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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 107





















































































































































































































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到黃忠就唔服老吖,一個人帶住幾個親兵,走到去彝陵前線,要同東吳嘅將領打過,顯下佢越老越英雄。 When it comes to Huang Zhong, he refuses to admit his age. He leads a few personal soldiers to the front line at Yiling, ready to fight against the generals of Eastern Wu, proving that he becomes more heroic as he gets older.

呢一日,東吳人馬嚟到挑戰嘞。 this day| On this day, the troops of Eastern Wu came to challenge.

黃忠奮發精神啪聲起身行出中軍帳,騎上戰馬準備出戰。 Huang Zhong, full of spirit, stood up and walked out of the central army tent, mounted his warhorse, and prepared for battle.

馮習佢哋都勸佢啊:老將軍,你唔好去啊。 Feng Xi and the others advised him: "Old general, you shouldn't go."

黃忠點肯聽吖,一拍馬就跑出去嘞。 But Huang Zhong would not listen; he spurred his horse and ran out.

吳班就命令馮習快啲帶兵去助戰。 Wu ordered Feng Xi to quickly lead the troops to assist in the battle.

黃忠衝到嚟吳軍陣前勒馬橫刀,就係向佢哋先鋒潘璋挑戰。 Huang Zhong charged to the front of the Wu army, reining in his horse and brandishing his sword, challenging their vanguard Pan Zhang.

潘璋啊帶住部將史跡出陣。 Pan Zhang led his general Shi Ji into battle.

史跡見到黃忠係個白頭公,哈哈,蝦佢老喎,縱馬挺槍就嚟同黃忠打。 |haha|| When Shi Ji saw Huang Zhong, an old man with white hair, he laughed and said, 'I'll take him on!' and rode forward with his spear to fight Huang Zhong.

點知打咗唔夠三個回合,黃忠大喝一聲刀光一閃,就將史跡斬成兩橛。 Unexpectedly, after less than three exchanges, Huang Zhong shouted loudly, and with a flash of his sword, he cut Shi Ji in two.

潘璋嬲喇,舞起關公當年使過嘅青龍刀嚟鬥黃忠,噉啊打咗幾個回合不分勝敗。 Pan Zhang is angry, wielding the Green Dragon Crescent Blade that Guan Gong used back in the day to fight Huang Zhong, and they fought for several rounds without a clear winner.

黃忠啊出盡力打到搏晒命,咦,潘璋諗住頂唔順喇,撥馬就走。 |eh|| Huang Zhong is fighting with all his might, but Pan Zhang thinks he can't take it anymore and decides to retreat.

黃忠趁勢追殺一輪,就獲得全勝呀收兵回營。 Huang Zhong seizes the opportunity to chase him down and achieves a complete victory, returning to camp.

喺路上遇着關興同張苞趕到嚟,關興啊勸佢話喇:老將軍,我哋奉咗皇上聖旨嚟幫老將軍手啊,而家既然立咗功嘞,請老將軍同我哋返去啦。 ||old general||| On the way, he encounters Guan Xing and Zhang Bao who have rushed over. Guan Xing advises him: "General, we have come with the Emperor's decree to assist you, and now that you have achieved merit, please return with us."

嚱!我唔返去,唔返去啊!黃忠唔肯啊。 exclamation particle||| No! I won't go back, I won't go back! Huang Zhong refuses.

第日,潘璋嚟挑戰喇,黃忠奮然上馬。 the next day|| The next day, Pan Zhang came to challenge, and Huang Zhong bravely mounted his horse.

關興同張苞要助戰,黃忠啊唔畀。 Guan Xing and Zhang Bao wanted to assist in the battle, but Huang Zhong refused.

吳班要助戰,黃忠啊亦都唔畀。 The Wu faction wanted to assist in the battle, but Huang Zhong also refused.

只係自己帶住五千人馬就出去應戰嘞,打咗幾個回合,潘璋拖刀就走。 He only took five thousand troops to go out and face the challenge, and after a few rounds of fighting, Pan Zhang retreated.

黃忠縱馬追住去,大聲噉喝:賊將你咪走!我今日要為關公報仇! Huang Zhong rode after him, shouting loudly: "You thief, don't run! Today I will avenge Guan Gong!"

𠽤𠽤𡃈𠽤𠽤𡃈𠽤𠽤𡃈一直就追咗三十幾里,喎嗬突然四面八方伏兵一齊衝出嚟。 They chased for over thirty miles, and suddenly ambushes sprang out from all directions.

右便周泰,左便韓當,前有潘璋後有凌統,將黃忠沊沊𡃈圍住喺戰陣中心。 On the right was Zhou Tai, on the left was Han Dang, in front was Pan Zhang and behind was Ling Tong, surrounding Huang Zhong in the center of the battle formation.

打得幾打,突然間發發聲翻起大風,黃忠急急想撤退。 fighting fiercely|| As they fought, suddenly there was a loud noise and a strong wind arose, and Huang Zhong urgently wanted to retreat.

喺呢個時候,馬忠喺山坡上便帶住一彪軍馬出現,佢一箭射過嚟就正中黃忠嘅肩窩,就係心口對上膊頭對落啊,哎呀,黃忠爭啲跌咗落馬。 ||||oh no| At this moment, Ma Zhong appeared on the hillside with a troop of cavalry, and he shot an arrow that struck Huang Zhong in the shoulder, right at the heart area, oh no, Huang Zhong almost fell off his horse.

吳兵見到黃忠中箭喎,哇殺啊!噉就一擁而上喇。 When the Wu soldiers saw Huang Zhong was hit by the arrow, they exclaimed, 'Kill!' and rushed forward.

正在危急嘅時候,後便吶喊連天呀,關興、張苞兩路軍馬殺到,殺散咗吳兵就救出黃忠。 ||Guan Xing|| In a critical moment, there were cries from the rear, and the troops of Guan Xing and Zhang Bao arrived, scattering the Wu soldiers and rescuing Huang Zhong.

