Benjamin gleda svoj urnik za šolo.
Benjamin looks at his timetable for school.
Ima zelo zaseden urnik.
He/She has|very|busy|schedule
She has a very busy schedule.
Vse ure pouka so dolge devetdeset minut.
All|classes|of instruction|are|long|ninety|minutes
All lessons are 90 minutes long.
Vsak delovni dan je polno zaseden.
It is fully booked every working day.
Zvečer nima veliko prostega časa, ob ponedeljkih pa prostega časa sploh nima.
In the evening|he doesn't have|much|free|time|on|Mondays|but|free|time|at all|he doesn't have
She doesn't have much free time in the evenings and none at all on Mondays.
Med vikendom nima pouka, tako da bi za druženje s prijatelji moral imeti nekaj časa.
On|weekends|has no|classes|so|that|he would|for|socializing|with|friends|should|have|some|time
He doesn't have classes at the weekend, so he should have some time to spend with his friends.
Čeprav še ima malo časa zase, bo večina njegovega časa namenjena študiju.
Although|still|has|little|time|for himself|will|most|of his|time|dedicated|to studying
Although he still has a little time for himself, most of his time will be spent studying.
Sedaj pa ista zgodba, povedana na drugačen način.
Gledal sem svoj urnik za šolo.
I looked|I|my|schedule|for|school
Imel sem zelo zaseden urnik.
I had|(past tense marker)|very|busy|schedule
I had a very busy schedule.
Vse ure pouka so bile dolge devetdeset minut.
All|classes|of instruction|were|long|long|ninety|minutes
All lessons were 90 minutes long.
In vsak delovni dan je polno zaseden.
And every working day is busy.
Zvečer nisem imel veliko prostega časa, ob ponedeljkih pa prostega časa sploh nisem imel.
In the evening|I did not|have|much||time|on|Mondays|but||time|at all|I did not|have
I didn't have much free time in the evenings, and on Mondays I didn't have any free time at all.
Med vikendom nisem imel pouka, tako da sem nekaj časa lahko namenil za druženje s prijatelji.
On|weekends|I did not|have|classes|so|that|I|some|time|could|dedicate|for|socializing|with|friends
I didn't have classes during the weekend, so I was able to spend some time with my friends.
Čeprav sem še imel malo časa zase, je bila večina mojega časa namenjena študiju.
Although|I|still|had|little|time|for myself|was|was|most|of my|time|dedicated|to studying
Although I still had a little time for myself, most of my time was devoted to my studies.
Ena: Benjamin gleda svoj urnik za šolo.
Kaj gleda Benjamin?
What|is watching|Benjamin
Benjamin gleda svoj urnik za šolo.
Dva: Vse njegove ure so dolge devetdeset minut.
Two: All his hours are ninety minutes long.
Kako dolge so vse njegove ure?
Vse njegove ure so dolge devetdeset minut.
Tri: Zvečer nima veliko prostega časa.
Three|In the evening|has not|much|free|time
Koliko prostega časa ima Benjamin zvečer?
How much|free|time|does he have|Benjamin|in the evening
Benjamin nima veliko prostega časa zvečer.
Benjamin|does not have|much||time|in the evening
Štiri: Med vikendom nima pouka
Four|During|the weekend|has no|classes
Ali ima Benjamin ob vikendih pouk?
Ne, Benjamin ob vikendih nima pouka.
No|Benjamin|on|weekends|does not have|classes
Pet: Njegov urnik je bil zelo zaseden.
Kako zaseden je bil Benjaminov urnik?
Njegov urnik je bil zelo zaseden.
Šest: Vsak Benjaminov delovnik je bil zaseden.
Six: Every one of Benjamin's days was busy.
Koliko Benjaminovih delovnikov je bilo zasedenih?
How many|Benjamin's|workdays|were|there|occupied
How many of Benjamin's days were taken?
Vsak Benjaminov delovnik je bil zaseden.
Sedem: Ob ponedeljkih Benjamin nima prostega časa.
Seven|On|Mondays|Benjamin|has no||
Seven: Benjamin has no free time on Mondays.
Koliko prostega časa ima Benjamin ob ponedeljkih?
How much|free|time|does he have|Benjamin|on|Mondays
Benjamin ob ponedeljkih nima prostega časa.
Benjamin|on|Mondays|does not have||time
Osem: Benjamin ima nekaj časa za druženje s prijatelji.
Ali ima Benjamin čas za druženje s prijatelji?
Da, Benjamin ima nekaj časa za druženje s prijatelji.