All road shop brands! A goddess makeup that will draw everyone's attention when back at school ✨ - YouTube
모든|도로|상점|브랜드|하나의|여신|메이크업|그|할|끌다|모든 사람의|주목|언제|돌아갈|에|학교|
Todas las marcas de road shop! Un maquillaje de diosa que llamará la atención de todos en la vuelta al cole ✨ - YouTube
Tüm yol mağazası markaları! Okula döndüğünüzde herkesin dikkatini çekecek bir tanrıça makyajı ✨ - YouTube
All road shop brands! A goddess makeup that will draw everyone's attention when back at school ✨ - YouTube
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이제 다음 주면
Next week will be
[개강!] 개강 주잖아요
start of the semester|semester begins|it's happening
[Start of the semester!] It's the start of the semester.
[눈을 확! 사로잡는 개강여신 메이크업] 그래서 개강 날에 눈을 확 사로잡을 수 있는
eyes|definitely|captivating|goddess of the semester|makeup|so|start of the semester|on the day|eyes|definitely|captivating|possibility|to be
[Eye-catching semester goddess makeup] So on the first day of the semester, we will create a look that can really catch the eye.
여신 분위기의 메이크업을 해 볼 거예요 오늘은
goddess|of the atmosphere|makeup|do|try|will|today
Today, we will try a goddess-themed makeup.
[새내기분들을 위한 올 로드샵 제품들] 특히 새내기분들을 위해서 올 로드샵 제품들로 준비해봤으니까
new students|for|all|road shop|products|especially|new students|for|all|road shop|with products|I have prepared
特に新入生の方々のために オールプチプラコスメを準備してみたので
[All drugstore products for newcomers] Especially for newcomers, I have prepared everything using drugstore products.
이따가 가성비 있는 예쁜 제품들 많이 알아가시면 좋을 것 같아요
later|cost performance|having|pretty|products|many|you get to know|good|thing|seems
I think it would be good to learn about many cost-effective and pretty products later.
먼저 제가 지금 스킨케어 다 바르고 오긴 했는데
first|I|now|skincare|all|applied|came|I did
まず私が今、スキンケアを 全部塗ってきたんですけど
First, I did apply all my skincare products before coming.
살짝 건조함이 있어서
However, there is a slight dryness.
앰플 미스트를 뿌려주고 갈게요
ampoule|mist|will spray|I will go
So I will spray some ampoule mist before I go.
이건 작년에 퍼셀에서 나온 앰플인데
this|last year|from Purcell|released|ampoule
This is an ampoule that came out from Purcell last year.
[뿌려 쓰는 분사형 앰플]
[Spray-type ampoule]
물총같이 안 쏴지고 되게 좋거든요
like a water gun|not|shooting|very|is good
It doesn't spray like a water gun, and it's really good.
그리고 그냥 미스트가 아니라 원래 앰플이라서
and|just|mist|not|originally|because it is an ampoule
そしてミストじゃなくて、 元々アンプルなので
And it's not just a mist; it's originally an ampoule.
[일반적인 스포이드 앰플보다는 수분감이 적은 편] 보통의 스포이드 앰플보다는 살짝 가벼운 제형이라서
general|dropper|than the ampoule|moisture|less|side|ordinary|||slightly|lighter|because it is a formulation
[It has less moisture than a typical dropper ampoule] It's slightly lighter in texture than a regular dropper ampoule.
금방 건조해지는 느낌이 있긴 있어요
quickly|drying|feeling|there is|is
There is a feeling that it dries quickly.
[갖고 다니면서 미스트로 사용하기 좋음] 그래서 그냥 미스트 용도로 갖고 다니면 너무 좋은 거 같아요 겨울에
carrying|while|as a mist|using|good|so|just|mist|for the purpose of|carrying|if I carry|very|good|thing|seems|in winter
なのでミストとして持ち歩くとすごくいいと思います 冬に
[It's great to carry around and use as a mist] So I think it's really good to carry around just for mist use, especially in winter.
[케이스 예뿌죠?] 케이스도 뭔가 되게 고급지지 않아요?
case|pretty|the case|something|very|luxurious|not
[Isn't the case pretty?] The case looks really luxurious, doesn't it?
갖고 다니기 너무 좋은 거 같아요
having|to carry|very|good|thing|seems
I think it's very convenient to carry around.
그리고 셀퓨전씨 토닝 썬스크린도 발라줄게요
and|Cell Fusion C|toning|sunscreen|I will apply
そしてCell Fusion Cのトーニング サンスクリーンも塗ります
And I will also apply Cell Fusion C Toning Sunscreen.
[미백, 주름 개선 기능 선크림] 미백 기능이 있는 선크림인데
whitening|wrinkle|improvement|function|sunscreen|whitening|function|that has|sunscreen
[Whitening and wrinkle improvement function sunscreen] It's a sunscreen with whitening properties.
[유분감이 느껴지지 않는 산뜻한 촉촉함] 유분감이 별로 느껴지지 않고 촉촉해서 괜찮게 잘 쓰고 있거든요
oiliness|felt|not|refreshing|moisture|oiliness|not much|felt|not|being moist|fairly well|well|using|I am
[Fresh and moist without feeling greasy] It doesn't feel greasy and is moist, so I'm using it quite well.
[핑크 톤으로 자연스럽게 톤 업] 핑크 톤으로 자연스럽게 톤 업이 돼서
[Naturally tone up with pink tones] It naturally tones up with pink tones.
톤 업 크림용으로 발라도 좋아요
tone|up|for cream|applying|is good
It's also good to use as a tone-up cream.
그리고 오늘 렌즈는 렌즈타운 라일리로즈 라일락 컬러였나?
and|today|lens|Lentown|Riley Rose|lilac|was color
そして今日のレンズはLENS TOWNのライリーローズライラックカラーだったっけ?
And today, the lenses are from Lens Town, Riley Rose, in lilac color, right?
얼마 전에 구매를 해서 착용해 봤는데
how much|ago|purchase|I|wearing|I tried
I bought them a little while ago and tried them on.
컬러가 진짜 너무 예뻐요
the color|really|very|is pretty
The color is really so pretty.
