 孔明 話 已經 苦苦 勸諫 過好 多次 㗎 喇 , 硬 係 唔 聽 , 今日 大家 一齊 同 我 去 校場 勸諫 主上 啦 噉 。 Kongming|said|already|earnestly|advised||many times|particle|particle|stubbornly|is|not|listening|today|everyone|together|with|I|go|training ground|advise|our lord|particle|like this Kongming said he had already tried to advise him many times, but he just wouldn't listen. Today, let's all go to the training grounds together to persuade the lord. 孔明 帶住 一班 大臣 去 到 校場 , 就 對 劉備 話 喇 : Zhuge Liang|brought|a group of|ministers|to|arrive|training ground|then|to|Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completion Kongming brought a group of ministers to the training ground and said to Liu Bei: 陛下 初初 登上 寶位 , 若果 要 北伐 漢賊 伸張正義 於 天下 , 噉 御駕親征 係 好 嘅 。 Your Majesty|initially|ascended to|throne|if|wants|Northern Expedition|Han traitors||in|the world|then||is|good|particle indicating affirmation Your Majesty, when you first ascended the throne, if you wanted to launch a northern expedition against the Han traitors to uphold justice in the world, then leading the army personally would be good. 若果 只 係 攻打 東吳 , 任命 一位 上將 帶兵 去 打 佢 就 得 啦 , 何必 皇上 自己 去 呢 ? if|only|is|attacking|Eastern Wu|appoint|one|general|lead troops|to|fight|it|then|fine|particle|why must|the emperor|himself|go|question particle However, if it is just to attack Eastern Wu, appointing a general to lead the troops to fight them would suffice, why must Your Majesty go personally? 劉備 見到 孔明 苦苦 勸諫 , 開始 有 啲 回心轉意 。 Liu Bei|saw|Kongming|desperately|advised|began|to have|a little|change of heart Seeing Kongming's earnest persuasion, Liu Bei began to have some second thoughts. 咁 啱 得 咁 巧 就 喺 呢 個 時候 , 侍從 嚟 報告 話 張飛 嚟 到 , 劉備 就 連忙 召 佢 入 嚟 見面 。 |||||then|at|||time|servant|came|report|said|Zhang Fei|||Liu Bei|then|hurriedly|summoned|him|||to meet Just at that moment, a servant came to report that Zhang Fei had arrived, and Liu Bei hurriedly summoned him in to meet. 張飛 好似 一浸 風 噉 啊 噉 撲 到 入 嚟 演武廳 , 見到 劉備 就 跪 喺 處 , 抱住 劉備 雙腳 放聲 痛哭 呀 。 Zhang Fei|seems|suddenly|wind|like|ah|like|rushed|to|enter|here|training hall|saw|Liu Bei|then|knelt|at|place|hugged|Liu Bei|both legs|loudly|wept|ah Zhang Fei rushed in like a gust of wind into the training hall, saw Liu Bei, knelt down, hugged Liu Bei's legs, and cried out loud. 劉備 亦 畀 佢 引 到 喊 起 上 嚟 , 張飛 話 : Liu Bei|also|let|him|lead|to|cry|rise|up|come|Zhang Fei|said Liu Bei was also moved to tears by him, and Zhang Fei said: 陛下 而家 做 咗 皇帝 喇 , 實 係 唔 記得 桃園 嘅 盟誓 喇 ! Your Majesty|now|become|past tense marker|emperor|sentence-final particle|really|is|not|remember|Peach Garden|possessive particle|oath|sentence-final particle Your Majesty, you are now the Emperor, and you really have forgotten the oath of the Peach Garden! 二哥 嘅 仇 , 點解 唔 去 報 啊 ! second older brother|possessive particle|grudge|why|not|go|take revenge|sentence-final particle What about the revenge for Second Brother? Why don't you go and take it? 好多 大臣 都 勸阻 , 所以 就 唔 敢 輕舉妄動 喇 。 many|ministers|all|advised against|so|then|not|dare|act rashly|particle indicating completed action Many ministers advised against it, so they dared not act rashly. 人 哋 點明 白 我 哋 往日 嘅 盟誓 㗎 ! ||||||past|possessive particle|oath|sentence-final particle How can people understand our vows from the past! 如果 陛下 唔 去 , 臣 自己 去 同 二哥 報仇 ! if|Your Majesty|not|go|I (referring to oneself as a servant)|myself|go|with|second brother|take revenge If Your Majesty does not go, I will go myself to take revenge on Second Brother! 若果 報 唔 到 仇 , 臣 寧死 都 唔 返 嚟 見 陛下 喇 ! if|repay|not|reach|enemy|I (the servant)|would rather die|still|not|return|come|see|Your Majesty|particle indicating completed action If I cannot take revenge, I would rather die than return to see Your Majesty! 三弟 , 朕 同 你 一齊 去 , 朕 同 你 一齊 去 啊 ! third younger brother|I (imperial pronoun)|with|you|together|go||||||particle indicating exclamation Third Brother, I will go with you, I will go with you! 三弟 啊 , 你 率領 本部 兵馬 由 閬 州 出發 , 朕 統率 精兵 , 同 你 喺 江州 會合 , 一齊 討伐 東吳 報仇雪恨 啦 ! third younger brother|ah|you|lead|our unit|troops|from|||depart|I (the emperor)|command|elite troops|together|you|at|Jiangzhou|meet|together|attack|Eastern Wu||particle indicating suggestion or emphasis Third Brother, you lead our troops to set off from Langzhou, I will command the elite soldiers and meet you in Jiangzhou, together we will attack Eastern Wu and take revenge! 臣 領旨 ! I (the subject referring to a subordinate)|receive the imperial decree I receive the order! 三弟 , 你 平時 飲 咗 酒 就 容 易發 惡 , 鞭打 士兵 , 然後 呢 , 又 用 返 佢 哋 喺 自己 嘅 左右 , 呢 個 乃 係 取禍 之 道 嚟 啊 。 third younger brother|you|usually|drink|past tense marker|alcohol|then|||angry|whip|soldiers|then|this|again|use|back|them|plural marker|at|self|possessive particle|left and right|||is|is|bring disaster|possessive particle|way|come|final particle Third brother, you usually get angry easily after drinking, beating the soldiers, and then using them around you again. This is indeed a path to disaster. 今後 務必 要 寬容 啲 , 唔 好學 以前 噉 喇 。 from now on|must|be|tolerant|more|||before|like that|already From now on, you must be more tolerant and not repeat the past. 張飛 拜別 咗 劉備 就 返去 閬中 。 Zhang Fei|bid farewell|past tense marker|Liu Bei|then|returned|in Langzhong Zhang Fei bid farewell to Liu Bei and returned to Langzhong. 第 日 , 劉備 要 整頓 人馬 準備 起兵 嘞 。 the|day|Liu Bei|wants|organize|troops|prepare|to raise an army|past tense marker The next day, Liu Bei planned to organize his troops and prepare to raise an army. 學士 秦宓 就 稟奏 話 : 陛下 為 咗 小小 嘅 兄弟 情意 , 將 自己 無比 重要 嘅 地位 置於 不顧 , 係 極 不明智 㗎 , 請 陛下 三思 。 scholar|Qin Mu|then|report|said|Your Majesty|for|past tense marker|small|possessive particle|brother|affection|to place|oneself|incomparable|important|possessive particle|position|put|disregarded|is|extremely|unwise|sentence-final particle|please|Your Majesty|think thrice Scholar Qin Mu reported: Your Majesty, for the sake of a small brotherly affection, you are disregarding your own extremely important position, which is very unwise. I urge Your Majesty to think carefully. 雲長 同 朕 就 好似 一個 人 噉 , 兄弟 情意 , 點 可以 忘記 啊 ? Yun Chang|with|I|just|like|one|person|like that|brother|bond|how|can|forget|ah Yun Chang and I are like one person; how can brotherly affection be forgotten? 陛下 唔 聽 微臣 嘅 說話 , 實會 失敗 㗎 。 Your Majesty|not|listen|humble servant|possessive particle|words|will definitely|fail|sentence-final particle If Your Majesty does not listen to my words, you will truly fail. 哼 ! 朕 正 係 要 起兵 , 你 點解 要講 啲 噉 嘅 不 吉 嘅 說話 。 hum|I (imperial pronoun)|just|am|want|raise troops|you|why||some|like that|(possessive particle)|||(possessive particle)|words Hmph! I am precisely going to raise an army; why do you speak such ominous words? 人 嚟 , 拉 佢 出去 , 斬 ! person|come|pull|him|outside|chop Bring him here, take him out, and execute him! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 臣 死 而 無恨 , 但 係 可惜 新新 創立 嘅 基業 , 好 快 就 會 顛覆 啫 。 