噉兩員小將一直護送黃忠返到去劉備嘅大本營。 The two young generals escorted Huang Zhong back to Liu Bei's main camp.

返到去嘅時候,黃忠因為年紀老,血氣衰弱,戰傷又嚴重就病得好緊要。 when he returned||| When they returned, Huang Zhong, due to his old age, weakened blood, and serious battle wounds, fell gravely ill.

劉備去探望佢,摸住黃忠嘅背脊話: Liu Bei went to visit him, touching Huang Zhong's back and saying:

唉!令到老將軍中箭負傷,都係朕嘅過錯啊。 sigh|| Alas! It is my fault that the old general was shot and injured.

陛下,臣係一個軍人,能夠遇到陛下係極之幸運啊。 Your Majesty|| Your Majesty, I am a soldier, and it is extremely fortunate to meet you.

臣今年,七十五歲咯,亦夠長壽咯。 This year, I am seventy-five years old, which is quite a long life.

希望陛下,多多保重龍體,奪取中原啊!啊!啊! I hope Your Majesty|||ah| I hope Your Majesty takes good care of your health and conquers the Central Plains! Ah! Ah! Ah!

講完,就不省人事,當晚就喺劉備嘅大本營逝世。 after speaking|| After speaking, he lost consciousness and passed away that night at Liu Bei's headquarters.

唉,真係臨亡頭似雪啊猶自顯英雄啊。 sigh| Alas, even at the moment of death, he still showed his heroism.

劉備睇住黃忠氣絕身亡,當然係十分悲傷啦,佢命令同黃忠舉行隆重嘅葬禮,安葬喺成都。 Liu Bei watched Huang Zhong die from anger, and of course he was very sad. He ordered a grand funeral for Huang Zhong, to be buried in Chengdu.

劉備話喇:唉!五虎大將,已經死咗三個,朕仲未能夠報仇,真係痛心啊! |sigh|Five Tiger Generals||| Liu Bei said: Alas! Among the Five Tiger Generals, three have already died, and I still haven't been able to take revenge, it really pains me!

劉備下咗大決心,率領御林軍一直去到猇亭啊。 Liu Bei made a firm decision and led the Imperial Guard all the way to Xiaoting.

嗱各位,請記住呢笪地方吓,猇亭就喺今日湖北省宜都以北。 Hey everyone|| Now everyone, please remember this place, Xiaoting is located north of today's Yidu in Hubei Province.

歷史上吳蜀兩國為咗爭奪荊州,所進行嘅猇亭之戰啊,或者稱作彝陵之戰,就係發生喺呢處,以後呢我哋好快就會講到㗎喇。 In history, the battle of Xiaoting, also known as the Battle of Yiling, was fought between the Wu and Shu states over the control of Jingzhou, and it took place here. We will talk about it very soon.

劉備喺猇亭同全軍嘅將領會合,然後分兵八路水陸並進。 Liu Bei met with the generals of the entire army at Xiaoting, and then divided his troops into eight routes to advance by both land and water.

水路就由黃權帶領,劉備啊親自統率大軍,由陸路進發。 The water route was led by Huang Quan, while Liu Bei personally commanded the main army to advance by land.

當時呢,係章武二年,就係公元二二二年喇,二月中旬。 at that time||| At that time, it was the second year of Zhangwu, which is the year 222 AD, in mid-February.

呢一日,韓當、周泰就聽聞劉備親自帶兵嚟到,當然率領兵馬迎戰啦。 this day|Han Dang|| On this day, Han Dang and Zhou Tai heard that Liu Bei was personally leading his troops, so they naturally led their forces to confront him.

噉啊雙方擺好陣勢。 Thus, both sides arranged their formations.

吳軍,韓當、周泰出馬。 Wu army|Han Dang| Wu Jun, Han Dang, and Zhou Tai took the field.

蜀軍嘅門旗一開,劉備親自出馬。 As soon as the gate flag of the Shu army opened, Liu Bei personally took the field.

只見打起黃羅銷金大傘蓋,左右白旄黃鉞,金銀旌節,前後圍繞呀極之威風。 One could see the grand sight of a yellow silk canopy with golden decorations, flanked by white banners and yellow halberds, surrounded by golden and silver flags, creating an extremely imposing atmosphere.

韓當大聲噉話:陛下今日係蜀國之主,點解要隨便出嚟征戰啊?有咩疏忽就悔之不及喇! Han Dang shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, today you are the ruler of Shu, why do you casually go out to battle? If there is any oversight, it will be too late to regret!"

劉備破口大罵:你哋啲吳狗,殺害孤王嘅手足,孤王同你哋勢不兩立啊! Liu Bei cursed loudly: "You Wu dogs, who killed the brothers of this lonely king, this lonely king will not coexist with you!"

韓當回頭問嘞:邊個敢去沖陣? Han turned back and asked: Who dares to charge into battle?

韓當嘅部將夏恂就挺槍出馬。 Han's general, Xia Xun, stepped forward with a spear.

喺劉備背後呢,張苞縱馬衝出,大喝一聲,挺起丈八長矛直取夏恂。 Behind Liu Bei, Zhang Bao charged out on horseback, shouting loudly, brandishing his eight-foot spear directly at Xia Xun.

張苞一聲大喝,嘩嗨好似行咗個雷噉啊,真係有佢老豆幾成啊吓,當堂嚇窒夏恂。 Zhang Bao's loud shout sounded like thunder, truly resembling his father's might, which startled Xia Xun on the spot.

夏恂正話想走啊,周泰嘅細佬周平呢眼睇住夏恂頂唔住嘞,就揮刀縱馬跑出嚟想助戰。 Just as Xia Xun was thinking of retreating, Zhou Tai's younger brother, Zhou Ping, saw that Xia Xun couldn't hold on and rushed out with his sword to assist in the battle.

關興見到,躍馬提刀迎上去。 Guan Xing saw this and charged forward with his sword.