애쉬바이올렛 컬러인데
ash violet|is the color
It's an ash violet color.
[완전 오묘한 애쉬바이올렛 컬러] 엄청 오묘한 그레이라서
completely|mysterious|ash violet|color|very||gray
[Completely mysterious ash violet color] It's a very mysterious gray.
[쿨톤 추천 렌즈] 쿨톤 분들한테 완전 추천하는 렌즈예요
cool tone|recommended|lenses|cool tone|to people|totally|recommending|lenses
[Recommended lenses for cool tones] These lenses are highly recommended for cool-toned people.
원데이 렌즈
One-day lenses
그리고 지금 저의 인생 쿠션인 어뮤즈 메타 픽싱 비건 쿠션
そして今、私の一生物のクッションである、AMUSE メタ フィクシング ヴィーガン クッション
And now my life cushion, the Amuse Meta Fixing Vegan Cushion
1호 보송 컬러를 사용해 줄게요
1st|fluffy|color|I will use|for you
I will use the No. 1 powdery color
제가 작년부터 쿠션들을 진짜 많이 써왔는데
I|since last year|cushions|really|a lot|have been using
私は去年からクッションを 本当にたくさん使ってきましたが
I've been using a lot of cushions since last year
바닐라코 쿠션이랑 이 어뮤즈 민트 쿠션이 제일 마음에 들었었거든요
BANILA COのクッションとこのAMUSEのミントクッションが 一番気に入ったんですよ?
I really liked the Banila Co cushion and this Amuse mint cushion.
그리고 이 어뮤즈 쿠션을 조금 더 자주 쓰게 되는 게
and|this|Amuse|cushion|a little|more|frequently|using|becoming|thing
And I tend to use this Amuse cushion a bit more often.
저는 파우더 처리를 꼭 해주거든요
I always make sure to set it with powder.
[파우더 처리한 듯 보송보송] 근데 이거는 보송보송하게 픽싱이 되는 제품이라서
powder|treated|like|fluffy|but|this|in a fluffy manner|fixing|becoming|product
[Looks like it's been set with powder] But this one is a product that sets nicely and feels powdery.
파우더 처리를 안 해도 별로 묻어나지도 않고
Even without powder treatment, it doesn't really smudge.
정말 파우더 처리를 했을 때 마냥 얼굴에 광이 안 돌아요
really|powder|treatment|did|when|just|on my face|shine|not|turns
When I really do use powder treatment, my face doesn't shine at all.
[특히 엄청난 픽싱력] 그리고 진짜 픽싱력이 제일 좋은 쿠션 같아요 이게
especially|tremendous|fixing power|and|really||best|good|cushion|seems|
[Especially amazing fixing power] And this cushion really seems to have the best fixing power.
어느 정도냐면
To what extent?
제가 이거 옛날 영상에서도 말했었던 것 같은데
I|this|old|in the video|I mentioned|thing|I think
I think I mentioned this in an old video.
[눈물 자국 없이 또르르...] 이거 바르고 울었을 때 눈물 자국도 안 났어요
tear|mark|without|rolling|this|applying|cried|when|tear|mark also|not|appeared
これを塗って泣いた時、 涙の跡もなかったです
[Without tear marks, it just rolls off...] I applied this and when I cried, there were no tear marks.
그냥 방수 마냥 또르르르 흐르고
It just flowed off like waterproof.
눈물 자국이 없어
tear|mark|is not
There are no tear marks.
다음은 데이지크 프로 컨실러 팔레트에서
next|DAISYKE|pro|concealer|from the palette
Next, from the Daisyke Pro Concealer Palette,
제일 왼쪽에 있는 컬러로
the most|on the left|that is|color
この一番左にあるカラーで 頬にある大きなニキビを隠します
I'll use the color on the far left,
[사라져 왕 뾰루지] 볼에 있는 왕 뾰루지를 가려줄게요
disappear|king|pimple|on the cheek|that is|||I will cover
to cover the king pimple on the cheek called [Disappearing King Pimple].
여기 눈 밑 부분에 발라서
here|eye|under|under part|apply
I'll apply it here under the eyes.
[입체적인 느낌을 주고 싶은 부위에 얇게 한 겹 터치] 하이라이팅 효과도 주고
three-dimensional|feeling|give|want|to the area|thinly|one|layer|touch|highlighting|effect also|give
[Apply a thin layer touch to areas where you want to create a three-dimensional feel] to give a highlighting effect.
한 겹씩 하이라이팅 줄 부분들을 터치해주면
one|layer|highlighting|line|parts|if you touch
If you touch the highlighting lines one layer at a time,
얼굴 윤곽이 딱 입체적으로 보여요
the contours of the face will appear distinctly three-dimensional.
근데 여기 볼 부분이 너무 하얘서
but|here|cheek|part|too|is white
But the cheek area is too white.
[조금 어두운 컬러로 뾰루지 부분 다시 커버] 이 색을 얇게 발라줘야 될 것 같아요 다시
a little|dark|with color|pimple|area|again|cover|this|color|thinly|should apply|be|thing|seems|
[Cover the pimple area again with a slightly darker color] I think I need to apply this color thinly again.
[입체적이고 균일해진 피부 톤] 이제 톤이 균일해졌죠
three-dimensional|even|skin|tone|now|tone|has become even
[Three-dimensional and even skin tone] Now the tone is even, right?
쉐딩은 웨이크메이크 믹스 블러링 볼륨 쉐딩 소프트 웜 컬러를 사용해 줄게요
shading|Wake Make|mix|blurring|volume|shading|soft|warm|color|I will use|for you
シェーディングはWAKEMAKEのミスブラーリングボリュームシェーディング ソフトウォームカラーを使います
I will use the Wake Make Mix Blurring Volume Shading in Soft Warm Color.
[쿨톤 컬러를 다 써버림] 제가 쿨톤이긴 한데
cool tone|color|all|used up|I|am a cool tone|though
[Used up all the cool tone colors] I am a cool tone, but.
이것도 약간 그레이쉬한 느낌이 있어서
This also has a slightly grayish feel.
써봤을 때 나름 괜찮더라고요
I tried|when|relatively|it was okay
When I tried it, it was quite nice.