hahaha||I (referring to oneself as a subject)|die|and|have no regrets|||unfortunately|a name|established|possessive particle|foundation|very|soon|just|will|be overthrown|particle indicating finality Hahaha, hahaha, I die without regrets, but it's a pity that the newly established foundation will soon be overturned. 當時 所有 嘅 大臣 都 為 秦宓 求情 。 at that time|all|possessive particle|ministers|all|for|Qin Mu|plead for mercy At that time, all the ministers were pleading for Qin Mi. 劉備 話 喇 : 好 啦 , 將 佢 暫時 監禁 起 嚟 , 等 朕 報 咗 仇返 嚟 之後 再 發落 啦 。 Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|good|particle indicating suggestion|to take|him|temporarily|imprison|up|particle indicating direction|wait|I (royal we)|to take revenge|past tense marker||particle indicating direction|after|again|release|particle indicating suggestion Liu Bei said: Alright, let's temporarily imprison him, and after I take my revenge, we will deal with it. 孔明 一 知道 哎呀 不得了 啊 ! 立即 寫 咗 一份 表章 呈 上 劉備 , 再次 講明 應該 首先 剷除 北魏 , 希望 劉備 聽從 秦 宓 嘅 忠告 噉 。 Zhuge Liang|he|knew|oh no|terrible|ah|immediately|write|past tense marker|a|document|submit|to|Liu Bei|again|clarify|should|first|eliminate|Northern Wei|hope|Liu Bei|heed|Qin|Mi|possessive particle|advice|like this As soon as Kong Ming heard this, he realized it was serious! He immediately wrote a memorial to Liu Bei, reiterating that they should first eliminate Northern Wei, hoping Liu Bei would heed Qin Mi's advice. 但 係 劉備 呀 , 連 孔明 都 唔 畀 面 啊 呢 次 。 ||Liu Bei|particle|even|Kongming|all|not|give|face|particle|this|time But Liu Bei, this time, didn't even give Kong Ming face. 佢 一 睇 完 表章 , 一手 就 掉 咗 落地 話 喇 : 朕 已經 揸 定 主意 嘞 , 唔 準再講 ! he|one|read|finished|document|with one hand|then|dropped|past tense marker|on the ground|said|sentence-final particle|I (imperial pronoun)|already|drive|determined|decision|past action marker|not| As soon as he finished reading the document, he dropped it on the ground and said: I have already made up my mind, no more discussion! 於 係 劉備 就 宣布 討伐 東吳 嘅 部署 , 佢 命令 : at|is|Liu Bei|then||campaign against|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|deployment|he|ordered Then Liu Bei announced the deployment to attack Eastern Wu, and he ordered: 丞相 諸葛亮 , 保 太子 鎮守 兩川 ; Prime Minister|Zhuge Liang|protect|Crown Prince|garrison|the two rivers Chancellor Zhuge Liang, to protect the Crown Prince and defend the two rivers; 驃騎 將軍 馬超 同埋 佢 細 佬 馬岱 , 協助 鎮北 將軍 魏延 , 守衛 漢中 , 防備 魏兵 ; Cavalry|General|Ma Chao|and|he|younger|brother|Ma Dai|assist|North Suppression|General|Wei Yan|guard|Hanzhong|defend against|Wei soldiers General of Cavalry Ma Chao and his younger brother Ma Dai, to assist General Wei Yan in defending Hanzhong against the Wei troops; 虎威 將軍 趙 云 做後應 , 兼督運 糧草 ; Tiger Might|General|Zhao|Yun|||supplies General Zhao Yun to provide support and oversee the transportation of supplies; 黃權 、 程畿 做 參謀 ; Huang Quan|Cheng Ji|serve as|staff officer Huang Quan and Cheng Ji serve as advisors; 馬良 、 陳 震 掌理 文書 ; Ma Liang|Chen|Zhen|in charge of|documents Ma Liang and Chen Zhen handle the documents; 黃忠 做 前部 先鋒 ; Huang Zhong|to be|front|vanguard Huang Zhong acts as the vanguard of the front troops; 馮習 、 張南 做 副將 ; Feng Xi|Zhang Nan|serve as|deputy general Feng Xi and Zhang Nan serve as deputy generals; 傅彤 、 張翼 做 中軍 護尉 ; Fu Tong|Zhang Yi|serve as|central army|guard officer Fu Tong and Zhang Yi serve as guards of the central army; 趙 融 、 廖淳 做合 後 。 Zhao|Rong|||after Zhao Rong and Liao Chun are working together. 仲有 兩川 將官 數百名 , 與 及 五溪番將 等等 , 總共 軍兵 七十五萬 , 就 選定 章武 元年 七月 , 丙寅日 出師 。 still have|two rivers|military officers|several hundred|and|including|Wuxi tribal generals|etc|in total|troops|750000|then|decided|Zhangwu|first year|July|Bingyin day|to march out There are also hundreds of officials from Liangchuan, as well as the generals from Wuxi, totaling 750,000 troops, and they have decided to launch the campaign on the day of Bingyin in July of the first year of Zhangwu. 而家 講下 張飛 , 佢 返 到 閬中 就 下令 全軍 啊 , 限 三日 之內 做好 白旗 白甲 , 三軍 掛孝 嚟 討伐 東吳 。 now|let's talk about|Zhang Fei|he|||to Langzhong|then|ordered|the whole army|particle|limited|three days|within|to prepare|white flags|white armor|the three armies|wearing mourning attire|to|attack|Eastern Wu Now let's talk about Zhang Fei. When he returned to Langzhong, he ordered the entire army to prepare white flags and white armor within three days to march against Eastern Wu. 第 日 , 張飛 部下 有 兩名 末將 , 一個 叫做 范疆 , 一個 叫做 張達 。 the|day|Zhang Fei|subordinates|has|two|minor generals|one|named|Fan Jiang|one|named|Zhang Da The next day, Zhang Fei had two subordinate generals, one named Fan Jiang and the other named Zhang Da. 佢 兩個 入 嚟 中軍帳 報告 張飛 話 喇 : 稟告 張將軍 , 白旗 白甲 一時間 做 唔 起 呀 , 請 將軍 寬限 啲 時間 啦 。 he|two|enter|come|central army tent|report|Zhang Fei|said|particle indicating completion|to report|General Zhang|white flag|white armor|at once|do|not|able|particle indicating question|please|general|extend|a little|time|particle indicating suggestion The two of them entered the central army tent to report to Zhang Fei, saying: 'Report to General Zhang, we can't prepare the white flags and white armor in such a short time, please give us a little more time.' 吖 吖 呸 ! 我要 報仇雪恨 , 十萬火急 , 恨不得 聽日 就 殺 到 東吳 境地 。 ah||phew|I want|to take revenge|extremely urgent|can't wait to|tomorrow|immediately|kill|to|Eastern Wu|territory Ah ah, spit! I want to take revenge, it's urgent, I can't wait to kill in Eastern Wu territory tomorrow. 你 竟然 敢 違反 我 嘅 將令 ? 人 嚟 ! you|actually|dare|violate|my|possessive particle|order|person|come You actually dare to disobey my orders? Bring them here! 有 ! have Yes! 將 佢 哋 綁 喺 樹上 , 各人 鞭 背脊 五十 ! to|they|plural marker|tie|at|tree|everyone|whip|back|fifty Tie them to the tree, everyone whip their backs fifty times! 嗯 我講 你 聽 , 聽日 , 一切 都 要 做好 ! hmm||you|listen|tomorrow|everything|all|must|be done well Hmm, let me tell you, everything must be done well tomorrow! 如果 過 咗 期限 , 就 殺 咗 你 哋 兩個 示眾 ! if|past|completed action marker|deadline|then|kill|completed action marker|you|plural marker|both|publicly display If the deadline passes, I will execute both of you in public! 哎呀 , 打到 范疆 、 張達 背脊 開花 , 口吐 鮮血 。 oh no|hit|Fan Keung|Cheung Tat|back|bloom|mouth spitting|fresh blood Oh no, they were beaten until Fan Jiang and Zhang Da's backs were bruised, and they were spitting blood. 返到 營裏 便 , 兩個 人 就 商量 嘞 。 return to|camp|then|two|people|then|discuss|past tense marker When they returned to the camp, the two of them started discussing. 范疆 話 喇 : 哎 , 哎 , 哎呀 , 今日 受 咗 刑 呀 , 哎 , 之 叫 我 哋 , 點樣 做 得到 㗎 。 Fan Keung|said|particle indicating completed action|sigh||oh no|today|received|past tense marker|punishment|particle for emphasis||to|called|us|plural marker|how|do|get it| Fan Jiang said: Oh, oh, oh no, we were punished today, oh, what should we do? 嗰 個人 嘅 脾性 , 暴躁 到 好似 火 噉 嘅 , 聽日 如果 做 唔 起 呀 , 你 我 都 要 殺頭 㗎 喇 哎呀 。 