【机智 的 上半场 Be Your Self】 EP06
First Half of Be Your Self] EP06
就是 这么 一个 情况
So this is what happened.
片子 也 拍 了 好像 是 骨折 了
From the X-ray film it seems to be a broken bone.
我们 都 看不懂
We can't tell anything from the film anyway.
医生 就 说 要 动手术
The doctor said she needed to have an operation.
同学 看 下 学校 的 学院 之春
Girls, check out the College Spring Art Festival.
你 敢 问 医生 啊
I didn't dare to ask the doctor
是不是 想骗 我们 屋里 的 钱 呢
if they were just trying to ask us to pay more money on the bills.
我们 屋里 也 没什么 钱
But we don't have much money.
他 为什么 要 骗 我们 的 钱 呢
Why would they do that?
妈 你 就 听 医生 的话 喽
Mom, just listen to the doctor.
这个 世界 上 哪 有 这么 多 坏人 啊
There aren't so many bad people in this world as you think.
要是 钱 不够 的话
If you don't have enough money to cover the bills,
我来 想 办法 好不好
I'll handle it, okay?
三年 了
It's been three years.
像 咱俩 这样 优秀 的 人才
Why can't talents like us
为什么 还 找 不到 投资人
find an investor?
因为 没人设
Because we don't have a persona.
最近 我 通过 大 数据分析
Recently with the help of big data analysis,
找到 了 两个 非常适合 咱俩 的 人设
I've found two personas that are very suitable for us.
玉树临风 闭月羞花
handsome and charming.
小 鲜肉 类型
I'm the cute boy type.
王俊凯 这款 适合 我
I'm more like Karry Wang type.
你 呢
And you
喜欢 泡脚
like foot bath,
喜欢 毛笔字
and antiques.
还 喜欢 老 物件
You're the veteran cadre type.
易 烊 千玺 更 适合 你
The persona of Jackson Yee is more suitable for you.
Hold on.
你 不是 也 喜欢 泡脚
Don't you also enjoy foot bath?
你 泡 脚 是 为了 养生
You do that because you're obsessed with health.
我泡 脚纯 为了 取暖
I soak my feet in hot water simply trying to warm myself up.
空调 开得 太低 了
The AC is set so low
我 有点 受不了
that I can't stand the cold.
对 了 雷子
By the way, Dongqiang.
上个月 那活 的 钱 还 没结
The customer hasn't settled payment for the job we did last month.
我们 也 快 没 余粮 了
We are almost out of balance.
你 去 催 一下 吧
Can you push them to pay?
我 现在 就 催
I'm calling them now.
这个 可以 有
The prize is generous!
五万块 耶
Fifty thousand yuan!
那 我们 一个 人
That'll be…
一万两千 五
12,500 for each of us!
我们 要 发财 了
We are going to make a fortune!
也 不能 完全 这么 讲 了
Don't be so sure yet.
咱们 学校 卧虎藏龙
Our school has
高手 还是 很多 的
many gifted students.
不过 咱们 要是 努力 努力
But if we work hard,
拿个 小奖 也 不是 不行
it's not impossible to win a small prize.
你们 会 不会 乐器
Do you guys play any musical instruments?
我们 可以 弄 一个 四重奏
We can do a quartet.
我会 小提琴
I play violin.
我会 弹琴
I play piano.
我会 一点 古筝
I play a bit of Chinese zither.
我会 打击乐
I can play percussion.
姐妹 们 我来 了
Guys, I'm coming!
都 这么 正式 啊
So you guys meant "instrument" instrument?
那 我 也 献丑 了
Please do not laugh at my performance.
要 不 这样
Or how about
我们 排个 舞
we dance?
我 是 啦啦队 的
I'm a cheerleader.
肯定 没 问题
So we'll definitely be fine.
也 不是 不 可以
We can do that, too.
我 小时候 学过 芭蕾
I learned ballet when I was a kid.
我会 一点 艺术体操
I have a little experience in rhythmic gymnastics.
我 可以 学
I can learn.
我 力气 大
I am strong.
我 可以 托举
I can do the lifting.
这个 真的 好
I like this one.
夏 朗朗
Xia Langlang!
怎么 了
What's going on?
痛死 我 了 她 打 我
It hurts! She hit me.
我 没有 我
I didn't!
I am so sorry.
我 看 一下
Let me take a look.
怎么 了 你 眼睛
Are your eyes okay?
对不起 对不起 对不起
我 真的 不是故意 的
I didn't do it on purpose.
我 看 一下 你 眼睛
Let me see your eyes.
我 给 你 拿 药箱 啊
I'll get you the first-aid kit.
喂 师兄
Hello, Qingzhou.
挺 严重
Pretty serious.
What should we do?
什么 活人
What zig-zag?
大锯 活人
The magic trick of Zig-zag girl illusion!