사실 쿨 컬러를 제가 다 써가지고
Actually, I've used all the cool colors.
[따뜻한 애쉬 브라운이라서 자연스러워요!] 집에 있던 웜 컬러를 쓰다가
warm|ash|brown|is natural|at home|that was|warm|color|using
[It's a warm ash brown, so it's natural!] I was using the warm colors I had at home.
'괜찮네?'하고 지금 쓰고 있거든요
'is it okay'|and|now|writing|I am
I'm currently writing, 'Is it okay?'
빨리 쿨한 컬러도 얼른 다시 사야 돼요
quickly|cool|color|soon|again|should buy|be
I need to quickly buy a cool color again.
[컨투어링이 얼굴 변화 줄 때 가장 중요!] 저는 얼굴 윤곽을 굉장히 중요하게 생각하는 사람이기 때문에
[When contouring changes the face, it's the most important!] I think facial contours are very important.
조금 진한 컬러로
a little|dark|in color
With a slightly darker color.
[자기 얼굴에서 입체감이 가장 부족한 부분 위주로 음영을 많이 넣어줌] 내 얼굴에 입체감이 조금 부족한 부분이 있다
my|face|three-dimensionality|most|lacking|part|primarily|shading|a lot|I add|my|face|three-dimensionality|a little|lacking|part|exists
[I add a lot of shading mainly to the areas where my face lacks three-dimensionality] There are parts of my face that lack a bit of three-dimensionality.
그런 부분에 생각보다 조금 더 짙게 음영을 줘요
that|part|than I thought|a little|more|dark|shading|gives
I apply shading a bit darker than I thought to those areas.
저는 이 부분이 조금 부족하다고 생각하거든요, 제 얼굴에서
I|this|part|a little|is lacking|I think|my|on my face
I think this part is a bit lacking on my face.
코끝도 살짝 잡아주고
the tip of the nose|slightly|holding
I also slightly define the tip of my nose.
입술도 조금 더 도톰해 보이고
the lips|a little|more|plump|look
The lips also look a little fuller.
[입술 윤곽이 잡혀있으면 더 크고 도톰해 보이고 하관이 작아 보여요!] 입술 부분도 딱 잡혀있어야 뭔가 얼굴 여백이 더 줄어들어 보이거든요
lips|contour|if it is defined|more|big|full|looks|jaw|small|looks|lips|part also|exactly|should be defined|something|face|whitespace|more|reduced|looks
[When the lip contour is defined, they look bigger and fuller, and the jawline appears smaller!] The lip area also needs to be well-defined to make the face look less empty.
그래서 저는 항상 메이크업할 때 입술 쉐딩을 꼭 해요
so|I|always|when I do my makeup|time|lip|shading|definitely|do
なので私はいつもメイクをする時、 唇のシェーディングを必ず入れます
So I always make sure to do lip shading when I do my makeup.
입술 위에 부분 강조해 주고
I emphasize the area above the lips.
이렇게 해준 다음에
like this|did for me|after
After doing this,
얼굴 외곽 쉐딩도 해줄게요
face|outer|shading|I will do
I'll also do the outer contouring of the face.
아까 하이라이팅을 컨실러로 줬기 때문에
earlier|highlighting|with concealer|I gave|because
Since we highlighted earlier with concealer,
이렇게 외곽에도 음영을 넣어 주면
like this|to the outer edge|shading|putting|if you give
we'll add some shading to the outer areas as well.
훨씬 더 얼굴이 작아 보이고
はるかに顔が小さく見えて 完全に立体的に見えると思います
Your face will look much smaller.
완전 입체적이게 보일 거예요
completely|three-dimensionally|will appear|it will
It will look completely three-dimensional.
턱도 많이 깎아주고
jaw|a lot|shave
The jawline will be significantly sculpted.
[쉐딩으로 살 빼기] 제가 최근에 살이 아주 많이 쪘기 때문에
with shading|fat|losing|I|recently|weight|very|much|gained|because of
[Sculpting with shading] I've gained a lot of weight recently.
여기를 제일 많이 쳐야 돼요
here|most|a lot|hit|should
You have to hit this the most.
[하이라이터 없이도 입체감이 살았쬬?] 광대도 쳐주고
highlighter|without|dimensionality|was alive|cheekbones|highlighting
[Did it look three-dimensional even without a highlighter?] Also hit the cheekbones.
이렇게 베이스 컬러만으로 윤곽을 살려줬는데
like this|base|with only the color|contour|was brought out
I enhanced the contours with just the base color.
벌써 뭔가 예뻐지지 않았어요?
already|something|becoming pretty|not
Isn't it already looking pretty?
I'll use the Espoir The Brow Balance Pencil in Ash Brown.
에스쁘아 더 브로우 밸런스 펜슬 애쉬브라운 컬러를 사용해줄게요
Espoir|the|brow|balance|pencil|ash brown|color|I will use
First, I'll shape the ends.
먼저 끝부분부터 모양을 잡아주고
first|from the end|shape|give
I'll start by shaping the ends
빈 곳을 조금 채워준 다음에
empty|place|a little|filled|after
After filling in the empty spots a little,
눈썹 앞머리도 자연스럽게 요 뒤에 있는 솔로 빗어줄게요
eyebrow|bangs|naturally|this|behind|existing|comb|I will comb
眉頭も 自然に見えるように、この後ろのブラシでといてあげます
I'll brush the front of the eyebrows naturally with the brush that's behind here.
이렇게 눈썹을 그려줬으면 이젠
like this|eyebrow|if you drew|now
Now that we've drawn the eyebrows like this,
밀크터치 스윗 디저트 하우스 팔레트
Milk Touch|Sweet|Dessert|House|Palette
MILK TOUCHのスイートデザートハウスパレットを使います
Milk Touch Sweet Dessert House Palette.
요거를 사용해 줄게요
this|I will use|for you
I'll use this.
[핑크파우더 + 배리밀크] 먼저 베이스 컬러로 핑크파우더랑 베리밀크 컬러를 사용해 볼게요
pink powder|berry milk|first|base|color||||I will use|I will try
[Pink Powder + Berry Milk] First, I'll use Pink Powder and Berry Milk as the base colors.