that|person|possessive particle|temperament|irritable|to the extent|like|fire|like|particle indicating description|tomorrow|if|do|not|able|sentence-final particle|you|I|both|have to|behead|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|expression of frustration That person's temperament is as violent as fire, if we can't do it tomorrow, you and I will be executed too, oh no. 張達話 喇 : 哼 ! 與其 佢 殺 我 , 不如 我 殺 佢 ! Cheung Tat said|particle indicating finality|humph|rather than|he|kill|I|better|I|kill|him Cheung Tat said: Hmph! Rather than him killing me, I might as well kill him! 哎 好 難 嘅 噃, 都行 唔 近 佢 㗎 , 點 逳 得手 呢 ? sigh|very|difficult|particle|particle||not|close|him|particle|how|escape|successfully|question particle Ah, it's really difficult, I can't even get close to him, how can I get my hands on him? 我 兩個 若果 注定 唔 使 死 嘅 , 就 保佑 佢 飲 醉酒 , 瞓 喺 張 床 處 。 I|two|if|destined|not|need|die|possessive particle|then|bless|he|drink|drunk|sleep|at|measure word for flat objects|bed|place If the two of us are destined not to die, then let's hope he gets drunk and sleeps on the bed. 若果 注定 我 哋 要死 呢 , 噉 佢 就 冇 飲 醉 係 啦 ! if|destined|we|plural marker|have to die|question particle|then|he|then|not|drink|drunk|be|final particle If we are destined to die, then he won't be drunk! 噉 兩個 人 講妥 晒 喇 。 then|two|people|have agreed|completely|particle indicating completed action So the two of them have made up their minds. 而家 講下 張飛 , 佢 喺 中軍帳 嚟 , 硬 係 覺得 神思 紛亂 恍恍惚惚 , 就 問 佢 啲 部將 話 嘞 : now|talk about|Zhang Fei|he|at|central army tent|came|stubbornly|really|felt|mind|confused|dazed|then|asked|his|plural marker|generals|said|past tense marker Now, let's talk about Zhang Fei. He was in the central army tent and felt his mind was in chaos and he was in a daze, so he asked his generals: 我 今日 心驚 肉震 , 坐臥不安 , 點解 呢 吓 ? I|today|anxious|trembling|restless|why|question particle|exclamation particle "I feel so scared and uneasy today, I can't sit or lie down comfortably. Why is that?" 呢 啲 皆 因 係 君侯 你 思念 關公 嘅 緣故 啫 , 冇 事 嘅 , 冇 事 嘅 。 ||all|because|are|Lord|you|miss|Guan Gong|possessive particle|reason|only|not have|matter|possessive particle||| "This is all because you, my lord, are missing Guan Gong. It's nothing, really, nothing at all." 嗯 ,攞 酒 嚟 飲 ! hmm|take|alcohol|here|drink "Hmm, bring some wine to drink!" 張飛 叫 人 擺酒 同 佢 嗰 幾個 部將 一齊 飲 。 Zhang Fei|called|people|to set up a banquet|with|him|those|several|generals|together|drink Zhang Fei called for people to set up a feast and drink with him and his few generals. 不經 不覺 , 飲到 大醉 就 入 去 瞓覺 。 without realizing|unaware|drinking until|very drunk|then|||sleep Unknowingly, I drank until I was very drunk and then went to sleep. 范疆 、 張達 探聽到 消息 , 啱 晒 喇 ! Fan Keung|Cheung Tat|heard|news|right|completely|particle indicating completed action Fan Jiang and Zhang Da heard the news, just in time! 當晚 初 更 時分 , 每人 都 擪 住 把 短刀 , 詐諦 話 有 機密 事情 要 報告 就 混 咗 入 去 中軍帳 。 that night|first|watch|time|everyone|all|held|firmly|measure word for tools|short knife|Zha Di|said|has|confidential|matter|to|report|then|sneaked|past tense marker|into|the| That night, around the first watch, everyone was holding a short knife, and Zha Di said there was a confidential matter to report, so they mixed into the central army tent. 一直 去 到 床前 , 哎呀 , 只見 張飛 碌 大 雙眼 , 嗰 棚 鬍鬚 呀 豎起 晒 , 哎呀 弊喇弊 喇 呢 趟 陰謀 實 敗露 喇 。 continuously|||in front of the bed|oh no|only saw|Zhang Fei|rolling|big|eyes|that|full|beard|particle|standing up|completely|oh no||particle|||||| When they reached the bedside, oh no, they saw Zhang Fei's big eyes rolling, and his beard was all standing up. Oh no, this conspiracy is really exposed. 咦 ? 唔 見 張飛 逳 動 噃。 eh|not|see|Zhang Fei|run|move|particle indicating suggestion Huh? I don't see Zhang Fei moving. 再 一 聽 , 嗯 , 嗯 , 哦 扯 鼻鼾 呀 大聲 到 好似 行雷 噉 。 again|one|listen|hmm||oh|pull|snoring|particle|loud|to|like|thunder|like Listen again, hmm, hmm, oh, the snoring is so loud it sounds like thunder. 原來 張飛 瞓覺 係 唔 合眼 嘅 。 it turns out|Zhang Fei|sleeping|is|not|compatible|particle It turns out that Zhang Fei's sleep is not peaceful. 兩個 嘢 抹 咗 成額 冷汗 , 一步 一步 輕手輕腳 行近 鋪 床 。 two|things|wiped|past tense marker|whole forehead|cold sweat|one step|one step|quietly|walked closer|bed|bed The two of them wiped off a lot of cold sweat, stepping lightly towards the bed. 我 攞 你 條 命 ! I|take|your|measure word for long objects|life I will take your life! 一刀 插入 張飛 嘅 腹部 , 啊 ! a knife|stabbed|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|abdomen|ah A knife plunged into Zhang Fei's abdomen, ah! 張飛 大叫 一聲 , 就 死 咗 。 Zhang Fei|shouted|one time|then|| Zhang Fei shouted loudly and then died. 當時 , 張飛 係 五十五歲 。 at that time|Zhang Fei|was|55 years old At that time, Zhang Fei was fifty-five years old. 范疆 、 張達 殺 咗 張飛 , 連隨就 割 咗 張飛 嘅 首級 , 帶住 幾十個 心腹 啊 漏夜 投奔 去 東吳 。 Fan Jiang|Zhang Da|killed|past tense marker|Zhang Fei||cut|past tense marker|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|head|bringing|dozens of|trusted subordinates|ah|in the night|defected|to|Eastern Wu Fan Jiang and Zhang Da killed Zhang Fei, and immediately cut off Zhang Fei's head, bringing dozens of loyal followers to defect to Eastern Wu at night. 到 咗 第日 , 噉 先至 發現 張飛 畀 人 謀殺 , 即刻 就 派兵 去 追 啦 追 都 追 唔 到 啦 。 arrive|past tense marker|the next day|then|only then|discovered|Zhang Fei|by|someone|murdered|immediately|then|sent troops|to|chase|sentence-final particle|chase|all||||sentence-final particle The next day, they discovered that Zhang Fei had been murdered, and immediately sent troops to pursue, but they couldn't catch up. 張飛 手下 有個 將官 叫做 吳班 , 佢 係 劉備 派 嚟 協助 張飛 守衛 閬中 。 Zhang Fei|subordinate|has a|military officer|named|Wu Ban|he|is|Liu Bei|sent|here|to assist|Zhang Fei|guard|Langzhong Zhang Fei had a general named Wu Ban, who was sent by Liu Bei to assist Zhang Fei in guarding Langzhong. 當日 , 吳班 首先 十萬火急 , 派 人 送 表章 去 成都 報告 劉備 。 that day|Wu army|first|in great haste|sent|a person|to deliver|official document|to|Chengdu|report|Liu Bei On that day, Wu Ban was in a hurry and sent someone to deliver a message to Liu Bei in Chengdu. 然後 叫 張飛 嘅 大 仔 張 苞 , 用 棺材 斂 好 佢 父親 ; 叫 張飛 嘅 細 佬 張 紹 守 閬中 。 then|called|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|big|son|||used|coffin|bury|properly|his|father|called|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|small|son|||guarded|Langzhong Then he asked Zhang Fei's eldest son, Zhang Bao, to prepare a coffin for his father; and asked Zhang Fei's younger son, Zhang Shao, to guard the city. 安排 好 嘞 , 張苞 就 飛馬 去向 劉備 報告 。 arrange|well|past action particle|Zhang Bao|then|swift horse||Liu Bei|report Once everything was arranged, Zhang Bao rode a horse to report to Liu Bei. 噉 當時 呢 , 劉備 就 已經 帶兵 出發 嘞 。 then|at that time|question particle|Liu Bei|already|already|led the troops|departed|past action particle At that time, Liu Bei had already set out with his troops. 而家 講下 劉備 佢 呢 一 晚 , 覺得 心驚 肉震 , 周身 唔 似 瞓 又 瞓 唔 着 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei|he|this|one|night|feels|anxious|scared|whole body|not|like|sleep|again||| Now let's talk about Liu Bei that night; he felt anxious and restless, unable to sleep. 