무지출 챌린지 ⎟ episode 𝟚𝟘 (shortened)
no spending|challenge||
Die Null-Emissions-Herausforderung ⎟ Folge 𝟚𝟘 (gekürzt)
No Payment Challenge ⎟ episode 𝟚𝟘 (shortened)
Desafío Infinito ⎟ episodio 𝟚𝟘 (abreviado)
Infinity Challenge ⎟ épisode 𝟚𝟘 (abrégé)
La sfida a emissioni zero ⎟ episodio 𝟚𝟘 (abbreviato)
無課金チャレンジ ⎟ episode 𝟚𝟚𝟘 (shortened)
Infinity Challenge ⎟ aflevering 𝟚𝟘 (ingekort)
Infinity Challenge ⎟ эпизод 𝟚𝟘 (сокращенный)
The Zero Emission Challenge ⎟ episode 𝟚𝟘 (kısaltılmış)
안녕하세요, 희야 한국어, 희야입니다.
‘스티커 쇼크'(sticker shock)라는 말 들어보셨나요?
sticker|shock|sticker|shock|called||have you heard
Have you ever heard of the term "sticker shock"?
¿Ha oído alguna vez el término "sticker shock"?
ステッカーショック(sticker shock)という言葉をご存知ですか?
물건에 붙어 있는 스티커, 물건의 가격이 적힌 스티커, 한국어로는 ‘가격표'.
on|attached||sticker|item's|price tag|written||Korean|price tag
A sticker attached to an object, a sticker with the price of an object, or 'price tag' in Korean.
이 가격표를 본 소비자들이 충격을 받고 지갑을 열지 않는다는 의미입니다.
|price list||consumers|shock|shocked|wallet|open|do not open|means
This means that consumers who see this price tag are shocked and do not open their wallets.
Esto significa que los consumidores que ven este precio se escandalizan y no abren la cartera.
Cela signifie que les consommateurs qui voient ce prix sont choqués et n'ouvrent pas leur portefeuille.
즉, 물건 가격이 너무 비싸져서 못 사는 혹은 안 사는 소비자들이 늘었다는 의미인데요.
||Preis|||||||||gestiegen sind|es bedeutet
thus|goods|price|too|because it became expensive|||or||buying|consumers|increased|meaning
In other words, it means that the price of goods is too expensive, so there are more consumers who can't buy or don't buy.
Esto significa que más consumidores no pueden o no quieren comprar cosas porque se han vuelto demasiado caras.
Cela signifie qu'un plus grand nombre de consommateurs ne peuvent ou ne veulent pas acheter des produits parce qu'ils sont devenus trop chers.
물건의 가격, 물가가 급등하면서, 물건의 가격이 갑자기 많이 오르면서 ‘내 월급 빼고 다 오른다'라는 말이 어느 때보다 와닿는 요즘입니다.
||Preise||||||||Gehalt|außer||||irgendeiner|als je|nachvollziehbar|
goods||prices|as prices soar|of|price|||rising||salary|except||goes up|saying|any|than|hits|these days
These days, as the price of goods and prices of goods soar, and the price of goods suddenly rises a lot, the phrase 'everything goes up except my salary' is more relevant than ever.
La frase "todo menos mi sueldo" nunca ha sido más cierta que hoy, cuando el precio de las cosas, el coste de la vida y el coste de todo lo demás suben de repente.
L'expression "tout sauf mon salaire" n'a jamais été aussi vraie qu'aujourd'hui, alors que le prix des choses, le coût de la vie et le coût de tout le reste augmentent soudainement.
저는 요즘 장보러 가면 아 물가가 진짜 많이 올랐다는 걸 느끼는데요.
|these days|grocery shopping|I go|that|cost of living|really||increased|that|feel
When I go shopping these days, I feel that prices have risen a lot.
He notado que el coste de los comestibles ha subido mucho últimamente.
J'ai remarqué que le coût des produits alimentaires a beaucoup augmenté ces derniers temps.
그저께 원래 평소에 가는 마트에 가서 장을 보는데 상추 가격이 2주 전보다 3배나 올랐더라고요.
the day before yesterday||usually||supermarket||groceries|I was shopping|lettuce|price|weeks|two weeks ago|three times|went up
l'altro ieri|||||||||||||
The day before yesterday, I went to my usual grocery store to shop, and the price of lettuce had risen three times from two weeks ago.
El otro día fui a mi supermercado habitual y me di cuenta de que el precio de la lechuga se había triplicado con respecto a hace dos semanas.
L'autre jour, je me suis rendu à mon épicerie habituelle et j'ai remarqué que le prix de la laitue avait triplé par rapport à il y a deux semaines.
처음엔 그 가격표를 보고 어?
at first||price list||
Look at that price tag first, huh?
Al principio, miré la etiqueta del precio y pensé, ¿eh?
Au début, j'ai regardé l'étiquette de prix et je me suis dit : "Hein ?
잘못 봤나 싶었어요.
wrong|saw|I wanted
I thought I was looking at it wrong.
Pensé que estaba mirando algo equivocado.
J'ai cru que je regardais la mauvaise chose.
어떻게 2주 만에 이렇게 오를 수 있는 거지?
how||in two weeks||rise|to be||particle
How can you climb like this in two weeks?
Comment a-t-il pu faire autant de progrès en deux semaines ?
그래서 조금 고민되더라고요.
|a little|was worrying
So I was a little worried.
J'étais donc un peu partagé.
이걸 사야 되나?
this||should I buy
should i buy this?
Dois-je l'acheter ?
근데 채소는 먹어야 하니까 뭐 어쩔 수 없이 샀죠.
|vegetables|I have to eat|I have to||inevitably||without|bought
But since I need to eat vegetables, I had no choice but to buy them.
Pero tenía que comer verduras, así que las compré de todos modos.
Mais je devais manger des légumes, alors je les ai achetés quand même.
이런 고물가 현상은 단지 한국만의 문제가 아닌 전 세계가 겪고 있는 상황인데요.
such|high cost of living|phenomenon|simply|unique to Korea|issue|not|global|the world|experiencing||situation
This high inflation phenomenon is not just a problem in Korea, it is a situation that the whole world is experiencing.
Este fenómeno de los precios altos no es sólo un problema coreano, sino mundial.
Ce phénomène de prix élevés n'est pas seulement un problème coréen, mais un problème mondial.
여러분은 언제 물가가 이렇게 오른 것을 느끼세요?
||cost of living||rose, increased||feel
When do you feel that prices have risen like this?
¿Cuándo ha notado este aumento de precios?
Quand avez-vous constaté cette augmentation des prix ?
최근 한국에서 2030세대를 중심으로 화제가 되고 있는 챌린지가 있습니다…
recent|in Korea|generation|centered on|becoming a hot topic|||challenge|there is
Recently, there is a challenge that is becoming a hot topic in Korea, mainly in the 20s and 30s...
Un défi a récemment fait parler de lui en Corée du Sud, autour de la génération 2030...