[전체적으로 그레이, 핑키쉬한 푸른 컬러감] 팔레트 컬러들이 전체적으로 쿨톤들이 쓰면 다 너무 예쁜 컬러들이에요
overall|gray|pinkish|blue|color tone|palette|colors|overall|cool tones|when used|all|very|pretty|colors are
[Overall gray, pinkish blue color tone] The palette colors are all very pretty when used by cool tones.
발색력은 딱 연하지도 너무 진하지도 않고
the pigmentation|just|not too light|too|not too dark|is
The pigmentation is just right, not too light and not too dark.
블렌딩도 너무 부드럽게 잘 돼요
The blending is done very smoothly.
[색감 존예] 이렇게 위아래로 은은한 핑크빛 음영을 깔아줬고요
color|beautiful|like this|up and down|subtle|pink|shading|was laid
[Color is gorgeous] I applied a subtle pink gradient from top to bottom.
[머랭 + 베리슈페너] 다음은 머랭이랑 베리슈페너 컬러를 적당히 섞어서
meringue|berry spanner|next|with meringue|berry spanner|color|moderately|mixing
[Meringue + Berry Spanner] Next, I mixed the meringue and berry spanner colors appropriately.
눈 끝에 먼저 발라주고
eye|at the end|first|apply
目尻に先に塗って、 目頭にもタッチしてから
I applied it first to the tips of my eyes.
앞에도 터치해 준 다음에
in front|touch|you give|after
After touching the front like this,
잔량으로 이렇게 이어줬거든요
with the remaining amount|like this|was connected
I connected it with the remaining amount.
이 아이홀 주변으로
this|eye hole|around
Around this eye hole,
그리고 삼각존 부분도 같이 음영을 넣어줄게요
and|triangular zone|part|together|shading|I will add
そして三角ゾーンの部分も 一緒に陰影を入れます
And I will also add shading to the triangular zone.
[자연스럽게 깊어진 눈매] 이렇게 해주니까 눈매가 되게 자연스럽게 싹 깊어졌죠
naturally|deepened|eye shape|like this|when you do|eye shape|very|naturally|completely|became deep
[Naturally deepened eye makeup] By doing this, the eye makeup has become very naturally deep.
[오늘 렌즈랑도 찰떡] 오늘 렌즈랑도 되게 잘 어울리는 것 같아요 컬러가
today|with the lens|perfect|||very|well|matching|thing|seems|color
[Perfect with today's lenses] I think it goes really well with today's lenses, the color.
그리고 베리슈페너 컬러로
and|berry shpenner|in color
And in berry spanner color.
눈끝이랑 삼각존이랑 애교살 쪽에 한 번 더 음영을 주고
the corner of the eye|the triangular zone|aegyo sal|on the|one|time|more|shading|giving
Add some more shading to the outer corners and the triangle zone, as well as the aegyo-sal.
이 팔레트가
This palette is
[애교살 음영까지 완벽하게 줄 수 있는 환상적인 구성] 애교살 음영까지 한 번에 딱 마음에 들게 해줄 수 있어서 되게 좋은 거 같아요
aegyo-sal|including the shadow|perfectly|giving|possibility|that is|fantastic|composition|||||exactly|in my heart|pleasing|giving|possibility|being|very|good|thing|seems
[A fantastic composition that can perfectly create the shadow under the eyes] I think it's really great because it can make the shadow under the eyes just the way you like it in one go.
쿨톤 분들 정말 이 팔레트 너무 추천드려요
cool tone|people|really|this|palette|very|I recommend
ブルベタイプの皆さん、 本当にこのパレットをおすすめします
I really recommend this palette for cool-toned people.
그리고 루나 소프트 포뮬라 펜슬 클라우드로
そしてLUNAのソフトフォーミュラペンシルクラウドで 涙袋の部分をもう少し明るくします
And with the Luna Soft Formula Pencil Cloud.
애교살 부분을 조금 더 밝혀볼게요
aegyo-sal|part|a little|more|I will clarify
Let me brighten up the area under the eyes a bit more.
[아주 부드러운 터치감의 고발색 라이너] 이게 엄청 부드럽게 발색이 잘되더라고요
very|soft|touch|highly pigmented|liner|this|extremely|smoothly|pigmentation|works well
[A very soft touch color liner] This applies really smoothly and has great pigmentation.
그래서 오늘 받자마자 테스트해보고
so|today|as soon as I receive it|I will test it
So as soon as I received it today, I tested it out,
바로 영상에 가져왔거든요
right|to the video|I brought
and brought it straight to the video.
이렇게 해주니까 애교살이 더 뾱하고 살아났죠?
like this|you do|aegyo-sal|more|plump|became alive
By doing this, the aegyo-sal looks more pronounced and alive, right?
[거의 성형 수준] 눈이 지금 몇 배로 커지지 않았어요?
almost|plastic surgery|level|eye|now|how many|times|bigger|not
[It's almost like plastic surgery] Don't my eyes look several times bigger now?
이건 뭐 거의 성형 메이크업이에요
this|what|almost|plastic surgery|is makeup
This is almost like plastic surgery makeup.
그리고 제가 좋아하는
そして私が好きなMAYBELLINE NewYorkのハイパーシャープライナーブラウンブラックカラーを使ってあげます
And this is what I like.
메이블린 뉴욕 하이퍼 샤프 라이너 브라운 블랙 컬러를 사용해 줄게요
Maybelline|New York|Hyper|Sharp|Liner|Brown|Black|color|I will use|for you
I will use Maybelline New York Hyper Sharp Liner in Brown Black color.
[블랙 브라운 컬러라서 조금 더 자연스러움] 그냥 블랙 컬러가 아니라서
black|brown|color|a little|more|natural|just|black|color|not
[Since it's a black-brown color, it looks a bit more natural] It's not just a black color.
선처럼 똑 따진 느낌을 조금 덜 낼 수 있거든요
like a line|straight|sharp|feeling|a little|less|give off|possibility|there is
It can create a slightly less sharp line.