你演 活人 我 演大锯
You'll be the girl and I'll be the saw.
赢 了 五万
let's split it 50-50.
你 一半 我们 一半
大五 的 师兄 还 来 跟 我们 抢 奖金 啊
You're my senior and this is your fifth year here. How can you still try to compete against us?
最近 我们 研发 的 试试 应用软件
We've been developing an app called Try-it.
有点 缺钱
So we're short of money.
零散 的 活 也 不好 接
We don't get many odd jobs, either.
所以 想要
So we need some quick money.
那 那 那
有 危险 吗
is it dangerous?
想 赚钱 吗
Do you want to make money?
那 这样
奖金 你 四 我 六
But I want 60% of the prize.
先给 我 买份 意外险
And buy me an accident insurance first.
这个 肯定 很炸
This will definitely be exhilarating!
这个 真的 可以
This one will do the trick.
可以 吧
I know, right?
我 也 可以
I like it, too.
那 就 这个 了
That's it then.
什么 事 这么 高兴 啊
Why are you guys so happy?
我们 有 一个 好消息 要 告诉 你
We have some good news to tell you.
什么 好消息 呀
What is it?
我们 准备 了 一个 双人舞
We want to do a duet dance.
Duet dance?
我们 四个 人 怎么 跳 双人舞 啊
How are the four of us supposed to do a duet dance?
So you guys
这是 准备 要 放弃 我 了 呗
are giving up on me.
朗朗 我们 是 这么 考虑 的
Langlang, this is what we thought.
大家 就 各自 发挥所长
Everyone can give full play to their strengths.
这 样子 多 一个 节目
So with more performances to participate,
咱们 宿舍
the more likely
也 会 多一些 得奖 的 概率 嘛
是 的
行 吧
我 自成 一派 勇闯 舞台
I will play solo and go onto stage bravely.
把 你们 一个个 都 比拼 掉
I'll defeat all of you one by one.
朗朗 加油
Go get it, girl!
卡 呢
Where's our meal card?
在 你 那 呢
I thought you have it.
不是 在 你 身上 呢 吗
I thought you have it.
平时 都 不在 我 这儿
You're the one who always carry it around.
怎么 今天 就 在 我 这儿 了
What makes you think I have it today?
我 昨天晚上 放 你 包里 的
I put it in your purse last night.
同学 同学
要 不 你们 先 站 旁边 去 说 吧
Why don't you stand aside and work it out?
Give me a minute!
你 着 什么 急呀
What's the hurry?
你们 别吼 阿姨 呀
Don't yell at the cafeteria lady.
关 你 什么 事 啊
It's none of your business.
后面 还有 这么 多人 排队 呢
There are so many people in line.
好歹 顾及 一下 别人 的 感受 吧
You should consider other people's feelings.
你 顾及 别人 感受 了
Say it to yourself!
你 穿成 这样 出来
Look at you, dressing like a weirdo.
你 祸 祸 人 呢 吧
You're a visual pollution to other people.
行 了 行 了 走 了
That's enough. Let's go.
谢谢 阿姨
Thank you.
同学 来份 学院 之春 吗
Girls, check out the College Spring Art Festival.
这位 替夏 朗朗 捡 盆 的 男生 叫 吴岩
This guy who picked up Xia Langlang's basin is Wu Yan.
信息工程 二年级 的 学生
A sophomore of Information Engineering.
据说 他 最大 的 兴趣爱好
It is said that his biggest hobbies are
就是 做 缝纫 和 打毛衣
sewing and knitting sweaters.
给 他 足够 的 毛线
With enough wool,
他 可以 给 你 盖住 整个 地球
he can cover the whole planet.
Hello there.
我 可以 坐 这儿 吗
Can I sit here?
请 你 喝 酸奶
This yogurt is for you.
为什么 给 我 呀
刚刚 在 那边 我 都 看见 了
I saw what happened at the window just now.
我 叫 夏 朗朗
My name is Xia Langlang.
新闻系 的 大一
A freshman majoring in Journalism.
我 叫 吴岩
I am Wu Yan.
工学院 信息工程 的
A sophomore at
Department of Information Engineering of School of Engineering.
又 怎么 了
What now?
我 这儿 刚 找到 一点 感觉
I just entered the "zone"!
我 再 重复 一次
I'll repeat it.
你 心中 默数
Countdown in your heart.
三 二 一
Three, two, one.
当 我 手 这么 一比 的 时候
When I make this gesture,
你 就 得 爬 到 这 上面
you need to climb up here
然后 装 到 箱子 里面
and go into the box.
这个 时候 雷子会 在 这边 做好 准备
At this time Dongqiang will get everything ready here.
那 你 现在 不是 浪费 我 感情 吗
So you are wasting my time now.
箱子 也 没有 雷子 也 不在
There is no box nor Dongqiang.
