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강아지 홍설 / Little dog HONG SNOW, 1 second before turning into a gray dog...

1 second before turning into a gray dog...

[설이랑 갯벌 체험 왔어요~]

[여기가 어디지..]

[처음 접하는 갯벌이 낯선 듯]

[도무지 바구니에서 나올 생각이 없어 보여요 ㅠㅠ]

[새로운 것을 많이 경험해야 더 넓은 세상을 바라보게 되는 법! / *관계자의 동의 후 촬영을 진행하였습니다]

[직접 갯벌에 내려줘 보는데..]

[파닥 파닥]

[빠지면 안 돼..]

[뻘에서 열심히 입수 준비를 하는 설이]

[어서 와 이런 느낌은 처음이지~?]

[당황한 네발]

[이게 뭐야!]

[코리안 머드의 부드러움에 깜짝 놀란 듯 우왕좌왕~]

[누나야 나 좀 안아주라..]

[조개통에서 다시 들어가고 싶은 듯]

[안 되겠다..]

설이야 어디 가?

[아무래도 여기 좀 이상해..]

쟤 지금 육지로 다시 가고 싶은가 봐.

[홀로 육지로 떠나가는 그..]

[설이를 갯벌에 적응시킬 방법은 단 하나뿐..] 설아!

조개 먹자!

[뭐를 먹는다고?]

[뭐 먹자는 소리에 바로 유턴]

먹자는 건 엄청 좋아해요~

[일단 먹고 탈출해야지~]

[먹겠다는 의지로 뻘에 빠져도 금방 극뽁해내는 못말리는 설이]

[조개가 뭔 줄 알고 저렇게 킁킁거리는지..]

이제 잘 걷네?

[빨리 조개 좀 찾아봐!]

[어느새 갯벌 적응 완료!]

[아까 갯벌 싫다고 했던 애가 누구더라?]

[뭐 시원하니 나쁘지 않네!!] 신났어.

[조개 캐는 작은 누나 옆에 계속 서성거리는 설이]

[드디어 발견한 첫 조개!]

[너무 짠데?]

[짜기만 한 조개에 당황]

[다시 한 번 줘봐도]

[짠 거 싫어!]

[조개에 실망한 듯 물만 벌컥벌컥]

[완전 속았어..]

[어떻게 복수하지?]



[현실 경악] 아!



왜 그러는 거야 대체!!!


[가끔씩 이해할 수 없는 강아지 마음..]


일어나!! ㅜㅜ

[조개 맛없다고 시위하는 거야 뭐야..]


[에라 모르겠다 놀자~]

[조개 잡으려고 땅만 파면 들어와서 방해하는 솜뭉치]

[잘 좀 파봐바바바]

[조개 잡는 족족 설이한테 검사]


[아우 짜!]


[근데 너 혹시 여기 머드팩 하러 왔어?]

[흰둥이 견주들이 보면 한숨 나오는 상황.mov]

[나 멋져?]

[현타 온 누나들]


너 어떡할 거야~

[그저 해맑]

[나 왜?] 오마이갓..

[왜 안 오나 했더니..]

[다 놀고 힘드니까 조개통 넣어달라고 저러고 있음]

[대왕털조개 홍설..] 뭐죠? 대왕조개인가요?

[한쪽 귀는 또 어디 갔니..] 귀여워!

[누나 나 내려놓으면 안 된다?]

[빨리 출발해!]

[다리에 힘이 없어!]

[너 자냐?]

[아 멈추지 말라고!]

[그리고 바로 또 주르륵]

[내 다리가 내 다리가 아니야..]

이제 지 놀 거 다 놀고 피곤하다 이거지?

[자..꾸 눈이 감겨..]


[아무리 깨워도 안 일어나서 결국 저러고 숙소로~]

[오늘 자 세상에서 제일 잘 논 강아지]

[너무 쿨한 거 아니냐?] 설아!

누나 머리고 가는 거야?..

[저 누나 따라가면 목욕해야 해]



[똑똑한 자식..]

[오늘 잡은 조개들과 함께 해감 중인 대왕털조개]

[아로마 스파로 쌓인 피로를 싹 풀어줬어요!]