[눈매를 따라 자연스럽게 가로로 연장하듯이 라인 빼기] 오늘은 이렇게 눈매에 따라서
eye shape|according to|naturally|horizontally|as if extending|line|drawing|today|like this|to the eye shape|according to
[Draw the line as if extending it naturally along the eye shape] Today, I will do it according to the eye shape.
눈을 좀 더 가로로 자연스럽게 연장시켜주는 느낌으로 해줄게요
the eyes|a bit|more|horizontally|naturally|extending|in a way|I will do
I will extend the eyes a bit more horizontally to make them look natural.
속눈썹 속도 같이 채워주고
I will also fill in the eyelashes.
그리고 제가 늘 사용하는 히팅 뷰러로
And I will use my usual heating curler.
속눈썹도 바짝바짝 집어줄게요
eyelashes|closely|I will curl
I will also pinch the eyelashes tightly.
속눈썹을 붙일까 하다가
the eyelashes|should I attach|while considering
I was thinking about putting on false eyelashes.
[주목은 받고 싶은데 또 너무 튀긴 싫은 맘 갈대 같은 내 맘] [자연스러운 꾸꾸 분위기로] 뭔가 개강 첫날인데 너무 튈 것 같아서
attention|receiving|I want|also|too|standing out|not wanting|heart|reed|like|my||natural|cute|atmosphere|something|semester start|first day|too|standing out|thing|seems
[I want to get attention, but I also don't want to stand out too much, my heart is like a reed] [with a natural cute vibe] It feels like it's the first day of the semester, and I think I might stand out too much.
오히려 센 이미지를 줄 수도 있을 것 같아가지고
I feel like it could give off a stronger image.
좀 더 꾸안꾸 느낌으로
a little|more|casual yet stylish|vibe
So I'm going for a more effortless look.
그냥 제 속눈썹으로 가겠어요
just|my|with my eyelashes|I will go
I'll just go with my own eyelashes.
[쟤 작정하고 왔나 봐] '쟤 오늘 작정하고 왔다' 이렇게 볼 수가 있잖아요
that person|with determination|came|seems||today|with determination|came|like this|see|possibility|isn't it
[Looks like she came prepared] You can say, 'She came prepared today' like that.
그러면 안 되지
That shouldn't be the case.
그냥 다른 얘들이랑 똑같이 화장한 느낌
just|other|with the kids|the same|made up|feeling
It just feels like I did my makeup the same as everyone else.
[평범하지만 화장 좀 할 줄 아는 느낌] 하지만 화장 좀 할 줄 아는 애 느낌
ordinary|makeup|a little|can|to|knowing|feeling|but||||||girl|
[Ordinary but has a sense of knowing how to do makeup] But it feels like a girl who knows how to do makeup a bit.
언더 속눈썹까지 집어주고
under|to the eyelashes|putting in
Picking up even the under eyelashes.
아까 팔레트에서
earlier|at the palette
From the palette earlier.
[가나슈] 여기 제일 끝에 있는 가나슈 컬러를 사용해서
Using the ganache color at the very end of [the palette].
아이라인이랑 아이라인 주변 부분을 덮어주면서
the eyeliner|eyeliner|surrounding|area|while covering
I'll cover the eyeliner and the area around it.
자연스러워 보이도록 해줄게요
natural|to appear|I will make
I'll make it look more natural.
좀 더 선처럼 똑 따져있는 느낌을 줄여주면서
a little|more|like a line|straight|being precise|feeling|while reducing
I'll reduce the feeling of it being too sharp like a line.
좀 더 음영이 자연스러워지거든요
a little|more|shading|becomes natural
It makes the shading look more natural.
[스파클링] 핑크색 스파클링 펄 섀도우로
ピンク色のスパークリングパールシャドウで まぶたの真ん中にラメを入れてみます
[Sparkling] With pink sparkling pearl shadow
눈두덩이 가운데에 펄감을 줘볼게요
eyelid|in the center|shimmer|I will give
I'll add some shimmer to the center of the eyelid
이런 펄감이 은근 딱 시선이 가게 만들어 주거든요
this|shimmer|subtly|exactly|gaze|to go|makes|you see
This kind of shimmer subtly draws attention
저도 가끔 다른 사람 눈을 볼 때
I also|sometimes|other|person|eye|see|when
Sometimes I also look at other people's eyes
펄이 너무 예뻐가지고 계속 본 적 있어요
pearl|very|pretty|continuously|seeing|time|I have
Pearl is so pretty that I've kept looking at it.
눈이 뭔가 좀 더 다이아몬드 같아 보이고
the snow|something|a little|more|diamond|like|looks
The eyes look a bit more like diamonds.
페리페라 잉크 블랙 카라 롱래쉬컬링으로
Peripera|Ink|Black|Mascara|with long lash curling
With Peripera Ink Black Cara Long Lash Curling,
속눈썹을 좀 더 힘을 줘볼게요
the eyelashes|a little|more|strength|I will give
I'll try to give my eyelashes a bit more strength.
이게 제가 예전에 처음 출시했을 때부터
this|I|in the past|first|was released|from
私が以前、初めて発売した時から すごくよく使っていたマスカラなんですよ?
This is the mascara that I have been using a lot since it was first released.
엄청 잘 썼던 마스카라거든요
very|well|was used|mascara
I really liked it a lot.
[깔끔하게 발리는 느낌은 조금 덜 하지만...] 요즘에 나온 다른 마스카라들에 비해서는
cleanly|applies|feeling|a little|less|but|these days|released|other|mascaras|compared to
[The feeling of it applying neatly is a bit less, but...] compared to other mascaras that have come out recently,
엄청 깔끔하게 예쁘게 발리는 느낌은 아닌데
it doesn't have that super neat and pretty application feeling.
[롱래쉬 표현이 잘 되고 진하면서 강력한 픽싱력] 롱래쉬가 엄청 잘 되고
long lash|expression|well|is|while being|strong|fixing power|long lash|very|well|is
ロングラッシュがすごくよくて、 少し塗っただけでまつげがくっきりして見えます
[Long lash expression is well-defined with a strong and powerful fixing ability] The long lashes are really well done.
조금만 쓸어줘도
just a little|if you sweep
Just a little sweep is enough.
