Voksne leger også med LEGO® klodser
Auch Erwachsene spielen mit LEGO® Steinen
Los adultos también juegan con ladrillos LEGO
Yetişkinler de LEGO® yapım parçalarıyla oynuyor
Дорослі теж граються з цеглинками LEGO®.
Adults also play with LEGO® bricks
Der findes LEGO netværk og foreninger over det meste af verden.
There are LEGO networks and associations all over the world.
Det internationale forum for voksne LEGO entusiaster lugnet.com har registrerede brugere fra 75 forskellige lande.
The international forum for adult LEGO enthusiasts, lugnet.com, has registered users from 75 different countries.
Den største danske LEGO forening hedder Byggepladen.
The|largest|Danish|LEGO|club|is called|Byggepladen
The largest Danish LEGO association is called Byggepladen.
Her mødes LEGO fans fra hele Danmark – enten på internettet eller til klubmøder.
Here|meet|LEGO|fans|from|all|Denmark|either|on|the internet|or|to|club meetings
Here, LEGO fans from all over Denmark meet – either online or at club meetings.
Skulptur af LEGO Certified Professional Nathan Sawaya fra USA.
Sculpture by LEGO Certified Professional Nathan Sawaya from the USA.
Sawaya har udstillet sine LEGO kunstværker på museer i hele verden.
Sawaya|has|exhibited|his|LEGO|art pieces|in|museums|in|whole|world
Sawaya has exhibited his LEGO artworks in museums around the world.
De ca.
500 medlemmer af foreningen lægger for eksempel fotos af deres LEGO modeller ud på nettet, hvor man så kan stemme om hvilke der er de flotteste.
members|of|the association|post|for|example|photos|of|their|LEGO|models|out|on|the internet|where|one|then|can|vote|on|which|there|are|the|prettiest
500 members of the association, for example, post photos of their LEGO models online, where people can vote on which ones are the most beautiful.
Særligt dygtige og aktive voksne LEGO entusiaster kan blive udnævnt til LEGO Ambassadør, hvilket blandt andet betyder at man bliver inviteret til at diskutere og evaluere LEGO produkter med ansatte på LEGO Koncernen.
Particularly skilled and active adult LEGO enthusiasts can be appointed as LEGO Ambassadors, which among other things means they are invited to discuss and evaluate LEGO products with employees at the LEGO Group.
Aktuelt findes der ca.
Currently|there are|there|approximately
Currently, there are about.
70 LEGO Ambassadører fordelt på 30 lande.
70 LEGO Ambassadors spread across 30 countries.
Hvis man arbejder mere professionelt med LEGO elementer, kan man blive LEGO Certified Professional.
If you work more professionally with LEGO elements, you can become a LEGO Certified Professional.
Det betyder ikke at man bliver ansat eller sponsoreret af LEGO Koncernen, men at man officielt får lov til at bruge LEGO navnet i forbindelse med sit arbejde.
This does not mean that you are employed or sponsored by the LEGO Group, but that you are officially allowed to use the LEGO name in connection with your work.
I øjeblikket er der 11 LEGO Certified Professionals i verden.
In|moment|are|there|LEGO|Certified|Professionals|in|the world
Currently, there are 11 LEGO Certified Professionals in the world.
Et rigtigt LEGO hus DEL Ingen har dog gjort så meget ud af byggeriet med LEGO klodser som englænderen James May.
A|real|LEGO|house|DEL|No one|has|however|done|so|much|out|of|the building|with|LEGO|bricks|as|the Englishman|James|May
However, no one has put as much effort into building with LEGO bricks as the Englishman James May.
Han lejede en mark af en vinbonde og byggede et LEGO hus i fuld størrelse.
He|rented|a|field|from|a|grape farmer|and|built|a|LEGO|house|in|full|size
He rented a field from a winemaker and built a full-size LEGO house.
Som sponsor havde han bl.a.
As a sponsor, he had among others.
det britiske tv-selskab BBC.
the British television company BBC.
I mange lande konkurrerer voksne om at lave de største og flotteste bygninger af LEGO klodser.
In|many|countries|compete|adults|to||build|the|largest|and|most beautiful|buildings|of|LEGO|bricks
In many countries, adults compete to create the largest and most beautiful buildings made of LEGO bricks.
Rekorderne bliver hele tiden slået, men i sommeren 2011 er det LEGOLAND Billund der har rekorden for verdens højeste LEGO konstruktion.
The records|are|all|the time|broken|but|in|the summer|is|it|LEGOLAND|Billund|that|has|record|for|world's|highest|LEGO|construction
Records are constantly being broken, but in the summer of 2011, it is LEGOLAND Billund that holds the record for the world's tallest LEGO construction.
Her byggede man med hjælp fra LEGOLANDs gæster et tårn på 31,39 meter.
Here, with the help of LEGOLAND's guests, a tower of 31.39 meters was built.
Til at bygge huset havde han 100 hjælpere som i alt brugte 3,3 millioner LEGO klodser.
To|build|the house|had|he|100|who|in total|all|used|33||bricks|
To build the house, he had 100 helpers who used a total of 3.3 million LEGO bricks.
Klodserne blev doneret af LEGO Koncernen.
The blocks|were|donated|by|LEGO|Group
The bricks were donated by the LEGO Group.
Huset var forsynet med både toilet og varmt vand, og i soveværelset stod der en seng bygget af LEGO klodser.
The house|was|equipped|with|both|toilet|and|hot|water|and|in|the bedroom|stood|there|a|bed|built|of|LEGO|bricks
The house was equipped with both a toilet and hot water, and in the bedroom, there was a bed made of LEGO bricks.
Den var nu ikke særlig komfortabel at sove i.
However, it was not very comfortable to sleep in.
Men så fik James May et problem.
But then James May had a problem.
Han kunne ikke komme af med huset.
He|could|not|get|rid of|with|the house
He could not get rid of the house.
Ejeren af vinmarken ville ikke have det stående mere, og den britiske LEGOLAND® park sagde nej tak til at få huset gratis.
The owner|of|vineyard|would|not|have|it|standing|anymore|and|the|British|LEGOLAND®|park|said|no|thank you|to|to|get|house|for free
The owner of the vineyard did not want it standing anymore, and the British LEGOLAND® park said no thank you to receiving the house for free.
Det var for dyrt at flytte.
It was too expensive to move.
James May måtte heller ikke sælge klodserne, da han jo havde fået dem gratis af LEGO Koncernen.
James|May|had to|either|not|sell|the blocks|since|he|of course|had|received|them|free|from|LEGO|Corporation
James May was also not allowed to sell the bricks, as he had received them for free from the LEGO Group.
Det endte med at LEGO huset blev revet ned.
It ended with the LEGO house being demolished.
Men James May fik vist at det er muligt at bygge hvad som helst af LEGO klodser.
But James May showed that it is possible to build anything out of LEGO bricks.
James Mays LEGO hus.
James May's LEGO house.
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