[너무 졸려..]

[한숨 푹 자다가 고기 파티]

[누나 혹시 이거 한우?]

설이야 식으면 줄게~

[나 그냥 줘도 되는데..]


[역시 잘 먹어..]

[아 물론 상추는 빼고^^]

누가 편식하래!!

[그건 누나꺼!]

[대단한 녀석..] 대단한데?

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1 second before turning into a gray dog... 초|전에|변하는|로|한|회색|개 За 1 секунду до превращения в серую собаку... 1 second before turning into a gray dog...

[설이랑 갯벌 체험 왔어요~] with Seol|tidal flat|experience|came [I came to the mudflat experience with Seol~]

[여기가 어디지..] here|is where [Where is this place..]

[처음 접하는 갯벌이 낯선 듯] first|encountering|tidal flat|unfamiliar|seems [The mudflat I'm experiencing for the first time seems unfamiliar]

[도무지 바구니에서 나올 생각이 없어 보여요 ㅠㅠ] at all|from the basket|coming out|thought|not|seems| [It doesn't seem to want to come out of the basket at all ㅠㅠ]

[새로운 것을 많이 경험해야 더 넓은 세상을 바라보게 되는 법! / *관계자의 동의 후 촬영을 진행하였습니다] new|thing|a lot|should experience|more|wider|world|looking at|becoming|way|of the person involved|consent|after|filming|was conducted [You need to experience a lot of new things to see a broader world! / *Filming was conducted with the consent of the parties involved]

[직접 갯벌에 내려줘 보는데..] directly|to the tidal flat|let down|I see [I let it down directly onto the mudflat..]

[파닥 파닥] [Flap flap]

[빠지면 안 돼..] if you fall out|not|okay [You can't miss it..]

[뻘에서 열심히 입수 준비를 하는 설이] in the mud|diligently|entering the water|preparation|is|Seol [Seol is diligently preparing to dive in the mud]

[어서 와 이런 느낌은 처음이지~?] welcome|come|this|feeling|is new [Come on, this feeling is new, right~?]

[당황한 네발] confused|four-legged [Flustered four-legged]

[이게 뭐야!] this|what is [What is this!]

[코리안 머드의 부드러움에 깜짝 놀란 듯 우왕좌왕~] Korean|mud|softness|surprised|startled|like|floundering [Seemingly surprised by the softness of Korean mud, flustered~]

[누나야 나 좀 안아주라..] older sister|I|a little|hug me [Sister, please hug me..]

[조개통에서 다시 들어가고 싶은 듯] in the clam shell|again|going in|wanting|seems [Seems like wanting to go back into the shell again]

[안 되겠다..] not|will work [This won't do..]

설이야 어디 가? Seol|where|going Where are you going, Seol?

[아무래도 여기 좀 이상해..] somehow|here|a bit|strange [Something seems off here..]

쟤 지금 육지로 다시 가고 싶은가 봐. that person|now|to land|again|going|wants|seems I think she wants to go back to the mainland now.

[홀로 육지로 떠나가는 그..] alone|to the land|leaving|he [The one who is leaving alone for the land..]

[설이를 갯벌에 적응시킬 방법은 단 하나뿐..] 설아! Seol-i|to the mudflat|adapt|method|only|one|Seol-a [There is only one way to help Seol-i adapt to the mudflat..] Seol-a!

조개 먹자! clam|let's eat Let's eat clams!

[뭐를 먹는다고?] what|are you eating [What are we eating?]

[뭐 먹자는 소리에 바로 유턴] what|to eat|at the sound of|immediately|U-turn [Immediately U-turn at the suggestion of what to eat]

먹자는 건 엄청 좋아해요~ eating|thing|very|I like I really love to eat~

[일단 먹고 탈출해야지~] first|eating|I have to escape [First, we need to eat and then escape~]

[먹겠다는 의지로 뻘에 빠져도 금방 극뽁해내는 못말리는 설이] wanting to eat|with determination|in the mud|even if|quickly|overcoming|unstoppable|Seol [Even if I get stuck in the mud with the will to eat, I quickly get out of it, unstoppable Seol.]