佢 行 出去 中軍帳 外便 散 下步 , 見到 天邊 嘅 西北 便 啊 有 一粒 星 , 好似 斗 咁 大 嘅 , 忽然 喺 天 啊 一直 跌落 嚟 。 He|walk|outside|the main tent|to relieve himself|relax|next step|saw|the horizon|possessive particle|northwest|then|ah|there is|a|star|like|dipper|so|big|particle indicating possession|suddenly|in|sky|ah|straight|fall down|coming He walked out of the central army tent to take a break, and saw a star in the northwest of the sky, as big as a dipper, suddenly falling straight down from the sky. 嗯 劉備 個心 就 好 思疑 喇 , 漏夜 派 人 趕返 去 成都 問 孔明 係 咩 嘢 兆頭 噉 。 hmm|Liu Bei||then|very|suspicious|particle indicating completed action|overnight|send|person|hurry back|to|Chengdu|ask|Kongming|is|what|thing|omen|like this Hmm, Liu Bei's heart became suspicious, so he sent someone back to Chengdu at night to ask Kong Ming what this omen meant. 第 日 孔明 就 回覆 話 : 預兆 損失 一員 上將 , 三日 之內 必定會 有 噩耗 嚟 喇 噉 。 the|day|Kongming|then|replied|saying|omen|loss|one|general|three days|||have|bad news|come|particle indicating completed action|like that The next day, Kong Ming replied: the omen indicates the loss of a general, and within three days, there will definitely be bad news. 因此 呢 , 劉備 就 按兵不動 先 。 therefore|question particle|Liu Bei|then|hold back his troops|first Therefore, Liu Bei decided to hold his troops back for now. 果然 過 咗 兩日 , 侍臣 嚟 稟告 話 閬中 張將軍 嘅 部將 吳班 , 派 人 送 表章 嚟 噉 。 as expected|passed|past tense marker|two days|courtier|came|report|that|in Langzhong|General Zhang|possessive particle|subordinate general|Wu Ban|sent|someone|deliver|memorial|here|like this Sure enough, after two days, a courtier came to report that General Zhang's subordinate, Wu Ban, had sent someone to deliver a memorial. 劉備 一聽 就 𨂽 腳 哎呀 , 三弟 冇 喇 ! Liu Bei|upon hearing|immediately|kicked|leg|oh no|third brother|not|anymore Liu Bei, upon hearing this, was shocked and exclaimed, 'Oh no, my third brother is gone!' 及至 一睇 表章 , 果然 係 張飛 嘅 凶信 , 劉備 啊 當堂 放聲 痛哭 , 喊 得 兩喊 , 喊 到暈 咗 。 until|one look|letter|indeed|is|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|bad news|Liu Bei|ah|on the spot|loudly|wept|cried|after|two cries|crying|until fainted|past tense marker When he looked at the letter, it was indeed a death notice for Zhang Fei. Liu Bei burst into tears right there, crying out twice until he fainted. 大家 急 急救 返 醒 佢 啦 。 everyone|hurry|first aid|bring|awake|him|particle indicating suggestion or urgency Everyone hurried to revive him. 第 日 , 聽 講話 有 一彪 人馬 飛快 噉 嚟 緊 。 the|day|heard|talking|there is|a group|people and horses|very fast|like that|coming|continuous particle The next day, there were rumors of a group of soldiers coming quickly. 劉備 啊 出營 睇 下 啦 , 過 咗 好 耐 , 只見 一員 小將 , 白袍 銀甲 , 跑 到 面前 啪 聲 滾 鞍 下馬 就 跪 喺 地 就 喊 。 Liu Bei|ah|leave the camp|look|down|particle indicating suggestion|pass|past tense marker|very|long|only saw|one|young general|white robe|silver armor|run|to|in front of|sound of falling|sound|roll|saddle|dismount|then|kneel|at|ground|then|cry Liu Bei went out of the camp to take a look. After a long time, he saw a young general in a white robe and silver armor, who rushed up, dismounted with a thud, knelt on the ground, and began to cry. 原來 係 張 苞 啊 : 皇上 啊 , 皇上 啊 ! 范疆 、 張達 殺 咗 臣父 , 帶住 首級 去 咗 投奔 東吳 啊 ! originally|is|Zhang|Bao|ah|Your Majesty|ah|Your Majesty|ah|Fan Jiang|Zhang Da|killed|past tense marker|my father|bringing|head|went|past tense marker|defected to|Eastern Wu|ah It turns out to be Zhang Bao: Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Fan Jiang and Zhang Da have killed my father and taken his head to seek refuge in Eastern Wu! 啊 , 劉備 哀痛 到極 , 都 唔 想 飲食 咯 。 ah|Liu Bei|grief||all|not|want|eat and drink|particle indicating finality Ah, Liu Bei was in extreme grief and didn't want to eat or drink. 大家 猛 咁 勸 佢 話 : 陛下 正 係 要 為 兄弟 報仇 , 點 能夠 自己 摧殘 龍體 呢 ? everyone|fiercely|so|urged|him|said|Your Majesty|exactly|is|needs to|for|brother|take revenge|how|able to|himself|harm|dragon body|question particle Everyone urged him fiercely, saying: Your Majesty, you must seek revenge for your brother, how can you harm your own body? 勸得 多 喇 , 劉備 噉 先至 肯食 啲 嘢 咋 。 persuade|more|particle indicating completed action|Liu Bei|like this|only then||a little|food|particle indicating limitation After much persuasion, Liu Bei finally agreed to eat something. 劉備 就 問張 苞 : 你 同 吳班 , 敢 唔 敢 率領 本部 軍馬 做 先鋒 , 去 為 你 父親 報仇 啊 ? Liu Bei|then||Bao|you|with|Wu Ban|dare|not|dare|lead|our|cavalry|act as|vanguard|go|for|your|father|take revenge|ah Liu Bei then asked Zhang Bao: Do you and Wu Ban dare to lead our troops as vanguard to avenge your father? 為國 為父 , 萬死不辭 ! for the country|for the father|would not hesitate to die a thousand deaths For the country, for my father, I would rather die a thousand deaths! 好 ! 劉備 正話 想 下令 張苞 起兵 , 又 接到 報告 話 有 一彪 軍馬 蜂擁 而 嚟 。 good|Liu Bei|was just saying|wanted|to order|Zhang Bao|to raise troops|also|received|report|saying|there are|a group of|war horses|swarming|and|coming Good! Liu Bei was just thinking of ordering Zhang Bao to raise troops when he received a report that a group of cavalry was rushing in. 劉備 叫 侍臣 再 去 探聽 清楚 。 Liu Bei|ordered|servant|again|to go|inquire|clearly Liu Bei instructed his attendants to investigate further. 冇 幾耐 , 侍臣 帶 住 一位 着 住 白袍 銀甲 嘅 小 將軍 入 嚟 。 not|long|attendant|bring|wearing|one|wearing|wearing|white robe|silver armor|possessive particle|small|general|enter|come Before long, the attendants brought in a young general dressed in a white robe and silver armor. 小 將軍 一 見到 劉備 , 跪低 放聲大哭 。 young|general|once|saw|Liu Bei|knelt down|cried out loud As soon as the young general saw Liu Bei, he knelt down and cried out loud. 劉備 一睇 , 啊 , 原來 係 關興 。 Liu Bei|at a glance|ah|it turns out|is|Guan Xing Liu Bei took a look and said, "Ah, it turns out to be Guan Xing." 劉備 見到 關興 , 就 諗 起 關公 , 忍 唔 住 又 𡃀𡃀 聲喊 起 上 嚟 。 Liu Bei|saw|Guan Xing|then|||Guan Gong||||again|sobbing|crying||| When Liu Bei saw Guan Xing, he thought of Guan Gong and couldn't help but start crying again. 嗰 班 官員 苦苦 噉 勸 佢 唔 好 咁 傷心 喇 。 that|group|officials|painfully|like that|advised|he|||so|sad|particle indicating change of state The officials desperately advised him not to be so sad. 劉備 話 : 唉 , 朕 想起 當年 , 仲 係 個 老百姓 嗰 陣 呀 , 同關 、 張結義 , 誓同生死 。 Liu Bei|said|sigh|I (imperial pronoun)|remembered|back then|still|was|(classifier)|common people|that|time|(particle)||| Liu Bei said, "Sigh, I remember back in the day when I was still a commoner, I swore an oath of brotherhood with Guan and Zhang, vowing to live and die together." 今日 , 朕 做 咗 天子 喇 , 正 係 想 同 兩位 賢弟 同享 富貴 , 唉 , 不幸 都 死於非命 。 today|I (imperial pronoun)|become|past tense marker|emperor|sentence-final particle|just|am|want|with|two|virtuous younger brothers|to share together|wealth and honor|alas|unfortunately|all| Today, I have become the emperor, and I wanted to share wealth and honor with my two virtuous brothers, but alas, they have both died an untimely death." 