雷子 人 呢
Where's he?
忽悠 人 的 时候 一套 一套 的
You guys talked me into this stupid magic trick and
排练 的 时候 又 不在 了
he isn't even here for the rehearsal.
我们 先练 吧
Let's practice without him.
But it requires three sides
少 一边 都 不行
to form a triangle.
我 跟 你 说 啊
Let me tell you.
三角形 不仅 有 锐角 直角 钝角
Triangles can have acute angles, right angles, and obtuse angles.
少 了 一边 的 时候 不仅 可以 这样
Even when one side is missing, you can still have one like this.
还 可以 变成 一条 直行 线
It can also be turned into a straight line.
好好 好 我 知道
Okay, I know!
我 数学 137 好 吗
I got 137 points in math in the college entrance exam.
它 还 可以 这样
It can also be like this.
你 看
这 是 我 刚 绣 好 的
I just finish the embroidery.
好看 吗
Is it pretty?
这是 我们 家 米卡 的 第二件 衣服
This is the second outfit for my Mika.
你 手 也 太巧 了 吧
You're so deft!
我 好羡慕 你 啊
I envy you so much.
而且 你 怎么 会 有 这么 多 玩偶
And how come you have so many dolls?
我 从小到大 都 没见 过 这么 多
I've never even seen so many in my life.
因为 我 一直 都 有 在 收藏
Because I've been collecting them.
而且 它们 每个 人 都 有
And they all have
自己 的 名字
their own names.
它 叫 米卡
This is Mika.
这个 叫祥祥
This is Xiangxiang.
你 太 有意思 了
You are so interesting.
不过 你 怎么 有 这么 多 时间
But why do you have so much time
搞 这些 呀
for all your hobbies?
咱们 学校
There's a society called
有个 缓慢 生长 兴趣小组
Slow-paced Hobby Group in our school.
There aren't many members.
都 是 搞 这种
We all have
消磨 时间 的 小 爱好
some hobbies to kill time
有 作词 的 画画 的 写 毛笔 的
such as writing lyrics, drawing pictures, or Chinese calligraphy.
特别 有意思
It's an interesting society.
不过 就是 和 我 差不多
But like me,
都 不 太 合群
the members aren't quiet sociable.
我 觉得 这样 挺 好 的
I think this is nice.
如果 你 感兴趣
If you are interested,
下次 活动 的 时候
I can take you with me
我 可以 带 你 一起 去
to our next gathering.
好 啊
刚才 你 说 你 姥姥 骨折 了
You said your grandma had a fracture.
回头 我 给 你 姥姥 做 一张 毯子 吧
Let me make a blanket for her.
我 想 祝 她 早日康复
I hope she can get well soon.
Thank you.
你 知不知道 我们 学校 有 一个
Do you know that our school is going to hold a
学院 之春 啊
College Spring Art Festival?
我 知道 我 还 去 参加 过
I know. I even participated once.
真的 啊
咱俩 一起 组个 节目 怎么样
we give a performance as a duo?
我 资质 愚钝
I don't have much talent for performing
刚 被 我 室友 她们 抛弃 了
so my roommates ditched me.
行 啊
那 就 这么 说定了
Then we have a deal!
This's a deal.
这个 舞蹈 真的 挺 好 的
This dance is really awesome.
到时候 咱们 可以 化个 烟熏 妆
We can put on a smoky makeup on stage.
正好 盖 着 我 的 淤青
It can cover my bruise, too.
你 这 淤青过 两天 就 消 了
Your bruise will disappear in a few days.
感觉 这个 更 适合 复古风 吧
I think we can do it in retro style.
到时候 再说 吧
We'll see.
先学 舞蹈
Let's learn the choreography first.
只能 先 这样 了
喂 吴岩
Hello, Wu Yan.
喂 朗朗
Hello, Langlang.
我 选好 歌 了
I have decided the song.
我们 兴趣小组 的 郑楠 会 编曲
Zheng Nan from my hobby society who used to learn arrangement
可以 帮 我 改编
can help me adapt the song.
你 要 不要 过来 聊 一下
Why don't you come over and have a chat?
你 选好 歌 了
You have determined the song and now
叫 我 现在 过去 练习 啊
you're asking me to go to rehearse?
好好 好 我 这 就 来 啊
Okay, I'm on my way!
我要 去 排练 了
I'm going to rehearse.
Go girl.
好好 的 换 什么 地方
Why do we have to change to another place to rehearse?
It's all of a fuss over nothing.
这是 我们 的 机密 项目
This is our top-secret project.
đây là dự án bí mật của chúng tôi
小心 驶得 万年 船
You could never be too cautious.
Thận trọng là con thuyền
就 你 这破 玩意
You really think someone would want to copy
谁 要 窃取 你 情报 一样
your stupid magic trick?
