8.1 존경하는 선생님께
respectful|to the respected teacher
8.1 Sehr geehrter Herr
8.1 Dear Sir
8.1 Estimado y respetado profesor
8.1 Caro insegnante
8.1 尊敬する先生へ
8.1 敬愛的老師
존경하는 선생님께
respected|to the respected teacher
To my respected teacher
아침저녁으로 날씨가 꽤 쌀쌀해졌어요.
in the morning and evening|the weather|quite|became chilly
Morning and evening, the weather got pretty chilly.
선생님, 안녕하셨어요?
Sir, how are you?
환절기에 선생님 건강은 어떠신지요?
in the change of seasons||health|how
How is your health during the changing seasons?
그 동안 자주 연락을 드리지 못해서 죄송해요.
||often|contact|reach|not being able to|I'm sorry
I'm sorry for not being able to contact you often.
저는 바쁘지만 잘 지내고 있답니다.
I'm busy, but I'm doing well.
저는 아르바이트를 하면서 열심히 공부해서 이번 학기에도 장학금을 받았어요.
|part-time job|while|hard|studying|this|this semester|scholarship|received
I studied hard while working part-time and received a scholarship this semester.
너무 힘들었지만 부모님 도움을 받지 않고 제 힘으로 용돈도 벌고 공부할 수 있어서 보람을 느꼈어요.
so|was difficult|parents|help|receive|without|my|with my own strength|allowance|earn|study||because|satisfaction|felt
It was very difficult, but it was rewarding to be able to earn pocket money and study on my own without receiving my parents' help.
선생님, 국어 시간에 자기의 꿈을 발표하라고 시키셨던 기억하세요?
teacher|Korean|in class|his|dream|to present|had asked|remember
Teacher, remember when you were asked to present your dreams in Korean language class?
다른 친구들은 자신 있게 자기의 꿈을 말했는데 저는 그 때 "저는 꿈이 없어요. 잘 할 수 있는 것도 없고요."
||myself|confidently|my|dream|said|I|that|that|I|dream|don't have|well|do|can||thing|and
Other friends said their dreams with confidence, and I said, "I don't have a dream. I can't do anything well."
他の友達は自信を持って自分の夢を語るのですが、私はその時、「私には夢がないんです。 得意なこともないんです」と言いました。
라고 작은 소리로 말하고 제 자리에 앉아 버렸지요.
||in a soft voice|||in my seat|sat|sat
I said in a small voice and sat down.
선생님께서는 우리 발표를 다 들으시고는 이렇게 말씀하셨어요.
the teacher|we|presentation||having listened|like this|said
After listening to all of our presentations, the teacher said:
"이름 없는 들꽃도 다 각각 향기가 있는 것처럼 너희들에게도 다 자기만이 가지고 있는 재능이 있다. 그것을 찾아 포기하지 말고 꿈을 이뤄라."
name|unique|wildflowers|each|each|fragrance|is|as|to you|each|self|possess|is||exists|it|find|give up|do||achieve
"Just as each wild flower without a name has its own scent, so you all have the talents that you have. Don't give up on finding them and make your dreams come true."
"名前のない野の花にもそれぞれ香りがあるように、君たちにもそれぞれ自分だけの才能がある。 それを探し、諦めずに夢を叶えてください。"
그때까지 저는 목표도 꿈도 없었고 공부를 왜 해야 하는지도 몰랐어요.
until then||goal|dream|did not have|studying||to do|why|didn't know
Until then, I had no goals or dreams, and I didn't know why I should study.
'남들이 공부하니까 나도 공부해야 되는가 보다' 하고 그렇게 살았지요.
others|others study|me|should study|should|it seemed|with|like that|lived
I lived like that,'Because others are studying, I think I should study too.'
선생님의 말씀을 듣고 '나도 잘 할 수 있는 게 있을까? 나의 재능은 뭘까?'
Listening to the teacher's words,'Is there anything I can do well? What are my talents?'
先生の話を聞いて、「私も何か得意なことはないだろうか? 私の才能は何だろうか?
곰곰이 생각해 봤어요.
I thought about it.
여러 날 고민하다가 우연히 아프리카에서 평생을 봉사하면서 살아온 의사의 책을 읽고 그런 삶도 멋지다고 생각했어요.
several|days|after thinking|by chance|in Africa|a lifetime|while serving|lived|doctor's|book||such|life|wonderful|thought
After thinking about it for many days, I accidentally read a book by a doctor who has served my entire life in Africa and thought that life was wonderful.
그리고 저도 남을 도와주는 일을 해야겠다고 마음을 먹었어요.
||others|help|work|have to do|heart|made up one's mind
And I also made up my mind that I should do something to help others.
그렇게 제 인생의 방향을 정하게 되었지요.
that way|my|of|direction|decide|became
That's how I decided the direction of my life.
선생님의 말씀은 제게 희망을 주었고 꿈을 주었어요.
teacher's|words|to me|hope|gave|dream|gave
The teacher's words gave me hope and gave me dreams.
그리고 그 결과 지금은 이렇게 대학에서 사회복지학을 전공하게 되었고요.
||result||like this|at university|social welfare|major|ended up
And as a result, I now majored in social work at university like this.
제가 이렇게 제 꿈을 가지고 열심히 살게 된것은 다 선생님 덕분이에요.
|like this|my||with|hard|live|is|thanks to|teacher|thanks to
It's all thanks to my teacher that I lived hard with my dreams.
참, 선생님 기쁜 소식이 하나 있어요.
good||happy|good news||
Oh, there is one good news, teacher.
내년에 저는 교환학생으로 1년 동안 미국에 유학을 가게 되었어요.
next year||as an exchange student||||study abroad|go|became
Next year, I am going to study in America for a year as an exchange student.
어렵게 얻은 기회니까 더 열심히 공부해 보려고 합니다.
Since it was a difficult opportunity, I would like to study harder.
다음 달 중순 쯤이면 시험이 끝나고 조금 여유가 생길 것 같아요.
|next|midway|around|exams|end|a little|some free time|will be available|thing|
By the middle of next month, the exam will be over and I will have a little time to spare.
그 때 시간을 내서 꼭 한 번 찾아뵙고 인사드릴게요.
|||make|definitely|one|time|pay my respects|say hello
At that time, I will make time to meet you and greet you.
선생님, 그럼 늘 건강하게 지내시고 안녕히 계세요.
||always|healthily|take care|take care|take care
Teacher, then always be healthy and goodbye.
2009년 10월 11일
Oct 11, 2009
제자 김진영 올림
student|Kim Jinyoung|teacher
Disciple Jinyoung Kim