而家 , 見到 兩個 侄兒 , 朕 點話 唔 傷心 呀 , 啊啊啊 啊啊啊 , 講完 又 喊 。 now|see|two|nephews|I (royal we)|how to say|not|sad|particle|ahhhh||finished speaking|again|cry Now, seeing the two nephews, how can I not be heartbroken? Ah ah ah ah ah, I finish speaking and then cry. 嗰 班 官員 話 : 兩位 小 將軍 出去 先 , 等 主上 休息 下 。 that|group|officials|said|two|young|generals|go out|first|wait|our lord|rest|a while The officials said: The two young generals should go out first, let the sovereign rest a bit. 侍臣 又 勸 劉備 嘞 : 陛下 年過 六十 , 不宜 過於 哀痛 㗎 。 the minister|again|advised|Liu Bei|past tense marker|Your Majesty|age over|sixty|should not|overly|grief|sentence-final particle The attendants also advised Liu Bei: Your Majesty is over sixty, it is not suitable to grieve too much. 劉備 話 : 兩位 賢弟 都 死 咗 咯 , 朕點 忍心 自己 留 喺 世上 呢 唉 ! Liu Bei|said|both|virtuous brothers|all|die|past tense marker|final particle||bear to|myself|stay|in|the world|question particle|sigh Liu Bei said: Both of my virtuous brothers have died, how can I bear to stay in this world? Sigh! 唉 ! 雲長 ! 翼德 啊 ! 唉 ! sigh|Yun Chang|Yi De|ah|sigh Sigh! Yun Chang! Yi De! Sigh! 講完 , 劉備 用 個頭 碰住 個 地 , 猛 咁 喊 真 係 淒涼 咯 。 finished speaking|Liu Bei|used|his head|bumped into|||fiercely|so|cried|really|is|tragic|particle indicating finality After speaking, Liu Bei hit his head against the ground and cried out loudly, it was truly heartbreaking. 大家 勸 咗 好 耐先 至 勸 咗 劉備 返去 休息 。 everyone|advised|past tense marker|very||only then|advised|past tense marker|Liu Bei|to go back|rest Everyone persuaded Liu Bei for a long time before he finally agreed to go back and rest. 嗰 班 官員 商量 喇 : 唉 , 而 家主 上 咁 傷心 煩惱 , 點 勸解 佢 好 呢 嚱? that|group|officials|discuss|particle indicating completed action|sigh|||is|so|sad|troubled|how|advise|he|well|question particle|particle indicating uncertainty The officials were discussing: Sigh, the lord is so sad and troubled right now, how can we comfort him? 馬良 話 喇 : 主 上 御駕親征 討伐 東吳 , 成日 咁 喊 , 於 軍 不利 㗎 噃。 Ma Liang|said|particle indicating completed action|Lord|imperial||to attack|Eastern Wu|all day|so|crying|in|army|disadvantageous|particle indicating assertion| Ma Liang said: The lord personally led the army to attack Eastern Wu, crying like this is detrimental to the army. 誒 , 陳 震 諗 起樣 嘢 佢 話 : 我 聽講 成都 青城山 西便 , 有 一位 隱士 , 叫做 李意 。 eh|Chan|Zhen|thought|of something|thing|he|said|I|heard|Chengdu|Qingcheng Mountain|to the west|there is|a|hermit|named|Li Yi Eh, Chen Zhen thought of something and said: I heard that there is a hermit named Li Yi on the west side of Qingcheng Mountain in Chengdu. 啲 人 傳說 話 佢 有 成 三百 幾歲 㗎 喇 , 能夠 知道 一個 人 嘅 生死 吉凶 , 真 係 世上 嘅 活神仙 嚟 。 these|people|legend|say|he|is|over|three hundred|several years old|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|able to|know|one|person|possessive particle|life and death|fortune and misfortune|really|is|in the world||living immortal|come People say that he is over three hundred years old, able to know a person's life and death, fortune and misfortune. He is truly a living deity in this world. 不如 稟奏 主 上 , 召 呢 個 老人家 嚟 , 問 下 佢 吉凶禍福 , 噉 就 勝過 我 哋 講 咁 多 啦 。 why not|report to|master|above|summon|this|classifier for people|old man|come|ask|a little|he|fortune and misfortune|then|just|better than|I|we|talk|so|much|particle Why not report to the emperor and summon this old man to ask him about fortune and misfortune? That would be better than us talking so much. 噉 啊 大家 都 話 好 吖 好 啊 噉 , 就入 去講 畀 劉備 聽 。 then|particle|everyone|all|said|good|particle|good|particle|then|||to|Liu Bei|hear Then everyone said, 'Good, good,' and went in to tell Liu Bei. 劉備 同意 嘞 , 即刻 派 陳 震帶 住 詔書 , 去 青城山 請 嗰 個 李 意 老人家 嚟 。 Liu Bei|agreed|past tense marker|immediately|sent|Chen||with|imperial edict|to|Qingcheng Mountain|invite|that|classifier|Li|Yi|old man|come Liu Bei agreed and immediately sent Chen Zhen with an imperial edict to Qingcheng Mountain to invite that old man Li Yi. 陳 震 趕到 去 青城 , 搵 到 個 鄉下人 帶 佢 入 到 深山 。 Chan|Zhen|rushed to|to|Qingcheng|||the|villager|to take|him|||deep mountains Chen Zhen rushed to Qingcheng and found a villager to lead him deep into the mountains. 行 咗 好多 路 , 遠遠 就 望見 李意 住 嘅 山莊 , 咦 , 真 係 清 雲 隱隱 啊 瑞氣 千條 。 walk|past tense marker|a lot of|road|from afar|then|saw|Li Yi|live|possessive particle|villa|eh|really|is|clear|clouds|faintly|ah|auspicious aura|thousands of After walking a long way, I could see the villa where Li Yi lives in the distance. Wow, it really is a place of hidden clouds and auspicious energy. 佢 正 喺 度 行 緊 , 忽然 見到 有個 細佬哥 迎面 而 嚟 , 就問 嘞 : He|currently|at|place|walking|continuous action particle|suddenly|saw||little brother|head-on|and|coming||past action particle He was walking when he suddenly saw a young boy coming towards him, and asked: 你 係 唔 係 叫做 陳 孝起 呢 ? you|are|not|are|called|Chan|Hiu Kei|question particle Are you called Chen Xiaoqi? 孝起 就 係 陳 震 嘅 別字 。 Hsiu-chi|just|is|Chen|Chen|possessive particle|nickname Xiaoqi is the courtesy name of Chen Zhen. 係 啊 係 啊 , 吖 仙童 你點 知道 我 嘅 姓名 啊 ? ||||particle|fairy boy||know|my|possessive particle|name| Yes, yes, yes! How did you know my name, fairy boy? 我 師父 昨日 就 講過 , 話 今日 有 皇帝 詔書 到 喇 , 個 使者 呢 , 就 係 陳 孝起 噉 。 I|master|yesterday|already|spoke|said|today|has|emperor|imperial edict|arrive|particle indicating completed action|the|messenger|question particle|just|is|Chan|Hiu-ki|like that My master mentioned yesterday that there is an imperial edict arriving today, and the messenger is Chen Xiaoqi. 啊 真 係 神仙 啊 真 係 神仙 啊 ! 人 哋 講 嘅 冇 錯 㗎 。 ah|really|is|immortal||||||people|plural marker|say|possessive particle|not|wrong|sentence-final particle Ah, truly a celestial being, truly a celestial being! What people say is not wrong. 噉 陳 震 就 跟 住 個 細路 入去 山莊 拜見 李意 , 宣讀 劉備 嘅 詔書 。 then|Chan|Zhen|then|||the|child|entered|villa|to pay respects to|Li Yi|read out|Liu Bei|possessive particle|edict Then Chen Zhen followed the young boy into the villa to meet Li Yi and read out Liu Bei's edict. 李意 藉口 話 老 喇 , 唔 肯 下山 。 Li Yi|excuse|said|old|particle indicating completed action|not|willing|go down the mountain Li Yi made an excuse saying he was old and refused to come down the mountain. 陳 震 好 誠懇 噉 𠼮 咗 佢 好 耐 , 李意 先至 應承 。 Chan|Zhen|very|sincere|like that|ignore|past tense marker|he|very|long|Li Yi|only then|agreed Chen Zhen sincerely urged him for a long time before Li Yi finally agreed. 噉 佢 哋 嚟 到 營房 , 劉備 見到 李意 , 嘖嘖 嘖嘖 , 哎鶴發 童顏 眼珠 碧綠 閃閃 有光 , 體形 古勁 , 唔 似 係 個 凡人 啊 。 then|he|plural marker|||barracks|Liu Bei|saw|Li Yi|tsk tsk||Ai He Fa|youthful appearance|pupils|bright green|sparkling|bright|physique|ancient strength|not|like|is|a|mortal|ah When they arrived at the camp, Liu Bei saw Li Yi and exclaimed, 'Ah, what a youthful face! His eyes are bright green and sparkling, and his physique is extraordinary; he doesn't seem like an ordinary person.' 劉備 好 恭敬 噉 接待 佢 。 