我 这 膝盖 爬来爬去 都 要 破皮 了
my knees are about to be rubbed raw by all the crawling.
还 没
So, not yet.
你 真是 站 着 说话 不 腰疼
That's easy for you to say!
你 知道 这个 有 多重 吗
Do you know how heavy this is?
我 樊潇雨
I've never
什么 时候 拎 过 这么 重 的 东西
carried anything so heavy!
我 真的 开始 后悔
getting on board with you guys.
加入 你们 这个 计划 了
Keep up.
早 干嘛 去 了
Why didn't you do so earlier?
干嘛 呢 你
What are you doing?
又 跟踪 我
Are you stalking me again?
没有 啊
我 就 想 看看
I just wanted to see
哪个 天皇巨星
which superstar
visited our school with sunglasses
戴着 墨镜 莅临 我校
in the middle of the night.
I didn't expect that
你 被 家暴 了
you were domestically abused.
不用 你 管
It's none of your business!
喂 大姐
Hello, big sister.
喂 皇甫
Hello, Huangfu.
你 在 哪儿 呢
Where are you?
等 你 等 半天 了
I've been waiting for you for a long time.
我 马上 回来 啊
I'll be back soon.
要不是 我 今天 有 事情
You would be dead
你 就 死定了
if it weren't for me who is in a hurry now.
赶时间 啊
In a hurry, huh?
走 吗
Want a ride?
上车 一百
One hundred yuan, please.
你 这 什么 破车 呀
Your bicycle is so tatty.
连 个 头盔 都 没有
You don't even have a helmet?
多 不 安全 啊
This is so risky!
吓死 我 了
It freaked me out!
你 眼睛 里 的 光 呢
where's the light in your eyes?
你 要 吸引 观众
You need to attract your audience.
要 让 观众 看到 你 的 欲望
Let them see your desire.
我们 想象 一下
Let's imagine it.
这里 有 五万块 钱
There is fifty thousand yuan here.
很 激动
You're very excited.
表情 再 多一点
More expressions.
有 一半 被 我 樊潇雨 拿走 了
I took half of the money.
失望 了
Disappointed, yes.
怎么 会 这样 呢
How could I do this to you?
突然 你 发现
Suddenly you found out
她 留给 了 你 一万五
she left you fifteen thousand yuan.
不是 两万 吗
Isn't it twenty thousand?
你别 出戏
Stay in character!
怎么 少 了 呢
There is five thousand missing, why?
是 樊潇雨 坑 了 我 吗
Did Fan Xiaoyu screw me?
她 这么 美丽 可爱
She is so beautiful and so adorable.
怎么 会坑 我 呢
I can't believe she would screw me!
一摸 口袋 又 找到 五千
Then you found five thousand yuan in your pocket.
你 躲 什么 呀
Why are you flinching?
我 说 五千 你 要 兴奋 呐
I just said five thousand yuan. Look excited!
战术 后仰
I flinched for a reason.
我要 走 了
I gotta go.
不管 你 了
I'll leave you to rehearse.
那 那
那 我 也 走
I'll go too.
行 吧
反正 视频 都 在 你 手机 里面
Anyway, you have the video in your phone.
回去 好好看 它 几百遍
Go back and watch it hundreds of times.
不要 光背 口诀
Don't just try to remember the method.
背 口诀 的 同时
While reciting the method,
要 感受 到 魔术师 的 情绪
feel the emotions of the magician.
这是 魔法
It is magic!
这 不是
It's not
累死 我 了
I'm exhausted.
教 也 教 不会
You can't teach
a slow person a new trick.
这么晚 了 也 不 知道 送送 我
He didn't offer to walk me back to the dorm while it's so late at night.
不 对 呀
这 小子 刚才 走 的 时候
Before he left,
是不是 没 锁门 啊
did he remember to lock the door?
他 要是 没 锁门 的话
If he didn't,
道具 怎么办
what about the props?
要是 被 我 发现 你 没 锁门
If I see that you didn't lock the door,
范 轻舟 你 就 死定了
Fan Qingzhou, you'll regret it.
怎么 少 了 五千
Why is there five thousand missing?
难道 是 樊潇雨 坑 了 我
Could it be that Fan Xiaoyu screwed me?
她 那么 善良 怎么 会 坑人
How could a kind girl like her screw people for money?
心好 痛
My heart hurts.
突然 发现 左边 口袋 里 还有
Suddenly I found that there was money in my left pocket.
你 门锁 了 吗
Did you lock the door before you left?
口诀 背 了 吗
Did you review the method's instructions?
我 已经 睡 了
I have fallen asleep.
睡着 了 还 能 回 信息 够 本事 啊
So you're replying my messages in your sleep. Cool!
我往 那边
I'm going that way.
范 师兄
你 怎么 也 在 这儿
What are you doing here?