就喺呢個同一時間,張苞大喝一聲,一矛就刺中夏恂,𢴈咗落馬就係咁大嘞。 At the same time, Zhang Bao shouted loudly and thrust his spear, hitting Xia Xun, who fell off his horse just like that.

周平措手不及呢,被畀關興斬死咗。 Zhou Ping was caught off guard and was killed by Guan Xing.

跟住兩位小將馬頭一撥,直取韓當、周泰。嘩嗨乜咁厲害㗎喂?韓當、周泰就慌忙退返入陣啊。 ||Zhou Tai||Han Dang| Then the two young generals turned their horses and directly targeted Han Dang and Zhou Tai. Wow, how powerful is that? Han Dang and Zhou Tai hurriedly retreated into the formation.

劉備睇住兩員小將威風八面就不禁大讚,真係虎父無犬子啊! Liu Bei watched the two young generals displaying their might and couldn't help but praise them, saying, 'A tiger father does not raise a dog son!'

劉備用馬鞭一指,蜀兵一齊掩殺過去打到吳兵大敗。 Liu Bei pointed with his whip, and the Shu soldiers rushed forward to defeat the Wu soldiers.

嘿劉備嗰八路兵馬,以雷霆萬鈞之勢殺到吳兵呀,屍橫遍野血流成河。 Hey, Liu Bei's eight routes of troops charged at the Wu soldiers with a thunderous momentum, leaving corpses everywhere and blood flowing like rivers.

而家講下甘寧,佢啊本來得咗痢疾一直都病緊,呢次佢係帶病出征嘅,當時佢正喺船上養病,一聽聞蜀兵大軍殺到就火急上馬。 Now let's talk about Gan Ning, he was originally suffering from dysentery and was still ill, but this time he went to battle while sick; at that time he was recuperating on a boat, and upon hearing that the Shu army was attacking, he hurriedly mounted his horse.

咁啱啊遇着一彪蠻兵,個個都係披頭散髮打大赤腳嘅,都係使弓弩長槍,藤牌刀斧嘅。 just happened to encounter a group of barbarian soldiers||| Coincidentally, he encountered a group of barbarian soldiers, all of whom had disheveled hair and were barefoot, wielding bows, crossbows, long spears, rattan shields, and axes.

為首嗰個就係番王沙摩柯嘞,沙摩柯生得面如噴血,碧眼突出就使一個鐵蒺藜骨朵。 the one in front is the barbarian Wang Shamo Ke|Shamo Ke was born with a face like a splattered blood|with protruding green eyes like a thorny ball The leader among them was the barbarian king Shamo Ke, who had a face like a blood-splattered mess, with protruding green eyes and wielded an iron thorn club.

就係當時一種兵器嘞,一頭係柄,一頭係長圓形嘅,上便呢仲有好多鐵刺嘅,你話畀佢𢱕一下,唔死都周身窿啊。 It was a type of weapon at that time, one end was a handle, and the other end was a long oval shape, and there were many iron spikes on it. If you got hit by it, you wouldn't die but would be full of holes.

條腰處呢帶住兩張弓,威風凜凜殺氣騰騰。 Around the waist, there were two bows, looking majestic and full of killing intent.

甘寧見啲番兵人多勢大,自己又一直肚屙周身冇力,唔敢同佢哋打就撥馬就走。 Gan Ning saw that the enemy soldiers were numerous and powerful, and he was feeling weak and had been suffering from diarrhea, so he didn't dare to fight them and turned his horse to flee.

點知畀番王沙摩柯一箭就射中個頭殼。 Unexpectedly, he was shot in the head by an arrow from the enemy commander, Sha Mo Ke.

甘寧帶住箭傷猛跑,去到富池口呢個地方呢,走唔逳喇,落咗馬,就坐喺一樖大樹底下死咗。 ||couldn't escape|| With the arrow wound, Gan Ning ran desperately, but when he reached the place called Fu Chi Kou, he couldn't escape anymore, dismounted, and died under a large tree.

哈,樹上有一群烏鴉成幾百隻嘅,都飛落嚟圍繞住佢個屍體保護住佢噃。 ha|| Ha, there is a group of crows, several hundred of them, flying down to surround and protect his corpse.

收尾孫權知道咗就十分哀痛,派人去收咗佢嘅屍,安葬好,並且為佢起咗一間廟啊,四時祭祀,呢啲呢就放落唔講喇。 ||properly buried||| When Sun Quan found out, he was very sorrowful and sent people to collect his body, bury it properly, and even built a temple for him, with sacrifices held throughout the year; let's not talk about these things.

而家講返下劉備,佢指揮兵馬就趁勢追殺啊殺到吳兵四散咁逃跑,於是劉備就佔領咗猇亭。 Now let's talk about Liu Bei, who commanded his troops to take advantage of the situation to chase and kill, causing the Wu soldiers to scatter and flee, thus Liu Bei occupied Xiaoting.

到收兵嘅時候,弊喇!唔見咗關興添,劉備就慌忙派張苞佢哋四處去搵啦。 |bad|| When it was time to call back the troops, oh no! Guan Xing was missing, so Liu Bei hurriedly sent Zhang Bao and others to search for him.

關興到底係去咗邊處呢?噉嘅,原來關興佢殺入吳兵陣內啊,嘿呀畀佢撞正仇人潘璋。 |like that|| Where did Guan Xing go? It turns out that Guan Xing had charged into the Wu soldiers' formation and, hey, he ran into his enemy Pan Zhang.

真係踏破鐵鞋就無覓處得來全不費功夫啊,追!咪驟馬猛追。 |chase| It's really true that after searching everywhere, you can find what you need without any effort, chase! Don't hesitate, chase hard.

潘璋驚啊,搏命趯咗入去山谷裏頭轉咗幾轉啊?關興追佢唔到嘞。 Pan Zhang is scared, he desperately jumped into the valley and turned around a few times? Guan Xing can't catch up with him.