Liu Bei|very|respectfully|like this|received|him Liu Bei received him very respectfully. 李意 話 喇 : 老夫 係 個 荒山 嘅 鄉下佬 , 無學 無識 , 辱 承 陛下 宣召 , 唔 知有 乜嘢 吩咐 呢 ? Li Yi|said|particle indicating past action|I (old man)|am|particle indicating a noun|barren mountain|possessive particle|country bumpkin|uneducated|ignorant|to dishonor|to receive|Your Majesty|summons|not||what|orders|question particle Li Yi said, 'I am just a simple countryman from a remote mountain, uneducated and ignorant. I am honored to be summoned by Your Majesty, but I do not know what orders you have for me.' 朕 同關 、 張 結拜 生死之交 , 三十多年 喇 。 I|Tong Kwan|Cheung|sworn brothers|friends for life and death|over thirty years|already I have been sworn brothers with Guan and Zhang for over thirty years. 而家 , 關 、 張 兩位 賢弟 遇害 , 朕 親自 統率 大軍 去 報仇 , 唔 知 吉凶 如何 呢 ? now|Kwan|Cheung|two|virtuous younger brothers|were killed|I (imperial pronoun)|personally|lead|army|to|take revenge|||good or bad fortune|how|question particle Now, with my two virtuous brothers Guan and Zhang having met with misfortune, I personally lead the army to seek revenge. I do not know what the outcome will be.' 素仰 仙翁 通曉 玄機 , 請 多多指教 。 I humbly admire|immortal sage|fully understands|profound mysteries|please| Master Su Yang is well-versed in the mysteries, please give me more guidance. 呢 啲 乃 係 天數 , 老夫 唔 知 㗎 噃。 ||are|is|destiny|I (old man)|not|know|question particle| These are the heavenly numbers, I do not know them. 吖 老人家 唔 肯講 啊 , 劉備 啊 再三再四 噉 懇求 。 ah|old man|not||ah|Liu Bei|ah|repeatedly|like that|pleaded Ah, the old man is unwilling to speak, Liu Bei has repeatedly pleaded. 收尾 , 李意 叫 人 攞 咗 紙筆 嚟 , 喺 度 畫畫 , 畫 咩 呢 ? 畫 兵馬 軍器 畫 咗 四廿 幾張 。 finishing|Li Yi|called|someone|took|past tense marker|paper and pencil|here|at|place|drawing|draw|what|question particle|drew|soldiers and horses|weapons|||forty| To wrap it up, Li Yi asked someone to bring paper and pen, and started drawing. What did he draw? He drew military troops and weapons, drawing over forty sheets. 畫完 喇 , 就 一張 張 撕碎 佢 。 finished drawing|particle indicating completion|then|one sheet|measure word for flat objects|tear up|it After finishing the drawings, he tore each one into pieces. 跟 住 又畫 一個 大人 , 打 仰 瞓 喺 地下 , 旁邊 有 個人 , 掘個 氹 嚟 埋 佢 , 上面 寫住 個 白字 。 ||drew again|one|adult|lying|on his back|sleeping|at|the ground|next to|there is|a person||hole|come|bury|him|above|written|the|white character Then draw an adult lying on the ground, with someone next to him digging a hole for him, and a white character written above. 畫完 喇 , 行 咗 個禮 就 扯 人 。 finished drawing|particle indicating completion|walk|past tense marker||then|pull|person After finishing, I pulled someone after a ceremony. 劉備 唔 高興 啊 , 就 對 班 官員 話 : Liu Bei|not|happy|particle|then|to|group|officials|said Liu Bei was not happy, so he said to the officials: 個伯爺 公都 神神經經 嘅 不足 為 信 嘅 , 就 叫 人燒 咗 李意 畫 嗰 啲 嘢 , 跟 住 就 命令 軍隊 前進 。 |public|nervous|possessive particle|insufficient|for|trust|possessive particle|then|ordered||past tense marker|Li Yi|painting|that|plural marker|things|||then|ordered|army|advance The old lord is quite neurotic and untrustworthy, so he ordered to burn the things that Li Yi painted, and then commanded the army to advance. 呢 一日 , 張苞 嚟 到 稟奏 話 : 吳 班 嘅 軍馬 已經 嚟 到 , 請 陛下 任命 小臣 做 先鋒 啦 。 this|day|Zhang Bao|||report|said|Wu|group|possessive particle|cavalry|already|||please|Your Majesty|appoint|humble servant|to be|vanguard|sentence-final particle On that day, Zhang Bao came to report that the Wu army's horses had already arrived, asking Your Majesty to appoint this humble servant as the vanguard. 劉備 見 佢 年少 英雄 咁 有志氣 唄 , 好 高興 , 即刻 就 攞 先鋒 印 嚟 賜 畀 張 苞 。 Liu Bei|saw|he|young|hero|so|ambitious|particle indicating affirmation|very|happy|immediately|then|took|vanguard|seal|here|bestowed|to|Zhang|Bao Liu Bei saw that he was a young hero with such ambition, and was very happy, so he immediately took the vanguard seal and bestowed it upon Zhang Bao. 張苞 剛剛 想 掛印 , 關興 噔 噔 聲行 出 嚟 話 : 留低 個 印 畀 我 ! Zhang Bao|just now|wanted|to hang the seal|Guan Xing|thud|thud|sound of footsteps|to come|here|said|leave|the|seal|for|me Just as Zhang Bao was about to hang the seal, Guan Xing came out and said: "Leave the seal for me!" 張苞話 嘞 : 我 已經 奉 咗 皇上 嘅 命令 嘞 , 你 點解 要 搶 印 啊 ? Zhang Bao said|past tense marker|I|already|received|past tense marker|the Emperor|possessive particle|order|past tense marker|you|why|want|to seize|seal|question particle Zhang Bao replied: "I have already received the emperor's order, why do you want to snatch the seal?" 你 有 咩 本事 敢擔 呢 個 咁 重 嘅 責任 吖 ? you|have|what|ability|dare to take|this|measure word|so|heavy|possessive particle|responsibility|sentence-final particle What ability do you have to dare to take on such a heavy responsibility? 我 自細 學習 武藝 , 箭無虛發 。 I|since childhood|learned|martial arts| I have been learning martial arts since I was young, and my arrows never miss. 劉備 感到 興趣 , 佢 話 : 朕 正 係 想 睇 下 賢侄 嘅 武藝 , 嚟 評定 下 優劣 啊 。 Liu Bei|felt|interest|he|said|I (imperial pronoun)|currently|am|want|see|a little|virtuous nephew|possessive particle|martial arts|to|evaluate|a little|strengths and weaknesses|sentence-final particle Liu Bei felt interested and said: I just want to see my talented nephew's martial arts to evaluate his strengths and weaknesses. 張苞 叫 軍士 喺 百步 之外 , 豎 一面 旗 , 旗 上面 畫個 紅心 。 Zhang Bao|shouted|soldier|at|hundred paces|outside|raise|a|flag|flag|on it||red heart Zhang Bao instructed the soldiers to set up a flag a hundred steps away, with a red heart drawn on it. 張苞 拈 弓 搭 箭 , 連射 三箭 , 箭 箭 射中 紅心 。 Zhang Bao|nock|bow|draw|arrow|shoot consecutively|three arrows|arrow|||bullseye Zhang Bao drew his bow and shot three arrows, each hitting the red heart. 噉 啊 人人 都 讚 好 箭法 。 then|ah|everyone|all|praise|good| Everyone praised his archery skills. 關興 攞 起 張 弓 : 射中 紅心 有 咩 出奇 呢 ? Kwan Hing|take|draw|measure word for bow|bow|hit|bullseye|have|what|surprising|question particle Guan Xing picked up a bow and said: What's so special about hitting the red heart? 啱 啱 講緊 , 天空 有 一行 雁 飛過 , 關興 指住 話 : 我要 射 第三隻 飛雁 ! ||was talking|sky|has|a flock of|geese|flew past|Kwan Hing|pointing|said|I want|to shoot|third|flying goose Just now, there was a line of geese flying across the sky, and Guan Xing pointed and said: I want to shoot the third goose! 𠻘 噉 一箭 射過去 , 嘩 ! 嗰 第三隻 雁 呀 果然 射 咗 落 嚟 。 then|like this|one arrow|shot over|wow|that||goose|particle|indeed|shot|past tense marker|down|come With that, an arrow shot over, wow! That third goose was indeed shot down. 當堂 文武 官員 齊聲 喝彩 , 大 讚 好 嘢 。 on the spot|civil and military|officials|in unison|cheers|very|praise|good|thing The civil and military officials all cheered, praising it as a great feat. 