别 跟 樊潇雨 说
Don't tell Fan Xiaoyu.
我 需要 静一静
But I need some time of my own.
一会儿 就 去 找 她
I'll go join her in a while.
你 来 了
You're here.
Take a seat.
欢迎 来到 缓慢 生长
Welcome to Slow-paced.
你 等 我 一会儿
Give me a minute.
我 马上 就 完事
I'll get it done soon.
这儿 呢
Over here.
怎么 了
What is it?
我 没 看 错 吧
I'm not mistaking him for someone else, right?
咱们 班岩岩
Yan in our class
都 谈恋爱 了
has a girlfriend?
是 吗
情侣装 都 穿 上 了
They're in couple outfits.
不错 不错 不错
恭喜 恭喜
那 是 我们 班 同学
They're my classmates.
你 介意 吗
Do you mind?
要 不 我们 换个 位子
How about we go sit somewhere else?
走 吧
Let's go.
我 陪 你 出来 买 衣服
You should consider it an honor that
已经 很 给 你 面子 了
I'm accompanying you to go shopping.
你 到底 是 对 你 的 女 助理
Are you holding a prejudice
有 多 大成 见 啊
against your female assistant?
再 怎么 说
In any case,
我们 两个 也 是 一根 绳上 的 蚂蚁
the two of us are like two ants tied to the same rope now.
It's grasshoppers.
等等 等 一下
你 累不累 啊
Aren't your tired?
穿 球鞋 不 舒服 吗
Aren't sneakers more comfortable?
No way.
显 我 腿短
They make my legs look short.
你 想 太 多 了
I am the center of attention.
别人 看 的 都 是 我
都 是 行星
We're both planets.
但是 我 是 最 耀眼 的 太阳
But I am Sun which is the most dazzling one.
谁 都 遮挡 不了 我 的 光芒
No one can block my light.
太阳 是 恒星
Sun is a star, not planet.
帮忙 拿 一下
Hold it for me.
您好 是 雷先生 吗
Hello, is that Mr. Lei?
我们 这里 有 一套
We have a
沙坪坝 中心地段 的 商品房
commercial housing in downtown Shapingba.
Wrong number.
我 发现 你 最近 不太 对劲 耶
You've been acting weirdly lately.
要么 就 哀声叹气
You would keep sighing,
要不然 讲话 没 风度
being cynical,
再 要不然
就 怼 我
picking on me.
我 只是 在 纠正 你 的 错误
I was just correcting your mistake.
你 看 你 看 又 来 了
See? Here you go again.
你 是 老干部 人设 啊
Do you have a persona of veteran cadre or what?
人设 人设
The hell persona.
我 没人设
I don't have any persona.
好 嘛
雷子 呢
Where's Dongqiang anyway?
我们 的 节目 他 要 跟 我 同步 啊
He and I need to be on the same page all the time during the magic show.
我 又 说错 了
I said something I shouldn't have said again?
抓紧 把 核桃 盘 起来
Polish these walnuts to make them collections.
你 得 发挥 主观 能动性
You have to be proactive
把 这个 人设 建立 起来
to build up your persona.
这 核桃
I don't think
能盘 吗
these are walnuts specially for amusement and collection.
能 不能 盘 不 重要
It doesn't matter whether it can be polished to become a collectable.
关键 是 人设 对 吧
The key is the persona, right?
咱俩 这次 啊
This time
得 由 外到 内
we need to build up
把 咱俩 这个 人 设立 扎实 了
a solid and convincing persona inside and out.
肯定 能 一击 击中
We'll definitely get investment at one fell swoop.
那 等 你 好消息 了
I'll be waiting for your good news.
Give me five.
你 先 给 我 转 两千
can you lend me two thousand yuan?
我怕 我 一会儿 请客吃饭 钱 不够
I'm afraid I won't have enough money to foot the bill later.
雷子 吃 泡面 吗
Dongqiang, do you want instant noodles?
兄弟 对不起
Bro, sorry.
我 对不起 你 我 搞砸 了
I'm sorry. I messed up.
我 没脸 见 你 了
I feel so shameful that I can't see you now.
一 二 三
One, two, three.
多 了 没 了
This is all I've got.
等 融到 钱 了 立马 还 你
I'll pay you back when I get the investment.
这个 雷子 怎么 说走就走 啊
How could he just leave like that?
我 怎么 就 没 从 他 身上 看出
Why didn't I see the label
那 三个 字 呢
on him?
延 毕生
"Loser who can't graduate"?
不靠 谱
"Unreliable partner".
吴岩 同学 说
Wu Yan said that
他 又 参加 学院 之春 了
he is attending the College Spring Art Festival again.
他大一 那次 还 不 觉得 丢人 吗
Didn't he feel embarrassed enough last time?