속눈썹이 되게 잘 보여요
eyelashes|very|well|are visible
The eyelashes are very visible.
언더도 같이 해주고
Also do the under lashes.
그리고 언더에도 뭔가 심심하니까
and|under|something|is boring
And since it's a bit boring under there,
언리시아 겟 루스 클리터 젤 스탈릿 체이서를 얹어볼게요
Unlicia|get|loose|clitoral|gel|starlit|chaser|I will add
I'll try putting on the Lunisia Get Loose Glitter Gel Starlit Chaser.
[1~2년 전에 아주 잘 썼던 글리터 젤] 이건 제가 1~2년 전쯤에 엄청 엄청 많이 썼던, 맨날 썼던 제품인데
1~2 years|ago|very|well|used|glitter|gel|this|I|1~2 years|about|very||a lot||every day||product
[A glitter gel I used a lot about 1-2 years ago] This is a product I used a ton, every day, about 1-2 years ago.
옛날부터 제 구독자였던 분들은 기억하실 거예요
from a long time ago|my|was a subscriber|people|will remember|will
昔から私のチャンネル登録者だった方は 覚えていると思います
Those who have been my subscribers for a long time will remember.
이것도 오랜만에 한번 발라볼게요
this too|after a long time|once|I will try to apply
I'll try applying this after a long time.
[다양한 크리의 무지갯빛 글리터] 글리터 입자가 엄청 큰 것부터 해서 작은 것까지 있어요 다양하게
various|of the creature|rainbow-colored|glitter|glitter|particles|very|large|from|to|small|to|are|variously
[Various sizes of glitter] There are glitter particles ranging from very large to small, in various sizes.
그리고 완전 무지개 펄이라서
and|completely|rainbow|because it is pearl
And it's completely rainbow pearl.
[펄감 진짜 예뿌죠?] 너무 예뻐요
pearl shine|really|beautiful|very|is beautiful
[Isn't the pearl effect really pretty?] It's so pretty.
그리고 페리페라 맑게 물든 선샤인 치크 12 날씨요정등극해를
and|Peripera|clearly|dyed|sunshine|cheek|weather fairy ascension
そしてPERIPERAのきれいに染まったサンシャインチーク、12号 天気妖精確定を
And I'll apply the Peripera Clear Sunshine Cheek 12 Weather Fairy on my cheeks as a base.
볼에 베이스로 넓게 발라줄게요
on the cheek|with the base|broadly|I will apply
I'll spread it wide on my cheeks.
[(흰토끼 메이크업 예정 스포)] 되게 뽀야면서 색이 은근히 올라오는 컬러라서
white rabbit|makeup|planned|spoiler|very|cute|color|subtly|coming up|because it is a color
[(Spoiler for White Rabbit makeup planned)] It's a very cute color that subtly builds up.
뭔가 흰토끼 메이크업이나 이런 거 할 때도 잘 어울리고
something|white rabbit|makeup|this|thing|to do|when|well|suits
So it goes well with things like White Rabbit makeup.
청순 귀욤 느낌 메이크업할 때 너무 예뻐요
innocent|cute|feeling|when doing makeup|time|very|pretty
The makeup with a pure and cute feeling is so pretty.
오늘 제 왕 뾰루지 때문에
today|my|king|pimple|because of
Today, my king pimple is causing trouble.
치크를 쓰면 조금 더 강조가 되네요
the cheek|when I use|a little|more|emphasis|becomes
Using blush makes it stand out a bit more.
그리고 아까 팔레트에서 처음 베이스로 발랐던 컬러들을
and|earlier|from the palette|first|as a base|that I applied|colors
And the colors I first applied as a base from the palette earlier.
치크로도 사용해줄게요
with cheek|I will use
I will also use it on my cheeks.
먼저 손등에 양 조절을 꼭 해주고
first|on the back of the hand|amount|adjustment|surely|do
First, make sure to adjust the amount on the back of your hand.
볼에 터치를 해주면
on the cheek|touch|if you give
Then, touch it on your cheeks.
오늘 아이 메이크업이랑도 엄청 조화로우면서
today|eye|with the makeup|very|harmonious
Today, it harmonizes really well with the eye makeup as well.
컬러가 되게 예쁘거든요
the color|very|is pretty
The color is really pretty.
[블러셔로 사용해도 너무 예쁜 컬러] 치크로도 써도 되게 예쁠 컬러 같아서
as a blush|using|very|pretty|color|as a cheek|using|quite|pretty||seems
[It's a very pretty color even when used as a blush] I think it's a color that would look great as cheek color too.
오늘 이렇게 사용해 봤는데
today|like this|I used|I tried
I tried using it like this today.
역시 예상대로 너무 예뻐요, 그쵸?
as expected|as predicted|very|pretty|right
As expected, it's so pretty, right?
[뾰루지] 요것만 아니면
pimple|this one|if not
[Pimple] If it weren't for this,
아까 컨실러 팔레트를 한 번 더 사용해서
I would use the concealer palette one more time,
최대한 안 보이게 해주고
as much as possible|not|visible|make
to make it as invisible as possible,
그리고 마지막으로 립을 발라 줄 건데
and finally, I will apply some lip color.
[정말 보여드리고 싶었던 틴트] 제가 오늘 이거를 진짜 정말 보여드리고 싶었거든요
really|show you|wanted to|tint|I|today|this|truly|really|show you|wanted to
[The tint I really wanted to show you] I really wanted to show you this today.
[방금 전에 받은 페리페라 신제품 틴트] 페리페라에서 갓 나온 신상템인데
just|before|received|Peripera|new product|tint||just|released|new item
[The new tint I just received from Peripera] This is a brand new item that just came out from Peripera.
워터 베어 틴트
Water Bear Tint
이건 제가 오늘 받자마자 바로 테스트를 해봤는데
this|I|today|as soon as I receive|immediately|test|I tried
これは私が今日もらってすぐに テストをしてみたんですけども
I tested it right after I received it today.
되게 특이하고 너무 좋은 거예요
It's really unique and so good.