噉 就 激親 張 苞 喇 , 佢 立即 飛身 上馬 , 手執 父親 所 使 嘅 丈 八點 鋼矛 , 大聲 話 : 你 敢 唔 敢 同 我 比武 吖 ? then|just|provoke|Zhang|Bao|particle indicating completed action|he|immediately|leaped|onto the horse|holding|father|possessive particle|used|particle indicating possession|8|8|steel spear|loudly|said|you|dare|not|dare|with|me|duel|particle indicating question This provoked Zhang Bao, who immediately jumped on his horse, wielding the eight-point steel spear used by his father, and shouted: Do you dare to compete with me? 關興 亦 都 上馬 , 手提 家傳 大關 刀 縱馬 而 出 。 Guan Xing|also|all|mount horse|holding|family heirloom|great sword|knife|spur the horse|and|exit Guan Xing also mounted his horse, brandishing the family heirloom Daguandao and galloping out. 就 係 你 會 使 矛 , 我 就 唔 識 使 刀 咩 ? 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 我同 你 大戰 三百 回合 ! Just because you can use a spear, does that mean I can't use a sword? Come, come, come, let's have a duel for three hundred rounds! 兩員 小將 正 係 想 交鋒 , 劉備 啊 喝 住 佢 哋 : 你 兩個 後 生仔 唔 好 噉 樣 , 唔 好 噉 樣 ! two members|young generals|just|are|want|to duel|Liu Bei|ah|||them|plural marker|you|two|||not|good|like this|appearance|||| The two young generals were eager to spar, but Liu Bei stopped them: "You two young lads, don't act like this, don't act like this!" 關興 、 張苞 兩個 就 連忙 落馬 , 掉 低 兵器 , 跪 喺 處 請罪 。 Guan Xing|Zhang Bao|the two|then|hurriedly|dismounted|||weapons|knelt|at|place|begged for forgiveness Guan Xing and Zhang Bao quickly dismounted, dropped their weapons, and knelt down to apologize. 劉備 話 : 朕 自從 喺 涿 郡 同 你 哋 父親 結拜 為 異姓 兄弟 , 親如骨肉 。 Liu Bei|said|I (imperial pronoun)|since|at|||with|you|plural marker|father|sworn brotherhood|as|different surname|brothers| Liu Bei said: "Since I became sworn brothers with your father in Zhuo County, we are as close as flesh and blood." 而家 , 你 哋 兩個 人 亦 係 兄弟 嘅 情分 , 正 係 應該 同心協力 , 一齊 去 同 父親 報仇 至 啱 嘅 , 點解 要 互相 爭起 嚟 失 咗 義氣 呢 ? now|you|plural marker|two|people|also|are|brothers|possessive particle|bond|just|should|should|work together|together|go|with|father|take revenge|only|right|possessive particle|why|need|mutually|compete|in|lose|past tense marker|brotherhood|question particle Now, you two should also share the bond of brotherhood, and it is right to work together to avenge your father. Why must you fight among yourselves and lose your brotherly loyalty? 父親 去世 冇 幾耐 , 你 哋 就 已經 噉 樣咯 , 噉 日後 仲得 了 嘅 咩 ! father|passed away|not||you|plural marker|then|already|like this|this way|like this|in the future||past tense marker|question particle|what Father passed away not long ago, and you are already like this. What will happen in the future! 小臣 無知 , 請 陛下 恕罪 ! this humble servant|ignorant|please|Your Majesty|forgive my offense This humble servant is ignorant, please forgive me, Your Majesty! 兩個 人猛 咁 叩頭 認罪 。 two||so|kowtowed|confessed The two of them bowed their heads vigorously to confess. 劉備 又問 : 你 兩個 邊個 年紀 大 啲 啊 ? Liu Bei||you|both of you|which one|age|older|more|question particle Liu Bei asked again: Which of you two is older? 張苞話 : 小臣 大過 關興 一歲 。 Zhang Bao said|this humble servant|older than|Guan Xing|one year old Zhang Bao said: This humble servant is one year older than Guan Xing. 哦 ? 噉 係 嘛 。 oh|then|is|right Oh? Is that so. 於是 劉備 立即 叫 佢 哋 兩個 結拜 做 兄弟 , 張苞 做 大佬 , 關興 做細 佬 。 then|Liu Bei|immediately|called|them|plural marker|two|sworn brotherhood|become|brothers|Zhang Bao|become|elder brother|Guan Xing|| So Liu Bei immediately called the two of them to become sworn brothers, with Zhang Bao as the elder brother and Guan Xing as the younger brother. 兩個 人 啊 , 就 喺 劉備 面前 , 拗斷 支箭 發誓 , 要 永遠 互相 照應 幫助 。 two|people|ah|then|at|Liu Bei|in front of|broke||swore|will|forever|mutually|taking care of each other|helping The two of them, in front of Liu Bei, broke a stick of arrows and swore to always support and help each other. 噉 啊 大家 都 高興 喇 。 then|ah|everyone|all|happy|particle indicating change of state So everyone was happy. 劉備 下令 , 吳班 做 先鋒 , 就 命令 張苞 、 關興 護駕 。 Liu Bei|ordered|Wu Ban|to be|vanguard|then|ordered|Zhang Bao|Guan Xing|to protect the chariot Liu Bei ordered that Wu Ban be the vanguard and commanded Zhang Bao and Guan Xing to escort. 於是 水陸並進 , 船騎 相行 , 浩浩蕩蕩 殺 奔 吳國 而 去 。 then|||travel together|in great numbers|attack|rush|Wu state|and|go So, both land and water forces advanced, with ships and cavalry moving together, charging towards the state of Wu in a grand manner. 而家 講下 范疆 、 張達 呀 , 佢 兩個 帶住 張飛 嘅 首級 去 投降 孫權 , 將 經過 就 報告 咗 。 now|talk about|Fan Jiang|Zhang Da|particle|they|both|brought|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|head|to|surrender|Sun Quan|to|the incident|then|reported|past tense marker Now let's talk about Fan Jiang and Zhang Da, they brought the head of Zhang Fei to surrender to Sun Quan, and reported what had happened. 孫權 收容 咗 佢 兩個 , 就 對 啲 官員 話 : Sun Quan|took in|past tense marker|he|two|then|to|the|officials|said Sun Quan received the two of them and said to the officials: 而家 劉玄德 登 咗 帝位 , 率領 七 十幾萬 精兵 御駕親征 , 來勢 極猛 , 如之奈何 呢 吓 ? now|Liu Xuande|ascended|past tense marker|imperial throne|leading|seven|over a hundred thousand|elite soldiers|personally leading the campaign|momentum|extremely fierce|what to do|question particle|exclamation particle Now that Liu Xuande has ascended to the throne, leading over 700,000 elite troops personally into battle, his momentum is extremely fierce, what should we do about this? 吖 嚇到 啲 官員 面都青 埋 , 你 望 我 時 我 望 你 , 都 唔 會 出聲 喇 。 ah|scared|particle indicating comparison|officials||also|you|look|I|when||||all|not|will|speak|particle indicating completed action The officials were so frightened that their faces turned pale, looking at each other without saying a word. 諸葛瑾 就 行前 一步 話 : 食君 之祿 忠君 之憂 , 我 跟隨 君侯 咁 耐 喇 , 無可 報效 。 Zhuge Jin|then|move forward|one step|said|eat the lord's||loyal to the lord||I|follow|lord|so|long|already|cannot|repay Zhuge Jin stepped forward and said: "Serving the ruler's salary, I worry for the ruler's concerns. I have followed you for so long, and I have nothing to repay you with." 我 情願 捨棄 殘生 去 見 劉備 , 同 佢 講明 利害 使到 兩國 和 好 , 共同 去 討伐 曹丕 。 I|would rather|give up|remaining life|to|meet|Liu Bei|with|him|explain clearly|pros and cons|so that|the two countries|||together|to|attack|Cao Pi I would rather give up my remaining life to meet Liu Bei, to clearly discuss the benefits and harms to achieve peace between the two nations, and jointly attack Cao Pi. 唔 知 主公 意下如何 呢 ? not|know|lord||question particle I wonder what the lord's thoughts are on this? 孫權 都 唔 知 幾 高興 , 就實 同意 啦 , 即刻 就 派 諸葛瑾 做 使者 , 去 說服 劉備 罷兵 。 Sun Quan|all|not|know|how much|happy||agreed|particle indicating completion|immediately|then|sent|Zhuge Jin|to be|messenger|to|persuade|Liu Bei|withdraw troops Sun Quan was very pleased and immediately agreed, sending Zhuge Jin as an envoy to persuade Liu Bei to cease hostilities. 而家講 下 喺 章 武 元年 啊 即 係 公元 二二 一年 八月 。 |next|at|Zhang|Wu|first year|ah|||AD|22|year|August Now let's talk about the first year of Zhangwu, which is August of the year 221. 劉備 又 率領 水陸 大軍 , 沿住 長江 就 由西向東 討伐 東吳 。 