關興諗:哼!潘璋係趯咗入山㗎喇,去咗邊處呢吓?咪四圍咁搵。 Kwan Hing thought|humph||| Guan Xing thinks: Hmph! Pan Zhang has jumped into the mountain, where could he have gone? Let's search all around.

眼睇住天黑嘞,又迷失咗路添,好在呢,仲有啲星光月光,勉強睇到啲山間小路嘅。 I see the sky getting dark||fortunately|| As night falls, I have also lost my way, but fortunately, there is still some starlight and moonlight, barely able to see the small paths in the mountains.

搵下搵下,都成二更天嘞,就終歸嚟到一個山莊,就落馬拍門。 searching and searching||| After searching for a while, it's already past midnight, and I finally arrived at a mountain lodge, so I dismounted and knocked on the door.

過咗一陣有個伯父出嚟開門問係咩人啊噉。 After a while, an old man came out to open the door and asked who it was.

關興話:我係個戰將,因為迷咗路撞到嚟呢處唧,求老伯畀碗飯食下啦。 Kwan Hing said||| Guan Xing said: I am a warrior, I got lost and ended up here, I beg the old man to give me a bowl of rice.

哦,得,得!請入嚟啦吓。個老伯呀帶關興入到大廳。 oh|okay|got it|| Oh, okay, okay! Please come in.

咦?關興奇怪喇,見到大廳有張神台點住香燭,當中掛住關公嘅神像。 eh||| The old man led Guan Xing into the hall.

關興一見就忍唔住喊起上嚟,跪低就拜。 Eh? Guan Xing was surprised to see a deity altar in the hall with incense and candles lit, and in the middle hung a statue of Guan Gong.

個伯父就問嘞:誒將軍,為咩事對住神像又喊又叩頭啊吓? The uncle asked: Hey General, why are you shouting and bowing to the statue?

佢,係我父親啊! he| He is my father!

啊!原來係關小將軍,老夫有禮!伯父啊即刻同關興叩個頭。 Ah! So it's the young General Guan, I pay my respects! Uncle, please bow to Guan Xing immediately.

關興問嘞:老伯,點解呢處要拜我父親嘅呢? |old man| Guan Xing asked: Old man, why do we worship my father here?

呢處呀,都係尊神敬佛㗎,佢在生嘅時候,家家都侍奉佢。 this place||| This place is also for honoring gods and respecting Buddha; when he was alive, every household served him.

何況佢今日做咗神呢?啊老夫但望蜀兵早日報仇雪恨就好喇。 Moreover, what has he done today? Ah, I just hope that the Shu soldiers can take revenge soon.

今日小將軍嚟到呢處真係百姓有福喇。個伯父就即刻擺酒嚟款待關興。 Today, the young general has come to this place, which is truly a blessing for the people.

又叫人拉匹馬去卸鞍餵草料。 The uncle immediately set up a feast to entertain Guan Xing.

食得飯嚟已經三更過後,忽然又聽到有人拍門,個伯父就出去開門問下。 After having dinner, it was already past midnight when suddenly someone knocked on the door, and the uncle went out to open it and ask.

原來係潘璋啊亦係迷失咗路,摸到嚟呢處投宿喎。 It turned out to be Pan Zhang, who also got lost and came here to find a place to stay.

佢啱啱行入嚟大廳,關興眼快一下就擸到,揸住把劍大喝一聲話潘賊你咪走! He just walked into the hall, and Guan Xing quickly spotted him, brandishing his sword and shouting, "Pan the thief, don't you dare run away!"

嘩,潘璋擰轉頭想跑出去。 wow| Wow, Pan Zhang turned his head wanting to run outside.

點知門口外便有個人,面如重棗,丹鳳眼,臥蠶眉,三縷長鬚,綠袍金甲。 Little did he know, there was a person outside the door, with a face like a heavy jujube, phoenix eyes, worm eyebrow, three strands of long beard, wearing a green robe and golden armor.

佢用手按住把劍行入嚟,哎呀關公顯聖啊!嚇到潘璋啊魂飛魄散,饒命啊噉大叫一聲。 He pressed his hand on the sword as he walked in, oh my, Guan Gong is showing his divine power! Pan Zhang was so scared that his soul left his body, shouting for mercy.

正話想轉身唧,畀關興手起劍落斬咗喺地,再一劍,攞咗個心出嚟,就喺關公嘅神像前便祭奠一番。 Just as he wanted to turn around and flee, Guan Xing struck down with his sword, cutting it to the ground, and with another sword, took out a heart, and offered it in front of Guan Gong's statue.

噉關興呢,就得返父親嘅青龍偃月刀嘞。 As for Guan Xing, he only took his father's Green Dragon Crescent Blade.

佢將潘璋嘅首級綁住喺馬頸下便,辭別咗嗰個老伯,就騎咗潘璋嘅馬返去蜀營喇。 He tied Pan Zhang's head to the horse's neck, bid farewell to the old man, and rode Pan Zhang's horse back to the Shu camp.

噉嗰個伯父又搵人將潘璋嘅屍體啊,拖咗出去焚化,呢啲就不在話下喇。 Then that uncle found someone to drag Pan Zhang's corpse out and burn it, and that's that.

而家講下關興,佢行咗冇幾遠就聽見前面人叫馬嘶。 Now let's talk about Guan Xing; he hadn't walked far when he heard people ahead calling and horses neighing.

原來有一彪軍馬嚟到,為首一個將官乃係潘璋嘅部將馬忠。 It turned out that a troop of cavalry had arrived, led by Pan Zhang's subordinate, Ma Zhong.

豈有此理得了?馬忠見關興殺咗自己嘅主將,而且將個首級綁住喺馬頸下便添。 how could this be reasonable|| How can this be reasonable? Ma Zhong saw Guan Xing kill his own general, and even tied the head to his horse's neck.