[립 제품 싹 바꿔버렸어요 헤] 그래서 원래 쓰려고 한 립 제품이 있었는데
lip|product|completely|changed|huh|so|originally|planning to use|to|lip|product|was
[I completely changed all my lip products, haha] So there was a lip product I originally planned to use,
다시 싹 바꿨어요 이걸로
again|completely|I changed|with this
but I completely switched to this one.
먼저 1호 웜밍아웃을 써볼게요
first|number 1|warm-ming out|I will write
First, I'll try number 1, Warm Me Out.
요즘 립 제품들이 거의 다 이렇게 사선으로 플랫하게 나오더라고요
these days|lip|products|almost|all|like this|diagonally|flat|come out
These days, lip products are almost all coming out flat and slanted like this.
살짝 나이프처럼 펴 바르게 쉽게 나온 팁이에요
slightly|like a knife|spread|straight|easily|coming out|tip
It's a tip that spreads easily like a knife.
[처음엔 요플레처럼 겉도는 느낌이 살짝 있는데] 처음엔 살짝 요플레 현상처럼 겉도나?
at first|like yogurt|superficial|feeling|slightly|is|||||
[At first, it feels a bit like it's just sitting on top like yogurt.] Does it feel a bit like yogurt at first?
흰 기가 막 이렇게...
white|energy|like|like this
The white is just amazing like this...
괜찮은 건가 싶었는데
okay|is|I was wondering
I was wondering if it was okay.
[계속 문지르고 펴 바르면 흰 기가 없어지고 예쁜 컬러가 돼요] 계속 이렇게 문지를수록 그런 흰색 느낌은 없어지고
continuously|rubbing|spreading|if applied|white|hue|disappears|pretty|color|becomes|continuously|like this|the more I rub|that|white|feeling|disappears
[If you keep rubbing and spreading it, the white feeling disappears and it becomes a pretty color.] The more you rub it like this, the less that white feeling remains.
완전 예쁘고 탱글탱글하게 물들어요
completely|pretty|plump|becomes colored
It becomes completely pretty and bouncy.
저는 원래 워터 틴트를 잘 안 바르거든요
I usually don't use water tints.
좀 싫어하는 제형 중의 하나인데
a little|dislike|texture|among|one
嫌いなテクスチャーの一つなんですけど、 これは全く次元が違う
It's one of the textures I dislike a bit.
이거는 완전 차원이 다른
But this one is completely on a different level.
[무드 글로이 틴트와 워터 틴트 중간 느낌?] 페리페라 무드 글로이 틴트랑 워터 틴트랑 그 사이의 제형 같아요
mood|glowy|tint|water|tint|middle|feeling|Peripera||||||that|between|texture|is like
PERIPERAのムードグローティントと ウォーターティントの間のテクスチャーみたいです
[Is it a mix between mood glow tint and water tint?] It feels like a texture between Peripera's mood glow tint and water tint.
글로우 틴트보다는 착색이 훨씬 잘 되고
glow|than the tint|staining|much|well|is
The color payoff is much better than the glow tint.
[글로우 틴트를 바른 듯한 광택감] 유리알 광택이 너무 잘 살아서
[The gloss looks like I've applied a glow tint] The glass-like shine is really well pronounced.
글로우 틴트를 바른 것 같이 보이거든요
It looks like I've applied a glow tint.
[봄 웜 저격 컬러로 나왔지만] 이게 웜 컬러로 나온 제품인데
spring|warm|targeting|color|has come out|this|warm|color|that has come out|product
これはイエベカラーの製品なんですけど、 ブルベの方が塗ってもきれいだと思います
[It was released as a spring warm-targeting color] This is a product that came out in warm colors.
[쿨톤인 제가 발라도 너무 예쁘더라구요?] 쿨톤이 발라도 예쁠 것 같더라고요
cool-toned|I|even if I wear|very|pretty|cool tone|even if|pretty|thing|seems
[Even as a cool tone, it looks really pretty when I apply it] I think it would look pretty even on cool tones.
그래서 한번 발라봤는데 역시 너무 예뻐
so|once|I tried putting it on|as expected|very|pretty
So I tried applying it once, and it really is so pretty.
이렇게 청순한 느낌으로 하나만 발라줘도 괜찮지만
like this|innocent|with a feeling|just one|if you apply|it's okay
It's fine to just apply one with such a pure feeling.
쿨톤을 위한 컬러도 발라봐야죠
cool tone|for|color|should try
But I also need to try a color for cool tones.
이거는 3호 소울쿨만이라는 컬러고
this|number 3|called soul cool man|color
This one is the color called Soul Cool No. 3.
[쿨톤을 저격한 유일하게 쿨한 컬러] 쿨톤 분들을 저격해서 나온 컬러 같더라고요
cool tone|targeting|only|cool|color|cool tone|people|targeting|came out|color|seems to be
[The only cool color that targets cool tones] It seems like this color was made specifically for cool-toned people.
입술 안쪽에 발라서
lips|on the inside|applying
Apply it to the inside of the lips.
[쿨톤이면 무조건 잘 어울리는 무난한 핑크 컬러] 뭔가 컬러는 되게 특이하진 않지만 전형적인
if you have a cool tone|unconditionally|well|matching|neutral|pink|color|something|color|very|not unique|although|typical
カラーはなんか すごくユニークではないけど、典型的な
[A neutral pink color that definitely suits cool tones] The color isn't particularly unique, but it's very typical.
쿨톤이면 안 어울릴 수가 없는 그런 핑크 컬러예요
if you have a cool tone|not|suitable||non-existent|such|pink|color
It's a pink color that cannot possibly not suit cool tones.
어때요? 너무 예쁘죠?
how is it|very|pretty
How is it? Isn't it really pretty?
이거 제가 오늘 받아서 테스트도 되게 조금밖에 못 해봤는데
this|I|today|received|test|very|only a little|not|was able to do
これは私が今日受け取って、 テストも少ししかできなかったんですけど
I just received this today, so I haven't been able to test it much.
[컬러 그대로 어느 정도 유지되는 착색력] 일단 잠깐 테스트를 해봤을 때는
color|as is|some|degree|maintained|color retention|for now|briefly|test|I did|when
[The color maintains a certain degree of pigmentation] When I briefly tested it,
착색도 되게 빨리 잘 됐거든요
the coloring|very|quickly|well|happened
the pigmentation developed really quickly.