Liu Bei|again|led|land and water|large army|along|Yangtze River|then|from west to east|attack|Eastern Wu Liu Bei led a large army by land and water, marching along the Yangtze River from west to east to attack Eastern Wu. 呢 一日 , 大軍 就 嚟 到 夔關 , 劉備 嘅 大本營 就 駐 扎 喺 白帝城 。 this|one day|the main army|then|||Kuiguang|Liu Bei|possessive particle|main base|then|||at|Baidi City On this day, the large army arrived at Kuiguang, and Liu Bei's main camp was stationed at Baidi City. 當時 前鋒 部隊 呢 , 就 已經 出 咗 西川 邊境 嘞 。 at that time|forward|troops|question particle|then|already|exit|past tense marker|Xichuan|border|completed action particle At that time, the vanguard troops had already crossed the western border. 夔關 就 即 係 瞿塘關 , 呢 個關 現時 就 當然 冇 咗 喇 。 Kuiguang|then|immediately|is|Qutang Pass|this||currently|then|of course|has not|past tense marker|particle indicating completed action Kuiguang is the same as Qutang Pass, which of course no longer exists now. 噉 喺 古時 佢 個 地點 呢 , 就 喺 而 家 嘅 四川省 , 奉節縣 以東 。 then|at|ancient times|he|possessive particle|location|question particle|just|at|||possessive particle|Sichuan Province|Fengjie County| In ancient times, its location was in what is now the eastern part of Fengjie County in Sichuan Province. 噉 喺 呢 個 時候 啊 , 侍臣 嚟 稟告 話 : 東吳 使者 諸葛瑾 到 。 then|at|this|measure word|time|particle|servant|come|report|said|Eastern Wu|envoy|Zhuge Jin|arrived At this moment, a servant came to report that the envoy from Eastern Wu, Zhuge Jin, has arrived. 劉備 就 吩咐 唔 好 放 佢 入 嚟 。 Liu Bei|then|instructed|||let|him|in|come Liu Bei instructed not to let him in. 黃權 就 稟奏 話 喇 : 諸葛瑾 嘅 兄弟 喺 我 哋 蜀國 做 丞相 , 佢 必定 係 有 緊要 事 嚟 嘅 , 陛下 何必 唔 見 佢 呢 ? Huang Quan|then|report|said|particle|Zhuge Jin|possessive particle|brother|at|I|plural marker|Shu Kingdom|serve as|chancellor|he|must|is|have|important|matter|come|particle|Your Majesty|why|not|see|him|question particle Huang Quan then reported, saying: Zhuge Jin's brother is the Prime Minister in our Shu Kingdom, he must have important matters to discuss, Your Majesty, why not meet him? 叫 佢 入 嚟 , 聽 下 佢 講 乜嘢 都 好 啊 , 可 聽則 聽 啫 。 call|him|come|in|listen|to|he|say|what|all|good|ah|can|if listening|listening|only Let him in, it's fine to listen to what he has to say, we can just listen. 如果 冇 乜嘢 聽得 落 嘅 , 借 佢 把 口 返 去 講 畀 孫權知 , 等 佢 知道 陛下 興師問罪 師出有名 吖 嘛 。 if|has no|anything|heard|down|particle|borrow|he|particle|mouth|return|to|tell|to||let|him|know|Your Majesty|march against and question|army has just cause|particle|particle If there's nothing of importance, we can let him go back and tell Sun Quan, so he knows that Your Majesty is justified in taking military action. 劉備 於是 就 召 諸葛瑾 入 城 。 Liu Bei|then|immediately|summoned|Zhuge Jin|into|city Liu Bei then summoned Zhuge Jin into the city. 見 咗 面 , 諸葛瑾 對 劉備 叩頭 行禮 。 meet|past tense marker|face|Zhuge Jin|to|Liu Bei|kowtow|pay respects Upon meeting, Zhuge Jin bowed and paid his respects to Liu Bei. 劉備 問 佢 嘞 : 子瑜 你 咁 遠 嚟 到 , 有 咩 嘢 事 啊 ? Liu Bei|asked|him|past tense marker|Ziyu|you|so|far|come|here|have|what|thing|matter|question particle Liu Bei asked him: "Ziyu, you have come from so far, what is the matter?" 臣弟 孔明 , 侍奉 陛下 好多年 嘞 , 故此 臣 不 避刀 斧 , 特意 嚟 向 陛下 講明 下 荊州 嘅 事 。 your humble servant|Kongming|serve|Your Majesty||past tense particle|therefore|I (your humble servant)|not||axe|specially|come|to|Your Majesty|explain|about|Jingzhou|possessive particle|matter My brother Kongming has served Your Majesty for many years, therefore I do not shy away from danger and have come specifically to explain the situation in Jingzhou to Your Majesty. 以前 , 當 關公 喺 荊州 嘅 時候 , 吳侯 屢次 向 佢 求親 , 關公 都 唔 肯 。 in the past|when|Guan Gong|at|Jingzhou|possessive particle|time|Wu Hou|repeatedly|towards|him|propose marriage|Guan Gong|all|not|willing In the past, when Guan Gong was in Jingzhou, the Wu lord repeatedly sought to marry into his family, but Guan Gong refused. 後 嚟 , 關公 去 奪取 襄陽 。 ||Guan Gong|went|to seize|Xiangyang Later, Guan Gong went to seize Xiangyang. 曹操 又 幾次 寫信 畀 吳侯 , 叫 吳侯 出兵 去 襲擊 荊州 。 Cao Cao|again|several times|wrote a letter|to|Lord Wu|ordered|Lord Wu|to send troops|to|attack|Jingzhou Cao Cao wrote several letters to the Wu Marquis, asking him to send troops to attack Jingzhou. 吳侯 呢 , 本來 係 唔 肯 應承 嘅 , 皆 因 呂蒙 同 關公 唔 好 , 故此 擅自 興兵 , 結果 就 搞 出 一件 咁 大 嘅 事 。 the Wu lord|question particle|originally|was|not|willing|to promise|past tense particle|all|because|Lu Meng|and|Guan Yu|not|good|therefore|without permission|to raise troops|as a result|then|||one|so|big|past tense particle|incident The Wu Marquis was originally unwilling to agree, mainly because Lu Meng and Guan Gong were not on good terms, so he took it upon himself to raise troops, resulting in such a big incident. 而家 , 吳侯 悔之不及 喇 。 now|Lord Wu|regrets it too late|particle indicating completed action Now, the Wu Marquis regrets it. 不過 呢 啲 都 係 呂蒙 嘅 罪 , 唔 係 吳 侯 嘅 過錯 。 but|this|plural marker|all|is|Lu Meng|possessive particle|sin|not|is|Wu|Hou|possessive particle|fault However, all of this is Lu Meng's fault, not the Wu Marquis's mistake. 今日 呂蒙 已經 死 咗 嘞 , 噉 冤仇 亦 都 平息 啦 。 today|Lu Meng|already|die|past tense marker|sentence final particle|then|feud|also|all|settle|sentence final particle Today, Lu Meng has already died, so the feud has also come to an end. 孫夫人 呢 一向 都 極想 返歸 , 而家 吳侯 叫 臣 做 使者 , 情願 送還 孫夫人 , 綁 還降將 , 並且 將 荊州 仍舊 交還 。 Lady Sun|this|always|all|really wants|to return|now|Lord Wu|calls|I|to be|messenger|willing|to return||to bind|returning the surrendered general|and|to|Jingzhou|still|return Madam Sun has always wanted to return, and now the Wu Marquis has asked me to be the messenger, willing to return Madam Sun, bind the surrendered generals, and also return Jingzhou. 吳蜀 永遠 結成 和 好 同盟 , 共同 去 討伐 曹丕 , 懲罰 佢 謀 朝 篡位 之罪 啊 。 Wu and Shu|forever|form|harmonious|good|alliance|together|go|attack|Cao Pi|punish|him|plot|dynasty|usurpation||ah Wu and Shu will forever form a peaceful alliance to jointly attack Cao Pi and punish him for his crime of plotting to usurp the throne. 哼 ! 你 東吳 害 咗 朕 嘅 兄弟 , 今日 竟然 想用 啲 花言巧語 , 嚟 為 自己 開脫罪責 係 嘛 ! hum|you|Eastern Wu|harmed|past tense marker|I (imperial pronoun)|possessive particle|brother|today|unexpectedly||some|flowery words|to|for|oneself||is|question particle Hmph! You Eastern Wu harmed my brother, and today you actually want to use sweet words to absolve yourself of responsibility! 請 陛下 允許 小臣 , 用 輕重 大小 嘅 道理 , 同 陛下 分析 一下 啦 。 please|Your Majesty|allow|humble servant|using|weight and importance|size|possessive particle|reasoning|with||analyze|a little|sentence-final particle Please allow me, Your Majesty, to analyze this matter with you using principles of weight and importance. 噉 究竟 諸葛瑾 啊 , 講 咗 一番 咩 嘢 大道理 , 又 能 唔 能夠 說服 劉備 罷兵 呢 ? then|after all|Zhuge Jin|ah|said|past tense marker|a round|what|thing|great principle|again|can|not|able to|persuade|Liu Bei|withdraw troops|question particle So what exactly did Zhuge Jin say, and was he able to persuade Liu Bei to stop the war?

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