青龍刀又畀關興得咗,嬲到佢肚都爆啊,縱馬過嚟直取關興。 The Qinglong knife was also taken by Guan Xing, and he was so angry that he felt like his stomach would explode, charging over to directly confront Guan Xing.

關興見到馬忠呀,就係殺父仇人喇,嘩真係氣衝牛斗啊!舉起青龍刀對住馬忠就斬。 When Guan Xing saw Ma Zhong, it was the enemy who killed his father, wow, he was really furious! He raised the Qinglong knife and swung it at Ma Zhong.

馬忠部下有成三百人,哦殺啊!噉啊一擁而上,將關興圍住猛打。 Ma Zhong had about three hundred subordinates, oh no! They all rushed forward and surrounded Guan Xing to beat him up.

關興啊勢單力孤吖,危險啊! Guan Xing was in a precarious situation, all alone and in danger!

忽然西北方有一彪軍馬殺嚟,係張苞啊! Suddenly, a group of cavalry came charging from the northwest, it's Zhang Bao!

馬忠見到對方有救兵到唄,諗住都執唔到便宜㗎喇,慌忙帶兵撤退。 Ma Zhong saw that reinforcements had arrived for the other side, thinking that he couldn't take advantage of the situation anymore, he hurriedly led his troops to retreat.

關興、張苞一齊向前追,追咗幾里路,糜芳、傅士仁帶住兵嚟搵馬忠,噉兩便一遭遇就混戰一場。 Guan Xing|||Mi Fang|| Guan Xing and Zhang Bao chased forward together, after chasing for several miles, Mi Fang and Fu Shiren arrived with their troops looking for Ma Zhong, and when the two sides encountered each other, a chaotic battle broke out.

張苞、關興因為兵少啊就唔敢再打落去,急忙就退兵。 Zhang Bao|| Zhang Bao and Guan Xing, having fewer troops, did not dare to continue fighting and quickly retreated.

糜芳佢哋呢亦都冇追。 Mi Fang and the others also did not pursue.

張苞、關興返到猇亭首先啊拜見劉備,獻上潘璋嘅首級,將經過就講畀劉備聽,劉備好驚異啊又好高興。 Zhang Bao|||| Zhang Bao and Guan Xing returned to Xiaoting and first paid their respects to Liu Bei, presenting the head of Pan Zhang and recounting the events to Liu Bei, who was both astonished and delighted.

呢場仗旗開得勝吖,當然係大賞三軍。 This battle was a great victory, so of course, there was a grand reward for the three armies.

而家講下馬忠,佢返去見到韓當、周泰,就收容同埋整頓好軍隊,就各人分頭把守。 ||Zhou Tai|| Now let's talk about Ma Zhong; he went back to meet Han Dang and Zhou Tai, and organized and tidied up the troops, assigning everyone to guard different areas.

馬忠同傅士仁、糜芳喺江邊駐扎。 Ma Zhong, along with Fu Shiren and Mi Fang, stationed themselves by the river.

當時啲兵卒裏頭呢,受傷嘅人啊不計其數咁多。 At that time, among the soldiers, the number of injured was countless.

半夜嘅時候啲兵卒喺度喊,喊得好淒涼。 In the middle of the night, the soldiers were crying, their cries were very mournful.

糜芳偷偷走去聽下,聽見有一班兵卒話嘞: Mi Fang secretly went to listen and heard a group of soldiers saying:

我哋都係荊州兵嚟,皆因呂蒙用詭計害咗主公條命。 We are all soldiers from Jingzhou, because Lu Meng used a trick to harm the life of our lord.

而家,劉皇叔御駕親征,東吳遲早都冇行㗎喇。 now|| Now, Liu Huangshu is personally leading the expedition, and sooner or later, Eastern Wu will be finished.

劉皇叔呀,至嬲就係糜芳同傅士仁喇。 Liu the Emperor's uncle| Liu Huangshu, the ones he is most angry with are Mi Fang and Fu Shiren.

噓,喂,我哋不如殺咗呢兩個衰人,去蜀營投降啦,呢個功勞呀,唔細㗎。 shh|hey|||| Shh, hey, why don't we just kill these two bad guys and surrender to the Shu camp? This credit is not small.

又聽見另外一班兵卒話嘞:唔好咁性急,睺啱個機會先至好逳手啊。 I also heard another group of soldiers say: Don't be so hasty, wait for the right opportunity to strike.

哎呀,原來把刀貼住條頸咯! oh no| Oh no, the knife is pressed against my neck!

糜芳聽咗啲兵卒嘅談話,嚇到成身冷汗喇。 Mi Fang heard the soldiers' conversation and was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat.

佢搵傅士仁商量話:軍心一變,我哋兩個人條命就凍過水啊保唔住㗎喇。 He consulted with Fu Shiren and said: If the morale changes, our lives will be as fragile as water and we won't be able to protect ourselves.

而家漢中王最嬲嘅就係馬忠啫,我哋不如殺咗佢,攞佢個首級去獻畀漢中王講佢聽,我哋都係不得已先至投降東吳嘅。 Right now, the one who is most angry with the King of Han is Ma Zhong. Why don't we just kill him and take his head to present to the King of Han, telling him that we had no choice but to surrender to Eastern Wu.

而家見到御駕嚟到嘞,特意前嚟請罪噉,你話好唔好吖? Now that we see the imperial carriage has arrived, it's especially to come and apologize, what do you think?

唔得嘅,千祈唔好噉做添啊,去親呀實死㗎。 not good|| No way, you mustn't do that, going there is certain death.

冇事嘅,漢中王寬仁厚德,阿斗太子係我嘅外甥,佢念在我皇親國戚之情,必定唔會難為我嘅。 it's nothing|||| It's fine, the King of Han is generous and virtuous, Prince A Dou is my nephew, and considering our royal family ties, he definitely won't make things difficult for me.