[조개가 뭔 줄 알고 저렇게 킁킁거리는지..] the clam|what|about|knowing|like that|is sniffing [I wonder what the clam is sniffing like that..]

이제 잘 걷네? now|well|walking Now you're walking well?

[빨리 조개 좀 찾아봐!] quickly|clam|a little|look for [Hurry up and find some clams!]

[어느새 갯벌 적응 완료!] before long|tidal flat|adaptation|complete [Before I knew it, I've adapted to the mudflat!]

[아까 갯벌 싫다고 했던 애가 누구더라?] earlier|mudflat|said he/she doesn't like|was|kid|who was [Who was the kid that said they didn't like the mudflat earlier?]

[뭐 시원하니 나쁘지 않네!!] 신났어. what|is refreshing|not bad|isn't|I'm excited [It's pretty refreshing, not bad at all!!] I'm excited.

[조개 캐는 작은 누나 옆에 계속 서성거리는 설이] clam|digging|small|older sister|next to|continuously|wandering|Seol-i [Seol keeps lingering next to the little sister who's digging for clams]

[드디어 발견한 첫 조개!] finally|discovered|first|clam [Finally found the first clam!]

[너무 짠데?] too|salty [Isn't it too salty?]

[짜기만 한 조개에 당황] only squeezing|one|clam|confused [Surprised by the salty clam]

[다시 한 번 줘봐도] again|one|time|give it to me [Let me try again]

[짠 거 싫어!] salty|thing|I dislike [I don't like salty!]

[조개에 실망한 듯 물만 벌컥벌컥] the clam|disappointed|as if|only water|gulping down [Seemingly disappointed with the shellfish, gulping down water]

[완전 속았어..] completely|was deceived [I was completely deceived..]

[어떻게 복수하지?] how|do I get revenge [How should I take revenge?]

[흠..] hmm [Hmm..]

[이렇게?] like this [Like this?]

[현실 경악] 아! reality|shock|ah [Reality Shock] Ah!

[오마이갓..] oh my god [Oh my god..]

설아!! Seola Seola!!

왜 그러는 거야 대체!!! why|are doing|is|on earth Why are you doing this?!!!

어? huh Huh?

[가끔씩 이해할 수 없는 강아지 마음..] sometimes|understanding|possibility|not|dog|heart [Sometimes the incomprehensible heart of a puppy..]

홍설!! Hongseol Hongseol!!

일어나!! ㅜㅜ wake up| Wake up!! ㅜㅜ

[조개 맛없다고 시위하는 거야 뭐야..] clam|saying it's not tasty|protesting|is|what [Are you protesting that clams are tasteless or what..]

바보같아.. like a fool You're so silly..

[에라 모르겠다 놀자~] ah|I don't know|let's play [Ah, I don't care, let's play~]

[조개 잡으려고 땅만 파면 들어와서 방해하는 솜뭉치] clam|trying to catch|only the ground|if I dig|comes in|interfering|cotton ball [A cotton ball that comes in and interferes whenever you dig to catch clams]

[잘 좀 파봐바바바] well|a little|dig [Try digging a little better]

[조개 잡는 족족 설이한테 검사] clam|catching|every|to Seol-i|inspection [Every clam you catch gets inspected by Seol]

[흠..] hmm [Hmm..]

[아우 짜!] oh|annoying [Oh, damn!]

[췟..] 'unknown' [Ugh..]

[근데 너 혹시 여기 머드팩 하러 왔어?] but|you|perhaps|here|mud pack|to do|came [But did you come here to do a mud pack?]

[흰둥이 견주들이 보면 한숨 나오는 상황.mov] white dog|dog owners|when|sigh|coming out|situation| [A situation that makes white dog owners sigh.mov]

[나 멋져?] I|cool [Am I cool?]

[현타 온 누나들] reality check|came|older sisters [Sisters who are hit with reality]

설이야. it's a story It's Seol.

너 어떡할 거야~ you|what will you do|going to What are you going to do~

[그저 해맑] just|bright [Just cheerful]

[나 왜?] 오마이갓.. I|why|oh my god [Why me?] Oh my god..