谁 知道 他 怎么 想 的
Who knows what he was thinking back then.
其实 他 当时 唱得 还 可以
In fact, he sang pretty well.
只不过 他 打扮 的 太 那 什么 了
The problem was his weirdo outfit.
对 啊
I know.
而且 啊
当时 台下 那么 多人 起哄
so many people in the audience booed him.
还有 那么 多 纸飞机 飞上来
They even flew paper planes onto stage to show their contempt.
对 呀
换作 是 我
If it had been me,
早就 在 学校 抬 不 起头 了
I wouldn't have had the courage to walk on campus with my head held high.
听说 他 这次 还 找 了 一个 搭档
I heard that he got himself a partner this time.
也 不 知道 是 哪个 倒霉 催 的
I wonder who the unlucky person is
跟 他 组 搭档
to partner with him.
估计 也 是 脑子 有 问题
He or she must be a weirdo, too.
咱们 班岩岩 都 谈恋爱 了
Even Wu Yan has a girlfriend.
情侣装 都 穿 上 了
They're in couple outfits.
Good for you.
可以 呀
可以 岩岩
Wu Yan.
我 觉得 昨天 我们 讨论 的 那种 形式
I think the performing form we discussed yesterday
还 挺 好 的
is pretty good.
今天 我们 再 讨论 讨论 细节 上 的 事
Let's discuss the details later today.
Wu Yan.
我 身体 有点 不太 舒服
I feel a little under the weather.
可能 是 睡觉 着凉 了
Maybe I caught a cold in my sleep last night.
而且 一会儿 就要 上课
And I have a class in a while.
要 不 我们 晚上 再 排练 吧
Shall we reschedule the rehearsal to tonight?
行 啊 那 晚上 再 排练
Okay, let's rehearse tonight.
Big sister.
你 看 这个 裙子 怎么样
What do you think of this skirt?
我们 俩 穿 这个 在 台上 跳舞
It'll look so cool
肯定 很炸
when we dance on stage in this skirt.
是 吗
You think so?
你 说 咱们 这个 舞
Maybe retro style works better
会 不会 更 适合 复古风 啊
for this dance.
这个 多 好看 呀
But this is so pretty.
你 看
多 性感
但是 我 从来 没有 穿过
But I've never had
露膝 的 裙子
any skirt above my knees.
那 我们 就 更 应该 要 多 尝试 一下
Then we should try more stuff.
要 挑战 自己 嘛
You need to challenge your limits.
那 就 这么 说定了
Then it's settled.
我 已经 到 了
I've already arrived.
我 想到 一个 很 好 的 创意
I just thought of a good idea.
我 有点 不 舒服
I am a little under the weather.
想 早点 睡 了 晚安
I want to go to bed early. Good night.
我太累 了
I'm exhausted.
我 就 睡 五分钟
I'll take a nap for just five minutes.
我 警告 你 啊
I'm warning you,
不准 对 我 有 非分之想
don't try to make a move on me.
您 多虑 了
You're being paranoid.
您 拨叫 的 用户 已 关机
The subscriber you dialed is powered off.
请 稍后 再 拨
Please try again later.
你们 这些 大一 的 真 开心
You freshmen are so happy
and carefree.
过 了 今天 就是 明天
There is always a tomorrow.
而 我 大 五 了
And I'm already in my fifth year here.
我 的 明天 就是 收拾 包袱 走 人
My tomorrow is to pack up and leave.
我们 真是 不 一样
We are really different.
我 回来 了
I am back.
回来 了
Welcome back.
回来 了 朗朗
Langlang. you're back.
你 节目 准备 怎么样 了
How does your rehearsal go?
就 那样 吧
Nothing particular.
就 那样
Nothing particular?
我 今天 听 我 工学院 老乡 说
A guy in the School of Engineering who is my fellow townsman told me today that
你 那个 搭档 叫
your partner's name is
吴岩 是不是 啊
Wu Yan, right?
是 我们 上次 遇见 那个 毛线 男 不
He's the knitting dude we met last time, right?
你们 怎么 认识 的
How did you guys know each other?
就 那样 呗
Nothing particular.
就 那样 呗
Nothing particular?
那 你们 准备 了 什么 节目 啊
What are you going to perform?
我 听说 他 这个 人
I heard that he's…
我妈 让 我 给 她 打个 电话
My mother asked me to call her back.
我 去 下 阳台
I'll go to the balcony.
奇奇怪怪 的
She's acting so weirdly.
那个 我查 了 一些 资料
I checked some information.
你 说 咱们 那个 舞
Maybe we'll
穿 这种 裤装 跳
look cool
是不是 也 挺酷 的
in this kind of trouser suit, too?
不行 大姐
No way, Big sister.
咱们 不是 说好 了 嘛
Didn't we agree that
这个 舞蹈 穿 裙子 好看
this dance looks good only in a skirt?