그래서 뭐 먹었다고 쉽게 지워지거나 그러진 않을 것 같은데
so|what|I ate|easily|being erased|that|not|thing|
So I don't think it will be easily erased just because of what I ate.
한번 나중에 그건 테스트를 해봐야겠어
once|later|that|test|should try
I should test that out later.
[인생 틴트 등극] 이것도 제 인생 틴트에 등극을 했어요
life|tint|ascension|this too|my||||has been
[Life Tint Ascension] This has also ascended to my life tint.
너무 좋아
I love it so much.
제 생각에는
In my opinion,
[지금 립 컬러 보다 웜밍아웃이 더 잘 어울리는 듯?] 지금 이 핑크 컬러보다
now|lip|color|than|warm pink|more|well|suited|seems||this|pink|
[I think Warm Me Out suits better than this lip color right now?] More than this pink color,
아까 처음에 발랐던 1호 웜밍아웃이
earlier|at first|I applied|number 1|warming out
the number 1 Warm Me Out that I applied earlier
조금 더 예쁜 느낌인 것 같아서 오늘
a little|more|pretty|feeling|thing|seems|today
seems to have a slightly prettier feel, so today
[귀찮으니까 손으로 슥슥] 이걸 살짝만 살짝만 지우고
because it's bothersome|with my hand|lightly|this|just a little|just a little|erase
[Because it's annoying, I'll just swipe it with my hand] I'll just lightly erase this a little bit.
웜밍아웃 컬러가 조금 더 잘 보이게 발라줄게요
warming out|color|a little|more|well|visible|I will apply
ウォームミングアウトカラーが もっとよく見えるように塗りますね
I'll apply the warming-out color so that it shows a bit better.
뭔가 오늘 이게 더 잘 어울리는 것 같아요, 그쵸?
I feel like this suits me better today, right?
블러셔도 조금 더 보이게 해주고
the blush|a little|more|visible|make
I'll make the blush a little more visible too.
이렇게 해서 메이크업은 완성이 됐어요
like this|by doing|makeup|completion|is done
This is how the makeup is completed.
[오랜만이야 여신 웨이브] 오늘은 오랜만에 머리를 이렇게 여신 느낌을 내기 위해서
it's been a while|goddess|wave|today|after a long time|my hair|like this|goddess|feeling|to create|in order to
[Long time no see, Goddess Wave] Today, I styled my hair to give it a goddess feel after a long time.
웨이브를 해줘가지고 왔고요
the wave|gave|I came
I came with waves.
[수시뱅 BC2 내추럴 블랙] 여기 앞머리도 오늘 한번 붙여볼게요
Sushibang|BC2|natural|black|here|front hair|today|once|I will try to attach
[Sushi Bang BC2 Natural Black] I'm going to try attaching the bangs today.
하나 둘 셋
One two three
[순식간에 앞머리를 슉 붙였어요] 이렇게 앞머리도 순식간에 달았어요
in an instant|the bangs|swiftly|were attached|like this|the bangs also|in an instant|were attached
[In an instant, I styled my bangs] Just like that, I styled my bangs in an instant.
[개강 여신 메이크업 완성!] 오늘 개강 여신 메이크업을 완성시켜봤는데요
new semester|goddess|makeup|completion|today||goddess|makeup|I tried to complete
[Completion of the Back-to-School Goddess Makeup!] Today, I completed the Back-to-School Goddess Makeup.
[어딘가에 있을 법한 풋풋한 대학생 느낌] 뭔가 풋풋하면서도 뭔가 대학교 어딘가에 있을 법한 느낌 아닌가요?
somewhere|be|likely|fresh|college student|feeling|something|while being fresh||university|somewhere|be|likely|feeling|isn't it
[The fresh college student vibe that seems to exist somewhere] Doesn't it feel fresh yet somehow like it could be found somewhere in a university?
[어딘가에서 본 것 같은 느낌인데 시선이 자꾸 가는 st...] 학교에 갔는데 어딘가에서 본 것 같은 느낌이긴 한데
from somewhere|seen|thing|like|feeling|gaze|repeatedly|going||to school|I went|from somewhere|seen|thing|like|feeling|
学校に行って、 どこかで見かけたような気がするんですけど
It feels like I've seen it somewhere, but my gaze keeps going to st... I went to school, and it feels like I've seen it somewhere.
시선이 자꾸 가는
the gaze|repeatedly|going
My gaze keeps going.
이렇게 가는 느낌이죠
like this|going|feeling
It feels like this.
청순 수수한 듯하지만
It seems pure and simple.
시선을 뺏길 만한 이렇게 반짝이는 것들이 장착되어 있기 때문에
the gaze|be taken|worthy of|like this|sparkling|things|equipped|being|because
Because it is equipped with such shiny things that can catch the eye,
딱 주목을 받을 수 있을 거예요
exactly|attention|receive|possibility|will be|is
it will definitely attract attention.
[가성비 좋은 꿀템들 꼭 써주세요!] 그리고 대학생분들 우리 새내기분들이 따라 하기 쉽게
cost-effective|good|must-have items|definitely|use|and|university students|our|freshmen|following|doing|easily
[Please make sure to use these cost-effective honey items!] And for college students, especially our freshmen, I tried to make it easy to follow.
전부 로드샵 제품으로만 해봤는데
all|road shop|only products|I have tried
全部プチプラコスメだけで メイクしてみましたが
I used only road shop products.
다 진짜 가성비 너무 좋고
all|really|cost performance|very|good
Everything is really cost-effective.
전부 꼭 써보셔야 할 제품으로 가져왔어요
all|definitely|you should try|to|as a product|I brought
I brought all of these products that you must try.
[구독과 좋아요 부탁드려요] 그럼 오늘 영상은 여기서 끝을 내고
subscription|like|I ask you|then|today's|video|here|end|I will
[Please subscribe and like] Then, I'll end today's video here.
저는 다음 영상으로 돌아올게요
I|next|video|will return
I'll return with the next video.
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