你 微笑 时 很 美 EP29 (3)
还 说 阳神 是 不会 来 中路 的
You still say that God Yang won't gank me on the mid lane.
我 看 他 怎么 也 不 像是
I think he...
阳神 清兵 线
God Yang, clear the creep wave.
笑 什么 笑
What are you laughing at?
你 的 尖叫声
Even the audience
全场 的 粉丝 观众 都 听到 了
heard your shriek just now.
不 可能
That's impossible.
刚才 听到 了 在 ZGDX 的 电脑 区
Just now, we heard a female roar
传来 了 一声 女性 的 嘶吼
coming from Team ZGDX's position.
惊天地泣鬼神 啊
It was a shocking roar.
怪不得 都 说 ZGDX 队霸 换人 了
It's no wonder they say there's a new tyrant in Team ZGDX.
Come, let's take down Orochi.
来 我们 打一波 大蛇
好 嘞
老猫 老 K 你们 在 蛇 坑 上面
童谣 在 蛇 坑 左边
Tong Yao, hide in the left bush.
小胖 跟 我 一起 在 蛇 坑 中间
Fatty, let's go to the middle of the pit.
来 了
上 上 上 ZGDX 开大蛇 了
-Let's go! -Team ZGDX is trying to take down Orochi.
他们 开蛇 了
They're attacking Orochi.
不 急 他们 打得 没 那么 快
Calm down. They need some time before they can take it down.
先 集合
Let's gather around.
我 马上 到 好 的
-I'll be there immediately. -Alright.
阳神 也 开始 打信号 集合 了
God Yang is asking them to gather as well.
小心 对面 来 人 了
Be careful. They're here.
还 打 吗 我 降伏 还 没 好
Do we continue? My Subdue isn't ready yet.
不然 被 抢 了 太 亏了
It'll be a waste if they steal our Orochi.
走 了 吧 走 了 吧 撤 了
Let's retreat.
留 好 技能
Keep your skills.
我们 去 草丛里 等 着
Let's wait for them in the bush.
反 蹲 一波
We'll counter gank them.
好 这波 大蛇 开得 有点 草率 啊
-Alright. -They're being reckless.
不 对
他们 没有 回城
they're not returning to the base.
而是 蹲 在 了 野区
They're hiding beside the jungle.
但是 野区 这个 位置 打 起来
But Team CK is at a disadvantage
CK 很 容易 吃亏 啊 上
if they fight in that position.
打 起来 了
They're fighting!
阳神 被 埋
我 好像 被 埋 了 蝴蝶
I think I was ambushed. Butterfly!
我 在 打 我 在 打
I'm hitting them!
老王 被 童谣 控住 了
Wang was stunned by Smiling!
我 被 切 了 老王 你 人 呢
They're targeting me! Wang, where are you?
我 被控 了
I was stunned!
秒 掉 了
[Unparalleled] He's killed in an instant!
小花 上 追
Little Flower, go!
小胖 开 大
Fatty, use your ultimate.
来 了
蝴蝶 危险 了
[Heavenly Warrior] Butterfly is in danger!
[Super Saviour] It's a double kill!
想不到 吧 朋友
My friend, I'm sure you didn't expect that.
好运来 也 被 秒 掉 了
[Unparalleled] Lucky was slain as well!
现在 就 看 小花 的 了
Now, it all depends on Little Flower.
小花 能 不能 跑掉
Will Little Flower be able to escape from them?
你 断后
Cut off his escape route!
Little Flower!
小花 也 被 收 了
Little Flower was slain as well!
阳神 快 走 别 被 一波
God Yang, just run! Don't let this be a team wipe!
这一波 操作 太秀 了
[Dominating] That was spectacular.
不要 追 了 中路 有线
Stop chasing after him. There's a creep wave on the mid lane.
推上去 一波 了
Let's end this in one go.
一 波一波 一波 来来来
Let's end this in one go.
现在 我们 看到
Now, we can see
ZGDX 已经 推上 了 高地
that Team ZGDX has reached their highland.
对面 只 剩 阳神 一个 人 了
God Yang is the only one left.
看来 是 一波 了
Seems like they'll end this in one go.
阳神 一人 无力回天 了
[Destroyed] God Yang can't do anything about it.
但是 阳神 上 了
[Our base is being attacked] But God Yang went for it.
他 想 拯救 一波 好 上 上 上
[Our base is being attacked] He wants to give it one last go.
点 基地 不管 他 不管 他
Just attack their base. Ignore him.
好 直接 点 基地
Alright, attack their base.
基地 基地 基地 来来来
Aim for their base.
要 爆 了 要 爆 了 快快 快
It's going to blow! Hurry!
爆 了 恭喜 ZGDX 战队 不负众望
They did it! Let's congratulate Team ZGDX
挺入 全国 赛四强
for making it to the semi-finals.
恭喜 全国 赛四强
Let's congratulate them for making to the semi-finals!
翻盘 了 赢 了
-It's a comeback! -They won!
赢 了 赢 了 赢 了
We won!
刚刚 瞬步 开大 打 得 不错
You did great with your ultimate just now.
恭喜 恭喜
恭喜 恭喜
恭喜 恭喜 恭喜
Good luck.
恭喜 恭喜 恭喜
我 终于 知道
I finally know
那天 你 说 我们 不 合适 的 原因
why you said we weren't suitable for each other.
I wish you happiness.
我 说 了 还要 再 来 握手 的
I told you I was going to shake your hands again.
你 看 真的 来 了 吧
I did keep my promise.
加油 吧
Good luck.
希望 能 在 世界 赛 的 舞台 上 再见
I hope I can see you in the International Championship.
好 世界 赛见
Alright, see you in the International Championship.
It's a promise.
走 吧
Let's go.