噉兩個人密斟就斟掂晒。先備好馬,到咗三更時分,兩個人就入去帳幕暗殺咗馬忠,割咗佢嘅首級,帶住幾十人就偷偷趯去猇亭嘞。 So the two of them secretly planned everything. First, prepare the horses, and when it reaches the third watch, the two of them will enter the tent and assassinate Ma Zhong, cutting off his head, and then sneak away to Xiaoting with a few dozen people.

啲伏路兵截住佢哋,帶咗佢哋去見張南同馮習先,噉就將啲事情前前後後講清楚。 The soldiers intercepted them and took them to see Zhang Nan and Feng Xixian, where they explained the situation clearly.

第日,糜芳、傅士仁就去到大本營見劉備,跪喺處獻上馬忠嘅首級。 the next day|Mi Fang|| The next day, Mi Fang and Fu Shiren went to the headquarters to see Liu Bei, kneeling down to present the head of Ma Zhong.

然後喊住稟告話:臣等實在唔想背叛嘅,都係呂蒙用詭計,話關公已經死咗,氹開咗城門,臣等不得已先至投降嘅啫。 Then they cried out to report: "We truly did not want to betray, it was all Lu Meng's trick, saying that Guan Gong was already dead, and he opened the city gates, we had no choice but to surrender."

今日聽聞皇上親自嚟到,故此特意殺咗馬忠,為陛下洩咗心頭之恨,請陛下饒恕臣等嘅罪過啦。 Today we heard that Your Majesty has come personally, so we specially killed Ma Zhong to relieve Your Majesty's resentment, please forgive our sins.

劉備就嬲得好緊要啊,佢話: Liu Bei was very angry, he said:

朕離開成都咁耐喇,你兩個點解唔嚟請罪?吓,點解唔嚟! ||huh| I have been away from Chengdu for so long, why haven't you two come to plead for forgiveness? Huh, why haven't you come!

今日形勢危急喇,就走嚟花言巧語,想得返條命係嘛! The situation is urgent today, so you come here with sweet words, hoping to save your lives!

朕若果饒恕你哋呀,朕到咗九泉之下,仲有咩面目見關公呀? If I were to forgive you, when I reach the underworld, what face would I have to meet Guan Gong?

講完,就叫關興喺大本營裏便,擺好關公嘅靈位。 after speaking|| After speaking, I ordered Guan Xing to set up Guan Gong's spirit tablet in the main camp.

劉備親自捧起馬忠嘅首級,喺靈前祭奠。 Liu Bei personally held up Ma Zhong's head and offered it in front of the spirit.

跟住又叫關興剝咗糜芳同傅士仁嘅衣服,拉佢哋埋嚟跪喺靈前,親自用刀殺咗佢哋嚟祭奠關公。 Then he ordered Guan Xing to strip off the clothes of Mi Fang and Fu Shiren, and bring them to kneel in front of the spirit, personally using a knife to kill them as a sacrifice to Guan Gong.

張苞噔噔聲行入嚟,喊住跪喺劉備面前話:二伯父嘅仇人已經殺晒嘞,小臣父親嘅冤仇,幾時至報得啊! Zhang Bao walked in with a thud, crying as he knelt in front of Liu Bei and said: 'The enemies of my second uncle have all been killed, when will my father's grievances be avenged!'

賢侄你唔使憂心,朕一定要削平江南,殺盡吳狗。 Dear nephew, you need not worry, I will definitely pacify Jiangnan and kill all the Wu dogs.

務必生擒嗰兩個奸賊,等你將佢哋斬成肉醬嚟祭你嘅父親! We must capture those two traitors alive, so you can chop them into meat paste to honor your father!

張苞噉就叩頭多謝劉備,退返出去。 Zhang Bao then bowed his head in thanks to Liu Bei and retreated.

呢個時候呀,劉備嘅聲威大震,江南嘅將士呢人人都膽裂心寒。 At this time, Liu Bei's power was greatly shaken, and the soldiers in Jiangnan were all terrified.

韓當、周泰就急急稟奏畀孫權聽,話糜芳、傅士仁就暗殺咗馬忠去投降返劉備,結果呢亦都畀劉備殺咗喇噉。 Han Dang|||| Han Dang and Zhou Tai hurriedly reported to Sun Quan, saying that Mi Fang and Fu Shiren had secretly assassinated Ma Zhong to surrender back to Liu Bei, and as a result, they were also killed by Liu Bei.

孫權心怯啊,就召集一班文武大臣嚟商量。 Sun Quan was frightened, so he gathered a group of civil and military officials to discuss.

步騭就稟奏話:漢中王所痛恨嘅,就係呂蒙、潘璋、馬忠、糜芳、傅士仁啫。 |||Pan Zhang|Ma Zhong|Mi Fang| Bu Zhi reported that the ones whom the King of Han hated the most were Lü Meng, Pan Zhang, Ma Zhong, Mi Fang, and Fu Shiren.

而家呢五個人都死晒,仲留返喺東吳嚟嘅,就係得范疆、張達兩個人。 Now all five of them are dead, and the only ones left in Eastern Wu are Fan Jiang and Zhang Da.

不如捉起呢兩個人,連同張飛嘅首級,派個使者送返去畀漢中王。 Why not capture these two people, along with Zhang Fei's head, and send a messenger to return it to the King of Han?

同時交還荊州,送還夫人,寫封信去求和,請求恢復從前嘅交情,聯合一齊去消滅北魏。 At the same time, return Jingzhou, send back the lady, write a letter to seek peace, and request to restore the previous friendship, uniting together to eliminate Northern Wei.

如果大王噉樣做呀,蜀兵自然會撤走㗎嘞。 If the king does this, the Shu army will naturally withdraw.

孫權聽佢話,用個沉香木盒,裝好張飛嘅首級,綁起范疆、張達就用架囚車裝住,派程秉啊做使者,帶住國書去猇亭求見劉備。 Sun Quan listened to him and used a sandalwood box to properly store Zhang Fei's head, tied up Fan Jiang and Zhang Da, and used a prison cart to transport them, sending Cheng Bing as a messenger to take the state letter to Xiaoting to meet Liu Bei.