[왜 안 오나 했더니..] why|not|are you coming|I was wondering [I was wondering why they weren't coming..]

[다 놀고 힘드니까 조개통 넣어달라고 저러고 있음] all|playing|because it's tiring|clam container|asking to put in|like that|is [They're all playing and are tired, so they're asking to put in the clam shell like that]

[대왕털조개 홍설..] 뭐죠? 대왕조개인가요? giant clam|red snow|what is it|is it a giant clam [Giant clam Hongseol..] What is it? Is it a giant clam?

[한쪽 귀는 또 어디 갔니..] 귀여워! one side|ear|again|where|did go|cute [Where did one ear go..] So cute!

[누나 나 내려놓으면 안 된다?] older sister|I|if you put down|not|is allowed [Sister, can't you put me down?]

[빨리 출발해!] quickly|let's depart [Hurry up and leave!]

[다리에 힘이 없어!] in my leg|strength|is not [I have no strength in my legs!]

[너 자냐?] you|are sleeping [Are you sleeping?]

[아 멈추지 말라고!] ah|don't stop|don't [Ah, don't stop!]

[그리고 바로 또 주르륵] and|immediately|again|trickling [And then right away, it goes again.]

[내 다리가 내 다리가 아니야..] my|leg|my|leg|is not [My legs are not my legs..]

이제 지 놀 거 다 놀고 피곤하다 이거지? now|you|play|thing|all|playing|tired|is that right So, you've played enough and now you're tired, right?

[자..꾸 눈이 감겨..] ||my eyes|closing [Now.. my eyes keep closing..]

저기요!!! excuse me Excuse me!!!

[아무리 깨워도 안 일어나서 결국 저러고 숙소로~] no matter how|I wake him/her up|not|waking up|eventually|like that|to the accommodation [No matter how much I wake him up, he won't get up, so he ended up like that and went back to the accommodation~]

[오늘 자 세상에서 제일 잘 논 강아지] today|article|in the world|most|well|playing|dog [The dog that had the most fun in the world today]

[너무 쿨한 거 아니냐?] 설아! too|cool|thing|isn't|Seola [Aren't you too cool?] Seola!

누나 머리고 가는 거야?.. older sister|head|going|is Is it going to be your sister's head?..

[저 누나 따라가면 목욕해야 해] that|older sister|if I follow|I have to take a bath|do [If I follow that sister, I have to take a bath]

설아..ㅠㅠ Seola|crying emoticon Seola..ㅠㅠ

야!! hey Hey!!

[똑똑한 자식..] smart|child [Smart kid..]

[오늘 잡은 조개들과 함께 해감 중인 대왕털조개] today|caught|with the clams|together|soaking|in the process of|giant hair clam [The giant clam being soaked with the clams caught today]

[아로마 스파로 쌓인 피로를 싹 풀어줬어요!] aroma|spa|accumulated|fatigue|completely|relieved [The aroma spa completely relieved my fatigue!]

[너무 졸려..] too|sleepy [So sleepy..]

[한숨 푹 자다가 고기 파티] a sigh|deeply|while sleeping|meat|party [After a deep sleep, it's a meat party]

[누나 혹시 이거 한우?] older sister|perhaps|this|Korean beef [Sister, is this Hanwoo?]

설이야 식으면 줄게~ the rice cake|when it cools|I will give you I'll give it to you when it cools down~

[나 그냥 줘도 되는데..] I|just|give|it would be fine [I can just take it..]

먹어. eat Eat it.

[역시 잘 먹어..] as expected|well|eat [As expected, eating well..]

[아 물론 상추는 빼고^^] ah|of course|lettuce|without [Oh, of course, leave out the lettuce^^]

누가 편식하래!! who|is picky about food Who said I was picky!!

[그건 누나꺼!] that|is my older sister's [That's for my sister!]

[대단한 녀석..] 대단한데? great|guy|is great [Great guy..] Isn't he great?

SENT_CWT:AO6BvvLW=2.28 PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=2.3 en:AO6BvvLW openai.2025-02-07 ai_request(all=132 err=0.00%) translation(all=105 err=0.00%) cwt(all=407 err=1.72%)