外婆 的 手术
Grandma's surgery
这么 快 就 做 完 了
was finished? So soon?
那 成功 不
What's the result?
很 成功
Very successful.
那就好 那就好
That's good.
花 了 多少钱 啊
How much did it cost?
没有 嘞
Not much!
你 外婆 的 医保
Thanks to
帮 了 好 大 的 忙
your grandma's medical insurance,
我们 这 一次 啊
根本 就 没有 花 什么 钱
didn't spend much money out of our pocket.
起先 呢
At first
妈妈 还 有点 担心 钱 的 事情
I was indeed a little worried about how to pay the bills.
现在 你 也 不要 担心 了 啊
Don't worry about it.
好 晓得 了
Okay, got it.
就 这样 啊
I have to go.
这个 樊潇雨
Fan Xiaoyu
胜负 欲 也 太强 了 吧
is so competitive.
居然 在 排练厅 睡 一 晚上
She actually slept in the rehearsal hall for the whole night.
Big sister.
咱们 晚上 也 加班
Let's also work overtime tonight to rehearse!
昨天 没 说完 呢
I didn't finish it yesterday.
你 那个 搭档 那个 吴岩
Your partner, Wu Yan.
靠 谱 吗
Is he reliable?
我 可是 听 我 工学院 老乡 说 了
My fellow townsman from School of Engineering said that
他 这个 人大 一 的 时候 啊
he became famous because of his performance at the art festival
一曲 成名
when he was a freshman.
被 大家 笑话 了 好久 呢
He had been laughed at for a long time.
我 姥姥 好 了
My grandma's surgery has completed.
我 不 打算 参加 了
So I don't want to participate anymore.
而且 我 跟 吴岩
Besides, Wu Yan and I
也 没有 那么 熟
are not so close.
你 决定 啦
You've made up your mind?
抱歉 我 退出 了
Sorry, I quit.
吴岩 让 我 转告 你 说
Wu Yan asked me to tell you that
他 已经 知道 了
he already knew.
不用 通知 他 了
So you don't need to specially notify him again.
也 别 再 联系 他 了
Don't contact him anymore.
回头 我 给 你 姥姥 做 一张 毯子 吧
Let me make a blanket for her.
祝 她 早日康复
I hope she can get well soon.
Big sister.
晚上 一起 去练
Let's rehearse tonight.
怎么 了
What is it?
皇甫 那个
Huangfu, so,
我 真的 很 喜欢 和 你 一起 跳舞
I really enjoyed dancing with you.
但 我 真的 不想 穿 短裙
But I really don't want to wear that short skirt.
I am sorry.
我 也 退出 吧
I'm quitting, too.
Big sister.
干嘛 呀
I am sorry.
我们 每个 人 都 是 如此 的 不 一样
Each of us is unique.
烦恼 通常 也 百花齐放
And our worries are also varied by person.
可能 是 假 客气 引发 的 后遗症
It may be a sequela caused by trying to be polite.
可能 是 想 不 明白 的 道理
Maybe it's something one doesn't understand.
可能 是 想 交 又 没有 交到 的 朋友
Maybe it's friends who you want to make but fail.
可能 是 一双 好看 却 不会 舒服 的 鞋
It may be a pair of nice but uncomfortable shoes.
也 或者 可能 是 张 通知单
Or maybe it's a notice.
姐妹 们
Come on.
庆祝 我 第一次 夜 不 归宿
Let's celebrate my first night staying outside the dorm
没有 被 麦蒙 跟 阿姨 发现
without being caught by Mai Meng or the dorm keeper.
一个个 都 怎么 了
What's wrong with you guys?
Big Sister?
大姐 不要 我 了
Big sister doesn't want me anymore.
什么 情况
What's that supposed to mean?
我 说穿 裙子
I wanted to wear a skirt for the dance.
大姐 非要 穿 裤子
She has to wear pants.
我 也 没有 说 不能 穿 裤子
I didn't say we can't wear pants.
也 没有 说 一定 要 穿 裙子
I didn't say that we must wear a skirt.
可是 大姐
But Big sister
就是 不想 穿 裙子 嘛
just doesn't want to wear a skirt.
可是 那个 舞蹈
for the performers to wear a skirt!
就是 要 穿 裙子 才 好看 嘛
穿 裤子 就 不能 蓬蓬蓬
You can't have the billowing effect with pants…
好 收
那 你 就 穿 裙子
Then you can wear a skirt,
大姐 穿 裤子 不 就 好 了
and big sister will be wearing pants.
多大点 事 啊
Problem solved.
这样 可以 吗
Can that work?
这样 看起来 会 不会 不太 整齐 啊
But aren't we supposed to be in uniform outfit?
要 整齐 干嘛
Why do you want to be uniform?