呢一日,劉備正話想發兵前進。 this day| On this day, Liu Bei was just saying he wanted to mobilize troops to advance.

佢一聽見話東吳派使者送返張飛嘅首級,同埋解咗范疆張達兩個人嚟哎呀真係歡喜喇。 As soon as he heard that Eastern Wu sent envoys to return the head of Zhang Fei, and also released Fan Jiang and Zhang Da, he was really overjoyed.

佢立即叫張苞同佢父親安設個靈位。 He immediately called Zhang Bao to set up a spirit tablet for his father.

劉備睇下張飛嘅首級,雖然事隔咁耐啊,但係未曾變色啊,仲係同生前一樣啊!啊!劉備放聲大哭。 ||||particle indicating exclamation| Liu Bei looked at Zhang Fei's head; although a long time had passed, it had not changed color and looked just like it did when he was alive! Ah! Liu Bei cried out loud.

張苞就咬牙切齒,親自揸住把利刀,將范疆、張達兩個呀千刀萬剮,拜祭佢父親。 Zhang Bao gritted his teeth, personally wielding a sharp knife, and brutally mutilated Fan Jiang and Zhang Da to pay respects to his father.

祭完嘞,劉備怒氣不息,仲係要起兵去打東吳。 the ritual is finished|| After the ritual, Liu Bei's anger did not subside, and he still wanted to raise an army to attack Eastern Wu.

馬良就稟奏話喇:仇人已經全部殺盡,仇恨都清雪晒。 Ma Liang reported: All enemies have been killed, and all hatred has been cleared.

東吳使臣程秉嚟到,要送還荊州,送歸夫人,同我哋永遠結成友好同盟,共同去消滅北魏。 The envoy from Eastern Wu, Cheng Bing, has arrived to return Jingzhou, to return the lady, and to form a lasting friendly alliance with us to jointly eliminate Northern Wei.

佢喺度等候皇上嘅聖旨啊。 He is waiting for the emperor's decree.

哼!朕最大嘅仇人就係孫權。 hum| Hmph! My greatest enemy is Sun Quan.

今日如果同佢講和,就係對唔住兩位賢弟當日嘅盟誓喇。 If I make peace with him today, it would be a betrayal of the oath made with my two virtuous brothers.

朕要先滅吳,後滅魏啊! I want to first destroy Wu, and then destroy Wei!

劉備一發起惡,仲想做到絕啊要斬咗個東吳使者先,等孫權冇得諗。 Liu Bei, once he starts his evil deeds, wants to go all the way; he even wants to kill the envoy from Eastern Wu first, so that Sun Quan has no way to think.

當時一班大臣苦苦勸諫噉先至放返程秉走咋。 At that time, a group of ministers desperately advised him, and only then did he let Cheng Bing return.

程秉返到去話畀孫權知,劉備唔肯講和,發誓要先滅東吳後滅魏,啲大臣啊勸極佢都唔肯聽喎噉。 When Cheng Bing returned, he told Sun Quan that Liu Bei was unwilling to negotiate peace and swore to first destroy Eastern Wu and then Wei; no matter how much the ministers advised him, he wouldn't listen.

嚇到孫權啊面都變色手足無措啊。 Sun Quan was so frightened that his face changed and he was at a loss.

闞澤出班稟奏話嘞:主上,現時明明擺住擎天大柱喺度,點解唔用呢? |Your Majesty|| Kan Zech presented a report and said: Your Majesty, there is clearly a pillar holding up the sky here, why not use it?

邊個啊?你快啲講! who is it| Who is it? Speak quickly!

往日,東吳一切大事全靠周郎吖,後嚟由魯子敬代替佢。 in the past|| In the past, all major matters in Eastern Wu relied on Zhou Lang, and later he was replaced by Lu Zijing.

子敬逝世之後,一切事情就取決於呂蒙嘞,今日呂蒙雖然死咗啫,仲有陸遜喺荊州噃。 After Zijing's death, everything depended on Lü Meng, and although Lü Meng has died today, there is still Lu Xun in Jingzhou.

佢表面睇嚟係個書生,實際上呀,佢胸中嘅雄才大略,以微臣睇嚟,係不在周郎之下㗎。 On the surface, he appears to be a scholar, but in reality, his great talents and strategies, in my humble opinion, are not inferior to Zhou Lang.

以前擊敗關公啲計謀都係陸遜出嘅,主上若果能夠用佢,必定打敗劉備㗎。 In the past, the strategies to defeat Guan Yu were devised by Lu Xun. If the lord can use him, he will definitely defeat Liu Bei.

如果萬一失算,微臣,情願同陸遜承當罪責! |this humble minister| If by any chance it goes wrong, I, the humble minister, would rather share the blame with Lu Xun!

係呀,唔係你講,孤王幾乎誤咗大事添。 yes|| Yes, if you hadn't mentioned it, I would have almost made a big mistake.

張昭反對嘞:主上,陸遜係個書生嚟啫,唔係劉備嘅敵手啊,恐怕唔用得㗎。 |Your Majesty||| Zhang Zhao opposed: My lord, Lu Xun is just a scholar, not Liu Bei's match. I'm afraid he won't be able to do it.

顧雍亦都反對:陸遜年紀輕聲望唔夠,恐怕啲將領唔服,一唔服就會出亂子,必定會誤咗大事㗎! Gu Yong also opposed: Lu Xun is young and lacks prestige. I'm afraid the generals won't follow him, and if they don't, it will cause chaos, which will definitely lead to a big mistake!

步騭跟住話:主上,陸遜嘅才能要佢管理一個郡就可以,若果將全國嘅軍事大權交晒畀佢,佢就擔唔起㗎喇,唔妥當嘅。 |Your Majesty|||| Bu Zhi then said: Your Majesty, Lu Xun's talent is sufficient for him to manage a county, but if we give him the military power of the entire nation, he won't be able to handle it, it's inappropriate.