每个 人 不 都 应该 有 自己 的 性格 吗
Shouldn't everyone have their own personality?
这样 才 有 不同 的 色彩 啊
The world is a colorful place because we're different.
再说 了
你 俩 要是 穿 得 不 一样
won't your stage look more special
那 不 就是 更 特别 了 吗
if you guys dress differently?
可以 吗
What do you think?
I think
也 不是 不行 啊
it's not a bad idea.
也 挺好玩 的 呀
This one is cool.
好玩 什么 呀
I don't think so.
就 那样 吧
Just average.
他 以为 他 是 谁 呀
Who does he think he is?
一会儿 我们 上去 的 时候
He's better not judge like this
他 最好 不要 给 我 叽叽 歪歪 的
when we go up on stage.
大姐 可以 啊
Big sister, bravo!
好酷 啊
Very cool.
Big Sister,
皇甫 大姐
Huangfu, Big sister!
好 棒 啊
皇甫 淑敏
Huangfu Shumin.
Zig-zag Magic
原来 那 里面 还 藏 了 个人
So there was another person hidden in the box.
我 就 说 里面 肯定 藏 一个 人
I knew it.
你 看 那个 脚 都 没有 缩回去
That person's foot was exposed outside the box.
Wu Yan.
I am sorry.
我们 开始 排练 吧
Let's start rehearsing.
怎么 是 他 呀
Why is he?
吴岩 吴岩
Wu Yan, Wu Yan!
真的 呀
That's really him!
每个 人 都 应该 有 自己 的 个性 啊
Shouldn't everyone have their own personality?
这样 才 有 不同 的 色彩 嘛
The world is a colorful place because we're different.
兄弟 快 比赛 了
Bro, the competition will begin soon.
无论 发生 了 什么
No matter what happened,
我们 一起 承担
let's face it together.
吓死 我 啦
You gave me a heart attack!
夏 朗朗
Xia Langlang.
夏 朗朗
Xia Langlang.
我和范 轻舟 拿到 了 别具 风格 奖
Fan Qingzhou and I won the Unique Style Award.
虽然 只是 个 鼓励奖
Although it was just a small award to show encouragement,
但 分到 的 奖金
the prize was
足够 范 轻舟 还 我 三百块 的 了
enough for Fan Qingzhou to pay me the 300 yuan back.
可 没想到 的 是
What I didn't expect was that
今年 暑假 他们 必须 从 学校 滚蛋 了
they were asked to leave school this summer.
创业 似乎 还是 失败 了
Their entrepreneurship seemed to have failed in the end.
那 我 先 走 了
拿 着 吧
Take it.
你 不要 吗
You don't want it?
我们 马上 要 搬出 宿舍 了
We are going to move out of the dorm soon.
你 留 着 吧
You keep it.
好 吧
Okay then.
那 就 暂时 先 放在 我 这里
I'll keep it for you for now.
你 说
Had Dongqiang
如果 雷子 师兄 没有 缺席
not be absent,
我们 会 不会 拿到 最大 奖
could we win the biggest prize?
他 还 没 回来 啊
He hasn't come back yet?
估计 以后
I guess
我要 自己 兼任 首席 财务 官 了 吧
I'll have to work as the CEO and the CFO at the same time.
别 担心 嘛
Don't worry.
好 吧
那 我 就 把 我 的 奖金 也 给 你好 了
You can have my share of bonus.
你 就 当 我 天使 投资
Consider it my angel investment.
不 可以
I can't do that.
钱 都 不要
You don't even want my money?
加个 微信 总行 了 吧
At least let's befriend each other on WeChat.
我们 认识 一年 到 现在
We have known each other for a year
连微信 都 没有
but we aren't even friends on WeChat.
轻舟 配 小菜
"Qingzhou with side dishes".
好 走 了 啊
I have to go.
其实 我 对 你们 开发 的 产品
Actually, I have no interest in
毫无 兴趣
the products you guys develop at all.
但是 你 居然 能 把 那么 烂 的 东西
But you made such a convincing pitch
说 到 天花乱坠
for products that are nothing but trash.
也 是 个 营销 鬼才 了
You're a marketing genius.
我 希望 你 可以 留下来
I hope you can work for me.
与其 做 无谓 的 牺牲 和 挣扎
Instead of making meaningless sacrifices and struggles,
不如 早点 认清 现实
it's better to get real.
机智 的 你 是否 像 我 一样 明白 了
Have you, who are so smart, realized as I do that
这个 世界 的 我们 各有不同
we are all different from each other.
只要 放眼望去
Just look around and you'll find that
那些 不 一样 的 他们
other people, although different from us,
也 正 回应 着 我们 的 目光
are responding to our gaze.
此刻 我们 是 彼此 眼中
At the moment we are
夜空 里 最 闪亮 的 星星
the brightest stars in the night sky in each other's eyes.