闞澤大聲疾呼噉話:若果唔用陸遜,東吳就要亡嘅喇!微臣情願以全家嘅性命嚟擔保佢! Han Ze shouted loudly: If we don't use Lu Xun, Eastern Wu will perish! I would rather guarantee his safety with my whole family's lives!

爭論咗咁多,孫權一直都冇出聲,最後佢講喇: after arguing so much|| After so much debate, Sun Quan had remained silent until he finally spoke:

朕一向知道陸遜係個奇才,朕已經揸定主意,各位愛卿唔使多講。 I have always known that Lu Xun is a genius, and I have already made up my mind, you all don't need to say more.

孫權於是下令召陸遜嚟。 Sun Quan then ordered for Lu Xun to be summoned.

陸遜本來叫做陸議,後嚟就改名叫做陸遜,字伯言,係吳郡人。 Lu Xun was originally named Lu Yi, but later changed his name to Lu Xun, courtesy name Boyan, and he was from Wu County.

佢嘅祖父呢,係漢朝城門校尉陸紆,父親係九江都尉陸駿。 His grandfather was Lu Yu, a city gate captain during the Han Dynasty, and his father was Lu Jun, a general in Jiujiang.

陸遜生得身高八尺,面如美玉,現時嘅官職係鎮西將軍。 Lu Xun was eight feet tall, with a face like beautiful jade, and his current official position is General of the West.

呢一日,陸遜奉詔嚟到啊參拜過孫權。 this day| One day, Lu Xun was summoned to pay his respects to Sun Quan.

孫權話喇:而家蜀兵壓境,朕要任命你總督兵馬去擊敗劉備啊。 Sun Quan said: Now the Shu army is pressing at the borders, I want to appoint you to command the troops to defeat Liu Bei.

啟稟大王,江東文武都係大王故舊之臣,臣年幼冇才,點能夠統制佢哋呢? I report to you great king||| Your Majesty, the civil and military officials of Jiangdong are all loyal subjects of yours. I am young and lack talent, how can I possibly command them?

闞澤願意以全家擔保你,朕亦一向知道你嘅才能,今日要任命你做大都督,你就唔好推辭喇。 Han Ze is willing to guarantee you with his whole family, and I have always known your abilities. Today, I am appointing you as the Grand Commander, so do not refuse.

如果文武大臣唔服,噉如之奈何呢? What if the civil and military officials do not comply, what should we do then?

陸愛卿,朕將自己把劍交畀你,有邊個唔聽你號令嘅,先斬後奏! Minister Lu||| Minister Lu, I am handing my sword to you. Anyone who does not obey your orders, execute them first and report later!

承蒙主上重託,臣必定誓死效力。 I am grateful for Your Majesty's trust, and I will definitely pledge my life to serve.

不過,請大王喺聽日召集文武百官,然後先至將寶劍賜畀微臣啦。 however|| However, please, Your Majesty, summon the civil and military officials tomorrow, and then bestow the treasured sword upon your humble servant.

闞澤話喇:係啊,古時任命大將,必定要築一個壇,召集文武官員,當眾賜給白旄黃鉞,印綬兵符,然後有威有權令出必行嘅。 |yes|||||| Han Ze said: Yes, in ancient times, when appointing a general, it was essential to build an altar, summon the civil and military officials, and publicly bestow the white flag and yellow axe, seal and military symbols, so that commands would be issued with authority.

今日,大王應該遵照呢個禮法,築一個高壇,擇定吉日,任命陸遜做大都督,假節鉞,噉樣做呢,大家就冇人唔服㗎喇。 today||||||| Today, Your Majesty should follow this ceremonial law, build a high altar, choose an auspicious day, and appoint Lu Xun as the Grand Commander, granting him the ceremonial axe; by doing this, no one will dare to disobey.

孫權聽從闞澤嘅意見,立即下令築好一個高壇,作好一切儀禮嘅準備。 Sun Quan followed Han Ze's advice and immediately ordered the construction of a high altar, making all necessary preparations for the ceremony.

到咗呢一日,佢大會百官,請陸遜登壇任命佢做大都督,右護軍鎮西將軍,進封婁候,又將寶劍印綬賜畀佢,叫佢掌管六郡八十一州兼荊楚各路兵馬。 On this day, he convened the officials, invited Lu Xun to ascend the altar to appoint him as the Grand Commander, Right Guard General, and conferred upon him the title of Marquis of Lou, also bestowing the treasured sword and seal, entrusting him with the command of six prefectures and eighty-one states, along with the troops of Jing and Chu.

孫權對佢話:將軍你出征打仗,一切由將軍全權指揮,朕絕不幹涉! Sun Quan said to him: General, you will lead the expedition and command everything at your discretion; I will not interfere!

臣領旨! I accept the order!

陸遜接受咗任命,就行返落壇,命令徐盛、丁奉做護衛,即日出師。 Lu Xun accepted the appointment, then returned to the platform and ordered Xu Sheng and Ding Feng to act as guards, preparing to march immediately.

同時調各路兵馬,水陸並進。 At the same time, he mobilized troops from various routes, advancing by land and water.

當文書嚟到猇亭啊,韓當、周泰就大吃一驚喇,哎呀呀呀!主上點解要搵個書生嚟總督兵馬呢? |Han Dang||expression of surprise| When the document arrived at Xiaoting, Han Dang and Zhou Tai were greatly surprised, saying, 'Oh dear! Why does the lord want to appoint a scholar to oversee the troops?'

係喇,陸遜呢個書生做大將啊,噉係好難做嘅。 yes|| Yes, it's difficult for a scholar like Lu Xun to become a general.

噉究竟後來點先至取得眾將官對佢嘅信任,又點樣同劉備作戰呢?就且聽下回分解喇。 So how did he later gain the trust of the other generals, and how did he fight against Liu Bei? Let's listen to the next part.

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